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April 15, 2024 21 mins
Wait, did someone get nights?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I stuff. So you're still strugglingwith your I can't get in. I
can't get into mail on my workcomputer. Did you? Is this like?
Why those things that happens when youhave to change a password. I
did change a password and my passwordis correct mode, and now it won't
let you in. That happens tome every time. Well, that's why
it ends up. I have thatproblem. Every time you have to do
the company required password change, itscrews something up, and then I have

to get into a chat with somebodythe the and they have to un you
know, and then my account getslocked because of too many I try like
the last five passwords. Okay,but you're okay, but I know what
my new password is, and thenit won't let me on the regular.
Then it won't let me on theWi Fi, and it only put me
on the guess Wi Fi, whichdoes me no good? Question when you

when you? So, I canI can get into my work computer which
is past which is password protected.It's the same password, right, So
I can't I could I could dothat. I'm in my computer. Why
can't I get into the mail whenI click on mail? And by the
way, I tried doing it onmy phone, which is a whole other

pain in the ass because now Ican't. I've had to delete the account
and then add the account. Andwhen I add the account, no,
no, it says, and Ihave to use exchange. I'm doing everything
right, and then it says,type in your password, and I type
in my password. He goes thatwe're not good. Have you texted Dustin?
Yes? I did, Okay,I did, and he said,
Nicholas Valentine has a pet appointment.I'm gonna be late, okay, but

I don't want to spend my wholeday. So Diane, this is exactly
what you did. Because no,because Diane. Diane then goes like,
I don't have guess Wi Fi home, Why I have any of that?
Like Diane, Diane has problem,dude, wherever it happens, every time
you have the company wants you tochange your passwords, So how do you

fix it? I end up ina chat with somebody in Houston and have
to walk me through the steps.And they are not because this morning,
when who's complaining about it is therein India, okay, where wherever they
are, but they're always really helpfuland within about ten minutes after they have
completely overtake overtaken my computer, andthey do a switching of this, switching

of that, then it resets it. Do you have to change the password
again? No? I read somethingpretty cool about passwords, though, And
you're sure you're using the right passwordbecause you can get into the type the
terminal. Also, also, Ithought I told him that, But what
Christen's saying tell him to use theold password? Mine does that for about

a month after the new password change. I don't remember the old password.
Okay, but why would I usethe old password. I just committed to
the new one. Oftentimes that's whathappens. You have to go back to
the old password. Well, ifthe new one doesn't work, I always
try the old one. And ifRick from Houston tells me to go back
to the old password, I wouldtellhim I forget it. When I can

go to the new one, Iend upsetting you up with a completely different
one. Done. I hope theydo. I read something very cool about
passwords. I'm telling you the chatsare actually helpful. Yeah. Good good.
Once Dustin gets in, I'll ask, what did you read about passwords?
You know what they say that youshould give like for the longest time,
and maybe it still is. Ihave a bunch of different things,

but I always use like butt Hoolesixty nine or something like that. Classic.
You know what they say that youshould use for your passwords. You
ready for this? You know what? Think of this as a Think of
this as I don't even want tosay it. Yeah, maybe it's a
life hack, pro tip, nota pro tip, not a pro tip,
life hack. All of your passwordsshould be how they phrase it.

They should be positive affirmations. Soyour problem is your too negative? How
long does this password have to be? What do you mean? I mean,
if you're talking about an affirmation,isn't that essentially like a sentence long?
How about you got this all right? That's not bad. I mean
that could be short. You gotthis number one? Okay? Say you

got to add something right? Yeah? Well I mean or okay, I
mean you could still do you gotthis sixty nine or like the zero?
Yeah right? Conquered the day?Yeah, killing it and then that way
every time you have to enter it. It's sort of a reinforcement. Absolutely,
isn't that you like this? Yeah? I do? Actually, yeah,
what's wrong with you? But what'swrong with somebody feeling good about themselves

winning seriously, So, as you'vestruggled with your email issue, I have
not I want to break it.Have you looked back on past passwords and
thought I was doing it wrong?And that's not the right note to start
the day off on the no?But well yeah, when you look back
at old passwords, it's all like, oh, like you just try to
create something. Sure, you knowwhat you never use the one that they

suggest for you, Oh my god, the one that would be impossible if
you ever needed to remember it,right, but you got to remember you
can store it and you just haveyour password manager, which would then be
killing it, killing it daily.Is this a popular trend? Yeah,
well they're trying to make it apopular trend. But if we went out
there into the pit, there'd bea handful of people who say, yeah,

I gotta I only I bet onlyone. I bet only one.
A mantra Dennis, I bet Dennishas some positive thing. I'm the best
PD. But that sounds a littletoo competitive though. No, but be
a good PD, Yeah that's better. Yeah, be a good PD.
Yeah, Hey, ask Dennis whathis password is like, he's gonna tell

you. No is it an affirmation? Is it an affirmation? I got
to a fight with Dennis earlier oneYeah, well not a real fight about
one man. You said that cheapshot that Asamont gave Jensen. I was
like, it wasn't a cheap shot. It was a clean hint, Remember
Diane, that's what caused his sectionto get set with the game. Yeah,
the people behind me you don't knowanything about on hockey. I know

a lot more about hockey than youdo. Trust me. How long is
the password? Kristin? Can youturn yourself on? Hey? Also,
did you ask me if he andhis wife choke each other? No?
No, we're not doing that.Hi, Kristen, good morning? What
did what did he say? Dennissaid, it's uh, something from the
past. I said, but isit positive? He said yes and no?

And then when I asked Jen,she said, hers makes her happy?
Oh oh, but like is herslike no hair on the butthole?
He finally got you to do it. Look that you've done with her.
Yeah. I was just gonna say, is it sweet young christ clean wax?

So hers makes her happy? Ibet you know what hers could be?
Hers could be a like an affirmation? Does she read that she should
be doing this or does she justfall into it and decided I like seeing
something of a positive you're seeing itand you're you're you may not see just
yeah, no, no, no, no no, but it's it's saying

it. Oh, I got totype it in be a great p d
Jen's are very positive person, sothat makes sense that hers would be makes
her happy. I know usually abouta half hour a day that she's not
positive. When I talked to her, she's nice. No, no,
she's very nice. But I wouldguess during that post show interview with Toby
and Chili, uh, not veryhappy and on Mondays when numbers come out.

Uh. But back to her password, Oh yes, yeah, clean
waxed. Did she say it wasI am we know that you've been corrupted,
but come on, huh several words? Yeah? Yeah, so it's
a phrase, is it? Shedidn't. She said it's not a phrase,

just several words. So maybe it'slike happy sunshine today. There you
go. I'm sorry. Did shesay taint? No today? I don't
think I've ever said that word theother T word? All right, very

good? And what did Dennis sayabout choking? Oh? You want me
to ask him? No, no, I know why you don't want to
get into that with HR today.What with HR? I'll ask JR.
By close the business tomorrow? Brandnew day? All right, very good,
brand new day. I just thoughtof a password. Don't you like

that? Though? I thought itwas pretty good. I mean that might
be giving people ideas who are strugglingto figure out a new password. So
I want to be one that makesyou feel good. I can see that.
That's good. Get work done,yeah, be at my They're all
decent examples, good vibes three thousand, I see here, No rest well,

I mean that might remind you thatyou're totally no. What it they
remind you of is that you're competingand you're like doing well. Oh,
I'm burnt out. Every time Itype in my password, it's burnt out.
Are there are more people that havelike I hate this place? Why
don't you worry? That's what youwere saying. They suggest for you that

they can see that they can't seeyour password. This place can't see my
password. I think they can noway, so when I type it in
in the past that they can readyour stuff, but they can't. They
don't do it by accessing my password. They just go right through the Uh.
I think it would have access toeverything. I guarantee you they haven't.
I still have a job. Okay, that's true. I definitely have

used people's names in my password before. I'm not saying that the pit knows
how to see the passwords, butI do think that corporate does. Uh.
They would have to grab someone fromby the way. No, you
would have to. You would alsohave to get my permission to see my
password. No, they don't.You skip the password and just read the
content. Fine, but you youno, No, they can't. That's

what you're protecting more than the messagesin your email. No. No,
I understand that, but they shouldnot have access. They should be able
to bypass your your password, whichthey can. But don't tell me that
passwords are set up for security andthen tell me you can read it.
What was that fart? Am,that's my uh, that's my password?

Yes, sir walks this weekend theNo, but you know what true story?
A hold tight on the way home? I told you we ate it
westover Taco yesterday. I had adouble meat taco salad on the way home
because we walked there and then wewalked back we made it to Patrick Henry
and I busted ass so loud.Jackie got mad, the uh I ripped

ass so loud. Maybe my kidswere loving it. So your son thought
it was hilarious, Yeah he did, but I in my head I was
and I didn't have time to explainit to Jackie. I was like,
I'm just on a fart walked lovelyline too. Hi Elliott the Morning,
Yeah, Hi, who's this this? Baby? Tevin Harry Virginia. Hey,

what's going on? Dude? Nomuch, just saw this. You
should always do. My password isoh I see you eight one two.
Oh. That's always a good one. That's always a good one. What
is the oh you ate one twosixty nine and stuff? Yeah, exactly,
that's a good one though. Sorry, thank you, yes from Cheryl.

Last year, I made my passwordnew job twenty twenty three with a
series of caps in lowercase and specialcharacters. I was offered a new job
in April. There you go.See you just put that out in the
universe. So that's more like alot. Yeah no, but that's fine.
That's an affirmation, I know.But your stuff was not so specific.

It was just sort of like bebest, Okay, but this is
somebody I didn't know. We weredoing passwords for wanting to find a new
job. Now does that make that'sgreat if they can see your password?
No, no, because you're notsupposed to be able to. I know,
but you're what was it? Didyou say carpe dem? Did you
or did you just say the translated? You say you said something like I

did say you? Well, Iwanted the two. I always go with
carpe dem. Here's another example.One day at a time, girl.
Yeah, there you go, thereyou go. That's Dennis's Actually am I
going to line four? I likethat new job? When that puts it
out in the universe, and everytime you type it in you're focused on

I gotta get a new job.I gotta get a new job. Now
you can also read into that it'skind of negative against your current not against
but just your your current situation.But that's okay. Motivation, that's exactly
exactly motivate, liberate, congregate,Hello, yes, not part of excess.

Yeah, I'm here, I gotyou right here. Hey, Hey,
how are you doing? I'm doinggood. I'm a project estimator and
I made one of my work passwords, A couple of them actually it's like
my work or my company's initials.And then for the wind. See,
every time I have to sign it, I'm like, all right, cool,
that's right, Good for you,Good for you. I heard for

the win. Hey, smelling good? Thank you my friend. That's good
though. I'm kind of if Iknow you're you're probably gonna have to reset
your password with your email issues.Win that bid. When next time it
pop prompts me to change the passwordfor the first time ever, I might
be excited to do so, dosomething completely different. Okay, let's not.

Let's not be excited about it.All I do is add an exclamation
point on to my current password.I'm up eight, so let's do.
Let's do. Let's do positive affirmations. Get that win. You hould the
shift key down when you're done withmy assortment of characters, and you just
hear this one, two, three, four, eight exclamation points? Am

I going to line one? Hi? Ellie of the morning? Win that
game? Hey, what's up?Guys? Yeah? What's going on?
Dude? Hey, dude, Ichanged my pass or a company did it
for me, made it? Ilove my job exclamation point and so bs.
I hated it. It was theworth like four months in my life.
Okay, because that's because they forcedyou to do it. You couldn't

go in and change it. No. I kind of was into it for
the whole reason you guys are talkingabout. So I was actually on board.
I was like, all right,it's like an affirmation board, all
right. Every time I set thisin, I'm gonna be like, I
love my job, my job.Yeah, and uh literally it within a
week. My co it was fora radio station in the Colorado she quit

because, and I quote, theseguys are jerks. I'm leaving for sexual
harassment. Good luck. Use itas a stepping block. There you go,
iHeart. Hey wait a minute,where did you Where did you work
in Colorado? Oh? God man? It was Colorado Springs. I dropped
everything, sold my condo went outthere. I was there for like two

months. Colorado Springs supposed to benice, though it's for the Air Force
Academy, beautiful Purple Mountains, majesty. Sucks if you work for a dying
radio station, Amen, brothers.Who is in Also USA Hockey is based
out of Colorado Springs? What is? What company did you work for?
Let's be Radio Nerds, Carl,Let's just do it. It was called

Tailgate ninety eight point five, allof party hits, party hits for party
people. That's what it was.Who owned it? Who owned it?
No? Oh dude, it wasn'tpicking up. It wasn't like Clear Channel
or hard or anybody radio. Isthat what? Who is your PD?
Find it? Yeah? Yeah,Tailgate Radio. Mike Mike nor k n

a R. And it fucked andyou said you're out of radio now worst.
I actually turned it into a personalgig where I host event to weddings
and do it for myself and tookeverything I learned and I make like six
figures like for the last six years, just doing it all on my own.
Dud. Good for you. That'sawesome. That's awesome. You're looking

for part time anything? I wouldIt would be a dream job. I
literally started a podcast just joking around, calling it Looch Dog in the Morning,
named after you, guys. Lovethe class, Love you guys.
Oh that's very kind of guys,that's very kind. Yeah, So why
don't you just why don't you comedo like, do do weekends or something
here? That would be amazing.But I'm not even calling for a job.

I don't want to hand out.I just love you guys so much,
and I called a hand I offeredit to you. It's not a
handout. Oh you're You're the bestdude I would do. I've taken a
heartbeat. Let's go, let's go. Get you up the No, no,
no, you're not joining. No, let me be clear. You're
not joining my show. Not youguys. No, no, no,

never, that would be insane.Yeah no, no, But like I
don't know, you want to doMiddays tomorrow. I'm killing Middays tomorrow.
Get out of here. Yeah youknow now I am. I am predicting
one little issue. What's that?That six figure thing? Oh yeah,
no, well that's gone. Youknows that. No, just one day.
No, I'm good man. Iwork for myself on the weekends.

I got Monday through Friday three.I can do it for what. I
am not giving you a ship.I can't. I can't hire and fire
for that. No, no,but just one day to one day to
be on the radio. Why not? So this isn't that would be a
dream come true? Oh maybe nightsis dustin here yet? I know Nicholas
had a that's his dog had thatappointment? Is he there? I want

you to do nights? Where isDustin? I would crush nights? Yeah,
no, absolutely, that's past Ibet I would. I can't use
it. I'm already using it.Yeah. Don't you want him to do
nights tomorrow night? He's got thatgood attitude? Would it? Well?
Okay, but wouldn't that be awesome? I think it'd be a fun experiment.

Yeah, all right, you knowwhat, let's do this. Let
me track down Dustin today. Hisdoggie was sick and I guess, well,
no, I just needed to checkup. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe
on maybe on Wednesday, maybe onWednesday. Let's go. Heck, yeah,
let's go. All right, verygood, very good. Hold tight
one second. Let me get someinfo from you. Okay, wait,

where do you live? Are you? Indeed? Are you rich? I'm
right here in Resting. I'm righthere in Resting. Perfect. Oh you
could bring passion fish in with you. Okay, hold tight, one second,
Hold on one second, Hold onone second. I want him to
bring the playlist from tail Gate ninetyfive party songs for party people. Yeah,
they played country, rap, rock, they played every everything that works

so well for pirate. But don'tyou agree? Let's let him do nights
for a night. What the hell? If I look in a studio down
the hall, do I just seeJosh's feet hanging from a ceiling? I
thought I had that password. Ithink it'd be a fun thing. I
don't want his last experience in radioto be miserable. That would be good

appointment listening. Y's here, let'shear Yeah, I don't remember his name.
It was like party mic or allright, so you you need to
talk to Dustin, right, Imean ultimately Dustin will say no, but
you why would but you you surpthat because you're the president of jockeys.

Yeah, why would honestly, whywould Dustin say no? Nothing? License
issue? I think would scare himfrom put somebody in here with with party
Mike like Josh. Yeah, thenwe got a murder. I had the
station lose the license. Oh Joshkilled Party Mike. Stupid idea stabbing.

No, I do think that couldbe a hiccup, but we could we
could talk to legal. What whatis the hiccup not having an FCC license?
Does that what they have to bringin Carlos or ab or one of
them to just stand there and babysitthem. Who cares. Could he be
there in like a producer role butthen really actually like do everything. He

could just do the shift. Whatabout Craig? Oh my god, she
is the worst. You are learningfrom the worst. Christon, you better
not start that text chain with Jones'swife because it's going to be nothing but
negative. Nancy's just stir it upall day long. Here's Diane big spoon.

That is her password, big spoonfor stirring
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