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Cada radio program, and that might, I don't know, have something to
do with the fact that, forwhatever reason, everyone say everyone who already
lost their mind decided, hey,let's just do a little more of it,
like literally last two Fridays, rightafter the show Man, it's just
a crazy town and we're here forit. We got Florida man stuff,
we got apparently a swapout up atthe US Congress, or at the very
least, they don't know what ourflag looks like. Some would say it
looks a little intentional. We'll giveyou those details. Today is the I
mean, you know, last weekwas let's get jurors, but today we're
actually going to get into the TrumpI guess what are they calling this the
Trump hush money trial? I guessbaby? If I mean, obviously you
probably paid a lot of attention toit, but it can get a little
overwhelming with all of the law fairgoing on. So are you aware of
who might be a defense witness?Is bonkers man? And uh, we'll
look, we'll talk about the motivationsand everything going on. But yeah,
the Stormy Daniels hush money Michael Cohenmight have a few other players in it,
including a rather interesting defense witness,which I don't know it almost the
whole thing feels like it feels itfeels like like some sort of trap or
so I don't I even know howto describe it. And if you don't
know and you're like, what thehell is he taking, just stay tuned.
I'm gonna I'm gonna hit that storyfirst. Okay, I'm just giving
you a little rundown. What's goingon? Little hey, hey, how
was your weekend? Kind of thing? And that had me scratching my head
so much yesterday when I'm putting preptogether that I just I don't know on
this issue. I don't know whatto think, and I think you'll understand
why. So we got that goingfor you. I mentioned the Florida stuff
because hey, who doesn't love agood Florida man story in the stack?
And we will we will dive intothat. Thank you said to restart something,
and now it seems to be working. Also, we got we got
this. We got amazing kids whoI think are going to grow up to
be productive adults. You know howyou can just you can tell sometimes whereas
others you're like, I weep forthe next generation. But to be fair,
also when you're a kid, andsometimes your kid version grows into your
adult version, and some people arenow it's that you go back for your
high school reunion and you just youdon't even recognize the person. So I'm
gonna hold out hope this kid's gonnabe Okay. He's eleven and he lives
Does he live in Meben or Berlin? I think he lives in Meben or
maybe Berlinton, I don't know,but I love this story. I love
this story for him and for youwhen we get into the audio, because
he wasn't he wasn't taking any crap. So all right, phone number eight
eight eight nine three four seven eightseven four as we get things rolling,
lots of good audio for you.If you probably over the weekend were following
what was going on up at Columbia, where today they're going virtual option,
I guess that's for the Jewish studentswho seemingly have for the most part fled
campus. Understandably, the very sameversion of what you saw up at Columbia
was just kind of getting fired upat Yale picking up steam, and now
it could become a national franchise.And so I feel like we here in
North Carolina could see an instance ofthis. I'll explain to you what one
of the organizations who is putting thisanti Semitic tent city, anti for looking
stuff together. I don't even knowwhat to call it. But they did
say that they have some big plansand we'll we'll touch on that as well.
And then there was one other storyI wanted to tease real quick.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah yeah, because this how
many of you stop at sheets inthe morning. Oh yeah, right,
stop it if it's the sheets onthe way, especially if you do early
morning. I don't know why,it just it's easier whenever I'm at the
Green when am I at the Greensborostudio, because I don't have a lot
of sheets right near the Raleigh studio, but near the Greensboro studio, I
guess we're moving our offices, sothere is a sheets right there and that
things that God send it, Ohdark thirty man. I like it a
little less when it's the one acrossfrom the outlet store. Speaking of Mevan
at you know, three in theafternoon, that only gets to be a
zoo. But you catch my drift. In fact, it's so inviting that
it was the scene of I guessan awkward Hey look how normal I am
visit by Joe Biden himself last weekstopped into his sheets up in Penania.
Of course it it didn't play likethey thought it was going to play.
I think a lot of it.It might have to do too with the
Trump having just stopped at a gasstation and everyone actually happy to see him.
But he did stop there. Hispeople obviously coordinate this stuff. Joe
didn't go, hey, there's thesheets over there. Let me let me
take it upon myself to plan thisphoto. No, no, no,
no, no, he's being handled. And so they decided they're going to
go to the sheets, and hecould talk about hard scrabble and the cannibal
incident or whatever, and speaking ofthat, we got to follow up story
of that, and then decided togo after them or something. So I
don't know, maybe I'm trying tofigure out what he meant. What at
the sheets may have irritated the dude, like, did he not? Probably
maybe the touch screens ordered in foodjust he like he couldn't figure him out
there. They have pictures, they'renot that hard. Roger ever ordered food
at sheets you should never have.But I stop at sheets nearly every day
coming to work. Okay, allright, yeah, you know why because
you know they have all the stuffright well for me. I look at
my options, and it seems thesafest. Oh, you fill my my
my, you know, because Imean I sometimes they take my time there.
I'm gonna put some air my tiresor whatever. It gets cold in
the morning, you know, andthey hot in the afternoons. I gotta
keep an eye on that. Andit's just the better of my options.
And the food inside is great.I love sheets. What about the handy
hugos on Capitol right there? Ihope not gonna go it's right, yeah,
And you know what, you mightif you go to that one,
you might be able to help.Did you ever think of that? You
know how many people at that guyat that grocery store run out of fuel
and have to walk there so youcan get like ten dollars the bust money
or something. Yeah. Yeah,So like, you know, aren't you
filling hired? I don't you don'twant I don't understand what this what Biden
the idiot or spaghetti Brains or hispeople were thinking, even stopping trying to
get a photo op or some audioat a gas station. It's the dumbest
thing you could do. Well Trumpdid it. Oh yeah, well Trump
can do it, but Chick filA and he got all the pub for
it. But gas prices are ridiculous, they've gone, they've skyrocketed again.
What are you doing going to agas station? Everybody that sees he was
gonna hate you there, right,okay, So and this was I yes
you have now you have now wanderedto the esoteric. But the how people
receive it, whether uh it lookslike a forced conversation or not, it
makes people think of gas prices andfood to some extent. But yeah,
you know you should not be ina retail situation period from an optics,
you know, they're well aware ofthis. The stickers, what people were
putting in the pumps before, LikeI did that pointing at the gas price.
Wait you did it? You werethe one. No, No,
I'm not taking responsible now, yeahI did all over the countries. Well,
I mean, I don't know whatyou do with the after dude.
I assume you sad time with yourkids and you know, do stuff,
But I don't know. Maybe you'reflying, maybe you're jet sitting putting the
stickers. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was all but then
this and what is then this?And the Trump trial insanity? Will package
deal it and have it for younext on the KCO Day Radio program in
CaCO Day Radio program. All right, promised you a couple let's get into
uh this, let's do the sheetsthing first and then we'll pivot back to
the Trump trial because that may trickleinto the next segment. So uh yes,
it was just about a week agothe President decided he was gonna roll
into a sheets do a little littlephoto op. Okay, all right,
got it? And uh yeah,I don't know it. I don't know
if it was panned. Might notbe the right word, I guess,
depending on what media looks cat.But it didn't really have the staying power
that Trump going to that Chick filA where he is almost exclusively being high
five by potential black voters in Atlanta, which if you're the Democratic Party you
probably find that mildly disconcerting, butor more so, you know, ramp
up the he's a racist machine.But you know, Joe Biden rolled into
the sheets just like you do,just like you. It's just like you
stops there, you know he takesthe train. Well, you don't really
have the train, but just grindingit out. Man of the people stops
at the Sheets gets the coffee.It's like the guys who stopped for the
coffee at the one near Greensboro flirtswith the one girl who works in there
and she's not having it. Sorry, I was stuck in line behind those
guys last time I was at theGreensboro studio. I'm like, bro,
it's like five in the morning,she's not interested and I need to pay
so but anyway, uh, youknow, normal stuff. And then it
gets incredibly unnormal because one week laterthis Sheets is being sued over its hiring
practices. The US Equal Employment OpportunityCommission filed the Okay, I want to
and this is very important because Isaw people going who's suing them? Listen
closely. The person suing them isJoe Well, Joe's government. It's not
you know, it's not saying.It's not John Edwards or some other you
know, private lawyers who thinks theyhave an angle to shake down a big
company. It's the government. Sheetsis being sued over its hiring practices.
The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filedthe suit this morning. It claims that
the way Sheets bases employment on criminalrecords it is proportionately screens out black,
Native American and other multi racial applicants, and that this violates federal law.
The suit does not accuse Sheets ofbeing motivated by race when making hiring decisions.
We have reached down to Sheets forcomment, but so far we have
not heard back. All right,So anyway, that's you know, just
one of the news all right,So this insanity, this is the disparate
impact crap or disparative or disparate wherebasically just because something has a certain effect,
therefore must be racist. And they'vebeen peddling this garbage for years in
a ton of different varieties. Andjust to be very clear, because the
way that it's worded by the JusticeDepartment and kind of by the reporting that
I saw is using it in there, you know, using it in their
hiring practices. Let's just be abundantlyclear of what Sheets is accused of doing,
because if you read the story,you see it. So Sheets does
a background check and then if it'ssomething that A certainly doesn't hire the person.
Now we can we can decide tohave an opinion on whether that's you
know, having a fixed policy likethat is a good idea. There's obviously,
Yeah, I've talked about it onthis show. I think one of
the things that would be most helpfulor very helpful, is us being able
to better identify people who have beenquote unquote reformed, because that is the
stated goal of our justice system andif they have and I look, this
is so complex, it's out there, but I know people, I know
some listeners who have sent me veryI think the emails. Well, we've
talked about this, said, hey, you know what, I was a
dumbass and I did this, andI spent you know, three or four
years in jail and it's been youknow, it's been fifteen years since I
got out. It never committed anothercrime, and there still struggles with them.
And I understand that I brought thoseup myself. But maybe here's a
better way to do stuff. AndI think that that is a perfectly reasonable
decision or opinion too. Okay,So with that in mind, I also
understand that sheets is like any otherbusiness, especially when hiring's difficult, they're
going to have a standard and ifit if it felt too cumbersome, like
they weren't getting employees. I promiseyou Sheets might reevaluate their standard. But
yeah, I suspect and I don'tknow what Sheets pays or what benefits they
have, but I have to assumein the world of working at a gas
station, shuldn't it probably better?You know, Bucky's did their whole thing?
Is that? So this story?We didn't get to the story on
Friday, and I didn't see ituntil literally right at the end of the
show, and then I got distracted. One of the people who had initially
been selected for jury in the Trumptrial. They then had to go and
like retroactively removed dude because he hadliterally been convicted of tearing down Republican post
It doesn't say whether it's Trump stuffor not. But he was tearing down
Republican posters or postings, is whatit said. I don't know, maybe
he was tearing pictures down of hostages. How does that? How are you
in today's digital age? How doesthat? How does a dude like that
get seated on a jury for theformer Republican president? I mean, yeah,
after they went and uh and tookit down, and I don't know
what the complication and not knowing aboutthat. Initially was but good lord man.
But now we're into the Uh,we're into it, and uh there
is a weird possibility. So justa refresher, This is Trump. This
is his former lawyer, Michael Cohen. Uh, this is Stormy Daniels,
porn star turned political hatchet or Iguess cudgel. Not her, but people
using her. Uh. And ofcourse, uh, you know folks like
David Pecker National National Inquirer. Uh, he's he's tied up in this.
You got Hope Hicks uh and uh, off we go. But there's one
other name on him. And again, this is Donald Trump or Michael Cohen
via Donald Trump, through Michael Cohenor whatever. Prior or just as the
the twenty sixteen campaign season was kickingoff, struck a deal with Stormy Daniels
and a payment was made and NDAswere applied. Okay, this is this
is not an unusual thing in theworld of politics. It's up to you
to decide whether from a moral perspectiveit's okay. And then that also requires
you to believe, you know whatwhat what's going on here? And the
narrative that the media would tell youis Donald Trump is you know, he
went out and he cheated on hiswife and with her and then who is
it the playmate of the year KarenMcDougall. I'm not gonna lie. I
you probably did. But that beingsaid, uh, that's that I don't
know that there's there's there's obviously issuesfrom you know, how he has to
deal with that in his personal life, whether it's true or the people around
him believe it's true. But neverbeen a crime. I could think of.
Nobody's alleging you know, uh,coercion or assault or anything along those
lines, just merely that this washis money was was paid, and of
course here we go. The otherversion of this also includes a payment,
also includes money changing hands from Trumpor Michael Cohen two uh, Stormy Daniels.
However, it's it's got an interestinglittle twist to it, and the
person peddling it is none other thanMichael Avenatti. Yeah, that dude.
CNN's Brian Stelter's picked to be Prez, who then is now serving you know,
a couple fifteen to twenty years orsomething for a variety of crimes,
including tax stuff, trying to shakedown Nike. He was convicted of there
was. There's also a case thathe caught over his report because he was
a Stormy Daniels attorney. Remember right, he's the one who trotted her out.
And he was also accused of ithink stealing what three hundred thousand from
her or diverting book proceeds and thentaking it. It sounded like he was
he was way deep in it andhe needed money. So that's what he
did, and that's a crime,and that's what he was convicted of.
However, according to Avianati, whohas been in contact with Trump's defense team,
he paints a different picture. Avinatticlaims that Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels
they were an item. Obviously theymet in the capacity of what is being
alleged here, but more specifically,Avenati claims that the whole thing was a
set up. Yeah, specifically thatCohen and Daniels, you know, because
Cohen Cohen was aware that there mayhave been interaction there conspire to literally shake
down Trump, knowing that the dudejust launched a presidential campaign. If she
comes out, that's you know,that's a hitch. And Cohen perhaps realizing
how this is now former employer,did things right because he he Cohen is
said to have handled the McDougall NDA, so you know, he's looking up
with the foreign star. They decide, hey, we can get a quick
you know, some quick buck shotof Trump. Let's do this, and
then here we are. So butthen I'm like, and this is why
I'm throwing this out to you,because I'm curious what you think. Would
you trust for a moment anything thatthat dude says? And I saw people
going, why would Michael lab andAddie lie. I'll tell you why michaelab
Anaughtie would lie. Okay, look, I the idea that it is.
You know, Michael Cohen and StormyDaniels decided that they were going to shake
down a billionaire. It if thatwould be an amazing twist if you could
prove it in some way, andI don't know, maybe you can,
maybe you can't, because I don'tthink people necessarily saw it from that perspective.
I think most people's position was,so what if he did? I
why is that illegal? It's neverbeen illegal. And remember they're saying,
well, it's also tax stuff.No, no, no, no.
What they're actually saying is the definitionof payment that was made didn't comport with
the way that they thought it shouldbe labeled. It's not that the payment
wasn't there, it's that they,you know, they couched it as one
thing when in reality he was payingoff an X you know, somebody he
cheated on his wife with. Andto that, I would say, is
there a specific way the IRS requiresthat to be classified? And maybe maybe
we'll find out and give me anexample of how everyone else who did this
and the way you prosecuted them.I'll wait. But the idea that the
whole thing from the start was ashakedown as bonkers. And the motivation for
Michael Avenatti that people aren't thinking aboutis what I mentioned. The dude's doing
twenty fifteen, twenty years and it'sfederal. I don't know if all of
it's federal, but the two bigones are. They're federal crimes. Why
do what do you think would bea motivation knowing what I just told you
as to why Michael Avenati might belike, hey, I remember this thing.
I heard the guy who spent youknow, all his time on the
various MSNBC, CNN going after Trumpand I and so yeah, the idea
that Donald Trump could find himself ofthe White House again, and you're a
guy sitting there with fifteen twenty yearsto go on a federal sentence which doesn't
have the one for one, youknow, sentence reduction good time laws that
other states have. Figuring out away that you could get on Trump's good
side probably is in your best interest. We know the guy is Avenati will
say whatever he wants. So that'swhere I kind of look at it,
go is this some sort of trap? Man? Is some sort of trap?
Put Avna up there and then theyk you know, then all of
a sudden they start going after Trumpfor as uh per you know, promoting
perjury this morning perjury or so.I don't know, man, I don't
trust any of these cats. Sowhat would you do if you're Trump?
If you've got Michae Lavanatis sitting there? And I understand we're not privy to
the totality of the evidence, butyou got this guy who was essentially you're
you know, he was the hewas the main bad guy for a while,
uh for your political opposition. Hewas he was the face of evil
in your mind? Do you trustanything this dude's saying? Do you dare
put him on there? Do youdo you float that idea. I'm gonna
I'll leave it to you eight eighteight nine three four seven eight seven four
And maybe he maybe there's some receiptsthere that we don't know about. But
I saw that, and I wasimmediately suspicious because for those two reasons.
One this every time I turned toavenati On he was after Trump. And
then two, yeah, you gotPedrol's present prison time. Probably good to
be on the good side of thepresident. So please curious what you think
of that. Eight eight eight ninetythree four seven eight seven four let me
grab it. Well, that's weird. It was Holden and Inn the moment
I hit it, boom, thereyou go. All right. Uh he
was gonna mention too, is uhuh what I guess. I was gonna
kind of point out it seems prettydiverse in the workforce over at sheets?
Would that ross? Would that beyour impression when you go to a sheets?
Right? Yeah, I was sayingthe sheets I stop at in wake
Forest every morning. There's a smalllittle ginger dude. Okay, there's an
Indian girl, there's an Asian kid, probably like early twenties, and there's
a black dude. And then whoever'sback in the kitchen area too bright.
I've obviously never seen there. Yeah, but it's pretty damn diverse, right,
as is the one in green theone betestation in Greensboro, and then
the especially the one over on Wendow. But like, if you'd have told
me this was a quote, Idon't believe it to be an issue.
By the way, I think thatthis is this is garbage again. They
even saying the thing. They're like, no, we don't think they did
it for racial reasons. Okay,then we're done here, right, And
they put the numbers out, andthen I saw idiots who can't figure it.
You can't read in the story.In the filing, it says that
of the applicants, and they breakit down by race. They show the
percentage who failed criminal background checks oftotal applicants, and for white applicants it's
about eight and a half percent,and for black applicants, I think it
was fourteen percent. I don't havethat part in front of me. But
and then, which is a verymisleading number when you headline a story that
it's having a disproportionate impact, that'sthat is of the percentage who applied.
Okay, let me I know it'sMonday morning and it's math. But help
me out here, okay, orhear me out here. So that is
totally outside of the control of sheets. You all understand this. Let's say
that let's say I had one hundredRosses and five of them are murderers.
Okay, Ross, five versions ofin the multiverse. Okay, we're doing
the multiverse because that's what you donow. And five versions of Ross are
horrible, horrible murderers out of onehundred. That ain't bad. No,
I thought that's pretty respectful. Soyeah, yeah, yeah. However,
then you have who should we pickon who's going to be the uh,
the person with more murderers Kyle innews, Yes, Kyle, all right,
So then we have one hundred kylesand ten Kyles are murderers out of
every hundred. If one hundred,if one hundred Rosses apply and only fifty
Kyles apply, you realize it wouldbe the same percentage of right, if
it was evenly sorted there, likeif you got now, if five fell
into the fifty, so then youwould have the same number. But if
all hundred Rosses and all one hundredKyles apply, now kyles are twice as
likely to be denied employment by Sheetsbased on their criminal background checks? How
is that Sheets fault if they havea standard that's applied to all two hundred
of the people I just talked about, and Sheets's goal is to weed out
those fifteen bad people. So,like, the whole explanation for the thing
is garbage. Sheets. Sheets can'tcontrol who applies. They have no control
over who's going to walk in andgo I need an application. I suppose
you do it online. I don'tknow, but that's totally out of their
control. Man, And now we'regoing to do this thing. Just absolute
absurdity. I'm gonna hate it ifSheets capitulates on this. But we will
see, all right, As Isaid, everything stupid this morning, but
it's about to get even dumber.Hang on CaCO Day Radio program, Stick
around KCO Day Radio program, Ournumber two. I went, I was
trying to find a picture of thislottery ticket because it wasn't in the initial
story, and I did find anotherstory, and actually I just I want
to correct something here because it's actuallyworse. Somehow, the way that this
initial story is worded led me toconclusion that it was a numbers pick.
No no, no, they tooka they taped a scrap, one of
the big scraps. It's a fiftydollar ticket, fifty dollars scratch off.
What they did is they had awinner for you know when you do a
scratch off and it's like your numberseight, and then when you start scratching,
it's like, if your number hadbeen eleven, you would one,
you'd win a million dollars. Butof course, you know you your number
was never going to be eleven.So what they did is they taped different
bonus numbers on the bottom or numbers. So the bottom has these five numbers
are your numbers, and then aboveit it has you know whatever, well
you don't however, many spots,and they taped it backwards in one part
of it. I I don't knowhow you leave that out of this this
short story here, because that's evenworse. I thought they were trying to
job a quick pick. But here'sthe thing. They also know eight.
So there's that's not gonna work,especially when you tape your tickets. So
just just just Florida, you neverdisappoint, really appreciate it this morning.
Okay, all right, wonderful setup to New York Columbia University, Yale
in New Jersey, right, No, No, Princeton's where Yale's Connecticut.
Conflate those two. Sometimes it's veryhard me having to choose between all of
those and then not going to anyof the Ivy League, so you know,
they have their thing going on.But Columbia was lit man, so
it turned into like an Antifa occupything. Any student quote and including one
student who was described as quote comingto campus looking too Jewish? How do
you look too Jewish? Just probablyyou know what, I probably don't want
to hear the internet's answer on that, but like I did see the video
of somebody who is a Hasidic Jew, right, that's you know, that's
easy to pick out of a lineupbecause of the clothing and the hairstyle and
all of that. But in thecase of the other student, I saw
the picture and I'm like, yeah, maybe if you ask me, like,
is that guy look or sound alittle Jewish? I don't know I
could do from a looks perspective,but you know, you tell me your
name, all of that. Idon't know. I may think that,
but the whole thing was just justcrazy. And then as darkness fell it
got violet. Man, it gotbad. You had you had a woman
who had a used a flag.So they get the flags and then you
use them as a stick in asticking motion. This is what happened to
Andy. No, not when theyconcreted his head, but in another instance.
So what they'll do is a flagand they're like, I have a
flag. I'm okay to have aflag. And then they really it's the
it's not about the flag, it'sabout the stick. And they waxed this
chick. They whacked this chick inthe face for having the audacity of just
wanting to move from campus where shelives to not on campus and vice versa.
The audacity. So while that's goingon and the you know, the
the chance dude, there is somethingabout a trust fund chick. And it
wasn't just women, but there wasthere was a video I saw with these
three women who were on a theyhad left campus or on a subway,
and they filmed the video and it'slike, you know, a trust fund
ninety I think ninety thousand a yearis tuition there at the University Columbia.
And Bernard Barnard or I don't evenknow how to pronounce it, but I
also don't care. So you know, there's that you know, talking about
how you know Hamas make us proudkill another soldier now right, you're you're
some rich chick who grew up inGovernor's Club, and now you're up at
Columbus. I'm just using an example, but you know, to give you
the idea of what we're talking abouthere, and you're standing now at on
your university campus and then in andaround New York channing Hamas make us proud
kill another soldier. Now, freeall of our prisoners. You're not members
of Hamas, by the way,Free all of our prisoners. You are
among some of the most fortunate peopleon this earth. And once you grow
out of this, you'll probably decideyou want to, I don't know,
get married, settle down, probablyact normal, and frankly, I think
this is the kind of stuff thatneeds to follow people around. Man elon
Omar's daughter was among the one hundredor so that were x or arrested and
then exited from campus. Now shedoesn't go to Columbia, but she goes
to Barnard or Bernard or whatever.And they are you know, they're associated
schools. So, and then shespent the rest of the weekend. I
kid you, not bitching that she'sbroke, has nowhere to eat, and
is homeless. Elon Omar's daughter notjust a member of Congress, but a
Democratic member of Congress, okay inNew York City, and a high profile
Democrat member of Congress. For Iguess if you like her for obvious reasons,
and if you don't like her forobvious reasons, but not somebody that
nobody's ever heard of is not homelessand going hungry in New York City?
Can we can we all just canwe start from that point that there's no
way this is possible? Do youdo you understand the sheer number of people,
the sheer number of people who arein the periphery who not just donated
to her mom's campaign and other squadmember AOC is there, go go bunk
at your your you know, yourauntie auntie AOC's house. It's just it's
so absurd in the amount of theater. If I will say this, the
the fake crisis and theater aspect ofall of this is they're very good at
it, and Hamas is very goodat it. Right where they're just like,
ah, look at all these deadkids that look like we just poured
flower over them, and that one'sstill moving. Here's a video and then
he runs with it. Oh mygosh, that what they're doing, all
the dead kids. It's and soyou know, she's right. If I
got no food, all my diningpass was revoked. I've been kicked off
the campus of the university where wepay ninety thousand per year for me to
go. She just wandering the streets. Shut up. But he's out of
their damn mine, man, whatis this alright? That wasn't there wasn't
a challenge. I just thought itwas very weird phrasing in one of these
stories here. Eventually police clearing onehundred overnight. The same thing happened at
Yale. Yeah, that's right,they went hats and bats. Police storm
Yale University's campus with riot gear ashundreds of student stage anti Israel protests.
Are what are universities going to do? I mean, and I'm asking because
you're thinking, well, it's Columbia. That's no. We got our fairy
I know you know this. Wegot our share of lunatics around here,
and I got bad news from theorganizing organization for these two failed protests.
I guess maybe they don't see himas failed, But you just got night
sticked off the campus, So I'dsay that's an l for now. That
organization says they got big plans,and those big plans maybe right here in
our backyard. I'll give you thedetails coming up next here on the CaCO
Day radio program. I am surprisedto see some of the folks who are
critical of the the what happened upin Washington with the pedo dude at the
Holiday Inn. But I'll share someof the arguments there and we'll see what
you think. But first this,The Yankee fans are not happy with the
Yankees, and I don't know ifyou've ever seen Yankee Twitter, they can
be a little bipolarish. But Ithink this one, I think this one's
okay. I have a problem withSo if you don't know, the Yankees
played by play guy John Sterling.He announced his retirement last week, which
is weird because obviously the season isabout five minutes old and if you were
planning on retiring, But he offeredan explanation. He said, I want
to do this for a long time. I've should have done it March first,
all during the winter I was living. I lived the greatest life.
I rude the beginning of the season, I should have quit then, basically
saying he's just tired of the grind, and you know what he's put in
his time. Sterling has spent thirtyI looked up thirty six years. Thirty
six years, and the guy's actuallybeen doing broadcasting since nineteen sixty. Okay,
but he's stuck around. That's obviouslya good gig. When you get
a long and storied tradition of guysworking well past sixty five and in the
broadcast booth of sports, that's fine. If you're doing it, you're doing
it. And I depending on whichsports teams you've rooted for over the years,
some people they just can't they can'tfathom watching their sport without that voice,
because it may be the only thingthey ever know, ever knew.
That's how twins were for the firstabout you know, ninety percent of my
life. Of course, Scully inChicago and I'm sorry in Los Angeles,
who retired what like a year agoor and then he yeah, you retire.
I don't know if he passed away. I have a horrible habit of
thinking people are dead on the showwhen they aren't. But don't mind,
I understand that and get a closeconnection. So on Saturday, the Yankees,
ahead of the game, decided theywere going to honor their longtime announcer
and uh, they brought him outon field, thanked him for his years
of service, and then proceeded togive him an eighty three inch TV,
and fans are roasting the team.Look an eighty three inch TV. Don't
get me wrong, that's an awesomegift. Ross, My birthday's coming up.
But some people pointed out, you'rethe richest team in baseball. This
dude's worked for you for thirty sixyears. This is a high profile.
You're on this big stage, andyou gave him something that may or may
not have been sitting around his storageroom at the at the stadium. That's
like if I can't if it's Ross'sbirthday and I roll in, Hey,
Ross, I got you an Rtwenty electro voice. I know you always
wanted one of that'd be actually prettyamazing. Yeah, awesome, Yeah,
that's uh, that's great. Yes, there's dust on it, don't worry
about that. That's fine. That'suh, that's the microphones we used to
broadcast. I'm making my point thatthat's kind of how it came across.
And so Yankees fans are roasting thefranchise, like you better get him something
different. The thing is, though, maybe they did, right. I
don't know if they were like,hey, what do you want? He's
like, I want a big TV. Yeah, well, and that was
another option, all right, something, but you could. The whole gist
of the thing was like, nowyou it'll be like you're there staring out
on the field because of the sizeof the TV. That was kind of
the joke there. But also theYankees have a sponsorship agreement with the manufacturer
of the TV, so it's like, did you I mean, maybe they
did not give them enough notice.That's clear we didn't. I agree.
I agree. I'd be a littlecheese as a fan too, but I'd
understand the guys put in his time. You know, my mom is losing
it. She she loves John Sterling. She hates Michael Kay. So like
when she watches the Michael Kay's theTV announcer and he's also radio guy,
but she can't stand him and shehates his voice and everything. So like
when she watches the Yankees game,she she mutes the TV and turns up
the radio broadcast. It's like it'sa part of the routine. Well,
I mean, you've worked in radiolong enough. I don't know if you've
worked at stations that had major affiliates. But for radio, we used to
sync with the TV intentional. Myfirst paying radio job was running the Yankee
game for the country station Okay inAlbany, and it was John Sterling.
Well, no, no, no, But what I'm telling you is so
we used to because Paul Allen isthe Vikings guy, and he's pretty well
known. I think he was ourHe was an afternoon host on the sports
station or I guess late morning,sorry now, and and people enjoyed listening
to him versus the TV guys.So we would literally but when the when
the Vikings game started, whoever wasrunning the board there had to go on
the TV and sink the delay sothat that that Paul's voice on the radio
syncd up with the TV. Youget what I'm saying, And and and
so we could get people over there. And I actually feel for this guy
that your mom loves, because nobodywants to be the dude after the thirty
five year dude. I love thisstory, not for the fact that this
young man had to deal with thisinsanity, but I do love the way
that he dealt with it. So, uh, here we go. Let
me introduce you to an eleven yearold boy. His name is Braden Smith,
and he's just chilling around the housedoing what you know eleven year olds
do. And all of a sudden, he's got himself a visitor. And
that visitor is not there selling cookiesor trying to get out the vote.
No, no, no, heis allegedly there for much more nefarious reasons
and chooses to deal with the kidin an interesting way I suppose. And
by the way, the alleged intruderI believe is nineteen, Yeah, nineteen,
Jatavian Hall is his name, sohe got the Braden Smith's the eleven
year old. Nineteen year old isJatavian Hall, who decided he was,
I don't know, going to robthe place and figured he could just verbally
threaten the eleven year old and dogetting out of his way so he can
get to louton. But he didn'tgo that way. Let's head to the
news report and this is deeply satisfying. Is the closet? A home intruder
told eleven year old Braden Smith tosit in while he stole items from the
boys home Friday morning. Braden hada different plan. He turned his back
and I went to Grandma machete andI went into the living him in the
back of the head. By theway, does an eleven year old get
a pass for the incorrect pronunciation ofthe machete? Considering that movie is probably
more than eleven years old. Iwas gonna say, he sounds pretty uncultured,
but I think we can let itslide. All right, We're gonna
let it slide. So, Plus, he's got a machete, and I
don't want to, you know,make him mad, so all hat So
he told you to go sit inthe closet while he steals all your your
family's stuff. He went a differentroute. Continues. On Monday, we
learned Jatavian Hall left DNA evidence behindwhen he took off after getting hit in
the head with a machete. Paulgave simple there's no excuse for this woman
though, No, that's awful,Yeah, what are you doing? And
polite answers in Orange County Courtroom,where judge raised his bond to one hundred
and seventy five thousand dollars. Mondayat the Alamance County Courthouse, I learned
Hall was charged after yelling inappropriate thingsat officers in twenty sixteen. A year
later, he was accused of takingmoney from someone he set up to meet
to sell a gaming console. Thatvictim told me he was disappointed to learn
Holl hadn't learned his lesson. Ihave to protect the house because I knew
if I didn't protect the house hecould he would probably take like everything.
Braden hopes he's figured it out thistime. I just really don't think that
you should break into other people's houses. I mean, you can earn money
by getting a job instead. Howbased is this kid? By the way,
I love it. I love it. That's right, young man.
It's right. You can get moneyother ways instead of robbing you or robbing
some guy off Craig's list over agame boy, which, by the way,
a game boy, I guess maybethey mean the new one that's all
loaded, not the old one.Yes, you can do that, and
you can get a job. Andironically, this little sound piece of logic.
There are a crap ton of lawmakersand activists who would literally put on
this kid breaking into people's houses andselling their stuff. Police arrested Hall in
Burlington on Sunday after he walked outof the emergency department and that you wouldn't
see hospital wearing a gown Friday night. By the way, I don't know
if you know this. If you'rewalking around in prisoner gear right into a
hospital gown, people are gonna you'renot gonna go unnoticed. So I'm not
surprised by that. This guy soundslike an absolute criminal genius. But uh
yeah, all right, good onyou, young man. Whacking him in
the head with a machete. ThenI thought, people like, wait,
everyone's his parents. He's only eleven. I don't know. Sounds like he
can handle himself, right, I'msorry your eleven year old's drooling moron because
you've coddled him so much. Thiskid's family's like, oh, all right,
if somebody shows up, Jason Voorhee'shim, all right, we'll see
you later. Son. The kidowns a machete. Obviously, he's spent
time in the jungle, and heknows how to survive by himself. It's
clear, I mean, educate yourself. These people sound dumb. No,
I mean, but everybody's got totake right, everybody's got to take and
this this guy's just trolling. Buthe's like dah, kind of doubles down
and was reading one com and he'slike, you know at that point,
if he's not physically assaulting you,he struck first, and it's just like,
you know what, sir, Ihope that twenty people break into your
house and lock you in a closetand steelers. I don't want to physically
harm you, but get off socialmedia please, So that would be my
response to that. So congratulations there. I hope he still has his machete,
but I suspect it's probably an evidenceso being another one. And I
would like to point out too,when we were doing the the UH Toy
Drive, right the Toy Drive beforeChristmas, where we were out in front
of the Walmart in Apex, nocarry carry for like three days I was
we people would people would come inand donate toys, but occasionally people would
be like can I just give somemoney? And then one of us radio
people from the different stations we'd goinside and buy toys and uh, I
didn't. I didn't go in anddo it. And I went in with
a couple of the like our promotionscaland one of the afternoon Chick Radio Chick
from one of the other stations,and they all, you know they got
kids. Well one of them haskids, and she's like, this is
what my kids like. This islike this and like the isle away from
the toys, they have six dollarsmachetes. And I'm like, look,
I'm gonna be I'm gonna be honestwith you. If I was a kid
this and fishing poles signed me up. And they're like no, But in
reality, I could help save livesif I wouldn't have folded to peer pressure
by getting these kids. Now,he should have went with your gut there,
that's what I'm saying. Yeah,I folded. I shouldn't have folded.
I I felt strongly that you knowwhat happens if one of these kids
is getting a toy donation is homealone in a burglar breaks. Do you
want him to be armed or doyou want him to be armed with a
speaking say exactly? I would sayone of the one of my best Christmas
memories when I think about like whatyou know, you think about like great
Christmases you've had. It was ayear my dad just like got stuff.
I told you, He's like,what do you want for Christmas? I
wanted? I was like, Iwant this, this, this, and
this from the Army surplus store.Okay, it was all on the tree
and it was amazing. Yeah,buddy, I was like, you can
you can play g I Joe oryou could be g I Joe. I
mean, when you're a kid,the one thing sounds better, But then
when you're old, you're like,then let's do the other thing. We'll
watch you. You say, allthat run around the woods. But no,
when you're a kid, man,you get exactly what you want.
That's uh, that's a because thatdoesn't happen all the time, right,
in some cases doesn't happen at all, but you know how to get at
all. Then that that usually makesfor the greatest gift. So yours was
full commando, your full rambo thing. And this kid had a machete and
I had a gas mask under mybed ready for right, I'm ready.
Yeah, who's laughing now? Notyou? Because you're you're you can't breathe
because serenas. Uhha, Ross canbreathe what I'm sorry? Did I take
that to a little too farther.I'm not wrong. I'm trying to think
what was my greatest What would yousay your greatest? Would you say that
was the best gift you ever gotwhen you were a kid? Nineteen eighty
five Nintendo Entertainment. I knew itexactly what it was going to be.
Now, technically mine, the Nintendothat we got was bought for all the
kids, so I can't count that. I still remember the pajamas I was
wearing that morning on Christmas Day.It was Max headroom pajamas. I think
my best, my best I thinkmy best gift is a younger kid.
It was a Marlin twenty two.It was my first gun. I murdered
everything, not really stuff that wasalive, although obviously I did a chuts
of parade dogs with it. Althoughyou kind of need something a little bigger,
but I must have. I musthave put ten thousand rounds through that
thing in like the first week.It was crazy. My mom would be
like, could you stop shooting everything? And I'm like, I'm gonna go
a little further into the woods.You can you hear me, and that
was that was great, and Ido I can remember every element of it.
It's just weird what sticks to you, like the whole process. I
remember Christmas, Christmas and it's it'sfreaking cold and anything and everything. We
were just shooting. Oh, itwas the best, all right. I
never did get a machete. Machetefor Christmas though, so but firearms work
as well. So kudos to you, young man for handling your business.
All right, raced agic, he'shere to handle weather business. Some eleven
year old kid, dude breaks intohis house, tells him to get in
the closet because he's robbing them.Kid goes, grabs machete and hits the
dude in the head. Huh goodfor him, Yeah that's what i'd say.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, that one dudes in jail,
other kids. Uh you know,this kid's just living living the uh celeb
life now. So good. Yeahyeah, machete right, So you got
some playing to do, mister.He got Trump rally, got the Trump
Rally got canceled out of Wilmington.So I people I saw were disappointed.
And I was seeing some some videofrom down around Charlotte area and uh,
they got you got whacked down there, man, So what's up? Yeah?
The hell? Yeah, yeah,yep, pretty close. I don't
know if I have confirmed. Idon't know if we confirmed some of the
largest hell we've seen in this stateon record. But there was some big
hill South Carolina. It was rockyyeah right, yeah, yeah yeah,
in the rock Hill area. Closeenough right for the work I do.
But we'll cut right through this cloudthat's around this morning. There's no rain
of any appreciable amount over the nextseven days. If I look out ahead,
just these kind of chilly mornings comingup, will get milder briefly,
then will cool off again. Todayunseasonably cool with the clouds breaking already break
into the west of Lewisville, Statesvilleand Shelby and west end of the mountains,
so getting into the tryhead the clearingpretty soon triangle coming up in the
next couple hours. Most of uswill be mostly sunny this afternoon near sixty
or just above tonight, another nightin the upper thirties to near forty low
seventies Tomorrow, mostly sunny or inthe fifties. Tomorrow night could be a
sprinkle of rain with the next frontcoming in sometime Wednesday, mostly sunny to
partly cloudy, the otherwise low seventies. Thursday, upper sixties, near seventy,
then back in the little bit fortiesfor Friday morning, and then sunny,
low seventies in the afterdo on theweekend. Looks like we'll start warming
up once again. But pretty prettytranquil week. I mean pretty quiet.
It turns of precipt no storms expected, a big area of high pressure.
Temperatures just gonna go up and down. I don't see anything's going to cancel
the outdoor plans. Kids have ballgames the next few evenings. After that
sun sets, I'll get chili prettyquick, so I would certainly grab grab
jacket. Temperatures for the most partat or slightly below normal, especially today,
but for most of the week beforewe warm up, get back close
to eighty by the end of theweekend. Alrighty, thank you sir.
We're talking an hour. I appreciateit. Coming up. Look at this.
Oh yeah, I gotta I gottaexplain what these violent anti Semitic protesters
have planned for next. So we'llfill you in there. And yeah,
we have to talk about human torchthere and holy crap, we'll get into
it coming up. CODA Radio program. Read this a couple of times.
It's sounded more aggressive initially, andI thought someone was being but hurt.
But I think it's a fair opinion. So I'll just give you the gist
of this email. It's from alistener who listens as some of you do
with your kids. We appreciate thatwe'll get them nice and corrupted for you.
Scared of Florida. So anyway,you know, basically, the emailer
says, I'm glad the kid's okay, but this could have gone horrible.
I think somebody tweeted that too,something similar, but takes issue with you
know, you guys sitting here andtalking about what a great thing it is.
You know, I don't want encouragekids to attack a burglar. No
I I you know what, that'sfine, that's a that's a fair opinion.
I mean there is the the post, you know, Hindsight's twenty twenty
angle on this too. And there'sthe other thing too. Maybe when the
die, because we're speculating here,maybe when the guy got done rob in
the place, he comes in andyou know, gets rid of the witness
or something. So there's you knowit's not. You don't know exactly how
this was gonna go. We onlyknow how it went. But anyway,
all right, fair enough, Igot that out there, But I too
can I can what if as well? We're pretty darn good at it around
these parts. So yeah, let'sgo ahead and get into where we may
next be dealing with bucket load acampus crazies. And the answer is at
a school near you. That's right. The the organizing body for I guess
one of the organizing bodies for theprotests up there in Columbia and Yell is
the Palestinian Students Alliance whatever. Whocares what the group is. I don't
need the PUB. But they didsay that they're taking this show on the
road, baby, And they saythat college campuses all throughout the United States
and and really across the world.I think that you're in the UK and
others have a partner organization. Uh, they are going to be setting up
these occupation cities until their demands aremet. So I feel like we're not
gonna we're not gonna slip this news. It's gonna happen around here. I
just probably won't happen at State.Probably what do you think probably probably Carolina
baby Duke. Duke tends to clearthings a little quicker than Carolina does,
so I don't know, but that'sgot to be just nightmare fuel if you
are in fact a university official rightnow. I guess the only upside is
I kind of feel within the unC system that there is, at least
from a a leadership standpoint, there'sless appetite for this garbage. But I
don't know, so I'll be curiousto see what universities do. I mean,
this is disitely ann escalate. Untilyou do something, people are like,
well, it's pre speech, it'sall this. Now they've incorporated all
the worst tactics there is. Thereis an occasional assault in some of these
instances at the very you know,they'll go and they'll they'll have twenty kids
that will literally surround somebody, andwhen that person tries to walk away,
if they if they make any physicalcontact, the people start screaming and go,
oh you push your nuts. You'retrying to it, And it's like
they know what the tactics are.Somebody's filming. They come over and start
spinning the umbrellas right off the oldAntifa playlist. I want to block traffic,
want to cut gates open, wantto do all of this stuff.
Absolutely willing to do it. It'sit's worth you know, the cause is
worth it, dude. When youwhen you're a fundamentalist idiot, which is
what you're dealing with here. You'redealing with people that you know, want
to be a fundamentalist on something,but they're dumb and instead of choosing something
more productive with their life, thisis what they've decided. Because it also
has the you know, it's gotthat woke factor in the hey look at
me, Look how amazing I am. And most of these people in ten
years will be worried about whether they'regoing to be making their country club dues
or you know or not. Maybeprobably not since you probably have a pretty
good source of trust funds to goon. But for now they're absolutely insane.
So David Spade is coming to NorthCarolina on the Joe Dirt Country actually
going everywhere else. Greensboro, he'llbe a tanger, Wilmington, Pritsbury,
Small on this at KFE, You'recommunity college that they're performing Arts Center,
uh and Ashville the Joe Dirt CountryBus tour. So yeah, I don't
know. I've seen David Spade dostand up before live, you know,
just as David Spade, So butI didn't know does he have does he
have a bit where that was thatwas a character that obviously is now him
but before. Yeah, so youknow, all sorts of weirdness now with
this uh processor unit as well.Anyway, So yeah, I don't I
don't know what's going on there.Ross has loaded all the dirt audio on
there. Yeah, just in casewe only take and take, you know,
stroll down memory lane. Super excitedabout this, man, I know
what to see. I posted itonline and like Jason Cord remember Jason's work
here. Yeah, he like immediatelyresponded and he was like this has to
be fake. It can't be real. And I'm like, we'll check it
out. Man. He's going toGreensboro, Asheville, Wilmington. It's gonna
be amazing. Yeah, wonder whynot Raleigh or Durham or something. It's
just an old crapper tank people,Okay, gig it away. I mean
it's a top three movie. It'sa tip. I hope he's in character.
I mean, I know you meanthat because you wrote an entire thread
underneath the thing there on the topthree movies, which for those of you
who play in the home game,or Godfather, Godfather too and Joe Dirt.
And then you showed everyone your award. Yeah, because I don't want
it to be scared. They gothim some sort of lunatic So I want
him to know that. You know, I'm a professional radio guy and I
have one very important awards. Don'tyou feel it is kind of lunatic behavior
to have Before you even finish thesentence, no you didn't. What was
I gonna say? It doesn't matter. No, a bunch of Joe Dirt
drops in my news category or mynews media. Yeah it is. It
came out of the sky. WellI'm sure it did, but it ain't.
No Maydia. There is a bigold frozen chunk of what. We've
got to get tickets. We've gotto get tickets. Fa We've been talking
about this for what twelve years?Thirteen years? Gotta do it. Some
of us have not voluntarily been talkingabout it. We just get ambushed every
fourth of July. Right, it'sa staple on the fourth man, It's
not. It's not. It's nota staple. People love it find PTSD
inducing thing that I wait for allthree hours of whatever show immediately precedes the
olive And then we do have listenersin the Triangle that are confused, like,
oh, he's not coming to Raleigh, so you can't go. I'm
like, well, I mean wedo have a radio station in the show
in Greensboro in the Triad, soit's relevant, right, So I'm saying,
listen, I don't I'm not forusing our media credentials and power to
influence things, but I'm saying wecan somehow pick up tickets for the show.
I think I think the audience.This isn't about me. I think
the audience needs it. Think's important, this is relevant? Is he gonna
have the gator on stage? Herewe go go. I'm a bit of
a crocofile so don't try this athome. This here's Rocky and he ain't
no puppy. Yeah, let's seeif Rock's got some cattle. It's mofa
no. Not to mess with SirJoseph's shirt. Go on. I think
it's great that he's striking in theiron is hot too? Well? Timing
is there? Yeah, it reallyis. Are you concerned that some people
who may have professional jobs that they'reheaded to right now? Are you just
made them dumber? Like you know, maybe some surgeon who's going to save
somebody's lost I and now maybe harmful. There's a lot of life lessons in
that movie, man, is there? I I don't. I don't remember.
I remember the fireworks stands sucked?I did it? That was That
was my big take. You liketo see Home was naked? Home my
way you make it? And youlike to see Home was naked? That's
cool? Man? Whatever is thata life lesson? I don't Dtand I'm
so confused. But anyway, that'sthe thing, And but I don't understand
exactly what the thing is. Idon't remember any Joe Dirret references the one
stand up I saw with him.But if that's your thing, uh,
I mean, listen, listen.We're always being asked by promotions and management,
right like, Hey, can youguys think of a contest or something
you should be doing? David Spade, the Joe Dirt Count, whatever it's
called, is coming to Greensboro.Did I just sell that? Sold it
perfectly? Couldn't in all seriousness?Send an email to JT and tell him
because yeah, he's Yeah, that'sWe're doing some other giveaways and we have
a partnership obviously with the people.I'm thinking if we don't do some sort
of Joe Dirt promotion for this afterall the years of it being part of
the show, it's criminal negligence.Someone's going to prison. I don't disagree,
even though again the fireworks thing.So what should we I think we
should make people get their hair cutlike Joe Dirt. Well, I mean,
I think it's n fair because alot of people already have that haircut.
Well, then you're you're planning ahead that's like complaining that a dude,
you know, he's doing the halfcourt shot at halftime and they're like,
no, he played basketball before.Well that's good on him. He
thought maybe one day I'll need thisskill set. Stupid. Yeah, I
think we should force people to getmullets. And to your point, yeah,
there are some parts of the statewhere there's going to be uh probably
outsized a number of people qualifying forthe big prize, But I don't know.
Maybe we'll see. What's the dateon it? You would have enough
time? Yeah, probably it's Junetwenty seventh for Greensboro. All right,
maybe we'll put that in the maybebucket. Okay, all right, very
good. So Washington, State ofWashington. Guy thinks he's showing up to
hook up with the seven and elevenyear old girls. He's sixty five.
He believes he is negotiated with themom of the two kids to go to
this motel and she leave alone fora little while or I don't know where
she said she was going to bein the conversation, and he could satisfy
all of his super twisted urges,except the problem was what he showed up.
He didn't meet mom. There wereno seven or eleven year old girls.
Instead, you saw the police,Seattle police in uniform, I said,
sixty five, sixty seven actually,and you see the video and it's
fast, it is fast. Rightdoor opens, police in uniform comes spilling
out of there, and this guywithin the first second you can see him
removing a pistol from underneath his jacket. His jacket's not buttoned or zipped up
and up, and he probably hadit in his hand prior to knocking on
the door, which would make senseconsidering the type of people he is dealing
with there, or thinks he's dealingwith right, that makes perfect sense because
you're you know, you're dealing withcriminals, then you're yourself for a criminal
if that's what you're doing. Sono honor among thieves. I get that.
And in that split second, thefirst officer places his hands around the
pistol while the other officer is ableto get off two belly shots. Because
now you have this pistol, thisguy's got the butt end. The officer
is kind of trying has the barelyspinning it away. It's an extremely dangerous
situation, and so the other officerhits him twice with that, at which
point guy drops still. Firearm isstill with him, and it's mag dump
city and he's gone. Watch thevideo. I tweeted it out at Casey
on the radio, and it's likea curious number of people that seem to
have a problem with this, althoughmaybe not major problems, saying let's see
one was you know after they theofficer has control, it has the pistol,
there's no need to shoot him.The officer doesn't have the pistol.
The officer is playing like the mostdangerous tug of war game possible, I
guess, short of tug of warover an alligator pit. But like,
you don't want to be fighting fightingwith a gun, like literally fighting over
it. You don't know whose fingersin the trigger guard, You don't know,
you know, at all times,when you're that close, you don't
even know where it's pointing. Necessarily, That's why it's a movie trope,
right, two guys fighting over agun. All of a sudden, there's
a shot. One guy has ashock look, but you know that that's
not the one who got shot.It's the other one. And it's a
fake out and they do it everydamn time. This is real life,
man. He the officer opened thatdoor and immediately, within a half second,
is greeted with the guy who isprocessing that he's going to go to
jail for a long time. Andthe officer is processing that this guy has
a damn gun in his hand.And I saw people say, well,
look, he had it in hishand before. So it is in that
moment of surprise that they saw itand at that point they decided to kill
him. And to that, Iwould say, it doesn't matter why he
where he had it before, especiallywhen you consider that what you're doing.
I'll give you an example. Here'swhere it does matter. Okay, it
matters if an officer, If anofficer came up onto Let's say I had
property and I got you know,enough acreage that I can shoot on my
property and no neighbors who just movedfrom California will whind about it. And
I'm doing that and an officer pullsinto my driveway on some whatever the issue
is. Maybe maybe there was acall, maybe he suspects me, whatever
it is. If that officer simplybecause he views me holding a firearm,
opens fire, then yes, Iagree with you. The difference here is
this guy is in the commission offelonious actions and is being presented with officers
or by you know, with officerswho are going to likely keep him from
ever breathing free air again, eveneven in Seattle, of all places,
I think they would actually prosecute thisguy. And so it's not the same
situation. And at that point healso could have made a decision when the
officer grabbed the gun to let goof it, Ta dah. And had
he done that with the first youknow it, actually he had a few
seconds, which, in that asfast as everything was going was actually quite
a bit of time he could havejust let go, just let go of
the gun. You don't get youdon't get gut shot. And then mag
dumped at that point. But hedidn't do any of those things. And
then of course there's the other partwhere won't be raping, no kids,
no more, which I see manypeople latched onto here. It was weird.
Was it a holiday in express?And he's really bad at this,
so I don't know. Probably maybethe family will sue Intercontinental hotel brands or
whatever did not make him better athis chosen thing here. All right,
I talked about Moonbat on Moonbat environmentalstuff. I will get you that story.
And the speaking of environmental stuff,the state of New York has their
next target. You're the next targetthat's got to go on your little food
shopping list there and we'll talk racistfoods every other day. There's one of
these hot boobs in profile and someother ones. I can't read on our
stuff or is it just getting worseeverywhere? And I'm feeling like I'm targeted
because we're selfish. I don't know, Man, try to look at the
replies on Twitter and and it's justcovered with that garbage. All right,
I know you're right. It's weirdtoo because it doesn't matter like what the
topic is. It can be somethingvery serious, like I posted like a
sweet thing about Lincoln, you know, yeah, I'm posting about my twelve
year old who has autism and likehow he wants to be a DJ and
his playlist and all this stuff,and then there it is in the comments
boobs and bio. I mean,so it's not like a keyword thing I
have no I I just don't know. I don't know how we got on
the on the list there, butvery frustrated. Hey, let me ask
you a quick question. Let's sayyou wanted to rob a convenience store.
What do you think you would useto rob the store with? Hypothetically,
not that you would, of course, ever do that, but what do
you what do you what do youthink that it would be a useful tool
to achieve your goal? Sheer,intimidation and will anything else? Firearm?
Okay, you're gonna go with afirearm. Let's let's go to Memphis quickly.
I know if you know this,you think, think of any city
in America. Thing's dangerous, andthen just know that Memphis is probably worse.
They were the leader in many ofthe main categories for a while in
Chicago got all the credits. Soany who, around two am, man
by the name of Reginald Cook decidedhe was going to rob him the Shell
convenience store on Elvis Presley Drive inMemphis, Tennessee. Cook allegedly came into
the store with a he's wearing ahoodie and a backpack and demanded cash,
and he was kind of fiddling withhis backpack. So the cashier said he
believed that he might have been armed, but he didn't see a firearm,
and the cash here just looked athim and said, no, get out
of here if I call the police, which, by the way, people
are like, why would you dothat if you think he's Do you understand
the type of person it takes towork at the graveyard shift, the overnight
shift at a gas station without abulletproof cage, I might add in Memphis,
Tennesse, you understand the eight tourgrizzled Vietnam vet. You're gonna have
to be to work two am ina high crime area in a high crime
city. Please, of course,he said, no, please say Cook
then left the store and came backthirty minutes later this time he was armed,
very intimidating. All right, Rossell, you went with firearm, you
said, firearm and sheer will andintimidation, right, that was your go
to. This guy decided he wasgoing to take the WWE approach. I'm
assuming because he rolled back in witha five foot snake around his neck,
a railroad spike and a rock.And I guess he thought that that was
going to intimidate the clerk because hehad, you know, his his creepy
Boa Constrictor friend and a railroad spikewhich I maybe found that in the parking
lot. The problem is is thisis Tennessee. This is not Los Angeles,
this is not New York City.So the guy who works overnight at
the gas station and the bad partof town and the bad town, he
pulled his dirty hairy weapon because ofcourse he has a pistol. Then he
held him and then the police cameand arrested this idiot. So you're not
getting any money, and now he'snow now he's in jail. So he's
like, choose your weapon, andyou're like a burlapsack with a snake in
it. Oh, it's like paperrock scissors for criminals yeah, it's like
the clerk. Look if this guyprobably gets rod with a gun so often
that this criminal dirt bag was justtrying to spice things up for him.
You know this guy. You knowwhat this guy sounds like. Do you
remember that dude in Oklahoma where convincedwas trying to make the super snake.
Yeah, they pulled him over itthey would they found like what a snake
and like plutonium or something. Yeah, and then there was some other thing
too, an ope, a bottleof liquor because you know, when you're
getting radiated to get powers as asnake. I guess you got a drink.
There's something else. But it's likethis guy, I don't know,
man, And how does that work? From a paper rocks or standpoint?
Does rock? Does railroad spike beatrock? I guess because you can use
him to split rock? And wheredoes the snake fall on this? Like?
What would it beat railroad spike?The whole thing's weird. Doesn't say
if he now you get to keephis snake in jail. But anyway,
but just be clear, gun beatsrock, snake and spike, So now
you know it's important information. Man, that'll make sure all right, so
New York they've decided they're going toget to get to cancel in some stuff
again and have now looked at anew bill called Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure
Act. So basically they are they'regoing to attempt to force any company.
I believe they only have to havenet income over a million dollars. So
that's going to be any reasonable signedfood company or reasonable sized food company that's
in the bigger grocery stores to reducetheir packaging. And they got a whole
ramp thing. And one of theimmediate, one of the most immediate things
that will happen is the the lawwill outlaw individually wrapped food in larger things.
So I guess what example. Iguess cheese would be the best example
of that. Right, we haveindividually wrapped but also granola bars, Like,
how does that work? You gobuy a box of granola bars and
there's ten, you know, individuallywrapped granola bars in there. So and
remember, if that's this is howCalifornia plays, they do this crap,
and California had, you know,such a big income. Generally companies will
make the changes. But I don'tknow how the hell this is gonna work.
But that's what they're doing right nowbecause it's it's problematic and there's lots
of problematic foods. I came tolearn. Did you know that lots of
problematic foods? Somebody put together anamazing thread, which, by the way,
I'll have to remember to retweet here. I had forgotten all this stuff,
but on food that is problematic orracist or any of the rest,
and uh, holy crap, man, Holy crap. It's a lot of
stuff, like a lot of alot, a lot of stuff, to
the point where I think the reasonthey want you to eat bugs is because
that's all they have left. AndI think what we'll do in the uh
in the last segment is I justwant to revisit some of those because yeah,
there's even some stuff I didn't realize, and I guess maybe you can
decide whether you want to change yourlifestyle. So we'll get into that.
But raced agic first, he ishe's standing by. So Guy goes into
a convenience store two am, Memphis, Tennessee, already super dangerous, tells
the clerk, give me all themoney, clerk because it tells him no,
because you got to be grizzled towork that shift, I suppose,
and h dude went and then cameback. He and with a snake around
his neck holding a railroad spike ina rock. Well, except the clerk
had a gun. So in thein the paper rock scissors of this,
the gun beats those things. Yes, I would think paper rock scissors.
I mean, I understand, Iguess a rock you know, a lot
able action railroad spike. It's heavy, it's sharp. Sure, snake in
that case you need like you needlike a like a girl, like a
like a tween who's creeped out bystuff. Other than that, I don't
think the snake's gonna have any effectunless it's visibly a cobra or something.
Right, But no, anyway,he's in jail. So what's up?
Well, pretty good looking weather.Got a little cloud this morning around the
triangle. There might be a littledrizzle in some spots. It doesn't look
like some materialize into too much eitherway, These clouds are gonna go away.
Already starting to clear. Try andthat's all coming east. If you
haven't cleared yet, you will Andit's gonna be a great day. Little
on the cool side, but notbad about ten twelve degrees below average,
depends on where you are on eitherside of sixty by few, so up
fifties, low sixties tonight, clearand upper thirties to low forties, a
little warmer Tuesday, as we havesunshine back low seventies and then low seventies
with maybe some light rain or sprinkleson Wednesday. Otherwise clouds and sunshine,
and really that's the only mention ofrain this week. It looks like high
pressure will be back in some beautifulweather for late week with low mid seventies
for highs and loads will be alittle chilly, mid to upper forties,
and then they'll start to come uptoward the weekend as we'll temperatures Saturday and
Sunday, if we want to gothat far ahead, I mean, really
not much else to talk about.So we will bots of sunshine, and
the weekend looks great. Mid seventieson Saturday, maybe near eighty and some
spots on Sunday. So I'm goingto be a pretty quiet week weatherwise.
This way looks right now as westart getting into the last few days of
the month. Boy, last weekendof April coming up, This weekend coming
up, so it's all downhill nowtill summertime. Right what no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, all right, I'm
trying to make it up here.Yeah, to see this, you see
to more? All right, Thankyou, Jeff, and we'll for Jeff
Ray and then we'll chat with Jefflike my first day working with these guys.
Jeff Bollinger from Bloomberg. We gotthe food in sanity and just a
little sports story over the weekend.If you didn't see it, I think's
kind of cool. We'll get intoall of it coming up. Hang on,
well, good morning, Casey.The or chain Express has filed for
bankruptcy, and the retailer's future isalready taking shape. Express has a buyout
offer, and it plans to sellitself to a group made up of WHP
Globo that's the firm behind the revivalof Toys r US and the mall landlords,
Simon Property Group and Brookfield Properties.The deal calls for Express to close
about ninety five of its more thanfive hundred stores and all of its up
West locations. Now blue chip stocksclosed higher on Friday. Investors were seeking
relative safety ahead of the weekend,but the Nasdaq and the S and P
five hundred. Both finished lower atthe moment, though the futures are looking
good. They have looked good allmorning. S and P futures or up
thirty points, Nasdaq futures or upone hundred nineteen. Now futures or up
two hundred and fourteen. Blue chipscould get some help from Verizon Communications today.
Verizon posted a bigger than expected firstquarter profit. Wireless revenue increased despite
a loss of retail subscribers. Theunofficial start of the summer travel season is
fast approaching. More than half ofthe nation's adults plan to take summer vacation.
Bancred dot com says a third ofthe vacationers will take on debt to
pay for their trips. Many saythey will use credit cards then carry the
balance over several billing cycles. Otherswill rely on buy now, pay later
services or personal loans. And Casey, we talked a little bit about this
last week. Bosses gave activist employeesan inch, but a lot of workers
took a mile now that party isover. We did see it last week
when twenty eight Google workers were firedfor protesting over the company's cloud deal with
the Israeli government. Wall Street Journalreports today that bosses who tolerated dissent in
recent years have had enough. Theyno longer put up with dissent that disrupts
the workplace. Casey, all right, well it looks like the universities are
getting aboard on that too. Ithink people just had enough of this stuff.
Is it really that? I mean, I don't know what part of
town you live on, but like, is it that insane in New York
at Columbia right now? I'm assumingthat's the only it's it's a big story.
It's I have I I don't workor travel near Columbia, but it's
it's it's been the maiden story onlocal news for a few nights. Now,
okay, all right, well we'llsee what they the Trump trial.
Yep, well that's getting weird.But anyway, all right, well,
thank you very much, appreciate it. Talk tomorrow. You two have a
good date. Yeah, you know, there was there's some what was I
can't remember who sent the email?There was an email that somebody got.
It was one of those uh youaccidentally all replied, all And basically it
just showed some the staffers with theDemocrat Senate, the Senate Committee the basically
they're going this this, this,this stuff of the universe, this is
horrible for us, Like they're sittingthere looking at like this is not good.
So a little panicky there. Soobviously, as much as the media
can lean into the Trump trial stuff, I suppose they might go in that
direction, but I don't know thatit'll work, all right, So I
mentioned the foods there, all right, So yeah, yeah, So the
state of New York is wanting toget rid of things, and one of
the victims there may be individually rappedAmerican cheese. I guess you grilled cheese
enthusiasts now granted, other sliced cheese. Sometimes it just comes with the paper
in between. And some brands don'thave it in there at all. So
that does exist out there. Butif you buy Crafts singles, you know
what you're getting, and there areother reasons why you may want that individually
wrapped, okay, because sometimes you'renot using it right at the moment you're
removing it from the refrigerator. Iremember this because my mom used to put
some of the singles sometimes in ourlunch and she would leave it wrapped.
You know, I don't know froma health perspective, if that was a
super necessary thing, but it wasworked for us. Plus the inside of
my lunchbox probably wasn't the cleanest thingin there, so so yeah, we'll
add that to the list. Andthen I saw this is great, a
list of all of the problematic differentfoods out there according to the media.
And it's crazy. All right,Ross, if you eat any of these,
just know that you are You're ahorrible person, and so am I
and anyone else who does up first. Candy don't. I don't really like
candy, So I'm okay here nota big candy fan. Yeah, here
we go. Fish, just saysfish? Or is Sacramento b Why some
fish or junk others are protected Californiastudy points to racism? Yams? Those
are they have a racist background.Fried chicken obviously, there you go.
Let's see barbecue. I hope noneof you guys eat barbecue. The media
has erased the long history of blackbarbecue. How about soft drinks? Did
you know that those were problematic?Those are probably if you're rid of those
eggs, BENEDICTT I like eggs,Benedict, you a fan of the eggs,
Benedict, Ross, I'm a fanof eggs in general. Yeah,
but that with that, with thatsauce on the way, why can't these
people be normal? Hold on mimosastoo. I kind of agree with that.
Why can't they be normal? BecauseI this is this is this is
how you get funding, This ishow you get attention. Ninety percent of
these headlines are the result of astudy that was done at some university that
likely propped up the financial health andcareer of the individuals doing it. So
I would just say ninety percent ofthe stories now I come across on X
or on social media, on thenet, whatever, I'm like, ninety
percent of them. My reaction is, why can't you be normal? How
about Ketchup? You like Ketchup?Did ketchup is genocide? Well? No,
this is the headline from the Guardianis having to pay for Ketchup racist?
I mean most times you don't haveto, though, most time if
you order, like if you goto Boat Jingles, right and you're like,
give you a chicken biscuit or whatever, and then they'll just give you
the packets, right, Like Ithink, if you roll up to the
window, just ask for it,right, you can just get it for
nothing. And by the way,if you want to get the most of
something asked for one of it.