All Episodes

April 18, 2024 66 mins

#292: Skeery is embarrassed by Brody because he couldn't control himself at a VIP Mets event he invited him to; Skeery fell off the stage and ruined Brody's pic with Doc Gooden; Brody got a lot of mileage out of a single popcorn coupon and Skeery got caught reusing the same dusty bottle of wine at BYOB dinners; Is Skeery "owed" an invite to another Mets game after the first one got rained out?; The boys debate when it's ok or not to eat other people's abandoned food after people left an entire box of pastries behind at a restaurant

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Start Up, dot Up, start Up, Brooklyn Bullet, start Up,
Brooklyn Buys, start up, dot dot Up. They making noise
dot up, start.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Up, dot us dot up episode. It's the Brooklyn Boys podcast.
Another Palindrome, Yes it is. Do we do something special
for Palindrome Days? No? I just mentioned it, but we
we mentioned it at two eighty two, so I'm mentioning
it ninety two. I mean, maybe we should give something

away a stracecar, a contest to give away a race car.
Why not? My god, we don't have a budget here,
two hundred and ninety two episodes deep, and we still
don't have a damn budget to like do cool giveaways, flyaways, trips, money,

cash money. I'm still trying to build my TikTok account.
Everything is in stages. It would it be great to just
give a slice some cash? Yeah, listen, if Mark Cuban
wants to invest in a podcast, I'll take his money.
I mean, not to be you know, like, how do
I explain it like a hockey radio. You know a

lot of radio stations. I mean, that's what we do
in radio. I mean, and we don't want to be radio.
We want to get We get a wait ticket we've
given away show tickets. We've done some giveaways. Yeah, I know,
but we need something. I mean, cash is king, right,
cash is universal. You wait tickets for a show. You
got to live in the in the New York area. Yeah,
we don't have the you know, I mean we give

away movie tickets. If we had a movie sponsor, w
we'll give away AMC tickets. I think we need a
bank to jump on board, because banks have cash, do they?
I don't not to like throw around. I mean, that's
all they are cashing. Cad witch person who's like, I
got nothing to do with my money, you know, make
a donation. Yeah, Like like Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg bought Instagram, right,

he made an investment. To my knowledge, he doesn't own
any podcasts. And if he does, don't tweet me. I
don't care or ex me. I'm just saying, like he
could you know, does he have a Brooklyn podcast? Yeah?
By the way, I'm not yeah, not on board with X.
By the way, I'm always gonna say, tweet, don't X me.
That'ud fucking stupid. It does. But here's the thing. My

dad used to say things that he was used to
and I would make fun of him, right, like when
he was a kid. Uh right, now, what is it
ultra supreme whatever? The high gases? Each company calls him
something different. Well, my father was younger, it was called
high test, high test. Yeah, my father called it high
test as well. Right, so my father was like, Philip
high test. I'm like, Dad, the kid's twenty doesn't know

what you're talking about. He's like, hey, he knows what
I'm talking about. So I feel like I don't want
to turn into my I mean, there's a lot of
things about my dad I want to be, but I
don't want to be that guy who's like, I want
to still call it high test, but I feel like
it's still Twitter. But does that Does that make me
my father? No, because no one's because X sounds stupid. Well,
the thing is, if you could tweet on X, I

could like meet you in the middle, right, But Twitter
was about a bird flapping its wings ye, and like
every like you were like the whole point at tweeting
was like the burg goes and you're like spitting out
little random thoughts on Twitter. Yeah, right, it made sense.
X is like X is like for treasure, but X

is usually like the wrong answer on family feud, it's
usually a negative. I'm wearing an X Men shirt right
now because I did an X Men podcast on it. Yeah,
but on Instagram they have the X, the big X
when you x somebody out. That's one of the one
of the graphics. Ever, your X is usually a negative.
On your computer, X is to close a window. Yeah,

but it has nothing to do with social media. Like
his kid's name is like X five twenty seven X
something stupid. But X doesn't make any sense to me.
So it's still Twitter. I told you I didn't upgrade
to app on my phone, so my app still says
Twitter logo. He hasn't figured out how to shut that
down on me yet. So did you ever get caught

up with viral videos where you were where you see
a classic video and it's just like this is just
so great and you just reshare but you just mean
like videos like you're you're you're scrolling no, but like
you scroll through you No. Sometimes old old viral videos
come up in my feed and I don't know where
they come from. A classic, right, well, I a classic

one just showed up. And I usually have a list
of people that are on my you know, and you're
on that list of like people that I'll send funny
shit to on Instagram. That's an Instagram reel. Right. So
the thing is half the time you're like, why'd you
send me this? Or what? I saw this already? Why
would you think I didn't see this? Are you saying

you in general? Are you know you say that to me?
You're the only person that responds negatively when And sometimes
it's I said it to you just because it's a classic,
it's funny.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
You know.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
Sometimes I don't understand if there was an angle. I don't.
It's okay. It doesn't have to be an angle to
everything I said. Sometimes it's just dumb shit. But sometimes
you're like you send me a video and you're like,
did you notice the car in the background. I'm like, no,
I wasn't looking at the car, or like did you
see the pizza place in the background? Like no, I
was watching the video. Sometimes there's a reason you send me,
Like if if there's a reason I send it to you,

I would say it, here's why I'm sending this to you.
You have never sent me words with a with a video.
You have never sent an explanation because because because I
just send you dopey videos just because because if there
was a reason to it, I would say, hey, by
the way, here's why I'm sending this to me. If
you and I were in the same room and you
pulled out your phone, you're like, brody, look at this,
and I saw it, wouldn't I just add a normal

conversation say oh yeah, I saw that. That's funny. So
when you send me something I saw, I go I
right back, Oh yeah, I saw it. No, but usually
you you preface it was saying why you sending this
to me? I saw this already. No, you can't find
one time I wrote that I sent you. I sent
you something right now. It's classic, yeah, and it's it's awful.

But is it more racist? No? No, no, no, no, no, no,
this happened. This is a I'm I got it. I'm
gonna play it right now on the podcast because I
still can't believe this happened in real life. But it's
a viral video that is so uncomfortable, but you laugh
at anyway. It's so fucking funny. Is this fre a

fucking that chicken? Hold on? No, no, no, no no.
It was a sad story and people took advantage of
a really horrible situation a couple of years ago. If
you remember that flight that was landing in San Francisco
or wherever. It was the Malaysian flight, which which was

the one that the one that I don't know if
it disappeared or crashed. What was the issue with the
with the age that age Malaysian flight. It wasn't a
Malaysian Flavors the Asiana flight. Yes, yes, whatever the case,
it was an Asian Airlines that crashed. They were looking
for names of passing correct it were looking right. So
this news station, a local news channel in San Francisco,

went on the air and started naming the pilots. And
by the way, there's video accompaniment on the screen of
the names spelled out. As you're hearing the woman read them.
You must have seen a lot of you are saying,
I saw it already. Scary, but it's just so funny
and I still can't believe that this got passed. It's

pretty the fact checkers, Yeah, I want you to. I
wanted These are allegedly the names of the pilots that
were on board that.

Speaker 3 (07:45):
FLA information now also on the plane crash. KTV has
just learned the names of the four pilots who are
on board the flight. They are Captain some Ting, Wong
Lee Too Low, Ho Lee Fuk, and Bang Dang al In.
The NTSB has confirmed these are the names of the
pilots on board flight two fourteen when it crashed. We

are working to determine exactly what roles each of them
played during the landing.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
By the way, you're lying, she she comes right on
the edge, says the NTSB has confirmed. Oh really, yeah, Well,
you know what, there's several problems wrong with that. With that,
here's the thing. Somebody not on the air found the story,
and in the story it said it was confirmed by
the NTSB. They just took it and ran with it.

It's a rip and read. But the thing is, you
don't do your your properly, your proper research when you're
you're putting a story on television. The talking heads on
this particular network aren't really newspeople. They're just pretty people
in front of a camera a real case, like a
news network. No, this was a local channel. I'm pretty
sure where it's pretty people come on and they're like, hey, Bob,

it was a local San Francisco TV that yeah, and
so so anyway, they went right on the air with it,
and the names on the screen are spelled out. I mean,
it's but my okay, listen, it's I just to this day,
I can't when I every time I see that video,

I'm like, I cannot believe that this got past everyone.
Someone got fired that day for sure. Absolutely. Well do
you think some intern, like I said, oh here's here's
the names just came across the wire. Never an intern,
No intern would be trusted with that. There was all, well,
we fight an intern. So a season that's even worse
than a seasoned veteran in the newsroom. It got past them.

How does anyone, I mean, how does they not see
the ceiling? Some of the jokers type in the teleprompter,
they didn't get it. They it went past set. When
my point is, it went past several filters. It went
past the person who collected the story into the teleprompter
person probably a supervisor beyond that, and then the anchor

reading it dummy. I mean, you could have put the
kebasha on it right there on television. You know what,
Let's cut away to something else. Uh, let's really get
confirmation first. I mean they could have. There's probably three
four lines of defense that all failed. We too low,

I mean something bang ding al. Yeah, And dude, you
don't think holy fuk would have gotten her. You didn't
think she would have questioned it the fact that defacted
on the screen, it's f uk and she pronounced it fuk?
Is it is it? Let me look at the video
game Holy Spell? What are the spellings of these names?
And again, but awful And it takes an awful human

being to just capitalize on tragedy and call that in
and try and know if it makes you a horrible person.
But here's the thing. It's written h O space l ee.
That's normal. Holy. There's a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown called Holy.
That makes sense. But fu f uk? Why would you
pronounce you? Now here's the thing on the screen that

we're seeing. It says f uk. But was it spelled
f oh okay phonetically on Hartela prompter? No, I don't know,
Well that wasn't because why would you look at f
uk and say fuk? We're overnalyzing this. I just thought
it was a funny throw. I'm like, man, sometimes sometimes
you get a classic and that is a that is

a class plan. The plane crash landed or skinning on
the runway and caught fire. There's a picture of the
plane and it's this burnholes and those were the four pilots.
I'll tell you what. I'm getting a lot of a
lot of videos in my feed. So if you remember
the comedian Norm MacDonald who was on a SNL for
many years, Sure he was fired from SNL because at

the time, I think it was Dick Eversoll was the
executive producer of It wasn't Lord Michaels and and so there,
Dick Eversoll was friends with OJ, and some up big
shots at NBC were friends with OJ. And I think
it was Dick Eversoll who is big shot at NBC
and he was friends with OJ. And Norm McDonald used
to do the weekend update in the in the in

the mid nineties when all the OJ trial happened all that,
and Norm McDonald was brutal to OJ. Like Weekend Update
was like eighty percent OJ jokes. It was a lot
of OJ jokes, but brutal, funny, hilarious if you find
that funny. Well, he was asked by the by Eversall
I think and the network heads, mostly Ebersall. But if

I'm correct, hey cut it out with the OJ jokes.
He's a friend, he hasn't been proven guilty yet. You know,
let's you know, stop, don't do them anymore. So you know,
nor McDonald. Nor McDonald doesn't listen to authority. Norm McDonald
then went on and did like a whole weekend update
of OJ jokes, just brutal, and they fired him and

he was gone, banned from SNL for I don't know, uh,
fifteen years, maybe replaced by Colin Quinn. Right then, you
know he did it. Colin was Colin Quinn next. Okay, Yeah,
So there's a lot of there's a lot of video
on the Internet of his OJ jokes. Plus he did
OJ jokes in his state, He did OJ jokes on

late night television whenever he was a guest. He did
an ESPN thing where he's you know, he's giving a
speech to the new Heisman Trophy winner. Anyway, so because
OJ was it died, he's popping up in my feed
like crazy, and every time I watch one, it changes
my algorithm. So my most of my algorithm is normal

donald jokes, not even about OJ anymore. McDonald jokes. He
was such a brilliant fucked the institution. I don't care
if you I'm not supposed to say that. I'm going
to say it comedian. If you like a comedian who
doesn't play by the rules, Norm McDonald is your guy.
I want you to guys slices. Here's what I want
you to do. I want you to look up when

he was on Cornin O'Brien, what was the woman's name
from Melrose Place? Who's one of the stars in Melrose Place?
Let me let me, let me do Yeah, no, hold on,
she on Melrose Norm McDonald, Connan O'Brien, Melrose Place. I'll
tell you who it was real quick. It was Courtney
thorn Smith, another three named person. Yeah, yeah, so google

Connan O'Brien, Norm m MacDonald, Courtney thorn Smith. So you know,
like a lot of times now talk shows they have
one guest and then they leave and the next guest
comes out back back in. Then from I don't know,
maybe two thousand and prior, when a guest would come out,
another guest would come out and you'd move over, just
move over and right, and then that was like the
Tonight Show Johnny Carson did like right. So Conan used

to like have them leave, but Norm said, I'd like
to stay for this next segment. So you know, Conan
is a friend of Norms. He's like, sure you could stay,
move over, move over, and he harassed in a funny
way the movie she was promoting the people in the movie. Uh, brilliant.
It's one of the funniest late night talk to interviews
you've ever seen. Norm McDonald on Cornan O'Brien. I want

to say like ninety four ninety five, but it's classic.
And you'll see if he hasn't popped up on your feet,
it should have go look that up. Yeah, oh, Norm McDonald,
it's a legend, a legend, a legend in SNL. And
by the way, SNL I said it once before, I'll
say it again this last week's episode with Ryan Goslin.

So funny. Don't miss it. The clips are on YouTube
or cool. Did you say it prior? I don't remember
you saying. Maybe I didn't say it on Slice time earlier.
The Beams and butt heead sketch has gone worldwide viral.
It's got like nine ten million. I don't think they're
watching it in Moscow, but whatever, it is, well then
whatever it is the United States viral that makes it
even more impressive. It's popular. People watch so funny, you

gotta watch it all right. What there was this weekend
and a lot of people and it was because it
was because Ryan broke character. They broke character every sketch
and when they break and the other the other actors break,
like Heidi Gardner break. Hate that. He hates it, but

it's better for ratings and better for his show. And
it shows, oh you know what, also displays It shows
it's real, it's live, and it's what people want today.
People want to see that because it's like, oh my god,
and it makes it that much funnier. So I would
have to disagree with Lauren on that it's only good
if it happens once a season or like to each

or twice if like the problem is like Jimmy Fallon
and Horatio Sans would break every sketch, like every episode,
Horatio Sands would come out and go, Hi, I'm your
guest station. Horatio Sands could not keep a straight face
even before he delivered lines, and Jimmy would crack up
because the ratio Sands was cracking off, right, So sometimes
it ruined the sketch. Most of the time, if they

like this week, genuinely, it was hilarious. It was funny
and clever sketch like she knew she couldn't. It was
a Heidi Gardener was the host of the yea right,
didn't want to turn around because she knew what they
looked like. She knew the faces they were making like that,
I knew, like yeah, And even the opening, the cold

Open with Kate McKinnon. She was in it, you know,
with all the physical comedy and it was so funny,
but she was under this crotch and I'm not a
huge fan of that. She was trying to get yeah,
but still it was. It was a weird cold opening
because it's a middle of the show sketch. Yeah, I know, right,
And they didn't. They didn't. They broke from what they

normally do. All right, we gotta take a break. We're
way over all right, Well, you keep talking Glen Boys podcast.
We will be right back. We got to talk about
what you and I did together this week. We do
scary tells me last week he's hey, David, listen, I
got invited to this ultimate thing. If he described it
any better. It would have been like, I'm going to

the David Brody Fantasy Party, but you're not invited. That's
basically what he did. Call me up and he says, hey, listen,
I got invited to this eighty six Mets dinner. Eighty
six Mets. If you're a Mets fan, it's only world
series they've won in the past forty years, and to
us it's a big deal. He says, I got invited
to this eighty six Mets dinner. It's to honor Dwight Gooden,
who's one of the greatest pitches of all time. They're

retiring his number on Sunday. I'm going next Saturday. I
can't take anybody. Just thought I let you know, and
I'm like, oh, well, I'm happy for you. That's that's great.
Did we discussed this on last episode? How I How
I told you about it? Did I tell you on
the podcast? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, maybe, I'm not sure. I'm
not sure if I did or not. Well, anyway, I

was very jealous and I'm but a happy for him.
I went and did not really disclose it to me.
You kept it to yourself the whole time. Yeah, I'm
happy for you. I'm not. I'm not gonna be like
you fucking not taking me. Well, so Scary calls me
up on Saturday Saturday afternoon and says, remember that thing
I just got told? I can bring a plus one
you want to go? So I thought about it for
four seconds and I said, yeah, I'm going, absolutely. So

I said what I always say, Hey, Scary, what are
you wearing?

Speaker 1 (19:03):

Speaker 2 (19:03):
No'm throwing a shirt with some jeans, maybe some shoes.
Pause pause. Plus, by the way, let the record show.
The record shows that I invited David Brody, and he
was the first person in my mind to invite to
an event. Okay, because slices are always accusing me, you're
always doing shit without Brody? When are you gonna call?

I had a great time, admittedly, but there is a
difference between inviting me to a free thing you were
invited to and saying, Hey, Brody, do you want to
go to Costa Rica with me and my boys? Well, hey, Cody,
we're going to a five hundred dollars a person steak dinner.
But that the thing is, but you don't exist in
that world. That doesn't make any sense for you because
you don't invite me in that world. You never go
to those things. I'm giving you something. I am giving

you a grand Slam David Brody approved event, the event
of a lifetime. What probably one of the top ten
things you probably could do in life is doing this event. Well,
it was fun to be a fun night. But his
thing you brought up that the slices are gonna say,
you never invite Brody, Right, So I finally invited you.

But I invited you to something that I thought of
you first for because it made the most sense for you, Like,
there's no way I can go to this and have
David Brody not be my plus wife. That's well, that's
also why you invite because I said to you, you know, listen,
you know I thanked you like eleven teen times, but
I said to you, scary, You're, like Brodie, You the
first person I thought of. I said, Scary, think about this.

If you had invited anyone else, you know, besides me
to this thing, I would have killed you. After we
go to the World Series together, we go to playoffs together.
I'm a Mets fan guy, right, so I appreciate it. Anyway,
Why do you have the problem with the dress code?
So scary says, I'm gonna throwing a shirt, button down,
a shirt, maybe some shoes. I said, scary, don't Brooklyn
dust coming man. So I said, don't do the jacket.

He goes, If I do a jacket, it'll be over
a regular shirt, no tie. I'll be casual. So I said, scary,
I don't want to wear a jacket tonight. It's close,
like forty degrees. I said, if I have to wear
a sport jacket, I gotta wear a coat over the jacket.
It'll be cold. I'd rather just wear a jacket over
a nice shirt. Yeah, you're right. I don't know. I
got a lot of shirts. I figure something out. Of course,

I show up and Scary is wearing a jacket. What
kind of jacket? Wasn't scary? It was Brooklyn Industrial, Yes
it was. It was. It was a cool it was
it was a red, it was a maroon jacket. But
I was very casual. The rest of me, the rest
of me was casual. I wore a button down shirt
tucked in with jeans. Okay, so jeans and a jacket.

But I wanted to dress it up a little bit
because I figured, you know, Dwight Gooden is gonna have
a jacket on. I gotta have a jacket. I'm gonna
probably take a picture with the guy. I want us
both to be in jackets. So there and we look
good together in jackets for Dwight Gooden, So there's no
problem with that anyway. I to wear a jacket, I wore.
I wore a button down shirt and jeans, so no
no jeans colored pants anyway. So it was. It was

a Hill Country barbecue, which if you ever in Manhattan,
go to r and also go to Hell Country Barbecue.
Those are two favorites of the of the casual barbecue places.
Go downstairs and it's all Mets players. It's all like,
oh my god, there's Tip Tough, Oh my god, there's
Howard Johnson, Oh my god, Roger McDowell, Rafael said town
Jesse Roscoe one after the next, Gary Sheffield Broady got

to calm down, you're too excited. Well yeah, oh my god,
can I say this? No? No, stop right there? Yeah, yea, yeah,
we're slices. We're in a room where it's only one
hundred and twenty people. It's a private room. Was more
than one hundred and fifty. Maybe point is you're gonna
be there for four hours. You just walked in. You

know you're gonna get FaceTime with these people if you want.
It's one of those mingle events. No one's seated, and
what's kind of hanging around is walking around. People are
hanging at the bar, So you know, it's the kind
of environment that's gonna lend itself. You don't have to
be a fucking super crazy, whacked out fan to enter

the room and within thirty seconds like, oh my god,
Howard Johnson, Howard Johnson over there, wasn't like that, low
your voice, Brody, We really just got here. You're gonna
have a chance if you want to to probably have
a conversation with the guy. And you ended up having
talking to him. But the point is the thing I
said I said to you was, Brody, dial it down,

just bring it back. We just walk it back, right,
let's just get settled in. We just we haven't been
in the room thirty seconds and you already your eyes
are darting across the room. They zipped off. What's going
on over there? It's okay, It's gonna be okay. It
wasn't like they were coming out of a limo and
entering a venue and you had two seconds to shoot
your shot. I'll tell you why I was acting that way.

Number One, you don't recognize half the players. You don't. No,
I recognized him and I and I recognized Ojo. Okay,
So I was kind of like saying, scary, look at that.
You don't know who that is, but that's who that is.
Second of all, I wanted to I wanted to show
you how excited I was and how appreciative I was
to be there. So I was excited to be there,

and I wanted you to know I wasn't taking it
for granted. I wasn't like, you know, I'll go to
the med thing with you. Oh yeah, I know. I
wanted to show appreciation. So anyway, we're there maybe ten
minutes and we're mingling whatever. First of all, we first
walked in the door. This this young girl. Why I say,
she's in nineteen twenty. Uh, she's taken the she's your name,

she's sixteen, she's in high school looking at college towers
over both of us like six She was like, yeah,
very nice girl. Anyway, I think her hair was longer
than I'm tall. So she's like, oh my god. Because
big fan. Scary goes, I'm checking in. My name is
Scary Scary Jones and she goes, oh my god, sy

Jone's Now, look she's sixteen, so I'm figuring, you know,
she looked young even if she was eighteen nineteen whatever.
I haven't worked at the RATO station in two years.
Most I'm not gonna like I'm just gonna like, you know, chill.
So Scary does the very nice thing. He says, and
this is Brody from the show, and she said, oh
my god, I'm gonna listen every day. I'm gonna love

you guys. So he took pictures. Whatever, it's very nice.
For some reason, she posted the picture with Scary and
tagged Scary and did not post a picture with Meke.
But I'm not mad at before it. It is what it is.
My point is we met. I don't know, Scary. How
many people that weren't athletes did we talk to? Did
we get to meet? Almost all of them? Have no clue.

I don't work there anymore, right, no clue because they
don't listen to I hope you guys at this point. No,
I don't work there anymore. No, they do have people
that listen to this podcast and then follow us every
day day to day and listen to the fifteen minute
morning Show. Those people are all fully aware, and maybe
people that text the radio station for the most part,
because those people are active listeners. I know everybody else,

everybody else, the general public, seventeen million people who we've
spoken to over the last twenty nine years, they don't
Most people do not know that you do not work
with the morning show anymore, Brody. So, in my opinion,
my take on it is go with it. Who cares? Oh?

I went with it? Don't no, no, because I would know.
But this has happened five times before at different events
that we went to. This was a bulk thing, even
art show, And I'm like, Brody, they don't know you
don't work there anymore. Most people don't listen to every
show every day. Most people background noise and they listen. Okay, okay, continue.

There were a lot of people there who worked for
the Mets, for sports companies. They don't know, they don't know.
Shut up, shut up, they don't know. And the words
of Scary Jones, dial it down a bit, dilot down. Okay, continue, Brody.
People were offering me all kinds of things. Ah please, yeah, hello,
it's my favorite radio today. You guys want to come

to a game. You want to come to this, you
want to come to that? Great, here's my card. Yeah,
I I call it a live omission. I wasn't gonna
be like, nah, you don't want to invite me to
the game because I don't work there anymore. I was
just like, yeah, cool, no problem ill I failed to
see it. I fail to see a problem there, right,
So roll with it. Who cares? And you're not And

you're not doing anything. You're not doing a bad thing
by by not admitting it. It just because are you. Are
they trying to say they're only going to invite you
because you work with the station. No, they didn't utter
those words. They know the point was their enthusiasm for me.
I wasn't gonna dash it. So speaking of enthusiasm, I
go over to the bar, scary like, oh I got
I got a drink, We got drink tickets. I never

used my drink tickets, but I went over and had
like a gallon of a big jug of water with
a spiggot spigett How do you supposed to spiggot s
p I G E T yeah, you spigott. Yeah, it's
a good question. Uh. Anyway, Uh so I'm over there
and I turned the spiggot knob and uh, by the way,

it's it's ot spigot. And I turn this spigot and
the water is filling up my cup and it's very
slow water. It's like it's not like it's gonna take
like forty seconds to fill the cup up. So I'm
standing there holding the cup under this pigot, and I'm
at the end of the bar where the puller of
the picture of the big thing of water is and

I'm on the long side of the bar, all the
way to the right. At the corner where I'm standing,
the bar goes straight right, it makes it turn and
goes straight and it's maybe five feet wide. Dwight Gooden,
the guy that I'm most excited to see, one of
the greatest pictures in Met's history, getting his number retired.
The next day, he walks up next to me, but

he's on the right side of the bar, like around
the little turn of the corner. So I'm staring at
the left side of his face. He's right there. And
what do I do While I stare at him and
I'm like, if he turns to me, I'm gonna say hi,
but I'm not going to interrupt him because he's trying
to get the bar ten his attention. Yeah, And as
I'm staring at him, I realized my cup has filled

up and more than filled up and is now overflowing
onto the floor. Your cup had run over over And
then as my shoes are getting wet, I go, oh shit,
and I turn it off and I go oh shit.
He turns to see what's going on. And now I'm like,
I don't know what to say to him because I've
covered myself in water. So I just kind of like
nod and smile like hi, like a fangirl, which was

not the most embarrassing thing that happened to either one
of us that night, which we'll get to next. No,
I can't wait, Sirian Brodie Man, Okay, I'll just take
a fall. I'll take the fall on the next one, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well so we were we were lining up for pictures.
Well we already took. I took a picture with Dwight

Good and we both did we both yet but but
later at the end there were more formal pictures on
the stage under the good lighting, and I'm like, I
want to fucking go on there. So I went up
on the stage. You were right behind me, Yeah, and
I pose for a picture with Dwight and then I
started exiting the stage. Yeah, now hold on before you
say anything, I'm next in line. Yes, moment I go

up to stand next to Dwight. Goodin Ye, our friend
Harlan Harland has my camera. Harland the best, He's the
Harland's the best. Shout out Harlan. Anyway, he's about to
take my picture. He takes the picture and as he's
taken it scary as going down the two steps at
the edge of the stage to go back to the
floor of the restaurant, and as yeah, now keep in

mind it's only two steps, but the second step didn't know,
this was not attached to the first step. It was
put there so people didn't have to make a long
stride down to the ground. So it was it was
kind of like plywood with a little carpeting on it.
It was a faux step. It was a fake step.
So I'm staring at the camera and I'm goodness, staring

at the camera, and I'm staring at and I'm staring
at my phone gloating in the yeah, I mean in
the afterglow as of what not watching where I'm walking.
So as I'm like making sure my I'm smiling, I'm
I'm looking at the camera the right way. I'm all nervous.
How many chances I'm I going to get one step
down at that? And I hear step? I step down once,

and as I step the step comes comes apart from
the stage and rolls forward like a like a log roll,
and I and I fly backwards and my back hits
the hits the top step of the stage, and my
phone goes flying. I land like on my fucking back.

The only thing that saved Scary from serious injury the
red jacket. The red jacket. Okay, by the way, side note,
I went for a workout today and everything seems to
be fine, because thank god, you don't need to mention
where you went for the workout, not letting you know anyway. Yeah,
so things are good. I have a little bit of
a bruise though, and a little bit of a pain.
But anyway, so I say to Dwight, because now we're

both looking, I'm like, are you I'm like scary. Okay.
He's like, I get my phone. He's only concerned about
getting his phone. And I'm like, I say, Dwight, he's
my friend. He okay, is like yeah, I'm okay. I'm like, okay.
So when I get my picture back, it's Dwight looking
off to his right as he's looking at scary fall
in my picture. So my picture with Dwight Gooden has

him looking off to the right watching scary fall down
the stairs. Brodie's only moment forty years since he to
get a picture with him, and Dwight's eyes are off
to the left. They're off to the right of the right,
right ear left. I looked at my picture. I'm like,

let me look at my picture, and he's looking to
the side. He's scary falling during the picture. But luckily,
lucky for you, you took a better picture with him earlier
in the evening. Yes, I took a better picture earlier,
and then I asked him. I went back and I
got it. I went and took another picture. But the
point was, had it not been a casual event that
been my only picture, I'm pissed. But here's the interesting thing.

While Dwight was looking to the right to watch scary
fall down the stairs. My eyes were locked on that
camera the whole time. I never took my eyes off
the camera, even though I heard the boom, because you
don't care about your friend if after the flash went
off on the camera, because that's when you started to
get a little concerned. Once the flash went off, I
was already on my feet. Three people helped me up,

and two guys pulled cards on me and said, I'm
a lawyer, you need my help. I I I love
how two guys come with their business cards extending I
did come out there extending their hands for me to
get up, but instead they hand me a card. Hi,
I'm a lawyer. If you need anything. White must have

turned his head when you went like that. I turned
my head after the flash, so I saw the second
bounce and the step move, so I saw you go boom, boom.
I heard. I saw the second boom and the feet
the feet fly in the step move. And then that's
when I asked, if you're okay. I didn't see the
fall down, but he did because my pictures of him

turning his head. Thank god, I was okay. I walked away.
I laughed, but It was so embarrassing because if you
had gotten hurt, scary. Let me just say this as
your friend. The thing I would have remembered most about
that night is that I got a picture it. Dwy
couldn't wow. Wow, I'm kidding. They would have been the
water incident. Yeah. So, speaking of the Mets, this came

up on the air on The Big Show a little earlier,
and Berdie, I want your opinion on Okay, do we
want to talk about after after? What we talk about?
The guy who tried to correct me, The guy who
tried to correct you at me when I gave it
when I asked the question of the Mets. Oh is that? Okay?
If you want to get later, I'll get no. No,
you can if you want. I just okay because of

who I am and where I used to wind Brodie. Okay,
here's the Brodie didn't know it all segment. He is
he they don't know, don't you ange, David Brody, that's
the name of this. Well he didn't know he was
fucking with, But go ahead, Okay. So Howard Johnson played
for the Mets. He won a World Series with the
eighty six Mets. Yep. But he also won a World

Series with the eighty four Tigers, right, So the Tigers
after he won the World Series traded him to the Mets.
So I asked him a question. I said, you know
you you won the World Series in nineteen eighty four.
And before I could finish my thought, some guy in
the back goes, he won an eighty six. So I
turn around and go, he won an eighty four with
the Tigers. But thanks for the correction, You're wrong, And
I got a big laugh, and Hojo pointed at me

when he's right, because because I you know, I know
what I'm talking about, so don't correct me. Yea in
the middle of his question, when the guy just jumped out,
I'm learning, okay, Lesson Brody's never wrong, No, no, who never Brody? Was? No?
I wrong? They bet a fan event for the eighty
six Mets. I'm there. You don't think I know what
fucking year they won the World SI? I know, I know,

I know, but you know that's all I mean in
my head when you said nineteen eighty four, I was
questioning it, but I didn't shout it out because I'm like,
he must have won with another team before, so whatever.
But people don't have that filter. Okay, go on with
your story. Quite No, it's more of a quandary. But
what what Because I was gonna tell you that my
most like the water was not my most embarrassing moment
of the night, nor was you falling down the steps.

So I'll tell that story later, but I want to
hear what the quandry was. So last week, if you recall,
I don't know if I spoke about it on the podcast,
Elvis invited me to the Mets game and he's like, hey,
let's go see a game. And I'm like, great, try
good seats behind home played or whatever his husband Alex,
and then and then the game got rained out, and

the tickets for that game, because several games got rained
out because it was a bad stretch of weather, the
tickets for that game were physically refunded as vouchers. That way,
it wasn't going to be like, you're invited to this
other makeup game. It was here's you are now able
to pick any tickets you want for the rest of
the season, and except for the Subway series, right, I
can't go to a met Yankee game, right right. So

so basically that was the end of that and that
was n was swept under the rug, and that was like, okay, okay,
we're gon, We're good. That's what I tell you. Though
the day before that, that morning, that morning, well, if
it gets rained out, maybe the game will be tomorrow night.
And I said, this is convoluting the whole conversation. It
doesn't not convoluted because I said to you, if it
gets rained out, they can't make the game up. There's

no more games left in the week, right, so which
means they're gonna have to reschedule. I said, you may
be shed a luck. Well yeah, well that that that
that's the that's the crux of this conversation is what
you said. You said, Elvis doesn't really owe you a
game because it's it's said and done. But I'm like,
but in my head, I'm like thinking, like, wait a second,

the intention was to hang out with me at a game.
Let's go to a game. But if it got rained
out and the money was refunded, maybe we'll use those
vouchers for a future game. But you know what, Elvis
gets credit for trying to take it to a game.
It's on his fall that got reined out. But you're
so you're of the mind that that okay. So we're

not going to go to a game now, So that's it.
That was a one time. He still should take you
to a game. What I'm saying is right, he doesn't.
He's not going to take you to a game. Well,
in his mind, he's thinking, I don't know your game.
I took you to a game, right, well, the tickets.
It came up on the air, I asked, I asked
it on the radio to hear similarity slices with us
is going well, okay, so go ahead, go ahead, So

I said, does Elvis, Oh, here's the word, Oh owe
me a game? And because we couldn't go and then
the answer, well, Gandhi Jump jumped right up and says,
I hate say this because Ela was like, I don't
know I'm a game. I owe am nothing. It was

he made an attempt to take he was and then whatever,
it's all right, maybe we will, maybe we won't, but
we don't have to definitely reschedule. So God, He's like, yeah,
he owes you, he owes you a game. And then
I was about to say yeah, thanks, but m what
came to my mind immediately, uh huh, yeah, was that.

Wait a second. I if I say that he owes
me a game, then someone somewhere down the road is
going to say that I owe Brody a steak dinner.
So I said no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh.
It was a strong word. He doesn't owe me a game.

I just thought that maybe we could get to get anyway,
it became the same thing I had to easily. Elvis
can pull skiery and say what I boy and tickets
to a game. It's not my faull. It got rained out.
I made the attempt. I put forth the money. My
intention was to take you and buy you the ticket,
but the weather happened. The only difference here is that

I could say is you still got the experience of
the state dinner and I did not get the experience
of the game. So it's really not the same thing.
Hold on, let me ask you a question. If Elvis
says I'm going to take you to a game, yeah, right,
and then at the last minute he says, you know what,
I'm not feeling, Well, I'm not gonna go. I'm gonna
sell the tickets, not going. But then a buddy that

you were going to take, or someone you you post
on Twitter not going to the game tonight. Someone from
the Mets calls you up and says, you know what,
come as our guest tonight. So you go to the
game that night because going to take you separate invite.

You wouldn't have gone to the game that night except
that Elvis was going to take you. Uh so you
got someone to buy you a ticket to the game
only because Elvis was trying to take you. But then
he at the last minute, something happened. Now how it
feels your fuck However, here's the Here's what Elvis did.

Because Elvis is the man, he said, I'm gonna do
one better. He goes a SHOT's better. No, because at
the same well, at that moment, Greg t the Jersey Kid,
walked in from down the hall. He had heard the conversation.
He came because he's his show is over an hour earlier, right,
so he jumped in the studio live on air as

we were having the conversation, and then and Danielle got involved.
He goes talking about the Subway series. It came up,
and then Danielle' was like, you know what, I led
to go to a Yankee game, Yankee Mets. All right,
So Elvis is like, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take you, Danielle Scary and Greg t. The

four of us. We're gonna go to the Subway Series game,
one of the Subway Series games. So he's gonna make
it up to me. He doesn't owe it to me.
I'm gonna be very clear, he does not owe me
a game. But the four of us are now gonna
go probably see the Yankees play the Mets or the
Mets play the Yankees at Yankee Stadium in July because
the Yankees and Cedy Field fall during our vacation. Yeah,

so I will. I'll probably be out of time. Here's
what I'll say. Very generous of Elvis, isn't that? But
that's a man of his word right there. No, it's
a man who decided to do something completely different. Why
he had an opportunity to do a little bonding with Elvis.
You and Elvis go to a Mets game, right, it
was your gift. Now you're all getting it. You know

you're not gonna have Elvis time. I don't well I
don't need that. I mean have Greg tea time now
for three hours. Yeah, but it's it's it's actually old
friends Oge's coming together to hang out for a night.
It'll be a great and I'm okay with that. I
think I think necessarily need Elvis all to myself. It's
somebody in time with Elvis. Is that what I'm meaning?
You're not hearing now, you're putting words in my mouth.

That's what I heard. No, I just I would have
been fined either way. But I'll take what I can get.
And it's the goddamn Okay. So with the three of
you guys going with Elvis, who's responsible for telling him
what's going on? What do you mean, Oh, at the game? Yeah,
I was following. I was follows baseball. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. No,

he knows. Got that off my chest. But hey, I
saw something on Facebook. Two things I want I want
to share with you. One of was Facebook. One was Instagram.
You know what I told you? They have like quizzes.
You know I did like some of the number ones
for you. Yes, So one of the ones that was

on my Facebook page, I clicked it because I was
I don't know, I'm an idiot. It said name us,
I'm gonna give it to you. Scary, very quickly, name
a state with no E in the name. Name a
state with no E and it's not a trick question, right,
Just name a state. Name of state with no E Montana? Okay.

The second one wrote New Jersey. Oh, I'm okay, obviously stup.
But what it was? What am I supposed to do
with that? No, I'm just saying that's how that's how
stupid people are. There's two weeks there's three e's in
New Jersey. Yeah, okay, yeah, people at people are people
are fucking idiots? Yeah, some people. That's my point. I

gotta give a shout out to my boy Jetski Bryan,
God love him. Okay, So, yeah it is, and he's
getting ready. He's he's unloading all the New se dudes
the sea do jet Skis. He went to go see
the Bob Marley One Love Movie a few weeks ago

in theaters. Okay. I think it's streams as of next week, yeah,
or maybe streaming now. It's it's very funny to me
because when you think of Bob Marley and you think
of a movie like that, you think of people going
to the film stoned, and there's a lot of stoners.
I mean Obviously there's a lot of people that go
that don't smoke, but you definitely know there's some stoners

in that crowd. I would imagine in a couple of years. Yeah,
and Brian very big stoner. He went, he went to
see the movie a few weeks ago, totally high, like
off his off his rocker, The White Guy. Okay. He
sits in the theater watching it for about he might have,
you know, come a few minutes late because it just started.

So he sat down. Half hour later, the credits start
rolling up the screen. Was he watching Godzilla? No, and
he was playing in two different theaters, and he went
into the theater where it was like more than halfway through,
and he was like, notice he didn't notice. He was like, huh,
it's like this, this is a short movie. And he

just left and he went back home. And then he
realized the movies well over an hour and a half whatever,
and he goes, so now he's gonna watch it streaming
because he didn't realize it didn't occur to him. He
was in the row. He went to sit down, saw
like a quarter love. It's pretty much a quarter of love.

But my favorite is it didn't occur to him, to
him that he missed the beginning of the movie and
all the chopping. Yeah, just figured it, you know, he
he figured that, you know, he missed five minutes, but
man and and then it didn't registered. I also think
that he was so high he lost concept at time,
because maybe that was you know what, maybe he saw

the whole movie and just doesn't remember most of it. Yeah,
that's hilarious. Hey, I went to the movies with the
same people, by the way, where the kid maybe sitting
in the back. Oh yeah, how'd that go? Well, so
we went to see uh, god Godzilla and Kong. I
think that's the last movie we saw. Yeah. Yeah, the

seat incident was a done Dune two, which was you
know anyway, went to see Godzilla X Kong however you
want to pronounce it, and he was in the back
seat this time, so total respect paid. I don't know
if you heard the podcast. By the way, it's called
Godzilla Kang. Well there's an X there, done me anything,
it's silent. I did the commercials for it. Oh all right, anyway,
Godzilla Kong. So I had a coupon for AMC theaters

that I had used once before. It was for a
free regular popcorn. So in the theater near me, it's
a dine in theater, they have waiter service now like
an eyepic. I don't know. I've never been to the eyepic.
I know what it is, but yeah, they have waited
same concept. Well, they don't even have a concession stougie
bougie theater. Yeah, but it's not a boogie theater. The

clientele is far from bougie anyway. So in this particular theater,
you give them whatever coupons you order your food, but
you can get popcorn at the beginning. And there's a
big counter like with three ledges with heat lamps. You
go over and you get your popcorn. Okay, but there's
no one to give the coupon too that you got
a free popcorn. So I told the ticket taker. He's
like a whatever man, just keep the coupon. I'm a

god great. So we go to Now on the coupon
it says good for one free regular popcorn. You can
pay to upgrade to a large. Now you know the
popcorn scam, right, We've talked about this. Of course, they
deliberately make the big popcorn only a little bit more money,
so you go, I don't want the small, I get
the medium. Then you go, geez, for a dollar more,

I can get another fucking twice as much. Yeah, that's
why it's called medium pricing. Is that what it is
as a name for? Forgot the name of it? Well,
you're you're you automatically, you were like, I'm gonna get
a small. You're like, but the small is so small.
I get the medium and they make the lodge just
a little bit more at dollar twenty, and you're like,
get trust me, the extra popcorn you get cost them
less than a dollar twenty. They're making more money. So

I go up to the counter and I say to
the girl, I don't want to get a free popcorn,
but I'm gonna upgrade to a large, so just charge me,
you know, whatever the difference is. I said, what's different
to the medium at large? Because there was a rotating board.
It wasn't on the screen, so we wait for it.
It's like a dollar twenty. I said, okay, great, I'll
take the large. So I give her a coupon and
she takes the coupon, She looks at it, she reads it,

She walks over to the to the popcorn, takes a
a regular popcorn cup, scoops it and hands it to me.
I said, no, no, I want the large. I don't
want to pay the extra. No, this coupon is for
a regular. I said, no, I understand that. But the
coupon on the look at the coupon right there, big letters,
big letters, and says you can pay to upgrade. Oh,

I don't know how to do that. And she's staring
at me. So I said, okay, but I want the large.
So can you ring me up for a dollar coupon
that you got for free? Anyway, you just take you
just take advantage of the system. At this point, hold on,
I want to pay for the large. I want to
give them money, so I don't have a free I
want to give them something. Okay. So she says, I

don't know how to do it, and she's staring at me.
So I said, do you think maybe you can ask someone?
So she says, all right, hold on, and she goes
and she's she's talking to a guy with a headset
on and he can't hear her because his headsets on,
and she's yelling and he takes his head and she's like,
I gotta ring out the cut and he takes the
headphones off. Fine, here's her, he says something to herd

looks at the coupon. She comes back and she does, okay,
hold on. She gets the giant bucket of popcorn, brings
it over to me, and I say, great, here's my
credit card. No, neither one of us knows how to
ring it up. Just take it now. You can use
it again next time. Yeah. So I got the coupon back,
and then I got a free launch popcorn because she

didn't how to ring it up, so like, just take it,
just take it. It's not worth my drama. I'm eighteen
years old selling popcorn a beer. Take it's like a
beer can on a string. Pull give me that back.
So I got the coupon back. That's awesome, but it
was like, I don't know. She looked at me like
I don't know how to do that. It's like when
I bring the expensive bottle of wine to the Byob

restaurant with my friends. It's same concept, but I wait
until the very end, and when we're all filled up
on wine, when we was like, oh, we're at the
end of the meal. Oh, oh you know what, I
guess you don't want to open the silver Oak or
the amos. I guess I'll take it back. I went

back and forth three different times to my to the
b YO, and I got the you get the credit
every time from bringing the expensive bottle. Because I brought
the expensive bottle of wine. We were going to save
it till the end. And it's out and we're talking
about other things, and meanwhile other bottles are being popped,
other people's bottles. What do you drinking? So why don't

they say, why, where's scary? Where's your bottle? Because well,
the third time Anthony Falco got me, he's like, I
see what you're doing. Go see your time? No joish
Anthony Falco, excuse me, of course you could scary. I
I know the last three times we went out to

Meo and these restaurants, you brought the silver Oak. And
somehow he just got Oh, Siri thinks I'm talking to her.
Hey Siri, stop because I said scary. My series starting activity.
So Falco's so he knew he was onto my you know,
where's the silver Oak?

Speaker 1 (52:06):

Speaker 2 (52:07):
Okay, you know what, bring it next time. There's only
so many bring it next times, you get until this
time this time he's like, we're gonna we're gonna lead
with that one. We're opening the silver Oak right now.
You can't you can't have the look the other three
times you brought your own wine, where was the bottle?
While everyone's putting out that bottle. The thing is, those
were twelve to sixteen person dinners, so there was just

an onslaught of bottles. There were bottles all over the table.
Levis under the table in case anyone notices, No, I
bet you on the table. But then I turned the
label the other way when no one's looking so far.
Oh yeah, I look up turning into me. Look up
the brody move yeah, look up silver oak, dude, silver
Oak's expensive. Let mean check out? What what kind of one

is it? White? Silver, red, silver oak. It's I think
it's one of the California California cab Yes, he was
kilver Oak California cabinet. Pretty sure. Anyway, it's like seventy eight.
Oh whoa what like ninety dollars?

Speaker 1 (53:06):

Speaker 2 (53:06):
How much? How much I'm finding it on wine dot
com for one hundred everywhere else? Dude, there's one here
for six fifty in Instagram. Oh no, no, dude, it
was a ninety dollars bottle of wine when I paid
ninety bucks for it. All right, well, there must be
a large which is very, very expensive. So I figured,
why would you bring one hundred dollars bottle of wine?
Because I didn't want to spend an Italian restaurant. I

didn't want to spend money. And it was the only
one in my cabinet. So and it was given to
me as a gift. Oh, it was only one in
your cabinet. Yeah, So I said, fuck it. So so
I kept bringing to these dinners and they're like, oh,
scary with the silver oak. Yeah, and everybody else started
and remembered. Nobody remembered. And I went through three dinners
that way and then and then Falco caught me. He goes,
He goes, I know what you're doing there, because that's

that same bottle you bought for the last two dinners.
We never went, Ah, you fuck. He goes, We're gonna
start with that one, and he called the waiter over. Yeah,
uncorked this one first. Good fuck, you got what you deserved.
So I've been doing a lot of dinners with my friends.

That wine story you told before the commercial break hilarious
I'm gonna have to try that. You should definitely do it.
I have another dude, I am turning into you. Oh good,
you have a you know. Earlier in the week, I
went out with Dave, you know, Sex on the way Daves,
jet Ski, Bryan and Anthony Falco another dinner on another
night to our buddy Sal's pizza. They just rebuilt, by

the way, shout out to sALS in north Bergen. Instant
an institute, but they burned down. I think you mean
an institution, an institution, but they burned down and they rebuilt, Okay.
And no, the fire didn't start from within the pizzeria.
Oh no, no, wink wink. No. It was several stores
away and it burned down and it was just tray.

It was tragic to see it go because it's it's
the only thing on that whole strip that looks like,
you know, even that looks like it's fifty sixty years old.
I mean, it's did the test of time anyway, and
you and you so yeah. So we're having dinner at
the bar and then there was a birthday party going
on at the table next to us, a table of

like four six to six people. They celebrate the birthday
with a huge, giant box of Respoli pastries. Oh yeah,
it were spolly if you know. You know. Anyway, here's
the deal, Brody. The people they celebrate, they have a
few pastries and they leave. They have a big tip

and they walk out. They leave. Oh and a couple
of people took some of the cookies in the pastries
to go. They boxed it up, They box up what
they wanted and they left. Brody not even kidding. There
had to be no less than thirty pastries and cookies
still in this box. It was one of those giant
bos on the next table, on the next table sitting there.

So me and my friends are looking at it. My
friends and I fuck, yeah, I'm excited right now, I know,
I know. I'm like, oh, there's Canoli's in there. They
left the canoe's behind a minute. They took the gun,
left the Canoli's exactly exactly. You stole my joke, you dick.
Oh I didn't know I was going there anyway, Thank

you Godfather. And they the lobster the lobster tails. Lobster tails, dude,
what are these are pastries? In case you don't know,
they got lobster tails. From what animal? What animal would
leave a lobster tail behind? And and Pioli cookies, the
seven Layer, the rain Rainbow cookies. So we look left

and we look right like, yeah, fuck it, let's go.
So I lead the way, and as soon as they
take a canoli, my friends take pastries. And then the
three four of the tables that were still there got
up and took some pastries from the box. Question A
would you ever do such a thing? I'm already on
my way there to see if someone else did it. Okay,

thank you. Well, well we put it up online as
a pole, and more than half the people saying that said,
he that's nasty. That's other people's food. They were man
handling it. And I'm like, no, it's it's all in
your head, bro, it's all in your head. Why would
anyone say handle it? I said. People think, and they
associate the fact that people were sitting around the canolis

meant that it's it has the cooties and it has
their germs on it. Truth be told, people don't go
licking the fucking food. They didn't touch they they took
what they wanted and everything was left behind. So it
was perfectly good condition. There was no disgusting thing about it.
There's no bodies accept the fact that it's food. I

don't see you normally doing that. The scary Jones I
know would have just ordered in, had like Uber eat
send them another box. I was gonna say, they don't
have her spoy pastries. It sells pizza and that's the thing.
It was a special treat. So I'm like, fuck this,
I'm going in. But then other people argued that was
left for the staff. That was for the staff. No, no,
they didn't leave it for the staff, because how did
you That's rude. That was rude of you, scary How

would for taking those pastries, because how do you know
what they were for? I'm like, I don't know. Fucking
fifteen minutes has gone by the paces taking them. No
one's taking them. They're going to the garbage. And guess what.
The waitresses and the bartenders came from around the bar
after I got my grubby paws on those canolis, and
they did the same thing. So everybody got to eat.

There was no shortage of food that night. You know
what's interesting the people. If some of the people say
you can't eat that food, it's it's it's tainted, right,
it's scankified. Yeah, but then they say leave it for
the staff. Well, wait a minute, why should the staff
eat the food if it's scankified. Either it is scankified
or it's not because it's good. It's it's not good
enough for me, but it's good enough for the staff.
So I have to imagine the people that were there eating,

celebrating the party right there, Their pastries are no more
or less skanky. Then the people Scary goes to dinner with,
it was I'm Scary's table. Then those Yankee people he
goes to dinner with would have been would have been
all that spit. Yeah, so there's no difference. I'll tell you.
I went once went to uh uh, my wife and
I went to a bring your own yeah in Jersey City.

What's the place that? Uh? It's a for two guys names.
It's like where the guy used to work, uh Vince.
The guy looks like you, Yeah, been fourteen place, but
been fourteen No, it was a two guys names like
Mitchell and Mike. Was Anthony David Anthony David. Yeah. Yeah,
So we go there. We had a great night, best
pete I've ever had in my life. It was a
long time ago. But we brought a bottle of wine,

which it was red wine. I don't drink red wine normally,
so my wife loves red wine. And it was maybe
like an inch left of red wine. And my wife's like,
not gonna take it. It wasn't expensive wine. Letting me
take the bottle home. The calk was long gone. We
don't know where the caulk is. She didn't want to
take it, and the people at the table like behind
us to say, excuse us. We heard you say you're

not going to finish that bottle. Can we have it? Yeah? Sure,
why not? So they took our bottle and finished the bottle.
Then they went to it. I saw them go up
and get another table with someone left their bottle, and
they went and took the bottle of wine from that table.
No shame in that game. That's gonna go to waste
unless people are drinking out of the bottle. There's no
shame in that. And I will reiterate. They took pastries,
the ones they wanted. They took them, they boxed them

up and they took a few to go, so it
was more than they could handle. I was happy to assist,
no problem. Let me take a let me let me
take that a step further though, Brody, you're you're in
a hotel. You're walking down the hallway. You see that
tray left out. I've done it many times. I've seen
the trade for food. Fries, French fries. No, no French fries.
Finger food no, no finger food. No, you wouldn't. You

wouldn't need a floor fry. A floor fry. You mean
you mean a put out in the hallway for a
hallway fry, a hall a hall fry. No, I've seen
like a hallway floor for fry, because those trays are
on the floor in the hallway and you're walking down
the hallway and then you see, okay, what about this.
They have the mini bottles of glass heines ketchup. Yeah,

I've taken those. You've taken them if the seal is
on them, seal, right, But you wouldn't be like huh
and then pop one of those hinds ketchups open and
then take a floor fry. And I'll tell you what
I almost took, but I didn't take it for the
chicken finger. No. Ronnie Scott, well, your boy Ronnie does
that at Mets games. He would walk around eating chicken
fingers out of the cups, and people love their chicken fingers.

I was in a game when him I saw him doing.
He's like, I know people did drink beer off the
fucking floor. There's a cup of beer left. Yeah, fucked
out and no alcohol kills gerums. People say yeah. Anyway,
there was a bagel that was pre wrapped and it
had cream cheese in it, but it was wrapped in
soran rapped okay, And at first I was like, wait
a minute, you can't close saran wrap perfectly the second time,

which means it wasn't open right because it's perfectly closed.
It's tightly wrapped. But then I thought, what if it
was someone would like it was a sick bastard and
like injected it with something. You could inject a bagel
and you'd never know. So then I didn't eat it,
but I almost did because it looked like you can't.
But I'm gonna propose something to the slices now, because
we never talked about this. I teased it, and they
hate when I tease something I don't mention. And then

we'll get out of here because we gotta wrap up.
When I went to Scary's house, we ordered chicken fingers
with biscuits and condiments. Right, that's when Scary didn't order
me ketchup. He ordered a fucking honey mustard ranch. He
knows I hate both of them. Organicville, Yeah, yeah, you
missed that for you gotta go listen to Slice time
for the last episode for two eighty two ninety one,

we did bring on down the Organicville ketchup. Anyway, so
we're packing the shirts and you know, so I have
to go put money in my meter or I have
to go and use the app and make sure I
don't get a ticket. Right, you can't just do it
from your house. It's a one minute, a one hour,
two hour limit on the parking. Had to go down,
move the car like two inches and then put you know,
ad time. So I had to go downstairs. Well, I

had left like in the box that the food came in.
Scary gave me a plate. I had the box empty
and from maybe my leftovers, and I had to chicken
fingers on a plate with my My biscuit was a
half eaten and some French fries on my plate. And
I come back and Scary has with his hands, taken

my biscuit, my fries, and my chicken fingers and put
them into the tinfoil, into the box. I was consolidating,
So I said, dude, what are you doing? He goes,
I wanted to wash the plates, So I go, wait
a minute. Did you pick up my food with your hands? Yeah? Why?

They go? Did you wash your hands? No? Why? I said?
You've been packing shirts from a warehouse for two hours
with a magic marker. You're touching things in your apartment.
You went to the bathroom to check the crack and
you sink. I know you did that. Your man hunting
my food. So my question is, slices, would you eat
the food? He picked up French fries individually? Oh? Please?

You fisted my fries? Did you? Did you? At least
they weren't floor fries. Did you eat them? I had
to put them in the oven to kill the germs.
When I got okay, I see what you did, So slices,
would you eat scaries? Fisted fries, fisted fries and his
and his and his uh, his man handled biscuit and

the chicken wings, the chicken fingers. Dude, don't touch other
people's food. That's wrong. All right, one final note as
we get out of here. I'm very happy CBS did
the right thing re airing the Billy Joel concert. Do
you not know how piano man ends? No? It was
so that's it started. The concert, the Billy Joel one
hundred Anniversary Concert, one hundredth, one hundredth performance at Mason

Square Garden. It was a special on CBS on Sunday night,
and it was supposed to be from nine pm to
eleven pm. It ended up going, uh starting a half
hour late, and at eleven thirty there was a hard cutoff.
I was told it was an automatic switcher. Eleven eleven thirty, okay, okay?
And and the and the middle of piano Man his most

the song he's most known for it This fucking contract
cuts to a local news tease coming up next on
the news, and went from a hard cut. You know,
I hate saying those words. I hate saying these words,
but do better, come on, CBS. You know the fucking
thing was late. Put someone make it turn it into

manual mode and have someone hand hand change that. Don't
put in let the auto switcher take Why are you
saying it's manual mods fault? Why are you picking on
that Manuel mode? Anyway, they're doing the right thing. Guess what,
Billy wins because and his whole crew, because now just
publicity for this huge poblicity, and now it's gonna reair

again from uh this Friday night, redundant, redundant. Yeah, it's
gonna air Friday night. Yeah. Well, anyone anyone who has
showtime can Paramount Plus, rather can go watch it at
any moment on Paramount Plus. But they're gonna air the
whole thing. You know what I would have done bo CBS.
I would have reaired the minute and a half that
was covered. That would have been a douche move. You're
like song, You're a piano man. That's it. So all right,

I love Billy. I'm going to Miami. Peace out boys
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