All Episodes

April 19, 2024 37 mins

The federal government is flooding the country with criminals on purpose. It is time to renegotiate the relationship between the states and the federal government. Aggressive local and legal action is what can and what will save the country. Saving the country is not an event, but a process. Illegals in NYC are scolding the city council for not being enough of a sanctuary city. Being great for 5 years or good for 30.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun
on a Thursday.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
You can almost see it, you can almost smell it.
The weekend is almost here. Put a smile on your face.
We have a huge show for you tonight. We are
gonna discuss the disconnect with the American voter. There's a
pull out. Nine percent of young voters like the direction

of the country, but none of them are voting against
Joe Biden. Why does that dynamic take place? We're gonna
do a ton of talk tonight about the federal government
illegal immigration. That interview I did with Tucker's blowing up
all over the dag gone place. So I'm actually going
to open here in a minute or two explaining my

thoughts on that, because may Orcis gave a lot of
testimony today, and there are some Africans in New York
City that gave testimony today, and it's going to bring
home what I'm talking about. We have all that deep
state talk, the fbis lumping you in with Gi Hotti's
all that and so much more tonight coming up on
the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. Now, I want to

begin here with the big news of the day. Everyone
is emailing me about this. I realized we have a
bunch of new listeners to the show. So allow me
to explain something. Tucker Carlson and I are friends. We
got to know each other back when he had a
show on Fox News. Our radio show was really, really,
really small back then, but just he caught wind of

something ended up going on his show. A bunch we
got to be really good friends. I've flown up and
hung out with them before, like we're friends. And he
has his new show, and he decided he wanted to
have me on to have a long discussion about a
new coalition of states, a coalition of states that is

a little bit separate from the government. Now, let me
explain my thoughts. Because that interview went out yesterday. It's
all over the place, believe it or not. It's getting
shared all throughout Congress, in the Senate, everywhere. I've got
my phones melting from congressmen and whatnot talking about it.
So let me just lay out a couple things, and
then I'll give you some more detail after we get

into the May Yorkist stuff. Here's what we all have
to understand. The states, the states created the federal government.
The federal government did not create the states. The states
created the federal government. They created the federal government because

they understood that there are some things, a few things
that only a centralized government can do. We don't want
the centralized government to do much. You're a small government person.
I'm a small government person. We don't want them doing much.
But things like, honestly, a currency, the currency of a nation.

We really can't have New York having their own currency
different than Texas's currency. Now you have a currency exchange,
you can't have that. Okay, So there are certain things
the central government has to do, and part of what
the States agreed upon over the years was the central government,

the federal government needs to be the one who handles immigration.
Who's a citizen, who's not a citizen, How many people
can come here, how many people are allowed to come
here legally? Who will secure the borders? That needs to
be a federal thing. That's what the States decided. Doesn't
matter whether you disagree with that or agree with that,

doesn't matter what I think about that. The States decide, Hey,
this responsibility of immigration, of illegal immigration, needs to belong
to the federal government. We can't have New Mexico's illegal
immigration policy being different than New York's, being different than
our organs. We can't. We can't have that. It won't work. However,

things have changed, and this is what I mean. Back
when that decision was made, the federal government was occupied
by people who wanted to do their duty. I'm not
saying they were all saints, they certainly won't weren't, but
people who viewed that responsibility as a serious responsibility. That

was then, back when we signed the contract, if you will,
that was the condition on the ground. Today, here is
the condition on the ground. The condition on the ground
is the federal government we trusted to handle immigration in
this country has turned hostile to the American people into

the country itself, and they've taken their role as security
guard and instead of running security, they're actually inviting and
paying for people to come into the country and gut
it like a fish. The federal government. It's not just
that they're failing at their job. They have declared war

on the job they have. It would be like me, premiere.
They pay me to do radio every day. It's my
job to sit down, do a three hour radio show
and entertain the masses right here. For Premiere Networks, it
would be like me sitting down every day and doing
everything I could to get you to turn off the radio.

That's what it would be, me trying, not just sitting
here in silence hoping you'll change the channel. Me sitting
down every day saying something on the air with the
intention to get you to turn off the radio. Well,
if I did that, the show's going great. Don't get
me wrong. Everything's wonderful here. But if I did that,
how long would Premiere keep me on? Uh?

Speaker 2 (06:13):
Not very We wanted you to entertain the masses. Instead
you're turning off the masses. We have to renegotiate the
nature of our relationship here. They would make a phone
call Chris, same thing, Jewish producer Chris. His job is
to produce the radio show. Michael's job production work. That's
what their job is.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
And they bust their butts at it, and they're good
at it, and they contribute and they have ideas. But
what if they both showed up one day and they
decided they were going to ruin the show, not just
be lazy. I'm gonna sit here and drink beer, but
they're gonna ruin the show. Well, they have to be fired.
I can't do this. It's not gonna work that way.

We hired a security guard, that's the federal government. Security
guard's job is to guard who can and cannot come
inside of our home. If the security guard then starts
paying robbers to come loot our home, we must renegotiate

the nature of our relationship. Now I'm gonna play some
things for you and then we'll come back to that.
There there are some eye popping things. Speaking of New York,
I want I want you to listen to this. I
want you to listen to what the immigration system of
America has brought. This is an African woman testifying in

front of the New York City Council.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
You know, in Africa, unfortunately for us, learning how to
read and write, it's a privilege and a lot of
provencestell do not know how to read and write. So
the language barrier is it's it's tremendous. It's impossible for
them to do anything because we don't understand the language.
We don't understand the way the city works. They don't

understand anything, and you can't go nothing, you can do nothing.
You know, we are African, We don't speak African. We
have different specificity in Africa. Only in the Congo you
have like more than five hundred language. Swili has been
spoken in Burundi, so I can speak with somebody from Burundi,

but I cannot speak Swali with somebody from Mauritania. In Europe,
a Turkish don't talk for French. French don't talk for
a Spanish. So why it is that you will put everybody,
everybody in African decembad and thinking that because they speak Asanya,
because they speak, everybody will understand you. See, I told

you a kunamatata, you couldn't understand.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
Anything, you see.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
So that's what we need. We need people that speak
the native language to teach to those people. That's what
we're asking the city, and the city refuse.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
Oh I'm so sorry. Did you? Did you drop your
pants and take a steaming dump over the sovereignty of
my country? And then we're not being accommodating enough to
you here? Are we not? Are we not being accommodating

to you in your languages? Man, I'm so sorry. My
heart is my heart's breaking for you. I gotta be
on breaking for you. Listen, listen to this. Listen to this,
Listen to this.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
This is unacceptable. This is shameful time in New York story.
This city is not friendly for old people.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
I'm just I'm gonna let her start again. Did you
hear how she starts out. I'm gonna play this again.
Listen to how she starts.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
This is unacceptable.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
This is unacceptable. The illegal who left her dump to
come reside in luxuriate in New York City hasn't been
given everything she needs, and now it's it's unacceptable to
you set aside your anger for that piece of trash

for a moment. What does that say about our government?
You understand that if you're in a country illegally, wherever
you come from, wherever you go, if I go, if
I go, decide I'm going to move to Germany tomorrow.
Don't worry. I'm not moving to Germany, but I just
go there illegally. You understand that because I broke through

immigration laws, I should be afraid. I should be I
should be afraid to get a traffic ticket, to go
to the DMV. I should be afraid because I'm illegal,
and if they find me, they'll arrest me, maybe put
me in prison before they deport me our illegals are
so comfortable here they give open testimony talking about how

unacceptable their treatment is. I'm not done yet. We're going
somewhere with this before before we get to all the
rest of this stuff. You obviously have seen the Foreign
Aid Bill. There will be a vote on it this weekend.
Just know to know that it's going to pass all
right legislations, billions here, billions there, billions for them, billions
for this, and then there's nothing for you, and there

won't be anything for you. We are in eluding the
treasury phase of the late stage Republic. You can sit
around whining about that, or you can make preparations. It's
time to make preparations. Oxford Gold Group is about making preparations.
Precious metals are preparations. They're not jewelry. It's not fancy.
It's not something for you to brag to your friends about,

look at all my gold coins. In fact, you should
never tell anybody, but you should make a phone call
and ensure that you have something to purchase goods and
services with and some sort of lasting wealth that's outside
of the dollar, because these people are destroying the dollar.
You know, you buy groceries, So make a phone call

eight three three nine nine five Gold. Eight three three
nine nine five Gold. We'll be back.

Speaker 4 (11:56):
Fighting for your freedom every day the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday, and
I do need to remind you that tomorrow Tomorrow is
an Ask Doctor Jesse Friday, all three hours of the
show for you new listeners. On Fridays, we do the
same thing every Friday. All three hours are me answering
your questions, what questions, whatever, whatever you email into Jesse

at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Don't have to be political.
It can be anything. I don't care. History, food, We
have a blast on Fridays Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
Get those emailed in right now. They're already pouring in
this show. Now back to what we were talking about.
We're doing a long thing in case you're just now
joining us, about the States renegotiating their relationship with the

federal government. We have a federal government that was charged
with controlling the immigration into the United States of America. Instead,
they have opened up our borders to the point where
we now have Africans pouring into the country. Telling us
their treatment is unexcessed is unacceptable.

Speaker 3 (13:08):
This is shameful time in New York story. This city
is not friendly for all people. It is anti African
and XENOPHOBICI we came to share this testing on you.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
Just all that keep going crossed the Atlantic from her dump,
lives in the most important city on the planet and
sitting there in public without an ounce of fear of
arrested deportations. Sitting there scolding the governing body. She's testifying

before the New York City Council. Sitting there scolding the
governing body about how racist and xenophobic they are.

Speaker 3 (13:48):
To let you all know, in this council, you all
are responsible for vispain and suffering that will affect us
for generation to come. But you also can change this
for better. New York City should at least leave up
to the standard it project to the world instead of

the major kitty he has shown our community. African dissolved
dignity and respect. We are not animal. This country has
a bit too.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
You have a She had a pause because she's so upset,
scolding you Africa. We deserve dignity and respect. You deserve
a prison cell, you criminals to receive.

Speaker 3 (14:33):
All over immigrants, all over our community. Why is going
to be done only to the African because they.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
Did you get the idea. Now I'm gonna play something
else for you. Alejandro Majorcis obviously you know he won't
be impeached in the Senate, but he did have to
sit in front of the Senate today and speak with
Senator rand Paul. This is not just some fly by
night street hippie. This is the head of the Department

of Homeland Security. Keep that in mind when I say
the states must form their own coalition. Red states must
form a red state coalition, divorce their immigration policy from
the federal government and began the arrest, deportation, and border
security policy on their own. Listen to the head of DHS.

Speaker 5 (15:25):
And so when you come to us and you say,
oh gosh, if we only had more legislation, we could
do it.

Speaker 6 (15:31):
Why don't you.

Speaker 5 (15:34):
Bring back the executive orders of Donald Trump that seemed
to be working. You immediately got rid of them for
political purposes. The border's a disaster. Why don't you bring
back the ninety two executive orders that you reversed. I, respectfully,
a ranking Member Paul, disagree with the premise of your question.

Speaker 6 (15:50):
That's because you refuse to look at it.

Speaker 1 (15:52):
By the way, little side note, sorry, little side note,
I realized not everyone understands how everything works. Ranking member,
What does that mean? Remember when when Democrats are in
charge of a body or Republicans are in charge of
a body, they get to choose the chairman of the committees.
Chairman of the committees. All right, so you're the big
cheese on the committee. Democrats control control the Senate. So

there's a chairman of this committee who's a Democrat, the
highest ranking member of the opposition party. He's kind of
I don't want to say he's the second in charge
because he's really not. But he's considered the ranking member
right clear with.

Speaker 5 (16:27):
The facts, and it's still, you know, I guess, insulting
to all of us and insulting to the memory of
Lake and Riley and to the memory of others who
have been killed by people who came into this country.
I think a lot of people in America are going
to be appall. You know that you refuse to answer
the questions, jose Bara, you know, is it was it

lawful to parole him? Was it lawful to let him
in the country. Because you say the camp's full.

Speaker 7 (16:56):
Ranking member, Paul is a former federal prosecute for twelve years.
I can say with tremendous conviction that individuals who commit
criminal acts need to be held accountable for their crimes.

Speaker 5 (17:08):
Well, that's not much consolation if you wait until after
he's murdered somebody.

Speaker 6 (17:12):

Speaker 5 (17:12):
Part of the problem is, and I think people would
be a gas to know this that when you come
in use give people your name right.

Speaker 6 (17:18):
It's an honor system.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
I want you to pay attention to this part. This
is your federal government, this is my federal government. We
have entrusted them with the legal immigration. Listen to what
they do.

Speaker 5 (17:31):
There may be some databases you check, but certainly most
of the domestic crimes in Venezuela probably are not in
any kind of international database. So if your waltz into
the country through your generous parole programs and say I'm
John Smith from Venezuela, you have no way of ascertaining
that you still let them go. So you say, well,
we're going to make sure that they're not a violent criminal.

You have no way.

Speaker 6 (17:53):
You look in some databases.

Speaker 5 (17:54):
Maybe they're not in the database, but you have no
way of even knowing that.

Speaker 6 (17:57):
That's their name.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
He goes on to explain that because they don't even
use their real name, and because we can't verify things
from places like Venezuela and various African countries, various places
around the world, they choose their name, and we, the
United States of America, give these people a new identity.

We welcome them into the country and give them a
new identity. We cannot survive like this, so it's time
for something new. We'll discuss that next.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Fighting for your Freedom every day the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. Remember,
if you miss any part of the show, you can
down the download the whole thing on iHeart, Google, Spotify, iTunes.
So let's wrap up this thought here because I want
to get to some other things. Yes, I understand about
the jury selection in New York today, and we're going
to talk about the state things and the disconnected the voter.

I want to get to some emails tonight. But to
wrap up this discussion, the federal government was entrusted, has
been entrusted. The States gave the federal government the responsibility
to control immigration, secure the border. Who can come, who
can't come? Who gets deported? The federal government was given

that responsibility by the states. The federal government has now
declared war on the United States of America by immigration
policy alone. We're not even going to get into everything else.
They have opened up the border on purpose, on purpose,
on purpose. You must understand and accept that. It's not

an accident. It's not a whoopsie. That's not liberals. What
were we too nice? They're flooding the country with rapists
on purpose. Therefore, States red ones. It is time now
to renegotiate the nature of their relationship with the federal government. Now,

right now, we will not deport these people. There aren't
even there isn't even the personnel to deport these people.
You know, we have about six thousand employees at ice.
About three thousand of those are the ones who actually
deport people. But we're gonna have a mass deportation of
ten million people. That's a freaking line. It's never gonna happen. Oh,
we'll bring in the military. Okay, if you walked through that,

in your mind, you want a bunch of United States
Marines knocking on doors. Hey, open up. That sound good?
You think that's gonna be good for the American people
for freedom. Hey, don't worry. We've just got a couple
army divisions marching through town to deport illegals. Do you
think that'll go over well? Do you think the American
people would even support the crying babies being deported? Of
course not. These people are here permanently, So we must

begin taking steps now, not after November. Well, let's see
what Tramp does. Right now, Red States form a coalition,
challenge the federal government. Deport whoever you want, arrest, deport people,
build a wall ten miles high on your border, put
up machine gun nests for all I care you know.

Deadly force actually is something nations you have used since
the dawn of time to enforce their borders. That's not
some radical thing I'm coming in.

Speaker 8 (21:22):
No, you're not.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
I'm going to force my way in. If you do,
all kill you. That's basic border security. It is time
to take this deadly serious, because Americans are dying. Deadly serious.
It is deadly serious. And if anyone from the federal
government after the Red States form this coalition, if anyone
from the federal government Border Patrol FBI politician I don't

care who it is tries to step in and stop it,
arrest them too and send them to prison. Sounds crazy.
I'm trying to save a country, trying to save your
way of life. In my way of life, this is
what its going to take. Listen to these people, Listen
to this, mister secretary.

Speaker 9 (22:03):
How many people have died from fittaneil in this country
in the last three years, the last.

Speaker 8 (22:07):
Year, Senator, I would be pleased to provide you with.

Speaker 1 (22:11):
That you have what would be your guests.

Speaker 8 (22:13):
Senator, I don't want to guess, but so you.

Speaker 9 (22:15):
Don't know, two hundred and fifty thousand Americans have died
from fittanil poisoning, and.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
That's on your shoulders.

Speaker 9 (22:21):
How many people have you prolled in the last three years?

Speaker 8 (22:24):
Any idea, Senator, I would be pleased, as.

Speaker 9 (22:26):
You can't have you you're in charge of this. You
have no ideas that one million? Is it two?

Speaker 8 (22:30):

Speaker 9 (22:31):
Is it two? Or three?

Speaker 8 (22:32):
Uh? Senator I would be pleased to provide.

Speaker 9 (22:34):
How many of those have committed a crime? How many
people that have you parolled have committed a crime?

Speaker 8 (22:40):
Senator? If you would be.

Speaker 9 (22:42):
If you're pleased to mister secretary, do you recall a
visit in January to Eagle Pass? You were an Eagle
Pass in January?

Speaker 6 (22:51):
Do you recall that miss.

Speaker 8 (22:52):
All the precise month.

Speaker 7 (22:53):
But I've made over twenty visits to the borders, So
forgive me for not remembering that.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
If you recall being.

Speaker 9 (22:59):
In a room and legal pass Texas with a large
number of border patrol officers, did you admit the release
rate was eighty five percent at that time?

Speaker 7 (23:07):
Oh, as I've testified before, I don't remember the particular
exchange to which you refer.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Eighty five percent. The federal government, we entrusted with the
border invites them here in eighty five percent are flown
into the country, given healthcare, given schooling, given visa cards,

food lodging at your expense. Now you tell me, you
sit there and tell me that I'm the radical one
for talking about a red state coalition with immigration enforcement powers.
I'm not the radical one, I would argue, I am
extremely moderate. I am the moderate one here. I am.

We cannot survive like this. We can't, no nation can.
And even if look, even if, what if we do
get these mass deportations and Trump wins and about all that. Okay, Okay,
but this is now the stated policy of American Democrats.
So anytime a Democrat president is elected in the future,

and they will be, we can bank on another ten million,
twelve million illegals. It's over. I don't mean the country,
but the federal government being trusted with immigration law must
be over. Those days must be over. Well, what about
the Supreme Court? Screw the Supreme Court. If they want

to come step in when the Red States form their coalition,
they can be arrested too. That's how deadly serious I
am about this. This has got to be taken seriously.
Our life depends on it, the life of a nation.
We are being invaded by every single dump on the planet. Yeah, way,

all right, all right, that's one last Word's got this
email about the interview. I got a couple of these. Hey, Jesse,
I caught you on Tucker Carlson's show tonight. You guys
should do show stuff more often. Your insight, along with
Tucker's great questions, were great, But I think the most
mesmerizing thing was the contrast between Tucker's out of control
big head of hair and your shiny, cubeball head. I

just couldn't look away. Just amazing. Anyway, it was great.
His name is Ben. That's not nice. That's not very nice, Jesse.
I listened to your conversation with Tucker Carlson. I'm hyper informed.
I'm frustrated. I can't seem to get the message out
about what's going on in the country. I wanted to
ask gopik politicians, what the beep are you doing? Do something?
Please tell me what I can do, because voting isn't enough.

DEM's dues of so many underhand and things so on
and so forth. Give me some direction. Listen. The direction
you must take and I must take is aggressive of
local legal action, local legal and aggressive. You cannot walk
into the White House. You're not the president, you're not

in Congress. I don't want you to grab your weapons
and march down to the border and get yourself thrown
in prison, because that's all that's going to happen. We're
not talking about doing something stupid or illegal or anything
like that here. Local aggressive action it doesn't sound like enough.
Because you're desperate. I'm desperate. These things are happening right now.
We need them to stop right now. We're watching our

country disintegrate, and we want it to be saved. But
saving the country is a process. Remember that, a process.
It's not an event. It is a process. I actually
really like that, Chris, Chris, write that down. That's a
great quote. What Chris, listen, that's a great whote. Why
don't you accept that? Maybe you just don't understand. Let

me explain it in more details.

Speaker 6 (26:53):
This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's an
attempt to make TikTok better.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
Tick Tech two A winner, A winner, A winner, Chris,
that's a winning look. Saving the country is not an event.
It's a process. I love that so much. I think
I'm gonna repeat that five times during this show. What Chris,
you know what, I'm gonna give myself that one right there.
I'm making it tally right here. Saving the country is
not an event. It's a process. That's too Chris. I've

got three more still to come. In all seriousness, it
means getting involved at the local level and changing the
culture of this country, because the ultimate goal is we
have a federal government occupied with people who don't want
to destroy it. That's the ultimate goal. It's gonna take
us a long time to get there, and we'll keep
working on it, all right, Let's deal with this New
York City jury, the Foreign Aid bill in so much more.

Before we get to those things, Let's get to this.
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to four. We'll be back.

Speaker 4 (28:53):
He doesn't care if you believe them, but he's right,
Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. Do
not forget to send in your ask doctor Jesse questions
for tomorrow Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com, where I
pretend to be a doctor even though I'm an uneducated
white trash idiot on Friday, and I answer all of
your questions. Chris, that was red hot chili peppers. What

do we think about red hot chili peppers? You think
they're great, Michael, red hot chili peppers. I think they're good.
I don't think i'd say great, what Chris? Okay, Now
that's a very fair point, and that's actually an interesting
discussion for all of us in life. What Jewish producer

Chris said was they've been good for like thirty five years,
and the longevity does add to it. Right now, let
me ask you, would you rather burn major bright for
five years or be good for thirty years? Essentially, let's

think about comedy this way. Chris Farley. Chris Farley, now
the younger generation probably won't fully understand how funny Chris
Farley was because a lot of that old Saturday Night
Live stuff and Tommy Boy and whatnot, that's kind of
more my generation. But when Chris Farley was making movies,
he only made a few, they were so freaking pants

wedding funny. And when he was doing Saturday Night Live,
he was so funny he made the other comedians break
down during the segments, breakdown laughing, that's how funny he was.
And then had a bad drug problem in waits and
a big weight problem. It died early. It was ugly,
he died early. But everyone remembers Chris Farley. Now, who's

a comedic actor that's been good for thirty years? Ben
Stiller probably Ben still is a good example, very very
good for thirty years career. Would you rather have not?
Whose life? I don't think any of us want to
die at whateverever young fathery did. But I don't know
the answer to that. Anyway, Let's move on and talk
about some other things tonight. I feel like the Trump jury,

the Trump New York City trial thing, I feel like
it's less interesting to me than it is to other people.
And for this reason. I feel like we already know
how this is going to go. Don't you feel that way?
So where's the mystery. It's not as if there's some
great mystery to the thing. We know the trials of farce.

It's ridiculous. It shouldn't ever be brought to trial. We
know the judge is evil. Alvin Bragg is evil, Letitia
James is evil. We know they're all evil. These are dirty,
evil communists. We know they're doing this to try to
help the election for Democrats. We know they're doing this
to promote themselves and get a better seat at the
communist's table. We know all this, and we know we

know what the jury will be. Manhattan voted eighty seven
percent for Joe Biden. This is not like a sixty
forty situation. Eighty seven percent. You walked down the streets
of Manhattan, and I do often. In fact, I think
I'll be there in about a month. You walked down
the streets of Manhattan. If it's a native New York

or you're walking by eighty seven percent, chance they think
Donald Trump is Hitler. Listen to this segment from MSNBC,
and it's just this is all stuff we knew that
was killed.

Speaker 10 (32:29):
One of the jurors called up the court to inform
them that she did not know whether she could actually
be fair and impartial. She was asked to come to
court this morning and went before the defense, and went
before the District Attorney's office and answered questions about how
she got to that conclusion. And she said in part
that she got calls just yesterday alone from quote, friends, colleagues,

and family quote questioning my identity as a juror.

Speaker 1 (32:57):
She continued, I don't.

Speaker 10 (32:58):
Believe I can be fair and on by and let
the outside influences not affect me in the courtroom. This
hits at the heart of the difficulty for these jurors
over the course of the next six to eight weeks.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Well, it's not difficult. It's already done. Do you remember,
Do you remember the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Stay with me
for a minute. Kyle Rittenhouse. You know who Kyle Rittenhouse was.
He was that kid out there doing community service. Kenosha, Wisconsin,
starts to burn from all the ANTIFA animals and Black
Lives Matter animals out there in the streets. Kyle Rittenhouse

is armed. He goes out, tries to guard some businesses
because remember there were torching cars. It was really really
bad that night. And he gets in the bad pickle
with some of these dirty street commune it skills a
couple of them. Now, what Kyle Rittenhouse did was on videotape.
It was on videotape. I've watched it, You've watched it.

We've seen what he did very clearly self defense. There's
not even a tiny amount of debate about the whole thing.
It was very clearly self defense. You realize that it
was touch and go. Kyle Rittenhouse almost spent the rest
of his life in prison. He was only acquitted in

very fifty to fifty Wisconsin because of the overwhelming amount
of video evidence that was out there. If it wasn't
for all that cell phone footage, Kyle Rittenhouse at the
age of eighteen goes to state prison for the rest
of his natural life. That was in fifty to fifty Wisconsin. Now,
why it's not just the dirty commi demons who will

be on the jury, it's the norms enormous who will
be on the jury. Meaning maybe if you get on
that jury, on Trump's jury in New York City, maybe
maybe you're maybe you're a democrat. Maybe you're independent. Even's
let's make it an independent. You're an independent, not really Republican,
not really democrat, not really a political person. Okay, all right, fine,
you're just a norm You don't really pay attention. Hey,

watching the game Yankees around you're one of those guys.
How much pressure does the media alone put on you
once they track you down, get your identity and start
asking you questions if you're a norm when you pull
up your Facebook page and you have all of a sudden,

oh my gosh, two hundred comments from commedi's threatening to
murder you and your family. And that's exactly how these
comedies operate. If you don't convict Donald Trump, if you're
a norm or a norma, you're gonna convict him just
because it's less of a hassle. That's why these communists
do the things they do, the street activism, the threats

someone posts his address, That's why they operate the way
they operate, because intimidation tactics are extremely effective on even
brave people. Let alone norm and norma who just want
to go sit on the jury, get out of work
for a couple of days, have a sidewalk eero and
go home. It's already done. He's already convicted. Now, I
don't think you'll go to prison in this one. This

will all work out in the end. But got already convicted.
So I just don't find it that interesting. All right,
let's deal with the disconnective voters. But first let's deal
with the deep state, the foreign aid bills, and let's
also deal with the fact that they are attacking the
food supply. You know this. You watched what they did

during COVID, You've watched the regulations. Now these politicians are
more and more comfortable getting up. John Carey just gave
a speech. We've played it for you on the show before,
how we have to attack agriculture. They are attacking the
food supply. They believe we have too much food and
they wish to starve about nine billion people to death.

Go to my Patriots supply and act as if they're
starving people to death on purpose, because that's exactly what
they're doing. It's what these climate communists have always done. Now,
what is my patriots supply? They have emergency foodkits, three
month foodkits, and various others, and right now they have
a special on four week foodkits because not everybody can

afford three months. I realized that you save fifty bucks
per kit at Prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com. Everyone
in your home needs emergency non perishable food, and my
Patriots Supply has them prepped and ready to go. So
go get your food kit. Prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com.

They ship fast, they ship free, and it's unmarked, and
keep it that way, keep it quiet. Please prepare with
Jesse Kelly dot com. We'll be back
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