All Episodes

April 16, 2024 37 mins

Keeping the wolves away from your children. What value are these climate scientists providing for their employers? Does a November surprise tear the country apart? Jesse’s Tower. The paper tiger that is the American communist. How to take care of these insane protestors.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final hour of The
Jesse Kelly Show, the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show. Gonna
dig into Liberal and Peggy, Why scientists lie all the time,
owning a skyscraper? More emails? So much to get to
during World War Three? Here on the Jesse Kelly Show.

Now let's talk about something you see. There are certain
sayings we use on the show that longtime listeners they'll
know where they began, but newer listeners may not. There's
certain ways I tell stories and describe things that I
think are fairly easy to pick up, but sometimes things

might get confused if you just now tuned in, and
I have to remember my mentor Michael Barry lectures me
about this, So I do have to get better about this.
He said, Listen, whenever you're speaking, only about ten percent
of the audience is actually listening to what you're saying
anyway and will remember it. So if you say something,
repeat it and then repeat it again and again and

again and again so everyone gets it. A lot of
people don't understand Liberal Aunt, Peggy. I know we get
emails about it, most of you do, but there seems
to be a significant number of you who do not
understand who and what I'm talking about. Is this my aunt?
Is you? Okay? Well, I don't have an aunt Pegy.

I don't have I believe any of my relatives who
are dirty Commies. But liberal aunt Pegy is just the person,
the placeholder I use to describe the democrat in your life,
liberal aunt Peggy. For you, might be your husband or
your wife. It might be your daughter, It might be

the lady in the cubicle next to you, might be
your boss. Maybe it's someone on your sports team, a
school teacher, whatever, You have a liberal ant Pagy in
your life, the communist activist, the one who is wrong
about everything, yet is one hundred percent sure they're right
because she lives in a world of make believe. She

still wears four masks at Christmas time. Liberal ant Pagy. Now,
I just call her liberal ant Pagy as a placeholder.
But I didn't use that particular example out of nothing.
You see, there is some truth to the ant thing,

to more specifically the single woman thing. Now let me
pause for a minute. I'm not insulting anybody who single
out there, and you know I'm more than willing to
insult everybody. That's not what I'm doing, certainly, not insulting
single dudes or single women. Sometimes you can't find somebody,
sometimes you want to be single. That's not what I'm saying.
But there is a phenomenon that cannot possibly be ignored

in this country, and that is women once they get
past a certain age. I don't know what that age
would be. I'm not a woman, and I haven't done
too much digging into this, except I've noticed once women
get past a certain age, if they don't they themselves
have children. If they're psychopathic democrats, they will turn their

life's focus on other people's children, and they will attempt
to destroy them. I don't know whether this is as
malicious as I make it sound like. I don't know.
If you turn fifty and your Aunt Peggy, and obviously
no man would ever want to marry you because you're
so unpleasant, and now you know you'll never be able

to have babies. Do you sit at home one night
if you're Aunt Peggy and say, you know what, I
don't even want kids. In fact, screw kids, I'm gonna
get them all. I don't know whether it's that I
don't know whether it's just kind of that Munchausen by
proxy thing. You know what Munchausen is. Munchausen's when you
claim you're sick all the time but you're not well.

Munchausen by proxy is you claim other people are sick
so you can care for them. This is a very
common thing. My wife loves those sick like medical shows
where you have dirty nurses and doctors who murder people.
And you see that all the time in there. No no, no,
I was treating him for pancreatic cancer. He came in

for a cold. Now he's half dead from the medication.
That's Munchausen by proxy. There's a lot of thinking that
these women who do this to children, who trainy the
kids and whatnot, that that's what they're dealing with. Oh look,
look he has a problem. He must be a woman.
Let me cut off his penis. I don't know, so
I don't know the reason why, but I do know this.

A Democrat woman who is childless past a certain age
is a danger to society and most definitely a danger
to children. And that brings me to this article. I
swear on my life, I didn't know they were doing
this study. All the years I've called her liberal aunt Peggy.

I didn't know this was coming, but hey, here it
is nbcnews dot Com. Aunts or aunts, depending on where
you were educated, play a surprisingly critical role in supporting
LGBTQ youth. Quote right here, third paragraph. It was really

nice to have that support because my mom respected her
a lot. This is a little girl talking about how
her aunt, her reallyaive, helped her mom see that she
was actually a little boy, or vice versa. If you
go on to read the article, very fascinating read, you'll

get little gems like this one. Researchers interviewed eighty three
LGBTQ LGBTQ youth in South Texas and in an empire
of California in twenty twenty two. Of those youth, thirty
eight that's half roughly half, thirty eight mention their aunts

when asked to identify the most important non parental relatives,
with an additional twelve describing someone who played an ant
like role but who they weren't biologically related to. That's
fifty out of eighty three. For those who are doing
the math, found liberal aunt Pegy. You see liberal aunt Pegy.

She doesn't she doesn't really, she doesn't really have anybody
of her, but every single time she comes to visit,
she is so nice to me when she pulls me
aside and tells me that as a little girl, because
I picked up my brother's baseball, that I'm probably a dude.
And my liberal ant pegy has just been so encouraging,

encouraging for me to open up my eyes and realize
that I'm a boy. And in fact, I really owe
my liberal ant pegy thanks. As I sit here in
the waiting room in the surgeon's office waiting for them
to filet my forearm like it's a year roh and
attach it to my lower body as a pretend penis,
I just want to give a shout out and a

thank you to my liberal aunt Pegy. I wouldn't have
been able to make these steps without your encouragement. And
every single time, well, no, I take that back. Sixty
percent of the time there's liberal aunt Pagy, childless bitter

sitting there in the lobby of that hospital, smiling as
little Aiden gets ready to go back and have his
penis surgically removed. And yes, that is what they want.
By the way, headline California mother purportedly wants her son
castrated against the wishes of his father. I'm telling you

right now, if you have a single forty plus Democrat
woman in your life, anywhere in your life, sister, sister
in law, whatever it may be, keep that woman away
from your children. Mark my words, I really mean that.

Ah Jesse, that's so mean. You don't understand how communists think.
If you think that's mean, Communists do not view you
and your stuff as belonging to you. They view you
and your stuff as having things that rightfully belong to them.

And if they feel like destroying those things or taking
ownership of those things, then that's exactly what they do.
Let me tell you something else. Don't learn your tools
to communists. Did you know that even if you get
along with your Democrat neighbor Greg, don't lend them your
power tools. Don't get involved with him in any kind
of community way or business way at all. You need

to disassociate yourself from communists in every walk of life.
I'm not trying to tell you to cut off your
aunt or anything like that. Maybe you should cut off
your aunt, That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying
is you do not understand. These people are not political.
These people are religious people, and their religion is polar

opposite of yours, whatever yours may be. I promise they're
against it, and you need to operate as if you're
dealing with someone not who why she's my sister. She's
been that way since she went to Cornell. Know, you're
dealing with a completely different animal, as in, you're a
fox and she's a wolf, and you need to keep

the wolf at arm's length. Trust me on that one, Jack. Otherwise, well,
I mean this is probably her video. I like to
think of my uterus as the deep end of a
pool at a water park.

Speaker 3 (10:20):
No children allowed, but if they end up there.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
They die. My sons will not be hanging around that lady,
even at family reunions. Will yours? Actually, I take that back.
By this point in time, my boys are thirteen and fifteen.
They're so dagone hardcore. I'd have to keep them away
from her at the family reunions because that would not
go well for her if she tried to pull that
crap with my kids. All right, let's talk about the science.

Remember when they told you to trust the science. They
deal with that before we deal with that. Let's deal
with you me. We want to save our country. We
always talk about that. I do. I know you do too,
want to say America get things right again. But what
have you done for yourself? I'll tell you this. This morning,

I actually skipped the workout. I was lazy this morning,
slept in a little bit, messing around the house. Skip
the workout. But you know what I did not skip
this morning. I did not skip my male Vitality stack
from Chalk. I washed it down with my breakfast. I
had my eggs, I have my toast, I have my blueberries,
and I had my male vitality stack. I take a
male Vitality stack from Chalk every day, and I don't

need any studies, even though they have all the studies
to tell me twenty percent increase in your testosterone. I
know how I feel man, and I could feel it early.
It was a month, and I could feel a difference
in how my mind worked. Go to Chalk dot com
and experience a difference. C hoq dot com promo code Jesse,

We'll be back Truth Attitude. Jesse Kelly is The Jesse
Kelly Show on a Monday. Remember trust the science, Trust
the science. Do you remember that. I remember it like
it was yesterday. I bet you're cringing right now. I
certainly am. But remember how that came to be? Remember

why they started lecturing you. Well, first they told us
that everyone had to go home. Oh okay, why do
we have to go home? Well there's a deadly virus? Okay, uh,
how deadly? Just go home?

Speaker 3 (12:33):

Speaker 2 (12:33):
I would like to know how deadly it is? Because
you see, I have to go to work to make
I saga home. What is wrong with you? Yeah? But
what about my kids? My kids have to go to
school otherwise there's going to be learning lost. They need
to be around there for just come and anytime, anyone
you me, anyone pushed back against these ridiculous measures. We

were told over and over and over again to trust
the science. I trust a scientist. I remember when Fauci said,
I represent science. Science itself all of a sudden became
this completely separate belief system. And it became a belief

system you weren't allowed to question. Well, after all, it's well,
science said it, and that science said it. Scientists and
science science. Well, let's discuss science, though, shall we? Not
what you want it to be? Not what the dictionary
definition says it is. Let's discuss what science actually is.

You know what, Pause for a moment. Set that aside.
How do you get paid? How do I get paid?
Why do you get paid? I guess I should ask
why do I get paid? We'll make it about me.
Why do I get paid? I provide value, tangible value
to my employer, Premiere, and my TV show is on

the first TV every night nine pm Eastern time. I
provide value to the first I do a show that
people enjoy enough, people watch it, enough people patronize our
advertisers that it makes the bottom line look good. Therefore
I am employed because I provide a value. Why is
Jewish producer Chris here? All right, he's a bad example.

We'll move on. Let's talk with producer Michael. Why is
Michael here? Michael provides value, he does production work value.
He provides value, therefore he gets paid. You see, normally
you have to provide value to get paid. It's not
really hard concept, right, But let's go to science scientists.

For instance, there's a headline here scientists say coral reefs
around the world are experiencing mass bleaching and warming oceans.
Of course, and you know oceans are warming. Even though
no one's been able to die, you've had any warming
of the oceans, Just know that they're warming. We're very
much warming. Okay, scientists, huh what what scientists? Would those be?

Scientists from the Oh, here we go. Let's dig into
it because details matter. From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and International Choral Reef Initiative. Not kidding, that's the
name of it. Let me read it for you again
in case you're confused. These scientists, they come from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and International Choral Reef Initiative. Gosh,

that's a mouthful, all right, But how does one get
hired at the and AO A A at the at
the at the nasty what Chris I did? I did
the nassery? How does one get hired over there at
the nastary? I guess there are a couple of a's
in there. Well, you have to be a scientist, okay,

but what value were you providing? This is an organization,
as all organizations are, that clearly needs money. If you're
the scientist, are you providing a product of some kind
or not? Well, let's just get right now to the
nitty gritty. This organization, the Nasary, This organization exists on

what why is this an organization? Chris, make yourself useful, Hey, Chris,
look this up. Look up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration and International Choral Reef Institute. What I want to
know is roughly how many employees they have. You see,
this organization needs money to survive. It needs money to
pay these scientis, scientists. It needs money to pay for

all these studies and scuba diving trips in first class
air travel. Where do they get said money? They get
said money generally from one of two places, billionaires almost
always coming billionaires or governments, governments like Americas. Now, if

the American government, which is run by a bunch of
dirty commis who believe that man is changing the climate
of the planet. If the American government, let's say some
Democrat congressman, has set aside a million dollars for the Nasary,
what do you think that American Democrat is expecting in return?

If you had to guess, you see, they're paying this institute.
The institute is in turn paying its scientists. Chris said,
there are ninety members here. Hey, they're paying the institute.
The institute is likely paying the scientists. I don't know.
Maybe they work there for free. Even if they work
there for free, what I'm saying applies to whatever organization
they do work for. So what value is the scientists

providing for all that money? The value is scientists across
the globe in America and internationally, not all of them,
but many, many, many, many, many of them are providing
a very very tangible service. And that service is they
are willing to say whatever the communist wants them to say,

so the communists will have the cover of saying that
he's backed by science. That's the value scientists provide in
a modern, broken country like ours. Just keep that in
mind when they tell you your suv is bleaching the
coral reefs and that's why you should give up steak.

All right? All right, I'm buying a skyscraper and emails
hang on truth attitude. Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show on a Monday. All right, So, yes, I
know everyone's concerned about World War three kicking off and whatnot.

Just worry, listen, listen. At least we are going to
live in interesting times, don't worry as they told us. Anyway,
it's not like Iran can can use these funds for
just anything. They have to use the funds we gave
them for humanitarian propos.

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Additional funds that have been made available to Iran due
to sanctions relief program that the Trump administration put in
place can only be used for humanitarian goods. It doesn't
go to the regime and the idea that the regime
was somehow felt like they were freed up to support
these proxies because of that, it just doesn't comport with
the facts they have been supporting.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
These years, and it comforts with their language though saying
we will use this money in the way that we
want to use it.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
They can't.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
Well that was then this is now.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
What do you say about the argument that money is fungible?
So Iran may have known this money is coming and
used other funds to help fund this attack that happened.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Iran has unfortunately always used and focused as funds on
supporting terrorism, on supporting groups like Hamas. And it's done
that when they've been sanctions.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
It's done that when there haven't been sanctions.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Oh good, dear Jesse More, I'd be wanted to bet
money if I had any that something really bad is
going to happen before the election. I'm not losing sleep
over it. It just seems obvious to me. Is that being paranoid?
I never mentioned it in public anymore because when I
had previously, I was mocked. What do you think? Is

there a chance something bad can happen? His name is Drew. Well, okay,
so let's talk about this, because I've had a bunch
of these Jesse. I'm really worried something bad is going
to happen. They're going to do something, Someone's going to
do something. Well, look, let's start with this. Something bad,
something really bad, is always coming. It's just a matter

of timing, right, I think. Look, I'm forty two. How
long am I going to live? Seventy? Probably they the
Kelly men, don't stick around very long. I've probably got
twenty eight years left. I would guess on this earth?
Is something bad going to happen between now and when
I die? Oh yeah, we all know that. Yeah, there's
gonna be something. Got a terrible terrorist attack or accident

or something. Yeah. Okay, so let's just knock that out
of the way. Something bad is always coming. Question is
always when, how where you know that that kind of thing? Oh,
is something bad guaranteed to happen before the election. No,
but it's very obvious that all the conditions are there

for something really bad to happen. And it's very obvious
that if something bad does happen, and God forbid it
does because it's probably gonna involve loss of life. But
if something bad does happen between now and the election,
does it tear us apart as a country? Well, let's
just deal with the will something happen? First. Look, we

have a wide open border. It's not a small thing.
It's a big thing. It's not just for more expensive
health care and the fact that your kid now has
a Spanish speaking wing in his school. Those are big problems.
I'm not dismissing those problems. But when you don't have
control of your borders, then bad people from around the
planet who want to hurt you have come in. We've

already seen ISIS attacks and you see that video. I
hope you haven't. If you did, it's not too gory
so you could watch it. But that video of that
priest in Austria, Austria and Australia being attacked by some
nut job Jihatti walks right up to him with a
knife and just starts stabbing him right there on camera.
Can that stuff happen next to you, to you, of

course yes? And does the likelihood of that go up
increase when your border is open, Yes, no question about it.
Now that's the border. Let's focus on law enforcement. The
truth is this, America's national security apparatus has been turned
We've talked talked about this many times. It has been

turned inward. It's been turned against the American right. In fact,
this is very common with Western nations. Western nations, many
of them have turned their national security apparatus against whatever
the right wingers are in their country. That's why the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, their counter terrorism team their meeting
to talk about school board bombs. Member friend of the show,

former FBI special agent Steve Friend, he was pulled off
of pulled off of child pornography cases to go run
down Grandmas. From January sixth. The national security apparatus of
the United States of America, they are not focusing on
all these eternal threats a plane going down, a building

getting blown up. They're focusing on Republicans because that's their
job now as a secret state police agency. And even
if you argue, well, now, Jesse, they're just they're just
half focused on Republicans. The other half, I'm sure they're
looking at terrorists. Even if I gave you that. Let's
say I gave you that, Okay, so say that back
to yourself. They're half focused on the domestic threats at

a time when we have more domestic threats than ever
because of the border, our law enforcement is half as
focused now as they used to be. Okay, Obviously, where
am I going with this? The conditions on the ground
are that something big could happen in this country before
the election. I'm not predicting that, and I don't know.

I don't know. If I had to guess, I would
guess it would. But I don't know. But I do
know this life is too short. This is the only
life you've got. You just told you just heard me.
Like I said, I guess I'll live till seventy That's
a guess, given my family history, diet and everything else.
Seventy I've got twenty eight years left. That's not that

much time. And then I'm going home. Should I do
what now. Should I never take a trip with my
boys my wife. Should I just stay at home all
the time when I get off work tonight instead of
taking them out to dinner. We're not going out to dinner,
but if it was family dinner night, instead of doing that,
should we just hide at the house Because I'm worried
some ice this guy. I'm not living like that. I'm

not living like that. I'm not telling you not to
be wary. I'm not telling you not to be aware,
be wary, be aware. Just don't let it ruin your life.
Don't let it rule your life. That's for sure. I
have bigger fish to fry. One of them is this headline.
One of Saint Louis's tallest office towers, empty for years,
sells for less than two percent of its peak price.

Hear me out, Chris, I don't want you to be
intimidated by these numbers. Just let me hear me out first.
This place was originally sold in two thousand and six
for two hundred and five million dollars. Two hundred yeah,
two hundred and five million dollars. It's forty four stories.
It sold last week for three point six million. Now

I know what you're probably thinking, Jesse, you don't have
three point six million dollars, and if you did, you
wouldn't you have enough to blow on a skyscraper. Let's
set aside the details, okay. For one, it's called a loan.
I'm sure someone will loan me some money. Two, everyone
talks about a mansion. I want to have a mansion here.

I want a mansion there. I want a castle. Why
shouldn't I want a skyscraper? Especially if I maintained the
elevator system in my skyscraper. How sick would it be?
Think what you could do? Think about I mean, geez,
you could You could have like an indoor basketball court
on there, knock out a couple floors. Hey, we're heading

up to floor twenty eight to shoot some oops. Who's
coming with me? Oh? What's that? You want to go
to the gun range?

Speaker 3 (26:57):
Oh? That's up on floor number forty. We put that
up there, the penhouse, So I'll see you there up.
Gotta go down to my son's room. Make sure he's
in bed and not screwing off with his pen knife
like I caught him the other night, which I did
catch him the other night. I thought he was in there.
Reading books. His light was on after dark. I went
in there and said, are you reading books, buddy? And
he looked at me and said no. I said, what
are you doing?

Speaker 2 (27:17):
He holds up a water bottle, an empty water bottle
in a pen knife. He said, I'm carving up water bottles.
I said, but are you playing with knives in bed?
After bedtime? And I had to take everything anyway if
I want to go check out my son's rim, Eh,
gotta go down to floor number twenty see what the
boys are up to. And then we put Kelly on
the side of the skyscraper in my face, Chris on

all four sides, all four sides is a big picture
of me in a different kind of a model type pose.
I'll be doing this thing. The side I look and
the other one will be a smile. Maybe the other
one will be more humble or something like that, something
more along the lines of who I am. Tell me
that Kelly Tower shouldn't be a thing. Now it's Saint Louis.

So we're gonna need to do a lot of private
security and probably some fully automatic weapons if we want
to make it out of there live. But still, that's
frigging sweet, right, all right, we need to get to
some emails before we get to headlines. I didn't get to,
and we need to talk about what floor in our skyscraper?
Which floor should be freds now hear me out. If

we make it one of the upper floors, I would
say the lower floor so he can go out and
do his business on the grass and stuff like that.
But if the entire skyscraper is Kelly Tower, can't I
get fake grass and say floor thirty and have that
just be Fred's floor. I realized someone's going to have

to come to some cleanup at some point in time.
But it's no problem, and it's not like he has
to go that often. We give him rough greens with
every meal. It used to be he would eat and
then immediately he would have to go do that. So
that's not going to work on floor thirty. That's why
we give Fred ruffgreens. On top of the vitamins, minerals,
probiotics and everything else. Roughgreens has probiotics. It fixed my

dog's digestive system. Natural herbal supplements poured on his food
fixed his digestive system. You want to have a healthier dog,
give them roughgreens. Roughgreens eight three three three three My
dog or Roughgreens dot com slash Jesse Jesse Kelly returns next.

It is The Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The
Jesse Kelly Show. Don't forget. You can email the show
Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. And yes, I do
have something real. One last thing on this skyscraper thing
that I'm obviously not going to buy. It is sad.

It is sad that America's skylines, in America's cities, there's
a good chance they're going to look different in the
future because we completely reordered our society under COVID. This
work from home thing convinced businesses and employees they didn't
need to go into the office. And now you've got

half of New York City empty, half the office buildings empty.
That's a common tale in city after city after city.
When you throw into fact these cities like Saint Louis, Minneapolis,
New York, Chicago, that they're embracing all the violent crime,
telling all the homeless people, yes, please poop on my sidewalk,
businesses are packing it up and packing it in. Freaking GM.

I read the little story this morning. GM's leaving Detroit.
GM and Detroit go together like ketchup and mustard. GMS said,
I've had about enough, all right, one last thing I
wanted to get to before I get the headlines that
didn't get to in some emails. I know that there's

been a ton of chatter today the Palestinian protesters who
are blocking bridges like the Golden Gate Bridge. They're all
over Chicago, they're blocking bridges. Well, this goes back to
something we've talked about before about how soft America's communists
are and how we're dealing with the paper tiger. We're
dealing with painted rust. It wouldn't take much to solve

this problem, you know that, right. That's why I don't
stress it too much. I don't live in San Francisco.
San Francisco has all the power in the world to
stop this problem. It'll never happened again. Did you hear
Let me ask you. You heard about the protests today
in San Francisco and Chicago. Do do you hear about
the one in Florida? You didn't you know there was

one in Florida. I didn't make that up. Just now.
There was one lasted about ten minutes. Cops showed up through.
Everyone in handcuffs. Everyone's now facing jail time, all in
the back of a paddy wagon, showed up, arrested, gone.
San Francisco doesn't want to solve the problem. They want
to coddle the street animals so the street animals know

they can get away with this. In places like that,
these problems are not difficult to solve, and it's not
your job as an individual citizen to solve them. Your
government needs to solve these kinds of public nuisance problems.
And if you live in an area, a city, a
county of state where these problems are not solved, I

suggest you get out, because the animals are emboldened there.
The West can save itself if the West is willing
to do so, we can, you know that, right. We
can take our communist street animals and we can lock
them up. We can close the border and deport all

the illegals. We can cut spending, We can do the
things necessary to save this country. In this culture, it
is pop it is popular and possible. About I about
said it was probable, but I don't know. It's a
coin flip. Will the West step up and do what

it has to do? It's not hard you don't want
the Golden Gate Bridge shut down by protesters, You don't
have to do anything drastic. You don't have to do
vigilanti justice, run them over, you don't have to. You
know people are talking about throwing them off the bridge,
and no, no, no, you don't have to do anything
like that. Arrest them, throw them all in prison for
ten years, boom gone. You'll never have another one. No
matter what these street animals are being paid or coerced

to do, none of them want to do ten years
in California's state prison system. Do that to one group
of them, you'll never have it happen again. You can
do that, it goes away. If you're not willing to
do that, then you get what you get. Now. Let's
address reality. Though. Financially alone, we are in really bad trouble.
Do you know what inflation is probably going to be

at the end of this year? You know their target
inflation is two percent? Did you know we're on track
for four point eight this year? And you understand what
that means. It means a couple of things. One they're
still spending and printing way too much money, and two
that means there are probably going to be more interest

rates as they continue to try to get that number
under control. What does that do to the market, to
the economy. I don't know. I hope you have gold
in your four oh one k I hope you have
some precious metals in your physical possession, and I hope
you have them as part of your retirement. Don't give
away your entire retirement to these people just because they're

playing fast and loose with the financial system. Call Oxford
Gold Group and let them help you. They'll mail physical
silver or gold to you coins right. You don't need
a bank vault or something. They'll get it in your
retirement and they handle all this really easy. But you
need to call them, and you need to call them
sooner rather than later. Four point eight percent inflation? Who

don't wait till next year? Eight three three nine nine
five gold eight three three nine nine five gold. All right,
one email before we do headlines, oracle. If you don't
like gravy, there's something seriously wrong with your palette. I
never said I didn't like gravy. I've said many things
about gravy. I never said I didn't like it. I

did say this once sausage gravy was invented, then all
other kinds of gravy should have gone away. Do you Oh,
you're thumbing your nose at that, Chris. Do you use
a typewriter at work? Chris? Is that a typewriter sitting
in front of you? Oh, it's not, it's not. Why not, Chris?
Why don't you have a typewriter there? Oh? Because computers

were invented, and there's something clearly better in every way,
So you're using that. As soon as the first guy
puts sausage in the gravy, it nullified all other kinds
of gravy. There's no need for any other kind of gravy. Ever.
Whatever you're eating, put sausage gravy on it. And now
here's a headline.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
Why go you know?

Speaker 2 (36:10):
You know the thing? Headlines? We didn't get to a
group of suspected ten suspected illegal immigrants arrested on child
pornography charges in Texas. Bow your head and say a prayer.
As I've explained many times, what's happening on our border
is the largest numbers wise slave trade in all of

human history. And those slaves are being treated as slaves
in our country right now. And it's very, very, very
sad if you find out what's are going through and
what they're look. Nicky Hayley reveals new job after dropping
out of twenty twenty four race. And I know you're
gonna find this shocking, but she found a job at
some institute, a Hudson Institute, a think tank. And that

is how the system always works. Once you're done, Nikki Hayley,
you get to go. I guarantee you she's scraping out
five hundred g a year. It's Hudson Institute, going around
the country, flying first class, given a couple speeches, and
that's how it goes. Oh, speaking of the system, Harvard's disgrace,
former president Claudine Gay to teach reading and Research ethics class,

collecting a nine hundred thousand dollars salary after being bounced
as head of Harvard for plagiarism. She is retaining nine
hundred ges a year. And that is what I mean
when I say the system takes care of its own.
We will be back tomorrow to do it again. That's

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