All Episodes

April 18, 2024 39 mins

Sports agents create the spin leading up to the Draft. Walt Anderson steps down as Senior VP of Officiating. The guys share telemarking horror stories. Plus, “You In or Out?”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox, and myself,
Brady Quinn. Make sure you catch us live weekdays six
to nine am Eastern or three am to six am
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your local
station for the Two Pros and a Cup of Joe
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live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Give us parties.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 4 (00:34):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you. You can
find us on the iHeartRadio app and we will be
taking you all the way up until the end of
this hour nine am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific. Can
we do so live from the tire rack dot Com
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the way tire buying should be. So we are about
a week away from the NFL draft, LeVar Arrington will
be on Fox Sports Radios coverage of the NFL Draft
for drafting up next week. It's gonna be a lot
of fun, a lot of speculation about what is going
on in the draft.

Speaker 5 (01:16):
And somebody, somebody who's.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
Who's got some intel on how things work behind the
scenes in the draft is none other than Bill Belichick.
And this is not pertaining to the Seth Wickersham piece
that came out the novel he put together yesterday talking
about the Craft Belichick dynamic, why Belichick didn't get the
job in Atlanta, and all the other drama back and
forth between those guys. But Belichick was on The Pat

mcavie Show starring AJ Hawk, and he talked about, you know,
just sort of the rumors out there, the speculation when
it comes to the draft and players quote unquote stock
rising in the draft and just what that actually means
behind the scenes.

Speaker 6 (01:56):
The biggest newsmakers here, quietly are the agents. Nobody wants
their player to get picked higher than them. So a
lot of the information I think that comes to the
media about who's going to draft too, how high they're going.

Speaker 7 (02:07):
To go, is you know, a lot of media driven.

Speaker 6 (02:09):
So you know, when the agent here is well you know,
my player could go anywhere from the second or the
third round to add one to that and say, well,
these gms and these teams are talking about taking my
guy in the first round. I've never got that, never
told an agent, never told an agent, we're going to
take your guy in this round. We're going to take
your guy with this, you know, with the twenty seventh
pick or the thirty first pick or whatever pick it

is we have. I don't think there's too many teams
that do that, but I think the agents will say, hey,
my guy's going to go at thirty one to this team,
my team guy is going to go at seventeen to
that team. That type of thing, and then that just
generates interest in their player.

Speaker 4 (02:43):
So that was Belichick yesterday talking with Pat McAfee on
the Pat McAfee show starring AJ Hawk. And you know
what's funny about that, though we know all this, people
have said stuff like this, and yet we still take
the or at least I take the bait every single
time and read into it and love reading about these rumors,
even though I know majority of them aren't true. I

love the draft so much, give me throw whatever you
want on it and I'm gonna take it like I
don't care, like I'll take whatever info you got, even
the bogus stuff.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
It's unfortunate though, that you do get some bashing of
players because of it. Like ultimately the person people who
are impacted the most are the individuals that other agents
are having to put down in order to elevate their.

Speaker 7 (03:30):
Player or at least perceivably.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
And another thing about that is it doesn't bode well
for them then when their client doesn't go as high
as maybe they're telling them or they're they're trying to
pump them up in the media to go.

Speaker 7 (03:43):
Like if I'm a media.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Member and I'm talking to an agent, which I don't
talk to agents. I can't stand agents. I seriously, like,
I just even my buddies were agents. I'm just like,
oh man, I like, can I take anything they're saying
and not feel like it's biased in some capacity? So
I apologize to my friends and people, even my own agent,

which I would say he's probably like the least agent
e agent that's out there who I love, and that's
that's why I'm with them. But I digress, like I
just if they're telling you something and then it doesn't
end up being true because a lot of times you
can just go call the team or someone you know
within the team in fact check that.

Speaker 7 (04:27):
They lose all credibility.

Speaker 1 (04:29):
Like That's what I don't understand about a lot of
the media in today's world, is it lacks credibility in
a lot of ways because they will go with anything,
whether it's an agent or even a low level scout
that you see have these anonymous sources from a scout,
which I'm like, yeah, well, dude, like are they telling
you the truth? Like, what what's their incentive to tell

you the truth? Like what's the incentive to tell any
media member the truth about what they're going to do
with their team? They could risk losing their job, they
can risk, you know, losing any credibility they have in
the organization and the players they're scouting.

Speaker 7 (05:05):
I just it never makes any sense to me this
time of year.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
But you know, again, the media just runs with it
just to create clicks, and that's the business rent unfortunately.

Speaker 8 (05:13):
Well, and it's clout not just the clicks, it's it's
the relationships for some I mean, I too have a
close friend that that is an agent, and he's like
kind of like the only agent that I'm okay with
that I like. That was almost like the fart noise
that that Joel hit us with the other.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
Day, Like this and what you talking about. It was
kind of bad. It was just, well, that's not my friend.

Speaker 8 (05:42):
But to that point with that name, you just said,
there are people out there that like to be friends
with these dudes.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
He's behind the.

Speaker 7 (05:51):
Scenes manipulating stuff, manipulating theirs.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
That's the point I'm making.

Speaker 8 (05:55):
That's I mean, they like, these guys like to be
friends with these agents for one reason or another, and
they're willing to, you know, hand in hand.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
You know, I do this for you.

Speaker 8 (06:10):
Maybe you'll invite me to a party, or you'll let
me get an exclusive interview or whatever it may be.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
It's all about leveraging.

Speaker 8 (06:21):
And I don't know, I just feel like when you
get into the whole idea of how things are being
communicated and how they're being done. I know, when I
was coming out of school, my whole thing was just
just work your ass off. You did everything that you
could possibly do. I mean, for me, I came out early,

so I already made the decision for myself that I
was betting on myself, I don't need an agent to
tell me min an agent, their job isn't going to
be getting you from pick twenty nine to pick one,
like they're not. That's not it's an impossibility. It's it's

unrealistic and it's delusional. If you think an agent is
going to improve your draft stock, your draft status, that's
not how it works. In fact, if you look at
what an agent means, the term of it, it means
to seek something to find it. You're getting an agent
to find you a job. Well, you don't need to

be having somebody find you a job when you're when
you're a draft pick and you have draft draft grades.
So to me, I always I looked at it like
I talked to the coaches, and my coaches was like, yeah,
this is like it looks good for you, like you
could come back, but just know you're not going to

improve your draft status. They didn't say, yep, your top
five pick, your top three pick, yep, your number one guy,
like they just said that your status is that a
one that's high enough where if you came out this
year or next year year, the only thing you could
possibly do next year is maybe hurt your status hurt
your stock. So to me, when it gets into all

of these these agents, they fight for relevancy, and being
able to fight for relevancy, you got to be able
to say I'm offering something that you don't already have.
That's me and enticing or influencing the media to talk
about you and to make your draft stock change and
your status.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
I did that.

Speaker 8 (08:28):
I'm the one that talked to these these these franchises.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
And these gms and these owners.

Speaker 8 (08:34):
I did that. I'm the one that made you hot. No,
you didn't. You didn't stop all that. But you know,
cats be cloud chasing. People go for it, and that's
how things go. You know, that's how these relationships work.
They're give and take relationships.

Speaker 4 (08:49):
Well, I mean, there's a couple of different sides to this,
all right. So you've got people that talk to the
media and give out potentially some revelations about certain interests
that teams might have in certain players. For example, Dan
POMPEII of The Athletic He threw in that there's some

talk amongst anonymous scouts about Caleb Williams. Some of these
quotes include four of the eight scouts rated Williams last overall,
in immeasurables and three rated him next to last. They
also talked about him painting his fingernails and crying in
his mother's arms and the stands after us he lost
to Washington. That raised questions about his toughness another set.

I think his toughness is yet to be determined. But
when you end up sobbing in your mom's arms after
getting beat, that's a disqualifier for people who aren't picking
in the top few picks. I'd also say they're disqualified
because you know if you're picking past.

Speaker 5 (09:47):
One, like why you even having conversation worried.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
About Williams.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
For So I'll say this, and I feel like every
all thirty two teams should always do their due diligence
because you know, I ever know when that player comes
up for free agency, when there's been a potential of
a trade.

Speaker 7 (10:04):
So you want to have a background on these guys, right,
you want to.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
You don't want to three four years down the road
going back to their high school or colleges and trying
to figure out things right.

Speaker 7 (10:14):
A lot can change in that amount of time. So
that's why these scouts, some of these.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
General managers are making sure they're that even though they
don't need a quarterback, they're doing all their due diligence.
You know where something could change in an instant with
players like what we're humans, where people like that stuff
can turn on a dime, where all of a sudden,
the guys unhappy, don't want to be there anymore. I
thought you had a franchise quarterback, now you don't. So
I understand why they're doing their due diligence, buy it.

But I would just say this, generally speaking, if that's
how a scout feels about Kayla Williams, and that guy's
eventually gonna get fired, Like he will eventually get exposed
to the sense of he's such a legit talent and
everyone's got, you know, different things that are unique about them,
or that some people view as things they don't like,
or maybe things that are just different. Okay, but he's

that good of a quarterback. Where if if that scout,
if that individual feels like he's not even you just
last of all their measurables put on the tape, dude,
watch this guy play quarterback.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
He ain't asked that that no, and that's all that matters.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
So if whoever clown that said that I was a scout.
All right, good luck. I hope you're in the position
where you have to then judge these guys in the
future and you and then your job relies on that,
because that's a terrible way of describing and looking at it.
And it's a cowardly way too with the anonymous source,
like put your name on it.

Speaker 7 (11:36):
Like that's the thing I hate about it is all
standing on business.

Speaker 8 (11:39):
Stand on that as you said it. Say I said it.
I said, I said it was white keys.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
For him to sob in his mom's arm.

Speaker 8 (11:48):
I said it. And I even know the kid. I
had the kid in one of my All Star games.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
I know them.

Speaker 8 (11:53):
I stood on business, I said, I didn't like it.
I stood on it. Say it if you saying all
this stuff.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
But that's also why I don't feel like they're actually
anymous scouts. I think it's agents just making stuff up
and the agents say that, oh I heard a scouts
say this, Because any scout that I've known, like they do,
they don't want to say much.

Speaker 7 (12:13):
I try to talk to scouts.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
During when you go to college football games, who they're
looking at, Like, here's the one thing that they always
say it's a standard response, Oh, we're only looking at
the seniors because they don't want it to be perceived
that they're looking at guys who are draft eligible after
that season, even though they still have eligibility left in college.
So a lot of times they give you this this
canon response, Oh, we're only looking at this guy.

Speaker 2 (12:36):
Trust me.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
When they're there are games, they're looking at everyone because
they're doing advanced scouting for the guys in next year's
draft class who are draft eligible, guys who are draft
eligible that might not come out, maybe they will. They're
looking at all of it. But that is the can
standard response that you get. So I can't imagine that
any scouts are actually saying this. I really do think
it's agents just making crap up like they always do.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
Well, we're taking them off our draft forward, don't worry
about it. If you're picking two to thirty two, you've
already been taking off.

Speaker 5 (13:04):
The draft board. He's not going to be there, so
I wouldn't even worry about it.

Speaker 4 (13:07):
There's also this as well, too, like because there is
certain ways that you can handle interactions with the media,
and then there's what Pete Fairbanks did of the Tampa
Bay rays. He blew a save against the Angels, and
when asked about it, you know, he didn't use an
agent or a scout to kind of give his opinion

and feedback on it. He just simply broke down his
performance after this blow and save, let's take a listen.

Speaker 9 (13:33):
I thought it generally sucked. I didn't think it was
a specific suck. I thought it was like an all
encompassing type of suck. So, you know, we're going to
try and rectify that. But for r now, I'm going
to be for the best about it.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
I like that.

Speaker 8 (13:46):
Now, that's a hell of a quote right there. I
bang with that quote. That's honesty, that's standing.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
On business right there. Yeah, it's great.

Speaker 4 (13:57):
You got to watch a video too, because he like
he's just burning a hole through the report of what
he's telling him like this, and I'm like, this is
how I feel, and I'm going to make you feel
exactly how I feel.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
Right, Yeah, I have to blow that save. So there's
just different ways you can handle interactions to the media.

Speaker 4 (14:14):
Use anonymous sources, you can go straight to the source itself,
or you can just you know, let it fly and
just be honest about it, like Pete Fairbanks was by the.

Speaker 5 (14:22):
Way, is he Canadian? Like he does have a little.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Bit of Canadian?

Speaker 7 (14:26):
Can we listen to it again?

Speaker 2 (14:27):

Speaker 9 (14:28):
I thought it generally sucked. I didn't think it was
a specific suck. I thought it was like an all
encompassing type of suck. So we're going to try and
rectify that. But for I know, I'm gonna be forgetting
best about it.

Speaker 5 (14:40):
Unless Milwaukee's in Canada, No, that would not be accurate.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
It's close, though, Yeah, it's close. I mean, Wisconsinites know this.
They have their own kind of accent sam as Minnesota.
You know, folks in Minnesota.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
I know.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
I'd say this as a player, when you are harder
on yourself than the media can be, typically they kind
of respect you for it.

Speaker 7 (15:01):
But also you're doing their job for them, which kind
of helps.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
Because that quote that they just gave it's going to
be what's written about and it's not like they're going.

Speaker 7 (15:10):
To be able to say anything more damning than that.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
So that's not a bad approach, not a bad approach
for other players who feel like they might have stunk
in a moment.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
Yeah, well, it's like that eight male rule.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
You know, what's that?

Speaker 8 (15:23):
You know, eminem just come out and say everything that
they're going to say against you before they say it,
and then they have nothing else to say.

Speaker 5 (15:30):
Oh great move, Yeah, you know it works, it works.
What else works?

Speaker 4 (15:35):
Is this show here two Pros and a couple of
times later from the tire rack dot Com studios. Yeah,
and we're going to continue. We are going to continue
working here all the way up until the end of
this hour nine am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific. And
when we're working next here from these tire rack dot
Com studios, we're going to tell you about somebody who
just decided, Yeah, that'll do it. We're gonna go ahead

and move on from our time here in the NFL. Well,
it's interesting, it's also par for the course nowadays in
the National Football League. And that's yours right here on
Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 10 (16:21):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA Great Five.

Speaker 11 (16:27):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with me Chris.

Speaker 5 (16:34):
Haynes and me Mark Stein join us as.

Speaker 11 (16:37):
We team up to expound on everything we're covering Hearing
and Chason.

Speaker 12 (16:42):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 11 (16:45):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 13 (16:59):
Whoo yeah, oh come on yeah Secting Secting, Man, this.

Speaker 5 (17:09):
Might be worse than the original. It's tough to do
because that song sucked.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
You are the best, You are the best.

Speaker 5 (17:22):
That's a rough one. Two pros and a cup of Joe.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
Fox Sports Radio coming out twenty minutes from now here
from the ti Raq dot Com studios.

Speaker 5 (17:29):
We are going to have another edition of You In
or You Out.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
If you're wondering what that's gonna Entail Lee to laugh
somehow Someway finds up and figures out content special days,
certain days that are dedicated to certain things, and we're
gonna have to make tough decisions here on the air.
So that'll be yours coming up again. You In or
You Out about twenty minutes from now here on FSR.
You know who's out of the NFL gone man up

in Vanish like a fart in the wind.

Speaker 5 (17:57):
Walt Anderson, that's not tenets true.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
He's actually still within the NFL office, just not as
the senior VP of officiating.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
Yes, take a step back while you don't have the
senior VP role, doesn't matter. He's the latest in a
long line of officials that is going to step away.
Mike Pereira once had that role. By the way, Mike
prayers back right. I know he had back surgery and
I think he I think he's coming back now because
I think he was. He was on the mend for
a little while. But Wald Anderson now is gone and

we've got more change and turnover when it comes to
NFL officials, and what I think is the worst job
in sports, Being an NFL official is the worst.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Apparently they whoever's in this position of Senior VP of
Officiating for the NFL thinks it's the worst job in
all sports, because there hasn't been someone who's held the
position since twenty ten for longer than four years now.
Mind you, this is the head official within the NFL
that's in control of everything in regards to the officiing
that you see on the field, communicating it and kind

of overseeing the entire operation of replay, etc. So it's
a very very important job, probably even more so important
because of the gambling implications now, where you've got to
hope everything's on the up and up with the people
you're training and hiring and how these things all work
out and are officiated on the field. But Walt Anderson
steps down. Previously, you had guys like Dean Blandino are

a good friend. He only held it for four years
from twenty thirteen to twenty seventeen. You mentioned Mike Pereira.
He was really the last person to hold it for
longer than that four year span. He held it for
about nine years. Jerry Seaman, Art McNally, those are some
of the names beforehand. Mc now they had it held
it for about forever. But this has been a position
that is highly scrutinized, has a ton of pressure, and

it just it feels like there's not a high desire
for anyone to sit in the seat. And there's also
speculation that Walt's son, Derek Anderson, who's a Big twelve official,
was looked at as potentially being hired an NFL official
and there's a rule where the person in that position
can't bring on a family member like that, So there's

speculation that that was part of it, as Walt who's
seventy one, trying to make way for his son to
be an NFL official who's done a good job of
the Big twelve. But either way, the NFL once again
has to find someone else now to tab Sport for
a spot that it feels like it has no upside,
Like I'm not really sure what the upside is unless
they just want to pay the person in this position

bookoo's dollars to take the criticism and the pressure that
they're gonna have to endure.

Speaker 4 (20:35):
There's been this talk about are they ever going to
make officials full time? Maybe they don't want to be
full time, Like if I had to deal with the
craft that they deal with every single week, where at
best you walk into a stadium and only fifty percent
of the fans hate you, Like at best, I'd like
another job I'd like to go to, whether it's working
a car wash, go be a lawyer, like whatever it is, like,

get me the get me away from this for the
time being, because I don't want to. I think the
job sucks, Like, I don't know why these guys would
want any part of it, Like it's never good enough.
Somebody's always got a problem. You're trying to, you know,
litigate things and officiate things in real time, make you know,
quick decisions. Then there's talk about, well, we need another

review here, we need another replay here, we need It's
like they're trying to do the best they can. They
do get a lot of calls, right, the only ones
you hear about are the ones that they miss. Like,
all you hear about are the mistakes.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
I just I wouldn't be in Bill Venovich, by the way,
he's been a referee.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
What yeah, man, I say, that's a hell of a name.

Speaker 1 (21:42):
Yeah, he refereed the most recent Super Bowl, So he
would be one of the names that would be up
for debate as far as an official who was.

Speaker 7 (21:48):
On the field coming off the field to take over
this position.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
But Eugene Hall, Garth, the d Felice or some of
the other names that have been thrown out there, in
particular by a website Footballzebras dot Com, who was the
first to break the story.

Speaker 5 (22:04):
Well, lot of a second.

Speaker 2 (22:06):
I gotta.

Speaker 5 (22:08):
Bill, bit a bitch.

Speaker 7 (22:19):
Here's the official for the Super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (22:21):
What do you think is the worst sport to officiate
if you had to choose, like the one, the one
that you go this is just not not any fun.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
And I was thinking is like you might say football,
but the more soccer that I've started to watch. If
they don't have var which is their replay system, it's
got to be soccer. Dudes are flopping and flailing all
the time. These guys are never in position to make
calls necessarily.

Speaker 7 (22:49):
And there's like one guy out there running around. And
then when you.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Do make a call, you got to give these guys
a yellow card or a red card. People are booing
at you. These soccer players are like berated you about
whatever took place.

Speaker 7 (23:02):
It's just the whole thing feels like it'd be it
would just be tiring.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Like I don't know that I'd ever want to officiate
a soccer game with grown men crying about you know,
getting slide tackled or whatever happened.

Speaker 4 (23:13):
Yeah, that's a good call. I would all say Baseball
is probably the best to officiate because you can get
a little bit of revenge if you want to, Oh
you didn't like that call, get a whiff of this one.
It's even more outside strike.

Speaker 7 (23:31):
It too.

Speaker 4 (23:32):
Yeah, I mean, Angel, he's terrible, wasn't it?

Speaker 5 (23:41):
Naked gun? Naked gun? Where Leslie all.

Speaker 2 (23:48):
So much?

Speaker 4 (23:49):
Yeah, like you realized the fans liked him calling the
strike so that he got into the next one and
he started gyrating his hips. Good.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
That was really good. Who was that, Bob Buker? That's right,
that was good. Hey.

Speaker 5 (24:07):
By the way, Leslie Nielson is still with us?

Speaker 2 (24:09):
Correct? Yeah, it's still around.

Speaker 5 (24:11):
How old is I.

Speaker 7 (24:12):
Just why don't we I mean, why don't we have
to ask the question for we?

Speaker 2 (24:15):

Speaker 7 (24:15):
I just should that be something?

Speaker 2 (24:16):
You're certain enough he's still around. He's still around.

Speaker 5 (24:20):
I'm just you know, legal would know better than that.

Speaker 2 (24:22):
Could be four years old. No, he died in twenty
could be wrong.

Speaker 5 (24:26):
He died in ten, twenty ten, fourteen years ago.

Speaker 7 (24:29):
Damn he died in for Lauderdale, Florida.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
Jeezus, I thought he was still around. I guess tell
me oj doing the name take a gun part? What evan?

Speaker 8 (24:41):
Oh well, never mind, never mind, never mind, never mind,
never mind. Oh my gosh, naked gun purgatory About that
he was buried in a place.

Speaker 5 (24:54):
That's like close like your backyard.

Speaker 7 (24:57):
No, but close enough. I could probably goodbye and see
the gravesite?

Speaker 5 (25:01):
Really all right? Can you go there right now and
call us from there and just say it's true? Guys,
I see it.

Speaker 7 (25:07):
It might take me a while to find it. I
don't think there's like a sign pointing to Hey over here.
So Leslie Nelson's spirit yea, excuse me, I.

Speaker 4 (25:17):
Got That's like the best part in that movie is
where he doesn't realize he's on a hot mic and
he goes to use the bathroom and he just starts
cutting a fart.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
By the way, since LaVar likes to have fun with
some of these names, he is from Regina, Oh, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Speaker 5 (25:34):
What's now?

Speaker 4 (25:35):
No, yeah, not familiar.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
What was the name of the referee? Again? From Regina?
From your from your Regina?

Speaker 5 (25:59):
What's the battle with the Hey?

Speaker 2 (26:00):
By the way?

Speaker 4 (26:03):
By the way, some guys, some guys had to tweet
in and said that he was confused by the bear
in the swimming pool story when the bar was telling
it because he kept thinking you were saying, beers, Yeah,
we've already we've already talked about this.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
Yeah, we've already gone over it. Sorry, Like I say sorry,
not sorry. It's how I say beer.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
Hey, when I say fox, you know, some people think
that I'm saying something else.

Speaker 5 (26:27):
You know what happens.

Speaker 8 (26:28):
It's all good man. I have a bit of an accent.
I don't you know, I could care less. I speak
fairly well. I say things fairly well. Certain things I
say huge really weirdly. I don't like the h is
salent like. There's certain certain words I say. But but
you know what, I speak better than the average bear,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (26:48):
So you could kiss my ass?

Speaker 5 (26:50):
What do you mean you say you never had to.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Do these like well, so just select images for like
security purposes.

Speaker 7 (26:57):
You have to do that. Yeah, it's a verify bot, dude.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
They're getting hard.

Speaker 7 (27:04):
Look some of them, like, I don't, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
This one looks like there could be a bridge in
that one, or there could be a motorcycle.

Speaker 5 (27:12):
I did one part of it.

Speaker 4 (27:13):
I did one where they said click every picture that
has a bicycle in it, and like I did, and
it didn't pass because one of the pictures was like that,
you know, the landmark where they say where you park
your bike. It's not an actual bicycle, it's just something
that's that's you know, cemented into the ground. They counted
that as a bicycle pain in the ass. How about

I'm not a scumbag, I have no priors. Can I
just go on your website?

Speaker 5 (27:39):
Please? Can we can we get that in?

Speaker 7 (27:42):

Speaker 2 (27:42):
They just cost time.

Speaker 8 (27:44):
You know, the more you fail it, the longer that
you on it, and they get to you know, take
that data like this I picked actually took five minutes
to try to get through.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
Are you a bot? A bit? Been a bitch? I
picked up the phone for a number.

Speaker 7 (27:58):
I don't know why I I picked it up because
I obviously didn't have it in my phone. And this
guy gets on.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
He starts like trying to scam me into thinking he's
like border patrol.

Speaker 8 (28:09):
And I was thinking to myself, mine and you have
your eggs mixed up, that's the I was.

Speaker 1 (28:15):
I was like, he's like saying all this stuff to me.
I'm like, dude, I have not ordered anything internationally.

Speaker 7 (28:19):
I don't know what you're talking about. And I'll say
this and I do not want this to be viewed
the wrong way. But he had a very strong.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
It sounded like an Indian accent, and I was like,
it was like hard for me to understand him. It
was so strong, and so then I was like trying
to I was like, all right, well, give me like
the case number whatever you're talking about. Like at one
point I was thinking, like about my grandma. I'm like,
I bet if my grandmother would have picked up the
phone on this call, she would have been scared out
of her mind, thinking like, oh, I don't want this

to happen.

Speaker 7 (28:49):
You know, I'll give you all my information.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
And so I'm like, okay, I'm like trying to im
like thinking in my head of like did my wife
order something like from overseas that's being shipped and that's
what like, is that what's happening here?

Speaker 2 (29:01):
And then I asked for.

Speaker 7 (29:02):
His name and he says his name was Jason Owens.
I was like okay.

Speaker 2 (29:07):
I was like, thank you very much.

Speaker 7 (29:10):
I was like, have a wonderful day with Jason Owens.
John Smith, Yeah, I was like, yeah, okay.

Speaker 5 (29:17):
John Smith from my New Delhi.

Speaker 2 (29:19):

Speaker 7 (29:20):
I just had a.

Speaker 8 (29:21):
Call like that come in before, and I told them,
you do know that this call is being recorded and
tracked as we speak.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
They hung up immediately.

Speaker 12 (29:30):
The funny thing is he told me he goes this
call is being recorded. I go, great, like cute, I
threw the same thing back at him. Yeah, I said,
I worked for the government.

Speaker 8 (29:41):
You may not know this, but I worked for the government,
and my phone calls all are recorded now, tracked as
they take place.

Speaker 4 (29:48):
I would say this because I did up. I spent
a lot of time. I spent a lot of time
doing over the phone sales in previous careers as a
telemarketer and other stuff. You know, sometimes when they're call
you and you answer and nobody's saying anything, it's because
they're just trying to get the phone to go to
seven seconds, so it counts as a dial for them
because they've got a they've got a dial quota at

the company there with.

Speaker 7 (30:11):
So they used to do that. Didn't you have those
telemarketing Jobe.

Speaker 4 (30:15):
You basically wrote down which ones were the fax machines
and you would just call the fax machine, or if
you needed call time, you would call the DMB.

Speaker 5 (30:23):
So like I knew, guys in the office the.

Speaker 8 (30:26):
Same way every time. That's okay, sir, bitch.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
The funny thing about it is like when you get
those calls now with people, I actually think about Jonas too.

Speaker 7 (30:42):
My god, Jonas had to do this job. It was like,
I bet it stinks to be on that side.

Speaker 5 (30:45):
It does it.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
So I will say to them, like, I'll try to
be polite. I'll be like, look sir, I'm not interested.
I appreciate the call today, And I'll like, I know,
you got to get the seven seconds. So, yeah, you
have to think we've been talking long enough.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
Did you have been a bit?

Speaker 8 (31:01):
You know what, though, it probably trained you to be
as good as you are at doing radio now. So
listen to all you guys out there, telemarketers and salespeople.
You have a nationally syndicated morning show in your future.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
Just keep going, Yeah, keep going great, knowing is growing.

Speaker 5 (31:19):
You know that is a great call.

Speaker 7 (31:21):

Speaker 2 (31:22):
No, I mean he's a big radio star.

Speaker 5 (31:24):
And listen to the fact that his own show, he's.

Speaker 8 (31:25):
Got two pros that that are his wingmen. I mean,
think about that, I mean, how does that?

Speaker 1 (31:30):
I think about though, how many degenerates Jonas worked with though,
and like the other side of that, like just how
they probably influenced Jonas to become who he is.

Speaker 4 (31:38):
Oh yeah, well there's that. And also the fact that
my last telemarketing job I actually got fired because the
owner went through my search history and found.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Out that you were looking for different you know, I was.

Speaker 4 (31:49):
You know, he saw that I was applying for radio
chops and he called me into his office and he goes,
so I have your your tracking here, so you know
what's to say. He goes applying for this station, that station,
this station, that station. I was like, yeah, he goes, yeah,
this this doesn't work here. I was like, and he
got like real nervous. I was like, listen, man, I'm
not going to freak out. I hate this place.

Speaker 2 (32:12):
For stuff.

Speaker 7 (32:12):
Does he think this is what you want to do
the rest of your life?

Speaker 4 (32:14):
I know, because I mean I really he had questions
and I really sold him on my commitment to the company.
When I took the job. You know, I was like
listening with me job, Yeah there was there was nobody.

Speaker 5 (32:32):
Nobody followed me out the door coming with me.

Speaker 2 (32:35):

Speaker 5 (32:35):
Not not great.

Speaker 4 (32:37):
But what is great is we're going to have another
edition of you and and you out coming up here shortly.
And even greater than that is Eddie Garcia with the Latest.

Speaker 14 (32:47):
I had a job. It wasn't telemarketing, but it was
radio research where you would call people up and ask
him like what radio stations you listened to? Oh, how long?
And all that kind of stuff, And I got cussed
out out and hung up on probably about eighty percent of.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
What time would you be calling him at? Like during
dinner time?

Speaker 14 (33:06):
It was the thing where you you know, we were
in California, we call people all over the places there
was sometimes we probably did call him.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
Around dinner time. Yeah, so I didn't go over too well.

Speaker 14 (33:15):
And uh yeah. I went into my boss at lunchtime
and I said, I'm gonna go home and decide if
I want to come back tomorrow.

Speaker 5 (33:21):
Or did you come back?

Speaker 14 (33:22):
I did not go back. It was just after a while.
It wasn't like, you know, a few days. I did
it for a while. But she looked at me like
what I'm like, Yeah, I might not be back tomorrow.

Speaker 5 (33:30):
Yeah, it's depressing, man. Yeah, getting rejected much.

Speaker 14 (33:34):
I had a lot of fun.

Speaker 5 (33:34):
Yeah, it's a lot of fun.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
They take care boss, you been a man.

Speaker 14 (33:41):
Let's get you caught up. On the NBA, we had
a couple of playing games in the East. The seven
eight matchups saw the seventy six ers hold off the
Heat for a one oh five one oh four win.
Philadelphia was down twelve but a half. They come back
to win. Bind Joel and Beats twenty three points and
fifteen rebounds. Miami star Jimmy Butler had nineteen points, but
he suffered a kne injury early in the game. Continued
to play through. It wasn't too effected. They're saying maybe

an mcl injury. They're gonna reevaluate a mis. Status is
unknown going forward Philadelphia, though, with the win earns the
seventh seed. They'll take on the two seed, the New
York Knicks in the first round of the Eastern Conference playoffs.
The nine to ten matchups saw the Bulls beat the
Hawks one thirty one to one sixteen Kobe whitekerr i
forty two points for Chicago. Atlanta's eliminated. It'll be the
Bulls taking on the Heat and the winner of that

game gets the eighth seed and they'll take on the
number one seed at Boston Celtics. Back to LeVar Rington,
Brady Quinn, Jones, Knoxintirec dot Com, Fox Sports Radio Studios.

Speaker 4 (34:31):
Thanks Eddie, two pros and a cup of Joe here
Fox Sports Radio. Coming up next week, Close up Shop
with another edition of You in and you out right
here on FSR.

Speaker 3 (34:38):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific.

Speaker 4 (34:49):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here. If
you've missed any of this show, you can check out
the podcast that'll be posted shortly after we go off
the air. Search two Pros wherever you get your podcast.
Be sure to also follow rate and review the pod
again search two Pros where ever you get your podcast.
You'll see this show posted right after we get off
the air, and we won't be back on the air

coming up tomorrow six am Eastern time, three o'clock Pacific
for a Football Friday. But right now it's time for this.

Speaker 3 (35:18):
News Two Pros and a Cup of show?

Speaker 7 (35:20):
What even and up?

Speaker 5 (35:22):
If they're in, yeah please, or if they're out and
away we go lead to lab.

Speaker 10 (35:27):
What do we got lots to get to? We're gonna
drop some stuff on the editing room floor. Guys, we
got no NBA tonight. You can catch some hockey it's
gonna be the last night of the regular season. But
are you in or out on this?

Speaker 7 (35:37):
You guys?

Speaker 10 (35:38):
The Arizona Coyotes are moving to Salt Lake City. Rumor
is they're gonna be called either the Utah Yetti's or
the Utah blizzards es.

Speaker 2 (35:49):

Speaker 1 (35:49):
The problem with it, Yetti is the first time I
think of it, I think of one of those tumblers.

Speaker 7 (35:53):
Oh yeah, and actually YETI wether I heard it.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
I started thinking about like a cold glass.

Speaker 5 (35:59):
Yeah YETI cool?

Speaker 2 (36:00):
Yeah, like I got what's sitting right next to them?

Speaker 1 (36:02):
Yeah, like you don't think about like a sasquatch.

Speaker 8 (36:07):
That's bigfoot, Yeah yeah, or the snowman.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
You know, I in, I don't like it, I'm out.
I like it.

Speaker 5 (36:15):
I guess I'm in. I'll go Yetti's. Why not I
like it?

Speaker 7 (36:21):
I mean it would be how about the Benefitches.

Speaker 4 (36:27):
By the way, do you think it's gonna be a
uh a little bit of a stark difference between the
nightlife in Phoenix for those players and the one in
uh Salt Lake when they get out.

Speaker 2 (36:37):
There, just a tad bit different.

Speaker 5 (36:39):
I've never been to Salt Lake, but I've heard that. Yeah,
it's not quite like.

Speaker 8 (36:44):
It's well, there's not too many places quite like Phoenix.

Speaker 5 (36:47):
What do you mean?

Speaker 7 (36:48):
Huh, what do you mean?

Speaker 2 (36:50):
What are you talking about? It's just a nice the
weather is nice. You know.

Speaker 10 (36:57):
Whatss guys, it's Amateur Radio Day, also known as Hammer
Radio Days or Hammer radio. So you guys enter out
on ham radios.

Speaker 7 (37:09):
I'm out of all these national days. It will stop.

Speaker 10 (37:12):
Well, it's the day was invented, you know, and you
got to the amateur radios are an important part of
our fabric of our country.

Speaker 7 (37:19):
I'm in on radio, amateur radio. Like, what do you
mean ham radio?

Speaker 10 (37:24):
You actually got to be licensed to have a Ham
radio and they're very important case of natural disasters.

Speaker 8 (37:30):
Okay, I guess you're talking about like walkie talkies.

Speaker 10 (37:34):
Yeah, or if you see the truckers out there.

Speaker 2 (37:37):
Hey hey, hey squirrel, Hey, rid squirrel? Come in ten
four rid squirrel?

Speaker 8 (37:41):
Alright, Okay, you see that you got smoky up there
right about two maley here?

Speaker 2 (37:44):
All right, make sure you get over. Yep, you got
two three on your lane.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
You remember the movie Convoy, great movie. I think Chris
Christofferson was was one of the main drivers in that can.

Speaker 10 (37:55):
Well a rabbit hole learning about animal crackers because it's
Animal Crackers Day. Animal Cracker's been around since eighteen seventy one.

Speaker 2 (38:01):
Behole, did you fall into lee? Yeah?

Speaker 10 (38:03):
Nabisco came around nineteen oh one and gave us the
famous Barnum and Bailey caged box. But did you know
they took the cage off in twenty eighteen and freed
all the animal crackers.

Speaker 7 (38:13):
Yeah, they weren't free.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
They're going to their demise. Somebody's going to eat them.

Speaker 4 (38:18):
And that's why they're gonna eat me. It's gotta be
in the little box. It can't be in like a
back right. Yeah, it doesn't work.

Speaker 8 (38:27):
I'm in on animal crackers. I grew up on them,
My kids grew up on them. My kids kids will
grow up on them. Animal crackers for life, baby, I
stand on that business.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
Yeah, that's what's up, guys.

Speaker 10 (38:39):
Codon O'Brien's birthday, and he's got a new show that
comes out today on HBO Max called Codin O'Brien Muscow's
Travel Show. He's gonna be going to Ireland, Norway, Thailand
and Argentina.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Out out, Okay, I mean out.

Speaker 5 (38:54):
If I'm going to Argentina, I don't.

Speaker 8 (38:56):
Want to I'm bringing animal crackers for the animals.

Speaker 5 (39:03):
And JK.

Speaker 7 (39:04):
Dobbinson the Chargers.

Speaker 5 (39:06):
Yeah, good move.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
Hopefully does that mean no Blake Korn, who
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