All Episodes

April 12, 2024 110 mins
Why We We're Off Air Yesterday, Cameo Roulette, Pablo Francisco In Studio for Free Comedy Friday
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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San Diego. Welcome, Welcome tothe show. Yo, A new new
day is here, and what betterway to start it than with I feel
like the show is going to begreat. This show. I would like
to introduce you to the ringleader,Eddie. I have a young mindset,
okay, the mother of this crewSky. If you don't know anything about

me, you may not realize thatI get cold very easily. I'm very
rude, I'm obnoxious, and Idon't care. And Emily, ever since
I can remember, I've never wantedto sleep with another human. Welcome to
the show. On San Diego's rockstation, Rock one oh five three.
Who all right, We're here,we are, we are on, We're

We're unexpectedly not On yesterday, Idid get a couple of messages from people
asking did we take the day offto mourn the death of oj Simpsons.
Oh no, no he died.That did not happen. Yeah, after
like little confusion, But no,that did, that did not. That
was not the reason we did nottake the day to get angry like,

I'm sorry Simpson know about us takingoff? Yeah, so we'll we'll talk
more about later. But no,that's not why I was unfortunate incident that
happened with me unfortunately, So itwas strange what happened. Honestly, Wednesday
night, everything was been normal allday long, no big deal. I

was finishing up dinner when all ofa sudden, I started getting sort of
a pain in my back and itwas sort of in a lower area,
kind of where your kidneys are.And I started feeling this weird pain,
and I was like, okay,whatever, not that big of a deal.
But I was moving around fine andit wasn't It didn't feel like I
strained my back or anything like that, so I wasn't really sure what was

going on, so much so thatI felt fine enough to go play softball
that night, So I left,played softball. I played actually pretty good,
nice job lost, but oh cool, no big surprise there. So
got home and as on my drivehome, it started to really amp up

the pain. And then when Igot home, got ready for bed,
laid down in the bed, itstarted to get extremely painful, excruciating,
and I could not get comfortable inany position I was laying and I saw,
I mean like I would move,move, move, move, then
flip around and do all these thingsand it was just getting worse and worse
and worse and worse, and Iwas like, what the heck is going

on? And so I look overat the clock. It's eleven o'clock at
night, and I know I'm notclose to sleeping at this point, and
so I was like that last night, just toss it and turn and couldn't
sleep. Do you think it wasthe same I feel? Then you look
at the clock, Oh, nowit's eleven ten. Now it's eleven fifteen

again, or even pain I couldn'tget coming. No, that's not different.
Different. So I had had akidney stone about seven years ago,
I want to say, and itwas a very similar experience, similar feeling,
and I went, man, ifthis is a kidney stone again,

that stinks because it's awful. It'spainful. It's very painful, really bad.
Yeah, you know, the oneI had before was very very painful.
I went into the er. Theyyou know, gave me a whole
ran of you know, X raysand things like that, said, yeah,
you have a kidney stone, andthen they give you like this medicine
and stuff like that. That waslike, open up your stuff. Oh,

And I passed it that same night, and it was and it wasn't
painful, like the passing of itwasn't painful. I've heard from people like
the passing of the stone is theworst part for me. It wasn't.
It was all the stuff beforehand,like hours beforehand. That was where the
pain was. And then the actualasking was like, no big deal.
What do you think It was nobig deal because they gave you that.
Yeah, oh yeah, I thinkso. I think so a little bit

too. That helps to for sure. So my thought process, It's eleven
o'clock at night. I know I'mnot going to sleep anytime soon. This
pain is excruciating. I don't knowwhat I'm gonna do here, And then
I'm having the thoughts of like,I gotta drive myself because what's my wife
gonna do, like leave my kidsat home by themselves, and then you

know, they got to go toschool in the morning. I don't know
how long I'm going to be there. Yeah, so I gotta buckle up
here and drive myself to the erwith that pain, Yes, it was
it was rough. No thought ofwaking up Grandma Nancy, what to do,
just keep an eye on you,to keep an eye on the she

and she can't drive the kids toschool. So I was just like,
oh man, I'm going I've gotup, got dressed and ed it out.
And how long of a drive isit from your house to the hospital?
In fifteen minutes? Oh yeah,I mean I was leaning over the
steering wheel driving because I was sonovel. So I pulled in the parking

lot and thought of calling Emily,who doesn't live too far away. Maybe
she could come. That's about whatI would expect. Uber. Yeah.
No, no, I don't wantto. You know, you're moaning in
the back of an uber. Yeah, I'm going on, I'm an expiation,

not him. I mean, Idon't have the calling ebulants for fun.
Why I'm calling the ambulance loaded upon the meds while I'm going to
the hospital. Let's go because ofthe mets. Okay, because the free
ride. Yeah. So I'm thinking, you know, this is so late
at night, it's a Wednesday night. I'm going to breeze in easy Pa.

Nobody will be there, whatever.I think. That's always the thought.
Eddie complete opposite. I walk upand there's probably one hundred people in
the h and I look around andI'm like, oh my god. And
then I'm looking around also, andit looks like the canteen has seen from

Star Wars. Yeah, like everydisgusting creature and the dregs of the earth
is there hanging out. Half ofthem probably legitimately sick, half of them
just looking for drugs, yeah,or yes, pretending to be art.
Yeah. I used to take alot of guys too. I used to
do this a lot, so Iwould learn the best hospitals, but the

shortest waiting room times for emergency rooms. Because I take guys who wanted to
get sober and they needed librium tohelp with seizures, so I would take
them to the emergency room. AndI started to learn where these hotspots and
hotspots are for like the shortest waitingrooms. So was there any thought of
like, I'm gonna try another,I'm not leaving. You didn't think I
was. I was in too muchpain. I couldn't do it. The

Cornado hospital er one really, yes, told me that's where she goes if
she has to go. I knowwhat I'm doing. I didn't think I
want to drive forty minutes to thedrive would have been long on the way
legit. So you know, Iwalk in and I'm looking around this room
and I'm like, dude, getme out of here. Where am I

going to go to like get awayfrom these people, because I mean it
just looks so gross. There's peoplethrowing up. Well, that's the thing,
especially if you're not sick with likea virus, the last thing you
want to do is sit next tosomebody with the flu or the So I
go over. I find a cornerof like the back area, and there's
still people there, but I mean, like there's at least a couple of
seats away from me that I canjust be in pain and you know,

try to block everything out and whatever, you know. And so I'm sitting
there, and you know, luckily, they take me back fairly quickly.
I would say, within fifteen twentyminutes. Oh they took me back.
Do the vitals all that stuff,ask me what's going on that whole thing.
But then, you know what sucks. So you get tricked thinking that
they're taking you back, taking youback, and then they spitch you back

out, don't make me go back. Luckily, I had been through this
before, so I sort of knew. But you know, same thing,
nobody. My fingers were crossed,and I was like all right, I've
got a bed for you. No, No, that wasn't even close to
happening. And so I'm sitting therewatching, you know, I'm there for
hours, and so the amount oftimes I saw people get up and yell

at the poor nurses, you know, I got for It's not them.
I mean, there's a hundred peoplelike you know, they're not intentionally not
seeing you. There's a system inplace. It was crazy, then it
got wild. So then one ladywho had been passed out the entire time,

like, comes out of a deadsleep and jumps up, runs over
and starts screaming at the nurses.I want to be seeing right now.
I'm in massive amounts of pain.Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
And they're like, ma'am, weknow you're on the list. We're
gonna get you back as soon aspossible. We're so sorry for the wait.
She walks over and then makes abed on the floor and just starts
laying down on the floor. Well, I guess that's a big no.

No, you can't sleep on thefloor. So a nurse comes over.
She goes, ma'am, you can'twe can't have you sleep on the floor.
You gotta get in a chair.And she's she's basically giving her the
finger, telling her to f off. I don't care, You're not gonna
see me. I need a bed. This is where I'm sleeping. Oh
my god. So security comes overjust so it's all happening, and I'm
just like, kill me, putme out. I can't take this anymore.

I mean so much pain and Igotta witness this massive ridiculousness going on.
They didn't give you any pain nowyet now yet? Crazy? And
so you know, this whole sceneis breaking out where people are screaming at
each other. She's cursing at themat this one white hair and chick comes
over. She gets involved in whereshe's gonna help the lady. This is

involved get out of here, Likeyou clearly see this is a weird situation,
you know, but she wants tohelp with this. All the time,
they're baking stuff because they want tohave drugs. Sky would walk over
and be like, man, canI get you something? That's kind of
that's kind of She's like, there'sa chair over here. We can arrange
them for you to where you canand like get out of here, like

you're not involved? Why you doit? It was so annoying. So
like another hour goes by. Uh, they bring me back for my CT
scan. This was wild. Sothere's an orderly guy, you know,
he puts me in a wheelchair andthey wheeled me back to the examining room
or the X ray room or whatever. I've had plenty of CT scans and

things like that before normally, youknow, you're in like a gown.
I have my full, you know, my pockets. I got my keys,
my my wallet, and my cellphone all in my pockets. The
orderly pushes me into the room.There's nobody in there, and he does
move where. He just puts hishand out. He doesn't speak a word
and just puts his hand out liketo lay down on the table, sit

here, yeah there, and thenwalks out. And so I'm standing there
by myself in the room and I'mlike, I'm fully dressed, I have
keys, Like I can't what doyou what? Hello? Anybody? Finally
the guy the tech comes in andI go and he goes, go ahead
and lay down and I go,I go do I put my keys and

stuff? And he goes, ohyeah, go ahead, just put him
on the chair. So see,if I wouldn't have said anything, are
you gonna take my X ray?With my keys in my pocket and my
cell phone? Like what is happeningright now? I wouldn't go back to
this. I wouldn't go back tothis hospital. Well, dude, I
mean it was wild. So Iput it, take all my keys.
I'm fully dressed, and when I'vehad X rays before, usually you know,

they put that like giant matt thingon you to cover you. You
know. Yes, he put ablanket on me, and he goes,
all right, here we go.It was it was nice, but I
didn't understand. And then gave methe X rayse So I'm like, this
is wild man. I don't understand. So hopefully I don't have like radiation.
I don't know, but it didn'tseem right. But whatever it is,

what it is. Finish that up. They wheel me back out to
the waiting room back in the inhell. So I go back there and
sit in there for about another Idon't know, another hour, and they
go finally call my name. Allright, thank god, getting into a
bed, you know, give methem some pain meds. Figure out what's
going on. Let's go. Sothey go, yeah, unfortunately, because
we're so busy. No beds,no, no beds. Like okay,

They're like, we're gonna put youover here in a chair in like kind
of like a cubby area, youknow, where everybody's sort of in their
own little space, but it's achair. They're going, we're going to
start an IV for you. We'llgive you some pain meds, and then
your doctor will come see you.And I'm like, okay, so I
go. You know, they starta night v they give me fluids.

I'm not dehydrated, Okay, thankyou, shoot me up with the pain
mads. There you go. It'sokay. It wasn't as good as I
had hoped. I mean, evenif you're in excruciating pain, right,
I would make it ten times worsethan I'm walking in there, ten Like
this is the worst. I'm like, oh my god, you know what

I mean. Like if I'm inany kind of pain and when they're doing
my vitals, I'm like, thisis brutal. I'll get tears going.
I will get tears going because becausebecause this is what because if you don't
do that, then they think,all right, well we'll take you know,
take your time, exactly, takeyour time. Here's eight hundred milligram.
I'm the woman on the ground.Yeah, I'm the opposite. It

takes a lot for me to goto the doctor. I am pretty high
pain threshold, so I don't Idon't know. I'm not smart when it
comes to stuff, and I justI don't know. My wife's like that,
I'm screaming. I'm there for likeanother hour, sit in the chair.
Finally doctor comes in and goes overall my stuff, says, all

your tests came back good. You'reyou know, you don't have anything crazy
like a kidney infection or you knowwhatever, perforated bowel or something. You
know, they could he said,you know, the only thing is the
CT scan didn't show a kidney stone. And I'm like, well, what
the hell is going on? BecauseI can move. I don't like,
like I said, I don't havea strained back or anything like that.
I go, it's internal, man, I go, this isn't like a

muscle strain. And he goes,well, the only thing that could have
happened was he goes, if you'veever had a kidney stone or have you
ever seen a kidney stone like upclose. Uh, it looks like a
love rock, and so it's gotjagged edges and all that stuff. And
if it's in your kidney, it'sbouncing around in there and it's basically doing
damage NonStop, you know, andso that's why you're in so much pain
and all that stuff. And hesaid, so that's what could be going

on. And he said you couldhave passed it, because he asked me,
did you pee it all? AndI'm like, yeah, I mean
a couple of times. And hegoes, did you if you could have
passed it and you just didn't evenrealize it? And I go, what,
I don't know, man, Imean I felt it before when I
passed a kidney stone, and youknow, I mean, it's pretty evident
when you go but he goes,no, it depends on the stone,
depends on how size of it.And he goes, he really could have

passed and now you're just dealing withthe after effects. And I'm like,
okay, I don't know. Thatdoesn't sound right to me, but you
know, it is what. There'sno other explanation because there's nothing else that
showed up. So they discharged me. At this point, it's like four
thirty in the morning. You know, I sent a text out I don't
know about eleven forty five, lettingyou guys know, hey, listen,
I'm in here. There's no wayI'm coming in next day, you know.

And I knew you guys were asleep, so it was not a big
deal when you guys started waking uphere. From Emily first, she woke
up like, I don't know threeforty five, you know, responded.
Then I hear from Thor about fourfifteen, responded, never heard from Sky
wait, And I was like,well, she's and she's the first one
on the first one up. Iwas sort of sitting there waiting the entire

time, so like, right,you're just waiting. Yeah, I thought,
okay, yes, she's got goingto see this, be obviously concerned
and send me a text to something. You know. It's fun that you
say that, because when I didn'tsee the text from Sky either, I'm
thinking, is Sky at work rightnow? I thought, have the same
So I'm like, I'm thinking tomyself, I'm not should I go in,
like we're not doing the show.I was like the exact same thing.
I thought, Okay, you know, Scott, she didn't check her

phone and she went into work.Yeah, and now she's embarrassed. Did
you show up to work? No? I did not, Oh no,
I no text you don't care aboutyour boys to the hospital. Okay.
So I got up at two fortyfive and I saw the text from you
know, like midnight, saying,hey at the er, no show,
bl blah blah, Emily get abest of together. And I didn't know

what to do because it was atext thread. And so I'm like,
I know Emily and Thor are stillsleeping for like another forty five minutes,
so I don't want to wake themup. And then I didn't know With
Eddie. I'm like, is healready like asleep? Has he already got
home? Because in my mind,there's no way you're still the er.

And then I start spiraling out,not even believing the text, and I'm
like I had to check it likethree times because I was scared to go
back to bed. So in myhead, I was like, I'm going
to go back to bed, waittill a decent hour, like seven or
eight in the morning, and thenI'll check on everybody because I was so
scared to wake people up by texting, and so that's what I did.

So at like seven am, Ifinally texted that I had finally gotten home
on to bed. I played thatall round. Sorry, I saw.
I'm better, much better as faras day level goes things like that.
Still don't really know what exactly isgoing on, but I'm here and I'm
doing okay. Yeah, but itis, it is what it is.

Now. Emily had a harrowing momentas well. Now this was at the
Padres game the night before on Wednesday. We're gonna see what happened when Emily
and her man Robert had to jumpinto action to save a life when we
get back on the show. I'drock with a five three ospring on the

show, it's rock one O fiveto three. So a girl Emily here
got to go to her first Padresgame of the season on Wednesday, little
kind of midday game by far,favorite time of day to go to a
Padre game. Ever, it wasideal. That's pretty nice, three forty.
It was perfect because it wasn't inthe middle of the day to interfere
with my nap. Just it's sohot. The Padres schedule that on purpose,

yes, and then it wasn't late, so you're not getting home at
a crazy hour like it's that threeforty game. I mean, I know
they're not probably gonna do it again, but it was Oh they are really
Yeah. I guess there is afew of those kind of games that they're
scheduling now, which is nice.It was awesome. Yeah, yeah,
I just had a blast. Checkedout the new Gallagher Square obviously, like
Thor has been saying, he worksout right above it. It's incredible,
Like they have this cool viewing deckthat they talk about, you know that

you've heard about, but like itlets you see better into the field when
you're up there, and it's awesome. They have like concessions up there too,
so you can get a beer,got a hot dog. It was
so much fun. Got on thejumbo tron wow, which I was freaking
out about. I don't think I'veever gotten on the JumboTron, and so
we were freaking out. I've neverseen anybody that looked more excited. How

many beers deep were you when yougot on that jumbo tron one Margarita and
I wasn't even done with it,So I was just I was just naturally
hyped to be on that jumbo tron. Emily and her Man Robert are very
simple people. You see the peoplewhen they get on the JumboTron who freak
out the biggest celebrities on the planet, and you know, and took a

picture of it, said it tous, and I'm like, I can't
believe how excited ever, but sheworks in the in the big industry,
the number one radio show and aboutthat. But before looks like commercial.
It looked as if she just wonpublishers clearing. But more excited. Yeah,
but more excited, chilling chill tothe point where I was like,

if I was there and I sawthat, I'd be like, what's wrong
with that? Okay, it's justthen relaxed, yes, Eddie, drink
of chill. Yes. So honestly, like you just said, dream come
true, the game could have gottenbetter. We got the w like it
was awesome. I got to seea bunch of home runs like honestly,
Cloud Knight, like it was somuch fun. You had a big celebrity.
That a huge celebrity, Tyler fromBachelor of Paradise in our Bachelor world.

This is a big, very muchthank you. He's been on a
couple of seasons. Yeah, hehas. This was Tyler from Gabby and
Rachel Seasons. Guy, I don'tthink you say that Eddie is now They
all move here, moved to SanDiego. It's annoying because it's close to
La but it's not l A.Yeah, but yeah, he was right.

Tried to get back with him andhe was like, no, thanks,
honestly, what you're as high ashiking be Home Runs Jumbo Tron,
like honestly drunk like a like,honestly had a perfect day. It is
my perfect day, absolutely, AndI remembered nailing there you go, and

so stay till the very end ofthe game because it wasn't so crazy late
how I've left before, say,to the very end. Leave flood out
of Peco Park, and we parkedup over at the Hilton Bay Front in
that parking lot for the hotel.So we were going up the pedestrian bridge
to cross over to go to theparking structure, and as we get to
the top of the stairs getting readyto cross over the bridge, it's jam

packed people because the game just gotlet out, and so we just hear
this piercing, almost possessed style screamingcoming from the corner of the bridge.
Now, we had probably gotten aboutten feet over the bridge when we heard
this, and we turn around andwe're trying to see what's going on,
and we see a commotion going onon the back corner of the bridge,
and my son Reads starts walking overthere to see what's going on. Excuse

me, so he's already almost basicallythere shooting exactly. So that's when I
scream, read, get back here, get back here. And then that's
when read this all happened, likereally really fair. Well, that's what
wind yourself says, Dad, comeover here, and that's when Robert goes
running over to see what's going on. I mean, this all happened very

very fast. And that's when wehear this person yelling over the bridge saying,
I want to kill myself. I'mgoing to kill myself. I don't
want to live. I don't wantto live. And that's when Robert goes
and sees what's going on. Hegoes to see, you know, see
what's happening, and there's a skinnierguy with his hands grabbing the back of
a woman's shirt and she's dangling almostlower hips and she's like, if this

guy lets go, She's going overbecause she's trying to jump over the bridge
like it was a it was almostwoman. And so Robert, when Robert
runs over there, Robert goes useshis right arm, scoops underneath her chest
and flings her over, just pullsflying to the middle of the bridge.
Oh my god. And so Robertsaved her life from jumping. And so
when we were Robert though they didthey die together. The other guy wasn't

there. Then, you know,is that really is the high bridge?
I'm not what bridges this, youknow, over the trolley kind of right
between. So she jumps. Sheshe's honestly, I think that it could
go either way. Don't jump.And so I'm standing there, Robert save
the line, Robert saved the life. And I'm sitting there looking at this
woman and it like she looks possessed, like she looks like from a movie,

scary, like she's obviously the mentalhealth whatever math everything else, saying,
you know, screaming and screaming,screaming. So then after that,
Robert just turns around. He's kindof weird. He just doesn't stay around,
and he just turns around and startswalking away. So then I go
follow him and We're just extremely shookup. He's got a scratch on his
eye from her. She was scratchinghim when he was trying to help her
up. You don't stick around,like, did anybody call the cops?

So there was an elite security ladythat was doing nothing, but she had
her phone in her hand, andso she was calling the cops. Security
person. What happened? No,No, Robert just didn't want to be
around there anymore. So I justwalked away. I want to go back
to the pen. Or maybe Robert'slike Superman or Spider Man and he doesn't
want like his identity, so tobe honest, to be honest, That's

that's what I was kind of like, that's kind of cool when we were
walking away, until until I startgetting on group text where Robert is telling
uh family, and I'm on thegroup text with his mom and his sister.
His heroic story, So he's notthe humblest hero after all. So
it's not what you think, butit was. It was honestly crazy.
So he saved somebody's life. Themabout it, and then you were annoyed

about it. That's a typical.Basically, where were you Why didn't you
jump in there and well, itall happened so fast, and I mean,
I'm not very strong. What amI going to do? You got
crazy strength? When you're dropped,you have no idea, Like when you
had a couple of pops in you, you could have dove over there and
easily saved that life. You're right, I probably could have helped, but

it wasn't needed. At Wow,crazy, what a crazy scene it was.
Wid did that ruin your vibe?Totally killed the biggest travesty. Well,
speaking of The Bachelor, I guesswe have some sort of breaking news
here now. Thor and Sky areaware of this, but Emily and I

do not know what is going on. And it has to do with the
show that Emily and I loved,The Golden We're gonna see what is going
on in the Golden Bachelor. Breakingnews coming up next on the show and
Rock one five three, that's thirdEyeline the show. It's Rock one five
three. So I have no ideawhat is going on here about I don't

know. Half hour ago, Thorlet out a squeal and gasp over there
when he was looking at his computerand said or He turned around and asked
me, have you seen the breakingnews, and I immediately think this is
a sports thing, because that's,you know, always that happens probably,
I don't know, six times amorning where Thor will see something on Twitter

and ask me, you know,did you see this? You see this?
He goes and I said what andhe said the Golden Bachelor breaking news
and I said, no, Ihaven't seen it. And he summoned Sky
over to see if Sky had seenit yet. Sky hadn't seen it either,
and so they had a little powwow over there, and they didn't
want to reveal to Me and Emily, the two people who watched The Golden

Bachelor and loved it. They didn'twant to tell us until we got on
the air what the breaking news was. Yes, which I thought was rude.
But I'm really nervous, Yeah,really nervous. I just nervous.
I hope, I hope Gary Teresaare okay. You think Teresa with child?
You have a Golden baby? Aren'tthey in their seventies? Yeah?

I think they're like, yeah,oh I could. I don't. This
has nothing to do with the news, but I could not be more over
the Golden Bachelor and the Golden Bachelorpeople. You know what they keep they
keep they keep bringing they keep bringingthese people out as if they're these massive
stars in the Bachelor world. Idon't get it. They do keep total
those women out season, but Ithink if you would have watched, you

would have had more appreciation maybe onetime for them. But they're bringing them
back. And Eddie made Eddie saidthis to me. He's like, they
they bring them back to like givethe other women advice. Yet all the
women didn't get picked and a coupleof are divorced months, Like, well,
I don't want your advice. They'rereally unlucky. What advice? Yeah,
great if you're Yeah. Anyway,what is going on in the bachelor

world that is breaking news? Wellthis was crazy because this morning Live on
Good Morning America, Well Live,the old Bachelor and his wife Teresa went
on the program, sat on thecouch holding hands to announce to the world

that after three months of marriage,they are getting a divorce. Okay,
the hell three months? So theshow was last year, Yeah, it
aired the whole thing, and theysaid, listen, you know these two
that he picked Teresa, Yeah,they seemed very happy and in love whatever,

but they decided. You know what, we don't have a long time
on this planet left. Yeah,you know, we're in our late seventies.
So instead of having a long engagementlike normal people do and things like
that, we're just pulling the triggerand we're just gonna get hitched. Like
a month later, then they didthis grand wedding, the Golden Wedding.
Oh yeah, okay, all theBachelor of luminaries were there, all the

great, all the great, andso we saw the marriage of the century
happen and went down as beautiful.Yes, And you know, here we
are only a couple months later andthat's it. Yes, three months later,
what the hell? Well, theyboth say as they're holding hands on
Good Morning America this morning, thatthey both are still very much in love

with each other. They're still bestfriends, they're still each other's biggest supporters.
But what happened is they both realizedhow much they love their families and
their need to be close to theirfamilies. I think one is in like
Pennsylvania, and one is in likeWisconsin. Oh, Jersey, Indiana.

I mean you're right there, rightthere, crazy for and so it's not
like you know, California and Florida, like Jersey, Indiana there's no way
you're abandoning your family or the waythat well, how could you. It
doesn't matter how in love you are, you you pard in life. I

mean it's so great, but youdon't leave your family, got your grandkids,
especially if they're especially if you havelike two grandkids all in one spot.
Why would you ever leave that?No matter how much in love you
are. You guys know that mymom moved away to be with her boyfriend.
She has grandchildren here. Do youhave any breaking news there? No,

No, we don't know. Wedon't so I guess they were looking
at South Carolina as a middle groundto make to make their home, to
make their home, and uh,they just could pull the trigger and they
realized because of the need for bothof them to be close to their family.

In a few weeks we'll find outwhat really happened. Want the kids,
Gary, I don't know, Well, two things I think wasn't Gary
not really a restaurant tour, Likethere was some stuff there was like a
burger joint. So it's like maybeTeresa found out or maybe Gary cheated.
What. You never know, middleaged women throwing themselves. Maybe they like

their new found fame and think Idon't need this, and they both think
they don't need each other anymore.Tell you what that Nancy was a looker
on the show. I don't think. I don't think she was on the
younger side. Sixties, but thefitness model. No, No, maybe
Susan got in there. I don'tknow. Wow. Well, Teresa was

still wearing that three carrot Neil Lanewant that back? No, I had
read or my wife told me thatwe have to stay together for two years
to keep the ring. Oh really, that's what I read that that that
was like the rule even after likethey got Yah, you don't have to
be together for two years to keepthe ring. That's why a lot of

them stay engaged for so long,allegedly because that's like, I mean,
how much is that ring? Imean, my god? Yeah? Yeah?
Yeah. So she did admit onGood Morning America that she will be
giving back the ring. Neil's gettingit back a disaster. I'm sorry this

ruined. Yah. Didn't they saythey were going to do another season of
the gold They're going to do theGolden Bachelorette. So does this kind of
taint the legacy? No? No, it was so fine. Love.
Yeah, I mean We've had peopleget picked and then before the even the
reunion episode, they break up.Yeah, they break up. It's unbelievable.
One guy picked said he picked thewrong chick, remember that, like,

yeah, I need you apologize andback to the other girl the recover
and then she became the all right, it is time to find out what
celebrities are charging on cameo. We'regonna play a little cameo roulette when we
get back on the show at Rockwith a five to three. That's some
green day on the show. It'sRock one O five to three. All

right, it is time to figureout what celebrities are charging on cameo.
It is time for our game cameoRoulette. Do you ever wonder what Ronnie
from Jersey Shore would sound like wishingyou a happy birthday? Hey, what's
up with your boy? Ronnie?Here? I just wanted to say,
happy birthday. I hope you enjoyyourself. Drink a lot of ron ron

juice at GTL, though out ofyour party, will It's time for the
show, Time for the shows,Cameo roulette. All right, Time for
a little cameo roulette, which,of course is our game that we play
where we go to Cameo, thewebsite where you can order up personalized messages
from different celebrities. They'll record itfor you or your friend or whatever.

You can give it as a gift. It's a nice, lovely little birthday
present or something. If you're afan. Listen, if you're a fan
of some show or some athlete orwhatever, that's kind of cool. Yeah,
we have personalized message from them,so you kind of give the little
details and things like that when youorder up the message. But they set
their own price. So that's thegame. We spin a wheel for different

different people on Cameo and whatever itlands on, you guys got to guess
how much are they charging on Cameo. So that's how the game works.
All right, let's spin the wheel. See what lands on first. Wow,
it has landed on somebody who's actuallybeen in our studio before we met

him somewhat recently. He performed recentlyin San Diego. Remember Matt Friend,
This was the guy that did allthose incredible impressions. Yeah, so this
guy is blowing up. Man,he is like everywhere now. So he
was on the New Year's Rock andthe Eve with Seacrest. He was I

just recently saw him on that daytimeshow that Mario Lopez does with kit Oh,
yeah, you know that. Idon't know what that show is,
is it Extra? Yeah? Sohe was on there doing impressions. I
mean, this guy's like everywhere now, so he's blowing up and his impressions
are incredible. This guy's one ofthe best impressionists I've ever seen and heard,

and literally he'll go into anybody.You know. He just sat here
and did like thirty five impressions inthe span of like ten minutes. The
guy is unbelievable. So Matt Friend, so you could think, like he
can do a lot on cameo,like if you want him to do a
certain impression or whatever. So that'swho is it has landed on. So
what do you think, Emily,how much do you think Matt Friend comedian

impressionist charges on cameo? Yeah,he's blowing up. He's not like quite
huge yet, so he's still goingto be sort of low. I'm going
to say one hundred bucks? Isthis week one hundred bucks? All right?
What do you think, Skuy?Yeah, that's the tough part because
he's great, he's talented, butit's just how many people are aware of
him at this moment, so I'mgoing a little bit higher. I'm going
to say one, twenty five,twenty five. All right, what do

you think Thor? I think twohundred bucks. I think he's bigger on
TikTok than people think he's really beenhere. I think two bucks. Now,
well, because Thor went the highest, he nailed it was it.
Matt Friend charges five hundred hundred onCaro. That's crazy. Yeah, hey,

listen if you can get it.Yeah, like here is right,
he's pretty big on TikTok. He'slike that right now. So that's what
you get. You'll see what impressionhe does for five hundred bucks from Matt
Friend. What excuse this is theOrlando message, right, it's your birthday.
Okay, that's excuse me. Shutyour math. This is gorgeous.
What I did you is that MiamigoOrlando is turning eighty years old. It's

a gorgeous thing, right, Mygood friend Orlando, Miamigo rode the golden
escalator up to the eightieth floor.He's a great guy. That's right,
folks. Your favorite Cuban grandpa iseighty years old. Can you believe that?
Folks? These are big numbers,folks. They huge. They're bigger
than the crowd size of Obamas inauguration. Right, this is great. Right,

my friends at Bara Laga, welike to invite you for golf.
Can you even play? His eightyyears old? He's an old guy,
right. But Milania wishes you,Ivanka wishes you one of the great birthdays
you've ever had. Many more,we love you, but we love me
a little bit more because I'm dargldTrump and Orlando. You're gorgeous. Thank
you very much. Ernie, welove Cuba. Ah, that's incredible.

Wow, that is incredible. That'sso what an impression. I don't know
if it's five hundred dollars right,that's good. All right, let's get
to the next one. Spin thewheels. Who it lends on this time?
Wow? This is different? Okay, I don't even know if you

guys are gonna know who this personis. It is landed on the host
of the TV show Cheaters, JoeyGreco dot. Do you guys know who
that guy? He got stabbed once? Right? Yeah? Show? Because
when you when you you know,the shole whole show Cheaters is, you
know, they go and they bustyou that whole thing and it went south

on him one time. I believe. Yes, that show used to be
crazy. Yeah, is it stillon the air? I don't know.
I don't I'm not sure. He'skind of dweeby looking, you know,
but he's the guy that goes andbusts you and you're cheating, and it's
the whole thing. So that guyJoey Greco from Cheaters on cameo. What
do you think, Skuy? Howmuch do you think he charges? Okay,

I feel like there's there are peoplewho are gonna wamp this, but
I feel like it would have beena bit more popular back in the day
the stars fallen a little bit.So I'm gonna say one hundred bucks.
Hundred bucks, all right, whatdo you think, thor? I remember
watching Cheaters like late at night whenI was like in high school on the
weekend. Yeah, I'd be upcoming home from a party and turn on
TV and Cheaters would be off likea eleven PM. Yeah. Yeah,

So I'm gonna say he charges seventyfive bucks. Seventy five what I was
gonna say. I don't think I'mgoing higher than one hundred though, So
I'm going to go lower than thorand say sixty bucks. Sixty bucks?
Wow? All right again, Skuy, since you were the highest, what
you are the closest. Oh,Joey Greco from Cheaters goes one twenty five

Okay, crazy should have gone there. Yeah, one hundred and twenty five
bucks from Joey Greco. Justin JoeyGreco here, Samuel reached out, let
me know who's your birthday. Healso let me know how much the uh,
the guys around there enjoy watching theshow. So, first of all,

thanks because all that supports appreciated.Second of all, though, I
want to say, guys, ifyou need my Netflix password, let me
know. There's tons of good thingsout there, Umbrella Academy, oh Zark,
Stranger, things that are probably moreinteresting than than the show, but
it's still appreciated. Self deprecation.Oh got it? Okay, all these

shows, we know they're better thanCheaters. Yeah, you should have done
a hot bit like my buddy's tellingme that he saw your wife cheating on
you. That's funny. That shouldbe his bit every time. You don't
have to think about it, right, I love it. You didn't do
that, No, you didn't.All right, we got time for one
more spin the wheels on this time? Oh wow, it okay. This

is interesting because I think he's inthe news for not great things. It
is landed on I don't know exactlywhat his title is if he's the American
Idol creator a producer Nigel Liftgow Ohyeah, he did so you think you
could dance? Too? He wasa judge on that as well, the
executive producer. Executive Yeah. Ithink there was some sexual We had some

some issues there, especially Paul Abduellcoming out saying that to yes, like
very aggressive, gonna be interesting.Nigel Lythgal from American Idol, So you
think you can dance? That kindof stuff? On cameo? What do
you think he charged the store?I mean, if you're a Nigel the
lift goal fan, right, becauseyou watch what you think you could dance

and you don't watch this show.Hu. But me and Mary Murphy good
friends. That's true. It's sotrue. Mary Murphy, Yeah, we're
on a TV show to like asaying on that show yes, and she
does this like scream and I watchedthis for a hot second. She gets
all screamy with her hand. Bitch, boys, she's a big fan of
me. Wow, that's so nice. Have you got on the hot Tomy

train? Oh? Yeah, waitwhat I feeling? I don't know what
that means, but yeah, okay, do you have a Do you have
a little crush on very very no? I think that's the opposite. You
know, Edie might be she wantsto might be. Okay, Eddie train's
coming through and Mary mur everyone wantsto jump on the caboose okay, very

small cabooz. I'm gonna say onefifty fifty all right, what do you
think, Eily? I'm gonna gohigher because like those dance people are really
really you know, the dance momswould really like this for their kids.
So I'm gonna go higher, andI'm gonna say two hundred buck. Sorry,
what do you think? Guy?Yeah? I feel like, even

though it's gross and I'm creeped outby it, I agree with Emily.
First off, this guy so rich. I don't think he needs the money,
and the people in the dance worldare crazy, so I could see
a dance team paying for something likethis. So I'm going to say two
fifty Oh you go hire, yeahfifty, Well, because you did,
guy again, you are the closest. This is unbelievable. This is one

of the highest ones we've seen.If you want something from Nigel Lithgow,
it's going to cost you one thousanddollars. So we don't have a clip.
Then somehow we do what. It'sgot to be what you said,
Skuy, because oh, he hasso much money, he doesn't want to
do them, and we'll do itfor that. I don't know. I
don't understand. One thousand dollars areserious? Wow, this is what you

get for one thousand dollars from NigelLithgow. Hi, Diane, Nigel lithgo
here from so you think you candance your son Greg and I would love
to wish you a happy eighty fourthbirthday. And from what I understand,
couple of days after your birthday,you are on the AARP's Motown dance party.
Well you know that I judge dancers. Fortunately I didn't see you,

but I'm sure like Bruno Toni fromDancing with the Stars, you were Lovisi
and an eighty four year old divisionEddie. Would you have paid a lot
of money for a Len Goodman cameowith us. Oh that's sad day.

That was so not cool. Eddiewas just having Bruno fun and now real
bit, would you would you pay? Would you pay? I'm not talking
Eddie. I drained my bank account. Bring him back one train? Would
you you've gotten to say? Nomore messing about? That'd be great,
That would be great, man,of course. Anyway, on that note,

the first round of the Masters wentdown yesterday, and guess who was
in the mix. Tiger Woods.Yes, we're gonna see how he played
yesterday and his quest for another majornext to sports stirt. Well, the
Padres had the day off yesterday,a date after they won their first series

of the season, as they beatthe Cubs on Wednesday. But there you
go it. You don't have toask anymore. They won a series finally.
Well last year they remember last yearit was win one, lose to
win one, lose to win tolose three like well like it was an
epic game, man, they Emilywas there. Yeah, it was awesome.
They were, you know, hittinghome runs, thrown corona worth hit
one pro far had a great one. Yep. I happened to be going

to the restroom. Win one ofthose happened and the other one team shop
and I missed both of those Youwent to the team shop during the game.
We just went for a second?Was wrong? You go for a
second. You're the weirdest fan I'veever met. Yeah, you love Mookie
Betts. You go bathrooms all thetime. You didn't go between ins.
You got while they were up atlate. That's crazy. I would never

do that. Hey, you thinkI'm going to a Yankee game and I'm
getting the gift shop in the sixthhe cares about is on the jumble trunk?
Go to the gift shop before thegame? Or if we got there
late. Here's the late. Imean we got stop. We saw the
first pitch, but we didn't getthere enough time. Don't you get there
late? I met late to notI want to be my severer first pitch.

I didn't have enough time to goto good team store first. Well,
here's the thing. We're in atough spot now. But because the
Padres are starting a series against theDodgers tonight in in l A, the
Emily is going to be torn.I'm not going to be a cheer for
my favorite players. Huge podcast.My favorite player is Mookie betts favorite.
I never said it's gonna be atough One's gonna be a tough one.

He's having a great season right now. Not think about Mookie Beck five homers.
The guy's MVP Canny right now.He's got tattoo on her back.
I don't know a movie bets portraiton my back. It's I didn't rize
he was having this good of ayear. My god. Let's that's pump
the brace. We probably find thatEmily is a fan. Ye play for

her to start tonight. Game timewill be seven to ten guys the first
round. And the Masters got downyesterday. While almost it wasn't quite the
beautiful day we were expecting out hereat Augusta. Well, we had a
little bit of thunderstorms in the morning, you know. Luckily they did clear
it the way to be able toget out there and play. Eventually got

to tee off and have former Masterschampions Gary player Jack Nicholas, Tom Watson
out there. Wonderful, beautiful andas we finally got things going, bryceon
d Chambeau was the early leader andhe did end up holding a seven under
lead through one. Now, therest of the field couldn't really get all
of their you know, rounds in. Scottie Scheffler did he was one shot

back. But Tiger Woods was outthere looking like Tiger Vold. He looked
he was in good shape, andyou know, he looked pretty good like
the whole time. Well, heonly you know, got to play thirteen
before you got too dark or whatever, and he was one under through thirteen.
Now he did finish up his round. He's gonna have to play twenty

three holes of golf today, whichon his body and his back and his
leg and stuff like that. I'ma little concerned. And round two didn't
go as well for him this morning, as he ended up finishing one over
for his first round, which isnot great. But you know that means
he was too over for the lastwhatever how many holes, five holes,

and so he has to play afull eighteen now later on today, So
we'll see how that goes. Yea, And you know, I don't know,
I'm pulling for Tiger. I wantedto play well. Yeah, you
know, it's hard to it's hardto watch him not be great. Yeah,
I just would he's retired, yea, I saw, yeah, but

he finished one over. But stillI feel like somebody was like Tigers.
I saw Rich Eisen tweet Tiger toldyou all, and I'm like, let's
see if he makes it past Saturday, Like when was the last time he
finished the tournament? Like or youcould look positively and say, hey,
maybe the eat he had he recapturesmagic. He's done. He's done that.

I've definitely heard that. So yesterdaywe got more details on what exactly
went down between show Hey Otani andhis interpreter. Well, apparently this interpreter
is a real scumback. This guywas really massive criminal, Like, oh
yeah, it was bad. Hewas deceiving everyone and somehow got a hold
of Otani's financial information and was usinghis accounts to bet over sixteen million dollars.

Now they have text messages between thisinterpreter and the bookie, and he
even admitted to the bookie that hestole the money. And then once it
kind of came out that he knewhe was done. Oh so he's already
admitted it basically, and they havethe text messages. A show're like,
yeah, no, I stole themoney, now did he? And I

want to see how the dates lineup on all this, you know what
I mean, it happened so afterit came out, yeah that you know,
he allegedly stole this money. Thebook he said, oh yeah,
I bet this is a cover upor whatever, and the guy responded,
no, I stole the money.I'm I'm done. But if you're if
you're the guy taking the fall foryour boy, you could intentionally be sending

those text messages to cover for yourbet. Don't know if it's that deep,
Sky, I think you know so, So we're because I know,
when the story first broke, peoplewere thinking it was shady business. So
nobody's thinking that anybody. It doesn'tlook good as far as like this interpreter
guy. They say, there's noevidence that showed Shootani knew anything about it.
He wasn't the one placing the bets, so even if he somehow did,

nothing's going to show that he wasinvolved in it. That hing,
So he's his hands are probably goingto be clean in this. But this
guy, I mean, he's facinglike thirty years. Yeah, well he's
expected to surrender to authorities today.Soho, he's definitely in some hot water
for sure. Sports Start is broughtto you by Pallamar Health. Uh.
We got the news yesterday that someonefrom the show Lore has died. Now,

normally this would be a sad thing, but I'm not sure how anybody
actually feels about this. We're goingto talk about the death of OJ Simpson
coming up next on the show andRock with A five to three That is
led Zeppelin on the show. It'sRock one O five to three. So

yesterday the news came down, andit's such a weird feeling and situation,
especially for us here on the show, because if you've been listening to this
show for any length of time,I want to say, for what sky
two decades? I mean, aslong as the show has been around.

OJ has been a part of thisshow. And you might be going like,
what the heck? Yes, youknow, I've been doing this OJ
impression since day one, Yes,you know, and you know it's always
been in some sort of goofy thingof you know, the OJ voice and
all that stuff. And so whenthe news came down yesterday that O.
J. Simpson passed away kind ofweirdly suddenly, but not you know,

I didn't know that he was reallysuffering from prostate cancer. I don't know
how many people did. I guessback in May of last year, he
had mentioned it in one of hissocial posts. You know, how he
really got well, he's big onTwitter. Yeah, and he'll do a
video and he'll say hello Twitter world, which is weird. He and he

calls yours truly every and the weirdthing is is that Twitter is not really
for videos. He wouldn't post onInstagram. Yeah. So in May of
last year, he kind of brieflymentioned the diagnosis but kind of suggested that
he had beaten it and all waswell in the world of OJ. Yeah.

Really weird. I I I'm shamedful, shamed to say I followed OJ
on Twitter. You did, Idid the videos. I thank you?
But a minute, What are youdoing here, juice from behind from the
grave, that you've chosen our showat your first still here? Yeah,
I feel like Luke Perry Juice,Why did you choose Twitter as your spot?

Or x it's the hot spot?You ever heard of? TikTok TikTok
Juice before you went? Did youhave anything you want to admit? Glad
you asked, because to my dyingbreath, I was still looking for the
real killer, my biggest regret life. I could not find them. Your

biggest regret, I could not findthem. Seem like you were looking my
biggest regret couldn't find them. Youwere always on the golf course, the
partying in Vegas. All the cluesled me to the golf course. How
does that make any sense? Makesno sense? You could wow? So

yeah, you know we you know, found out yesterday that he succumbed to
this cancer. Yeah, it's seventysix years old. And like, okay,
we heard the news. I'll behonest with you. It was a
shock to the system. Yeah,because like, do I feel bad that
OJ died? No, Like Imean the guy murdered, murdered. I

mean, yeah, it's pretty overwhelming. I mean, look at the glove.
It does not fit. Tried.My favorite part of that whole scene
is when he's holding the gloves uplike I told you, told proof right
not. Yeah, cannot murder somebodyif gloves don't fit. But I mean

what I mean, you had anotherglove under your head, glove on,
gloves like soaked in blood, sothey shrank because its leather, Yeah,
all of it? Maybe. Yeah, it's so do I feel bad?
No? I don't. Is itsad that anybody dies? Kind of?

But not, like I don't knowhow I feel. Man, It's like
the weirdest feeling in the world.What's weird too about OJ was he's even
after all of this, like he'sso he was so crazy that he still
tried to act like cool OJ,like he never changed to It was like
nothing. It was like if ifShack ever murdered, somebody got acquitted and

then still tried to be shock,it would be like, what Shock,
what are you doing here? I'mnot going to kill anybody, but Chuck
better look out for heart disease.We got it, Shack, you got
it. Listen. Yeah, Soit was. It was really weird,

weird feelings about it. You know, I don't know. I guess we
can still make the jokes. Iguess. I don't know. It's just
such a weird deal. But uhyeah, I think the world right now
is going like, oh, Idon't know, like what the heck,
Like, what do you say aboutthat? Because you're not sad? No,
somebody like that kills him. Butand I've got to wonder because you

know, Thor made the comment thereyou're on your deathbed. You know you're
dying, this is your time?Did he like a family member? They
said he was surrounded, his kidswere there. They were still in his
life. You know, it's swiftthis man you want to you know,
go to the graate neon like repentyou do you? And that point say

and do you think if you're oneof his kids that he had with Nicole,
do you say something to your dadon his deathbed? Like dad,
are you sure there's nothing you wantto tell me? Or do they believe
him so much that they don't likehow weird is that? I was thinking
about that yesterday of like, didhe finally admitted to somebody and maybe they
keeping it to themselves. He didwrite a book called If I Did It,

which was wild that yeah, andhe brought I have it, Yeah,
yeah, I have it. It'sa hypothedicle and he broke down what
he would do if he did it, everything that he how I would have
gotten away with it basically, YesI didn't. I think they were selling
it right and they pulled it eventually. I got a copy of it.

I have one that's incredible. Yes, it's unbelievable. Yeah, yeah,
I don't know. So he's it'sit's the weirdest thing ever. But yeah's
dead well, and when he passedaway, he still owes the Goldman family
like over a hundred million dollars becauseagain he was acquitted in criminal court but
in civil court. So now theGoldman family is going to try and find

out did he put everything in atrust so they can't get their hands on
it after his death money or wasthere even any money to get the hands
on? Who knows? You goto watch yourself over there, okay,
okay, Jos, Speaking of voices, It is free Comedy Friday today with
one of our favorites, Pablo Franciscois going to join us in studio when

we get back on the show androck with a five to three. That
is Corn on the show. It'srocking over five to three. We just
had a whole show off the end. It was a free Comedy Friday today
and Sky we've known this guy.He's been coming in our show for over

twenty years. Yes, I meanI was thinking about it the other day,
Mike. I've known Pablo Francisco forover twenty years. Yeah, which
is unbelievable. Tungles by so quickly, but we're not getting any older,
you know what I'm saying. That'samazing. Hey listen, if you're talking
energy, this guy's got it.Pablo is performing this weekend at the American
Comedy Company. You definitely want togo see Pablo. A couple of shows
tonight, a couple of shows tomorrownight, and Pablo. That's the one

thing I'm going to tell you rightnow. You go strap yourself in to
a Pablo Francisco show, because yeah, it's from the start to finish,
it's a company. We'll call itmisery Kitty, that's right. But yeah,
we've had a good time last night. But the cops come, look
at me, guy goes, Man, your eyes look look glassy. You've
been drinking. I go your guyslook lazy. You've been eating donut oh

jostyblo. Do people think you're alwayshigh on something? Yes, but that's
okay because uh, it's uh,it's kind of well, you know,
I'm because I'm excited. You're notstop. Yeah, and you know,
people go, hey, man,there's something wrong you're you know. Yeah,
I pay attention, but you haveto if you're doing no. I
just you know, it's okay.Sometimes I get excited. I like to

move around, but I talk fast. Yeah, they'll give me auction are
to forty five, but I coulddo that. That that one guy you
see the pharmaceutical commercials. Yes,it'd be like three Plavix really helps your
heart. And then you get BusterRymes and Pablo and the're thought kill you
suits get urination, I've got whatdo you say? But you're in good
hands with But anyhow, so arewe in slow motion to you? But

do we not talk about fast enoughfor you? No? Due to the
astronomic physics. They say that youwatched the shows that uh yeah, I
know. It could be like onthe next Forensic Files, Pablo Francisco was
talking too fast that they had astory to tell whenever you come down,

Pablo, you know we're right closeto the border. Yeah. And I
always think about you going down toTJ and having a good time down there,
and oh you like the discothecas.Yeah, you know you go there
one with white guy? Sure forgothey, man, don't pick on myself,
senior Reta, take her home andget you know, I'm looking for
all those girls out there. Yeah. I go right around the corona and

I said, do you want tohave some sex? Get it to you
want to have Yeah, I'm done, Ye, shake your head, pour
the bottle down a whistle, spendtime and he's getting his aggressions out of
you. Still take your head.He didn't keep me the ptels get out
of your Yeah, So can weget an isolation camera on Emily's face during

putting Poplar Francisca's here. Emily islike staring at Pablo right now, like
I don't understand what he's saying.I don't understand what's going on. It's
so funny. Face put your processingit. You can't. You cannot blame
Sosal for that guy, you knowlook so crazy. Okay, start fish,
you made a deal with Sosa fora million dollars? What are you

thinking? What are you thinking?Montana? Listen together, Emery, me
and I get you know there willbe seventy thousand million pure o. Okay.
As if Mark Wahlberg granted here gooddoing good? Did he good?
He's in every movie? Well healways had a brother. Mark Wilberg always

had a breath because in every movierun Around, he's on the he's at
the atm hey Man, you gettwenty dollars. Diddy good in every movie
Star Wars, hey Man, GeorgeVader, you're my father. I don't
think so, George Twelver, Diddycould crazy? Which again, Paul blows

before we got American Comedy Company thisweekend, A couple of shows tonight,
a couple of shows tomorrow night.Now, we were just talking about,
you know, being it's so weirdyou Normally I would say the unfortunate passing
of but it's is it? Idon't even know O. J. Simpson
dying is like such a weird storyman. Yeah, and at seventy six,
I thought it would be like alittle bit older. But to the

DNA analysis, he went through him. But a molecule, a Dingleberry crashes
straight into his butt. Crack hada story to tell. Did you ever
meet Oj? I met him onetime at h He was at the improv
in uh in Miami, and TommyDavidson would go on stage and he and
I guess he lived right across thestreet, so he would put a mask
on and at the very end ofTommy show, he would come up with

a banana and stab him with bananaand then take off the mask and everybody
give him the standill y got.He got addicted to doing that, so
we kept on going there. Iswear to God it and he couldn't find
a banana at the last minute.So he asked for a knife, and
all the cooks going he leaned intothis murder. I don't know anything about

it, man. You know,think about how insane that is. When
he pulled up and he got addictedto it. Tom We've come in the
next day. We've got Tommy inhere a hundred times. I've never heard
the story before. Gary, GaryMenker, who told me that one that
is so crazy. That is whyyou know, like listen his guns and
roses going to play and not doWelcome to the Jungle. Is oj gonna

get on stage and not to astabbing bit? I mean it kind of
just keep against a nice free becausewe don't want him. You can give
him as a free gift. It'sthat easy. And I totally one hundred
percent true too, because I sawit was going viral. He did an
interview on a recent a while agoand lady lady yeah, and he like
grabbed the knife and she opened thedoor and he pretended to like ah,

and she so like he clearly loveddoing it. He did the interview with
they were like, okay at JannyWright and she goes, okay. This
is what happened after the interview andthen she's like talking to the cameraman also
in the door, but it comesin. Yeah, yeah, it's something
that is nothing want. Yeah,he's like just kidding, funny. It's
a hot bit, yeah hot andkeep the gets you nice for free.

It's that easy. Yeah, Socome on down to the show. Very
comedy company. You know, whoknows we'll show up on stage of Pablos.
You know, you know Parucy isgonna man, you wants some booths
right there, come on job.But yeah, it's a good place to
take a date because you know whatwe do all the talking at least,
you know, conversation for a littleyou know, you know it's gonna it's

gonna be fun. We have dustand white bar there there Harry. Yeah,
he's looking with me right now.And the time he takes a shower,
that hair it just looks like aferret right in the so yeah,
due to the DNA. But anyout, that's a great show. Yeah
sounds awesome. Back to back ForensicFiles after a while, Man, I'm
surprised the commercials or not like that. You know, Hey, Snuggles,

did you know Snuggles gets out bloodyand forensic mascot where you've been recently.
I went down to where was Iwas in Birmingham, Alabama, and it
was actually kind of kind of turnedout. The white you know, they
call it white trashy, but yeah, they're kind of hot in a weird
kind of like trailer kind of way. Yeah, hey, do you lack
me Li sull like that? Butthat's well, that's after yeah, you

close the deal. But other thanthat, everything, uh, other than
that man just been torn after thatCOVID or that omnikron. Yeah, yeah,
that sounds like that's kind of weird. Omni cron sounds like a turned
in the COVID nineteen. The omnicron. It sounds like a Transformer's STD
or something that sex with the dumptrucks, but one in the stink in
the bank, one in the street, one in the concrete. So imagine,

imagine like a trans am. Wehave a new l O. It
comes to us in a trans am. I I am Kitlyn Jenner. Okay?
Is he a milf? No calladrexic milk not fat milk. We
call cocaine powdered milk Asian milf.S Now, Now, what's happening with

Emily Face of the Joe's are kindof going, You're gonna work. There's
no coffee, no coffee in No, there is Goze. Bob loves performing
at the American Comedy Come in.You can't gouble today for the whole family.
That really is it? Really?You are not supposed to grocery shop

on an empty stomach, like theytell you not to do that because you're
hungry. Everything looks good. Sohow much more do we actually spend when
grocery shopping on an empty stomach?We're gonna find out coming up next on
the show A Rock on a fivethree Blink, Hello, Blink one eighty

two. On the show, It'sRock one O five to three. So
we talk a lot about Emily groceryshopping because she goes grocery shopping almost every
single day. And if you groceryshop that much, you know things happen.
Yeah, and they do to Emily. Yeah. Now, I don't
know if we've ever discussed this ornot. Do you ever go grocery shopping
and you're hungry. I'm usually prettygood about making sure I eat before I

go grocery shopping, but it's justeating before I'm going out of the house
to run errand's so I'm usually prettygood about it. But it's when she
goes when she's hungry, she's usedthe grocery, throws her own pantry.
Yeah, and she starts crying whatevershe wants, bags on the ground.
I throw bags on the ground.What's in the blue mood? If I
am like all of a sudden itturns on me in the middle of my
shopping trip and I'm like, oh, my tummy feels not good because I'm

hungry. So all it's Tommy,what do you ate? Tummy feels not
good. You've never not been hungry, you know, you know what the
hunger feels like. Yeah, itmakes me sick. And so I will
grab a box of triskets. IfI'm buying triscuts. She grabs out the
people's carts. I mean I don't. I just open the trisks take like
three triskets out and close the books. A couple of grapes from the produce

I don't eat, and they putit back on the shelf grapes, and
you put it back on the show. I put it in my cart to
buy, and then you pay forit. You eat it, they'll before
you pay for it. Yeah,I'll have a couple of truss that's the
same car to leave in the middleof the parking lot, right, I
don't leave parts in the middle ofthe parking lot. I don't know you've
done that before. Yeah, I'msure everybody's done that at one point.

That's not true. Well, whenthere's a cart corral that's football field around
football so full of it. Yeah, grocery stopping when you chopping when you're
hungry is not smart. Everything looksgood, you really, it's not smart.

You just start throwing stuff into everythingand then then like the next day,
I'm like, why did I why? Like sardines? Sardine? Like
what am I fi? You knowwhat I mean? Because everything looks good,
I'm like, you know what protein? Well, I got one.
That's even worse when you're high shopping, because not only do you buy all

the crap food, but then youalso sometimes tend to forget to buy the
stuff you actually even came in forthat, so it's like a double loss
when you realize what has happened whenyou left the grocery seat. Eight different
things of oreos, but bread exactsfor days, but nothing to make dinner
with. Thank you? Why doI have nine packages of circus animals those

in the mini chrumb donuts. That'sridiculous. Well, yeah, they actually
looked into how much more it's gonnacost you if you shop while you're hungry.
Yeah, and the majority of usknow this is a thing, Like,
it's not like we're stupid and wedon't realize that this happened. Seventy
six percent say yes, if Ishop when I'm hungry, I know I'm

gonna spend more. And we alsoadmit when I shop when I'm hungry,
I'm more likely to buy foods I'mtrying not to eat, like you know,
on my diet and stuff. Seewhen I'm when I shop when I'm
hungry and I'm trying to be healthy, it's a nightmare combination because then I
buy things that I will never eat, but I'm hungry and I'm trying to
be super healthy. Yeah. IfI buy like cereal that's just dusty,

okay? Yeah, or like youbuy like this special ice cream that tastes
like ice you know what I mean? Good stuff. Well, according to
this recent study, they say,if you shop when you're hungry, you
are gonna spend just under an extrathirty bucks per trip, and they say
people make about two trips a week, So they say that's about sixty bucks

more every week you're gonna spend justif you shop hungry good? Yeah,
well not if you're emily as yougo. If I show my feeling that
so I'm gonna eat trist back onthe shelf, I don't put them back
on the I love. They thenasked, people will hold my gnawing on

a t bone rawsteak in the middleof healthy, Yeah, scanning the bone.
You don't understand the difference between eatinga raw t bone and having three
triscuts out of the box. She'sripping open pork chops. Why would why
would like that would make your tummyworm? Raw pork? Family goes behind

the deli counter, just scoop somemacaroni salad in her mouth. She's cutting
her own meat cut. Why wouldI just escalate to me being behind the
deli counter cutting my own my tummy? Yeah, Tommy, even similar's working

taking orders, can get your babynow the deli count Wow, how do
you want to Is this thin enoughfor a pound of roast beef? Man
doing makes zero reed. Sitting inthe cart like sticking out. I think
it's a little bit like a baby. So while I'm working my cart's cart

there with my thirteen year old sonsitting in the cart like a cart full
of Yeah, it's not a cartful, that's what's happened. It's three triscuits
from a box, got a wineopener, now drinking wine. What you
like? What do you like to? You can drink when you cook and
you're technically you're cooking and cutting me. Yeah, her shift has gone a
little long. You know this,I don't I gotta go to it's a

scene. Yeah, So I'm working, I'm cutting meat, eating raw pork
chops and ta bones, drinking winewhile my thirteen year olds and sits in
the car next to me. Yes, that sounds about right. That sounds
about right. Not surprising. Ohmy lord, how old do you think

Brad Pitt is? A guy lookstwenty five. Well, we're gonna go
over these celebrities that look way youngerthan they actually are. Coming up next
on the show A rock on fiveto three ac DC on the show it's
Rock one O five to three.If I were to ask you, guys,

how old do you think Brad Pittis just by looking at him,
what would you think? I mean, you know, it's not like he's
the Brad Pitt of you know,back in the day when he was in
Thelma and Louise. But I meanyou look at him and you go,
he still looks fantastic. Yeah,Like if I met that guy at a
bar, I'd be like, he'sin his mid forties. Yeah, yeah,

I think that's fair. Yeah,but a good look at like,
yeah, my Godkay, he's incredible. And so if I were to tell
you Brad Pitt is sixty years old, how would you feel like? I
don't believe I was going to saymakes six. He's sixty you possible.

It doesn't look like he's had anywork. I'm sure he's had work done,
but he doesn't look like he looksrugged and delicious look had already?
Did you just say rugged? AndI don't want to. I support that
look at that. I mean,I agree, I am delicious in no
way homosexual, and there's nothing wrongwith it. If you but that guy
is delicious. He looks better thanAngie if I dug up with one of

them, hooking up with Brad giveme a brain. Now you're going to
sorry, now you're going to doand I don't know we should say that
clip or how many times has BradPitt made your best looking hunks in Hollywood
every year? Right, Eddie,I'm glad that you brought that up,
especially the guys in Hollywood. Comeon, in twenty one, I mean
in twenty twenty one, yeah,Brad was number one. Wow. In

twenty twenty two, Brad was numbertwo, And in twenty twenty three Brad
was number three. He's falling.Oh yeah, shoot the older he gets,
I get it. But the factthat he's still top three, top
three since the list started, Imean that list is unbelievable. Thank you.
Yeah. Every November so okay,guys, I start doing research now,

So every November, I can't waitto see where Brad falls. This
year you start a movie, becauseI mean he's slowly going down the list.
Well he becomes out of the moviethis year. Still about status.
The summer is a big deal.A lot of stuff happens, break lot
of stuff happened in the summer.Well, we have the rankings here of
these celebrities who look way younger thanthey really are. So it's probably gonna

blow your mind. A little bitof how old these people actually are.
I don't know, it's just andand most of the celebrities that look younger
than they are have had very goodwork done or not a lot of work
done. Most lemies have had alot of work done. Look old,
Yeah weird. So then you havethe j lo O's of the world who
are reversing age exactly. Jay looksto look better now than she did when

in her twenties. Go back andlook at like money Train and see the
Jlo then compared to Jaylo. Nowwe're like, what the hell? Yeah,
what's going on? Yeah? Superweird. Well yeah, that's an
article that just came out names ahandful of celebrities that they say people were
blown away. These were the onesthat people were the most surprised how old
they were. We have Mario Lopez. Oh, that guy looks amazing.

He's had work though. You cansee the work on Mario well, just
like a lot of botox, butnot like crazy facelips or anything. First
of all, calm down. Itlooks like the AC we know, and
I just wanted to I don't knowif he still looks like the AC.
We His face looks very plastic.Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say,
delicious. So how old? Howold do you guys? I think

Mario is hang on, if youhad a choice to hook up with Ac
or Zach, where are you going? Because I always thought you were Zach?
Cow are you asking today or backin the day? Now? Now
today, Zach? Or accuse backin the day Zach all day? Yeah,
this is what Zach looks like now, gorgeous, as good as rugged.

He's doing everything he can to notlook like Zach Morris. True.
Really, wow, Mario gonna callme mama. Yeah. With his wrestling,
Mario, I believe we got tobe around the same age. Yeah,
because you know I was that aroundhis age when Saved by the Bell

came out. Yeah, so I'mgonna I'm gonna say, yeah, like
fifty, Yeah, that's what Iwas gonna say. I agree with Eddie.
I don't think he looks like BradPitt where it's like he looks nobody
looks like. Yeah. But Idon't think looks twenty years younger than he
does. I don't think a Clooks twenty years younger. I think he
like But so I think we knowhow old Mario is because that's changes it

with, say by the bell.But I think if I saw that guy
off the street, I would saythat guy's forty years old, Like forty,
i'd make forty five. You goforty five forty Oh wow, very
okay, well fifty, you guysare right, he is he is fifty
panic man. Okay, I've neverheard that. Okay, that's why I've
never I don't know. I don'tknow, but I don't crack. We've

heard that and then hispanic tim panic. Okay, I have to sit with
it. You just start with Idon't know how to feel. Started a
phrase. I don't get it,but it doesn't really make it. You
can't really. When Eddie said it, I was like, yeah, that
makes sense, like I knew exactlywho was talking to you. But if
you ever think and it doesn't makeit, it makes it. No,
it's really stupid. Yeah, theydon't panic. They're very brave. Next

Sigourney Weaver, she like that,I don't think. But that being said,
this is they are older than weOkay, yeah, so Sigourney be
in her seventies. I would saysixty five. I'm I'm older. I
think she is seventy. But againwe're supposed to be guessing based on how
they look, not us knowing it'sgreat what your aliens came out? Blah

blah blah blah. Like, lookat that gal, how old is that
to make that? I think she'slike sixty? Nigh you say seven?
Weird left side of her? Okay, you don't have a stroke, I
think, Oh, I'll take itback. I think she looks like sixty,
but tee a seventy four? Oh, okay, she hasn't looked seventy
four. I'd still get with it. Oh you would get with Gordy Weaver?

Yeah? Do you give Eddie ahard times? Why? Curtis No,
Here's why. Because I don't likethe pixie haircut. Here's why.
I get why. Here's why Iget what's Gorny Weaver? If you're telling
me she looks this good at seventyfour, I find that hot, even
though I don't think she's that hot, but the fact that she looks like
that at seventy four, see,you may be a really hard time.
We win one. I think itwas the p one podcast where I broke
down my list of the hottest GUILTFHthat's right, Jamie. Obviously number one.

I have a thing for Kathy LeeGifford. Did you do a top
ten list? I don't think so. I think ten hot. He's hot
as guilt scorning in on the listright now into it. I want to
be something about the big bush thatyou saw back in the Alien. You
know she's running around her underwear.It's a different time. Like guy was

hiding in her underwear. Okay,I need a top ten. That's amazing.
I'm not hiding in her under Ithink you might have been in there.
I need a top ten Eddies hot. His hair was peeking out of
her underwear. All right, I'llwork on it. I'll work on it.
I kind of gave away from mynumber one is though. Sorry and

there's no argument, there was noforgot. It gave me the courage catholic
different on. Oh, don't comeon, don't disrespect the list, all
right, kus Keano's opened up there. He looks good. Yeah, he
looks like he's forty, John,I love him. The guy looks like
he's thirty. Yeah, it's insane. I don't know. I don't know

how old Kean. He's older thanme. He's older than me. I
know that. I think he lookslike forty five. Yeah, yeah,
he's right. Keanu fifty nine yearsold? Wow, sixteen looks great.
Yep, look great. Paul Rudd, We've discussed many. He always looks
like he's the same. He alwayslooks like he's always been. This is
always forty. Yeah, it's crazy, it's so true. He has fifty

five. He's fifty five. Phenomenal. Ye. Lenny Kravitz, we just
saw on lifting whites and leather pants. It was the weirdest thing I've ever
seen. Yeah, he's so skinny, he's always always lifting me. But
how old is he? He's upthere, but yeah, sixty five.
Yeah. I think it looks greatthough. Yeah, I just think he's

been around so long. It's fifty. Yeah, I say he looks like
fifty. He's older than me,fifty nine for like, its unbelievable.
Ralph Maccio, this is the oneI will never understand. Ralph Machio's age.
You know, when he was inKarate Kid, he was playing like
a sixteen year old kid. Hewas in his twenties really, so that
was then. Yeah, and thenyou go on and you think about all

the different things he's been in now, like, he does not look that
old and cobra ka, Yeah,he still looks great. He does not
look that in the forties. Yeahties, yes, he's not Ralph is sixty
two years ago. That's wow.Yeah too. People say I look pretty

good for my age, which Iappreciate. Yeah, but if I look
like Ralph Maccio in my sixties,done something right, because that's crazy.
It looks like Ray Romano. Takeit on, what do you? Ernie
Hudson makes the list from Ghostbusters Startingto go weirdly viral because I guess like
he again, somebody was talking abouthim or he showed like his body or

something. Yeah, so likes,this has to be why he's there.
Yeah, yeah, well he wasin the Quantum Leap reboot. That's definitely
not rip. They just announced noseason three. I wonder what it's so
hurtful. Good show. Ernie HudsonGoogle a picture because this is going to
blow your mind. Is seventy eightyears old, it's almost eighty. He

looks like he's sixty five. Dude, He's like, that's clazy black,
don't crack, span, don't panic. That's it. Wow. And speaking
of hispanic, don't panic top ofthe list. How old is Selma Hyak?
Dude? Wow, I'll tell youhow those Okay, I think they're
the same eight yummies are right?I think so? Yeah? Yeah,

maybe fifty five. I think she'slike fifty nine or something like that.
She's older than you would still,but how does she look? How old
do you have to be to qualifyfor my guilt flip the guilt list?
Over sixty? I mean, ifyou're fiftive, she's in there. Yeah,
I'd say over sixty. You gotto be over sixty, okay,
because because I think Sama Hyaks inher fifties and that makes the list too

easy? Fair yea fair? Wellyeah, I'm a Hiak like I think
she looks like she's forty years old. It's incredible. Uh, Samahayak was
born in nineteen sixty six. Sheis fifty seven years yummies. Okay,
so in three years she'll be onthe He's going, well, I'll revisit
it, visit it. Today's bigday, guys, Today is National grilled

Cheese Day. Wow, you guysremember when Emily made that girl? Yeah,
first I've ever had. We're gonnasee how many grilled cheese sandwiches we
eat every year. Coming up nexton the show, I'll rock one of
five to three in Cuba. Sawon the show It's rock one five to
three. Just had a moment inhere. You know, they're showing like

old OJ trial stuff. They showeda picture of Marcia Clark. Oh brought
back some memory store maybe some notso good memories of Oh came in here,
like Clark forget made that joke youdid? Did you go again?

It was an unfortunate haircut and theworst day of my life. If you
don't know someone, if you don'tknow someone with curly hair in your life,
the shorter you cut your hair,the more it will spring up and
curl up. Okay, stop pointingout the TV right now? She was
and they stopped showing her. AndI came in one day after haircut that

was a little too short. Idon't think you've gotten a haircut since I
don't think I have. And therewere some jokes and comparisons made or to
your face said I like your MarciaClark haired you what? And I laughed
out loud, I admit it.And Sky turns around and just starts crying
and walks out of it. AndSky doesn't cry. She's not sensitive.

She has thick skin. So itwas like if Emily cried, we'd be
like, God, who care Sky? It was like, oh no,
I knew thor went too far?Okay, I mean you were rolling on
the ground flashing like you would.I would never say you had never heard
anything. Was it really that short? It looked exactly like it did look

exactly like that, but it was. It was unfortunately short supercuts. It
took it. It took am minuteto come back. Well, if you
don't know the story about why marshClark got that haircut is like people were
talking about her and her style andyou know, all that stuff, and
it wasn't going so well because shewas the biggest thing out there when you
were watching that child was on everysingle day and she came in with that

hairdow and people were like, ohmy god, like what is she doing?
Man? Yeah, it was not. I felt the same way when
your hair was great. Now,what was it? What was where the
store the day that Sky came inwith that haircut, or the day that
we had to eat Emily's grilled cheesesandwich two, It was a bigger desire

her. I was more affected bythe grilled cheese because I had to eat
it. I didn't have to eatsky. I look at it was not
funny. Okay, shut up yearsago, take your jacket off, like
you're getting hot. At hot.Emily came on this show and claimed she
makes the best grilled cheese sandwich onthe planet, and we all questioned it.

We're like, okay, I don'tknow if I believe you. Put
it to the test. You makeus a grilled cheese sandwich and we'll try
it, and we'll tell you ifit's the best grilled cheese sandwich. Where
I will tell you. So shecame in here, made this pathetic.
Wasn't grilled because cheese wasn't melted.It works. The bread wasn't even toasted.

Really, it was like I wasin prison and I got two pieces
of bread and a piece of cheese. And what the worst part about it,
too, was is that bleeding upto it. The all morning she
was telling us how bad it wasgoing to be. That thing wasn't getting
hot. People ate better firefest Andit's not funny. I mean, that
was just two pieces of bread anda slice of that looks delicious compared to

what women. I'm an idiot.I'm an idiot because I went I had
Emily cook something for me again withthe turkey. I went back for seconds.
Imagine how that was. So sheclaims that our griddle in here didn't
get hot enough and that's why seeit on the bread wasn't toasted. With

your eyeballs, Oh, the griddlewas working. The bread would have been
toasted. And you still claim youmake a good grilled cheese. I do
because the guy who spent time inprison says it's a good grilled cheese because
I myself and it tastes delicious.But you tried other things you've had,
the other things you brought in here. It was the meal loaf for the

member. We told you to bringin the meal and it was that was
was one of the worst. Thatlike you're gagging. And of course the
pepper massed potatoes. That's always somethingtold something. Well, the pepper mas
potatoes quote wasn't her fault. Itwasn't the cheese. There sitting around I
was sitting around the table Thanksgiving withher family and everybody's eating the mass potatoes,

and her mom and sister were goingand I remember being like, I
guess we have to do this.It's so give like a thumbs up.
He's blatantly, he's he's the one. Okay, So was there something special
about that grilled cheese that was thatyou do different? Why butter the bread

on the outside with a little bitof mayonnaise because it has saggy crunch.
You don't butter, Sorry, yourbutter your bread with spread mayonnaise. And
so that's another reason why I didn'tlike it as much. You had done
regular butter. Look at him,not Rachel Ray. No, don't hold

the bread the whole sandwich. RachelRay. I just saw her make a
grilled cheese once with mayonnaise, andit kind of blew my mind. Looks
like it. Hey, well todayis National Grilled Cheese Day. Grilled cheese.
There we go. You plan iton, oh, making us some

grilled cheese today, never making youguys anything again? Thank you perfect?
Great? You all was terrible.You're terrible. Okay. How many grilled
cheese sandwiches do you think you eatin a year? Two? Maybe I

don't. I don't. I makethem for my family a lot when they
want an easy quit like your own. Grilled cheese. I said, it's
delicious. Yeah, but I've tried. I try to eat healthy when I
cook for myself at home, soI'm not making grilled cheese. So you'll
make grilled cheese for the family andthen make yourself something else. Oh wow,
lots of times. So how oftendid you make them for? Like
your son probably make Robbert and Readgrilled cheeses once a month. Oh okay.

They dip ketchup with it, likesthe can tomato soup with Yeah,
you gotta go tomato soup. Idon't like to. I never. I
rarely have a grilled cheese. Andif I do, I dip it and
ketchup. Well that's so childish,child I like it. So you only

eat two grilled cheeses. Like whenyou go out, do you ever get
a grilled cheese? Sorry for asking, I don't do you? Yeah?
Especially like like I love Greater grilledcheese. That is one of my favorite
places. It's just it's not closeto me orl there quite a bit,
like because it's all they put itright. You can get they have like

like gourmet like you can get them, you know, with bacon in there
or tomato or or you can,you know they'll go crazy, like with
pastraw. At that point, you'reeating like a burger sandwich, like like
they have one on there with awith a patty in it. That's a
that's a petty melt. Or butit no longer it ceases to be a
grilled cheese at that but still delicious. And so every once in a while

Panera or whatever, you'll get asoup and a side, get inside the
grilled cheese with the soup. Ilike it. Okay, nice. So
if I for me, I eata grilled cheese six times a year,
I thought you would say more,maybe six or seven. I thought you'd

say, I'm somewhere in there interesting, how about you. I'm more of
a tune of melt. Guy lovea good tune of milk? Is that
right? I love it? Tuneof melt, he says, tune them
out. All he does is toastthe bread and patuna in it, and
not a tune. And then Iput a piece of cheese, man melted.
Rarely, I just want to eatand get it over with, But
my wife will make me a tuneof melt, like a legit, one

legit. And then every once ina while. I don't like to make
a grilled cheese because I don't liketo wait. Do you hear yourself?
You wait? It takes two minutes. It's just I gotta get the pan
out, like I sprayed the pan, and then I there's too much anything
you cook. It's what it is. It's one of the lesser things.
Yeah, that's crazy. So becauseof that, if Haley wants to my

wife make a good side note everytime. Now I'm in another room and
I go Haley, she always showsup. It's not funny. Don't you
don't just say no, Haley.You can't. You don't do that right.
Okay, So if she Hailey's gonnamake a cheese, so probably many

times it's saddy. You eat himlike six times a year? Yeah,
wait, hold on, I thoughtyou barely eat him. If I made
a mistake, if I'm if it'sjust me cooking, I didn't how many
times you eat them? So Imade a mistake. So then Haley six
times a year, Haley, becauseHaley will make them guys four times.

Okay, that's a lot, veryrare. The last time I've had like
just plain grilled cheese, I can'teven tell you. Yeah, like what
we call a grilled cheese, andour house has avocado on it. So
you do a grilled cheese and thenyou put some sliced avocados. So you
so you do it on the griddleand you grill the cheese so the cheese

is melty like open face and thenyou take it off theread cheese though shreaded
cheese. Yeah, and then offthe grill you put an open face well,
and then you put the avocado andthen you sandwich them together. Are
you talking? If it's shredded,it's not really grilled cheese anymore. No,
I mean it's melted. The cheeseis melted. This is more of
an avocado sandwich than a grilled cheese. If it was, it was,

and the cheese is shredded and youmelted and it's and put them together.
Is that not a g I wouldn'tsay. That's toasted with treaded cheese on
it with two piece shred the cheese. Once you shred the cheese, it
ceas being a grolled cheese. Youare the stupidest. The cheese. It's
no longer a good if the cheeseis full slice, If the cheese is

melted all slice? How would youknow the difference you a full slice and
a shredded feet if it's melted,you would? You won't know? Are
so weird? I don't like itoverly melted like you guys milt. I've
had some stupid things before. Thismight be the dumbest. I don't like
it as melted as you guys likeit. That I could tell if it's

if it's a slice or too slice. I know if the cheese is melted.
Yeah, but not I could it'sshredded. No, you can't.
You don't even know? I betyou she does. I bet she does.
Never. Can you tell the differencein water if it used to be
an ice cube? I mean,shredded and a full slice are completely different

and not melted of course, likean ice cube and water are different than
She never uses always a full slice. Well, just because that's what she
uses doesn't mean you can't. Wouldnever, It's like never, he's like
discussed. We'll find out she usedcheese? Would this mixture? She was

good for it? If she knows? What's so? How many grilled cheese
sandwiches on National Grilled Cheese Days doesthe average American eat well, this is
on average, and they say thatparents of young kids really throw this stat
off because of how many they makein their house. But according to this,
the average American eats thirty six grilledcheese is a year, three a

month, three a month, threea month. There's other foods out there.
Yeah, that's insane, like ona budget. Asked me, like,
how many burgers I eat? Thatdude, I don't eat? Yeah,
so three a month. They say, our preferred cheese is Cheddar.
Of course, are Americ slice likean American one too? Really just depends

it wasn't even a top three arereally Yeah, scene Cheddar, Mozzarella,
the short Eddar, dude, stoptalking because you can't take you anymore.
Seventy go butter Eor twenty percent gomao like Emily and Rachel Ray the same.
Yep, uh huh. And themost popular way to cut them is

in half diagonally. You have togo on a diagonal of grilled cheese diagonally.
More than half of the people doingthat, because if you're gonna dip
it, you like to dip thecorner first. Happy. I never say
you don't cut the ground. Youdon't cut it, all right, you're
so stupid. All right, guys, we got a new leader at the

Masters. You on Round of theMasters next to warts dirt. Yes,
speaking of the Masters, ladies andgentlemen, the first round are I love
this music, by the way,just puts you in the right fun it
does. And then your voice tone. You have to talk very calmly like

Jim nantz love friends. Welcome toAugusta. You sit here looking at the
uh, don't think of a flower? You can't think of anything that.
They don't have dandelions out of Augusta. How do you know they're like nice
flowers? What's a nice rose like? They don't have roses in Augusta.

I was just in Georgia at theBotanical gard tulips everywhere. Could you know
that they they put in fake birdnoises on the broadcast? Oh my god,
that would listen. I used tolove golf. I did, and
I still watch, but it's thedouchey it's broadcast. I played Eddie and

click. Jim Nance called the golfshot ticklish? What's wrong with that?
I don't think that's a great descriptivehere, that's what he said. I
love it. It's incredible. Honestly, he has a ticklish little shot coming
up. What this is what we'redoing? Now? I can't I can't
watch. I feel like now Iknow what he's talking about. Yeah,

well, they break down all theflowers and augusta. We have rink,
dog wood, we have a floweringpeach's flowering crab apple, your name,
of course, magnolia. That's atree, juniper tree? Hey sky,

what the hell's a barbarists? Allof a sudden, I don't know.
That's a bush. That's a bush? Yeah, yeah, apparently as sorry,
I don't know. Golden Bell.What is that? I don't know?
As that's his other cho Yeah,I used to have it in my

friend round okay, and then itdied o shocking anyway, first round of
the Masters went down kind of yesterday. Now, play was delayed a little
bit in the morning due to thunderstorms, but once they did t off.
Bryson D. Schambeau was the earlyleader. He ended up holding these seven
under lead, one shot better thanScotty Scheffler. Now, how did Tiger
Woods dude out there? I wasn'texpecting much, to be honest with you,

Tiger. You know, I thinkhe's sort of on the end of
his career, but he actually wasin the mix. He was one under
through thirteen, couldn't finish his roundbecause of darkness all that stuff. So
he actually is going to play twentythree holes today. Now as we are
sitting here the update, Tiger notplaying as well, not playing as well.
He is now too over for hisround. He is on the course

as we speak, so we'll seehow that goes in any minute. Now
he's going to say he's injured andcan't continue. Why do you quote that
he is? I mean he's brokenBrokeever, whenever he's playing really poorly,
he just he quits like litlely fieldthe exactly the stomach flu his leg hurts

or his back. You don't believehim, some weird thing, honestly.
No, Wow, he's such anhonest man. I Tiger, and I
still don't. But it's just timeto give it up. Man over,
No go to the Senior Tour andall the majors there. Well, we
do have a new first round orsecond round leader now. Max Holma has

now tied Bryson d Chambeau. Heis seven under as well, So Max
Homa now in the mix. Schefflerstill one shot back. Camp Smith is
up there, so we'll stick tunedto the Master's coverage amongst the Azaleas.
Oh there it is Eddie. ThePadres had the day off yesterday. They
won their first series of the seasonas they beat the Cubs on Wednesday.

So red hot as we start aseries against the Dodgers tonight in l A.
Got my King on the mound getsto start. Game time will be
seven to ten. Looks like Kentuckyhas their new head coach. They've hired
former player and BYU coach Mark Popeto be their next head coach. Now,
Pope played for Kentucky for a coupleof seasons, actually won the national

title with them back in the nineties. Pope has taken BYU to a couple
of NCAA tournaments, so obviously beinga former player who sort of makes sense,
yeah, to be the next guyat Kentucky. There you go.
That is sports dirt for today.We know that splitting up chores where your
partner can cause some arguments. Emilytalks about that a lot. Well,
we're gonna see what one couple isarguing about their chores when we get back

on the show on Rock five tothree, ask queen on the show.
It's Rock one oh five to three. So you know this goes whenever you
have to split up your household choreswith your partner, it could get a
little messy. We heard, youknow, from time to time Emily talk
about this, because you know,there was a deal made at the beginning

of their relationship that Robert his onlyjob, his only household chore, was
that he had to clean the bathroom. Emily said she'd do everything else.
How's that going, Well, it'snot. Oh lasted maybe a month in
the very very very very beginning whenI was pregnant, then really never happened
again. Oh that's not true,I said. He gets in their prison
style and he takes off all hisclothes, just his underwear of office,

and then you know we'll get inthere scrub clean. He's scrubbs. He
completely strips down and with just boxof briefs on and cleans the bathroom prison
style. That weird. Found thatreally weird everything If you if you're completely
naked, I feel weird. Ifhe had shoes on, I'm assuming he
has to be barefoot. Slides.Do you ever walk around naked? With

shoes on. It's really weird.But still, that's really weird. I've
let the dogs out, and Ilive on a dead end. There's nobody
across. I don't care. There'snobody across. You need a read robe,
there's nobody. I don't have aroof, there's nobody across the street
from me. So I'll let thedogs out in underwear outside and nope,

because it's dark out and nobody's there. No, I'll put shoes on,
and it's really weird. Splitting choresis never it doesn't work, you know,
So I get it. It's notgreat, it's not fun, but
it is what it is. Well, one couple is arguing about splitting the
chores, but there's a little bitof a difference. Yeah, so this

couple has been married for over adecade and they say, you know,
they've been really happy and chores upuntil a few years ago. Splitting them
equally was not a problem up untila few years ago, and then all
of a sudden when COVID hit.As a couple, they really got deep
into a hobby, and that hobbywas dungeons and dress oh anything. Well,

that's great. I can't even imaginebeing with somebody who was into that.
A cool couple. Dude, right, who's the DM? He is?
Wow? So he wears the pants. Okay, so yes, he
took over as the dungeon masks.This sounds so fun. Do you think
when they have sex he makes hercall him the Dungeon Master DM? DM.

Yeah, don't be weird, soshe doesn't say, like, you
know his real name. He's thedungeon mask. Okay, he's the DM.
He earns that power. Oh,there's other ways inflict pain. Okay,
okay, now you're two weird thingstogether. You think they rolled the
dice to see who gets to beon top. There's other ways to inflict
pain. Isn't it like a twentysided die? So how would you decide?

There's a lot of heads and tails. Listen, you don't know how
it works. Mean you have toroll a certain high amount to or whatever?
What? Okay, you know you'rebetter than Look like you're looking at
this glade. Look at I'm tryingto tell you want to get a crew

together us. I don't want tobe I don't want to be a part
of your You already got a dM crew. I do dungeons and What
were the names back the day?Art was the d M. Art the
coolest guy I've ever met a minuteyou hung out with NFL football players name

Thomas Art was the d M.Then we had Bobby or Robert trying to
be super cool. You're like,You're like, you're a cool guy.
Your Bobby, Bobby, You're Bobby, okay, whatever, And then we
had little Eddie, I'm big atyou? And who was the one that
left because he got too cool?Heart art scrudos cool sky. When you're

a senior in high school, Idon't know who you want to still run?
Did you ever? Did you auditionnew people will take art places?
No? In fact, I thinkI tried to take over a deep We
all tried take over a DM andnothing stuck and we gave up. Yeah,
sucks someone there's a lonely basement.I wish we had basements. Basement.

We live in California, explained,Somebody is like, what living room?
Bedroom? Actually we were we wouldblown embarrassed in front of the parents.
Why embarrassed? What about your fairy, daggon or whatever? First of
all, wasn't a fairy, youreal bitch? Your make up elf?

What was his name Daggon, Daggon, gut some respect on Daggon. Yeah,
that is so deep. Not afairy, Emily No is a sharpshooter
because you build, you know what, I'm not created the character. I'm
not doing this. Did you comeup with that name any or was this

in the he's my character? Youcreate your own characters. Do you remember
any of the other characters like DayYeah? Uh no, I would love
that No Arts character there he wasthe d M okay, the same character
for the DM. You're running theshow. You guys are idiots, man,
I still don't get how I meanyou are. So this couple got

into playing D and D. He'sthe dungeon Master, the whole thing.
And this started in COVID and itgrew and their group kind of grew and
yes, and it turned into aweekly game that they say runs between three
to four hours every week, soa little bit of a shorter session.
Shorter my god, we would playall night long, me and my friends

would we played video games that long? And they're played Madden tournaments and stuff
up on code red. I wasthat is true? Well, the problem
in this relationship, even though they'reenjoying their D and D love together is

that It turns out the hobby thedungeon Master has slowly stopped doing his chores
around the house. Oh, helpingwith dishes, vacuuming, pulling weeds,
whatever was on his list, he'skind of stopped doing it. And so
finally she's getting so annoyed she bringsit up to him and he said,
I've taken on so many more choresthan you have, and she goes,

I have no idea what you're talkingabout. And that is when he explains
his duties as the dungeon Master shouldcount as chores and so it technically still
is equal in the house because heis he setting up and tearing down,
yes, and he's coming up withcharacters. He's figuring out battles, putting

snacks. I mean, this guy, give him a medal. Those are
stores that doesn't come. That's ahobby. That's like saying, binge watching
Netflix is a chore? Are yougonna set up chairs? I might?
Then that's part of your duties.Man, shut up and ridiculous. No,

who's gonna You're gonna be in chargeof vacuum all those cheetos? Like
wait, man, I ain't gottime for that. It is a lot
of cruss whatever. Speaking of Cheetos, on Monday, Sky's gonna be eating
something and Sky's driving Surprise visited Pluswill be joined by Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Oh go back back on the showAll on Monday.

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