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April 22, 2024 14 mins
Over the weekend the Astros kicked off a three game series against the Washington Nationals. Making his first debut of the 2024 season, Justin Verlander lead the Astros to a 5-3 victory Friday. Steve joins the guys in evaluating the blunders over the weekend along with recent IL updates.         
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Putting the logic in illogical. Formerprol Sean Salzbury continues to break it down
one seven ninety Fresh on a Monday. Every Monday at eight thirty, let's
welcome and asters broadcaster for Steve Sparks. Yeah, we do every single week
at one Monday. Steve Sparks joinsus. He's on the road in Chicago.

That's the next series and that'll pickup tomorrow with the day off today,
Steve, welcome in. Let's startwith the good stuff. Verlander just
kind of does what he does andit's was at a much needed time,
and his performance says to us thatthings are going to be fine for JV.
Yeah, really good velocity, greatlocation, looked exactly the way you

would hope. You know, aftera couple of subpar rehab assignments, did
you really worry. Nope, thathe wasn't just working on stuff and trying
to figure out what he might haveon any given night. But you know,
at forty one and I actually playedI think forty forty one, I
mean, just to you know,for his style of pitching and all,

that is probably going to be achore, you know, just to recover
to make that next start every timeand get your bullpen sessions in to stay
sharp and things of that nature.So it doesn't surprise me that he comes
out there and chefs in his firstgame, and hopefully, you know,
being off for the first three orfour weeks of the season might help him
in the long run. Steve.Yeah, for those especially those legs too

at the end, Steve, Andyou know, I mean at that age,
legs are so important. When thelegs go, jump shots go.
Quarterbacks don't have the velocity and pitchersand you know that struggles too. See
we all have seen that before.But this guy's just built different than most.
So hopefully he'll be able to sustainthis. With that, you get
a guy back, and then youlose a guy Javier, Steve, this
is it just a next soreness?Any any update or any idea what's going

on with Javier? Well, okay, I don't know anything other than what
you'd you know, right, AndI'm just saying if I had net discomfort
and didn't pitch, I probably wouldn'tmade a third of my starts. I
mean, you fall asleep on theplane, right, you sleep with different

pillows. I mean, in abaseball season, you have neck discomfort all
the time, and there's times whenyou think there's no way I'm gonna be
able to pitch. I can't eventurn a quarter of the way toward home
plate and look that way. Butyou know, with adrenaline and sweat and
all that stuff, you figured outand then you deal with it the next

day again. It just it justworks out. Neck discomfort usually doesn't put
a guy on a fifteen day dayI l which, so I'm just I'm
just saying, it's on the ifit's if it's on the right side and
there's some discomfort, just to liftthe arm because it I get it because

most of the time when I hadneck discomfort for whatever reason, it was
on my left side, not myright side. So man, that's just
that it was just a quick punchto the I l for me, you
know. So I'm just crossing myfingers that you know, it's it's just
a short stay, you know,and agreed hobby Er can get back out
there as soon as possible. Itsounded like, you know, uh,
you know, everybody there was noconcern, but that was pretty quick.

You know, they knew two orthree days ago because they had to let
Hunter Brown, you know, kindof prepare to make that start in case
he had to go a little bitearly. Uh So they'd known it for
a little while and it wasn't ableto clear up. And because it wasn't
able to clear up in two orthree days at I've got a tinge of
your third right, Oh agreed.We discussed earlier that that just when it

happened that Fayt I said it.I said, listen, next, sornas
and kinks in your neck for whateverreason, happened all the time. And
I very fear rarely have seen aguy miss a game in my sport,
in football with just next soreness,you know, you know, and it's
a little bit more dangerous when itcomes out. It's neither here nor there,
Steve. That leads me to this, not just on this team,
but on teams you've played for.I think about teams I played for.
It doesn't matter the sport does thresholdof pain when it comes to the men

emotional and physical pain is Is theresomething to be said for teams that just
battle through that kind of stuff.That's because I do believe there's a difference
between being injured and being hurt.You got to play hurt. You're not
supposed to play injured. Agree ordisagree? No, I agree. You
know, it's hard to measure foranybody, and you just never know what
the degree of pain there is inthere, sometimes even the degree of an

injury. So but I got tosay this, there's three off days built
in right now, so you youmiss fewer games with a with a IL
stip. So it's a lot easierto put a guy on an IL or
skip a guy. Right now,where the Astros are in their schedule,
it probably makes more sense to dothis. You know, it might even

make more sense to push Farmer back, you know, if they're thinking about
or if they're just a little bitiffy on whether or not he needs to
start one of these games at Wrigleyis supposed to be super cold. Got
an off day today, They've gota an off day right after this series,
and they've got an off day rightafter those two games against the Rockies
in Mexico City. This is thetime to push them back. I mean,

if there's ever a time, andyou know you're going to have to
push these guys and ride them likemules for the rest of the way to
catch up for the start they've gottenoff too. I am a little bit
more careful right now as we speakexactly right now. Steve Sparks is weekly
visit ASTROS broadcaster here on Mondays ateight thirty Steve, is there a chance

and I can say this that andI will concern, not concerned. Maybe
questioned at the beginning of the seasonthat sometimes we're so familiar with somebody we
lose the sense of urgency when theyget that gig because we're buddies with them.
Is there any chance that there's alittle too casual or too close that
maybe Joe would have trouble making adecision. A spot of that is about

moving a guy out of a lineupor down in the lineup because they're closer
as friends as opposed to that's themanager and I'm the player. Is there
any part to that? Not inthis not in this case. Why he's
buttoned up. He's buttoned up.He hasn't He hasn't waited at all to
push guys down to the lineup,take them out of the lineup. He

hasn't waited at all. You know, He's he's moved guys up in the
lineup. And I thought it wasslower to react the last few years.
So I think Joe's being pretty reactivewith what he's got. I think it's
just a matter. And you guys, I'm sure, have talked about this.
It's not the same thing every day. It's something different every day,

and it's not something that you canreally put your finger on. You can
say, all right, they've blownsix saves and or the starting pitching you
know, on several games, hasgiven up multiple runs to put them in
a hole. There's just a millionthings, you know. You can look
at certain positions that are underperforming.It's just not one thing, you know,
and right now they just got toplay complete games and execute. These

guys are saying, hey, it'sa it is it's them. It's the
guys that they're that are expected toplay well aren't playing as well as you
would have hoped to get out ofthe gate. But you hope and you
feel like they're going to be ableto turn it around because you think that
they're good players. Yep. AndSteve, you make a great point.

It is to me when we talkabout everybody. Dana Brown hasn't swung a
bat yet this year. Neither willJoe A. Spota. You got to
look at the accountability for players andthey know it. But the production is
the potential is one thing. I'mmore into the production side of it,
and I think that that's something thatthey're going to have to pick up the
temple and we're just not used toseeing it here in this city the last
seven or eight years. All right, Steve, with that, if you

would have told me, which youdidn't, the one thing you said,
and it is spot on at thebeginning of the year that you want to
be in positions of save at theback end with leads, score runs early
because of the heavy innings. It'ssome of the guys that aren't here in
lead to middle relief are no longerhere. And here we are. If
you'd have told me, if guysjust take you, guys that are there

are doing a great Yes, theyare's doing great. Pot Tero is doing
great. That's exactly right, whichleads me to this, Right, that's
what that's what I was going tomake that they've actually done a hell of
a job the back end of thebullpen. Steve, if you'd have told
me there had been struggle from sevento through, I would have said,
that's the strength of their team thisyear without without the hitting, And now

it's not what's missing, Steve,what's wrong? Is it mechanical? Is
it guy getting moved? He's notcomfortable going from closer to the eighth and
what's going on there? Nobody's uncomfortable. They're just not They're just not pitching
all right now, Okay, that'sjust the bottom line. Those three guys
in particular, uh Bray, you, Presley and Hater have gotten off to
slow starts. And if you lookat him, do you have confidence would

you have more confidence that those middleguys uh would pick it up if they've
gotten off to a slow start,or more confidence that those last three guys
are going to back no question backin. They're gonna turn it around.
They will, so that that part'sgoing to get a lot better. The
Astros have been outscore nineteen to twoin the ninth inning this year. You

know, that's that's not gonna that'snot going to continue. They're they're going
to close that gap, you know. And the other thing that's a little
weird about that too, Sean,is the Astros were the best offensive team
in the last three innings last year. And now their non existence against other
teams relievers for some reason. Idon't know what it is, and maybe

it's just pressing because of the record, or a few guys have gotten off
to slow starts or whatever, buthitting with runners in scoring position has been
a problem for most of the yearfor most of the players. So I
feel that's going to turn around,just because I think they're good. I
think this offense is really really good, and you know what, they just

there's just too many any guys thatare underperforming at the beginning, and what
that does to guys mentally, youhope is that they don't press in panic
and then you start trying to dothings that you're not really comfortable doing or
play outside of yourself. But thisseem I mean, this team works methodically,

they prepare very well, they're readyevery game, and but they're human,
you know, and they know whatkind of a start they've gotten off
to and what kind of hole they'vethey've made for themselves. So it's human
nature sometimes to try to do alittle bit too much or chase hits outside
of the strike zone. So they'llget it together once they win, you

know, five out of six,then everybody feels better about it, and
they feel better about themselves, andthen they start to look they start to
look like themselves. What is notused to seeing it, Steve, And
I think that's why, you know, that's part of the part of that,
part of their part of the problemis they've been so successful that when
they have any kind of, likeyou said, a struggle because every day
it's something different and that's life there, but we question it even more,

like what the hell is going onhere? So Steve, I'll leave you
with this. And you've said onthis show that you've never been around as
a player broadcaster, a more confidentplayer than Alex Bregman. Would you right
now, just for adjustment purposes,because you know five RBIs no home runs.
We know he draws walks and canget on base. Would you move

him out of the fore hole justto just until he gets that long ball
or driving in runs back because rightnow it feels uncomfortable for him in the
fore hoole. What do you say, Well, there's a fine line of
sticking with a guy, a guythat's been great for you for for many

years, and what you're saying todo to push him down the line up?
Yeah, I just keep going backto this. It's just not one
problem. You know, it's tonitpick it and go around, do we
do? We know that Bregman's donethis every year he has and you want
to be you want to be thatguy that has you're in his corner when

when things aren't even going that wellat the play. You know, that's
just gonna that's just gonna show himthat you know, you've got his back.
So does it look like you know, there's there's a couple of guys
that could be pushed up in theline. Yeah, but I mean maybe
maybe they're they're comfortable. Like let'ssay Jeremy Pange has gotten off to a
great start because he's hot, iswhat you're saying, because he feels comfortable.

But sometimes you do that. Youknow Bregman is going to turn this
around, you know he is.You know, you know it's just going
to happen. So, uh,sometimes your stars, you've got to stick
with him every once in a while. And you know he's in the prime
of his career. Let's put itthat way. Bragman just turned thirty years
old. He's in his prime.Yep, he's gonna turn He's gonna turn

it around. And if they gotI've got a I've got a hack for
you, a whole hotail hack forall the all the listeners too. You
know those little hangars that had thepinch clips on them in your hotel room
closet, Yes, put those onyour curtains and teep the clothes. Buddy

again, I've been there. Whatdo you mean that? Are you a
kid? I bring extras. Isteal hangers so I could do that.
You kid me? Those are potatoes. Those are potato chip clips. Don't
kid yourself. I got those onmy potato chips at all too. Dude,
you ain't lied. Oh I loveit. Where are you going to
eat today? Tell me what's onyour schedule to day? Where you eating?

Are you? Are you playing golf? I'm on to this place called
Lux Bar. It's kind of halfwayin between. I've got a buddy of
mine whose son just moved here,started a job at his first real big
job in his early twenties. AndI'm going to take him back to lunch
today and and see how things aregoing so awesome awesome in between us,

and we're going to hang out,maybe go to Second City tonight too.
There's a second city show here inChicago tonight. Might do that awesome.
You deserve it, and make sureyou take you got to give you the
hack again. Remind people again whatyou're gonna do at the hotel what we
should do, just so they knowthey didn't hear it the first time.
You want to keep those those curtainsclosed, you want to sleep until noon,

Get the tinch clips on the hangarin your closet and keep them closed.
You got it, dude, gotit. It's sealed away forever.
I've got it. And that's thefirst thing I'm going to think about when
I walk into a hotel. Now, keep the curtains closed, and I
know how to do it. Now. You're the best, brother. Hopefully
this streek, this wind streak willget started, and next time we talk
to you, things will be changing. Brother. We appreciate you having good

time and enjoy your buddy today.Appreciate it all right, man. Thanks,
that's a great Steve Sparks love.We'll come back and discuss sports Talk seven ninety
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