All Episodes

April 16, 2024 37 mins

The Biden admin told Israel not to attack Iran after the missile strike while Biden himself went off to the beach. The protectorate of the Muslim world. How is Iran involved in terrorism and did they jump start WW3? Groomed to be a communist, if not by your parents then by the schools. Talking tough but having no idea how to walk the walk.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Monday, and
it is a wild Monday. I don't even know what's
gonna happen over the course of the next three hours
on the show, I'll be looking at World War three,

what's going on with all the Zeron Israel stuff, the
Bien administration, the concept of allies. So much we have
to talk to talk about tonight. You remember the whole
Liberal and Peggy talk. Wow? Was I a little too
on the nose with that one. You're not gonna believe.
A new study that came out about all that stuff.
We'll dig into that. We'll dig into why Democrat women

are stupid? All that so much more coming up tonight
on the World It's Jesse Kelly Show. Before we do
any of that, I want to talk about something good.
I want to talk about a bit of good news.
And it's gonna sound bad, but just stay with me.
It is very, very, very good and it should make
you feel good. It should embolden you and remind you

to keep going and keep fighting. Have you ever heard
of a heard of a reedy Patel? I think I
said that name right, Reid he Pteo. Is her name,
rid he Patel. You've never heard of this person, it
doesn't matter. So who's Ride Patel? Well, she's a street
communist from California, this tubby little street communist, Antifa, the works,

you name it, whatever. Whatever the latest protest is for
street communism, you can bank on miss Patel standing there
making a nuisance of herself, yelling, screaming, chanting, vandalizing something,
probably pooping in the street, and doing all the other
things communists normally do. Now I don't know anything about her,
but let's just do a little brief background. How does

one get to be someone like this here in America? Well,
it can happen fairly easily because communist recruiting offices are everywhere.
There's a very good chance you send your child to one.
If you send your child into the wrong school, the
wrong classroom, you will have you will have an up
and coming communist. By the time they're gone. That first

grade teacher starting to tell a little Aid and Jade
and Braiden that actually America has always been racist, and
we're gonna do a We're gonna do a class project
on the racism of white men. Your son is in
a communist recruiting office. Hopefully Aiden Jaden and Braiden make
it out. But communism recruiting is everywhere. Maybe you send
them off to a university, acting school. It can happen

a million places in this country, but they're everywhere. Okay.
So this woman, she was groomed to be a communist activist.
Her parents were undoubtedly either Democrats. This is most likely
either Democrats or apathetic. No, we just send her, well,
send her off to school. I'm sure they're just teaching
math and math class. Anyway, here's another fifty thousand a year.

Now that you graduated high school, you gotta go to college, sweetheart,
and lo and behold you have this young woman appears
to be in her twenties. To stay with me, this
is I'll get to the good news in a moment.
Appears to be in her twenties and now she's a
street animal, that's what she is. She has found a religion.
It's the demonic religion of communism. She will use anything

she can use to burn down everything around her. This
is now a committed religious sellate. And she showed up
at a city council meeting in Bakersfield, California, had a
whole bunch of stuff to say that we had to
be about. I'll just kind of hit the last part
of it so you can get the general gist of

how it went. See what she wanted. I should note
she wanted the city council to make some kind of
anti Israel declaration. Why would that matter for the city
of Bakersfield, No one knows, but remember the communist demands
compliance at all times. She was upset the city council didn't,
you know, kill all the Jews or whatever it is.
She once done, and this is this is how she
finished her speech to the mayor and city count.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
Deteckers, We'll see you at your house, will murder you.

Speaker 1 (04:29):
You heard that right. I'll play it for you again,
just in case you're thinking, what did she just say?
Will murder you?

Speaker 2 (04:37):
Witheckers, will see you at your house, will murder you.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
Now, have you ever been around a child whose father
is maybe rough around the edges, maybe a hardcore military type,
or maybe a biker. You know, you know any bikers.
I know a few bikers, and in fact, I know
some absolute criminal bikers. You know any of these types legitimate,

just tough guys. That's what they are. They like to fight,
drink and do things. That's just what they are. Just
tough guys. Have you ever known one of their children?
Have you ever been around a child who kind of
talks a little tough like dad talks, only he's a child.
I'm actually thinking specifically about the biker friend I have.
He's forty, he's got to be close to my age,

forty four to forty five. I would say he's got
a young boys, his boys seven years old, just some
little just adorable little boy, seven years old. But I've
personally witnessed him go up to a child who was
fifteen at a party we were at. It was a
big marine get together at a party we were at,
and the seven year old's looking at him and he says,

so are you talking to me? Who do you think
you're talking to like that? And the fifteen year old
could eat this seven year old. So why is he
talk like that? Well, he's learned how to talk like
biker dad. You see, biker dad will hit you so
hard it'll kill you. He's learned how to talk like

that because that's how dad talks. But what he hasn't
done What he hasn't done is done eight years in
the Marines like Dad did. What he hasn't done is
be a gold gloves boxer like Dad was when Dad
was eighteen years old. What he hasn't done is been
in about eight thousand bar fights since then. Why because

he's just seven. So he knows how to talk like Dad.
The problem is he doesn't know how to walk like Dad.
You want some good news. The American communist knows how
to talk like Mao. Mao wrote everything down, all the books,
all the speeches, all his stupid sayings. The American communist

knows how to talk like pole Pot, Bill Ayers, Frank
Marshall Davis. Pick your communist influencer. It doesn't matter who
they are. It doesn't matter. It could be anybody, their
college professor. They know how to talk like this. They've
seen all the videos, they've been to the protests. They
know how to talk with metals.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
We'll see you at your house. We'll murder you.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
You want to try to oppose us, will murder you
at your house later on. I believe it was the
exact same night. If not, it was the next night.
There's a video of this. It wouldn't be good for radio,
so I won't play it for you. There's a video
up of a bunch of cops swarming this lady. Where
was she. She was wearing some cute little summer dress
and some little high heels and she was out with

her friends on a Friday or Saturday night at the bars,
and the cops surrounded her to arrest her. And the
look of total shock in fear on her face when
she was being slammed against a wall and handcuffed by
the police and informed that she was being charged with

multiple felonies and is now staring at state prison time,
she looked like she wanted to cry. And then there's
also video out out there of this young lady in
a courtroom being told in the courtroom, you're facing felonies,
lots of them. I hope mom and dad are going

to keep the canteen account well stocked because you're going
to California State prison, young lady. And she sat there sobbing.
Why Because this lady, along with ninety nine percent of
the other American communists, they know how to talk like Dad,

but they don't know how to walk like dad. The
American communist is soft. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm
not downplaying the threat. He's everywhere, he's in positions of power.
He's all over the streets. He's vandalizing this, he's shutting
down the Golden gate Bridge. He's looting and murdering and raping.

And I know, I know, I know. I talk all
the time about the communist threat. But what you must understand,
and this should embolden you, is we are dealing with
a paper tiger here in America that resembles nothing like
what other people have had to fight in the past
when they opposed communism. When you were Chang Kai Shek

and China and your nationalists were taking on Mao Zeedung
and his communists. Oh, Mao was a murderous dirt ball,
But Mao was an old school jungle fighter from way back.
In fact, American heroes like Marine raider Evans Carlson trained
under Mao in jungle fighting before World War Two. Stalin

as big of a dirtball idiot as he was, he
spent his youth stabbing and shooting people and robbing banks.
A tough guy from way back. The old school communists
from Spain to the Soviet Union, to South America to Cuba.
They were in the very least fighters, revolutionaries used to

hardship and violence and things like that. The American communist
is soft, pillow soft. Well tell you what, I'm being arrested, ha,
mommy save. If the right would simply find it's you
know what and stand up to these people, you would

find out you're fighting against painted rust. It's why I
tell you to challenge liberal ant Peggy at Thanksgiving instead
of sitting there letting her shout no more, challenge her,
watch her fade, watch her crumble. The American communist has
been educated in America's pillow soft education system, on America's

pillow soft university campuses, and in America's pillows soft cities,
where they've been given cover their entire lives. A brief
little push, just the tiniest nudge back, and the American
communist will topple over. Because the American communist is soft,
Let's oppose him, shall we? All right, let's get on

to World War three and so many other things before
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go to relieffactor dot com. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Reminding
you you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com. Love, Hey, Death, threats, ask doctor Jesse questions.

All right, let's deal with the big story out there.
I was sitting there, it was yesterday day before. I
was sitting around the house messing with some things. I
will actually wasn't paying attention to the new oo. I
had been busy. I'd been hanging out with the buddies
and talking to the wife, and we we just sat down,
had some lunch. I get a text from my sister saying,
is World War three starting? Is that? Oh? That's not good.

I'm not sure. So I did some digging and I
found out what was going on. Okay, so let's just
get everyone caught up to where we are. First, before
all this Iran drone strike thing. Before that, let's understand
what's going on. So we're just knowledgeable about some things

about the region. Okay. So you have Israel, right, got Israel?
Picture Israel there, even make a little drawing if it
helps you, on the bottom of it, the southern part Palestine. Right,
So that's where Hamas is. So you can put a
little circle underneath you and put a Hamas above Israel Lebanon.
That's where Hesbalah is Lebanon. Remember I told you if

you want some background on how and why Lebanon turned
into a complete disaster like that. There's that good documentary
the Ghost of Beayroot, Ghosts of Beroot. I believe it's
on Netflix. You can watch. It's a series. I don't
know that it's appropriate for kids, but it's all true.
It's all based on a true story about a lot
of the terrorist background stuff there. Now we're not going

to go that far back to go to figure all
that out, but you should understand this. When Hezbollah, when
they were on the come up in Lebanon, they were
doing a bunch of fighting in Lebanon. They were blowing
stuff up, torture and kill and doing all the things.
Those dip all terrorists too. They were part of Iran
then too, And they actually go over this in the

In the show, you could watch them. The head of
hes Blah, God rest his soul not but the head
of Hesbla was sitting down with Solomani. Solamani's characters in
the show. You remember Solomani, He's the guy we took
out with a sword missile. I'm not making that up.
It's a sword missile. That was when Trump was president.
Remember we took out that Irani and Gener Solimani, you

know that we took him out with a non explosive missile. Right,
we have missiles that shoot at targets, and right before
they hit the target, all these swords pop out the side.
It's to limit collateral damage that comes with explosives. So
if you know where this general is and you can
hit his car, he's shoot him with a sword missile
and he just kind of dice. It's really cool. Anyway. Solomoni,

the guy we killed under Trump, he was knee deep
involved in a bunch of different things. One he was
training and funding has Blot and Lebanon. Two. You remember
in Iraq, I'm just doing it and make sure we
all have a background on a lot of this stuff.
And I'm not the world's expert on it, just making
sure everyone has a good base of knowledge in Iraq.

Just pause for a moment. Remember I told you I
was there for the Iraq invasion, the very very beginning
of it. Well, whenever I tell people that, people will
say to me, oh gosh, that had to be the
worst of the fighting. Oh my gosh, you had to
be in the thick of it. And I'm certainly not
putting down anything we did there. But that is not
the worst it got in Iraq. The very beginning was

not the worst. It actually got worse than that a
little while later. Why did it can get worse than that? Why?
If you remember back, why were there always stories about
Ied here Ied there ten troops killed in an Ied.
Ied blew this up, Ied, blew that up. Well, what
happened was we had a bunch of foreigners, a bunch

of non Iraqis, even though some Iraqis were involved, who
started to pour into Iraq, and they had not only
the materials, they had the knowledge to create these IEDs
and things that went on to blow up Americans. You
remember all this now, right in the beginning, it actually
wasn't as bad as it got. It actually got worse

after I left. Now, where did those people who were
blowing up our troops in Iraq? Where did they acquire
the knowledge and weaponry? Solomani Iran Solmani with Iran was
the one training and arming those people who were blowing
our men and women up in Iraq. So Trump figures

out where he is, I'm sure, with the help of
Israeli intelligence, figures out where he is. Fires a missile
bomb at him. No more Solomani. His family had to
bury a finger. I believe there was just was not
much left of him. Okay, So that was Iran. That's
kind of how it lays out in the region Israel
than Hamas to the south, hes Bollah to the north. Now,

hes Blah and Hamas they are very much separate groups.
Hes Bolah is much more legitimate, much better led, much
better trained, much better funded in every possible way. Hesbolah. Honestly,
as much as I despise those terrorist pieces of trash,
they they represent more of a modern army than a
terrorist group. Hamas is more what you think of when

you think of terrorist group, the idiot who can hardly read,
who straps a bomb to himself and goes and blows
up a kindergarten because he thinks it's going to get
him seventy two virgins. That's that kind of that way
of thinking. Now Iran funds Hesblah, Iran funds Hamas. So
where are we now? Why would Iran get involved? Why

shoot a bunch of missiles? What do they intend to
do with the missiles? Are we going to go into
World War three? What's the Bide administration? Doing and why
are they doing it. I realize there's so much of
this we have to get laid out here, that it's
these story dominating everyone's mind. So we're going to talk
about that. We'll talk about it in a little more
detail in just a moment. Before we do that, let's
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time to switch to pure Talk is right now, So
go switch. Truth attitude. Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show on a Monday. Remember, if you miss any
part of the show, you can download the whole thing

on Iheard, Google, Spotify, and iTunes. Medal of Honor Monday
coming up about a half hour from now. Let's get
back to where we're at. What's going on in the world.
Why is it happening. We're just kind of doing a
brief explainer on the Israel Hamas has Bla situation. Okay,
so Israel's there, Hamas to the south, has Blah to
the north, all right, both of them funded by Iran.

Then we've got Iran. Iran's not right beside Israel, but
Iran sees itself and wants the Islamic world to see
it as being their protector. Historically, that's been a very
common thing in the history of Islam, meaning there's been

a powerful king or nation state who has kind of
overseen the protection of Islam. Now this goes back to
look Genghis Khan. You know, Genghis Khan almost wiped out Islam,
and it wasn't because he was anti mu the shah
in that area who had a major Muslim kingdom back

then really made Genghis Khan angry, extremely angry. I'm putting
it mild when I say made him angry, and he
just declared war on them and just sacked city after
city after city. The Christians in Europe. While Genghis Khan
was doing this, they thought Ganghis Khan was probably one
of the good guys because he was wiping out the

religion that they thought was their enemy. But again, what
was this empire? The Charismian Empire. They were the overseers
of the Islamic world. That's how they saw themselves. The
Ottoman Empire, they a thousand percent took on that mantle.
In fact, when we were trying to break up the

Ottoman Empire in World War One, because remember the Ottomans
that they were fighting with the Germans and Austria, Hungary
and things like that, the Ottomans joined with them. And
so we mainly the British, but us too. We wanted
we wanted to cause them problems. How do we do that?
With the Brits especially, they would go into these Islamic
areas and they'd say, hey, this Ottoman Empire. Look, they're
not even good Muslims. They don't even protect your religion.

So the Ottoman Empire was the protectorate of the Islamic world,
and then the bloom kind of fell off. That rose
and that empire fell and now it's just a small country.
We not small, but a country named Turkey. Right, Iran
has seen itself as taking over that mantle, or wants
to be seen, I should say, as having taken over

that mantle the protectors of the Islamic world. We are
the ones who will care for all the Muslims. Now
there's this huge rift in Islam between Shia and Sunni.
And you know, so they practiced a completely different type
of Islam in say Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia than they
do in Iran. Look, when I was in Iraq, speaking

about Iraq, it was Sunnis and Shiites, it was it
was same thing, and that conflict was bad. It's not
to the outside looking into the naked eye, if you're
not a Muslim, I'm not a Muslim. But if you're
not a Muslim, it looks like I mean, these are
minor differences. We're dealing with the relatives and Muhammad, what's
the big deal. We're all we're all Muslims here, not
to them, it ain't not to them, it ain't no

small deal. It's a really big deal. So anyway, Iran
sees itself as that. And what's happened was October seventh.
You already know Hamas rated, Israel killed, rape, did a
bunch of butchering. Did you know what Hamas does? Israel
has responded, and they have responded with a level of

force that oddly, it doesn't appear that Hamas saw coming.
It's very odd to me. You'd think you could launch
a raid of that size without the response that came.
But that's clearly what they thought. Israel invaded, and Israel
has said there's not going to be any more Hamas,
and they are going house to house, tunnel to tunel,
tunnel to tunnel. They're killing them, they're arresting them, they're

finishing them off. Well, what's happening is the Islamic world,
not just in Palestine, not just the Hamas times, but
the other especially radical Islamic types in the region, has
Belah and others. They're looking at Iran saying, uh, are
you gonna do something? Hey, they're wiping out her moss. Hey,

what are you doing? Are you gonna do something. Now,
if Chris hires me to be his bodyguard, and I'm
walking with Chris out to the parking lot to get
into whatever bargain vehicle, you know, Chris probably drives and
some guy comes up and he says, Hey, I'm gonna

punch you in the face and take your wallet. And
Chris looks at me and says that are you gonna
do something? Well? As the bodyguard, I understand, I have
a choice to make. I can step in there and
do something, and I may get hurt if I do it,
but I'll probably get to keep my job as a
bodyguard because I'm gonna step in and do something or

I cannot do anything. Hey, Chris, best of luck. Anyway,
I gotta go back inside. I'll be safe, I won't
be hurt. But Chris is probably gonna fire me as
his bodyguard. Right Well, Iran can't afford to sit there
and allow Hamas to be wiped out by Israel without responding.

They have to do something, had to do something, and
that brings us to where we are. Now. What is
that something? How did that something get decided on? And
this is potentially a world changing deal. How all this
has shaken out well, let's figure this out first. Embarrassingly,

I just can't he can't believe, they can't believe what's happening.
As Rome is burning. Joe Biden was on the beach
when Iran launched. These were medium range ballistic missiles. You
understand that we're not talking to them throwing some mad
firecrackers over the wall on the Israeli border. They're launching

medium range ballistic missiles. And just so you understand something.
Part of the reason they knew about drones versus missiles
versus this, flight times differ depending on what you're launching.
If Iran launches, let's say, drones from Iran to Israel,
those are going to take eight hours ten hours to

get there. A cruise missile is not going to take
eight to ten hours to get there. So that's the
reason you got different sides. But all right, Joe Biden's
on the beach. Joe Biden knew beforehand that a major
attack on Israel was imminent, and Joe Biden went to
the beach. I can't I the level of on top

of everything else, the communism and the dementia and everything
else that we have to live with, just the laziness,
the naivete, the lack of care. All these people act
like they're just in some kind of TV show. That
doesn't matter at all. If you know a nation is

going to launch a major attack on one of your allies,
it's all hands on deck in the situation room. And
let's pause on this for a moment, because let's deal
with this ally thing. Because I believe that there's a
chance this is going to change in the future. I
don't know how likely this is, but I could totally
see this coming. Israel officially is our ally. Maybe you

live and die for Israel, love Israel, that would probably
be I would guess seventy five percent of the people listening.
Maybe you hate Israel. We get those two emails that's
Jewish producer Chris and the Jewish weather balloons or something
or whatever against whatever. Maybe you hate Israel, but listen,
what I'm saying doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what your

thoughts on the matter, don't matter. Officially, the United States
of America is officially an ally with Israel. It's an
official thing. It's been signed. Whether you like that or not,
or whether I like that or not is inconsequential. We
are allies. If we got invaded tomorrow, if China, even
if China launched an invasion on our shores tomorrow, Israel

would send troops. They would They would have to because
they're signed on as an ally. Now, allegiances like that
have gotten us in a lot of pickles as a world.
But that is the state where we're at. Okay, so
Israel is an ally. That brings us back to what
Joe Biden was doing. You're on the beach when an

ally is about to be hit with missiles. And the
story was bad there, and somehow as it went along,
at least from our perspective, it got worse. We'll talk
about that in detail in a moment. Before we get
to that, I'm gonna play something for you. I'm gonna

go over it later on in the show. But you
want some motivation to be pro life, this is what
we're up again. I like to think of my uterus
as the deep end of a pool at a water park.
No children allowed, but if they end up there, they die.
That's a real person. These are the people we fight against.

Now we can't lock that person up or anything like that,
but what we can do is fight as hard to
save the babies as people like that fight to kill them.
That's what preborn is. How do we fight back? How
do I fight back? Get that email all the time, Jesse?
How do I fight back? I want to fight back?
What do I do? I've got to do something. Well,

Preborn's right there. Do you want to be pro life?
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woman in ultrasound, you're saving a life. Twenty eight bucks

Go to preborn dot com slash Jesse preborn dot com
slash Jesse sponsored by Preborn. The Jesse Kelly Show. It
is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, only like
ten minutes away from Medal of Honor Monday, just kind
of going over the whole Israel Iran thing. What we're

dealing with here. It's a big old frigging mets. Okay,
so Iran ends up responding. They're launching cruise missiles, they're
launching drone strikes, they're launching this, they're launching that, and
everything gets blocked everything. Now, I'm going to set that

particular part aside for a moment. Where are we today? Well, today,
what we know is the Bide administration did two things.
They have told the Israelis not to respond. We know
that they've essentially said, well here here did he warn
Israel not to respond? Did he say take the win?

As has been reported, I think.

Speaker 3 (31:24):
The President was again very clear with Prime Minister netnyah
who about the success that they enjoyed last night, and
they impact that that success.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
Ought to have. What are they what are they doing?
What's what's happening the Biden administration. They told net and
Yah who, They told Israel because Israel can ben the
War Council right away. They told net and yah who
don't respond at all, don't respond at all. No, you
already won, you blocked them all. Don't respond at all.
That's what they said. Now that's also being reported today.

And look, I can't confirm this, but I will say
it's been reported by Reuters, by the Jerusalem Post. This
is not something I just pulled out of my head.
You know, it's not something I heard from a guy
who heard from a guy. A lot of news organizations
are reporting this, that the Biden administration that they were

given a heads up ahead of time that Iran wanted
to attack Israel, and that they essentially green lit the
whole thing, that they okayed it provided Iran didn't go
too far. All right, So let's just assume that these

things being reported are true, and that's quite an assumption
in the world of lies. Like you and I live in. So,
Iran is sitting there, Israel's beating the crap out of Hamas.
Iran feels obligated to respond. But Iran, they're in a
dangerous situation. Domess why the moolaws are not popular. They're

having all these protests that are getting more and more
widespread in their country. Remember Iran, it's not full aha,
my voice cracked. It's not full of a bunch of
Jihadis who want to blow you up. Yes, there are
plenty of them in Iran, but Iran has a huge
population full of people who want freedom, who actually like
the West. Iran is an interesting place and the mulahs

are having to keep these people under control. So they
need to pop Israel in the mouth. But what they
can't afford to do is have Israel pop back because
If Israel pops back, they're gonna they're gonna hit something
hard that Iran values. It's not gonna be some token strike.
Hey we took out a fishing boat in the harbor,

don't make us come back. Israel's gonna take out something
that matters to you, like a way you produce oil
or something like that. Israel doesn't play games with that stuff.
Iran can't afford that, because you can't afford massive economic
dislocation at a time when you're already having trouble controlling
your citizens. That's a problem for Iran. So what they

did was through back channels, direct channels. We don't know
all the details. Iran got ahold of America and said, hey,
we need to attack Israel, and America said, oh, okay,
well that's fine, just hat nothing major. We don't want
a bunch of people to die, but nothing major, but yeah,

go ahead, Iran does it. Israel and America's missiles brought
them down. America's didn't do much. You should know, only
about five percent from what I understand. We're never going
to get an exact number on this, but a tiny percentage,
five to ten percent of the missiles that were shot down,
were shot down by America. Israel's Iron Dome and all
kinds of missile defense systems. They shot that stuff down

for the most part. And now the Biden administration steps
in immediately calls net and Yahu and says, hey, congratulations,
the win was detained. He warn Israel not to respond.
Did he say take the win? As has been reported?

Speaker 3 (35:06):
I think the President was again very clear with Prime
Minister Netya who about the success that they enjoyed last night,
and they impact that that success ought to have.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
Okay, so we're taking we're just analyzing this, we're taking
the emotion out of it. Who benefits Who benefited from
all this? Well? Iran did the Iranian regime did? They
looked good for their people. Their people needed to see
missiles in the sky. Their people needed to see that.
And now Iran gets to go back to their people

and said, we tried to kill those Jewish dogs, but
America stepped in. Death to America, and then their people
can be oh, yeah, death to America. So Iran actually
did they came out fine? Who else came out fine?
What does the Biden administration want? We've talked about this
a million times. What do they actually want when it
comes to Israel and Palestine and moss what do they want?

They wanted to go away. They don't give a crap.
They don't give a crap. Who wins loses that. They
don't think in terms like that. They think in terms
of domestic policy. They need this to go away, so
they win. But who doesn't Israel? Israel as a nation,
they have to respond. You, as an American citizen, even

if we didn't have this big, powerful, juggernaut country, if
we were a small country, If you were a citizen
of l Salvador and whatever country launched missiles at you,
you would demand your government respond in some way. It
wouldn't be enough to just block the missiles. Part of
the reason to be a citizen is you would demand

a response. So America's politicians it worked out well for them.
Iran's politicians it worked out well for them. Israel's politicians
have their hands cuffed, I believe, And there would have
to be a lot to happen to make this a reality.
But I believe we are at the very beginning of

allies changing on the world stage. I believe that Israel
will not be an official American ally fifty years from now,
I see that changing allies, being one being one to
someone else, having someone else be one to you. It

can oftentimes be a negative and not a positive. And
this world is changing, and I just see things changing
fast on the world stage and we're going to be
alive for it to watch it. So anyway, Chris said,
does Israel benefit that much? You know what, we will
discuss that after we do Metal of Honor money, We'll
go back and discuss this ally thing. Who benefits, Why

that's good, why that's bad. We have a lot more
to get to you. Hang on
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