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April 22, 2024 12 mins
SPEAK ON IT with calls - Who Owes You An Apology?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to another episode of the BigBoy Boy Speak On It on It podcast
Big Boy Neighborhood. Louis G's upin here with I loot on Man.
I've been watching Lopez Versus Lopez onNBC, yes, and on that and
second season right, second season man, and on the latest episode that's one
called Lopez Versus Raider Nation. SoGeorge Lopez is going through sobriety right now,

right, and one of the thingshe wants to do is apologize to
everybody. I'm on step nine ofAA making amends, so almost been driving
me around to apologize. Oh,I'm calling in my Heiress Tour, my
Beer era and my Apple TEENI era. I kept the classy there at the

end. So he's been writing hiswrongs right, just apologizing to everybody and
anything. And his best friend Oscaris just chilling like I'm waiting for him
to apologize to me because the onetime he went to a Raider Charger game,
he dared him to go tackle MarshawnLynch on the field and he did
it and he got in trouble dog. So he's like, you know what,
I got to remind him of whathe has to like apologize for So

we decided to take him to RaidersChargers game, and right when he feels
he's gonna apologize to Oscar, hetells him, can you move over real
quick? Oscar? Being at thisgame reminds me, I als someone a
huge apology. This is the perfecttime to say it, Oscar. Yes,
George, can you slide through here? Man, I'm gonna apologize tomorrow.

The last time we were here,I was the one that put that
spike on your seat? What wasyou, bro? How to pull it
out? I still owe him afever. I'm sorry, man. I
love you, Man, I loveyou too. Take it back drown man
crying. That's what Raider Nation isall about. Women, take note.

Football is our therapy. You arespikes. No, I'm just really happy,
good friend, George Lopez No pansversus lo PEVs Yeah. Man.
Moment was dressed up in all Raidergear with the spikes and everything. Bro,
having a good time at the game. He said, Raiders in Charges
that's your household. Yeah, hellyeah, that'shold. Man. Chargers fan

is a Raiders fan, and that'swhat it is. Raiders. Oh my
gosh. Yeah, man, Butdude, that funny is that he's going
to run an apology, gentary,but now his errors to her, I
guess what happens? Right, Soyou look back and you're like, man,
I think I should owe this personin the Is there anybody that you
feel owe you an apology? Oh? Oh me an apology? Yeah?
Man? Oh yeah, yeah,I got one man. Yeah. Man,

my nephew Kyler No really yeah,man, And I don't you know,
but I got them some some rollingout tickets and I felt like he
didn't he didn't hit me back tosay thank you. I had to check
back in with him. You knowwhat I'm saying. I love him,
but man, I just felt like, oh, you know, I felt
I felt a certain way about that, man. Yeah, because I'm so
I'm so quick on hitting people backand you know, you know, thank

you, thank you, thank you, those kinds of things. Man.
So we want to hear from youas well. Who owes you an apology?
Let's bring the coal into the neighborhood, kids going down winning cold up
in here? Nicole, Hello,hello there, who owes you an apology?
And why oh my boyfriend family forbeing so disrespectful for I used to

die as a career and so theywould be disrespectful to you. Yes,
they're so disrespectful really, and andlike who in the family, the entire
family. A lot of members ofthe family are like moms and pops,
like his immediate family, like othersister, Like, yeah, I was
even pregnant at one point, andthey're like, Oh, I hope your

baby dies. Whoa. Oh that'snot being whoa, that's not disrespectful,
that's just downright mean. Sure,yeah, that is crossing the line.
So they said they hope the babydies. Yes, they're so mean just
because I used to die. Reallythough, Now are you are you still
with the guy? I am okay? And how long have y'all been together?

Like ten years? How do youstill? Like, are you guys
okay now? Or did that putlike a wage between your relationship as far
as like you and the family wereokay? And I just I just forgave
them for myself. I just Ijust let it go. But I feel
like sometimes I do think about it, and I feel like they still owe

me an apology. Yeah, man, And how long were we going to
code of this happen? When theywere like real mean to you? This
was like like seven years ago.Oh, wow. Yeah, And you
know what, like there's no timeof people say, oh, get over
it, because there's things that canbother you for a lifetime, and so

you say, you just kind oflet it go to so it wouldn't eat
up you, so you wouldn't drinkthe poisoning somebody else past. I heard
him too. I did it forhim too, so that I don't hold
that like grudge. But yeah,but you feel like they do owe you
an apology. They do no bottomline, Yeah, and it's saying that
they wish that the baby, hopethe baby dies. That's that's a lot

I couldn't. Yeah, that's arethey are. They in their the kid's
life now somewhat, you know,they come around for him and I just
told them, you know, wejust have to let it go. But
yeah, in the back of myhead, it's just like it's you know,
it's just I feel like they needapologize for that. I'm mad at

you don't owe you an apology.That's Nicole right there. Man, We're
gonna bring Lolly into the neighborhoods.He was going down with a lolly Hello,
Hello, Hello, Hello, Hellothere, Lolly, Lolly, who
owes you an apology, Lolly,my little sister, talk about it,

LOLLI the apology. What's going down? Yes, ma'am, Okay, here
we go. My dad just recentlypassed away. I helped my sister,
my sister, her children. Ihelped them get light of Detroit. I
helped them get their room, Ihelped them get their rental car. We
get to the funeral. My littlesister has some ill feelings and gets my

dad's step kid in Detroit. Mysister got up in front of the funeral
as the young lady was giving hercondolences to my dad, snatched the mic
out of her hands and said,you are not family. Oh are you
serious. I'm the oldest sibling.I make the calls. It's the right

thing to do. So my littlesister, from the time we left that
funeral, she has not apologized tome at all. She owes me an
apology. And how long ago wouldyou, Lolly? Are you ready?
Yes, February I heard that Iwas ready twice. Yeah, you know

what I'm saying. So in February. Yeah, and it's nothing but a
phone call or text or or stoppedby. Yeah. From February, that's
a long time exactly and she didn'teven have no gas. We need to
get home. That's the funny part, Jesus Christy and though on everybody we
are laughing a little bit. Damn. Yeah, she definitely owes you in

apoly, especially at the funeral.I remember I was at one funeral,
man, and I was at afuneral one time, Lolli and somebody had
called out another family member. Yeah, and then the other family member was
like, yeah, well you wantto say that outside. I'm like,
dude, what kind of funeral amI at? Yeah? Man, believe
that? Alrighty well, Lolly andher sister have injured down too. Man,

Are you gonna do it like that? Is there Ai Pop or or
Snoop saying anything about your sister Lolli. We we'll check on it. I
was gonna say Ryan Garcia called everybodyhung up, but he said, yeah,
he's everybody that doubted him needs something. He needs to apologize, hey
man. He he didn't. Hedidn't hang up, but he probably really
feeling that. Hey man. Hesaid they said he put two million dollars

on himself and one you're twelve million. If he really did that, I
ain't mad at him. Oh mygosh, man, did you bet any
for him to win? I didit, and I told the crew here
was like, hey, we shouldjust put like twenty bucks down and get
like an eighty dollars return. AndI didn't do it. Genius. The
next morning though, Damn, Iwish I would invested in that uh stock
with that apple guy. Yeah,man, wait beds, hold on,

wait, so all the stories aregonna stop. You just gonna sell stuff.
Here's Jeff. No, that's notgonna work Amazon. That sounds crazy,
speak on it. Who owes youan apology? We're gonna bring Damien
into the neighborhoods. He was goingdown with Damien up in here, Damien.
Hello, Hello, Hello there,Damien, Damien. Who owes you
an apology? Everyone who said thatme and my fiance would not live or

get married? I heard that manevery day. Oh, congratulations to you
and your queen. Man, y'allgetting married today, Danian. Well so
you met up at Old Nation.Oh, man, I met you and
the queen. Yes, sir,hey man, let me tell you bro

for one. You guys, theycame out at like three in the morning.
Wow, they stood in line.Man, I remember you and your
queen so well. We put youin the recap video as well. Man,
And like I was saying that day, man, congratulations to you and
the queen. Man, and notjust the ceremony, not not just the
you know, oh I got aceremony. I wish you the best in
your marriage. So congratulations to youand the Queen. My brother, oh,

thank you for you. Yeah.They almost fart says, you know
what, eight years high school,three hearts, we made it. It's
time I heard that. Hey,man, So do people think what were
they saying when you say they oweyou an apology? Why do you feel?
What were you hearing? Now?For one, I have a lot
of female friends, like my friendand Gianna who had my back, and
they were like, oh no,demon's out there messing with other women.

He's seeing other women. I gota lot of female friends who I love
yearly as good as friends. AndI told her everything. I told her,
Yeah, yeah, I have alot of female friends. Oh so
so your female friends. Other peoplewas talking about you cheating with your female
friends. Gotcha, gotcha, man, So you and the Queen, y'all
solidify the relationship today. That isbeautiful, bro. I'm not mad at

you. Yeah, man, Now, are you guys having a smaller wedding?
Being out of note it's a weekday. Are you guys having a
smaller wedding you get married? Ithink we had this conversation where y'all get
married at are you get married inthe church or at you know, city
hall? Like how you guys doingit? We're doing city hall. We're
going down there. So I proposedto her on April twenty second. I

asked her out a for twenty seconds. Our first kids a twenty seconds,
so it had to be today.And then with pushing the big old ceremonies
in November because a lot of stuffcame up. But I told her,
no matter what, I am marryingyou on this day. I heard that.
Man, Well, congratulations to youand the queen, and for those
out there who said it wasn't gonnalast, or try to throw sticks and
stones then break any bones, youowe him an apology, and Damien,

what's your queen's name? Once again, what's the queen's name? Should be?
Leslie? Leslie him as mister andmissus, I ain't mad at you,
my brother. Well, Damien,thank you so much, man,
it was a pleasure seeing you andthe queen out there and once again,
man, congratulations and God bless youand the queen. Alrighty there it is

man, y'all hit us up?Who owes you an apology when they hear
from you. Hit us up bigboy's neighborhood, Adi, you're prying a
big boy from Big Boy's neighborhood.On iHeartRadio. Here's another in case you
missed the moment with us. Hello, Angie, what do you want to
blame on? Men? We're takingit when the blunt turned out lumpy.

I want to blame when I burna tip on my nails on men,
because sometimes when my dude is inhis feeling, he won't roll the blunt
and he won't like the blunt.First, my nails are extremely long.
Right then when you burn a tipof your nail because your nails are long,
it's his fault because he didn't rollthe blunt. He paid for it.
Man. Matter of fact, youshould blame him for paying for the
long yel that's that keep getting burnt. Didn't reclame him for the job he

got that paid for the long man. Come on, man, blame it
on the men. Thank you forlistening. It is you're find a big
Boy, Big Boy's neighborhood. Youcan catch more of us right here on iHeartRadio.

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