All Episodes

April 18, 2024 37 mins

Chapter 11 DewRita. Who is sitting on Trump’s jury? The communist doesn’t moderate on his position, he is interested in winning and shifting the culture in his direction. Boeing whistleblowers John Barnett’s mysterious death and a completely unrelated tangent on private military contractors. Uncle Bosey and the fake cannibal experience.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Wednesday. It's
up day, baby. Congratulations, you have made it over halfway
through the week in WOWSA. Do we have a lot

we need to talk about tonight. We have all these
bills in the House of Representatives. You me getting sold
down the river again. We'll talk about that obviously. The
impeachment stuff we will get to. We're going to discuss
what it looks like to live in a society where
you're not part of the party, if you will. We're

going to get to that very very quickly. A little
bit on the Trump trial, going on, the jurors, Power
versus Majority, so much all that and so much more,
I mean coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse
Kelly's Show. I actually want to begin here though, because
it's kind of all on the theme we were talking
about last night. It's a theme we've talked about a

lot on the show. Power versus majority. Those are two
different things. The right doesn't know that the communist does
power versus majority. The right has for years been screaming

about how we're the silent majority. We are the silent majority.
We will stand up and fight. Yes, we are the majority,
for sure. We are one hundred people with sling shots
surrounding ten people with machine guns, convincing ourselves that we
have the real power because we have majority. I saw

this headline today made me laugh, honestly made me laugh.
It's from Fox News. Just thirty five percent of US
adults say Trump broke the law in New York hush
money case. Wow, that's great news for Trump, isn't it?
Isn't that great news? They did a poll. Only thirty

five percent of US adults say Trump is guilty. Man,
we are looking good guys. That's good news, right, except
those Americans who they surveyed. They're not on the jury.
These people are on the jury.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Share your opinion of the former president and why you
felt that you could be unbiased.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
I'm not a fan.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
I during COVID nineteen, I lived with someone who was
muni humpius, and I think his handling.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
Of COVID nineteen was of this home case case. You
couldn't hear that. During COVID nineteen, I lived with somebody
who was immune compromised, and she doesn't like Trump because
of that. Okay, no, no, no, no, I'll let I'll
let her keep going. No, don't know. Hey, the polls

say Americans don't support I also.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Have associate of whose adopted from China.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
And she knows somebody from China. The comments he made
about China when he was really for president.

Speaker 2 (03:31):
Made her very anxious.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
The comments Trump made about China because she's from China
made her anxious. I'm so tired of the polls. I'm
so tired of hearing about the silent majority. The communist
is concerned with power, while we're worried about majority. Majority.

What's majority give us? I'll tell you what. We have
a majority in the US House of Representatives right now.
Do you know that House of Representatives. It's a Republican
house right now. How's that majority working out for you?
You blown away? WHOA? I don't know about you. I can't,
I can't. I almost can't stomach all these wins we're
getting over here. That majority's working out great. Oh, we

have the majority, we don't have the power. Oh. Back
to the Trump trial. They great news. Just thirty five
percent of adults say he broke the law. This is
a New York Times reporter on CNN.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
They had things on their social media posts that Donald
Trump and his lawyers found troubling. So the first one.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
In the category of bias of bias.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
Yeah, so they asked. The first one was jury number one,
and they bring up some social media posts to the judge.
The judge wants to see them. They've screenshot at it,
and one of the videos happened to be the Jurger
number one had taken a video at a distance of
what looked like a celebration in the streets of New
York for and Trump lost in twenty twenty. I that

was it, and it showed.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
Them one of the jurors was out there celebrating in
the streets when Trump lost in twenty twenty. But don't worry, guys, Hey,
no worries. We've got the majority. That's what matters. The
majority is definitely with us. After all these people they

see our majority and they seem pretty intimidated.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
The first person to actually criminally prosecute Donald Trump is
a black Harvard grad the very kind of person that
his former staff, the people who worked for him, Stephen Miller, etc.
Want to never be at Harvard Law School. But he was,
and he came out and graduate and he's prosecuting you, Donald,

and a black woman is doing that same exact thing
in Georgia, and a black woman forced you to pay
one hundred and seventy five million dollar fine. That's out
now also in question because the people who put it
up that might not be legit. Donald Trump is being
held to account by the very multicultural, multi racial democracy
that he's trying to dismantle. And for me, there's something

poetic and actually wonderful about that. It says something good
about our country that we're still capable of having that happen.
Go DEI if my deis are bringing it home?

Speaker 1 (06:25):
Joy Anne Reid doesn't seem intimidated by that majority. You
know what, I can't figure this out. What is her problem?
Did she not read the Fox News headline? Because I'm
sure she's super concerned about that. There's a headline they
doesn't Joyanne Reid know that they did a poll. You see,
there's a poll, Joy, Joy, there's a You don't understand,

there's a poll that shows the majorities with us. As
she sits there celebrating because the dirty race communists are
getting ready to convict Donald Trump of a felony, but
don't worry, guys, we have the majority. Here's Sunny Austin.
She seems super concerned about what the majority of Americans.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
They are never going to find someone that doesn't know
about the former twice impeached loser present, right, No, one's no,
they're never even find that. But what I did find
also interesting about my Super Bowl is that the legal
teams will be checking the jurors social media profiles to
see if they can assess the truthfulness and intention of
what they said during Vaidir, which is their questioning. And

I think that's really really important because if you start
liking Trump, say you follow Trump's stuff on social media,
are you going to can you be impartial? I don't
really think so. And I think what could happen in
a case like this is if you have someone and
we were talking about this morning, someone named Klay Travis
is sort of telling people to get onto that jury.
You get one person that sneaks onto that jury with

untoward feelings, that person can hang that jury.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
And that's on toy.

Speaker 5 (07:59):
Jury have to be call you lie, you lie, you say, yeah,
that's I hate Trump, But I can be impartial.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
Yeah, they seem super busted up about the majority, don't they.
We have got to start getting comfortable with power, with
getting it, with using it. We are concerned. What do
I rant about this stuff for? Because here's the great failure,
one of the great failures of the right. When I

rant about majority and I lament our concern with that,
what I'm really lamenting is our concern with popularity. Popularity,
what are the great Here's a great example of it,
because it was all over the news recently. Abortion has
been all over the news. Abortion, this abortion that do
we ban it? I love it? Well, you know my
thoughts on it. I don't have to go into that.

Doesn't matter how you feel about abortion. It's insane to
me watching the right try to adjust its position on
the issue based on how popular their positions are. Do
you see the Communists doing that? The Communists have dudes

in women's sports. The Communists in the United States of America,
they throw pride parades where dudes wave their penises in
young girls' faces, and United States senators Democrats show up
at these pride parades and celebrate beside them. Democrats in

the United States of America opened up the border on
purpose to flood the country with murderers, rapists, and drugs.
None of these positions are popular with anyone in the
United States of America. And the Communists don't give a
crap because they're busy focusing on power, on winning, on

sh shifting the culture their direction. They don't sit back
and lick their finger and stick it in the air
and see wow. I mean, I guess if we do
a fifteen week I thought that'll be more popular with people,
because the communist is interested in winning. He's not worried
about some popularity contest the right things. They're in a

popularity contest when really they're in a power contest, and
that's why we're losing. But hey, take heart, the majority's
with us, guys. Gosh, all right, enough of that. We
do need to talk about loss. There is a there's
a loss coming for all of America that I'm gonna

discuss next, and then we're gonna discuss boeing. I mean,
there's so much to get to tonight on the Jesse
Kelly Show. Speaking of loss, you know what friggin hurts.
Losing a dog. Got one of my good buddies actually
just lost his dog today. Terry is his name. I'm
not going to go into the details. It was rescue dogs,
wonderful dog loss, his dog, Your dog's gonna die, My

dog's gonna die, and that friggin' hurts. I've buried plenty
of them. I give Fred Roughgreens. I pour Roughgreens on
Fred's food every single meal because I want to push
that date out as far as humanly possible, because Roughgreens
is gonna give me two extra years, three extra years
with my dog. American dogs die very early because American

dogs don't get any nutrition. They get dog food, and
American dog food is empty calories, there's nothing in it.
Pour rough Greens on your dog's food. You will see
physical differences in your dog and you will keep your
dog longer. Isn't that wonderful? Roughgreens dot com. Slash Jesse

or call eight three three three three my dog get
the cure for rhinos week days with the Jesse Kelly Show.
It is is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday.
Reminding you you can email the show and you should
Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. We will get to

this Boeing safety engineer. My goodness, I'm starting to get
to be a nervous flyer. Between the information yesterday about
the FAA throwing out the white applicants because they were
too qualified and the information from this Boeing safety engineer today,
I think I'm gonna start being a nervous flyer. Now
I'm still gonna fly. But anyway, before we get to

that and other things, we have to deal with this.
This hurts me, Sure it hurts you, but I'm just
gonna look. It's gonna tell you how it is. All right.
Here's the headline. This is from Bloomberg dot com. H
this is hard. Red Lobster considers bankruptcy to deal with

leases and labor costs. Chris, how does that help me? Chris,
Jewish producer. Chris just told me that it's only considering.
It's not a done deal yet. You know how it
works from here, Chris, I know how it works from here.
You know what's happening. They're filing chapter eleven. That's different

than chapter seven. I don't know why we have these
different chapters, and why isn't it just chapter one and two.
I don't know. I'm not a lawyer, but the difference is.
One thing I do know is with chapter eleven, you're
not shutting the doors. But what they're gonna do is
they're gonna restructure. They're going to quote streamline. You watch,
you be seeing a lot of things called streamlining. You
know what happens when you streamline things, quality goes down.

So for millions and millions and millions of Americans for decades,
if you wanted the highest quality seafood on the planet,
you knew for a fat red lobster was there for you.
If you wanted the greatest cheese sticks, red lobster was
there for you. The best blue cheese, red lobster was
there for you. A little bit of the shrimp scampy
and the little lemon butter thing, Red lobster was there

for you. The cage and shrimp Alfredo. Red lobster has
been there while everyone else has failed us, the government,
your wife, your husband, life itself. While everyone else left
you behind, red lobster was there. And now the streamlining,
you know what happens. They cut costs so that high

quality seafood they were serving before. Watch, it's all going
to be frozen stuff now or some kind of farm
raised garbage. I bet you some foreigner is going to
come in and buy Red Lobster. I guarant dag gone.
I can't take it anymore anyway. I'm sorry I got upset.
I'm moving on. It is what it is. Look, this

is a new America. Apparently this is a new America. Hey,
in all serious is I saw a list today. I'm
not going to go down the list because it's very long,
but it was an eye popping list at all the
closures happening in America of things that we're just used to.
Sometimes they're total closures, sometimes they're just closing a lot,

but big and small things we're talking about. Lows Is
closing a bunch of stores. Bed Bath and Beyond's going
away completely. And I don't shop at that garbage store,
but that's a store that's always been there, just closure
after closure. Bank's City Bank and b of A and
then closing. And again, I know a lot of these
are garbage companies. But watching the American business landscape change,

it is gonna be wild. And then we'll get through it together.
We're not gonna have Red Lobster to comfort us. And
they just had come out recently with the do Rita.
Did you see that, Chris? They had a margarita made
with mountain dew. It doesn't get more high quality than that,
and it's not the most white trash thing ever. What

are you talking about, Chris? I'm sure it's delicious. I
haven't had it yet. You know what I'm gonna go
today in case they streamline out the do Rita. Anyway,
let's talk about flying. We're all gonna die. Here was
Josh Holly questioning this guy, Sam said every day he
was a safety engineer. I can't say this last.

Speaker 6 (16:03):
Right now. I would not. You know, it's like an earthquake.

Speaker 7 (16:07):
You know, the big earth coils is coming, but when
when that hits the building that you know you let's say,
if you're talking of a building have to be prepared
to accommodate that type of well, let's say, shake up.
You know, it has to be built properly.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
I'm going to replay that again because I didn't love
how that initial answer went. I didn't love how that
initial answer went at all. So let's try that one
more time here.

Speaker 6 (16:35):
Right now, I would not. You know, it's like an earthquake.

Speaker 7 (16:38):
You know, the big earth coils is coming, but when
when that hits the building that you know you, let's
say if you're talking of a building, have to be
prepared to accommodate that type of well, let's say shake up.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
You know, the earthquake is coming and we have to
be prepared for that kind of shake up. And how
exactly am I supposed to be prepared in a plane?
Am I supposed to go parachute as a carry on? Now?

What does that mean?

Speaker 6 (17:13):
Anyway? He kept coming has to be built properly.

Speaker 7 (17:16):
Right now, from what I've seen, the airplanes are not
being built perspect and per requirement.

Speaker 4 (17:22):
So your testimony is the seven eighty seven line. Are
you think are not well?

Speaker 7 (17:27):
They are doing stuff that increases the risk factors. Okay,
when you increase the risk factors, you know it's not
just one you are doing stress concentrations. That those stress
concentrations like you know, breaking a paper clip. You know
you do it once or twice, it doesn't break, but
it breaks at some time as the plane gets older.

You know, all of these things that you know you took.
You know, you said it's not a safety issue. It
becomes a safety issue.

Speaker 4 (17:55):
And the company's response to you was to threaten.

Speaker 7 (17:59):
You threaten you, sideline you, you know, transfer you.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
You raised concerns about the seven eighty seven, and so
they transferred you, transferred you to the seven Triple seven, right.

Speaker 7 (18:09):
Well, and yes, initially they just cut me off of
all the meetings. They took my name out, and then
so I was just doing nothing. I wasn't informed of.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
What And then it gets very interesting with what he
has to say, very interesting when you consider a couple
other things about Boeing recently. We'll play you that in
a moment. Before we play you that, let's talk about this.
Let's talk about what you're gonna leave your kids one day.
We all want to leave them something, right, I've actually

thought about this before. I know that's weird, but I
look at any things I have and I wonder what
are my sons gonna use, what are they going to appreciate? What,
what are they gonna give to their kids? Well, you know,
done for you real estate, you know that's passing down
a wealth legacy for your kids, acquiring properties, you acquiring

rental houses. Those are things you tangible, things you can
pass down to your children, changing their lives. You might
change the life of someone you've never met, you'll never meet,
maybe your great grandkid or something like that. Oh, Jesse,
I can't do that. I'm a normal guy. Done for you.
Real estate is about normal guys, it's about normal women.

It's about normal people acquiring properties. You don't know how
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They do. They'll handle it for you. They'll get you
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them start you, let them get you going. Done for you.
Jesse dot com is where you begin. Done for you,
Jesse dot Com. We'll be back with this bowing guy next.

I've got on Animoisie.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
Don't mean Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the
Jesse Kelly Show. And yes, I'm going to get to
the impeachment stuff and the DHS monitoring illegals and being
debanked and so many other things tonight on the world
famous Jesse Kelly Show. I already talked about the New

York City trial and the jurors, but right now we're
talking about Boeing because a Boeing safety engineer named Sam Sterview.
He gave testimony today in front of the Senate and
Josh Holly was listening to him describe why these new
Boeing planes are unsafe. Now, before I get to the
other part of the testimony today, totally unrelated to that,

I just want to remind you about a little story
we talked about on this show. It was a very
recent story. In fact, John Barnett, you remember that name.
This is about a month ago, John Barnett. Who is
John Barnett? Well, John Barnett had worked for Boeing for
more than thirty years. He'd worked for Boeing for more

than thirty years. Family friends said he he was in
good spirits. Now what was he doing since his retirement
in twenty seventeen. What he was doing was whistle blowing
on Boeing, talking about how dangerous Boeing was, talking about

the quality, how it's going down, how dangerous it was. Now,
what are the circumstances around his death? Well, the police
found him with a well they listed here self inflicted
gunshot wound in his car. Where was that car? That
car was in Charleston, South Carolina. Huh, he didn't live

in Charleston, South Carolina. Why was he there? He was
in Charleston, South Carolina for legal interviews linked to his
whistle blowing case against Boeing, and they found him having
committed suicide in Charleston, South Carolina. Now that was about

a month ago. I think it was March tenth, March
eleventh that happened. This is what this Boeing safety engineer
testified in front of the Senate today.

Speaker 7 (22:11):
And I raised concerns internally, I was sidelined. I was
told to shut up. I received physical threats. My boss said,
I would have killed someone who said what you said
in a meeting. This is not a safety culture when
you get threatened by bringing issues of safety concerns.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
I would have killed someone who said what you said
in a meeting. I received physical threats. Let's just play
that one.

Speaker 7 (22:36):
And I raised concerns internally. I was sidelined, I was
told to shut up. I received physical threats. My boss said,
I would have killed someone who said what you said
in a meeting. This is not a safety culture when
you get threatened by bringing issues of safety concerns.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
I would have killed someone who said what you said. Huh, well,
there's that. By the way, when's the last time we
talked about PMCs totally unrelated to all this Boeing stuff. Now, No,
it's totally unrelated. We're changing gears here. PMCs. You know
what PMCs are. PMCs are private military contractors, mercenaries you

would know them as but they're known as PMCs in
the industry. There are many, many, many very good ones,
and I mean full of good people who will only
fight for what's right, fight for something they agree for.
Many pmc's will work with governments almost exclusively, sometimes exclusively

for governments, including our government. You have someplace where you
can't send official US personnel, you have this group of
private military contractors. It's always staffed full of superstuds, former
Green Berets and guys like that. Hey, we need you
guys to go work security here or go handle this
problem for us, and they will in the good tough patriots. Now,

the thing about that PMC industry is there's a wide spectrum.
If you will, you see men. Men develop skills over
the course of their lifetime. All men do. Maybe your
skills are valuable, maybe your skills are stupid, doesn't matter,
but men develop skills over the course of a lifetime.

Me I'm a menu whisperer. For forty two years. I've
been ordering food the right way in restaurants. Now I'm
an expert. I'm the world's expert. I've developed those skills
because I have menu whispering skills. I could sell those
skills if I felt like being uncharitable. Instead, I give

out the information for free on the radio. But if
you're a man who has acquired the skills of killing
people for many, many, many years, almost always trained by
a military, so militaries will do. They'll teach you how
to kill people, shoot things, blow things up, so on
and so forth. If you've spent a lifetime acquiring those skills,
you oftentimes will want to use those skills to make

money once you leave the military. And contrary to what
you see in the movies, not everyone in the military
is a good guy. There are many, many, many, many
many men across the planet, not just in America, across
the planet who are highly trained professionals, the kind of

men who if they wanted to kill you, if they
wanted to kill me, they actually could without very much difficulty. Yes,
I've had some training, and yes I carry a weapon
on me, but we're talking professionals here. You get a
professional who wants to kill you, you're gone. You are
probably gone unless you catch a break or some luck
or something like that. Well, these PMCs, they're not always

good guys. Many PMCs full of bad guys. Full of
guys maybe bad isn't really the way I want to
put it, Full of guys who will kill for money?
Who will they kill for money? Well, anyone, you pay
them and they'll make sure problems go away. Now, this

is completely unrelated to everything we were just talking about.
I just want to make that clear. Totally unrelated. And
that brings me to major corporations in rich guys. I
know those two go hand in hand. Major corporations, politicians
and rich guys. You know, men, The whole history of

the world is men and women. I'm not just making
this about men. Men and women paying a deadly person
to make problems go away when you don't have any
moral issue with killing people, well why not. Everything's just
the financial decision, isn't it. I personally don't believe in murder,

so I couldn't do it. But let's say I didn't
have that value system, and let's say I had this
burden in my life named Chris, and I wanted that
problem to go away. And I knew a guy and
him and his friends they have this company, and they
told me, hey, for fifty thousand dollars, we can make

this Chris problem disappear. That's a simple business decision for many, many,
many people across the planet, a decision that has been
made many times. Do you remember the guy just take
it off the top of my head.

Speaker 2 (27:25):

Speaker 1 (27:25):
These are random, totally unconnected thoughts. I want to be
clear about this. These are unconnected. Do you remember the
guy who signed Jeffrey Epstein into Bill Clinton's White House?
You see, when you sign into the White House officially,
you have to that's public information. So we know the gentleman.
We know his name. And Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton

were really really close. And there was one guy who
always seemed to be to be the guy who signed
Jeffrey Epstein into the Clinton White House. And do you
remember it was a story that came out, No big deal,
no foul play. The police already ruled on it. They
found that guy dead and he was we see, if
I have this right, He had a cord wrapped around

his neck, tying him to a tree. He had a
gunshot wounded. Believe it was a shotgun to his chest.
They were unable to locate the weapon, which is interesting
because the police then ruled it a suicide. Huh. Anyway,
all this stuff is unconnected. I certainly don't want you

to be some kind of deranged conspiracy theorist. I'm just
kind of thinking out loud here, just going through everything
in my mind. Just they just do with that information
what you will. Shall we? Now, let's move on and
talk about other things. We have many other things to
talk about. Yes, I know, we have to dig into
the impeachment stuff and fighting to win, and how they're
talking about the economy and all kinds of other things

before we get to those things. It's interesting the kind
of connections you can see when you look at these
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We'll be.

Speaker 6 (30:08):
Back, miss dast catch up.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
Jesse kellyshow dot com. It is that Jesse Kelly Show.
Don't worry. We still have more than a couple hours
of the Jesse Kelly Show. And there's so much to
get to. Joe Biden today he just again the truth
isn't in him, and he's at the age where he

doesn't really stress getting called out on it anymore, and
he understands the apparatchicks in the media won't destroy him
for it. But today Biden told a story. The audio
is crap, otherwise I'd play it for you. There's all
kinds of audio. These guys always do these interviews standing
by a helicopter or a plane. So you go to
try to play the audio on it s love uve

you can't know your dag on the either way. He's
giving this interview and he talks about his grandfather being
shot down in an area where there are a lot
of cannibals. Joe Biden tells the story about his grandfather
a lot. Joe Biden's grandfather was Ambrose Finnigan. That was
his name, And yes he did die, but not the

way he says. He wasn't a pilot, by the way.
He was a ground crew member. He is a ground
crew member. Joe Biden has called him a pilot in
the past. He was a member of the ground crew,
and I'm not dogging on the ground crew. But he
was not a pilot. He was a passenger on a plane.
There was bad weather and it crashed in the sea.

There was there were no cannibals at all. His father died.
In fact, everyone in the crash died except for one guy.
One guy ended up getting rescue. But it was a
crash in the sea without cannibals. But he can't, he
can't do it. There are people like that I've known them,
You've known them. That goes way beyond politics. The truth

just isn't in them, where you know, no matter. They
could tell you that they had spaghetti for dinner and
you would know, okay, well I know they didn't have
spaghetti for dinner. You would just know that's Joe Biden,
all right, Jesse. I wanted to answer this one for
a reason, Oh thou master of all knowledge. Why I
am a Vietnam combat vet. I frequent one of the

vet centers. When we Vietnam era vets have a chance
to have a group time with other vets, the younger
vets do not want anything to do with the older vets,
while the older vets have no problem fellowshipping or having
group time with the younger ones. Why do the younger
vets want nothing to do with the older vets, yet
the older vets have no problem with the younger ones.

No one ever gives me an answer for this, so
on and so forth. Okay, I need to talk about
this because this goes way beyond vets and Vietnam vets
and modern and things like that. This goes to where
we are today. And this is honestly, this is something
that I have to monitor in myself. You have to
monitor in yourself, you have to monitor it in your children.

This is a unique problem for this day and age.
My wife and I the other night, what was it
last Friday night? I think it was last Friday, Saturday night.
We wanted to go out, have a little date night,
nothing major at all. We wanted to go get some
chips and k so, have a beer somewhere, just kind
of go out, relaxed a little bit. And so we
went out to this big sports bar in our town.

They have great food. They have these sliders there that
oh my god.

Speaker 3 (33:37):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
Anyway, well set that aside for a moment. They have
great foods. We went out there. We went to this place. Now,
this sports bar, this sports bar hires young women as waitresses.
I know, that's not exactly shocking. That's kind of sports barm.
And like many many sports bars, they choose the hot ones. Now,
this is not Hooters or something like that. This is

a place you could take your kids. But at the
same time, it's very obvious the way they have them dressed.
They're all in shorts and tank tops, they're all dimes.
It's very obvious you're there, and the waitresses being dimes
is part of the cell. I'm going somewhere with this.
Just stay with me. And our waitress was I don't know.
They all look like kids to me. Now that I'm

forty two, I would guess twenties, early twenties dime, total
dime and the most somber, personality less piece of cardboard
I've ever met in my life. And actually we had
two or three waitresses because there was a bunch going
on and they were all like that knockouts and just

no personality. No, nothing. Personality is one of those things.
It's a skill you develop. Now. Obviously, some people are
more they're born that God makes some more people people,
and some people are more intro or more stiff or
you know, an engineer type will be different. I understand

that people are made different. But the ability to have
a conversation and the desire to have a conversation, that
is a skill you acquire over the course of your
lifetime my forty two years. Honestly, let's set aside the
smartphone era, and I'm not doing a back in my
day thing. As a child when it was Friday or

Saturday night, Yeah, you might get to play video games
late at night. But you were out catching fireflies with
your buddies, you were riding your bike around, you were
doing what you were interacting with other people, interacting with
other people. Now, no, it wasn't Pung Chris. I'm not
that old anyway. Today, kids and adults, this does not

just apply to young people. We do not interact with
people a fraction as much as we used to. And
what it's done is it's taking away the personality of
future generations because they never had the years of forced
social interaction. You know, when there when it was a

game night in my neighborhood or something like that. When
I was a kid, when it was church potluck time
or something like that, you didn't get to uh, you
didn't get to hide outside on your phone. You didn't
get to see you would you didn't. You had no options.
There were people there. Then you had to interact. And
I'm not saying back in my day it was better.
What I'm saying is this older veterans, older Vietnam veteran

guy versus younger veteran guy. This supplies way way beyond veterans.
The younger you are today, the less likely you are
to be personable and to have a personality because you
haven't had to work on it. It's not your fault.
It's not that you're bad, it's not that you're stupid,
it's not that you're anything. It's that you haven't developed

those skills over time. I only put that out there
because I wanted to say once again, this is for
me as much as it's about anyone else. We have
got to, in this day and age, force ourselves into
places where we interact physically with people in person. Facebook

is not enough, Text mess text messaging your boyfriend is
not enough. My goodness, go out have some fun and
talk to people. I know in this day and age,
that's daunting. But Vietnam Vet. Why won't the young Vets interact?
It's not just you. They don't interact with anybody because
that's how times have changed socially. Now, let's deal with

this humor impeachment stuff next
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