All Episodes

April 12, 2024 37 mins

When politicians abandon issues because they think it'll lose them votes. Why can’t republicans seem to repeal ObamaCare. Somebody do something. OJ’s Death. The revolutionary’s only sin is hurting the revolution. Is Jesse against 100 round mags?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on
eight Thursday. It is an amazing day to day. And
do not forget tomorrow's ask doctor Jesse Friday. You need
to get your questions emailed in right now to Jesse

at jessekellyshow dot com. Asks me anything. We're gonna get
to all kinds of Biden stuff this hour. Lots of
VP talk, heating up on the presidential side. It's starting
to sound like Trump has maybe landed on one. We
got all kinds of stuff I want to get to.
Before we get to that, I want to address this

one more thing. Chris and I were talking about something
important during the break. Apparently there's something out there now
that it's baseball season. There's something out there called the
nine nine nine challenge. And because I'm not a child
like Chris, I was not aware of this challenge. But
he just informed me of the challenge and here's what

it is. I'm just still processing this, Chris. Nine beers
and nine hot dogs and nine innings, and you know
how I know, I'm getting old. All I see with
that is trouble. All that sounds like a bad idea,

and I can't think of one single benefit to it. One.
It sounds expensive, extremely expensive. Not to sound like you, Chris,
but it does if you ever. Like I told you
last time we went to a game, I got a
popcorn and a coke, A popcorn and a coke, and
it was nineteen dollars for a popcorn and a coke.

So let's set aside the cost, Stokes. I don't want
everyone to think that I sound like Chris. Why would
I want to eat nine hot dogs? I would feel
so bloated, not for the challenge. What's the challenge in that?
I'm not Kamala Harris. I don't have some challenge where
I want to down as many as humanly possible. I

don't under what see this is how I know I'm
getting old. I don't understand why that why I would
want to complete that challenge and the nine beers even
if that was something I wanted to do and I didn't.
Aren't you gonna get a little sloppy in public? Don't
people get self conscious of what? Chris? What are you

shaking your head about? You're not You're not getting sloppy
after nine beers during nine innings in a game. Yes
you are, Yes you are. This sounds like an upset
stomach and an empty bank account and regret. You know
what it sounds like. That's how you end up taking
a feminist home. That's how you do things that ruin
your life. What Chris, Oh, don't do it. Please just

get it, Just get a taxi or something. All pay
for it, All right, all pay for it. Lord knows
you're not gonna have any money left after nine hot
dogs and nine beers in a game. All right, let's
get to some other things. First. I missed this one yesterday.
I just can't. What does he say?

Speaker 2 (03:23):
The legacy is that it kept my word, that I
said that. The means I was running it was to
help change your life for more daring people.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
They reduced the prospect of war.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
And because of Vietnam what what?

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Because of viet is a Vietnam I don't know what.
It's Joe, you know what. Let's get to some emails
before we get back to Joe Biden. There's a bunch
of Joe Biden stuff today. Jesse. On Wednesday, you talked
about Obamacare and how Republicans won't repeal it. I'm only
twenty nine, and I don't understand what existed before. All

I know is I pay too much for insurance that
I don't use because I'm healthy. Can you explain the
current system so on and so forth? Okay, well, his
name is Reid. I won't go into the whole history
of it read, but here's how it essentially worked. It's
just the ultimate government thing. We had for years in
this country, a medical system where the government was getting

more and more and more involved. It's very, very difficult,
even in a quote free market society, to keep government
out of health care. Do you know why it's so
difficult to keep government out of health care? Why is that?
Why is it so hard to keep government out of
health care? Why is it hard to keep government out
of the airline industry? You know, those are two great ones.
Why is it so hard to keep government out of them? Well,

here's why. What have we talked about? That's so dangerous
When people cry out to the government and say this,
what is it? Longtime listeners owned, what is it? Somebody
do something? It's the most dangerous situation in the world
when a frightened public looks at the government and says
somebody do something, because what happens then is the government

will crush the people, steal their liberty, and destroy their money.
Every single time you call out for government solutions, you're
gonna get government solutions. The reason government had been this
is pre Obamacare, more and more and more and more
and more involved in health care was the sad stories
that come from health care. And health care, Look, what

is it? You're trying not to die? And death is heavy,
isn't it in sad? And sickness is heavy and sad
it is, and we've all not only gone through it,
we all know even if we're not going through it
right now, we will. If you haven't sat besides in

the hospital bed really sick dying, you will one day
and you yourself will probably be there one day. It's heavy,
but it's heavy, is it? But that's why government ends
up getting involved because here's what happens. People have medical
issues and injury, cancer, death or whatever. And what happens
is you get a bill afterwards, or something goes wrong,

doctor cut the wrong leg off, or Okay, we just
lost my mom from cancer, and now we got one
hundred thousand dollars hospital bill. Now we have to sell
our house. We're on the streets. These are real stories
that happen to people because medicine is expensive. So when
the people go through things like that, what happens is

they get angry, they get upset, and these groups end
up coming up saying, somebody do something. And what happens
governments start to do something. Hey, insurance, you're not allowed
to charge for this. Hey you can't do that. Hey,
this is regulated. And as is the case with every
single thing, when government gets involved, the cost goes up

and the price goes down. You could use all these
same arguments for the airline industry for the same reason.
We'll stick with medicine for now. What Obamacare was it
was accelerating the government involvement in the insurance industry. It
wasn't that the government privatized health insurance, but that's pretty

much what they did. They wanted to make it so
everyone can afford it. So now there's a government insurance exchange,
and now it's for everyone, and now you can track
It doesn't matter what metric you use, doesn't matter how
angry you are right now, Liberal and Peggy, the truth
is insurance costs have I was going to say doubled.

That's laughably low, tripled, quadrupled since the passage of Obamacare.
It is one of the most disastrous, detestable laws in
the history of the United States of America. And get this,
get this, the GOP people Chris's age won't remember this

because it was too long ago. But when Barack Obama
got elected, he got elected, oh eight, he passed Obamacare
in his first two years he had the House, Senate,
and presidency. And even then they had a hard time
getting Obamacare passed because the American people were so against it.
It was not popular. It was never popular, and it

was some of the heaviest propaganda you've ever seen in
your life. Ah, you gotta have it, you gotta have it,
your costs won't go up. They just lied about every
single thing, lied about all of it, and they eventually
passed it in the dead of night, like they always do.
They passed Obamacare. And it was so unpopular that that
was the year, the twenty ten his midterm election, that
was the Tea Party wave. It was one of the

biggest waves anyone had ever seen. All these Republicans came
sweep into the House, swept the Democrats right out of power.
Obama never got another law passed. It was his only
real signature domestic policy. It was Obamacare. And the Republicans
who ran in that midterm election almost to a man,
In fact, I would bet to a man I just

haven't gone through each and every race. They all ran
on repealing Obamacare, Repeal Obamacare. Elect me, well, repeal Obamacare.
We elected them in twenty ten, they all got into
office and they started passing Obamacare repeals out of the House,
repealing it, repealing it, repealing it. Well. Unsurprisingly, every time
one of those repeals got to Obama's desk, vetoted it,

vetoted it, vetot. He's not going to repeal his own
law just because everyone hates it. Okay, dang, that's frustrating. Dang,
that's frustrating. All we need, though, is the presidency. All
he needs to Senate just give us everything. And every
single Republican, all of them, the ones in the middle,
the ones to the far right, every one of them
ran again, elect me, will repeal Obamacare. We'll repeal Obamacare.

We'll repeal Obamacare. And finally, finally we did it. Donald
Trump becomes President of the United States of America in
twenty sixteen, a Republican House, a Republican Senate. I believe
they had previously passed seven Obamacare repeals. They didn't pass

another one. Now Obamacare is here forever now, Trude even
Trump just made a public statement the other day saying,
we just need to make it better now we'll never
get rid of it. And people ask me why I
hate the GOP. That is why anyway, sor right. I
have some other things, some more emails, some questions, concerns,

World Economic Forum stuff. They're blaming Republicans again before I
get to any of that stuff. Let's get to this stuff.
Because of Obamacare in the government and other reasons. Obviously,
it's expensive to get sick, it's expensive to do anything now.

Medical care is very, very expensive in this country and
getting more and more expensive. That's not going to change
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dot com promo code Jesse, what Chris, We can make jokes?
It's fine, he got that right. The Jesse Kelly Show.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. Don't forget.
If you miss any part of the show, you can
download the whole thing on iHeart, Googles, Spotify, and iTunes.
Don't you cringe a little every time Joe Biden gets

with one of these foreign dignitaries. He was with the
PM of Japan yesterday.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
I remember the choices that were made to forge your
friendship that were once only a devastating a fight that
existed before.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
You just know, you know, behind closed doors, he said,
Matt my Son bo he died in that Hiroshima attack.
It was devastating, you know he did? You know we
did speaking to Joe, He's uh, and I forgot who
he's supposed to call on her.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
The next question who I call on next? Hang? Here,
got my list here?

Speaker 1 (12:50):
Who do I call on next? And I'm not even
gonna I'm not I'm not I'm not going to get
started on this. I'm not going to go off. I'm
not going to get sidetracked.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
Tens of millions of people. The debt was literally about
to get canceled, but then.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
Literally canceled. Tell me, I'm just look, I certainly don't
want to make a thing out of it here, But
what did what did literally what did it add to that?
The debt was about to get canceled? The debt was
literally about to get canceled. Do those are those mean

different things?

Speaker 3 (13:27):

Speaker 4 (13:27):

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Millions of people's debt was literally about to get canceled,
but then some of my Republican friends.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
Got canceled or literally about to kick it? You know,
I no, let's just move on. Oh balting crayon eater,
proving that Trump he's mad about the Trump abortions thing,
proving that Trump is his own worst enemy. After saying
abortion is the state's issue, he criticized the Arizona band
for going too far. Why can't he just shut up sometimes?

Is it his ego? Is he incapable of seeing himself.
He put the issue back on the table. What say you, Okay,
let's clarify a couple of things here. Yes, Donald Trump
is the reason abortion is back in the news. He
brought this issue up out of nowhere. He brought it
up for a reason. Though he has a plan. You

don't have to support it, but it's very obvious what
it is. He brought it up. He punted it back
to the States. That's why he put out that that
video the other day. Hey, Roe versus Wade's overturned. It's great,
this issue is back to the States. Why do that now?
Doesn't even make sense. It's April. Why bring this up

out of nowhere? Why do that now? It's not because
Donald Trump is passionately pro life or anti life or
anything that like that. He knows this issue will be
used against him in the twenty twenty four election. There's
no question Democrats will want run exclusively on this issue

because they have nothing else to run on right now now,
and then know women in America love abortion, so they
will run on this issue and it will hurt him.
He tries. What he's trying to do is make a
statement and then put it behind. You make a statement.
Now it's early April. Here's my statement, return it to
the states. And then what he thinks. It's going to

give him the freedom to do and it may somewhat,
it's going to give him the freedom from now to
the end of the end that election cycle, every time
he's asked about it, because every communist reporter is going
to ask him about it. It's going to give him
the freedom say, I already put out a statement, already
made a statement. I already made a statement. It was
him taking a bad issue and trying to move past

it and campaign wise electorally. That may be the smart strategy.
The problem with it is this Trump and obviously Carrie
Lake along with him, they really genuinely don't care about
the issue that much, probably not as much as you
do if you're a hardcore pro lifer, and they really

want everyone to shut up about it. Everyone. They want
the issue to go away. It's not that they're passionately
about states' rights. They wanted to go away. Oh look,
Carrie Lake, this was Carrie Lake back in twenty twenty two,
where it's like fifteen minutes ago.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
And incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a
great law that's already on the books, so it will
prohibit abortion in Arizona. And I think we're going to
be painting the way and setting course for other states
to follow.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
Okay, So five minutes ago, that was twenty twenty two,
she was thrilled that they had banned abortion totally. Then
what was it Monday? Arizona's Supreme Court said, yeah, that law,
we're upholding it. Good to go. And the law she
just praised, she publicly trashed and begged the Democrat governor
to pass a more pro abortion law. And then Trump

jumped in and joined her with it, and he said, yeah,
it went too far. What's going on? They're not real life.
They think the issue hurts them at the polls, and
they have made a conscious decision to abandon this issue
in favor of winning an election. And you may be

okay with that, and you may be not okay with that. Well,
And by the way, I don't care if what I
just said offend you, because what I just said is
one hundred percent right. Whether or not you're okay with
that or not, now that's a call for you to make.
Maybe you think that's understandable Maybe you're sitting there saying,
you're dag god right, we're abandoning the issue. We got
a country to save. Or maybe you're saying, I can't
believe they would abandon that issue. That's not right. But

whatever you're saying, it doesn't matter. That's what they're doing.
They want it to go away. They don't want to
have to run on being pro life. They don't want
that to be a stance. They believe that issue is
going to hurt them at the polls. And that's why
the unborn babies got dropped like a hot potato. That's
why you could agree with that strategy. You cannot agree

with that strategy, but that is the strategy they've taken.
That is the point of Trump making the statement he made.
He made the statement he made, He brought it up
in the news because he understands, Look tomorrow is Friday.
By Friday, we won't be talking about this anymore. Monday,
it'll definitely be gone. And he will try to, as

I said throughout the campaign, he'll try to run cover
for himself on that issue by saying I made a
statement back to the States. You can love it or
hate it, but that's what you're looking at all. Right,
Biden had some more Second Amendment talk. We'll talk about
that next. Feeling a little stocky, Follow leg and subscribe

on social at Jesse Kelly DC. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show on a Thursday. Do not forget to get
your ask doctor Jesse questions in tomorrow Jesse at Jesse
kellyshow dot com as the email address ask me anything
all three hours on Friday will belong to you. And yes,

I am aware that OJ Simpson died today. Realized that's
a big story from today. I I've never really gotten
involved in celebrity deaths. It's never been something that interests me.
Celebrity stuff period doesn't really interest me at all. I
certainly remember where I was when OJ Simpson got let

off scott free. Everyone knew why he got let off
Scott free. He got let off Scott free because he
was wealthy enough to afford amazing lawyers, and his defense
team decided to play the race card as hard as
humanly possible. How hard did they play the race card?
A lot of people forget this about the OJ Simpson trial.

OJ Simpson was He was a member of high society.
Heisman Trophy winner, NFL Hall of Famer. I mean it's
like a California guy, a movie star. He was in
the Naked Gun movies. He was great, right O. J.
Simpson was household name, so he was high society. We're
talking limousines and private jets, that kind of thing. And
so he's had business contacts of all kinds of people.

His wife was white, and you know, I had black friends,
white friends, all people of every color. Right, So he
had pictures of all those people in his home, business partner, stockbrokers, whatever.
His defense team went through his house and removed all
the pictures of him with white people and replaced all

of his pictures in the home to have just him
with black people, to make him look like more of
a I don't know pillar in the black community. Because
they were going to play off of the Rodney King
racism sympathies that were out there to get OJ Simpson
off from murder, from cutting his wife's head off, and

it worked. In fact, there's an interview, you can dig
it up. It's out there today. More than one of
the jurors has since been interviewed. One of them said, yeah,
I let him off because of Rodney King. I knew
he was guilty. I let him off because of Rodney King,
And about ninety percent of my fellow jurors let him
off for that same reason too. They've all come out
now and said it, O. J. Simpson got let off
because of the color of his skin. It's really warrible,

but that happens, right, That's the way justice systems work.
You get convicted for the color of your skin, you
get let off for the color of your skin. It's
really terrible. Crime and punishment is an ugly, ugly thing.
The only thing I'll say about the OJ Simpson thing
is this, because I saw Sunny Houstin was out there
talking about it.

Speaker 5 (21:26):
Who doesn't remember the Trial of the Century, you know?
I mean it was an eleven month long trial, and
I also remember feeling a great sense of injustice happened.
It's one of the reasons why I became a prosecutor.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Yeah, Mark Lamont Hill, maybe you've heard of him, maybe
you haven't. He's a big communist activist. He has been
for a long time bouncing around academia and other places,
blood sucking money out of every communist place he can find.
He put out a statement Today's what he said, if
you want a window and the mind of a communist,

how they work, how they think, into the mind of
an anti human, Well, here it is. OJ Simpson was
an abusive liar who abandoned his community long before he
killed two people in cold blood. His acquittal for murder
was the correct and necessary result of a racist criminal

legal system. But he's still a monster, not a martyr.
I mean, let me read that again. O. J. Simpson
was an abusive liar who abandoned his community long before
he killed two people in cold blood. His acquittal for
murder was the correct and necessary result of a racist

criminal legal system. He should have got off for murder. Yeah,
he murdered him, but he should have got off because
it was racist. But he was a piece of trash
because he abandoned his community. What's what's he saying? Well?
OJ Simpson was not the black advocate Mark Lamont Hill

thought he should be. He just chose to live his
life as a normal human being before he started cutting
people's heads off. He wasn't the black advocate, and that
to the communist, that's the only real sin you can commit.
You see, when you're an anti human murder that doesn't matter.

Why would murder matter again, when you don't value human life,
when human beings aren't these special god breathed souls who
are unique and made for a purpose, when humans are
just a cog and whatever this thing is, then you
become an anti human. And when they die, it just
doesn't move you. You're an anti human. The only sin you

can commit to a communist is to do anything that
holds back the revolution. Anything. And you've seen this a
million times. You've seen it when they cracked down on
each other. Why remember, look, well here's just a recent
example one that popped into my head because we've talked
about it recently. Remember at the State of the Union
when Joe Biden started to speak off the cuff, Marjorie

Taylor Green got him all, got him all discombobulated, and
he used the word illegal to describe an illegal. Remember
the apology tour immediately from Pelosi to the rest of them.
They ran to the media and said, he shouldn't have
said that, He shouldn't have said that, he shouldn't have
said that. And fifteen minutes later, Joe Biden was sitting
down for an interview with somebody. He said, that was
the wrong word. I shouldn't have said that.

Speaker 6 (24:36):
Why, wow, wow, wow, Joe, we're having a revolution whoa
part of the revolution is filling up the country with
illegals so they can murder every American they can find,
destroy the healthcare system, in the education system.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
And Joe, we need norm and norma to be calm
about that when you call ing me ilegal, which kind
of messes up the line we got going. Joe Biden
hurt the revolution. Briefly, he had to apologize right away
for this communist Joe Biden hacking his wife's head off. Well, okay,

whatever you're making an omelet, there are going to be
some eggs, But I'm sorry. Oj Simpson hacking his wife's
head off. No, no, Joe Biden would never do such
a thing, of course, No, no, no, anyway, o j
Simpson hacking his wife's head off, that's a side issue,
that's no big deal. He hurt the revolution. That's his
true sin. That's how these people think, all right. Speaking

of Biden, still out there saying he's a.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
Number of well, she could be in a rifle. The
idea anybody needs one hundred rounds and a rifle and
a AR fifteen.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
You know what, I'm going to say something right now,
and it's going to shock you, but I've just got
to say it. The idea that anyone needs a hundred
rounds in a rifle, I actually agree with Joe. I'd
done that. And let me explain. No, no, I don't
think any of your rounds should be banned. And if

you want to carry all the rounds you want, that's fine.
But ammo is so heavy, and you know that's something
you don't see in the movies. That was one of
the things that really really hit me in the Marines
because I'd been hunting all my life before the Marines.
But even when you're hunting, okay, so you've got you
got a two seven, you got a two eighty, you
got a thirty out six, you have something you're hunting,
deer or antelope or elk or something like that. Okay,

you've got fifteen rounds on you max, probably ten fifteen rounds.
It is a high proud rifle. You really only need
one or two, right, and so you don't think about
the weight of ammunition. And then in the Marines you
start walking around with full magazines, and you start walking
around with a full magazine in your weapon, and you
realize this weapon was already heavy, and now it is

so much heavier because of a full magazine. And so look,
I love shooting a big drum mag as much as
a nex man loading up one hundred rounds in there
as much as the next man. It's not practical. I'm
telling you it's not practical. I've decided unless we're dealing
with some sort of defense situation where I don't have
to hump the weapon around. I am out on one
hundred round mags. And I love belt fed as much

as next man. What Chris, belt fed with a can
on the ground, That's fine until you got to get
up and carry the can. Chris, I'm fine with all
the ammunition in the water as long as I'm in
a defensive position. Go hump around a belt fed weapon.
I've had to do that before. Go hump around a
soft for about ten miles. Let me know how your
biceps feel. Your arms are falling off. I'm with you, Joe,

No more hundred round mags, all right? He said something
else when it came to guns. We'll talk about that,
and we'll get to some more emails and training kids
and stuff. Let's talk about PISA. Though we've been talking
about this FIZA stuff. After all, don't you know how
dangerous it is? You better give these people all the
power in the world. It's so dangerous.

Speaker 6 (27:49):
An absolutely indispensable tool that Congress can give us in
our fight against foreign adversaries is the reauthorization of Section
seven oh two.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
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We'll be back, Jesse Kelly. It is not Jesse Kelly's show.

On a Thursday. If he missed any farther the show
down though, the whole thing on iHeart, Google, Spotify, iTunes.
Biden's also out there doing this kind of thing and
an election. You remember, this is the one. We've talked
about this before. Joe Biden's own staffers. And these are
dirty commies far to the left of Joe Biden. These

are the ones who tell him the policy positions he
asked to take. These are the ones. These are the
people running the country, even they have told him, will
you please stop saying some of these things? It looks bad,
but Joe Biden is at the point in his life.
Whether it's dementia, who knows, whatever it is, Joe Biden

isn't adding anything to his life. He's not making adjustments.
He's at the point where mentally he's losing. Every day
he's losing losing. Therefore, Joe Biden does any even have
the ability to adjust. He's been a lying sociopath his
entire life, and so it doesn't matter how many times
he gets screamed at to stop saying things like this.

He can't help himself. These are not only two lies,
These are too easily verifiable lies. I say, and it doesn't.
It doesn't matter. We can't even argue, there's nothing to argue.
These are things that are outright lies, both verified.

Speaker 2 (30:26):
From the very beginning. Nice to teach a Second Amendment
in law school. From the very beginning. There are limitations.
You couldn't own a cannon. You couldn't You could own
a rifle or gun, but but they weren't weapons of war.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Joe Biden has never taught a class in law school
of any kind. It's not just That's the thing. These
are so easily verifiable. It's not just that he'd never
taught a class on the Second Amendment. Joe Biden never
taught a class. Joe Biden got a sweetheart gig bloodsucking

some money out of the dirtball Kami University system like
most COMMI Democrats do once they get into office. Joe
Biden never taught a class ever, did not teach a class.
That's one. Two. Yep. You could own a home or
own a home. You could own a cannon. Back when
the founders were there, they wanted you to own a cannon.

You understand that the people who founded this country, they
weren't him hawing about, well, what guns. Do we want
them to have? WHOA? Maybe that one's too far. They
encouraged you to be armed to the teeth Jefferson. Jefferson
wanted it to be every man, woman, and child. Jefferson

called it the whole people. He wanted everyone everyone's got
a gun? Why because then we're virtually untouchable. If everyone
has a gun, you don't even really need an army.
You really don't unless you're gonna go invade some or else.
You really can't be invaded when everyone has a gun.
It's not possible. There's also virtually no crime when everyone

has a gun. It's a it's a ham fisted point,
but it is the truth. Remember that mass shooting at
that gun show? Oh you don't, do you because there's
never been one. Why have you ever been to a
gun show? I love them? Why everybody's armed? Who would
do even if you tried to get somebody, you'd get

one and let people tell you what they'd be burying you,
burying you in a close casket after that? At those things, buddy,
there's no crime, there's no there's no theft, there's no nothing.
No one's breaking into cars there. Everyone's on their best behavior.
It's wonderful. There's a reason, and there's a reason these
people don't want it. They want chaos, they want disorder,

and more than anything, they want the ability to hurt you.
That's what they want. They want the ability to hurt
you if you don't do as you're to. Something to
keep in mind. Here's something else to keep in mind
before we move on to other things. The government's still
spending a lot of money, and they're spending it really, really,

really quickly. And the deficit situation, the debt, the inflation
numbers that just came out. You know, I haven't harped
on those because I actually think it's kind of insulting
to tell people inflation's bad. Everyone already knows inflation is bad.
Telling people a headline doesn't change anything. But what you
need to understand is they're now indicating that it's going

to get worse and that now interest rates may have
to go up with it. That's how out of control
inflation is. They thought they might have had it under control.
They don't. Do you have gold or silver yet? Do
you have precious metals yet? Hard assets? Land, real estate? Gold? Silver?

Be buying things they can't destroy the value of Even
if gold goes up down, it doesn't matter. It will
always be there with incredible value. Oxford Gold Group will
get it in your hands. You don't need a bank vault.
It's not gold bars. Just make a phone call eight
three three nine nine five Gold all right, eight three

three nine nine five Gold get some smart emails. Dear
former Oracle, I love the show and generally agree with
your takes, especially when it comes to important matters like food. However,
earlier this week I heard you talking about the grateful
dead and disrespectful ways they are as Grandma Vodka says
Tic Tac Toe a winner. Based on your declining tastes

and music, I am now concerned you were on drugs. Listen,
thank you. It's from David. David. You know everyone knows
you're a pothead, right listen, buddy. I know. Maybe maybe
it's a maybe it's a habit you keep quiet. Maybe
you're not smoking a bong or something like that in
your driveway with the neighbors, but you understand that. Right

when you show up to the family reunion church, whatever
it may be, and you've got your grateful dead t
shirt on, everybody looks at you and says pothead. Everybody
everyone knows. Alrighty, look you don't you don't worry about me.
I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you. I'm
worried about your reputation because the only people who like
grateful dead are drugs, drug addicts, druggies. Here this one

that's just I just paid over ten dollars for two
burritos and a drink, whereas in the past that would
be half that cost. It's not cheap. It looks cheap,
but it's not. Usually you could go and you could
get you know, cheap value menu items and get full.

Speaker 7 (35:42):
We just don't do it as often anymore because the
prices are really ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
I could fill it myself for a dollar.

Speaker 2 (35:48):
You can't look at anything for a dollar at the Badrood.

Speaker 7 (35:51):
The meals are like almost thirty dollars for just a
burger and surprise, probably don't want it.

Speaker 1 (35:55):
Pays on a five bucks for a meal.

Speaker 7 (35:56):
I can't say I completely understand why those prices are
as it's trying to sayer. But yeah, the taco bell's
bad McDonald's and you're not getting very good food and
it's not very Oh it's not a lot of food either,
Urch Puckets.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
I dropped twenty four dollars at Taco Bell the other
day for me and my son, two people, twenty four dollars.
Chris brought up. The bean burrito used to be eighty
nine cents. I don't know if you've ever been, if
you win or Chris, I don't know if it's kosher.
But McDonald's used to have a thing called the Dollar Menu,
and this is not that long ago, and there was

great stuff on that dollar menu for breakfast. They had, look,
you know how into Mexican food. I am got it
in Mexican culture. McDonald's breakfast burritos are legitimate. Those are
fantastic breakfast burritos. I've been eating on my whole life.
My dad and be used to get them, and we'd
be going deer hunting early in the morning. It was
one of the highlights of it because I knew when

we got there my dad was just gonna yell at
me for walking too slow, and it was going to
be cold and stuff. But the sausage burritos were going
to be what got me through the day. And those
things used to be a dollar. They ain't a dollar anymore.
And there's a headline here from Newsmax. It kind of
made me smile. At the same time, it kind of
made me sad. Watching times change so fast is wild,

and I realize that's not unique to us. Other generations
have gone through that. But this headline from new Newsweek, dang,
let's talk about it next.
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