All Episodes

April 12, 2024 37 mins

How can we get torpedoes into the hands of normal people. Death row solutions. More lies out of the CDC. Directory Wray out there spreading fear and panic. Queen Maxima and the push for digital ID. They are already pushing to rename the Francis Scott Key bridge. This is how the communists changes a culture.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Shows The Jesse Kelly Show,
Final hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday,
And what a Thursday it has spread. We're gonna get to.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Some things, some political things.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
The CDC put out a statement today and resentism and oversentism,
these people are so stupid and other stuff. I just
this headline, man. I guess it might hit different depending
on who you are, but it's from Newsweek and the
headline is this spam and sloppy Joe's sales spike amid

high food prices. Now, I understand everybody comes from different backgrounds,
and here's the deal. People generally tend to lionize their
own background, right, It's human nature. If you grew up poor,
you'll probably brag about telling people I grew up poor.

I come from a poor neighborhood. If you grew up
well off, you probably brag about that, or at least
you're proud of that. No, my parents were, you know,
the the investors, whatever the case may be, And no,
we had a great neighborhood or whatever. People always tend
to lionize whatever their childhood is. I just tend to
own mine. We were not poor. We certainly were not rich.

We're a blue collar family and well white trash. I
wouldn't change it for the world. I love my family,
I love my background, I love myself. In my opinion,
that's just where I was supposed to be. So when
I see headlines like chef boyer d Price or chef

boy or d sales going up, Sloppy Joe's sales going up,
well that's how I've eaten my whole life. I'll tell
you right now. Last night, no, no, that's a lie.
Two nights ago, I was in the gas station. I
was picking up a couple things in the gas station
and I looked and I saw the little chef boyar

Dy Beeferoni. I'm such a Beeferoni freak. I used to
eat cans. That was when I was a kid. Anyway,
I saw the little microwaveable bee Feroni's there in the
gas station, and I said, I don't mind if I
do threw a couple of them in there. Everyone made
fun of me when I got to the house, except
they weren't making fun when they were grubbing on them.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Later, were you boys?

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Anyway? So obviously a life of Sloppy Joe's and chef
boyar Dy would be fine for me because that's kind
of how I grew up anyway. But it is kind
of a bummer, isn't it to think that Americans, and
maybe this is your situation. It probably is. Americans are
watching their standard of living go down in front of

their eyes. And it's not like it's bouncing up and
down with inflation. You get poorer, period. The value of
your money is less, you get poorer. So it's only
going one direction. Fewer stake nights, Hey, it's loppy, Joe Knight, vacations. Ah,
maybe we're not going to go down to Myrtle Beach
this year. Fewer everything, and I'm not gonna. I'm not

gonna spend a lot of time on it. Why bother?
But you really don't truly appreciate things you have until
you start to lose them, isn't that right? It's an
old saying. Actually, no, it's not. I just came up
to I just came up with that myself tonight on
the Jesse Kelly Show. This is the saying, Chris, this
is my quote. You don't know what you have until
it's gone. What Chris, that's my quote? Anyway, that's my

quote here. I just came up with that just now,
But it really is true. You just don't fully appreciate. Hey,
I have a buddy. Every Wednesday night, for as long
as I've known them, they have two kids, he and
his wife, their two kids. On Wednesday night, every single
Wednesday night, they have drawn a name out of a
hat in their house and whoever's name they pick one

of the four that person it's eat out night. It's
their family eat out night, and that nat out and
that person gets to pick the restaurant. And it's tremendous fun.
Right Sometimes it's their youngest son, sometimes it's the mom,
and no one else gets a vote, no one else
gets to say. The night your name gets drawn, that's
family night, eating out at whatever. And it could be whatever,

you know, red lobster, a pizza place, whatever, whatever it was.
And let's talking to him a couple of weeks ago,
and he told me, yeah, we're not doing that right now.
Just just things are a little tight right now. As
long as I've known him, that's what they did and
it's gone and it's a bummer. But look, you don't
stop your economy for a virus. Just don't do it.

I told you, told everybody, told them all. You don't ever, ever, ever,
under any circumstances, even if it's a bad virus, under
any circumstances, you don't point at your economy and say stop.
You just don't stop your economy and start printing money
and handing out chicks. Stupidest, most suicidal thing I've ever

seen in my life. Now it costs you twenty bucks
for a burrito, and people wonder what I.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
Just paid over ten dollars for two burritos of a drink,
whereas in the past that would be half that cost.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
It's not cheap, it look cheap, but yeah, whatever, Anyway,
you know what else I was thinking about, been thinking
about this a long time. You know what. You know what,
I'm a big fan of torpedoes. I love torpedoes. And
I don't know, let me hear me out here. And no,

I was not in the Navy. I know both my parents.
I was not in the Navy. I was in the Marines.
That said, I don't know whether it's the movies or
the books or the concept of it. I love torpedoes.
They're really really freaking cool. And how sick would it
be to have fully functional torpedoes on a boat of

yours or something like that. And I'm reasonably sure that
that's illegal, So please don't go purchase any torpedoes or
try to build them yourself. Surely that's illegal, right, Chris.
But that's a very good point, Chris, And you could
probably do something nerdy like that, Chris said, Jewish producer.
Chris said, the explosive warhead on it is probably illegal,

but the other torpedo part is probably legal. So now
that you brought that up, hear me out. I'm just
brainstorming here. This is just brainstorming. It's just the thought,
just an idea. You know how they have paintball. Have
you ever done paintball? I've done paintball with my kids.
You remember the story where I shot my one of

my son's friends in the head with the paint Anyway,
we don't have to get into the date of it,
but it was a lot of fun playing paintball. But
you've played paintball, or at least you know what it is,
all right, couldn't we come up with some kind of
a naval warfare thing? Now, I don't want to I'm

not talking. I'm talking fake naval warfare thing. I don't
actually want anyone to get blown up or shot or
something like that. But you're telling me no one can
come up with some way that me and the fam
can go get on a boat this weekend and take
on you and the fan like you rent them out
for a half hour and we shoot torpedoes at each other.
And I realized you wouldn't want high explosive ones or something.

Am I out of line here? Maybe the costs would
be too great, The costs real actually probably would be astronomical.
You know what, Let's focus on some other things. Let's
focus on this. Let's focus on the dirtball comedies always, always, always,
it's wild how they do this, always blaming their political opponents.
It's always the fault of this.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
A lot of time, as you.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
Know, by the way, this is Denver's mayor.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
We spent a lot of time, as you know, this
January and February advocating at the federal level for support here.
There was a bipartisan built.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
Hear me out with the torpedoes, just real quick, hear
me out. What if the torpedo thing that we do,
what if the torpedoes are little mini torpedoes, and everyone's
on a jet ski. And if you hit someone's jet
ski with your torpedo, because you don't want to hurt
them obviously, it just makes it kind of eject them

like there's an ejector seat on the torpedo and boom,
the torpedo hits the jet ski. Boom it goes launching
you off the back into the water. Totally safe. Everyone
wins jet ski torpedoes. Tell me this isn't a winning
idea anyway. This is Denver's.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
We spent a lot of time, as you know this
January and February, advocating at the federal level for support here.
There was a bipartisan bill to do that that failed
in the House. You know that.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
You know you could do it with an entire boat.
As a matter of fact, you couldn't have a top
on the boat, but you could have this thing where
the boat as soon as it gets hit. It wouldn't
have to be too sudden because you would risk your
old people getting hurt. Old people would be me getting hurt.
But you wouldn't want to do it too too fast.
But as soon as the torpedo hits the side of
the boat, there's something on the boat that automatically makes

it roll over, and so everyone's in the water and
you would have to wear life jackets. I don't want
to risk anybody drowning or something like that. But tell
me that wouldn't be sick torpedo games and you could
do it on a big leg. It's oh yeah, I'm
totally in Here's Denvers.

Speaker 3 (09:35):
We spent a lot of time, as you know this
January and February, advocating at the federal level for support here.
There was a bipartisan bill to do that that failed
in the House. You know that story. I think what
we found at that point is whether we.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
We haven't even talked about submarines. Listen, no, hear me out.
The cartels. The cartels to this day are using submarines.
They've been using submarines for the longest time. They've been
buying these little mini subs and bigger subs to transport
a bunch of drugs and illegal stuff from Central and
South America in the United States of America. So very

clearly this submarine market is picking up now. The problem
with submarines is you're adding some serious liability if you're
going to start putting people in submarines, although I guess
it could just be a really shallow lake. But man,
if you get a leak and you don't get out
there in time, ah No, the insurance costs are going
to be through the roof, you know it. Never mind,
that's not going to wear the submarine thing. Either way,

we'll get back with more of the Denver's Mayor stuff.
I want to talk to you first about your dog
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trialback eight three three three three My dog or go
to Roughgreens dot com slash Jesse. I'll actually play Denver's
Mayor next Jesse Kelly returns next. It is the Jesse

Kelly's on a Thursday. All Right, I've been We're gonna
get back to Denver's Mayor in a minute because I
can't let this go. I'm sorry, I'm on something and
I can't let it go. We've been talking. We've moved
on past Biden and the abortion talk and everything else,
and now we're discussing torpedoes, and we were discussing the
torpedo jet ski park that we're going to start where

you can shoot torpedoes at each other. No one gets heard.
It just kind of ejects you off the torpedo or
off the jet ski. Okay, now let's set that aside
for a moment, let's focus on something else. I guess
it's going to depend on what kind of society we
think we have the death penalty. Hear me out, Chris,
let me finish. We're not going to get in trouble.

Just hear me out. Are you a supporter of the
death penalty? Many are, many or not? And there are
actually very good arguments both ways, believe it or not.
For as strong as I feel about most issues, That's
what I've gone back and forth on. On one hand, Ah,
the state's really evil, they probably shouldn't kill anyone. On
the other hand, and oh, this person tortured, they're toddlered
to death. Could I kill them myself? You know that

you kind of get to go through that, and so anyway,
we're all go through that kind of thing. But let's
just assume we're we're in a state where the death
penalty is allowed. Now, hear me out, Just hear me
out before anyone yells. Hear me out. How do they
kill people in your state if they allow the death penalty?
What are the ways we kill people in America? Well,

one of the most common, probably the most common way anymore,
is what lethal injection have you ever done any reading
into lethal injection? You ever watch any documentaries on lethal injection?
I have, and I'll be honest with you. It's really bad.
And there are states out there where they haven't figured

out the formula. And what's happening is they're injecting these
guys with a bunch of stuff and they're not just
peacefully fading off to sleep. They're essentially poisoning them while
they're alive and they're watching. It just happened to some dude.
I'm not going to into the details. It was really bad. Okay,
So letho injection, it's not kind of what we all
think it is, all right, So that's bad. What's the

other way? So I could be like, can be strapped
down and poison to death? What's another way? That's but
what are the other ways? Gas chamber? Do you know
what that's involved? You know what the gas chamber is?
You get locked in a little chamber and you're in
a seat and underneath your seat there's some kind of
liquid under whether it's water or what, there's a little
bucket of liquid and then they have the pills. I

believe they're cyanide pills something like that. And they do
press a little button and bip. That's the sound it makes, bip.
The pills drop out of there into the liquid. And
then as you're sitting there, you're inhaling gats. Have you
ever been pepper sprayed before or tear gas? I've had
the pleasure of having both. It's not pleasant. I knew

I wasn't going to die both in both cases when
it happened to me, and both times I had in
the back of my mind I'm about to choke it,
I'm about to die, and it's a horrible, panicky feeling.
That's another way we kill people in America. I don't
know whether we still do it that way, but it
does very common for the longest time. Okay, electric chair,
do we need to talk about all the people on fire? Okay,

stay with me. I'm not doing some bleeding heart thing, now,
hear me out. Let's say you kill someone and you
get sent to death row. I hope you don't ever
do that. Don't be breaking the law. But what if
you get sent to death row and I come into
your cell and I give you a choice? What Chris,
hear me out. You don't even know what I'm gonna say, hey,

you can die by lethal injection. We hope we get
the dosage right this time. That last guy took quite
a while. Or you can participate in a torpedo exercise
where people who paid a reasonable amount shoot torpedoes at

a ship with you in it, and then you will
probably die by high explosive. It'll be instant. You won't
even know it's there. I'm choosing torpedo every time, aren't you.
So tell me we haven't just created two birds with
one stone? What Chris? What Chris said? You got to

give them the option if they survive, they can leave. Okay,
that's fair. But here's what we'll do. We'll say, if
you survive, you can leave, but then we'll shoot their
boat out in the middle of some gigantic lake where
we know they'll never be able to make it to
the side. The deal will be these people never read
the fine printer on death row. We'll tell them, hey,
if you make it to the shore, you can leave,

and then it'll be all injured and ah, the t
Peter didn't kill me and he's not gonna make it anyway,
so it'll all be fine, and we're it'll be fine.
It'll be fine. So hear me out, You're not being
inhumane about it. Everyone wins here, and we televise it.
It's on pay per view, so we make a little
money on the side. Yeah, it's fine, and we'll give
some of that money to sick kids or something like.

The sick kids can have a couple bucks, right, and
we'll make a little bit of money from the pay
per view. Chryst will handle the marketing and accounting and
all that other stuff. Obviously, our society as a whole,
we can get rid of more of these deadly criminals.
And there's nothing that says we have to just torpedo
one at a time. Put ten or twelve on there,

toss him a couple of beers. Hey, half a half
hour on the lake. Enjoy a half hour on the lake.
Will place some motley crew on the boat. And ah,
if I wouldn't look west if I were you at
any point in time, just enjoy your day. And then
the tourists get to go out there. Maybe a family
member who's been injured because of the death row guy,

maybe he gets depressed the button on there if he
doesn't feel like it, maybe it gets auctioned off for
a certain price. Hey, for five thousand dollars, you can
send two or three at once. Tell me this isn't
an idea that might shake out here torpedoes. I don't
know what we're gonna call this though. We're gonna have

to find a way to market this, but I think
we're onto something I actually do. Anyway, Well, we will
move off of this now, just something to think about.
I'm brainstorming here on the air. This is the kind
of stuff your brain can do when you're not thinking
about the pain you're in anymore. I don't when I
don't have to worry about my knee getting swollen. It
gives me more freedom to come up with award winning

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relief or go to relief factor dot com. We'll be
back feeling a little stocky. Follow lunch and subscribe on
social at Jesse Kelly DC. It is the Jesse Kelly
Show on a Thursday. Do not forget to get your

ask doctor Jesse questions in right now for tomorrow. Email
those into Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. All right
for real, now, this is Denver's mayor.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
We spent a lot of time, as you know this
January and February advocating at the federal level for support here.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
There was a vibe you know what, no'm kidd o't
let them go.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Artisan bill to do that that failed in the House.
You know that story. I think what we found at
that point is whether we would like the federal government
to do it or not. That was no longer a
choice for us. It was clear that was not going
to happen in this Congress in the next seven months.
So you feel like we got to take this into
our own hands to come up with solution. And that's
why we come up with is something that both provides
better support for newcomers and stabilizes the budget for Denver
residents without cutting core public services.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
That was Denver's mayor blaming the Republicans in the legislature.
Why well, these big city commede mayors all across the country,
they're finding out that communism, it was so much more
fun before you actually had to pay for it. You see,

Denver can't print money. Denver doesn't have its own currency.
Colorado doesn't have its own currency. The United States of
America has currency. And it sounds so good when you're
in the liberal white woman book club reading The Secret
or whatever it is, these weird old women read and

talking about how nice you are as a city too illegals,
and where could it.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
Be a sanctuary to all. I'm just gonna look down
south and scream at the top of my life, and
they're all just gonna come running to Denver and they'll
be extra tacos for everybody, except.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
I don't pay the bills. Now doesn't And now they're
beginning to cut services in the city. And now what
they're going to find out what cities like Minneapolis most
definitely is already finding out. Minneapolis is actually further ahead
in this than every other city. New York is not
going to be far behind, but they're all going to
follow suit. What they're going to find out is the

golden goose of these big cities. The real, real reason
big cities have cool stuff is big corporations. That's the reason.
Because what happens in big cities is big corporations by
big buildings. They buy big luxury boxes at the Yankee Game,
they buy big this have. They go all in with

the cities, and they spend a fortune in these cities,
and they bring out all kinds of tax revenue to
these cities. Now they do all this why because the
city is big and the city is cool, and the
executives want to go out to eat at a fancy
steakhouse and then they want to go watch the Denver
broncos play. But if the big cities can't bring in
clients because the clients don't want to step in human

poop on the way into the office, then eventually those
taxes you pay in the city aren't worth it anymore,
and you take your business, your gigantic Toyota headquarters that
was right outside of Chicago, and you move it down
to Texas where none of your employees get stabbed on
the way into work. And then you look around one

day and our.

Speaker 2 (22:41):
City budget used to be ten billion dollars. Why do
we only have Why do we only have three billion
dollars now and we're budgeting to spend eleven billion? What
are we gonna do?

Speaker 1 (22:54):
You did it, Communists, You did it. And I know
they're going to blame Republicans because that's what communists have
done every single time. They've done this. When the destruction comes,
and the destruction comes right away because it's a religion
of destruction. Right away the second day takeover, everything starts dying.

It's actually stunning how fast it goes. It's part of
the reason Pinochet had that big revolution down in Chile.
What Chris, It's part of the reason that happened so fast.
Yen Day. It doesn't matter what his name is, I
just hold you his name. But the Communist takes over Chile,
it was basically immediately the country just collapsed. You can't

do it. You start nationalizing banks and stuff like that,
all the money leaves and there's nothing left. The destruction
comes immediately, and immediately the communist begins to blame the opposition.
It's those saboteurs on the other side. They do it,
so so will they do it every single time? All right,

we're moving on. By the way, Chris, do you have
that old CDC clip you were going to dig up?
You see, Chris dug up an old CDC clip because
there is a headline from today. Pretty great stuff you
to hear this headline COVID vaccines aren't linked to sudden
death in young people. A new CDC report shows and listen.

If there's one thing you can take to the bank,
it's whatever the CDC says.

Speaker 4 (24:26):
Doctor Jenagan, could you explain how the detection of these
cases reflects the effectiveness of CDC's vaccine safety surveillance system. Yeah,
I think these indicate that the process works. You mentioned
the tts associated with the J ANDJ vaccine. The systems
have been able to pick up myocarditis and show that
the risk of getting myocarditis is much lower among those

vaccinated than among those that were unvaccinated. It's even a
system that we've been able to pick up signals that
turn out not to be signals, so then called Mike stroke.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. The Center for Disease Control,
the same one that told you wear a mask, wear
two masks, and then you got sick. The same one
that told you ivermectin was horsty wormer. The same one
that told you the vaccine stops the spread. Oh wait,

we were wrong about that. Whoops, it slows a spread.
Oh we were wrong about that too. Well, get it anyway,
because it'll help you get over COVID. It'll last. Oh sorry,
he doesn't last. You need one every six months.

Speaker 5 (25:36):

Speaker 1 (25:37):
By the way, all those heart attacks and thirteen year
olds totally unrelated to the fact we've been injecting them
with something for a long time. Yeah. Evil people, evil people. Oh,
speaking of evil people. I just want to remind everyone
that this was me, like two days ago. What you're
going to see this week, mark my words, Chris, go

ahead and write this one down. Marks. What you're going
to see this week is you're going to see sources.
It'll be printed in various newspapers, and they'll be news
stories with experts and what these sources are going to say.
Maybe that we've even come directly from the FBI, The NSA,
the CIA, no matter where they come from. You're going
to begin to hear a ton of chatter this week

about potential terror. There's a potential terror attack. We're tracking
some things right now. We believe a terror attack is imminent.
Though we I guarantee you, oh my gosh, I guarantee you,
they will use a word like imminent, possibly imminent. It
will be something along those lines. It will be something
designed to generate fear, something so you get self conscious

about running down to the mall on the weekend. Well,
I don't want iis to blow me up, bye Gosha.
And why are you going to see that? Because they're
running a psychological operation on the American people, trying to
get public popular support behind the renewal of their ability
to spy on you. You are going to witness an
op right before your eyes this week. Watch all the

terror talk flare up this week. It's coming. That was
me then, I think that was Monday. This was FBI
Director Christopher Ray today.

Speaker 6 (27:15):
An absolutely indispensable tool that Congress can give us in
our fight against foreign adversaries is the reauthorization of Section
seven oh two of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It
is critical in securing our nation, and we are in
crunch time with our seven oh two authorities set to
expire next week. So let me be clear. Failure to

reauthorize seven oh two or gutting it with some new
kind of warrant requirement would be dangerous and put Americans'
lives at risk. So we need funding to protect America
from terrorism. I touched on this earlier, but there was
all already a heightened risk of violence in the United

States before October seventh. Since then, we've seen a rogue's
gallery of foreign terrorist organizations called a rogues gallery.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
Did you hear that?

Speaker 5 (28:14):

Speaker 1 (28:14):
I'm gonna let him keep going, just so you know
there's a rogue's gallery. Better let us spyle.

Speaker 6 (28:18):
For attacks against Americans and our allies. And given those
calls for action, our most immediate concern has been that
individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted
inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry
out attacks here at home. But now increasingly concerning is the.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Potential hold on Just so you know, this is increasingly concerning.

Speaker 6 (28:47):
So for a coordinated attack here in the homeland akin
to the isis K attack, we saw the Russia concert
Hall just a couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 1 (28:57):
Don't go to a concert unless you let us spy
on you.

Speaker 6 (29:00):
We need funding to mitigate the range of threats from
the border, fentanyl, gangs like MS thirteen, human trafficking, and
we need funding to keep going after child predators and
to rescue young victims from their tormentors.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Don't you want to give the FBI money and power?
What do you pro child predator wild to watch? It
all work? Isn't it all right? One more segment? Hang up,
He doesn't care if you believe him, but he's right.
Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment

of The Jesse Kelly Show before we check out it
here until tomorrow. If you missed any part of the show,
download it iHeart, Google, Spotify, iTunes. Remember the World Economic Form,
we haven't talked about them in a while. This lady's
name is Queen Maxima, and we're going to set aside
how cool that is, because apparently she's a communist piece
of trash. But Queen Maxima of Netherlands. I didn't even

know they had a queen there. Did you know Netherlands
had a queen Chris, Michael, is this something everyone knew?
How many of these people are? They're just like a
like a what is it? Just like a positional thing? What? Michael?
Europe doesn't all have queens and kings? Michael, No way,
all of them do.

Speaker 5 (30:23):

Speaker 1 (30:24):
I'm half European and I didn't know that. Are you serious?

Speaker 5 (30:27):
I knew.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
Don't say most of them. Don't go from all of
them to most of them, Michael, I knew some of them,
did You guys make these definitive statements and you don't
even know what's going on anyway? Queen Maxima had this?

Speaker 5 (30:37):
Is it? Why? Because in order to open the account,
you need to have an ID?

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Right? She sounds like a Queen Maxima? You know what?

Speaker 2 (30:45):

Speaker 1 (30:46):
Tell me she doesn't sound kind of hot?

Speaker 5 (30:48):
Why because in order to open the account you need
to have.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
An ID, right, Hey, Chris, look her up and see
what we're dealing with here. Please?

Speaker 5 (30:54):
Why because in order to open the account, you need
to have an ID. Right? And I have to say
that when I said at this job, they were actually
very little countries in Africa or Latin America that had
one ubiquitous type of idea, and certainly that it was.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
Chris confirmed my suspicions, by the way, and.

Speaker 5 (31:13):
Certainly was biometric. And now we really worked with all
our partners to actually help that being I mean to
grow this And the interesting part of it is that
you know, yes it is very necessary for financial services,
but not only know it's also good for school enrollment,
is also good for health who will actually go to

vaccination or not. It's very good actually to get your subsidies,
you know, from the government. So this has not only
effect to the financial services.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
It's a very important iss digital ID. It's essentially it's
it's digital cash, but obviously in ID form another one
of those things just to keep your eye on and
to be suspicious of whenever you hear these people talk.
You just heard her explain it. Why why should I
need that? Well, you could imagine if you could use

this to access healthcare and then we can track your vaccines.
Notice she even drop drop the vaccines in there. Your
school you need that to get into school, and and
your subsidies. She even through that part in your government subsidies.
Don't you want your government check where's your digital ID?
Show it? These people are always moving towards more control

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promo code Jesse, or call them eight hundred eight four
five zero five four four. I want to touch on
this just really quickly. You know, the Francis Scott Keybridge
is no more. It's now in the Baltimore Harbor, so

it's no more. You know, they're going to have to
rebuild it. The far lefties, the communists, they're already low
being to change the name of it. They don't want
the new one to be named Francis Scott Key. Now,
I don't expect you to care about that, but we
all should understand it, and we all should probably care

more for this reason. This is why they've been so
able to shape our culture. This is why they've been
able to remake our culture. That's really what they've done.
You look at what's out there right now, down is up,
left is right is crazy. What they've done. How they
do that. Every single opportunity they pounce on it, every

single opportunity they will dig in and they will fight
tooth and nail for things that seem small. And because
they seem small, it oftentimes is seen as not worth
our time. I know I'm speaking for myself here, or
do I even want to get involved in that? Why
should I even care? But that is how these subversives,

That is how these communist subversives change entire nations. Whatever
is out there, they dig in and we do not.

Speaker 2 (35:10):
And now here's a headline by go you know, you
know the thing headlines.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
We didn't get to new workplace trend resenteeism has employees
working less hard because they hate their jobs. Oh so
employees who don't like their jobs, they're resentful of the
boss and they're not working as hard. Wow, this is

brand new. Definitely nothing that's ever happened before. Ben Affleck's
child reveals transgender transition at grandfather's funeral. Imagine living to
the ripe old age of eighty five and as they
honor your life, your grandson stuff. I don't even know what.
Is it a daughter or it's a I think it's yeah,

it's a had now decided she's gonna buzz her heead
and be a dude. Man. He checked out just in time.
NAIA becomes first national college governing body to ban transathletes
from women's sporting competitions. It's wild how long it's taken
to finally make that happen. MSNBC interviews convicted felon Michael

Avenatti from prison about the Trump trial. Do you remember
they were trying to push Michael Avenati to run for
president and then it came out that he not only
swindled someone, he swindled the porn star who was working
for him. Gosh, use these people, senior editor NPR employees
eighty seven Democrats in editorial positions and zero Republicans in

the DC newsroom. Yes, the entire American media is evil
and hostile to you, not biased, evil, an anti American.
You know what else is anti American? And you're asked,
doctor Jesse questions, Send those in right now, Jesse at
jessekellyshow dot com. We will be back to have fun tomorrow.
I promise. That's all
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