All Episodes

June 18, 2024 36 mins

Norma and Norma need to understand, this economy isn’t a Joe Biden problem, the money is gone. Educating the masses on the basics of economics. The Biden Administration unveiled the largest relief package to illegals ever. How is George Soros allowed to do what he does in America?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse
Kelly Show. Another hour, final hour of The Jesse Kelly
Show on a Monday. If you missed any part of
the show, you can download the whole thing on ir
and Spotify iTunes. Let's get back to what we were
talking about here, because we're having a conversation about the people.

Someone said, hey, you need to take back the university system.
Someone else said, hey, I see they're now printing articles
about the coming cuts the social security and so I'm
talking about it in a roundabout way. We had this
NDAA National Defense Authorization Act last week. It'll be in
the news. It's going to pass. Don't worry, eight hundred
and ninety five billion. I already covered the females being

part of the draft portion of that. In case you're
just now joining us, I'm sure I offended everyone. I said,
why wouldn't they be part of the draft? Everyone wanted
them to be part of every part of the military.
You wanted them on the naval ships, you wanted them
on the frontline combat units. We accepted that for the
longest time, as if that was just normal. We pretended
like all the problems that were coming from that weren't

actually happening. And then we wake up one day and
find out they're going to draft the girls. And now
it's don't draft our daughters. Well, you wanted her on
the heavy cruiser, now you don't want her in the draft.
That's not how that works. You see, once you accept
the premise that women are going to be in combat
roles with the men, then you're going to draft them.

That's not the kind of country I want, but that's
apparently the country you've accepted. But I'm going to talk
about something different. I want to talk about money. This
gets real easy to talk about whenever you're discussing Democrat things.
You know, Joe Biden gets up tomorrow and says, AH

have another trillion dollars for solar panels and cow farts,
You me, everybody were all, we'd all start screaming about
it immediately. While that sucks, you can't do that. We're
out of money. Does no one care about the But
that conversation gets a lot less comfortable when you start

discussing things that we love that I love that you
love things like the United States military, like national defense.
We love these things and we should obviously that's something
that you should always pay respects there. But it's time
to have a conversation. Where are we getting that money?

Where's the money? People? People have to understand. I know
you already get this, but the norms and normals have
to understand that we are not having a Joe Biden
problem when it comes to the finances of this country.
And don't get me wrong, Joe Biden's a huge problem
and has made it much much worse. We are in

the beginning phase of a national christs. People have drained
their savings, they've maxed out their credit card. The value
of the dollar continues to go down while interest rates
are still cripplingly high. We are in a crisis caused

by our insane levels of national debt. We have racked
up so much national debt the interest on it costs
more than the military now every single year. We are
in a place now where it is emergency time. And
know what that means. That means even things we need

are going to have to get cut. Where are you
finding eight hundred and ninety five billion dollars? Ah, but Jesse,
that's important. Do you know what you sound like when
you say that to me? This is what it sounds like.
It sounds like in fact, I have a relative like this,
So we'll just make it about my relative. I have
a relative like this, and he is look, every family

has one. Just a complete grease fire, a grease fire
of a human being. He's on his third divorce. He's
always blown all of his money. He's always begging his
parents for money. It's a disaster. He's a drug problems,
in and out of rehab, just every It's not like
one bad thing we all have. Life comes with hiccups, right,

but everything has been bad, bad, bad, bad bad. And
the way he is with money's absurd. He owes everybody
money because he's always borrowing money, gambles it all away,
never has money for anything. And I remember this was
a couple of years ago. He had blown through all
of his cash. He can't borrow any money from any
lending institution anymore because his credit rating is a disaster,

and none of his friends, no one else would loaning money.
And so he goes to his parents again and says, please,
I need money. I'm desperate. I don't have any money left.
And this is a human being who had just returned
from Las Vegas, Nevada, where he spent a week gambling
away his last paycheck, every penny he had, and when

his parents said, no, you don't get any more money,
he responded with, how am I going to eat? I
need money. I don't have food. That's what you sound
like when I bring up the debt in the military
and you say, but we need that. I know we

need that. I am aware of how important national defense is.
We actually need not just things like the navy, we
need a new one. We need to be dumping all
these old ships in the scrapyard and building brand new,
state of the art vessels. Because if you fall behind
navy wise, historically, you're finished finished, because the modern ship

will come sweep your entire fleet off the seas. That's
how technology works. We need an entirely new navy. We
don't have any money left. The money is gone, and
the people who not only run this country, the people
who run this country don't care. But the norms enormous
out there do not understand what is happening and how

quickly it's happening, and how fast this fiscal crisis is
coming to your door. And so this goes back to
the people because the question was about, was about the
university system or social security. Here's our situation we are
dealing with. There's a dude out there. Here's a dude.
We'll call him. He's worthless. Chris is what we'll call him.

And this dude, Chris, he's thirty years old. Okay, he's
thirty years old. He weighs four hundred and fifty pounds.
He's absurdly obese. He's got all kinds of health problems
because of his obesity. Now, let's rewind Chris's parents were
neglectful to the point of being abusive. He was never

taught about fitness, he was never told to go out
and play. It was nothing but donuts all day long,
video games. He was never taught anything about nutrition or
anything like that. And now now Chris is having all
these health problems at thirty. Well, it's not just that
we have to take the donuts away. It's not just

that we have to get him working out. We have
to start from scratch with a thirty year old and
teach him what health is. That's the United States of
America's people, now, not you, but that's the norms and normas. Yeah,
they understand that. Groceries are expensive. They may understand they

don't like this, don't like that. But because our education
system has intentionally spent decades dumbing down this country, teaching
our people about how they need to be gayer and
how bad America sucks, but not teaching anything about economics
and money printing and basic civics, what we have now

is we have a population of people who they don't
get it at all. They don't understand what we're facing.
And so not only are we in the challenge to
wake them up in time, you and me, and this
is on us. I'm sorry you're the informed. It's on you.
We have to teach these people as if they're babies.

Why we have fiscal problems? Why is burger seven ninety
nine a pound? Now? Why can you not go out
to eat at Applebee's for a family of four for
less than one hundred dollars? People don't make the connect
the best you can get out of people, Class Biden.
It's about so much more than Joe Biden. And it's

so much more far reaching than Joe Biden. Every trillion
dollar bill, a trillion here, a trillion there, five hundred
billion here, has brought us to this point.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
And the problem is not only that we're at this point.
The problem is the American people aren't nearly outraged enough
because they're not educated enough on why they are suffering
the way they're suffering to this day, Norman Norma, they'll
go complain about groceries this, and groceries that, and I

can't afford gas and my power bill and the rents up.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Congress needs to pass a steamy chick. I watched it
during COVID. You watched it too, both sides, the economy
being wiped out, people being destroyed, money printing by the
trillion with at that was just under Trump. It was
like sick, seven trillion And what were the normies crying

out for freedom? Less spending? Not talking about you? No, hey,
how about those steamy chicks? I need my government chatter? Baby?
What's this? Eggs are expensive? How did that happen? Our
challenge is to educate the masses on the basics. And

they're behind, and they're fat, and they're four hundred and
fifty pounds and the situation's desperate. But until we can
make the norms and normas understand why we're in this situation,
we can never fix this situation. There's no money left
and so you're right, take back the university system, take
back the education system, start actually teaching people things. All right,

all right, you're gonna you're gonna wanna hear from Gory
Bush next miss something. There's a podcast, get it on
demand wherever podcasts found it, The Jesse Kelly Show. It
is the Jesse Kelly Show. Don't forget. You can email
us whatever you want, Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com.

You watching the show, you know you can watch a
simulcast of it on the first TV. If you're watching it,
maybe you're maybe you're looking at my T shirt right now.
Got me a little T shirt from one of my
boys yesterday, my oldest son, James. He got me a
shirt that says just a proud dad that didn't raise liberals.

My boys are the best. I will say.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
I don't know that they paid top dollar for the shirt.
Being as how the apostrophe in didn't is it's not
between the N and the T, it's between the D
and the N. So they did. They didn't miss a
spot there. I mean, that's not ideal. Really. The the QC,
the quality control is not necessarily up the par with

whoever made this, but still, you got to be honest.
It's cool to have a son who gets you a
T shirt like that. What, Chris, that's right, Chris, Community
College standards, Yes it is. It is anyway. Corey Bush,
she's an interesting cat. The society we have now that

promotes failure, we promote failure a lot, and it's hard
to accept how uncapable the people in positions of power are.
I want you to listen to Corey Bush, and I
want you to know if that vote comes down where

they're voting on sending our children, our sons and daughters
now to World War III, this human being will be voting.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
You're a pastor, yes, you right about healing through faith.
At one point you came across a woman with quote
several visible tumors on her Torso tell me what happened.

Speaker 5 (13:00):
So at that time, I, along with a group of friends,
we would go out on the street and just meet
with people and pray with people and offer them food.
And this lady came to us and she had these tumors.
I mean, she wanted us to fill them. And I
just remember I put my hand on her and my

hand just began to move and the lumps that were
there were no longer there. And she was so happy,
and she went on about her day and I never
saw her again.

Speaker 4 (13:35):
So you think the tumors disappeared.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
I do.

Speaker 6 (13:37):
I do.

Speaker 5 (13:38):
And this woman was unhoused. She's someone who you know
had been sleeping in the shelters and sleeping on the street.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
Oh, we're doing well, we're doing great. Speaking of diversity hires,
here's dome.

Speaker 7 (13:50):
The day that we came in offices and administration, President
Biden and I made a commitment that we would increase
federal government contracts by fifty percent minority owned businesses. And
understand what that means. Once you get a federal contract,
it's usually for five years and you can renew it
for ten, twenty thirty years. So Steve, unless somebody messes

that thing up, it's yours for a very long time,
which is going to be a source of incredible Wealthare.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
They brag about the systemic racism they do now out
in the open? And I have a friend who's actually
involved in this process, and that's all I'll say about that.
He's involved in the federal contracting process. It's really evil.

What they've done. It's really evil. The federal government now
is openly systemically anti white, and it's all just to
buy votes and power for themselves. And it goes right
along the lines with Biden administration to announce the largest

relief program for millions of illegal immigrants. Democrats are going
to spend every waking moment of this election year stealing
your money and handing it to various people so they
can buy an election. It is, man, we are in
some rocky times. Whatever, let's get to some emails. Hey,

Burger King, I got a question for you, since you're
talking about George Soros, why and how is he able
to get away with what he's doing. He's destroying our
country from within. Doesn't he have a bounty on his
head in Europe? Why can't he be stopped? Or I
don't know anything about any bounties. I know that he
has been banned from countries. A country like Russia, he's

not allowed within their borders. Now, why does a country
like Russia, why do they ban someone like George Soros
from ruining their country? But American politicians will not. In fact,
American politicians regularly, all of them Obama, Biden, Pelosi, they'll
take pictures with the soros Is. The soros Is are
on camera discussing their hatred for America, discussing how to

bring down America, their intention to bring down America. So
why is he allowed to do that here and yet
someplace like Russia he can't step foot? Well, let me
just go ahead and put a nice fine point on it.
George Soros is allowed to do that here because Democrats
hate America. Republicans are too afraid to actually stop anyone
who hates America. And he's not allowed to do that

in a country like Russia because as evil and disgusting
as the Russian government is, including Vladimir Putin, they are
full of people who actually like Russia. If you allow
George Soros to operate at any level inside the borders
of your country, you hate your country. And it really
speaks to where we are as a country. Name me

the powerful empire in history that would allow a foreign born,
rich guy to intentionally cause civil unrest in the streets.
Imagine someone pulling that with Rome. What do you think
they would do about that? But we do it here.
Our politicians brag about knowing him. We got and you

know what like I said, the GOP is too weak
to stop it. The low TGP. You asked, why hasn't
someone done something about it? Testostero levels when a republic,
when the Republicans are in charge, Why hasn't anything been
done about George Soros? Because they don't have the tea levels.
Because male testosterone is at fifty percent, fifty percent of

what it was fifty years ago. We have lost half
of our testosterone in half a century. So fifty more
years from now, we are what. We're not gonna have
the babies. We're not gonna have this families. We're not
gonna have the strength, we won't have the logic. I mean,
my goodness, George Soros is gonna be president, or at
least his son is George Soro. So be dead. Chuck

dot Com promo code, Jesse, go get some natural herbal
supplements or you can call or text them if you prefer.
They're wonderful. Five zero Chuck three thousand. That's the number.
The number is five zero, cho Q three thousand. All right,

we have more. Next Jesse Kelly returns. Next it is
the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Of course, a
medal of honor Monday. If you miss any part of that,
download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify iTunes. We'll get
to current diversity higher. She got a little testy today

about about old wondering Joe. Before we do that's do
at least an email or two, Jesse. You keep saying
we need to take down the incumbents. Unfortunately Trump is
endorsing all the used to be rhinos now known as
Trump supporters. Trump's own on the party is bringing in
liberals like him. Okay, look, let's be clear about this.

Trump has some wonderful endorsements, and he has some absolutely
awful endorsements. Why does this happen this way? As I
have explained many, many, many times, Trump cannot pick people.
He has no idea how to do it. It's a
fatal flaw of his. He picks anyone who's nice to him.
And that's why his White House was full of a
bunch of dirty snakes, and it's why he ends up

endorsing a bunch of losers. And this thing that's going. Look,
here's the headline from Virginia. Bob Good. Remember Bob Good.
You know how much I hate politicians. He's one of
probably the five best people in Washington, DC. You want
to talk about the anti communist tip of the spear,
that's Bob Good. He's the head of the Freedom Caucus.
Trump is currently trying to primary Bob Good. Tomorrow night.

There's a primary in Virginia. Trump handpicked a guy, funded
him and is running him against Bob Good because Bob
Good endorse Ron DeSantis in the primary. The headline is
Trump clashes with allies in Bob Good's bitter Virginia primary.

We're using political capital to take out Bob Good because
he preferred DeSantis in the primary. That's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard in my entire life. If Trump is
going to be elected, and it looks like he might be,
he's going to need Bob Good. If Trump wants his

agenda to actually go through, he doesn't need a bunch
of brown nosers. He needs warriors like Bob Good. Trump's
running on deporting about ten million people, which, of course,
you know my thoughts on I'm not going to go
into that again. If you're going to do any of that,
a fraction of that, things like that, you are going

to need lions and the House of Representatives, and here
it is. It's it's June of an election year and
he's trying to take out the best guy in Congress.
What do you want me to say. I don't have
anything to say. I've frustrated that. I'm frustrated to no end.

This is this is the kind of stuff. You can
have all the right ideas in the world. Look, I
can be I can be the greatest football coach in
the world, and if I can't pick players, I can't
win anything. It's canned. It doesn't it doesn't matter. There's
a reason most NFL head coaches aren't actually in charge

of drafting their players. Why because, look, you could be
the most brilliant guy in the world. If you can't
pick the right players for the team, you can't win.
If Trump is going to win and be effective in
the way we need him to be, we need Trump
to be effective, we need it, we have to have
it to save this country. Then he can't be surrounded

by a bunch of butt kissing morons like he was
last time. And look, they're currently they're doing a fundraiser.
They're doing a big I think it's tonight, may be
going on as we speak. There's a big campaign rally
for this guy who's opposing Bob Good all these Democrats,
all this stuff we can be doing, and we're trying
to take out like the most conservative member of Congress.

I can't but whatever can't get out of his own way.
Sometimes that's so frustrated by that crap. All right, whatever
corin diversity higher, she's frustrated too. Remember this little clip
I played earlier. This is British journalist Harry Cole. All that,
and play this.

Speaker 8 (22:35):
Good moment with President Biden where he.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
Was he's discussing Biden at the G seven by the way.

Speaker 8 (22:40):
Awkward moment with President Biden where he was looking very dottery,
he was wandering around. He sort of wandered off and
and and George Maloney, the Italian Premier, had to sort
of guide him back to the crowd. It was quite
painful viewing. Everyone's putting in a slight brave face on
it this morning. We've got some more fun out for
the paper tomorrow. But yeah, you can see from that,

but as yourself, it's you know, this is getting embarrassing now,
and you know, you do really wonder how President Biden
is going to be able to run an election campaign
in October and November for re election, and if he won,
is that a man who really thinks going to get
through the next four years?

Speaker 9 (23:19):
I think what was going on? I mean, obviously most
G seven Summit's diplomatic sprints. You expect to see the
President of the United States, as other world leaders, doing
a flurry of meetings. Has he been doing the same thing?

Speaker 8 (23:32):
No, he ducks out of the dinner last night and frankly, Jack,
but my sources are diplomatic sources. Here, people love it's
big to say it's the worst they've ever seen Joe Biden,
and he's in a bad way. He's losing focus in meetings.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
Yeah, it was bad. It's bad. The whole world knows
it's bad. The Biden campaign tried to answer some questions
about it today and these sound like people who know
it's bad. Here was corin diversity higher. This is a
little bit of a longer exchange. But Dyke's were wandering
the parachutes.

Speaker 10 (24:08):
Oh, I mean, look, that was as I said, it
was a cheap uh, you know, a cheap fake. That
was definitely a cheap fake. It was This was widely
fact checked. That video was wildly fact checked, including by
conservatives media on what had what happened that what occurred? Uh,
the president walked over to give a thumbs up to

divers who had just landed right in front of him.
And if you run that tape a little bit longer,
you would see, uh, you would see what was happening,
what the president was actually doing. And it is a cheap.

Speaker 3 (24:39):
Fake, that is what nothing And he's totally normal.

Speaker 10 (24:43):
What I'm saying is this is a president right. Instead,
let's step back for a second. Instead of and I
said this moments ago, instead of Republicans, you know, focusing
on the president's performance in office and what he's been
able to accomplish, his actual record, they do these cheap fakes.
They're cheap fakes. And you're asking me about the moloney,

you're asking me what happened that video? That video? That
video was okay, let's talk about juneteens. The president stood
there listening to the music and he didn't dance. Excuse me,
I did not know not dancing was a mental It
was a it was a health issue.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
Yeah, they know they've got themselves a problem, a big problem.
And I'm telling you this debate is fraught with risk
for Joe Biden because Trump's not going to have any
mental issues up there. Joe Biden may very well have
a mental issue that looks bad, that looks unrecoverable. Remember,

if Joe Biden has a moment on a live debate
space debate stage, because he's not gonna allow that, he's
not allowed to have note cards, even though he's gonna
have the questions ahead of time. If he doesn't, if
he doesn't complete a sentence, freezes up like he often does,
no teleprompter, And I don't know if he's going to
make it. I don't know if he's gonna make it.

Do you hear the sheriff This terrible, terrible story. This woman,
Rachel Marin is her name. She's a mom of five,
and some monster from l Salvador that Joe Biden led
into the country. She went out for a jog and freaking,
he assaulted her in terrible ways and he murdered her.

And here was the shaff.

Speaker 11 (26:33):
Rachel was not his first victim. And it's my understanding
that this suspect, this monster, fled to the United States
illegally after committing the brutal murder of a young woman
in El Salvador. A month early in January of twenty
twenty three. Once in our country, and likely emboldened by
his anonymity, he brutally attacked a nine year old girl

and her mother during a home invasion in March of
two thousand twenty three in Los Angeles. And as everyone
I believe is aware, that was our first DNA match
linking Rachel's case to the Los Angeles case. And I
want to now direct these comments to sixteen hundred Pennsylvania
Avenue and to every member in both chambers of Congress.

We are eighteen hundred miles away here in Harferd County.
We are eighteen hundred miles away from the southern border,
and the American citizens are not safe because of failed
immigration policies. This is the second time in just two
years that an innocent Harferd County woman has lost her
life to a criminal in our country illegally. Let me

repeat that, eighteen hundred miles from the southern border, and
this is the second woman in our county to be
killed by an legal alien.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
It's bad. They have facilitated an invasion of this country,
really really bad.

Speaker 3 (27:58):
We got our hands on some brand new intern pernal
Ice data. It is jaw dropping, and it shows just
how overwhelmed the agency is. Right now, ICE has something
called a non detained docket that is made up of
migrants who have crossed it illegally and have been released
into the country with the future court date. It also
includes illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported by
a judge but are still here in the country. So

with that in mind, take a look at these staggering
numbers right here. Federal sources telling Fox News ICE's non
detained docket has now exploded to seven point four million
cases so far in fiscal year twenty twenty four. We're
told it's on track to hit eight million by the
end of this year. As you can see, these cases
have more than dumbled since Trump's years in office. We're

told over one million cases have been added to this
docket just since October one, largely due to mass catch
and release here at the border.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
As you can imagine, they're gathering up as many as
they can and bringing them in on purpose. Gosh, what
a state we're in. Anyway, Look, go save some money,
get some good MyPillow stuff. You'll sleep better even knowing
you're surrounded by a bunch of illegals from El Salvador
trying to break into your house. The only way to
sleep when it comes to something like that is on

a MyPillow, all right, a premium my pillow with the
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home invasions are going on. And maybe you're worried about
what if I have to get up in the middle
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You take the MyPillow sandals, you put them right by
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And the MyPillow sandals are only twenty five bucks right
now too. The MyPillow pillow the primo is only twenty
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click on the radio lister special Square and use the
promo code Jesse or call eight hundred eight four five

zero five four four. We'll be back at A is
the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The Jesse Kelly
Show on a Monday. I also remember, you know, have
been talking about how I think Joe Biden's not gonna
make it. I've talked about this a lot. I think
they're gonna replace him. I think they're gonna kick him out.
Anna Paulina Luna, she's that rep out of Florida. She's

really impressive. Actually's really been very impressive since she got there.
Listen to what she's saying currently.

Speaker 12 (30:23):
What's coming out of the White House that you know,
a lot of people realize that Joe Biden's likely not
going to be the nominee, which is from what we're
hearing on Capitol Hill Jesse, you know, Representative Kylie had
reported that Kamal here is actually eyeing a run for
California governor because of it.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Right, that's the backup plan.

Speaker 9 (30:38):
So you are hearing also in DC that Joe Biden
isn't going to be the Democrat nominee.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
Correct. Yeah, A bunch of people called Jesse crazy over
a year ago. Gosh, if that happens, I'm warning everyone
right now, if that happens, just don't even tune into
the radio that night. I'm gonna be obnoxious on a
level like you've never heard. Oh and there was this
one out of NBC.

Speaker 6 (31:03):
A mass shooting at a splash pad in Michigan, another
at a Juneteenth celebration in Texas, and yet another at
a gathering in Massachusetts.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
A shooting at a Juneteenth celebration, No.

Speaker 6 (31:14):
Way sits all, just days after Friday's Supreme Court ruling
that rejects a man on bump stocks.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
These people, it's a mass shooting here, and the mass
shooting there, and a mass shooting here, and it's the
Supreme Court's fault. We're any bump stocks used in any
of these well now, but you see, we're evil communists, apparatrics.
We don't talk about facts here. We attack our enemies,
and we use any means necessary. Speaking of using any

means necessary, before I get the hate crimes, before I
get the headlines I didn't get to. Here's an ex
Biden appointee. His name's Andy Myers, and he or wait
a minute, it's not any Myers. I'm sorry, sir, I've
spoke there. His name's not Andy Myers. Tara Pateral Patel.

Andy Myers is the one going after him. P Tel's
the guy's name, all right, So teroll Patel. Remember this
is a Biden guy. He created fake social media accounts
in order to make racist posts about himself. This is

the level of mental illness we're dealing with. And we've
talked about this a lot before, about how your liberal
and Peggy lives in a world of make believe and
it's a world that has been constructed for her. She
wants to stay in that world because it's safe and
secure in that world. But these people are They're a

different breed, I'll tell you that much, Jesse dude. Regarding Blackrock,
the Blackrock deal with the Ukraine, isn't Ukraine effectively giving
up property to black Rock rather than Russia? Honestly, I
think Ukraine might be better off in the hands of
the Russians and these sick black Rocks types. Okay, we
were talking about how black Rock already has a deal

in place for Ukraine to help rebuild, of course, out
of the goodness of their hearts. And look, you bring
up a good point, but it's important to understand it's
not just America who's led by evil people who only
care about themselves. Is it going to be best for
the Ukrainians that Blackrock comes in and controls the country
with the United States of America and the CIA, no

of course not, but it is going to be really, really,
really good if you're one of the elites of Ukraine.
Have you seen the yachts? How many stories of corruption,
this general, this defense minister being fired, being sacked for corruption, bribery?
Remember that one story we told about the guy who

was just hoovering up arms and selling them on the
black market. Oh, it's going to be terrible for the people,
just like everything our leaders do is terrible for the people,
but it's really good for the people in charge. And
now here's a headline by oh you know that don't
even know the thing. Headlines we didn't get to Nashville
journalist faces jail time over trans school shooter leak. Remember

that we were never allowed to actually see the manifesto
of that tranny shooter that shot up a bunch of
kids in a school. And we know why they hid
that from us because it would show open anti Christian
bias from a murderous psychopath who tried to change genders. So,
of course, because the system is entirely built on lies,
they took that memo and they buried it so you

could never see it. Well, it ended up getting leaked
to a journalist. The journalist is refusing to reveal his sources,
as any journalist worth his salt would only he's violating
America's religion. You see, if you're a journalist, you have
to understand America has a religion, and in the US

of gay you don't protect those sources all right. Oh,
speaking of which, this is a headline for CBS News.
Pete buddhaj Edge on fatherhood. Yes, he has twice as
much as experience as I do. LA's city council removes
homophobic no U turn signs. Oh, Jesse, I don't understand.

How does this help anyone? How does taking down street signs?

Speaker 10 (35:18):

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Communism is just about destruction. I am never shocked. I
wasn't shocked by this. I am never, ever, ever, ever
ever shocked. If you are still shocked, how could they?
Why would they? I don't understand. It's because you still
haven't accepted that you live with people, you share a
home with people trying to burn it down. In the end,

it's just about destroying things, breaking things. How sergeant at
Arms could take Garland into custody under GOP proposal, all
the GOP would never have the stones to follow through
with that, they should. Of course, Merrick Garland should be
arrested immediately, but they won't. In general, calls on Congress
to require social media warning labels like those on cigarettes. Yes,

if there's anything that intimidates teenagers, it's warning labels about
how dangerous things are. That'll definitely scare them off. All right,
we're gonna do this again tomorrow, that's all
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