Episode Transcript
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It's the Valentine in the Morning replayWelcome to the breakfast table a Valentine in
the Morning. I laughed heartily.I hope it's respectful to say I love
you. The full show podcast startsright now. It is Valentine in the
Morning as we start the show today. One of the most important people in
this building Ronnie. Ronnie, Really, that's so nice to hear. Are
we going to order my clothes forCoachella? Do you want to? Because
we have to do it. Ilooked at the comments and everyone was so
like they said, he would livevery nice. Yeah, right, Lets
you and I sit down this morningand order them. Will they be here
in time? You think? Idon't know. That's the problem. So
delivery you could do express. It'susually not that much more, okay,
I don't know how much more.It is probably like twelve dollars. Okay,
you want to spend that much.But are how much of these clothes
a piece? Roughly? Cheap?Cheap? Cheap cheap. I am an
inexpensive shopper because I like to shopon a budget, because I like,
are these being made like in asweat factory in some country? I think?
So? I really do think sowell? You know, yeah,
I even look like this shirt istwelve dollars. This one's fourteen dollars.
Sixteen dollars, eleven dollars. It'snot that much. No, it's not
in total. You'll probably only spendlike forty bucks. Okay. Do you
think I should get Excels for theshirts? Yeah, that's what I put.
You put You don't think I needXXL. You think XL is fine?
No, Excels fine, because I'mwearing a lot of them, like
kind of open, right yeah,but not all the way down just a
little bit so it will have room. Yeah, it will have room to
breathe. All right, all right, people are gonna be so excited to
see you on it. Okay,all right. I just hope they fit.
Let me tell you how much dothey do? They run usually on
size large or small for you.No, I think it's pretty true to
size. But it's definitely gonna shrinkafter one wash. Yeah, could we
order two sizes? How's the returnpolicy? Like? Would it be easy
to make a return? So thenthat way you can do whatever you feel
comfortable in. I don know,you know, I don't return clothes because
I hate like inconveniencing people. SoI will just keep up o a return
closed from the sweat factory because Iwant to inconvenience stuff. It's true,
that's like it's such a hassle tome. I just I hope the XCEL
will be good. I mean,it's so weird because I'll wear EXCEL in
certain things. But like the Orashirt is a double XCEL. But theory
is, like yoga wear, ithas to be fitted just for the look,
like you need it to be alittle tight. All right, all
right, let's do it honestly.Right here. It's thirty five bucks,
okay for everything, but that includesthe pants too. Oh, I didn't
put the pants. I've got towear some of my bottoms. I know
you need some bottoms just for thebuttons on the shirt. The poet,
okay, let me Winny the pet. He just wears a shirt. He's
got nothing at his butt, Nonothing, how about that? Well it
could be for the look, itcould be for the look. Okay,
well, just coach, here's thatCoachella fella. All right, so we're
gonna order this stuff than nine dollars? What is nine dollars? One of
the shirts? You want the punchoor no, you tell me you're my
guy? Is my favorite? Youguys are really quick. Of the money
over there, it's twelve dollars,and the other thing was twelve dollars,
and the other thing was twelve dollars. The other thing was twelve dollars for
the show. Actually, what justpanchos for the show? You in there
at a medium? No? No, no, that would be so cute.
You didn't even go into Coachella.No, but I can dress the
part and watch the live stream rightnestlytoo. Some of the things come with
warnings, which that mean concerning Whatdoes that mean? Warning? It says
warning, this product can expose youto chemicals, just chemicals in general.
It says, I don't know howto pronounce this word, miss and all,
Hey, I'm going to look itup. Okay, do we have
that sign when you walk into anybuilding? Yeah? Yeah, but is
that the California law that's on others? Yes, it says something on it.
Yeah, and then you just sayconfirm and keep it going. And
then I get a chemical on me. I don't know what. I don't
know what that means. It's achemical that's been used to make certain plastics
since the nineteen fifties. Oh okay, you get a little plastic and yeah,
no, it doesn't mean you shouldstill use it. Honestly, that's
fine. Yeah, it's okay forthe fashion of it. You're only in
it for a couple hours. Anexpress shipping it will arrived April seventeenth,
which is no, he's this weekendApril seventeen. Next week. Oh my
god, I don't even know whatall right, So that's we just shut
down everything? Then, yeah,what are you gonna do? I gotta
find something else. Well, wecan go into the store. Was the
store? No? Like another store? Another store? Do you have a
story though? That's like good priceslike that? No? Amazon, I
could do Amazon. Yeah okay,So let me start looking at it,
gather something that get turned around.Yeah okay, and then maybe like chemical
free. But I love what youwere doing there. That stuff's great.
I didn't put the chemicals in it. But you know, I'll be short.
You know, this is like Godtelling us don't use that sweatshop.
That's what he's saying, right Alook at it like that? Or did
you just not do this in time? Ye? Procrastination, Ronnie, Thank
you very much. Nice to seeyou this earlier of the morning too.
By the way, it's great tosee you too. Thank you, I
know. And hey, that's it, you know, up on a line.
That's all we can hope for.There's plenty of people today. I'm
gonna wake up dead. Well,don't say that, can you wake up
dead? You never heard that phrasebefore. My mom would always say that
to me. She called me up, especially years ago when people in her
age group started passing when it's veryIrish phrase. Do you remember Missus Wilson?
Oh yeah, yeah, Missus Wilsonlived down the street. Lovely lovely
lady. Oh I love her.Yeah yeah, yeah, she woke up
dead. So she died, Yes, you died. Wake up and you're
dead. It's an Irish phrase.I think it's actually Jamaican as well.
I think people from Jamaica like that. All right, tick that out,
all right. Good morning, folks. It is one of four to three
my fan. This is Valana inthe morning, one of four to three
my family. It is Valentine inthe morning. Good morning to you guys.
Today is it Tuesday morning? Theninth day of April. My son's
sixteen birthday was yesterday. Had afun time, had dinner with my friend
Jill and her family and they joinedus. You caught me so off guard
yesterday at the end of the showbecause you asked me what I was doing,
and my only plans were Colin's birthdaydinner. But it was a surprise,
surprise. He was listening in school. I think I want to take
me chances like you didn't. SoI just made up taxes, which I
do. Yeah, thank you,but I didn't do it yesterday. So
oh so it was a big fibYeah, I heard your chair. That
wasn't my chair. What was it? Then? That was your bottom?
Had a body part that was gota noise from down below? Was a
rumble from the giant. It wasfrom underneath Jill's desh. No, it
was it it was It wasn't fromJill, And honestly did it sounded like
from over there. It sounded likeover over you. I am one share
that it was from under jails.Me too. We think you two did
you can It's okay, No,we don't want to take it. What
would we want to No, No, it wasn't me. Listen, I'm
not saying it was anything that wasnoxious. I'm just saying that you made
the noise right in the god,right the God. I heard it come
from you, and I have awitness over here, a co witness,
John saying it came from you aswell. Certainty that it came from under
Joe's desk. Certainty from John.He's got young ears too, Yes,
and why but I feel, youknow, not like his running young.
But I feel like maybe it wascoming from like the center of the console.
No, No, we all knewit came from now. Well,
I can guarantee with one hundred percentcertainty it was not from my body.
Well you first saw a second ago. We're guaranteeing it didn't even come from
your side. So how he didit? I know? How can we
trust? But we say it did? How can I trust? How can
I trust you? John? Stomachhas been making the weirdest noises all morning.
It's stomach. He's been here twentyminutes now, it's his stomach running
long. No, Brian, wheredid you hear the sound come from?
I kicked a box entered Joe's desk. Oh it was you see. No,
he's doing that to make you feelbetter because you have a problem.
You didn't take your lactate, andnow you have a can't even do Darry
anymore, can't even take clearly?All right? Well okay, Jill,
okay, Jill No. One fourthree, my famine his Valentine in the
morning. Brian, Where did youhear that noise come from? Definitely from
from over there, That's all I'mgonna say. Yeah, exactly right,
exactly right. You're trying trying torecreate it, but once in a lifetime.
Sound Yeah, we fun last nightI'm trying to tell you about that.
Went to a nice Mexican restaurant.My friend Jill was there, and
then Jill's family was there, andcal Leilani myself were all there surprised for
him. And one of his favoriteMexican restaurants too. So he loved that
place called Hobbyers. Oh so good. I noticed they got quite a spread.
You know, who did you guysdid the whole table? Did your
dad get lobster tacos? What's goingon? Dave him man's paying? Let
me get those lobster tacos, Iwill say, going into it. Yes,
we were not expecting you guys topay. Oh, come on,
it's my son's birthday care. Iknow but there was. It was such
a big group. We thought forsure we were going to handle our own
respect because you it was your sisterand her family and you know, her
husband and your brother's sister and herfamily. It was you know, it
was thirty five people from your familyto three of us on my side.
Yeah, so we figured we wouldbe paying. So that's very nice of
you, Thank you well. Iwas just shocked that the bathroom had that
many availabilities. When you guys,when a check came and I go,
where are these? And in thebathroom? Now is there a pleasure and
graduate? All right? It's Valentinethe Morning. This one of four three
MYFM. Valentine in the Morning,Valentine in the Morning, one of four
threem nineties to now Valentine the Morning, one o four three MYFM. After
eight o'clock today. Make sure you'rehere because we're entering the courtroom. Oh
Manchi's court and her coworkers are reallypressuring her to do something. She's fighting
back with everything she has, standingup for what she believes in. I
think I personally am going to sidewith her, okay, but with this
reasoning, I don't know which wayyou're gonna fall. So we're gonna determine
if she's a jerk that's right,or not a jerk for standing up to
her coworkers for this particular subject.It's it's gonna be a good one.
I'm excited. That's after eight righthere on Valentine in the Morning. Valentine
in the Morning, Valentine in theMorning, three FM ninety to now one
of four, three min It's ValentineMorning. Joke around about you know,
we had dinner last night for myson for sixteenth per day, and these
Scotas were all there and her youknow, sisters and their families and stuff.
Entire family, entire families are andso we're in the car, we're
going home, and uh we're liketificate time with that nice little surprise her
and stuff. Well I knew,I knew it was happening because when we
had called and made a reservation forthe restaurant, you know, the lani
give the number of people and stufflike that, and then she had a
text like yesterday or something said toconfirm. She confirmed that a text,
and then Javiers calls while we're inthe car and they're confirming again and she
has to go thirteen in a highchair. Wonder what that means? I
wonder what's going on here? Momand dad? So a great time,
great meal. We're in the cardriving home and we're talking to him,
Jeff funny. He goes, yeah, I had a great time. It
was a lot of fun. Thanksguys, all right, Actually, he
goes, yeah, it's a greattime. It was a lot of fun.
Thanks Mom. He only thanked Leilani. Oh no, oh, no,
alarm again. You are the pathof total totality. Bell. It
was fun, wasn't It was veryfun? Thank you again for dinner.
It was delicious. It was sonice to all be together. Colins just
so great. You're just so goodand so sweet and gosh, where are
you thirty seconds ago? Though?So great? Oh to me, to
me, she says to me.And Jill's very nice. She got him
like a Nike gift card. Hegot a couple from your family. I
think, yes, yeah, wehad asked Lelani, you know what sports
words? Yeah. So he decideswhat he opens up, Oh, I'll
put these in my app or whatever. So he opens them up. Last
night he's put him in the appand there's a pin code. They have
to enter into the thing, andhe scratches it off too much and you
can't read the pin code, likefour digits are available to see and in
the back of the card, yeahyou can't. So that him and I
are doing some statistical analytical thing goingall right, maybe it's two to one,
tried, two to one, twotwo, two, three, two
four, two five, hit andsend every single time. Finally, the
brain trusted the two of us,goes, hey, let's call Nike in
the back of the card and seewhat they say. I'm like, I've
to go to bed. Why whyam I? You're not buying anything tonight?
What is it? Oh? Peoplesteal these cards all the time.
And the guest to numbers like,no one's sitting around right now guessing twenty
four random numbers for a gift card. Oh my god, but sixteen years
old? Crazy? Where did thatgo? Dude? One day? Man,
No, I'm not. One dayyou wake up and you go what
happened? I'm sure and this parentswould tell me. You wake up and
they're married. You know, youwake up and they've got kids. Stop
waking up Los Angeles. Okay,I got this. I got here yet
we can't be no this is youtrying to get on the show with power
of radio? All right, I'llbite exactly. What's the name of the
show, The Flip Side? Andwho it? Julia White, Steve Erkles
from Family Matters? Did I dothat? So this show? Yes,
all right, it's a CBS show. It's gonna premiere sometime like this fault
the casting company whatever reached out tomy sister Brittany Sure said we have this
new game show that we're casting.We would love to have you be a
part of it. And they said, is there somebody that you'd like to
bring on with you because it's groupstwo two and so Brittany was like,
oh, my sister Jill, Andthey're like, great, can we have
her social media? Can we haveher info? So she sent them everything.
We got the text last night atdinner to both britt and myself saying
we'd love to interview you guys.Are you available tomorrow which means today?
What time to have do that?It's gonna be after two o'clock today.
And checked out the social media.We noticed what you do for a living.
We'd love to interview on the show. Well, the funny thing is
they found brit somehow they wanted Brittfirst and then Britt brought me on.
But they're saying that you don't needto know trivia or anything like that.
They have two teams of players goingagainst each other, and it says that
they test them on how they thinktwo different groups of people feel about the
same issue. Do they listen tothe show I don't know, love surely
like Julia White? Yeah, well, whoever the producers and stuff like that.
Sounds a lot like a little somethingthat my friend Brian Burton has.
We surveyed Valentine in the Morning listenersand here's what they said. Today's dumb
game yesterday, just yesterday. Suddenlyyou're getting a call pay Jalile. Did
you do that? I think youdid. Did they give you an example
of like what a topic might be. No, and I'm hoping that they
do today. All they said wasthat they'll give us multiple choice. Britt
and I just got to be onthe same page of what you have to
guess what the two groups which oneof them said, or something that's on
the same issue. So maybe likefor example, talking uber drivers like uber
drivers who like to talk yes,and then you would have to either say,
oh, that's something I'm really like, that's a great thing, or
that's not a good thing at all, Like people would feel differently differently about
that. I see what you're saying. I don't think that's the game.
I think you have to pick thegroup. None of us know anything.
You have to pick the group thatsaid that. I think he's on the
right track. There'll be two differentgroups, but they're talking about how they
feel about the super Drivers. Youtalk a lot, right, and then
you have to decide which group saidit. I guess right. I don't
know. Profile. We are havinga call today this afternoon. I want
to be on this call set night. No, I want to be on
this call as your representative. No. No, you need a dressing room.
You need licorice. I can't haveliquorice. That's why I'm going to
get the liquors for you. Iwill eat the licorice. Do you guys
like black liquorice? No, thankyou. No, it's it's not that
bad in certain doses. But Iguess it's if you eat too much of
it, it's like bad for youpoisonou red one. No, I guess
I should be on the trivia show. Trivia right, Tria, how much
money can you win? I don'tknow, but you're playing for money.
I would ask that right away.I've been on game shows before. I
would ask, listen, I wonthe weakest link, so you did.
You should tell them that my friendwas the weakest link and see what they
say about Get on the show andthat'll also applied. And he's there with
Brian. God no, wait,Ji, if you're listening, it should
be me and Brian versus Jill andher sister. That's fun, Brittan,
I thinks fun fun. Britta andI have the same brain. Like she
and I. We play shrasxcuse me. This guy and I are one brain.
We are connected at the everything.You guys love me. You have
this one thing to myself. Willwear a mask and surprise contestants. We
don't know who they are. Waitedesert announcer. I don't know what's it.
Let's give me a name of theshow. What should they call it?
Well, it's called the Flip Side. It's called the Flip Side.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to theFlip Side with your host Steve Berkle.
Pretty good, Let's meet today's contestants. She's a radio personality from Los Angeles,
California, Jillian Elena Scoto and hersister Brittany, who's last name I
shall not say on the air dueto privacy concerns. Playing against them are
local radio producer Brian Burton and thehost Alan's Own in the Morning, who's
also the video guy Love It,Love It? What times are call?
Nope? Nope, Shoot, theshow has been canceled. It's weird.
No no, no, no,no, no. I wonder how you
do? I think, well,depending on what this show's about, they
know that you were a child actressas well. Probably not. Are you
sending them all of this? No? No, you should know you have
to send them all this, sendhim all this audio when you get on
the call at like two o'clock today, right, I go, hey,
by the way, I want toplay a little something from today. And
then the part where cuts off iswhere I go, ladies, Yeah,
Russell Ford, have you ever beenon a game show? Buddy? Not?
I have not, but your viochops for that game show? I
think I think you got the part. That's awesome. Feels like her face
is so mad right now about me? Russell WHOA Okay, sorry, Russell.
Look out there, John was trending. So somebody has going on their
very first headline tour of their entirecareer at fifty three years old, and
that's Missy Elliott. She just announcedthe Missy Elliott Experience Tour for this summer.
Joining her is going to be Timberland, bust A Rhyme, Sierra.
I know tickets going on this Friday. It sounds like a party on that
stage. And at fifty three,how about that? It's her first headline
tour, our first headline tour.Wow, never too late to do things
you want to do. I'm Jackieuciand that's what's training in music. If
you get a big let me searchit. What I gotta work yet,
let me search it? Okay?Coming off a chance at a one hundred
and fifty dollars gift card from StanderBrothers Plus. Does your partner give you
a subtle signal when it's time toget intimate? What is that signal?
Texted at three one oh four three, I'll share a subtle signal when it's
time to get intimate. Three oneoh four three one four three My fabs
Valentine in the morning. Subtle signsyour partner might be ready for an intimate
moment. Should I go first?Who wants to experience it? Somebody has
It's not just you. You canremove yourself as a woman. Somebody has
to experience it. It's nothing weird, right, It's gonna be meth two
seconds from voluntary. No. No, no no. So it's a certain
thing she does, and like shedid it the other night and I just
I bypassed it, which you're like, oh my god, how could I'm
like I was tired. Wow,I get it for work and stuff like,
and I pointed it out to herlike the next DAYO, you're a
little frisky last night, she goes, what do you mean to go?
You did a you have a tell? And we haven't talked about her tell.
So it's not like she This isa subtle sign where she doesn't know
that I knew that it was likeher, you haven't discussed this is our
sign? Right exactly, okay,exactly, we haven't discussed that. So
this move that she does, Iwant over here, Brian, you take
your headphones off. I'm not takinganything off. Subtle sign your partner.
I'm married now twenty six years thisApril just a couple of days actually April
elevenths or anniversary. So this subtlesign is kind of always been there and
it's a telle of hers and I'mgonna do it to Brian. Then we'll
explain to you what it is.Okay, you can turn this way and
we're just like I'm gonna get downa little bit to her. It's fine.
Trust me. You trust me,right, you trust me, trust
and you're sanctioned. This is okaything sanctioning. Okay, so you give
me like a like you're me andlike a little okay, spread your legs
a little bit adult panic going infirst right now, it's going on.
It's on the air, but it'sa different thing between audio and video.
Tell me take the camera down,camera, John, I'm telling you you
want to take that camera down.I mean that all right, okay,
okay. So it just she comesdown like a like this and like right,
where did the knee go? It'snot bad, no, no,
it's like the inner thigh, innerthigh. So she just takes her like
knee and just so it's not nearanything. Don't think that just kind of
like just above my knee, theinner thigh. So Hernie goes to yours
kind of robs the interior of myleg during a hug during a hug,
and that's a subtle sign, gotit right? But she says it's not.
No, she didn't say that.Why have you talked to her?
No? You just she talked toher about it, and she was like,
I was well, No, Isaid, I talked to her about
it and said I've got your tell. But she didn't say anything negative about
her. Okay, oh I disagree. Okay, So that's always been kind
of her thing. Yeah, it'salways for kind of everything. I can
tell. She a little bit friskyand she does it. Huh wow.
Right, and it's nice though,isn't it? But it felt nice?
Yeah, that's going it passed onto Kyla. Maybe try it. Well,
it's gonna be a height different obviously, and Kyla's taller. Is she
taller than you? No, I'mslightly taller than her. You really are,
yes, I am. Oh,okay, all right, we'll try
it. Okay, we'll go tryit on her or something. It's just
you just hit the interior of theleg a little bit with your knee and
that was like, that's her subtlesign. Okay, so now I'm curious
to hear your subtle signs in acouple of seconds. Here eight sixty six
five four four I FM or youcan text this right now. At three
one oh four three, Jill's gotthe entertainment headlines coming up. Recently,
there were some photos posted online ofJackie Chan and a lot of fans were
concerned, Well, he has givenus a health update. I'll tell you
what Jackie Chan said. Coming upat six fifty, we had any texts
coming in here? You want toread on the air, Yes, okay,
right ahead, I want to.I don't know if I will take
your time. Take your time soyou can sell that it's good. This
text says we have to say,let's watch Chopped, which is the cooking
show. That's their subtle thing.Claudia said, he grabs my leg and
starts rubbing my inner thigh. Ummmokay. Sam said, my boyfriend's subtle
sign is that he wants or thesubtle sign he has when he wants to
get intimate is he puts on Gorillaby Bruno Mars. That's your's yours?
Now do you I? After twentysix years of marriage, I offered up
our subtle sign that my wife has. Yes, is there a subtle sign
you'd like to share from your relationship? Our eyes just have to be open.
Wow, that's it, really tobe honest? Okay, all right,
Brian. Usually it's just, uh, someone mentions the fact that all
the kids are asleep. Okay,somebody mentions we have a babysitter, and
that's our subtle sign. Foxy.Oh, her name is Foxy. That's
great, Foxy. What's the subtlesign you give your partner when it's time
to have an intimate moment? Oneemoji the eggplant? Oh you guys text
the eggplant pat before. I thinkwe need to define subtle. Yeah,
thank you, John. That's notreally subtle. Does it just take the
one person to send the emoji ordoes the other person have to confirm by
sending the emoji back? There's awink oh oh, so the person sends
a winkie face back. That isconfirmation. Yes, that's the furtacious reply,
gotcha and there, thank you John. Is there times like when it's
been sent that the reciprocation was notthere by either one of you? I
think we've been together for quite sometime, so we know whence the appropriate
time to just send it right.Okay, you're not you're not firing blanks,
so to speak. No great nameby the way, that's our midday
host name too, Foxy. Ohnice, yeah, Lisa Fox. It's
very funny. Agreed. Hey guys, I enjoy listening to your show every
single morning. Thank you for yourshow, Thank you for your show.
You have a great day, Okayyou eight sixty six five four to four
text and three one oh four threeIt is Valentine in the morning. We
also have the Battle of sex iscoming up after seven o'clock for to Mars
into a Dome. You can winyour tickets in the Battle of the Sexes.
Here's that. Every time you comeround one four three, mivam,
it is valentin out in the morning. We've been talking about the subtle signs
of intimacy, and I think couplesdeveloped subtle signs. Then some of you,
based on the text line, haveno idea what the word subtle means.
And you are very overt with yoursigns and might as well just call
yourself a walking billboard. Yeah,because you're out there. And then some
of you have reached out and alsogone further than we asked, and giving
us a number of times the subtlesigns might occur in a week. Do
you want me to reach that?Chares he do. Go right ahead if
you want so, you've got toedit over there. But I feel like
I share way too much with youguys, and I should totally She sat
on that couch. She says,my husband has several subtle signs that he
wants to get intimate, which happenson average five times per week. No
one asked that cheese. Nobody.That was not in the question. When
you fill out a test at school, multiple choice, you don't suddenly put
down F and add something to it. It's a through D. Nobody goes
and by the way, F,I'm gonna check that and add a little
summon to the answer. She says. One of the things that he does
is he grabs my booty, okay, when we're hugging. I know for
sure that he's ready when he doesthis. Thank you, Jill, welcome,
Thank you very much, Thank youCherise for that six forty seven.
It's one of four to three milefI havn' valenceine in the morning. My
anniversary is coming up through twenty sixyears this. Uh, let's say Tuesday,
Thursday. Oh wow, yeah,twenty six years. It's huge,
doesn't go behind a link. Twentysix years, twenty six years married?
How many years altogether? Like withdating and everything? Twenty four? What?
Probably close to thirty? No?No, no, no, we
got married quick, you did.I was engaged for after like three months.
You didn't know that. You didknow that? Maybe I forgot that.
I don't remember. Yeah, likethree months I was engaged, right,
you guys knew and then we're marriedlike maybe a year or so later.
Okay, so twenty seven, twentyeight something like that, topsy,
you know that's awesome. Thank you, all right? Eight sixty six five
four For my fan battle sex isyou want to play? You call us
right now one O four three myFM. Here's what's coming up in entertainment
headlines. The fans have spoken andsomething cool is happening with Dune Part two
here in La. I'll tell youwhat it is. But after traffic one
O four to three my FM Entertainmentheadlines. Dune Part two is getting an
extended IMAX run this month. Theysaid, the fans have spoken and we're
thrilled to return this beloved film tothe biggest of the big rings across the
country to once again share Dune Parttwo with moviegoers in this premium formats is
going to happen at Universal City Walkat the AMC there where they had that
huge Imax theater. Starting April nineteenth. It's going to have an extended run
there. Ah that yeah, sogood. I love Dune. I love
the first one, I love thisone. I'm excited for the next one.
I love Dune. And some photosrecently were posted online of Jackie Chan
and fans were very concerned. Theythought maybe he was having some health issues.
Well got so out of hand.Jackie Chan had to give a health
update and he said, not solong ago, a lot of friends saw
some recent photos of me on theinternet and they were all concerned about my
health. I want to take thisopportunity to let everyone know, don't worry.
It's just a character appearance for mylatest movie. The character requires me
to have white hair, white beardand look old. He just turned seventy.
I'm Jill with their givin headlines sixpoint fifty one. It is one
of four three Mi fam and thisis Valentine morning, beautiful day outside and
the sun and the moon. Justnothing crazy happening today. Just heads up
in that one. It's a normalday, just a normal day. Feel
free to look at the sun allyou want. Oh, yeah, you
can't do that. That's right,I did. No, it's not,
it's not at all. So Igot Calum those two birthday cards yesterday,
right, we talked about the endshow. Yes, right, how'd it
go? Well? He didn't openthe cards until last night. So I
left the cards my son for hissixteenth birthday, and one of them was
a somewhat risky card, just aboy joke. And then their card the
other car is really heartfelt and itwas like two pages of character development notes
that I wrote in this birthday card. But I thought he's gonna open him
before school. So we get homefrom dinner last night. He opens up
the cards and I'm just I'm dyinglaughing because he opens up the one that
I thought was kind of funny.He laughed at that, so that was
good. His mom she laughed atit too. But anyways, reading the
card, and in the card,he starts reading it and don't look at
the sun. Between ten No teno eight and twelve thirty, I go,
yeah, you were supposed to readthat before school lamps. Battle Sex
is coming up A call? Nowyou want to play? Twent on fourth
to three my event. She wasamazing at the iHeart Ready Music Awards,
just to be there in the fleshin person, to see Beyonce, see
why our producer had taken the dayoff from work, said he was on
vacation, he was out of town. But wait, what's that I say
over there in the audience. Thatlooks like the man who said he was
unable to come to work today.That looks I got a producer so deep
one oh four three my event.It is Valentine in the morning, seven
or nine. Good morning to youon this beautiful Tuesday morning. The day
after that big eclipse, we didnot get totality. We just got like
thirty percent. A lot of peopleout at the balcony, John you saw
it. What was your recap,you know, because we were getting only
thirty percent, like I expected itto be whatever. And then I put
the glasses on. I looked upand I was like, this is still
so cool, Like I'm so intothat kind of stuff. I just feel
like it's so cool with the lookat you know, the number one thing
being searched yesterday, and then todaythey looked on Google. Yeah, why
did my eyes hurt? Really?And you think about it, like back
in the day, one hundred yearsago, two three hundred yars ago,
Middle Ages, whatever, people didn'thave glasses. Did they look up and
did they damage their eyes? Werethey just afraid of the witchcraft in the
sky or something? It's interesting,I wonder all right, later on this
hour, have you ever glanced atsomeone's phone and seen something you should not
have? We were at the iHeartAwart Sauce week as yes Laura or social
media director. I was not sittingwith the team. I'm sitting with two
lovely women that work in this building. And at one point of the show
I glanced down next to me andthere was a text that had popped up
on one of their phones saying,the girl in the pink dress sitting next
to you looks like she would bereally annoying. Oh my god, I
love everything about this. So thepeople that work in the building right correct,
lovely women with lovely women, youknow them, the night folks,
You're so sweet. And one oftheir friends somebody they knew, or maybe
somebody else in the building that wasseated elsewhere. Correct, we don't know
where Brian was sitting. Somebody textsthe girl next to you and says,
oh my god, the lady inthe pink dress looks like she'd be super
annoying. And that's, you know, super clear, right, girl in
the pink dress on the other sideof her. Did you see there's the
only person there was her in thatpink dress. Good. Wow. I
then looked over and she was textinga lot, and I thought, maybe
did she text Yes, I don'tknow she is. Did she text something
like that? Did she know thatyou worked for us? Yes, we
became really good friends. But beforethe texting, though, did she know
that? I wonder? Okay,all right, so fair enough. But
you know what, in her defense, we don't know what she responded.
The person just said she looks likeshe could be annoying. She may have
responded she's not, yeah, Iwould hope, or she might have just
done thumbs up right exactly. Andthey work in the building. They do.
Brian didn't hear what this is?I do. Can you make the
phone call? No, no,it'll be wonderful, but first we have
to do this. It is theBattle of the Sexes. Represent the men?
Is it is Tanner? He livestsnorth Rich, works as a marketing
specialist and enjoys concert photography. Tanner, what a good morning morning, tan
Man representing the ladies. Her nameis Stephanie. She's from Covina. She
works as a school counselor and enjoysmovie nights with the family. Let's hear
it for Stephanie. Somebody on staff. Good morning, everyone, Good morning.
Here's that where Stephanie. I'm gonnaask you a few questions, Tanner.
Jill's gonna be asking you the questions. Best out of three wins that
we're still tied the end of regulation, we go to a not so tough
tie breaker question to start with theladies. What team was Brett Favre playing
for when he retired for the finaltime from the NFL? The Eagle the
Minnesota Vikings Back in twenty ten,Tanner, Brett farv had a cameo in
what nineteen ninety eight Cameron Diaz andBen Stiller movie Man, There's Something about
Mary. Yes, that's right,I believe that was Brett Farvara who had
that cameo. Current score once another, guys who replaced Charlie Sheen on Two
and a half Man after he wasfired from that show. Ashton Kutcher correct,
Tanner. Ashton Kutcher would prank hisfamous friends on what MTV show Punk
PUNKD is correct? Punk current scoretwo to one. Guys, what company
purchased Luca's film owner of the StarWars in Indiana Jones Franchises for four billion
dollars in twenty twelve. Disney,That is correct? And Tanner. Luke
Wilson plays Reese Witherspoon's love interest inwhat film franchise Legally Blonde? Yeah,
good job, dudes, win yougot it. Battle of Sex's championship certificate,
posting on Social US the hashtag Valentinethe morning you share that with Pride?
Okay, Oh my god, thankyou so much. Tanner, get
ready at Perry Tickets to go seeShan is right? Bruno mars into a
Dome? Are you into it?Be there in the Dome? August sixteenth.
They go on sale Thursday at tendayhave a ticketmaster dot com. Congrats.
Oh my god, that's so exciting. Thank you so much. I'm
so excited. Well, Stephanie,is you exit the stage this moment is
entirely yours. You take it away. Thank you so much for letting me
play. Just want to give ashout out to my girls. Have a
good day, babies. Love you. John's trending well. Billy I finally
stopped teasing and served out some detailsabout her long awaited third album, I
Like You Well. She just wentto her Instagram this week and released the
title. It's going to be calledhit Me Hard and Soft, and we'll
get to hear it on May seventeenth. Now, if you're hoping for a
taste ahead of time and some music, we're not going to get any of
that. She said. There aren'tgoing to be any singles being released before
the album. We're gonna have towait till the album is out in its
entirety. She also said that herbrother and herself, Phineas and her could
truly not be more proud of thisalbum and she can't wait for you to
hear it. So May seventeenth,we got new music coming from Bailey Eilish.
I'm Jackiemucie. That's what's training inmusic. Seven twenty five. It's
Valance out in the morning coming up. Have you ever glanced at someone's phone
and seen something you should not haveLaura. At the Iheartraded Music Awards,
our social media director saw somebody wasmaking fun of her, questioning how much
fun she was to be sitting nextto what about you? Three one oh
four three Christmas my family. Itis Valentin in the morning. It is
seven twenty seven reach out eight sixtysixty five four to four of my fan
text in three one oh four three, Elizabeth, you looked at somebody's phone
was right in front of you,and you saw something you should not have
seen. Yes. Actually, whenI used to be a server, we
had the big POSI. He's liketo put order this, so you know
you had to get in line forit and look kind in front of me.
He like whips out his phone andI'm like, oh, maybe he's
just looking at something. But hedid not even hide it at all.
He started looking through his pictures andthere was a few pictures of a male
personal area. Was it his?I have no idea that I couldn't move
because then I lose my place inline. But I was like, like,
I didn't know where to look.Not at it, that's your afraid
anywhere else? Look at the sun. At that point, you don't look
up. He doesn't know that yousaw. I don't know. I think
he kind of knew. Oh,there's there's people around. I'm like,
dude, there's We're in a restaurant. Yeah, yea yeah es. Mostly
at work, you should not belooking at those types. So that's what
not say for work means. Right, huh, guy, what was the
name of the restaurant you guys workedat? Ironic Jave. Okay, you
can't leave. You can't leave forsome reason. I just knew the gods
of comedy have an answer for me. I don't know what it is.
Maybe yesterday I knew the gods ofcomedy would step in. I just know.
Liz, we gotta go. Okay, bye bye, a good win.
Valentine in the morning, count upyou want to reach out three one
to four to three your calls eightsixty six five four four. IFM also
for grabs twenty one pilots into adome, that'll be the eight o'clock edition
to Battle Sexes. Thank you Lizfor keeping that as pc as possible.
Always remember that when you're called tothe show, and we appreciate that text.
Valentine in the Morning at three threeJill has got the entertainment headlines coming
up, Robert Downey Junior had somethingvery interesting to say about returning as Iron
Man. I'll tell you what hesaid coming up A seven fifty. I
know three one four three is ourtext line. We want to know if
you ever glanced at someone's phone andseen something you should not have. This
all started because Laura, our socialmedia director, was at the Iheartrate of
Music Awards. She was sitting nextto someone who received a text that said
something along the lines of the girlin the pink dress looks annoying and she
was wearing that dress pink dress.Pumpkin Kelly texted and said, Laura,
some girl who has clearly never metyou, who is making judgments on your
personality from afar says way more aboutwho she is than it says about you.
Pam said, I would have saidthe lady in the pink dress looks
like a blast. And then Carlatexted and said I had something similar happened
to me at a work dinner.The coworker next to me got a text
from another coworker at the end ofthe table that said, sorry, you're
stuck next to Carla. No Ihate that. No. I desperately want
to call this person who got thattext. Would you allow me to do
it? Laura, take a songto think about it. Listen to Charlie
Pooth here Wow Wow, and thinkabout it. During that song. We
could call her and just maybe shouldbe like, oh my gosh, I
texted back, I've found you soentertaining. Charlie Pooth does a mouth noises
in this mouth, poum poum,batsy toys larger than like it. It
is one of four to three MYFM, one of four three Mi fam.
It is balanced O the morning.We'll get into something that'll second here.
There's a big debate going on thebackground. But Marina's been a hole.
Marina, I want to get toyou. Have you ever looked at someone's
phone and saw something you shouldn't have? Yes? So I was at work
and my co worker handed me herphone to look at the app that we
clalk in from. Were very newto it at the time, and she
happened to show me how much shegot paid, and I just kind of
made a face like, oh mygod, and I handed the phone immediately
back to her so that she could, you know, I was like I
don't want her to think I'm spineor snooping around. She kind of gave
me a look like and she clickedsomething else very fast she realized what happened.
I just kind of played it off. I didn't say nothing. I
just kind of left it at that. But it was awkward. Well that's
that's polite of you to do that. But let's talk numbers. Here is
she making more than you? No? All right, I love that little
evil laugh there. No, Iwas working there longer, so I didn't
think she would get paid for thanI do. So, yeah, it
wasn't okay, what do you guys? What did you do for a living?
The time? Medical systems? Ata doctor's office? Oh gotcha?
Gotcha? You still doing that?Yes, we're I'm at a primary care
doctor's office, so we just treatall types of You see it all,
don't you? You see it all? Yeah? Yeah, it feels like
an urgent care sometimes. I betanybody coming in yesterday going my eyes hurt?
I don't know, luckily, No, good good good. Yeah.
That wasn't meant as a joke.You guys are all evil, Bothy started
laughing. You and Jill are krackinga laughing. I'm like, no,
that's a serious thing, you know, John. If you're looking at how
did you get here? Then Idon't know. I can't see you,
so I just walked in. Marina, have a great day. Thanks for
sharing time with us. We appreciateyou, no problem, Thank you so
much. One O four three myFM. Here's what's coming up. In
entertainment headlines, Yla Swift's new album, The Tortured Poet's Department will be released
a week from Friday, and yesterdayshe teased some lyrics from a new song,
I'll Read You the lyric right offTraffic one O four three Entertainment Headlines.
Robert Downey Junior was asked if hewould ever come back as Iron Man,
and he said, it's too integrala part of my DNA, that
role. Chowse me. Then hesaid, and look, I always say,
never ever bet against Kevin fig whois the Marvel president and producer.
He says it's a losing bet.He's the house he will always win.
So he says he will happily returnas Iron Man if he's ever asked.
But no, Right, the multiverse, the darn multiverse. The multiverse cheapens
everything. I'm not even a fanof the multiverse anymore. Yeah, I
hear you, you know, becausefor me, who's not a Marvel maniac
or Marvel maven, what do youcall the Marvel Maven's right? So right,
I'm not a Marvel maven like youare, Brian and Jilly and all
of you together. I just thinkthe you know, I just think it
cheap. Is it? Like?Oh, don't worry if I got it
wrong. Here, I've got themultiverse over here, you know, once
or twice fine, the ability togo to that multiverse and have like a
gazillion different things. Yeah, likethat. That's why I bailed on Loki.
Y know. I was like,all right, man, so I
didn't know this happened in the multiverse. Whoops, don't me ooh and Taylor
Swift's new album, The Tortured Poet'sDepartment will be released a week from Friday,
April nineteenth, and yesterday, duringthe Eclipse, she posted some lyrics
on her Instagram. It was alink to pre order the album, and
then there was a video of atypewriter typing out what looks like some lyrics.
Here's what it wrote. Crowd goeswild at her fingertips, half moonshine,
full eclipse. That's all the typewriterwrote. I'm Jill with her antim
headlines. You know, it wouldhave been great. Would have been great
marketing. And I'm not telling TarylSwift how to do marketing, because she's
brilliant. If she had sold Taylor'sSwift eclipse glasses and the moment when the
sun was in totality it showed youlyrics or something on the inside of your
glasses, yeah, that would havebeen brilliant anti hero list secret message inside
the glasses. Yes, I stareddirectly at the sun, but never in
the mirror. It was perfect rightthere, right, But my idea was
to sell glasses. All right,happy news coming off you guys gonna be
part of that three one oh fourthree or eight sixty sixty five four four.
Anything making you smile this morning,we'd love to hear what that is.
Seven fifty one. If you're headedinto school this morning, have a
great day school, getting ready forwork. Are you stuck in traffic?
I hope you're doing okay this morning. It is going to be a very
nice day out there. He's doinga leap. Here's your daily Ghosha happy
news on Valentine in the morning.Hey Marky, Hi, good morning Marky,
mark yees yo. It's just good. You're walking the wildside. If
you know that one wild side?Come on, you had more than one
song, yes, Markie, Markand the funk Bees. Yes, do
you know the wild side? Don'tyou know what? Markie? I don't
think so. No dead to me. Hi, Mark, I'm doing fantastic.
How are you, guys? We'redoing great. We heard you had
some happy news. Yes, Ido. I have happy news every morning.
Actually, I share morning lattes withmissus wood. Gosain is little tidbits
on how to make you be betterthan yesterday, and it's just some good
vibes to share out with you guysevery day. Today's was about your zodiac
sign and how it's important to embracewho you are and learn about your zodiac
sign. I saw something that hasto do with the eclipse that was yesterday,
and knowing something about your zodiac signwith the eclipse and something like it's
supposed to affect us all differently.I didn't look into it though, I
was too nervous, okay, intomy head, and then I started thinking
that prosy. Hey, Marky,I'm a Capricorn. What does it mean
to you? Oh, I don'tknow. I'm gonna quarius. So much
for miss Lagassi's information. Hey Marky, however you start your dave. It's
putting that smile on your face.You're doing something right. Thank you.
Yes, as long as I canspread that smile to other people, that's
my goal. Amen. Thanks Marky, Thank you guys so much. Go
take your walk in the wild side. We'll do We'll do all right by
And it was a hospital chi Alitaand Mama socks and no girl. This
was like big back in the dayman when good Vibrations came out. I
think this is like the next oneafter that. Then he had a whole
like hit, a couple of albums, Marky, Mark and the funk Bees'
wa Yeah, the greatest rapper everout of Boston. Absolute, Hey,
listen thousand again. A first yearof college was a success. Let along
comes fill with Yeah, listen tothat to listen those rhymes, primetime rhyme
time from this guy. He knewwhat he was doing. And now he's
he got municipal and the movies andeverything else. He's got a hollow app
the hallow app right. Well,in this video he is completely shirtless whole
time, so you know it's trueto himself because started off as an underwear
model. Wow side on the wildside, Markie Mark not in l anymore?
Not hearing this? Sas in Vegas? Right lives there? Oh really?
Yeah? I think he moved outof Los Angeles area. Should we
put this in rotation? You know? All right? Well, ar too
glad that my musical Taste does notprogram one of four to three my FM.
It's not bad. I was grooving, I was bomping. Oh,
I've got more from him. Youhave to hear that. Okay, there
is a funky one that I thinkyou will appreciate in particular. Here's DHT
one of four three My family.It is Valencie in the morning. It
is eight o seven coming up lateron this hour, Camucci's court is back
in session. Yeah, Chelsea is. Coworkers are hounding her to do something.
It's something that all of them aredoing, but Chelsea can't get herself
to do it. She feels likea jerk. And I'm curious, which
way are you gonna swing on this? All right? Chelsea's saying no to
it. Her coworker's hounding her,telling her she has to do it.
He's the only one in the officethat won't do this thing. Really,
have we done it in this office? We just did it, oh like
a week ago? All right,Well, I have no idea what that
was. That's coming up in Komucha'scourt later on this hour, but right
now it is the battle of thesexes. Reps of the medicine is.
Armando is a mission bah works asan electrical engineer and enjoys cooking gourmet meals.
Armando ma man representing the ladies.Her name is Jean. She's from
Rancho Cuca Manga. She's a careercounselor and enjoys throwing parties. Let's hear
it for Gee Jean. What's up, Geano, Lornie, good morning,
here's what works, Gin. I'mgonna ask you a few questions, are
Mondo, Jill's gonna be asking youthe questions best at the three wins still
tied into regulation, we go toANASA toop tiebreaker question. Let us start
with the ladies. What was Ciagot a swing from in twenty fourteen?
A swing? Nah, I'm sorryA Shandon Armando, According to the twenty
sixteen see a song? What kindof thrills does Sia love? Cheap thrill?
Cheap thrills is correct, Guys onthe board, One to nothing?
In what from Anti Christmas Comedy doesHugh Grant play the recently elected British Prime
Minister Love? Actually? So good, Armando? What action star played a
widowed father in love? Actually?William Neeson? That's right. Wasn't a
billy Bob Thornton kind of like abit of a dirt bag us president in
Love? Actually? Yes? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Two to
one guys, what does Ellen Pompeoplay in the TV series Gray's Anatomy Doctor
Who? Oh? I'm so sorry? Oh I did ask what? Though
I should have asked who? Iasked? You can reask it. No?
Was that fair? Though? Ithink you're saying, yeah, I
am a man of integrity when itcomes to this game. I was supposed
to ask you who, but Isaid what? So you are correct,
Doctor Meredith Gray. All right,Armanda, you can win it with this
one. What stretchy substance? Atoy comes in a colorful egg that bounces,
molds, stretches, snaps and more. Don't want it? Plato Oh
silly putty. So that means wego to an some tough tie breaker question.
Holler out name. The answer namewill be your buzzer. Wait until
Brian Burton finishes asking the question beforeyou buzz in. What song do you
wish we would start playing on myFM? Gene, Gene, it's my
birthday, because it is my birthday, Oh club from fifty cent all right
in rotation, Jean, you wanta Battle of the Sexes championship certificate posted
on a shoal, used the hashtagvalunturin in the morning and share it with
pride. Thank you. And youwant a pair of tickets to seem twenty
one pilots at Intoit Dome on Augusttwenty seventh. Tickets are on sale now
at ticketmaster dot com and we havea bonus chance to win at one O
four to three MIFM dot com.Congrats, Thank you so much, got
its Armando's you exit the stage.This moment is entirely yours. You take
it away, Jeane, Happy birthday, have a good time with the concert.
Thank you. Bolga. Happy firstday back at work after a week
off and it's almost a thirty eightdays scummer vacation. Oh, the countdown
is on, all right, John, what's trending? So last month we
saw Ariana Grande's grandma become the oldestfemale to charte a song on the Hot
one hundred. Well, now wehave the youngest female artist to ever chart
the top one hundred in Billboard history. It's Roomy Carter. She just earned
the spot for her appearance on hermom Beyonce's songs called Protector. You can
hear it in this open right here. What a lie, short little feature
of this song debuted at number fortytwo, and it's six years and nine
months old. Roomy Carter's now theyoungest female to ever hit the charts.
Tangled, John Camuci, and that'swhat's churning in music listens. All right,
here's a child again. Here wego, marketye Priee. Oh they're
asking for a lullaby. So cute, so cute, market bye Priee.
I just made that kid thirty milliondollars playing it over and over all.
Right, coming up Kimuci's court,John's going to present to us a case
and we'll ask for your help indeciding if that defendant is a jerk or
not. These are always pretty good, So get ready to listen, then
to sign if this person overstepped theirbounds or not. Eight twenty five,
one of four to three mile Fabitesof Valentine The Morning. Shout out to
my son, Day three twenty ofhis high school journey. He turned sixteen
yesterday. I have a great dayschool. A love you, buddy,
I love you, Leilani driving himto school. We celebrate twenty six years
married in two days. Whoo excitingweek. There's a lot going on.
There's a lot going on around here. But have a great day. Love
you guys, and if you needa shout out for your kid, reach
out three one oh four three threeone oh four three, all right,
Camuci's court Chelsea is on trial today. She says, my boss's birthday is
coming up, and my team atwork has decided to plan a gift for
her. Everyone decided to chip ina pretty pricey gift, but I expressed
my reluctance to contribute, partially dueto financial constraints. But if we're being
brutally honest, my boss strayed up. Stinks, she is not nice,
and I feel like she has notbeen fair to me, so I personally
don't care about getting a gift forher. The thing is, I would
be the only one in my officenot contributing towards this gift. My entire
team has donated generously, and theysay, quote, it's a gesture of
appreciation and camaraderie, regardless of personalfeelings or financial situations, so that I
should contribute. Am I a jerkfor not wanting to contribute to a group
gift for our boss man? That'stough. That is tough. Those repercussions
of not being part of that couldbe problematic for her. Yeah, you
know, everybody signs her name inthe card. Lady starts reading down.
Oh I didn't see it, soand so right, got it so hard?
Now there's fifty people. Maybe shedoesn't even notice, right, but
it's like ten people doing this.But there's there's talk in the office.
If one person doesn't contribute, thewords getting around, oh my gosh,
eventually he is gonna know about it. She's not a jerk for not wanting
to do it. That is notthe case at all. She just want
to give somebody gift, doesn't haveto I'm just worried about the political infighting
and the repercussions for her in theoffice if she doesn't give the boss a
gift. I don't think she's ajerk. But I would give the money,
and I would do it even ifI felt the same way she did,
Even if you didn't like the person, you'd go against your own moral
fib or your moral compass. Iwould. I would hate doing it,
but I would do it just becauseI know what would come. Oh yeah,
I'm going jerk. I think whyshe jerk ahead because to that point,
I don't think you have to contributea super pricey amount, Like if
as long as you can truck,that's what they're doing. That's what they're
doing. They've all got like it'sa thousand bucks, divide it by ten,
it's one hundred bucks. Maybe that'swhat they're doing and that's what they
want. But I think if youthrow a twenty in there, but then
it doesn't work because those people thatdid the HUNDI are not going to allow
you to have full credit for atwenty. Don't need full credit. I
just need credit that I contributed.But that's the point. They need to
put in the full hundred or fivehundred now. But when the person receives
the gift, they're gonna believe thateverybody chipped in an equal amount, and
the people that gave more money aregoing to want the boss to know,
Hey, Heidi over here, whateverher name was, only gave twenty bucks.
You could easily say I am ina tough financial situation right now,
but I really did want to contributetowards that gift. This is all I
had. Well, then you gotto lie unless she really is in a
tough financial situation, I think,and then she's a jerk. Again.
It sucks. You should be ableto not do that. But at the
same time, if everyone else islike, it's a little contribution can go
a long way, I think.So just lie and say you're in a
tough financial spot because you don't wantto give the same money other people did.
Just said in the original email orwhat the message she did say that
that's partially due to it, thatthere was a little financial problem. Yeah,
that's a good excuse, and thenshe said it for being brutally honest,
or boss just thinks, yeah,that's the brutally honest part, the
part that's the cover is a financialsituation. Smart though, what about you,
Brian? It's so hard to putmyself in the position of having a
jab boss. That stinks. Idon't love and I wouldn't love to shower
with gifts. But there are peopleI thought, you're gonna say, shower
with him. Hey, listen,if that's what it takes, if you
want to shower, if that's whatwe're getting him for his birthday, I'm
in sign my name. Do youremember how like it was with like certain
people around the office when someone said, let's get a gift for them,
and we all weren't and invested.I'm thinking of one particular person who got
a laptop, you know, andwe weren't all that invested in that person.
I know exactly what you said,I know, right, and it
was hard to say. What didit? We all did it? Did
we get money? We just wejust yeah, we felt that. I
know, I know, but Iregret it. There's other people I haven't
though. There's the other people Ihaven't given money for gifts. I just
make myself invisible and go the otherway. Who paid for John Peak's birthday
gift? I didn't even know hegot what I didn't. You chipped in
big time, did you? Yeah? Oh wait, I chipped in fifty
percent of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I went overboard.
I guess you didn't feel I didn'tcontribute money. You didn't get tribute anything
for that gift. What was theIt's like a seven dollars frame, the
beautiful that beautiful frame with our pictureand my face takes up a lot of
that picture. So all right,what do you do? Here's the situation.
They want to get a gift forthe boss, and this lady does
not like her. Boss thinks she'sa bit of a jerk, not a
fan of her. Doesn't want tochip in the money, but everybody else
is gonna chip in. She'll bethe only one that doesn't chip in?
Is she being injurk for holding out? Text to Valentine in the morning at
three one oh four to three JillScott the entertainment Headlines Coming up. Director
James Cameron just announced he's slowing todo a remake of a film released years
ago. I'll tell you the moviefifty I Love one. Brian finds some
of these musical backgrounds, Beach,you made this one. Good job?
Hey, yeah, calls now eightsixty six by four four, my fan,
We got our glow sticks. We'reready to go three one oh four
to three. That's right. Whatdo you think about this young lady that
doesn't want to buy a gift forher boss. She does not want to
chip in, She goes my bossjust bluntly sticks. But everybody in the
office is putting in wahdot do dodo do do do do do do do
do do do do take a jail, Oh, Brian too much? Oh
you can take any time at threeone o four three. This text says
she's definitely a jerk. It's justpart of being a team. Everyone's contributing.
You should to Another text says,who cares? You're not required to
donate for the boss's birthday? Ihate my boss. This person is not
a jerk. By the way,the boss is always going to make more
than you, right financially is aboss buying you guys birthday gifts? I
hate you want to point that out. But showing appreciation doesn't have to be
something that takes money. Showing appreciationcan be a well written card, it
can be you know, words ofaffirmation, it can be different things.
It doesn't have to be financial.And the boss generally in a position where
they're doing better financially than people beneaththem. Why are you buying the boss
a gift? Sucking up? Ofcourse? Welcome to America. Another text
says, it's just a contribution.She can put in whatever she can afford,
but that's all. She doesn't haveto do more than that, and
she shouldn't feel guilty for doing that. John, Good morning. What do
you think she a jerk or not? I don't think she's a jerk because
I've been in the same situation beforewhere people ask me to buy a gift
for somebody that I don't really like. You know, in my wife's family,
everybody gets together and they all bringgifts for people and their family that
they tell me that they don't like, but they do it because they feel
obligated to do it. I don'tagree with that, right. So are
you saying on the air there's peoplein your wife's family that you don't like?
Yeah, yes, yes I am. Thanks John, Take care of
about eight sixty six by four fourMYAVAM three one of four three zer tech
Line eight thirty seven eight is Tuesday, April ninth. Good morning, Thank
you for listening to our show.We appreciate that. One A four to
three My fam it is Valentine inthe morning eight sixty sixty five, four
to four. My vent text inthree one oh four to three. Lots
of texts coming in about this.You want to read them? Jolly yes,
this text says she's not the jerkfor not chipping in for a boss's
gift. What we've done in theoffice is pick up flowers or coffee or
anything in your budget and write alittle happy birthday note direct from you.
And then Mary said, she's nota jerk, but she's not a jerk,
but she's going to bury herself withher boss if her name isn't on
that card. Sometimes you just haveto play the game look out for yourself.
Sometimes that involves being politically correct,right. That's a tough spot right
there. Yeah, but I reallydo feel even if you just toss in
a couple of bucks, somebody's gonnanote that you only tossed in a couple
of bucks, and then you geta problem with the rest of the people
you know, right, because theyknow what you make. You're all probably
making the same amount of money ifyou're in the office, and so they're
sitting there going alleys, you wentSally chipped in. I chipped in one
hundred bucks, Sally gets rid oftwenty and her name's on the card.
But Sally chipping in twenty is stillgoing to be better in everyone's eyes than
Greg who chipped in zero, youknow what I mean? Like that,
I don't know if it will bethere. I don't know, man definitely,
but they're still gonna be pointing itout. Yeah, But sindently signs
a card and she does a biggersignature than other people. They're like,
Oh, really, Sally, thinkyou take up that much real estate based
on what you chipped in? Oris that a case of based on how
much you chip into a boss's giftthat denotes how much real estate on the
card you get? How do youever see those people that take up a
bunch of space? So John,Yeah, but how often does the boss
know how many people and what theycontributed? Like, you normally don't share
that information, so they probably don'tunless it's office gossip, right, So
they probably don't know that. ButI'm saying her relationship with the other people
might feel a bit of strife becauseshe didn't really ship in the same amount.
If I'm going in for a HUNDIand I find out that you toss
in twenty I'm like, what's upwith that. I'm gonna be kind of
bummed about that. Yeah, I'mgonna tell you that's all I could afford.
Right now, we did just getthis text in that says I did
this one's and did not contribute.Afterwards, alliation from said manager. Oh,
so the boss found out it's theboss. If you didn't give any
your name's out of that card,right. So the boss looked at the
card and got the Excel spreadsheet outand started making columns and said, okay,
this person didn't chip in, right, Wow, Sometimes you just got
to play the game. Sometimes,I hear you. I hear you.
We got John Peak a seven dollarsframe with our pictures twenty dollars. Okay,
how did you buy it? Itdoes seem relevant to this conversation,
But yes, I was the onlyone who contributed to that monetarily. So
you know, well, ven,right now we split it four ways.
It's too late, right next yearwe got four three MYFM. Here's what's
coming up in entertainment headlines? IsLady Gaga engaged? I'll tell you why
fans think? Yes. Coming upafter traffic I think he got the frame
from home. When that you're sayingit was twenty bucks to get some cash,
I think that you and Kyler foundsome old frame and said, oh,
here's the frame. I'll dare youthat's what I would do. One
o four to three. My SMEntertainment headlines is Lady Gaga engaged. So
she has been with Michael Polanski's anentrepreneur since twenty nineteen. And she was
just spotted with this massive diamond ringon her left hand, on that finger.
Now, she was in this reallybig black overcoat and so it was
kind of like shielding her hand.But if you zoom into the photo,
you see her left hand and thenyou just see that massive ring on that
finger on that left hand. Solab grown, I don't know. I
don't know, but Data Gaga couldbe engaged. And James Cameron, the
director of Avatar and Titanic, hejust revealed his plans to remake the nineteen
sixty six film Fantastic Voyage. SoI looked it up on I've not seen
it. It's from nineteen sixty six. It says when a blood clot renders
a scientist comatose a submarine and itscrew are shrunk and injected into his bloodstream
in order to save him and JamesCameron says, we've been developing it for
a number of years. We planto go ahead with it very soon.
He said. Raquel Welch is notavailable, but we think we can make
a pretty good movie. I'm JillEntertainment Headlines. Now, do you think
that your brother in law will bepart of this movie? Maybe? I
don't know, linking the imagination ofman and the magic of the cameras never
before. I'd be cool if hewas. Mm hmmmm. I'm Jill with
Entertainment Headlines. Do you get anymoney for this from Cameron? I have
not spoken to James Cameron in myentire life. My brother in law works
for him, very big guy inthat company. But I'm very fantastically high
up there. Avatar the number two. I believe you've never met in the
world of like Mo Calf and Isay that because you've taught me that it's
motion capture. Yes, you're right. In the world of Mo Cap Kevin,
who is her brother in law,is like the lead guy, the
lead guy, as I understand inall emotion picture like he's the guy that
people come to, and I'm gladthat Cameron has n't locked up. But
he's the guy that comes to becausehe knows the stuff like nobody else.
He's so talented, very talented me, he really, really is. I
appreciate all his work. He's workedon the Avatar films, Yes, he
has for a long time. Yeah, and it's just you know, we
do a lot of an advatur talkon those show. Hi. This is
a story that is out there inthe headlines. James Cameron, if you're
making a film, I'm not gettingpaid for a submarine that goes in your
blood vessel, right, fascinating,fascinating. What if he wants you to
be in this film? I'm inSign me up, tell us Swift.
This is Karma. It is oneof four to three mi fan. This
is Valentine in the morning. Myfmos pat nine o'clock. If you're getting
into the office, if you havepets and you kind of worry about that
when you go to work and stufflike that, iHeartRadio has the answer for
you. Just search pet radio allthese calming tunes and like gentle melodies.
Yeah, this is awesome. Mycats love it. We had it turned
on last night. At our housetoo. I'm gonna try this. So
what are they looking for again?Jill Pet Radio on the free iHeartRadio app.
Try it out if you have pets, see if they like it.
John's trending. So Billie Eilish finallystopped teasing us and served up some details
about her long awaited third album,I Like You. She took to Instagram
to tell us that it's going tobe called hit Me Hard and Soft,
and we'll get to hear it onMay seventeenth. The only thing is,
if you're looking for a taste ofthat music ahead of time, you're out
of luck. She's not going tobe sharing any singles from this new album
until it comes out in its entirety. But we do get new music from
Billy next month. I'm John Camucinand that's what's treading in music. The
sundown one of four to three,my Vami. It is Valentine in the
morning. It is nine forty five. Gonna wrap things up around here.
Lisa Fox is coming up next.She's doing anybody asks her, she's doing
that. Oh, I don't thinkso. I had to buy some outfits
and get them off of Amazon toget here tomorrow. Maybe I'll wear one
to work or something. You should. Have you seen a fashion show for
us? Have you seen out tightthere? At least wear Friday's outfit to
work please? Yes, the tinyshorts, tiny shorts at least with the
matching shirt, with the matching shirtwith a wide open and shells. Yes,
polllls. Okay, decided to knowyou were wearing those. I'm gonna
wear something around my neck right thenI'm gonna eat baby oil on my chest
hair. According to Ronnie, ifyou were wearing mesh, oh right,
yeah, don't stick out right?Okay, well, I'll probably do it
anyway. Why not? But ifyou wear baby oil, like did you
guys know that back in the daywould put baby oil on and try and
go get a sun tan and thenthat's how you got skincasser. So if
I did that at Coachella, I'dbe a mess, be a mess.
Do people wear like big rimmed hatsout there, like straw hats? Yeah
all the time. Really definitely toblock yourself from the sun. So I
could bring my straw hat absolutely,Okay, John Tom's gonna take eight hours
to get there, that's what youleave it the wrong time. Yeah,
I'm leaving it like now and onFriday. Oh, it's tough. It
might be easier this time because noone's going. Can you leave it?
But I was reading an hour?Maybe leave it eleven? Yeah, I
think you're better off at eleven.Well, I have a drive in my
own car anyway, because she's takenColin and his friends that are going in
her car, So I'm driving solo. Is anybody going to the Cochella needs
a ride? Do the car?Oh? Actually have stickers? Anyone?
Never mind? Ohyah, you're good. I was gonna, like, you
know, like Larry David picked somebodyup and like in curb as an episode
to pick somebody up for the carpooLane that I realized in my press crime.
I have stickers, So I don'tneed you ye with me. Just
leave as soon as you can afterthe show on Friday. Okay, yeah,
yeah, no, I got you. I'm excited about it. I've
never been to something like that.That'd be fun. I genuinely think you're
gonna have a great brilliance. Ireally do think. Yeah, in all
my years, I've never been anythingso dirty and drug infused or something like
that. It's not going to beas extreme as your Really, I'm picturing
it to be incredibly crazy. AndI'll say this, if you have some
time and you're letting Calling and hisfriends do his thing, take Leilani and
just go stage hop and just godiscover new artists. Sure, see what
people are doing, because there areso many names that aren't necessarily that big
that are playing. These stages aregood, incredible music. Really, yeah,
go walk around. No, thatseems like a great idea, except
do you know me, what doyou think I'm gonna leave my kid unattended
at Coachella? Okay, well gowith him. I've got find my iPhone,
I've got find my kid, I'vegot life three sixty luck. Letting
that work out. There really noservice, no service when everyone gets there
at night. Yeah, that's whenyou want to make sure you got your
eyes on them. Really turn offyour I message so it sends through SMS
text. Okay, that's going tohelp you a lot, a lot.
That's good. Okay, So sorry, you're gonna get me some updates before
I leave? And then how doI keep an eye on him? The
drones or what what do I dowith him the whole time? Yeah?
Remember it's the Disneyland leash a cutelittle backpack of like a little bear.
It's like one hundred feet right,and I tether him and all his friends
together and I go, it's likewe're going up everest Man. We're all
tethered together. You know, I'myour surf. We could do that.
Yeah, yeah, get them onall right. I am thinking about bringing
walkie talkies. Do they work outthere? That's a good idea. That's
smart. That's right. I've gotsome old school ones. There's shaped like
a cat. But if you hada walkie talkie, it's fun for him
with his friends. Hey, buddy, it's dead. What's your twenty?
Buddy? Over? You gotta sayover when you're done over. It's important,
you know, I do some walkingtalking. Just have got the your
pieces as a meeting point. Youget lost eleven pm, meet right here.
Yeah, that's smart. John,are you going? You're not going?
Nah? Lord, you're going right? Okay? Oh that's dangerous for
sure. Ram sounds like you're goingto be dancing for me. We're going
to do some weird social stuff.One O four to three my FM Entertainment
headlines. Tom Middleston. He playsLoki in the Marvel Films and stars as
Loki and Loki. He doesn't knowif the Disney Plus series will return for
a third season. He says,I truly don't know. There have been
other times when I thought it wasthe end, and I've been mistaken.
But if this is the end,I'm proud of where we ended up.
And Dune Part two is getting anextended Imax run later this month. They
said, the fans have spoken andwe're thrilled to return this beloved film to
the biggest of the big screens acrossthe country to once again share Dune Part
two with moviegoers in this premium format. Who's going to be playing at the
Imax Theater at CityWalk, that reallyhuge theater right there. So starting April
nineteenth, Dune Part two back iniMX. I'm Jill with her and tipping
headlines. I love Done. It'sso good. I love Done. Do
you like Dune? Yeah? Ilike Dune. I love doing doing this
show. Brian, thank you foryour show, Lauren the Couch, Thank
you of your show. Michael Paulin New York City, think of your
show. Jill, thank you foryour show. John, thank you for
your show. Thank you and RussellFord, thank you for your show,
Thank you for your show. We'llget a final check that morning. Traffic.
Lisa Fox is coming up next.What do we got