All Episodes

April 13, 2024 38 mins

How these leftists wiggle their politics in. Red states are going to kick out the FBI and they should. Breaking that loser mentality. Nose rings. FBI agents are struggling to find affordable housing. Should we be learning mandarin? Iran’s saber rattling is heating up the middle east.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show. On
an asked doctor Jesse Friday, we are rolling right through this.
We're gonna get to chero Atkinson's thing here. One more
word on this chero Akison. Of course, investigative journalists. So

we have all kinds of stuff we're gonna get to
this hour. By the way, you communists using your values
against you and many other things like that. But I
know the GOP screwed us over again today. They didn't
put any restrictions on FIZA. I told you this was
coming already. You already knew this was coming. I hope

you didn't get your hopes up. The GOP is always
going to sell you out in the end. And well,
Cheryl's what else should we do?

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Well. I think it's a global problem that has to
do with sending a message to a message of oversight
to the intelligence agencies that we know have for decades
violated rights and made policies that are contrary to constitution
and so on. I don't think there's been an effort
they think is serious. I feel like the intelligence agencies

feel like they're running the committees here rather than the
committee's conducting oversighted.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
So what do we do, Jesse? What do we do?
What do we do? Listen, you can't do anything about
the FBI, and now that primary season is all but over.
I realized there are some primaries still out there, But
now that primary season is all but over, you probably
can't do anything about your loser congressman. Now next primary season,

if your loser congressman voted today to continue this ridiculous
FISA crap, then you should get involved in a primary
and make sure that guy gets bounced. But setting that aside,
what do we do? What do we do? Well, this
is why we talk about legal and local legal and
local legal and local. Well, Jesse, how does that reform

the FBI? Well, listen, your state is going to have
to stand against the FBI. You realize that your state government,
not you and your your vigil antibodies. No, no, no, no,
that's just the path to ruin. You stay legal at
all times. Your state ag, your state police agency. Almost

every single state has one. Here in Texas it's the Rangers,
which is actually really cool. But your state police agency
is going to have to begin doing things like Okay,
we're not working with the FBI anymore. No more joint
task force, because every time the FBI rolls into your
town to murder somebody, it's a joint task force, a
joint task force with the county sheriff, joint task force

with the NYPD. They're gonna have to stop doing that,
and that will happen slowly, and then the next step
will be the FBI is going to start getting banished
from certain states. In red states, as the anti communists
get more involved locally, get better candidates in office, the
FBI needs to start getting run out of states. That

is our future. If you want freedom, to believe it's
going to be reformed from within Washington, DC is insanity.
None of these people have the guts to do it,
and maybe the ones who even do have the guts
to do it. I don't know whether they're all compromised
or what exactly happens, but no body, nobody wants to

drain the cheka. Right now. You could argue that Donald
Trump is the most politically persecuted man in the history
of the United States of America. You could easily argue that,
and it was the FBI front and center involved in
that political persecution of Donald Trump, and as of what

was it two or three weeks ago, he was talking
about building them a brand new headquarters. No one is
going to drain the FBI. Your local and state governments
are the only chance we have, all right, all right,
dear Dick Cheney of Paintball. On Monday, you stated to

never let the communists use our values against us. What
is the best defense against this? How do we counter
it with bigger topics like abortion, immigration, so on and
so forth? All right, So this, this may be a
bad way to answer it, but this is the answer
I have, and I really, really generally mean it. There

are different kinds of people. God made us all different,
and that's a good thing.

Speaker 3 (04:49):

Speaker 1 (04:49):
You're not supposed to be like me. I'm not supposed
to be like you. But there are people out there
who tend to be more people pleaser types. And then
there are people who don't worry as much about the
opinions of others. I will tell you it is hilarious
how it works. In my house. My wife is so

nice and so polite and concerned with what people think
that she will kill herself to ensure that your birthday
is remembered that you just got to the neighborhood, that
she has baked a fresh backup batch of cookies for
you because you just got to the neighborhood. And that's
what good people do. And if I don't do it,

they'll think that I'm rude and like that is her.
I totally opposite. I guess I don't have to tell
you how I am. You know exactly how I am.
It's just not how I am. I don't think about it,
I don't care about it. I'm not saying I'm any
better than her, and I'm not saying she's better than me,
but I am saying this, when it comes to dealing

with communists, I would always have and will always have
an easier time dealing with them then she will. Why
because their tactics are all centered around people like her,
around getting people like her to either question themselves or

in the very least shut up or feel like they're
a bad person if they don't go along with it,
or how about that conversation, go, well, you know what,
let's do the training stuff. That's a great example of this,
the training stuff. And this has not happened to us,
But if we were sitting with some dirtball comedye activists.
Let's say we're going out to dinner tonight and we

end up sitting around having a beer with some dirtball
commye activists. Just meet her and this commy activist, and
this commy activist started ranting and raving about, well, why
shouldn't we transition kids, but we should show these kids pornography.
And these boys want to cut their peanutses off. That's
fine me, No, you're a demon, go screw yourself. Her

she would probably say the same thing. No, absolutely not,
that's despicable, no way. And then so a common tactic
the communist uses. They use this all the time on Republicans,
and it works like a charm. They they take their
horrific demonic position and they'll water it down.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
Just a little bit, and then it looks like they're
being compromising, and you should be compromising and meet them halfway.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
So it started out that conversation with yes, cut your
son's penis off, he's a woman, And then the pushback came.
So then the communist goes, okay, well, at least once
they're sixteen and they're old enough, and the parents and
the psychiatrists sign off on it, then they should be

able to write. Now, that's still not going to work
for me, and it probably won't work for the wife.
But I bet you she's closer than she was before
to just going along with it. I'm right, aren't I? Chris?
That's how it works. And then what if that doesn't work? Okay?
Well one more?

Speaker 5 (08:10):
All right, not sixteen year olds, but let's at least
degree if you're if you're a man and you're eighteen,
let's at least agree then that you can cut your
penis off and then you'll be a woman.

Speaker 1 (08:23):
Right for me, No, go screw yourself. I'm not meeting
yourself in that world. For her, Well, she's already said
no twice, and look at how much he's backing down.
I mean, yeah, okay, that's fine. I mean I'm putting
words in her mouth. I don't want to act like
I'm having this conversation for her, but you understand what
I'm saying. The people please her, the people, the nice person.

The nice person is going to have a more difficult
time stopping the communist from using their values against you.
They just are. I'm not nice. That's why I'm able
to deal with communists. But you don't want to be
like me, But you're gonna have to kind of shave

some of that niceness off when you deal with these people.
Remember I told you about that conversation I had with
that calming nut job, gun grabbing loser from Canada that
I ran into at that party the other night. Now,
why I didn't say anything to him. Remember he sat
down and started coming at me. He found out who
I was, and you started coming at me. I was
gonna leave him alone, and I completely and utterly destroyed him,

just destroyed him to the point. I mean I had
that guy buying guns by the time I was done.
Why it was all about second Memba stuff. Why, Well,
I never let him change the subject. I never let
him get a rise out of me. Okay, that's what
a Nazi would think. They say that trying to get
a rise out of you. What, I'm not a Nazi.
You're changing the subject. He's already went up. Never got

a rise out of me. He never got to change
the subject. And I had to confidence the entire time.
I was right. I wanted to win, not a peer nice.
I wanted to win, not a peer nice. We must
develop a mentality that has eluded us on the right.

We have lost for so long culturally only left, only left,
only left, only left, only left, that we have a
loser's mentality on the right. Now, we've talked about this
a bunch before. We think we're gonna lose. We just
assume we're gonna lose. I'll just lose a little less
this time than I did last time. Maybe hopefully we

have to develop an anti communist, aggressive winners' mentality again.
The demons are bold. The good people are afraid. We
must flip that around. It's time for the demons to
be afraid. We must be bold. If you would need
help with that, maybe maybe what you need is a

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Speaker 6 (11:51):
Jesse Kelly returns next.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
It is that Jesse Kelly Show, reminding you you can
email the show the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
I realize we are not Look, we're not done yet
on the FISA thing. You need to prepare yourself for
the fact that we probably will be. But if I
can encourage you with one last thing before I get
back to the ask doctor Jesse questions that vote today,

the vote to kill the ugliest parts of Faiza. It
was close. It was very very close. It was two
twelve to two twelve. If it wasn't for that loser,
Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, breaking the tie, we
almost won that vote. Today. We are not getting the
change we want, the change we need fast enough, that
is true. But change is happening slowly, but surely it's happening.

Let's get to some other things. Jesse fashionista, he says,
that's what he calls me. What's your take on noserings?
I can't stand them. I immediately judge women who wear
them negatively. I don't even like the ones in one nostril.
The bull nose sends me through the roof. I feel
like I'm becoming an old fuddy duddy and I'm only
forty your thoughts. His name is Sam Okay, so I'm

sure there's a whole Sigmund Freud psychology thing here that
I'm basically going to echo. I'm probably just ripping off
someone else's work that I've read about or heard about before.
But I have this theory about dudes, and it probably
applies to women as well, that at a certain age,

and I don't know what that age is, that there's
going to be a woman or group of women who
maybe catch your eye a certain type of women for
a dude. Let's just call a dude. You know what,
We'll call him twelve, and you know why, we'll call
him twelve. Yeah, I'll tell you a little story. Let's

pause on this. I'll come back to the nose ring thing.
So my youngest son, his name is Luke. It's just
you and me sharing talking here, and Luke is he's
my little clone. Like we have so much fun. Remember
that stupid torpedo talk with the jet skis we were
talking about last night on the air. I went home
and I told my oldest James, and I told ab

about it. My wife and James I told him about it,
and they were all, that's so dumb, that's ridiculous. So
I went marching upstairs and I told Luke. He spent
the next hour planned planning it with me, and he's like,
we need a hotel on the bottom with the glass ceiling.
Like that's Luke, that's my Luke, he's my buddy. He
just murders me. And he's getting older. He's thirteen now,

but he was twelve when we were in Israel. Remember
we went to Israel last July. He was twelve, and
you know, he'd been a little boy before then and
not really much interesting. Girls girls were gross, you know,
girls have cooties, girls have In fact, he's part of
this stupid group of friends of his at school called

the Sigma Squad, and one of the main rules for
entry is you can't be nice to a woman. You
are nice to any woman, they'll kick you out. I mean,
that's the kind of meat ads, right, the little meat
ads right. No, girls, girls are stupid. Girls are ugly.
And we go over to Israel and this one night,
it was my birthday night. I had my birthday over there,

and so me, Ah, the boys, my parents, my in laws,
my sister, we all went out to eat at this
restaurant where they were cooking steaks for us. Outside it
was just yummy, little bite steep the steaks. And there
was this waitress and she was an attractive young woman.
I didn't remember her, but we went back after he

said what he said, which you'll get to in a minute,
and we watched a video because we had a video
of that night of they did a birthday cake and
all that, and so she was there presenting the birthday
cake and my wife and I were wondering, why did
she stand out to him? So we went back and
looked and we saw, oh, okay, so she was an
attractive young woman. But we had this waitress there this
brunette girl and pretty girl, blue eyes, just brunette, very

pretty girl. I didn't notice. I'm sure I noticed at
the time. I'm not blind, I'm not gay. I'm sure
I noticed. But apparently she made quite the impression on
my youngest. Now, he'd never said anything complimentary about a
woman ever in his life. This was months later, this
was six months after we got back, and he said

randomly in conversation, oh man, she was so hot, right
in front of my wife and I. We were floored.
He'd never said anything like that about a woman ever,
and you could tell by the way he had said
it very clearly. She made an impression on this young man.
While I was over there eating steak and onion rings.

He was growing up that night, was growing up and
finding out, Ah, maybe these girls are and all that bad,
and you know, he hit that moment. Anyway, I have theory,
and like I said, I'm sure it's an old theory
that many people have parted before. Whoever, the first one
is that catches your eye for you, that's gonna be

your thing. And so look, whatever that may be. If you,
if you're a woman, maybe you like maybe you like
bald dudes. Hey, I'm right here, ladies, and I'm kidding.
Maybe you like short dudes, fat dudes, big muscle guys.
Maybe you like them skinny. Maybe you like biker times.
Maybe and maybe maybe that was your first crush. Maybe

it was a TV show or something along those lines
for a dude. Maybe you're into black women, white women, Asians, tall, short,
Maybe you like them chunky because you're in the army.
Maybe you like them super skinny. Maybe you like a
super fit girl, whatever the case may be. Maybe like
them all tatted up. Maybe just maybe that was one

of your first things. Like I said, movie star model,
something somewhere, nose rings. I don't mind him. The bull
one that you're describing in the end, that's a little
much for me. But one of my first girlfriends had

one of the nostral ones in there when I was
a little kid, and I thought, I dig it. I
don't know why. I don't know why I dig it?
Is that wrong? Chris? Is that wrong? Michael?

Speaker 6 (18:26):
Am I wrong? There?

Speaker 1 (18:27):
It's not weird, Chris, You're weird. See Chris would be
more traditional and nerdy. Michael would be more adventurous. See
thank you, Michael, Thank you. Anyway, we're moving on before
we get in trouble. Let's talk about the Chinese invading next.

Speaker 6 (18:40):
He doesn't care if you believe him, but he's right,
Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (18:48):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on an ass doctor
Jesse Friday. And it's not all bad news out there.
Put a smile on your face. Here's a headline for you.
Many FBI agents are struggling to make ends meet. Housing
costs are to blame. That's awesome. Actually, I'm honestly quit,
go get a real job. It doesn't involve destroying the

civil liberties of the American people. Hi, Jesse, do you
study a foreign language? Did you study a foreign language
in school? Obviously, in the nineteen eighties we had a
choice of French or Spanish. Lately I'm hearing some more
affluent suburban schools offering other languages, including Mandarin Chinese, ideas
to give youngsters an advantage in international business circles after college.

To me, it feels more like a step towards acquiescence. Chris,
that's a huge word. I'm going to use that word.
I'm going to use it another time during the show tonight. Acquiescence.
I'm going to figure out a way to put that
in anyway, and bowing to a culture that wants to
subvert us and replace the US as a world power.
Do you think studying Chinese gives Americans an advantage or

is it just another sign of submissiveness. Her name is Linda.
We were required in high school to take two years
of either Spanish or French or German. I decided to
go the Spanish route because I thought that would be
the easier route, and I had other things I was
focused on in high school. I had also recently discovered

girls and was going that route instead of the school route,
so I chose Spanish. I know, well, you're gonna find
this a little bit shocking, so just take a second here.
You may find this a little difficult to believe. But
I didn't get the best grades in Spanish in high school.

I know. You hear how fluent I am now with
the uno and the dose and the trace and whatnot,
And you think, wow, he must have grown up in
Mexico City. No, I actually, look, I'm a success story.
I used to struggle. Now I'm lingual in a by way. Wait, no,
never mind, anyway, I'm a linguist anyway. So yet with Spanish.

As far as learning Chinese, look, we should be learning Mandarin.
We should be we should be learning Mandarin. We should
be learning everything we can learn. Studying your enemy, learning
the ways of your enemy, is one of the most
critical parts of combat, and it is something that nation

after nation, warring tribe after warring tribe, that they have
done many, many times throughout history. You don't even want
to know how many of let's say, the Japanese generals
and amiralds we took on in World War Two. You
don't want to know how many of them were educated
in American university systems. They sent them over here, yes,

to acquire an education, but to learn about us, to
learn about the enemy. This again, it's a mentality. We
cannot isolate ourselves and defeat them. Learn their language, learn
their customs. They're busy learning ours. Figuring out what we
will do what we won't do. For instance, Uh, that's

really all foreign policy. What move should you make? If
you make this move, what move will they make? It's
just you know, combat works the same way. We should
attack here, but if we attack here, what will they
do in response to that attack? Here? There's a lot
of talk right now about Iran and Israel. We're setting

a bunch of reinforcements over right now over there, right now,
Why Iran is beginning some significant saber rattling about launching
a legit missile strike against Israel. Hey, what if we
launch a missile strike? Well, here's let me set this
up for you. And this is just going to go
back to what we were talking about. You have to
know your enemy Iran right now, they're losing face. What

Iran wants to be is they want to be ahead
of the Muslim world. Historically, that is something that's been
very common for hundreds of years. One nation kind of
takes over and they've been the big cheese in the
Muslim world. That was the Ottoman Empire forever. That's really

that was the essence of their empire. They gathered all
the Muslims under their umbrella and they were the protectors
of Islam. They were the Muslim world. That's how Iran
really kind of sees themselves, and that's what they want
to be. And a lot of the men in power
there they have that power because that's how a lot

of the Muslim world sees them. Hey, Iran, they're the
nation state who's on our side. They're more powerful. That's
a good thing. But Iran has to maintain that image
for the Muslim world. Hey, you are the big bad
protector of Islam, right, and we're talking about the radical
Jihadis and whatnot. It's not all Muslims. I'm just talking
about the Muslim world over there in the Middle East.

So don't go yelling at your Muslim buddy. He probably
doesn't feel that way anyway. Well, Iran's and they're in
a situation here. The Israelis are busy kicking the crap
out of Hamas and Palestine. It's not even close to
a fair fight. It's not a closed fight. Yeah, the
Israeli's dying, just as I warned you there would be
in rubble like that. But they are just clearing these
people out. So Hezbollah, who has a big boy army

with big boy equipment, they are right on Israel's northern border.
They're doing what they've always done, launching rockets and whatnot
in there, but no no ground troops, no ground invasion.
That's done in large part because we are sitting off
the coast saying don't you dare or we'll shove a
cruise missile where the sun don't shine. Now, that is

creating a situation over there for Iran. Iran in order
to save face with their radical Islamic supporters, Iran has
to to do something right now to Israel Ah, they're
the great Satan. We're gonna push them into the sea.
And then you have a couple terrorist groups like Hamas

and Hesbalah getting slapped around by the Jews. It makes
the Muslim leaders look weak in front of their Muslim
their Muslim base. It just does they need to do something.
So Iran has been gearing up. Hey, we're going to
launch some missiles your way. Well now, now Iran has
to deal with this. This is their foreign policy question.

If we do what we feel like we have to
do and launch these long range missiles at Israel, Israel
is going to respond. They're going to attack our oil
and gas. Israel has the ability to destroy significant parts
of Iran's infrastructure if that war ever got really, really hot.

Israel has the technology, the willingness, and everything else to
cripple Iran. It's not that Iran can't hurt Israel too,
but Israel, if they think this thing's going hot. If
you're Iran and you start lobbing missiles over over to Israel,
Israel is going to turn that thing up up anoch jack.
So what can Iran do? Well, Iran has to figure

out a way they can attack Israel and save face
without attacking Israel so much to the point they feel
like Israel will attack them back in a way that
is significant. Now you see how complicated that is. So well,
how might that shake out? I don't know. There's all
kinds of everyone's guessing right now. There's rumors that are

going to lob some missiles at some kind of Israeli
positions in northern Iraq. So it's not a bunch of
Israeli civilians. Hey look, we killed a couple Jewish dogs.
Isn't that what they call you people, Jewish dogs. I
don't know why everyone's a dog, but we killed some
of the Jewish dog day. That's you kind of want
to try to save face without taking it too far.

Are because you understand there's going to be a response,
and you understand how you do a thing matters, and
you understand, more importantly for the purposes of the email,
you understand your enemy Iran has spies educated in Israeli schools.
Israel has spies educated in Iranian schools. This is a

massive program by each of their foreign intelligence agencies. It's
nothing new, it's not news. This is something that happens. Why. Well,
if I'm Iranian, I need to learn how the Israelis think.
I need to learn their tactics. I need to learn
their language. And if I'm in Israeli, I need to
learn that about the Iranians. Learning your enemy is critically important. Yes,

in fact, learn Mandarin, learn their customs, learn it all.
All right, let's talk a little bit more about torpedoes,
the next generation, World War One. Gosh, there's so much
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Speaker 6 (29:14):
We'll be back fighting for your freedom every day. The
Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on an ass Doctor
Jesse Friday. If you missed any part of the show,
just download a podcast of it. iHeart Google, Spotify, iTunes.
So I saw this lovely young lady on CNN discussing
OJ Simpson and discussing OJ Simpson's death, and I just

want to point out something. When you hear this person,
you're gonna think, Wow, who is this wing nut demon?
Who's this evil little communist? You should understand that this
is a very very powerful human being. Part of the
Biden administration, the Obama administration, a Harvard fellow, here's what

she had to say.

Speaker 7 (30:06):
But it was so racially charged because of what had
happened just before with Rodney King, but also just how
black Americans feel about policing. It's not like OJ Simpson
was the leader of the civil rights movement of his error.
You know, he wasn't a social justice leader, but he
represented something for the black community in that moment, in

that trial.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
Particularly because there were two white people who had been killed,
and the history around how black people have been persecuted
during slavery, there were just so many layers and.

Speaker 7 (30:38):
I guess I would just close with.

Speaker 6 (30:39):
This is that.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
What did she just say? Well, you know what she
just said. You heard her, right, Hey, we really related
to him because he killed two white people, am I right?
And they had that coming. Uh. Understand this the racial
component of American communism, of American cultural Marxism. It is bad.

It is really ugly. No matter if you're black, white, Mexico,
I don't care what you are. You should not participate
in it. And you need to understand it has created
a lot of new murderers, it has and people okay
with murder. There's something about racial division and racial strife

that brings murder and brings mass murder. It's all throughout history.
These people are less than us. Screw them, kill them all.
These people have oppressed us, screw them, kill them all.
It is endless throughout history. It is. It's creating an

ugly situation with some people in this country for sure.
For sure. Think how many young people, younger people have
grown up having poison like that poured into them. And
you wonder why we have so many animals in this society.
Doctor of destruction Jesse always talking about the swimming pool

torpedo thing. Divide a swimming pool in half, an inflatable
raft at each end, and armed with high speed torpedoes
with pointed dart tips. Sink the enemy raft to win.
Don't dangle legs over the side. Add drones that fly
around dropping torpedo darts, and you've got an Olympic sport.

The torpedo darts thing is not going to work. I
don't mind. I don't mind the poison dart torpedoes sinking
the raft, because then you can even try to keep
your raft afloat while you're trying to sink his trying
to be I like that aspect of it. I will
tell you something that Luke came up with that I
kind of touched on a little bit earlier, in case

you're just now joining us. Last night, I had this
award winning idea. It's gonna be worth billions of billions
to start a torpedo fights thing on jet skis where
you shoot torpedoes at each other on this big lake
and when the torpedo hits, you launch someone off the back. Okay,
so it's that kind of torpedo thing, all right. But
Luke's idea was a brilliant one if I, if I

may say so myself. He wants seating, maybe first class
seating on the bottom of the lake. It doesn't need
to be deep, ten fifteen feet crystal clear. Obviously there'll
be bleachers on the side. We want, you know, people
like Chris don't want to spend a fortune, he can
go up there, but people who do, who want a

higher class experience. We have these little glass pods at
the bottom of the lake and you can get the
underwater experience. And we have special night games too, where
everything's lit up. What, Chris, what wouldn't the explosion push
in on the grass. Nobody. That's not how underwater explosions work.

Underwater explosions work in that well, all explosions, the explosive
force finds the path of least resistance. Water pressure gets heavier,
gets greater as you go down. Therefore, you could have
an explosion of a fair amount of significance close to
being right above you, and you could probably be okay

from the explosion itself, because all the concussion, all the
concussive blast, all that stuff goes up. Submariners you've heard
me talk about this before. Submariners will tell you if
you ever read one. You know depth charges. Everyone knows
what depth charges are. The ship goes overhead, he drops
in these big depth charges. They go down to a
certain depth whatever you set it out, and they blow up. Well,
it may be very very nerve racking and very very

scary to hear. When you hear a submariner talk about
depth charges blowing up above them, it's very nerve wracking.
It's very scary, but it's not deadly. It maybe shake
you around a little bit, but it's not deadly. Deadly
was if a depth charge went off either right beside
you or underneath. If it was underneath you, you're all dead.

You're all gone. What Michael, I'm sorry. Okay, So Michael
brings up a good point. I had thought about aerial
seating as well. Here's what I came up with today.
But I don't like what I came up with because
I want people you would want to look down on

this thing. It would look cool from up above. Build
these pillars that come out of the lake floor all
the way up, and then you have, you know, some
space pod, like a space needle, maybe with a glass bottom,
so you could sit up there, eat, have a beer
or in some nachos and watch the game. My problem

with that is if you put a pillar on the
bottom of the lake. This is for recreation. People are
gonna be paying big money to be on our jet
skis with torpedoes at a high rate of speed. You're
gonna end up killing people because they're going to run
their jet skis into the pool that's coming up off
the bottom of the lake. It's a safety hazard. I'm

worried about insurance prices here, what Chris, No, Chris, I'm
not worried about the safety of the customer's meathead. I
can build a concrete pillar that won't fall over. I'm
worried about the safety of the jet ski guy who
goes sixty miles an hour into the concrete pillar in
the middle of the lake. That's what I'm worried about, Moron.

I'm worried about the I'm worried about the jet skiers. Gosh, Chris. Anyway,
we'll work out the details on that. We have a
lot to get to. Next hour, we have to talk
about very important things. Someone wants to talk about Trump.
Someone wants to talk about World War One. Someone wants
to talk about the next generation. Someone took his dad
to Red Lobster for his eighty second birthday. Local government.

Someone needs to get involved in so much more. But first,
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