Episode Transcript
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Welcome to another episode of the BigBoy Boy Speak on It a podcast,
Big Boy's Neighborhood beautiul day in theneighborhood. Honnie is up in here.
What I'm Honie? What I mean? Oh? Nothing? As you got,
my love. This is so scaryand straight out of a movie would
happen to these three guys. ButI saw this on the news, and
these three guys they were just like, hey, let's go, let's go
fishing together. So they rent aboat, they go out to go fishing,
and there's somewhere that's closer to likeAustralia and stuff, a little far
from here. But when they gothis far, yeah, it's really fine.
But whenever they do take their boatout, their boats engines starts running
out. Then they have a radioon the boat. The power goes out,
so now they have to swim tothe shore. They swim to the
closest shore that they find. Theydon't know at the time where they are,
but it is a place called Micronesia, which has like a really slow
population of people. It's really small, that's it micro Yeah, and then
things so they're on there for awhole week. Their family reports them missing
that they're gone. Now everyone's tryingto find them. They're like, they
were out on sea. We don'tknow where they are. But then what
they did is really smart. Soif you ever get stuck on the island,
make sure you look around. Yougo to the palm trees, you
get a branch, and you startspelling the word help. When they smelled
that big somebody from the sky,like the US Navy, they saw it
and they're like, they need ourhelp, so they contact the coast Guard.
Coast guard comes turns out the coastGuard is actually related to one of
the fishermen, which is really weirdand really a small place. It's all
over the news and they ended upgetting Yeah, you know, there's no
such thing called fake news. Hecould too. But they were saying that
if they didn't spell out that wordhelp or with the branches, that they
probably wouldn't end up finding them.And you know, they were already starving.
They had to live off of coconutsand sewer water, is what they
said. And that was a volleyballwith a handprint with Tom Hanks there.
You can help you. You gottahave the right people if you're stuck on
an island by yourself. You gottahave the right people if you stuck on
there with other people. Oh yeah, you just don't want to be like
complaining man, like we already stuck. Yes, you know? Is there
anyone and you wouldn't want to bestuck on a nine and went when you
just said give and complaining. Thereis this one friend that I have who's
negative about anything, and she wouldn'thelp. She just sit there and be
like, where's that on the island? What do we do? And I'd
no, let's do something, let'slike figure it out. She's like,
you're never going to find It's like, yeah, if we don't put help,
she really help with these leaves,get some sticks out. Yeah,
man, she would be sucky.Not only would you be not helpful,
but she would like bring my mooddown and then I'd be sad. Is
there a celebrity you wouldn't want tobe stuck on an island with? Want
to be? Yeah? Would not? I know if it was like would
be to be Chris Brown. Sodon't everyone hear from you as well?
Man? Who would you not wantto be stuck with? If you were
on an island, deserted island,who would you not want to be stuck
with mom, dad, in laws, your girl, a coworker, whatever
it may be. Who would younot want to be stuck with? Let's
bring Danielle into the neighborhood of seeit's going down with Danielle up in here,
Danielle. What the hell Danielle?Hello, Hello, Hello there,
Danielle, Danielle deserted Island. Whowould you not want to be stuck on
the nighting with with kids? Myniece, my two nieces and my son?
Damn? She said her son too. I heard that now, I
think I know the obvious, butI'm gonna ask anyway, why would you
not want to be stuck with thekids? Because they gotta be crying,
They not gonna help. Yeah,I'm gonna be frustrated. Oh yeah,
I'm gonna be pulling my hair out. Yep. How do you plug the
iPad? He's going to be allthe way in the water. Yep,
yep. Gotta go get got gottasave her daily. Yeah you know what
I'm saying. And how old arethey Danielle fourteen seven? Oh yeah,
yeah, he was about the fire. Yeah, you know, soon as
as soon as you guys, yeah, as soon as the batteries die in
their phone or whatever. It's gonnabe pure mayhem after that, Oh my
god. May Yeah. Man.Then my niece, she's gonna think she
can swim in the water. Myson, he wanted to be the song
you said. She thinks she gonnahurn in the water. If she can't,
she'll find out. Yeah yeah,man. Who would you not want
to be stuck with Louke the Rock? Oh? Really? Yeah? I
gotta thin if I was stuck withthe Rock, it would get to the
point where he'd like call me likeuseless and then try to like, you
know, come on whatever, Yeahyou're not pulling your weight? Yeah,
dog, Yeah, I would liketo be with Jose Yeah as much as
I Yeah, because Jose be theone that like walking, go get some
coconuts or something, you know whatI'm saying, like like yeah, you're
like big, I got it.I'm like, are you sure? Didn't
you do that? Fake that fakeget up? Like oh you know yeah,
yeah. Maybe let's bring Eric intothe neighborhood. See was going down
with Eric? Bring Eric up inhere real quick, Eric, Hello,
Hello, Hello there, Eric,deserted item. Who would you not want
to be stuck with you know what, I wanted to respect, but I
wouldn't want to be with somebody KanyeWest. Man, really, do no
disrespect this this? You deserve itall him? Why not? Can you
imagine? Yeah, Kanye just talkingall day and night for you, Eric,
Why would you not want to bestuck with Kanye West? Because,
man, straight up, I'm tryingto get I'm trying to like find a
way to get out of the island, and knowing him, he's going to
be like today, I feel Ifeel different. I feel different today,
I feel different. Yeah, man, I ain't trying to mess with somebody
like that. Man a man andthen do you would start building a boat,
then he would tear the boat downor like saying like oh, on
Tuesday, we're gonna put the boatout, and then he'll just delay it
and never tay where you're gonna go, be like the votres to Yeah,
yeah, man, Hey man,did you see the place in Malibu?
Oh? The house and mallible Man, Yeah, they gutted that house.
It was a beautiful house. Hegutted it, you know, And that's
just the way Kanye is. Hewanted to make a Kanye type of house.
And now if I'm not mistaken,I think it went down in price
like thirteen million million just because whathe did to the crib. Yeah,
it got listened for it and googleit. I think it was less than
like thirteen million dollars less. Allright, now, who would you not
want to be stuck on a desertedisland with We're going to bring Justin into
the neighborhood. Seies going down withJustin? Justin? Hello, Hello,
Hello, they're Justin Justin, desertedisland. Who would you not want to
be stuck with Justin Man? IfI'm going to be honest, I'll probably
have to say my ex man,alrighty, hell, it'll be one miserable
thing, Ryan, Ryan, Ican understand. So you would not want
to be stuck on an island withthe ex? Explain Justin Man? She
as much as I really so forher. She was one of those people
where I couldn't have no relationship withno female, like not even be prayed.
So she'll be probably start her loosename, be like oh you think
that tree over this, fine,be with the tree, or don't don't
let us get rescued by female.So be like, oh, so you're
gonna let her save you, youknow what, Go ahead and do you
I'll stay here right, oh mylord. And that's when I'd be like
all right, yeah, oh man, I'm just gonna be like, man,
go ahead and go like, I'llwait here. We'll just catch the
next one. Like it's just it'sjust no winning with her. Sometimes if
y'all just some of them oranges fromthe boat, I'll just ruugh it.
Yeah, like you know, itis what it is. How long we
y'all together? So it was likepretty much a year and a half,
and it was one of those gotto a point where it's just like like
I couldn't even go into a storeand ask for help if I didn't know
where something was, don't don't askfor help, and don't let it be
a female. I just have tosearch and find my way. It was
one of those type things, ordon't you know, if I had to
look somewhere, oh, she's like, oh, so you're looking at her,
and I'm like, what are youtalking about? Help me please?
Yeah. Yeah, one of thoseyou just gotta just look and just just
look like I'm just here now.Yeah, it's a good thing you got
away from her to Ford because therewas with with that. It's almost like
like innate. I guess that that'slike in the bone Marrow, bro,
where that's not going to change.Are you in a relationship now justin?
Oh no, currently no, I'mhopefully find the right one, but that
one I had to had to getaway from it. It's one of those
like when you see the meme ofa fun girl walk past, you probably
can feel the sweat drifting from theside of my head because her eyeballs is
probably staring at me right away.Oh yeah, I hear you, bro,
And we also want to congratulate himand welcome him to the team as
well. Man, that's justin.He's doing the slow jam show here.
He's not. Okay I thought,okay, I thought he's doing a slow
jam show here tonight. Okay,alrighty, my bad, alrighty. Now,
who would you not want to bestuck on a deserted island with We're
gonna bring Jay into the neighborhood tosee what Jay gotta say? J Hello,
Hello, Hello there Jay Jay.Who would you not want to be
stuck with Jay? All the peopleA would say, my girl's son?
Oh alright, damn, alright,now, how old is your girl's son?
He's fifteen, alrighty, so it'sobvious this is not your son.
And how long have you been inhis life? About like four years now,
okay, so since it's about teneleven years of age, alrighty?
And why would you not want tobe stuck on a deserted island with your
girl's son? Well, because youknow, you know we man, so
you know, he's just he's older. So he's you know, he's fifteen.
You all know what we did whenfifteen. So I feel like when
I'm trying to do my castaway stuffand you know, make a boat for
this stuff, he's going to berunning away, trying to find a private
place in the bathroom or something.Oh gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. You
know what I'm right, and probablynot even really pulling his weight, you
know what I'm saying. And nowadaysfifteen ain't fifteen like when we were fifteen,
you know. Now? Yeah,now you know the kids, you
know, they a little slower,you know what I'm saying. Yeah,
yeah, on the phone, yeahyeah, yeah. You being like a
serious situation, not knowing where yournext mill is coming from. When you're
getting out of there. Yeah,and he'll be over there shooting tiktoks.
Yeah, that that is true.Do y'all get along on the surface,
Jay, Oh yeah, we're supercool. Okay, super cool. But
I just know that in in asituation where I'm in an island, do
not you? Yeah, not atall. Yeah, your mom can come
over here, but no, notyou. Let's bring Louisa into the neighborhood
to see what's going down with Louisaup in here. Luisa, Hello,
Hello, Hello there, Luisa.Who would you not want to be stuck
on a deserted island with well,the main person because everybody knows who he
is is DJ Kallis. Oh mygod, dude, hey man, do
you know how sometimes just the pempand the I'll be like, dude,
be quiet, like I love talent. But if he if he just start
trying to really like motivational speak,when we gotta like try to climb a
tree or cut something down or youor put a plan together, like yeah,
what what would be it for you? Luisa? Why not DJ called?
Well, what you said is partof it. But I have two
bigger reasons. Okay, now,so the first, the first big reason
is because I'm sure everybody saw thegolf cart video where he got carried and
he did. I don't want tohave to deal with that. He's a
diva, So I would never wantto be stranded anyway with a diva because
I know that he'll make it allabout himself. Wow, make me uncomfortable.
Great observation, Great number one.Number two is he cannot be trusted.
He did not stand up for hispeople in Palestine, so I know
he would kill me food. Hesaid that he can not lose weight,
he can only win. You comewhen it went four or five? He
can't lose WEIGHTY only win? Allright, now, hit us up?
Who would you not want to bestuck with Big Boy's neighborhood? She came
with receipts. Adies, you're plinyinga big boy from Big Boy's neighborhood.
On iHeartRadio. We have the mostfun on your radio, Joiner Lucas in
the neighborhood. So when you sitdown to write, is it in your
head or that's just you? Ithink that is really the beat that brings
me to where I need to go. Right when I hear a beat,
you know, and it's like dependingon the beat that I come with a
concept and all that, but themusic lives forever, right right, so
you can't be lazy on the pend. People are gonna listen to it forever.
Literally, It's like, you know, we listened five, ten,
fifteen, twenty years from now.It's like you want to make sure when
people hear it, you know,they're like, oh, you got busy,
thank you for listening. It isupon the big Boy Big Boys neighborhood.
You can catch more of us righthere on iHeartRadio.