All Episodes

April 22, 2024 46 mins

On a Monday edition of The Best Of The Doug Gottlieb Show: Doug talks about the NBA playoffs, including the first round series between the Lakers and Nuggets, and explains what makes the Lakers look so overwhelmed against Denver.

Doug and the crew share what they loved and hated from the sports weekend in this week's edition of "Love & Hate". 

Doug has Caleb Williams tell everyone how good he is. Former NFL Executive Michael Lombardi joins Doug to talk about the upcoming NFL Draft and all of the intriguing storylines going into the draft. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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tyreg dot com studios tyret dot com on matched selection
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thousand recommended sellars tiraight dot com. It's the way tire
buying should be. Do do do do do so I
thought and I still think that the Lakers can be
more competitive in this series with the Nuggets than they
were last year. Welcome in hear the Doug Gottlieb Show

on a Monday where we got a lot of hoop
to talk about we are we have finally arrived in
NFL Draft week and what exactly the Commanders were doing
bringing in four top quarterback prospects at the same time.
But let's start with the Lakers, because what happens is,

you know, fatigue makes cowards of us, all right, it
just does. Fatigue makes cowards of us all makes mortals
of immortals. And the Lakers, especially Anthony Davis and Lebron James,
looked completely gassed in the fourth quarter. Lebron only took
two shots in nine minutes in the fourth quarter, and
they got that I don't want to say blown out

because it was relatively respectable final score, but it wasn't
really that close. And look, I'll credit the Lakers. They
knew they had a di' angelo problem last year, but
they also re signed D'Angelo, which they did have to.
And though they brought in Gabe Vincent, he's never been
healthy for him, so they didn't have them the other night.

But the point was that my entire spiel, if you will,
and the good news is that Jason Stewart was here
last year as my producer, and of course Dan Byer
was here last year as part of the show. Is
last year we get done watching this playoff series and
I was like, look, I don't know why you bring
back d' angel Russell. If the goal is to beat

the Nuggets. You can't beat the Nuggets with D'Angel Russell
on the floor. He's just not effective enough. Not effective enough,
so he's not a good enough defender. He's soft on
the boards, and whatever happens in terms of his confidence
in scoring, it seems to go away at times against Nuggets,

missed a couple of layups, and he's not the only
reason they lost, Like Lebron went very good either. He
had seven turnovers and Lebron, you know, just obviously fatigued
right before our eyes. But it's one of those deals
where if you if you're honest with yourself, no matter
how much you think, the Lakers are better this year

because they figured out a way to use Ruey in
this series as it went on, figured out how to
guard them. Like if you can't play your starting point
guard and oh yeah, by the way, your backup point
guards essentially Lebron and he's too tired to do it
in the fourth quarter. Like what you're You're screwed, You're screwed.

Here's Darvin Ham, head coach of the Lakers, summing up
Dangel Russell's performance in Game one.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Tilo is a huge reason why we're here in the
first place. I'm not gonna bail out on my player
just because he's missing the shots that he normally makes,
those same shots. We're going in against New Orleans and
other teams that he's played in. Games he's playing in
to help us get to this point. Was it a
night and you know shooters are going to have nights
like that, But I want him to remain aggressive. That
was a good thing I saw. He remained aggressive, his

energy remained great, he remained positive. And we'll go back
and try to get better from the film and try
to have a better performance game too.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
All right. I mean that sounds that's what you have
to say as a coach, but internally you sit there
and go like, all right, am I taking all the games?
Or am I taking the fact that he doesn't play
well against Nuggets a good matchup for him? Here's Lebron
on the mindset of his team.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Given this team's recent history with Denver. How do you
fight the feeling of here we go again for me?

Speaker 4 (04:11):
Or are you talking about I don't That doesn't matter
to me. I don't ever get into here we go
again mindset. You know, it's one game. They protected their
home court. We have another opportunity on Monday to come
back and be better. We're not challenging. It's going to be.
We know how difficult this opponent is and how great
they are, so that's all a part of the game.
I start doubting it, don't. I don't get into the

to the doubt mindset. That's that's not me. I'm the
wrong guy to asks.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Look, and that's as fine. But it does feel like
that in watching it, and it feels like they're If
they don't win tonight, there can be that feeling of inevitability. Inevitability,
So yeah, I actually really understand that one. I understand

the question. Even if Lebron doesn't feel that himself, I
think everybobody else watching does. And he's like, man, we
got him, we got him down ten and their bench
isn't as good and they boat raced us anyway. They
boat raced this anyway. Stug gotlib show Here on Fox
Sports Tarty, here's James Worthy, Big Game, James Hall of
Famer talking about Jokic.

Speaker 5 (05:18):
On the other hand, he's magic and Kareem on the
floor at the same time. Yeah, he can, he's a guard,
he makes great decisions, hell of a pass, and he
wants to be Kareem. He goes down and dominate. So uh,
he's a he's a special player that does a lot
of things. And your aunt Tenna's have to.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Be up and Tennis had to be up. He's amazing.
And you'll get all different sorts of what was the
piece you sent me there? Jay sew On? Uh? Who
is the two comedians that were talking on one of
the ESPN Alternative broadcasts. I think it was Cedric the
entertainer and who is the other who's the other comedian?

Speaker 3 (05:53):
Huh No, I think that was your other producer as such.
Of that, that doesn't sound for I don't find Cedric
the Entertainer funny. In fact, I often asked people, who
is Cedric entertaining?

Speaker 1 (06:08):
I know Cedric? I actually like him as a as
a good do it?

Speaker 6 (06:11):
You didn't send me that today?

Speaker 1 (06:12):
We were not get to get that today. I got
I got several different Probably that clue who sent it
to me. I'm trying to say where it was, where
it was we were talking about it. Anyway, I'll find it.
I'll send to you. People are having a tough time
with Yokich. I were just going like, yeah, he's really
that good, He's really that dominant, He's really that awkward

and yet super effective. It's almost as if what they
saw last year, they don't actually believe it to be true,
not a weird thing like Steph when you know he
had He's had his magical moments to this day. If
you watch Staff, every time he shoots the ball, you
are convinced it's going in and not missing it. Where's

We're still not there yet with Yokic. We're still like,
I can't believe how good this guy is and how
big and awkward and funky he is, and how effective
he is. Maybe it's maybe, here's what I'm saying, our mindset.
I do think that all these things are very It's
it's a Yokic game. It feels normal to him. But
I will tell you, I think there's a lot of

people that still are doubting what they're seeing, or they
they they went from immute, curious to amused to impressed
to yeah, I don't know can he? Can he keep
doing this? It seems it seems so slow and so
easy to time and so easy to figure out, and
yet nobody can figure it out. Making sense when you

watch those games and you watch how Yokic moves and
the things he does I don't know. I I again,
I have given given into the I haven't seen anybody
like him, and man, is he good and he does
just so much funky, weird but effect stuff. But I
do think there's lots of people that because of how
it can look and it can be a little clunky

and he has just that awkwardness to it that there's
a lot of people still like, Yeah, I don't really
know if he's as good as we say. He's as
good as we say.

Speaker 7 (08:11):
Is Yeah, I think that's fair, or maybe they just
don't watch a lot of Nuggets games because of of.

Speaker 6 (08:19):
Him being a center.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
Yeah, but.

Speaker 6 (08:23):
Yeah, yeah, that's fair.

Speaker 4 (08:24):

Speaker 1 (08:25):
It wasn't a great weekend of NBA hoop, right, and
it was. It had the weekend they had all. I mean,
it had that look. The one cool thing was Lillard
coming out and just completely taken over in the first half.

Speaker 6 (08:38):
Like that was the second half. Yeah, it scored.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Thirty five at the half. It doesn't score in the
second half, Yeah, but the game was over at the half,
and Lillard was the reason why. Like that was You're like, man,
how are they gonna look without him? And I thought
that Damian Lillard would be better without Giannis because he's
kind of used to being a bit of a one
man show. There's a lot of radio, a lot of

to what we see in basketball, and here's what I mean.
Radio shows are usually one guy shows or one guy
with you know the Dan style where you have one
guy and you have a bunch of people, or you
have a two person show and they got to go
back and forth. And what happens is we all as hosts,
we get pigeonholed into. You can only do it with
one way or the other, which is my brain doesn't

work that way. I like doing different styles of it.
I like when we do Dan Patrick, it's Dan and
I doing it to Dan Buyer and I doing it together.
I enjoy that this show is kind of wired different
where Dan's a very big part of the show, so
too is maybe more he wants to be more than
he as I'm kidding Sam and Jason. But there are

people that you can't do a I'll give you an example.
My Golick was as good a number two as you're
ever going to find. And you how to laugh at
the right jokes, you know how to bring you know
analysis at the right time, you know how to playoff
of you. That's why Mike and Mike was so good
because they had their chairs. Greene was the driver and
he was the reactor and it just worked for a

long time. What inevitably happens, though, is the guy say
that number two chair wants to drive or wants to
do his own show, and the guy doing is you know,
leading the show, is like what do I need this
guy for? Those things are hard, but you're better off
in your role. You know, there will be people for
me like, well when in a two person show, like

just tell me the role beforehand and I can do it.
I can change my brain to how I how much
I interact? If you're two chair, you don't have to
you know, have to do much the reads either. That
part's fun, you know, Cowherd, that's I know. He's had
various co hosts, but they're really more update people. But
he's a he's a solo act. Now he's done the

two person show in Sports Nation when he's a reactor.
But that's what Damian little it is. He's been a
solo host that's been his show, his team for like
a decade and trying to play with somebody else's team like,
that's just hard to do. It's just really hard to do.

So I me I respect people who can do. You know,
a buyer, for example, can do a solo show, can
do the update thing, can be a co host. He
can even make fries and nuggets during during the break
and he's still good. I can do it all, but
most a lot of people don't have that versatility. They
just can do one thing and one thing only. I'm
a solo host, I'm an update person, I'm a I'm

a two person show, I'm a reactor, I'm a driver
or whatever. And that's what they do. And I think
that at some point in time we get to this
place of that's who I am. It's hard to take
a secondary role.

Speaker 8 (11:43):
This is the best of the done dot Leap Show
on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
What's Your Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, broadcasting live
from the tyrat dot com studios tyrat dot com. But
we get there, unmatched election, fast free shipping, free road
asmert over ten thousand recommendeds dollars hi right dot com,
So way tire buying should be. I hope you're doing great.
You had a good weekend. Rick Buker is going to
join us in twenty five minutes as well recap what
we saw and kind of give you a little bit

of foreshadowing into what could happen in these playoffs series.
So I have noticed, I'm not going to name names,
but I have noticed that there are people in our
industry and we need to find a name for him.
Jay stew and Dan Byromy you could as well, like

the every Day there's some outlandish hot take prediction and
you know one in twenty five of them come true,
and so then you tie your own to your own
horn like that kind of stuff. There has to be
a name for that. Do we have any name for it?

Speaker 4 (12:49):

Speaker 3 (12:49):
They're just like, uh, they just throw a ton of
stuff at the wall and see what stick? Six Yeah, yeah,
so is there something there? Throw throw stuff at the
wall and see if it sticks? Guy? Is that too
too long?

Speaker 1 (13:02):
Yeah? No, spaghetti testing broadcasters? Hey, he tests spaghetti? Isn't it?
Is it?

Speaker 9 (13:08):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (13:08):
If it falls off the wall, it's ready, Or if
it sticks to the wall, it's ready.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
Sticks? See what sticks?

Speaker 6 (13:14):
How about we call him losers?

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Who come on?

Speaker 6 (13:19):
I thought it was kind of funny.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
I thought it was it was I just you know, like.

Speaker 7 (13:23):
Sam laughed, Jason, give me a mock laugh, Doug in silence,
I just I.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Want to be really. I know, I know you're joking.
I want to be really.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
Was it Barkway the other day who called somebody losers?
And I'm like, you know what, that's just not used
enough anymore. People.

Speaker 6 (13:38):
You did do that?

Speaker 1 (13:39):
You did you did say that?

Speaker 3 (13:40):
Yeah, so that's a great use of the word loser.

Speaker 6 (13:43):
They're adreciated, thank you.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
I'm not going to use a loser though.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
That's right. He called the people he actually called the
people who are worked up about the eclipse losers. So
I think he was calling Dan a loser. But ironically
Dan uses it really well. Ten days later, I wasn't
wrapped up in the eclipse. I just appreciated for what
it was. I didn't even have a pair of glasses.
And then my wife yelled at me when I even

looked remotely towards the sky. I didn't even get I
don't even think I even got my eyes above the
horizon before she said, what are you doing?

Speaker 6 (14:17):
Don't look at the sun.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
Sounds like a rock song.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
Don't look at the sun. Yeah, what are you doing?
Don't look at the sun. That sounds like the first
two songs in an album. Song one is what are
you doing? Second song two is don't look at the sun.

Speaker 3 (14:33):
I hadn't even looked over the horizon too.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
That's you are definitely married. That's that sounds like married
people talk right there, You're right, see what are you doing?
Don't look at the sun. But it was crazy.

Speaker 7 (14:48):
In the true And this is why it is married,
why it is a perfect married conversation, because I don't
think she cared as much about my eyes then having
our sun do what I was doing, and then he
would do the same.

Speaker 6 (15:01):
Sure, that's why.

Speaker 1 (15:03):
No question, no question. The fact that you literally don't
matter except that your son is gonna pantomime you and
do what you're doing. Is that's that's Mary Talk one
on one Stug Gollip Show on Fox Sports Radio. Let's
get to lover hate.

Speaker 8 (15:20):
What did you love?

Speaker 1 (15:21):
God? I love you?

Speaker 8 (15:22):
And what did you hate?

Speaker 1 (15:24):
Meet these Claire Hays Boom boo boom boo boom. Okay,
So this is what we do every Monday. We go
around the room. Some we love from the weekend, some
we hated from the weekend. Dune do do It's easy

what you got there, Let's stand by r Let's start
with you.

Speaker 7 (15:47):
What do you got, Doug? You touched off of it
or touched on it off the top of the show.
It is Damian Lillard in the Milwaukee Bucks topping the
Indiana Pacers. Just with all the negativity around uh Milwauk,
around Doc Rivers. By no means does this mean they're
gonna win the series. They will lose games in the series,
and that they may lose four of them. But for

a moment in time yesterday, especially in the first half,
like the second half at actually it's one of those
games where you're like, oh my gosh, they get this.
They're within twelve, they get this there within eleven, and
they kept them at arm's length pretty much throughout the
second half, but you're still kind of involved in it.
I just enjoyed the Bucks getting a win, doing so

without Yiannis and having Damian Lillard to have his moment again.
It may not be anything in the long term, may
not be anything in the long term of this series,
but it was great to see yesterday.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
I'm gonna do the same thing with the Denver Nuggets.
It's like, you know, I mean, they go into the
kind of witness protection program of the season. Plus Jamal
Murray got hurt. But it's just fun to watch them
dismantle the Lakers and Lakers like up ten and they're
not stressing at all. You're like, did they know something

we don't know? And sure enough they do that we're
actually better than the Lakers, and you know that just
that very simple high pick and roll with Jokich and
Murray where it's like pick your poison and you know
everybody's kind of running it. You got the guy in
the corner, you know, going for a lob, and you
have the guy in the wing going down to the
corner for a jump shot. So it's like somebody's got
to be left open. But just the patients that they have,

the no freak out, how they play together. Yeah, the
Nuggets were fun. That's that was definitely something I love
for the weekend. What about you, Jay Stu?

Speaker 3 (17:32):
I need to co sign on that, but I'll go
just a little bit more specific. Nicoleakic. NICOLEA. Jokic is
just an amazing person to watch and I like watching
him succeed, not because I like him personally as much
as I know that people like Gilbert Arenas and Steven
Jackson are yelling at their TV that he is so good.
I like that he pisses people off, that he's so

good and he doesn't draw attention to himself. You played
the SoundBite an hour ago, and I know it's radio,
and you know we get different listeners every now and so.
But James Worthy said this about Jokic.

Speaker 5 (18:07):
He's Magic and Kareem on the floor at the same time. Yeah,
he can, he's a guard, he makes great decisions, hell
of a pass and then when he wants to be Kareem,
he goes down and dominate. So he's a special player
that does a lot of things, and your antennas have
to be.

Speaker 3 (18:21):
Up, James Worthy, James Worthy is not prone to a hyperbole.
He's a very thoughtful guy who's been doing the analyst
thing here for like twenty years. For him to say
that it's Magic and Kareem together, both of those top
five players of all time, and he's that together that

has to tell you something. And I love seeing it,
even though it is against the Lakers, the team that
I should be rooting for. I just think it's beautiful.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
Definitely beautiful thing seesay.

Speaker 10 (18:55):
I would say him, Hey, guys, it's earth Day today.
I love it. Nonsports related. Okay, listen, are.

Speaker 3 (19:04):
You gonna go political? No, this, you're gonna go political.

Speaker 10 (19:09):
I'm a tree hugger. I love trees. I love watching
them grow, I love planting them. So get out there,
plant a tree, maybe pick up some litter. Just little
things you could do today. You can walk to work,
That's what I did. And maybe you could fish that
aluminum canna of the trash. You know, aluminum has a
very good recycled value. So Earth Day today, even if
it's a meaningless little thing, you're still trying.

Speaker 3 (19:30):
So love it earth Day.

Speaker 1 (19:32):

Speaker 3 (19:33):
Yeah, Well you don't like Earth, Doug.

Speaker 9 (19:37):
I do.

Speaker 10 (19:40):
Yeah, Doug, you don't like Earth. Why do you want
to do with politicals?

Speaker 1 (19:44):
We're doing a sports show and you did earth Day?

Speaker 10 (19:47):

Speaker 3 (19:48):
I love Birthday. Okay, let me. I need to quote
George Carlin remember the Ladder, his ladder days when he
got really dark. He's like, all these people Earth Day,
pro Earth and all this stuff. What we're doing to
the Earth is like the Earth will be fought. Humans
on the Earth will cease to exist pretty soon, but
the Earth will be fought.

Speaker 10 (20:10):
You know, fish that can't have the trash, you know,
maybe will last a little longer.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
No, listen, And I'm not a litter guy, and I'm
I'm definitely pro earth. Okay, I'm anti cancer, pro earth.
I think these are the most things most people are,
but I'm legit pro earth. That was a weird one.

Speaker 7 (20:28):
I'm your I'm not a pro litter guy. I don't
know many people who are, but it's.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Right, there's but it's like it's like anti cancer, Like
nobody's pro cancer.

Speaker 10 (20:36):
But there are people. There are people in La especially
that litter. Just so just like with thoughtlessly.

Speaker 7 (20:42):
That that was gonna be my point, Like, if you
actually do litter, is that just yeah, basically make you
pro litter?

Speaker 6 (20:51):
I think I think that it does.

Speaker 3 (20:52):
It feels like a nineteen seventies thing because I'm old
enough to remember the crying Native American he.

Speaker 10 (20:59):
Was actually a Allien. Did you know that he was
cast as a Native American but he was actually Italian?

Speaker 6 (21:04):
In Your Life stand Target.

Speaker 3 (21:05):
But they stopped playing those ads, which tells me that
we pretty much cleaned up our act.

Speaker 10 (21:10):
Like literally literally tell that to Angelina's because they don't
think they got the memo because there's trash all over
the city and it bothers me.

Speaker 9 (21:18):
You know.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
I'm actually still kind of stuck on the Buyer story
where where Lisa, his lovely wife, is telling him not
to look at the not the not to look at
the thing. It's it's one of the things that you
do as couples, right, and kind of a guy thing
is like, oh, that tastes terrible. He try try something
like why or something smells terrible, you know, the bathroom

smells terrible. You're like, they're not going there. Why don't
we do that to one another? That's the opposite of
a guy. A woman is always going to protect, especially
your child, but protect you, like, don't do that, you
get hurt, don't do that. You'll try, whereas the guys like,
but you gotta try this.

Speaker 7 (21:56):
We also code it in a way, maybe consciously or subconsciously,
to say, maybe it's just me, but.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
I want to make sure that, oh my god, it's terrible.

Speaker 10 (22:07):
Why do you have me taste that it's a human connection,
it's it's a suffer with me.

Speaker 7 (22:12):
Maybe you've got a virus, and so you're like, well,
maybe it just doesn't taste. Maybe there's something wrong with
my taste buds. Here love you try this and then no,
that's awful. Then you feel confirmed, like yeah that's what
I thought.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
Good, nothing wrong, Jay stew with your smoking hot girlfriend.

Speaker 3 (22:29):
Okay, Christina's looking hot. Yeah right, but.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
She's also really cool. Okay, she's very cool. So with her?
Do you do you do that? Do you do this?

Speaker 9 (22:39):

Speaker 1 (22:39):
This is terrible?

Speaker 3 (22:40):
Here try this, babe, Yeah, I do those things. My
example is this, when we go out to eat, I'm
about efficiency. If I see a full parking lot, I'm
gonna be like, hey, why don't I drop you off
and you can go put your name in definitely park
and by the time I get there, we'll will be
that much closer to sitting down. Ye she hates that. No, No,

we're gonna park and we're gonna walk in alone together together.

Speaker 1 (23:07):
Does she make you? Do you feel do you feel
pressure to valet?

Speaker 2 (23:11):

Speaker 3 (23:11):
Yeah, yeah yeah sure. But that one exchange, though, is
a sticking point for us. And now, because I'm I'm
generally just an ass, I bring it up every time
there's a way to do that. So if we're pulling
into the Dodgers Stadium, I'll be like, why don't I
drop you out. I'll meet you in the stadium.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
No, you don't want to do that way you Yeah,
I do want to do it now. No, no, no, you
don't ever want to do that. We're not going to
do that. It's pretty good. Let's get to what you hate,
Jay Stu, you generally hate everything. Let's let you start.

Speaker 3 (23:47):
The Dodgers beat the Mets tend to nothing yesterday, but
that really doesn't matter because they lost three straight series
at home for the first time since two thousand and seventeen.
I want to say their last three games before yesterday,
they had struck out thirty two times, gone five for

thirty one with runners in scoring position. We even twenty
nine guys on base. The essence, the very essence of
not being clutch, which has been my problem with this
team for many years now. Under Andrew Friedman, there just
isn't a lot of clutch. They play really well from ahead,
and they proved it yesterday with the ten nothing went.

I really felt for Dan Byer because Dan had the
Dodgers in a survivor pool. That means all they had
to do was win three games last week, and they
won two. I felt for him and I sent him
a profanity laced text in the middle of the game
on Saturday saying these are entitled explotive expletives and I'm

sick and tired of them.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
All right, Dan Byer Other than receiving exlative build texts
from Jason Sewart.

Speaker 7 (25:03):
Sure, but it also helps Jason, Like if I lose,
then Jason fares better in the now. Granted where one
of many in this pool, but it's yeah, I could
have had the Dolph or the Dodgers as the hate
this week, but then if we're going to include Monday
as part of this weekend. These new Bronco uniforms that

came out today, I just I don't know what is
going on. Their throwbacks look amazing, And you know how
I know they look amazing because they look amazing. Number
one and number two. The Broncos on their own social
media page have made like five posts just solely about
the throwbacks, when they have been about three others with
their new uniforms. Because nobody really cares or likes them

or thinks that there's anything different. And I know it
may be a losing fight when you're trying to develop
new threads, but some of these designs Doug. When they
tell you that it takes eighteen months for the full process,
some of these look like they were made in eighteen
minutes and then just approved right away and passed through.
Maybe they'll look different on the field, maybe they'll look sharper.

But I just we hype up the new uniforms and
get excited for them, and a lot of the times
they are letdowns.

Speaker 6 (26:17):
The throwbacks are great though that Denver did.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
There, but the rest of the uniformers are below at Yeah.

Speaker 6 (26:22):
Just it's yeah, it's all right, whatever, you know.

Speaker 10 (26:26):
So I was Sam, some of you hate, well, I
hate that I couldn't buy pants like I had planned to.
My car battery died, which I would have walked to
work anyway, you know, for Earth Day, and I don't
live very far from here, but UH couldn't get out
to uh one of those discount stores to buy my pants.

Speaker 6 (26:46):
So I hate that.

Speaker 1 (26:49):

Speaker 3 (26:49):

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Absolutely, they're not going to.

Speaker 10 (26:51):
Be winners every week, Doug.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
You know, I went off on WNBA fan Now I'm
gonna go do the same on NBA fan Boy, like
Thunder Fanboy, like what happens now is because it's not
that we haven't watched the Thunder. We haven't watched most
any NBA all that intently, but no one takes what's

happened over the first eighty two to be serious, right,
So when you make an assessment over ay, they're not
just gonna have the rebounding and they got they need
a second scory built way. Have you not watched the Thunder, Like, yeah,
I've watched them plenty. This is a completely different level
of the sport. But the idea that we're paying attention
to your team, but it's too late because if we

didn't pay attention in game six, somehow our commentary isn't worthy.
It's just annoying. Like no one watches the NBA that
that closely. They just don't. And if you watch the
NBA that closely, don't get offended when others do. Not
too many games, too much other stuff going on. Anybody
else saying anything else? You want to get off your chest.

Speaker 3 (27:59):
By the way, that what you just said was actually
made very clear, you know. Manty Bolanos. She sent out
a tweet or an Instagram this weekend with all of
the talent from Fox Sports Radio and behind the scenes,
just giving a simple prediction for who faces each other
in the NBA finals. Yeah, and eighty percent of the
people that work in our industry and are on air

that they said, no, I don't really watch the NBA,
but and then they made a prediction. I was surprised
at how many people are disinterested in the sport period.

Speaker 1 (28:32):
Yeah. I don't know if it's if they're as disinterested
as people make it out for them to be. It's
it's it's almost like the cool thing to go. Like
it's like when you're a kid, Hey, you study, not
I and study. You need to study it and read.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
When you're wing it.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
Yeah, when truth is, you study.

Speaker 10 (28:48):
Doug by the way, me, you and Rich Davis all
picked the Nuggets over the Celtics, So how about that.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
Yeah, I mean I wanted to pick the Clippers, but
I just don't know if Kawai's can be healthy. And
you know, I think think sometimes the easiest answer is chalk. Yeah,
Like it's not just the best regular season record, but
they won the playoffs and I think Jamal Murray is amazing.
Like I'm not in any way diminishing Yo Kisch, but
it does kind of take up all the oxygen in

the room for the other guy. But yeah, I mean,
that's not a crazy pick.

Speaker 8 (29:19):
Fox Sports Radio had the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Fox sports
Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio.

Speaker 6 (29:27):
App at stug Otlib show.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
You know what they say about people go to Harvard, right,
how do you know they went to Harvard?

Speaker 2 (29:38):

Speaker 1 (29:38):
You know this? How do you know? How do you
know if a guy went to Harvard Because they'll tell you,
because he will tell you, or he's wearing a Harvard
sweatshirt and on one of those deals. By the way,
my dad, my late father, held a master's degree from Columbia.
That's disgusting. What's happening there is disgusting. It's disgusting, and

it's just a really really sad time a sign of
our inability to actually educate people on what's really at play,
and we create we create bad actors out of people
who actually really have I think good hearts. I think
a lot of these like trust fund kids that take

on these causes, that protest with other people who actually
do have family members affected. But you're like, what are
you doing? Like you don't fit this, this is not
really your fight is They're actually people who want to
do good. They're just they've they've they've taken the wrong
was the blue or the red pill, whichever one has
sent them down a vortex. But that's gross. The whole

thing's gross. Michael Lombardi's going to join us up coming
in about five minutes. Of course, he's been a Super
Bowl winning executive in several different front offices. Will get
his thoughts on getting ready for the becoming NFL draft.
Caleb Williams is going to be done overall pick. He
was on the Pivot podcast. Take a listen to what
he said about his year at Oklahoma.

Speaker 6 (31:13):
So your pro date wasn't about that, It was about
your feet. It was showing that you could throw.

Speaker 11 (31:16):
It was going back to the trolling kind of about
the as smart as me, because everybody wants to if
you don't look at the stats, and I have a
screenshot of it, you can look at the stats, and
on average, I am the most dead center even dude
for scrambling and throwing in the pocket.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
It's just.

Speaker 11 (31:37):
I make more highlights and so that's what they show.
But dead even stat of scramble to to to pocket,
I am the most dead even on the farthest end
of the spectrum.

Speaker 6 (31:50):
From anybody else.

Speaker 11 (31:51):
As we know X and Y axis, I am the
farthest from all of them in every single way.

Speaker 3 (31:59):
And so it's all the people.

Speaker 11 (32:02):
I can do anything and everything as I want and
as my team needs and h and whatever it takes
to win a game.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
And so that's that, Like, look, there's there, there is
a there's a line there. You have to be supremely confident.
You have to be prepared, you know. And I get
what he's saying. He's like, look, I have the reputation
of just trying to play hero ball and run around
and make plays, and the stats actually tell you something
different if you actually watch, it's different. But the delivery

is the delivery is more than a confident fellaw right.
That that's fair. And I understand a lot of these
people who are commenting on it don't have all the
information or don't know what they're talking about, and it
can become tiresome and tedious to have to point out
things that it's very easy to pull up these stats.
I get that, but it is one of those like

to be careful there a little bit, you know, I
can do any and everything, Like, yeah, let's may not
be how it may not have landed the way you
thought it would land Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox
Sports Radio. The Lombardi line is available on vson. It's
it's excellent. His books are incredible as well, and we're

just on a busy week like this. Nobody better to
have on than Michael Lombardi, of course, was a three
time Super Bowl champion as a top executive in several
different franchises, and I can't tell how much I appreciate
Michael joining us here on Draft week here in the
Doug Gotlip Show on Fox Sports Radio. In the litany
of great quarterback prospects, Where's Caleb Williams?

Speaker 9 (33:45):
I think Caleb has got a lot of talent. I
think there are some concerns. I think the concerns are,
you know, how he handles the be in the face
of the franchise.

Speaker 12 (34:00):
And the guy that.

Speaker 9 (34:02):
Has to execute in critical times and make the plays,
and how he handles coaching, adaptability to coaching all those things.
I don't think this is generational, Doug. That doesn't mean
he's not going to be a good player, but I
think we tend to toss around generational as if it's common.
I mean, we were tossing around generational at the Trevor

Lawrence Draft, and four of the five players picked in
that draft all have now gone for Saturday picks. I mean,
it's a Saturday in the Park draft. It's not even
a generational draft. And the one player who I thought
was generational in that draft, Trevor Lards, is yet to
really show any generational skills in terms of protecting the football,

moving an offensive team, and being the kind of player
we hoped he would be when he came out that
he was during his collegiate career at Fumson.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
It is interesting, Okay, so does Caleb is a Mahomes
comparison and the Mahomes comparison from this standpoint, Michael, in
that there's a ton of talent, but some footwork issues,
some decision making issues just back there and the same offense.
Do you see any parallel between he and Mahomes.

Speaker 12 (35:12):
I mean, I.

Speaker 9 (35:14):
See certainly the talent, but no. I mean, first of all,
Caleb's is smaller than the Holmes At times, Caleb plays
smaller in the pocket. I don't know of his decision
making in terms of being able to to the loose
plays when the play breaks down. One of the things
that gets you with Mahomes is when the loot the
second play. You know, the first play, you can stop

the second play.

Speaker 12 (35:36):
Mahomes is always.

Speaker 9 (35:37):
Looking to make something spectacular, and he usually does, so,
you know, I think this is really unfair for Caleb
to have to compare himself. It's kind of what was
really unfair about justin Fields. I mean, the amount of
pressure that the world wide leader put on him to
be the MVP of the league was ridiculous. And I
think it's unfair the players when we do this because

all of a sudden, when we don't live up to
our expectations, their failures when they're really not and so
you know, you have to temper this.

Speaker 12 (36:05):
I think Kayla.

Speaker 9 (36:06):
Williams can be a really good player. I think, just
like Kyler Murray, he's going to have to dear himself
to his teammates. He's going to have to prove that
he can win the locker room, because you can't. You
can't ignore. That's one of the salient points about being
a great quarterback is winning the locker room, getting people
to buy into you, getting your teammates to believe in
you on and off the field and being selfless. I mean,

how would Caleb Williams handle the fact that they shifted
from a passing game to a running game to win
the game, to win the Super Bowl after the Christmas
Day game. So I think all those come into play.

Speaker 1 (36:44):
They absolutely do. Michael Lombardi joining us here on the
Doug Gotlib Show on Fox Sports Radio. If you're the commanders,
you're the commanders, what do you do? Assuming Kaleb Williams
is off the board?

Speaker 12 (36:55):
Well, I know.

Speaker 9 (36:57):
Kayla Williams is off the board, so they've been on
the clock for a while. On what you do is
you basically have to have organizational alignment because if you
look at the reasons why a lot of these quarterbacks fail,
it's because there hasn't been organizational alignment. They've drafted a
guy with no plan, with no you know, this is
what we're going to Zach Wilson. We're just going to

throw him out there and see what he does. You know,
you've got to have a specific plan in place for
the quarterback and who's coaching the quarterback.

Speaker 12 (37:25):
And this draft is really obvious about that.

Speaker 9 (37:28):
I mean, if you watched Caleb, if you watch Michael
Pennix in Indiana without Caden to Board, you didn't like them.
If you watch Jayden Daniels at the time in Arizona State,
you didn't like them. If you watch Bo Nix at Auburn,
you didn't like him. Now Caleb Williams, you like him
in Oklahoma, and you liked them at USC. But a
lot of this is attached to who's coaching them, what

are we asking them to do, and what are we
highlighting within the framework of the offense. That's the key component.
And I think if you're Washington, you have that opportunity to.

Speaker 12 (37:58):
Say, Okay, we picked Jaydon.

Speaker 9 (37:59):
Daniels, this is what we're going to build a team around.
I can't see them picking Drake May because I think
Drake May is going to have to get red shirted
for a year. Why I don't think he's ready to play.
I think when you watch the North Carolina offense, and
I hate to be critical of offensive football, but there
was no real rhythm. You saw a lot of potential

in Drake May. But there were times where he would
take a five step drop and the receivers running a
different route that doesn't combine itself to the depth of
the drop he's holding the ball too long. You know,
he's the best player of the ACC as a freshman,
but he's not very good as a sophomore. I think
there's a lot of things to work out with him.
And look, experience does matter when it comes to playing quarterback.

Speaker 12 (38:43):
You know, you've got to be able to play, get
those reps.

Speaker 9 (38:46):
And you know, look, Michael Pennix, if he doesn't go
to Washington probably would have been a fifth round pick.

Speaker 1 (38:52):
Yeah, I'm interested in pennis. You know, now we're here
in like high first and you know, going to the
national championship game in the semi finals, it was more
third or fourth round. Where are you on Pennix?

Speaker 12 (39:05):
Well, I think you.

Speaker 9 (39:06):
Got to be really careful who made him the third
or fourth round. See, this is what happens all the
time in drafts. You know, all we hear from from
December to to the beginning of April are coming from
mock drafters. They're not coming from people that have ever
been in the draft room. They're not coming from people
that have ever had to build a team. And so
then when the teams that are starting to look at

the players see that like what Michael Pennix does and
what he did his entire career at Washington, and he did.

Speaker 12 (39:35):
It in Indiana. Is throw the ball down the field.

Speaker 9 (39:38):
Michael Pennix could average eight yards per attempt. That's something
Trevor Lawrence has never done in the league. That's something
Daniel Jones has never done in the league. You know,
you've got to be able to work the ball on
the third level with high level accuracy, which is what
Pennix has always been able to do. And that's really important.
So I think this whole notion he's moving up the
board is just a bunch of crap because at the

end of the day, the people telling you he's moving
up the board didn't have him graded right, right, the
people that have expert piece in this field, who understand
what it takes to play, who's not sitting in the
basement eating meat loaf, are basically telling you he does.

Speaker 1 (40:17):
You got Brock Bowers, who's probably the best player in
the SEC, and obviously he's a tight end, a great
pass catching tight end. And then you have, you know,
Marvin Harrison Junior. I think the difference would be that
though there may not be another Marvin Harrison Junior, there
are a ton of wide receivers in this draft or
as tight ends guys that have become huge vital pieces

of every offense. They're not a lot of Rock Bowers.
How do you evaluate Bowers versus all the quarterbacks versus
the other skill position guys.

Speaker 12 (40:50):
Well, you've got to evaluate him on does he make it?

Speaker 9 (40:52):
You know, what does the defense do to him? Okay,
so when he's on the field, they are they going
to go to Nickel and Kenny separate from a corner
if he's on the field, do they stay in base
because he's such a good blocker, The tight end position
is created. It's a little bit like basketball, where you
have to be able to do two things really well

and force the opponent the substitute. When the Patriots were
really good, when Gronk was going and Hernandez was the ah.
You know, if you wanted to play Nickel to that
twelve personnel group, they ran you down. They ran it
down your throat. You can still remember Vanta Caine running
like crazy. He told him that, you know, he was

benjarvia screen excuse me, was running like crazy. You know,
if you went if you went Nick, if you went
base to that, they would you didn't have a matchup
for Gronk and you didn't have a match up for Hernandez,
So all this is just really about how are you
handling and what does he force you to do if
you can't, like Kyle Pitts, can't block anybody. So what

happens is nobody cares that Kyle Pitts is on the
field with a tight end and call him tight end
because you're a nickel. You just played nickel to it,
and there's no advantage in a lane of games from it.
Now if he could block and a linebacker's trying to
cover and watch out, and I think that's kind of
what separates what makes a tight end of the unique piece.
He's like the the he's like the horse in in

the chess game. He can do a lot of different things,
but he has to be used correctly and create the
right Matchupers.

Speaker 12 (42:24):
Certainly is a good player.

Speaker 9 (42:25):
And they're hard to find guys that could block at
the end of the line and and separate and win
on third down.

Speaker 1 (42:33):
It's the it's the night, the night in chess, the night.

Speaker 12 (42:37):
I'm sorry, thank you, Doug.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
It's okay, listen, I got I got a little help
as well, So don't worry about it like we're paying attention,
but we're exactly which it's the night it's that, it's
it's the night we're told, we're told, Man, great offensive
line draft. How do you know when you've done this
for over time, twenty years right in those in those

in those meetings, how do you know what you're getting,
especially considering you know the offenses you know, aren't as
traditional in college football. How do you know what you're
getting when you're drafting offensive line?

Speaker 9 (43:16):
Well, it's the one position they have to do something
on every play. You know, you could watch a corner
and if the ball's not going on his side, you know,
he don't have to do a whole lot. And so
it's one position where every play on the tape you're
watching them, you know. And so I think that's where
it is. And then a lot of it comes down
to toughness. It comes down to the ability to handle

the assignments, play through pain, the ability to play the
tackle position because right or left tackle doesn't matter. It's
the blind side. It used to be when I started
in the league, you know, forty years ago, you know,
the right end played right end, the left end play
left end. Now they find your worst tackle and they
put their best rusher. Nick Bosa doesn't just line up

one side, He'll They'll find your worst offensive lineman and
exploit them. So and this draft has really good tackles.
And when you have a draft that has really good tackles,
then you know that becomes a It's hard to find
because remember, you should be drafting what you can't pay
for in the open market.

Speaker 12 (44:17):
Right, It's hard to.

Speaker 9 (44:18):
Find offensive tackles, and free agency you can find plenty
of running backs in free agency.

Speaker 1 (44:22):
Can't find tackles, you can't find you can't find tackles.
You can't find quarterbacks generally, right, Like those the real
good ones are in free agency, and that's why they're
so valued valued in the in the draft. Okay, let
me ask you about Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh's plan, right, Russell
Wilson and Justin Fields. How does that land with you?

Speaker 9 (44:46):
Well, I mean they're two completely different quarterbacks, right, I mean,
Russell's a guy that everybody wants to let cook. And
yet when the play breaks down, typically.

Speaker 12 (44:54):
That's when Russell was at his best.

Speaker 9 (44:56):
But the problem has been over the last couple of years,
Russell hasn't vertically worked pocket. You know, when he got
traded the year from Seattle to Denver, he had the
lowest rushing total in his NFL career, you know, and
he had the lowest third down conversions running the football,
which is something that he always gave them. And so
Fields to me, is more loved by the media, more

loved by the worldwide leader than what the NFL. The
NFL basically said he was worth a sixth round pick
two years from now because he when it comes time
to throw the football and the opponent knows you have
to throw it justin is inconsistent with this throwing. He's
won ten games in his NFL career, and everybody has
a boatload of excuses for why he doesn't win, but

nobody has excuses for why everybody gives excuses for why
brock Perty wins. It's kind of interesting how it just
separates itself. So I think what they're going to do
is they're going to improve their offensive line and Arthur
Smith is going to use Russell Wilson in an offense
where it's going to be heavy play action pass, separate
the defense and try to make some place but rely

on their running game, rely on the playoffs. And pass
game much like he did in Atlanta and execute.

Speaker 1 (46:07):
There's one guy you want to follow, guy who works
for Vison or follow him on social media or read
his books Getting ready for the Draft? How you put
teams together? It's Michael Lombardi. Michael Man, You've been more
than gracious with your time. Thanks so much for joining
us on Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 9 (46:22):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (46:22):
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