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April 16, 2024 45 mins

Iran attacked Israel over the weekend. What does this all mean? Jesse Kelly gives his thoughts and gets analysis from national security expert David Reaboi. This comes as Donald Trump begins his criminal trial in New York City. What impact will this have on 2024? America On Trial's Josh Hammer breaks it all down. Plus, Jesse honors fallen police officers.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
World War three, is that about to begin. We will
talk about that tonight. We're going to talk about the
Trump trial. We're going to honor the fallen. We have
so much to get to tonight, I'm right, all right,
before we get into FISA stuff, the governments, all the

other things, World War three, Iran, Israel, all kinds of
things going on tonight. We wanted to start out and
honor the falling, as we try to do as often
as possible on the show. And sadly it's often, isn't it.
If you watch the show regularly, you know this is
something that we do often. When military people die in training,

in combat, when police officers share us firefighters give their lives,
whether in the line of duty, training, whatever, we try
to as often as possible honor them.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
And it was a it was a busy weekend.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
On Friday, Memphis police officer Joseph McKinney gave his life.
He was killed while investigating a suspicious vehicle. Of course,
he's killed by a guy who'd been arrested a million times.
He had a wife. She will never get to hug
her husband again. And just remember that these guys are

out there. There are lots of very good guys risking
their lives and sadly too many losing their lives. We
lost a couple of police officers in upstate New York
as well. They have not released their names yet, so
we're not going to release their names yet. Suspect is
dead Ross Bartlett. In a different incident. Ross Bartlett, officer

had served for thirty years, thirty years in uniform, was
struck by another car and.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
A traffic stop. And this is something that happens too.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
Talk to police officers, especially highway patrolman, state troopers out there.

Speaker 2 (01:59):
They understand you pull that car over.

Speaker 1 (02:02):
It's not just the guy that may pull his gun
on you inside, it's the person driving up the highway
at eighty text messaging, drunk, whatever, veers off and splat
you're gone. And it's keep the families in your prayers,
all right. Well, you and I woke up on a Monday.
Maybe you're complaining about going to work, maybe you weren't.

Maybe he took the kids to school, breakfast, had a
good day. These families are obviously going through hell right now,
so please keep them in your prayers. All right, Let's
move on and let's discuss well, the human element. Let's
discuss the human element PHISA. Okay, so what's going on

right now in Congress with FISA. Here's what you need
to know. Here's the thirty thousand foot view of what
you need to know. What they're debating right now is
does the government need a warrant to accidentally get your data?
And this is what I mean, Well, technically the government
needs a warrant to spy on you to look at

your text messages.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Your emails.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
If you're at let's say, the FBI, you can't just say, wow,
Susie looks pretty suspicious. Hey, let's read her text messages.
You're not allowed to do that. Technically, FAIZA has been
a way. They've been doing that for a long time.
And here's how it works. This gives them the authority
to spy on foreign nationals, foreign terrorists, or potential terrorists.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
You see, you don't need a warrant if.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
You're in the FBI to read some dude's emails from Iran.
So what happens if you swap an email with this guy,
a text message with this guy? Remember, does it have
to be someone who knows a terrorist? You could be
dealing with buying some special wallpaper from Paris or who knows.
And the FBI happens to be monitoring this guy reading

his text messages and they get yours. Well, hey, look
at this, Look what Susie said. Hey, we better open
up a file on Susie backdoor spine on Americans.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
It is a violation of your civil rights.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
You and I know this country has no concept of
this anymore. I very much saw that during COVID that
the American people don't understand this. But you understand. I
know this sounds basic to stay with me. You understand
that you're supposed to be free, right free. You were
blessed by God to be born in America, the land

of the free, the land where there are strict limits
on what the government, including law enforcement, can and cannot
do to you. You are a free citizen. You do
not live in a dictatorship. They should never be able
to look at your stuff without permission ever. And so

let's talk about the GOP because listen, trying not to
be a cynic, I don't want to be Debbie Downer.
Let me just give it to you. I know we've
had some successes with the FIZA stuff over the past
few days, just before the weekend they got installed. All
this is great news. Now there's another vote. All this
stuff's going to go through again. I'll give you the

good news first. The good news is it was more
difficult for them to pass this this time than it
ever has been in the past. Once it's all done
in past, I mean, it'll have been more difficult this
time than it ever was in the past. That's a
good thing. That means we're moving in the right direction,
and we're dragging these useless losers in the GOP in

the right direction. Now, why do we fail? Well, there's
something we forget. On top of regular GOP weakness and whatnot,
we do forget about something I call a lot the
human element. You see Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House,
Mike Johnson as infamously being against this kind of warrantless

spying on Americans for really all of his career. Well
now he's Speaker of the House and he's out there
whipping up votes to pass the thing. And here was
Mike Johnson when he's asked, Hey, why the change of heart.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
When I was a member of the this area, I
saw all the abuses of the FBI, the terrible abuses,
over and over and over, the hundreds of thousands of abuses.
And then when I a came speaker, I went to
the skiff and got the confidential briefing from sort of
the other perspective on that to understand the necessity of
the Section seven of two AFFISA and how important it
is for national security, and it gave me a different perspective.
So I encouraged all the members to go to the

classified briefing and hear all that and see it so
they can evaluate the situation for themselves. And I think
some opinions have changed both ways, but that's part of
the process.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
You've got to be fully informed.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
Even Yeah, my entire career, I was against this whole
FISA thing. Man, that's danger thank you're a illegal spine.
But now that I became speaker, I went to a
classified briefing through if you knew the things I know,

you'd want that fizz that to go through. That's what
you said. Okay, So what are we dealing with here? Well,
I don't know for sure, and you don't know for sure,
but I do know a couple things. One, let's just
get the obvious maybe out of the way. First, maybe
Mike Johnson has compromised in some way we don't know.
This happens very regularly to politicians in America, around the

world and all throughout history. So it don't act like
this is some crazy conspiracy theory. Intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies,
especially ones like ours, that hoover.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
Up a lot of our data, a lot of our information, they.

Speaker 1 (07:46):
End up finding out that everyone is a criminal or
has things that they're not proud of in their background,
and that is how they have, infamously, throughout history, controlled many, many,
many politicians. Is that what happened here? No, I don't
have any idea that, I have no inside knowledge.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
I don't know could have could have?

Speaker 1 (08:03):
Did Mike Johnson walk in there and some FBI guys say, hey,
Mike ahem, you know how you were against Za. Hey,
we needed to vote yes on this otherwise, Mike, I mean,
we've got we got these pictures here. Remember that time
you were out of town. We got these pictures. I'd
hate for these pictures to get to the LA Times.

So Mike voter our, Wait.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
Did that happen? I have no idea. I have no idea,
but it happens. It definitely does could have happened here?
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
I don't know, but the more likely thing that happened
is the human element portion of this. This is in
case you're wondering why these duop types end up selling
us out to the Deep State over and over and
over again. Why does this happen so consistently, Well, here's
how they get you, remember, Mike Johnson, juop.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
Leadership, all of them.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
As much as we despise them and get frustrated with them,
they are flesh and blood human being.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Just like you, just like me, they are and to us.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
They can turn into TV characters, right, it's just someone
you see on your TV.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
But they're flesh and blood people. Mike Johnson's a dude.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
How do these deep state types get their stuff through?

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Well, they ham up these meetings and these briefings.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
They do exactly what they're doing. They have all these
all these binders there. Wow, FBI, they'll bring in home.
I guarantee you I would bet my mortgage on this
that they brought in a specialist who deals with terrorism,
counter terrorism, something cool like that, some title. Hey, Mike Johnson,
this is me, Officer Jerkwater counter Terrorism Division. Let me

tell you about ISIS and what they're potentially doing in
your town next week. And they get you in this
classified briefing and you feel super important in the walls
or sound proof and there's armed guards at the door,
and they tell you.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
There's a terrorist attack coming.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
Look, everybody isn't privy to this, only you or but
I want you to open up your super secret binder.

Speaker 2 (09:59):
Turn to page twelve, paragraph e.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
This was presented by Super Ninja Delta Force Special Agent
Mike counter Terrorism Johnson, and then he says, whoa man,
I had no idea what we're going to be attacked
next week.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
Geez, you guys need faiza.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
This is how they get our guys, many many, many,
many many times. Sometimes they are compromised, sometimes they are
Sometimes it's just a matter of these police agencies and
intelligence agencies FBI, CIA types. They understand how to make themselves.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
Look critically, critically important.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
After all these agencies, their entire livelihood depends on members
of Congress stroking them huge taxpayer funded checks so they
can do what they do. What they want from you
is a check with no accountability. That's what they want
from you. How do they get the check and how
do they get the lack of accountability? You go sit

Mike Johnson down in a secret, classified briefing and tell
him how important he is and how dire the situation is.
And look, let's be honest. Terrorism is real, there's no
question about that. And the threat of domestic terror it
is going through the roof.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
There's no question about that.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
It's just that the FBI can't do anything about it
because they're now just a Democrat agency aimed at Republicans.
They don't even really care to do anything about it.
They weren't having meetings to discuss which isis member to
put on the terrorism watch list. They were having meetings
to discuss which school board mom to put on the
terrorists watch list. And now we have this deal with Iran.

What's happening there? What's going to happen there? Well, we
got a situation, a bad one. Iran decided to do
an official attack. And the reason I call it official is, Look,
everyone knows has Balah when they shoot rockets, those are
Iranian rockets. When Hamas does something stupid, it's funded by Iran.

Everyone gets that. Everyone knows. But that's different than the
state itself launching a state on state attack, which is
what Iron did over the weekend. Launched a bunch of drones,
launched a bunch of missiles. Now where does that leave us? Well, officially,
on paper, we have to get involved in any fight.

Our allies get involved. And remember, whatever your foreign policy
may be, that's how it works when you are an ally.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
When you have an.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
Ally, you fight for them and they fight for you.
Where's this going to go? Well, I don't know. I
don't have any idea, but now that does the President,
Joe Biden was on the beach when I Ran launched
its missiles. Remember, Joe Biden knew this was coming. We
had reports about this before Joe Biden went to the
beach and still he threw on some sunscreen, maybe a

cooler full of a zemas, and went to the beach.
Each And not only that, we now have reports courtesy
of the Jerusalem Post, courtesy of Reiters. So I don't know,
we're venturing into the it's been confirmed round. Let's just
say it's been reported by multiple publications that the Biden
administration not only knew about this attack ahead of time,

that they green lit the attack, essentially telling Iran okay,
I mean, yeah, you can do something, but just make
sure you have some limits on it. So we green
lit our enemy to attack our ally. Look when I
say I don't know where this is going, let me
be clear about this. I'm not so sure Israel is

going to stay allies with us. Maybe you're thrilled about that.
Maybe you don't like our foreign policy when it comes
to Israel, maybe you're dreading that. It really doesn't matter
whether what you like or don't like. But if I
wake up today and I'm Israel and I find out
that the United States of America knew about an attack
on me, green lit the attack on me, and now
reportedly we've told Israel not to respond. So you just

told my enemy to attack me, and you've told me
I'm not allowed to respond.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
And you are my ally and you're his enemy.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
I don't know where we go from here.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
I don't know whether we're gonna wake up tomorrow morning
and all will be normal in the world. I don't
know whether we're gonna wake up tomorrow morning in the
oil fields of Iran will be on fire and we
are at war. I don't know, but I do know
we have a bunch of demented, deranged communists running the country.
Joe Biden is the commander in chief, and dang, that
should make you uncomfortable. In fact, all that should have

made you uncomfortable. But I am right. We have a
huge night for you. We're going to talk a little
bit about Iran. What are they? What did they do?
What do we think they wanted to do?

Speaker 2 (14:43):

Speaker 1 (14:43):
They didn't actually really kill anybody we can tell, didn't
really hurt it. And if it was, it was like
a random guy. Here we are they're doing. Let's talk
about that with day before we talk about that. Now
would be a real good time to take some financeential
steps to make sure that you're safe if things get

a little frosty out there, and they might get a
little frosty out there. Do I need to remind everybody
Russia does military drills with Iran? Who does military drills
with China? Venezuela's involved. They've been moving into Mexico. I
don't know where all this is going, but I know
that some of your money had better be in precious metals,

physical gold or silver, coins, whatever.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
I don't care.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
Oxford will mail that to you anonymous and ensure they'll
get it in.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
Your Ira, in your four oh one k.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
This is how you protect yourself from whatever calamity may
be coming, because who knows what's gonna happen there. How
much money do you think they'll print if we get
into war? Call them, these are my friends. They will
take care of you. Eight three three.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
Nine nine five gold. All right, eight three three nine
nine five gold. We'll be back.

Speaker 5 (16:04):
And I wonder, mister President, what you would say to
him if he is considering using chemical or tactical nuclear weapons.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
Don't, don't, don't.

Speaker 5 (16:17):
And I wonder what is your message to Hesbola and
its backer Iran.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
Don't don't, don't don't. Well that didn't work out.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
Joining me now, my buddy Dave rah Boy, he of
course does late Republic nonsense on substack, which I enjoy
all the time. Okay, Dave, First of all, let's deal
with Iran. It's very common in this country to think
of Iran like some backwater dump with a bunch of
mud huts and whatnot. And while I'm not the biggest
Iran fan in the world, that's.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Not necessarily the case.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
They sure didn't have a lot of missiles and drones Dave, Well.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
They did.

Speaker 6 (17:00):
Iran Is is not a third world country. It's a
second world country. No, thanks to the MOLAS and Biden really,
I mean when he said no, don't I think that,
I mean that there was obviously bs because we've got
reports that that the Iranians cleared their their actions, their

acts of war against against Israel with Biden.

Speaker 4 (17:24):
He gave them the thumbs up.

Speaker 6 (17:26):
He said, you know, act you know, with within a
particular constraint. So Biden and the administration greenlit essentially three
hundred uh you know, launches of ballistic missiles, of cruise missiles,
of drones at the Israeli population centers. And you know,

I mean, talk about an irresponsible talk about an irresponsible
thing to do, a ridiculous, unprecedented thing to do.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
Just you know, hey, just do it sort of within
these limits. We'll shoot down most of them.

Speaker 6 (18:05):
If we can't get them all, you know, we can't
get them all, some Israelis will die. But you know,
but you know, go ahead, Iran, do your thing. I mean,
it's it's ridiculous and it's just another example of how
this administration has been really the successor to the Obama
administration when it comes to prioritizing Iran and when it

comes to ditching our allies in favor of Iran.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Dave, can you help me understand something, at least as
you understand it, between Obama and Biden. And this is
just the way I saw it, And maybe I was wrong.
I saw Obama, especially given his background, the Frank Marshall
Davis is of the world and whatnot, it's just really
just being someone who just hates Jews.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
That's how it's okay.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
He's from that community, that Black liberation theology community, just.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
Doesn't like Jews.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
And then I saw that would probably be the ax
to grind he had with Israel. Joe Biden, he just seems,
more than anything else, like he wants everything to shut
up and go away because it's causing him problems domestically.
He doesn't come off to me as some guy who
hates Jews like Obama did. He comes off to me
as a guy who doesn't like his pull numbers in Michigan.

Speaker 6 (19:20):
Well, I mean, I think that's true to a great extent.
With Obama, it was definitely it was definitely some personal animus.
But I think I think that analysis isn't entirely right,
Because sure there's some personal animis when it comes to
Barack Obama the man, but he had an administration that

was all pulling in the same direction and they didn't
necessarily share that type of animus. What they did have
was an ideological animus against Israel, and they view Israel
as white. They view Israel's enemies as brown or not
white at the very least. And that's the far left
frame through which they view international affairs the same way

that they view domestic affairs through that prism. So it's
it's not surprising in the Obama administration. I mean, as
we both know, uh, Joe Biden is uh you know,
is basically out of it when it comes to the
day to day and and you know, frankly even the

hour to hour and minute to minute knowing where he
is at times.

Speaker 4 (20:30):
So this administration is jam packed.

Speaker 6 (20:32):
With with folks who love Iran, who hate Israel.

Speaker 4 (20:37):
And that's just what we're seeing.

Speaker 6 (20:39):
I mean, we have we have all kinds of reports
of look, their point man for Iran, the Biden administration
pointment for Iran, Robert Malley, mysteriously left because there was
some kind of a there was some kind of a a.
You know that when they they did a background check

and they didn't like what they found, but they didn't
want to announce it and tell everyone that this guy,
Robert Malley, who's got long standing relationships with the Iranians,
long standing relationships with Hamas and has.

Speaker 4 (21:12):
Belah, et cetera.

Speaker 6 (21:14):
You know, he just kind of disappeared, even though his
people are still in the administration. So and we know,
we know several folks who work in either in the
White House or in the State Department or or you know,
in other capacities for Biden that are you know, kind
of hardcore pro Iran, hardcore anti Israel. So this is

what we're seeing. And yes, it does have to do
with winning in Michigan on one hand, but on the
other hand, this is what these guys actually believe.

Speaker 2 (21:44):
Dave, Let's talk about Iran for a moment. Now.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
That was a whole lot of rockets in drones and
missiles and other things which you just laid out for
virtually no loss of life. And I know we're still
sorting through the rubble as it is an injury here,
maybe death.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
There, but very small amount.

Speaker 1 (22:02):
And I can't help, but wonder did Iran actually want
to hurt Israel at all. I mean, talk about a
weak attempt at something. It's just that just them trying
to save face in front of somebody.

Speaker 6 (22:15):
Well, I think I think there was there was a
there was a definitely a face saving aspect to this.
On one hand. On the other hand is look, I mean,
it could have been a disaster. These missiles could have
could have gotten through. I mean, even if ten percent
of the missiles could have gotten through, that's a lot
of loss of life. And you have to remember you

have to put these missiles into the same context as
the Palestinian missiles and the the Hesbellah missiles that rained
down on Israel all the time. I mean, just because
the death toll isn't huge, it doesn't make these less
of a war crime because these are by definition targeting.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Millions. I mean, there's no there's no military use for
this at all.

Speaker 6 (23:04):
A lot of apologists for the Iranian regime like to say, oh,
you know, Israel, you know, Israel bombed a site in
Damascus next to the consulate, which they lie and they
say that it was an embassy. It wasn't an embassy,
but it was a it was an annex to the
consulate where Irgc terrorists, military commanders that are legitimate military

targets were meeting in order to uh to plan attacks,
more attacks on Israel through Iran's terror proxies, and Israel
whacked them and then to respond, you know, quote unquote
respond to to this, to this action by blanketing an
entire country and putting the you know, seven million people

in Israel under you know, under fear for their lives
that they're that they're you know, coming with three hundred
drones and cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, et cetera. I mean,
it's no small thing, and it's definitionally a war time,
the purposeful targeting of civilians.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
Dave, I understand how nice it would be if you're
a nation like Israel and have somebody park a carrier
group right off You're shore to protect you.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
But if you're Israel and you have to now go.

Speaker 1 (24:19):
Through this every time there's a Democrat elected, I mean,
we got Joe Biden now the day reportedly telling them
not to respond. If you're Israel, why bother continue this
ally thing?

Speaker 2 (24:33):
And look why bother with that? Who does it help?

Speaker 1 (24:36):
We're holding them back, holding them back in significant ways.
I understand we also help in significant ways. Not to
be a hothead, but why bother continuing this? Why not
just call American and say, hey, we're done with this,
We're divorced.

Speaker 6 (24:51):
Look, I mean, I think that's I think you make
a great point. The US Israel relationship is complicated for
a number of reasons.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
But I have long.

Speaker 6 (25:02):
Been an a proponent of, you know, of allowing Israel
to make its own weapons, which is something that in
inside the Beltway and in the Pentagon is a big
no no. And you know, everybody, everybody seems to think
that that you know, we're just handing Israel, uh, you know,

bucket loads of money, but that money comes with significant
strings attached, and that that those strings are you need
to buy these weapons that you're buying from American manufacturers,
which of course makes Lockheed and and UH and the
military industrial complex in this country very very happy. On
the other hand, too, policy makers in Congress and in

the executive branch look around and they say, well, we
would rather have the Israelis are buying a lot of gear.
So if they're buying a lot of gear, they may
as well buy from the United States because that they're
buying from China. Then you know, then then that's not
good for us strategically. So that's the situation that they're in.
I've long advocated for them to be able to manufacture

these weapons in Israel. But before we get to that,
we're gonna have to have this fight in in in
the executive branch, in in in the United States.

Speaker 4 (26:19):
Hopefully we're gonna win an election.

Speaker 6 (26:20):
Hopefully you know, Donald Trump is is elected in November,
and then we can start the mechanics of of changing this.
But I mean, look, don't you think that the Israelis
would love to be able to make their own iron
dome missiles and to not have to come back every
once in a while to the United States and say, hey,
we need we need more stuff because we're in it.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
We live in a.

Speaker 6 (26:44):
Dangerous neighborhood and we're in an active war zone fighting
against Iran's other you know, uh several proxies from the
hu Thi's to you know, to shield militias in uh
in Syria and uh and has Belot, Lebanon and of
course Hamas and Gaza. Not to mention what's going on,

you know, the disaster that's going on in the West
Bank with the Palestinian authority. So they have a need
for a tremendous amount of ammunition or else they're going
to you know, or else they're going to die. And
it's in their best interest and frankly our best interest
for them to be building this stuff and building their

weapons base, manufactured weapons manufacturing base in Israel, which is
something that they would love to do.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
We just have to allow them to do it.

Speaker 1 (27:38):
Yeah, Dave, my brother, thank you as always appreciated. Yeah,
I like it all right, Let's talk about law fair
what happened in New York today with all this Trump stuff.
Before we get to that, let's talk about something wonderful.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
How I start my day. No, there's nothing in here
right now?

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Why because it was blackout coffee in here and I
already drank it all like I always do. I talk
all the time about putting my money where my morals are.
And I struggle with this. I know you struggle with this.
Where do you spend or don't spend your money?

Speaker 2 (28:12):
And look, there.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
Are a lot of different places we have to go
with coffee. We can actually go to a company that
shares our values though that's what blackout coffee is they're
not ashamed of you, they love you, the country, your values,
and they have twenty percent off.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Your first order. I personally I get the whole beings.
I like to grind it at the house. But that's
just me.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
Go blackoutcoffee dot com slash Jesse, go get you some coffee.
We'll be back.

Speaker 7 (28:54):
Nothing like this.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
This is in the show in our country, and it's
a country that's failing.

Speaker 4 (29:01):
It's a country that's.

Speaker 8 (29:02):
Run by an incompetent man who's very much involved in
this case.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
This is really an attack on a political.

Speaker 4 (29:08):
Opponent, that's all it is.

Speaker 1 (29:12):
Joining me now, host of America on Trial, my friend
Josh Hammer, to break down a few things for us.
But beginning right there, Josh, what happened in New York today?
There are so many trials. It's civil, it's federal, state,
it's city.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
I can't keep track of everything. What is this one today, Jesse?

Speaker 9 (29:35):
Today we crossed the rubicon. I mean, that's basically what
happened today.

Speaker 10 (29:38):
I mean when Alvin Bragg first announced his criminal indictment
of Donald Trump. The column that I wrote immediately after
that was titled the Point of No Return, and I
opened that column by talking about when Caesar physically crossed
the rubicon.

Speaker 9 (29:52):
That is what we have now done.

Speaker 10 (29:53):
This is the first formal day of the first criminal
trial of a former president, let alone also a current
major presidential candidate of the United States. And from here,
Jesse who knows, I mean, we are in deeply uncharted
waters at his Pandora's box all over again, kind of
zooming out from a thirty five thousand foot altitude level.
I think that asking questions right now about how America

is qualitatively different from you know, South African tinpot dictatorships
or South American dictatorships of Saharan Africa, all these questions
are totally fair game. Is America really going to go
down the rabbit hole of actually prosecuting its political opponents?
And we can go on the weeds here. This case
with Alvin Bragg is utterly ludicrous, is farcical on his face.

Alvin Bragg's theory of the case is absurd. The federal
prosecutors there and the SDN Y looked into it. Alvin
Bragg's own predecessor in the Manhattan DA's office, Side Vans Junior,
they both looked into it. They both concluded that this
was bunk that they were not going to press charges.
Alvin Bragg is a Soros funded far left hack who
literally campaigned for his job on a Get Trump platform,

so he has no such compunctions. But before we get
in the weeds, Jesse, I just want to make this
basic point, which is this really is a point of
no return for these United States. And as someone like
myself who's a lawyer by background, I clerked on a
federal court of appeals, I revered the US Constitution.

Speaker 9 (31:11):
I love this country deeply.

Speaker 10 (31:13):
It really, above all has me both angry as you
can hear my voice, but above all just really frankly said.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
No, it is sad, Josh.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
And the wildest thing is for normal people to watch
this absurd thing play out. It doesn't look like this
thing's going to end in any way that is good either,
because these people can just do whatever they want.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
We know what the jury pool is going to be
in Manhattan, we.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
Know we know how this end, how this ends, what's
the timeline look until Donald Trump is obviously convicted.

Speaker 9 (31:45):
Yeah, it's a total circus.

Speaker 10 (31:46):
I mean, this whole prosecution in New York City is
a total and complete circus. The judge here, Walmer Sean,
based on my surveying of the evidence, definitely should have
recused himself. So Jesse to make sure that we're all
caught the speed here. It's this judge here. His name
is Justice Jan Mrshon of the New York Supreme Court.
It's kind of confusing in New York State at the
Supreme Court is actually the trial court. So his daughter,

Lauren Mershon is She works for a democratic political consulting
and fundraising firm called Authentic Campaigns. Her company has been
fundraising upwards of ninety plus million dollars for clients. Based
on the fact that the employee's father is presiding over
this judge, he has placed a sprawling and likely unconstitutional

gag order on Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not currently
allowed to criticize anyone other than the judge and the
prosecutor himself. He can't criticize witnesses, jurors. It's likely and
constitutional and violation of his First Amendment rights. Here they
are estimating a six to eight week trial. I think
it's probably going to go on a little bit further
than that. They're trying to right now whittle it down
from a potential juror pool of five hundred to one

thousand jurors. So they haven't even come close to actually
finalizing the actual jury pool yet. By the way, even
the juror questions here on the actual question sheet that
the judge wanmershan signed off on, the questions are absurd.
They're asking questions like are you a Q and non supporter?
Are you a proud boy supporter? I mean talking about
giving away the game here. But this is all happening
in Manhattan, in New York County, New York. Manhattan went

eighty seven percent for Joe Biden in twenty twenty. I
mean Donald Trump tried to get this case removed from
Manhattan to Staten Island. It was one of various motions
that the judge here Mershawn denied. So this thing's getting started,
and I do fear Jesse that we are more likely
than not to get some sort of guilty verdict.

Speaker 2 (33:33):
Okay, it is Donald Trump going to prison? And then
if so, when.

Speaker 10 (33:38):
I do not think so, No, the actual underlying crimes here.
So again the theory of the case is fairly elaborate.
So this goes back to the pre twenty sixteen election
hush money payment to Stormy Daniels. Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's
former fixer, who has subsequently been a convicted felon himself
and he's been disbarred as an attorney. Michael Cohen made
these payments to Stormy Daniels, and he was reimbursed by

the Trump organization. And the alleged crime is that the
Trump organization improperly record its payments to Michael Cohen as
quote unquote legal services rather than marking it down as
a campaign finance election contribution, meaning that they argue that
this was done in furtherance of Donald Trump's twenty sixteen
political campaign. Here's the problem that Jesse. There are a

lot of problems here. First of all, there's a two
year statute of limitations on the actual fraudulent bookkeeping charge.
Bragg purports to get around that by saying that it's
in furtherance of this campaign finance violation. I'm not so
sure about that taken at first, Blush. But the more
important point I want to make here is in order
to argue that this is done for campaign finance violation,
I mean, in order to make the campaign finance argument,

you basically have to prove beyond a shadow of a
doubt beyond any reasonable doubt. That's the criminal threshold that
all this was done in sole and exclusive purpose of
aiding Donald Trump's campaign. In other words, the fact that
maybe he just wanted to shield this from his children
or do something else. You have to show that none
of that had anything to do with it. But this, Jesse,

this is Donald Trump. I mean, this isn't like Mike
cou could be a Rick Santum, like a very public
facing Christian trying to kind of make a small Foibler
mistake go away. Donald Trump's guy who has the Playboy
magazine covers that Trump tower in the pent house. Why
would he try to hire this? It's basically part of
his personality. So the prosecution has a ridiculously uphill battle
to climb here on the actual legal merits. Again, the

jury pool might just be so far left enough that
it truly just simply does not matter. But ultimately, I
don't think jail time's in the cards here. It'll likely
be some sort of probation.

Speaker 9 (35:34):
Fine. I do not predict that jail time is going
to come here, but it.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
Is possible, all right, quickly.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
The Supreme Court, January sixth, political prisoners. Obviously, these people
were ones I've been talking about for a long time.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
Is Scotus going to help them out?

Speaker 9 (35:52):
Tough to say.

Speaker 10 (35:53):
It's a very in the weeds debate over the interpretation
of two words in a subsection of what's none of
the Sarbanes Oxley Act. This is a statue that was
actually passed after the Enron accounting fiasco about twenty twenty
five years ago or so. So prosecutors have tried to
invoke a very specific subsection of this statue to basically
argue that the J six prisoners were obstructing proceedings, that

they were obstructing Congress. And it's going to come down
to the very specific interpretation of two words in the statute,
the word contextually and the word obstruction. It's going to
be a close call here. It's not a particular It
has political rafications obviously because January sixth, but the actual
legal case itself is not inherently political to somewhat in
the weeds arcane statutory interpretation dispute, So it's very hard

to make a prediction there one way or the other.
But I, based on my superficial reading of the briefs
so far, it seems like it's going to be a
close case.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
I think, Okay, well that sucks.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
Thank Josh, I appreciate it, buddy us dang it as
people cannot catch it that gun break. All right, we're
going to talk about anti humans grow briefly next. Before
we get to that, let's talk about this. Let's talk
about the time share that you want out of. You're
stuck in a timeshare. Sucks, doesn't it. They keep charging
you to the annual fees and that sucks too, doesn't it.

I know, and it all sucks. But what if you
could be free? What if you could get out? You
know that you can, right, You know that Loan Star
Transfer will legally, im permanently get you out.

Speaker 2 (37:23):
Of your time share.

Speaker 1 (37:25):
All you have to do is make a phone call,
but not to the timeshare company. This is a family company,
a family business, A plus rating.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
With the Better Business Bureau. They're wonderful to deal with.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
There's successful ninety nine percent of the time. They've helped
over twenty thousand timeshare owners legally and permanently get out.

Speaker 2 (37:46):
So get out, all right?

Speaker 1 (37:48):
Call them eight four four three one zero two six
four six We'll be back. You know what Sultsanitsen called
communists Sultanates, and you, of course know who Sultanates was.

He was the citizen of the Soviet Union, spent some
time in the Gulags, wrote, of course, the books Gulag Archipelago.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
He was well acquainted with communists. But you know what
he called them.

Speaker 1 (38:19):
I always thought this was so fascinating when I would
read his stuff when I was younger. He called them
the enemies of humanity. The enemies of humanity. It's quite
a thing to put out there, right, But the more
and more you read about these people, the more you
find out about them, the more you find out they

really are anti humans. They're anti humanity. Have you ever
noticed that to the communists, every problem is a problem
you can silence or kill your way out of it,
doesn't matter what it is. I'm modern American communists are
exact same way. Have you ever you ever spend any
time with one of these climate change types or seen

enough video, and these climate change types they normally don't
lead with this, but in the end they'll just fight.
I'll tell you what I mean, We a couple billion
people kind of need to die. Let just tell you that, Well,
there's a problem. It wouldn't be a problem if what's
that woman's name, Jane Goodall, she said, all about ninety
percent of the people on earth need to go away.

Ninety percent gone, there's a problem. Wouldn't be a problem
if a bunch of people would just die.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
Now, why are they this way? Well, here's really.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
The fundamental difference between you and your liberal and Peggy,
between you and a communist. The difference is you are
pro humanity, pro human being. Whatever your value system is,
whatever your belief system is, you understand every single person,
every single person is a unique person with a unique purpose,

and they're a person who should be free and should live,
and should thrive and succeed and fail and do all
the things we human beings do. But to the communists,
the communists doesn't share your value systems. So the communist
doesn't feel that they really are anti humans.

Speaker 2 (40:21):
Did you hear Bill Maher?

Speaker 1 (40:23):
I look, I should credit him for his honesty. Did
you hear Bill Maher and his thoughts on abortion?

Speaker 8 (40:30):
None of you.

Speaker 2 (40:31):
Believe it's murder.

Speaker 7 (40:33):
You know.

Speaker 8 (40:33):
That's why I don't understand the fifteen week thing or
the Trump's plan is let's leave it to the states,
you mean, so coming babies is okay in some states.
I couldn't respect the absolutest position, I really can. I
scold the left on when they say, oh, you know what,
they just hate women people who aren't pro life they

do the pro choice, they just they don't hate women.
They just made that up. They think it's murder, and
it kind of is. I'm just okay with that, I am.
I mean, there's eight billion people in the world. I'm sorry,
we won't miss you. That's my position on that.

Speaker 9 (41:11):
What exactly.

Speaker 8 (41:16):
Your position if your pro choice is.

Speaker 2 (41:17):
Maybe because you don't like children, no.

Speaker 8 (41:20):
No, I mean, but if you are, you said your
pro choice, that's your position too.

Speaker 2 (41:30):
I credit his honesty. And look, that's how your little
broyant Peggy feels too. I know it's murder.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
You know they're all lying about that, right, But when
they use pro choice or reproductive rights or whatever words
they use to lie about it, there's a reason they're
lying about it, because they understand it's murder too.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
Everyone knows it's murder.

Speaker 1 (41:49):
Everyone knows that's a baby, a poor, defenseless unborn baby.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
Everyone knows it's alive.

Speaker 1 (41:55):
Everyone knows you go in and snip its head off
and peace mail its body out of there and vote
in the trash can that it's murder.

Speaker 2 (42:03):
The truth is half of our society. At least it's
okay with it.

Speaker 1 (42:08):
I actually am not even angry with Bill Maher. I
want to give him credit for finally being honest. Your
liberal and Peggy will never be then honest. These communists,
as their demonic ways of thinking more and more mainstream,
are getting more and more saying these kinds of things publicly.

Speaker 2 (42:27):
See this, you see this woman on TikTok.

Speaker 7 (42:30):
I like to think of my uterus as the deep
end of a pool at a water park. No children allowed,
but if they end up there, they die.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
I'm not even angry.

Speaker 1 (42:43):
It's sad, and it is sad that we share not
just a country, a planet with this many people who
hate humanity itself. You know, I'll say this to wrap
it up, someone to get to light in.

Speaker 2 (42:55):
The mood and some other things.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
But as big of a jerk as I am, and
I know that I am, I understand that I don't
pretend to be a nice human being. I am at
my core pro humanity. When I scream about COVID lockdowns,
I was screaming on your behalf.

Speaker 4 (43:14):

Speaker 1 (43:15):
I wanted you to be able to go to work
and go to school and live your life and prosper.

Speaker 2 (43:19):
When I scream about.

Speaker 1 (43:20):
Securing the border, it's not because I want to be
mean to a bunch of illegals coming up here through Mexico.
It's because I hear about you and your way of
life in your country. I'm genuinely pro humanity, and that
is the reason why I despise communists so much, because
they hate humans. They are at their core anti humans.

They are all right, let's do some light in the mood. Thanks,
all right, it is time to lighten the mood. And
the Masters golf tournament the big one. I shouldn't have
to explain that, but I realize some people may not

know what it is. There's a huge major golf tournament
every year called the Masters. It was over the weekend.
It's a really, really big deal to win it. This
guy named Scotty Scheffler won it, and it is so
wonderful to hear professional athletes talk like this after a win.

Speaker 11 (44:21):
Sitting around with my buddies this morning, I was I
was a bit overwhelmed because I told him I was
like I wish that I didn't want to win as
badly as I did, or as badly as I do.
I think it would make the mornings easier. But I
love winning. I hate losing, I really do. And when
you're hearing the biggest moments, when I'm sitting there with
the lead on Sunday, I really really want to win badly.

And my buddies told me this morning, you know, my
victory was secure on the cross and that's that's a
pretty special feeling to know that I'm secure for forever
and it doesn't matter, you know, whether or not I
win this tournament or if I lose this tournament. You know,
my identity is secure for forever.

Speaker 2 (45:00):
James, that's as good as it gets. I'll see them,
m m m m
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