All Episodes

November 13, 2024 37 mins

Looking at the Matt Gaetz AG pick. Your military service is not the last great thing you will do. Thune coming out and saying all the right things but will he actually be any good? Would Jesse serve as Trump’s White House Press Secretary? A mandate from the American people to get things done and fix this government.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show. There's
so much to freaking get to today. We just talked
about the Pete Hank Seth sec deaf Secretary of Defense
pick by Trump. We are going to get into the
Matt Gates ag pick that has everybody's screaming at each

other right about now. I'll get to that shortly. I
wanted to address the Senate leadership thing, but I also
I'll get to the Senate leadership thing before I get
to Matt Gates. I wanted to do something more important
before I did any of that. I want to look
back on February to when I called all this John Thune,
who should have been primary forever ago. But of course

he's handsome and speaks very well on TV. John Thune's
probably going to be our next Senate minority or majority.
I just wanted to make sure that got played during
the show. Chris, I don't know why you're shaking your hands.
It's just oracles doing oracle things. Chris, Sorry, you can't
participate in any of the All right, serious this before
before I get into the Senate leadership thing I wanted
to read this email, Dear Oracle, I'm looking for some

words of wisdom following Veterans Day. I'm currently active duty
in the world's greatest Navy. I attended a Veteran's Day
parade at my child's school and we were treated like
rock stars. It was overwhelming and left me feeling guilty.
Later that evening, I found myself tearing up thinking about
my brothers that took their own lives after getting out,

and thinking about how much I struggle with depression and
substance abuse and thoughts of suicide. Does it get better
when you get out? I have two boys, and they
keep me fighting. Did say I can say his name?
His name is Brandon. So let me let me speak
to not just Brandon here, to everybody in and maybe

everybody who got out, and maybe you are struggling. This
is a very, very common theme with veterans, and we've
had this talk before, and we're gonna have it a
million more times until every single veteran and guy currently
in understands this. When you join the military as a

young man, I can't speak for the women. I've never
been one. When you join the military as a young man,
you fulfill so many things that are traditionally male and
that biologically are male. You test yourself, you test yourself physically, mentally.

That's a very male thing. Combat. You know, we are
made for combat. That's part of the reason God made
men bigger, stronger, and faster than women. There's a reason
your shoulders are bigger and your hips are strang are bigger,
and you have more lung capacity and muscle mass. And
it's not just so you can be better at basketball.
It's so you can pick up a spear or a

gun and go kill people in defense of your country
and your family. Were men are built for war. You are.
That's part of what You're built this way, and you're
fulfilling that. And men, instinctively, especially young men, but really
all men. Men have a taste for adventure. It can
be hard, especially for mothers to watch. It can be

hard for mothers to watch. But young men will look
out and you said you're in the navy. Young Men
will look out at the vast, frightening open ocean and
they will say to themselves, I wonder what's on the
other side. I think maybe I should take some chances
and go find out. When you are a young man

and you sign up to join the military. You get
a lot of boxes checked in your life. I did this,
and I did that, and I did this, and for
a variety of reasons that can be deadly if you
allow it to. One of the main drivers of this

is young men. However young you are. I don't know
how young Brandon is here, but is Honestly, it applies
to men in their forties, right, You're still not old
in your forties. Young men will think, as they're wrapping
up their military service that they have done the last
cool thing, manly thing they're ever gonna do. When you

have some young stud he's getting out of the navy,
he's been on an aircraft carrier, he partied in Spain
one night, he's dot he's seen the globe. He's done
all this with his friends. And you present this young
man with, hey, we can find you a good job.
Got a four oh one k and a wife, gets
you a pretty little wife and then some kids, and

it almost seems small if you're not looking at it
the right way. You put one awesome thing on your resume,
it's not the last thing that goes on your resume.
Your service is not done either. You are the most
prized citizen in this country. We need you to be

involved in politics. We need you to be involved in
the workforce. We need you to go find a dime
and put a ring on her finger and make babies
with her and raise patriotic young men and women. You
are necessary. The rest of your life is not boring
just because you're not partying in Barcelona with your navy buddies.

The rest of your life is different, and dare I
say it, in a lot of ways better. I have
been there, young man. I have been in the Marines,
I've been partying in different parts of the world, almost
got myself killed in Iraq and other places. I have
seen the adventures and the oceans and the darkness and

the hardship. And I've come out and I've come out,
and I've been I'm depressed, and I've drank too much,
and I've thought this is all worthless and pointless. And
now I've moved past that phase in my life and
it's wife and kids, and in many ways it's better now.
I'm glad I did what I did. I'm glad it's
there on the resume. But I'm also really glad. It's

not the last thing you have not done, the last
cool thing you're ever gonna do. If you get out
of the Navy, fine, go march on and do something else.
If you stay in fine, but allow me to address
one more things. I want to get to. The Senate
leadership thing you mentioned. You're struggling with depression, substance abuse,

and thoughts of suicide. You know that I've done this.
I've been very open with you many times about my struggles.
When I got out of the Marines, I was so
angry and violent. I was actually talking to my mom
the other night, and it really broke my heart watching
how much you could tell. I broke her heart. Back then,

she was and I had never seen it from her perspective.
We were talking around. She had come down to visit,
and she said when he got back from Iraq, she
was talking to me and Ah. We were sitting around
just talking, discussing things. She said, he was just so
sad and so angry, and I just felt so helpless

to pull him out of it. As a mom, all
I could do was watch my baby who had change
so much, and I couldn't get him out of it.
I couldn't and didn't have any idea how to help him,
you know, And so that's where I was. I've been
where you are, exactly where you are. The booze makes
it worse, or the pills or whatever you're doing. And

I know why you do it, and I'm not judging
you at all. I have no right to judge you.
I've done it. If you've done it, I've done it worse.
I've done it longer. Trust me, I know, I know,
I know it makes it worse. If you could go,
maybe take a day off. I'm not doing this sing
where you're gonna quit, although you should eventually take one

day off, one day and see if maybe that improves.
All right, all right, don't you dare harm yourself. You
got two young men. They need you and the country
needs you. So all you vets listening right now, everybody,
if you're thinking about that crap, stop, you are needed now.
Now let's talk briefly about the Senate leadership things. I
don't want to spend any time on it because the

dowing is done. They had their secret vote today and
yes I predicted it and I've been obnoxious about it.
That's just to give Chris a hard time. But I
saw it coming, because it's easy to see coming. John
Thune is the new Senate majority leader. And you know
why that is. We've talked about it before. These red
state gopeers, they don't participate in primaries, and when they do,

they go vote for the guy who's in, and so
we end up getting stuck with the worst senators from
the redest states. Now, Thune today said a lot of
good things after he became the leader.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
This Republican team is united. Are are on one team.
We are excited to reclaim the majority and to get
to work with our colleagues in the House to enact
President Trump's agenda. We have a mandate from the American people,
a mandate not only to clean up the mess left
by the high Biden Harris Schumer agenda, but also to

deliver on President Trump's priorities.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Okay, they all know enough now to drop Trump's name
a thousand times. You're going to hear a lot of that.
You talked about the nominees that have to get confirmed.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
Well, what we're going to do is make sure that
we are processing his nominees in a way that gets
them into those positions. So they can implement his agenda.
How that happens remains to be seen. You know, obviously
we want to make sure our committees have confirmation hearings
like they typically do, and that these nominees reported out
to the floor. But I've said this and I mean

it that. You know, we expect a level of cooperation
from the Democrats to work with us to get these
folks installed. And obviously we're going to look at to
explore all options to make sure that they get better
than that they get moved quickly.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
Yeah, we'll see. I'm not going to beat anyone up anymore.
We're not going to focus on the bad. Let's hope
Thune does not become an obstructionist. Thune's own political career
is invested in remaining at least kind of popular with
South Dakota Republicans. So let's look, we got him now,
nothing we could do about it. Let's cross our fingers.

Hope he gets the nominees through. Hope he doesn't listen
to this crap from Chuck.

Speaker 3 (10:31):
You've been told that Senator John Thune will be the
next Republican leader in the Senate. I congratulate Senator thun
on being chosen by his colleagues as the next Republican leader.
I look forward to working with him. We've done many
bipartisan things here in the Senate together, and I hope

that continues.

Speaker 1 (10:53):
Yeah, I'm sure you do, Chuck, all right, whatever it is,
what it is. Let's go talk about Matt Gaates Attorney General,
disrupt and more. First, let's talk about Tunnel to Towers.
We just did a long talk last hour about the
global war on terror. And while it is over for
most people, most people consider it to be over, it's

not over for the guy who went over there and
lost his legs in Afghanistan. I interviewed young man. I
think it was yesterday. It was yesterday. I interviewed a
young man yesterday. He lost both of his arms, both
of them. He has two prosthetic arms in Afghanistan. You
know that Tunnel to Towers builds smart homes for these

catastrophically injured veterans, so they can do things like bathe themselves,
cook for themselves. They can be much more self sufficient,
so they can feel like less of a burden. They
always talk about how they feel like they're a burden,
which I hate, but they feel that way. Eleven bucks
a month. That's what Tunnel to Towers asked for. T

the number two dot org. We'll be back.

Speaker 4 (12:04):
The Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. I'll
hump day. Now let's dig in. Most people are kind
of on board with Pete Haig Seth. There's some reservations.
Does he have enough experience I've but I already told
you why I'm a big fan love this pick. Now
let's talk about the pick that is a coin flip

with anti communists with Republicans. The big boy Donald Trump
announced a few hours ago, he announced that Florida Representative
Matt Gates is going to be his pick for Attorney General.
I need to again remind everybody he has to be
confirmed through the Senate, and this one might be a problem.

Matt Gates getting through a Senate confirmation process might be
a big, big problem. But we can't deal with that
problem right now. The Senate is what it is. We'll
see where we go from here. So let me explain
to the haters and lovers of this pick why I
love it, and I will tell you it doesn't really

matter who you are whether you love this pick. Love
Matt Gates or whether you hate it, I'm probably about
to offend you a great deal. So just bank on
being offended. If you turn off the radio, fine, I'll
be here again tomorrow. It's not my job to try
to dance around things. My job to give it to
you straight. So here's what it is. Matt Gates is

a freaking obnoxious individual, completely obnoxious. We have all known
a frat boy type like Matt Gates, and an obnoxious individual,
a bomb throwing bull in a china shop who doesn't
care how many enemies he makes. Is the exact kind

of person we need taking over the Justice Department. We
have a Justice department full of poisonous snakes. We have
a Federal Bureau of Investigation full of those same snakes,
with some criminals mixed in. Our justice department in this

country is evil. What we need is what we have
not had. We need somebody to walk in there and
start breaking things. We have got to change our mindset.
The American Department of Justice, the United States of America's

Department of Justice. They sent the Federal Bureau of Investigation
after school board Moms. Retired Special Agent Steve Friend and
friend of the Show retired in part because the FBI
was They told him he had to go jot down
the license plate numbers of angry parents who showed up

at school board meetings for the FBI's Counter Terrorism Division,
and he had to do that on orders from Merrick
Garland in the DOJ. The DOJ sent the FBI after
pro lifers and threw them in cages for the rest
of their life because they were angry about Roe versus

Wade being overturned. We don't have bad people in the DOJ.
We have criminals in the DOJ. And you know who
I want to walk in. I want this guy, obnoxious
as he is, to kick in the door and be
a bull.

Speaker 4 (15:43):
Die In general, you've told us that it's a dangerous
conspiracy theory to allege that the Department of Justice is
communicating with these state and local prosecutions against Trump. You
can clear it all up for us right now. Will
the Department of Justice provide to the committee all documents,
all correspondents between the Department and Alvin Bragg's office and

Fannie Willis's office and Letitia James's office.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
The offices you're referring to are independent offices of state.

Speaker 4 (16:13):
I get that, I get that state. The question is
whether you will provide all of your documents and correspondence.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
That's the question.

Speaker 4 (16:19):
I don't need a history lesson.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
Well, I'm going to say again, we do not control
those offices.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
They make there the questions where you communicate with them,
not whether you control them. Do you communicate with them,
and will you provide those community to make.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
A request, we'll refer it to our Office of Legislative.

Speaker 4 (16:35):
But see, here's the thing that you come in here
and you lodge this attack that it's a conspiracy theory
that there is coordinated lawfair against Trump, and then when
we say fine, just give us the documents, give us
the correspondence, and then if it's a conspiracy theory, that
will be evident. But when you say, well, we'll take
your request and then we'll we'll sort of work it
through the DOJ's accommodation process, then you're actually advancing the

very dangerous con spiracy theory that you're concerned about.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Remember that talk we had at the beginning of the show,
in case you're just now joining us, about the teenage
boy who was losing his mind and so the parents
had to sign him up for one of those reform
school boot camps, and they had a couple guys at
three am kick in the door, rough him up and
drag him off to boot camp and make his life
hell for a few months, and he turned his whole

life around. Jesse, I don't like matc Ats, Fine good,
I don't care. I don't care for him either. I'm
not hanging out with him, not having a beer with him, Jesse,
he doesn't have the experience. You don't even need to
be a lawyer to be the Attorney General. Do you
realize that you don't even have to be an attorney.
What we need is somebody who's going to blow up

an organization that is a poisonous disaster and harmful to
the liberties of the American people. We need mister obnoxious.
We need the guy who loves making enemies. That's exactly
the kind guy we need. I will finish my thoughts
on Gates in just a second.

Speaker 5 (18:04):
Hang on fighting for your freedom every day.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
The Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday and
amazing Wednesday. Remember you can email the show Jesse at
Jesse kellyshow dot com. Leave us a voicemail eight seven
seven three seven seven four three seven three. Now one
more word on Matt Gates. I understand you may love it,

Remember we might if you love it, let me tell
you we may be in trouble on the confirmation process.
We already have GOP well allegedly GOP senators like Murkowski
saying absolutely not. Gates may have a very difficult time
getting through. Just prepare yourself for that. And remember, if
he doesn't get through, that probably makes trump second pick

more likely. So maybe that's, you know, maybe that would
work out for you Gates haters. I understand that Gates
is an obnoxious individual. I get it, But people like
him are how you disrupt the status quo. You don't
disrupt the status quo by slightly changing things, and you

pretty much can never disrupt the status quo politely and
without pain. If your sales department has been lackluster in
sales for a long time, you're not making it, not
making your quotas. And they bring in a new sales
manager and he kicks in the door and starts screaming

at everybody and tells your entire entire sales department that
the bottom ten percent of your sales department will be
fired by the end of the month. And he starts
making you do terrible things, and he's watching you do
follow up calls. You will hate him. In fact, your
entire sales de apartment will hate him. You will all
go meet at Chili's for beers on Friday and you'll
discuss how he's the anti Christ, and guess what, your

sales department will drastically improve and in the end you'll
probably make more money. Bill Parcells is the coach you're
thinking about, Chris. Bill Parcells. Famously, he's that football coach
for those non football types love Bill Parcells. Bill Parcells
was that hard nosed football coach who would constantly, it
was almost miraculous. He would walk into these embarrassing teams

who never want anything, and Parcels, in a year or
two would have them all in the playoffs, all these losers,
these guys couldn't win a game. One of the ways
he did it, Bill Parcells came out and admitted the
bottom third of the team he intended to fire a
third of them immediately he walked in the door anew Immediately,

a third of you guys are bums. You're gone. Disrupting things,
changing the course of things is uncomfortable. I don't like him. Hey,
he's up noxious. Yep, that's the point.

Speaker 4 (21:03):
Ghostwriter didn't delete the recordings just as a matter of happenstance.
Ghostwriter has recordings of Biden making admissions of crimes. He
then learns that you've been appointed. He then deletes the
information that is the evidence, and you don't charge him.

Speaker 6 (21:21):
That is reflected in the report. And one of the reasons, like,
what does.

Speaker 4 (21:23):
Somebody have to do to get charged with obstruction of
justice by you? If life like deleting the evidence of
crimes doesn't count, what would meet the standard?

Speaker 6 (21:31):
So Congressman, as we as we state in the relevant
chapter of the report, one of the things that misters
Wannatzer did not delete was transcripts of the recordings that
he had created that included in culplatory evidence relating to
mister pup. Oh.

Speaker 4 (21:44):
So if you if you destroy some evidence but not
other evidence, that somehow absolves you of the evidence you destroy,
Like here's what I see, Zwanager should have been charged, wasn't.
Biden and Trump should have been treated equally. They weren't.
And that is the double standard that I think a
lot of Americans are concerned about Oh.

Speaker 1 (22:02):
That's obnoxious, it's immature. Yes, it's obnoxious, it's immature. Exactly
what we need, exactly what we.

Speaker 4 (22:08):
How often do you brief President Biden?

Speaker 5 (22:12):

Speaker 1 (22:14):
This is him going after Christopher Ray. By the way,
remember remember when our senators like Grassley Christopher Ray, do
you do you think you could stay for a couple
extra questions? I want to make sure you it's please
if you wouldn't mind staying. That's how some people question
Christopher Ray, the head of the FBI. Matt Gates questions

Christopher Ray, the head of the FBI.

Speaker 4 (22:37):
Differently, how often do you brief President Biden? You mean
on this in your role as FIAT.

Speaker 5 (22:47):
I mean, I don't know that I could give you
a number. I was like weekly, monthly, daily, It's it's
not it's not at a regular cadence. There have been
times when there have been months at a time when I
haven't and then there have been times when.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
Several days apart, I have. It's always with other people.

Speaker 4 (23:02):
Okay, so when did you notice his decline?

Speaker 1 (23:08):

Speaker 5 (23:08):
In my interactions in my role, all my interactions with
the current president have been completely professional, right, But.

Speaker 4 (23:15):
I mean his the cognitive decline. I'm saying you treated
you and professionally just maybe not picking things up as
quickly as he used to.

Speaker 5 (23:23):
Again, I don't meet with him very often, but what
you're describing is not something that I've observed during my
interactions with.

Speaker 4 (23:30):
I mean, we've had it observed so often that the
ranking member and mister Schiff on this committee have said
that he could no longer continue as a candidate. And
so since you're the FBI director, I was just sort
of wondering, like, who's running the country if something Yeah,
so if something bad happened, you'd have to go brief

President Biden about it right now, God forbid.

Speaker 5 (23:54):
And on any number of occasions I have briefed to
the President, and as I said, those briefings have all
been uneventful and remarkable.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
Now we can chart a new path that may be
obnoxious and immature, or we can continue with the status quo.

Speaker 5 (24:10):
Senator, I had had a flight that I'm supposed to
be high tailing it too out of here, and I
had understood that we were going to be done at
one thirty. So that was that's how we ended up
where we are.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
If it's your if it's your business trip, you got
your own plane. Can it wait a while?

Speaker 5 (24:31):
Sorry, to be honest, I've tried to make my break
as fast as I could to get right back out
of here.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
And you took more than five minutes. Ha ha, just
having some fun. Hey, would you mind waiting a little while.
I don't want to put you out. It's all you
bathroom break, all Chrits, you old kidder. Haha. That what
you want. That's not what I want. I'm done having

a criminal government. I want the criminals to be afraid.
I want an obnoxious bull in the china shop to
break down the front door and start firing people. I
want people to be fleeing in horror. I want New
York Times op ed after New York Times op ed
about the disastrous, poisonous, hostile work environment Matt Gates has

brought into the Department of Justice. I want to hear
weeping and gnashing of teeth. I want communists to run
to Newsweek and talk about Matt Gates and how he
was mean to me and why he fired me. I
want nasty. I want a disruptor, because I know there
is no polite way out of where we are. You

want to turn your life around, you want a disastrous path.
You can't do it nicely, you can't do it politely.
It takes drastic things, dramatic things. You want to turn
your company, your company failing, not making the numbers. Things
are a disaster. Fire, somebody fire, more than one person,

step in, make a hard decision, blow something up. That's
how it's done. I understand some of these picks make
people uncomfortable. I haven't even gotten to Tulsa Gabbert yet,
and I will get to Tulsi Gabbert. I understand these
things make people uncomfortable because it's not traditional, right, it's
not traditional. And when we think of attorney general traditionally

we think of this perfect, put together, kind of grizzled
old Republican who's a lawyer, of course, and he's fought
a bunch of cases before the Supreme Court, and he
used to be a congressman down in my area in Florida,
and he was very well thought of it, and he
went to Harvard. Did you hear he went to Harvard? Whoa?
And whoa? And then Yale to Harvard and Yale. Wow,
that's so amazing. And we think we can just polite

and nice our way out of this. No, I want
to disrupt everything. Oh but can't we do it nicely? No,
you cannot, Otherwise it wouldn't be disruption. So let's do
some emails and then we'll get to Tulsi Gabbertt. In
a moment. Before we do those things, let's talk about
pure Talk speaking about making changes. We don't like to

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Speaker 5 (28:34):
He doesn't care if you believe him, but he's right,
Jesse Kelly.

Speaker 1 (28:41):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. We still have more
than an hour left of The Jesse Kelly Show on
a Wednesday Hoopday. Remember if you miss any part of
the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeart,
Spotify iTunes. Let's do some emails, Jesse. If Donald Trump
you up today and asked you to be his White

House Press secretary, would you do it? He would be
hilarious watching you destroy all the commy news media press. Anyway,
Would I do it? I don't. For one, Donald Trump
is not going to call and ask me. Donald Trump
is this time focusing on filling up his cabinet with

Trump loyalists, people who are dyed in the wool. Trump
people and are ultimately loyal to him, and that's exactly
what he should do. I'm not complaining about that at all.
That's what he should do. I am not a Trump loyalist.
That is not who I am. I'm not a loyalist
to any politician at all. When Donald Trump is doing

great things, I will come on here and say so.
When he is doing dumb things, I will come on
here and say so, and I've done so many times before.
I do not want to work for him because that
I would eat have to a set aside my my
disagreement whenever I had it, and I don't do well
with that. I do not do well with being told

what to say and what not to say or be.
I would take a position he would give me and
then criticize him from that position, and that is not
right either. No, I'm not going to be the press secretary,
and he's not going to ask me to be the
press secretary. Now. I said all that. I said all that.
I am very passionate about my country, and I'm very

passionate about what these communists have done to it, and
I want to fix it. If you know, I brought
up Pete Hegseth earlier and how excited I am at
the prospect of a change in our military and changing
the direction of this military. When I hear things like this,
I get extremely excited.

Speaker 7 (30:50):
Well, first of all, you got to fire you know,
you got to fire the Chairman and Joint chiefs, and
you got to fire this. I mean, obviously gonna bring
in a new Secretary Defense. But any general that was involved, general, admiral, whatever,
that was involved in any of the DEI woke, it's
gotta go. Either you're in for war fighting that and
that's it. That's the only litmus test we care about.
You got to get DEI and cert out of military

academy so you're not training young officers to be baptized
in this type of thinking. And then, you know, whatever
the standards, whatever the.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
What if, what if Trump called me up he will
not do that and said, hey, will you help Pete
Hegseth clean out the military. I am very happy where
I am. I don't want to leave, and I don't
want that phone call. The sense of duty I have
to my country would make it very very difficult for
me to say no to something like that. I don't

think it would be press secretary, because as much fun
as it would be to go beat up on those
useless comedies in the newsroom, it's not critical for the
country itself. Cleaning up the military is critical for the
country itself. If someone called and said, hey, Jesse, and
I don't know Matt Gates, right, but if Matt Gates
called it, he said, hey, Jesse, I want you to

be in charge of cleaning out the FBI, that would
be very, very difficult for me to say no to
because I would feel obligated to my country. But it's
not gonna happen anyway, So don't worry. I'm not going
anywhere at all. Like I said, Trump's administration should be
for hardcore Trump loyalists, of which I am not, and
that's what he should do. He's doing the right thing, Jesse.
Great segment about how the Senate leader will be decided,

just as easy to say a man anyway, can you work?
Can Trump work around a bad Senate leader? Or will
this really handicap the whole thing before it gets off
the ground. No, Look, John Thune is not a disaster
yet at all. The things that should concern you about
John Thune are a whipping the votes for Trump's confirmations.

I think a lot of these people will get confirmed,
but the most important one, what have I told you
for a week has been is the most important one
since the ag AG Nothing comes close to that. Well,
with the pick of Matt Gates, it is controversial and
it may be difficult getting that confirmation through. If John

Thune is the leader of the Senate, not an If
he's now the Senate majority leader, we are going to
need him whipping those votes to get confirmations like that through.
If he fails to do that, that's a bad sign.
Another bad sign is going to be you see, Donald
Trump believes he has a mandate. You believe he has
a mandate. I believe he has a mandate, a mandate

from the American people to change the direction of this country.
Donald Trump is going to want to get things done.
He's that kind of a guy. He wants to get
things done. Order this, order that, renegotiate this, tariffs on this. Okay,
all that stuff is fine. Some of those things you'll love,
some of those things you'll hate. The problem with wanting
to get things done is that can be a very

very dangerous game to play in Washington, DC that's full
of losers and evil people and snakes. What if? What
if there's a huge border and immigration bill and it
builds a lot of wall, and it guarantees an expansion
of ice, all kinds of extra border patrol agents. It

even allocates all kinds of money to help improve and
streamline the mass deportation process. It's a big border immigration bill.
But John Thune is there. He's certainly not an immigration hok,
and he's gonna have a lot of big business contacts
that want that border open. So, hey, how about five

to ten million. You know we've got thirty to forty
how about five to ten million who are here? What
if we give them a path to citizenship. They love
to frame amnesty like that because everyone hates amnesty. What
if we five I did ten million. What if we
create this huge border bill, all this border security, but
without amnesty for We'll call it five million illegals. And

that's the deal. John Thune negotiates, and boom sets that
deal on Donald Trump's desk. Donald Trump's sitting there, wants
to deport, wants to get things done. You're telling me
he's not gonna sign that bill. You'd bet your mortgage.
He's not gonna sign that bill. That's the kind of
stuff that can really really hurt us is if Thune

starts letting some real poison pills into bills. I didn't
mean for that to rhyme, but that was cool. If
he starts letting some poison pills into bills that Donald
Trump will sign, that's going to be bad. That will
be bad. And there are Look, there are other problems
I can't foresee. As of right now. He sounds cool.

Speaker 2 (35:57):
His Republican team is united. We are on one team.
We are excited to reclaim the majority and to get
to work with our colleagues in the House to enact
President Trump's agenda.

Speaker 1 (36:08):
Maybe he's been taking Chalk. I don't know. Maybe the
old Thune is gone. Maybe this Thuon, Maybe this Thuon
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