All Episodes

April 18, 2024 36 mins

What even is a book box and why should you care? A wildfire of freedom starting in the countryside. Eric Ciaramella and the impeachment of Donald Trump. Forget late stage, what does an end stage republic look like? They are still trying to sell you the lie that the economy is great even as your savings dry up. Even more suspicious activities from the government over J6.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Another hour, final hour
of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday, a Hope Day. Remember,
if you miss a single second of the show, you'll die.
So you have to download the pocket what Chris, you
have to download the podcast of it if you missed
it at iHeart, Google, Spotify, iTunes. Once again, I want

to show some love tonight to the great wl v
L thirteen forty am Buffalo, New York has been the
coolest station for the longest time and they have since
picked up the show. Love you, guys, appreciate you very
very much. Now, before we get back to these calls,
which I'm gonna get to here in just a second.
John Eastman. You heard of John Eastman most haven't it.

If you're a super political nerd.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
You have.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
But what you need to know is John Eastman he
was once an attorney for Trump. Now he started digging
into stuff for Trump, advising him about the twenty twenty election.
What happened from there, It doesn't matter really what he did,
but just know he was a Trump guy in the
Trump orbit. And that's some fruitcake. Really really had an

outstanding reputation, and I made sure I made some calls
about this before I started talking about him. Really had
a great reputation. This is not some idiot, it's a
very sharp guy. You ever heard of D banking getting
d banked, Well, it is exactly what it sounds like.
You see your bank calls you up and says, hey,

that money you have, get it out of our bank.
You're not allowed to do business here anymore. That sounds
like some crazy stuff you might see in China. Right
That happened to John Eastman Bank of America. And wrap
your mind around this one. USAA shut down his accounts,

lawsuits in the works, in everything right now, I don't
want to I'm not going to dwell on this. I
just want you to understand that's who these people are.
And remember this is not a pendulum swing. This is
another thing that the right has tried to convince itself
for the longest time that they're going too far. Wait
a minute, they're going too far. This is going to

swing back. They're going too far. No, they're moving forward,
not backward, forward, always forward. Unless we start getting serious
about fighting back, about getting involved in the corporate world
as well, then it gets worse from here, all right,
So d banking is something that just right now, it's

something people don't care about as much because they hit
kind of this fringe guy or that fringe guy you
don't know about. It's like when social media, and when
social media decided they were going to really get into
the banning of people's social media accounts, you know, if
you have Facebook or Twitter or whatever you happen to have.

And they would do this regularly as soon as the
commies started digging in. If you would do something so
dangerous as questioning the vaccine or something, boom gone, boom gone,
boom gone. But they would normally stick with people who
didn't have big platforms. You know, they wouldn't come after me.
They come after Chris because his platform isn't as big,
can't make as big of a stink. And then they

started to dip their toe in the water with the
bigger platforms. I remember it like it was yesterday when
they bounced Alex Jones. Alex Jones account gone. They were testing,
they were testing, and I remember so many people on
the right came out because they don't like Alex Jones. Ah, God,
screw Alex Jones. He's a nut job or whatever, and
I screamed back. I actually wrote an article bauck this

back then, even though I'm a terrible writer. I wrote
an article and explained, it's not about Alex Jones. I
don't care if you hate his freaking guns. It doesn't matter.
They're figuring out what they can get away with, and
they're liking the results, and sure enough, they'll be old.
Fifteen minutes later, Donald Trump, the sitting President of the
United States of America, account gone period. It moves that way,

and it will continue to move that way until we
legally and locally start punching communists in the nose. Legally
and locally, and when I say punching them in the nose,
I mean taking their power away from them. Run these
people off your school board, out of your city council,
out of the city parks department, run them out of

the public library system, run them out of the If
they're teachers, get them fired in your school. If you
have a commed teacher in your local school, get that
person fired. It will take aggressive action, anti communist action
to defeat these people. I promise you this cross my
heart and hope to die you cannot live and let
live your way out of communism. That's not how it works.

It has never been done before that it will never
be done. All right, let's churn and burn through these.
Chris Florida, go.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
Hello, Chris Hello.

Speaker 2 (05:11):
All right, that's all I can do. Brody Atlantic, go.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
Hey, hefey. I think the USS Harvey Milk is a
totally appropriate name to carry sailors. So I've been seeing
these book I've been seeing these book boxes pop up
are all around my purple area in the red state
of Georgia. And you know that liberal aunt Peggy is
stuffing those things with all of the books that my
school board won't allow in the library. Go hi, oh uh,

let them go ahead, Brod Boo, let them eat.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
I can do that.

Speaker 4 (05:46):
Turn off.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
They these book boxes he's talking about. This is another
little way again, these these things. These fighting back is
up to us. It's up to us. It's not up
to Congress. They can't do what they won't do it.
It's up to us. You see these all over the
place in my area as well. This is a very
common thing, and this is a way communists have wormed
their way into society. They do this stuff all the time.

It's very innocuous, isn't it. There's a box. In case
you've never seen one, there's a box, eh phone booth.
I realized I just dated myself. Ah, let's call it
about five feet tall, about four feet wide. At least
that's the ones I've seen. And it's just a box,
it enclosed box. It's out in public. You go open
it up, and it's full of books. What are these

books for? Well, of course they're free. Anyone can have them.
Isn't that a wonderful com isn't that a wonderful concept?
Free books? But this is how it works. The communists
will have these things put up, and the communists will
fill these things with their free books. We don't even
know about them for the most part, most people don't.

I just found out about these I think a year
or two ago. We don't even know about them. And
then when we do find out about them, we kind
of dismissed the concept. Oh what kind of hippie garbage
is that? But what we should be doing is filling
these things up with our books. Every single one of
these things should have ten copies of the Anti Communist Manifesto,

which can be purchased at Jesse kellybook dot com. No,
I'm kidding, I'm joking. Don't go buy a bunch of
my books and put it in there. It was a
shameless plug. I'm joking, But seriously, our books should be
in there. But this is a way. Remember, you can
never match the communist in his commitment to destruction. Let's
just be clear about that. I can't match the communists

and his commitment to destruction because it's his religion. It's
never going to be your religion, and it should not be.
It's a sick, disgusting religion. It should not be. So
you're not going to match his commitment. But we do
have to try to close that gap. Even if you've
known of these things, these public book things, I bet
you've driven by them. I bet you've seen them. Did

you ever did you even once think to yourself, Wow,
those are probably political. I bet those are used for
pushing left wing propaganda. I bet if I go up
to that thing, I bet if I open it up,
I'll find a child's book about why he should be
a tranny? Did you even think about that?

Speaker 3 (08:16):

Speaker 2 (08:16):
I didn't. The first time I heard about him, I didn't.
But the communist. The communist sees that thing, and immediately
he sees a way to grab more power. He sees
a way to destroy because his religion is the revolution
now and always, that's his religion. Now take heart in this.

These people are really, really, really stupid. They're committed, but
they're really stupid. This is becca balance of Vermont. Are
you a specialist and infectious diseases?

Speaker 6 (08:49):
I am board certified in internal medicine, and internal medicine
doctors take care of a wide variety of shit. Are
you a specialist?

Speaker 2 (08:58):
I asked a very specific question. Are you a specialist
and infectious diseases?

Speaker 6 (09:03):
So I am board certified intern Okay, The answer.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
I guess is no, which is okay.

Speaker 5 (09:08):
We're moving on.

Speaker 2 (09:09):
Are you a specialist in epidemiology? I see where you're going.
You are not a specialist in epidemiology?

Speaker 6 (09:18):
Have PhD training and epidemiology and biostatistics?

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Are you That moron is questioning Florida's big cheese surgeon,
Joseph Lappado Lopado, Joseph lad whatever his name is. He's
freaking awesome, and he just goes on to completely embarrass her. Remember,
the communist is committed but the communist is a moron.

Take heart in that, all right, we have more before
we get to that. Speaking of medicine, what do you
do when you hurt? When you wake up in the
morning and your shoulder hurts, What do you do when
your hamstring hurts?

Speaker 6 (09:57):
What do you do?

Speaker 2 (09:58):
I know what I have done for my entire life.
I grab, I be profen. And I don't even like medication.
I already naturally don't like it. But I grab, I
be profe. That's what I do. That's what I've always done.
I be profen. It's terrible for you. These things, these
things in the pill bottles are terrible for you. We
need to find natural ways to deal with the pain
that comes with life. That's what relief Factor is. Relief

Factor is the natural way to help your body fight inflammation.
Four key drug free, all natural ingredients. It was created
by doctors. You know how well relief factor works. Here's
how well it works. What do they sell? Three week
quick start kits. They're nineteen dollars and ninety five cents.

You take it every day, you'll call an order more
seventy percent of the people who get the three week
quick start kit have such relief from the pain that
plagues them. They call an order more. Do you want
to be one of those people? One eight hundred the
number four leef call and get some all right, or
you can go to relief Factor dot com. We still

have a lot left. Hang on, miss catch up Jesse
kellyshow dot com. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on
a Wednesday. Did you get a load of this little doozy.
I'll get to the calls for the second. You want
to talk about how the system works and this is why,

this is why we will not save the nation from DC.
And that's not that our elections, our federal elections don't matter.
Your congressman is critically important. Your senator is critically important.
Your president is critically important. I'm not dismissing those things,
but man, you talk about the swamp. People seem to
forget with all this impeachment talk today that Trump was

impeached twice from within his own government. He was the
top executive. He was impeached twice by his own people.
This is a doozy. Have you ever heard of the
name Eric cr Mela? Eric Crmela, who was he well

in twenty nineteen, he was a National Intelligence Council analyst.
You probably haven't heard the name, but he was the
one who kicked off the impeachment of Donald Trump from
inside Trump's own government. And well, I'll just go ahead
and read the headline here, or you can go read

the whole report. It's an outstanding report courtesy of real
clear investigations. I want to make sure they get credit
for it. The whistleblower who sparked Donald Trump's first impeachment
was deeply involved in the political maneuverings behind the Biden
family business schemes in Ukraine that Trump wanted probed. A
newly obtained emails from former Vice President Joe Biden's office reveals,

to break it down in a very simple way, this
man was helping the Biden crime family rake in tons
of cash from Ukraine. Member. Let's do keep in mind
Joe Biden, as Vice President, was put in charge essentially
of Ukrainian affairs. His son, Hunter Biden, got an eighty
thousand dollars a month job on the board of an

energy company. He has no energy experience. Joe Biden is
on camera bragging about getting a prosecutor fired. That prosecutor
was looking into the company that hired hunter Biden. Donald
Trump takes a phone call from Ukraine. All of a sudden,

an impeachment is kicked off and Donald Trump was impeached
over this. He wasn't removed, but he was impeached over this.
And it all came from inside the federal government. If
you want to think of it this way, this is
how I think of it. You know, you've ever seen
those pyramid diagrams. I never really understood the whole point

of them. But you've seen the pyramid diagrams. Whether you
have the base of the base is a certain thing,
and then you go a little ways up and that
next section is a certain thing. You've seen those before, Chris,
you know what I'm talking about. Did you go to school, Chris?
What school did you do?

Speaker 4 (14:16):

Speaker 2 (14:17):
The food pyramid, yes, Chris, yes, absolutely, with no shellfish
on there for you, but yes, the food pyramid.

Speaker 3 (14:22):

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Of course, when you think about our government, think about
the president as if he's the tippy tippy tippy top section.
And that's good. You want that tippy top section. However,
at a federal level, everything underneath that section belongs to
the left. Everything that's quite a swamp to drain is

it not all right? It's turn and burn through these
things faster than I have been, Johnny Jersey, go boss you.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
I'm a pure talk customer. So I drop a bomb
on the twrking trainees.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
Oh I can't. I don't have the bomb thing anymore.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
They rounding automatic rifle.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Then yes, sir, Johnny.

Speaker 3 (15:07):
Don't get me wrong. Rush Limbaugh deserved the Metal of Freedom,
but not for his radio persona, but his civic activities,
including the moneies he raised for veterans and their families.
But he should have been pushing legal and local years
before you even started doing radio. You get straight to
the point, not about your gun collection, which I'm sure

includes nineteen eleven and M nine, definitely an AR fifteen
and maybe a Turkey sh ar twelve with the forty
shell magazine. Rush would stray consume it continuously about the
Eid Vaughan and his iPhone. So although you go off
on history, which is entertaining, it's also insightful, and you
have put a strategy together to use our majority from

the roots out. That's all well.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
Listen, Rush is the greatest who has ever done it.
He's the greatest who will ever do it. There will
never be another one. I am not fit to tie
his shoes. He was just that incredible of a communicator
and a thinker of teaching us how to think about things. Now,
here's what I will say about that. And I appreciate

the compliment, I do, But here's what I will say
about that. You know something about you. You know that
you're not here by accident, right, And this is what
I mean. I'm not doing this Tony Robbins thing. You
were created by God, and you were created by God
to live in this exact time. I actually have to
remind myself of this when I lament the times we're in.

I look around and I think to myself, Gosh, everything's
so gross. Just take me back your fifty years not
ancient history, so I can live in that and everything's
more normal. But if God wanted me to live fifty
years ago, then he would have maybe alive fifty years ago.
God made me for this time. God made you for
this time, and that applies to the people in the past.

Is well. God made rush for his time, for his time.
He was perfect for that. Times changed, though, And that's
kind of a theme we've been talking about so much
tonight on the show about how we're ranting and raven.
They're not going to impeach ma Orcus. They should impeach Majorcas.
It's not constitutional. Yeah, but we're not in a constitutional time.

Those days are gone. They're gone, Tom Tampa go.

Speaker 4 (17:30):
Yeah, Jesse, your point about the Constitution in your pocket
is worthless. I couldn't agree more and I couldn't agree
more about we need these big guards around us now.
So my question is real, real simple. It's this, we're
in a late stage republic. You have used that term
more than once.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
At what point and I want.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
To hear your answer and what it looks like? At
what point do we transition from a late stage republic
to an end stage republic? And what does that even
look like?

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Okay, that's actually a really good question. What does it
look like if we're towards the end or at least
we're on the back nine, and then let's hope we're
not towards the end. Right, I want my kids to
have this country. Let's assume we're on the back nine.
What's the transition look like? How do we know it's over? Okay,
let's talk about that. Before we talk about that, let's
talk about this you hear what the last two callers

mentioned when I went to them, they mentioned Pure Talk.
Now on this show, we believe in fighting communism everywhere,
not just in Congress, not just in the school boards,
not just in those free book boxes. Corporate America now
that they've chosen to get involved in this culture war
we're in, they are now a battleground for us where

we spend and don't spend our money matters. I had Verizon,
I had AT and T, I had T Mobile. I'm
as guilty as anybody. I've funded more communism than I
ever care to think about. I don't do it anymore,
though we switched to Pure Talk. When we switched to Puretalk,
we had the same five G service. Our bill got

cut in half. And now when I pay my cell
bill every month, I pay a company that loves me
and my values, in fact, that promotes me in my values.
Would you like to join me in that? Pick up
your phone dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly,
pound two five zero, Say Jesse Kelly, what does the

end stage look like? Hang on, I've got on anymolysidn't mean,
says Jesse Kelly. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Reminding you you can
email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Running
against the wind, that's what it's like, working with Chris

every single day, running against the tornado over here. Nevertheless,
we persist, all right. So I had a question, if
we're a late stage republic, if things are kind of
coming apart on us a little bit, what's the end
look like. What's it look like when it's over. Well,
let's be clear about this, we don't know exactly what

that's going to look like. For the Romans, it looked
like Caesar marching his army back towards Rome. Remember this
was a post law Rome. They were getting ready to
ring him up on all kinds of charges. Caesar decided, well,
I can march my army there, or I can die,
and he chose to march the army, and then Caesar

took over. And everyone knows about Caesar getting stabbed. But
then after that there was this huge power struggle with
Mark Antony and all these others in Rome, and they
ended up having to fight this huge war over the
whole thing. But none of that really matters at the
end of all that, all the assassinations and the wars
and the death and the misery, and that's when Rome

became an empire. Are ruled by all the emperors, you know,
you know, the Neros and the Caligulas and the Claudiuses
and those types. That's when Roman in Rome turned into
an empire. But remember when it comes to things like that,
we when we read books about it, or maybe you
watch documentaries or listen to podcasts, how do you prefer
to consume your history. It seems like such a short timeframe,

because look, I did a Roman republic to empire thing.
It was at the beginning of this hour when I
did that, Chris or Last Hour whatever. I don't remember
when I did. I did it on the show at
some point I think I did it in ten minutes.
Well I'm talking about a span of two hundred years,
but I did it in ten minutes, So it sounds
really fast. Okay, there were with the law, and then
there was Pompy Magnus and a couple of people got stabbed,
and now it's an empire. What we're going through right

now is a process, a long process that can be reversed. However,
when I talk about legal and local when I talk
about you getting involved locally. Stop driving by your school board,
start running for school board, stop driving by city hall,
start stopping in city hall. Get yourself on committees, get

yourself involved. Put the books in the book things, all
the little things. When I talk about that, the reason
I talk about that is twofold one. I want to
save the United States of America the same way you
want to save the United States of America, and I
believe that that is the only chance we have. I
should put it that way. If we are going to
put Humpty Dumpty back together again, it's going to come

from outside DC. Fires of freedom spreading across the country
from outside DC, normal people getting involved. Chris, I'm not
going to do the Flamers for Freedom thing again. That
was I misspoke that time. Everyone ran with it because
the audience, they're terrible people. So I'm not saying that.
So anyway, I said twofold one, that's how we can

save the country, if it can be saved. But two,
if it cannot, if this thing just keeps going down
and down and down and down and down without end,
and let's be honest with each other. Historically, that's the
way it normally goes. If it keeps going down, well
that doesn't mean you're stuck. That doesn't mean you're finished.
That doesn't mean you got to pack it up and

move to Portugal. Screw Portugal. This is a huge country,
a country with states. States have a tremendous power, tremendous
infrastructure in this country. In Texas, we have our own
power grid. If you and I I have to do
the work too. If we put in the work and
we preserve our communities and from there by extension our

counties are states, then if things do go bad on
us as a nation, we will still have something wonderful.
I was actually talking to my oldest son about this
this morning. He was talking about how everything's were going,
how things are going. Kids aren't stupid. He's fifteen. He
watches the news, he sees what's happening, and he was
kind of talking, well, Dad, what do I do? Where
do we go? And I said, son, we stay right here.

We fight for our community, and you and the children
you're gonna have one day, the grandchildren you're gonna give
me can be fine. If we stay involved here. We
just have to take ownership of taking it back instead
of handing it off to the nearest politician. Hey, senator, idiot,
save us, Hey Trump, save us. That doesn't work that way.

They're not going to even if they were perfect people,
which they're not, because no man is, they couldn't do it. Mike,
Mississippi go.

Speaker 7 (24:30):
That we're a famous Jesse Kelly show. Jesse Kelly is
turning to the guy that he when he shows up
for where nobody asks him why he missed because he
missed so much. So but I was just curious that
I can't believe I'm asking you a food question after
you had the gall to say all these airways that

Carolina Barbecue is a ben You ought to be kicked
out of Texas for that statement. But I want to
know what you sai. Since you didn't get your sponsorship,
it looks like it's a little late. The brand. The
lobster declare and bankruptcy the most important news of the
day you haven't even.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
Talked about so well. I did talk about it for
your information, Mike. I don't know why you weren't hanging
on my every word, but I did address the red
Lobster news. In fact, Mike, let me let you know
You can download a podcast of the show on iHeart, Google, Spotify,
and iTunes, and don't forget on iTunes to leave a
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talking about how handsome I am. I did address the
Red Lobster news. I lamented the fact that the greatest
seafood restaurant in the history of America is going away.
And on a serious note, as I brought up before,
there's a lot that's going away right now. If you
look at the closures out there of stores across it
runs the gamut from Low's to Banks, to Red Lobster

to you name it. Stores are closing when in person
stores are closing a lot around the country. The country
is changing. When you have inflation like this, when you
have spending like this, when you're going through these things,
when they're picking us apart and looting the treasury, there
are going to be casualties. And you feel this in
your own life, don't you. Don't you feel this? You

look around you and you see it. You probably personally
see it. How often do you check your bank account? Now,
I bet it's on your phone. How often do you
check it? Have you made yourself stop yet? Looks rough,
doesn't it. We know, we know Chris, We know you
check yours ten times a day. Everyone is well aware.
Chris probably has his open now. It's probably open on
his work computer, moving just moving some money around or

something like that. But normal people, we're talking to everyone else.

Speaker 6 (26:44):

Speaker 2 (26:45):
You feel it, you feel what's happened, and then you
get headlines like this. This is from New York mag
Paul Krugman is right about the economy, and the polls
are wrong. This is from some goober named Jonathan Chait
and Krugman. He's one of those dirty commedy economists. He's
been telling everybody how great the economy is. Biden's been

taking this same tactic. Hey, the economy's great, aren't things great?
Things are great, aren't they? Well, things are great for them.
Things are great for the people with access to the treasury.
The people who are looting the treasury. They look around

right now and they think it's wonderful. You know, there's
a direct correlation between all the people who made a
paycheck during COVID lockdowns while telling you to shut up
and go home and close your business, and now they're
all the exact same people who are telling you how
great the economy is. And you know what they all
have in common. They all make enough money to where

they don't feel inflation. None of them are blue collar workers.
None of them own their own small business, none of
them are hourly workers. None of them have children. They
actually give a crap about if any of them. Most
of them don't have children at all. If they do
have children, they're busy trying to trans them into being
some woman or boy or whatever. They're trying to chop
their penis off if they do. These are the people

who are telling you everything's fine. Quit your whining. What
are you complaining about? Everything's good. And we've talked about
this before. The separation of the people on the top
and the people who bring you the news, their separation
from us, from normal people is palpable. It's something you
can see a lot of now. I teased this earlier
and I never got to it because I got a

little bit distracted. I'll take maybe a call or two
when I get back, but I need to get to
this well. Command Sergeant major of the DC National Guard.
He gave testimony today in Congress. He was talking about
what happened on January sixth, and wow, we have to
digest quite a bit from this hang on.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
He doesn't care if you believe them, but he's right,
Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 2 (29:01):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show, final segment of the
Jesse Kelly Show. But we will be back to do
it again tomorrow. And I have a couple things I
have to get to here before we wrap this whole
thing up. First, let's deal with this January sixth. Obviously,
you know all about January sixth, but remember this January sixth.

It has been used since that day to attack the right.
It has been used as the ultimate excuse to turn
the national security apparatus of the United States of America
and aim it at the political opponents of Democrats. You've
had FBI kicking in totally peaceful people's doors. You've got

people rested for nonviolent crimes, tortured, thrown in dark holes.
What this government has done to American citizens after January
sixth is frightening and w horrible. But let's focus on
January sixth for a moment. What do we know by now? Well,
we know about the pipe bomb, the pipe bomb meaning

the pipe bombs that were set at the RNC and DNC.
They had timers that meant they couldn't go off, or
they would have gone off when the Secret Service was
told about one of the pipe bombs. When Kamala Harris
was in the DNC, they went and told the Secret
Service about a pipe boon. They discovered he finished his
sandwich before he got out of his car to go

get the pipe bomb. That's what we know. We know.
We've seen the video of several people ray EPs being
one of them telling people to go inside the capitol,
Get in the capitol. Hey, go inside the Capitol and
then gets off scot free. In fact, got a New
York Times puff piece. They didn't end up charging him
with anything til about three years after we were screaming
about it. We know, we know courtesy of Congress. We

know the FBI was staged there. We know there were
undercover agents and informants in the crowd. We know all
this by now, we know these things. We know in
several instances the cops stepped aside, opened up the doors
and look, this is on video. Welcome to people in.

I've seen the video one thousand times of cops fist
bumping people on the way in. Hey, nice to see you, Bob. Now,
it's almost as if, as you look at this whole thing,
it's almost as if the communists wanted something bad to happen,
either they caused it or in the very least, they

wanted it.

Speaker 6 (31:43):
It's almost.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
Look, I'm not saying that's the case, but it certainly
looks like it, doesn't it.

Speaker 3 (31:47):

Speaker 2 (31:48):
Knowing all that, I want you to listen to this.
Sergeant Major Michael Brooks of the DC National Guard Command.
Sergeant Major Michael Brooks, he gave testimony today because there's
been a lot about the National Guard. Why didn't Trump
call in the National Guard? He should have called in
the National Guard if he really wanted to stop this.
Listen to this.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
I will not sit here today and say if we
had been given authority to immediately respond when Chief's son,
the chief of the Capitol Police, made that first frantic
call for support at one forty nine PM, that we
would have prevented the breach of the Capitol. What I
can tell you with absolute certainty is that we had
a force equipped and ready to respond, and despite the
inaccuracies of the Dodig report, we had a plan and

would have liked the opportunity to try. Instead, we waited
for hours, less than two miles east of the going
our capital had been breached, and not understanding why we
had not received the authorization to respond. I cannot tell
you the number of times someone has asked me where
were you? Where was the National Guard? Or how can
you call yourselves capital guardians? There's no easy response to

those questions.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
And the truth is.

Speaker 1 (32:58):
We were there and we were ready. We just weren't
authorized to respond, and that is difficult to explain. The
soldiers and airmen of the DC National Guard deserved better.
They deserve to be recognized for their sacrifices over a
prolonged period of civil unrest from May of twenty twenty
to May of twenty twenty one.

Speaker 2 (33:17):
Now who turned down that kind of backup? They were
two miles away, suited up and ready to go. That
would have been standard protocol. By the way, anytime you
have a big event like that at the White House President,
things like that, you would have National Guard suited up
and ready to go, just in case you don't know
what's going to happen, riot terrorist attack, you don't know,
so suit it up, ready to go, two miles away,

and no one called In fact, Nancy Pelosi refused it. Now,
why would she do such a thing unless, of course,
they wanted January sixth to happen. And hey, I don't
want to take this too far, but do I need

to remind everybody that the Federal Bureau of Investigation planned, coordinated,
and paid for an assassination slash kidnapping plot of Gretchen
Whitmer in Michigan. They planned every single step of the way.
They coordinated it, they paid for all of it. It

was their plan. At the end of their plan, they
found a bunch of morons who agreed to say some
stupid things. They even got these guys drunk. They then
busted these guys and said, look at these terrorists. After
the FBI did it all, a bunch of those guys
got off scott free because of the entrapment. And did
you know the guy who was in charge of that

field office, did you know that he then got promoted
to the d C Field office right before January sixth?

Speaker 3 (34:53):

Speaker 2 (34:54):
Interesting, isn't it?

Speaker 7 (34:56):
And now here's a headline by go you know, you know.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
The thing headlines we didn't get to Biden EPA giving
millions to immigrant immigrant justice groups registering, mobilizing dem leading,
voter block. All you need to know is this once again,
the taxes you pay. We just had tax Day. The

taxes you pay are taken in by the Democrats who
run the federal government, and they're dispersed to other Democrats
to ensure that Democrats, and only Democrats, retain power. We
fund our own destruction. Why are GOP state ages not
attacking this issue. If fraud was an agency, it would
be the federal government's sixth largest. You know how we

say we're in the looting the treasury phase of the republic.
You know how much money we lose a year to fraud,
quote fraud, five hundred twenty one billion dollars a year
across the federal government. And just so you know where
all that quote fraud goes. It goes to all friends
and family members of congressmen, senators, defense contractors, bureaucrats and otherwise.

And they always come up with some audit like the
Pentagon does and says, wow, we lost the trillion dollars.
I don't know where it went. Oh you know where
it went. Money's not that hard to track. It went
to all your friends and family members as they bloodsuck
your money. They hoover it all up for themselves, and
I ran out of time after just two headlines. But
we'll do some more tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow on

a Thursday. Put a smile on your face, that's all
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