All Episodes

April 16, 2024 87 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all but.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
All at all, So don't given a million busy.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Listening to.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
Show up to. I don't.

Speaker 5 (00:39):
Joy, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Yeah, Joy, you know you.

Speaker 6 (01:06):
Love you.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Moone turn.

Speaker 7 (01:29):
You got to turn the mouth turn you probably got
to turn the mouth turn out, turn the money up.

Speaker 8 (01:55):
Come come on.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
You'll think, I sure will.

Speaker 9 (02:03):
Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on,
dig me now, one and.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man
o man.

Speaker 9 (02:16):
Hey, you know today, I just want to say something
that I don't think I've ever shared this way before.
The The title is very simple, and that is it's

been worth it to me, you know I I just
I just kept thinking that this morning, that it's all
been worth it to me. And what I mean by
that is this relationship that I have with my heavenly father,

it's been worth it to me. I can't even tell
you the value that it has had in my life.
I can't tell you how it's helped me to understand
not only my purpose, but to better understand my past.

That's critical, man, because I'm grateful for that.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Because so many people.

Speaker 9 (03:30):
Can't get beyond their past and event a set of circumstances,
some calamity that be said. Stim maybe it's been grief something,
but it ties so many people up. It's been so
worth it to me. It is, man, it's been worth

having someone to go to when no one else was there.
Do you understand what I'm saying?

Speaker 4 (04:04):
It has?

Speaker 2 (04:04):
It has given me a place to go.

Speaker 9 (04:08):
When no one else has been there. Oh, hey man,
we pulling for you. Hey man, hanging there, Hey man,
keep your head up.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
All of that.

Speaker 9 (04:21):
But I gotta tell you, man, you get yourself in
some circumstances and situations in this thing called life, when
no one can help you but God, When the only
person that could possibly understand or know what you're feeling
is God. The only person that will sit there with
you through it all and understand everything about it has

been God. It's been worth it to me, man, It's
it's been worth it to me. It's been the biggest
improvement in my life. I mean, man, as I look
back over my life, life and forming a strong bond
with God has been the most beneficial thing to me.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
You know, these things you read in your in your
in in writings in the Bible or or whatever you're reading.

Speaker 9 (05:17):
You know, when you when you read scriptures and things
of that nature. It it's it's been around a long time.
It holds so much truth to it. I mean, man,
it's like, how could this have been written so long
ago and still pertained directly to today?

Speaker 2 (05:40):
I mean that that's amazing. That is amazing to me.

Speaker 4 (05:45):

Speaker 9 (05:45):
I mean, that has to be God at work to
have written something so complete, so dead on point that
if you read it today it means exactly what pertains
to today. That's amazing, man. That's why my spiritual walk

it's just worth it to me. And I keep saying
it's worth it, because if you're sitting out there and
you tripping like I was tripping, deciding, nah, let me
do it. I got a few more things I want
to do. Couple more girls I want to holler at,
a couple more things I want to get into. I
got a cup more deals I want to do. I
got a little bit more dirt. I want to roll
up on me a little bit.

Speaker 2 (06:31):

Speaker 9 (06:32):
For a while, man, I wish I had known, I
really wish I had understood exactly what forming a relationship
with God would do for me, it's been worth every
person who out there who hate on me, that don't
even know me, it's because I have a relationship with

him that I'm.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Fine with that.

Speaker 9 (06:55):
I don't care for it, but it ain't gonna stop
me though, See, because I know for a fact that
haters make you greater. I know for a fact that
haters validate your mere existence. I know for a fact
that half of them is out of envy and jealousy

because of something you're doing that they wish they could
do or they won't credit for, so.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
They just now I ain't anything all that bam, and
now you just all over the place with people.

Speaker 9 (07:29):
Man, I'm so grateful for this relationship that it has
not allowed outside influences that do not have my best
interest at heart to throw me off course. It has
just been worth it. And if you're sitting out there
and you're wondering about the benefits of it, I can't

even tell you what it's like to know that when
bad things are happening to me, the calming peace that
I feel that I know that that's gonna be alright too,
that I know that this too shall pass, that I
know in my heart of hearts. Man, that there's got
to be a reason for this, and if I can

just hang on in there, he gonna unfold that from
me and he gonna.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Let me see it.

Speaker 9 (08:17):
But the number one thing I always know is I'm
gonna survive this one too, That this too shall pass.
It has been worth it to me, man, to have
this thing called faith, which is the belief in things
that you cannot see, and to know man along the
way that, oh my goodness, man, even though I don't

know what's next, or even I'm not really sure about
the next step, I do know for a fact that
some moe is coming. I do know for a fact.
It is a fact that God will take care of me.
It is a fact that he will never ever leave
me or desert me. If I just stay here where

I'm supposed to be. He's coming. The Calvary's coming over
the hill. He coming over the hill. And when he
come over that hill, he gonna wipe out all this
mess down here that that's trying to hurt me, That
that I don't have to worry about my enemies anymore,
that my enemies that are all around you can surround me.

You can shoot all the arrows you want. Now, it's
not to say that none of them ain't gonna come close.
And I ain't gonna say that, you know, I ain't
gonna be a little under some pressure, a little nervous
about being shot at so hard. But at the end
of the day, I know this for show. Ain't none
of them gonna stick in me. You can shoot them,
but ain't none of them gonna stick in me. No

matter what you do, no weapon formed against me, nothing
you can't. You can't do nothing with me. Man, I'm
so cool. It's been worth it for me.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
Man, you're listening.

Speaker 9 (09:58):
Morning show, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. All the
people who are orchestra conductors, anyone who has ever aspired
to or been an astronaut, anybody who works at Cape Canaveral,
anybody that's ever been in the circus, Welcome to the

Steve Harvey Morning Show. We have a few people on
this show that has been in the letter in the
circus before, but I rescue them at a young age,
and so they're here today. Ladies and gentlemen, this is
the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ever grateful to God for
this new day, this new blessing, this new opportunity, this
new chance. Another shot. Man, oh man, oh man, what

a great day it is. Today is the day that
the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad
in it. I'm already glad and I'm in.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
It you too.

Speaker 9 (10:51):
Steve Harvey Morning Show, Sherley Strawberry calling for real Mississippi
Monica Junior and the legend that is Nephew Tommy Junior. Yes,
I can tell that it was a rough weekend on you.
I can just look at you on the zoom and
I already know. I tell what happened.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
I'll tell you what happened, all right.

Speaker 10 (11:13):
I tell you family vacation. Uh, family vacation, that happens. Yeah,
family vacation. Yeah, first one. We were playing one. And
I'm telling you right now, if I got to pay
for it, everybody not going. Some of y'all gonna see
these pictures. Some of y'all just get a phone call.
Everybody not going down here to this.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
I'm not doing that.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Social media, they go see what how many is it, junie?

Speaker 2 (11:38):
If five of us?

Speaker 11 (11:39):
No, everybody not gone.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
Grandkids Junior five dog, Yeah.

Speaker 10 (11:45):
No, everybody, one of these babies not gonna see Mickey,
I'm telling you right now.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
Well go ahead, yeah, five dog.

Speaker 11 (11:53):
Dog five and I'm paying a Hey, y'all didn't tell
me this.

Speaker 9 (11:57):
Part was coming with it? Well I got news for you, Junie.
Guess what look like you ain't going for me, but
all them kids is going junior.

Speaker 11 (12:08):
Hey, hey, hey, somebody not gonna see Mickey, you're.

Speaker 9 (12:13):
Not going junior. First of all, only gonna pay for Junior.
If it's only four. You can't leave none of the
grand babies out.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
That's what we do it.

Speaker 9 (12:21):
I can't because me and Tommy do it all the time.
The family go a lot of places. We don't get
to go cause we gotta go to work. That's your
damn job, that's your So.

Speaker 11 (12:32):
I'm paying for it and I can't go.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Yeah, it happened sometimes. Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow.

Speaker 11 (12:39):
Yeah, you ain't tell me this part.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
We know we had to. Yeah, but see but see junior, junior.

Speaker 9 (12:45):
Reason we so you're so shocked by all this because
it all happened to you at one time. You didn't
you didn't practice just being a husband, didn't have kids,
didn't have kids. You was all that after one day.

Speaker 10 (13:03):
After one day, and instead no I'm telling you man,
the hotel, the flights and the tickets to the park, Junr.

Speaker 9 (13:13):
The flights, how you think they're gonna get that? The
hotel where you think they're gonna stay, and the and
the ticket to the park. What is they down there
to see? If they don't get in the park?

Speaker 11 (13:23):
Airport open all day, so we will stay there all right?

Speaker 2 (13:31):
Too much for him?

Speaker 12 (13:32):
In one day, we'll hear from the nephews. He runs
that prank back right after this.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
You're listening.

Speaker 8 (13:44):
Morning show.

Speaker 12 (13:45):
It is time now for the nephew and today's prank
phone call? What you got for his neph I need
you to wash me?

Speaker 2 (13:54):
Yeah, I need you who.

Speaker 5 (14:03):
It's a great day nursery. This is Felicia.

Speaker 6 (14:07):
I'm trying to get somebody come down here to five
on one.

Speaker 13 (14:10):
I'm sorry, five o one.

Speaker 6 (14:12):
I need somebody to come down here to five on
one and and clean me up.

Speaker 4 (14:17):

Speaker 5 (14:17):
I think you might have the wrong number.

Speaker 6 (14:20):
I need the nurse to come down here to five
on one and clean me up.

Speaker 4 (14:23):

Speaker 5 (14:24):
This is the nursery, not the nurse. I think you
might have down the wrong number.

Speaker 6 (14:28):
No, I need to talk to the where nurse Cithy,
that's who normally cleaned me up. I need to come
down here and clean me up, sir.

Speaker 5 (14:37):
I really do think you have the wrong number. Where
are you calling from?

Speaker 6 (14:42):
Who is this here?

Speaker 5 (14:45):
This is Felicia. I'm the director here at the nursery.

Speaker 6 (14:48):
That's what I say. I need the nurse to come
down here and clean me up. I'm the bad playing
and every all this stuff, and to clean me up
because I've been sitting here a long time. Not ain't
nobody come well, sir?

Speaker 5 (15:01):
I think you dial the wrong number. If you tell
me where you are, I can try to help you.

Speaker 6 (15:06):
But I ain't down the wrong number. I need somebody
to come down here and clean me up. This ain't right.
But y'all supposed to be able to y'all supposed to
get here every hour talking about poll to come check on.
Ain't nobody come check on me yet?

Speaker 5 (15:20):
Okay, well, I apologize, but you have the wrong number.
Try hanging up and then dialing.

Speaker 6 (15:25):
Is just a nurse station, sir.

Speaker 5 (15:27):
This is a nursery. We take care of children here.
This is not the nurse station.

Speaker 6 (15:33):
I'm not no child, I said, is this the nurse station?

Speaker 5 (15:38):
I'm sorry you're not listening to me. This is not
the nurse station. This is a nursery. We have children here,
we take care of children. So I think you dial
the wrong number.

Speaker 6 (15:48):
No, they said that that they're supposed to come clean
up every hour. They're suposed to come check on Now,
I bet hell, I bet on my near three hours,
ain't nobody come check on me yet another? I need
somebody to clean out, and there's a bad pan is full,
and they just they they they just don't come check
on us like they pull the check on them. They

check on them.

Speaker 13 (16:11):
I'm really sorry that they have not come to check
on you in your your bad hands.

Speaker 6 (16:16):
So why would they learn to sit here like they do?

Speaker 5 (16:18):
Okay, so just listen to what I'm saying. This is
a nursery, we take care of small children. This is
not the nursing station.

Speaker 6 (16:27):
So I'm not my grandkids. I got small children as
my grandkids. I got my forty two grandkids that comes
in on Sunday. But soon did they leave the people
at the nurse stands, and that they ain't treating me
bad leading in here like this here two or three hours,
I'm about to come check on Can you come down
here and check this bad bad, sir.

Speaker 5 (16:48):
I can't do that.

Speaker 13 (16:49):
I need to get back to the kids here that
if we take care of at sea my kids.

Speaker 6 (16:55):
No, my kids don't come tell they come on Sunday.
They come all the Sunday after checking. Come sleep me
do that.

Speaker 5 (17:01):
Okay, okay, Well, I'm glad your kids come see you.
And I'm going to get off the phone now. But
I hang up. You just now down the number.

Speaker 6 (17:09):
Right when you get off, you're gonna come down here
and come thick and.

Speaker 7 (17:13):
Clean me up.

Speaker 13 (17:14):
I'm not going to do that, but I'm going to
let you call back.

Speaker 6 (17:17):
And why do you all come clean me up? Why
gonna do that? Why just do it?

Speaker 7 (17:22):

Speaker 13 (17:22):
I'm not a nurse.

Speaker 5 (17:24):
I'm a teacher.

Speaker 6 (17:25):
When when when when when? When? When? When I was
coming through proposed to do the job. You're doing what
the jobby or whatever your job or that what you do?
I want forty two years straight and I did my job.

Speaker 5 (17:39):
Okay, I'm a teacher. That's why you.

Speaker 6 (17:42):
Come on down here and do what you're supposed to do.

Speaker 5 (17:44):
Because I don't clean their tir, you.

Speaker 6 (17:46):
Know why I go on you'all young phone, don't do
your job now, damn what You're gonna make me mad?
You won't get your don you get your dot here.

Speaker 5 (17:54):
Uh, I'm going to ask that you not talk to
me like that.

Speaker 6 (17:59):
You get your tom and clean me up. I ain't
supposed to be sitting here like this all the time.
What's your name again?

Speaker 13 (18:07):
It's Felicia, and I have really really nice to don
here right now. Please do not speak to me like that.
I'm trying to know you gonna calm down and quit
talking to me like that. I'm trying to help you now.

Speaker 5 (18:24):
That's just rude speaking to me like that.

Speaker 13 (18:26):
Now, this is a nurser read.

Speaker 6 (18:31):
Do right now.

Speaker 13 (18:36):
I'm You're not gonna talk to me like that. That's
just rude and disrespectful. Don't speak to me like that.
You talk about I will kick yo in the wheelchair.
This seems to be the only language you understand. Is
me talking to you crazy. Since you're talking to me
crazy is not coming down there. You stay in that space.

How about this what you heard me?

Speaker 5 (19:01):
I said?

Speaker 13 (19:01):
You stay in this thank I'm not cleaning though. I've
been trying to hear you for the past five minutes,
but you won't shut up long enough to listen.

Speaker 6 (19:09):
Get it.

Speaker 13 (19:10):
I am not coming down there to clean your why not.
I've been trying to tell you that is not my job.
You dial the wrong number.

Speaker 5 (19:21):
I'm talking to you.

Speaker 13 (19:22):
Who are you talking to like that? We'll bring it
on there if you think you can get in your
wheelchair and make it down here to the nursery to
whoop my and come the hell.

Speaker 6 (19:31):
Owned listen were you would take a message from it
and give it to somebody?

Speaker 5 (19:36):
What's your what's your message?

Speaker 6 (19:38):
Right this down in e n e.

Speaker 4 (19:43):
Uh huh?

Speaker 6 (19:43):
What else?

Speaker 5 (19:44):
H uh huh uh huh?

Speaker 4 (19:49):

Speaker 6 (19:49):
Okay? You got that?

Speaker 4 (19:52):

Speaker 13 (19:52):
I got that part?

Speaker 6 (19:53):

Speaker 7 (19:55):
Oh m.

Speaker 6 (19:58):
Damn? Wh What is that? What do we expell?

Speaker 3 (20:02):
I don't know what is it?

Speaker 6 (20:04):
I'm not telling that.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
You tell me what it is?

Speaker 6 (20:08):
What does that say?

Speaker 9 (20:10):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (20:11):
Nephew taught me.

Speaker 6 (20:16):
Nephew tell me this his nephew Timmy from the Steve
Bolly Morning Show. Baby, you just got bragged by your
sister Rinita.

Speaker 5 (20:23):
Oh my god, Saddy, Yeah man, you got me.

Speaker 6 (20:33):
You got me? Oh baby, I got you. I got
you good. I got one question for you, though, what
is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest
radio show in the land.

Speaker 13 (20:43):
It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You got me good?

Speaker 1 (20:52):
All right, nephew?

Speaker 12 (20:54):
Coming up next, It is asked to clo with our
chief love officers. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming
up at the top of the hour and entertainment news. O. J.
Simpson will be cremated and the executor of his estate
plans to fight payout to the Brown and Goldman families.

Megan thee Stallion shares her secrets on staying fit, and
the one and only Steve Harvey is trending for his celebrity.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
Family feud fly gear. That's right.

Speaker 12 (21:25):
We'll talk about all of these stories and certainly Steve
at the top of the hour, but right now it
is time to ask the clo our chief Love Officer,
Steve Harvey.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
This is from Janie and Tyler.

Speaker 12 (21:38):
Genie writes, my husband was assaulted by a man while
he was out last weekend, and rumors have been swirling
about him messing with this man's wife. My husband said
he was robbed, but he still has his wallet. He
still has his watch and twelve hundred dollars shoes. So
is he lying to me about this assault?

Speaker 7 (22:01):

Speaker 9 (22:02):
Hard to fake a robbery without nothing missing. Again to
line is you have to put something. He should have
took that watch, hit it tick, all the money out
the wallet. He could have did anything, but see that
didn't work. That he got assaulted. That's for show. You

have to figure out is this this man's wife that
it was the assault was caused by or was it
a random failed robbery at tim and I can tell
you right now just by watching the news. Hard they
ever do? They have a failed robbery attillment? These young
ass boys are gonna get something.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
So he's lying, you know, all right? Moving on to Shauna.

Speaker 9 (22:53):
See one thing about me now, if you don't tell
a good lie, I can't ride with you. Okay, Okay,
this was not a good one.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
You have your restrictions. Yeah, all right, Shauna.

Speaker 12 (23:04):
And Saint Louis says, I'm a school nurse. My friends
seven year old son fell on the playground, so I
patched his knee up. He told me thanks and said
he thinks I'm pretty, but his mom doesn't. The boy
has no reason to lie. So should I confront his
mama or not?

Speaker 7 (23:21):

Speaker 2 (23:22):
You shouldn't.

Speaker 8 (23:23):
I think you're pretty.

Speaker 9 (23:24):
You're pretty to the boy, You're not pretty to his mama.
Your job is the nurse. You ain't You ain't got
to be pretty to the mama. Now, I can tell
you this right here though. You wayt find it in
his mama though. I'm telling you that right now, right now,
and the boy knew it.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
The nurse is find.

Speaker 9 (23:46):
Yeah, that's why the mama Hayden, she thinks she's cute.
She ain't cute at all. Look at him, pretty big
old pretty eyes. I don't ask real half well, he
wee that she if I had no dinner work, they
just straight anyway, drinking all that damn milk when she

was a baby.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
Just get on my dass. Damn.

Speaker 9 (24:08):
And I can't stand at people like that. Everybody else
can b bl. She ain't gonna get worse. She just
gonna wear her natural glass.

Speaker 12 (24:15):
Okay to Elsie in the Queens, I don't know how
we got there, Elsie, and Queen says, uh, my wife
goes to bed when the sun goes down. I am
up till the wee hours of the morning. She used
to stay up and play, if you know what I mean.
She caught me quote playing by myself yesterday morning, and

she got mad isn't it better than cheating?

Speaker 2 (24:41):
Yeah, huh, yeah it is, though it's much more. Yes, absolutely,
matter of.

Speaker 12 (24:46):
Fact, that's not playing right next to him, But he
wasn't even right next think about that one.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
Huh was he right next to him? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (24:56):
Well she caught him. She caught him playing by him
self yesterday morning. You caught him.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
What you're doing, Clifford? What is doing?

Speaker 1 (25:09):
His name Clifford?

Speaker 2 (25:12):
Yeah, no, bet you know, as he ain't out in
the streets. You know what you want. I don't know
what to tell you now.

Speaker 14 (25:19):
He ain't like the other man in the first asked
to see a little line about the rock.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
I can tell you.

Speaker 9 (25:26):
I got assaulted, but I'm not going to press charge
just because he needed some stuff so I wanted to that.
I don't know how he forgot to take this money.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
He's lying, all right.

Speaker 12 (25:43):
Last one, Steve, Last one. This is from Valentino in
Southwest d C. Valentina says. I was walking my dog
and a man smiled at me and spoke. The lady
who was with asked him why he spoke.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
It was so rude.

Speaker 12 (25:59):
He waited for me the next day and apologized, then
asked me out. He said, he's not married.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Is this situation too risky?

Speaker 2 (26:09):
Very risky, very very risky. She mad about to speak it.

Speaker 8 (26:15):
Yeah, he was with her.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
I mean five, where is she?

Speaker 9 (26:22):

Speaker 4 (26:23):

Speaker 9 (26:23):
We passed jas try to stare me down. And when
I looked at you, you look at the ground. I
don't know who she is, but I think that you do.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
That, gummet. Who is she and what is a she
to you? Now?

Speaker 9 (26:56):
After that song played back where if they was walking together,
they was coming from somewhere, walking or walking to somewhere.
You need to find out who.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
Is she and what is she to you?

Speaker 1 (27:12):
Well, he said he's not married.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
Ah, that don't mean nothing. But if she thinks she is,
or if she want to.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Be the problem, she thinks he's her man.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
I guess she's mad.

Speaker 1 (27:29):
He's speaking to women in front of her.

Speaker 9 (27:33):
They may not be married something. But if he didn't
dip the cookie in the milk, believe that.

Speaker 1 (27:41):
Yeah, and then he's over there asking her out.

Speaker 9 (27:44):
Well, they already been out. That's why you don't take
walks with nobody. You when the last time you walked
with somebody you don't know.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
No, he waited for the woman that was walking her
dog and the next day.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
Apology. Yeah, next day she's gonna be out here to
the marble with this dog. I see her. I'm sorry
this happened, you know, And that was just so rude
of her. Listen, Can I make this up to you?
Can I maybe buy you a cup of coffee?

Speaker 4 (28:12):

Speaker 2 (28:12):
You know? She yeah?

Speaker 1 (28:15):
Why is she so upset that you to me?

Speaker 9 (28:18):
Well, listen, listen, this is so rude. And that's why
I'm apologizing. Because I was walking her home because she
had just somebody was just flirting with her across the street,
a group of young guys, and I said, wow, well
let me walk with her and stopped. Because I stopped
the young dudes, I said, hey, hey, hey, y'all gonna

be a little bit more respectful than that. And so
I was walking with her, and then when I spoke
to you, that's when she surprised me with this unforeseen
fit of jealousy and rage. And after I walked on
where she was going, I came back here tomorrow apologize
to you because I don't know, I don't know where
that came from.

Speaker 1 (28:57):
Are I'm not jail right now?

Speaker 8 (28:59):

Speaker 9 (28:59):

Speaker 2 (29:00):
Losing this.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Hollano much. Sometimes you can put too much on it.
See all right, and.

Speaker 2 (29:08):
If you don't believe it, but we got to get
a story together, all right.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
Coming up at the top of the hour. Thank you, Celo.
We'll have some entertainment news for you right after this.

Speaker 8 (29:23):
You're listening Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
A lawyer who represented O. J.

Speaker 12 (29:30):
Simpson, who died from cancer last week at the age
of seventy six, said Simpson's body will be cremated the
family will have a private celebration of life for friends
and loved ones.

Speaker 4 (29:41):
O J.

Speaker 12 (29:41):
Simpson had three kids by his first wife, Marguerite Whitley,
and two children with his second wife, Nicole Brown Simpson,
whom he divorced back in nineteen ninety two. In nineteen
ninety five, Simpson was famously acquitted in the murder of
his ex wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.
In nineteen teen ninety seven, in the civil case, oj

was ordered to pay twenty five million dollars in punitive
damages to the Goldman and Brown families. Since his death,
Ojy's executor and lawyer, Malcolm Laverne, said he wanted to
clarify his comments in which he said he didn't want
Goldman's family to be able to collect any money from
Simpson's estate. Quote in hindsight, he said in response to

that statement that it's my hope to get zero nothing.
I think that's pretty harsh. That's according to attorney Laverne.
Now that I understand my role as the executor and
the personal representative, it's time to tone down the rhetoric
and really get down to what my role is as
a personal representative.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
So there you go.

Speaker 12 (30:43):
He kind of walked back on some of the harshness
of those statements that he made about the Goldman family
not getting any money.

Speaker 2 (30:55):
You know, it's really kind of hard to comment on that.
I don't really know.

Speaker 9 (30:59):
You know, look, you know he was acquitted in the trial,
and then he was found guilty in this civil trial.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
Well, if you lose in the civil trial, that's what
you have to do. Yeah, you know, hey, yeah you
have to pay.

Speaker 12 (31:15):
I mean, I thought it was kind of harsh what
his attorney said in the in the beginning that the
Goldmans are getting nothing.

Speaker 2 (31:21):
But then, well, you know, you can't, plus dog, you
can't say that.

Speaker 9 (31:25):
Yeah, you know, the all rules and laws to this day,
and I'm pretty sure mister Simpson has no knowledge of
this at this point right now, So I think you
need to just do your damn jobs, need it, and
then let the court process of take its thing.

Speaker 12 (31:44):
Yeah, and that's what he's saying. It's time to tone
down the rhetoric and get down to what his role
really is. That's affording to the attorney. All right, we're
gonna move on. In other entertainment news, make a No
Stallion is on the cover of Women's Health magazine.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Have you guys seen it is?

Speaker 2 (32:02):

Speaker 12 (32:10):
Megan shared that it is a struggle to get her
to work out and to get her routine started, and
she must mentally prepare. Megan said in part quote, if
I want to be a stallion and not a pony,
I gotta get up and put in the work.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
I love that.

Speaker 12 (32:26):
If I want to be a stallion and not a pony,
I gotta get up and put in the work. Megan
goes to pilates. She goes to the gym or to
the beach with her trainers four to five days a week.
She does forty minutes of cardio on the elliptical. For
her lower bodies. She does goblet squats, leg extensions, hip
thrusts and donkey kicks, which she calls stallion kicks.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
I love that.

Speaker 12 (32:51):
Megan's healthy meals typically include breakfast. She'll have protein powder
smoothies for breakfast, pan seared salmon for lunch, and for
her she'll have some fish like maybe sea bass or
cod with sweet potatoes, tailed tomatoes or brown rice.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
Lady out there, let's stop this. Listen to me. Listen
to me, to all the ladies out there. You are
beautiful as you are. Listen to me.

Speaker 9 (33:14):
Don't listen to all this dunkey kicking and glut squatting
and track running and all this here and think you
fin to go out here and your ass finn to
be mad to stallion.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
You not some of all this ponies.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
You could be the best you that you can be.

Speaker 9 (33:33):
There's some cheetahs out there, some lioness is out there.
Takes all types of shapes and bodies to make the
animal kingdom stand strong. So don't be sitting up here
thinking you finna go out and buy a bunch of
damn sea.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Bass and your ass like Meg the stallion, cause you not.

Speaker 9 (33:55):
No moment and I can start eating chocolate chip cookies
and look like Iris elbow, do you Understan.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
Saying yes, Lord, what mean said she's in the stable, Yes, noying.
You know what's not you said injuriest. Okay, yeah, but
you know, but you don't.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
We don't need to take all that thing.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
Yes, Megan said, She's in the space where she feels
good mentally.

Speaker 2 (34:21):
Jory is over Shirley.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
She wants to look as good as she feels.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
What I said was the finat Finaley or what you say? Anyway?
Listeners thinking the ass.

Speaker 9 (34:34):
And to go out here and buy some sea bass
and some damn go and do donkey kicks and call
them donkey kick.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
I don't know what that is.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
You know, when you're on all fours and you pick
your leg out to the side, you know you've seen Yeah, yeah,
what what's the problem? You did your legs back?

Speaker 6 (34:55):
Take it?

Speaker 2 (34:56):
She said injuriest, That's why I did it.

Speaker 9 (35:00):
See shot she took in me shot, you said, elbow,
you said, all.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
Right, don't know how many donkey kicks do you do?
Who you work?

Speaker 1 (35:11):
I don't do donkey kicks?

Speaker 2 (35:13):
Well, when do you work out every day? I walk?
I just walk.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
I don't do donkey kicks. I just walk. I have
a hot girl afraid I just walk. I don't like
donkey kicks.

Speaker 2 (35:28):
Know what it was? Right? I got all right?

Speaker 12 (35:34):
Speaking of looking good, Steve, you might want to hear
this because you're looking pretty fly on the gram.

Speaker 8 (35:40):

Speaker 12 (35:41):
We see you rocking your fly Leopard gear for a
celebrity family few press day, and you must be feeling too,
feeling good too and looking great. Congratulations coming up a
twenty minutes after Huh, go ahead, That's what I'm coming
up at twenty minutes after the hour. Yesterday was tax day?

Speaker 1 (36:04):
Did you pay or file for an extension? We'll talk
about it right after this.

Speaker 8 (36:10):
You're listening Hardy Morning Show.

Speaker 12 (36:13):
Well, yesterday was the deadline to file for your twenty
twenty three tax return or file an extension now. According
to CNN, failing to file on time when you still
owe taxes will subject you to a failure to file penalty,
which is based on how late your return is and
the amount of your unpaid tax. Specifically, it will be
five percent of your unpaid taxes for each month or

part of a month that your return is late. The
IRS notes, However, this penalty will not exceed twenty five
percent of your unpaid taxes. Keep in mind too, your
outstanding ballast will be the subject to interest, will be
subject to interest if you're a late filer who is
owe to refund. In reality, you won't be hit with
a failure to file penalty if you miss your deadline.

Speaker 1 (37:00):
Okay, so did you file on time? Did you have
to file an extension?

Speaker 2 (37:04):

Speaker 1 (37:06):
This is okay?

Speaker 12 (37:07):
Yeah, yeah, on time. This is the day after the
tax deadline. So, Steve, do you have any tax tips
or tax horror stories you want to share? And I
see you with your hand on your face. So something,
I've been.

Speaker 9 (37:20):
Tax horror story, deadline paid on TAXI. I've been on
line for man before and it was an oversight. But lord,
yesterday ate my ass live. Now I'm finished paying for
the year up for twenty twenty three.

Speaker 1 (37:41):
He really, So you paid on time yesterday?

Speaker 2 (37:45):
You know I can't that penalty. I can't do that. Yeah,
they're already.

Speaker 1 (37:50):
Yeah with interest, and yeah, it's never ending if.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
You don't pay it. Yeah.

Speaker 9 (37:55):
A friend of mine told me how much he paid,
and uh, it was a staggering figure. A staggering figure.
But then I told him, I said, also, the blessing
is it's two blessings.

Speaker 2 (38:10):
You had it to pay.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
Yeah, that's number one.

Speaker 9 (38:13):
And then you had to pay you see what I'm saying. Yeah,
because for your tax bill to be that much, you
made so much. Yeah, so we had a good hard
laugh about that.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
Yeah, give us a number of ball park man, so
we can just give me a ballpark. Oh, a friend
of mine?

Speaker 1 (38:37):
Yeah, unless you want to share.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
Oh no, I will never share mine.

Speaker 1 (38:43):
If you've been a headline for you.

Speaker 2 (38:48):
Matter of fact, we're gonna leave him out of this too.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
Because you didn't even give us a name.

Speaker 6 (38:53):
We don't know it is.

Speaker 2 (38:54):
Hell no, Yeah, let's move on, have another day.

Speaker 1 (39:00):
You don't want to talk about a lot that just me.
I walked in yesterday.

Speaker 14 (39:04):
My husband was spent the taxes, and he said, don't
touch nothing, don't touch a piece of paper, don't move nothing.

Speaker 2 (39:12):
What do you all think is a high number?

Speaker 8 (39:15):
A million.

Speaker 2 (39:17):
For us? That's pet.

Speaker 1 (39:21):
You wish you could pay a What are you saying?

Speaker 2 (39:24):
We gotta go?

Speaker 12 (39:26):
Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. In
trending political news, Trump stopped last week at a Chick
fil A in Atlanta. Was set up by a black
conservative activist and we'll talk about it right after.

Speaker 1 (39:37):
This you're listening.

Speaker 8 (39:39):
Morning show.

Speaker 12 (39:41):
Former President Donald Trump's interaction with a black woman conservative
supporter at a Chick fil A in Atlanta last week
has gone viral. The woman is a conservative activist and
founder of Conservative Culture, which recruits and educates college students
and a young alumni at Atlanta's historically black colleges and
Universe Cities. She told the former president quote, I don't

care what the media tells you, mister Trump.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
We support you.

Speaker 12 (40:08):
Some of Trump's outreach too African Americans has played on
racial stereotypes, of course, promoting three hundred and ninety nine
dollars branded sneakers or suggesting that black people would empathize
with his dozens of felony charges.

Speaker 1 (40:25):
What some on really on.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
He people's are chicking out. That's what we're doing.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
That's sad, right, Tommy, That's what we're doing, Nuggets.

Speaker 9 (40:45):
But that story, So this woman who is a black
conservative who works at historical black colleges educating black students
on the Conservative culture. We're going to keep that pro
but we're gonna get rid of all the diversity and
inclusion programs.

Speaker 2 (41:06):
No figure.

Speaker 15 (41:07):
Yeah, yeah, good porn yeah, you're recruiting college students. You're
recruiting college students that are conservatives, but various pwi's like
you said, Steve, they're getting rid of diversity programs and
all this. But I bet you they want those black
athletes though.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
I bet you that.

Speaker 9 (41:28):
And let me help you understand someone else too. And
I mean this in the way that I'm saying it,
so hear all of it. You can think white all
you want, but you are not going to be white.
You will never be accepted as white. So you can

you can get out of that line right now, y'all,
because I'm telling y'all, when it's time to draw the line,
nobody draws it faster than them.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
They gonna let you know, as herschel Walker research Scott.
And it's just recent.

Speaker 9 (42:11):
You ask any of them men who think Richard the guy,
the Republican steal steal guy, he just started seeing the light.
Just go ahead, go on over there, you're gonna fit
in and watch watch. I'm telling you, man, you can

think white all you want, You're not fit to be white.

Speaker 8 (42:34):

Speaker 12 (42:34):
He's currently facing charges in Georgia for allegedly interfering with
the last presidential election his Supreme Court appointees already helped
dismantle affirmative action. Don't forget about that and women's reproductive
rights under Roe v.

Speaker 1 (42:48):

Speaker 12 (42:49):
His other supporters in office have their sights set on
undoing vote voting rights next.

Speaker 2 (42:55):
See, y'all won't even understand.

Speaker 9 (42:56):
They took diverse diversity inclusion out of schools, they get
rid of voting right. Actually, I'm finna tell y'all something
that who you think behind this hill right right? This
your boy Trump, he gonna go along with all of
this here because Harold care nothing about you your advancements.

Speaker 2 (43:13):
He take all that back.

Speaker 9 (43:15):
See, they don't want to talk about this stuff that
happened in the past because they don't want to be
reminded of what their forefathers did.

Speaker 2 (43:22):
But their forefathers did all of this.

Speaker 9 (43:24):
But if we can get you off of that, that
would create more opportunity for us, and we can quit
walking around with the shame of slavery and all that
we did. I'm not getting off of it.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
You're gonna keep reminding them on you did it.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
His hush money trials started yesterday, right, Yeah.

Speaker 9 (43:42):
Jury selection will go on a week or so for
the trial so I guess he didn't really I guess
he didn't really pay that girl either.

Speaker 1 (43:50):
The hush money trial.

Speaker 12 (43:52):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, A former president we're talking about. This
is just not a regular person, just anyone. This is
someone who used to run the country.

Speaker 2 (44:06):
Paid off al paunch Stock.

Speaker 1 (44:09):
We're talking about we're going with this?

Speaker 2 (44:13):
Where we going?

Speaker 1 (44:14):
Michael Cohen? You can't shut him up? And at all?

Speaker 11 (44:22):
Oh, I forgot one thing, all right?

Speaker 12 (44:24):
Coming up next the nephew and today's prank phone call
right after this.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
I know y'all been not eat dead, damn chicken. I know.

Speaker 1 (44:34):
You're listening.

Speaker 8 (44:36):
Morning show.

Speaker 12 (44:38):
Coming up at the top of the hour, right about
four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, and
the subject is my wife is an activist at the
wrong times. We'll get into that, find out what that's
all about just a few and me, that's the wrong time.
We're not marching now, baby, all right, we'll find out
what that's all about in just a few because right now,

now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call.

Speaker 1 (45:03):
What you got for us?

Speaker 9 (45:03):
New It's right here, Shirley, is my auntie's bike. My
Auntie's bike. Get ready to get ready, to get ready,
to get ready, my auntie's bike.

Speaker 2 (45:14):
Let's go cat.

Speaker 4 (45:16):
Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach bond. Hey man, this
this this K dub Man. Listen, do you know somebody
to live on?

Speaker 3 (45:26):
Yeah, my mama, my mama, stay on he who is this?

Speaker 6 (45:30):

Speaker 4 (45:30):
This this K dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tinsley, she
live one now, my auntie, say you came over here
and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of
her garage?

Speaker 3 (45:41):
Told a First of all, who is you?

Speaker 14 (45:43):

Speaker 3 (45:44):
I sole a bike at somebody garage?

Speaker 7 (45:46):
Who is this?

Speaker 6 (45:47):
Who is Kate?

Speaker 4 (45:47):
I don't know no, K Doug, this is Kate dub Man.
My auntie, Miss Tinsley lived down the street from your
mama and my auntie. You the one came over here
and took a bike in a toolbox or somebody that garage. Man.

Speaker 3 (46:00):
First of all, I don't even know, no, damn, Miss Tinsley.
And second of ar, I don't steal your your aunty,
Miss Tinsley, say I stole somebody. Put the put on
the phone, man, put your amy on the phone. I
ain't stolen nothing from nowhere. I ain't got it.

Speaker 4 (46:13):
She can't talk Miami can't talk to you.

Speaker 3 (46:15):
Why she can't talk? She say, I stole something? No,
my ain't my auntie death. She signed language me and
told me that you the once stole stole the bike,
your auntie death. And she told you she signed language
you and said I stole the bike.

Speaker 4 (46:30):

Speaker 3 (46:30):
Wait a minute, how you get my number? Hold on?

Speaker 4 (46:33):
Sign language? You mean not hold on? Okay, she says,
quit all that damn line.

Speaker 14 (46:39):
You know.

Speaker 4 (46:39):
Damn well, you're the one that stole the bike.

Speaker 3 (46:41):
They may hold it up. So your auntie is cutting
me out through you in side language that you're telling
me that I have stole the damn bike. Say man,
first of all, hell you even get my number?

Speaker 4 (46:53):
Man, I got the number that lived down the street.
That ain't your mama? Miss yeah, miss to my mama. Okay, okay,
well look man, the people down the street are but
then they neew your number. I told them I needed
to talk to you soon, and I ain't. He told
me that that you was the one that stole the
bike out the garage. Now look, I ain't trying to
help me.

Speaker 3 (47:14):
Can you can all right? Can you silent back to
your ain't it?

Speaker 6 (47:18):

Speaker 4 (47:18):
I can sign was back to her.

Speaker 3 (47:20):
Tell her that I said it. I ain't sole no,
how about this, tell you ain't I ain't so no
damn like right now, man, hold on, grown man, I'm
trying to tell her right now, Wait a minute, okay,
hold on.

Speaker 4 (47:32):
She's saying something.

Speaker 3 (47:33):
She said, your black lying and you know well you
got this may look you man, you your death painted
that street with nobody on this street except for my mama.
I'm a grown man. I gotta steal a bike for
your death. She must be dumb too, She's death had dumb.
She's like, I sole something. I mean, I don't even know, y'all,

who are you?

Speaker 4 (47:56):
Ain't he ain't deaf and dumb, dude, Okay, I ain't.
He don never Why if miss Tinsley say that that
that somebody took something? That dog she's telling the truth.
I ain't even gonna be lying. And just to be lying,
why you just gonna lie on you watch you're gonna
pick you out. And you know what.

Speaker 3 (48:10):
I don't know what's going on, but I ain't got
no reason to steal it.

Speaker 4 (48:14):
No bike.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
Now, I got a car that ain't paid for. I
got I'm a grown man. I'm trying to get cussed
in my fun. So I'm gonna come in somebody garage
instead of Mike.

Speaker 5 (48:24):
Is you paint it?

Speaker 3 (48:25):
You crazy?

Speaker 4 (48:26):
She is?

Speaker 3 (48:27):
Man, get out my line with that.

Speaker 4 (48:29):
Hold on, hold on, hold on, Mia ain't a talking
what she's saying. Wait a minute, man, I'm trying to
see what she was saying. She say that black No
damn well he took that bike and he better bring
that damn bike.

Speaker 3 (48:41):
That looking man, I don't know what he's still on
my line. Man, I ain't took no bike if them
ain't his line even.

Speaker 4 (48:48):
Simon, Hey dog, you needna tell you something. You're gonna
respect mi AINTI me say, man, you're gonna respect me.

Speaker 3 (48:54):
You called my phone with that. I mean you're trying
to get my together. You call me some who gonna argue?

Speaker 6 (49:01):
What are you? I don't know this is.

Speaker 11 (49:05):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (49:06):
I'm man, I'm K Dubb.

Speaker 4 (49:08):
Everybody know kay Dub.

Speaker 3 (49:09):
I ain't never heard of no K Dub in my life.
My mama been staying on for fifteen years. I ain't
never heard no K Doug. I heard no Miss Tinsley.
I ain't ear everybody no death lady. I ain't seen
no bike. Get the off my line.

Speaker 4 (49:25):
Man, man, you gonna make me go down and steal
somebody of miss house if you don't bring that damn
bike back.

Speaker 3 (49:32):
Got me t bring somebody, come my mama if you
want to tell them on my way over there, find somebody.
Come on mama house. My family is gonna be over
for you.

Speaker 4 (49:41):
That death dumb.

Speaker 3 (49:42):
Ain't you got whoever down there gave you my number?
Everybody you got me Wenna, go this up that street?
Up you come by my mama house. You better not
stepping my mama playing. You come by my mama playing
some of 'em you want? You got me stuff? You're
gonna turn me to the doork side. Come on, mo,
wait right now, I don't know we still on the phone.

Speaker 4 (50:02):
Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute. What
you say, ain't I ain't say. Ain't nobody scared of your.

Speaker 3 (50:09):
Cray say tell yo death, I ain't need to bring
up outside. And I belest you she hit him licks,
I'm gonna be putting on your yo. I'll be so
she gonna be undeath today. I best she get cured
when you see me whooping, yo, man.

Speaker 4 (50:22):
He literally, I ain't coming by myself only Tommy gonna
be there with me. Tommy gonna help me.

Speaker 3 (50:26):
Whoop Yoah, it's time to tell me who.

Speaker 4 (50:28):
Tommy Man, nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show.
You just got pranked by your mama, Miss llau.

Speaker 3 (50:39):
Uh that's said right them man.

Speaker 4 (50:44):
My mama. No, I don't like nobody with him. Man, Guys,
your mama, your mama say, my son loved me to deall.
He don't let nothing. He take care of me. He
don't let nothing go wrong with me. I don't let
nobody mess with me.

Speaker 2 (50:57):
He said.

Speaker 4 (50:57):
All you got to do with that, like you're gonna
do something to his mama. Uh?

Speaker 3 (51:01):
Man, well, I don't. I don't see it because of
like I need. Man, guy, I'm in the mirror sweep.
I'm mad for real, y'all did this so?

Speaker 4 (51:09):
Man? I swear to go.

Speaker 3 (51:10):
That wasn't myself. Oh yeah, Man, tell my mama she
wrong for that too, Dude.

Speaker 4 (51:16):
What up?

Speaker 6 (51:16):

Speaker 4 (51:18):
Do you have to change? Boy? You have to change
you just like me. You know your mama. I ain't
mad at hey. I gotta ask you, man, one more thing.
What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio
show in the.

Speaker 3 (51:29):
Land man without a doubt. Man, it's Steve Harvey, Morning
show man. This a few timing man, without doubt.

Speaker 4 (51:37):
Hey man, tell miss bere I said, hey, alright, I go.

Speaker 3 (51:41):
I'm a little two hundred dollars. She wanted, she want
to play games.

Speaker 4 (51:45):
Though, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (51:47):
Now, come on, come on, come on, come on?

Speaker 4 (51:57):
What what? What?

Speaker 1 (51:58):
What happening? What is happening?

Speaker 2 (52:04):
That's greatness right there. That's just stupidity at its best.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
That is great, Beau.

Speaker 9 (52:08):
Then they gonna get some greatness this weekend Baltimore, Maryland,
Friday and Saturday night, nineteenth and twentieth at the Comedy
Factory in Baltimore, back by popular demand, the Nephew was
coming your way.

Speaker 2 (52:19):
All. I got a few tickets left, y'all come hang
out with your boy too. Friday. Who said trying out that,
you know, trying not do nothing Sunday. You know he
didn'et got on me, you know, by not getting down
on Mondays.

Speaker 9 (52:29):
Oh you know, I'm gonna try to make him feel them.
Bet Timmy, for years I did them both. I performed
on Sunday night and got him came to work on Monday. Everybody, Hey,
you know. That's your reasons why. That's why we are

all different. Everybody do different stuff. Everybody ain't you is that.

Speaker 1 (52:57):
You get to your boss? Oh white, you're not coming
to one boss?

Speaker 2 (53:01):
Is my uncle? What is you talking about?

Speaker 1 (53:03):
Call the But that's your response. Everybody? Ain't you all?
Why you're not?

Speaker 4 (53:10):

Speaker 2 (53:11):
That that to him? To my uncle. Yes, he's just
shaking his head because there's something he did he years ago.

Speaker 1 (53:18):
He did it your job, though it.

Speaker 2 (53:21):
Has changed, everything has changed.

Speaker 1 (53:24):
Could you tell this to another boss? It wasn't your uncle.

Speaker 2 (53:27):
This is what I don't want, I don't have. I'm
not gonna ever have another boss. It ain't so you're
safe on that one. This when he get through a radio.
We threw a radio.

Speaker 1 (53:45):
Your uncle was just shaking his head.

Speaker 12 (53:47):
All right, Dad, you're coming up next. Strawberry Letter for today.
The subject is my wife is an activist at the
wrong time. We'll get into it right after this.

Speaker 1 (53:56):
You're listening.

Speaker 8 (53:58):
Morning show.

Speaker 12 (54:00):
It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if
you need advice on relationships, dating, works, sex, parenting, and more,
please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com
and click Submit Strawberry letter.

Speaker 1 (54:13):
We could be reading your letter live on the air,
just like we're going to read this one right here,
right now, and you never know, it could be yours.

Speaker 2 (54:21):
It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight.
Beguide it for you. Here it is strawberry letter.

Speaker 1 (54:26):
Thank you.

Speaker 12 (54:27):
Nephew's subject. My wife is an activist at the wrong times.
Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty nine year old married man.
My wife is thirty seven, and she volunteers throughout our
community and it's become her life passion.

Speaker 1 (54:42):
She got fired right after.

Speaker 12 (54:44):
The pandemic because it was too hard for her to
keep her composure with her coworkers after all of the
Black Lives Matter movement stuff. Every day she comes home ranting.
She came home ranting over something a coworker said, and
I'm sure she usually took it the wrong way. He Currently,
she's the director of a nonprofit organization that does gardens

and underserved areas of town. She's often featured on the news,
and she's so passionate that it's funny. She's talking about
growing greens and tomatoes, but she sounds like Malcolm X.
Everyone teases her about it, and we always get that
speech about black women are expected to be behind the scenes,
not an authoritative physicians. I tell her all the time

that it's not nineteen sixty and she's got a voice
in today's society.

Speaker 1 (55:33):
But she doesn't have to scowl when she talks.

Speaker 12 (55:36):
I work for a major food distributor, and our small
division gave bags of food out for Easter so that
one thousand families could have a meal. My wife volunteered,
and I knew she was going to ruin it somehow.
As we were handing out bags to pre selected families,
my wife went to my CEO, who was visiting from Florida,

and asked him if they could only find needy black
people to help out. This woman was mad because we
didn't have but a few white families. My boss turned
bright red and I had to go get my wife.
Steven Shirley, my wife is an activist at the wrong times.
How do I talk some sense into her?

Speaker 1 (56:18):
What can I do? You know, she's sounded like Malcolm X.

Speaker 12 (56:24):
All right, Definitely props to your wife for her dedication,
for her passion about her community and all that. For
her giving back, that's always a good thing. And here
comes the butt. But you know you can't take your
wife to any more job stuff. You do realize that, okay,
cause she, like you said, ca ruin it for you.
There's a time and a place for everything, and the

place is not at your husband's work event. You do
not confront the CEO. There keyword confront. Okay, you don't
do that. This event is set, people are in place,
things are set to go, Anticipation is high, everyone is
focused on the task at.

Speaker 1 (57:07):
Hand in the greater good period. That's what the day
is for. That's what it's all about.

Speaker 12 (57:12):
It's not for your wife and her passion to help people,
which at this moment is clouding her judgment. She needs
to understand that what she does affects you. It affects everyone,
not just her. You as her husband, have to remind
her of that. You have to talk to her that way.
Hopefully she'll see that you do support her and her passion,

and maybe she'll listen to you and what you're saying,
because what she doesn't want to do is to jeopardize
everything by finding fault in everything, even when people are
trying to do good.

Speaker 1 (57:44):
Steve is Telly There no Tommy stept Away Press second.

Speaker 2 (57:49):
Steve yeah. I wanted him to do a reenactment in
the second half of the letter.

Speaker 1 (57:53):
But you know, oh he'll be back. Oh he can, yeah, yeah, yeah, but.

Speaker 2 (57:56):
He don't if he don't understand the letter.

Speaker 4 (57:59):
You know, we can.

Speaker 2 (58:00):
You know, I sit through these damn pranks, but you
know you can't sit through these damn man.

Speaker 1 (58:05):
But he can.

Speaker 9 (58:06):
He busy, he got to go somewhere. He doing the eggless,
trying to get tall this summer. And you know, my
wife is an activist at the wrong times, you damn right.

Speaker 3 (58:17):
She is.

Speaker 9 (58:18):
Now your wife thirty seven. She volunteers throughout the community.
And now the reason she got a volunteer and because
it's her life passion, it's cause she got fired. See you,
once you get fired from a job, and the word
get out why they fired you? You ain't finna work
nowhere else. Now she volunteer, and now it's her life's passion.

But she got fired after the pandemic because it was
too hard for her to keep her composure with her
coworkers after all the Black Lives Matter movement stuff. Let
me translate that for you. Right after the pandemic, it
was too hard for her to shut her damn mouth
with her coworkers who are white. After all, the Black

Lives Matter movements stuff. Every day she came home ran
over something a coworker said, and I'm sure she usually
took it the wrong way.

Speaker 2 (59:11):
Yes, she did.

Speaker 9 (59:13):
Currently, she's director of a nonprofit organization that does gardens
in underserved areas Uptown. Yeah, she's often featured on the
news and she's so passionate that it's funny. She talking
about growing greens and tomatoes. But she sounded like Malcolm X.

Speaker 1 (59:32):
How did she does that go together?

Speaker 9 (59:34):
How did that word I'm about to these tomatoes? I
do these greens? Y'all up in the hill. You know,
we're trying to do the right thing. We do the
right thing. Come out to dirt. That's what dirt is.

Speaker 4 (59:50):

Speaker 2 (59:51):
But you know here we are.

Speaker 9 (59:52):
We always got to push through something. Now you got
us out here farming. Oh, I guess you want us
to get back to picking.

Speaker 4 (01:00:00):

Speaker 2 (01:00:02):
But by not even we're picking with a purpose.

Speaker 9 (01:00:05):

Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
We ain't picking for free. We're picking to volunteer.

Speaker 9 (01:00:11):
Feeding the disadvantaged communities and our underserved communities of this city.
That's what these gardens is for. Since the government refuses
to help us. We have now been relegated to helping ourselves.
That's who he is up in hill. I'm about that life.

Speaker 3 (01:00:30):

Speaker 2 (01:00:31):
Everybody ain't got a great the black thumbs in the neighborhood.

Speaker 12 (01:00:36):
We'll have heard two of Steve's response coming up in
twenty three minutes after the hour deal.

Speaker 1 (01:00:40):
Today's Strawberry letter. Subject my wife is an act.

Speaker 2 (01:00:44):
It means necessary at the wrong time. We're gonna grow crops.

Speaker 1 (01:00:50):
Back after this. You're listening.

Speaker 8 (01:00:54):
Morning show.

Speaker 12 (01:00:55):
Let's recap Steve Today's strawberry letter. The subject is my
wife is an activists at the wrong times.

Speaker 9 (01:01:02):
Yeah, this woman is used to work at a job,
but then she got fired because after the pandemic, all
the Black Lives Matter stuff, she couldn't keep her mouth
closed down at her job. So now she cussing everybody
out every day talking about what the coworker said. When
the coworkers trying to work through it too. Her husband
said she probably was taking it the wrong way. So

now she's the director of a nonprofit organization that feeds
the hungry. But now she be on TV all the
time with this garden and stuff she's doing. But the
man says she sounded like Malcolm X. So you know,
we had did a little thing earlier letting you know
that she about these tomatoes, she's doing these greens. You

know what I'm saying, Like we come from the dirt.
I guess now y'all really want us to get back
to picking again, But we're not. We serving the underprivileged
community and that's it. And it's only because the government
itself does not fulfill this obligation and duty to those
in the need. So now we got Malcolm X in
charge of the nonprofit organization. Well, he took her to

work to help with their company giveaway. She met her
husband's boss and ran up to her boss talking about
she mad at the boss because they only she mad
because they could only find needy black people to help out.
This woman was mad because we only had a few
white families. My boss turned bright red get I had

to go get my wife. My wife is an activist
at the wrong times. How do I talk some sense
of her?

Speaker 2 (01:02:33):
What can I do?

Speaker 9 (01:02:33):
There's nothing you could do because she is committed to
this life. Now the problem is she need to make
up who is she?

Speaker 2 (01:02:43):

Speaker 9 (01:02:44):
If you're gonna be Malcolm X, you can't be white,
and you can't be fighting to feed white families.

Speaker 2 (01:02:52):
Damn, lady, you got to make up your mind. You
can't be.

Speaker 9 (01:02:59):
About Black lives matter and then be pushing the white agenda.

Speaker 2 (01:03:05):
Now listen to me. Let me just say this to you.

Speaker 9 (01:03:09):
You can't be Malcolm X and Donald Trump at the
same time. You gonna have to You're gonna have to
pull yourself together. Now, this is what's gonna happen. I
see Tommy's here now, So Tommy, here is this woman

who is committed to the culture and black lives matter.
She got fired from a job, but now she the
director of a nonprofit that gives out food from this
garden they make and now white people down.

Speaker 2 (01:03:43):
There she' mad about that.

Speaker 9 (01:03:44):
Her husband wants to talk some sense into her because
he is afraid that she's gonna mess this up too.
You are now the husband trying to talk some sense
into your militant wife, who I have deemed as the
Malcolm X of garden and and uh, the Malcolm X
of garden and volunteer programs. And you the husband that's

trying to save lives. So why are you constantly talking
to me? Herman? Maybe you're getting a little. You're taking
a little too far. If I could just get you
to calm down a little bit, that's all. I'm trying
to get you to calm down. Why we calm now?
I guess the slaves should have been calm too. If

I can just get you to walk a little lighter,
that's all. I'm just trying to do. Just this, a
little lighter, that's all. Walk lighter as in light skin.
Oh so now you want me to walk white. I'm
not asking you to walk white.

Speaker 2 (01:04:42):
I'm not asking you that.

Speaker 9 (01:04:44):
I'm not asking I'm just asking you to just be
a little bit more open, that's all. That's all I'm saying.
Shouldn't we try to save other people as well? Don't
you think so?

Speaker 2 (01:04:53):
Do you even understand what Black Lives Matter was about?
I totally understand and what Black Lives Matter means. I
understand that. But but all lives matter, baby, right, all.

Speaker 9 (01:05:05):
Lives do matter. But when are black lives gonna matter?
Like all the rest of the lies.

Speaker 2 (01:05:12):
I'm not saying all the herman. Okay, Okay, listen.

Speaker 9 (01:05:18):
All I'm saying is is if we take a different
approach with this, we'll be able to help a lot
more people.

Speaker 2 (01:05:24):
Let's just let's just.

Speaker 9 (01:05:25):
Take a lot more. We're trying to help our people. Oh,
I see what's going on here now? Oh I should
Quita Mohammed Abdul too and Uncle Tom?

Speaker 2 (01:05:46):
Whoa Uncle Tom? That's that's that said? Come on, baby,
we marry me and Tom Jackson Herman Tom.

Speaker 9 (01:05:55):
Okay, okay, now you got to You're about to mess
up our relationship now due to this. You do realize, Oh,
our relationship is already messed up when you refuse to
join me with the Black Lives Matter movement. My brother,
I'm your husband, baby? Why why are you talking to
me like this? I mean we we we got married.

We I've been relegated to just you are my husband.
I guess you are thinking.

Speaker 2 (01:06:21):
I am your wife? Yes, you are my wife? What
are you are you saying?

Speaker 13 (01:06:27):

Speaker 2 (01:06:27):
Now you picking pronouns? I'm not picking anything. You are
my wife? Are you not my wife?

Speaker 3 (01:06:35):

Speaker 4 (01:06:35):
What? What? What? What?

Speaker 2 (01:06:36):
What are we talking about? Here? Am I not? I
guess not? Then if revolution will not be televised? O?

Speaker 7 (01:06:47):
What what?

Speaker 4 (01:06:51):

Speaker 9 (01:06:51):
What a.

Speaker 2 (01:06:59):
Ignorant show?

Speaker 12 (01:07:01):
Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey
FM on Instagram and Facebook and check out the Strawberry
Letter podcast on the free iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (01:07:10):
Three never sounded so good.

Speaker 12 (01:07:12):
You can download it today now coming up in forty
six minutes after the hour, we got Junior and Sports
Talk right after this.

Speaker 1 (01:07:19):
And the Black Paths.

Speaker 8 (01:07:21):
You're listening hard morning show.

Speaker 1 (01:07:25):
It is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. What
you got Junior?

Speaker 2 (01:07:29):
All right? Shut it in.

Speaker 10 (01:07:30):
The w NBA Draft took center stage last night. As expected,
Kaitlin Clark goes first.

Speaker 11 (01:07:35):
To the Indiana Fever.

Speaker 10 (01:07:38):
I didn't even know that they had a team facts,
but she gonna stay in the Midwest.

Speaker 11 (01:07:46):
She went to the Indiana Fever and you know, girl
Angel Reach went seven. She went to the Chicago Sky.

Speaker 1 (01:07:51):
So said.

Speaker 11 (01:07:53):
About that. Go ahead, Angels, where you it's not where
you drafted.

Speaker 2 (01:07:56):
That is how you play girls. Are you worried about that?

Speaker 10 (01:07:59):
Kim Bring one second, she had a stand for She
went to the La Sparks, but Camilla Cardoza out of
South Carolina, she would also went to the Chicago Sky
So that means Angel and Camilla.

Speaker 1 (01:08:09):
Gonna be teammates.

Speaker 2 (01:08:12):
That's gonna be nice, man.

Speaker 10 (01:08:14):
But it was a really start staid like those girls
look absolutely amazing in the dresses they had on.

Speaker 11 (01:08:19):
They looked absolutely amazing.

Speaker 1 (01:08:21):
Yeah they look good, like no, they did. They look
like they ready to turn pro.

Speaker 11 (01:08:24):
But you know we were talking about this that that
means Indiana, it's gonna have a lot of viewership this season.
With Kaitlyn Clark coming to.

Speaker 2 (01:08:32):
You, I was dead to you.

Speaker 9 (01:08:38):
Because you know, whoever drafts Kitlyn is going to get
the megastar of women's basketball so far in terms of
viewership of all time. And that's a big part of it. Now,
let's see if it translates into the pro game though.
See that, Well, they gotta really figure out what to
do in the w NBA with attendants, because if you

can get attendants up, you can get TV rights up.
You get TV rights up, you get them girls salaries up,
those women's salaries up.

Speaker 4 (01:09:08):
You know.

Speaker 1 (01:09:09):
Yeah, yeah, that's good.

Speaker 10 (01:09:10):
The base salary for w NBA player the first year
it is under one hundred thousand.

Speaker 1 (01:09:15):
And that's sad.

Speaker 2 (01:09:16):
That's that's really is. It's under one hundred.

Speaker 3 (01:09:20):

Speaker 9 (01:09:20):
I don't like that at all, and that's what we want.
You've got to put the fans in the seats. You
can't own a team and you don't have the fans.

Speaker 2 (01:09:31):
In the seats. If you watch a w n B
A game, they won't even show the crowd half the time.

Speaker 1 (01:09:38):
Sparse marketing, but you know.

Speaker 9 (01:09:40):
You got to do a better job of attending. And
I just got to tell you, man, women got to
support women's sports.

Speaker 14 (01:09:47):
Yes, women, everybody has to support women's sports. See, they
can't just make money with just all women in the stands.
Women go through games.

Speaker 1 (01:09:56):
But women, I don't keep saying.

Speaker 8 (01:10:00):
That you have a pew point.

Speaker 9 (01:10:01):
Don't you have to You have to support women's sports.
Women have to support women's sports.

Speaker 12 (01:10:13):
Are into support excuse me, friends into sports like men are,
though they're not.

Speaker 2 (01:10:18):
That's a fact.

Speaker 1 (01:10:25):
All right, thank you guys.

Speaker 12 (01:10:29):
Coming up at the top of the hour, a woman
needs advice on social media, Steve. She says her aunt
keeps giving her unsolicited advice. Uh, we'll talk about that
right after this.

Speaker 1 (01:10:39):
You're listening.

Speaker 8 (01:10:42):
Morning show, all right, Steve.

Speaker 12 (01:10:45):
This is from Andrea on Steve Harvey FM. She says,
my aunt keeps giving me unsolicited advice about raising my
children from their diet to their screen time, even though
her own kids are frankly a mess. I've been polite
so far, but it's getting on my nerves. Should I
tell her off and once and for all? Or should

I just keep biting my tongue for family peace? Is
there a way to set boundaries without causing a family feud?

Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
Now, I'll try to see how you can do that.
At this point, I think you have to go and
just blasted, just sam blasted. I think it's school that
i'd have to have it. Hey, Auntie, listen here.

Speaker 9 (01:11:25):
I know you're trying to be helpful, but I don't
really want you talking to me about my kids, because
I don't think you've done all that dayn good at
job with yours.

Speaker 2 (01:11:37):
Raymond dropped out.

Speaker 9 (01:11:38):
Of school, he getting a ged going down lit Terrell
down in Juvie right now. Your daughter is doing fine,
she's at least looking like she doing well in school.
But we just caught her smoking weed last week at
Grandma's house. Now, and we ain't even gonna talk about

Pooky and his little ignorant ant because you down at
the school every Friday or something he didn't did and
he'd been and he'd been suspended full time.

Speaker 2 (01:12:13):
Please stop talking to me about my children.

Speaker 9 (01:12:15):
Okay, now, now, I tell you right now clearly your
children are a problem when they got to put out,
when they got put out of Sunday school.

Speaker 2 (01:12:30):
So we're gonna put a stop to.

Speaker 1 (01:12:32):
This right because shes are a mess, her cousins are a.

Speaker 2 (01:12:37):
Mess, and just point out the mess.

Speaker 1 (01:12:40):
Yeah, all right, I.

Speaker 12 (01:12:41):
Think we have time for another one, Steve. This is
from Vince on Steve Harvey FM. Vince says, my wife
and I have hit a rough patch as of late.
To work through it, I've suggested couples counseling, but my
wife is having no part of it. Even so I've
decided that I would go to a therapist alone to
try and work through my part of it. Here's a
problem lately, whenever I come home from an appointment, she

wants to talk about what happened in my session and
what am I saying about her. So far, my only
response has been that I'm that my therapy sessions are
my time and it's none of her business. But I
add that if she wants to come along and to
be a part of it, she's more than welcome to
join me. That's where the conversation iss. But to say

things have gotten even more tense is an understatement. Is
there a better response to this, or am I right
to say my therapy is my business.

Speaker 2 (01:13:37):
Well, I admire you, brother for wanting to work through it.

Speaker 9 (01:13:40):
Cause if it's more and more tense and you want
to do something about it, you offer couple's therapy. You
thought that was a good idea. She didn't, so you
went on there to handle your part of it. There
is no other way to do it, man, I mean,
but you kate you. You not gonna win this battle
by yourself. It take two to tangle it.

Speaker 4 (01:14:00):
You know.

Speaker 2 (01:14:01):
It takes two people to work on the marriage, not
one one.

Speaker 9 (01:14:06):
I don't know how. I don't know how one fix it.
If you want to win in the marriage and she don't,
I don't know what.

Speaker 2 (01:14:13):
To tell you.

Speaker 9 (01:14:15):
Yeah, if you think it's a problem in the marriage
and she don't, I don't know what to tell you.

Speaker 2 (01:14:20):
But you're a good dude, though, I'll tell you that
you wanted them good men.

Speaker 1 (01:14:25):
And all she wants to know is what is he
saying about her to the therapist?

Speaker 2 (01:14:29):
What is he Well, I went to I went to
a couple's therapy one time.

Speaker 1 (01:14:35):
One time, I.

Speaker 2 (01:14:38):
Left therapy and went to the law office.

Speaker 8 (01:14:44):
The same day.

Speaker 1 (01:14:47):
Why did I know this is going to be a
crazy answer.

Speaker 2 (01:14:53):
Your life and these you done went out there more
than once. I went one time. One after that, I
made a phone call as soon as I got back
to Now you knew you just knew.

Speaker 9 (01:15:07):
Yeah, I didn't know what. I don't know what therapist
was gonna say in the next session. But but she
wasn't gonna be talking to me though, because you were done.
Clearly I recognized the problems even if she didn't.

Speaker 12 (01:15:21):
All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning
Show coming up at twenty minutes after right after this.

Speaker 1 (01:15:26):
You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 12 (01:15:31):
All right, So here's a question. Is Generations Z over
social media really?

Speaker 3 (01:15:37):

Speaker 1 (01:15:38):
It could be because it's heart huh.

Speaker 12 (01:15:40):
It could be because, as hard as it is to believe,
the generation raised on social media, Generation Z maybe growing
tired of it by now. Last year, the University of
Chicago published a report that found that fifty seven percent
of college students who are active users of Instagram would
quote prefer to live in a world without the platform.

Researchers ask the students how much they would have to
be paid to get rid of their social media and
the average answer about fifty dollars. Something fifty dollars would
would make them make their social media go away. So
do you guys agree that life would be better without
social media?

Speaker 4 (01:16:22):
I do? I do?

Speaker 2 (01:16:28):
It might be I like Mike, Oh no, oh, I
like it.

Speaker 1 (01:16:36):
Right now because we didn't have it growing up and
we were fine.

Speaker 2 (01:16:40):
We were just fine.

Speaker 1 (01:16:41):
Yeah, we turned out fine.

Speaker 2 (01:16:43):
Well, I'm liking for what. I don't need it.

Speaker 9 (01:16:45):
I don't need it to be successful, and I show
don't need it to find out the lies that's out there.

Speaker 2 (01:16:51):
I don't need.

Speaker 9 (01:16:56):
Me and my wife brother David still, are we still together?
I say, yeah, baby, I think so was taking pictures
of me. So I just wanted to came back over there. Yeah,
everything fine.

Speaker 2 (01:17:07):
I ain't hearing nothing. All right?

Speaker 12 (01:17:08):
Coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll
play around it. Would you rather right after this you're listening.

Speaker 8 (01:17:16):
Morning show?

Speaker 1 (01:17:17):
It is time now for a round it? Would you rather?

Speaker 12 (01:17:21):
Would you rather be in extreme heat wearing a ski suit,
you know, one of those ski snowsuits, or would you
rather be an extreme cold in a bikini or spun suit?

Speaker 8 (01:17:32):
Which one?

Speaker 2 (01:17:33):
No, I'm gonna take that. I'm gonna be in that heat,
not be in the heat, for sure. I'm gonna be
in the heat. I know Dan will yeah, in the hospital, right,
what about you, Steve, I'm gonna take a hospital. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:17:52):
I'd rather be too hot than too cold.

Speaker 2 (01:17:54):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:17:54):
Would you rather wait to uh huh, We're gonna lose
some weight with you. Yeah, yeah, you will.

Speaker 9 (01:18:01):
All right.

Speaker 12 (01:18:01):
We're just talking about social media earlier in the show.
So so, would you rather give up social media or
eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?

Speaker 13 (01:18:10):

Speaker 2 (01:18:11):
Here was social media? The same food all day.

Speaker 1 (01:18:16):
Dame dinner for the rest of your life, or give
up social media? Which one?

Speaker 2 (01:18:20):
I don't want to eat the same thing. I don't
want to.

Speaker 1 (01:18:22):
You're gonna have to, Yeah, you're.

Speaker 11 (01:18:26):
Yeah, I'm just gonna keep the social media eat chicken
for the rest of my life.

Speaker 9 (01:18:30):
No, Steve, I'm on social media all the time and
still got a damn ship.

Speaker 2 (01:18:37):
So whatever. Why you hating? I'm gonna eat.

Speaker 6 (01:18:45):
All right.

Speaker 12 (01:18:46):
Would you rather own just one pair of shoes or
just one blazer?

Speaker 9 (01:18:50):

Speaker 1 (01:18:56):
I want to hear his answer, blue cheese.

Speaker 2 (01:19:01):
One for one pair one blazer. I'm going with the
one blader.

Speaker 9 (01:19:07):
We have to have a variety of everything else, though,
come on, I'm gonna tell I'm gonna take this one.

Speaker 2 (01:19:14):
Pa, I got to change club.

Speaker 9 (01:19:21):
Oh lot boy ho Wait, so you think that you're
gonna be able to switch your shoes, but you got
to wear the same damn place?

Speaker 2 (01:19:33):
Here come blue suit?

Speaker 1 (01:19:40):
Would here's one?

Speaker 12 (01:19:42):
Would you rather forget your wife's birthday? Or would you
rather forget your anniversary?

Speaker 2 (01:19:48):
Every year?

Speaker 1 (01:19:49):
Which birthday or anniversary?

Speaker 2 (01:19:51):
Oh? You can't do no one of them?

Speaker 3 (01:19:53):

Speaker 2 (01:19:54):

Speaker 8 (01:19:55):
Would you rather?

Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
I'd rather have a front tooth?

Speaker 1 (01:19:59):
Chill, that's not one of the options.

Speaker 9 (01:20:05):
Birthday and knock my front two fout before I forget
this crazy ass person's birthday and anniversion every year?

Speaker 12 (01:20:15):
But you think birthday or anniversary? Which is more important?

Speaker 1 (01:20:18):
Are they both equally?

Speaker 6 (01:20:19):
At the.

Speaker 1 (01:20:21):
Okay, we can't do either one.

Speaker 2 (01:20:24):
We can't do that, man.

Speaker 1 (01:20:29):
Birthdays are more important. That's my personal opinion. All Right,
that's today's round of would you rather? Coming up?

Speaker 12 (01:20:36):
It's our last break of the day, and we'll close
out the show with the one and only Steve Harvey
right after this.

Speaker 1 (01:20:42):
You're listening.

Speaker 8 (01:20:44):
Morning show.

Speaker 12 (01:20:45):
Here we are, guys, our last break of the day
on this Tuesday, it's been a good day.

Speaker 1 (01:20:52):
And uh, well, you know, we talked about a lot
of stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:20:58):
Might lead to something.

Speaker 9 (01:21:01):
Say it again, Steve, anybody got any questions might lead
to something?

Speaker 1 (01:21:06):
Well, I did want to ask you.

Speaker 12 (01:21:08):
We talked about Megan thee Stallion earlier and you kind
of made a joke about it. You know, she talked
about her workout routine and all of that and what
she does, and you kind of made a joke about
it about you know, don't try to other people out there,
don't try to do what Megan does and think you're
going to look like Megan. But but I mean, I
think what you really wanted to say, under undertone of

that was be the best you you can be.

Speaker 9 (01:21:34):
Well, a deeper lying meaning when I joke around like
that is even like, you know, I think people.

Speaker 2 (01:21:44):
I think because of social media. I think because of.

Speaker 9 (01:21:49):
Everybody always making comparisons and this person flexing and that
person flexing, and then like it, the old saying was
keeping up with the Joneses. Yeah, I think people forget
that you have a chosen path for yourself too. I
think people give up on their chosen path. You know,

it's sort of really funny man. I was thinking the
other day about a relative of mine and when we
were younger, man, he was incredibly talented. I mean, man,
this dude man could draw anything. I mean anything man,
when we were kids, I mean he his pictures of people.

He actually drew people. While we was drawing stick figures,
he was drawing people.

Speaker 2 (01:22:40):
You know, when we were.

Speaker 9 (01:22:41):
Making that little side view of a car, he was
drawing full fledged cars at angles with tires, with the
wheels turning, and the details on the cars were incredible.
I was just looking and he took a pin one
day and drew a picture of Huckleberry Finn went rabbit hunting,
and he was holding the rabbit by his ears. He

took a pin and put these dots and drew this
picture but in dots. I watched this guy man, and
I marveled at his gift, in his talent, and sad
to say, he never used it. He never pursued, he
never used it. And then I watched another relative of

mine who was related only by marriage. It is my
daughter in law's brother. This guy was doing some art
for me one time because he could draw. He was
so talented of an artist. He does tattoos too, and
he did his own tattoo on his arm. He did

his own tattoo, and then he did a piece of
art for me that I liked one time. And then
he was getting married and he fell on hard times
and he came to me for some help and I
helped him out a little bit. And now one time
we were talking and he said, hey, man, do you
have a job for me? And I said, no, I don't.

He said, hey man, you didn't even think about that.
I said, I'm not going to give you a job.
I said, because, man, you have a gift. I've never
seen anybody other than one or other relative I had,
who can draw like you. I said, man, why don't
you pursue that. That's a great gift you have. Well
that was about seven years ago we had this conversation.

He just presented Rocky, I mean he asap Rocky and
Rihanna a piece of art that he had did for them.
He has done Kobe Bryant pictures. He has done pictures
for so many people. Now he's came back and done
more artwork for me, And all of a sudden I
realized he used his gift. He followed his path. The

biggest injustice. You can do for yourself is not to
follow your path. I don't know how my other really
relative really feels. He's retired from his job now and
everything you know, and he never used that God given gift.
And I often wondered, man, what would he have been?
What could he have done had he followed his path.

I just I never understood why he didn't pursue it.
He just didn't have it any to take the chance.
I guess he just didn't have it any to foster
the belief in hisself. I don't know what it is,
because for me to not follow my path, it's just unthinkable.

I just don't know what I would do if I
didn't follow my path, if I didn't chase my dreams,
if I didn't use this gift.

Speaker 2 (01:25:52):
I don't know what that is.

Speaker 9 (01:25:54):
I am suggesting and employing everybody out there, use your
God given gift, because he gave you a gift. If
your gift is not tied to your job, if your
job is not tied to your gift, you better start
pursuing it sooner or later, because these people are gonna
take your job from you, age gonna come take you away.

You're gonna retire, something gonna happen. They gonna close a plant.
If you have a gift, Now, if your gift is
teaching and you're a teacher, you doing it. If if
you are if if if you're a first responder and
that's your gift helping people, police officers, firemen, you know,
EP and medical, measical, emergency people, that's your gift.

Speaker 2 (01:26:38):
I got it.

Speaker 9 (01:26:40):
Tie your gift to your job. But if your job
is not tied to your gift, man, stop sitting there
and watching your path get away from me. Man, follow
your path. Man, it'll it'll be such a rewarding life
for you. And it's never too late to do it. Man,
But don't sit there with this gift God gave you
and do nothing with it, because I just don't know

what that ends up for you. Those are my close
remarks today. I just want that to encourage somebody, man
to follow your path, chase your dream, use your gift.
Those are my closes remarks. Hey, y'all talk to God today.
He would absolutely love to hear from it.

Speaker 12 (01:27:28):
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