All Episodes

October 29, 2024 38 mins

Allowing your country to be overrun by illegals. Demand better of your elected representatives. Miranda Devine on who the big guy is and why it matters even with Biden out of the race. Why does Trump have the unlikely allies he does? Buying the loyalty of senators to break into leadership.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
This is a Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show, Final hour of the
Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday, reminding you to get
out and votes next week, but also maybe now early
voting is going on here in Texas. There's a lot
more at stake than just the presidency. So get out

and vote. None of this, ma'am. If it doesn't matter,
get out and vote. So we'll talk a little bit
about illegal immigration. We're going to tackle a bunch of emails,
trouble in the Biden camp, maybe trouble for our air defense.
All that and so much more coming up on the
world famous Jesse Kelly Show. Now, Tommy Robinson. You may

know about Tommy Robinson, you may not. Pholl disclosure. I
know him and I like him. I've had him on
my TV show before. He's a brit But what he's
done is he sounded the alarm about what's happening over there.
They have essentially destroyed that wonderful country. And don't hate

me for this. I understand the American Revolution. Big fan
of the American Revolution. I love the Brits, I love
their country, I love their history. I actually got a
chance to work with some British Royal Marines while I
was in the Marines. Just loved them. We ran into
some Brits while we were over there in Iraq. Studs,

total studs. Such a cool country, such a cool history.
I love their traditions. I'm a British fan. I don't
know that I'll ever visit the country. It's the food
thing for me. I'm sorry, so much of my life
is governed by my stomach. What Chris Chris says. You

can go to a German or a French restaurant. Ah, yeah,
but it's still gonna be British people working there, and
they just don't know how to eat the beans on toast.
Why are you putting beans? Shouldn't be on the planet,
but you put them on to Anyway, we're not going
into that. I love Britain, I love England, and it

genuinely saddens me what they have done to that wonderful
country that I have so much admiration for, but they
have destroyed it. They're democrats, it's the Labor Party, but
there are democrats. They're communists. They opened up the border.
Any of this sound familiar. They allowed a bunch of
barbarians to flood into their country now, murder, rape, violence

through the roof and stop me. If any of this
sounds familiar. They have the people in positions of power.
They have essentially struck an agreement. Oftentimes it's a legitimate
agreement where they get together and they agree on this
that the immigrants, the new ones, they'll be protected, their

communities will be protected, and as payback for that, it's
a quid pro quo type thing, all the newcomers, they
will continue to vote for the Labor Party. Who is
left on the outs? Who is left I'm not even
gonna say defenseless, Who is left under assault by both
the Labor Party and the newcomers, The patriotic British citizens

who want to restore that great country. That is who
Tommy Robinson is. Tommy Robinson. This is from the Independent UK.
Tommy Robinson jailed for eighteen months for contempt after repeating
libelous claims against the Syrian refugee. And the reason I

wanted to read you this is it wasn't necessarily about
Tommy or the UK. We got this voicemail and look,
I think I think it's pretty self explained to.

Speaker 3 (04:04):
Me reguarding immigration deportations. We seem to have plenty of
funding for their lifestyle, for their healthcare, for their food,
all the benefits of hard working Americans, and yet we
don't have any money for deportations.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
That's got to be fixed, obviously. I know you already
know this, you who left the voicemail. Everyone listening. But yes,
that's because our government, as long as it is run
by communists, our government prefers them to you. Our government
prefers them to you. Chris, do me a favorite. I

don't have it in front of me. Look up that
Aristotle quote in case you think this is new, the
Aristotle quote that I read on the air about how
they prefer to dine with foreigners. I don't want to
screw this up. It's such a great quote, but this
is not new. When your country ends up being run
by criminals who you hate, it as almost all empires

eventually get to, corruption will take over. Evil men with
no sense of duty or right or wrong will take over,
and they want to stay in power. They want more
money and power. That's what they actually care about. Well,
the people who are patriotic doesn't mean Republican, but everyone
who genuinely loves the country. They don't want that. They

don't want to be led by these people. It angers
them when these people destroy the country. Well, these people remember,
they're evil, deeply, deeply evil. They don't go home at
night and think about reforming their ways. They figure out
how to replace you. The people who run the United
States of America. If you are a patriotic citizen, they

consider you to be the enemy. You are the only
thing in their minds. You are the only thing holding
them back for more money and power. The only thing
getting in their way, even could potentially get in their way,
is you. So they do what corrupt leaders have done
throughout history. Open up the borders, flood the country with

a bunch of barbarians. They'll know where their bread is buttered.
Oh this is the Aristotle quote. Good job, Chris. Could
you close out that part of the screen so I
can actually read the whole thing? Chris, Hey wait, this
is the Aristotle quote. It is a habit of tyrants
never to like anyone who has a spirit of dignity
and independence. The tyrant claims a monopoly of such qualities

for himself. He feels that anybody Chris, this isn't even it.
This isn't even it Either that or you have the
part covered up on the screen which I can't read anymore. Chris,
What am I supposed to do? What kind of operation
are we running here? You should see the screen I'm
looking at. Chris. Chris messed this up. I want everyone
to know. Look, remember, kids, good leadership means blaming the

people underneath you and passing the book of responsibility. That's leadership.
This is on Jewish producer, Chris. This is not on
me anyway, the quote. Since Chris is clearly going to
take all day, we're not going to wait for him.
Aristotle talks about in his time the leaders, corrupt leaders,
they prefer the company of newcomers because the newcomers are

they're not as loyal to the country, they're not as
emotionally invested in the country, and so they're easily bought off.
And the corrupt leaders win, the newcomers win, and who loses? You, everyone,
our kids, everyone, the country is lost. But that's why
they do what they do. Remember the border didn't get

opened because of empathy. It didn't get open because they're liberals,
but they're kind. The border got opened because the communists
who run this country want these people here.

Speaker 4 (07:50):
Rafael Sanchez Cruz is with us, and he says investigators
are looking into who's behind this homicide. Yeah, that's why
a lotta Kenny Shafes. Michael Chapman says they have in
custody a known Mster teen gang member for this murder. However,
so far this teenager has only been charged for the
death of Michail Conehero Romera, So Chapman says. Marlene Midrano Ortiz,

who you see right there, was arrested in the Mount
Vernon area of Alexandria. The eighteen year old is an
undocumented immigrant and self identified Mster teen gang.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
Member, invited here on purpose by Democrats. They want them here,
and that is why we've been talking so much about
what will come when the deportation start, illegal immigration and
legal immigration, because now they control the law. Remember they

brought all those Haitians into Springfield legally immigration on this
level mass migration, it is not one of the issues
for them. It's not kind of a side thing or
just a stance they have. It is a central part
of their plan. In fact, you could argue this, and

you could really make a solid argument for this. You know,
a home home has what as walls, a roof, studs
that'd be me ha ha quit that has studs, a ceiling,
a yard at a home has all these things. But
what is what is the building block of it? What
is the founded It's the foundation of the home. That

the slab, the concrete in rebar they put at the bottom,
at the base of a home. It is the foundation.
And if that foundation crumbles, the entire home will crumble.
It doesn't matter how well everything else is made. Unending
mass migration. It is the foundation of the communists plans

to destroy and subvert Western civilization. If that is taken
away from him, if we were to actually get real
border security, real mass deportation, then virtually every other part
of the communists plan we'd crumble. They are central to
his plan. And that's why. Look, that's why you read

headlines like this. Virginia files emergency stay with the Supreme
Court over non citizen voters. What happened here, well, Virginia Governor.
This is from town Hall. Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin has
been fighting back against the ruling, which was imposed after
the Biden Justice Department sued the state by noting the

state law requiring non citizens to be removed from the
voter rules was signed into law by a Democrat. Virginia
was trying to get illegals off the voter rules voter
rules the Biden administration, the Biden DOJ sued to make
sure they could stay on there. Why do you think
that is all right? Let's get to some emails, shall we.

Before we get to that, let's get to pere talk
peer talk. You see, we have to put our money
where our morals are. Our money should follow our morals.
Verizon hates your guts AT and T T Mobile. Go
look up those companies. Go look up those companies and

names that you would know, Plan Parenthood, Black Lives Matter,
Human Rights Campaign, DEI EESG, and ask yourself, is that
where you want to spend money? Send money every month?
Pure talk has never done that. It will never do
that to you. They don't spit in your face and
your values. They love this country. Their CEO almost died

for it. Switch to pure talk. It takes ten minutes
on the phone, and you'll save a pile of money
for no other reason. Say save money. Dial pound two
five zero and say Jesse Kelly. That saves you an
extra fifty percent off your first month pound two five
zero say Jesse Kelly, switch to Pure.

Speaker 1 (11:54):
Talk The Jesse Kelly Show on air and online at
Jesse kellyshow dot com.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
It is a Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. Remember
you can email the show love, hate, death threats Jesse
at Jesse kellyshow dot com. You can leave us a
voicemail eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven three.
Jewish producer Chris is useless, so I had to go
find the quote myself during the break. Here is the

Aristotle quote. Let me know if any of this sounds
familiar to you at all. And it is the mark
of a tyrant to dislike anyone that is proud and
free spirited, for the tyrant claims for himself alone the
right to bear that character, and the man who meets
his pride with pride and shows a free spirit robs

tyranny of its superiority and position of mastery. Tyrants therefore
hate the proud as undermining their authority. And it is
the mark of a tyrant to have men of foreign
extraction rather than citizens, as guests at his table and companions,

feeling that citizens are hostile but strangers make no claim
against him. Our problems, at least, maybe we can take
comfort in this. Our problems are not new problems. These
are problems nations face after too much time, too much wealth.

Let's be honest, let's look in the mirror too much
citizen neglect. How many friends do you have who have
said things to you like I don't care about politics. Well,
that's exactly how you end up being ruled by the
freaking monsters who rule us. Now anyway, I cannot possibly

get to the emails without getting to this voicemail.

Speaker 5 (13:53):
Yeah, you better pack and get the f out of town.
That's what you should do. Bud. You're out of time. Ellyah,
who's already here? He's here for the perfecting and the
equipping of the saints the hunt.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
Chris, Chris, did you make that out? Corey? Could you
make that up? Who's already here?

Speaker 5 (14:08):

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Yahoo? It was a yahoo? Is remember that chocolate milk drink?
I think that was that? Can't be who you? Who?
That's right?

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Is that? Who?

Speaker 2 (14:18):
He says is chocolate milk coming from you? I know?

Speaker 5 (14:20):
You better pack and get the f out of town.
That's what you should do.

Speaker 2 (14:23):

Speaker 5 (14:24):
You're out of time. Elly Yaho's already here. He's here
for the perfecting and the equipping of the Saints, the
one hundred and forty four thousand. You should call him
because he has information, because he can.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
Call him on my pure top phone see.

Speaker 5 (14:38):
The future like seventy years into the future. And his
words have much.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
Power, like sounds like a fellow oracle.

Speaker 5 (14:46):
Christ's words did. So you're out of time, I warned
you before.

Speaker 6 (14:51):
I know.

Speaker 5 (14:51):
You think you're a big shot with your little pea shooter,
but uh.

Speaker 2 (14:56):
I am a big shot that ain't gonna get her.

Speaker 5 (14:59):
Done, Bud. You gotta have supernatural power.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Yeah, which I do? Did everyone forget? Did everyone forget? Already?
About the time I dropped the lid in the completely
dark room, what Chris, don't interrupt me in a dark room,
A black lid on black carpet didn't make a sound.

I bent over in the pitch black, and there was
just a sixth sense my hand. I didn't even have
to feel around, reached right for the lid. I knew
who's supernatural? Really? So whoever this you? Who guy is?
Let's see him do that?

Speaker 5 (15:41):
Mike. You gotta be able to remote you and cloak yourself. Yeah,
and read people.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
I can remote view. I was on a zoom call
this morning.

Speaker 5 (15:48):
How about blind your enemy like the two angels did
when they went and brought lot out.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
I am the whitest I've ever been. I'll blind my
enemy by taking my shirt off.

Speaker 5 (15:56):
You figure this out yet, big shot, You're out of time? Yeah,
now what otherwise you're gonna perish with everybody else.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
You know. You may think that guy's crazy, but I
want to address something, something serious that he said. I
want to Let's let's just get this open.

Speaker 5 (16:12):
No, you better pack and get the f out of town.
That's what you should.

Speaker 2 (16:17):
I can pack and get the f out of town.
Because I have gov X. I have served in the
Marine Corps. Therefore, I am eligible for a free membership
to GOVX at gove x dot com. If you are
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simocas I'm on the Oh look at that backpacks, bags, cases,
Oh hello there looks like oh look at this cases,
crate stuffel bags, gun bags, handbags, luggage, lunch boxes. Guess

who's packing a lunch for his exodus out of town?
Me and I have a huge discount because I'm a
gov X member. I might have to buy a knife
for the trip, maybe even something that allows me to
see in the dark. All available gear, boots, concerts, whatever.

Gov x dot com. You earned your discount, Go get
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I will pack my bags because I have gov X

Hi Jesse. Can we count on someone with inside knowledge
discouraging Trump from endorsing John Thune or John Cornyn for
Majority leader? Listen, we are in an extremely delicate situation
here because Mitch McConnell he is going to try to

ram through this vote for majority leader. This was told
to me by Senator Ron Johnson. Mitch mcconnald's going to
try to have this vote before Trump gets sworn in.
Trump Trump has to play the coalition building game now.
And look, Trump already backed Mike Johnson. I don't know

that we can count on Trump for this fight. But
Trump and the people around him had better understand there's
no quicker way to decap your agenda than to have
John Cornyn or John Thune take over as Senate majority leader.
That is one of those things that your normy neighbors

won't pay attention to, but you will when they have
that vote. If the new Senate majority leader, remember we
might have fifty five seats. There's a chance we're gonna
have fifty five seats after the election. If the new
Senate Majority leader is John Cornyn or John Thune, you
can take your America First agenda, write it down on
a piece of paper, wipe your butt with it, set

it on fire, and drop it in the middle of
the Pacific Ocean. Because that's the chances that thing's going
to get through. If we have those two eunuchs taking
over for the GOP and the Senate. It's devastating to
everything you want and everything I want. So keep that
in mind. Doesn't hurt to call and email your senator

and tell them you demand better. All right, one more
word on that. I want to We have Miranda Devine next,
but after that, I want to I'm want to tell
you one more word on the Senate race.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
Hang on, you're listening to the oracle.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
You love this one.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
It's a scream baby the Jesse Kelly Show.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. And
there was an interesting little sit down I saw with
some irs whistleblowers, and I thought, before we bring Miranda in,
I thought it would be apropos How about that for
a college word to play this.

Speaker 7 (20:04):
There was no question in your mind, based on the
universe of data, that the big guy was Joe Biden.

Speaker 8 (20:11):
We corroborated the big Guy was Joe Biden.

Speaker 7 (20:14):
Yes, did your supervisors accept that the big Guy was
Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
There was no.

Speaker 8 (20:18):
Question ever, that the big Guy was referring to I
don't think that Joe Biden.

Speaker 7 (20:22):
So FBI I r S. Everyone understood.

Speaker 8 (20:25):
And that's why when we were doing the interviews, the
prosecutors in Delaware specifically told us that they didn't want
to ask about the Big Guy because they knew it.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Very interesting joining me now, amazing New York Post columnist
and author of a book called The Big Guy, Miranda Divine. Miranda, Well,
your book was obviously one of the very first I've
seen to dig into this in detail. In fact, it
was the very first I've seen digging into this in detail.
We've kind of moved on because he's not running. We've

moved on from how insane corrupt the Biden family has
been for a very long time.

Speaker 6 (21:03):
Yeah, thanks very much, Jesse. Look, we might have moved
on the country might have moved on in their minds
from Joe Biden, but the deep state has not moved on.
The very same people in the DEIA, the FBI, the
State Department, the Department of Justice, the irs who covered
up Biden family corruption are now propping up Kamala Harris.

They want her to be president. They don't want Donald
Trump to be president. They see him as an existential
threat not to America, not to democracy, but to them
and their control over the presidents. And they were in
control of Joe Biden. That's why they covered up for him.
And you can see in Kamala Harris's sort of belligerent

new talk about having a lethal military, and you can
see by the letter written by national security people saying
that she is a far more capable candidate to be
commander in chief than Donald Trump, you can see that
these are the very same people The same people who
wrote the dirty fifty one letter line that Hunter Biden's

laptop was Russian disinformation are the very same people who
now sign a letter saying that Kamala Harris is the
best candidate.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
Miranda, Can you explain to me if you've figured this out,
because I have some suspicions on why. But what is
it they do fear so much about Trump? You say
he may take away their power, But he didn't do
that last time. He really didn't.

Speaker 5 (22:30):
A lot.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
His detractors will point that out a lot. There was
no swamp drainage. There was I mean, Christopher raise his guy,
Bill Barr's his guy. These are his people. There was
no swamp drainage last time. Yet they still act as
if he is this terrible threat to them. Is it
his foreign policy? What is it they fear so much
about Trump?

Speaker 6 (22:51):
It is because Donald Trump is uncontrollable. He will not
abide by their agenda. He just approached foreign policy like
he approached everything else, like a property developer from Queens,
from first principles, using logic, using common sense. He did
that with foreign policy. He saw problems and he figured
out the most effective way of solving them. For instance,

when he first came in, Barack Obama said, look, the
biggest threat facing America is North Korea because they keep
on letting off all these nuclear tests. And Donald Trump
was mocked mercilessly for his romance with Kim Jong un
and calling him little Rocketman and so on.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
But it worked.

Speaker 6 (23:32):
He put Kim Jong Uni in his box. He stopped
firing off these rockets that were threatening the world. He
did the same thing with Vladimir Putin. He sort of
has belligerent rhetoric. He said something along the lines to Putin.
You know, I love those golden domes in Moscow. Shame
is something were to happen to them. And Putin and

President g and all the other gangsters in the world
take Trump at his word. They're not quite sure if
he means it. They think it's too risky to ignore him.
And so we had a world at peace, not a
world on fire like we did under Joe Biden, or
do now under Joe Biden, who we've still president until
January twenty. Everyone forgets and like we did under Barack Obama.

You look at the Middle East, You look at Iran.
Iran was broke, It was on its knees. It was
unable to fund its proxies to attack Israel like they
did last October seven, and we had the beginning of
peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Acclauds. And
so that is why Donald Trump is an existential threat

to the kebbal of the deep State, or what the
Obama people used to call the blob, which is the CIA,
the Pentagon, the State Department. They have their own agenda
for how they want the world to be. And if
you want to know what their agenda is, just look
at the disaster of Biden's foreign policy. Just look at
what happened under Obama was a huge problem. Donald Trump

just vanquished vices pretty much overnight. No one talks about
that anymore. And it's because Donald Trump just treated it
on his own level. He didn't go and take an
agenda from the Deep State, from the Blob, and that's
what they hate about him.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
Speaking with Miranda Devine, wonderful New York Post columnists, and
speaking of that, I want to talk about a column
you have up about the big tents that has been
created by the Trump campaign. We have Tulca Gabbard, RFK Junior.
I was at a Tucker event with Nicole Shanahan, who's
voting for Donald Trump. It is I don't want to

say odd, that's not the word I'm looking for, but
certainly a different looking cast of characters in the GOP
right now. What do you make of it?

Speaker 6 (25:48):
Well, these are people who former Democrats, many of them.
But they are people who are savvy enough, either because
they've suffered through censorship or the deep state. Like RFK
Junior has said through his the assassination of his uncle
and his father, they understand at least what is happening

around the world, around the West with this dark veil
of censorship falling. As this same cabal is losing control
of the populace. They're losing control of the narrative, which
they've had because they've controlled much of the media. And
you know, you just have to look at what's happening
in Europe and Australia. In the UK, they're using threats

of censoring X under Elon Musk, which is a great
threat to them. Talking about hate speech and disinformation and
misinformation and malinformation. These are all pretexts for subverting the
First Amendment. America is the last place on the planet
where we really have true free speech still. But obviously
we saw through the censorship of The New York Post

with our Hunter Biden laptop stories by big Tech, which
was coerced by the FBI, and then later on that
dirty fifty one letter by the CIA, because that was
not just former CIA people, that letter was green lit
by the CIA director then Gina Haspell. We see that
there are forces a massing to try and limit free

speech in America, and Donald Trump is aware of that.
His people are against it. You've got Elon Musk, RFK Jr.
The veg Ramaswami, Telsey Gabbard. They are all standing up
for free speech. And they know even though you know
Kennedy is a Democrat blue blood, he knows that there
is more at stake and that the Democratic Party has

really fallen to the forces of censorship. So it's not
really about Republican versus Democrat. It's really about whether you
are liberal in the original sense, you know, smaller liberal,
you want freedom, you want truth, or you are an autocrat.
And that is why the Democrats constantly called Donald Trump
an authoritarian and an autocrat. He couldn't be anything, but

it's the opposite. That's what they are. They're the ones
who want censorship, but as usual, they're projecting Branda.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
How's the food in Australia? Is there Is there enough cheese?
I'm very concerned about about I'm very concerned about the cuisine.
So I'm thinking about going one day. Is it good food?

Speaker 6 (28:20):
Be honest, Yeah, it's really good food. I have to
say there is something about what RFK Junior says about
the food in America and the additives. I lived here
when I went to university. I've lived here off and
on for almost half my life, but I hadn't been
back to live for about twenty five years. And when
I arrived, I just noticed everything was full of sugar,

and it was not like that when I had been
here previously, when I'd worked in Boston and so on.
It was like every single item of food was pumped
full of sugar and additives and so on. So I
think that he's onto something that the obesity crisis is
related to the sort of additives that are put in
food and the lives that people are told about what's

healthy for them, and so Australia isn't as far down
that track as America. I think it's easier. I think
it's just maybe New York City. But it's very hard
to find fruit vegetables that don't go off within a
couple of days. It's not the case in Sydney, where
I used to live.

Speaker 2 (29:21):
How about that, I might have to go to Australia,
Miranda Divine, thank you so much, go reader stuff. I
read all of it. Speaking of obesity, we will probably
talk a little bit about feminism in a moment before
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Speaker 1 (30:42):
We'll be back, miss dast catch up Jesse kellyshow dot com.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of the
Jesse Kelly Show. We will of course be back tomorrow.
Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow
dot com. Leave us a voicemail eight seven seven three
seven seven four three seven three One last word, real
quick on that Senate vote, the vote that's going to

be coming soon. If it's John Thune or John Cornyn,
we were in very, very deep trouble. And I know
this for a fact because I have my own sources
now as a journalist.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
It's journalist Jesse.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
Both of those guys, John Thune and John Cornyn, have
been raising boatloads of money for other Republican senators. Remember
that's how you buy that loyalty and John Cornyn. I
know for a fact because I was not very far
from where he did this. Hosted some guys who were
about to be in the Senate, hosted them for a

mega fundraiser. I'm not going to name any other names
other than that. But why did he do that? Is
he just a good dude in it for the call us?
He's buying leadership votes? And one more word on John Cornyn.
John Cornyn is up for reelection in twenty twenty six.

He is aware that he is going to face a
significant primary challenge in Texas because of his hideous gun
control record. He is finally, if we can get a
good candidate to run against him, and I think we
might have one, he is finally in trouble unless he
becomes Senate Majority Leader. If he becomes Senate Majority Leader,

what it gives him access to is insane amounts of
campaign cash in infrastructure that will be very difficult to overcome.
That's a long way of me saying if John Cornyn
ends up being the Senate Majority Leader, we may not

get rid of him till the day they card him
out of the Senate. I know that that sucks, but
that's true. That's how it is, all right, emails. Dear
high tea with a knee sleeve. That's not nice. You
have no idea what feeling old is until your doctor
says you need to wear knee high compression socks every day.

So count your blessings. Boo boo, knee baby. Not nice, Jesse.
I love listening to you on my way from work
in the gym. I would like to point out a
slight flaw in your cactus story. You were hunting pronghorn,
not antelope. I'm a fifth generation Wyoming he and I
just wanted to point that out, like we have bison

here not buffalo. I love your stories in the show.
You can't call him antelope. That's all we ever called
him was antelope. I don't know. I'm uneducated. I'll call
him antelope, Jesse. You do realize forty two years ago.
Forty two years ago, Friday, I'm sorry the Army Special
Forces bailed out the Marines in the invasion of Granada.

I was there and lost six friends. Could you let
the bar eat in their honor? Of course I would
be honored.

Speaker 1 (34:10):

Speaker 2 (34:15):
Do you're racist against Turkey? I know your hardcore hate
towards turkey. However, I've heard you've been in a meatball mood.
Now before you discount me, hear me out. I'm already
ready to discount her. I'm already ready, but I'm gonna
hear her out. Hear me out as I'm sure I thought.
Hear me out as I'm sure I thought the same
thing as you. Turkey cranberry meatballs, a pound of turkey

turkey stuffing. So I'm already out. This is disgusting, you
turkey zealots. I'll never understand it. Eat chicken like a
normal human being. Or even better, get this quail. Have
you ever had quail a There's a Mexican restaurant. It's
a chain, Papasitos. They have a a chili quail in there.

It's not Look, it's not the biggest bird in the world,
but we're talking tender and juicy, fall off the bone,
delicious meat. Don't be afraid to give quail a try.
Chris says, it's too much hassle. Well, Chris, you might
have to not feather it and skin it yourself. Maybe

you could go to a restaurant and buy some. You know,
there are these places called restaurants, Chris, and I realize
it costs money, but you can sit down and if
you're willing to pay, you can order food and get this. No, no,
I'm not even kidding. The waitress will not only take
your order, she'll take it back to the kitchen. Someone

will make it for you and then when it's done
for a fee. I need to clarify, they'll bring it
back to the table and you can eat it. I
kid you not, Chris. There are ways to eat things,
to enjoy things without making everything at your home in
order to save fifty five cents. I swear it's true.

Speaker 1 (36:06):
And now here's a headline, but you know the thing
headlines we didn't get to.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
Pentagon runs low on air defense missiles as demand surges. Yes,
just a reminder that as we hand out our money
and our munitions to every other country on the planet,
we have stockpiles getting so low, and we no longer
have the manufacturing base to replenish those stockpiles with any

degree of speed. Do not lie to yourself and think
that we are the same America that supplied the world
during World War Two thanks to Republicans and Democrats, all
that manufacturing capability went to China impostors stole thousands of
pounds of posh cheddar, rattling the UK cheese world. I've

been in a couple places where the wife has ordered
one of these charguderie boards that are all these fancy
meats and cheeses. You know, women are always healthy, so
they do that stuff, and so I've had a lot
of these fancy cheeses. They're fine, They're not any better
than a block of Colby Jack you buy at the
grocery store. Honestly, how left wing activists are trying to

save corporate or corporate wokeness. That's from the Daily Wire.
Just know that it's the Human Rights Campaign, the Human
Rights Campaign, the Human Rights Campaign. Drill that into your head.
One of maybe the most evil left wing communist groups
out there, and they have a huge amount of sway

in corporate America. They of course sell themselves as algibicki whatever.
The social stigma of being a Trump supporter is gone.
That's from the Federalist. That more than anything else, more
than the poll numbers, is what has convinced me that
Trump is probably going to win. You can see it
out there. People, even famous people, now they're less and

less afraid of admitting that's the way they're going going.
Once that social statement got dropped, well Dome was in
very serious trouble. We will be back tomorrow to do
it again. That's all
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Jesse Kelly

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