Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
God, Welcome along to the Unnamed Podcast. Tuesday, the fifth
of November tweenty twenty four, the fifth of no Member
you know what that means? Team. By the way, who's
an attendance route is here today, Minice, Stuart's.
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Here present, and my microphone's on and meshes here.
Speaker 3 (00:25):
I bought my bugle today.
Speaker 1 (00:26):
Wow, that's beautiful. You play that absolutely superbly.
Speaker 3 (00:31):
Yeah, just just that one.
Speaker 2 (00:32):
Thing, and so quietly for being in a radio studio microphone.
Speaker 3 (00:36):
I'm going I can play it louder or quieter if
you want.
Speaker 1 (00:38):
Can you. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (00:42):
Impressive that it's hard to play a bugle quietly.
Speaker 1 (00:46):
It's one of those things, though, isn't it that you know,
everybody I've kind of I've said this before that everybody
has in them one no you know, a one one
song on the you know, on the horn of some kind. Mean,
for the longest time I have played us, I've been
able to play this. No, we've got the horn and
he passed it over here Mage, thanks very much. All right,
here we go here, there you go.
Speaker 4 (01:17):
Jerry's rendition of the last post is beautiful, stirring. Just
hopefully you don't play the whole thing. That's what I'm hoping.
Speaker 2 (01:26):
Here and show some respects please, Yeah, not sense, But
is it appropriate to be playing the last post? The
fifth Jerry?
Speaker 1 (01:40):
Speaker 2 (01:41):
I keep going No, no, don't you know killus whisper
on the bugle? Not on the bugle. But if there's
a saxophone in the studio, I can you don't have one?
Speaker 5 (01:53):
Speaker 2 (01:54):
Not up my as sorry, m N. Anyway, I can
do Bakers straight if there's a we don't ever say
electric blue. I guess we'll never know. Okay, I guess
we'll never know.
Speaker 1 (02:07):
But yeah, so it's good to have one tune up
your sleeve on you know, on a bugle, on a
horn or something like that. I'm pretty proud of that. I
think radition of the last post that I did there? Really, Yeah,
you're proud of that.
Speaker 4 (02:16):
Yeah you didn't feel like it just sucked the life
out of wells at rude of you guys to.
Speaker 2 (02:21):
Talk over the top of it, thank you.
Speaker 1 (02:22):
I mean, what about the diggers? Where was the respect
for our fallen soldiers that died for this country?
Speaker 2 (02:28):
Smash his generation just no fucking respect.
Speaker 1 (02:31):
I don't give a shit your generation mess, don't give
a shit. I mean, what year for example, was World
War One?
Speaker 3 (02:37):
I think there was early seventy names, wasn't it.
Speaker 1 (02:40):
There we go see exactly my point, my point exactly
World War two crank up, disgusting, no respect for the diggers,
you know, the people who died for this country. They
died for this country.
Speaker 2 (02:52):
Hate digger is a.
Speaker 4 (02:54):
I just feel like this has become something that I
didn't need it to be today, fell As, I feel
like I might be putting myself out there.
Speaker 2 (03:01):
For didn't you shoes shunning beer? Once I heard you
say that, I wasn't going to bring that up, Rudo,
I don't think hot takes on the song.
Speaker 1 (03:14):
So it's Melbourne Cup day, yeah, and guy Fawks, but
it's the one it's the one day when everybody kids
about horse.
Speaker 2 (03:22):
Unfortunately for guy Fawks this year, I can't gamble on fireworks,
so I'm all in on the Melbourne Cup.
Speaker 4 (03:29):
You say that, but if you like, I don't know,
let a whole bunch in your lounge and then and
just kind of let them go off. It's a bit
of a gamble whether or not I might, you know,
self inflict some damage.
Speaker 2 (03:41):
That's interesting you say that, because and we will get
to the Melbourne Cup But have I told you guys
about fire posse before.
Speaker 1 (03:47):
I'm sure I have at some point. But you know
when you did something to with the firework to a cat.
Speaker 2 (03:54):
It's funny. Funny you mentioned like the fireworks and a lounge.
Fun because there's a game used to play back in
the day called fire Pussy, which the rules were very simple.
You'll sit around, you drink a box each, and then
you pile the boxes up in the middle of the lounge,
and then you light the boxes on fire, and the
first person to put them out is the fire pussy.
Speaker 1 (04:15):
Oh my god, yes, can you imagine it's on carpet.
Speaker 2 (04:19):
Yes, this is on carpet, and this is underneath the ceiling.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
Oh wow, yeah, this is what's wrong with you? Nick Kid?
Speaker 2 (04:26):
Well, I was fine. I want Nick Edwards is still
the raining fire pussy. He picked the box up once
the ceiling caught fire and he tried to throw it
out the door, and it bounced off the door and
landed on my washing basket.
Speaker 1 (04:36):
My own goal game I've ever heard of my entire life.
Speaker 2 (04:39):
I've played it three times.
Speaker 4 (04:40):
It's a different it's a different respect you have for
property in the South Old, isn't it like you don't
value it the same way.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
You'll build another shelter.
Speaker 1 (04:48):
Wow. Wow.
Speaker 2 (04:50):
It originated when we were actually the first game of
fire pussy was we rolled a log out of the
fireplace and to the middle of the lounge and.
Speaker 1 (05:01):
More on. It came up with this idea that was
like it was it was you, wasn't it. It was
you and I. Yes, by the way you're looking at me.
Speaker 2 (05:09):
So when you say imagine leading off the fireworks and that,
I don't have to. I've been there, I've lived it.
Speaker 1 (05:14):
Yeah, we had a we had a flat in Lincoln
Street and we had a fireworks party inside. We had
a guy guy falks inside. It was the house absolutely
stunk of gunpowder. Gunpowder for the rest of the time
that we loved on it. But yeah, we lit our
fireworks in the lounge. Everything rental, a rental, always a rental,
a rental.
Speaker 4 (05:38):
It was a shocker, a mate and Jesus, just fireworks. Yeah,
Wednesdays here Tuesdays. On the Briefast podcast, we used to
make I can't remember what kind of carrot was. It
was an old car that had a sun roof. It
was a seventh Cedar. Just used to have a couple
of Roman kndles in the back and just hang it upline.
Speaker 1 (05:55):
Side the road.
Speaker 2 (05:55):
Speaker 4 (05:56):
It just got a real extravaganza because if you put
a sun and a firework goes together like you know,
wheat books and.
Speaker 1 (06:04):
Like well and milk. Yeah, okay, yeah, they go together
quite well. I once did ay firework Reggie to celebrate
the guy fawks.
Speaker 2 (06:14):
I saw. I witnessed that.
Speaker 1 (06:15):
I think I saw that firsthand, the firework Reggie. Yeah,
you would shoved a couple of five weeks at mass
and rode down a road on a B mix with
my shirt on.
Speaker 3 (06:23):
Did you guys see that, Reggie? It was apparently on
the fucking glass Barbie.
Speaker 1 (06:29):
Was he Reggie? Did you see that? He's just done
a podcast or it turns out that's what? Did you know?
The the shirtless beer mixing put the headphones on? Yeah,
saved him from what frommin addiction? Oh? From being late.
Speaker 3 (06:44):
I thought you were going to say no, no.
Speaker 2 (06:46):
I would have thought the two of those would have
gone hand in hands.
Speaker 1 (06:48):
Well, I thought they did too. I thought it was
the same sort of time. But apparently he was working
out and what saved him was working out getting on
his B mix and riding around shirtless and the Serpentine
fashion on Ponsonby Road and then out of Alfresco Dinas.
That was what saved him. And I remember the time
exactly the time that he was doing those reggies because
you've seen him come past quite a lot. I love
him pontib so it was a it was a common sight.
So the Melbourne Cups today, Yeah, who's gonna want it? Wow?
That's I mean, that's obvious as nothing.
Speaker 4 (07:18):
Can somebody explain to me while we've never done, like,
I don't know the auk Can Cup, but it's a
whole bunch of bald men on their bikes with no
T shirt on, racing around like vic Park or something like.
Speaker 2 (07:28):
Call it the ridgie five hundreds of vic Park? Do
you have to have mith in beforehand? You're doing five hundred?
Speaker 1 (07:38):
Okay, you five hundred. I don't know if anyone's going
to watch.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
That stout at two am.
Speaker 3 (07:43):
I don't think anyone's going to watch that.
Speaker 1 (07:44):
If I would watch it, mate was riding five hundred meters.
What if you got lapse of Victoria Park?
Speaker 3 (07:51):
Yeah, green on the back of one of those things.
Speaker 1 (07:52):
Reggie and I'd watched that.
Speaker 3 (07:54):
Yeah, we got there's fire some names.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
Around, but really Reggie was the green of his time,
but can do it as well as she wants. It's
the health of the top. He had a good rag Reggie.
Speaker 3 (08:05):
Yeah, I wasn't qushing, all right, Your Reggie can do it?
Speaker 4 (08:09):
Mean, yeah, he's part of it, mate. And the idea
is it's like chasing the fox. You chase the Rigie,
chasing thee Chasing the Ridgie is a great idea.
Speaker 2 (08:19):
Up and down, get Ryan Fox and involved.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Speaker 4 (08:24):
So you boys are looking through the odds for today's
Melbourne Cup. Jerry, you're trying to figure out how you
make a bit more money.
Speaker 3 (08:29):
What do you reckon? What are your money?
Speaker 1 (08:30):
I'm one hundred percent behind number eighteen interpretation. It's clearly
going to win.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
Here's what I've been saying to you this whole morning.
You have to now because you've talked about it too much.
And what happens is you've talked about it so much
that if you don't bid on it and it happens,
you will be checking yourself. I know.
Speaker 1 (08:47):
So you are now pot committed. You've you've got to
You've got to go in on number eighteen. Interpreters. Problem
is she's out of Ireland. Yeah, so gent it's going
to be a warm day.
Speaker 2 (08:57):
As we learned when we talked to Luke Kem, is
jet leg for horses a very real thing?
Speaker 1 (09:03):
Yeah, totally. And you can't they can't tell you that
they're jet legs, so you don't really know how they're feeling,
which is a bit of a problem. So I reckon
all of those Irish horses. It's too hot for those
Irish horses. What does that mean that they bred in
Ireland and they race other places?
Speaker 2 (09:15):
Speaker 1 (09:16):
What does that mean that they race most of the
time in Ireland? I think they are.
Speaker 2 (09:20):
They stand in Ireland, so that's where they live. Okay,
but they could have been bred somewhere else.
Speaker 1 (09:25):
Oh really yeah, not to bring race so not where
they breed a country. I thought that's where they breed,
I don't think so.
Speaker 2 (09:33):
The language they speak.
Speaker 5 (09:35):
Well, that speaks Gaelic obviously, so warp Speed speaks Japanese.
Speaker 2 (09:39):
It's impressive. Yes, the language barrier to contend with for
Warp Speed the barrier good one number okay, so we're
not backing number eighteen interpretation then because it's Irish.
Speaker 4 (09:49):
Okay, Can we just take a quick break if that's right,
and we'll come back with a few more bit more craps.
Speaker 1 (09:53):
We're going to come back, Yeah, but more crap.
Speaker 2 (10:00):
God, maybe one smooth operator out of the state. I
don't mind one smooth operator. That's sort of where I
was looking. But now I've changed to Sea King, a
trainer by that name of Harry Eustace, powerful name Holly Doyle.
Speaker 1 (10:16):
On board.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
Fourteen dollars, you'll get second run back first up after
two months, ran on from midfield and one by four
links a been to go G three October thirtieth Nice
a month ago only needs to hold that form to
be winning again. Dominant at local debut and looks like
a genuine hope if he can go on with it. Yeah,
So that's how to see the stars and Pomona out
of Ireland again. It's brown.
Speaker 1 (10:38):
It's a gelding five years old. Okay, are you choosing
it on color? It's brown, so you're choosing it. That's
not why I'm choosing it. But it is brown. Will
be faster, I'd say most of them will be seeking.
It's not a problem that it's run. This race is
being run on land. Look, it did concern me when
it came up Jess that that didn't consume me until
you've just mentioned it.
Speaker 2 (11:03):
But now it's hard to ignore if that's the logic
you're going to go with. Are you saying land Legend
is going to win the fuck?
Speaker 1 (11:10):
Well? Because I think more chance than c king. Also,
you're not concerned that a woman's riding that?
Speaker 3 (11:18):
Please take a break and we'll come back in just
a moment with some more crap.
Speaker 1 (11:25):
God, welcome back, and it's just come off a seat.
Speaker 3 (11:31):
There are we talking about.
Speaker 1 (11:34):
Talking about horses jockeys, that sort of ship I want
to go for.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
You like to look at is looking good?
Speaker 1 (11:44):
Speaker 3 (11:46):
What kind of name is something?
Speaker 2 (11:49):
Is it?
Speaker 3 (11:49):
Is it a language?
Speaker 1 (11:50):
I think it's a horse, just a horse. I think
it's a dialect of horse. I know it's a dialect
of Spanish.
Speaker 2 (12:00):
Oh really? Is that from the Basque region.
Speaker 1 (12:04):
Somewhere around? This is more of an Iberian.
Speaker 2 (12:07):
What if I told you that Mark Zara is won
both of the last two Melbourne Cups and as riding
a horse that goes by the name of a Circle
of Fight?
Speaker 1 (12:16):
Okay, would you be concerned that there's a woman that's
riding that?
Speaker 2 (12:20):
No, No, it's a man. But the trainer. The trainer
is a woman.
Speaker 3 (12:24):
Okay, can we just take a break of It's all
right and we'll come back in just a moment. God, okay,
we're back.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
What are we talking about?
Speaker 2 (12:34):
Speaker 1 (12:34):
Jockeys? Horses? That's sort of crap.
Speaker 5 (12:38):
See because doz comes from two Persian words, it means
gold sewing. Actually, Jerry, did you see who the jockey
was for?
Speaker 1 (12:48):
Just having a look here? What numbers are? Fourteen?
Speaker 2 (12:52):
There? Mate trainer is James Cummings.
Speaker 1 (12:58):
And gun concerned. The jockeys a woman?
Speaker 3 (13:03):
God, okay, and we're back. What are we talking about there, fellas?
Speaker 1 (13:07):
Oh, we're just talking about horses. We're talking about Melton Cup.
We're talking about jockeys. That's sort of crap. Nice, okay, just.
Speaker 2 (13:14):
Going through because we're trying to find a bit of
value here in the Melbourne carpet. We actually don't know
too much about horses, so we're just having it. I'm
just having to flick through. What about the map? This
is the one that I got in the sweep steak, Jerry.
Speaker 1 (13:27):
And that number twenty three the map number twenty three
fifty one dollars to win, twelve dollars to place that's.
Speaker 2 (13:35):
Fifty kilos now, Rachel King's on board. But are you
concerned that it's a mirror?
Speaker 1 (13:40):
No, but I am concerned that you do realize there's
a woman running that one. Yeah, we're just going to
take a break and we'll be right back with some
more crap.
Speaker 2 (13:52):
God, and we're back boys.
Speaker 3 (13:54):
Okay, where were we?
Speaker 2 (13:55):
Twenty three?
Speaker 1 (13:56):
The map?
Speaker 2 (13:57):
You're trained by a person by the nighte that goes
by the name of Upie McGilvray.
Speaker 1 (14:01):
That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that. Nobody is a
woman running that though. Nobody's concerned about that. Okay, let's
move on. I'm going quiet on me every time I
bring that up.
Speaker 4 (14:14):
We've just got a lot of we've got a new
kind of format that we have to make sure that
we're following a lot of air brakes to get in.
Speaker 3 (14:18):
So that's why there's a bit of confusion elsewhere. But
you keep going about your business. You seem to be
saying some good things over there, so keep it up.
Speaker 2 (14:24):
So you're fine with Upie McGilvray training that thing.
Speaker 1 (14:29):
What's wrong with the name op I mean a man,
doesn't it?
Speaker 3 (14:34):
You don't find it too close to whoopee is it
a man or a woman cushion.
Speaker 2 (14:38):
See you're okay with open mcgilvery, Opie.
Speaker 4 (14:41):
Mcgilvery, Rachel, some of my sois person up Just in
case I'm not making kind of racial remarks here, Open mcgilvroy.
Speaker 2 (14:49):
What about if we're just gorolling through positivity? See that's
a good so it's the form, guy.
Speaker 3 (14:58):
Do you know anything about that?
Speaker 1 (14:59):
Positivity is a good horse.
Speaker 2 (15:00):
So here's here's the form. Got a second, a first,
a seventh, and an eighth. You opened at one hundred
and one dollars and now into seventy one.
Speaker 1 (15:07):
Yeah, I know there's some good money going on that.
And look, I'm possibly going to get behind Positivity looks
like a really really good horse to.
Speaker 2 (15:14):
Me, he does only carrying fifty killers. Who's who's riding it?
Speaker 1 (15:18):
We're Nona Costan.
Speaker 2 (15:21):
No, I'm not.
Speaker 1 (15:22):
I'm not on that anymore. We've gone off that horse.
I don't know what it is. Just got a feeling
that it's not quite right for.
Speaker 2 (15:28):
It because Andrew Force get into the trainer.
Speaker 1 (15:31):
No, I'm fine with Andrew Forskan. Sorry, I don't know.
I just got a funny feeling.
Speaker 2 (15:35):
It's good a vibe about it.
Speaker 4 (15:36):
Okay, okay, we're just going to take one more break
before we wrap things up. I think today fellas song. Anyway,
what number are we up to there?
Speaker 2 (15:42):
In terms of horse I would like to go with
another Kiaren mar trained horse in at about fourteen dollars
and one of the tips that I got from Paul
ma Whitey from the TV today okay to sushi.
Speaker 1 (15:54):
Oh yeah, yeah, so.
Speaker 2 (15:55):
That's number twelve opened at twenty one now into fourteen.
Hovering around their train, Karen Marr.
Speaker 1 (16:00):
As well, it's last race, came second in the race
before that.
Speaker 2 (16:03):
That's right.
Speaker 3 (16:04):
Are you keen on some sushi?
Speaker 1 (16:05):
You keen on some sushi? Peter Sushi? Yes, straw number
barrier nine. Who's riding that?
Speaker 2 (16:12):
That is a young jockey out of Australia by the
name of Jamie Carr.
Speaker 1 (16:18):
How do you spell Jamie A A M I E.
Sheares the world's top ranked female jockey.
Speaker 3 (16:25):
That'll good, Jerry or what.
Speaker 1 (16:26):
She became the first jockey to ride one hundred winners
in the Melbourne Metropolitan racings.
Speaker 3 (16:30):
She sounds talented just three years.
Speaker 1 (16:33):
About a sushi? I don't know why, I'm not sure anyway,
So I'm going with number eighteen interpretation.
Speaker 3 (16:43):
Actually, can we go the other way around?
Speaker 1 (16:44):
Speaker 4 (16:44):
Who just would you stay well clear of putting money
on if you could just kind of riddle through them.
Speaker 1 (16:50):
I would definitely not go with a number twenty three
the map. I would avoid twenty one positivity. I would.
Speaker 2 (17:01):
Who's Chris TD twenty's throwing here for a loop, hasn't it?
Kris Titan from Memory is a he's a Hong Kong
based joggie.
Speaker 1 (17:11):
Oh you know, all good? No, number twin, that's that's
all good.
Speaker 2 (17:14):
Oh yeah, he was the South African champion apprentice.
Speaker 1 (17:17):
And very good. I'd avoid fourteen dozy. Yeah, number twelve
O kida sushi now number nine absurd?
Speaker 2 (17:27):
Number nine absurd. Yeah, that's that's a Karen McAvoy.
Speaker 1 (17:31):
Yeah right there, And how are you spelling Karen k
E R R I n okay McAvoy forty four years old, Yeah,
out of Australia.
Speaker 2 (17:42):
Yeah, he's actually one three Melbourn. He's all good, yeah, okay,
oh yeah, just googled him now.
Speaker 1 (17:50):
Yeah three three anyway, those that's what I those. I've
just got it. I don't know why, but.
Speaker 2 (17:59):
He's the male right okay, punching.
Speaker 1 (18:03):
So anyway, as I said, I'd be going with number
eighteen interpretation. I see Rod Stewarts as writing the number seventeen.
Fancy man, so I don't know if is he any
good on the back of a horse, Rod Stewart probably
all right, So that's that's my my main and I'm
thinking Circle of Fire number three.
Speaker 2 (18:26):
You like the look of Circle of Fire.
Speaker 1 (18:28):
Yeah, I don't know why, but I think it's something
to do with the fact that it's also Guy Fawkes.
Speaker 2 (18:33):
Oh yeah. Also Mark Zara, writer of the last two
Melbourne Cup one, Mark Sucker Bog Marks Zara Burgh.
Speaker 1 (18:40):
Sorry, the last two Melbourne Cup on.
Speaker 2 (18:41):
Last two Melbourn Cup one is both written by Mark
Zaraz So read into that what you will.
Speaker 1 (18:45):
I measine doing three, Yeah, it's a stallion.
Speaker 2 (18:48):
To imagine doing three in a row, intact a stallion.
I like vour Barn.
Speaker 1 (18:55):
Yeah, yeah, that's the favorite. That's the favorite, that would
be kind of obvious.
Speaker 2 (18:59):
Written by a Willie and trained by.
Speaker 1 (19:00):
Willie, William Buick and William Mullins.
Speaker 2 (19:03):
I believe it's been eleven years since the favorite one
of the Melbourne Cup.
Speaker 1 (19:07):
It's about time, fifteen Prince, probably about time then, isn't.
Speaker 5 (19:11):
It Well, they say it's every eleven years, don't they
They do, they say every living year is the favorite.
Speaker 1 (19:18):
Okay, certainly going into good form two four three one
two yeah, so in the money apart from that race
which was four races ago, just out of the money,
so the stat perhaps maybe Bucca Rose had some good
form going. Who's Joao Moreda? And now what are they
going to be looking at? Joel More.
Speaker 2 (19:43):
Number two? Bucker? Oh you mean Joel Murder?
Speaker 1 (19:49):
Yeah, Joel Moreada.
Speaker 2 (19:50):
Joel Mureda from memory is as a Brazilian jockey based
out of Hong Kong. I believe to a sit a
world record of riding eight winners from eight rides in
a nine card event on Friday September six, twenty thirteen
crang E Racecourse, based in Hong Kong, since spend a
bit of time in Japan Singapore, nicknamed the Magician, and
he is forty.
Speaker 1 (20:19):
One Oh okay, cool right now? He looks good to me. Actually, yep,
there's definitely a chance. Then Number two Bakaruah trained by
Chris Waller.
Speaker 2 (20:29):
All right from Foxton apparently Chris Waller.
Speaker 3 (20:32):
Before he managed to get through all the horses there.
Do you think still a couple more to.
Speaker 2 (20:35):
Get Night's choice?
Speaker 1 (20:36):
Robbie Dolan Robbie that's Robbie short for Roberta.
Speaker 2 (20:42):
And then and then land legend obviously Zach Person fifty
three kilos on there. So yeah, look, gandhi here Jerry,
what are you thinking?
Speaker 1 (20:51):
I just yeah, I'm still going on with interpretation. I
think avoid see King number fifteen. I think number fourteen.
Avoid that number twelve kid to sushi. Avoid that.
Speaker 2 (21:03):
You're not a fan of the map, are you? That's
Manias when the.
Speaker 1 (21:05):
Sweet I would definitely avoid the map as well. So
those are the number twenty one positivity. Those are the
ones that are just avoid. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (21:14):
Yeah, well there we go. What a podcast that was. Yep,
all your tips on the Melbourne Cup this year. Not
to add thanks for tuning in.
Speaker 1 (21:21):
I know we have a lot to get through.
Speaker 2 (21:22):
That's a new format reader.
Speaker 3 (21:24):
Yeah, it's just a few things.
Speaker 1 (21:25):
I lost our momentum there for some reason. I don't
know why. It just sort of kept losing its momentum.
Of all those ads.
Speaker 4 (21:30):
You will make sure that we can get on top
of that kind of of the moving few days over
the next few days. Sorry, I'll ask some questions about
how many.
Speaker 1 (21:38):
We have to get in. Okay, yeah I can. That'd
be good, quite heavy with that.
Speaker 3 (21:43):
That and I you're all good over your side of
the desk.
Speaker 2 (21:45):
I don't know if hoppy. He's the word i'd use
to describe what just happened there for the last one. Yeah, look,
it's happened and something I'm going to get on Seeking
and against Jerry's advice, Yeah, you want to do that,
I'm pretty sure I'm going to get on Seak despite
the fact that this race says we've addresses run on land,
and despite the fact that Seeking will be.
Speaker 1 (22:08):
Ridden by Holly Doyle.
Speaker 5 (22:12):
That could be your biggest mistake since lading fireworks in
your lounge, idiot.
Speaker 3 (22:18):
All right, thanks for joining us today on the Unnamed Podcast.
Speaker 1 (22:20):
Thanks for having me today, Fells, Thanks tonight. Maybe we
did some good work going that podcast.
Speaker 2 (22:27):
Hopefully, hopefully we have another child tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (22:29):
I think we advanced things