All Episodes

April 17, 2024 38 mins

Giants OC Mike Kafka is clearly frustrated in New York. Michigan discipline comes down and it was all worth it. Plus, A.I. girlfriends, RV parks and fuzzy math on “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox, and myself,
LeVar Arrington. Make sure you catch us live weekdays six
to nine am Eastern or three am to six am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your local
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Speaker 2 (00:33):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here. You
can find us on the iHeartRadio app, and you can
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buying should be. So, we've got an NFL Draft coming
up next week. I know Lebar Arrington's going to be
on the coverage for that. We got a team that's
picking in the near the top of the draft at
number six in the New York Giants. We've discussed some
potential of the New York Giants maybe taking a quarterback
or maybe they just take the best available wide receiver

at that point. At that point, they're gonna have some
options there. One of the stories that's kind of making
the rounds a little bit is what's happening on the
coaching staff. Brian Daball maybe you know, rubbed some people
the wrong way last year with the way he handled
certain things.

Speaker 1 (01:39):

Speaker 3 (01:39):
Their offensive coordinator Mike Kafka, spoke yesterday with the media about,
you know, the fact that he had interviewed in Seattle
for the head coaching job. He'd also potentially talked about
wanting to be their offensive coordinator as well too, and well,
welcome to New York, where those sort of details you
get asked about over and over again until you give
them an answer.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
They like, I don't know if that's been you know,
out there or anything. All I know is like last
year is last year, and there was a lot of
things you need to get better at, from coaches, players, everybody.
We just got to improve. And so you know, I'm
not going to go too far into the past. I
kind of put that in my rear view. We've learned
from it, we've grown from it, and we're really excited
about phase one. And today is the first day at

the start.

Speaker 5 (02:20):
After you interviewed with Seattle to be their head coach,
they also requested an interview with you to be their
offensive coordinator. Why do you think the Seahawks thought you
were interested in.

Speaker 6 (02:34):
A lateral move?

Speaker 5 (02:35):
At Were you interested in making a lateral move to
somebody else's O safe?

Speaker 4 (02:41):
I must have did a good job, but no, I
mean it was a great It was a great opportunity there.
I love the people there, Jody John. It was a
great experience. But that's what it was. It was a
great experience. I can carry that over into the future.

Speaker 5 (02:53):
So were you interested in lateral moves or only in
the giant social.

Speaker 6 (02:57):
No, I'm here. I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
With the giants. Man.

Speaker 7 (03:01):
I love New York.

Speaker 6 (03:03):
There's always drama.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
I wonder what that dude who asked a question looks
like man? That was that AI? Artificial intelligence?

Speaker 6 (03:13):

Speaker 8 (03:14):
I just I've read an article about how AI girlfriends
are going to become a thing of the future, and
it's like a one billion dollar industry. Yeah, guys are
just gonna come home and they're gonna have their little
AI girlfriends that they look the way they wanted to look.
They talked to them the way they want to talk
to them. All that, Yeah, to comfort them.

Speaker 1 (03:35):
A real person. No no, no, oh oh, the comfort them.
I got you, I got you AI. Well, I mean
the AI could have been like you know, kind of
installed in like box power. Yeah, right there you go.

Speaker 6 (03:50):
That would be expensive.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
These guys you said, look the way that you want
them to, and they'll just.

Speaker 6 (03:55):
Ye, they'll be on a screen, you can see them.

Speaker 9 (03:57):
It's already happening. Now there's AI models now for stuff.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Hey, bruh, that is creepy. If that, if that's what
you're into, you're a creeper. Like you're creepy.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
It makes all those guys who have bought blow up
dolls feel better about themselves.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
I mean, that's there's definitely more of a qualification.

Speaker 7 (04:15):
I got to do some work and blow this thing up.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
You know, I'm just saying, like there's an air valve there,
it's not going to do it itself. So I've got
to put this thing together. At least it's tangible. Yeah,
you know, you could talk to the blow up and
you could throw it in the pool afterwards when you're
done and float. I get it multi purpose. But you're
sitting there looking at a screen. Go to an adult

film like, go to an adult site?

Speaker 1 (04:41):
What are you doing? Get a screed? She's going to
talk to me. What you got problems? Man? Whoever you
are out there, you're using it, you got Yes, I'm
judging you should I'm judging.

Speaker 7 (04:56):
You strange man, letting you know, weird stuff out there.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
I hope none of y'all on the show do it,
but if you, if you do, you don't have to
admit it to me. But you're you're you're strange. Yeah,
I'm just saying with love and respect.

Speaker 7 (05:08):
But i mean, keep listening.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
I'm talking to one of y'all. If it's you Q
or Lee or Eddie, you know Lorena. If any of
y'all doing that, you're weird. Just letting you know I'm
judging you. Yeah, okay, Well you see the truck eye drive. Yeah,
so it's possible.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
No more likely, Uh yeah, you're not that events more
likely I'm blowing it up than I am looking at
a screen. You know, a little bit outdated in my parts.
Now all of that people understood blow up dolls either
because they look so much like a blow up doll.
Like it's like you're you're sick.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
You're You're not just weird, You're sick in the head
if you're using a blow up doll. Just letting you know.
I'm in a judgmental mood right now. I'm just I'm
just saying.

Speaker 8 (05:53):
I know some people that would put it in their
passenger seat so they could drive in the UH in the.

Speaker 7 (05:59):
HOV like it serves multiple purposes. You can't put understand that.

Speaker 8 (06:04):
Yeah, you know, I don't understand that. The same person
who told me they did that.

Speaker 6 (06:09):
They put a seatbelt on it. Like what does the
matter for a seatbelt on it?

Speaker 1 (06:12):
It's you got to say this guy, you's got to
look the part like you're trying to draft safely. Right Well,
the point is not to get pulled over. You could
about to say you could get so.

Speaker 8 (06:22):
The CoP's going to see that doesn't have a get
pulled over? Are you aware you're driving in the carpool lane?

Speaker 6 (06:30):
We've got.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Hey, I don't know if anybody else will be out
for this, but you know we are. People are listening
to us that work with law enforcement. If you are
somebody listening to this and you've pulled over somebody who
had a blow up doll in the passenger seat, please
call it, please do call it. Would you be open
for that? Would you guys be open for a phone call?

Speaker 1 (06:48):
Cop? Please call it please because I want to hear
how weird weirdo? All right?

Speaker 3 (06:56):
Eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven
nine ninety six six three six nine. That's eight seven
seven nine nine six six three six nine. If you
are a police officer and you have pulled over somebody
who had a blow up doll in the passenger seat,
all right, Oh.

Speaker 7 (07:12):
It's never for you.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
I hope you arrested them. Which one? Both? Yeah, because
they have a seat One they're getting cuffs to pop
the pop the blow up doll. I hope you popped
the blow up doll plated it.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
Just tazing to see what happened. I hope you tasted
the blow up doll. And then on the ground, I
was about to say something real. I was about to
get canceled. I was about to get canceled. I'm glad
I didn't say it. I sit in my head. It
was funny as hell too. I didn't say it. I'm

glad that I censored myself. Somebody really called in too,
holy smokes, and that's uh. And so that'll, uh, that'll
wrap up our coverage of Mike Kafka and the the
offensive coordinator.

Speaker 9 (08:02):
Yeah, I forgot we were talking about that for a second.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
It does appear that Brian day Ball has you know,
got some work to repair the coaching staff there because
it feels like he pissed a lot of people off
last year, which is unfortunate because dump truck Nuts Brian.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Day Ball the year before Coach of the Year cooking.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
Yeah, the next thing, you know, he pisses off Wink
Martindale and you know, there's all sorts of stuff that's
come out now.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
So now, Mike Kafka.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
It is interesting though that he would interview to be
a head coach and then be like, well.

Speaker 7 (08:39):
I didn't get that.

Speaker 3 (08:40):
I mean, I'll take the other one if you guys
are hiring for that one, and the Giants are like,
now we're gonna go ahead and keep you back.

Speaker 7 (08:45):
So I don't know if.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
If he was that excited to get the hell out
of there or what, or maybe he saw the situation
being better for him and his family. But nonetheless, Mike
Kafka is back in New York and potentially going to
work with Daniel Jones and his swamp song as a
Giants quarterback.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
That damn nify man.

Speaker 8 (09:04):
If they don't take a quarterback in this draft, do
you kind of look at this year as a lame duck.

Speaker 6 (09:10):
Year for the Giants?

Speaker 8 (09:12):
I mean, even if they go with wide receiver and
a playmaker, do you just kind of look at it
and go, look, what's there to be excited about.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
I mean, when you said brock Bauers, I got excited.
I think it depended on the tight end, right, and
that the tight end did the potential of them drafting. Man,
when you said that, I got excited about that. I ain't.

Speaker 9 (09:34):
Really it doesn't matter who their quarterback is.

Speaker 1 (09:37):
Well, because you can eventually get a quarterback. That's that's
I think this is a lame duck year either way. Really,
whether they take one in the in the draft or not,
it's a lame duck year, and it's a year for
that that rookie to kind of get acclimated to the league.
So I almost look like it's a lame duck year
one way or the other. I don't. I don't have

high expectations for the Giants this year. I don't.

Speaker 6 (10:03):
It's kind of sad.

Speaker 8 (10:05):
I mean, I just you know, everyone talks at the
beginning of the year they getting training camp, like.

Speaker 6 (10:09):
We're gonna do it.

Speaker 9 (10:10):
This is the year boys, We're gonna win a super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
This is argue man.

Speaker 9 (10:15):
No one else matters but us, US against the world man.

Speaker 6 (10:17):
No one believes but us.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
I will bungee Cord out of the good Year Blimp
at the fifty yard line at halftime if the Washington
Ours are in the Super Bowl. I don't even you
to do that, bro. Do you hear what I'm telling you?
John Mattens was afraid of heights. That man told me
in a preseason meeting that how did you respond to that?

I was like, well, we're going to prove you wrong, coach.
I get where you're coming from.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
How far into the season before you were like did
you say that to.

Speaker 8 (10:51):
You or did you say like, well, we're gonna prove
you wrong, coach? And he was like, OK, this has
such like what didn't return?

Speaker 1 (11:04):
All I know is he looked at me like, son,
you haven't lived enough life. If you're saying to me
right now that you think your team is going to
the super Bowl, you haven't you just yeah, you haven't
lived enough life. So there you go. And he was right.
I don't even remember what year it was, but I

was always getting into it with people. I called out
John Lenno one time. Jay j Leno, he says, he
was making jokes on you know how they make their jokes,
going into like segments and stuff, and he made us
a punchline to one of his jokes. I said, come
bring bring Jay Leno to Redskins Well, that's known as
Redskins Park back well. The story is the story. The

story is the story. So it was Redskins Park back then.
I said, bringing the Redskins Park, call the cops, that's all.
I dressed them, mother dressed that mother after up and
in a uniform, and let's do some Oklahoma's. I want

to do someone on ones with Jay Leno, like I
want to f him up, like sit it just like that.
And he called me. He called me and apologized, Yeah,
how would that have gone? I don't know.

Speaker 6 (12:22):
I was speaking. Big Head's got a big head.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
He does have a big head.

Speaker 6 (12:27):
He's got a huge head.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Yeah, he's got a big.

Speaker 7 (12:29):
Old Was this before his car explosion? Oh yeah it
was ready did burn right? Yeah, his face got completely
like melted off.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
Yeah it would have been before then.

Speaker 6 (12:37):
Yeah it's a while ago then, huh.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
Yeah when did he blow his face up?

Speaker 3 (12:42):
How do we know?

Speaker 6 (12:43):
LeVar wasn't involved in that.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
I had nothing to do with that. I had no
no connection to that at all. Yeah. No, I wasn't
in on that. But I would have did Oklahoma drills
with him. Jonas is actually looking up how big jay
Leno's eleven?

Speaker 3 (13:01):
No, I mean it's well, his head's probably five eleven too,
but yeah, five eleven. I don't see a wait listed.
But yeah, I would think five eleven you could probably
light him up.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
Yeah, I'd light him up. I mean I would have.
I would have took him down. Even if he was
bigger than that, I would have took him down. You
guys ended up good term, so we did. Yeah, never
heard from him again after. I was like, yeah, it's
all good man, we're good. Never heard from him again.
I thought we were friends after that. I had him
saved in my phone and everything. Really yeah, underfriendle friend,

he called me. Yeah, I threatened him. Why would we
be friends? I don't know how many back then?

Speaker 3 (13:42):
Do you think there's any any players that are like
at these voluntary workouts right now that are looking around
going why.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
The f am I here?

Speaker 9 (13:52):
Well that and.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
This ain't gonna be like the thing is that this early?
Is it this early in off season that you can
notice we're gonna have a time.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
I don't think so, but I would.

Speaker 8 (14:06):
I would say, when you've been to enough places, you
recognize when teams are really really good.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
Oh yeah, you know when they're good.

Speaker 8 (14:14):
Though, what I'm saying like in this time of year,
Like when I got to Seattle with in twenty.

Speaker 6 (14:18):
Thirteen, I was like, dang, this is the best team ever.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
That's true.

Speaker 8 (14:23):
And I was like, I mean, I've been on a
team that'd been in the playoffs, but I was like, man,
this is this feels like that team. But like everyone's
there's depth, there's everything. I mean, guys fighting just to
make the roster that you knew would be starters elsewhere.

Speaker 6 (14:37):
And that happened. So that was job.

Speaker 8 (14:40):
So they went on to win the Super Bowl, which
I was like, all right, I guess that's kind of true.

Speaker 6 (14:45):
But I feel like you can tell.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
What can you tell if you're bad? I know, if
you can tell if you're good. Can you tell if
you're bad?

Speaker 6 (14:52):

Speaker 8 (14:52):
Yeah, I mean again in retrospect, looking back, like every
time I was with a team after that, I was like, Oh.

Speaker 6 (14:58):
That's it, this isn't gonna be good.

Speaker 9 (15:00):
It's like you can tell from Here's the thing is
I've been.

Speaker 8 (15:06):
I had been so many places at that point I
could walk in and get a general sense for like,
is the front office on the same page, Is the
coaching staff in the front office on the same page?

Speaker 6 (15:17):
You know?

Speaker 8 (15:17):
How is the offense and the defense? You know kind
of working you know, separately but together, Like you could
get a sense for all of that. They click or
they're not clicked.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
Organization, Like what the.

Speaker 8 (15:30):
The first the first thing that you could feel there
was there was a disconnect between you know, Rex Ryan
and John Izig. And then the longer you're there, you're
kind of like, okay, it just it felt like that
the players felt that too, and you know that. That's
that's why I always speak to like an organization and ownership,

because if I can feel that as a player who
just got there and you talk to some other players
and they obviously feel that they see it, Then how
does the owner or not? And so if the owner
knew that kind of stuff was going on, you have
to address it. And you've got to get a front
office or a general manager and a head coach to
get on the same page. If they can't work together,
move on, like there's no way at that point in

the year, you get to drag that situation into into
a season, like you should have made that change before
the OTAs and offseason't even started. And so that's that's
all I would always point to, is like it starts
with ownership, because you've got to be able to have
a sense for what's going on beneath you, and you're

the only one who can ultimately fix it, because I mean,
most guys are pretty stubborn. Most guys, even if they're successful,
they're gonna be really stubborn. And you got to be
the one to ultimately see and say, hey, this isn't working,
we're gonna change to go a different direction, bring other
people in here who can get.

Speaker 6 (16:47):
This thing to work.

Speaker 3 (16:48):
Meanwhile, there's probably fans of that team that you were
with that are like, now this is the year. This
is going to be the year you could just pull
them aside and be like, no it ain't that's not
trust me that I walk to the building.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
I've seen it.

Speaker 3 (17:00):
So we will we will keep and monitor uh the
giants uh oc situation there by the way, Lee, I
know the phones rang?

Speaker 6 (17:07):

Speaker 3 (17:08):
Did we get a somebody from the police department call
uh with it with a story about pulling over somebody
who had a blow up doll in the passenger seat,
or or maybe they're afraid to give out their name
on the air because they don't want to get in trouble.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
Yeah, no, no, luck with U with the real officer
didn't pass the passer.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
So people were calling trying to pretend to be officers
and you could sniff them out if they weren't really
sniff them out.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Oh yeah you ain't no police.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
Uh yeah, good luck getting through uh, good luck getting
to the phones. It is two pros and a cup
of joe here on LaVar Arrington Brady Quinn, Jonasnoux with
you uh so coming up next here from the tiraq
dot com studios, we are going to have a conversation.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
Along with this. One could be a real one, could
be This could be a real police officer calling now
no shame now because you.

Speaker 7 (18:01):
Could probably hear no go to break Probably here.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Uh, somebody's going to get on air and say just
act bad. We're gonna have to totally dump them out.

Speaker 7 (18:10):
It's probably Todd pretending to be a cop. Somebody God nothing.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
Leave no dice, militia on the line. They they no cops,
definitely not I know cop. They're the people cops full over,
I no cops. You ain't no cop?

Speaker 1 (18:26):
All right?

Speaker 3 (18:27):
So h so coming up next, we're going to, uh,
we're going to have a fun discussion about somebody who
you know, broke the rules, possibly committed a crime, but
apparently it was worth it and we've got the proof
right here on FSR.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app. Two NBA
Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you right into
the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 10 (19:01):
All happening in only one place this League Uncut. The
New NBA Podcast with me Chris Haynes.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
And me Mark Stein.

Speaker 10 (19:11):
Join us as we team up to expound on everything
we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
Listen to this League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 10 (19:19):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
Two Pros and a cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here coming
up in we'll call it about twenty minutes from now
from the ti raq dot com studios. We are going
to have our midweek Awards, the Good, the Bad, and
the ugly. Those will be yours here on FSR. So
the Michigan Wolverines talking about their punishments have been announced

for their recruiting violations for texting during a dead period
during COVID back in twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Now, is this the Jim.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Harbaugh stuff out there where you know he bought somebody
a hamburger? Also, like that was part of this stuff
as well too. This is part of why he served.
The suspensions has passed off or past season for the
Michigan Wolverines, but nonetheless they have been The violations involved
illicit recruiting and coaching. During the COVID nineteen dead period,

according to a notice of allegations handed out by the
NCAA in December, and so they face these level two
violations regarding staffers, and so the punishments have been handed out.
For Michigan, they will serve three years probation, they will
pay fine and face recruiting restrictions, and the coaches involved

will face a one year show cause order. So it
doesn't appear like that's the most you know, I guess
punished team in the history of college football. And the
fact that they just won a national title, eh, whatever,
My business is usually yeah, like you just kind of
move on and get ready for a spring game this weekend.

Speaker 7 (20:59):
I mean, feels like everything's good to go in ann Arbor.

Speaker 8 (21:02):
I think it's more interesting the NCAA is actually dolling
out punishment still, yeah.

Speaker 6 (21:07):
At least in recruiting violations.

Speaker 8 (21:09):
Granted, this happened during COVID, so about four years ago
they had some power, some assemblance of power, I guess.
But now it seems like every single time they challenge
a university or they challenge a state law, if you will,
it just it fails miserably every single time.

Speaker 6 (21:28):
So kind of surprising.

Speaker 8 (21:30):
You know, there's there's a little bit of punishment coming
from the NCAA. Ultimately, does it matter, No, Michigan got
their national championship. I don't know how much this benefited
them to winning that national championship. You know, their COVID
year was actually a really bad year for them. You know,
if you recall their COVID year, they actually didn't play

Ohio State. That was a tough year or rough year.
And whatever happened and transformed you know, over that year.

Speaker 9 (22:01):
Into the twenty twenty one, twenty two, twenty twenty.

Speaker 8 (22:03):
Three runs is ultimately what led to that team winning
a national championship. But I don't know how effective and
of the claims were, which which by the way, I
mean some of the claims were, uh, you're what do
they call them? Not quite a control, But you know,
they basically had some consultants who were down there on

the field actually coaching with some of the kids. That
was part of the punishment. You're not allowed to do that.
Even though some of those rules have been changed now
you could actually have a much bigger staff. So again,
it probably sounds like a slap on the wrist to
some people.

Speaker 6 (22:39):
Out there. You know, a lot of this stuff.

Speaker 8 (22:40):
Has changed even since twenty twenty, so I'm not really
sure how punitive you can be in retrospect.

Speaker 1 (22:50):
There must have been, I mean, I think a lot
of people. Why do I say a lot of people?
I think when Harball accepted the punishment, to me, it
felt as though there was something much deeper there if
if they had kept going, And I would ultimately say,

maybe that's why there have been punishments handed down, even
beyond Hardball taking you know, the disciplinary actions against you know,
or accepting the punishment that he received.

Speaker 6 (23:26):
Those are two separate things.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
FYI, Oh well, I don't know. I thought the whole
recruiting thing. When did this recruiting issue come out?

Speaker 6 (23:35):
So this was back in twenty twenty.

Speaker 8 (23:38):
The punishment he faced last year actually had nothing to
do with this because they self imposed the initial three
games suspension and then later in the season was actually
the signs stealing.

Speaker 6 (23:54):
Drama that went out with the Big Ten.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
Well, the early suspension was connected to this, though.

Speaker 8 (24:03):
Again it wasn't a suspension, it was self imposed. The
first one lock yourself in your room.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
Yeah, I don't know. It just seems like they did
some foul stuff. I mean, at the end, my conclusion
is it seems like they did some foul stuff that
they didn't want to hit the surface, and you rather
take the violations and take the the punishment rather than
having to deal with what happens if that information becomes
public domain. That's what it sounds like to me, like

let's just give us the punishment, Like let's just move
on and let's just hope that you know.

Speaker 8 (24:38):
All it's all public. It's just there's I mean it again,
this is four years ago, so there's not really you know,
I mean, Hardball's not there anymore, you.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
Know, you look at some of the other people who
are involved.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
I mean, it's never all public. That's what I would say.
Even what the public is the public like what the
public getting in trouble for, or what what's reported, whatever
the public is. I mean, I get there's a report,
but it's never all public. I mean, there's there's I mean,
just in my assessment of it, I mean, it's never

all public. It could never all be. I haven't read anything.
I don't I don't know. I don't know anything about
anything about what they got going on. All I know
is I just know how wicked this, this recruiting, this
recruiting is. I do know that, very very intimately, and

I'm not saying for me, I'm saying I know, I
know how how deep that rabbit hole goes, and that
a lot of that stuff, if it ever saw the
day life, if you got caught is one thing. Even
I just I think there's a lot to the whole
when you're when you're disciplining somebody over recruiting, there's a

lot of information that could come out from that and
could be damning information. I mean, I don't know how damning.
I don't know what it is. I'm just assuming just
based off.

Speaker 8 (26:01):
Of Okay, so let's just go through what the infractions were.
They were contacting people during the dead period. That was
the first thing, Like what those conversations were.

Speaker 6 (26:10):
You're right, we have no idea.

Speaker 8 (26:12):
But it's also irrelevant because it was just the fact
that they should have been contacting people during that period.
They had a kind of host that I believe, I
believe some people at times when they shouldn't have. They
had people who were considered to be consultants who are
on the field actually coaching players, which is a no no.
I think there's a cheeseburger involved, you know, from Harbaugh.

Outside of that, there was maybe like one other kind
of minor deal. I don't think this was like one
of those like hey the Batman, you know, like maybe
I don't know, you don't have to do that these days.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
Why did this take so long to come out?

Speaker 8 (26:56):
It came out last year. The NCAA just sat on
their hands with pishment.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
That's why I'm saying the punishment of it. Why did
it take so long? If this happened in twenty twenty,
why would it take so long to.

Speaker 8 (27:06):
It's actually fairly common for the NCAA to take this long.
I mean, think about, for example, the punishment USC got
over the course of the Reggie Bush in that whole deal.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
That's why people question the punishment that was handed out
so fast for Harbaugh last year during the sign stealing stuff.

Speaker 7 (27:23):
So it was like, man, the NCAA never operates.

Speaker 3 (27:26):
This fast, never, But this time they were able to
figure it out in what felt like forty eight.

Speaker 6 (27:30):
To get over.

Speaker 8 (27:31):
It wasn't the NCAA that was dowing out the punishment
though for the signe stealing.

Speaker 6 (27:35):
It was the Big ten.

Speaker 8 (27:36):
Okay, so again we got to be specific about this, like,
there are two separate things. Obviously there's NCAA rules that
were broken, but the big ten was who ultimately had
a lot of the d a lot of the information,
a lot of the film that was working with the
NCAA to a degree. But even the punishment for that

still there could be more of this upcoming year. Right,
they took the initial punishment, but there's still a chance
that there could be more on the backside of that
whole deal at some point in the future.

Speaker 3 (28:07):
Remember when they didn't play Ohio State, Michigan that is,
didn't play Ohio State during that COVID year, and yet
all these Ohio State blowhards.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
That were like, oh, they're just scared. They're scared. They
know what's going to happen.

Speaker 3 (28:19):
This is a sign of the times from Michigan, and
they haven't beaten them since. Like, like Michigan has been
on this run. Now it probably changes this year, but
for the time being, if you're a Michigan fan and
you found out, like, hey, listen, our head coach is
going to get suspended for a few games. We're gonna
get popped for buying a guy a cheeseburger, potentially, And.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
I start rumbling when the said cheeseburger man, listen, sounds
good because you gave it up.

Speaker 7 (28:45):
I did give it up. Quit, I gave it up.
You quit on the good stuff.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
But I just think I don't think it's a foregone
conclusion that Ohio State dominates Michigan either, by the way.
I know there's a lot of odds against them right now,
but I don't know that. I don't know that to
be true, not in a rivalry game. I'm not sure.
I mean, Ohio State looks loaded, but Michigan is Michigan.

I will say that this is what it is there,
but I don't know that. You know, they got their
their punishment. Yeah, it is what it is, and take
your punishment.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
And now Jim Harbaugh is with the Bolts living in
an RV park to get ready for the season on
the water though.

Speaker 6 (29:29):
Is that a sponsorship? Is that what that is?

Speaker 7 (29:31):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (29:31):
I saw that. That was pretty odd.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
Yeah, he's, you.

Speaker 3 (29:35):
Know, get up, go get a little swim, a little
little beach walk. I mean he's probably get a little
bit extra cash on him because a.

Speaker 6 (29:42):
Little bit what is that like Rock Wilder Beach, like
where is that area.

Speaker 3 (29:46):
I don't know, not not too not too sure where
they're putting that together. Lee's more of the Lee's more
of a camper than I am, so he would know
better than I would.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
I mean, aren't campers called trailer parks?

Speaker 3 (30:00):
Yeah, there are some trailer parks out there, but not
all of them. Are you know a trailer park?

Speaker 1 (30:05):
Yeah, like you know, that's that's you know, there's r
V parks and there's there's upscale type deals.

Speaker 8 (30:13):
So every time I would drive along that area though,
I think dock Waller I think is what it's called.

Speaker 1 (30:16):
Right, Yeah, that's in l A.

Speaker 6 (30:17):
There's an area where there there's a bunch of r
vs there. That's what it looked like.

Speaker 1 (30:20):
That's that's l A. That's in like next to Manhattan Beach.
That's one of the few places you could do a
campfire on the campfire on you just do a lot
of oil, a lot of oil over there.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
If you want a campfire, you just do it under
a freeway overpass. Nowadays it should be fine.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
Don't do that. Yeah, just do it. I have to
call the cops again. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
In the eight oh five, we just go to ring
Cone or carpenteria up that that way.

Speaker 6 (30:49):
For r V.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
Yeah, I want to go over there. You know what
they call r vs where you do it?

Speaker 6 (30:58):
Do it?

Speaker 1 (30:59):
You can't do it boy as the second time I
had censor myself.

Speaker 7 (31:03):
But broadcast professional.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
Yeah, when we're at the Jimmy Buffett concert, it was
getting the lowdown on the RV etiquette.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
And you know, the upside down pineapples, the flamingoes.

Speaker 7 (31:14):
Oh my gosh, what's that meanly?

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Upside down pineapple?

Speaker 6 (31:17):
I know what it means.

Speaker 3 (31:18):
Come on over, come on in, have doors open, have
a drink. I think that's what Belichick's on. Your shoes
and your clothes out the door. Bellichick saw that in
Nantucket when he did that that Walk of Shave video.
I just got an upside down pineapples. Okay, well that works.
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here on Fox Sports Radio, presented by Express Pros. Two
Pros and a Cup of Joe here on Fox Sports Radio,
and coming up next here from these Tirak dot com studios,
we are going to have another edition of our Midweek Awards.

It's a Wednesday tradition, the good, the bad, the ugly
right here on FSR.

Speaker 2 (32:50):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six Am Eastern three AI Pacific Man.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
With so much drama in the LBC, it's kind of
hard being barked heal double g But somehow some way
keep comping up with funky like every single day. May
I almost slipped, but actually that wasn't even I could
have said that. Yeah, I could have said it, ass
we'll dump it. Well I didn't say. I didn't anyway.

Speaker 3 (33:26):
Two Pros and a cup of Joe Here Fox Sports
Radio Leve Barrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you coming
up top of next hour. We will call it a
little over ten minutes from now from the tire rack
dot Com studios.

Speaker 7 (33:37):
You're gonna hear what if it's true?

Speaker 3 (33:42):
Kind of embarrassing, kind of embarrassing, a little bit cringe worthy.
That'll be yours here coming up again a little over
ten minutes from now. A reminder before we get to
our Midwig Awards though, that we if you missed any
of today's show, you can check out the podcast that'll
be posted shortly after we go off the air. You
search two Pros wherever you get your podcast. Be sure
to also follow rate and review it again. Just search

two Pros wherever you get your podcast. You'll see today's
show posted right after we get off the air.

Speaker 2 (34:09):
Of course, there are some good things that happen, and
there's some bad, and then there's some downright ugly things.
It's time for good, bad and ugly.

Speaker 7 (34:21):
All right, lead to lab What do we got?

Speaker 3 (34:22):
Well, as we do each and every Wednesday, we start
with the good, and you know it's a good.

Speaker 7 (34:26):
Week because we got Jonas delivering the good. You sure
I thought I was. No, I think I'm the bad
this week.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
As far as like the rotation goes, I'm most almost
positive I'm the bad.

Speaker 1 (34:39):
I mean, that's what it is on the rundown.

Speaker 7 (34:40):
Yeah, I'm looking at it here.

Speaker 8 (34:41):
It says, uh, we had some uh some conversations, uh breaks.

Speaker 6 (34:46):
Oh should joined the show to at some point.

Speaker 8 (34:48):
Wow, that's kind of like the first segment when Jonas
were trying to talk to Lee.

Speaker 6 (34:53):
I was just talking to Lee.

Speaker 3 (34:54):
Oh okay, So I'm because I'm trying. I'm looking at
it here.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
It's as good, all right.

Speaker 7 (34:59):
I kind of just go with the vibe, all right, Yeah,
I feel I feel real good.

Speaker 1 (35:03):
All right.

Speaker 7 (35:04):
Well, here though my good for the week.

Speaker 3 (35:08):
Max Holloway UFC three hundred winning a fight against Justin Gaichie,
dominating for four plus rounds, and when the ten second
mark hits, he says, stand in the middle and let's
just throw.

Speaker 7 (35:24):
And they stood in the middle and threw and he.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
Knocks out Justin Gaichie with one second left at the buzzer.
One of the great KOs you'll ever see in combat history,
one of the great moments in the history of the UFC,
and appropriate that it happened at their biggest event to date,
UFC three hundred. Max Holloway, the Pride of Hawaii and
our friends listening on Fox Sports nine to ninety.

Speaker 7 (35:47):
In a Wahu.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
You've got a badass from your island yet again, and
he's the new BMF champion as he knocks out Justin
Gatchie with one second left.

Speaker 7 (35:56):
That's my good for the Weekly.

Speaker 8 (35:58):
That was an awesome highlight. Didn't get to watch all
the fight, but saw that towards the end.

Speaker 6 (36:02):
It was pretty sweet.

Speaker 8 (36:03):
I was gonna ask, is he I just saw another champ?
I think, call him out.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Right, Well, there's Ilia Taporia, who's yeah, that's what I saw.

Speaker 8 (36:12):
Kind of reached out and he had said like they'll
be seeing each other soon.

Speaker 6 (36:16):
But there's a lot of respect for one another. It's
not as much trash talk, although.

Speaker 3 (36:20):
I would say tapooria kind of you know bothers. Yeah,
it takes a little bit of a jab. But they're
trying to set up that fight in Spain, which would
be awesome because Toori is from Spain and.

Speaker 7 (36:33):
The people he hangs out with.

Speaker 1 (36:37):
Not, you know, not bad.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
No, it's just they're not not not a bad look
that a nice rioha no fels from meal buppy. But
who's got one next?

Speaker 7 (36:48):
All right, fellas, we can't have that good without that
bad Brady?

Speaker 1 (36:51):
What was bad this week?

Speaker 6 (36:52):
Yeah? What was bad was what was last night?

Speaker 8 (36:54):
Uh, probably some math by Reggie Miller or lack thereof
play the sound.

Speaker 9 (36:59):
Here because I know Jonah is bad. He didn't get
a chance to play there.

Speaker 6 (37:01):
Here's things that you talk about on the bus. That's players.

Speaker 1 (37:06):
If he makes the.

Speaker 6 (37:07):
First one, you're up three.

Speaker 4 (37:09):
Do you try to purposely miss the second one, knowing
that they don't have any time, no timeout, and they've
got to go.

Speaker 7 (37:15):
Coast to coast because as soon as you miss it,
time is going to start as soon as it's touched.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
Or do you can just make them both the upcore
and game over.

Speaker 10 (37:24):
These are things that are discussed as team.

Speaker 8 (37:28):
I mean, he kind of answered the question himself, didn't
He like, don't you just go up four and say
games over? The Other thing I didn't understand about the
logic there is if you let's just play it this way.
If you make them both, they still have to go
coast to coast. There is no time out. So whether
or not they inbound it and they launch it down,
that's no different than if it's a missed basket and

they launch it down.

Speaker 6 (37:50):
There's no time he makes the basket. They had to
set up to play and play.

Speaker 8 (37:55):
I just I'm shocked only because Reggie Mo has done
this for a long time.

Speaker 6 (37:58):
He's done a tremendous job. That was one of those
moments where and that kind.

Speaker 8 (38:03):
Of that big portion of the season a little bit
surprising that he have kind of a mental gaff.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
Like that, very confusing. He was tired. I could sit
with that long game. That was a long game. Yeah, well,
probably hungry, and you know my man went to go
get him some food for eat. You know, Zo went
to get the.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Food, oh no, from the Uber eats, from the Uber Eats.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
Well fellas from bad to worse? LaVar what was ugly
this week? Did see that report on Trevor Bauer. That's
pretty ugly.

Speaker 3 (38:38):
It's funny that won't get as much coverage as the
initial Yeah, right, I got it.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
I mean it ruined them. Yeah, it totally ruined them.

Speaker 8 (38:45):
And does he have multiple cheers as though? And they've
all basically been fraudulent for.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
The most part. Yeah, it's pretty interesting.

Speaker 6 (38:52):
Let's see yes or no it can't be.

Speaker 1 (38:54):
For the most part, it was ugly.
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