All Episodes

April 16, 2024 37 mins

Doug and Dan Beyer discuss whether or not the NBA Play-In games are actually considered the playoffs. Doug and Iowa Sam debate whether or not Caitlin Clark is similar to Jimmer Fredette. Doug welcomes NFL Analyst John Middlekauff onto the show to cover all of the major headlines from the NFL heading into the draft. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through a game of "Rank 'Em".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to the Doug Gottlieb Show podcast. Be
sure to catch us live every weekday three to five
Easter twelve, two Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your
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dot com, or stream us live every day on the
iHeartRadio app by searching app aspal, what Up America, Doug
Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Ah, the whole cruise here,

my guy Dan Bayer, Jay stew And of course I
was Sam who informed me he has or looking for
tickets for sparks Fever. No, he doesn't have sparks Fever.
The team's name is the Fever. He doesn't have sparks Fever,
although it's probably a disease coming out of some third
world country. Welcome, It's Doug Gottlieb Show broadcast live from

the tyrat dot com studios. Tyrat dot com will be
get their unmatched selection fast free shipping, free road as protection,
over ten thousand recommended stallars tyrat dot com. It's the
way that tire buying should be. Okay, I have a
question for you, is it does relate to baseball? And
I've often said this, I don't believe the baseball playoffs

begin until the play in games have concluded. Right, playoffs
multiple So do the NBA playoffs start or is this
the play in tournament? I don't think you're in the
playoffs if you play today. I don't think you're in
the playoffs and play today. And the interesting part about
it is, in the best case scenario, it's the greatest

thing ever for the NBA because regardless of where they finished,
the Warriors would go to the playoffs and the Lakers
would go to the playoffs, which I still think is
the most likely outcome, the most likely outcome of the
Western Conference play in tournament. The Lakers. We discussed this yesterday.
Would they, in their heart of hearts, prefer to get

the eight seed to play the thunder? Yes, but they
can't risk it and do gamesmanship and lose tonight. They're
not good enough to just show up and beat the
Kings or the Warriors in the second game of the
play in.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
So I think the.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Lakers win, and then I think the Warriors win this one,
then beat the Pelicans, and then everybody is happy. Because
in truth, the reason I believe baseball expanded there play
in playoffs whatever was what we're seeing play out in
the NBA, because baseball's playoffs have been a ratings disaster.

When the Yankees and Red Sox are not both involved,
and if neither involved, it's really a mess. Like last year,
the same is true for the NBA. You may have
Lebron fatigue, but you definitely want Lebron in the playoffs,
even root against him. You may have Steph and Warrior
and Draymond fatigue, but you still want them in the playoffs.

So we start to play in tournament. It's not the playoffs.
I've pretty much laid out how I think it's going
to work out. We'll discuss more as the show rolls on.
John Middlecoff's going to join us in twenty minutes. We'll
get you ready for the upcoming NFL draft.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
Yes, dambire, before you move on for the playing games,
for your scenario that plays out. I'm just because we
had somebody on last week that you know, you pointed
out the standings and they said, well, hey, if the
season was there was no play in tournament, you wouldn't
have Golden State here with an opportunity to make a push,

or they wouldn't even be in the bracket, they would
be in the ten seed. And I think on paper,
in this NBA day and age that we live, that
is correct, but I don't think it's an accurate portrayal
of how teams now play towards the end of the season.
The only team that actually really had urgency was Golden

State because there was at one point where they were
battling with the Rockets for to make sure they were
in the ten spot, right, and then they had a
game against the Rockets, kicked the crap out of them,
and the rest was pretty much history and eliminated any
chance that Houston had, and like so many teams just
kind of cruise along and throw in the towel. I
just wonder in all of this of you know, we

look at tonight and we say, yeah, it's great for
the NBA they have Steph Curry and Lebron James in
these games. If you didn't have the play in tournament,
don't you think the urgency towards the end of the
regular season would have been much different? Yeah, of course, yeah,
And that's the you know, that's the other part of
it is, wouldn't it be great to see Lebron James
and Steph Curry and in Zion and all these teams

battling it out going down the stretch where the last
two weeks are worthy instead of being like, all right, well,
we may be the sixth seed, but if we're the seven,
at least we're in. We don't want to do anything foolish.
We think we can win the seven seed because I
went and looked back at the play in stand or
the NBA standing since the playing tournament game, more than
half of the time, there is a sizeable gap between

the tenth seed and the eleventh seed. Yes, and I
don't think that's great for basketball, because we know certain
teams just throw in the towel. But I don't think
that there's as much urgency. Wasn't every year. Sometimes it
was a game that was a difference, but more often
than not, you had a sizeable gap because there really
wasn't any urgency. And I just I don't like, tonight

is great, and tomorrow will be great, and maybe Thursday
and Friday will be good as well. But are we
sacrificing the final two weeks of the season just so
we can have these great nights in the playoffs. I
don't know if it's necessarily.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
I think the final two weeks of the season were
actually okay. I think it's you know, it's it's the
unspoken part which the NBA is trying to address. And
the truth is, like with the play in tournament, I
assume me with the in season tournament, it's trying to
address because I actually think your point would be even stronger,

and I'll help make it stronger. Is it's not just
less would you have more urgency throughout the year?

Speaker 2 (06:00):

Speaker 1 (06:00):
Because everybody was doing what we did in college, which
is like you don't pay attention to the assignments and
the regular part of this, and then all of a
sudden the finals come up.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
You're like, oh, I got a bone up.

Speaker 1 (06:10):
You're in every study session, you go and see the
professor and you're like, look, dude, had you just been
doing this the whole year, you wouldn't need the final
to help change your final grade. You wouldn't have to
call the professor afterwards and beg for a little bit
extra credit had you just been doing this. So you're right,
it only points out like if we didn't have this
with the Warriors, with the Lakers, where they have spent

more time and had more detail and given guys less
day off, less days off, so they wouldn't be in this.
But the difference is I think if you look, if
you predate the play in tournament, the ninth spot, there
was a gap there oftentimes and those teams, if they
weren't in, they were all tanking. They were all tanking.
And now you have fewer teams tanking and fewer time

to decide you want a tank. So I think that's
really still what's at work. Is it better modestly are
it's the law like what you're pointing out is the
law of unintended consequences. The intended consequence of this whole
thing is to make more teams competitive at the end
of the year. So it's not just ten, it's eleven, twelve, thirteen.
Think they got a chance and they haven't gotten Their

baseball has gotten there. Baseball is way more competitive at
the back end. But I think that part has worked
because you did have the Suns, had to put a
lot more effort into it, had to play those final
couple of games so that he got out of the
play in tournament. So I think it's not we focus
on seven through ten, but five and six are also important,

and then eleven and twelve are kind of important. So
are there scenarios that could make this better? Yes, absolutely, yes,
And there's ways in which you can make the end
season tournament more important. Is if based upon your results
in the inca's tournament, it creates some sort of ongoing
score for the regular for the rest of the regular season.

But it's all telling us what we all know to
be true, which is nobody cares about the regular season,
and teams are just now going like, all right, now,
we'll figure it out. And you know, the Warriors and
Lakers seem to get it going a little bit late,
and now the Lakers are in this position where they
don't really want to be the seventh seed. They want
to be the eight, but they can't risk it tonight.
So I do think that's kind of interesting.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
Seas get degrees, right, that's the old series, Yeah, yeah, yes,
yeah yeah, and both these teams got seas. I also
think that the timing of where the NBA is at
this point, meeting Lebron's age, the Trio and golden state
of where they are, that that plays a part into it.
If this was if this was in the late twenty

teams and we were having this where Golden State is
dominant at that time. I think we look at the
play in tournament. I look at the play in tournament
for what we had last year, especially that the when
the you know, Lakers ended up beating Minnesota, but then
you had Oklahoma City win their game, so that was
a shocker. And then they have this fired up matchup
against the Timberwolves and the Timberwolves win it and get momentum.

And I looked at that as like a springboard, like okay,
look out for Oklahoma City. And what a springboard it was,
because now they're the number one overall seed in the
Western Conference. Like we knew, like, you know, good things
were on the horizon. It was like when the I
think it was the Clippers a few years back, ended
up going for it and when they they didn't have to,
or you could have just punted on the season. Instead
they went for the eight seed and it paid off

in the long run. Yeah, I think there's more value
in that than there is in giving a safety net
or a lifeline to aging veterans who don't put that
much into the regular shit.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
No, I get it, But the other part too, it is.
It's a lot like baseball in that in that play
in game, you use your ace, so you lose your
ace for the next series. Right in this, like I
think for the Lakers, one game, let alone two, and
remember these games are played at a much higher level.
Does that Does it wear you out for the end

of a series?

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Right? Does it wear you down? I don't think it.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
I mean obviously didn't last year with the Lakers getting
in and then and then making a little bit of
a run. But it does increase every game, increases the
risk of injury when you have older players, and it
does potentially take time away from you. And for the Warriors,
every game leads you closer and closer to the inevitable
Draymond Green blow up in the suspension right like you
can almost set your watch to it.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
It's gonna happen. It's just a question of when it
when it happened.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
I will say this, and I think that it's important
tonight to look at this the play in memories that
I have yeap are been blowouts too, Yes, yes there
have been, but there are also been we mentioned Oklahoma
City last year, John Morant's arrival. None of it has
been remember what Lebron did in that playing game? Remember
what like we I don't even I don't even remember.

The stories that have come from this have been about
teams who are trying to make that next level or
to become a playoff team instead of just you know,
allowing teams reason to slack off.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
That's all Stug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Tradio. Okay,
I have a question for you. Okay, Sam is mister
Iowa in case she didn't know, he's literally mister Iowa.
He's more Iowa than the Iowa Caucasus, right, Iowa your Caucasus. Anyway,
last night, Caitlin Clark gets drafted and the ladies looked amazing,

and there was a ton of attention given, and we
did do the thing where we pretended like we cared about.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
The other draft picks.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
Right, But the truth is, so here's my belief in it. Right,
there's three kind of three possible Caitlin Clark effects. Does
she continue to get garner the attention that she has gotten.
Does that attention only follow her? Does it follow the

entire league? Does it follow all of women's basketball? And look,
here's what's missing is what's missing we have to recognize
is the power of college sports. Right if she plays
for anybody other than Iowa, I'm not sure the response

is the same.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
I'm just not because Iowa. I've told you this. Iowa
kind of speaks to us.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
Feels down home, feels like regular girls, you know, feels
like a program that I had no idea they'd been good,
that Lisa Bluter been this good this long. Look at
her record, she's been great, brings attention. She's like, Oh,
it's just a solid program. Whereas it feels like whatever
you whatever your perception is of the SEC, it just
feels like and there's nothing nefarious at work. They're not

doing anything illegal, but just feels like, Hey, we're gonna
load up, go get a famous coach, go get famous players,
throw a bunch of money at him, and we're gonna
win on based upon that fame. Like all of that,
the juxtaposition of the two really works. Of course, angel
Rees being black and her being white, I think works.
I think the whole story is interesting. But now you

take away, did anyone really know that the Indiana team
was called the Fever until the last couple of days. No,
Because there's no like historical oh rivalry or name recognition.
So you take away any of the brand recognition other
than the WNBA, which you know exists, you don't know

anything else about it. No one knows who the coach
of the Fever is, No one knows who any of
the players the Fever are. There's no following nationally. Obviously
locally they've done a good job. They had ten thousand
people in the arena to watch for be drafted last night.
And the reality is, I'm not sure there's going to
be immediate rivals as much as rivals with the elite

players in the league. So do we think there's a
carryover because remember there's a month between now and then
and now in their first game, their first game is
going to be played when the NBA playoffs are in
full swing. Plus the weather starts to be warm and
fewer people start to watch TV, and those built in

rivalries like they they don't cease to exist, but they're
harder to create big games because the games are happening
all the time. Jay s du what do you think
her first year is like? Remember, and I pointed this
out that I know WNBA ratings have been up. Remember
this year they're going to have to take a break

mid season because of the Olympics, and then when she's
on the Olympic team, she will not be the best player.
She probably will not start, which I don't know what
that creates for us in terms of our expectations and
our appreciation of her. What do you think happens our
first year in the WNBA.

Speaker 4 (14:45):
I let's see. I think if there's going to be
an initial excitement, and you know, we're broadcasting, we're broad casting,
We're relating to the common sports fan. I'm not talking
about WNBA fans here, I'm talking about the common person me.
There's going to be initial interest. We'll pay attention, we'll
talk about it on the show. Then the NBA playoffs

will over, will drown it out. At the end of
the NBA playoffs, we're all going to check in to
see if Kaitlyn Clark is any good, if she's above
average to average, Maybe we tune into a couple of
her games and that lasts throughout the season and I
don't think they're a playoff team, and then it'll just
go back to being the WNBA. Caitlin Clark was just
kind of an average player in this league, and she

was a one off as an Iowa basketball player. That's
what this is going to be.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
Tim Tebow, Tim Tebo, Tim Tebow or Jimmer Furdett. I
think she's better than Tebow and better than for Debt.
I think she'll be really good. Do I think she'll
be the best player in the league.

Speaker 5 (15:46):
I do not. Can I just add something, Jimmer Fredett
was not an efficient scorer. He shot a lot and
his team's never went far in the NCAA tournament. She's
the greatest scorer in the history of NCAA if you
want to count both men and women. She's way more
than a Jimmer Fordet. I think that's almost say, a
disrespect to compare her to for Debt. Yes, they both
shoot a lot, but she's just like a way better

basketball player than Jimmer Forerdet and he's playing in China.
I mean, she's she's still going to be like one
of the premier players in the world.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
I think about the last three quarters of the game
against South Carolina. I think about that that as her
WNBA career, she made some shots but was largely marginalized
by bigger and better players.

Speaker 5 (16:25):
Sure, but she's still opened with eighteen points and she
can adjust her So I said the last three quarters right, right,
But she still can't. You can't exclude the first quarter
where there will also be better players around her. Absolutely,
she's got Boston, she's got they've been loading up. They've
been loading up high picks.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
On the By the way, Jimmerferdet's senior year at BYU,
he shot forty from three. That's not inefficient, nine five
from field, that's not an efficient ninety from the line,
and he averaged twenty nine points a game and four
and a half the sister game.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
I just remember him.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
She shooting a lot.

Speaker 1 (17:00):
Yeah, and I remember her shooting a lot too. What
were her stats better than his?

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Were they? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (17:06):

Speaker 2 (17:07):
Okay? So what what did she shoot from the field?

Speaker 5 (17:10):
I believe she shot higher than forty five. Okay, But again,
he never he never took an average team deep into
the NCAA tournament.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
She shot thirty seven point thirty eight from three. That's
a percentage point lower. She shot forty five from the field.
It's the exact same percentage he shot. She averaged thirty
one a game, and she averaged nine assists to get right,
so she averaged twice the mant of assists.

Speaker 2 (17:39):
She also almost Yeah, she's twice number of assists.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
Right if you remember the reason his team didn't go
far in the tournament, do you remember what happened? No,
His star center Brandon Davies got suspended for the team
for an honor code violation. He had sex. I know,
I know, and with the woman he eventually is married
to now and has kids with Noway, she was a
volleyball player now, so yes that I'm you're making the

argument against him, which is the same argument that Jay
Williams made against her, which is kind of ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
I agree with you.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
Winning and averaging nine assists a game is amazing what
she's been able to do. Okay, but let's not do
the I'm gonna talk ish about jim or Furdett, which
is not the you said he was inefficient. His efficiency
numbers are exactly the same as hers, matter of fact,

slightly better from three. So just go like my bad,
I remember it differently passed. Look at her one more,
look at her career, and I what she probably was. No, no, no, no,
just start with my bad. I mis remembered it. I
didn't remember it. I just gave you the stats. There
is no argue. The thing about stats is, here's how
they work. There is no argument with them. Okay, I'm listening.

Great No, no, no, me by a percentage point? No, no, no, no,
it's the bare Doug. I'm not going to apologize. You're
not apologizing a meeting that you're wrong. Sure, so that's
what you do. This is a big boy stuff. Hey,
my bad, I was wrong?

Speaker 2 (19:16):
You said it?

Speaker 5 (19:17):
No, no, no, Doug, what do you what.

Speaker 3 (19:20):
Will you bump back with Nirvana's no apologies coming back after?

Speaker 1 (19:23):
Don't have to apologize, you have to go my bad,
I had it wrong.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
I remember him being remembered.

Speaker 5 (19:30):
Yeah, I misremembered.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Okay, ye, fair enough. If you want to misremember, you're good.
It's Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. So Dan,
what do you think happens? What do you think our
first year is?

Speaker 3 (19:43):
Like, I think that it's I think that it's great,
and I think that I don't know how you talked
about the break with the Olympics that are off of
their schedule goes once football season takes over, it's over. Yes, yep,
there'll be people watch. Maybe the ratings will be higher
than what they they were, but she's really filled in
an enormous gap of our attention once football ended.

Speaker 1 (20:06):
No question, I mean really, As I said, I think
it's more an indictment on the men's game than I
than I do on anything else. But it also shows,
you know, what an interesting personal interest story this is.
I just don't know when that wears out. When does that?
When is like I'm good, I'm good, Like we don't.
We still don't follow Jessica. That fell down a well and.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
It was all apologies by Nirvana. As I've been getting
feedback from my buddies, I'm so sorry, Sam.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Sam, you're good. Sam got a little hot there when
he got pressed to say my bad. It's not it's
not that. What's that? What do the kids say nowadays?
It's not that deep, not that deep.

Speaker 5 (20:41):
Yeah, I'm good, I'm good.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
Papa Roach did no apologies rope.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Papa Roach. Well, that's what it was, Papa Roach. I
can't name a Papa Roach song.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
No apologies there. I'm gonna apologize for not knowing.

Speaker 3 (20:59):
I will apologize as well for not knowing that. That's
mine forgetting it wrong.

Speaker 6 (21:03):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Let's Get Let's go to John Middlecoffee joins us here
in the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (21:20):
Uh Middle, cough up?

Speaker 1 (21:23):
How much do you what do you think happens with
Caitlin Clark's first year in the WNBA.

Speaker 7 (21:28):
I think she has a historic amount of people paying attention.
I you know, she she isn't like the most important
thing the WNBA. She know is the WNBA. So the
amount of pressure on him on her is in my lifetime,
feels like a Tiger Woods or something. And we know
that FW and far between live up to the hype, right.

I mean, it's been a very very very smallest of
people that had a ton of hype coming into either
a draft their professional debut and lived up to it.
So to me, I would imagine it's going to be
a little up and down again my couch scattering report.
She can pass, right, So even if the SHOT's not falling,
and I don't know if WNBA have better to tenders,

she can really pass. They have the number one overall
pick last year. I think she's going to be sold out.
I think she's gonna move the needle. And if she's good,
it's got a chance to be a really, really big
thing because a ton of people are going to be
paying attention. Don't you think I do?

Speaker 2 (22:25):
I just wonder it's her to her to WNBA.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Yes, that's gonna be The hard thing is twofold one.
Once you see her, do you go back for more?
And once you see her, do you go to the
rest of the league to watch?

Speaker 6 (22:40):

Speaker 7 (22:41):
I don't think. Because I'm a good example. Let's say
she is again this is unfair, but like Michael Jordan level,
she's averaging twenty eight points in a rookie and just
looks incredible. I would pay attention. I would. You couldn't
pay me to watch it any other games, but I
would pay attention to that. And I think I represent
a lot of people.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
I think I I think you represent of the vast majority.
I don't think it'll be I don't think it'll be
appointment watching for us. But if I happened upon oh WNBA,
is Caitlyn Clark playing? If not, I keep moving?

Speaker 7 (23:14):
What is the season?

Speaker 2 (23:16):
That's That's part of the thing. I guess it starts
in May.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
I think it starts earlier this year because of Olympics,
so they start in May, which coincides during the NBA playoffs.

Speaker 7 (23:25):
From your scouting standpoint, is watching her play, is it
going to be hard for her at least early on.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (23:32):
I would guess a little bit because she's so ball
dominant and it's all built around her. But I agree
with you. I mean, the point is that she passes,
like I think there's she's somewhere in the Steph Curry
Trey Young sort of deal where she'll put up gigantic
numbers with scoring and passing. She's she's more Trey Young

than she is Steph As a passer.

Speaker 7 (23:56):
The Yukon game, she had some incredible faces.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
Yeah, no, she's she's great, and one would think with
better players around her. To Dan Byer's point, she'll the
passes will be even better. There'll be more assists because
there's more. On the other hand, like there's a certain
she's young and she's not. I don't think she'll be
a top five, top ten player in the league, you know,
So I think let's not disrespect the women that.

Speaker 2 (24:18):
Are already there. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
I think there'll be some good games. I think there'll
be some rough ones, I think.

Speaker 7 (24:24):
And we're gonna see this with Caleb Williams. We've seen
this with Trevor Lawrence. The pressure win, the hype. Yeah,
and for her relative to her sport, it's even bigger
than that because we've seen a ton of hype quarterbacks
or like NBA number one overall picks. It's gonna I
can't even imagine it. So more power to her.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
She lives up to it, no, no doubt.

Speaker 1 (24:43):
Let's get to let's say, get to the hype surrounding
the NFL draft. All right, we're team minus a week
in a day or two, who goes number two to Washington?

Speaker 7 (24:53):
I mean the betting markets, say Jayden Daniels. I have
a hard time just believing that it's setting stone like that.
I don't know. I mean, I know they brought all
the guys this week. They might have been leaning one way,
but all my buddies that were on the pro DA
circle around these guys all thought it was gonna be
Drake May. Now you know this was a month ago. Now,

I don't know what changes. Maybe you meet with them,
maybe feel more comfortable, but I don't feel like knowing
Adam Peters like he's not a big talker, Like I'm
just I think a lot of people anticipate that, and
I'm not saying it's not going to be the case,
but I don't feel confident that I just assumed. Look
up number two pick is in and it's Jaden Daniels.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
If you are selecting, who would.

Speaker 7 (25:41):
You pick him? I would take Drake May. I would
say there's a much longer history of guys like him. Now, again,
it's risky. I'm not acting like it's the right move,
but running quarterbacks one year wonder skinnier guys like And
this is the hard part, right, Like Jadon Daniels had

an incredible year. He's a really good prospect. But part
of this process is talking through it and talking through
the potential, previous examples and what can go wrong. And
I know a lot of people are like, why are
we always so negative on prospects, because that's what you
have to do. Now that can also force you to
overthink it. But I don't know, man, I mean, he's

playing with the guy might be a top five ticket
wide receiver and other guy's going to go on the
top fifteen. We have recent examples of other schools like
Alabama with guys playing with that much firepower, and it
is not like the transition has been difficult for them
even to a like win five. Overall, Let's face it,
if you could redo that one, he would have taken
the other quarterback. So now Jaden is physically much more

gifted than Tua or mac Jones, but skinny guys that
run a lot. He is very accurate deep ballwise. One year,
wonder it just I would take the flyer on the bigger,
stronger guy. Now, part of being a quarterback is not
just about high weight and speed, right, You got to
pick guys apart. You got to read defenses, you got
to have mental fortitude. So assuming and everything I've heard

about Drake May he checks all those boxes, I would
take the risk there. I've been saying this forever. It is.
It's a complete crapshoot to me with if you just
pulled ten scouting directors, you would get eight different opinions
of different angles on all three guys, and I would
throw in JJ McCarthy there. That's what makes drafting hard, right,
There's one guy that's fed as the top guy and

the other guys are wild cards.

Speaker 1 (27:34):
But I think what's interesting here, and I've had some
people affirm this and some people say no, they don't
think that'll happen, is like I just is Drake what
percentage of time is Drake May under center?

Speaker 7 (27:48):
It's a good question. Not I would imagine let's than happen.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
Okay, But I bring it up because like, again, you
don't hire Cliff Kingsbury to run something different than he's
always run right, And again that doesn't mean that's the
only offense that somebody plays in, but that's the offense
are going to play in. So it stans reasy. If
you hire an offensive coordinator and he's going to be
in the room, it's the who fits best into how
we want to for you know, how we want to

play this year. And I that's why I've never believed
that J. J. McCarthy thing. And I have a tough
time to believe in the Drake May thing, because that's
a that's a you know, that's a get it throw
it to a spot offense where it's about accuracy and
getting rid of it quick, isn't it.

Speaker 7 (28:27):
I think part of it though, and I've been hammering
this home is when you draft a guy number two
overall at any position, it's I understand your your current
coordinator matters, but it has to be about the big picture.
I mean, you're drafting this guy to give him a
second contract, a two hundred and fifty million dollars, So
it's like, do you think this guy can be a
high end player in this league regardless of the coordinator

is because let's fake, the coordinator will change. Like there,
what would you say over under on Cliff Kingsbury being
there two and a half years?

Speaker 2 (28:58):
Yes, So.

Speaker 7 (29:00):
That to me, it's more about the big picture where
he fits in the league. His scheme, versatility I think
has to be big. Now you could also just projector
where the league is, has been and is going. So
maybe you feel better about Jayden that way. But I
think it's less about Cliff and more just about the
big picture of the league. When your head coach isn't
a play caller, right.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Let me let me let me ask you this, Okay,
I think buyer Seahawks are in this in this thing,
I think the Giants, I think the Cowboys. I think
everybody's looking for what the Niners have in a brock party.
Who can I get fourth round and below where I
can have them stash him for a year and then
eventually they become my inexpensive starter. Who is the who

is the quarterback? It feels like Pennix has elevated himself
above that.

Speaker 7 (29:47):
Yeah, for sure, the bow Necks too.

Speaker 1 (29:50):
So who who are the guy? Who's the guy who
You're like, he's gonna be sitting around there and somebody
is going to draft him with the idea of he
can be our brock party.

Speaker 7 (30:00):
Yeah. I mean last year a good example was like
Jake Hayner right out of Fresno State, he goes to
mid rounds. It doesn't really like the mid round guy
that everyone's talking about that now is kind of talked
about as a third rounder is like Spencer Rattler and
it's like, ah, you know, I have a hard time
with that one. I know he's got some physical gifts.
I think sometimes you just there are certain times that

a player is an outlier, and I think Perdy is
just an all Like, who's the guy in this draft
right now? It had a team consistently, you know, for
his last couple of years, competing to be a top
fifteen team. I mean, coming into a senior year that
they were ranked really really high, it didn't go that well.
That guy just doesn't really exist, you know. It's kind
of all the high end guys and now it happens

obviously less with the transfer portal. So I just think
brought Perdy at least given this draft doesn't really exist. Okay,
Haynter was that version last year for sure, which I
still am high on Hayner.

Speaker 2 (30:59):
Yeah, I mean it.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
He was a ball at Fresnoe. Of course, he did
the Washington thing, then the Fresno and the knee injury
had a lot kind of going on there.

Speaker 7 (31:05):
Plus I think what makes a tough more difficult now,
Doug is like the cohesion has been lost in college football. Yes,
because guys, and I'm sure this is basketball is dealing
with this obviously as well. It's like the Brock party example.
If you're not a high high end guy right now, he.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
Might he would have he would have played no Listen,
if he was in college now, he would have played
two years at Iowa State, and then he would have
gotten big money and left and gone to you know,
Ohio State or Michigan or Oklahoma or Oregon. Right and
so you don't have that anymore.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
I agree with you.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
And by the way, it all plays into why Caitlin
Clark is so popular because she didn't leave. She played
somewhere four years and she has a following compn Right,
last thing, Marvin Harrison Junior, Who do you think takes him?

Speaker 7 (31:50):
I would say he's definitely in play at number five.
You know, I watched some of him yesterday and just
doing some deep dives on him. I think he's gonna
it's gonna be hard for him not to be good. Now,
you could argue how high is his high end, Like
I don't think he'll ever be peak Larry Fitzgerald or
Julio Jones or even now kind of like a Justin Jefferson.

But if he does peak, he could be like DeVante Adam.
And you know, when you factor in who his dad is,
I wonder if Jim haven't seen him firsthand. If they
do get stuck there at number five, his defensive coordinator
that he brings from Michigan, obviously they're close, would go,
this guy's a baller. You would have to imagine that

he would be in play there at five.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
He's the one only John Metalcoff I couldn't encourage you
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It's on the Volume podcast Network. Mittal Coffee the Best Man.
Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 6 (32:44):
Be sure to catch the live edition of the Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
Doug Gottleib Show, Fox Sports Radio coming to you from
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first round of the draft. Insider Jay Glazer, former GM
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LeVar Arrington, and big name cookoffs Rob Stone will go
play by play, predictions, reactions, and analysis all through the
first round. All next Thursday, eight Eastern through the first
round of the draft live right here on Fox Sports Tradio,
presented by Express Pros. Let's get to Dan Bayer with
a game.

Speaker 6 (33:52):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
Danny B. What do you got b Doug, it's the
Jimmer for that power hour.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
The game of the day is rank them, all right,
rank them.

Speaker 3 (34:05):
We're not gonna rank Jimmer Fordet's greatest moments in college basketball.
Enough about Jimmer, but we will rank the top three
teams in the playing tournaments. This is East and West, Doug.
So you've got the four teams tonight, Lakers and Pelicans,
Kings and Warriors, but also take into account the Sixers
and Heat and Bulls and Hawks.

Speaker 1 (34:23):
Okay, I'm gonna go. Number three is Philly. Three is
Philly again, I understand embiads not. We don't know if
he'll play or what his status is, right, but I
think Philly is okay. Number two is the Lakers. The Lakers,
and you're like, why do you have them behind the
Warriors when they beat the Warriors last year the playoffs.
I think the Warriors strike still strike that fear because

they won a championship. More recently than the Lakers. And
you do feel like if Clay and staff get it going,
like man, that's a dynamic that no one else has.
I understand. You could say the same thing about the Lakers.
I think it's very matchup dependent, but I'll put the
Warriors out of Lakers.

Speaker 3 (35:02):
All right. There, it is one, two and three, Doug
Rink the three most important players in the play in tournament.

Speaker 1 (35:07):
I'm gonna go Zion at three, Zion three, because nobody's
have you guys seen him play it all this.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
Year, honestly only in the highlights, right.

Speaker 1 (35:16):
Right, So nobody's Tonight we'll watch Zion play a whole game,
and we'll see him against the Lakers. So it'll be
really interesting to see what he plays like in the playoffs.
And it's kind of our first time then Lebron, because
he's still Lebron. And then I put Steph one, and
my logic behind it is we do have a little
Lebron fatigue, whereas I feel like they're still not Steph fatigue.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
All right. Fair enough, by the way, Joel Embiid full
participant in practice today, so with that knee issue. Doug
ranked the top three sporting events that you are looking
forward to before football starts. We obviously have the NFL Draft, yeah,
next week, but there are a lot of great other
events as well. What three events are you looking forward to?

Speaker 2 (35:57):

Speaker 1 (35:58):
Wimbledon and my lodge I on wimled In is we're
getting to the end of the of the Big three era,
so any last chance to see these guys performs already done,
Fetters done. You know, we have no idea what Rafa
will look like then, and even Djokovic has looked like
he's aged a little bit here recently. Olympics two. I'm

not huge on the Olympics, but I do understand, you know,
it gives us a different aside. Plus, NBA Olympic basketball
is gonna be fun and competitive. And then the NBA playoffs.
I think the NBA playoffs are gonna be well viewed.
I think everybody's got a couple of team, a couple
of guys. I think the Western Conference playoffs are amazing.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
Finally, Doug Rink, your top three women's basketball players of
all time?

Speaker 2 (36:39):
Uh we I'm gonna go.

Speaker 1 (36:45):
Cheryl Miller won. Cheryl Miller won out Brianna Stewart two.
And that's only because w NBA players say that she's
like the goat. And then what's the other one, the
former Yukontarosi three.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
All right, that's game time.

Speaker 6 (37:12):
This is game time on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 1 (37:17):
Well, there's all kinds of ways to handle stardom, right,
all kinds of hand ways to handle superstardom. Wait to
year how Pat Mahomes is handling it.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
That's next.
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