All Episodes

April 17, 2024 38 mins

In this week's version of The Midway, Doug and the crew talk about the times that signified the end of a dynasty or the end of an era of a team.  Doug welcomes NFL Network Draft Expert Daniel Jeremiah onto the show to talk about everything important going into the NFL Draft next week. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through a Wednesday edition of "The Press".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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It's the way the tire buying should be welcome in. Hey,
it's a Wednesday. That there. That bar is the middle
of the week. Hey, middle of the week. We're at
one on the west, four in the east. That's the
middle of the show, and generally it's the middle of

most people's days. So let's get to the midway. Stuck
in the middle with you, Stuck in the middle with you,
bappo upoop.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
He's not getting mad with It's time for the midway.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
A ready, let's start with Dan Bayer. Do you have
a suggestion? Oh, Dan's Jan's working. Dan's gotta work. Come on, man,
who's gotta work? He is the one armed paperhanger right now?

All right, Jay Su, do you have a suggestion for
a game?

Speaker 3 (01:33):
I had three through three suggestions to the group today.
I said, there's still a lot of meat on the
Caitlin clarkbone, especially with the women compensation topic that kind
of came up yesterday. Why isn't Trevor Bauer pitching in
the major leagues? You know, one of his two accusers
has been brought up on felony charges and then the

third one. What are other signature moments or signature times
that you could remember that ended dynasties, Like you saw
something and you said that's it. That means we're at
the end.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
Hmm, okay, I have I do have one, Like I'm
kind of freaking out over the Jackson Holiday thing. By
the way, he struck out again a couple of times today,
like or like on two weeks with one hit.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
Yeah, that's tough. I guarantee he's never gone through a
streak like this and in his entire baseball life. So
the mental aspect of being in a slump, compounded by
the fact that you're facing major league pitching. It's ruined
a lot of people before they even start, right.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
I mean, they're literally hitting him ninth, and you know,
it's not like anybody's gonna take it easy. And I'm
w le he's number one overall pick and the number
one prospect in my league baseball, and oh it's been rough.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
I'm rooting for him. But this is why the general
managers get paid big money. They need to realize what
is the mental terrain of this, and maybe we need
to send him down to work on things.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
The question is, though, if you send a guy down, right,
what does that do to him?

Speaker 3 (03:21):
Right? Exactly?

Speaker 1 (03:23):
What does that do him instead of just hey, we're
just we're gonna stick by and we're going to figure
it out. But if you're not, if you haven't been
following Jackson Holliday, who is we have adopted on this show.
He has had see here, I just want me sure
I get my stats correct. He's had twenty five at bats,
twenty two official at bats right, because he's walked once

and had a sack sack once. I don't know why
there's another one that's not an official at bat. He
has one hit in twenty two at bats. Now, he's
only played a week six games, seven games.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
Including today one for twenty five, he's about in forty Yeah.

Speaker 4 (03:59):
Four h.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
Twenty five at bat's one hit one twenty five seven games.
Freaking out yet, dann By, Are you freaking out yet?
Should we freak out?

Speaker 3 (04:12):

Speaker 5 (04:13):
No, it happens. It's a lot at stake. Sometim he's
into it. Orioles just swapped the twins. Yeah, no, need
to make any drastic measures.

Speaker 1 (04:24):
M Okay, let's do do you guys mind if we
do the dynasty thing, the moment you saw a dynasty end?
You want to do that?

Speaker 3 (04:34):
Yeah? Something that denoted the end of a big run
for a team.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
Okay, so what denoted the end of the Warriors?

Speaker 3 (04:44):
What do we think it was?

Speaker 1 (04:45):
Was it Clay's injuries but they came back in one
one after that? Was it Draymond punching Jordan Poole?

Speaker 2 (04:53):

Speaker 3 (04:53):
Yeah, yeah, I'll go oh there, I'll go there.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
Okay, yeah, okay, all right, so give me another one.
Give me one that you're thinking, you say, hey, this
was mark the end of the obviously Jordan retiring.

Speaker 3 (05:04):
I got one?

Speaker 4 (05:06):
May I yeah?

Speaker 6 (05:07):
May I have this dance?

Speaker 4 (05:08):

Speaker 3 (05:08):
I go.

Speaker 6 (05:10):
January fourth, twenty twenty, it was the Titans over the
Patriots twenty thirteen in the wild Card game, Wildcard playoffs,
and it was a shock and that was the last
time I think Tom Brady would then ship off to
Tampa Bay.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
The next year was the Titans when they lost the Titans,
They lost the Titans, remember the game, yep, And but
they weren't gonna win a Super Bowl that year anyway.

Speaker 6 (05:31):
They were still twelve and four. Yeah, it's kind of
upset in the wildcard game that I think that game
was the the Djenga piece pulled out and that was
the end of the Patriots dynasty.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Well, there's an important part of that game that goes unspoken.
Right as much as we go, bluck back go. He
didn't have the weapons. They weren't that good. If you remember,
Mike Rabil was the coach of the Titans. He did
a great job of bleeding the clock and you know
the last pass Brady threw his interception where they didn't
really have a chance, but he won on field position.

He kept Brady off the field as long as possible,
Like it was if you think he thought Brady was washed.
He didn't watch that game because he did everything he
could to keep Brady off the field. It's a good one, buyer,
give me a memory of a dynasty ending.

Speaker 5 (06:18):
Yes, I feel like I bring up this Bills dynasty.
I don't again because it's right in the wheelhouse of
when we really, really really loved sports. But if we
look at their super Bowl wins losses, we know about
the Giants close call, and then we know about the

being blown out by the Cowboys. I don't think the
Washington loss gets a lot of pub but they really
weren't in that game, the final super Bowl that they played.
And I found this still revealing in one of the
documentaries on the Bills of the past, was they were
actually leading the Cowboys at the half of that Super
Bowl of Super Bowl twenty eight in Atlanta, and then

they didn't score in the second half and lost thirty
to thirteen, and Emmett Smith ran over them, and James
Washington was having a great game, and it was just
it was it was done at that point. And what
I thought was so interesting in the documentaries that we
heard was the Bills knew it was over at halftime
and they had a lead. I think it was Jim

Kelly who even said they went in and they just
they knew what was over, like this is it like not,
like this is our opportunity to do it. They had
nothing left and Cowboys outscored them twenty four to nothing
in the second half. They didn't make the playoffs the
next year, and then from that point on, you know
Music City miracle and then their drought. But I just

always look at that of like, because I had hoped
that they would finally win one. We just talked about
three peats and repeats earlier.

Speaker 4 (07:50):
I wanted them to win. I go back to that
Buffalo one and that final loss to the Dallas Cowboys.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
That's a good one.

Speaker 6 (07:58):
Kill in Sam, I mean I had the Patriots one earlier.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
I'm sorry, I mean Jay Stead.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
I'm looking at June fifteenth, two thousand and four. You
guys know what that means.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
That was probably when the Yankees dynasty ended.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
No, No Lakers, Lakers, Nope, Rip Hamilton hit many there
any of his like mid range jumpers to defeat the
Lakers in five games. Lakers were the overwhelming favorite going
into that finals, and they had won what three out
of the last four years. That was I mean, we
could have an argument about if that was a dynasty,

which dynasty was it? But that was Shaquille O'Neal's final
game as a Laker, so the team was blown up.
Remember they had brought in Karl Malone and Gary Payton
to go with their already championship roster, and the Pistons
beat them as severe underdogs in that series, ending the

Lakers as it was. Sadly enough, Kobe and Shot couldn't
make a work moving forward and the rest is history. Kobe.
It took a few years until Kobe could to win
a Cup on his own, but that was the end
of that. That part of that, donis does that make sense? Yes?
I mean.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
I have one. When the Red Sox traded Mooki Bets, right,
I mean, like, let's let's look at at Mookie Bets.
Who you know he's traded. Was he traded in nineteen
or in twenty? He was traded in in twenty But
previous to that, you know, they had made the playoffs

three consecutive years, they had won the World Series in
twenty eighteen, and they've literally never recovered since they traded
Mooki Bets. And I understand, like, remember they packaged him
with with Crawford. Right, Remember then they signed Crawford and
he's stunk and he couldn't play in Boston. They packaged
a bunch of basically pork. They put guys that they

didn't want in with Mookie Bets in the trade. But
trading away Mookie Bets was the end of the Red Sox.

Speaker 6 (10:12):
Yes, go ahead, quick one here, I would say this
is the end of the Florida Gators mini dynasty of
national championships. I believe Alabama with Nick Saban came in
at like eleven and one and the Florida Gators were undefeated.
It was the SEC title game. I think it was

twenty ten or two thousand and nine. But that that game,
you were like, Florida I think was a heavy. It
was a big favorite. It was a favorite, and Nick
Saban came in there and whooped them nine two thousand
and nine, okay, and I think the final score was
like thirty one thirteen or something. And yeah, that just sick.
That was a passing of the torch. I know that

Nick Saban had had success with LSU, but it was
really Florida after that then save and he you know,
he had his amazing run and now in on then
LSU a little bit more. Now we're at with Georgia,
you know. And but that really was the end I
think was that SEC title game where Alabama just laid
a whooping on a perfect Tim tebow led Florida Gators team.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
I have one.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
I'm gonna put myself after Doug as well.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Okay, sorry, twenty fourteen. Now they weren't a dynasty because
they hadn't won, okay, but they had gone to the conference,
the NFC Championship, lost in the Super Bowl. Then the
NFC Championship, the Niners with Colin Kaepernick took on the Seahawks.
Buyer you, I think you probably remember this one. And

the Niners at the time were like seven and four, right,
and they're taking on the Seahawks. And this was kind
of the beginning of the Legion of Boom if you will,
where they they just could not move the ball. And
that was the first time people started to talk about
whether or not the Seahawks had won the Super Bowl
the year before. I won the Super Bowl the year before.

But the end of the Niners was when Kaepernick was
completely effect ineffective, ineffective against the Seahawks, I think in
twenty fourteen that year, that eight and eight year was
an abject disaster, and Harbaugh obviously had the fighting with
his gentle manager with Trent Balky. Kaepernick thought that Greg

Roman's offense was limited, but people around the league had
kind of figured out. Kaepernick. I thought that was the
seminal moment.

Speaker 5 (12:35):
I find it interesting when Sam brought up the college
football one, because dynasties usually come to an end just
because guys move on, because you're only there for you know,
three or four years, and there's not like a build
up of over a decade of it. But my greatest memory,
probably on a winning team, of being a fan was

when Ohio State beat Miami in the three Fiesta Bowl,
which ended the Hurricanes thirty four game win streak and
everything that came with that game, whether it be the
pass interference in the end zone, the Willis McGahee injury
is brought up rough But when you look back at
and honestly it's funny because the USC Texas Rose Bowl,

for how good that was, I think ended up overshadowing
what this game was because for that two or three years,
this was even thought.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
Of his greatest game ever. Yeah, this is a remarkable
talent too, on both rosters.

Speaker 5 (13:33):
Yeah, you had Maurice Clarett running down Sean Taylor and
stripping him after Taylor had an interception. People forget Miami
had to kick a field goal at the end of
regulation to even force the first overtime. Miami had a
first and goal at the one yard line and Ohio
State stopped them on four straight plays to win the
National Championship. Like, there was so much with it, but

in the end, it was the weight of that thirty
four game win streak that Miami had and on that
Ken Dorsey ended up hurting his shoulder on that final
series and it was but it was over. It was
over with at that point.

Speaker 1 (14:06):
Oh oh Texas. When Colt McCoy got hurt in the
National championship game.

Speaker 4 (14:12):
That was after the SEC championship that Alabama won.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
Right, So you guys, do you remember the game at all?
I know you got buyer remembers.

Speaker 6 (14:20):
That was mounted quite a comeback without Colt McCoy and
they got close.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
Right, But do you do you remember it was Garrett Gilbert,
wasn't it.

Speaker 4 (14:28):

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Okay, So, so Colt McCoy got hurt and what happened
was it was kind of an innocuous injury. It was
like what happened and he just couldn't throw a football.
He had like dead arm. So they they bring Garrett
Gilbert in, who's like the number one rated prospect. He's
the heir apparent, and he was decent in that game.
He was fine. But they end up at the end

kind of getting getting it handed to them because they
just didn't have enough offense. And literally mac Brown never recovered.
They were never the same. It's crazy. They they went
from dominating the Big twelve dominating to really struggling. Eventually
he lost his job. They could never figure out the
quarterback position after that. And it's just fascinating to see

what happened. I mean, think about this Texas under mac Brown.
Under mac Brown, they had won where's it Troy here?
They had won eleven, eleven, ten, eleven, thirteen, ten, ten, twelve, thirteen.
Then they won five games, then eight, then nine, then eight.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
Then he was fired.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
He's literally the moment like that moment he got hurt.
Colt McCoy can't pick up a football.

Speaker 6 (15:45):
They had a rolling with Colt McCoy. I mean, we
forget it.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
They had but go back.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
They had Vince Vince, they had Chris vinceng they had
Chris Simms. They also had major, major Apple Whitey. They
had major Apple white to Chris Ms, to Vince Young,
to Colte McCoy and then a lot of drop off,
I mean a cliff.

Speaker 4 (16:06):
Yeah, Sam Ellinger said that they're back.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Remember, I mean they've never until this year, they hadn't
recovered and it was all that one moment.

Speaker 4 (16:16):
Yeah, nuts, I got one.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
Ye. You guys don't talking sports because do you guys
remember when the Carrington's. Yeah, when Crystal interrupted the wedding
and it was disrupted by terrorists fram bullets at the wedding.
I think that was the end of Dynasty.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
Oh, that spoiler.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
Of Dynasty.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
And that's the Midway, the Midway.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live Stuck Alive show Fox Sports Radio. We got
a lot to get to here with little Chris Stapleton
in the background, I didn't realize all this, you guys

realize all the summer music tours are starting up this weekend. Yeah,
I mean there's a there's a bunch of them.

Speaker 7 (17:14):

Speaker 1 (17:14):
Stapleton is, uh, he's already started his his tour. I
think he starts tomorrow is when like literally like Coachella
is still going this weekend and then Stage Coach is
the following weekend, right, but uh yeah, Stapleton is tomorrow
night at Staples or what's called Crypto.

Speaker 6 (17:39):
Stapleton at Staples.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Stapleton at Staples. Stapleton at Staples.

Speaker 5 (17:47):
But my Brewers did beat Daniel Jeremiah's Padres today by
a score of one to nothing.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
Doug, throw it back to.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
You, Cedric Mullins that who hit that home run? Yes,
that was like the coolest, like you know, people love
a little little bat flip on a walk off home run.
It almost felt like a half swing like he was
so he was so he grooved it so well and
then he just kind of cruised around the base pass.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
It was awesome.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
Semlins was like the coolest cat ever with that walk
off home run. All Right, Daniel Jeremiah joins this fresh
office Padres taking the l because they're the Padres.

Speaker 8 (18:26):
DJ okay me, I just I'm just enjoying the fact
that the potteris just took two out of three from
the Dodgers and following up with taking two out of
three from the Brewers, and you know the look. The
Brewers won one game when they were being no hit
you know, seven and a third in dings end of
the game, and they won one to notugh and I
took my cat to them for winning one of the
three games at home. Wait to go, guys, there you go.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
Okay, let's get to your mock draft. Caleb Williams going one,
non surprised, Drake May going two. How strong do you
feel about Drake May going too?

Speaker 8 (18:55):
Not strong? Everybody in the league that you talk to,
and that's that box a few weeks old. But everybody
in the league that you talk to, the expectation is
that they all feel like Jaden's going to go to
But you know, I talked to Adam Peters and he's
not he's not telling me. He's not telling anybody. I
wouldn't bother asking him, but he's you know, I know,

you know, other teams and agents with these quarterbacks are
dying to know what Washington's going to do. Because everybody
knows Caleb's going one and Basically, their answer is, then
you'll find out when when we turn in the card.
So I don't think anybody knows for sure there, but
without question, the expectation, and a lot of times that
comes from coaches who tend to talk a little bit more.

The expectation around the league seems to be that'll be Jaden.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Okay, let me ask you this. If you were drafting, right,
they go, yeah, well, who would you draft?

Speaker 8 (19:47):
I would take Drake May. I have Drake May just
a little bit over him. Number A couple of reasons.
Number One, I love the size and the physicality with
which he plays. I worry about Jaden holding up the
way he plays a little reckless and on that thin frame.
I don't think that's a great recipe. So that's a
little bit of a concern with with me with him there.

I think Drake has really good instincts in terms of
making things happen when things break down. I think Jayden
has played better on schedule, probably better on schedule this
year than any of the quarterbacks, including Caleb. But I
think when when he has to move around a little bit,
his first thing is he's going to take off and go.
I think Drake can create a little bit more, uh
that in that regard. And look, Drake, his numbers weren't

great this year, but you look at what he did
the year before. And we were talking about him and
Caleb being up there in the in the same class.
And I've just seen this before, Doug. I've seen it
with with Jordan Love when his supporting cast went to
crap his last year at Utah State. I saw it
with Josh Allen his supporting cast went to crap his
last year at Wyoming. At the end of the day,

you still want to you want to bet on the talent,
and it's your job to put the right pieces around him.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
Very true, Okay, on in your mock you have JJ
McCarthy going four to the Vikings, right, and he'd be
the replacement for Kirk Cousins. And it does make sense
on a multitude of levels.

Speaker 8 (21:10):

Speaker 1 (21:10):
They You've got a GM that comes from San Francisco.
You have a coach who likes to play more traditional. Right,
they got a coach, a quarterback under center. They do
have guys there that can start and play. Right now,
you and I are both still stockholders and Sam Donald LLC, Right,

how strong do you feel about JJ going four.

Speaker 8 (21:35):
I think that the Minnesota Vikings would try and move
heaven and Earth to get up to Drake May at three.
If Jade Daniels goes to I think they will probably,
you know, put everything they can into the Godfather offers
to try and to get the Patriots to budge off
of that. I don't know how strong the conviction would
be for them on JJ. You know, whether that there's

three levels to this thing, right, which is, hey, let's
go up to four, guarantee it, lock it in, we'll
get We'll get one of the four quarterbacks. There's okay,
maybe if we have to move up a little bit,
if we just want to be careful that the Broncos
don't leave us. You know, they could be the JJ team,
the other JJ team, or they're simply look, we like him,
but we like Sam. If he's here, we'll pick him,

but we're not going to expend extra resources, you know,
to go up and get him. So that's what we
don't know. I to me, when they made the move
to get the extra first rounder this year, that signaled
that you know, they were going to be aggressive, and
that's why you know, I still think they end up
moving up a little bit, maybe not all the way
up there to number four, but I still think they

get a little antsy to make sure they get a quarterback.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Stut Gottlig Show here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, again,
in your latest mock, now it's two weeks old, I
understand things change. You had Marvin Harrison going five. A
lot of people have Marvin Harrison going five, but you
don't have them going to the Chargers team you cover
for a living, instead trading to pick to the Jets.
In your mind, why would the Chargers who who traded

away there are two top yet older wide receivers move
away from Marvin Harrison Jr.

Speaker 8 (23:10):
Well, I think when you look at the Charges, because
there's more than the need for one receiver on this roster,
you know, So I think I do believe their first
inclination and first choice would be to get the heck
out of there, no matter who's there, and collect more
picks and more assets to try and cover up some
more of these needs. I mean, you could say, okay,
long term, they need probably one or two wideouts. Long term,

they need their center. Long term, they need corners. Long term,
they need off the ball linebackers, they need defensive tackles, Doug.
There's a lot of needs on this team right now,
So I think that's their choice to get out of there.
And knowing full well there's a bazillion wide receivers in
this draft, you can still find others. So that's why,

you know, I think they would entertain it and would
would would jump at the chance to get out of there.
Now that Jets portion of this thing. When I put
out that mock draft, I said, look, I'm gonna go
ahead and choose chaos in this one. Let's have some fun,
Let's be creative. If you ask me right now, do
I think the Jets are going to go that all
in to go up? I don't. I don't see that happening.
But you know, this is a team with the Jets

that they need. Whoever they pick to step on put
his cleats on the grass day one, because this isn't
all in year for everybody in that building.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
I love the Michael Pennock story. I love how competitive
he is, blown away by how athletic he is even
after the knee injury. But I mean, I'm watching him
play this season and everyone I know in the NFL
is like you know, probably third fourth round pick, kind
of got a funky throwing motion. He is left handed.
He can be really inconsistent, and now I see him

pop up in the top fifteen in your mock and
everybody else's mocks. How do you truly evaluate Penix?

Speaker 8 (24:55):
Well, I think the Evin part is the arm. He's
got the best arm in the draft. I mean, just
the ball explodes out of his hand. I saw the
Senior Bowl, saw it at the Combine. He's got enormous
hands and he can spin the crap out of the football.
So you start there. There's a real talent there to
do that. I thought he saw the field well this

year and listen to him kind of describe this offense
and learning more about that offense. I actually spend the
time with John Beck who's been working with him. He
kind of walked me through some stuff. He's worked with
him this year. He's worked with JJ McCarthy, he's worked
with je Daniels, so he's working with a lot of
these guys and just from a vision standpoint, being able
to see things and tell you what he's seeing. It's

pretty impressive there at Penix. The injuries are the injuries.
Doug like that's where you're either comfortable with it or
you aren't. I get it. For me, he's my thirty
third player. That's how I stacked him up when I
took all things into consideration. But when you're putting these
mock drafts together, at some point in time, you look
at it, Doug and I'm like, Okay, well is that
early for where I have him rated? Yeah, But at

the end of the day, is he better than Gardner
Minshew and Aidan O'Connell, And I'm like, yeah, Yeah, he's
more talented than both those guys. Like, if they get
out there in that first mini camp and you watch
those guys throw one after another, it won't be close
in terms of where the talent lies. I just I
don't think they roll through this whole season with Gardner Minshew.

I just think as an organization, you want to have
a little more hope. At least, even if Pennix wasn't
starting right away, at least she got some hope that
there's someone more talented out there they could turn to.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
Yeah, although we know it's to LESCo, there's given me
a Notre Dame guy drafted at some point very early.

Speaker 8 (26:33):
I know I'm assuming Joe all the board. You know,
got go there.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
DJ, you're the best. I know you're getting closer and
closer to the draft. I know there's a ton of work.
We truly appreciate your time. Man, thanks for being our
guest on Fox Sports Tradio.

Speaker 8 (26:47):
All right, thanks, Budd, appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
That's Daniel Jeremiah from the NFL Network. Next week his
personal Christmas right, that's where he's the lead analyst for
the NFL Draft on the NFL Network. We'll have him
on next week on next Wednesday. Right where the draft
is on is on Thursday. I believe it's on Thursday.
Did you guys hear what Stephen Jones said? This is

This is Stephen Jones, of course, Jared's son, Stephen Jones.
He had this to say about the Cowboys being all in.

Speaker 7 (27:19):
I think if you're not all in in this league,
you're all out. And I don't know of any of
the thirty two who aren't all in. And you know,
everybody can have their own definition of what that means,
but I've never not known as to be all in.
You know, we also, you know, are looking towards signing
our own guys. It doesn't mean, it happens overnight. But

when you're wanting to sign players like Dak and Micah
and CD, then you have to hold money back if
you want to have a realistic chance at signing those guys.

Speaker 1 (27:52):
Okay, so help me out. I understand he's explaining the
balance right, Like you can't. You can't spend a bunch
of money knowing you got to re sign your own
guys to keep your own guys. But when you're holding
money back and you're saying you're all in, you're not
really all in.

Speaker 3 (28:11):

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Like all in again, and you guys, help me out.
I have played poker with the buddies. I've never played
poker in Vegas, but I've watched enough to go all
in means all in. I take all my chips and
I push them all in. It's not I'm gonna take
these chips and put them in, but I'm gonna hold
back these chips because there's a hand coming up a

little bit later tonight where then I want to go
all in on?

Speaker 3 (28:36):
Am I am? I am?

Speaker 1 (28:39):
I picking apart the semantics too much thereby it and technically.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
By the way, the dealer, if you're in a sanctioned
poker tournament. If you say all in and then you
say but I'm going to hold a few back, they're
going to hold you to the verbal calls. That's a
poker standard. All in. That means you're putting all your
chips in. So what he just said was, of course
we're all in, but we got hold some money back, but.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
We have You know what, here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna just go on a rant here for a
second buy or go ahead, you know you get in
because otherwise I'm gonna talk to you.

Speaker 4 (29:07):
Go ahead, I have this. I think I sent it
to you.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
There's a woman who's like the new CEO for NPR
and she was talking about like, there's different definitions of
the truth. Have you guys heard this rant before? She
did a TED talk and she said that there's different
definitions of the truth. And that's what Stephen Jones is like, Well,
there's different definitions of all in.

Speaker 2 (29:29):
No, there's not.

Speaker 7 (29:33):

Speaker 2 (29:33):

Speaker 1 (29:34):
All in is by definition, I take all my chips
and I put them all in. And again, in the
football salary cap world, that would be, hey, we're topped
out as far as we paid every penny we can
pay we got nothing left. You wanted a dealer thing.
You do the dealer thing with the hands. But we
keep doing this thing where we change definitions of things

because they don't fit what we want to know. Find
the word that it's your definition. That's the challenge by
a thesaurus. Look online, Google for Christ's sake. Well you
know what it depends to your definition of all in.
There's only one definition of all in that is all in.
There's only one thing that's the truth. That's the truth. Well, no,

it's your own story. You're no, that's your story. That's
not the truth. Okay, Dan, I'm sorry, go ahead now.

Speaker 5 (30:27):
I was actually just deferring to the poker expert Jason
Stewart in all of this, that's that's all that happens.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
They've spent the last three months trying to explain this.
This is like, this is like the tenth time that
either Jerry or Steven has tried to clarify they all win.
There's no clarification. Just say, look, my daddy misspoke. We're
not all in. Obviously, we're playing at we're playing at smart.
If you go all in, that's telling your fan base
obviously that we're putting it all for one season. That's

not a great business.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
No, we're being we're being strategic, which is which is smart.
It's fun, daddy, must you don't have to by the way,
you don't like the machismo of like, it's okay sometimes
to fold and you'll get grief or you'll get grief
over this as well, but it's okay by the way,
to surrender when you're playing blackjack, Like, no, you can't

surrender when you're playing black chick.

Speaker 7 (31:18):
Why not?

Speaker 1 (31:20):
You don't do it all the time so you're annoying. Hey,
But like if you have a gigantic bet on something
and you have a three showing and they have a
ten showing and you're like, or you have face card showing, like,
by all means, dude, you can surrender this idea that

your only everybody's ay, everybody's all in the like, no,
they're not.

Speaker 4 (31:47):
Now, they're not.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
They may be all in on whatever their process is,
but all in doesn't mean that every year you can
win a championship. That's not realistic. And by the way,
if the if the Cowboys are doing what is smart
and holding back some money so that they can invest
long term in guys that they want to be around
for a long time and be competitive on a yearly basis,

and then every once in a while things are gonna
and you're gonna be able to get in the super Bowl.
Like that's smart, but that's not all in. If you
can be all in on your process, all in on
your plan, but the all in on this year, that's bull.
You're using it, You're you're you're redefining a word, which
is using it by a wrong definition, which.

Speaker 4 (32:29):
For some I don't know how this happened.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
It's like the people at Webster like kids were misusing
uh literally literally okay, because it's actually they're saying what
you should say figuratively. They're using is literally. So what
do they do at Websters? They just change the definition
literally means literally it has to happen literally, Jesus would

have to literally turn water into wine.

Speaker 4 (32:58):
You have to see water.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
Then why it only happens literally, You can't do the
figuratively stuff that's figuratively.

Speaker 6 (33:09):
Resident linguist Doug Gottlie No, I'm just saying.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Like, what was the purpose of having meanings of words
if we're just gonna change them because they don't fit?
What we want, like, Hey, challenge yourself. There are words
for everything. I love finding out about new words.

Speaker 2 (33:22):
Love it.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
I'll give you a word, indefatigable. I heard ja Billis
say it like twenty years ago. I've used it so
much more. I love it. Tireless, indefatigable.

Speaker 6 (33:36):
That's a mouthful.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
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up next to the Doug Gotlib Show lip on the
diirec dot Com studios. The offseason continues to be interesting
for Bill Belichick. How so you'll find out next first
fight out next on The Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 2 (34:31):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
Doug Joe short half shurely have to show. Our podcast
is going up. If you missed any today's show, plus
you want the ind the Bones podcast, download it. Just
type in Doug gotleibhere iver you don'tload podcast. Here's the
press of Dan Byer.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
The Press.

Speaker 5 (34:58):
All right, Doug, before we get into some Bill Belichick's stuff.
This was at the end of last night's game on
TNT featuring the Pelicans and Lakers and Reggie Miller breaking
down late game strategy for the Lakers who are inbounding up.

Speaker 4 (35:14):
To Here's things that you talk about on the bus.
That's players.

Speaker 3 (35:19):
If he makes the.

Speaker 4 (35:20):
First one, you're up three.

Speaker 1 (35:23):
Do you try to purposely miss the second one, knowing
if they don't have any time timeout and they've got
to go coast to coast because as soon as you
miss it, time is going to start as soon as
it's touched.

Speaker 4 (35:33):
Or do you can just make them both be up
four and game over.

Speaker 5 (35:37):
These are things that are discussed as teams with his
kers root.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
By two, who discusses that. Who says like, hey, we
could go up four, which wins us the game, or
we could miss and give him a chance to tie
the game. No one I thought. I thought at first,
I thought, well, maybe he meant if he makes and
he goes up three, and he got confused, but then.

Speaker 5 (36:02):
He said four, yes, correct. The question is is if
you would have missed Yeah, if you would have missed
the first what do you do with the second one
because of the no timeouts? Very similar to coach k
in the twenty ten Yes.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
Which is a mistake. Yeah, which was a colossal mistake.
That and if you don't remember right, obviously they missed
the shot at mid court. Gordon Heywood missed the shot,
but he told Zubec to miss the free throw. If
he makes the free throw, it's three and it takes
losing out of the equation. You should absolutely make the
free throw to make it three or make the free

to make it four. Is like, no, it's not even discussed.
Two is at least discussed. The one to two is
where it really is.

Speaker 5 (36:46):
Right, there was data on that duke play that showed
they actually had a better chance of winning by missing
four percent. I read this because I looked at it
last night because this situation brought it up as crazy
as it is.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
Yeah, that's where think Rigimuler was. I think that is ludicrous. Sure,
going two to three because they throw in a half
court shot, you lose. Whereas they throw in a half
court shot, they don't.

Speaker 5 (37:08):
Plus your duke and you're the better team than Butler. Yeah,
you would think, you know, so over time would help
you in that scenario.

Speaker 4 (37:14):

Speaker 5 (37:14):
Anyway, the Belichick stuff, because we only got sixty seconds.
ESPN does a profile on him. Apparently it wasn't the
top choice of the Falcons, wasn't even a top three.
There was also a portion of that piece that said
that Robert Kraft told things to Arthur Blank, maybe disparaging
Belichick in a way. Craft absolutely denied those allegations. Some

are saying that, you know what, maybe Belichick is going
to be warm and fuzzy, and that is something that
maybe Blank wanted in the head coach. Belichick also reportedly
said that his assistants are probably better soldiers than generals,
and that's the press.

Speaker 1 (37:50):
They get out there and pressed.

Speaker 2 (37:51):
That was the press.

Speaker 1 (37:53):
I think it's all on how it's related. I'm sure
that Robert Craft said like, look, dude, he wants autonomous power.
And you know, they had guys that wanted others to
share in the spotlight. Stut Gottlieb showre Fox Sports Radio,
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