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April 16, 2024 62 mins

Tahiry Jose and Dnay B join the ladies of Lip Service to promote their new podcast  'At This Big Age.' The crew discuss coping with breakups, building the perfect roster, marriage bootcamp and much more. Dnay even opens up about why her husbands cat was the reason they had to go to counseling. Enjoy!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's that. It's lip service.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
I'm I'm gg maguire, I'm Cella h oh, I'm here,
and y'all no, no, it is, but I just thought that,
you know.

Speaker 3 (00:15):
Yeah, we go around. This is your friend, which is weird.
You've never you are that's crazy. And if you first
walked in, I'm like, did we have to never? Yeah,
that's that's wild.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
And the funny part is like, from the very beginning,
about twenty thirteen, maybe we're twenty ten, maybe my first
like you were one of you were my first interview ever.
I remember I was scared to come see you because
lip Service, but.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
I didn't realize that was your first interview service, but
the original like you were the first person you were.
We were cool, you were cool with Joe, so I
was just like, but I watched, and I'm like.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
This is going to be crazy. Hey, it did used
to be crazy.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
It used to be No, it's so crazy, it's so
fun used to be I got in trouble after that
interview because we play have that And I remember the
very first interview I ever did was lip service.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Yeah me too.

Speaker 3 (00:59):
I was a yeah, so yeah, but you know that
was the point of lip service. Right was to give
women more of a voice. So it was women who
will always be seen but not necessarily you know, heard,
like we would see you on the stream and everything,
but to sit down and do an interview for you
to for people to understand like who you were, your personality.
We kind of started off with women in magazines and

videos and things like that that normally, like guys would
look at you but not get to know who you
were as a person. So it's just kind of to
show us as three dimensional people with you know, and
then have fun with conversations because it's educational for guys
because there's a lot of things they don't understand about
women that I feel like, you know, we're here to help.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
They think they know, but they have no idea to
get everybody.

Speaker 5 (01:47):
I got a trouble.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
I got in trouble because we played the drinking game
and I was way too honest.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
I always really honest.

Speaker 6 (01:52):
So she was like, drink, if you've never drink, if
you ever drink, if you never drank, there's so much stuff.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
Get good.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
But it is sometimes hard to be honest because people
can be very judgmental. But the point of and even
like on this podcast. I now remember when we were
first starting, it was hard for people to like be
honest and want to say things. It makes you be
more closed off and people start you judge, yeah, yeah,
but then it be the same people that do way
worship judging the shit you do, or.

Speaker 4 (02:23):
A person underneath like that in his mama's basement just
being a troll and who cares?

Speaker 3 (02:28):
But you guys, denay and to hear it, y'all have
a podcast, yeah, and I love that.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
So that is and the story of how y'all even
linked up.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
It's interesting because it's not like y'all were friends from
back in the day or anything.

Speaker 5 (02:44):
And on this woman for one year, a year, couple
of months.

Speaker 4 (02:49):
But I remember running into her page on Exploring and
I was like, oh from Harlem.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
I was all her page. She's a dancer.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
You know, I can't bust two moves if they paid me.
So I was like ooh, and I was all in it.
And then I hid you up and I said, Greg,
I need I need someone I want to I want
to have this idea, and he was like, I have
a perfect person.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
And we met and we closed down the bar.

Speaker 4 (03:08):
Of course he was at the restaurant for eight hours,
and it was kind of like we like we were
just catching up, Like we knew some of the same people,
we did some of the same things, we were different
in some ways, and so we just connected and it
was just perfect.

Speaker 5 (03:21):

Speaker 4 (03:21):
Literally, like we have the same jacket on, and I
walked in like for real, Oh my god, it's kind
of it's meant to be, and it's so weird.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
I walked in. I was like, so, you're wearing my
jacket and she's like, oh, now, nay.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
How is it for you being in front of the
camera and talking, Like, you know, people know you for
your choreography, you're dancing and everything, but it's different to
be revealing things about yourself.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
Sometimes it's not easy.

Speaker 5 (03:45):
So it's very easy for me to talk. I think
it's a little bit difficult for people to receive it
because they've never heard me speak. But I'm such an
open book, like I'm always talking, always, always, always, But
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (04:00):
In front of them mic like yeah, on camera, camera
doing some type of choreography.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
So when I watch her, so to me.

Speaker 4 (04:08):
Because watching a lot of the people on stage, of course,
I wasn't paying attention to Denney, I'm like, okay, and
then now my eyes, I'm always looking for Dennay like
she's on tour.

Speaker 1 (04:17):
I'm like, this is my girl, and so now to
me is the opposite.

Speaker 4 (04:20):
I'm used to her being an open book, and for
the world is like they get to see the other
side of her.

Speaker 1 (04:24):
So it's pretty interesting.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Yeah, now to hear you, I did know this on
the podcast. You said you would going through a breakup.
Oh lord, that was that was?

Speaker 1 (04:31):
I remember? Okay, continue, it's youre fas true a false
true true.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
I mean it was it was about we've been filming,
so it was it was a couple months ago, almost
a year or so. Oh really okay, yeah, but I was.
But it was the aftermath of the breakup. Nobody ever
tells you or speaks about the person who does the
breaking up how much you hurt too, when you don't
really want to break up but you have to. So
I did the breaking up, and it wasn't like when

somebody breaks up with you.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
Of course, you go through.

Speaker 4 (04:59):
The breakup and you deal with the pain or whatever,
but when you're the one who who walks in and says, yo,
this is done, you still kind of deal with people
don't have cynathy for that person, but nobody but but
nobody ever talks about it. Nobody ever talks about go
through that whole grief process. Absolutely, and and it's hard
sometimes because it's like, I know you're not the one for.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
Me, but God, like, I just care about you.

Speaker 4 (05:20):
Yeah, I care, and I'm and it's sad that I'm
kind of hurting you, not really because I have to
look out for me. So I think, for the first
time ever, instead of dragging something out, I realized that
that person wasn't for me, that chose me, but I
was hurting.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
It's like, right, I.

Speaker 6 (05:33):
Always break up first. If I feel like they break
it up, I'm gonna do it first. This might yeah, toxic,
but that's that's toxicity. But to me, like I've always
done the breaking up. But younger to hear he was
different at this big age.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
For some reason, this relationship that to me probably didn't
even wasn't even.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
Supposed to be one taught me the most had it.
So when you say it wasn't supposed to be, when.

Speaker 4 (05:53):
Haw i't look at them and say yeah, I'll be
with you, I was like, boy, bye, boy, please, you
ain't tall enough of this ride.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
I love that how it.

Speaker 4 (06:05):
Happen there, oh, you know, friendship, And I'm being persistent
in a world where everybody so has a d D
and everybody wants right now and everybody's moving around in circles.
He was really let's just say, he was intentional when
it came to me, and he had been around me before,
he knew me, so he knew exactly you know what
I mean. He was he was intentional when it came

to like just getting at me, and I.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
I felt for that.

Speaker 6 (06:31):
You know, I think I want to sit down, like,
let me just let me see if it's let me
sit down.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
I've always felt like a lot of times relationships, a
big part of it is timing, like it was you
could have the right person, but it's not the right time,
or you could have the wrong person, but it's the
right time and it still could happen because you're like,
I'm in.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
The frame of mind where I'm kind of ready to
like you said.

Speaker 4 (06:51):
And that yeah, and sometimes it ain't even your favorite
color and you're like, you know what, maybe I'm color blind,
but I'll take it. Let's see if this this is
a little different than what I usually go for let's
see if this works.

Speaker 5 (07:00):
I always like that with my husband. Oh oh, because
you have no I've known you. Y'all don't know, but
I've known my husband since I was nine.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
Oh wow.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
It was one of the counselors, like the s y
P workers at my summer camp, and I knew he
was going to be my man when you were nine.
When I was nine. I looked at him. I was
we're going to be.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Fast forward the story because we want to make.

Speaker 5 (07:22):
We're five years at part, five years apart. But you know,
like when you're a kid and you have a crush
and always said that's going to be my man in
the future, you think yes, So fast forward all these
years later, like twenty one, we linked back up and
I'm like, no, I don't. I still don't think you're
you're the right person, but it's literally the wrong time.

Fast forward to twenty nine. I run into him again.
I'm like, oh, yeah, I'm ready.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
For you see that because nine just sounds like a
baby and right counselor. And you're fantasizing like that's gonna
but it's gonna be crazy that you knew that I manifestation.

Speaker 5 (08:01):
I loved him so much. I gave my little brother
his name. That's my brother's middle name. It is now
my last name.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
That area I will know.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
Wow, you get like premonitions about things frequently.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
Yes, So how long were you guys together before you
got married?

Speaker 5 (08:21):
The first wedding happened? What was that?

Speaker 1 (08:25):
I love her?

Speaker 5 (08:25):
Five years in? No, I'm lyon four years in the
second one five years in. We had our son. One
year in, maybe a couple months in.

Speaker 1 (08:34):
So why was your two weddings?

Speaker 5 (08:37):
The first one we were supposed to be elopen, but
then all my friends crashed, so we ended up having
like twenty five people at the first one.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Okay, so they had a.

Speaker 5 (08:46):
Destination one.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
Yeah, this is a great story.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
I love this story.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
Right being married, because I think you're the only one
here who's married.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
She said, what is the challenges you would say about
being married?

Speaker 5 (09:02):
Well, for me, it's, you know, finding the balance between
traveling and working so much and showing up and being
the best wife I can. I tell everybody, like, every
time I go to work, that's my vacation. I come home,
I clock the fucking sorry I clocked in because you
gotta cook, you gotta clean.

Speaker 1 (09:20):
We have a baby.

Speaker 5 (09:20):
We have to find alone time. We have to find
time to be friends. He worked at when we were
like right before we got married, he was in law school,
so we have to find a balance with his schedule.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Like just oh, so he was in law school, so
you were kind of supporting.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
No, he was still supporting.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
I told you about people who I know, like not
like so focused on trying to pass the bar that
they don't.

Speaker 5 (09:44):
Have a job, but just the balance that's really like
the most in the communication, like making sure you're constantly
checking in because road so much on, Like I'm gone
all the time.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
Right, Look, that's tough, that's a lot. But it must
be nice to come.

Speaker 5 (10:00):
It's so and they come to me too. Okay, So
we get to travel, we get to see things. We
have great time together most of the time.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Do you ever feel guilty, Like I know when Jasmine
brand is here, she she has a kid, and sometimes
she feels so guilty when she's traveling, right, and like
she's like, you know, because my I feel like guys
are used to we're used to that in society, Like
men travel, they do the thing with the kids.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
Yeah, many kids. I don't remember. I don't know me.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
I'm really big to be like, all right, these kids
needs to be they need to be fed. Yeah, we're
gonna be broken homeless, so we're gonna get fed and
you're gonna be mad?

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Which one? Pick one?

Speaker 5 (10:39):
Yeah, I had a little for a little bit. But
now that my son is able to communicate his feelings,
we have great conversations and FaceTime. My god heras me up,
he watches me, rehears I've been good job. Guys doing great.
We all sit and tells us stories about his day.

The mommy, I've passed it, but I did have a moment.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
Like and I feel like that's natural.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
Yeah, can if you can imagine now now that you're
single to hear are you single?

Speaker 6 (11:11):

Speaker 4 (11:11):
I haven't. Yeah, since that break up because it taught
me so much. I was single and celibate. He long,
oh my god, forever almost eleven months. So we broke
up and let's say, I don't even remember child.

Speaker 1 (11:27):

Speaker 4 (11:27):
January first, twenty twenty three is when I broke up
with him.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
The ball dropped and I was like, I'm out of here.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
Talk about talk about a resolution for the year, because
I knew that I wasn't going to enter my New
Year with the ball dropped together and I woke up
that morning and I was trying to be nice, although
as the ball was dropping, he was beefing with me
about me being on my phone because I was trying
to get the New Year's kiss on it, and he
was like.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
Why are you on your phone? I'm like, what do
you mean? Kiss me? Like what do we talk? What
are we arguing about it?

Speaker 4 (11:54):
And I was just like, somebody get him off the club,
like you know, one of those. So it got crazy
as the ball was dropping it we partied, we argued
a little bit. I ignored him a whole lot, got
got home together, woke up that morning. Was trying to
nurture him, just kind of like because I know I
could be a tough cookie. And he had been through
a lot too. He had lost his mom, his dad

throughout the last four years and best friends, so he
was dealing a lot of grief as it was. So
I was just trying. But then at some point, when
does it stop? When do I stop becoming? When do
you stop just lashing not on me for all the
paint you have. So that morning I got up it
was January first, and I hugged him, and he gave
me issues, and I hugged him again. He had more
issues and I was like, you know what, he said, Well,
we're not going to just know, what we're not going

to do is be together this year.

Speaker 1 (12:37):
And I packed him up last time your boss dropped. Wow,
so was that was done?

Speaker 4 (12:42):
So after that I went, I, I you know, I
didn't jump into anything.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
I didn't jump into anything. I jumped into work. I
jumped It just takes some time, like to after a relationship,
not all the time. So the celibacy was I'm at
this big age. I'm really not.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
I don't really just want to share time space in
bed with anyone.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
I don't.

Speaker 4 (13:04):
It's not key key and party and bullshit like I'm
really it's everything is intentional. I needed to get my
mind together because usually when a woman goes through a breakup,
she's very vulnerable, vulnerable, and you think you're running around
doing the right thing to numb that pain. But then
you wake up on it and you a little bit
better and you realize that you just caught a couple
l's back there. And I think women when people say heal, heal,

women are like, yeah, yeah, whatever, and then you just
find ways to like numb that pain, whether it's alcohol, clubbing,
dating other people, jumping into bed with them, whatever it
is to take your mind away from that. But that
day that you wake up and that you're like you
surpassed that somewhat, you realize all the dumb stuff you've
done right, and it just makes your life a lot.
But it's more trauma, it's more more. It's going to

be a larger therapist bill if you ain't got no medicaid,
you know what I mean. So for me, I decided
to make to stop finally say you know what, I'm
gonna cut it out. I'm a I'm an fill my
cup because I've been doing all the filling.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
Cup empty and he drained that cup.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
So I started filling out my cup. I had moved
into a new place. I was fixing my home rather.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
Than to a new place. Is so important, and it was.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
Unintentional, by the way, but it just so happened during
the breakup. Timing was perfect, and so I usually that
moving in turns into let me pay the mover, let
me pay the clean lady, let me play the organizer,
let me let them organize me, let me go get
this bag this time around, I shut all that down,
and I wanted to be with self right right, and
I wanted to I also wasn't a perfect person in

that relationship, so I wanted to know what took me
down that route, why him?

Speaker 1 (14:39):
What I did wrong in that really?

Speaker 6 (14:41):
Like, I wanted to really self assess so I wouldn't
make those same mistakes.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
So I dove in, So what did you feel like
you did wrong? A lot?

Speaker 4 (14:50):
I feel like I didn't know how to lead with love.
I'm like a dictator. I'm so used to being I'm
so used to.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Being the provider that I just don't I lead.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
And I said, and maybe you don't trust somebody to lead,
and I don't know how to just drop everything in
your hands and trust you to do. That is a
truest thing, though, because I think that women who are powerful,
who are so used to doing things for themselves, it's
like the highest form of knowing that you care about
somebody when you let them handle.

Speaker 1 (15:23):
I didn't let him lead.

Speaker 4 (15:24):
So I think that speaking life into a man is
important as well. I think that automatic. I think I
saw him.

Speaker 6 (15:31):
As I didn't see him as an equal to begin with,
and I treated him that way, and that wasn't fair
to him, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (15:37):
I didn't allow him the space to show me what
he can do.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
Okay, so he caved in, But he caved in because
I was already walking in with that like that that vibe,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
There was a lot of things I could have did different.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
I'm not saying that he would have worked out to
begin with, right, because a man's a man's a man,
and a man can also be like start and be
like you gonna calm the fuck down, you know who
I am. But I will say that I learned so
much and that person that I was in a relationship
by no longer ever want to be Okay, But.

Speaker 3 (16:02):
There's a reason for everything that we go through things, right, Yes,
and whatever what they say doesn't kill us makes this stronger.

Speaker 2 (16:09):

Speaker 1 (16:09):
And I learn how to deal with thrief two.

Speaker 4 (16:11):
That's another thing, because nobody could teach you that how
to deal with other people's pain.

Speaker 6 (16:15):
Yes, so I thought I was doing it. I mean,
I did the best that I could. But now I
look at certain things and I know that I could
have been better at some things. So of course I'm
just saying I could have did better in certain avenues
in that relationship.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
Did y'all have that conversation? Are you just?

Speaker 4 (16:29):
I did apologize after I okay, somewhere in between that year,
I try to like.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
Circle busting you with.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
And I was like, you know what, maybe maybe not,
And I did my apologizing. But it's safe to say
when somebody's going through a lot of pain.

Speaker 1 (16:47):
You have to sometimes journeys. Some journeys are to be
walked along. Yeah, sometimes it's really hard to be in
that in.

Speaker 6 (16:52):
That situation, especially with grieving, Yeah, because they could just
destroy you.

Speaker 4 (16:57):
And that was that's that's what was happening. There was
no time type of inspo at home. There was nothing
happening period and then you're just screaming and losing it
for every other second and I'm just over here trying
to pick up the pieces.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
But they didn't even know how to because I can't relate.

Speaker 4 (17:10):
So if you say I feel your pain, no you don't, Okay,
so what do I like?

Speaker 1 (17:13):
It was just it was.

Speaker 6 (17:15):
So it was just a lot that happened in the
year that I decided to just throw in the towel.

Speaker 3 (17:21):
You know what, I realized, how, what are some ways
you know a relationship is over. What are some indications
no sex or period or the passion isn't there that
you're used to having made facts?

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Yeah, yeah, that no sex is really no cooking.

Speaker 5 (17:36):
I'm not cooking.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
You ain't never been in a relationship with me.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
Because you don't cook.

Speaker 4 (17:42):
No, I cook if I'm in love, but it's not
a requirement, like I'm gonna cook three times afought. We
don't never expect me to cook seven days. I'm great
at ordering.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
Me too, and I'm great at plating it and it
looks good. But I could cook.

Speaker 6 (17:55):
And when you start, I want to see other niggas
for me. Like it's like, if I fuck with you,
I'll fuck with you, but I know I don't want
to fuck with you.

Speaker 7 (18:02):
If I'm trying.

Speaker 4 (18:03):
To do, I'll be just messing with you and don't
see nobody else. Be like, but then once you see me,
I'm like, oh, I don't even like them that much.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
That happens.

Speaker 3 (18:15):
But the no sex thing, I'm so glad you said that,
because that is I feel like one of the first
indications is when that kind of stopped for sure, and
not saying that everything.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
Yeah, I mean, I think I can't think of.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
A person who hasn't been through that, you know, because
especially when a guy is not really trying to have sex.

Speaker 1 (18:33):
With you either.

Speaker 6 (18:34):
Well, this is my first time going through the no
sex thing. So in this situation, the no sex thing,
well I can't say too much because I ain't even
made the announcement at home, but the no sex thing,
when niggas, they'll still be wanting the fuck. You know
what I'm saying for me, Yeah, they don't care about that.

They don't be like the arguments from when they He's
just sad, I don't want to fuck you definitely don't
want me.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
Why wouldn't he offended?

Speaker 4 (19:06):
I just went through that like I was trying to
break my celibacy to somebody. I was like, you chosen
come here somebody that you know I have history with,
and he's great. So I'm like, if I'm going to
break it, yeah, am I ready?

Speaker 1 (19:19):
And I prayed to the Jesus before apocalypse? What is it?
What's happening not to zombies like this? So I'm like,
all right, God, it's coming. The clips is coming.

Speaker 4 (19:31):
So, and he was going through his changes and he
had just had some ship going on at home and
we sit for dinner. He says, Yo, let's go have dinner.
In my head, I was like, dinner right, dinner.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
I was talking deserved. I was like on the phone,
I was like, you want to talk talk about I
want to talk.

Speaker 4 (19:50):
In so right, because mentally, if I thought about it
too much, I wouldn't break the celibacy because I've been
going I'm on a street like I'm going straight a year.
He invites me to a restaurant.

Speaker 6 (20:02):
We sit down and he's talking about how he's working now,
he's not drinking, and how he's not dating anybody, how
he's not having sex in order.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
I was like, screw, I went off? Did that? You
were like, well, I gotta go. I don't think so well.

Speaker 4 (20:13):
I was like what he was like, but he was
going through what I think he was in the beginning
of what I had just went through the cleanse. Okay,
you know at the time, all the timing was off,
but I never got to know from him and I
really but I never really picked up the phone and
was like, and then I realized, way I was just
always available for him, and it's one time that I'm
chying that I needed to be choked up and thrown

up against the wall and not call the cops on
the ex. Oh no, so the cell CEB, the celibacy
lives on, It lives on.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
You're gonna hit that year mark? No, no, no, no, no.
I think I'm gonna figure this out. We can't do that.

Speaker 7 (20:50):
Well one, my one, My moan thing bad because it's
been eleven months.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
You see it, right, it's cool that phone would have
been playing answer to that. Should we see what he wants?

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Don't say nothing crazy, We at work, We're working.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Oh. I was just reading that. Hey, main O, Hi,
I just saw in Atlanta. He told you, Yeah, how
are you? Hello? What up? Pull up? Go be scandalous.

All right, we're going to talk.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
About that right now in honor review, in honor of Maino.
All right, thanks Mana. We needed that, all right. He
really called to tell me how disappointed he was.

Speaker 1 (21:46):
I was just reading that.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
Song about relationships coming to a pause, right.

Speaker 3 (21:51):
You know, the relationships with your homegirls, your besties. Sometimes
that could be more heartbreaking than any man when you
break up.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
Yes, I've been through that. Yeah, so I think that
nobody talks about friendship break ups.

Speaker 4 (22:01):
So I don't know what it is the older I get,
the more I'm feeling and connected, and the more I
would hate to lose people. And then I realize I
have a betterment issues Like so many losses. You want
to keep the people that you love around you.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
But sometimes you have to, Like I think that we
could be loyal to a fault where you're loyal to
the wrong person. And it's like, just because I've known
you for X amount of years does not mean that
I owe you anything or that you actually if you
keep on doing things that are destructed to like our
friendship and thinking that it's cool, it's just like being
in a relationship, like you can't just treat me any

way and do anything and think I must still be
here for you.

Speaker 6 (22:39):
And sometimes the people that help you when you're going
through something are not the people who've been in your
circle for a minute.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
It's always it might be that person that you just
met and it's.

Speaker 6 (22:47):
Weird and you're like, yo, but I've been around you
for so long a year.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
I don't agree with the no new friends things that
people be right because new friends are so important, Like
some of my friends that I've had for not as
long as like my oldest friends are way more like
I'm getting face supported Jesus, I'm not going to answer it.
Everybody's getting faced like, guys, we're working. Why do people
FaceTime with no notice?

Speaker 5 (23:08):
I love it?

Speaker 1 (23:09):
That's me.

Speaker 5 (23:10):
I'm a face time.

Speaker 4 (23:11):
I would say, I only care about the notice when
you FaceTime if I don't really like you, and that's
to a man.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
But if I like you, like you, I'm picking.

Speaker 5 (23:17):
Up I need a little.

Speaker 1 (23:21):

Speaker 3 (23:21):
I only complain when I'm like, why isn't it you
won't I never just pick up the phone and FaceTime anybody.
I tell y'all all do that. I really don't FaceTime people.
I barely call anyone.

Speaker 5 (23:34):
Text it is the best thing ever I'll be calling.
I'm like, because things is so misconstrued. Yeah, sometimes like
you feel like yelling at.

Speaker 1 (23:42):
You you have the l O L. But a happy
face will.

Speaker 4 (23:44):
Be like, I'm not beefa so sure I am.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
People like what you're trying to say? You be like, oh, nothing,
How long have you been married?

Speaker 5 (23:56):
We have been married three years.

Speaker 2 (23:58):

Speaker 1 (23:58):
Have you gone through periods which your husband of no sex? No?

Speaker 5 (24:03):
She said, man, we haven't hit that mark yet. Year eight?

Speaker 1 (24:08):
Oh wow, okay, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (24:10):
Unless I'm like away and then we be so creative.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
Well, I guess every time you come home it's kind
of like a little honeymoon on a low or just
like recapping and things get serious because you're like going,
so it just keeps a spark going. Right now, if
they had the monotony of every day to day relationship,
that probably would they probably would have hit that mark
like I'm tired of you.

Speaker 7 (24:28):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (24:30):
We're so excited like we we have for the most part.
And he just started drinking.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
Just started drinking.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
Yeah, he just.

Speaker 5 (24:39):
Started doing a lot of things. So everything money, it
was just sober, sadly, he has a newborn.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
What is he drinking?

Speaker 5 (24:52):
Okay, bear with me. He's drinking like sweet red wine.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
Think about think about it, Angela. I know you've done
the deal before. Yeah, and you stopped drinking for a
couple of.

Speaker 6 (25:07):
Right, and this is gonna hit you different because you
please imagine somebody who never drank drink some sweet wine
and he's tipsy.

Speaker 5 (25:14):
I got him on that and we just got him
to do some margarita.

Speaker 1 (25:18):

Speaker 5 (25:18):
Yeah, you know, come out.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
You might get putting it one more time.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
One morning, Againe, because you date somebody who doesn't drink.

Speaker 7 (25:30):
Yeah, but I just started drinking remember myself, years ago.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
And I put it down. You gotta relax, and yeah,
I love you. She just start drinking years ago in
her straight liquor on the rocks. Chaser, I like that.
Who know?

Speaker 7 (25:49):
Yeah, no Chaser, no ice, none of it. Anybody who
know me. No, I've never drank.

Speaker 6 (25:55):
Some people still be like you laying and I can't drinking.
Nineteen is too strange. Straight out, I drank a whole bottle.

Speaker 3 (26:06):
Okay, I stopped doing that after the last time you
drank a bottle.

Speaker 7 (26:10):
No, I said I was gonna stop.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
I ain't gonna lie.

Speaker 7 (26:15):
I probably drank every day this month. It's fun and I.

Speaker 6 (26:20):
Feel like I feel like we have to have like
yay after that to that.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
Okay, So yeah, before this, because Mano just called and
he was like, he's very upset about this Young Miami
and JT Beef. But I feel like people were kind
of seeing that was were speculating. They were speculating, but
we didn't know it was going to explode like this.
But to be clear, both of them going through a lot.

Speaker 4 (26:43):
Yeah you know, wait wait, wait, wait stop, it's okay.
The couch I'm with it, I'm with the ships. I
love y'all. Y'all can put me anywhere. Tell me what
JT is going through because I know what I know what.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Young Miami is going through.

Speaker 4 (26:59):
And I've seen how they break up must have happened,
because it was a lot happening.

Speaker 3 (27:03):
But they did end it and said I love you,
I love you more. So it was kind of like,
why does it have.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
To be online? Though?

Speaker 4 (27:08):
Like if I be with the nay, I don't want
it to be online.

Speaker 3 (27:11):
And that's what I was going to ask you guys,
because me and Gigi have been doing this podcast since
the beginning.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
How long has it been. It'll be ten years in
September Jesus.

Speaker 3 (27:20):
Yeah, ten years. And we I don't think we've never
had an argument. Yeah, we've never had an argument. We
never got it. And honestly, there was only one time
it wasn't an argument, but there was only one time
she had to like low key scold me like, Okay,
we're not gonna talk about that, like you did something
that you should not have talked about and we're not
gonna talk about in what I was like, okay, done,
I'll mention it again.

Speaker 1 (27:38):
And in ten years.

Speaker 6 (27:39):
So that's what communication is the key, Yes, understanding communicated.

Speaker 7 (27:45):
I don't understand right communication and I understanding.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
So I want to talk about that because you guys
are starting something new together and people could be really close,
but that like when you start working together. Because we've
seen some podcasts for yeah, fall the part going through it.
So when you think about that, like, are there some
guidelines that you're gonna have, because I also feel like
I would hate for the way that I am if
I fall out with somebody, I'm not gonna like publicly.

I don't want to do that talk about them or
talk shit or reveal any of their secrets to the
public or things like that, or lie about anything like.
That's my own rule for myself. And even if you
come at me, I just don't really respond. I don't
really respond because I think that makes things a lot
bigger than it has to be. Others watch and I

know it's really interesting for people when you do that,
but I also like for my own piece, you know,
because the worst thing is when you do something and
then the internet blows up with it and your notifications
are going crazy and you're like, I shouldn't even say shit.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Because now everybody's like, because you're never going.

Speaker 5 (28:45):
To win everybody, that's the best advice. Everybody has all
the answers.

Speaker 3 (28:51):
So when you think about that, because this is still
fairly new, right, how many episodes in are you guys.

Speaker 5 (28:55):
Now like tomorrow will be number four?

Speaker 1 (28:57):
Right or yeah we've been Yeah, you.

Speaker 3 (29:01):
Know, so do you have you come up with like
some plans because this is kind of like a marriage too,
working together just to make sure that, like we got
to communicate if something is misunderstood and misconstrued.

Speaker 6 (29:13):
We have we have a really good support team. We
also have been watching what's been happening around us and
before us.

Speaker 4 (29:22):
We also really really like each other. We're not saying
that we haven't even had disagreements.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
Disagreements are fine.

Speaker 4 (29:29):
But we've had like we've had we've had a spat
and then we regrouped and we apologized and we moved on.

Speaker 1 (29:38):
What was this bad about? Uh? Just I think it
was it was what I don't even know.

Speaker 5 (29:42):
I think the I think our both of our energies
were high. It was like the launch day and we
were nervous, super It was all nerves. It really was
about nothing right, It was nerves and just energy.

Speaker 4 (29:54):
We both got loud, and then Greg grabbed Anna and
then they had a conversation and then I'm like, we're
the nay. And then I was like, you want a
shot and then she was like yeah, and we took
a shot and we walked in.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
You know, it was literally it was literally the energy.

Speaker 4 (30:08):
Yeah, it was literally the energy of he's about to
walk into like a soul, the beginning of your life.
And we were both nervous, okay, but we do have
a strong support team. So even after that, we regrouped,
we talked about it, and we just assigned hats that,
like you know what I mean, would keep us from
even having that traction because we are both.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
To sit on it, like in other words, let g
do what.

Speaker 4 (30:33):
She does and me and then they do what we do,
and if we have any issues, we come in as
a family and we have the buffer in between, so
nothing to get misconstrued.

Speaker 3 (30:42):
Yeah, and to communicate with each other absolutely, because I
also feel like as important as it is like to
work together, it's also important to know that when you
don't get along, you need to figure out about how
do you work through it?

Speaker 1 (30:54):
Right? And then you know, we're also getting to know
each other.

Speaker 4 (30:57):
So I might walk in with my own stuff from
outside and not wanted to affect do my job and
come in, but my energy is a little different than
it was last Monday, and I was hype. So like
I remember looking at her one time saying, hey, I'm
going through this this, this has got nothing to do
with you anybody here. I'm just going through assist. So
it's important for me to communicate, like you don't know me,

and you might think this is about you. That might
not help to say nothing, but look, I'm being transparent right, this, this, this, this, this,
let's get this shit going, and I just want to
be better. And then she opened up about something and
then we were like, let's have drinks, and it was
kind of like, you know, we're getting to know each
other in a different space.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
We're communicating. That's good. See.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
I like that because really me and g have gotten
along like from the you know, we met through her
even before the service, yeah, even before I live service.
Me and Teller also mm hm and tell I understand
she'd be like Angela, if you don't pick up your
God damn right was wrong because I'm the worst, Like
I'd be busy doing stuff.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
Sometimes I'm not a good friend. Me too. Yeah, I'm
gonna be honest.

Speaker 6 (32:01):
Me too, and sometimes that, and then I would text
some stuff that sound crazy, like we need to do better,
like I did today in the group chat, and I
was like, I'm not beefing with y'all, but I wish
I could say some things.

Speaker 1 (32:10):
But I'm driving.

Speaker 4 (32:10):
I'm trying to get an angela, and so I'm not
a I'm a very much straight to the point that
i'd be like, guys, I'm sorry, I'm pretty in pink,
give me a second. I didn't have time to communicate that.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Yeah, but I don't look at it like that.

Speaker 6 (32:21):
I look at it it's like, you just be busy,
you know, sometimes you be needing yourself time to cake
and ship like that. So don't take that, ok you know,
like's that's from where where you get cake from?

Speaker 1 (32:34):
I'm use it now.

Speaker 7 (32:35):
Really, it's okay.

Speaker 1 (32:36):
You finna be cake. You're gonna manifested. So I don't
take it like that. I'd be like, I just be time. Yeah,
that's all crazy, that's all great. I'm gonna get my
cake cake with all these cakes.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
I saw on money of episodes you were talking about
like being with your husband, but also knowing that, like
you had a wild twenties.

Speaker 5 (32:58):
Oh my god. He while I mean like I had
a schedule. He was on part of the schedule. That's
when I knew I couldn't be with him. I'm like,
it's not the right time. He was like my Wednesday
Thursday guy, Like I had a Monday, Tuesday was Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
I wasn't even sleeping with everybody, but I was just
kicking it here, lunch there, let's go to the park,

let's walk, let's go color like just color yeah, between
them line, I had a wild as I lived a great,
a great life. I think I'm so cool being where
I am now because joys my twenties.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
Is there anybody in the world like Monday was competing?

Speaker 5 (33:41):
Well, everybody was competing because everybody really wanted me real bad.
He wanted me real bad.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
But isn't the weekend the best slot? According to.

Speaker 5 (33:57):
It's not the best slot because all today south on
the weekend.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
But that's better. But don't you want to be free
with whoever you wind up with.

Speaker 4 (34:04):
I want to be I want to be in control.
I want to seven day man is the person who wins.

Speaker 5 (34:10):
That's the lord and the lords.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
And now when you're honest with him, like you know,
I'm talking to other guy.

Speaker 5 (34:18):
Yeah, everybody, that's good.

Speaker 4 (34:20):
I don't know that because I was born, I mean
I was born and raised and in a family who
was like, if you lose your virginity, he's your husband.
Don't lose it. Don't have any kids. We don't fit
in here. If you have section gonna you're gonna get cancer.

Speaker 6 (34:33):
The more you my mom used to be like, the
more you rub on that, the more you're gonna die.

Speaker 1 (34:40):
And she had three girls in the house. She was
a single mom.

Speaker 4 (34:42):
She's like, y'all not coming over here with kids. So
I so the dating thing, I was like, is that
some white people ship? That's what I really thought, because
you always see it in movies, like they're dating. And
I used to be like, if I if I get
into anything, you can't even use my bathroom because my
mom don't want you in the house unless I tell
my mom this is it.

Speaker 1 (34:59):
She only want to that this is.

Speaker 4 (35:00):
It guy, Okay, And you know, I wish she would
have told me that.

Speaker 5 (35:06):
And my mom knew everybody, everybody was covering for you.
My mom is cool. You want to play, you want
to play.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
I'm playing with nobody. That's so funny because your mom
may have no loyalty to none of them.

Speaker 5 (35:19):
Like my loyalty is to you. Mom.

Speaker 4 (35:21):
You're gonna be ruled to everybody, like he can't lose
my bathroom.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
I don't see.

Speaker 3 (35:26):
But you know what, it's so funny because I think
about guys you didd and their moms knew that they
were cheating on you, and it.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
Was smiling, be like his smile.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
You thought you really mattered right and nice to her,
and you know all his friends. That's the worst. And
a man cheats on.

Speaker 4 (35:45):
You and them and everybody knows, and everybody know the
chick and she also around and they covered for him.

Speaker 1 (35:53):
And no family get beat up, Harry. He just got
a cheat just in case. Now, that's my sister says that.

Speaker 4 (36:03):
My middle sister says, Lexi says, Lexi says, listen to
a sister says, she's like, yo, you need to you
need to find you somebody every six months because when
the honeymoon stage is over and you want to play
with the gold play and I'm like what She's like,
let's just we're gonna all cheat.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
Oh my, I how to put yourself first.

Speaker 6 (36:20):
That's not just worry about all these rules and ship
if you ain't married.

Speaker 3 (36:25):
See, I feel like I can't do ship and I
wouldn't do s. I don't even think about it, like
I really be in terms of what caken, Well, you're.

Speaker 1 (36:33):
Good right now. I mean I have my man. I
don't do nothing. You shouldn't. I don't be doing nothing
either though, even when I'm single, Like.

Speaker 6 (36:42):
I don't even got the energy to do it, Like
I really want the real thing, I really look mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
I mean everybody do.

Speaker 4 (36:49):
But until then, with what we're doing outside.

Speaker 1 (36:56):
You ain't doing ship, are you. I'm outside okay right
and like I'm minding my business.

Speaker 6 (37:04):
I want to be outside with like purpose. It's like
partying with a purpose like.

Speaker 3 (37:09):
Nonprofits profit profit yeah, outside on getting back inside yeah yeah, yeah,
like intentional, like I don't really I don't really care, Like.

Speaker 1 (37:21):
I don't care about a lot of things anymore.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
Do you think you have sex differently as you get older? Yep,
then they tell us, since you said it so fast,
I think.

Speaker 5 (37:31):
So in tune with what you want, what you need,
what you like, you're open to trying more things, like
you know what you are, you know your body, what
you want, you know how to do stuff. Now you're
not like just licking the tip like you're going, I.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
Go for my bad.

Speaker 5 (37:52):
You know, but you're doing it like, Yeah, it's more passionate,
even if you're not really married or whatever, like you
want them to want real bad.

Speaker 6 (38:00):
I haven't had it chill out before a quarter next
get in trouble tonight.

Speaker 5 (38:05):
So definitely, I think it's better get better.

Speaker 3 (38:09):
Now, Like what are the things that you do to
turn it up and make it make it spicy?

Speaker 1 (38:14):
I feel like they're so new into their well y'all
have been together eight years.

Speaker 6 (38:18):
You told me, you told me you want me to
tell them to keep it to ourselves.

Speaker 1 (38:23):
What I told you were wearing the same jackets. Now
you can tell.

Speaker 4 (38:26):
It's gonna be wearing different wigs and stuff because you
know what I mean, playing like you role play. He
was like he wanted a blonde. I became a blonde
whoever you need me to be?

Speaker 1 (38:37):
She told me. I was like, oh, I think I
want a husband.

Speaker 5 (38:39):

Speaker 1 (38:42):
Yeah, we was.

Speaker 4 (38:42):
We was at the hook allowed just me, you and
divine and you was like, yeah, you know, because I mean,
you know, we be role playing and then y'all got
the stories and I was like, pop please popcorn.

Speaker 5 (38:51):
She hung up.

Speaker 1 (38:53):
Yeah, role playing? So what is he does he role play?

Speaker 5 (38:57):
No, he just be there watching the show. You be
into it, he be into ITV.

Speaker 3 (39:05):
I got the love of woman who could do choreography,
who could be like, yeah, gig you know, because then
you can do like your your whole thing or your
whole little sexy feeling.

Speaker 5 (39:17):
I'll be making videos and I'll be editing them. I'd
be sending it like a pre pre show tailor.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
Yes, come on, is real? You know, show you something
I could do misirl video? Yeah, telor you got some videos?
Do you know? Tell her doing nineteen forty two?

Speaker 6 (39:41):
When that when you have no videos, you better set
that trip up and get No, I don't do that
because that might make it like I'm kind of stick
when people are watching.

Speaker 1 (39:50):
That's why I couldn't have a strip. Did you just
do that ro Yeah exactly, were taking like everybody watching.
So we have a tripod.

Speaker 6 (39:58):
We got this kind of like flow with in the
bathroom and put the camera phone by like the sink
and ship like like.

Speaker 1 (40:04):
What I got. This clamp thing you clamp on my
videos sounds like somebody.

Speaker 7 (40:10):
Else clamp it. And then you just click it right
there and just put the.

Speaker 1 (40:15):
Phone they got now they got the little suction.

Speaker 5 (40:19):
You got.

Speaker 1 (40:20):
Yeah it's not that suction, but that's such a you
put up in the mirror.

Speaker 7 (40:23):
And yeah, I don't know nothing about it.

Speaker 5 (40:28):
I don't not making videos. I just put my angle
it up.

Speaker 1 (40:34):
To hear you are the videos that you that guys
have like for sure? I mean I've been, I've been.

Speaker 4 (40:38):
I started off at King magazine, right, it was the
last cover ever, I believe it was me and we
had a double cover from I've done everything from King,
Black Men and any urban magazine that you could think
of in print that my mom didn't understand.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
She be like, why are people stopping me?

Speaker 4 (40:57):
And I was on every train station and a little
optimals where you could buy magazines.

Speaker 1 (41:02):
You got social media, and then you got only fans.

Speaker 4 (41:05):
So of course of course you see my cheeks in
places that you know what I mean? No, but I
said videos like the yeah, like like you and know
no face no case, okay, okay, I think there's only
one in the faces.

Speaker 6 (41:19):
Yeah, that's right. I think there's only one individual my
whole life that.

Speaker 4 (41:23):
Could ever be like, if anything ever leaks I know
from you, I would know exactly, no face, no case.

Speaker 3 (41:29):
Okay, so there's stuff, it's just not your face in it. Uh,
there's definitely stuff that you send the man. You'd be
like and you'll be like you said, it's some chance,
but you ain't.

Speaker 6 (41:38):
I'm not.

Speaker 4 (41:39):
I'm not busting it wide open for no real ninja.
But this is one person that I don't know why
I feel so free and maybe he just brought that
out of me and and you know, and in our
situation ship that he might have got some incriminating evidence
and it better be in the safe.

Speaker 1 (41:58):
That's why you just got.

Speaker 4 (41:59):
To do it on your phone, right, Well, you don't
have any but sometimes especially when you're when you're dating somebody,
you're dating somebody and y'all long distance, Like how do
y'all entertain each other? It's not like he can come
downstairs and be like, yo, I'm outside, let's go to movies.
It's like I have to travel too, So sometimes you
gotta keep them entertained on a Monday through Wednesday, but

till Friday.

Speaker 3 (42:23):
Now, how important is it when you're dating somebody to
tell them, like about your past and people you've been with,
things you've done, especially when you're Google.

Speaker 1 (42:32):
Look at your face. You don't even know how to
your Facebee saying everything?

Speaker 5 (42:37):
Why she makes.

Speaker 1 (42:41):
I don't know how important is it?

Speaker 5 (42:43):
Tell everything I've done a book? Okay, that's also it's
like a gift and a curse, Like I really tell everything.

Speaker 1 (42:50):
Does it ever get brought back up?

Speaker 5 (42:52):
Yes? Then they want to talk about it. They want
to dig deep. It's not that deep.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
That's why it's not that you don't.

Speaker 6 (43:00):
Even like he just want to know what might affect
the other than that. Yeah, because I feel like guys
don't want to know. No, I've had meant to be
down and say so like weird stuff, like so tell
me what you did with him, and you're like, oh,
you're more details.

Speaker 1 (43:13):
See if I was with a guy and he did that,
I would feel weird. It's weird. I don't think he's
for me. He's weird.

Speaker 3 (43:19):
If he was like asking me, like grilling me about something.
You know what I'm saying, it's one thing and they're like,
as you use yeah, you know that's it. But like
grilling you like. I think that's a lot. It's weird
because I wouldn't do that.

Speaker 6 (43:33):
It depends on a gay too, Like for me, it
depends on like, say, contest the number one. I'm gonna
tell you whatever I think I want you to know.
It might not even be real. I'll tell you some
shit and you just be like, oh the whole time,
I'm just making some shit up. If it's later, I
don't because this is what I do.

Speaker 1 (43:55):
Not doing it for a minute, so you know.

Speaker 6 (43:58):
But and it ain't that often. It ain't like every
week I'm just making up. But I don't think you
should just go in just telling every single thing.

Speaker 3 (44:04):
You know what I'm saying, right, Yeah, I feel like
because also I think about if things don't work out
now that now you everything, yeah, and that can be
weaponized against you.

Speaker 1 (44:16):
That I feel the same way.

Speaker 4 (44:18):
I feel like it depends on what place that person
holds in your life. It depends on how you feel
about the person too. And I think when you allow
a man to speak, he'll tell you so much about
himself and how he feels about.

Speaker 1 (44:32):
Women in general.

Speaker 4 (44:33):
So I've been on dates where he starts just dragging people.

Speaker 1 (44:36):
I'm like, I can't be honest with right.

Speaker 4 (44:39):
Yeah, I'm also in my mid forties, so like, I've
been through some stuff, right, But I've also been in
relationships where I want him. I want to be naked
and not like I am to the world. I want
to be like fully, like vulnerable in front of this person.
I also want to protect them because we're in a
space where if you walk in somewhere you see someone,
I want him to have the heads up and know
that I dated, not because he cares, but just so
he could know that, yeah, you talk to such and

such so nobody has something.

Speaker 1 (45:02):

Speaker 4 (45:02):
So so that comes with that person being your person.
Other than that, I'm really big on how long are
you going to be around and why should you be
another person with my because anybody could say anything about me.
Once I out of my mouth, the horse's mouth, say something,
then that makes it official. And I don't need you
to have AMMO to shoot.

Speaker 1 (45:21):
Me, try to use against me.

Speaker 6 (45:22):
Right, So I so if I care about you, my
job is to protect you.

Speaker 1 (45:26):
Other than that, then it is what it is. Yeah,
Because also think guys could be insecure.

Speaker 3 (45:32):
And if they know, like, oh you talk to this
person or this person did that it could make them.

Speaker 1 (45:36):
Feel really like, yeah, it.

Speaker 3 (45:39):
Could be unnecessarily like giving somebody some things where they're
like thinking about it intimidated. Yeah, but that's their problem.
I learned a long time ago by telling something. And
it was the same way you said, like, I wouldn't
want I would want you to know for me, I
would want and want somebody else to tell you, or
you'd be blindsided by finding out, you know, from a
different source that I had some with this person.

Speaker 1 (46:00):
But no, it depends on a person. It was Angela
exactly what I'm talking about it. But yes, I heard
about that for years.

Speaker 4 (46:10):
But here's the thing though, But then that goes to
show you like I can sleep at night good because
I'm trying to be real with you and if you
can and if you can't handle it, and I'm not
the person for.

Speaker 3 (46:18):
You, yeah, yeah, listen now listen I loven hip hop.
It's been streaming again.

Speaker 1 (46:25):
Yes, I saw, Yes, I didn't.

Speaker 4 (46:27):
I didn't realize until I was getting text messages and
I walked into so Far and my person there was
like like.

Speaker 1 (46:33):
I love you, and I was like, yeah, I come
see you all.

Speaker 4 (46:35):
He was like no, You're so good, and I was like,
what's happening and she was like your story and I
was like, oh snap. And then my mom sent me
a text message like your face is on Netflix and
I was like, great, we.

Speaker 1 (46:49):
Don't get paid for it. That's another thing too.

Speaker 3 (46:52):
Imagine that right now, this is like syndication on streaming services.

Speaker 1 (46:56):
You got paid for it back then.

Speaker 4 (46:58):
Contractually we signed that contract, So I'm not at this
point I think cry over spilled milk. I could just
look at it in a positive light, which is what
I'm trying to do now at the big age, I
look at everything and find a silver lining. Am I
happy that I signed the contract and that I feel
like we've been exploited and then we did so much
on TV and that we didn't really we signed the contract.
So it is what it is. It was a platform.

I've reached a lot of benefits from it. Now it's
on Netflix, so I have to look at it as rebirth.
You know, I just launched a podcast at the same
time it was on Netflix, so it's like, why work
against it when I could work with it?

Speaker 3 (47:30):
Yeah, and there's streaming services weren't around back then.

Speaker 4 (47:32):
At all, and the kids now and I'm talking about
the young kids, not the kids that be on my
dms because they watched me with their mamas.

Speaker 1 (47:38):
I'm talking about the young kids right now.

Speaker 4 (47:40):
I could watch and like they get to see a chance,
like they get to see why. Like kids be like
my mom loves you, but don't understand.

Speaker 3 (47:46):
Why, but not thinking why do you watch Stash show now?

Speaker 1 (47:49):
Like I haven't. But I'm not saying I'm not. I
just haven't been.

Speaker 4 (47:54):
I haven't watched it. I did see that there were
only there was a season.

Speaker 1 (47:57):
The season is on.

Speaker 4 (47:58):
I'm not on there yet, but my picture promoted for
some reason, myself and Joey's I didn't see. I saw
like season, like the first couple of seasons and we
come on a three or four or something like that.

Speaker 1 (48:09):
Either way, would I watch, Yes, I probably would.

Speaker 4 (48:12):
One day that I'm having drinks and I want to
watch myself cry and cry with myself.

Speaker 1 (48:16):
Is weird because I can feel that pain.

Speaker 3 (48:17):
They had some moment. I don't lave proposal. That's like
a forever you know.

Speaker 4 (48:25):
The funny thing about the proposal is that when they
say top things that happened on Reality TV, I would
think that we would make the top ten, and we
don't and people.

Speaker 1 (48:32):
Might have forgot about it. It was one of the
biggest things ever.

Speaker 3 (48:35):
I mean it was wild back then, but I was like,
I get ready. Yeah, it was like kind of in
the early early like reality TV. I don't know, because
you guys, like even with streaming and everything, what was
that streaming service that you were on first before?

Speaker 1 (48:51):
Was it? Ut? We were on U stream that you too? Yeah,
before everybody it was.

Speaker 3 (48:56):
And I used to do U stream for my show
all the time, and it was.

Speaker 1 (49:01):
U stream was almost twenty years ago.

Speaker 6 (49:03):
It was Soldier and then Joe it was us yeah
you yeah, it was a few of us on there.

Speaker 1 (49:08):
Using that ship. Boy.

Speaker 3 (49:09):
People was getting mad because I you seen people with
even comments while things were happening. I remember I was
doing an interview and somebody walked out of the interview
because people were talking crazy about him on the U
stream and I didn't know what happened. Like I was
interviewing him, I had the U stream up. All of
a sudden, he was reading.

Speaker 4 (49:24):
He just got up and left, and I was like, wow,
I mean, I wonder how that person's doing now with
all that's happening in front of our faces, because I
feel like we get bullied regardless, like anytime you put
something up you recomments, you might want to die.

Speaker 1 (49:35):
You know what, how was that for you now, Tony?

Speaker 3 (49:37):
Because I know that from coming from behind the scenes
almost to now to.

Speaker 5 (49:42):
People like you are you're at your I do I
read all the comments?

Speaker 1 (49:46):
Don't do it. I don't tell you right now, don't don't.

Speaker 5 (49:48):
They've been great?

Speaker 1 (49:48):
Don't you think you are so kind? Oh yeah, right now,
so nice for now until they disagree with it.

Speaker 5 (49:54):
Until they disagree and I haven't gotten.

Speaker 1 (49:56):
They're like all this, they were sous. I used to
read all of us. I don't. I'm not reading. Yeah, yeah,
you don't read. I used to write.

Speaker 7 (50:03):
You said that I read them to.

Speaker 1 (50:04):
I tell you not to. I don't. I'll be trying.

Speaker 4 (50:07):
I don't read a few the other day and I
was like, let's get into it, and then I called
you like girl group and he was like, you're always like,
let's do a live.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
But then I remember, doesn't really matter. I read it.

Speaker 6 (50:17):
I read comments, and I mean, I don't be giving fuck.
Sometimes I might like how y'all was saying, don't go
back and forth. I probably will go back and forth,
maybe like one out of twenty okay, depending on what
will say it.

Speaker 1 (50:31):
Yeah, you know, but.

Speaker 3 (50:33):
And sometimes I think you also have to respond to
the positive comments.

Speaker 1 (50:36):
Sure, just the.

Speaker 3 (50:39):
Bad ones, but it's actually really nice when you show
love to people who are showing because like, read those
through and somebody, one person said, you'd be like what, I.

Speaker 4 (50:49):
Had a fantom like period, disregard them, like talk to us,
we you And I was like, yeah, you're right, you're right,
but we get caught up, especially when you wake up
on the other side of the bed and you read
some ship that you're.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
Like, did you just call me your what? Now?

Speaker 3 (51:01):
Listen now reality TV? You also did was it couples therapy?

Speaker 1 (51:05):
Yes? I did.

Speaker 3 (51:06):
Okay, So now looking back on that and looking at
it from this space in today, what do you think
Because there was a lot of people on both sides, right.

Speaker 6 (51:15):
I want to say that I think it was very
miss It was very misinterpret And also the edits are
like amazing because what was happening behind the scenes, you guys,
like the world gets to see about seconds of what happened,
but we're taping from seven am to twelve am, and
it's going to have no phones, and yes, and then

I don't know that that situation was crazy because every
time I spoke up, I was speaking up or defending
myself because there was stuff happening behind the scenes, so I.

Speaker 1 (51:48):
Would just saying it was.

Speaker 4 (51:49):
The reason why I think the podcast was so important
is because there was a space for people to get
to know me, me me, not what other people get
to edit edited version. Another thing is that Bado and
I went into that show as a friendship, like a
friendship who he was trying to take this relationship to
another level because he was interested and I wasn't sure
if he kind of was ready for a woman like me.

Speaker 1 (52:08):
And that's how we walked in on that show, and everybody.

Speaker 6 (52:11):
Thought, because it's called a couple's therapy, everybody in here
as a couple.

Speaker 1 (52:14):
We weren't a couple.

Speaker 4 (52:15):
We were trying to figure out could if we'd be
a couple because at this point, after all these years,
are you on my back and I'm just your friend,
Let's see if we could take it there, you know
what I mean. So there was a lot of you
know what I mean, a lot of things that really
weren't how people took it.

Speaker 1 (52:28):
But it's for everybody's interpretation. I guess what did you
learn from that?

Speaker 3 (52:32):
Because you know, the whole point of the show is
it is supposed to help you, oh a lot in
your life in general.

Speaker 1 (52:38):
So do you think that it was helpful for you?

Speaker 4 (52:40):
Yes, because it's an actual program that they run with
actual real judge and a real therapist. It's a real thing.
It's a program for real. I learned a lot about
me as a whole. It was so long ago, but
it was really it was. It was I went through

all the emotions.

Speaker 1 (53:01):
I locked in.

Speaker 4 (53:02):
I didn't speak to anybody on the outside, So yeah,
it was it was everything about my traumas, about my
domestic violent situation. I was taken back by why he
would react a certain way, although I did throw the apples,
so I'm not you know, I'm not fond of that moment.

Speaker 1 (53:19):

Speaker 4 (53:20):
So I did learn that I had some things to
deal with that if I don't address my traumas, my
traumas will address me, right, And they were addressing me
in front of the world, right, that's you know what
I mean. So it is tough, but I've chosen to
do so. Yeah, and so I learned so much by.

Speaker 1 (53:37):
Sometimes I don't know how hard it's going to be
till you do it. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (53:39):
I watched my pain on National TV that had not
much to do with everybody else but just me, So
it was I mean, I can't wait to find another
boyfriend to go in that house again.

Speaker 1 (53:51):
Different, I'm different. Now we're going I'm not throwing apples.

Speaker 3 (53:55):
But yeah, didn't they Could you see yourself doing something
like that?

Speaker 5 (53:59):
Yeah, because my husband's in therapy. I'm in therapy. We
tried relationship counts therapy or whatever a couple of years ago.

Speaker 1 (54:08):
But yeah, what made you guys decide to do that?

Speaker 5 (54:11):
Because we were having like disagreements, like having we had
a little moment where it was like we just were
not getting along. Like he has this cat, so sick
of the cat, Like the cat is our biggest, biggest problem,
and I'm like, we can get.

Speaker 1 (54:25):
A new cat.

Speaker 5 (54:27):
The cat is a cat he shared with his ex.

Speaker 1 (54:33):
I can't. That's how.

Speaker 5 (54:36):
I didn't ask to be with the cat. I won't
be with you. And if we all have to live
in this house and the cat, you can contribute to
the rent.

Speaker 1 (54:42):
With the cat. Why did you say the cat can't come?

Speaker 5 (54:44):
I did, And at the time he was co parenting
the cat. So that's also why we have such a
huge issue and like we need to go get a
third opinion on like, let's as he has the cat
full time. Now, that was the compromise. You can't call
parent the cat anymore. You have to keep the cat.

Speaker 1 (55:02):
So the cat doesn't like you.

Speaker 5 (55:04):
The cat doesn't like me. The cat is jealous of
my son. So that was our biggest issue.

Speaker 1 (55:09):
Your cats are a little bit.

Speaker 5 (55:11):
Because baby like, because they're warm, so we'll come in.
Sometimes he's cuddled up with my.

Speaker 1 (55:20):
Son and we're not doing that.

Speaker 5 (55:21):
He's wiping feet from under the couch. I'm like, bro,
this cat gotta go. So we went to therapy for
about the cat to help us. So I opened to
all situations DK kkt Okay that's.

Speaker 3 (55:39):
DK. So yeah, okay, that's so interesting.

Speaker 5 (55:46):
Whatever the therapist thinks he should get rid of the cat. Really, yes,
did you pay him on another table?

Speaker 7 (55:52):

Speaker 5 (55:52):
In this lady, I did not like this therapist.

Speaker 1 (55:54):
I don't like nobody.

Speaker 5 (55:55):
He chose the therapist him choose. Okay, except where we going,
who's doing it, who's leading the conversation?

Speaker 1 (56:02):
Now, like you said, you let him choose?

Speaker 3 (56:04):
No, Now you know what the next question is do
y'all ever venture to add people to your relationship.

Speaker 5 (56:09):
He's not into that, but you would be, okay, Yeah,
I would be, and I've asked, I've offered. He's like, no,
you're all I need baby that sweetie.

Speaker 1 (56:22):
Okay, sweets.

Speaker 3 (56:25):
I don't quite often hear that side.

Speaker 5 (56:30):
He's not into it. You don't like the fact that
I'm attracted to women.

Speaker 1 (56:34):
You don't.

Speaker 5 (56:34):
He's like, no, I don't need none of that. I
don't want to explore that with you. It's just me
and you to the will's fall off, and you're okay
with that. I'm all right, cool because I don't really
need nobody either. We have a blast. I make sure
we have a blast to Harry.

Speaker 1 (56:46):
Are you open to that? Huh? I am not saying no.

Speaker 4 (56:51):
I am gonna say he's getta hot, it's getting hotter here. No, Nelly,
I'm gonna say that. I'm never gonna say no, because
because certain people bring out.

Speaker 1 (57:01):
Some parts, some different things about you. Like I've been
with a person I'm like, oh my god, what are
you doing. I'm not ready for this?

Speaker 4 (57:07):
And I've been with somebody with I'm like over here
like a cougar. With these cows. So I'm not gonna
say that, right, I'm not going to say that I never,
I will never be bring someone in. I just feel
like whoever I am doing that with, we will have
to be incredibly bonded together and like this is about us,

which is pretty hard because I've heard horrible stories when
it comes to, you know, couples going into that opening
Pandora's box and then they start cheating on each other
and they wind up with the person that they met,
and so.

Speaker 1 (57:38):
I've heard that.

Speaker 4 (57:38):
So I don't really play around like that. But if
I was to ever, I'm not going to say never.
If even if it's not my husband, if I really
f like, fuck with somebody and we tight like that
and we out on the island, we all dressed in white,
I might just consider some things we're dressed.

Speaker 1 (57:58):
And weex. It goes and we're just in white and
Angelina Jolie looking.

Speaker 4 (58:03):
At us books by and I'm like, why maybe I might.
I don't know, and you gotta pick. That's the whole thing.
But I would like to have his input, like because
I'm not into women, okay, but I could be.

Speaker 1 (58:15):
I guess. Yeah. Twenty twenty four yeah, Mom, don't believe us. Okay,
it is who you guys are kind of opposites. Yeah,
but it works. Yeah, but it works. I love it. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (58:27):
Well listen, I appreciate y'all both so much for coming do.
I cannot believe at this big age this is your
first time.

Speaker 6 (58:33):
I know, you know this is horrible. I feel like
we have to do better as friends. Definitely, Yeah, we
do that.

Speaker 3 (58:38):
You know, we were just saying this, like I don't
really be outside like that, and clearly neither do you.

Speaker 1 (58:43):
Not. No more you be in Jersey, though.

Speaker 4 (58:45):
I feel like I don't even be outside outside unless
I'm getting paid to be outside.

Speaker 3 (58:49):
Yeah, it's like the same thing. We don't really Yes,
New York night life make the same as it.

Speaker 1 (58:54):
You even think there is? There isn't. It doesn't cop
You know what.

Speaker 3 (58:57):
We like lounges and likes and jazz, and I like
comedy clubs.

Speaker 1 (59:03):
Now, yeah, well you have always been into.

Speaker 3 (59:07):
We love a good comedy club, all right, so we
can do fun things like that. I like to be home,
like around midnight, me too. You know that's a good
time for me.

Speaker 1 (59:15):

Speaker 3 (59:16):
You know what I was trying to figure out, is
it that the clubs aren't anymore?

Speaker 1 (59:20):
Or is it that I'm not lit New York specifically?
Is the clubs right?

Speaker 3 (59:25):
Because I'm like, we used to have so many places
to go to and I don't know if this is
still going on, and I just don't know there are
some clubs going on. This happen, Yeah, there's just but
it's not the same. Is it not like it was?
Or am I not like I was?

Speaker 4 (59:39):
I don't know because I could say it's not like
it was, and it's not you because back then we
used to have certain places where not everybody can get in.

Speaker 1 (59:45):
That's true, where you like the Who's Who. We had
the Greenhouse. We had a certain places Greenhouse days. So
I don't know if it's just that.

Speaker 7 (59:53):
We're not it.

Speaker 1 (59:54):
But I just saw a photographer the other day. He
was like, remember me from Greenhouse. I was like, oh
my god, that's.

Speaker 6 (01:00:00):
We ended up in one or we have there's so
many other places club Hollywood back in the day, like
there were so many places.

Speaker 1 (01:00:08):
Now they might be so re sponsored.

Speaker 6 (01:00:09):
We don't know about, right, but I'd have been out
in New York and I'm just looking around.

Speaker 5 (01:00:13):
Like they don't have listen anymore. Everybody could go everywhere
that New York.

Speaker 1 (01:00:17):
Let us know in the comments and let us if
we're not we want to be. I want to be
lit tell I'm gonna take you out. I have the option.

Speaker 6 (01:00:26):
Let's go see Chicago still lie.

Speaker 3 (01:00:29):
I went the last day that I was in the
breakfast club. I left after work and went to Chicago
and ended up being out till like five in the morning.

Speaker 1 (01:00:38):
We had a turn Tella.

Speaker 3 (01:00:40):
You left a little early because you had to go
do something. I ended up Oh yeah, Oh, we left
the same time and.

Speaker 1 (01:00:47):
I had to fight, had a fight.

Speaker 6 (01:00:49):
I A I fell asleep. He had my location on
because other than that, I won't even woke up.

Speaker 1 (01:00:54):
That's now.

Speaker 3 (01:00:56):
I was so drunk that night. I was celebrating for
I went to Chicago and celebrate.

Speaker 1 (01:01:00):
You're go out because I'm coming.

Speaker 6 (01:01:15):
I'm not looking badge, you heard me, Dominican page, hold
his badge till I get like.

Speaker 1 (01:01:25):
This all right outside. I love to see it all right.

Speaker 3 (01:01:31):
Well anyway, well, thank y'all so much for coming through,
And make sure you guys tune into at this big
AGEI has some really fun conversations. Y'll have different points
of view, but you expressed it both so well, So
sometimes I agree with her, but I kind of agree
with her. But there's certain things I'm like when it
comes to infidelity and other topics that you guys have
that I think will be really relatable for people, But

coming from two different points of view and two different
life experiences, I think it'll be really enjoyable.

Speaker 1 (01:01:57):
Yeah, thank you for hanging us.

Speaker 5 (01:02:00):
Oh my god, just look at you hutting your jacket off.

Speaker 1 (01:02:04):
It's lift service. Thank you. M
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