All Episodes

April 23, 2024 43 mins

Republicans just teamed up with Democrats to pass a series of foreign aid bills while the American taxpayer continues to suffer. Are these set in stone? Not if Senator Mike Lee has anything to say about it. The Senator from Utah joins Jesse Kelly to break down everything going on. Plus, appearances from Kingsley Wilson and Marc Morano.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Oh boy, the House is passing foreign aid bill. Senator
Mike Lee's here to talk about that. Street communists are
out there, Climate communists are out there. Joe Biden's messing
everything up.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
All that and more coming up, and I'm right.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
All right, before we get going on the foreign aid
bill that's sailing through the House, hopefully going to stop
in the Senate. We got Senator Mike Lee. We got
all kinds of stuff tonight. Before we get to any
of that, we have to do something sadly, as we
always do, we honor the fallen on the show, especially
those who die in training. Sergeant Colin Arslanbas of Missouri,

he was with the twenty fourth MEU that's Marine Expeditionary
Unit in case you don't know, died in a training accident.
He was just promoted to sergeant last week. So rest
in peace, devil Dog. Prayers to you, Prayers to your family.
All right, All right, now, let's move on and let's

talk about what's going on. This is the state of
things in our country. And when you understand and accept
that what I'm about to say is the state of
things I'm not going to say, it makes it easier
to watch what they're doing. I mean, maybe in some
ways it'll make it harder, but you will understand everything easier.

The House of Representatives, United States House of Representatives, they
passed this big Ukraine four and a ninety plus billion
dollar bill over the weekend. Sixty billion for Ukraine is
reel Taiwan. The works, all right, majority of Democrats, it's
all Democrats and a minority of Republicans, but still tons
of Republicans.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
They got together, they signed this whole thing.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
And of course the video the pictures that are making
the rounds.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
I'm sure you've seen them now.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
They're out there waving Ukrainian flags on the floor of
the United States House of Representatives. Before we go on

to some things, let's understand this. The treasury is being
looted by the people who run America, all the Democrats,
eighty percent of the Republicans, the bureaucracy, the politicians, CEOs.
What are they doing. Well, these are people who are
different than you. We have to understand that. You have

to understand that, and so do I meaning, these are
not people who.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
Love the country.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
You must accept that about your congressman, even your Republican congressmen,
your Democrat Congressman. These are not people who get stirred
when they sing the national anthem, they place their hands
over their hearts. These are people for whom patriotism is
something they mock. They mock you, they mock me behind
closed doors. Other these idiots look at the flags. They

really do genuinely talk like that, they think like that.
I've been back there. I know some of these people.
They don't care about America. America to these people is
just a big bank to be robbed, and they know
if they just work together, they get to rob all
of it. And so they feel very comfortable now now

that they work together against you, against me.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
They feel so comfortable.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Now waving the Ukrainian flags on the House floor. They
feel so comfortable essentially rubbing these things over and over
and over again in our faces. I want you to
listen to Gerald Connolly, Listen to how comfortable they are
rubbing your nose in it.

Speaker 4 (03:50):
Some say, well, we have to deal with our border first.

Speaker 5 (03:52):
The Ukrainian Russian border is our border.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
It's the border between autocracy and freedom loving people seeking
our democratic way of life.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Do we have a stake in that outcome?

Speaker 3 (04:08):

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Yeah, our border the Ukrainian Russian border is our board.
That's what he said. Okay, so listen, Ukraine can't win.
Keep in mind, all these people know that this is.

Speaker 3 (04:26):
Not me talking.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
You've heard from United States senators on this show, Tommy Tarberville,
Ron Johnson.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
Guys on the House or on the House mill.

Speaker 1 (04:34):
On the military committees on why can't I talk right now?
On the House Foreign Relations Committee, we have guys on
the Senate Armed Services Committee, we have guys on the
House Intel Committee.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
We have Ukraine doesn't have the men. They cannot win.
Can't sucks, It's not gonna happen.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
So why do this, Well, because this is all money
for their donors, for their defense contray friends. They send
a bunch of equipment to Ukraine, equipment that it will
get stolen, sold off on the black market, like so
much of our stuff. As they then say, well, we
have to replenish our American stockpile Ukraine. We send all

our stuff to Ukraine. Hey, I'm boeing right theon, buy
us some more stuff. And so they bloodsuck money out
of your paycheck and they hand it to their defense
contractor friends who are busy making an absolute fortune looting
you looting the treasury of the country, and you want
to know something else? You ready for this one? Write

this one down, mister producer. This won't be the last one.
You know that it won't be. There'll be another one
and another one. And as long as you're writing something down,
write this one down. Once Ukraine signs its peace agreement,
once they lose, and they will, once they sign the

peace agreement, and they will once Russia take the territory
officially they want it, and they will. The United States
government is going to bloodsuck even more of your money
right out of your wallet, and they're going to hand
it to their friends at Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, these

finance giants to rebuild Ukraine.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
We'll spend more money.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
Rebuilding Ukraine than we're spending right now in the lost
cause that is the War of Ukraine. How could these
people do this to us? How could these people be
so evil? Seventy percent of the American people don't want
this to happen, and yet they're all standing and they
are on the House floor waving their Ukrainian flags.

Speaker 3 (06:43):
How could this happen?

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Because we are in the looting of the treasury phase
of our late stage Republic and it breaks.

Speaker 3 (06:50):
My friggin heart.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
And the good guys, the guys we send to Washington,
DC because they campaign and they.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
Sound so good.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
First baby, I love you. Whatever, they're going to be
on our side. The good guys, they're either in on
the scam or they're cowards.

Speaker 3 (07:08):
One thing's for sure.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
It's odd how many of the good guys turned out
to be just flat out liars.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
Remember when Mike Johnson said this.

Speaker 6 (07:16):
The Republican Ledhouse will not be jammed or forced into
passing a foreign aid bill that was opposed by most
Republican senators and does nothing to secure our own border.
It's time for Washington to start showing some love to Americans.
Valentine's Day, this is a good day to point this
out and need to listen to the American people and
their needs and take action.

Speaker 3 (07:38):
So that was Valentine's Day. That was February.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
And here we sit April twenty second, and he just
passed the foreign aid bill without a border bill.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Why is he weak? He's weak.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
Look, it's all over the news now we know it
all leaked out. Mike Johnson got the security briefings. He
was on the right side. He was on our side.
And then they pulled him into the White House and
he sat down with CIA Director Burns, and he found
out the real skinny out there. And now now he's
telling you that he had to because he got privy

to all this new information, and he's doing the carrot
and stick technique thing where I mean he had to
he got the security information.

Speaker 3 (08:24):
If you knew what he knew.

Speaker 1 (08:25):
But also, if we don't do this, your son will die.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
Remember when he said that.

Speaker 6 (08:29):
I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through
Europe if he were allowed. I think he might go
to the Balkans next. I think he might have a
showdown with Polander, one of our NATO allies. To put
it bluntly, I would rather send bullets to Ukraine than
American boys.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
He's threatening us. Why do they keep threatening us? And
I'm angry, You're angry, sick of it. I'm sick of
our will being stomped, our will being ignored at every turn.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
And look, it is what it is.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
We now know courtesy of the reporting courtesy of Lindsey
Graham going on the news, we now know Trump helped
them do it.

Speaker 7 (09:13):
This idea give up on Ukraine makes the world safer.
If you pull the plug on Ukraine coast, you don't
have enough capability. There goes Taiwan. Ukrainians are fighting like tigers.
This aid package has.

Speaker 3 (09:26):
A loan component to it.

Speaker 7 (09:27):
This would not have passed without Donald.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
Trump apparently ran some political cover from Mike Johnson in
the House and got it through the leadership. So I'm frustrated.
You're frustrated. Look, it's not even about the locations, right,
money for Ukraine and money for Israel, money for Taiwan.
We are so out of money that now the American

people are already suffering. It's not like suffering is coming.
Suffering is here. We are restaurants in calif Alifornia story
out today. One hundred and seventy five percent increase in
food costs. People can't make it. People can't buy groceries,
they can't afford the rent. People are watching the American
dream disappear in front of their eyes. Kids moving back

in with their parents, parents with their children, and they
wave the Ukrainian flag flag on the House floor while
they send sixty more billion dollars to their defense contractor friends,
and no one seems to give a crap about us.
It's very, very, very frustrating. And they're looting the treasury

right in front of our eyes.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
That's probably what gets me.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
The treasury bowl, it's a big glass pot and they're
just in there, dancing and yelling and dancing naked while
the music's playing as they take all of our dag.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
Gone money and head it out to each other. Hey,
take some of mine, you have some here, Mike, We're
retired of it. Man.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
All that may have made you uncomfortable, but I am
right speaking of Mike. Senator Mike Lee is going to
join us. Next, we'll find out can this thing be
stopped in the Senate? Hopefully?

Speaker 4 (11:06):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
We'll see. Before we get to that, let's get to this.
You ever heard of gravity to fire?

Speaker 3 (11:13):

Speaker 1 (11:15):
You never ever, ever, ever, ever short change yourself on
what you put on your feet. What you put on
your feet, the tires you put on your car. You
never short change yourself on either of those things. And
you're betting, by the way, if you're looking for a
third thing. You walk on them all day, You stand
on them all day. Do you know orthotics come with

gravity to fire? Do you know that this gravity technology
they have in there. The sore spots you currently have
on your feet at the end of the day can
feel better than the other spots you have at the.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
End of the day.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
That's how incredible these things are. They're freaking life changing.

Speaker 4 (11:52):
Go when you.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
Spend one hundred and fifty bucks, it's thirty buncks off
gd efy promo code Jesse g d e f y
dot com promo code Jesse. Change your life with these
frigging shoes. All right, we'll be back. All right, Well,

the four to eight bill hasn't passed yet. Keep in
mind it has not passed yet. It is probably going
to though. See it's passed the House, it's got to
go through the Senate. First joining me now, Senator Mike Lee,
great State of Utah is trying to put the brakes
on this whole thing. Okay, Senator, what are you doing?
How can we stop it?

Speaker 3 (12:38):
What are you doing? It can be stopped, certainly, that's okay.

Speaker 8 (12:44):
One of the things that I've been working on today
is to make sure that I communicate as widely as
possible what it is that we can do here in
the United States Senate. Look, they have to have sixty
votes in order to bring debate to a close. The
bill can't pass unless there are sixty votes to bring

debate to a close. And we've got fifty one Democrats
and forty nine Republicans. So it's not just the case
that if all Republicans stood together on this and opposed
the bill, it would fail. But we could even lose
seven or eight Republicans, maybe even more if they lose
any Democrats and still defeat the bill.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
That's what has to happen here. Okay, that sounds encouraging.
So how many do we think we're going to lose? Look,
it's not.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Hard for me to list off at least seven or eight, nine, ten,
fifteen crappy GOP seditors. But how many do you think
we're going to keep in the.

Speaker 3 (13:42):
Saying column here?

Speaker 8 (13:44):
Jesse Yea, I wish I could give you a better
answer on this, but I think you're right. I think
we could easily lose anywhere from fifteen to twenty five
Republicans who may in the spirit of getting things done,
the spirit of saying we want to pass this to
show the American people that progress is possible in the Senate,

they might get swept.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
Up on it.

Speaker 8 (14:10):
But if more people become aware of the fact that
Republicans could stop it, and they become more aware of
what the implications of this bill are, my hope is
that they'll reconsider it. For example, Jesse, remember that just
a few weeks ago, we're really starting back in November
or December of last year, Republicans held a line.

Speaker 3 (14:30):
They drew a line of this end, and they held it.

Speaker 8 (14:32):
We said, we're not going to give another dime to Ukraine,
especially unless or until we've got language on the books,
perhaps language that could be passed together with any language
providing aid to Ukraine that would force Joe Biden's hand
so he couldn't facilitate the drug cartels. Of the tune

of tens of billions of dollars in profits a year
in trafficking human beings across our southern border, and we're
taking anywhere from eight million at the low end to
maybe twelve or thirteen million at the high end. We
don't know exactly how many people they brought in, but
it's somewhere in that range. And this continues to this day.

We've got legislative text that we've proposed that, if enacted,
could bring the border invasion to an abrupt halt. And
yet we haven't inserted that into this legislative text. We've
basically just acceded to the Democrats' demands. And when voters
around America, particularly Republican voters, become aware of that, they're

I think, going to be more likely to ask their
senators not to vote for this thing.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
Senator, do the Republicans who were there, maybe the ones
who don't necessarily align with you, and guys like Rand
Paul and others, but they are aware of the fiscal
situation in this country, right, I mean, it's not as
if you know, even if you want to send money
here and send money there.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
I mean, shoot, I'd send.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Everyone on the planet one hundred dollars bill if I could.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
Mike, there's no money left. The money's all gone. Do
they not know?

Speaker 8 (16:12):
They know? And they also know that every time we
just borrow more, which in the United States has essentially
the same effect as just printing more money, it makes
everybody a little bit poorer. It makes every paycheck purchase
fewer boxes of cornflakes and less capable of paying the

rent or the mortgage. It's making every dollar mean less.
Now that's really good for a small handful of wealthy
people who can get more wealthy off of a bill
like this, or even more wealthy off of anything that
causes our dollar to inflate, because they can game the
system out.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
But for most people we're.

Speaker 8 (16:56):
Talking, the overwhelming like ninety nine percent of Americans really
hurts and they don't appreciate this when we knowingly spend
more than we have, and especially when we're giving it
to another country, and that's made even worse when we've
already given that country one hundred and thirteen billion dollars

so far, that's more than every other nation on planet
Earth combined. And when this is in Europe's backyard, this
is in Europe, our European NATO allies have Ukraine in
their backyard. Now, we've been backfilling NATO countries through their
security needs for decades and indirectly funding their march toward

European style socialism because we're providing such a significant part
of their security umbrella and they have failed to shoulder
their share of the burden. Now we're doing that again
outside the auspices of NATO, paying even more of their
share of their own security burden.

Speaker 4 (17:55):
The American people are smart.

Speaker 3 (17:57):
They know this isn't fair and it's not right.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
Okay, let's move to the Republicans in DC.

Speaker 3 (18:08):
Is it possible to.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
Be in leadership, to be one of the Senate leaders,
to be one of the House leaders, and not take
the company line senator? Because from the outside looking in,
it looks like every time someone gets into leadership, I mean,
even if they were previously solid, and they walk into
that leadership cheer and in five seconds they're selling us
all out? What is it about leadership that ruins gop

ers when.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
They get there?

Speaker 8 (18:33):
You know, Jesse, I've always believed, and I've always said
that it is possible to do it without succumbing to
that phenomenon. And I've believed that The situation with our
current House speaker really does have me perplexed.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
I've known him for years.

Speaker 8 (18:48):
I consider him a friend, and I've always considered him
a conservative. He and I have not agreed on everything,
but on a lot of things we do. He's been
very specific about where he stands on all sort of issues,
and most of the time he and I agree. But boy,
his track record as House Speaker has not been at

all consistent with his record as a representative from Louisiana.

Speaker 4 (19:14):
I don't know what happened.

Speaker 8 (19:16):
I really don't know how to explain it. I suppose
that sometimes one might get elected to a position like
that and enjoy it, and enjoy the perks of the office,
the praise of the office, and maybe they really want
to keep it, and they think that the best way
to keep it is to keep I don't know that
the warhawks happy and the intel hawks happy, and to

not upset them and instead to marginalize How's conservatives. That
would make sense to me if that's what he's concluded,
because that's exactly what he's done. All right.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
I can't let you go without asking about impeachment. Chuck
Schumer gets up, says, we can't settle policy disagreements this way,
and now everyone on our side's complaining about how it's unconstitutional,
unconstitutional or not, it happens.

Speaker 3 (20:05):
So this is where we're at now.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
No more impeachments when Democrats are in charge, but war
impeachment we are yet.

Speaker 8 (20:12):
Jesse, it's bad, and it's even worse than the way
you describe it. And the reason is, you know, it
was bad enough when I thought all he was going
to do was to move the tape to table. The
articles of impeachment against mayorgas bad in and of itself,
because it's a bad precedent that you can just set aside.
Impeachment articles that are still live, there have been rendered mood,

we have jurisdiction over them, and to say we're not
going to reach a verdict of guilty or not guilty
is a bad enough precedent to set by itself. But
it's much worse than that here Jesse, for the simple
reason that the way he did it, he didn't end
up using emotion to table. No, he he used constitutional
points of order, claiming that the articles of impeachment failed

to allege impeachable acts. Okay, well, there are two articles
that they send over. The first article involved a willful
refusal to enforce immigration law and a dogged determination to
do exactly the opposite of what he was allowed to
do under US immigration law.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
Now, I don't know how on what planet that could
be not.

Speaker 8 (21:19):
Impeachable, because he's violating the law to invite and facilitate
an invasion across our southern porter. The second article, it's
even more disturbing, is to death because Chuck Schumer has
now set a president that it is not an impeachable
offense to knowingly make false statements to Congress when Congress

is conducting oversight hearings and otherwise performing its oversight duties.
That is absolutely breathtakingly bad. How on earth are we
going to strike fear into anyone when they're thinking about
lying to Congress knowingly, willfully, intentionally, when we're performing our
oversight functions. If we've now set a president that that

is not an impeachable offense, but make no mistake, that's
exactly what Chuck Schumer and the Democrats just did.

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Cheah, Senator, thank you for coming by. I appreciate it.
Keep fighting up there.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
All right, we're gonna put a little bow on this
Ukraine thing in a moment with Kingsley Wilson.

Speaker 3 (22:23):
Before we do that, let's do this.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Let's put a little bow on your time share, meaning
the timeshare you want out of. I don't know why
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Speaker 3 (22:42):
That's what they do.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
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Lone star Transfer is a family business A plus rating
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Speaker 3 (23:14):
All right, we'll be back.

Speaker 6 (23:24):
I just want to say simply, when I think most
people around the country understand and agree we should only
wave one flag on the House floor, and I think
we know which flag that is. And make no mistake,
this is not a blank check like the Senate Supplemental
Bill was.

Speaker 9 (23:41):
This is very different.

Speaker 6 (23:42):
Unlike the Senate's blank check, the House legislation has a
number of very important features. It provides for greater accountability
over Ukraine aid. It forces an in game strategy for
the Ukraine War. It includes a lone instrument of this
foreign a to Ukraine and the REPO Act to sure
that Russian assets pay for part of the Bill Congress

takes the oversight very seriously, and we will continue to
keep an eye on every dollar that we are using
and investing at this time. I've said it very simply.
I'll say it once again. It's an old military adage,
but we would rather send bullets to the conflict overseas
than our own boys, our troops.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
Yes, yes, that sound clip probably made me madder than
anything else.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
You know what. Two things.

Speaker 1 (24:29):
One, they act like they're doing us a favor because
for the first time they're going to start looking into
the money. We said, Hey, this time we're going to
look into it. Guys like freaking thank you. That's one
to the threat at the end, Hey, if we don't
do this, hey for your son to have to die?

Speaker 3 (24:43):
Joining me now.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
Kingsley Wilson, digital media manager at the Center for Renewing America.

Speaker 3 (24:49):
Kingsley, you can have the floor. I'm already upset.

Speaker 10 (24:53):
I completely agree with you, Jesse. There's a lot to
be enraged about, especially as an American taxpayer. Right you
hear them talk about bullets there. I'd like to just
start off by congratulating Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. What Johnson
is doing with this foreign aid bill is he is
patting the wallets of the defense military industrial complex and
all of those lobbyists that profit off of war and

off of death. And it is a slap in the
face to the American people, right because we have a
southern border that is under siege, but unfortunately, feckless Republicans
in Congress are more concerned with defending the border of
an Eastern European country that is anti democratic and one
of the most corrupt countries in that region. It is
absolutely ridiculous and Johnson should be held accountable for it.

The Biden administration, of course, is supporting him doing this
because they're afraid in an election year of another Afghanistan situation,
another military failure. They see that the Ukraine war is
becoming unwinnable, and they're using Johnson and a lot of
Republicans in Congress as they're useful idiots, to advance their agenda.
So this is not just you know, sixty one billion

to Vladimir Zelenski, to the defense lobbyist in Washington, d C.
It is also sixty one million to the Biden reelection campaign,
and every American should be angry about that.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
Kingsley, what do you think happened to Johnson. Look, Johnson
was not bad before I've had him on this show.
I don't even have many politicians on here. A long
time ago I had him on, he was not bad,
and then he just sucks all of a sudden.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
What happened?

Speaker 10 (26:23):
I think this is what we see with a lot
of weak willed men, And unfortunately, a lot of Republicans
are exactly that type of person. They go into a
skiff and they're told, if you don't pass you know,
FISA warrantless spying, if you don't give Ukraine aid, we're
going to have you know, nine to elevens every single day.
And these people fall for what the deep state tells them,
what the intel community tells them. We've seen that with Johnson.

What we saw in President Trump was someone totally different. Right,
men with courage, men that think for themselves, are able
to go into something like a skiff and to say,
I don't believe you, show me more evidence. Are there
other opinions in your agency that condict what you're telling
me right now? Is a lot of this even made up?
For example, and Johnson unfortunately just doesn't have that testicular

fortitude to stare down the deep state and refuse to blink.
He is bending to their will. And you hear him
go on TV and talk about how he's, you know,
a Christian and godly man, and I do believe he
is a good person. I think he's you know, nice, gentlemanly.
But at the end of the day, it is an
Unchristian thing to do to continue to prolong war that's unwinnable,

which again, as I've said, is this Ukraine War. Ukraine
has wiped out an entire generation of young men. They
now have six year old men fighting on some of
their front lines, and we are continuing to prolong that
and support it. And I think that is the most
anti godly, anti Christian thing that you can do. So
Johnson unfortunately has been a failure, and I hope to
see Republicans hold him accountable for that. And you see,

you know, a lot of critics say now is not
the time to vacate or oust a speaker. I want
to vacate an oust as many as it takes to
find the right one, because if we have Republicans like this,
I mean, who needs democrats?

Speaker 3 (28:03):

Speaker 1 (28:03):
Obviously, the right is trying to figure out what it
is right now.

Speaker 3 (28:07):
It's changing.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
It's not what it was, and that's a good thing,
is it's what it was wasn't good enough. But that
doesn't mean what it turns into is going to be good.
And I just see all these fights as us trying
to decide what.

Speaker 3 (28:19):
We want to be.

Speaker 10 (28:20):
Yes, absolutely, I think you know, there's a huge push
and pull within the Republican Party. We have the old guard,
the Bush era Republicans that want you know, endless war,
tax cuts, in gay marriage. When I was a young
conservative growing up, those were the only wins that Republicans
ever offered me. And you know, for me, it wasn't enough.
So when someone like President Trump came along and showed

that we could you know, start to engage in the
culture war, that we could start to frack and drill
in America, we didn't have to be dependent on fore
An oil that led to wars that we got involved
in over there. So I think that the Trump movement,
the MAGA in America first message is one that resonates
with me and with a lot of Americans out there
who feel that the corrupt system and Republicans included in

that right, the uniparty has sold them out, has put
America last, foreign interests and their own interests first. So
I think President Trump really was a great revealer for
many people and a lot of Republicans. He pulled back
the curtain, showed us, you know, just how much these
coastal elites have disdain for working class Americans and so

called flyover states and our values in our ideals. So
I think that, you know, we do see a huge
fracturing within the Republican Party, but I'm confident that the
America First message will continue to win out. Gone are
the days, you know, of the Bush Republicans and of
the Cheney Republicans. We are going to move forward with
politicians who are perhaps not from inside the system. They're

outside the system. They're businessmen, and they are thinkers and
people who are going to be willing to fight this
regime and this system because the swamp is going to
take a lot of courage to root out. So we
need men and women with courage fighting in Congress.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Speaking of an evil system, apparently the convenience store Sheets
is being targeted now by the Biden administration, and the
story Honestly, I love sheets, So I was already angry
when I saw that, and then when I dug into it.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
It just gets more and more bizarre. What's happening?

Speaker 10 (30:17):
So I love Sheets as well, and unfortunately, you know,
the Biden administration is targeting them. It's very interesting timing
because Biden, in response to Trump going to a bodega
in Harlem, New York, obviously getting a fantastic welcome there,
Biden tried to do something a little bit similar kind
of connect with working class voters in Pennsylvania. He went
to a Sheets, was totally ignored. No one cared that

he was there, no one was starstruck, no one wanted
to talk to him. I think that was perhaps a
little bit embarrassing for the Biden administration and certainly the
Biden campaign. So the timing of this lawsuit against Sheets
is interesting to say the least. But what they are
basically alleging is that Sheets discriminates against minorities when hiring
because they do background checks. They are saying that their

race discriminating just by virtue of doing background checks to
see if any of their employees are perhaps criminals. Of course,
if you're a business owner, why would you want to
hire someone with a criminal record. It explains a lot
to me, as you know, a frequent Sheets ten D.
It's a nice place. It's very clean, very well kept.
Customer service is always phenomenal. Perhaps that's because they're not

hiring criminals, but it's just funny to see how much
the Biden administration is trying to put its clause and
its tentacles into everyday life. If you're a business owner,
if you own a small business, the Biden administration and
wants to have a say in who you hire. That
is absolutely government overreach. It's totally ridiculous. You should have
a right to hire people without a criminal history sheet.

Should have that right. So I hope to see them
fight this. You know, obviously it's very difficult to fight
the government when they sue you. But I hope that
the little guy wins in this in this instance, because
this is just freedom versus tyranny at this point.

Speaker 3 (31:58):
Yeah, I agree. He's like, thank you, ma'am. I appreciate
it all right.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
The climate nutters are out there the painting stuff on
themselves and being weird.

Speaker 3 (32:08):
They're really weird.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
They might be the weirdest ones. Talk to Mark Moreno
about that in a moment before we get to that.
Speaking of crime, it's everywhere. You gotta do something to
protect yourself. Your wife needs something, your dad needs something,
your son needs something. But what do you do? Look,
I do two things. I carry lethal and non lethal

for me. I believe everybody needs a burn up pistol launcher.

Speaker 3 (32:35):

Speaker 1 (32:35):
Everyone can have a burn up pistol launcher all fifty
states legal, no background check. They mail it to your
front door. Why wouldn't you get a burn a pistol launcher.
It was with a couple friends over the weekend. Their
daughters at college just had a creepy guy knocking.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
On our door.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
First thing they did, burn a pistol launcher in her hands,
shoots these pepper balls. Go protect yourself. Burn up all right?
Ten percent off b y Rna Berna dot com slash Jesse,
We'll be back.

Speaker 3 (33:15):

Speaker 1 (33:15):
I can't believe we didn't mention this right off the top.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
I am so sorry.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
It is Earth Day today and I find out to
be so inspiring.

Speaker 3 (33:23):
And how did the White House celebrate? Well?

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Floating the old climate emergency out there? Declaring a climate emergency. Man,
that sounds pretty scary. I wonder what the emergency is
joining me now? Of course, the great Mark Moreno, executive
editor Climate deepot dot com. Mark, what exactly is the
emergency and what do you think they're going to do
to save us from it? Well, this is something.

Speaker 5 (33:47):
This is now the third time during Biden's presidency. That
is that the White House has leaked to the corporate
mainstream media the prospect of declaring a national climate emergency,
and that is literally how they want to declare it
from the rooftop shouting. What they're claiming is that the

Earth can no longer sustain us and that the only
way to fight it is to go into complete crises.

Speaker 4 (34:14):
Mode a la COVID a llah nine to eleven.

Speaker 5 (34:18):
In fact, NBC News has reported that Joe Biden declaring
a national climate emergency will give him similar powers to
COVID emergency powers into nine to eleven emergency powers. The
Center for Biological Diversity says it will give Joe Biden
one hundred and thirty new wartime like presidential powers by

which to bypass democracy all jesse for our own good.
The White House is claiming that the storms are bad,
that the heat waves are out of control, that extreme
weather is so bad that the only way we can fight.
This is to have essentially an eco dictatorship. And that's
the phrase even NBC News shied away from. But that's
the phrase we're heading towards. I think every Blue state

governor declares an emergency on COVID the next day, they
could literally become an overnight dictator. That is what the
White House is looking for, and they're looking for it
as a way to shore up the base before the
twenty twenty four election, and as a way for Joe
Biden to look muscular like he's fighting the climate.

Speaker 4 (35:19):
Congress wouldn't take us up.

Speaker 5 (35:20):
Joe Biden will be fighting the climate to protect the
weather from you. You'll be protected from the weather by
Joe Biden. What do they do about gas prices though, Mark,
because this is the problem all presidents have run into. Well,
every president who's run into this problem has found out
what a problem it is. Voters will tolerate a lot,

but they won't tolerate high gas prices.

Speaker 4 (35:44):
No, they won't.

Speaker 5 (35:44):
So one of the tricks up their sleeve is to
continue to deplete the.

Speaker 4 (35:50):
Strategic petroleum Reserve.

Speaker 5 (35:52):
Now, remember the last time we had a mass draining
was right before the twenty twenty two presidential election, and
the oil markets are based on future markets. It's not
really strictly immediate supply demand from the market. But if
you're releasing all this oil and the energy's flowing from
this strategic oil preserve, it had effect. And he actually

was able to lower the gas prices right before the
midterm and it helped. It helped elect Democrats, I expect,
Joe Biden. It's down now, drained to levels we haven't
seen since the nineteen seventies.

Speaker 4 (36:25):
And Donald Trump filled it up cheaply.

Speaker 5 (36:27):
By the way, in twenty twenty, right after COVID lockdowns,
he completely filled up our strategic petroleum reserve at record
low gas prices.

Speaker 4 (36:36):
So what Joe Biden.

Speaker 5 (36:37):
That's one of the tricks up his sleeve, and it's
an evil trick because it completely drains us with no
plan to refill that strategic petroleum reserve.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
Great with gas prices going back up.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
You know, all right, Mark, let's switch gears a little
bit here, because you and I have talked about this
many times, how much of this stuff is just about money,
especially for all the elites at the top. It's just
about bloodsucking money out of the taxpayer and line in
their bank accounts. Josh Holly's exchange with Energy Secretary grand
Home was a doozy.

Speaker 3 (37:10):
Here's a little clip of it.

Speaker 9 (37:11):
Do you own individual stocks, Madame Secretary? You said no.
In fact, you repeated it three times to me. No, no, no.
Turns out that was false. You did own multiple individual stocks,
and you neglected to report it to this committee for
months afterwards. Why did you mislead this committee? Oh my goodness,

that was exactly my response. So why did I lead
this committee? I believed that I had sold all individual stocks,
and I was incorrect. So I came back. I just
don't know your portfolio pretty much, the big one, I guess.
Huh no, it's extremely small. Apparently not. Someone manages it

for you.

Speaker 3 (37:56):
Mark Man, What a bunch of crooks. These people are.

Speaker 5 (38:00):
First of all, Josh Holly very good at being that prosecutor.

Speaker 4 (38:04):
He nailed her.

Speaker 5 (38:05):
Yes, in fact, what Jennifer Green, I love that. It
doesn't matter what the truth is, it's what I believe.
I believe that to be the truth.

Speaker 3 (38:11):
So there you go.

Speaker 5 (38:13):
This is the green energy scam goes back and the
Washington Post is reported on the CBS News CBS News
reporter when Obama did his green energy stimulus, seven out
of ten of the recipients were to Democratic donors. The
other thing Washington Post reported is Al Gore when he
did his PowerPoint on how to solve the climate crisis
back before Obama was elected. Once Obama was elected, all

the companies that Gore touted in his PowerPoint, which he
either founded or was a board member of, got fully funded.
And here's the other thing. We had the Inflation Reduction
Act pass for like two hundred and seventy billion. Now
the latest estimates are the Biden spending one point two
trillion dollars beyond congressional authorization. They don't even need no
stinking legislation anymore. They just you pass anything for a

billion dollars and they can just spend trillion without any repercussion.

Speaker 4 (39:02):
But here's the thing, offshore win.

Speaker 5 (39:04):
If you're noticing a lot as an example, a lot
of these companies start, they get all this tax payer
money from Inflation Reduction Act, Green New Deal, and then
they go bankrupt. Then another company comes in, and then another,
and we're seeing this over and over. We saw it
with obviously for year decades with Solandra battery companies You're
always seeing them get money bankrupt, money bankrupt.

Speaker 4 (39:23):
How does this happen?

Speaker 5 (39:24):
In many cases, it's the same members of the board
of directors.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
They form a company, they.

Speaker 5 (39:29):
Suck the taxpayer drive for that particular company.

Speaker 4 (39:32):
It goes belly up. Then those same board of.

Speaker 5 (39:34):
Directors will go to another company, refill it up, and
then they'll get the new taxpayer money as a new company.

Speaker 4 (39:40):
This can go on when.

Speaker 5 (39:41):
You have trillions of dollars decades of spending ahead. This
is the greatest scam going ever. And the Republicans are
in on it too. You now have Republican governor's candidates
all praising.

Speaker 4 (39:52):
Carbon capture storage.

Speaker 5 (39:54):
If green energy is the Democrat paying off their donors,
carbon captures storage is the Republican version of paying off
their donors for companies to get in and get taxpayer
funded money to capture carbon and bury it in the ground.
This is a scam from beginning to end. Has no
impact not only on the climate but on global emissions.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
Nothing's happening. Emissions keep going up record years, record levels
every year.

Speaker 1 (40:20):
Capture carbon capture. Of course Republicans would do that. And
also this little video mark. You know the elites at
the top may not believe the man do they take
advantage of the nut jobs at the bottom.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
Look at these freaks, mart Mark.

Speaker 1 (40:52):
These people really are They're really messed up people. They
get attracted to this cult, aren't they. They are one
of the things that keep mind Jessy. And this is important.

Speaker 11 (41:01):
When you see a lot of crazy protests like the
Jesse No to oil, or the Extinction rebellion, porn orange
dye on the US constitution, ruining art galleries, block and traffic,
they're sad, diluted individuals.

Speaker 4 (41:13):
But here's the key.

Speaker 5 (41:14):
They are doing the bidding and the work of Hollywood millionaires,
Hollywood directors, of billionaires, of the Bill Gates, of the.

Speaker 4 (41:24):
Bloombergs, of the Getty.

Speaker 5 (41:26):
Family, of the Rockefeller family, through the foundations. So when
you see these diluted activists out there in the street
blocking traffic.

Speaker 4 (41:33):
They actually believe what they're doing.

Speaker 5 (41:35):
But more importantly, they're doing the bidding of our ruling class.
And what's so sad, even more sad than believing in
the climate emergency, is these morons out there actually believe
they're being They're rebels, they're.

Speaker 4 (41:46):
A von card. We are protesting, we're fighting the man. No,
the man is fully funding you, and you're a stooge
for the man. You're a stooge for the ruling.

Speaker 5 (41:54):
Class, for academia, for corporate media. This is the exact
message they want to do. They want to create this
case us.

Speaker 1 (42:02):
Yeah. It is is freaking sad what they've done to
these people. Mark my brother as always, thank you, I
appreciate you.

Speaker 3 (42:08):
All right? You like history?

Speaker 1 (42:11):
You know today is Vladimir Lenin's birthday, piece of trash.
You want to learn more about that evil piece of communists,
coum you can.

Speaker 3 (42:19):
We have history specials we do right here on the first.

Speaker 1 (42:21):
You have to go to the first TV dot com
slash History and that's where you will find it. They're
all fun, educational, family friendly. So go the first TV
dot com slash History.

Speaker 3 (42:33):
We'll be back all right. It is time to lighten
the mood.

Speaker 1 (42:46):
And sometimes sometimes sometimes I say to myself this, and
I know you're gonna think I'm crazy. I say to myself,
I'm gonna miss Joe Biden a little bit when.

Speaker 3 (42:56):
He's gone, and I stay with me. How many are
the presidents? Do you know? Are so gone?

Speaker 1 (43:04):
They would get up in front of a crowd of
people and admit that little kids give them the middle
finger all the time.

Speaker 12 (43:14):
I've never ever thought I'd see a sign when I'm
going through a neighborhood or a rural town in the West,
to see big signs that have a Trump sign in
the middle, says f. Biden, and having a little kid
standing with his middle finger seven years old, eight years old, Well,

I promise it happens all the time.

Speaker 1 (43:40):
Happens all the time I'm driving around the countries.

Speaker 3 (43:43):
All the kids are all up yours, Joe. Let's see
them all
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