All Episodes

April 23, 2024 37 mins

Seeing just what America has become. America’s evil education system. Sometimes the only way out is thru. The Lesser Trump Trial. Do we even want a new speaker of the house? Was bouncing Kevin McCarthy a mistake? How The Left chose communism and got their representatives to follow.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Monday, and
it's an awesome Monday. Put a smile on your face.
We've got a bunch of stuff to do tonight. Of course,

Medal of Honor Monday is an hour from now. We
have to honor the fallen here in a moment, I'm
gonna put kind of a sunny face on some ugliness
that's going on out there. We'll discuss send more depth,
this whole Ukraine thing, Pvisor reauthorization, the cannibals, and Earth Day,
all that emails so much more tonight coming up in

the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. We might even take
some calls at some point, but not for a long time.
They don't even bother calling. Just don't bother yet, because
we've got to get to some things first first, before
we get into the news of the day and everything else.
Have a couple.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
People we need to honor now.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
Couple service members died in training. It sucks, it's awful.
Families are going through hell right now. But we always
believe in honoring those who give their lives for this country,
especially those in training. Because those are the ones we
forget about. One of them was a Sergeant car or

Sergeant Colin ours lan Bus. I believe I'm saying that correctly,
ours lan Bus of Missouri. He was with the twenty
fourth Marine Expeditionary Unit, passed away during a training exercise.
Another one, this one was came by emails. We had
to confirm it. I missed this one. Last week's specialist
Abbigail Jenks, young lady twenty years old, HQ Battalion or

bad first of the three hundred and nineteenth Field Artillery,
eighty second Airborne. It was a static line training exercise
and she gave her life. And we are going to
honor both them, and we're going to say prayer for
their families before we dig into everything else. All right,

let us begin with all the news, and there's a
time to get to tonight. I realized that to let
us begin with the one that's going gangbusters everywhere today.
What's happening not only on the campus of Colombia, but
it's happening around the country. Colombia is the one that's
in the news nypds all over the whole thing. It's

a big old mess.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
But what's happening.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
Hamas protesters kill the Jews, you know, all the stuff
that you've.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
Been seeing happening.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
And I'm about to explain why this is actually a
good thing in a way.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Just stay with me.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
So this harmas kill all the Jews stuff is stuff
that's really picking up steam. And campus protests in general,
not just about Palestine, you name it, climate change, abortion,
you name the issue, have been picking up in steam,
have been picking up in in ferocity for quite some

time now, especially over the past few years. You've seen
it over and over, violence all over the campuses. It's bad,
it's bad, it's bad. And now we're in a situation
where these universities they don't know how to handle this one.
Normally they let all the protests go because the universities

are dirty commies and all the protesters are dirty commies.
So the university handles them with kid gloves. Hey kids,
it's okay here, do you want to Guys want an
extra joint in a hot pocket? And everyone just kind
of goes on about their business. But these ones are
being handled well more delicately. Why university system has many, many, many,

many many donors, Jewish and other wise, who are displeased,
to put it mildly, to see all this, you know,
kill all the Jews talk on campuses. It was a
big announcement today. I'm sure you saw it if you didn't.
Here it is Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots.
Obviously mega rich guy, a mega donor to Columbia, kind

of guy they build built. I'm sure he has buildings
named after him. I didn't look it up, and I'm
sure he does. He said, yeah, not another dime after
watching what happened there, And so people are looking in
their tents and they're screaming, and their people were They're
doing the nastiest stuff you could imagine, stuff I won't
go into on a family friendly show. They're even doing
is fake blood. It's all over the place, all right.

So how could all of this ugliness, How could all
of this, how could any of this be a good thing? Well,
oftentimes in life, sadly, the only way out is through
and you have to kind of hit bottom before you

can come back. And on a macro level, this is
human nature. This is human nature. Have you ever talked
to somebody, ever known somebody who wasn't taking care of
their health? Maybe got overweight, maybe it's smoking. Maybe they're
just doing all call kinds of things. And I'm not
judging you for that heater in your mouth. I'm just

you know what I'm talking about, and you're not taking
care of your health. And then eventually boom they have
a heart attack, and God willing they survive it. I'm
willing they survive it. And then you talk to them
afterwards and you say, what were you going through? Whatnot?
Almost always that I've known, I've known many people who've
got to go through these things. By now, almost to
a man, they say, man, I should have seen it coming.

I have tie what My blood pressure was getting high,
and I was getting I've been out of breath for
a while, and I just wasn't walking very much, and
I just, man, I should have I should have it coming. Yeah,
you should have seen it coming, But you didn't do
anything until you were strapped in the back of an
ambulance with your wife holding your hand beside you on
your way to the hospital. Why. It's not because you're stupid.

It's because you're a human being, and we human beings
are stubborn, and we don't change direction oftentimes until it
gets really really really really really bad. Here is the truth,
and it is one hundred percent the truth. America's higher
education system. It is great that countries have higher education systems.

You want that in a nation. You want the higher
education system to be an institution where smart people, not
people like me, but where smart people can go and
get extra specialized training and go on to lead your
society in various ways. Higher education is important. However, if

you get to a place where we are as a nation,
where you're or higher education system has been completely taken
over and I mean from top to bottom by America
hating communists, scum, then your higher education system, instead of
being a thing that moves the nation forward, moves the

nation forward faster than it should even go, It instead
will destroy the nation at an accelerated pace. Why well, look,
let's just be honest. If me, Chris or Michael, if
we turn out to be dirtball communists who hate America,
I mean, it's a problem. It's not good because we
have a big platform, but it's probably not the end

of the world. The country could survive it. But a
university system produces the leaders in a society. They produce
your politicians. They all went to these fancy schools. They
all went to Columbia, right, They produce your leaders, your
political leaders, your corporate leaders. If the leaders of your
society go through the dirty jock strap of America's higher

eduction vcation system, then you're gonna have a stinky society.
And that's why we are where we are today. And
so that brings me to what is happening on campuses
in this country. And you should gear up for something,
because I was doing a bit of reading on this today.

All these protests are getting worse on all subjects, Israel, abortion, everything,
They're all getting worse. They're all ramping up, not ramping down. Look,
America's education system is evil now. I don't know whether
it can be saved. Hopefully it can, but it is
evil now. It either needs to be completely reformed and

saved or burned to the ground and create a new one.
But what we can't have is what we have now.
So if the American people, if the norms in normas
in the world are finally waking up to the fact
that America's university system is a deeply evil, sinister place,

than in the end, it's a good thing. Look, you
want to know if you have cancer, don't you? Yeah,
even though you avoid the doctor, I'm guilty. Is anyone
I avoid the doctor? If you got cancer? It doesn't
do any good to ignore that. In fact, that's what
kills you. You want to be on it. If you

got cancer, you want to know. Consider what's going on now,
a gigantic cancer screening for America. Hopefully we wake up
and realize what we got going on. All right, there's
so much more to talk about. Let's talk about something
else in your face and maybe good hang on. Jesse
Kelly returns next. It is that Jesse Kelly Show on

a Monday. I'm Medal of Honor Monday coming up about
forty five minutes or now. Don't forget. You can email
the show. Love, hate, death threats, ask doctor Jesse, questions
for Friday, whatever, Email those into Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com. I'm gonna touch on a couple other things too,
that I think in a way are good things.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
Good things.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
All this insanity on university campus. Now everyone wakes up
every day there's a new protest, a new idiot, a
new It's good that Americans are seeing how poisonous and
evil America's universities are, especially our most elite ones. We
will will be heading into right direction when parents stop

bragging about aid and Jaden and Braiden getting into Columbia.
Oh Columbia. Oh yeah, no, Aiden got in, but that's
a really bad place. We're sending him to state school
for a while. Chuco that he's just going to graduate
from wherever we weren't comfortable with how evil Columbis was.
That would be a good thing if that's how Americans thought,

you got to know if you have cancer. I was
thinking about it today with this Trump trial in New
York today and the gag order, and then I realized,
David Pecker, he's the one who gave He was the
first witness today. In case you don't know him, just
find out about Pecker. But either way, today was the
Trump trial and they led with Pecker. And everyone's mad that,

you know, there's gags, the gag order for Trump. Trump's
mad about it. Everyone's mad about it. Trump's out there
young about the gag order, and everything.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
Just looks evil and wrong and whatnot.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
And I was thinking, you know, especially because this is
the case that's not going to send him to prison,
This is probably a good thing too. It probably is.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Think about it.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
People have to wake up and realize how truly evil
the justice system has become in places like New York City.
Have to wake up and understand there are parts of
this country that aren't America anymore. It's good if Americans
wake up and realize that now that's not every part

of the country, but places like New York City, you're
not safe anymore. And if it takes a Trump trial
for Americans to realize some parts of this country are
now the Soviet Union, maybe in the end, that's a
good thing. Look, speaking of New York, New York City
high school soccer game is canceled after migrants refuse to

get off the pitch even after police showed up. That's
from the Blaze. Okay, not that I care about soccer,
because I'm an American citizen, but I'll just put it
to you this way. These illegals that we filled the
country up with, filling up the schools, filling up the hospitals,
filling up the rec centers, demanding this giving my visa card.

I need custom papoosas they used to have better interpreters
for us in Africa. Remember that one, over and over
and over again. We're mad about it. I'm mad about it,
you're mad about it. We want them out of here.
Why don't we secure the border? And yes, it's bad.
I'm not going to try to tell you something bad
is actually good. But maybe maybe it's good for America

to finally see, to finally see just how evil these
politicians are, finally see who's coming in here, and finally
see the attitude of the people coming here, the poor,
wretched masses just trying to find a job washing dishes
for five minutes to escape the murder. No, no, no, no, no,
no entitled selfish coming here to pillage this Stagne place.

And it's good for Americans to finally see. And I know, look,
we don't look. We don't want to have cancer. I
don't want to have cancer. You don't want to have cancer,
even though I was probably coming for all of us
at some point in time, runs of my family. I'm
sure I'll have it.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
I mean, this just is what it is.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
We don't want cancer as a country. I don't want it,
You don't want it. This is bad. I don't want
dirty trials. I don't want illegals just taking over soccer games.
I don't want the America's university system to be some
commie hell hole where they're celebrating abortion while cutting themselves
over a climate change. I don't want it. You don't
want it, No one wants it. Okay, I don't want it.

But it's good if we know we have it right.
There is a benefit in knowing, an extreme benefit in knowing. Anyway,
speaking of going greens, let's talk about rough greens. Let's
talk about you and your dog. You see American dogs,

we don't give them nutrition. We think we give them nutrition,
but what we're actually give them is empty calories. All
dog food is the same color for a reason. It's
all brown for a reason. Have you ever wondered why?
You ever wonder why it's never blue? Wh it never
comes out green? You ever wonder that because it's dead.
Give your dog rough greens. You don't have to change foods.

Pour rough greens on your dog's food, all natural nutritional supplement.
Watch your dog improve health wise, watch your dog live longer,
free jumpstart trial bags eight three three three three my
dog or go to roughgreens dot com slash Jesse. Now,
let's set all that stuff aside for a moment before

I get to these people who are blocking the roads
and all this stuff going on here in the country.
And well we will get to the Ukraine stuff and
the fies of stuff. I want to talk to you
about something more important than that. I decided to get
on the smoker this weekend and I started making some food. No,
just stay with me here. So on Friday, the wife
had requested that I smoked some chicken. Throw a bunch

of chicken on the smoker, because then you can eat
on it all week. Then we can You could have
a million different leftovers you can do with chicken, tacos, nachos, sandwiches. Right,
So I just through some Cajun seasoning on some chicken,
through it on the smoker.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
I smoked some chicken.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Now we got a big zip blockbagg smoke chicken right
my voice down it anyway, So I did that on Saturday.
On Sunday, I smoked my world famous caeso again. I
did Chris and it is world famous now and it
was you know what it is, Guda cheese, velveda, diced onions,
white onions, pickled hot lapinos, diced crushed chipotle peppers, some cherizo,

a couple of cans of creama mushroom soup, pour some
milk in there to give it a little loosen whatever.
I made my world famous caeso on Sunday. So guess
what happened today? We have burger buns in the house.
Before I can know, just listen to this, Chris, I
think this might even be kosher. Chris, pay attention. So
before I came in, I took one of the buns

and I buttered it, and I toasted the bun.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
I took the.

Speaker 1 (17:51):
Chicken, the smoked chicken, and I poured my caeso all
over the top of it, and I nuked it in
the microwave. So it was all what, Chris, how else
would you cook it?

Speaker 2 (18:02):

Speaker 1 (18:02):
I newked it in the microwaves. It was all steamy
and melty and smoky and good. And then I scooped
that whole meaty, cheesy thing onto the toasted bun and
ate it. I'm not saying it's the best sandwich ever.
I'm saying it's the best thing that's ever been created
on the planet food wise. There you go, that's what

I'm saying. Now, let's talk about dealing with the terrorists,
the Biden administration handling our own immigration stuff, and more.
Hang on, Jesse Kelly, Vaccian. It is the Jesse Kelly
Show on a Monday, only like thirty minutes away from

Metal of Honor Monday, and that's always a good time.
We have so much to get to tonight. I'm gonna
dig into what everyone is. It's still so upset about
the emails. You're so bad about all this Ukraine stuff.
So obviously this is Congress as they sat there on
the United States House of Representatives congressional floor. Hey, is

that there waving Ukrainian flags after passing sixty one billion.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
In your money sending it.

Speaker 1 (19:16):
Over to Okay, so let's just go through this again. First,
Remember when we were talking about the human element. Remember,
let me play it again because there's an article out

today and man, does it just bring this one home
for Remember remember lasts when we were talking like this.
Mike Johnson's a human being and a dude just like me,
and you know what these intelligence guys do. Don't think
it's an accident. I know this for a fact, and
I am telling you now this is not I thought

this part of this is not a theory. This I
know from guys I know and have known in the past.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
They really, really really do.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
These whole super secret classified meetings.

Speaker 2 (20:14):
Oh, they do them up to the max.

Speaker 1 (20:17):
You feel like you're Jason Born going through extra levels
of security. Sorry, sir, that's G eighty five classified. You
have the special binder with the special seal on it.
There's information in there that you get that no one
else knows. Gosh, if you knew the things I knew.
It is well known that when you're putting together this

briefing for these guys, you are trying to yes inform,
but you're trying to impress, you're trying to excite. Maybe
you should look at chapter five, Section e, paragraph twelve, sir,
that outlines this bridge in Chicago may be blown up tomorrow.
And then you walk out of there and you say,

oh my god, gosh, I know things. Gosh, there's so
much danger. We're all gonna die. We need Faiza, we
need seven oh two. And it's all done on purpose.
These organizations, these all these organizations CIA, all of them.
Their specialty is not slipping poison in somebody's drink. Their

specialty is propaganda. I kid you not. This is the
headline from a Yahoo article. Believe this was today not yesterday?
Headline how Johnson came to allow a vote on Ukraine
aid after months of delays. You flip back to the

second page. Here's Johnson's quote, I really do believe the intel.
I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through
Europe if he were allowed. I think he might go
to the Baltics.

Speaker 2 (21:57):

Speaker 1 (21:57):
I think he might have a showdown with Poland or
one of our NATO allies. And then you skip down
two paragraphs. Remember that clip I just played for you.
What are you laughing about? Chris? Should I play it again?

Speaker 2 (22:10):

Speaker 1 (22:10):
No, Chris, I shouldn't play it again.

Speaker 2 (22:12):
Remember the clip where.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
I was telling you about the intelligence agencies and how
they do it up to the max and whatnot. Well,
this article is about what changed Mike Johnson's tomb because
he used to be rock solid. Right look at this
right here in the article, CIA director William Burns and
other defense officials told Johnson that Ukraine was quickly running

out of ammunition, including air defense interceptors, and warned there
would be dire consequences should the situation worsen. He got
that binder, the binder that told him, oh, you don't
understand sir, this is G eighty five classified if you

have to do it. And then this is also from
the article. Another key factor was a statement from former
President Trump earlier in April after Johnson went to his
mar Lago residence, in which he said Johnson was doing
a very good job. This is what Trump said about Johnson.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
Not an easy situation for any speaker.

Speaker 4 (23:15):
I think he's doing a very good job.

Speaker 3 (23:16):
He's doing about as good as you're going to do.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
And in a written comments and Zoe said Trump gave
Johnson cover to proceed moving the bill to a vote.
Lindsey Graham kind of went on TV and well not
kind it went on TV and said as much this weekend.

Speaker 5 (23:34):
This would not have passed without Donald Trump. I want
to thank the House Speaker and the King Jefferies working
together in a bipartisan fashion to give weapons to Ukraine
to by to fight that matters to us. And President
Trump has created a loan component to this package. It
gives us leverage down the road.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
Okay, all right, so here's what happened. We were getting
sold down the river and a lot of this is
going to be ugly political stuff. Some of it may
make you angry. Some of it may make you angry,
but you'll shrug your shoulders and say, Okay, I'm angry,
but I get it. Some of it I don't know.
Maybe you're just an I get it guy. Let me

lay out how this works. Donald Trump is the most
powerful and popular Republican in the United States of America.
In second place isn't particularly close. He's also a man
running for president. Right now, what have we talked about
when it comes to running for president? What's it about
coalition building? That's what it's about. You're trying to break

down their coalition as much as you can, trying to
build your coalition as much as you can. Donald Trump,
now that the primary is officially over and it was
never that close, is trying to wrangle in as much
congressional support as humanly possible. Now, why does he want that?
You like Trump or maybe you don't. But let's say

you like Trump but you hate Lindsey Graham. So why
does he care? Why about Lindsay Graham? The well Trump
gets things like Lindsey Graham's fundraising email list, Lindsey Graham's
major donors, Lindsey Graham is a United States senator. Trump
needs to raise money. If Lindsey Graham can cobble together
ten twenty million dollars, and I'm sure he can with

the snap of his fingers for Donald Trump, then that
is worth something. And by the way, if any of
this offends you or you're mad about any of this,
please keep in mind, I don't give a crap. I'm
explaining how it works. This is how it works, all right.
So Trump does need Lindsey Graham. Lindsey Graham, though, needs Trump.

Mike Johnson needs Trump. There's there's an ugly orrate relationship here,
and it just is what it is. Donald Trump needs
these establishment Republicans to run cover for him, pass laws
for him if he was to get re elected, to
fundraise for him. These dirtball establishment Republicans need Donald Trump

to run cover for them when they do things like
the Ukraine stuff that their constituents don't like. It's a
really really ugly political relationship. And well, I don't know
whether you love it, whether you hate it, whether you
hate it and understand it. But that's what's happening right now,

and it's happened many times before. Lindsey Graham wants to
be a dirt ball. He understands the very red GOP
base in South Carolina doesn't want him to be a
dirt ball. They understand they're more worried about their cost
of living it And Lindsey Graham gets all that, but
he still wants to be a dirt ball because he's

an establishment hack who's probably washing money in Ukraine like
all the rest of them. So what do you do
if you're Lindsey Graham, Well, what you do as you
go suck up the Trump and tell him how much
you love him and hope that Trump, we'll turn around
and run cover for you to allow you to vote
like a dirt ball. And they do it with each

other all the time.

Speaker 3 (27:09):
With a b They want to give us sixty billion more,
And I said, wit, am gonna do it this way?
Loan them the money. If they can make it, they
pay us back. If they can't make it, they don't
have to pay us back. Loan them the money. Put
it as a form of a loan. Why should you
just hand it over to them. Do it as a
form of a loan. I do that with athletes.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
So that is where we're at with that. Whatever it is,
what it is. Look, you think that's the worst of it. Oh,
I've got one more thing and then we'll move on
to some other stuff before we do that.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
Let's do this.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Let's do your testosterone levels, gentlemen, here's the reality of it.
We drink testosterone. Now, our water is so freaking poisoned
with estrogen that we drink. We drink estrogen, We drink it.
It's in our plastics too, So the plastic water bottle
has the estrogen and the water inside the plastic water

bottle has the estrogen. Fifty percent drop in tea levels
in fifty years alone. That means in another fifty years
our tea levels are gone. They're non existent, and we
won't be a country if that happens. Mal Vitality Stack
from Chalk cchoq dot com. What does that get you?

Speaker 2 (28:26):

Speaker 1 (28:27):
Natural herbal supplements twenty percent increase in your tea levels
in ninety days. Chalk dot com promo code Jesse saves
you a fortune on subscriptions, so don't pay full price.

Speaker 2 (28:41):
That's dumb.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
Look if you take it for ninety days, you don't
feel better. Canceled chock dot com promo code. Jesse, We'll
get to one more part of this Ukraine stuff, that's
the worst of it, and then we move on to
some other things like replacing Johnson.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Hang on, get the cure for rhinos days with the
Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
It is the Jesse Kelly's Show on a Monday, like
ten minutes away from Medal of Honor Monday. I didn't
know you were going to play that song, Chris. I
would have led.

Speaker 6 (29:10):
Back with Bill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive you know,
journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance.
That's what Trump really wants.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
Gosh, that sounds awesome.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
Anyway, let's get back to what I was talking about,
the worst part. We'll put a little bow on this
Ukraine stuff.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
Move on.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
If you still want to talk about it next hour,
you're welcome to whenever we open up the lines. But
that's gonna be a little bit, so hang on for that.
First Army Colonel Douglas McGregor, he was asked about the
whole situation.

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Here's what he said.

Speaker 7 (29:47):
So, I think we've lost this competition in Ukraine. I'm
talking about Washington, and it's bid to put in a
puppet government and thread in Russia, and I think the
end of NATO is on the horizon. I think even
the Europeans, who are even more misguided and utterly confused,
and much of the American population, they are going to

realize that there's no future in this relationship between US
and them, that they too have to save themselves, that
they'll have to chart a new destiny for themselves. So
I think that'll be the end of NATO. The Russians
will then demilitarize what remains of Ukraine. I don't think
they'll occupy it or try to govern it, but they
will ensure that it's completely demilitarized and can never threaten

Russia again.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
Well that's great. So here's the worst of it. And look,
I'm just going to say, and it is what it is.
You think this sixty billion's bad. Here's two things, Chris,
write this one down. One, this isn't the last sixty billion.

You know there's going to be another one of these, right,
maybe even another two of these.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
That's one.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
Two, all the money we've already sent, the money we
spend there quote rebuilding it after we send it or
after it's over, after they signed the piece deal and
give Russia what they want, which they will.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
It's already done. That's that's over.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
After all that stuff happens, we will send way more
money there to rebuild it than we ever sent in
the initial fight.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
You know it's coming.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
You know it's coming. Guarantee you it's coming. You just
wait and see. Now you can't afford eggs, but hey,
just you know, it's fine. After all, we have to
be the leader. It's not the free world. Listen, listen
to just think about that sixty billion as you listen
to this.

Speaker 4 (31:45):
This is just about any restaurant or stor and you'll
hear people talking about inflation.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Our food costs of increase by about one hundred and
seventy five percent. Everything from dairy, especially meat and poultry
has been a huge factor.

Speaker 4 (31:56):
Andrew Lockner and his wife have owned this cafe for
the past two years and have seen the costs go
up significantly. That's one reason the business played host to
a roundtable discussion on the topic held by Senator Steve Deanes.
I think some of these massive spending and tax bills
contribute to what's going on with the inflation.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
Food up one hundred and seventy five percent, and this
is what they're chanting on Congress's floor. Anyway, Hello, Jesse,
are you going to discuss replacing Speaker McCarthy with Johnson

in the House? With all the chaos and celebration by conservatives,
was it truly successful in hindsight?

Speaker 2 (32:42):
Or now?

Speaker 1 (32:42):
Can we say that after the dust settled, things actually
got worse and it was a failed effort by conservatives.
Your perspective would be a great segment on the show,
and it's necessary.

Speaker 2 (32:52):

Speaker 1 (32:53):
I thought it was a fascinating question to do before
we got to the Medal of Honor Monday and the
fizest stuff and everything else. So let's talk about that.
They bounced Kevin McCarthy. You remember, McCarthy was there for
about five minutes, passed every single Democrat budget, and then
Matt Gates got mad. And Matt Gates is still campaigning
to be the next governor of Florida, so that was

part of it, too. Great publicity bounced him out of office.
All right, we lost Kevin McCarthy, who retired soon after
in disgrace and whatnot. And then we're looking, We're looking,
We're looking. House couldn't meet for a few weeks, and
while everyone else on the right was whining that we
looked bad and we couldn't meet, I was trying to

explain to everybody that this is the most fun I've
had in ages. Congress can't meet and abuse my liberty,
this is terrific. But eventually they had to pick someone,
and they picked Mike Johnson to come on in. And
Mike Johnson has gotten in there and he's proceeded to
do exactly what Kevin McCarthy was already doing, violating the

hast rule, passing every single bill with the majority of Democrats,
minority of Republicans, majority of Democrats. Not one single evil
government program has been hampered, defunded, or even slowed down.
Everything Democrats have wanted, they've gotten every single time. Mike

Johnson has gotten there, and that's where we sit today. So,
in hindsight, was the bouncing of Kevin McCarthy a mistake. No,
Bouncing Mike Johnson wouldn't be a mistake either. Keeping Mike
Johnson wouldn't be a mistake, because what's happening right now

is something that is uncomfortable, but it is incredibly necessary.
It's the most important thing in the world. The left,
because of their participation in local elections and primaries, they
have chosen a clear direction for the Democrat Party. They
have chosen communism. No more middle of the road, no

more blue dogs, no more nothing, endless evil communism, that's
what they've chosen. The right, because we haven't participated as much,
we are currently confused. Do we go middle, do we
go hard right? Do we go populist nationalists? Do we
go traditional conservative? Neo conservative? Is it more libertarian?

Speaker 7 (35:24):

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Is this? Is it that the right doesn't know what
it is right now and the right has to fight
to figure it out. Bounce them, don't bounce them. Look
in the end for the country, it truly doesn't make
a difference whether you bounce them or not. Very clearly

Republican leadership, they're going to pass every evil bill with
the aid of Democrats. So whether it's Mike Johnson, Bob Johnson,
Sarah Johnson, Little Johnson, I don't know who. I don't
care who it is. They're all going to pass Democrat bills.
Keep him towsome, I don't care. But the fighting, the
quote chaos is necessary because we can't ever fight the

communists until we figure out what we are, and as
we've talked about, I don't know that that will be
good in the end. I don't know that we'll end
up making the right call on what we want to
be and what we don't want to be. But we'll
find out, won't we. Now, let's do something awesome. Obviously
at the beginning of the show, we honored the fallen.

We always do that as well. Were trying to do
as much as we can on the show. And it's
becoming very, very common. It's becoming way too common domestically too,
fallen first responders, firefighters, cops, just it's happening all over
the place. Tunnel to Towers is there for these people
when we can't be so when we pay attention to,

oh no, this guy was gunned down, or what about
his family at lease behind a wife, two kids, But
who's going to help them? Tunnel to Towers they're the
ones if you want to reach out, if you want
to help, if you want to do something for any
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sign up Tunnel to Towers asks for eleven bucks a month.

That's it. Sign up to give it automatically you'll never
miss it. You'll never know what's gone. T the number
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to Towers doesn't T the number two t dot org.

Speaker 2 (37:33):
We'll be back.
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