All Episodes

April 17, 2024 38 mins

Doug riffs about the Warriors and Klay Thompson and the future of Golden State. Doug reacts to Keyshawn Johnson's take about Zion Williamson. Doug chooses among deserving candidates Jason Stewart deems as most annoying today. Plus, Doug gives out his Pick Of The Day.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome in. This is the Doug Gottlieb Show. Heres in
the Bonus with Doug Gottli.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
What a Dog gottlim Show in the Bonus in Fox
Sports Radio the iHeartRadio app. Welcome in Hope. You're great,
not good. We want you to be great. We want
you to be out standing? Are you good?

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Like that?

Speaker 2 (00:26):
Good for you? Good for you? Good for you? Hey,
Welcome into the Doug gotlib Show. In the Bonus podcast,
a lot being said about the Warriors, and we did
a lot in the radio show. I just like it's
one of those things to where Bill Belichick's finally being

recognized I think, and he will be this year for
a brilliant coach. And part of the brilliant coaching is
getting rid of guys who you love a year early
rather than a year too late. And it does feel
like they've waited a year too late, right, And I
don't mean Steph, I mean everybody else. Like you keep

holding on and holding on to Draymond, holding on, holding
on to Clay and holding on to Hope and like,
but that ship has sailed. It's over. It's over. So
I think the Draymond element to it is fastting you're
so afraid of not being able to find that unique

a player in terms of his versatility. Plus, remember he
only makes twenty five million dollars a year, which in
the NBA for a Hall of Fame caliber player, that's
not that's a positive of cash. But the reason he
only makes that is there's just not that much money
for him out there right out there. So do I
consider holding on to Draymond? Sure, but I have to

for up all possibilities because I don't care if you're
selling tickets, you're not winning. And we all talk about
the fact I thought Barkley's comments were brilliant over Klay Thompson.
He's not going to get better. You know who else
is not going to get better? Steph Curry. Now do

I think there's another year in Steph Curry? Sure, absolutely
there's another year. There's another year or two where he
can play at that level. But are you willing to
do the Belichick, which is it's better off a year
early than a year too late? So far are they
waited too long? Remember they lost as a ten seed.

They lost on the road in a play in game
to a team that didn't have two rotation players, one
starter one backup. The Kings were seen as vulnerable and
the game was never close in the second half. If
you think the Warriors are close in one piece of way,
you should be committed to an insane asylum.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
Be sure to can.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
That's live editions of The Doug Gottlieb Show weekdays at
three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox Sports Radio in
the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (03:10):
Let's get to what the Fox says and now say
every day. This time on The Doug Gottlieb Show, we
play for your portion of a previous show on Fox
Sports Radio. Here's Colin Cowher talking about the Warriors.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
It is time for the big pivot. I'd keep Steph,
I'd keep Pods, the young kid, I'd keep Draymond, and
I'd move everybody else.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
They do not have a ton of assets.

Speaker 4 (03:35):
Here's what I believe. You have to cross your fingers
and root for a couple of things, and they're very possible.
The Clippers unravel bit of a mess against the MAVs,
get beaten like five games. Paul George has a player option.
Paul George played at Fresno State, California. Loves California. Bro
Our flight come up North. And then depending on how

the Lakers season goes, Lebron gets frustrated with d lo
I would make a call to Lebron. Lebron and it's
no secret it's close with Draymond and the one player
he said he would always consider playing with without a doubt.
You could ask people close to Lebron. You may be
able to ask Lebron. Is Steph Curry. I'd call Lebron

player option, Paul George North. Those moves would allow you
to keep Moses Moody, Jonathan Kaminga, the young center from Indiana.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
You could keep those.

Speaker 5 (04:30):

Speaker 2 (04:31):
I mean, look, we're basically saying the same thing I would.
I would offer up. I love Draymond and what he brings.
I I think that it's like when you open some chicken,
you're like, is that still good or is it spoiled?
Like I think it's I think you move on. I
think you'd I think you move on. But the bigger point,

the smarter point, is the idea of keeping this core
group together. If you haven't figured it out yet, I mean,
go look at Jordan and the second wave of Jordan.
Scottie Pippen remained all the rest of the piece has changed.

Scotty Pippen remained, all the rest of the pieces changed.
So you got to decide is Draymond your Pippin or
is Clay your Pippin? And then build accordingly. This is
Dan Patrick talking about Klay Thompson.

Speaker 6 (05:28):
The question is if you said to him, here's two
years for forty million dollars, maybe throw in some incentives
in there, would he take that to stay at Golden State?
Or do you get greedy and say I won my titles,
I'm a Hall of Fame player, I'm going to get
a little bit more money. Maybe I go to Orlando,

you know, a team on the rise. I could be
a veteran there. I could help them. You know, I
don't know if they're a very good three point shooting team.
I don't think they are. Maybe you could bring Clay
in there and he can have that role there. But
if I if I'm Klay Thompson, I've made two hundred
and fifty million dollars, I'm a Hall of Famer. Do
I seem another city, another system, not have the luxury

of playing with Steph Curry? And you know it's tough
for him because he was a star. He was a starter,
then he lost his starting role, gained it back, and
then he didn't score last night and they got blown
out by Sacramento.

Speaker 7 (06:24):

Speaker 2 (06:25):
I think there's plenty of options for Clay Thompson. A
guy who can still defend and can make shots, and
his style I still think has a lot of value
in the NBA, A lot of value in the NBA
from San Antonio to New York with the Knicks to
obviously the Lakers and maybe even the Clippers. There's a
lot of value there. This is Paul Pierson Keisan Johnson

talking about Zion Williamson's injury latent in the playing game.

Speaker 7 (06:53):
And you can walk like that, no a straw, you
can walk like that.

Speaker 4 (06:58):
Walk I told you in the all the way. Basketball
players a little different than football players.

Speaker 6 (07:04):
So anything.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
It can be a nail, y'all done for the week.
It can be a little bitty hang mail, y'all done.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
For a week.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
Wait, wait, you're talking a wheelchair, Paul here, I came
back in the game.

Speaker 6 (07:13):
He did chair.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
So funny you mentioned that skip somebody somebody.

Speaker 6 (07:19):
I was talking to somebody last night after the game when.

Speaker 5 (07:21):
This happened, and they said that Paul, Paul Paul.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
Should have game in the wheelchair.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
I got it still, okay, and you did come back
in the game.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
It wasn't that wrong with him?

Speaker 5 (07:33):
Yeah, I came back.

Speaker 2 (07:34):
Let's so what's wrong with his zions?

Speaker 5 (07:35):

Speaker 3 (07:35):
It might be wrong when.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
He I mean, look, here's the the reality is football
players in your hamstring pops or your hamstring tugs too.
They shut it down like Key Sean talking all that football,
like we're the toughest guys ever, Like, dude, hamstrings are hamstrings.
The bigger issue is you saw the entire Zion Williamson

story unfold. Unbelievable talent, unguardable player right, too quick for
even Lebron to guard, too quick for Anthony Davis to guard,
too strong for anybody smaller to guard. I mean, he's unbelievable.
But then he tweaks his hamstring and they never recover
from it. That's Scion, That's what the Fox said say.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Doug Gottlieb
Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Let's find out who are what is annoying? Jason Stewart.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
And now it's your annoying.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Hello, Jason, what's annoying you today?

Speaker 3 (08:48):
You know Steve Jones. He's the son of Jerry Jones.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Okay, yeah, Steven Joe tucks. He guys by Stephen, doesn't
he Steven?

Speaker 3 (08:56):
They live in Texas. Uh, there's a game called Texas
Hold Them and like the most common cliched phrase of
Texas hold them, especially since the boom is all in.
It's just it's amazing to me that Stephen Jones and
Jerry Jones live in Texas, but they don't seem to
know what the meaning of the word all in is.

Here's Stephen Jones, yet again, addressing a question about his
father telling the media back in January that the Cowboys
would be all in this year.

Speaker 5 (09:28):
I think if you're not all in in this league,
you're all out. And I don't know of any of
the thirty two who aren't all in. And you know,
everybody can have their own definition of what that means,
but I've never not known as to be all in.
You know, we also, you know, are looking towards signing
our own guys. It doesn't mean it happens overnight, but

when you're wanting to sign players, like Dak and Micah
and CD. Then you have to hold money back if
you want to have a realistic chances those guys.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
So holding money back is the very antithesis of putting
all your money in. So it's not what our definition
of all win is. All in is means you put
all your chips in the middle and don't hold any back.
So you can't, uh, you can't hold chips back and
be all win, Doug, that's what annoys men?

Speaker 2 (10:22):
Yes, that is it. That is the ultimate hypocritical comment,
right it Uh, it's say no, what is it called.
It's a not hypocritics.

Speaker 3 (10:30):
Say shoot, oxymoron.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Oxymoron, that's what it is. Oxy oxymoron. Yep, it's an oxymoron,
whereas I'm just a moron. It's an oxymoron. What else?
What else is annoying you?

Speaker 3 (10:43):
It's election season, so a lot of things annoying me
about our political discourse, especially when people in sports like
try to kind of come in with their opinions and
do their drive by opinions. So I was listening to
The Herd today and Jason McIntyre is on that show
as well, and Colin started talking about Aaron Rodgers and

how he recently went on a podcast and talked about
conspiracy theories and heard said, look, I don't believe in
all of the conspiracy theories, but there have been conspiracy
theories that have come true. So and also fifty percent
of the country believes that the election was thrown. So

it's like, I understand that you don't like these conspiracy theories,
but you also do need to acknowledge that there are
people that think that way. And this is what Jamax.

Speaker 4 (11:40):
Said, but you know, man didn't land on the moon.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
That for Coco, the root of this is not everybody
should have a platform, because now you're putting all the
nonsense out there and it's just cluttering the Internet, and
you know what's going to rise at the top.

Speaker 3 (11:53):
So the term for this is called deplatforming. And to me,
to me, for someone to be deplatformed is on American
We could say whatever we want. There are always consequences
towards you talk about Alex Jones, there were consequences for
his words, but I never thought that guy should be deplatformed.

That's on American There just a couple of days ago,
there are people as they protest this Israel Hamas war
there are people in our country saying death to America.
I don't think you should be able to say that
without being arrested. That to me goes over the lot.

But Aaron Rodgers going on a podcast and talking about
conspiracy theories that frankly a lot of people to believe in,
that's not a reason to be deplatformed at all.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
Doug uh Well, I find it interesting. First, Let's let's
let's let's make sure we decipher between Jason McIntyre the
person and Jason McIntyre the professional, Because I find Jason
mctire the person to be top notch. He's a little
dorky right whenever, and we make fun of him because

he loves to post videos of his adult league stuff,
which nobody actually gives a flying fuck about. But as
a guy like Jason is harmless and a really nice
guy to be a friend of yours, a really nice
guy to be a friend of yours. But like j mac,
I are we're going to strike down everybody who has misinformation?

Like how are you an authority on the NBA and
NFL draft?

Speaker 3 (13:42):

Speaker 2 (13:43):
Like what are we actually doing here? I actually agree
with him. I think this is what happened with the
blue check marks. Where you used to what you tweeted
used to be important if you had to have a
verified account. Now every Tom, Dick and Harry can have
that check mark by him and they tweet out deplete nonsense.
There's a guy who's a supposed architect who continues on

a weekly basis to tweet out stuff trying to prove
that nine to eleven was an inside job. And he
keeps showing on his X account showing videos of the
buildings explode or implode and trying to prove a point
that there's actual explosives there. And all of this, by
the way, has been addressed and certified. People like no,

look at this, it's based upon the building whatever, Like
he's actually been debunked, but he still has the platform
on X and oh yeah, by the way, like do
you know what I don't want to see on a
Monday morning? I don't want to see turn on my
X account and flip and see nine to eleven happen
again and somebody jumping off of one of the twin
towers while it explodes. So I actually agree with him

on some level. The problem is like where does where
does it end? Where does it end correct. Who decides
who do you platform? Is it just the people that
disagree with our views? Did you hear the lady, I
tweeted out, did you hear the lady from MPR who's
like the new head of NPR when she said about truth?

Speaker 3 (15:12):
What did you say about truth?

Speaker 2 (15:14):
I'll send it to you. You he'll hear it. You're like, wait,
what we have to accept that that there? That truth
is your is how you see something and and how
you were raised and things that you went through. Like, no, no, no,
that's not how the truth works, babe. That's not like
literally changing what I got to send this shit to.
You're gonna be You're gonna be like, what are we

actually doing?

Speaker 7 (15:36):

Speaker 3 (15:36):
As you do that? Let me get to somebody that
MPR propagands for if that's a word does propaganda for? Uh.
Joe Biden went on Twitter yesterday and he got a
lot of shit for this, and deservedly so, cause you
know what, yesterday this the uh the salaries average salaries
of rookie w NBA players was announced compared to the

average salary of NBA players, and without any context, people
just posted this comparison. Joe Biden the president of our
country says, women in sports continue to push new boundaries
and inspire us all but right now we're seeing that
even if you're the best, women are not paid for

their share. Even if you're the best, women are not
paid their fair share. It's time that we give our
daughters the same opportunities our sons and ensure women are
paid what they deserve. Man, if that's how what he wrote,
that doesn't even make sense. But anyways, the common response
to that tweet was, as you have stated many times,

it doesn't matter if you're a woman or not. If
you're not generating revenue, you're not going to get paid
as much as a person that is generating revenue. That's
just the that's the what do you call the truth
of capitalism. I don't know why we're making this a
women thing. I saw Jamil Hell she said today that remember,
a government had to legislate fairness for women in sports

and call it and I think her insinuation was that
the government should get involved to raise salaries for the WNBA.
This is a privately owned corporation, right, But what are
we doing here?

Speaker 2 (17:21):
I don't know. There's there's a bunch of different issues here, Okay,
I mean it's pretty obvious. In this political season, you
do everything you can to kiss the ass of your
constituents to make them feel like you're all in it
for them. The reality is, anyone who is that liberal
that they think women the WNBA should be paid an

equal rate of the NBA is already going to vote
for Joe Biden anyway. They would never vote for Donald Trump.
That's the stupidity of all the stupid shit, right, Like,
who else are you actually going to vote for, you know,
unless you're going to do the libertarian thing or not vote,
which maybe that's what their studies. They're only doing this
to to to raise money and too mean to to

to generate, you know, to trigger if you will, support
from their base. The problem with it is it's basic
fucking economics. It's basic fucking economics. The league was subsidized
for years, then they then then it started to be
owned by people privately, and those people took took baths

on it. Now you could probably make a little bit
of money on it. Hey, you can probably make a
little bit of money on it, but not so much.
I I'm not sure you can anymore. Because women have
pushed for to get to have not what it's called
not commercial charter charter flights like all these idiots like

we have. We have people in the media that are
fucking idiots. They don't there, they've been in the media
their whole life. And you know what they're concern with.
They're concerned with fair. Well that's not fair. Well that's
that fair. Hey, buddy, fair has got nothing to do
with it. In business, you are worth what somebody's going

to pay. And every business is the same, every fucking
one is the same. Everyone is the same. And here's
what they do. What can we do to make the
most money today? What can we make the most money tomorrow?
And the way to wait make the most money is
to cut the overhead. Do you know why they fly
charter flights in the NBA? Because they have to, Because

they have to. There is a league rule, a league
rule that you have to be on the ground the
night before you play an NBA game. So if you
play a back to back, you got to take off
that night. You can't sleep in and hey, let's just
get to in the morning, because that's what I would do.
I've always asked like, hey, why don't you guys just

sleep there, get up the next day, fly in, you know,
you go do a little shoot around, You go back
to the hotel. You sleep like cause there's a rule.
You got to get c to the city. In the WNBA,
they play on weekends, they don't play and you know
when they play a back to back if you have to. Sure,
But what we're gonna do because we want fair. We

think fair means equal treatment. That's not what fair is.
Fair is the opportunity to make whatever you can make
and then you let, uh, you let the world decide
how much that's really worth. So, yeah, it's a dumb
ass tweet from Biden, but that's just classic. We're trying

to generate the base, motivate the best.

Speaker 8 (20:39):
Doug can I wagne on something. There used to be
a discussion, which I think was a wholesome, very sincere
discussion where Biden would tweet something in the same nature
like an executive Sarah at this company and executive Jim
at this company. Why did Jim make more money if
there's job duties were the same and the same profitability

the company?

Speaker 6 (21:00):

Speaker 8 (21:00):
That was the good discussion. Now it's veered into something
where if you're not knowing the context of the business,
like the w NBA what they bring in versus the NBA.
Then they're that you're lacking context when you tweet out
something like that, Biden. It's a lazy tweet from Biden.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
It is a lazy twet because it's a lazy, low
hanging fruit tweet. Whatever.

Speaker 8 (21:16):
But here's it's a pro league versus another per league.
They just don't have the same money. They don't have
the same revenue and and and economic economy of scale.
So correct, yeah, correct, it's disingenuous because he's he writes
it it's red meat, knowing that he's wrong, but he's
just trying to cater to a certain.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
Here, here's the other part that's really kind of fascinating
to this. You talked about hiring practice. So you're not
allowed to ask a man or a woman when you're
hiring them if they're married or single or a woman
if you plan on having kids. Right, and you may
say to yourself, well, that's sex is to ask somebody
if they're having kids. Sam, google right now if you

will percentage of women who returned to the workforce after
having children. Okay, And so look like you can't even ask.
You're not allowed to even ask because it's seen as unfair.
And to answer the question, there's actually there's actually a
lot of studies that show that women get paid more,

get paid more than men who do who have the
same jobs. Part of it is the jobs that women
have gone into. Not a lot of women go into finance,
which has become a super high paying field. Okay, a
lot of women go into social services and these are
your own choice less in general, right, No, no, I'm
not what I'm saying is even us in the media

or if you would say the the super super liberal
women's libers, will they act like women are getting paid
substantially less. Well, there's some factors in it. One, it's
what the jobs they're actually going after are. Secondly, it's
the reality is what's the percentage? By the way, when
you looked at.

Speaker 8 (23:02):
That, oh, I found fifty five percent of mom's return
work after taking it.

Speaker 3 (23:06):
Take it.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
It's basically a fifty percent shot. Yeah, And so the
reality is reality is like you hire somebody out of college,
you don't know if they're married or single, and you
also don't know if the woman is plan on having kids,
and if she's planning on having kids if she's gonna return,
so what's my level of investment in it? And I'm

not being critical of women who stay home. Hey, it's
an unbelievable and frankly, it's a job that should pay
a lot. It's like teaching. It should pay a lot
more than it does. But I'm talking we're dealing with
realities of business. Nobody ever wants to talk about the
realities of business and the reality of businesses. If you're hiring,

you have all these things to work through, right, Don't
get me wrong. There's other stuff with men. Men are
more likely to become addicted to sex, drugs, porn, et cetera.
You know, there's you know, you know, if you're if
it's a driving thing, if it's a business where you're drive,
you have to pay their insurance. Men are way worse drivers. Right,
There's all kinds of other other issues with guys. But

you're not even allowed to ask any of this shit
in our effort to be fair. But ourn effort to
be fair, we're not paying a clear picture of it.
The realities of business are you have to wonder what
somebody's gonna because I don't you don't hire anybody unless
it's a six month job. On six months, you hire
somebody thinking they're a young employee, they're gonna grow, what's
gonna be like? And oh yeah, by the way, asking

a man are you married? Are you dating? Which you can't,
But if they're married and their wife has a job,
they're much less likely to move and to switch jobs
like that. These are things you can't ask anymore. And
we've done it to protect people, to make you know,
to take names and sexes and races off of filling
out a form. But sometimes we don't provide the right

context for who you're hiring. It's a tricky subject and
you're gonna probably listen to this people with says like, oh,
a super right wing Republican.

Speaker 3 (25:02):

Speaker 2 (25:02):
The truth is I've actually always been a radical centrist
who leans to the left on most social issues most
but the radicals in both parties, the radical left makes
me feel like I'm fucking jeer uh was it? Pat
robertson right? The radical right makes me feel like I'm
a normal human being again because they're lunatics too. And

I don't overreact, but I this is a clear play
to the super far left.

Speaker 8 (25:33):
You know, Yeah, it's a It's just it's a type
of tweet that's just caused for outrage when really it
shouldn't be there.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
I'm gonna do one more thing that's in terms of
annoying and this this goes with the people who are
protesting for Gaza. Okay, I do Like I am a
human being. I understand there are innocent lives being lost. Okay,
I get it. You know what that's called when innocent

lies are lost in senseless fighting, it's called war. And
protesting by first stopping traffic or whatever. When you're pro Palestine,
when you're completely uneducated, first thing is again and take it.
I'm Jewish, I've been a I've had dual citizenship with Israel,

so I'm pretty obviously a Zionists. And here's the way
I look at it. It's a lot like your religion.
It's a lot like your school, It's a lot like
your company. Do I agree with everything that that Israel does?

Speaker 5 (26:38):

Speaker 2 (26:38):
Do I deal with everything that we do as the
United States?

Speaker 5 (26:41):

Speaker 2 (26:42):
Do I deal with Do I believe in everything that
we do at Fox Sports Radio?

Speaker 4 (26:46):

Speaker 2 (26:46):
Do I believe in everything and my religion?

Speaker 4 (26:48):

Speaker 2 (26:49):
But the gist of it. Yeah, okay, And if you're
stopping traffic to support people who want to do harm
to our country, fuck you. Sorry, I'm just I'm telling
you the reality of it is, you're supporting people that
if they were to finally take over Israel and make

it their own and make it Palestine, which, by the way,
previous to the Jews being you know, in in Israel
and having a country created, it was run by the Brits,
not by the Arabs. They do just a little bit
of history. If you do any sort of research like
like on this whole thing, you'll know that that the

surrounding communities have had opportunities to take in any of
these refugees, and they have refused to do so, refused,
and that side does not want peace. But I'm not
going on a rant about it. I'm just telling you
that those those protests are anti America protests, anti American protests,

and they're worse than flag burning, which by the way,
is and should remain legal. You should be allowed to protest.
You know you can't do You can't shut down an airport,
you can't shut down a freeway. Just move them to
the side, do your march, do your protest. You're fine,
You're allowed to do that. I think it's disgusting. Okay,
considering there's one hundred and thirty four people that are
still hostages that did nothing wrong on October seventh, and

everybody seems to forget that, including the Biden administration that
wants a ceasefire. We'll talk about a ceasefire. Return all
the fucking hostages, then we'll have a ceasefire. But in
the meantime, you're protesting our country, which is allowed. That's
part of how this deal works. But you have to
go through the normal steps, just like the neo Nazis

have to, just like any protest has to. It can
be as disgusting and as degrading and as vile as
I think it is. You're allowed to protest. You know
what you can't do. You can't shut down my freedom
to go and fucking travel around. Okay, we have peaceful
protests which are allowed in this country. There's a way
to do it where the police will actually protect you.

Your rights are protected. What you can't do is violate
my rights with a chance to go about my business.
That part's annoying.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
What else that's it?

Speaker 2 (29:18):
I think we know it's annoying, are you.

Speaker 1 (29:24):
Why are we doing this? I do because we can.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
So here's a little bit of that podcast that j
Mack was referring to that Aaron shouldn't be able to
go on, Uh is Zaron Rogers?

Speaker 7 (29:40):
And if you do any even a smidge of research.
And I know I'm not a you know, epidemiologist, I'm
not a doctor. I'm not an imminologist. Whatever the fuck.
I can read though, right, and and and I can
learn and look things up just like any normal person.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
You know.

Speaker 7 (29:55):
I can do my own research, which was so vilified,
you know, even question authority. But that was the game
plan back then.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Yeah, he's gone off the deep end. You know, two
things have changed our society in the last six years
that have passed eight years whatever Trump, the Trump election,
the two Trump elections, and COVID have It's cost people relationships, marriages, friendships,

and their brains. And again, I don't He's not the
only one. There are pro Trumpers who have gone completely crazy.
There are anti Trumpers that have gone completely crazy. There
are vaxers and anti vaxxers that have gone and lost
their minds. But like Aaron Rodgers in that rant, because

I've watched the entire rant. I know you sent it
to me. Jays two. In that rant, he alluded to
doctor Fauci being given uh billions of dollars for AIDS
research only to come up with uh no vaccine and
medicine that pre existed. In other words, he was under

no uncertain terms. He was acting as a as a
gatekeeper for like Pfizer to make billions of dollars off
of off of AIDS medicines. Like you're you're questioning the
most decorated immunologist in our country's history as being basically

pay for play, Like that is as damaging a thing
as possible, and you're doing it based upon Hey, I
can read, I watch, I listened to I listened to
these podcasts, like what are we doing? Aaron? Aaron would
think the exact same thing if Greg Cosell sat with

him and watched tape and said, hey, I an't played quarterback,
but I know I watched tape and I can tell
you where's supposed to go, and Aaron Rodgers said, there go,
Like you've never played quarterback a day in your fucking life.
How do you know about anything that we do? How
do you know about what I'm seeing, what I'm looking at,
what I'm told down in distance, what we're looking for here,
just based upon the play, you know what? You know

what you'd say, You go like, you're right eron, I
haven't played you have, which is the exact same thing
that doctor Fouchi would say. By the way, here's the
crazy part about it, and we've talked a lot of politics,
is the uh, the vaccine was developed in warp speed.

Who is president of the United States when they developed
a vaccineum.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
Yeah, operation warp Speed.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
Optimation, warp seed, which he took credit for, and then
the second that he wasn't elected, they're like, dude, who
came up with this vaccine? It's amazing. It's like the
most amazing thing ever. And I know that he's not
a Trumper. He's a libertarian. I get it. I understand,
and I have no problem if you want to look
deep into it. But going on record and saying, hey,

I can read and I know what's up with Fauci,
and Fauci's like all time bad guy. That's a very
dangerous path.

Speaker 3 (33:24):
To go down.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
You're literate, congratulations, Yeah, I just like, what are we
doing here, dude? What what are we doing?

Speaker 8 (33:34):
Fauci is a very divisive subject. I'm not going to
get into it, but you know, it depends on the side.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
It's like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
He is not divisive the the right, but the the
Republicans have made him into some evil dude. But then
why do they think that way. I'm not saying that,
I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (33:52):
Just so aware.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
Like again, I'm not telling you who to vote for.
I can only tell you that they use outlets and
the the Democrats will do the same thing, right, but
they made the Hunter Biden thing out to be that
his dad knew right the whole time, and then all
of a sudden they're like, yeah, that source, that was
a bad source, and no one ever goes hey, we're bad,

my bad, Like, look, you elected a guy president of
the United States who said Obama wasn't an American, wasn't
born in America. He got away with that. We we've
completely dissolved any idea that we actually value the fucking
truth from our president when you elected a guy who
said this guy ain't not even a citizen, right, so

and that became like a fact, Like if you asked again,
not the normal Republicans. You asked the fringe people like Obama,
where's he born?

Speaker 6 (34:50):
Can you.

Speaker 2 (34:53):
No question? Fauci?

Speaker 8 (34:54):
The worst birthers there, They're fucking insane. This is the
time we live in, right, Doug, And we're giving oxygen
to people that shouldn't have oxygen.

Speaker 3 (35:05):
That's what.

Speaker 8 (35:06):
So isn't that why you kind of agreed with Jason
mckintie did yes, because we don't want these people out
there spreading their nonsense. Correct, But we also have to
give everybody the window to do so, you know why,
because matter fair, we think that's fair. What we think
is fair is actually completely unfair. Because Aaron Rodgers saying it,

and Aaron Rodgers super bright, You're like, hey, you know what,
maybe Fauci did take money and he doesn't want to
solve your aids and whatever. Like, really, Aaron, you spend
hours and hours of research. You did you interview people
who were involved in it?

Speaker 2 (35:42):
Did you do a thorough investigation where you interviewed people
on both sides who are involved in it to find
out what really went on?

Speaker 1 (35:48):

Speaker 2 (35:49):
You read documents. Great, that's just like me reading a
playbook and telling you looking at an alignment of an
offense and saying this is where the ball should go.
I know it because that's what the playbook says. And
Aaron Rodgers pushback would be that you don't never play
quarterback in college or the pros or even in fucking
high school. What the fuck do you know? You're right,
you know you've never done You've never you've never taken

a medical course. You don't have an MD by your name,
let alone being the most decorated immunologist in the history
of our country. Again, and that doesn't mean that I
think everything Vauci has done is right. But is it?
Did he do it with this nefarious objective of making
his buddies billions of dollars? Or did he do it

because at the time it was viewed as the right
thing to do. Let's uh, let's get to our pick
of the day. Okay, sir, the bet is to you, babe.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
It's time for the pick of the day.

Speaker 2 (36:52):
Can pick of the day?

Speaker 4 (36:55):

Speaker 3 (36:56):

Speaker 2 (36:56):
I was was I one in one yesterday? Had the
Lakers and the Warriors, the Eggs and the Warriors. My bad,
sorry about that. Oh okay, We're gonna do better tonight.
Philadelphia taken on Miami. Joel Embiid was a full participant.
It's in Philadelphia. I don't like. I love Philly. Chicago
is hosting Atlanta. Well, the Hawks are kind of seeking
a little bit of a fresh start here, as you know,

they they're gonna get back Trey Young. Right, Trey Young
is playing, but they're a batter team is Jaalen Johnson
is out on Yeka kong Wu big O is out
with a big toe, and and of course they lost
Sadik Bay a couple of weeks ago with a knee injury. Now,

Trey Young did return from a torn ligament in his pinky.
He averaged fifteen to ten in his last three games,
getting himself back. The difference here is though that the Bulls.
This is an Alex Caruso game. I think he'll do
a great job on Trey Young. I like the Bulls.
I like the two favorites tonight, Bulls and Sixers. That's
it for the in the Bonus podcast, check us out

tomorrow Daily Radio Show, Doug Gotlib Show, Fox Sports Radio
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