All Episodes

April 15, 2024 21 mins

Doug draws a parallel between Tiger Woods's showing at the Masters and Caitlin Clark. Doug reacts to Colin Cowherd's take on the new NBA. Doug chooses among deserving candidates Jason Stewart deems as most annoying today. Plus, Doug gives out his Pick Of The Day.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, this is the Doug Gottlieb Show. Years in
the Bonus with Doug gottl.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Doug Gottlieb Show and The Bonus and Fox Sports Trader,
the iHeartRadio app Hope You're doing well. The cautionary tale
of Tiger Woods and how it relates to Caitlin Clark. Right,
isn't that really the story of the Masters this weekend?

You know, because because any reasonable human being says, Scottie
Scheffler is greatness. Right, He's been dominating the tour, He's
won two of the last three majors. He doesn't seem
to have flaws as a person, Like that's a guy
that you're like, man, Wow, what a champion, What a player?
What a way to win? And that thing turned about
midway through Sunday where you're like, wow, this is a coronation,

not a golf tournament. And your lack of likely enthusiasm
as viewers is exactly like that of what we're likely
to see from women's college basketball and Caitlyn Clark, because
you'll what it'll be related as is, oh, well, you're haters,

and you know what are we going to like? Golf?
Was golf had exploded? So much so, you know, the
Saudis came in obviously and shook things up with the
lived thing. Now it's kind of nowhere, and a good
portion of it is because there's no way of sustaining
the TV numbers that are only there because of Tiger Woods.

That's it. It's he's that type of force multiplier. And
now when he's not competitive, it's not as compelling. It's
still be compelling. But if he's competitive, he's not competitive,
it's like, Eh, Scotty Shefferd. He looks like every great
golfer ever, Right, He's just an average looking to who
has extraordinary golf talent. And isn't that what's going to

happen with women's basketball?

Speaker 3 (02:08):

Speaker 2 (02:08):
We latched onto this story, We latched onto the Caitlin
Clark story, and Juju Watkins and plenty of other women
are going to be as or more talented, But are
they as or more compelling? I think we know the answer,
and we're seeing it play out in golf truly.

Speaker 1 (02:26):
Are be sure to catch live editions of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (02:34):
App let's get to what the fox says.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
And now this.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
Is Dan Patrick talking about Scotti Scheffler winning his second
Masters in three years.

Speaker 4 (02:48):
All he does is play great golf. There's nothing dynamic
about him. It's almost that kind of water torture. It's
just slow, it's steady, and he knows what he's doing
when he needs to. And certainly that back nine, that's
what you want to see. You want to see somebody
go out and win a tournament, four under sixty eight
in the final round, finishing at eleven under, winning his

second Masters in the last three years. And this is
what he had to say after winning.

Speaker 5 (03:17):
I mean, how do you put this in the words?

Speaker 6 (03:19):
You win the Masters, You're about to be a father
for the first time.

Speaker 5 (03:22):
It's pretty sweet.

Speaker 7 (03:23):
Yeah, you're about maybe cry here in Butler Cavin. No,
it's a very very special time for both of us.
I really I can't put it into words what it
means to win this tournament again. I really can't put
it into words what it's going to be like to
be a father for the first time. So I looking
forward to getting home and celebrating with Meredith, and it's
been a long week here without her. But I'm just
looking forward to getting home.

Speaker 4 (03:44):
Okay, We're not to the point where it's Scotty or
the field the way we were with Tiger, but the
early odds to win the PGA Championship, Scotty Scheffler is
a big favorite. Then it's Rory John Rahm, Brooks, Koepka
and Victor Hoblin.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
M you know, it's interesting. It's we'll talk about this
in your annoying but people oftentimes believe that the best
are the ones that should generate the most interest, and
that's not how it works. It's like Scotti Scheffler is
dominating professional golf, but he's boring. And in basketball, we

turned off boring when it was the San Antonio Spurs.
And again, I'll always watch because I'm a sports fan.
I'll always watch golf because I'm a sports fan. But
the masses don't. And it's interesting that we've you know,
I saw people complaining about them CBS going to Tiger
even though Tiger's got an eight one and eighty two
on Saturday. Why are they going to Tiger with Because

people don't care about these guys, and it's really hard
to make people care, no matter how good a guy
and he's good. Now, how good a story? It's great.

Speaker 1 (04:53):
People don't care.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Here's a two pros and a cup of Joe's talking
about whether not you would skip the final day of
the Masters from the birth of your first child.

Speaker 6 (05:04):
I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I
chose my job or chose anything else over family in
a situation like if if something were to happen to
the child, if something were to happen to the missus.

Speaker 5 (05:20):
Uh, you know, I wouldn't be able to live with that.

Speaker 6 (05:22):
So I would I would certainly go and you know,
and be of support. Now, the better question to me
would be would you go if it was a second
or third or fourth child?

Speaker 5 (05:36):
See to me, I think a first child is a
no brainer.

Speaker 6 (05:39):
But then you ask yourself, which is crazy, right, because
you got to ask yourself.

Speaker 5 (05:44):
Would you do it if it was the next one?

Speaker 6 (05:46):
Because it's like, you know, we did it, like I
know she should be okay, da da dad. That's that
you're assuming that you know, I guess, But would you
do it for a second, like one after the first?

Speaker 1 (06:00):
I would say, just to be fair, I wouldn't go
for any of them.

Speaker 8 (06:05):
I wouldn't want one to feel more important than the other.

Speaker 5 (06:08):
That's a great point.

Speaker 9 (06:09):
And also Jonas is the type that like he puts
his job before anything else. Yeah, he really, he's kind
of that like old school dad mentality where he's like, hey,
no matter what, you show up to work, right.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
Yeah, I mean, i'll just tell you.

Speaker 8 (06:25):

Speaker 2 (06:25):
For my girls, they were premies and it was an
emergency situation. Now, I it was right after basketball season,
so it was it didn't really affect and I took
time off for my son. That was the first day
of the NCAA tournament, and I was there when he
was born and it was a C section. It was
sort of planned. We didn't plan to be that early,

but it was planned to be at some point in time.
And I went to work at like noon that day.
And I've never heard the end of it, by the way,
So I don't know. I think you can again, if
she's to term, then this shouldn't really be an issue. Right,

she's the term, It shouldn't be an issue. You should
have had the baby a couple of weeks ago, or
you know, or wait till the tournament's over. Like if
I'm in contention at the Masters, you're damn right, I'm
when I'm winning the golf tournament. That would be my
take because now it all depends on your relationship with

your wife or your girlfriend at the time, because you
have to be kind of united in it, and it's
got to be her idea. But yeah, that's that's what
I would do. What about you, Jay Stu, how would
you approach it?

Speaker 8 (07:44):
Yeah, I want to say that I kind of agree
with Jonas I know, who's maybe like half joking or
not even half. I think I think he does feel
that way, like it's such an it's such a new thing,
like when I say new, like with the next ten
twenty to thirty years, like missing work for anything like this.
And I think we've talked on the air about paternity leave.

How that's a strange concept. I think everyone has owed it,
and it's it's real cool that companies are offering it.
But if you come from a certain time, it's it's
kind of like you kind of, I don't know, look
at it sideways. So this kind of falls into that category.
You're winning the Masters, it's the final round. I think

the wife and the child will more than forgive you
if you chose to go and win the Masters as
opposed to being at at the birth. I think that
that was that was kind of my mindset in that.
But so many people nowadays are like, drop everything, do it.
You got to do it everything, it comes before everything.

I don't know if I'm of that belief.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Yeah, I'm not. And it's it's you know, look, you're
not there for any life saving measures, right like that,
So the and nurses are there for You're just there
to give support and really just to give their support
to your wife or baby mama or whatever. Yeah, I

just it's cool to be there. But for me, everybody was.
We had family in town. Everybody's exhausted because you have
it like six in the morning. They're like, all right,
so I'm just supposed to sit here all day when
I'm not really needed. Like, yeah, I'm good. I'm gonna
go and make the money to pay for all this stuff.

That's actually my mentality. And it's a way cooler story.
Like the picture of my son was on TV that night,
like it was very cool.

Speaker 10 (09:40):
You know.

Speaker 8 (09:41):
Like last year, I think there was like a record
number that it became a running joke. The Dodgers had
like literally ten guys on their roster take paternity leave
at one point in the season or not. And it
was an old school thing, and I remember Tommy was
already used to harp on this schedule your berths for
the office. We play for six months, we don't play

for six. Have your children and the other six and
if you don't, then you need to you need to compromise.
But that is that has been reversed. It's like more
than cool it to do it. And you know you can't.
You can't time miracles, I think is like the new thing,
like why would you?

Speaker 5 (10:18):
So it's just strange, super strange.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
Uh, this is this is Colin Cowherd talking about the
new NBA Lebron James.

Speaker 3 (10:30):
Well, he was great yesterday. I had seventeen assists. They
need to win just one of two games in the
plan for the right to play the world champion Nuggets
and they're not beaten Denver four times. I think what
it's signaling starting tomorrow in the playing games, the steph
Lebron NBA, it's over. The big pivot is here officially

last year when the Nuggets won. But do we realize
how much Lebron and staff dominated the league eleven finals
between Lebron and Steph in thirteen years, and they want
a lot of them. The Warriors today, though, are incredibly
Steph Curry reliant. The number two score on the Warriors
eighteen the game is Klay Thompson.

Speaker 5 (11:15):
He often came off the bench.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
The Lakers are good and long, not a lot of
great shooters and playmakers.

Speaker 5 (11:21):
No chance.

Speaker 3 (11:22):
They beat Denver four times. So for the next for
the next two months, are you ready for the new NBA?

Speaker 2 (11:33):
It's a great it's a it's a great question, you know,
because there's no guarantees that Steph and Lebron are going
to be in the actual playoffs, and even if they are,
they're probably not in the playoffs for long. And how
the world and the ratings react to that is going
to be completely and totally fascinating. That's what the Fox said.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
What does say? Be sure to catch live edition so
the Doug Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Let's find out who are what is annoying? Jason Stewart.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
And now it's your annoying.

Speaker 8 (12:22):
Hey, Doug, This one really really kind of got my
eye up. It really grinded my gears. Caitlin Clark was
on Saturday Night Live. I want to I'll play the
very ending of her Saturday Night Live appearance. She was
on the Evening News I want to say it is
with Michael Chay Weekend Update, Weekend Update, and she said

this towards the end of her bit.

Speaker 5 (12:47):
I hope you have a great first season.

Speaker 2 (12:50):

Speaker 11 (12:50):
I'm sure it will be a big first step for me,
but it's just one step for the w NBA. Thanks
to all the great players like Cheryl Swoops, Lisa Leslie,
Cynthia Cooper, the Great Staley, and my basketball hero Maya Moore.
These are the women that kicked down the door so
I could walk inside.

Speaker 8 (13:07):
So she just basically gave flowers to the people that
have just been shitting on her for the past few weeks,
taking the high road. I love that part. It's great.
The reaction to Caitlin Clark being on SNL is quite curious.
I was telling Sam last week off air that I

haven't really seen like a racially divided thing like this
since the oj Simpson trial, Like I really got the
feeling over those games against LSU and South Carolina that
you had to be a certain race to pull for
her or to root against her. Well, it was just
a really weird dynamic how it's been pulled into this

like election political system our season. So let me I'll
give you an example from a big vanilla funny. Yeah,
let's celebrate the losers of the National Championship Game in
back to back years by double digits. Was Angel Reese
on SNL last year? Was Camillia Cordosa this year? Oh wait,

that's right. They wanted to invite the loser to the
White House as well, Right, but I'm sure it's not
the media.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Yeah, whoever said that as an idiot? Like, look, she's
the most popular women's basketball player. The fact is that
she could be on SNL because people who knew she was.
If anything, SNL brought her on to use her to
generate their own ratings. Right, So yeah, that's it's comical, comical.

Speaker 8 (14:44):
It really is. I mean, then there was this from
Black Knowledge. Every time the media says Kitwin Clark evolved
the women's college basketball game, it's an insult to our culture.
Then they list the credentials of Maya Moore, Himiko Coles, Coltois,
Cheryl Swoops and Cheryl Miller insult to our culture to

say that she evolved the game. I don't even know
if we're saying that she evolved the game. Maybe she did,
but uh, she definitely brought more interest than any of
those four women brought to the commind So this it's
it's becoming more and more interesting, and then she'll get
drafted tonight and then there'll be the more vitriol like

so after that is Deon Sanders, and uh, I like
I like Dion, He's a great quote and he provides
a lot for us, But I just think he's full
of shit, Like he's just he's that guy, he's that
your buddy that that says a lot of ship. That
isn't always it's always kind of filled with exaggeration. Yes, uh,
And then he said this about Nil over the weekend,

I tracked.

Speaker 10 (15:51):
A type of player that that wants to be great,
that understands he has a window of opportunity and he
has the have a commitment to excellence. There are there
are players who are playing for a bag, which growing
up in the environment, you can't blame them, you can't
fault them.

Speaker 5 (16:10):
If you're going to.

Speaker 10 (16:11):
Give up a bag, you're going to have players that's
playing for a bag. So I do understand it. I
may not condone that's your focus because I've always stoughted
you just focused on being great.

Speaker 5 (16:21):
The bag is gonna find.

Speaker 8 (16:22):
You, isn't it. Isn't it extremely contradicting and hypocritical of
him his son was wasn't his son pulling up to like, uh,
the the campus in some five hundred thousand dollars car
and Dion has Travis Hunter he just got it.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
He just he just got a cyber truck as well.

Speaker 8 (16:42):
So yeah, yeah he doesn't. He doesn't. He doesn't take
guys that are after the bag. But I don't know
who has who has shown off his bag more than
his son and Travis Hunter.

Speaker 2 (16:56):
That whole thing is so is like it's comical on
one hand, sad on the other hand. Comical, right, it
just is because it's sad because it's like you're and
I understand, like in order to be in the game,
you got to play the game. But yeah, it's just
anybody who's paying any attention sees what's going on there,

and it's like, dude, wait what the bag will find you.
That's not how it works.

Speaker 5 (17:24):
We all know that.

Speaker 8 (17:26):
This one. This one's relevant, but it goes back to
Scottie Pippen. I've always thought this, and Jim Rome always
thought this too. If you're a man over the age
of eleven, you should not be named Scotty. You need
to you're you're officially scott So Scotty Scheffler won the Masters.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
That's funny.

Speaker 8 (17:48):
And Scottie Pippen is still Scotty and he's what into
his sixties, maybe mid fifties. That's what I'm annoyed by,
or anyone over the age of eleven with the name
of Scotty or or Davy.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
What about Johnny Johnny Johnny Carson.

Speaker 8 (18:06):
Johnny is almost more acceptable, And I'm not sure why. Well,
I don't know why that's more acceptable. Johnny Cash. I mean,
that's pretty badass, you know.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Beat me up Scotty. But Scotty wasn't a kid.

Speaker 8 (18:18):
Yeah, I mean, then you're going in the Star trek
nerd them, you.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Know, I understand. But I'm just saying in terms of
the most famous.

Speaker 8 (18:25):
Scotti's Scotty Bowman another guy. He never been named that.
In the age sixty or whatever. He won the Stanley Cup.

Speaker 2 (18:36):
Okay, anything else.

Speaker 8 (18:38):
No, guy's named Scotty Deon Sanders full shit and the
reaction to Kaitlyn Clark being on SNL.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
I think the reaction to Kaitlyn Clark being on SNL
and making it making it about race when it's a
celebration of women's basketball, especially when it's women tweeting it
is it's more than more than comical.

Speaker 1 (18:57):
It's why are we doing this?

Speaker 5 (19:04):
I do.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
Because we can.

Speaker 8 (19:14):
They play a thing called the Frozen Four. It's a
literation colleges meet and play a hockey tournament. And Denver
beat Boston College this weekend, and then they put a
couple of hockey college kids on live TV.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Again, What a moment for the boy and brothers.

Speaker 7 (19:34):
Szeba, how do you describe what you're feeling in this moment?

Speaker 5 (19:36):
Your smiles so big?

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Yeah, you know, just just smiling face. Is what a
special moment for for all.

Speaker 7 (19:41):
The guys on this team, everybody ever part of Denver Hockey.

Speaker 8 (19:44):
Just I mean, it's just it's an unreal feeling.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Really zeb you get to do this with your big brother,
what does that feel like? It's fucking unbelievable sculpture. It's hard,
it's great. I mean, it's it's what we go for.

Speaker 8 (19:55):
It's while you come to Denver, one of which championships
have come here and there's no matter feel especially my brother.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
I'm so happy right now, so good. Why can we
play it for you because we can. Let's get to
our pick of the day.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Okay, sir, the bet is to you, baby, It's time
for the pick of the day.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Okay. Our pick of the day is going to come
from the NBA. And you're like, wait, saying the NBA
is not till tomorrow. I know, I know, but I'm
trying to get you up and ready for this thing.
New Orleans takes on the Lakers. Now, New Orleans back
their way into the seventh seed and all they got

to do is win one game. But they just got
blasted by the Lakers one eight on Sunday. Okay, and
this is the Lakers team that did return Lebron James
I did. Anthony Davis played unbelievable. But for New Orleans,
they played poorly, Okay, played poorly, and the game after

the second quarter wasn't really competitive. So the Lakers are
on the road now, right. The Lakers are gonna stay
on the road and they're gonna play them on Tuesday
after beating them on Sunday. And you know, it's interesting,
whoever wins this game gets Denver. So it might be
better off for the Lakers to lose the game. But

I think that the Lakers. I mean, it's a it's
an obvious mismatch here. Otherwise they went to one by twenty.
Give me the Lakers. Okay, give me the Lakers as
a one point road dog to win in the playoff
playing game. That's it for In the bonus, check out
the radio show. You just roll into this if you
listen to the pod otherwise download it wherever you download
this podcast. It's available live at three every day East

Coast time.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
Let me know.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
Stet Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio
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