All Episodes

April 17, 2024 37 mins

They are more organized and funded than you think. Shooting protesters. Savannah Hernandez and the mass migration of African into New York City. FISA got approved to the surprise of anyone who doesn’t listen to the show. The GOP’s slight majority in the house. The tangible and not so tangible benefits of running the committees.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jessie
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Tuesday. And
there is no possible way we are going to get
to everything that's on the show over the next three hours.

But here's what we're going to attempt to tackle tonight.
A bunch of illegals from Africa swarm New York City's
City Hall. What how do these things happen? There's more
to this than meets the eye. We will talk about that.
We're going to talk about communists seizing choke points. Why
is it being reported the number of homicides is down?

Why are they lecturing you that the economy's good. Why
it's actually a bad thing, that cops aren't killing more people.
I'm not kidding about that. I will describe that they're
gonna ouse the speaker. All that, so much more coming
up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show. I
want to begin here first and foremost. There in this

day and age, there's a ton of information, loads and
loads and loads of information, information from every angle, from
every side, from honestly, it's all over the place. The
very concept of journalism has actually changed because you yourself.

If you had a little desire to do so, could
be a journalist. Just take some hard work reading through
things online. I was speaking to a guide. This is
going to come back to this huge protest today and
swarming city Hall and everything. I was talking to a
good friend of mine. He is well known. You've probably
read his stuff. I don't have permission to relay this conversation,

so I'm going to keep him anonymous. But he is
one of these guys who's always finding things out. He's
always finding out, Wow, this congressman is he's linked to
this terrorist group and whatnot. And he's just always finding
things out. And I said, I remember were having dinner
one night. We're actually in DC. We're having dinner one night,
and I asked him, Hey, how do you find all
this stuff out? Do you have surely you have some

kind of special training or something. Are you Are you
wire tapping people's phones? What is this advance super ninja?
Just stuff that you do? And he said, Jesse, I
read And I said, I'm sorry what he said. No,
you don't understand. Everyone thinks I have some special talent. Here.
I go read things that are publicly available for everybody.

I watch videos other people don't watch, and someone writes something.
I read it, all earn things, and then I report
on them, and you think to yourself, wow, there are
people all over the place doing it, but there's not.
There's just this guy. You see. Normal people now can
bring information to the masses. Now, that's good and it's bad.

We'll set aside the reasons it's good for a moment.
I like that there are citizen journalists and things like that.
One of the reasons it can be bad. That it
is bad, though, is there's actually too much information coming
at us. We now block out things and we can't
see things clearly as a natural human response to all

the information. Actually, one of my buddies, one of my
good buddies, is a good example of this. Luis is
his name. He's my best friend. He has this habit
that's the most annoying thing in the world where he
will just stop listening. We will be it'll be a
couple's dinner night or something like that, and he will
be thinking of something or whatnot, and you can be

staring him right in the eye and explaining something and
he will have not heard a word and you asked
him about it. And he said, I'm sorry. I grew
up in a house with like ten kids. Everyone was
screaming and yelling at all times. I had to learn
how to block out the noise. That's what the American
people have done with the volume of information coming at us.

We have learned to block out so much, and now
we don't see things we should see. What have you
seen over the last twenty four to forty eight hours
in the United States of America. The big story, of
course today is the swarming of city Hall. And by
the way, Savannah Hernandez was there on the ground talking
to people. She's going to be joining us about twenty

minutes from now to tell us what did you see
in city Hall? What happened today? But set that aside.
You've seen the swarming of city Hall. You saw dirty
comedies blocking the route to o Hair Airport in Chicago.
You saw them shut down the Golden Gate freaking bridge
for hours. All of a sudden, all this stuff has
just boom appeared. Do you know that it's all organized?

Did you know that paid for? Most people don't know.
They can't recognize when they're seeing an op, when they're
seeing an operation because of the volume of information. People
are unable to process what they're seeing because there's so

much information out there. I remember this during the Saint
George Floyd protests, Antifa and the BLM and all all
the different comedy street animals that were burning down America,
And remember how widespread they were, like instantly, how weird
it was that it went. It was in Minneapolis for
what a day? Two days? And then boom, wait they're fire.

I'm in cop cars in New York. What how did
it get to New York? You wasn't even in hold on,
they're shooting people in Atlanta. How did that happen? Well,
it was paid organized. Here's a headline for you. I
just want everyone to understand what you see and how
often times, especially when you see patterns, there's a reason

headline left wing. This is Curtesy of Free Beacon, left
wing dark money behemoth is behind the bail fund for
Free Palestine bridge blockers. Let me ask you, have you
ever heard of a fifteen action? A fifteen action? You

haven't heard of it? Have you? Don't think that you're stupid?
I'd never heard of it before I started digging into this.
What is this group? I actually think they have a
dot org website, a fifteen action. Well, what they are
it's a communist front group? Who does the paying for it?
When no one knows yet? Who's organizing it with no

one knows yet. There's no about me section on the page.
As my buddy Julio Rosas told me when I was
asking him about it, it's a communist front group. What
have they been doing? Organizing protests in New York City, Chicago,
San Francisco, Philadelphia, organizing the protests with the promise that

if you're a dirty street animal and you actually get
arrested in one of these jurisdictions, you don't have to
worry about bail money, you don't have to worry about
attorney fees. They will step in and handle all of
this stuff for you. And this is the stuff we need,
right wing red ags and Congress, to be honest with you.

Digging in now, so much of what we see, we
tend to think is it's natural. It's just a bunch
of durin street communists. All these people are on drugs,
and yes, a lot of that stuff is true. But
when you see a pattern, when you see an organizational pattern,
well wow, they're storming City Hall the same day they

shut down the Golden Gate Bridge. That should set off
alarm bells from now on in your mind that this
is not some organic thing. It's got the language of
theo unheard. It is paid and organized. Communists pay, communists organize.

The people who are tearing apart our society have a plan.
They are planning, they are paid, they are committed, and
they are organized. And we have to understand that or
we will never be able to take these people on ever.
And sadly, as I attempt to kind of switch gears here,

although that's not what I'm doing, sadly we are not
ready to take on this level of organization. We are
getting better, don't get me wrong, not being Debbie down here.
We're getting better, We're getting ready. We're slowly progressing towards
where we should be as anti communists. But we're not

there yet. We are not there yet. Because even the right,
the people on the right who should know, people who
dig into these things, who read, they won't talk about it,
or they simply don't acknowledge what they're seeing is real.
The right has a very very difficult time acknowledging the

reality of what they actually face the right sees a
big protest of some Hamas love and freaks in New
York City in the Humba, and they may say to themselves,
I disagree. They may say those people are crazy, those
people are misled. All these people are America haters. And
they may say all these things. But what they can't

do is make the obvious next mental step and say
to themselves, wait a minute, these people are organized. These
people are paid for. Palettes of bricks didn't miraculously just
appear on America's streets during the Saint George Floyd protests.

They were paid for, organized and transported by communists. This
is a challenge we must dig into, and that look,
I'm gonna set this aside, so we're gonna get back
into this with Savannah Hernandez in like fifteen minutes. Just
want you to understand, when you see a pattern, a
specific language pattern, a specific protest pattern, there is almost

always an organized, paid for group or groups behind it.
All right, all right, Now we have our own groups
who do wonderful things, groups like tunnel to Towers. We
are actually going to discuss law enforcement tonight. We're gonna
discuss policing. What's happening out there, the homicide numbers, How

the homicide numbers. In fact, we're gonna do this next,
how it translates into police desks. We're gonna have a
very uncomfortable conversation next. Before we have that uncomfortable conversation, though,
let's remember when you send a cop off to work
and he doesn't come home. It's a headline for you
and me. It's a life altering event for the woman,

the man, the child left behind. Tunnel to Towers is
there for those people in a tangible way, helping them out.
They're building them an entire community in Florida, paying off mortgages.
That's where you're eleven dollars a month goes. So go
give t the number two T dot org. T two

t dot org. We'll be back. You're listening to the
Jesse Kelly Show. You're welcome. It is the Jesse Kelly
Show on a Tuesday, only like ten minutes away from
Savannah Hernandez. She's gonna give us kind of the view
from the ground, what was going on today, these protests.

She's always good about that. We have so much we're
going to get to in this show. Why are they
having a Oh my goodness, why is this small red
town having a drag parade. We'll talk about that. What's
happening at the FAA is something that involves all of us.
But before we do that, I want to get to this.
I am sure that people will be offended across the

United States of America. So let me remind everyone of
two things. One, you are welcome to email me your
hate and that you hate me and you're never listening
again and whatnot or don't care. I enjoyed reading them,
so you're welcome to email them in Jesse at jessekellyshow
dot com. Love, hate, death threats. You can send it
all in. It's fine. I even keep you anonymous, even

death threats. It's fine. So that's one.

Speaker 2 (12:59):

Speaker 1 (13:02):
I don't care that you're offended. In fact, if you're
not offended, that probably means you're never challenged. If you're
never offended, you're never challenged mentally. So let me do
this for you. There's an article out from The Spectator
which I like, and the articles titled there will be

No George Floyd two point zero blah blah blah blah blah.
It's talking about how society itself has has moved on.
We're not gonna have We're not gonna have all this weaponized,
dirty commie civil rights quote. Civil rights action again, like
happened under George Floyd. Society soured on it. It didn't work.
We moved on. Someonell said all that stuff aside. All

that stuff maybe true. But the article goes on to
cite this, well, here's a direct quote from it. According
to Washington Washington Post's own shooting database, a total of
one hundred and sixty two unarmed black men have been
shot by police from twenty fifteen to twenty twenty three,
an average of eighteen in a year in a nation

of more than three hundred and thirty million. And it
talks about that as if it's a good thing. You
understand why that's not only a bad thing. It's a
deadly thing. Do you understand that? Allow me to explain,

I don't want any unarmed anybody shot by police. I
don't want any armed people shot by police of any
skin color. It's horrible. And most cops, ninety nine percent
of them, don't want that either. They don't want to
shoot someone. They don't want to kill somebody. I don't
want anyone to die at the hands of a criminal
or a cop. However, if you've only got eighteen unarmed

black men a year dying at the hands of police,
what it tells me is you're preventing cops from doing
police work in getting them killed. Would you like to
know how many cops have been killed over that same span,
two thousand of them? Why is this happening, Well, there

are a variety of different reasons. There are some good
reasons why fewer unarmed people are dying. There have been
advances in police work, no question. There have been advances
in non lethal no question about that, Thank you Berna
and others, there's no question. And beyond burna honestly being
bad roused, things like that are there are advances there.
But one of the main reasons quote, unarmed black men

aren't being shot by police at all, really in a
country that size, it's because we've handcuffed the police officers
who are now dying on the regular. Because nobody wants
to be the next Derek Chauvin rotting in state or
federal prison for a crime you did not commit. That's
the ugly part of this. Nobody wants to talk about

that statistic isn't a good thing. It sounds good. It's
a statistic you want to share with your friends at parties.
That statistic means cops are dying at the hands of
criminals in droves because of the rules we've put on them.
You know, here's a better way to put this. You
know how we honor the fallen in military training accidents.

We always have on the show. We always will. Helicopter
goes down, guy dies on the firing range in twenty
nine Poms, whatever it may be. We bring up their names,
We play taps for them. We honor the fallen because
it's horrible and it's tragic and it's bad. However, you
know that people should die in Marine Corps training, right

and if they're not dying, if you go through an
entire calendar year of training in the Marines, and that's
an entire calendar year of men running, jumping, climbing, falling, swimming,
moving parts, mechanical things, planes, helicopters, tanks, bombs, bullets, a
year of training in that. If nobody dies eyes, you're

not training. You're not training for war. You can't have
training in a profession like that without people getting hurt
and dying. And if you do, if you finish the
calendar and it said, well, no Marines have died in
training this year, well, obviously, on the surface, that's a
good thing. You don't want any marine to die. I

certainly don't. But if you're being honest, that means you
weren't training hard. In fact, you probably weren't training at all.
But we always accept the premise, the false premise of
the left. I don't accept the false premise. I don't
if we have that many, that few, I should say,

quote unarmed black men from the article being killed by
police officers. That doesn't tell me that we're quote not
killing unarmed black men. What it tells me is we
are killing police officers. We are across the United States
of America two thousand in the last eight years alone,
being slaughtered by this way of thinking. This way of

thinking is getting police officers killed. And you know, I'm
not one of these guys who just worships the cops
at every turn. They're never wrong. I'm the very opposite
of that. But there are ways to read things, honest
ways to read things, and we should be honest about things.
I'm sure that'll be wildly popular send in your email
Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Now let's find out

what happened with all these illegals from Africa today. Hang on,
Jesse Kelly Vaccian, it is the Jesse Kelly Show. What
is this weird freak music? Chris Lailow? Did Savannah pick
this on purpose? We need to talk to her about that.

Joining me now, Savannah Hernandez, investigative journalists out there putting
herself out there on the streets for us before we
get to a bunch of African illegals storm in New
York City Hall. Savannah, what kind of weird hippie music
was that?

Speaker 2 (19:06):
That's yes, So, Jesse, I have to introduce you to
him as an old boomer who's probably never heard of
him before. He is one of the greatest DJs he
currently had in the world. You're welcome, okay.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
And you're welcome okay. You know what. I am old.
My hair is falling out and I'm going gray. So
let's just focus on New York City Hall today. You
were there. We've all seen your video. Why I should
say I've seen your video? I guess it wouldn't do
any good to play anyone on radio, So tell people
what you saw.

Speaker 2 (19:35):
Absolutely, So I saw thousands of African migrant men in
front of City Hall in New York City. Now this
is such an interesting scene to happen upon because again
you would think that you were in Africa, you would
think that you were in any other country but the
United States of America. And the reason that they were
all convened there is because apparently there was a hearing

on how the city was going to be moving forward,
specifically regarding migrants from Africa. So the border crisis has
gotten so out of control in New York that we
are now having to categorize the people that we are
addressing here. So that's what was going on. That's why
they were there, and they heard that there was the
potential for green cards. Some of them were saying that

they were there to essentially plead for more resources from
the city, more housing, more foods, better living conditions. And
they were telling me as well that there was a
lot of miscommunication that basically the community of Guinea that
was in New York were just told to convenience City Hall.
That's what they were all doing there. It was an
absolute mess. And more importantly, ninety five percent of the

crowd were all single men and know they are not
here to seek asylum. I talked to multiple of these
people and they said, we are here for work, We
are here for again because New York is a sanctuary
city and they know they are going to have access
to all of the resources.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
Okay, Savannah, help me understand something. They were angry, they
were what are they trying for a green card? Why
so many people? It wasn't ten people. I saw your video.
There were swarms of them, thousands of them. Yep. You know.

Speaker 2 (21:14):
There's articles coming out now and the New York Post
gauge the number at thirteen hundred African men in front
of City Hall this morning. And they weren't angry. They
were just there to ask the city for resources. And
this is something that we've continued to see, whether it's
hordes of Venezuelans, you have people from all over the
world coming to New York because of the sanctuary city status. Now,

the interesting thing about these African migrants as well is
I was at an NGO yesterday and I'm sure your
audience has seen the videos of all of them lining
up in front of these churches waiting for somewhere to
go because Eric Adams implemented a new policy where instead
of getting to stay in hotels for an unlimited amount
of time, single men have thirty days. Except after that

thirty days they can just go to a city center essentially,
which is what these churches are now, and get a
different hotel. So none of them were leaving the city.
I even spoke to one who had the ability to
work with an ID that was given to him from
the City of New York, and yeah, why wouldn't you
leave because if you have any opportunity to do what

you want in the city.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
Okay, this is just it's unbelievable what's happening here? Speaking
with Savannah Hernandez, actual journalists doing journalism out there. Okay, Savannah,
I'm going to go back to something you talked earlier
about the categories. So that is something generally frowned upon
in this day and age, categorizing people here and categorizing
people there. But are African illegals not on the top

of the priority list for New York? And if not,
what does that mean?

Speaker 2 (22:50):
I guess it just means that the city of New
York is so racist. And you know, it's funny jesse Is.
There are a lot of liberal journalists in the crowd
as well that were like, I just don't understand why
they're putting africanran into their own category. I wonder why
that is basically trying to imply that on top of
them being illegal, they're also already experiencing the systemic racism

that hits every black American in this country. So there's
a lot of interesting angles going on. You know, it
was funny because I'm in front of city Hall. I'm
there with tw other journalists as well, actually think Claire
and Laura Lumer, and the city employee comes out and
goes what's going on? And Lord Lumer immediately goes, oh,
these illegals are here because they're looking for resources. The
guy immediately gets upset and says that is not a

nice thing to say and runs away. And I go
to confront him, and I say, why don't you like
the words illegals? Do you think that that's a mean word? Well,
do you also think it's mean that up to twelve
billion dollars of tax payer money from the citizens of
New York are going to go gort go towards people
that aren't even supposed to be here. I'm getting tongue
tied even talking about this issue because it's just so insane.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
Do you did you run into New Yorkers?

Speaker 2 (23:56):
Are there?

Speaker 1 (23:56):
I mean, were there any New Yorkers at City Hall?
And if you did, what do they feel about all this? Savannah?
I get the impression that New Yorkers are upset, but
not necessarily laying the blame at the feet of the
dirty commie Democrats who did this to them. But I'm
here in Houston today. I'm not in New York City
you are.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
I have spoken to New Yorkers because you know, I
love listening to the Americans experiencing these issues, And every
New Yorker I've talked to you so far is extremely
upset at what is happening. Because they go out on
their city streets they're filled with migrants. They are aware
of how much money, how many billions of dollars, are
being diverted to the illegal immigrants. I was speaking to

a New Yorker today that point out the roads aren't
getting fixed, the city is a mess, crime is rising,
and this money is being diverted to illegal immigrants. I
also saw a woman outside of this church where all
of these migrants were lined up and she was screaming
at them. She didn't want to be filmed, and she said,
I am extremely upset that these migrants are here and
I'm not sill shouting at them today because one of

them just killed my granddaughter again out of respect for her,
and she didn't want to be filmed. She told me
stop filming. Stopped filming. But this is a direct quote
from a woman outside of one of these NGOs.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
Yesterday, Savannah, can you break down as best you can
for us the concept of NGO. Obviously you are knee
deep involved politically, so you get this, and you've been
all over the border stuff, you get this. But for
normal people, they don't understand what are these things? How
do they work, where do they get their money from?
What are these things?

Speaker 2 (25:30):
Sure so, an NGO stands for a non governmental organization
and it's essentially a way for the government to fund
illegal immigration without funding illegal immigration, if you will, because
they'll donate to these NGOs. And then the NGOs are
the ones that pay to bring in illegal immigrants to
shift them throughout the United States of America. MVN Inc.

Is a great example of one of these. Now the
Biden administration gave them one hundred and fifty million dollars.
And my whistle blower I reported on this last year
told me that the employees of NDM Inc. Were shipping
children throughout the United States of America and handing them
off to unvetted adults. These employees, because they did not
care about these children, was just handing these kids off

without even checking the ideas of the adults we were
handing the kids off to. So that is what an
NGO is in New York Here, for example, Saint Brigid's
is a church. It's a former Catholic church. The school
portion of it is now closed down, and the city
is utilizing it to reticket these migrants after they get
kicked out of hotel so they can be put into
a new hotel. So ngngos are essentially a way for

the federal government to pretend that they're not funding this
illegal immigration crisis.

Speaker 1 (26:41):
And just to clarify what you just said, funded by
you and me.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
Correct, yes, Jesse, let's not all forget that as tax
pay was just what yesterday.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
No one wanted to remind everyone where exactly their money
is going. Okay, Savannah, before I let you go. What
was that weirdo freak music that you you said I
should listen to because I'm old.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
Yes, so Jesse tis So. I'm just trying to keep
you a young and vibrant Okay, you'll thank me one day.
It'll help your hairline to stop receeding.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
All right, that's Savanna Hernandez. Go follow all of her stuff.
It is a bad hairline. But I'm not going to
listen to this Fiesta guy or whoever he is. Anyway,
let's move on because I have way too much to
get to. Let's deal with the story that's all over
the news right now. The Speaker of the House, Thomas Massey,

today came out and said, I'm done with this frigging guy.
He's not going to be the speaker anymore, this guy
being Mike Johnson. What do I think about this? Why
is all this happening? Well, let's talk in a moment.
Before we get to that, let's talk about you and life.
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and if you're a certain age, you understand that aches
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Aches and pains come with life. Dealing with them, how
we deal with them is important because we don't want

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dot com. We'll talk about this speaker nonsense next. He

doesn't care if you believe him, but he's right. Jesse Kelly,
it is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. Don't
forget if you missed any part of the show, you
can download the whole thing on iHeart, Google, Spotify, iTunes.
We are going to get to communist seizing choke points.

It's happening again, actually happening in my hometown, with the
hometown of my childhood. We will talk about that. I
might want to think twice before you book that next flight.
We have FAA news that's frightening. Why they keep talking
down to you about the economy, military matters so much more. Now,
let's deal with the big story of the day. Okay, First,

PISA went through. Now PISA getting passed surprised everybody except you. Why, well,
you know what's up. But we talked about it on
this show already. I told you at the very beginning
of the quote Phisa fight, what would happen that in
the end it would get passed. Now there are a

laundry there's a laundry list of reasons. Why. So let's
dig into those reasons because as of today, the House
GOP is getting ready to bounce Speaker of the House
Mike Johnson. Again, this was Thomas Massey this morning. Yes, yeah,
I asked him to resign.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
He said he would not, and then he said, well,
you're the one who's going to put us into this
because the motion is going to get called.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
Okay, anybody doubt.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
That the emotion will get called, and then he's going
to lose more votes than Kevin McCarthy. And I have
told him this in private, like weeks ago.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
Okay, Mike Johnson's days are numbered. Mike Johnson not going
to be speaking very much longer. The FI is a thing,
and the forum policy thing was a bridge too far.
I'll get to the foreign policy thing I'm talking about
in a moment. Here was Mike Johnson responding today.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
I am not resigning, and it is it is, in
my view, an absurd notion that someone would bring a
vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do
our jobs. Look, we have a very important mission here.
Our mission is very clear. The reason most of us,
I can speak for the House Republicans, the reason every
House Republican ran for Congress is because they wanted to

come here and help to save this beleaguered Republic of ours.
We want to save the country. We believe that we're
in an existential moment. We really do. This is a
civilizational moment. It's a it's a moment where we're going
to decide in this election cycle, which vision we have
for the country.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
Okay, all right, let's deal with what's going on. What's
going on is this the House of Representatives has a
very very tiny majority, but they do have a majority.
Now here's something we get with the majority, and you
should understand there is benefit to this. Even me, as

much as I hate these low life rhino low tis scum,
I have to admit there is a benefit to this.
When you are the majority, when there are more Republicans
than Democrats in the House, and vice versa. When there
are Democrats, even if there's just one more, doesn't have
to be a large majority. What that gives you is

control of the committees. Remember this, control of the committee's
The House of Representatives shouldn't generally be thought of as
one gigantic body, although that's how they vote on things.
The House of Representatives is a bunch of different committees.
Your congressman, if you go look him up right now,
your congressman is on almost undoubtedly several committees. Some you

may not even be aware of, what the Ways and
Means Committee. That's a very powerful committee, by the way.
What he's on the Armed Services Committee another very powerful committee.
They're on committees. When you have the majority in the House,
what it allows you to do is set the agenda

for the committees. So, for instance, they're all over the
news right now, the House Judiciary Committee, the House Judiciary Committee.
The big cheese on that is Jim Jordan. Why has
all of this ugly information about the Biden administration and
the Biden crime family and things like that. Why is

that information now publicly available to you? Why have you
heard audio cuts on this show about it that you've
watched video cuts on the news? Why has that information
been available to you and the general public. It's been
available to you in the general public because Jim Jordan
is the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He sets
the agenda, and he's the one dragging these people in

front of the Judiciary Committee and asking them the questions
and well, it's not tangible. It's not throwing federal employees
in prison, which is where they belong. And what I
would prefer and what you would prefer. There is a
benefit to it. Keep that in mind. There is a
benefit to dragging Merrit Garland in front of the House

of represent There's a benefit to dragging Alejandro Majorcis in
front of the House of Representatives. And in case you're wondering, yes,
I have audio from Garland today, I have audio from
majorcas today. I have all kinds of audio. I'm going
to get to next hour. But before we get to that, understand,
even if you don't get a single law passed, and

they haven't not a good one anyway, there is a
benefit to being in the majority. So let's acknowledge that
there is a benefit. Now, what have we dealt with? Well,
since Mike Johnson has taken over, the government has been
fully funded every single nickel, even Chuck Schumer has signaled

his approval of Mike Johnson and his big spending ways.
Faiza has gone through. Essentially every Democrat wish list item
has been funded and prettymum much funded in full by
the quote GOP controlled House of Representatives. Now, why are

the leadership people in the GOP constantly selling us down
the river? Well, two different reasons. One will set aside
the ones who are compromised, because we'll never know that
who's being blackmailed by the FBI to approve of their
full funding. I don't know some of them, definitely, how
many I don't know, might be five, might be one

who might be fifty of them. I don't know, So
let's set aside what we don't know for now and
deal with what we do know. What we do know
is there is an older way of thinking that is
very prevalent in the GOP, and it was the dominant
way of thinking in the GOP for the entirety of

my life, for the entirety of my forty two years
on this planet. The way of thinking in the GOP
was the United States of America has to quote, spread
freedom everywhere abroad. That has been the way of thinking.
We are not a nation that's going to mind our
own business. Wherever there are people who need them to

fight for freedom, we will send in the Marines, a
very neo conservative way of thinking. Well, you may love
that way of thinking, you may be dismissive of it,
but it is a fact that has dominated the party.
And as such, the older, more well heeled gopeers love
to talk like the world is on fire and history

will judge us by our actions. Were you Chamberlain or
were you Churchill? These freaking losers? All right, now, let's
discuss that in a moment. Before we do that, let's
discuss Fred do you know that, Fred, he had to
go get He has this hair and it's really weird
and it can get madded, and you have to brush

him all the time, and then eventually, like once a month,
we have to take him in and have it professionally
done to make sure his hair doesn't get mad at.
It's a huge pain in the rear end. But you
know he used to have accidents in there all the time.
No embarrassing, that was show up. Yeah, Fred out a
digestive problem is awful. It's awful. He never has those

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