All Episodes

April 12, 2024 37 mins

Mike Johnson spent his entire political career fighting against FISA until about 5 minutes ago. The propaganda specialists are hard at work to ensure their right to spy on you. The GOP’s mission should be to stop the federal government’s spy agencies from destroying the country. The FBI’s file on you.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Let's have some fun on a What is it a Wednesday? Today?
It is a Thursday? Is it Thursday? That's right? Because
I was gone on a Wednesday. It's gone yesterday on
a Thursday. We're redoing that whole thing. It's definitely a Thursday.
And I knew that, of course on the world famous
Jesse Kelly Show. And we have so much to get

to tonight. We are gonna discuss, in fact, it's gonna
be a theme tonight, definitely gonna be a theme for
a few stories. In the first hour, We're gonna discuss
something that we oftentimes forget. I know, I'm the guiltiest
person in the world. What is that? Something? The human element.
We're gonna discuss the human element things. We'll get to
that in a little while. We're gonna talk about Joe

Biden's comments foreign policy stuff. I was correct about something.
In fact, we're gonna get to that very very very shortly.
Here they're going to blame you for the destruction they
cause and the Queen of the Netherlands is a nut job.
All that's so much more coming up tonight. On the
world famous Jesse Kelly Show. But I want to begin here.

This is going to pertain to Pisa, FBI, Speaker of
the House, all these things. Just the heads up for
you. You know, it's me. It's my job as a journalist
to bring.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
You the news.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
It's journalist Jesse. There's just no one better.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
We love Jesse. He's the best. Yesse, Please kiss my baby, Yesie, Jesse, Jesse.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
Jesse, Jesse. Pisa is dead, pause pause, kind of dead.
Pisa is unconscious. The far right wingers, the good ones
in the House of Representatives killed this section to seven
oh two thing of Piza today, probably temporarily. Now, before

we get to that, let's remember what this is. What
is all the seven o two Phis the stuff. Now,
there's a bunch of different parts of it, but when
you hear people talk about it, here's what has gone on.
And this happened because of the War on Terror, when
we were fighting radical Islamic terrorism. The towers came down.
We're all upset. How are you gonna prevent this from
ever happening again. Well, here's what they did. You see

law enforcement, whether it be local law enforcement or the FBI,
because you supposedly live in a free country. Law enforcement
they're not allowed to just look at Jewish producer Chris
and say, you know what, he seems dirty. I bet
you moneyed if he deal with drugs. Chris definitely seems
like a black tar heroin user or something like that. Hey,

you know what, We're gonna wire tap his phones. We're
gonna hack into his email, we're gonna see what he texts, messages,
We're gonna get everything in a law enforcement in a
free country is not allowed to do that. I know,
I'm simplifying. There's just stay with me. You have to
get a warrant, meaning, if you're in law enforcement, whether
you're the NYPD or the FBI, you have to go

to a judge and say, hey, this Chris guy pretty dirty.
And the judge is supposed to then say, hey, okay,
why and then the cop doesn't get to say, well,
I think so. The cop has to say, well, we've
got this, We've got this witness, we found this out.
Here's enough evidence, judge that shows you I have reason

to believe he's dirty. Now can I wire or tap
his phone?

Speaker 4 (03:45):

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Can I read his emails? That's how it's supposed to
work in a free country. And if you're just gonna
violate someone's rights without that, it can't be an American citizen.
That's how it's supposed to work. If I'm at the FBI,
I want to do that to Chris, I need a warrant.

But if I want to do it to Michael, Michael's
not even an American citizen now, producer Michael is. But
if he wasn't, Michael's an Iranian citizen. You know what,
I don't need a warrant to hack his phone if
he wants to make calls within to the United States
of America, send emails back and forth private chat rooms.

He's not an American citizen. I don't need any warrants
or anything. Michael, your stuff is now my stuff? Why
because I feel like it thanks to the laws they passed.
But there was a loophole, as there always is. It's
miraculous how these loopholes end up working out. You see,
if Michael, who I can steal stuff from without a warrant.

If Michael's swapping emails with Chris, which man, I would
never want to see the texts and emails between Michael
and Chris. But if they were swapping texts and emails
back and forth. Michael's coordinating with Chris, Chris sending things
back to Michael. Well, me, at the FBI, I was
already grabbing Michael's stuff. Oh who's this Chris guy? Now

I'm reading. And what they've been able to do is
collect Chris's data allowed, They're not supposed to ignore it.
They don't have to ignore it. In fact, now they're
starting a file on Chris. So essentially, without a warrant,
they've been gathering your information. And yes, this almost undoubtedly
has happened to you. You not just me. Everyone knows

they've got a file on me. By now you they
have a file on you too. You know that right now.
How could this be allowed to go on for so long?
How could anybody Democratic, Republican? How could they be so crazy,
so naive that they would allow these things to go on? Well,

this is going to bring me to the human element
portion of this. Did I ever tell you about the
time I met Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the first time?
I ever tell you that. Just hang with me for
a minute. I was running for Congress in Arizona. It's
just a kid. I was like twenty six, twenty seven
years old. I was just mad, you know, I'd never
been involved in politics before, got mad stunder running for office.

As you can imagine, I was very hard right, very offensive. Yeah,
I was the same way back then as I was now.
And that kind of endeared me to the harder right.
And in Arizona, I realized most people from Arizona don't know.
So maybe you don't know, but at that time in Arizona,
this was kind of before a lot of the scandal stuff.
At that time in Arizona, Sheriff Joel Pio was a

god to people on the right, especially people who were borderhocks.
And as you know, I'm a huge border hawk. To
pour them all, build a wall, build them out, put
alligators down there, I don't care. That's who I was.
And Sheriff Joe Arpio got word that, hey man, there's
this firebrand down here. I want to meet him. And
if you got share of jo R. Pios endorsement running

for office in Arizona, that was a big deal. If
you wanted to let the hard right no you were
on their team, you roll out a share of j. R.
Pio endorsement, that's a big deal, and to this day
you could go look up. I guarantee you can Internet
search it. He came down and did fundraisers for me.
He'll come down like that's how much he loved me.
But how did he get to love me that much? Well,
he had heard about me, and then I had to
do a trip up the Phoenix. I was living in Tuson,

but I had to do a trip up the Phoenix
and I had to go meet him. Now here's what
you need to understand about our Pio. He I'm sure
it's still the case now, although he's pretty much done.
But back then, because he had offended so many criminal organizations,
including cartels. We're talking Mexican drug cartels, he was always
getting death threats. And I don't mean normal ones like

ones we get here at the studio, Like I have
this email, Hey beepstick, if I ever see you out
in public, I'm gonna beat you within an inch of
your beeping life. That's not a threat, that's a promise.
That's a real email we got yesterday. Uh, that's not
the ones Joe Joe Arpio was going. Joe Rpyle was
getting legitimate ones, like really legitimate ones. If this little
dork ever saw me in public, he'd run away crying.

So I have to go meet him, and I have
to go meet him in his office building because then
we're going to take a ride somewhere. Now I am
difficult to impress personally, meaning my wife says it's because
I'm cocky and I feel like I run everything, and
that's not true. Chris, don't say that. Chris, don't take
her side. That's not true. But what I mean by

this is whether I'm meeting the President of the United
States or a billionaire or whoever it may be, I've
just never blown away. Oh my gosh, I get to
meet who's a famous person? Oh, someone else with a
symmetrical face like me, Denzel Washington. I mean, I would
like to meet Denzel Washington. From what I hear, is
a great guy. But my heart wouldn't be pitter pattering.

It's just a dude, his dude like you like me, whatever,
So I'm difficult to impress. Getting into Joe R. P
Io's office was impressive. This is going to come back
to FBI and all that stuff. Just stay with me.
You had to take an elevator up and you didn't
just walk up in Boo, press a button. Oh no, no, no,
you have to go through security at the time. I

think all this has changed by now. But you had
to go through security and get an elevator up and
you're not riding the elevator by yourself. There is an armed,
large individual beside you who will escort you up the elevator.
You get up there, and now already this is cool, right,
you think this is cool. Right, guys, I'm going somewhere
with this. Stay with me. You think it's cool, and
it was freaking cool. Then you come up to these
double doors. There are armed guards at the double doors.

They had to open the doors for you. You then walk
into the first entry room. This is like from some
Mission Impossible movie. Now this is where his secretary was,
but this is also where armed security was. And a
second layer of we're not talking air Force or air
Force airport metal detectors here with some three hundred and
fifty pounds Lady at tsa smoking a joint as she

acts like she's looking for METO on your body. We're
talking real legitimate security pat downs, and we're talking the
kind of pat downs that get Kamala Harris promoted. They
are serious pat downs. They're going to make sure you
have nothing on you, and then once you pass that
first layer of security, then you're allowed to finally enter
the quarters of Joe Arpaio in the next level. I

was sitting there thinking to myself, this is freaking cool,
really cool, and then we had to go somewhere and
just stay with me. We go downstairs to the parking garage.
We have these arm guards around us. Armed guards are
escorting us down to the parking garage. They do that
thing just like you see in the movies where they're
checking everything before they let us out of the door

to walk to the armored vehicle. We have to get
in the back of this armored sedan and we're talking
bulletproof armored sedan, sit down in the seats. They inform
me which automatic weapon I had underneath my seat should
I need it, and there was a flash bang, a

tear gas grenade and a frag grenade also under my
seat should the need arise. They had all the same
equipment in the front and we took off out of
there that way. Freaking cool, right, one of the coolest
things I experienced ever, especially even at that young age.
I was like, dang, this is sick. Now what's that
have to do with FIZA and the FBI and all

this spying stuff. I'll explain in a minute. Truth attitude,
Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday,
not a Wednesday. A Thursday. Do not forget I almost
forgot that Tomorrow's and ask doctor Jesse Friday. And you

need to get your questions emailed in right now to
Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. Ask me anything we
are gonna have a good time tomorrow. Doesn't have to
be political, they can be, but just send it in
whatever Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. All right, in
case you're just now joining us. I was telling a
story about meeting Sheriff Joe Rpio and all this crazy

security and bulletproof cars and machine guns and how how
cool it was, how I don't want to say intimidating,
but awe inspiring it was. It was just, man, that
was cool. So let's talk about FAIZA, FBI. How in
the world do these things continue to get authorized after

endless abuses? Well? Do you remember, do you remember what
I said? I believe this was Chris what was this
Tuesday or Monday. Don't shake your head, Chris, it's okay,
it's okay. Remember Monday or Tuesday when world famous author
Jesse got on the radio said this, and what you're
going to see this week mark my words, Chris, go

ahead and write this one down. Mark my words. What
you're going to see this week is you're going to
see sources. It'll be printed in various newspapers and they'll
be news stories with experts and what these sources are
going to say, maybe that we even come directly from
the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, no matter where they
come from. You're going to begin to hear a ton

of chatter this week about potential terror. There's a potential
terror attack. We're tracking some things right now. We believe
a terror attack is imminent. Though we I guarantee you,
oh my gosh, I guarantee you. They will use a
word like imminent, possibly imminent. It will be something along
in those lines. It will be something designed to generate fear.

Something so you get self conscious about running down to
the mall on the weekend. Well, I don't want iis
to blow me up. Bye, Gosha, And why are you
going to see that. Because they're running a psychological operation
on the American people, trying to get public popular support
behind the renewal of their ability to spy on you.

You are going to witness an up right before your
eyes this week. Watch all the terror talk flare up
this week it's coming headline. FBI Director warrens of elevated
public national safety pushes for increased funding. Quote. Looking back
over my career in law enforcement, I'd be hard pressed

to think of a time where there were so many
threats to our public safety and national security were elevated
all at once. But that is the case as I
sit here today. This is not a point where we
can let up. This is by no means that this
is a direct quote. Still, this is by no means
of time to let up or dial back. This is
a time where we need your support the most. We
need all the tools, so on and so forth. He

goes on to say, remember when I said him imminent.
Remember what Chris you did? Remember when I said they
were going to use a word like imminent, right Chris, Chris,
Michael you Chris appears to have his head in his
hands right now. You do remember when I said that right.
I can play it again for you guys, if you'd
like me to, if you like, Oh you remember anyway,
here's his next quote quote. Our most immediate concern has

been that individuals of small groups will draw twisted inspiration
from the events in the Middle East or carry out
at tech. Now, what's all this have to do with
Joe Rpio, me being right and other things? Well, I'm
going to play for you Speaker of the House Mike
Johnson's comments. He's trying to get this FISA thing through

and he'll probably succeed in the end. He's been stalled
so far, but he'll probably succeed. Why why's he been
such a vocal opponent of this Piza seven oh two
stuff and then he got elected speaker and now he's
pushing for it. What happened, Mike?

Speaker 5 (15:36):
When I was a remember if the Gheria saw all
the abuses of the FBI, the terrible abuses, over and
over and over, the hundreds of thousands of abuses, and
then when I became speaker, I went to the skiff
and got the confidential briefing from sort of the other
perspective on that to understand the necessity of the section
seven of two of FISA and how important it is
for national security, and it gave me a different perspective.
So I encourage all the members to go to the

classified briefing and hear all that and see it so
they can evaluate the situation for themselves.

Speaker 1 (16:02):
Man, I was horrified from my entire career at these
unbelievable FBI abuses. Gosh, it was so bad. But then
I got a classified briefing, and let me tell you what.
Now I know things, and now we need this PIZA stuff.
If we don't do this, everyone might die. In fact,

I want every Republican to go sit down in this
classified briefing, it's very exclusive classified briefing and know the
things that I know. Know that if we don't do this,
it might be the end of mankind itself. So how
do we connect all these dots? What's this have to

do with the sheriff, our payo meeting, What's this have
to do with the human element? What happened here? Why
does this happen all the time to all these guys,
all of them. Happens to every single one of them
the second they even start sniffing leadership and getting in
these briefings and things. Then they turn on all of us.
What happens. We'll talk about that in a moment. Before

we get to that, let's talk about you and little
ways that we can fight back. We always talk about
culture war things, right, that matters to us, it matters
to you, what matters to me, and it should the
culture wars, not some ridiculous side issue. Lan's next focus
on taxes. No, if we can't even decide that a
man is a man and a woman as a woman,

we have bigger fish to fry. One of the easiest
ways to fight the culture war is with our dollars,
because we have to spend those we need them. We
have to buy goods and services. You have cell phone.
You have a cell phone, You probably have several lines,
if you have a family. Do you pay communists to
trash your culture every month? Do you pay AT and

T T mobile veries in every single month? That's bad?
If you do, you need to switch to Pure Talk.
Pure Talk is the patriotic cell phone company. They love you,
I absolutely loved you. You'll save a fortune. They share
your values. They only hire Americans. They're CEO is an American.

Like when you get a hold of customer service to
switch right now, you'll be dealing with an American who
speaks English. Dal pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly,
today's a day to make the switch. Pound two five zero,
say Jesse Kelly. We'll connect all these dots next. Feeling
a little stocky, follow like and subscribe on social at

Jesse Kelly DC. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Thursday talking about the human element. If you're just
now joining us anyway. So Mike Johnson, he was always
against all this fiz of stuff, and then he got this,
he got this classified briefing, and man, he knows things now.

Speaker 5 (18:50):
I remember if the Sario saw all the abuses of
the FBI, the terrible abuses over and over and over,
the hundreds of thousands of abuses. And then when I'm
a came speaker, I went to the skiff and got
the confidential from sort of the other perspective on that
to understand the necessity of section seven of two A
five is it and how important it is for national security?
And they gave me a different perspective. So I encourage all.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
Of them that I used to be horrified by the
FBI until I got there classified briefing. You know, we
lose sight of something I do, and you do that
guys like Mike Johnson, And look, he's just a placeholder.
We could pick any any one of these loser Republicans
who sells us down the river all the time. Mike

Johnson's a human being and a dude just like me.
And you know what these intelligence guys do, what these
FBI guys do. Don't think it's an accident. I know
this for a fact, and I am telling you now
this is not a thought. This part of this is
not a theory. This I know from guys I know

and have known in the past. They really, really really
do these whole super secret classified meetings. Oh, they do
them up to the max. You feel like you're Jason
Born going through extra levels of security. Sorry, sir, that's
G eighty five classified. You have the special binder with

the special seal on it. There's information in there that
you get that no one else knows. Gosh, if you
knew the things I knew. And actually I've talked to
dudes who've helped prepare these special classified briefings and know
they never gave me any information. They weren't allowed to,
but that it is well known that when you're putting
together this briefing for these guys, you are trying to

yes inform, but you're trying to impress, you're trying to excite.
Maybe you should look at chapter five, Section E, paragraph twelve, sir,
that outlines this bridge in Chicago may be blown up tomorrow.
And then you walk out of there and you say,
oh my gosh, I know things. Gosh, the there's so

much danger, we're all gonna die. We need FAZA, we
need seven oh two. And it's all done on purpose.
These organizations, these all these organizations, CIA, all of them.
Their specialty is not slipping poison in somebody's drink. Their
specialty is propaganda. That's what they've done across the planet,

psychological operations, recruiting people to get things for them, to
do things for them. That's what you really do when
you're in the central and when you're in National Intelligence FBI.
If you're in the FBI, what are you trying to do?
You're trying to get this potential terrorist to cross the
line so you can then lock him up and throw

them in a dark hole with all the other dangerous
Grandmas from January sixth. When you're with the CIA, what
have you been trying to do for the entirety of
your existence? You're trying to get this little tiny group
down there in El Salvador to stage a coup against
the dirt ball comedy president. You don't like. Your entire
job is psychology, propaganda, exaggeration. Lies. Let's just be honest lies,

and we forget how easy it is to manipulate men. No,
I'm not just it's men and women obviously, but human beings.
We are all on some level easy to manipulate, aren't we. Shoot,
my wife got me before we left today, totally owned me. Hey,

I want to go to the farmer's market on Sunday.
I need some has some weird healthy soap thing or
something like that. And I didn't want to go on Sunday. Oh,
I just want to have a chill day this Sunday. Now,
I kind of want to relax. That have to work, please,
I've been wanting to for a couple of weeks. Okay, Look,
we're all we're all susceptible to it. We forget that

these guys they get in these briefings and they get manipulated.
You know, I've never been inside the House Intelligence Committees
briefing room because I've never been part of it. I've
never had the security clearance, but I've been by it.
If you've ever been on Capitol Hill and you're walking
the halls, you could walk by it. I believe it's

public assets, although I don't know the security precautions they have.
I haven't been on Capitol Hill in years, but you
used to be able to walk by the outside of it.
And I've got to be honest, looks really cool, sealed,
soundproof door, arm guard. What goes on behind there? And
you walk into that room and you're the speaker of

the House, and there's there's the there's the director. What
if he has some cool title too, here's the terrorism
director at the FBI. Hey, my name is Mike Bottoms.
I've been in the f for twenty years and I
was delta forced for twenty years before that. And I'm
telling you now, without visa, the Golden Gate Bridge might

come down tomorrow. Mike, we gotta have FSA. And you
walk out of that meeting and you sell the citizens
of your country down the river because you don't understand
what you should be doing the role of the Republican
Party now should be. It's not how they see themselves,

don't get me wrong, but the Republican Party should be
right now on a mission to stop America's intelligence services
before they destroy the country. I have said this before,
and I mean it. I'm not just saying it for radio.
I'm not being over the top. The Federal Bureau of Investigation,

it should be eliminated, completely defunded, everyone fired, many of
them arrested. But if the Federal Bureau of Investigation is
not rained in and brought to heal, it will end
the United States of America. It will when you consider
our state system, when you consider our Second Amendment rights,
and then you throw in this secret state police agency,

and the conflicts that are already beginning. They're just at
the very, very entry level, but they're starting to bubble up.
You see states like Missouri. Missouri goes out there and says, hey, FBI, no,
we will not cooperate with you anymore on certain Second
Amendment items. Okay, so it's the entry level stuff now,
but remember this is the beginning. From here, it gets worse.

You know. Today it's Missouri saying no we're not going
to work with you on this Second Amendment thing. Five
years from now, what's Florida saying. Ten years from now,
what's Texas saying? You know where this goes? Right? If
the FBI doesn't stop, and they won't stop themselves, Remember,
there's no one within the walls of the Hoover Building
who's going to look around and say, guys, we got

to stop guys. This is evil. Is is bad guys.
Were the bad guys. We've got to stop. If nobody
puts a stop to them. If the Republicans in Washington,
d c. And the House, in the Senate, and if
we get another president, if they don't begin to look
at themselves as being our vanguard, our protectors, if they
don't start going after these agencies to stop them, they

will end the United States of America. Because what's coming
is a conflict because of this organization. What's coming will
be I've talked about it before. It should be happening now,
but it will happen in the future. Were you and
me were just ahead of everyone else, what's coming is, Hey, FBI, US, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Florida,

we've all decided, we've come together and clean out your office.
No more FBI offices in our states. If any FBI
agents try to come back in our states, you will
be arrested upon crossing the border. That's what's you think
I'm crazy, It's I could see it clear as coming.
It will have to come. As the Red States get redder,
as people get more and more afraid of their federal

government and retreat to the Red States, the inevitable result
will be we will push these Red States to become
more aggressively anti communist. And as the Red States are
becoming more anti communist, as the FBI is becoming more communists,
you are creating a situation where conflict of some kind
at a state level, conflict is inevitable. It is the

United States of America depends on Republicans reforming the FBI.
It does. And that's why I don't know what you
want me to say.

Speaker 5 (27:38):
We can have Remember if the Sharias saw all the
abuses in the FBI, the terrible abuses, over and over
and over, the hundreds of thousands of abuses, And then
when I'm a came speaker, I went to the skiff
and got the confidential briefing from sort of the other
perspective on that to understand the necessity of the section
seven of two A fives it and how important it
is for national security, and it gave me a different perspective,
So I encourage all them.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
That reminds me, what have you done for your testosterone levels?
As I was sitting there listening to Mike Johnson bow
before the FBI because they showed him some fancy briefings,
I actually could feel I could feel my t levels dropping.
I don't want that. I can't have that. You can't
have that. I need a male Vitality Stack from Chock.

I take one every single day. No, I don't do pills.
As you know, I don't do big pharma. I am
a natural person and I'm drifting more and more towards
that exclusively as I get older. These are the highest
quality natural herbal supplements you will ever find in your life.
Male testosterone is off a cliff. You just heard Mike Johnson.

What are you going to do to prevent yourself from
becoming like Mike Johnson? Gentlemen, go get on a male
Vitality stack. C ho Q dot com promo code Jesse
Chok dot com promo code. Jesse gets you a big
count on subscription, so get one ninety days. Tell me

how you feel, all right, We'll be back the Jesse
Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. It is
the It's an amazing day on the Jesse Kelly Show.
And you know why, I don't really know. I don't
have something specific. I just feel really good about the day.
I feel like it's gonna be a great day here
on the Jesse Kelly Show. One more word on this

before we get to some more human element stories. And
I have a bunch of Joe Biden talk I want
to do next hour, and then they're gonna get to
some email some other things. But one final word on this.
On this Viza stuff, the wire tap stuff, the warrant stuff,
this is this is why I warned for so long.
This is why we've screamed for so long about the

need for real reforms and the need for government people
to go to prison. Government people have to start going
to prison in this country. We have corrupt, evil government.
They break the law all the time, and we need
to have arrests and trials and imprisonment. And that's not

me trying to be radical or crazy. That's me trying
to save the United States of America. These are evil
organizations and they have no reason, none, zip zero to
reform themselves. They just don't because no one ever gets
in trouble. I saw there was a guy one I

forget who it was. I think it was Andy McCabe,
former assistant director Andy McCabe. He I think he was
on CNN this morning and he was talking about the
Phiza warrant they got to spy on Trump's campaign, to
spy on Trumpert on Carter Page and it was the
Phiza warrant they got. And he went out there and
he said, yeah, and it was you know, it wasn't right.

There were definitely a lot of mistakes made on that. No,
there were mistakes made. You dirt balls, You broke the law.
Aw you've violated someone's civil liberties. You used your position
at the FBI to violate someone's civil rights. It's not
me accidentally spilling a cup of coffee on the equipment

here at the radio studio and having to.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
Tell Chris, hey, Bud, sorry, we need a new soundboard,
can't we can't live without this. It's not that you
use your position at the Federal Bureau of Investigation to
spy on the political opponent of the then president of
the United States of America.

Speaker 1 (31:35):
You have to go to jail. You and everyone involved
has to go to prison. There's not another way to
save the place. But because no one ever goes to prison.
In fact, no one's even discussing prison for these people,
it's never even brought up, so they're not worried at all.

So now we get to a situation where hey, they're
telling us, Hey, there's a there's a terrorist attacks, it's imminent.
ISIS could be here. They might be telling the truth. Obviously,
we've had a wide open border. Five minutes from now,
some idiot could blow himself up with a nail bomb
in Times Square. I don't know. It could happen, obviously,

But how who do you trust? How could you believe
a word? The FBI says, after what they've done, How
could you believe a word? The CIA says, after what
they've done? How were you supposed to trust these people?
This is Representative Andy Harris. He's questioning Alejandro Majorcis about
January sixth, Hey, did you have guys in the crowd?

Speaker 4 (32:45):
Are there undercover officers or agents from the Department of
Homeland Security or paid informants in the crowd on January sixth.

Speaker 6 (32:54):
Congressman, I don't know the answer to that question. I
will follow up with him.

Speaker 4 (32:57):
Wow is all I can say was Rey Apps paid informant.

Speaker 6 (33:01):
I'm just I'm not familiar with those facts. I'd be
very pleased to get them to you.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 4 (33:07):
And is it the policy of the Department of Homeland Security,
because I understand it is the policy of the FBI
to actually have undercover individuals at these events to kind
of keep them in control, to allow people to peacefully
exert their First Amendment rights while calling attention to people
who might interfere with that. So is it the policy
of the Department Homeland Security to have undercover agents or

officers or paid informants at events like that, events like
like a large protest somewhere coner people attempt to exert
their First Amendment rights.

Speaker 6 (33:38):
Congressman, that is not where we focus on.

Speaker 4 (33:40):
Okay, But if you get the answers to me on
the other one, I'd appreciate that. About January sixth, whether
or not you had agents there.

Speaker 1 (33:48):
Now we don't trust you anymore. The situation's coming to
a head. And look, I don't want to get I
don't want to give you false hope. You know I
don't do that. I don't want to give you full.
So I believe all this fize, this stuff is going
to pass. It is. They're going to find a way
to once again work around the people who are correct

in the house, and they're going to get it through.
But the fact that it was even slow down this
time tells you we are getting more and more people
who are taking this very very seriously. All right, Oh,
one more thing on the human element. Speaking of law enforcement,
along these same lines, this kind of stuff, this kind

of stuff, it runs good cops out of the profession,
and it's going to it already is filling the profession
up with bad cops. I want you to listen to
the NYPD commissioner right.

Speaker 3 (34:45):
Here, whatever you want to call it, catch and release,
we lock someone up just an attorney puts bail them,
the judges let them go to walk hard streets. Again,
it's a broken system. We're seeing that we're locking up
the same people.

Speaker 1 (34:57):
Over and over again.

Speaker 3 (35:00):
Effect on our law enforcement officers, It has an effect
on our law and binding citizens and has a negative
effect on the actual or perceives image of public safety.

Speaker 1 (35:10):
And the good guys are leaving. They're leaving the FBI
because of the politicization, politicization. Did I say that, right, Chris,
politicization whatever, They're leaving the FBI because of politics. You
just shorten it up, Chris, then no one knows. You
can't say it old hockey trick. They're leaving various police
agencies across the United States of America because cops are

tired of taking bad guys off the street and then
having to take the same bad guy off the street
when he does something bad next week. And the result
is worse law enforcement. The result is a public that
has less and less faith in law enforcement. It is
a death spiral for a nation. As the criminals get

more bold and the cops get worse and more corrupt,
and the citizens get less trusting in their institutions, everything
goes down. And remember it went down intentionally. This is
what these people do intentionally, And it freaking sucks. It
sucks that we have allowed to get to this point.
Now now is where we have to stop it and
reverse it. But it really sucks that we've allowed to

get to this point. All right, We're gonna get to
some emails. There's some questions about Obamacare, and someone asked
some questions about Trump and abortion. I have a whole
bunch of Biden stuff I want to get to. Next hour,
we're gonna talk about resenteeism and so much more. Now,
speaking of the NYPD, obviously, that's what Tunnel to Towers,

That's what they're all about, is New York gold Star families,
fallen first responders across the country, firefighters, fallen cops. That's
what Tunnel to Towers is all about. Since nine to eleven,
this organization has helped so many families. Honestly, I play
this as a joke, but they really They have been

paying off mortgages. What about the What about the veteran
without legs Afghanistan? I ed, what's he gonna do? How
does he get a quality of life? I'm a burden
to my family. You're not, by the way, fellas, but
that's how they feel. So what happens Tunnel to Towers
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towers and what they ask for is eleven dollars a month.
Go to T the number two t dot org. T
two t dot org. We'll be back.
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