All Episodes

April 18, 2024 37 mins

Chuck Schumer and the other commies completely disregarding the constitution, stop thinking it will save you. The statements Republicans should of made today. Following the laws of the Roman Republic. Fu Manchu Jesse. Becoming more community focused. Trying to project power against China with Admiral Levine and the USNS Harvey Milk.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show, and
it is time to tackle what I have avoided for
the first hour. We're gonna talk about.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Impeachment, the failed impeachment in the Senate. The Senate's not
taking up impeachment different. We're gonna get to that in
just a minute. We're gonna get to it in a
roundabout way. But that's coming here. So I'll give you
my thoughts in a moment. You may love them, you
may hate them, maybe they're too harsh. Before we do that,
I have to do something that's pretty freaking cool.

Speaker 3 (00:47):

Speaker 1 (00:49):
There's this sick radio station in Buffalo, New York. We've
wanted the Jesse Kelly Show on it for ages. Anyone
who does what I do for a living knows about
w l v L in Buffalo thirteen forty AM in Buffalo. Well,
this show after the Yankees game, starts tonight on w

lv L thirteen forty in Buffalo, and that is freaking cool.
The show is growing. I have no idea why now.
I said all that to say this bunch of people
are probably gonna turn it off because I'm about to
say some things that are gonna be hard to hear.
So let's let's let's dig into it, all right. The
impeachment failure of today, failure, I say failure. What happened

the House of Representatives controlled by the Republicans. They impeached
Alejandro Majorcis for being well, a dirty communist who opened
up our border, that's what he did. And the impeachment
trials are held in the Senate. You remember, and you
probably remember the uh GOP controlled Senate holding two impeachment

trials for Donald Trump. Today, Chuck Schumer got up and said, ah,
not here. We're dismissing it. No trial. What have you seen?
What have you probably said? It's been everywhere today, all
the outrage, it's all over the place. This is ridiculous,
how hypocritical. This is against the constitution. The constitution demands

and what are they gonna Republicans are gonna have to
do this back to you? Okay, okay, you know what.
Set all that stuff aside for a moment. Let's have
a talk, just you and me. In fact, let's do
a little history, very general history. This isn't a specific
history story, and there aren't any battles or heroes to honor.
Here it's just talking a little general history. Let's talk
about Rome. I love Rome. I find it to be

the most fascinating empire of all time. But it's very
odd for those who don't know Rome. It was originally
a republic. When you tell people Rome, when you bring
up ancient Rome, they will almost immediately think of of emperors.
Maybe you're thinking of Julius Caesar. Maybe you're thinking of

Nero or someone like that. Some one of the nut
jobs Calligio one of those guys. But that's not how
Rome began. Stay with me, this is gonna come back
to America, so you're just gonna have to buckle up
for a little bit. Rome began as a place that
almost worshiped the law. It was. It's fascinating when you

look at all these historical societies and how you didn't
see a ton of that. But Rome did a lot
of modeling after the Greek model. Remember, the Greeks were
kind of fading as the Romans were coming up. And
the Romans they made the law almost like a religion
for them, and they were adamant about it, and the

law was for everyone, doesn't matter whether you were some big,
cheese rich guy or some lowly homeless dude on the
corner bagging for change. The law was the law, period,
it will be followed, it will be followed to the letter.
Or most of the Roman punishments were horrific. You know,

they'll kill you, they'll kill you, and usually they'll kill
you ugly. The Romans loved the law. Okay, that was
the beginning. In the end, Rome had emperors, you know,
the Julius, Caesars, the Neros, the Caligulas of the world.
So what happened in between there, Well, a lot of

things happen, and we're not don't have time to go
into all those things. In fact, not going to get
into very many of those things tonight on the show.
But after some time worshiping the law, adhering to the law,
the Roman Empire began to grow and grow and grow
and get more powerful and more powerful. You're defeating the Carthaginians,

You're expanding your borders, acquiring resources, acquiring slave member. Slaves
are the currency of the ancient world. It meant money,
it meant power, and Rome began to grow and grow
and grow and grow and grow, and as it became wealthy,
that love of the law started to go away. It

started to go away slowly. This is how these things happen.
You've watched this happen in your country. You're watching it
happen right now. It started slowly, and then towards the end,
when Rome was about to make that transition from the
republic to an empire, then it really picked up speed.
But during that transition, when Rome was getting away from

the law, did you know that it wouldn't be that
uncommon to see gladiator fights in Rome. Now pause for
a moment. I'm not talking about gladiator fights in the arena.
I mean you could walk up to your third floor
apartment window, yes they had apartment buildings, and peek out

at the street and see twenty gladiators fighting, twenty gladiators
stabbing each other in the streets. Why. Well, as the
law faded and Rome became a nation that was ruled
simply by the powerful, that's it. You got power, you

used power. You did whatever you could do to keep
your enemy from getting power. As the law faded into
the background, you would see guys, prominent men, senators, Roman
senators who would hire their own bodyguards to make sure
they could safely walk the streets of Rome. Pompy Magnus.

You've heard of Pompy Magnus. Hopefully you have. If not,
your school sucked. Pompy Magnus is one of the great generals,
one of the great men in history. Julius Caesar ended
up defeating him in the end, and he ended up
getting his head chopped off, so his ending wasn't great.
But for a while, Pompy Magnus was this lion of
a general, and this I mean it was practically a
gaw in Rome worshiped. Pompy Magnus had to walk the

streets of Rome at one point with a hired group
of gladiators with swords and spears to protect him from
his political opponents. Now let me ask you something. If
you're Pompy Magnus and you find out your political opponent,

Senator Chris, we'll call him the bad guy in the story.
Senator Chris has it out for you. And Senator Chris
has actually parted with some money surprisingly and hired his
own bodyguards. He's hired bodyguards. If he sees you, Pompy Magnus,
you will be stabbed to death in the streets and
your body will be left in the gutter. Now, let

me ask you, Pompy Magnus, what's the appropriate course of
action for him at this time? Should he hire his
own bodyguards to protect him? Or should he grab the
scrolls that outline Roman law and carry those scrolls around

with him just in case he gets attacked. What do
you think he should do? Well, obviously you're rolling your eyes.
I hope you're laughing. Of course, the only thing he
can do is get his own bodyguards. He has to.
It's not an option. Well, I wish he could use
the law. I wish she could use the law. I

wish it it was the previous Roman Republic, but that
Roman Republic was no more by the time Pompy came around,
and actually he helped push it along. But we're gonna
set that aside. By the time Pompy had to hire bodyguards,
the law ain't protecting a dagone thing. You either get
some tough dudes with swords and spears and daggers and shields,

or you're gonna die. And you present that piece of
paper the law to the people who want to kill you,
it ain't gonna get you very far. Jack, That piece
of paper will probably be read at the end of
the day with your blood on it. Now, what does
any of this have to do with impeachment today? What
Chuck Schumer did? They're not impeaching may Orcis they tossed

it out. What about the constitution? Let's discuss all that
in detail. And we are going to discuss all that
in detail next. Fighting for your freedom every day the
Jesse Kelly Show, it is the Jesse Kellyshell reminding you

you can email the show and you should email the
show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. All right, So
that was that was a little bit of Roman history.
At some point in time, Rome went from being a
nation an empire run by the law where the law ruled,
to being a gangster empire where old power with swords

and spears and you had to have gladiators by your
side if you wanted to walk from the Senate back
to your house in peace. Now, what am I saying
what happened today? Well, what happened today was Chuck Schumer,
big cheese in the United States Senate decided this impeachment
trial thing of mayorcis just not gonna happen. There's just

not gonna do it now. Nobody who listens to this
show regularly thought it was going to happen. It looks
like the wife is safe from my Fu Manchu. Remember
when I predicted this, We're not gonna have a trial
for Alejandro Majorcis. I'll tell you what. I'll make you
another deal. You ready for this? Write this one down.
I didn't even discuss this. And with the wife, she's

gonna be angry. If there's an impeachment trial for Alejandro
Majorcis and the United States Senate, I'm gonna shave in
a Fu man Chew mustache right here on the show,
and you just got to stare at it for a week.
If there's an impeachment trial, fu man Chew mustache come
into the to the I'm Right show right here on
the first mark my words, not gonna be an impeachment trial.

And I'm not saying don't be angry, but I am
saying this. If you found yourself today at any point,
and you probably have, because this has been very common,
if you have found yourself at any point today saying
they have to do that. The Constitution says they have

to do it. The Constitution says or if you found
yourself at any point in time saying, well, now, Republicans
won't do any impeachments if Democrats send it to them.
I am not insulting you, but I would argue you
are not properly adjusting with the times. We are not

in the early stages of the Roman Empire, when the
law mattered. We are not there. And I'm not cheering
for that. I'm not smug about it. I'm not celebrating it.
I love the Constitution as much as you love the Constitution.
It is a wonderful, founding document that laid out a

path for this country to be free and prosperous. For
a very long time. We've had a couple centuries of
joy and freedom and it's been marvelous.

Speaker 4 (12:22):
However, times change, times change for nations all the time,
and we have to make the mental adjustments times change.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
What am I saying. What I'm saying is this. I
knew this was coming, because I knew that we're not
a nation under a constitution anymore. Those days are gone.
Those days are in the past. You can cry about it.
Maybe you're happy about it. I don't know. Maybe you
hate the Constitution. I think it's terrible. But those days

are in the past. So what days are we in now?
How should we adjust to these times? Now? We are
now in a time where power is all that matters.
Get it, protect it, and use it to protect yourself,
your way of life, and your loved ones. We are

not in the era of the law anymore. We have
gone the way many many, many, many, many nations have
gone towards the later stages. We are transitioning into a
place where power is all that matters. You better get
yourself your own gang of gladiators now and put down

that stupid pocket constitution because only one of those things
is gonna protect you in the year twenty twenty four,
and it ain't the little sheets of paper you keep
in your back pocket. I'm sorry if that offends you,
change the freaking channel. This is not your mommy's show,
hits your daddy's show. If you're offended, you're welcome to
call and whind to me or email you know what. Yeah,
you're welcome to call tonight. Actually eight seven seven three

seven seven four three seven three your love, hate, whatever
you want to pour on tonight, I will take them
eight seven seven three seven seven four to three seven three.
My only rule is I don't care if you're mad
at me. You got to get right to the point.
If you're boring, you take too long. But it was
last Tuesday, No, maybe it was Wednesday at ten thirty.

I just have my oh my gosh, hanging up the phone.
You're welcome to call, You're welcome to email me. We
have to adjust. So what does that mean, Well, we
have to use power everywhere we have power. So right
now today, the statement Republicans should have made, instead of

publicly crying about the Constitution all day long, the statement
Republicans should have made was simply this, from now on,
whatever we control the Senate, there will never be a
Republican impeachment trial in the United States Senate period and
of story. But instead, instead we've had a whole day

of them pointing out hypocrisy. I bet you've already heard
this today. I bet you money you have heard this
today on the radio or TV or somewher. This was
Chuck Schumer back in twenty twenty one.

Speaker 5 (15:25):
Now, as I mentioned, the Senate will also conduct a
second impeachment trial for Donald Trump. But make no mistake,
a trial will be held in the United States Senate,
and there will be a vote whether to convict the president. Now,
I've heard some of my Republican colleagues argue that this
trial would be unconstitutional because Donald Trump is no longer

in office, an argument that has been roundly repudiated, debunked
by hundreds of constitutional scholars, left, right and center, and
defies basic common sense. It makes no sense whatsoever that
a president or any official could commit a heinous crime
against our country and then be permitted to resign so

as to avoid accountability and a vote to discover.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Chuck Schumer is such a hypocrite. It was just a
couple of years ago he said, we have to have
a trial. Chuck Schumer is a committed communist who intends
to destroy the United States of America. He will use
the Constitution when it's convenient for him, but he has
no use for the document whatsoever. He doesn't think about it.
He probably hasn't read it in eighty years, if he's
ever read it at all. And I don't even know

how old the guy is. You're the one worried about
the Constitution. Chuck Schumer's worried about power. He's worried about
rewarding his friends with power and money. He's worried about
protecting his interests in every ounce of power he has
will be used to that end. If you are going
to sit and hand ring about what it's not constitutional,
that it's already over, it's already over. We are in

a post constitutional country. That doesn't mean constitution's bad. It
doesn't mean the Constitution wasn't magnificent. In fact, it doesn't
mean the Constitution still isn't magnificent. It's fantastic, man, I
love it, but it's not the law of the land anymore.
And frankly, you sound like a child when you bring

it up all the time. And I'm talking about all
these senators today. I've seen them all over the place.
That's not constitutional. Oh gosh, cheese. All right, I'll let
you have your say eight seven seven three seven seven
four three seven three. We will get to Mike Johnson.
Actually I have to go off on Mike Johnson and
what's going on there. First. Let's deal with this. Though.

You need a new pillow, well, you need new sandals,
you need a new towel set, you need all kinds
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Times are tough out there, Go save money where you
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We'll be back. I've got on anymolyside on mean.

Speaker 6 (18:39):
Says Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday on a hump day,
reminding you if you missed any part of the show.
You can download the whole thing on iar, Google, Spotify, iTunes,
and I hope your days going back better than Joe
I personally, you guess I'm uneducated by trash. I don't

know how to say big words either, but I gotta
be honest. Scranton, it's always come so much.

Speaker 3 (19:09):
My mom didn't live in Scranton since she was nineteen
fifty four.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
But what this is also, Joe Biden were talking about
this earlier old Uncle Boozy. Then the Cannibals and.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
My uncle they called him Ambrose Brosie. They called him
by my uncle Bosey. It's a hell of an athlete. And
tell me when he was a kid, and he became
an Army Air Corps before the Air Force came home
and he got shot down in New Guinea.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
And yeah, no he didn't. All that stuff was a
lie anyway. It's a mechanical failure and the Cannibals didn't
need him. It did die at see though, and rest
in peace to him. All right, before we get to
before we get to the Mike Johnson stuff, I'll let
you have your sakes. I realized that was a that
was a lot, probably for a Wednesday night. It was
a big day. Look, none of the stuff surprising. We

lost on Pisa told you we were going to We
lost on all the foreign policy stuff. I'll get to
the Mike Johnson foreign policy stuff from today. The impeachment
trial is not going through. But if I have to
finish all this with a little pick your chin up thing,
the Paisa thing was closer than it's ever been before.

Change comes slow, really really slow. We just got to
whip these people into shape, all right, get to the point.
All right, no small talk, Bruce Portland.

Speaker 7 (20:29):

Speaker 1 (20:31):

Speaker 8 (20:32):
You are so right about the Roman days. I'll tell
you what. Right now, there is no Democrat, there is
no Republican. There's communists, and there's Americans. I think it's
the time for people to start making the list of
who's who in your neighborhood, find out who's not, who's nice,
develop those relationships, you know, have a castle, talk stuff,
some plans, and goodness forbid. When the day comes, be
fricking ready to go to town.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
Listen. He brings up an interesting point. I'll tell you
this your community now. I found myself. I was thinking
about this this morning as we're watching all this crap happen.
Their flooding the country with illegals, and the spying and
everything else. As they're watching all this stuff happening, I'm
finding myself getting more and more. I was going to
call it insular, but community focus is probably how I

want to put it. It sounds better community focused, community focused.
My neighborhood. First, my neighbors. Do I know them? Do
you know them? You don't have to go to a
shooting range with your neighbors tomorrow. That's not what I'm saying. Hey,
let's do some live fire drills. I'm not saying that,
and have no problem with you doing that, but it's
not what I'm saying. Have you even talked to them?

Do you know their values? Do you know who has supplies?
Who doesn't have supplies? My town? Taking more ownership of
my town. I shop almost exclusively locally whenever I can.
Now I focus more on school board races, on city councils.
It's not that I've written off Washington d C. I

just do not believe Washington DC can be saved from
Washington DC. It will be saved from us from the
hinterlands from where we are, or it won't be saved
at all. Get to know your neighbors, Get to know
your neighbors, your community No, you don't have to go
knocking on doors like some weirdo asking if everybody wants

to shoot guns with you. Invite everyone to a cookout
everyone likes some hot dogs, have a beer, have a
chat with people. The time to get to know our
neighbors is now, and this is at a time we're
a little bit of a disadvantage here. This is at
a time when human beings are more insular than ever, isolated,
I should say than ever because of social media. We've

talked about this before and again I'm not talking on
social media. We don't talk to people anymore. And we
have to talk to people now. We have to organize now,
we have to support each other during these times. Ken Pennsylvania, go.

Speaker 9 (23:00):
Hey, Jesse, Hey, and I'm still trying to figure you out, man,
after listening to you all these years. Is and what
I mean by that is, you know, you've talked about
your background, and you know how you were with school,
and you know car you know a construction worker, marines
all that, Jesse, and you know we talked before. You
know that you read like you know, you read all

the time. You read a lot of history, you read
a lot of books. But you have this ability, and
I'm going to say it, it's a god given ability
that you can just see through all the layers as
to what the real picture is, what is really going on,
And you can't learn that from a book. Brother, So
appreciate you much, Jesse, No, no, thank you.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
I don't know that I I don't know that I
see things you don't see. I'll tell you this because
we get a lot of emails like that, we get
a lot of phone calls like this. You see things,
you see things I don't think. I don't. I don't
think I see anything you don't see. I believe that
I have a platform and a willingness to speak things
other people with my platform don't do. Maybe what Michael,

what Michael said, I have good discernment. Maybe I don't know.
I like to consider myself more of a menu whisper.
But I don't see anything you don't see. I just
have a platform and a willingness to say it. And
we've been holding back on these things for way, way,
way too long. We've got to be honest with ourselves

about where we are. Back to the Roman talk. We
have to be honest about where we are as a country.
Are we in the original days when the law matter.
Do we can follow the law and if we just
get back to the law, we'll work it out. Are
we in those days? That's possible. I do not believe
we are. But are we past those days where now

power and force are all that matters. That's where I
believe we are. And figuring out where we are is
critically important, is it not? It is critically important. If
your ship just hit the iceberg and you're slowly taking
on water, maybe the time to push the panic button
and swan dive into the lifeboats isn't right now. But

if you're easing under the waves, it is. You have
got to figure out. I have to figure out we're
doing this together. We have to figure out what time
it is. What I do know is this thinking that
constitution is going to save us is not going to
work because our enemies don't have any use for it.
That's not putting down the constitution, that's putting down the

Godlets commy, scum who's taken over this country, there are
any use for it all. Listen. I want you to
listen to this now. This is not a politician, This
is this woman, this nutbag Commy Catherine Meyers her name.
She's going to be the new head of NPR. She's
a new CEO of NPR. I want you to listen
to this. This is how the people who run our
government think. I've explained this before to the people who

run the West. We'll just make it about America, though
Democrats have of the Republicans, the bureaucracy, the IRS, FBI, CIA,
they all think like this, you are the problem. It's
not Russia, it's not China, it's not the illegals, it's
not anything You and your stupid freedoms. You say whatever

you want, you own your guns, and you're the one
holding us back.

Speaker 6 (26:20):
The number one challenge here that we see is, of course,
the First Amendment in the United States is a fairly
robust protection of rights, and that is a protection of
rights both for platforms, which I actually think is very
important that platforms have those rights to be able to
regulate what kind of content they want on their sites.
But it also means that it is a little bit

tricky to really address some of the real challenges of
where does bad information come from and sort of the
influenced peddlers who have made a real market economy around it.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
Why are there all these people who can just say
whatever they want. We have to control that right, that
way of thinking. It's not that it dominates a tiny
subset of the Democrat Party. It's every single Democrat in
the United States of America, at least the national ones.

Every single one thinks that way. Half of the Republicans
think that way. In more damagingly Republican leadership, they all
think that way. The McConnell's, the Thunes, the corners of
the world, they're all pretty much sick of you and
your dad gone rights and your opinion, and you're always
trying to get in the way of them being the gods,

being the kings and queens that they are. Why won't
you just allow these people to bequeath certain things on us,
and they'll let you know what you're allowed to say,
and what vaccines you're forced to take otherwise they'll take
your job away, of course, and what guns they'll allow
you to have. They have these meetings all the time.
We have to acknowledge where we are, and that's where
we are, all right, all right, I'm gonna get to

some more of these here in just a minute. I
want to get to some Mike Johnson talk before I
get to these, you just have to clear up something today.
Mike Johnson probably going to get bounced as a speaker.
That looks like that's coming. Thomas Massey wants him out.
I mean, it's looking like his days are numbered. So
he was there for about fifteen minutes, and we will
discuss that what happened, why it happened, what's going on

there before we get to that. Well, speaking of Mike Johnson,
at one point in time, did you know that I
interviewed Mike Johnson. Do you know that came on my
TV show? This is what he had to say about.

Speaker 7 (28:30):
The greatest threat to us at the end of the
day is our nation's dead. And so we have to
get serious about this. You need adults in the room
to advance the cutting, the limiting of government and getting
it back down in its size and scope. And that's
what these fights are about. They're worthwhile fights. They have
to be done. And again it's messy sometimes, but that's
our process.

Speaker 10 (28:47):
That's how it works.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Yeah. Then he went on today to sign billions in
billions and billions more. They haven't stopped spending, they haven't
stopped printing, Frankly, they haven't even slowed down yet. Are
you makings hope? Is not a plan? Here's a headline
for you. What kind of preparations you should you make?
Headline it's from New York Post yesterday. Gold shining bright

like a diamond and could reach three k per ounce.
That's according to City Group financial giants Nation States. They're
gobbling up every bit of gold and silver they can
because they know they're going to need it hard assets.
Now you can't buy as much as City Group. But
Oxford Gold Group isn't for City Group. It's for you.

It's for normal people. To put some gold or silver
coins in a safe somewhere under your bed, in a
box in your home. You need it. Hopefully you don't
need it. Need it, but I wouldn't bank on anything
at this point in time. Call them, let them take
care of you. Eight three three nine five gold all right?

Eight three three five Gold will be back. Jesse Kelly
Vaccian it is the Jesse Kelly Show. And hold on.
Apparently a new speaker is coming. Mike Johnson, Well Thomas Massey,

how this is say.

Speaker 10 (30:19):
Yesterday in our GOP conference, I asked him to resign
and I'll tell you why. Number One, he's just not
equipped for this job. Every negotiation he's gone into with
Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden, he's received nothing in exchange.
He's either not good at negotiating, or he's negotiating for

their side. He's done an omnibus that broke Nancy Pelosi's
spending records. He reauthorized BISA without warrants. Now he's going
for the trifecta to pass the Ukraine spending well without
doing anything to enforce our border.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
In our conference, Now, let's go to what Mike Johnson
is saying, because let's deal with this foreign policy stuff
before we dig into all the other things. Mike Johnson
ran to CNN said this today.

Speaker 7 (31:08):
We know what the timetable is. We know the urgency
in Ukraine and in Israel, and we're going to stand
by Israel, our close ally and dear friend, and we
were going to stand for freedom and make sure that
Vladimir Putin doesn't march through Europe. These are important.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
Respond just I'm gonna let him go, but I want
to make sure I explain something. However, you feel about
the Russia Ukraine thing, Vladimir Putin marched through Europe. Well
stop him now or he'll go on forever. Vladimir Putin
and this Russian juggernaut that's going to march through Europe

has taken like eighty five feet of Ukraine in how long?
How long's that war been going on?

Speaker 9 (31:50):

Speaker 1 (31:52):
Oh? Look, I understand Russia has nuclear weapons, and I
understand Vladimir Putin is a bad guy. I mean, look,
he's ahead Ofussia. You can't really get that job without
being a bad guy. I get it completely. Russia is
not going to take Europe. Russia doesn't have the ability
to take Europe. And we can have a Russia Ukraine

debate all day. I don't really like either of them,
to be honest. But this lie that has been told
over and over and over again, not just from Democrats,
from Republican after Republican after Republican. You have seen this
from the neocons over and over again, that if we
don't stop him now, he'll never stop. That isn't even

close to anything grounded in reality at all. Putin doesn't
have anywhere near the ability to even conquer all of
New Ukraine. In fact, this morning, Putin's forces had to
pull out of an area in Ukraine to reinforce themselves
in another spot. He can't even take one tiny corrupt country.

You think he's going to storm through France and Germany.
That's a lie. Now, Either he's lying or he's a moron.
Every single person who said that to you, no matter
who they are, Democrat, Republican or otherwise. Every single person
who said, wait, you have to stop him here or
he'll conquer all of Europe, they're either lying to you

or they're stupid. There's no third direction's abilities.

Speaker 7 (33:23):
A strong America is good for the entire world since
World War Two.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Really, really, remember what we talked about last night. Remember
when we played that sound bite last night, Mike McCall,
when he got up and he said, you're either Chamberlain
or your Churchill. Remember that. Remember the conversation around it.
These Republicans because they stand for nothing. They certainly don't

stand for you don't care about your grocery bill. They
don't care that you've taken out a second job. They
don't care that your kid can't do math anymore. They
don't care about that. Picture themselves as being these World
War two lions, and that's why they're constantly referencing World
War Two in America and after World War Two. It's

not after World War two, Mike. The year is twenty
twenty four. I'm looking at a headline right here that
the Department of Homeland Security is and I quote, monitoring
over six hundred thousand illegal immigrants with criminal records. They're

not even detained. Oh no, no, we just let them in.
We're monitoring them. World War two is gone. World War
Two was a long time ago. Please step into this sense.

Speaker 7 (34:43):
Responsibility for the free world has been shifted onto our shoulders,
and we accept that role. We're an exceptional nation. We're
the greatest nation on the planet, and we have to
act like and we have to project to putin and
g and Iran and North Korea and anybody else that
we will defend freedom. It doesn't mean boots on the ground.
We're not the world's policeman. But we're going to do
the right thing. And I think the Congress is going

to take an important stand here.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
We have to project to putin in g strength, have
to show those guys what's strong. Yeah, we have United
States naval vessels named after gay activists. I'm not kidding.
You've heard of Harvey Milk that due a gay activists
from San Francisco. There are US sailors, Navy sailors currently

on the us NS. Harvey Milk, please don't tell me
about intimidating G. Please don't. Admiral Rachel Levine isn't intimidating anybody.
Do you think G and Putin? Do you think they're
intimidated by a country that refuses to close its own border?

Do you think they find that intimidating when they look
at the United States of America and what's going on
in this country? We're chopping kids, peenis this is off
and it's legal in this nation. Vladimir Putin and G
they're not going to be intimidated. It doesn't matter how
many artillery shells you send over there. They're not going
to be intimidated by a nation this lost. But you

don't care, Mike, you don't. All right, We're gonna move on.
We have to talk about other things. We have to
talk about. Well, we'll get to your calls. We'll let
you have a say, talk about d banking. That's a
new thing that's going to be out there. Did you
know that's already happening now? Funding our own destruction so
much more. Tonight, we also have to talk about America's
free falling testosterol levels. That's what we have to talk about,

free falling fifty percent drop in testosterone in fifty years.
Don't believe me. Don't believe me. Listen to this. Tell
me testosterone levels aren't fall.

Speaker 7 (36:48):
We know what the timetable is, we know the urgency
in Ukraine and in Israel, and we're going to stand by.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
This is a testosterone crisis. Do you want to sound
like Mike Johnson? Get on a male vitality stack from
Chalk gentlemen, in fact, just go to Chalk as your
first stop. Whether you're a man or a woman. They
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Our future has to be natural, natural herbal supplements. C
hoq dot com promo code Jesse, Chalk dot com promo
code Jesse. Start it, you won't regret it. We still
have an hour. We're gonna talk about being debanked. I
am gonna get to your calls. Eight seven seven three seven, seven,

four three seven three, some emails and wow some Ie
opening testimony about January sixth, hang On
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