All Episodes

October 5, 2022 46 mins

There is so much evil in the world today just like throughout history. Jesse Kelly exposes that evil and discusses with Dr. Peter McCullough. There's also a lot of stupidity. Could the stupidity of Vice President Kamala Harris provoke conflict with North Korea? Congressman Troy Nehls weighs in on that. Plus, an update on polling for the 2022 midterms with the People's Pundit Rich Baris.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Evil. That's what we're dealing with. We should be able
to speak out about it. Doctor Peter McCall's coming on
nuclear war, A great light in the mood. All that's
coming up tonight. And I'm right, good and evil, I'm

not supposed to talk about that stuff, right, Certainly, not
when it comes to politics. Definitely, not if you're on
the right, traditional conservative type. I mean, you've you've heard
it forever. They'll call you evil and monster, and the communists, well,
they'll call you all these things. But we're not supposed
to speak that way. Let's work to get that's too divisive,

Let's come on it. It's just politics. It's just the
slight differences. But we've been so naive for so long.
And I'm not pointing fingers at other people. I'm sure
for a time, once I started to get politically interested,
I'm sure for a time I was right there too.
Maybe with this high in the sky nocean that it's
just left versus right, and that's all fine, But I'll

be honest with you when I see the level of
evil out there now. I looked back at old Jesse
and his naive way of looking at things, and boy,
he was dead wrong. I was dead wrong. You know.
I'll tell you I'm a fan of history. You know
I'm a big fan of history. You probably are too.

I would argue, if you're not a fan of history,
that's because you've never heard it from someone who actually
loves it. But anyway, I've set that aside. I'm a
big fan of history. And one of the things I
find fascinating about history is the horrible parts of it.
And it's not because I have some blood lust or
something like that, or I love hearing about horrible things.
It's not it. I find it fascinating to look at

horrific things men did to other men and try to
wrap my mind around what I'm looking at. How is
that possible? Because if you look at the breadth of
human history and that things men have done, it doesn't
seem possible, Like it almost seems like you're reading fiction.
It's removed. For instance, for instance, the Aztecs just a

little briefish dury in case you don't know, the Aztecs
were the Indians of Mexico, right. They were the most
powerful tribe in Mexico. The Mayans were really big down
there too, Yes, but the Aztecs had overtaken them, and
the Aztecs were this gigantic, major civilization in Mexico. And
I do mean major in fact the Europeans, who will
get to in a moment. When they got to their capital,

the Aztec capital, they said, that is more beautiful any
capital that exists in Europe. It was like a capital
that they built in the middle of a lake, with
floating gardens and all kind of just it was supposed
to be jaw dropping. You hear the descriptions of it.
Now it is jaw dropping because we're not talking about
some small backwater people. We're talking about the civilization and
the old Mexico. But then you dig into the Aztecs

and you find out not just the endless amounts of
human sacrifice they did, they were just they were very
big on that. They were huge on not only cutting
your heart out with a flint knife in front of
everyone on top of a temple. They would chop your
body up and chuck it down the steps. And then
sometimes instead of doing that, if they really wanted to
honor you, I'm not making this up, they would skin

you and then walk around wearing your skin. But that's
that's not even the worst of it. I realize all
that's really bad. The Aztecs believed in human sacrifices I
just pointed out for their gods for various things. You know,
I want son, I want rain, and I want to
you know how it goes. They believed children were uniquely
able to provide some of those sacrificial benefits to their gods.

And the Aztecs not only would do that same thing
to children, carve their hearts out while they were still alive.
Mind you, they believed the child needed to cry first.
So if you got a child up there and getting
ready to carve his heart out and he's not crying,
you have to make him cry. They would torture children

and then cut their hearts out to sacrifice. Now maybe
you're sitting there saying, Jesse, this is horrible. This is
this is offul. I can't believe they're doing it. Waited it. Actually,
it's a little bit worse when you put this in perspective.
It's not that they were doing that to children. It's
that the people, all the people, they would gather around
the bottom of the temple and they would watch this.

And while they were watching this, they weren't sitting there
screaming out in horror, stop save the kids. As they
watched children being tortured and killed in front of them,
they would cheer and yell and beg for more. Now
I would read stories like that I used to, and
they're not too you know, not too distant history. I

would read stories like that, and I would try to
It didn't seem real, right? Does that sounds like something
out of a horror movie I just described. It's horrible.
It's awful, isn't it? And it doesn't seem I mean, look,
I've known some bad people, but that's not something I
think people are capable. It doesn't. It doesn't seem real.
It does now it makes total sense to me now

what we've done in this country. What I watch is
these American communists due to children. When I sit and
think about all those Aztecs are evil. Yeah, we killed
sixty three million unborn babies in this country, sixty three million,
on top of the mutilation stuff, which we get to
at a moment. Now, you weren't standing around planned parenthood

cheering while sixty three million children were murdered. I hope not.
At least I assume you weren't. But you also know
that that's happening, that that's happened, and it's real, and
that is the established position of the Democratic Party in
this country. Joe Biden took to social media and said,
my dad used to say, Joey, don't compare me to

the Almighty, compare me to the alternative. So you're comparing
yourself to Satan, which is kind of odd, because I
guess that's appropriate the Satanic temple of this country. Do
you know what they share in common with the entire
Democratic Party, not just Joe Biden, the entire Democratic Party.
They share the exact same abortion position of the entire

Democratic Party. Again, every single United States senator who's a
Democrat believes you should abort a baby up to birth.
So it's not just California. Now, what's California doing? While
something pretty California. Quote, the States shall not deny or
interfere with an individual's reproductive freedom and their most intimate decisions,
which includes the fundamental right to choose to have an

abortion and their fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.
What do all those big words mean? That means they
believe that baby who's about to be born that fully formed,
very much alive, unique, precious soul. The stated position of
not just California, but the Democratic Party in the United

States of America is that that baby you're seeing right
there should have its limbs chopped off, its brain vacuumed
out of its head, and then chucked in a trash
room with the other dead babies. Now, you tell me,
is it just the Aztecs? You tell me what makes

us better? And when you hear people like AOC and
how they discuss the extinguishing of a human life, you
tell me, is this right or wrong? Or is this
good versus evil? I think it's important to state that

that abortion is an economic issue. Forcing poor and working
class people to give birth against their will, against their consent,
against their ability to provide for themselves, or a child
is a profound economic issue, an economic issue. You're telling me,

these people look at that child and they only see economics,
and they see it to be beneficial economically. If you
just chop it up into pieces and chuck it in
the trash, you're telling me that's not evil. What other
word can be used to describe such a thing. And
while we're on the subject of kids an evil, let's

do discuss what's happening right now in this country, and
it's happening out in the open. Oh, those Aztecs punishing
the kids. Man, what an evil society. Yeah, you know
what they use to chemically cash strate sex offenders. It's
a drug, doesn't matter if you know the name. But
they'll put something into your body to chemically castrate them.

You understand. That's the same drug they're using to puberty
block teenage boys in this country. And it may not
be done at the top of a temple, but it's
being done in the doctor's office, white lab code. I'm
a doctor, I'm a pediatrician. I'm here to take care
of you and surprise, surprise, planned parenthood. After killing sixty

three million unborn, they're getting in on the action. Your
gender identity is real. You should be the one to
decide what changes you want to make to your body.
If you're transgender or non binary, you may find that
your puberty experiences don't line up with your gender identity
or how you see yourself. That feeling can be uncomfortable, scary,
and stressful. If that sounds like you, know that you're

not alone. There are medicines you can take to delay
puberty for a while. They're called puberty blockers, and they
work like a stop sign by halting the hormones testosterone
and estrogen that cause puberty changes like facial hair growth
and periods. Puberty blockers are safe and can give you
more time to figure out what feels right for you,
your body and your gender identity. You don't have to

have all of the answers right now, so remember it's
all a work in progress and it may take time
to figure out what feels right to you, but talking
to a trusted adult and a nurser doctor may help.
Want to learn more, go to Planned Parenthood dot org,
slash teens. What is that? Is it right versus wrong?

Or is it good versus evil? And do keep this
in mind as we finish this up so we have
a bunch of other stuff we need to get to do.
Keep this in mind. It's not just that the freaks
at Planned Parenthood are doing that. The major medical institutions
of this country. They're not only doing it, they're trying
to ban you from speaking out against. The three major

American medical institutions just wrote a letter to the Department
of Justice asking them to criminalize people who speak out
against these things criminalize. That means you average Joe. No,
I don't think teen year old boys should shut their
should cut their penis off. The major medical institutions of

this country believe you should be arrested for that stance.
Do you still think it's right versus wrong? Let's grow
up and wake up and realize we are dealing with
something much worse here. All that may have made you uncomfortable,
but I am right speaking of evil. Doctor Peter McCall
is going to join me next and we're going to
talk about the people who punished and abused us during COVID.

Who are they? Who are the players of this game?
How bad are they? We'll talk to him about that
in a second. Now, before we talk to him about that,
I am positive you have seen the economic news and
it's really, really bad. I know that. I know that
this talk of war now with Ukraine in Russia pulling
everyone else into it. I know you know that's really bad.

I know you know things are bad. All I'm going
to say is this. All we can do is make
little preparations. Right, There's nothing you can do to prepare
yourself for the end of the world. Prepare yourself for
major economic dislocation, and then pray it doesn't happen. That's
all you can do. Prepare and pray. That's it. Do
you have an emergency three month food kit for every
person in your home? If you don't, that's fine, that's

the norm. Don't feel guilty, but it is time to
do something about it. My friends at My Patriots Supply
they have partnered with the show. What do they provide?
Emergency three month food kits already done, ready to go.
It's ships free, and its ships fast, and it ships
to your home anonymously, so I have to worry about
your neighbors known what you have. And they're offering one

hundred and fifty dollars off every three month food kit.
Everyone in your home needs an emergency three month food kit.
If you live alone, just buy one. It's fine. If
you live with four people, buy four of them. Go
to Prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com and get yours today.
Prepare with Jesse Kelly dot com. We'll be back. Each morning,

the President of the United States receives a highly classified
briefing on the most important issues facing the country. It's
called the President's Daily Brief or PDB. It's delivered by
America's spies and analysts. Well, now you can hear your
very own PDB in the form of a podcast hosted
by me Brian Dean Wright, a former CIA operations officer.

Each morning at six am Eastern, I'll bring you fifteen
to twenty minutes of the most important issues facing the country,
giving you the critical intelligence and analysis you need to
start your morning. We talk a lot about how there
should be a reckoning for what was done to this

country during COVID, for how much they abused you, abused
your rights, abused your dollar, abused your children. Well, apparently
we are going to get some sort of a reckoning,
just not at all the way you wants. California, they're
on the cusp of passing a bill a B two
zero nine eight that will allow the state Medical Board
to punish doctors who do what who actually tell the

truth about COVID. Doctors like Peter McCullough, who's been on
the front lines of actually telling the truth of this
thing from the very beginning. He's a COVID expert, author
of the book The Courage to Face COVID nineteen. Okay,
doctor let's go all the way back to the beginning.
I know you've talked about this at nauseum, but in
your profession, it doesn't always pay to swim against the tide.

You swam against the tide hard and early why patients
weren't being slaughtered by the virus. I couldn't sit by
and watch it happen. I knew that these drugs weren't perfect,
but we could use oral drugs in combination early at
home and prevent hospitalizations. Indus, later on, we were significantly

advantaged with monoclonal antibodies offered through the emergency Use authorization mechanism.
But what I learned early is that COVID nineteen is
a complicated illness. It has multiple phases, and the patients
who are at high risk are complicated to begin with.
They're older, and they're on many medications. So this was
never something amenable to a government narrative. Okay, doctor, explain

to me then, Because I personally have lost so much
faith in our medical institutions. I know I'm not alone,
especially over the last two years. But people traditionally they
look at doctors, they see that education level, they see
the fancy degree on the wall, and they expect that doctor.
I expect my doctor to be a whole lot smarter
than me when it comes to medical issues, a lot
smarter than me, and yet our medical institutions were stupid.

To put it mildly, how does that happen when you
have a bunch of people educated at Harvard and Johns Hopkins.
It started out with fear. I'm convinced that doctors initially
were so fearful of the virus they were afraid of
getting it themselves. They happily closed their clinics, they didn't
answer calls from very sick patients with COVID nineteen, and
they let them pour into emergency rooms and then become hospitalized.

So that's the reason why our book is titled Courage
to Face COVID nineteen. There was a small group of
doctors that said that they're going to fulfill their duty
to treat, and the small group of doctors did establish
the community standard of care. There's always been a community
stanard of care that's predicated on treating the infection very
early before it gets out of control. Then explain to

me you mentioned the medications. I'm assuming I don't want
to put words in your own mouth. You're talking about
things like hydroxy chloroquin and ivermectin. Explain to me why
that was so roundly rejected by everyone, not just politicians doctors,
that the FDA came out and made fun of the
even suggestion at ivermectin. Why were early drugs that you mentioned,
why were they rejected by so many? We saw unprecedented moves,

you know, before the COVID nineteen pandemic even occurred months
before in France, they took hydroxy chloroquin off the over
the counter market, made a prescription Australia quickly after COVID
nineteen started, made it punishable by imprisonment if doctor used hydroxycorquin.
It turned out hydroxycorquin was modestly effective. It had its

big use in the first year the pandemic. Ivermectin more
dynamic and more effective once we found the proper weight
based dosing, and then you know, we moved on to
packs love It, mulniperevier, monoclonal antibodies. So it never was
about a single drug. It was always about using drugs
and combination. But there appeared to be basically a plan,

a plan to try to demonize early treatment in order
to promote fear, suffering, hospitalization, and death. And I think
the people who actually work the hardest to suppress hydroxic
coorquin and ivermectin were those working also equally hard to
promote the vaccines. I'm glad you brought up the vaccines.

All right, these are not new now we now have
tons of study subjects available. What's the vaccine doing? Is
it working? Is it hurting people? As a killing people?
What do you see right now? We always discussed safety first,
and it is astonishing to report that the vaccine has
been associated with large numbers of deaths that have occurred

very shortly after receiving the vaccine. Our CDC is telling
us that there's over two thousand confirmed Americans who have
died within twenty four hours of taking the shot. That's astonishing.
Typically a drug would be taken off the market after
about five deaths. Certainly no more than fifty deaths. Visors
now revealed in court ordered documents they knew about one

two hundred and twenty three deaths within ninety days a
release of their product worldwide. We don't know the total
number of deaths because only a small fraction are reported.
A doctor has to have the vaccine card in order
to report a death, so many times we don't have it.
It is some large number, a massive number of people
who have died shortly after receiving the vaccine. And actually

it is biologically plausible because the vaccines have the genetic
code for the lethal WU hand spike protest. That's the
lethal part of the virus. People are taking the vaccine,
are taking the genetic code were a lethal protein, and
in some people it's too much in the wrong place
for too long, and it's fatal. Okay, how is this information?

How is this information not resulting in the vaccines being
pulled off the market. They're still approving boosters every other day,
pushing this on children. Explained to me the divide there,
because that's staggering. Well, the first order of responsibility is
the manufacturer. So Fiser, as the lead manufacturer, had a
duty to pull their product off the market. That was

even before Maderna and J and J came out. So
when Fiser knew that there were excess numbers of dust
and they were pouring in in December of twenty twenty,
Fiser had a responsibility to pull off the market. Now
the FDA, who was overseeing the overall program. They also
had a responsibility to talk to Fiser and tell them
to you to make a voluntary recall pull them off

the market. If didn't, the FDA could have ordered it.
But we now know that the FDA attempted to block
this information about Visor vaccine deaths to the public for
fifty five years. So this is prema fasci evidence that
the FDA is involved in a drug safety cover up,
a deadly drug safety cover up with Visor. Okay, so

the doctor explained to me. If the FDA is includes
with the CDC and in cahoots with the big pharma
to push drugs, push drugs, not suggests, push drugs on
the American public that will kill them, how in the
world is the average Americans supposed to overcome that? Because
that's pretty much what we rely on, right, The public

relies on the FDA to protect them. The FDA should
be in no position to promote mass vaccination. They should
be protected against the dangers of mass vaccination. And now
everything is off the rails. Americans have to take matters
into their own hands. The only way to stay safe
from these vaccines is to decline them. Sadly, most Americans

feel under pressure from school or employment, or travel or
sometimes their own family to take one of these vaccines.
And not only the immediate risk of death, but the
FDA says the vaccines cause heart damage, blood clots, and
neurologic damage. The FDA is warning Americans that in fact,
these happen, but they haven't taken the big step and
that has just pull them off the market, and all

of them are equally dangerous. Biser Maderna, Johnson and Johnson,
And now we have reports of heart damage and blood
clotting with novavax. Oh gosh, all right, let's move on
to mass really quickly. I'll be honest, this is one
of the ones that it's just such a staggering moment
for me watching this take hold across the nation, it

which is out of the blue. Immediately people begin to
believe the maths on your face was protecting them, and
this became some sort of a virtue signal across the country.
People flocked to the these things. And I still see some,
not many, but still see some wearing them. Can you
explain to me the psychology behind accepting that? Is that
just a media thing? It was initially fear, and then

our agencies gave dictatorial but yet erratic recommendations on masks.
Remember the types of masks. It was all over the place.
And you know, just a few days ago, you know,
if the CDC finally settled it, you know what they said.
The CDC said, nobody needs to wear a mask unless
somebody has COVID nineteen. If we're a healthcare worker and

we're encountering a sick COVID patients, so now we're back
to the usual things. We wouldn't wear a mask unless
we encountered, like say, a sick tuberculosis patient. So now
we're back down to just the medical use of masks.
And we pour Americans have suffered through three years of
public masking, all of which was not needed, and our CDC,

far too late, has simply told us go back to
our usual practices, which is what we do for other
respiratory illnesses. Doctor. Finally, I have my buddy Steve Dayson.
He talks about a lot of COVID reckoning stuff like
I do. He actually wrote a book on it too.
Here's what Steve had to say. I think you'll find
it interesting who runs it? Because because I want it,

Who runs it needs to happen? Who can pull this off?
We need a similar kind of a Nuremberg tribunal, and
I have the perfect person to oversee it. Doctor Peter
McCullough from your native state of Texas is arguably the
most decorated cardiologist in the history of this country, and
he has been. He has authored numerous medical journals. He

has been, he's he has cited, his biography is cited
at least a dozen major universities in this country. And
everything that he has warned about, everything that he has
said has all been proven true. Put him in charge
of it. Okay, doctor, you're in charge of our make
believe COVID tribunal. Who were the actors that you would

haul in? Who who were the worst to said Fauci?
Is it someone I don't see? Is it Rachelle? Well,
let's get who were the people that did this to us?
Because people have a right to know, and you know
the players I don't you know. In our book Courage
to Face COVID nineteen, we outline what we term the
biopharmaceutical complex. The biopharmaceutical complex is basically a syndicate, and

at the very top we believe it's the World Economic Forum,
the Gates Foundation, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation founded
by Gates and the WEF, World Health Organization, Welcome Trust,
the Rockefeller Foundation, the Chinese Communist Party GAVVY, the Eco
Health Alliance, CDC, NIH and FDA. And then the suppliers

are the vaccine manufacturers. This is a biopharmaceutical complex. They
are working as basically a syndicate, and when they declare
emergency medical emergencies, they're using that as a mechanism for
pre purchase of products and then reigning treasuries dry. It's
thrown us into this inflationary spiral. This is a crime

on a worldwide global magnitude. Billions of dollars are involved
in this crime, and sadly, millions and millions of lives
have been lost, tens, if not hundreds of millions of
people who have been unnecessarily hospitalized. And it's not just me.
It should be a giant panel of doctors, ethicists, PhD scientists, sociologists,

criminal justice experts, and everyone involved in this syndicate should
be called to justice. Yeah, man, doctor, please give out
the name of your book again for people Courage to
Face COVID nineteen, preventing hospitalizations in dusks while battling the
bio pharmaceutical complex. Go to the website Courage to Face

COVID dot com. Doctor I appreciate you, come back soon.
Thank you. All Right, these people in the White House,
Joe Biden, Dome, I swear they're going to get us
in a nuclear war. I can see it coming. It's amazing.

We'll talk about that in a second. Now, let's talk
about something else. I'm never gonna get my COVID reckoning.
We're never going to get doctor Peter McCullough overseeing a trial.
It's just the bad players, the bad guys. They're too
ingrained in every different nation. Right now, it's not going
to happen. We can talk about it, we can call
for it, maybe we'll get something, but we're never going

to get what we can. So we have to do
what we can do to provide our own reckoning. Right now.
What is that? Well, wouldn't you like to know which businesses,
businesses in your area fell in line and immediately worked
with that syndicate to crush your rights? In which businesses
stood up and stood tall for freedom? I think I

would like to reward the good guys and punish the
bad guys by taking away my money. People ask me
all the time, Jesse, we need a list of good companies,
a list of the companies that share our values. There
is a list. Let's right yours on your phone already.
Download public sq from the app store. Whatever you have, Apple, Android,
doesn't matter. Public sq that's where your list is. Go

and put your money where your morals are all the time.
Public sq. Download it today, We'll be back. You know,
it's not great. Nuclear winter that's is generally not great. Yeah,

it's something we have. It's something I think we don't think.
I think we don't think. That's probably not a way
to put that anither way. I think we don't think
about this enough because the prospects of it are so scary,
Like the reality of what it looks like is so
scary that it's just something you kind of try to
put out of your mind. But we are now, man, hind.
I mean, we are now in possession of weapons that

can kill every human being on the planet with relative ease.
It's crazy to think about. But not only are in
possession of these weapons, people are threatening to use them
on each other, all right, Russia's threatening to use them,
North Korea threatening to use them. Right about the time

I was sitting down in this chair last night to
bring you I'm right on television, I got the weirdest
notification on my phone. I'm sitting there, I'm getting ready
to start the show, and something pops up and I look.
North Korea had fired a ballistic missile at Japan, and
the Japanese people were being told to get to shelter.

It was a ballistic missile, by the grace of God
that went over Japan. Now I don't know what over means,
how hi exactly are we talking about here, But it
went over Japan and landed without any problems, and it
did occur to me, Man Thome was just over there.
So the United States shares a very important relationship, which

is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea. We
are in possession of enough weapons to end the planet,
and we have the dumbest people on earth running the country.
So sleep well, all right, we got more Grandma Vodka

thinks she went on late night TV and lide through
her false teeth. Get to that in a moment before
we get to that, and it's get to this Eden Pure.
You know, we talk about how it fixed my allergies
and it cleans my air out so my family's healthier.
It's just this little black box goes right in the
islet and the wall kills viruses and mold the things
so miraculous. I wonder if it can clean out the

radiation from a nuclear blast. I don't know. I'll have
to get ahold of Eden Pure. I don't think it
can do that. But in all seriousness, it fixed my
allergies priet allergies years all of a sudden, some little
black box fixism. You know. I bought one. I was
so in love with the thing, I went out and
bought two more. You can have a three pack two.

They're selling three packs for my viewers. You have to
go to Eden Pure deals dot com. Code Jesse gets
you two hundred dollars off a three pack Eden Pure
deals dot com code Jesse. We'll be back. What is

your prediction for the election. That's a little bit more
than a month away. Mana speaker, you have the floor. Okay,
thank you very much. Well, I'm so glad you asked
a question because I believe that we will win the
hold the hot House, and we will hold the House
by winning more seats. We won the forty seats, then

we lost someone Trump was on the ballot. We lost
some of the Trump districts, but we held enough seats
to hold the House with him on the ballot. He's
not on the ballot. Now, Oh, did I say his name?
I didn't need to. Okay, Grandma Vodka sounding remarkably lucid,
actually applause to her for that joining me. Now, my

friend rich Beart is known as the people's pundit director
of the Big Data Pole. All right, Rich, now let's
just assume that's Grandma Vodka doing some you know, propaganda
on Cobert. I'm not going to read too much into that,
but let's focus on what the midterms are actually looking like.
I stupid guy, not professional polster. I think it looks
like an unavoidable blood bath for them. Is that wishful thinking?

You know? I think she said something that actually was remarkable,
which is, she flatly admitted, despite what all the forecasters
on her side and the aisle saying, she flatly admitted
that trumping on the ballot is a net positive for Republicans.
Isn't that kind of funny? But look, you know, the
fact is there are over two hundred about two hundred
and twenty seats that either leans are likely or safe Republican.

There's one hundred and eighty four Democratic seats that are leaned,
likely or safe Democrat. The thirty let's call it thirty eight, actually,
let's call it thirty eight in the middle that everybody's
looking at, the vast majority of them are easier for
Republicans to pick up than they are for Democrats. So
even if it's you know, true what she said, which

is that they have a modest advantage, they're not over
extended the way they were in eighteen, it is still
a first term incumbent mid term, you know, Jesse. The
most astonishing thing to me this year has been people
who do this for a living. They're reluctance to admit
what everyone knows to be true, which is that even
popular presidents are in deep trouble in first term incumbent midterms.

Their parties they get hit. It's this is the way
it goes, with the rare exception being post not eleven
under George W. Bush, simply because something happened that year
that doesn't normally happen. The in power party dominated on
the issues that were most important to voters. That was
national security that year. This year, the issue is not abortion,

which they hinged everything on. The issue is cost of
living in inflation. Beyond that, jobs in the economy, and
abortion is typically tied with number three, four or five
down there with the other issues like immigration, which Republicans
also dominate on the issues design elections, and they favor
republic Okay, now explain this to me, Rich, because I

genuinely don't get it. You see the national polls, all
these national polls, I'm sure a lot of them are crapped,
but they all show the Democratic Party being incredibly unpopular.
The Republican Party not exactly. The people aren't thrilled with
that either, but a lot more popular the Democrats currently are,
as you kind of pointed out. Yet it doesn't sound
like you foresee this bloodbath. How is it that Democrats

are more secure than we are when they're less popular
than we are. Yeah, I think they raised a lot
of money there. There is some x factors this election,
but I just don't think it's going to cost the
Republicans a mid term election. The X factors being that
Donald Trump's candidates got through the lion's share of these primaries,

and the leadership is not happy about it. So, you know,
I've seen things this cycle that I've never seen before.
I have seen the majority or the Minority leader who
hopes to be Speaker. I've seen him take three weeks
to a month to call a candidate after they won
their primary, even though they're in a battleground district that
they absolutely could and should carry in November. You know,

it's a little bit of self sabotage here. But that
being said that the American people, the way these things go,
the American people end up having their say. And look,
you know, they abandoned Pat Cidarelli and Republicans in New Jersey.
Look what happened anyway, They they threw nothing into Brad
Finn's dad's race in Minnesota one. Yet he's still got
the largest ship for a Republican candidate in the last

four election cycles. So at the end of the day,
look at some of these polls that did come out
this week. There it's bad news for Joe Biden, Mamouth ABC,
A lot of people, uh you know, you know, I
don't think there are great polls by any measure. But
trends are trends, and the big question was whether or
not ABC picked up on a trend, an early trend,

and we're looking at right track, wrong track, which is predictive.
It's now back to negative fifty in Mammouth. So yeah,
it's why I'm itching to get a generic ballad myself
again real soon here. Nationally we're polling a lot of states,
but I'm dying to get another generic ballad right now. Okay,
you said they're not great polls. Now, I don't know
what that means. What's a good poll, what's a bad poll?

That's a great poll? That average? You know, I mean,
you're the expert. I'm not. Most people are. What am
I supposed to be looking at? What am I looking for?
That ABC News poll, that is the poll that infamously
gave Joe In a seventeen point lead in the state
of Wisconsin about two days before the election. Of course,
that was outrageous, just really indefensible. The Mommouth poll as

not just in battleground states but nationally, has tended to
understate Republican support. I just brought up New Jersey they
had pat Ciarelli losing to Governor Murphy by our governor, Yeah,
Governor Phil Murphy by about twelve points. It was double
digits in the end. That was a nail biter. He
was forced to write an article the next day questioning
whether or not he should still even be a polster.

I mean, so, you know, there's some polls that are
just not just wrong, Jesse. They're outside their own sampling rors,
and they can repeatedly do this in one direction, which
means they're not overstating Democrats one you know, one race,
overstating Republicans, the next race, they're all overstating Democratic support.
And that's because of you know, certain groups are just

harder to reach. But you know, they you got to
take that into consideration when you look at their results.
What's that mean harder to reach? Because a lot of
people will see that and they see how how much
they always oversew towards Democrats, and they immediately say to themselves, oh,
the polling companies are to the left, they're all manipulating
these things. I'm sure some of the times that's true.
But you mentioned harder to reach. The Republicans are harder

to reach, Yeah, they are in Republican leaning groups, even
if they don't consider themselves to be in a solid
or strong Republicans. You know, different groups of people respond
to different modes of collections. So how do we reach
out to people? Is it online? Is it through their
cell phone? Is a landline? Different modes that we collect.
They all do this at different rates for each of

these modes. So liberals and metro educated voters are basically
easy to reach across the board. They sign up for
online panels. They're dying, you know, click the button and
tell you Orange Man Band twenty four hours a day.
They love it when you call them on the phone.
They just can't wait to spend twenty minutes on the
phone with you to enlighten you about their opinion because

of course they know better. However, we work, class work
in Pennsylvania, or you know a welder. They just got
golf at six thirty ninth. They're about to pop into
hungry Man's down in front of the game in their
favorite chair, and the last thing they want to do
is talk to a polster. So you have to get
creative to reach them, and then once you engage them,

to keep them engaged and media Polsters. They're not able
to do that at all, all right, which brings us
that was a lot of talk about the House. This
is what Senator Rick Scott of Florida had to say
about the Senate Senate Republicans trying to get them to
win the Senate. Do you believe the Republicans are on
track to get control of the Senate. Well, most of

what might have hurt right now is on the hurricane, really,
for this is a hurricane. But but absolutely well, I
think we're fifty two stats plus fifty two states, fifty
two Senate seats. Sounds really nice to me. But is
that wishful thinking? I believe rich can't. I that's honestly,
that's where we're at right now. And that's if that's

without the state of Arizona, that's without New Hampshire. I
think these are all states that I've pulled myself. Wisconsin
is a must hold for Republicans. We were the first
ones out in Wisconsin and show Ron Johnson would lead,
and it was, by the way, a more comfortable lead
than we found for him in sixteen, So I think
he's good there. By the way, I think Tony Evers
is in deep trouble and Tim Michaels is ahead of

him right now. And then over in Nevada, which I've
always been very skeptical of Republicans, Uh, you know, they
it seems like that state's always just within their grasp. However,
lack Salt's lead and Lombardo as well was ahead. It's different.
There's something difference, is working class shift, and it's drawing,
you know, the Hispanic vote that is in a in

a state like Nevada, you know, a little bit more
than you would see in national polling. So it's starting
to look more like South Florida and South Texas as
opposed to California. You know, Hispanics are definitely not monolithic,
but we see that in Clark County he was pulling
extremely well, seventy percent of the vote. So that's I
think those states all look good for Republicans, and that

leaves Pennsylvania. I do think that Pennsylvan clearly, and uh,
I you know, I'm gonna pull that one again before
Elaction Day. But he always had the makings of a
victory in the poll, even though we had him down
a few points. He always just had to consolidate that
Republican base, and he led with independence, and I think

he's doing that now Georgia. Despite the noise, I think
Walker has an edge and people are coming around to
seeing that now. Even with all of you know, the attacks,
I think those attacks will backfire. We'll see with Arizona though,
on field right now in Arizona, Jesse, Florida's not Look,

it just isn't okay. Good um, Arizona. How do you
know what you're in the field right now? I'll be
honest with you, very very rarely do I get any
motionally invested at all in races. These politicians or should
all be used and treated like rental cars, just using
for what you want and toss them back. I genuinely
like Blake Masters, but I understand. I understand he's outside
of the norm. How's my boy looking? You know this

one's going to be close. I don't want to spit
out any numbers, but I'll say this, if Lake wins
by if Lake wins by four or five points, I
think Masters is going to get over the finish line.
He's being you know, I really would be derelict if
I didn't say this. When Mitch McConnell was doing to
Blake Masters is basically political malpractice, borderline criminal. If you're

a base voter, you should be furious. That only date
from September third to September twenty seventh where we measured it.
It's the only state where Republicans did not outspend for once.
They're Democratic opponents. They got killed all through the summer.
Democrats just unloaded on them while Republicans held their fire.

The fact that the race is still this close, when
Mark Kelly is raised fifty million dollars and Blake Masters
spend five million, should tell you how winnable that seat is.
But he needs help, and I did hear you know
he's going to get some help from Peter Teal, maybe
the President's going to help him as well. He needs it.
It's winnable. He's just Mark Kelly's you know, beating him
over the head. And you can see the difference between

him and others with that four year college degree, white voter,
and he can close that gap. But they're in Maricopa
and they are many, so he's got to do it.
He's the people's pund in. Thank you, Rich, I appreciate it. Man.
All the best, Jesse, all the best. All right, we

have a great light in the mood. Next, go get him, Blake,
go get him? All right, before we get to light
in the mood. Why why does the Republican Party, the
establishment Republican Party, why are they always so afraid of
people like Blake Masters, my boy Joe Kent. Why? Well,
because weak people oftentimes to test strong people. If you're

some Washington, DC Republican who stands for nothing and you
hate your base, you hate the Republican base as much
as Democrats hate the Republican base, you look out at
somebody who actually wants to stand for something and fight
for something, and frankly you're resentful of it. You know
what the GOP's problem is there, low T they are.
I call them the low T GOP for a reason.

I've joked with my buddy who runs Chalk. I joked
with them that they should be sending a male vitality
stack to each and every Republican Senator. And honestly, I'm
not kidding. I think they should. I think they should
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We'll be back. You know I don't watch the NFL anymore,

or I've told you about that. You've heard it. You've
heard enough about that. But you also know that I
miss it. And one of the things I miss about football,
it's not it's not the players as much. Yeah, I
missed the players and watching him play I miss I
miss why or how football makes fans so stupid. Have
you ever been do a game? It doesn't even have
to be a pro game, right, a high school game,

college game. You go to a football game. There's something
about football that turns fan into lunatics. So when I
saw this video yesterday of the most dangerous gender reveal
I've ever seen. I've got to be honest. It gave
me a stickers. A stay away from the players, Ben,

I'll see them all. Each morning, the President of the
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