All Episodes

May 13, 2024 53 mins

Lunchbox thought the drama would take a few years but the drama has already started in T-Ball. Was Lunchbox in the wrong or did the other coach need to chill out a little bit? The NBA Playoffs have been fantastic in the West but the East is nothing but a snooze fest. Lunchbox had an awkward situation with his Father in Law when it came to the NBA or NHL playoffs and Ray is so close to winning $100K! Xander Schauffele just doesn't have what it takes to win. Happy Mother's Day! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
I started it. Yeah, I know. Happy Mother's Day to you, man, Yeah,
Happy Happy female Day to all the mothers out there.
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. My wife
promised my kids that we would make blueberry and banana pancakes.

And my wife yesterday morning got out of bed for
eight minutes, like I'm going to go back to bed deserved.
And I was like, good idea. And then the kids
kept going, Dad out, when are we gonna make blueberry pancakes?
I might. I'll be honest with you, I don't really
know the recipe for pancakes. Never really made pancakes. Luckily,
the in laws were there and DeeDee and Granddad helped

make the pancakes. My wife was in bed, she got up,
was not feeling well. She went to the minute clinic
over at the CVS WHOA, and she tested positive four
strap And this has been your web MD minute yeap.
So there you go, man, that was my mother's day.

Did you make the flapjacks? Oh? Yeah, Didi and Granddad
they made them with the kids. What do you do
you impregnate the dough with blueberries? Ray? Yeah, you put
them on there. Well, Dede likes to mash up the
bananas in the pancake batter. I guess, and my kids right, No,
the slices, the slices, So you make the batter, you

put it on the pan and then you drop little
slices on the top of the and they kind of
soak into the pancake ray they melt. Yeah, So it
was good man, and we just played out in the backyard.
We played baseball, we played soccer, we played football, we
played launch rockets, we baseball. What's that? It ain't America's

sport anymore. It's America's pastime. There's a new cowboy in town,
and its name is football. You're right, and the schedules
out ray of a segue. I mean, are you ready
for that season opener? Chiefs Ravens? Oh Man, can't wait?

Which team will have the better season? I'll tell you
who the Chiefs after the break? Oh no, no, just start
the show. I mean that's what they're doing on TV
right now. Chiefs host Ravens in the NFL season opener.
Which team will have the better season? Who has the
better quarterback? Who has the better coach? Chief Chiefs? Chiefs?

Thank you?

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Yeah, take Chiefs three times your money to win the AFC.
They don't even have to win the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
I like that one. They have to be the favorite.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
They are, they're the favorite to win it all five
times your money. Might as well bet that. Now they're
gonna be in it. They're gonna make it past the
first round. They're gonna make it past the second round.
Then you can head you bet. Why would you not
bet that right now?

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Yeah? I just still don't trust Lamar Jackson throwing the ball.
So who's gonna have the better season? I'm telling you? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (02:56):
And Henry, We got all his guests.

Speaker 1 (02:59):
About Derek Henry up there in Baltimore.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
Yeah, he drove all over this city, man, and used
all that mileage on those legs. However many years good
luck all right, sixty five, forty four, forty twenty four,
he was using that all the Galton Pike, all the mileage.
You can imagine. He was driving all over the place.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
Nolan Nolansville Road.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
You let me know if he's gonna be able to
migrate the Baltimore Bridge.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
What the bridge that collapsed? I meant to say that Baltimore?
What is that? What? What do they take over there?

Speaker 2 (03:39):
I mean if there's got to be another road outside
of the bridge. Yeah, whatever roads are in and around Baltimore, Maryland.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
If he's got anything left, he's got something left. Godspeed. Uh,
We're gonna do it live. I mean, how do you
do this past year? He actually ended up having a
career another great year. It was quiet though, Yeah, and
sixty seven yards four point two yards per carry, twelve touchdowns.
Not mad.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
It's one of those where I didn't I watched a
lot of the games, didn't see that.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
You know what's crazy? In his career, he's only caught
the ball one hundred and fifty five times. He's a
running back. I understand that. But let you want to
go to Christian McCaffrey. I mean, you and your family
have caught more colds than that. That ain't that ain't
a lie, dude. We catch a cold every damn day.
I mean, how does my wife have strep right now?

I don't know. Christian McCaffrey has caught five hundred nine
balls in his career. That proted him a lot more.
I understand. I'm just saying that's wild. You think he'd
had more receptions. All right, let's do it live.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
Yeah, we get into stats like that. Man, we're gonna
lose every listener we got. Just so you guys know,
we're no longer doing how you sleep last night?

Speaker 1 (04:54):
Why until further notice what happened? There was a revolt
on the Facebook page. People said there was like two people. Oh.
Arnold commented too, why do you never mind? Just go ray?
Why do you listen to the inmates? We're the wardens. No,
I mean, we don't do it all the time. Just

when we have a dramatic night, it happens. That was
what was going on in my life at that time.
I don't know what you want me to do. That's
what I have to talk about. I can't make up
stories about stuff that's not happening to me.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
Segment's been canceled. Okay, I thought that was a woman
on the TV.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
No, it's Aaron Gordon. Man, all right, we're gonna do
it live? What? Oh? The what? Two? Three? So losers?
What up? Everybody? I am lunchbox. I know the most
about sports, so I'll give you the sports facts, my
sports opinions, because I'm pretty much a sports genius. Yeah,
it says that I'm from the North. I'm an alpha man.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
I live on the north side of Nashville, bays Er,
my wife white picket fence. We do have ranch land
and farmland. Two point five kids die of a heart
attack probably when I'm seventy two, and Arnold off today.
We always give him Monday off. He ended up getting
shlip faced on Broadway. I guess he threw a chair
from Wallin's bar, But because he's not famous and he
didn't have that great of an arm, it didn't even
land on the street. It just landed kind of on

the eavestrough below the building, so it didn't even make
it to the street, so it didn't make news. But
Arnold did throw a chair yesterday.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
That's not a good sign over to you. Man. Man,
I'm gonna tell you what t ball. I didn't know
those there would be drama in t ball.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
You gotta think when there's human beings present, there's gonna
be somebody getting pissy.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
Because someone got pissy with me this weekend. Hey, you
want to step on up. Well, it wouldn't that as
much as the games are like fifty minutes, you know,
like twelve to twelve to fifty. Then the next team
plays at one one to one fifty and so on
and so forth, starting at eight am. I think the
latest game is two pm. They got the pitch clock.

They do not have the pitch clock. But we were there,
and we show up to our game and the team
before us ran five, six, seven minutes late, and so
I assume, okay, cool, and we're ready to start. When
when when they get done, we get out there. It
takes a few minutes get the kids all organized. Hey,

you know what I mean, let's line up. We're gonna
we're gonna bat. Are you the coach? Yeah? I thought
you said when you had pictures you were like late
to it or something. When they had t ball pictures,
it was such a monumental occasion. No, I said. We
went to pick up the jerseys and we put them on,
and they put them on. They were so excited and
they it was a great feeling to slide on the

jersey of the Expos for the first time. Have you
guys had a game yet? Yeah, we've had a couple games. Okay,
I I don't know. I guess I thought you were
part of the coaching team. No, No, I am the
coach because I signed up to be the head coach.
My wife didn't want me to be the head coaches, like, oh,
maybe we should ease our way in, Like I don't
know if this is I was like, you sit back

and watch me coach in baseball, and I didn't have
an assistant coach because I didn't know anybody else playing.
I didn't know other kids I didn't know. So we
signed up, and then we found out a kid that
my kids go to school with. He was playing in
the same league. Right, Hey, you want to be the
assistant coach. He's like yeah, dude. So we emailed the
league like, hey, can we get him on our team?

His dad wants to be the assistant coach and she
They reply and they said, uh, we have him down
as the assistant coach of the Dodgers. And I'm like, oh,
well or north of the boarder. Okay, cool, So that's
all right. So we get our team roster and I
emailed everybody and I said, hey, went to the coaches meeting,
and it sounds like it's going to be all hands
on deck. You know, if anybody would love to help coach,

it sounds like I'm gonna need you know, a few
hands that would be awesome. Just let me know that's
how you sounded in the email. Just let me know
who wants to volunteer boochbag coach. If I got that email,
I would delete it and say, uh, loser. This guy
hasn't played baseball before.

Speaker 2 (09:01):
Needed word the email? Like my play is? Are we
where the play is play? And we ride in them.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Streets like every day. Hey, we're the exposed and we're
here to take your heart and soul. Hey, where are
my parents at? That want up? Can win? Come on, coach,
you gotta go harder than that. Hey, guys, hands on deck. Hey,
everybody wants to make some major league baseball players. Get
your ass on the field and help me. We're about
to run these kids into the ground. We are going
to teach them respect and we're gonna teach them baseball.

Who's with me? And also, where's my mom's at? We
need your help? Hey, this is not just to the
dad's the moms also, Hey, hey, moms, if you like
getting down and dirty and you know how to show
them what the ready position is where you get your
butt in the air. Let me hear you say, Hey, coach,

you took it too far. Continue with your story. So
I emailed that out over a month ago, I got
zero replies. What was the response rate? Zero? I called
it without even hearing the payoff. The only people are
either that busy or holy crap, this this society is

going faster to hell in a handbasket than I assumed.
I think it's just society's I don't think everybody's that
busy people. I don't think people care about their kids.
I don't think people want to be involved with their kids.
Oh my gosh, dude, oh my, that's bad. But anyway,
I take it back. We had one response, you really
don't think it's the busy though. No, no, no, I

don't think it's the busy because they're gonna have to
bring them to practice, so you're gonna be there, so
you might as well help, right. I feel like text
thread would have maybe been better than email, but I
didn't have their phone numbers that when we got the email,
it gives you the email address to everybody's parent. Sarah,
I got your number. Yeah. I think it might be
kind of weird if I just start texting moms on

the team. Hey, Sandra, I see your Billy's mom. Okay,
I got the email list, and she's like, who is
this guy you did a group threat. It's just you
and the moms. I wanted to separate them so I
could talk with the boys and talk with the moms.
I know, you know, you guys like to keep it separated.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
But you could see now how it coaches. You know,
parents end up flirting with each other, right.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
Well maybe no, I don't because no one responded ray,
so I don't know how the flirting goes. I did
get one response from a dad and he's like, oh,
I would love to help coach. He goes, that sounds awesome.
The only problem is we can't do practice on Sundays.
We got church, all right. I'm like, well, practices on

Sundays at ten am, So I guess you won't be
helping coach. Appreciate it though, man, good looking out So anyway,
I got no helpers. It's just me. Then we need
a team parent that's supposed to handle things from the
league and do the sign up sheet to bring snacks
and drinks after the game. You act like this is

I mean, this is the presidential election. It's teempaul. What
all is to be handled? This is funny? No, I
don't know, but that's what they said, the league emailed
me and said, hey, you need a team parent. Okay, cool,
so I email that out. Guess how many people stepped
up to be team parent. I'm guessing similar to the

previous one. Exactly. Nobody wants to be involved. They say,
it's it, my kid's gonna participate. I'm not. I'm not
obligated to participate. Correct, keep the kids active, but no, no, no, no, no,
we don't need to be active. We're the parents. And
this is also free babysitting. And you fell for it,

hook line and sinker a little bit. Correct, So no
one wanted to be the team parent. So I'm the
head coach, I'm an assistant coach, and I'm the team
damn parent. And you said the games are fifth minutes. Yeah,
this is fifty minutes.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
How fast can you suck down a mimosa or a
coffee with Bailey's is basically what that is on a Saturday.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
And then oh wait, you're gonna take them for an
hour on Sunday and have practice. Oh my gosh, my
weekends are wide open. So back to the game. On Saturday.
Our game is at noon. Cool, Well, we don't start
till about twelve to fifteen because the game before us
ran a little late, the team were waiting. The parking

lot was a little full, so some of their teammates
were having time trouble finding parking because they were waiting
for the game before to leave to open up some
of the parking spots.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
Well, and you'll notice games, say seven o'clock NBA, Major
League Baseball, they really don't start till about seven to ten,
seven to fifteen. The White Sox had a deal one
year where their games didn't start till seven to eleven.
They had to deal with the convenience store change.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Yes, every home game started at seven elevens when I
lived there. Look it up, pretty funny bucket. So we
started a little bit late. Ray are should start at
six sixty nine? And how what how you do it
is you bat through the order twice and then you
go in the field and bat through the and they
bat through the order twice, and then you switch it up.

It sounds tough because these kids ain't there. It's like
wrangling cats. Well, what we do is we have half
the kids. Like let's say we have twelve on our team.
We have six that play the field and then six
that go behind the outfield fence and do drills like
hit off the tee, throw a ball into a net,
practice throwing. So I have to wrangle a dad, Hey
can you go out there, and like, I don't even

if they even get anything done, because I don't know
every day it's a different dad this week. You know,
I guess I'll go out there, all right. Cool.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
These are dads that are run down from their jobs.
You've seen him at the end of the week.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
That already did not volunteer to be assistant coaches. So
we know they don't want to be there. They don't
want to help. But I am forcing someone's hands, saying, hey,
someone's got to go out there with those kids. They
nurse and hangovers a little bit. Yes, got the sunglasses on,
Hey Gary, put on the hat, all right, some glasses
cover the bloodshot. So they go out there with those kids.

And so we have six on the field. So our
six bat twice, go in the field. Those six on
the other team bat twice. Then they switch and go
to the outfield behind the fence and do the drills.
So we do that, and we are coming up on
one o'clock, but we have only our second group of
kids have only batted through the order once. And my

wife's like, hey, hey, it looks like the time's up.
And I was like, yay, I understand. She goes, I know,
but the next game is going to start. I said,
don't worry about it. You just you worry about you
and I'll handle this. Did you say your wife or
O what my wife? She's part of the drum okay,
And I'm like, don't worry about it. She goes, okay, okay.

And that was at twelve fifty four. Dude, you got
to give me the address. I have got to come
see this debacle in person. At one o'clock. At one
oh one, the coach of the team that's playing next
sticks his head over the fence. Hey, Jerry, head back. Thanks,
And as I'm setting the tea up at home plate
for our team to start batting the second time through

because we didn't get to we've only done it once,
batted once through, right, you were pitched back fifteen yes,
And he sticks his head over the fence. He goes, coach, coach, oh,
he's a fan of the pod. I'm like, oh, coacher,
what I was like, sore losers? Nation were live and
he goes what I said, I hype up in my

private jet. I coach your sir, Simon Levi, but I
hope you're doing well. And he was like, no, he
goes coach coach. I said, yeah. He goes, uh, one o'clock.
He starts tapping his watch. He goes one o'clock. It's
now past one o'clock. We play at one. Let's go,
And he gave me the wrap up signal familiar and

I said, oh, I'm sorry, man, we started a few
minutes late. And he goes, not my problem. It's one o'clock,
our turning, our time to be on the feet. Wow,
this starts at the preschool level. I looked at him,
My say, lou Panella, we got it. Thanks, Hey, don Zimmer,
take a chill pill man. Hey Joe Tory, Hey guess what,

Joe Tory, you're out of here. So my frustration is
already the game before us ran late, and we were
nice enough to let the other team wait for their
players to get from the parking lot to the game.
So we didn't start and they have three because I mean,
you don't keep scoring, none matter, but whatever. So I
was like, well, I'm sorry. We started about fifteen minutes late,

and we've only batted through the lineup once and you're
supposed to bat through it twice. He goes, yeah, it's
our time though, and he's tapping his watch the entire time.
But he wasn't using any reasoning. He really was just
sticking with his art. Yes, I'm sticking with the oh
and it starts at one. We need to be on
the field at one. I'm curious who budged And I said, so,

I'm supposed to tell my kids they can't bat twe
ice And he was like, according to the time, And
I said, we're gonna gohead and bat. Thanks. Yeah, you're
gonna need to talk to the team. Mom, honey, get
over here, help me. And so I said, we'll be
done in a minute. Thanks, I mean it takes about
eight minutes. You hit him with the thanks. Yeah, you're welcome.

That's from justin it is, And I said, I said,
saying thanks, what it doesn't need to be said is
the perfect time to say things because it's kind of
like you're being nice, but you're really being an ass,
like you're not really like you're not really sincere with it.
But I literally lived down him. I said, hey, we're
going to bat the order just this, you know, one
more time. Thanks, we'll be done in about eight minutes. Thanks.

And he throws his arms up kind of and he
goes back to his team and he's like kind of
all animated. And it took us nine minutes to bat
through the order. They high five to the team. They
you know, walk good game, good game, good game, good game,
and be off the field.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
See, that's also why you need an assistant coach, because
it looks like these situations could get hairy and it's
just you and with your wife backing up.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
Well, she was you need another bro. It was. It
was annoying because first she's the one that said, hey,
you're almost out of time. She's the one that brought
it up originally. But if a fight goes down where
you guys are actually arguing and stuff, you need another
dude that's there with you. Yeah, your wife can get
him with some zingers. Then you got you another guy. Boom,

mount up, and you're gonna tell the other guy what
to do. Otherwise it's just you verse him. Yeah. The
awkward part is our next games against them, That's what
I'm talking. Are they even score? No? No, no, no,
they don't even take outs. There's no outs.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
You don'd be huge for the instagrams if you got
a picture. What even if your wife was just able
to take a well, we'd have to get his permission
to post it.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
If she could have got a picture from the side
of him tapping his watch, why do we not have
that picture? I mean it was like he must have
tapped his watch in that thirty to forty five second conversation.
He probably tapped his watch twenty five times? Was he
our age? Yeah? Really? Yeah, that's weird. A real stickler
about time. I'm like, dude, it's T ball, bro, Like,
it doesn't matter if you have to wait five minutes.

But he but you have to.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Realize, dude, he's in middle management. He's realizing that is
what he went to college for. Isn't exactly the career
he wanted.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
He's got a family, now, he's got kids, and he's
married a dead end job. I mean, that's the thing
you got to think about people. Yeah, and I left
that game and I was just like, damn, drama starts
at T ball. Had no idea. I thought he was
gonna be smooth saling all season. Absolutely not. Now, we'll
take a break and we'll come back and talk. I

don't know whatever you want to talk about. No, we
got a lot, man, I got a lot. No. I mean,
you want to talk about cry babies, you want to
talk about NBA playoffs, you want to talk about the
drama between me and my father in law, We'll talk
about it all. Yeah. Right after this, I'll tell you

what the week's episode's flying by. This weekend great. The
weekend is great because they start the basketball game so
much earlier. I love it afternoon after noon, six o'clock,
eight o'clock or seven thirty whatever, it's not nine o'clock
at night. I agree. His fantastic would be great for

radio people is if you do a little NBA game
at a two pm on a Monday. Oh God, that'd
be awesome. That would be just absolutely beautiful. I mean,
I could give you guys a full review of the night.
I could tell you all about it. I could tell
you how much I love Luca and how much I
hate Luca at the exact same time. He is such
a good basketball player, but he might be the most
annoying basketball player to watch in the history of the NBA.

He's starting to become Lebron. How he complains as much
as he does. He's oh, he complains more than Lebron.
Every single play he looks at the rep ands says something.
Every single play he cries. And I tell my buddy John,
who's a big, big Mavericks fan. John, we've never heard

this game. No, I've told you about him a couple
of times. And we text during the MAVs games during
the playoffs, and I said, God, Luca is such a
cry baby. And he said, shut your effing mouth. Is
he a fan? And he's a huge fan. Oh head,
I said, Luca flops every time, and he cries more

than my freaking kids. And he said, how dare you?
Then he sent me a tweet. Duka or Dort and
Luca have spent more time in this series trying to
beat the refs than they have trying to beat each
other from John Hollinger because they both cried to the
ref the whole time. You watched Luca, and I guarantee
you ninety nine percent of the plays, even if he's
not involved. If Kyrie is driving the hoop and misses,

Luca looks at the repends like he got hit in
the head. He got hit in the head. God, shut up.
The play will continue you and he'll keep complaining, Oh,
keep all the way down the court every single time.
It is so annoying. But then it's like, damn, he
is so good at basketball.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
He's great because he's able to get those and ones.
He's not a big time three point shooter, right, he shoots.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
A lot shoot sometimes he makes them, But I'm telling you,
he's so.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
He's amazing at drawing the foul and getting the three
point and doing those little bunny hop shots.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
I don't know if he's I don't know if he's overweight,
or he just looks so slow compared to everyone, but
he gets wherever he wants. He's got control of his
body and the ball, and he can move the ball.
And he's really good at basketball. He's deceptively good. But
God almighty, if he could stop crying, I I would

rather put it on mute and hear my kids bickering
in the background than watch him complain the entire freaking game.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
You gotta think, dude, that West is kind of wide open. Dude,
we've seen that the t Wolves can win. I have
no no if I have a future.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
It's not.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
It's just to make the finals. So I'm out of
ten futures. Maybe it's one of them. So my thing
is this.

Speaker 1 (24:06):
I mean the Wolves, we've seen they can win it. No, no,
they're dead. Listen. I was ready to crown their ass.
They went up too oh, and I was like, oh
my god, the Denver Nuggets have no answer. Well, you know,
the time to bet something would have been then no
debth because it would be pay eight times your money.
I agree with you. I got a text from Kevin
last night and he was like, the Nuggets said, you

think we're dead, not so fast. And it's something and
maybe this is like the Chiefs. It used to be
like the Patriots. When you're a champion, you figure out
ways when your back is against the wall, Like the
Chiefs are always down double digits, it seems like, and
they come back and win. These guys are down two,

getting their ass kicked both games, and everybody, everybody outside
of that locker room is hitting the panic button saying,
oh my god, they're done. It was a one there,
they're washed. Maybe they're overrated. Maybe it was a fluke
last year, and good grief, something about that championship. Kahonas says,

watch this, We're gonna go to Minnesota and we're gonna
kick their ass both games. And that's what they did.
And I don't understand it, but predict it for me.
Who's winning the West? Nuggets? Now it's gonna be the
Nuggets versus the MAVs, and I think the Nuggets are
gonna win.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
The Nuggets will prevail. They have more weapons than the MAVs.
But damn, we should have bought that dip instead. Now
we're getting the expert advice a week too late.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
I mean, to win the East, the Celtics are minus
five seventy five. The West is now Nuggets plus one
thirty five, Mavericks plus two seventy five. I go, I mean,
that's just crazy, dude.

Speaker 2 (25:49):
At one point it may have been eleven times your money,
and that may have been to win at all, but
still that significant amount of money. If you would have
actually just trusted, if you would have understood the game
of basketball that' the Nuggs are an amazing team with
a great team chemistry, and they have guys at every
position that are making threes, twos, ones, They're five deep.
The Nuggets and that's why they're as great as they are.

Why was not one person saying to bet them? Now,
everybody's gonna say it. I wake up and I said,
holy shit, hey won last night.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Boom boom, Me and Boomer thought Nuggets might have been
done though, dude, they're well on their way now.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
I Vegas is seeing this shit before we are. And
that's why Vegas builds mansions and high rises and we
sit in our houses and just do these parlays.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
It never work. Nobody saw this. Not one person I
know said bet eight one Nobody I will go back
to win. The Raptors won the title. I think it
was their second round series.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
I bet on them because me and Dodd we went
crazy at his house one day when Kawhi made that
three pointer.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
We bet that game. I understand that we bet that game. Okay,
we bet that game. That's one game. You remember two
hundred dollars we want on that. We bet that game
two hundred. You had to convinced you had enough to
buy a boat. With everybody who were they playing? He no,
they were playing the the who was Ben Simmons on sixers? Sixers?

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Everybody and their brother is betting the other way we
bet that game. We bet the Raptors and they pulled through.

Speaker 1 (27:20):
I think it was I watched the highlight this morning.
Ben Simmons was on uh kawhi as he went around
the curve and that's when Embiid stepped him off the
New Jersey. It was the Brooklyn Nets. And problem no,
because Mbid never played for the Brooklyn Nets. I'm telling you,
I watched the clip today where it bounces on the rim,

bounces on the rim and it goes in and he
gets mobbed by the bench sixers. I just told you that.
I okay, you're gonna play it. Simmons two hundred dollars, yes,

but they were down I believe O two in their
second round series and Steve, our buddy, Steve, who lives
in Austin, texted me. He goes, hey, should we bet
five hundred on the Raptors will win the title right now?
I said, that is the stupidest thing you've ever said,
and he goes, I know, I don't think we should
do that. That's dumb. They went on to win the

title five times your money. Oh no, it was like
twenty times your money, one hundred dollars, thousands and we were,
And so then I thought about it last night when
I had turned on the TV and the Nuggets are
in control the whole game, and I'm like, this would
have been a moment that I think back to Steve, like,
when you think it's over, is it really over? The

Nuggets are too good to just go down and just
get swept. So I do believe it's gonna be the Nuggets, Mavericks.

Speaker 2 (28:51):
The Celtics are your champion, guys, I'd like to just
go on, no, they're not. I think Celtics are the
champion because Derek White is so much better than he
was the year before and the year before that. Tatum's
gonna be Tatum. Jalen Brown's gonna be Brown. The only
way to make money right now isn't the champion. You're champion, Celtics.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
The way to make money is if you think Jalen
Brown maybe he's gonna get the MVP, or you parlay. Otherwise,
there's no money to be had in the NBA right now.
You missed it.

Speaker 2 (29:14):
We all missed out on the Nuggets being eight times
your money to make it to the finals, and when
it might have been eleven to one.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
We missed it. We missed it, so now you got
to bet an MVP or do something random. And Charles
Barkley nailed it last night. All these people all of
a sudden comparing ant Man to Michael Jordan.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
Be not that, not his clutch, not how much he wins, dude,
the way his mannerisms are very similar to Jordan. If
you look at the screen in the corner of your eyes,
sometimes you think you're seeing Jordan from twenty years ago
when we were in the nineties.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
I what has he won? Nothing? Right? But people are
acting like he's the next Michael Jordan. And that's what
Charles Barkley last night nailed it. They said, Shack goes,
you don't even think he's close to Michael Jordan. He goes,
he's had one playoff run where he scored a lot
of points. He ain't won nothing, and he goes, he goes,
so you're not even saying they're close. He goes, I

mean they're both black, dude. Those guys just fired from
the hip, all place fire from the hip. I mean,
Chuck just says it with the straight bas I mean
they're both black. I mean, just great, I will give it, dude,
Ant glides on the floor a lot like Jordan did.
Jordan and Ant both look like they played the game

with figure skates on. They got some sort of roller
blades on.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
Dude, they are and Kobe had that too, just a
smooth They're not Jokick, They're not Luka Donnik.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
Those guys are ugly playing the game. Dude. There's something
about Aunt, Jordan and Kobe. It is beautiful. We are
so in love with saying they're the next Michael Jordan.
Everybody that comes along they win a couple of games. Ah,
they're the next Michael Jordan's. And I was ready to
crown the Timberwolves champions of the NBA when they were
they dominated the Duckets two oh, and also the Mavericks.

I love what the Mavericks have. Derek Lively, he is awesome,
the big dude down low. Yes, dude, he is so good.
I didn't know he's as good as he is. I've
learned in these playoffs how good he is. Gafford so good.
Their X factor is PJ. Washington. That dude plays so hard.
He is tough and he can get buckets. I love

what the Mavericks have, but I don't think they can
beat the Nuggets. Now the Nuggets, dude, because Porter and
Jamal can shoot. And then that's not even mentioning Jokick
and Gordon as big of a force as he is. Dude.
Gordon is so good, Pope is solid. They are really good.
Reggie plays a lot. He does. He just doesn't score. Eh,

he just plays the backup point guard because they used
to have that Bruce Brown or Bryce Brown, whatever the
heck his name was last year. So Reggie Jackson's the
backup point guard. He doesn't score a lot. They don't
need him to. Man, What the hell is cowherd predicting
the Mavericks are gonna win it all? No, I think
the Mavericks are gonna beat the thunder Well, that's easy

to say now it's two to one. No, I said
that from the beginning. I just the East is so bad.
I if the Celtics here, you said the Celtics are
gonna win the title, right, Well, I mean the East
is so bad the but the Pacers got beat by
or one by thirty points over the Knicks in a
playoff game where we're supposed to be narrowing down to

the championship. Here's the If Porzingis doesn't come back, the
Celtics can't win the title. That's it. If he doesn't
get that calf better, they ain't winning the title. When
is he supposed to come back? Because I know Vegas
odds still have Celtics is that they love the Celtics,
love them. But if Porzingis can't come back, it doesn't matter.

I didn't eve think about that. He's been out now
for weeks. Weeks. Yeah, and we're gonna take a break
and we'll talk about the drama between me and my
father in law. Drama, drama, drama. We'll be right back.
Ray I kicked his eyes. I don't know what is
wrong with my father in law. Yeah, you're with his daughter.

Yeah I know, But that that shouldn't that shouldn't be
a problem. I've produced three great grandkids for him, so
he should be actually over the moon thankful. Are you
proud or or what I've done? That has to be
a weird feeling, though, I mean, I don't know how.
I mean, I'm not a parent, and so I don't
know how that works. You are a parent, no, no, but

I'm not at that stage or level or whatever. But
is it weird? To think that, Oh, that guy's hooking
up with my daughter, Like, do you parents think like that? No?

Speaker 2 (33:39):
I would hope we're past that. I mean, you could
also think your parents hooked up and made you.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
Do you think about that? That's a little weird. Do
you think about that? I try not to exactly. Then
they don't think about that. You ever think that two
of your coworkers have banged each other? Yeah? I have
thought about that, And I'm like, that's like, do you
ever think about you and Eddie hooking up? No?

Speaker 2 (34:03):
It's not saying sometimes you just don't think about so, Okay,
what about Arnold.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
That I do think about that? When because Arnold starts
talking about it, I'm like, Arnold, I don't want to
hear it. I don't want to hear Arnold. Arnold stop, stop,
get out Arnold. That's t tm my No. But my
father in law is a He's a good dude. Played
baseball University of Florida. You know. Is he a lawyer, Yeah, lawyer,

Barry the lead. He he's really into sports, so I
can talk sports with him, no problem. But the only
problem is recently he's become a huge hockey fan. Like
I don't mind playoff hockey. But the other night we
sit down to watch the game and it's Saturday night

and there's NBA and there's hockey, and he turned into
hockey and I was like, what, no, no, no, hold on, no, man,
which game? What I'm thinking was Panthers and Bruins has
been musty. He likes the Panthers. He like, he's a
big Lightning fan. Panthers are up, Lightning, are down, Lightning. No, no,

they're out, now they're out. Uh. I don't remember what
hockey game it was, but I was just like, it
may have been the Avalanche and Stars. That's a musty series.
It's been a good series. But I'm like the Canuckers maybe, ah,
maybe been the Canuckers and the Oilers. Hey, it could
have been the Rangers and Knes. I don't know which
game he is watching, but I was like, hey, man,
the NBA is on. He's like, I will flip over

there during commercial and I was like, wait, wait, wait,
you want to watch hockey over the NBA. There's something
wrong here, Like what And so I just said, you
know what, do you watch your hockey? I'm going in
the room and I watch NBA. Man, I was like,
I'm it's kind of rude to leave your guest. I'm
going to my quarter and my wife was like, well,

you're not gonna hang out with us, I'm see him out.
I'm like, no, I would rather watch the NBA. So
I'll go over there and you guys can sit in
here and have your family time, and I'll go watch
NBA over there.

Speaker 2 (36:05):
They're always both included in a parlay, so I'm floating
to both right now. I would say they're almost a
toss up. There's not one that's significantly better. NBA is
a good watch. I mean, yesterday it sucked. The matinee
game was the biggest blow I've ever seen.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
Hockey's good that the game has been pretty damn close,
I would say for me, I mean just because the
playoff NBA just doesn't have the massive I mean these
it's not like it's knockout, drag out. I mean, this
is the I would agree with teams. I will water
down NBA hold on, and the hockey is a resurging, dude,
Hockey has been never been better. I love playoff hockey
so fun, so entertaining. If it's a Western conference game,

that's must see basketball TV if it's Eastern Conference, I
can understand watching hockey over the Eastern Conference. In basketball,
because you know the Celtics are going to the finals.
You know that the Cleveland Cavaliers aren't gonna beat the Celtics,
and the Nickspacers bro not worried about it.

Speaker 2 (37:00):
If somebody thinks that the Pacers or Knicks are gonna
put any kind of a threat to.

Speaker 1 (37:05):
Boston, they've lost their down mind. Boston is cruising to
the championship, cruising. They are in the NBA Finals.

Speaker 2 (37:11):
Right, But I feel like the Knicks fans think, no,
I guess after yesterday that was pretty bad, But Knicks
fans think that if they get in the finals, it's
gonna be Nick's Celtic. Guys, it's not like it was
back in the day, your team.

Speaker 1 (37:21):
Patrick Ewing's not walking through that door. John Stark sat play, Hey,
Charles Oakley's not walking through that door. I mean because
he's not allowed in MSG. He got kicked out and
he said he's never going back. And if Patrick Ewing
walks through that door, he's like eighty by now. And
he in Houston, Oh Allan Houston, good one. Charlie Ward,
Oh yeah, Man, Anthony Mason, rust in Peace. Rick Smith's

the Pacers. I think he's dead too. Really, I don't know.
Let me let me let me fact check that before
I say that. But yeah, let's just appreciate though that
we are blessed right now with NBA and NHL playoffs
running concurrently. And then sprinkle in a little bit of baseball.
You got Skeen's taking the mound on Saturday. Sorry, Rick

Smith's is still alive. He's fifty seven. Gonna say, oh,
Skeens took the mat? What that game? I mean, I
didn't watch it. But wild game, wild game that you're
telling me that's how you lose five thousand dollars. Oh
you have the Cubs. I hit every game of the parlay,
straight up, spread out throughout the weekend. Rory to win
on Sunday.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
He was four times your money when I bet it.
Hold on Okay, Saturday, I said, Skeens rookie start, first start. Ever,
he's not gonna perform Olivia Dunns banging him the night
before steel is amazing for.

Speaker 1 (38:34):
The No, there is no way. There is no way
they banged the night before. No, absolutely not, dude, There
is no dude, your major league debut. He is not
taking a risk of anything happening the night before. He
is going to bet at eight pm, laying still. There
is no chance. They hooked up the night before and
she had the private suite.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
Love it, but I just said, I know the Cubs
are gonna win this win against Skeens. Dude, it goes
ten to nine. It was a rain delay. It was
five to five. Cubs were losing one hundred to nothing.
Came all the way back. The game took about twelve
hours to finish.

Speaker 1 (39:05):
All that.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
To say, one game out of a nine game parlay.
That's how I lost five thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (39:10):
Uh. The Cubs drew like six walks in one inning,
scored like five runs, go up nine to six. They
were in the lead. Yeah, they were up nine to six.
Oh my gosh, you have no orgasm? Are you upset?

Speaker 2 (39:24):
All I know is they were like they were down
five to nothing. I'm outside working on the house, and
I said, well it's over.

Speaker 1 (39:29):
Parlay's over. It was meant to die. I randomly go
inside and see that they tied it five to five.
Then it was a rain delay. Lost it. I didn't
know Rory was gonna end up winning on Sunday. So
let me just say I lost a little bit of
interest and then I saw late at night and ended
up just dying ten to nine. Dude, Xanderschoffle is sold. Dude.

That dude, I'm done with him. I like him, but
he doesn't have it whatever. He's won some no, no,
he's won seven times in his whole career. He doesn't
have that mentality that winners have. He doesn't know how
to stomp on people's throat. He doesn't know how to

close the door. He wilts like a leaf that fell
off a tree. He folds up like a lawn chair
on a Sunday afternoon when you're leaving the beach. It's
unbelievable what he cannot do. I'm watching yesterday and I
think they're tied or maybe the I don't know if

they're tired of Rory's up one. But he Rory hits
it in the bunker and then he hits it over
the green, and Xander is one hundred and twenty nine
yards out right in the middle of the fairway, hits
it over the green, and I'm like, bro, the nerves

get to you. You can't handle the thought of winning.
You cannot handle the absolute pressure sure that comes on
a Sunday because you always fold. Man, it is so
sad to see I like Xander, but the dude can't win.
And Saturday he was there. I mean he ended up
losing by like eight strokes. Yeah, they were. He was

winning going into Sunday by one. He was ahead by
four on Saturday, and then Rory just thunderous comeback. Is
down by one going into Sunday. Dude, anybody, and if
I was betting like I used to be, I would
have put ten k on Rory. I mean no questions
about it. Rory was winning that without a doubt. In
my mind.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
They were even money. It was like minus one thirty
five minus one hundred, so they're basically even money. You
could have picked who you wanted on Sunday and Rory
was down by one, Dude, I gotta put ten k
on Rory.

Speaker 1 (41:42):
I mean that was a lock.

Speaker 2 (41:44):
At one point, Xander was up by two around the
seventh hole, which would have That's what I'm saying, Amy puckered.
But then oh you didn't need a pucker, dude.

Speaker 1 (41:51):
He couldn't do Rory's getting eagles dude. He was draining
them from the bunker. My father in law and I
aron watching it, and there's a part and Rory snap
hooks it to the left right off the pine straw
and it was barely in the pine straw a little bit. Yeah,
And Xander does the same shot but just but he
has a better, better shot on the second shot, puts

it on the green. He's closer to the hole, a
lot closer to the hole, and Rory drake exactly. And
I'm like, good god, dude, you are a bump dude
in golf. Wasn't that It was a two or three
shot swing too at least right? And I like, I
didn't care, but my father and I law and I
were watching it, and I was like, this is about
to be an amazing epic finish. And then he's down

by three strokes actually like twelve old. He's like, oh, well,
it was over. That was fun dude. It is a
blowut nance was looking for other coverage they could go too,
I mean, and when what's funny is whenever they there's
only two people in the hunt, they don't cut to
other golfers. And when they cut to other golfers, you know,
they're about to make a shot, because there's no need
to show another golfer unless they're making an amazing shot.

So they've done. They cut to like Jason Day and
the sand I'm like, this must go in Chipur.

Speaker 2 (43:02):
And oh so cool, Nance, You're not that much of
a surprise act. We know the SHOT's gonna be made.
We get it, Nance, guys, let's go check in on
Jason Day over here, just randomly, Oh, Jason Day from
the bunker, Dan Nance, we know he's down twelve. Why
else would you show us that, Like, you don't have
to play it out like that.

Speaker 1 (43:18):
And then also, Rory doesn't he live overseas? I don't
know where he lives, dude. When he won all he
didn't have any family, girlfriends, kids, family. I think he's married, man,
I know, but they're all overseas. So he won, Dude,
he just took off running to the clubhouse. Cause it's
awkward you don't have all your He had nobody with him.
No one came running out, dude. But he was actually

pretty bad ass. So he's running through all the patrons.
Everybody's like high five in him.

Speaker 2 (43:42):
He's just running and it almost felt like, Hey, this
guy's representing the non Livers man, He's like, fuck Live man,
just running.

Speaker 1 (43:49):
People are like fuck Clive, fuck c Lib. Yeah, and
I mean everybody, and nance is even like I can't
really understand what they're saying. Clive Clive, Clive Clive. It
was cool, but I think it was because you had
no family there. I didn't see the end of it.
It was such a blowout. I turned it off. Man,
there was nothing to watch. We had Pacers up by

thirty and Rory up by nine. I must hey, I
must have turned into a baseball game. I don't know.
And then what did I want to watch t Wolves?
But that game was on at midnight? Well you know what, Oh,
you know what. I can't win with something in the
matinee forecast to watch. Dude, the matinee turned into a blowout.
So you got what. You wasted your whole Sunday. It
wasn't wasting. I was chilling. Oh. I went in the backyard.

We threw the baseball. We came from soccer ball. It
was just like, all right, well whatever, dude. I was
all over the place too, but I wanted to gain
something to be like Saturday that was great. Tv V
had Parlays, I'm watching golf Sunday Blue though. Yeah it
was weird. Let's take a break. I got one question,

Caitlin Clark. You you you are you oversaturated? Are you
tired of it? Well? What is it? Uh? Uh?

Speaker 2 (45:00):
If we're being honest, I've just thought today, damn, I
need to look at a futures for w n B
A because I'm probably gonna be watching the Little Kaitlyn
Clark and I think it starts tomorrow. My question is,
I know, and I wouldn't bet a future on something
I'm not ever gonna watch, So that means I.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
Have You're gonna bet on the Las Vegas Aces, right,
Kaitlin Clark is not leading her team to the championship.
That's why I said I need to look into it,
just like I thought, can we bet the Olympics? When
the hell is it? Is? It gonna be on my app?
It's gonna be in Paris, I know, And that means
you damn well, it's gonna be on during the big

Show's dud, dude, we're betting figure skating or actually it's
summer swimming and ship I'm gonna I'm We're gonna get
a former Olympian. I'm gonna bring him on the pod.
What Phelps to talk about the Olympics? I don't know, Lockedy.
There's a lot of Olympic swimmers out there. We gotta
find one of them. Can we keep it interesting for

an hour though, well the beyond for thirty minutes? I
don't know. Oh yeah, I can tell us about what's
going on in Olympic village. Dude.

Speaker 2 (46:05):
A video I've been having to clean out my phone.
It was a video on there that's so funny of
one of our past interviews, Olivia Live. Yeah, dude, there
was a three minute clip. You guys go listen to
that interview. It's Olivia Challenge or something.

Speaker 1 (46:16):
From the Challenge. Yeah, dude. It was us three talking
about drinking and they're talking about like just I was
doing the Arnold voice and they're like, what is happening? Dude?
It was funny as shit. I delete the video though,
why my phone doesn't have enough storage. But we're all talking.
They're all talking about how they're drinking vodka and you're like, man,
I'm jealous. I wish I could drink. They're just sucking

down red Bull. They have nothing to do nowhere to
be no timetable, no job, I don't know. She rolled
in and she goes, yeah, I got to fight with
my dude last night. I don't know if he can
stick or hang. Yeah, We're like, oh, how long even
dating a couple of weeks? All right, cool? Well this
is getting weird. And then she's like, but I don't
want to talk about it. But then she talked about it,
and then she didn't want it was strange. But back

to Caitlyn Clark. So she missed her graduate yesterday because
she had a WNBA practice. I'm sorry, are you telling
me missing one practice to go walk the stage? And
maybe I am crazy? Is walking the stage not that
big a deal? No, might have been a security thing too, dude.

But also I could.

Speaker 2 (47:23):
I hooked it up at Texas State, so I worked
for facilities, so anytime I graduated or I had a
friend graduate, I could block off two whole roads.

Speaker 1 (47:30):
Well, why didn't you tell me that when my sister graduated.

Speaker 2 (47:32):
Man, when our buddy a od Block graduated, he goes, dog,
I had my family come down.

Speaker 1 (47:37):
There was two roped off rows and it said my
name on the sides of the roads. Because I worked
for a facility. That's awesome. He's like, dog, you didn't
have to do it up like that, dude. When I graduated,
I had a whole section, the whole Texas Date Bobcat
section was it was just my mom, dad, brother, and sister.
How long did you work facilities? What years? They're four years? Baby?

What what years? Plugging? It not four? But it was
two thousand and seven, two thousand and eight. Ah No,
my sister graduated before that, man, So I didn't need you.
Thanks man, it was great. I just I saw that
story and I was like, dang man, poor her. She
didn't get to go to graduation after all that. But
maybe they don't care. And I learned that they stream
them all. Now. Well yeah, but I thought, you know,

if you're you worked before years and you want to
graduate with your friends, you want to be there. But
maybe she didn't have no friends. Her friends are on
the team. She went to a normal party. Now, oh,
she went to a normal party. You don't think they
go to I don't think she parties, dude. She looks
kind of like a stigler, which is fine. You think
she's no fun when I bet my sports, dude, I

don't give a rip. Well, she didn't look like she drank.

Speaker 2 (48:42):
She was in the suite at the Pacers game when
Haliburton drained that three. They showed her and she's just going.
She looked like she had not a drop of alcohol.
That's fine, live your life, every see fit. I don't
give a rip. Olivia Wilde done. She's watching schemes on Saturday.

Speaker 1 (48:55):
She's sober as a saint. I'm like, does nobody celebrate
and have fun with Kean's family with her? Yeah? Dude,
they all look like they had to stick up their ass.
I'm like, that's his first ever debut, yeah, becausey vis
hell right, he could lose five straight and he guess what,
you'll never be up in this level again? How many
runs he given he'll be down? And did he look badass?
I saw the highlot. He had seven k's, He gave

up runs, He gave up three runs, gave up hits.
Seven k's were badass. That ball was moving at next start, Yeah,
he was throwing one hundred. I know that. They were
saying he kept hitting a hundred, one hundred, one hundred.
Next start is musty TV. I'll have to check it out.
And just so you know, I'm gonna give you a
couple of baseball picks today. The Marlins won yesterday. I
think they've won nine games on the year something like that,

so they're not gonna win two in a row. So
you're gonna take the Tigers. And then another one is
the Texas Rangers got swept by the Colorado Rockies, which
is unbelievable. So Colorado goes on the road to San Diego,
he might as well take San Diego on the run
line minus one and a half runs. Those are your
two picks. And they got Luis Arias now, so that

lineup got even better. I mean the rock that Rockies
can't hit outside of their home ballpark and that they
can't win four in a row. They are so god awful.
They're coming off a sweep when the Rangers, they're feeling
good about themselves going to San Diego and the Padres
are gonna blow them out of the water. There are
your two picks for the day.

Speaker 2 (50:15):
And yeah, there's no other picks. When it comes NBA.
We missed the Nuggets and hockey. Right now, there's five
teams that can still win it. I have my futures.
I got Rangers winning the East. I got that one
of those futures. I got stars winning at all, which
could possibly happen.

Speaker 1 (50:29):
So I've I've done.

Speaker 2 (50:30):
Thirty dollars futures that could potentially pay out. And right
now your MLB home run leader is no, it's like, uh,
Kyle Tucker or some other guy. O.

Speaker 1 (50:40):
Tucker's been hot, He's been in on some bombs. Jeeze, dude.

Speaker 2 (50:42):
So I need either Marcelo Zuna, who's in second, Otani's
in third, or Kyle Schwarber.

Speaker 1 (50:47):
Kyle Schwarber wins it. I'm winning four hundred thousand. No,
you're not. Yeah, I am. You bet Just Kyle Schwarber, No,
I have no no, So just him winning it is
not gonna then kind of narrowed down again. There's some
other stuff that kind of has to work in my
favorite And hey, I didn't look at the NFL schedule.
I just came out. So people don't be saying, why
why didn't you guys talk about it? I don't know

who's playing who guys.

Speaker 2 (51:10):
Uh, here we go show Hey and the Rangers win
the East and Jayaler and Milroe wins the Heisman. I
went one hundred thousand, Show Hey, Oilers win the West,
Milroe wins the High.

Speaker 1 (51:20):
Oilers don't play. Oh, oiler's Edmonton. Yeah, that's what you're
talking about. The miil Roe wins the Heisman. I went one
hundred thousand. Oh the other one was Jalen Brown wins
the MVP.

Speaker 2 (51:27):
I win one hundred thousand, show Hey wins, and the
Panthers win the Stanley Cup.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
I went one hundred thousand.

Speaker 2 (51:33):
Marcello Zuna wins and the Stars win the Stanley Cup.
I went one hundred thousand, show Hey wins, Oilers win
the West, and the quarterback for Oregon Ducks wins the Heisman.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
I went one hundred thousand. Marcell Ozuna, you said to me,
I can't keep track. I don't know. Marcelo Zuna, the
Stars and the Nuggets. That's a good one that happens.
I went one hundred thousand, and then Schwarber is he
wins the home run thing. I went looking at four
hundred thousand. Okay, that's what future betting is all about.
I don't know what any of those were. Like, you
said about twenty six different combos. So I just heard

that you've got to win one hundred thousand. So we
just know that in a couple months where a one
one hundred thousand. Okay, it's not a couple of months. Oh,
because the Heisman that goes till December. Oh Jesus, all right,
well I'll check back in December and see how many
hundred thousands you won.

Speaker 2 (52:20):
And the Valls under nine and a half, I mean
they got they got. The Valls predicted with uh Niko Imamaliaba. Guys,
they played. They still play Georgia, they still play Bama.
They still play another tough team in the in the SEC.
The Valls are gonna have a tough year. And they
got nine and a half as a wind total, I
don't think.

Speaker 1 (52:39):
And congrats to the Atlanta Hawks for winning the NBA
Draft lottery, which is supposed to be one of the
weakest NBA drafts in the last twenty years. So congratulations
on that. Yeah, go get Bronni. Oh my god, he's
staying in the NBA draft. Yeah, he's going pro. You
get Bronni, you get Lebron. Yeah. And I still think
Bronnie will probably turn into a pretty good player. Just

his DNA, his makeup, I think he's gonna be pretty good.
I think he'll be all right. A role player. That's
all I know. All Right, we gotta go. Yeah man, yeah,
I wanted to write that down. You said, you said,
Lebrony is gonna be good. Yeah, he's gonna turn into
a good role player. It may it may take a
year two, but he's gonna be a decent NBA player.
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