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April 12, 2024 26 mins
JOP blessed the Cruz Show with a great interview where he talked about his upcoming tour, plans for 2025 & His Fav Hip Hop Artists including Drake. HE also talked about sharing his success with his parents, his cyber truck & tapping into music from different genres and cultures
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Look here. Oh no man following? Man, what hell? Let me
babe meo con get that's the pubblemco co co you know com man no
more. I was gonna look atthis. He boy, we are not

the sam and that's a problem.Yeah, I got connection with the narcos.
Yeah, man, yes, sir, Manjo P's on the cruise show
real at in two three? Howyou feel, bro? Man? We
happy to be here, happy tobe outside? Man, look at you?
Man, we outside. That's alot of jewelry. That's a look
just you know, just a littlebuild up from the hard work. You
know what I'm saying. Oh that'scrazy, man? Would you get that

Glendelle gallery of chout I'm playing onme? Where did you get that?
At Doggie? That's crazy? Everyyou know a few different spots, different
spots. Did you pay attention tohow his face, you know shine when
he heard the hip hop track?The track record? A lot of people
don't know that you have this fascinationwith hip hop dog and like, where
does it come from? Your lovefor you know where we're born there man,

California. You know what I'm saying. So were we grew up listening
to all all that you know,po there you go, everything everything that
was popping, Little Wayne, LittleWayne. You know, Drake. You
know what I'm saying. Are youstill like on a mission to put out
like hip hop records and and andhave them have the reception that your regional
records received with Doctor dre Hell yeah, fuck yeah right yeah. I do

it for fun, bro, Ido it fun and to let him know.
Everyone know that. Man, youknow, we we we just we
were like we're from the same place, might just be from from different roots,
different blood, you know what I'msaying. But we all American at
the end of the day, andyou know, we're just Mexican Americans trying
to wrap That's what we're doing.Man. You know. But I put
that track in the album because Ithought it was good, you know what

I'm saying. I like, Iwas like, this is a good track,
and I and I like hip hopand rap, so I knew it
was a good track. Probably notknow or something like that, you know
what I'm saying, But you knowwhat I'm saying, It's one of those
though, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, it was good. And
when you do something like that,you're living out a dream. Come in
right like it feels like you're livingout your dream. Yeah, it's like
it's like I could do this nowand I could funk around and like I

got like a couple of hints.Yeah, I'm gonna just drop this.
This is right there, Like I'vebeen on the carrel. You know how
to switch it. Your catalog isextensive, but if you, if you
like, take a glance at it, what do you think is your most
underrated track from the from the albumbaby or your whole catalog? And it

is? But what do you haveto shareload of song last time? Yes,
that was a right back h fromthe album, the one that didn't
get that much attention. And Ifeel like it was always that one where
you're like, damn, I thoughtthat was going to be the hit man.
To be honest, a lot ofthem are getting I was just talking

about that earlier the album. Alot of songs. I think I got
more than ten hits in that motherfucker. So I think all of them are
getting their attention. Some didn't getas much as others, sure, but
probably the track the Tree, youknow how I got that little puppet,
Yeah, I got I did atrack with the homie, so I did
a track with him, so probablyI wantedn't get that much attention. You

guys should go check it out featuringTween. It's hard, hard and and
what do you think is to trackthat? Like maybe you you were kind
of if I'm pointing out, butlike it got it was received well by
the fans if you I'm putting itout, but like it did some shipally
it becomes a hit the one thatyou don't want to put out. Sometimes
it'd be like that, like ifit's putting it out man, And this

is again, we could dive throughyour whole catalog. Yeah, let's say
if I'm talking about that album Babies, I didn't feel if you're about none
of those because that's why it wasthirty tracks, because I was like,
you know what I like them isconfident as you know what I'm saying.
And I was like, I likethem all. We're going in. But
he on the other question, Igot the other song that didn't get that
that got underrated, And the otherquestion it was on fre we got we

did right there that one got underratedto I think crazy. Where does your
your fascination for different cultures and sounds? That come from you just global,
right, I'm assuming that's the mindset. I mean, man, we just
like music, you know what I'msaying, So we're gonna do everything.
Well, do I love all thegenres? Bro, So you got to
get to it. Yeah, man, of course, So we like everything.

So we just now that we're doingright now, we're experimenting a little
bit with everything. So now wejust put a little bit of our sauce
of what we what we do intointo the genre. Do you ever do
like a reggae song? Man,I'll do anything as long as it sounds
good, as long as it's hitting, you know. Yo. This tour
kicks off in June. We haven'teven talked about the tour. We got

to get to the tour, man, the tour. Yeah, tickets on
sale now. By the way,the tour will sell out. That's to
guarantee. So you got to actfast, right. It starts in Austin
and June and then wraps up herein Los Angeles into it Dome in November.
You guys invited, Man, getready with the you know, prepare
your livers and everything. Hey,don't fall in love, baby girl.
That's the name of the tour.But I'm not that I'm modest. Why
were you your what's up? DoD? I mean it's more, it's more

for everybody. You know. It'slike a message like don't find it,
but but don't fall in love.You know what I'm saying. Like my
dad always said, but I'm notyou know, you know what I'm saying.
So just just right, you havethat balance. Just don't fallow love,
baby girl, just because I boughtyour back, don't full love?
Who are you cart tight with?Who are you cart tight with? We
were just outside, you know whatthe internet wants to know. I'm just

I'm just doing my internet and man, we just we were just outside with
some friends. You know what I'msaying. We just stepped out for look.
Just don't find a love, babygirl. You know what I'm saying.
Some of your friends are fucking fine. Some of your friends are bad.
Man. You know what can Isay? I mean, we got
to be around you know, that'sit everywhere even but nah, but but
we we It don't matter about thelooks. You know what I'm saying.

Nah, But it helps a littlebit, hey, right, it helps
you get a cyber truck. Yeah, man, we got the cyber truck.
Bro, we had to get it. You know what I'm saying,
right that shit or don't keeping thestarck color? I like it. I
like stock right now, I probablydo. All my fleet's black, so
I'll probably put it black in alittle bit white. Run you, bro.
I got the hookers. Man,Oh you texted you like, hey,

he called something on not even nahman, But I've been ordered that
ship for the longest sin It's likeit's backstock, back order. My mind
wasn't coming in yet. So wehad a we had to tap in right
there. What's that conversation? Becauseyou have access to a lot of things
now that I'm sure growing up youprobably dreamed about or didn't even think you'd
have access to, But like,what's that conversation, Like, who do

you reach out to make that happen? We have the Tesla guy there,
We have another Tesla. So withany problem we had with the with the
old Tesla is just like you know, we just got hooked up right there,
and then we just called him,Hey, my boy wants a Tesla.
I think my my assistant called soI gotta give it up to my
assistant. Alex Gordo it was becauseof him. You know, he's the
one that made the car and ship. You need to wrap fo hybrids?

Which one I have one? Itell you, I gotta be low key
and ship on gas bro helps theeconomy and the earth, you know.
O. Yeah, I'm trying toget a I'm not gonna say, well
car, but I'm trying to I'mgonna get a it's a van, say
what van? And I'm gonna bea pro that mother astro. It's got
to be at right a wrong.That's the old school one and the wind

started is a new new school now. But yeah, I gotta be in
the new car, you know whatI'm saying. But but it's gonna be
low pro. It's just we don'twant to break now, you know an
Astrovan murdered low key that though Ishould just try sender ship. I gotta
just get one just because. Butbut we can't. We already. I
think that's like if you if yousee j O. P. Even the
saucle will already cut the ship outthe interview. The brough you from Riverside

Partner Riverside, Horn River moved toSummardino, got raised in Sermardino after that
man like fourteen fifteen years old andmoved to Sumardino. Yes, So were
you a good kid in school?I always yeah, I'm a good kid.
I was raised by good parents.You know what I'm saying. But
you know, you know, kidsare kids, you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, I did my ship.Yeah, the eye is different,
bro, Yeah, man is there'sa little bit. First McDonald's was in

sanborn Ardino, Smardino. Yeah,Rolling Stones first US show was in sanber
and Nerdino, fun fact, Averardinoand that sh was like one of the
most dangerous being part of that partof that. Have you have you sold
out a show at the Glenn Helen? Would you? I haven't done a
show in Summardino because I got somethingplanned. I've never done a show in

Summardino. The first time I dida show. The only time I did
a show was when I really poppedoff with the cas like six years ago.
We did a fly party because itwas already locked in and then I
told the managers like, hey,I gotta do it, all right,
I did it, but I've neverdone Summardino no more. It was at
the skate ring right there in Summardino. We used to do fly parties right
there. It burned down. Now, wow, pretty much. I haven't

done a show in Sermerdinal nomore,you know, because it burned down where
I perform, you know, Butthat's on the to do list. I
got some ship planned. It's notgoing to be a regular show so special.
I got something planned for my hoodfor Summerdino, and that's why I
didn't do Glenn hell And I said, I don't want to do no show
in Summerdino. If I do somethingon the hood, I do it Ontario.
All my people from Tanadino come throughwhen I go to Summardino and be,
you know show, Do you rememberI do the pledgurely of allegiance?

He don't know. Do you remember? I don't even know you're plage agents
to the flag of the United Statesof America. Bo, that's it?
Wait, how you gonna ask thequestion? Dog? You don't even know
the fucking answer. I pledge allegianceto the flag of the United States of
America for which it's no way Ipledge allegiance. I pledgurely. If anyone
knows it, feel free to inthe comments there. I would just say

that from what happens is you justlook down. I want to get out,
and then they try to get yourtrow. Going back to school,
favorite subject of all time? Sayyour favorite what object? What is that
like that? Okay, I'm gonnatell you straight up. Probably no one
really knows about it. I don'tthink I've told anybody about this. I

wasn't too good at school, youknow, like D and c's you know,
ass, but I did pass oneclass with a plus. It was
economics. Okay, it makes alot of sense. That's that's the one
I did. And my my myteacher, actually even my cancelor, they
all put me to a Saturday I'mwondering, like you cheat here or what
are you doing? And I wasjust I was I just like this class,

you know. They were like,why don't you perform like this in
your other classes? I was like, I was like, you know,
I don't know. I didn't reallythink about it back then, but now
that I think about it's probably Iwas just bored as in other classes.
You know, what about money?Was it that that interesting? I mean
I've been I think everyone is interestedin money. So I was young,
I was like, man, becauseyou know, we didn't have too much.
Absolutely, so you see a carand I told my mom, I
want that car. You know I'mgonna get it when I'm older. And

I was a little kid. SoI mean, it's just everything. Well
I wanted that live you know,I want to get this. We want
to get that. So but Imean it was about credit cards and ship
so I want to be smart.Like I was, like, I have
a I want to get a creditcard. I had just gone actually to
try to get my credit card andthen I got that class I want Semester
who was the first person to giveyou credit? What? I got a

Coldest card, Bigger Berger. ButI did the three hundred, like I
had to put three hundred and Ihad to like manage my three hundred.
You know. Yeah, I wasgeeked out. Colds gave me a hundred
dollar credit in me. I wasso happy dog, but I had to
feel my credit. You can't tellyou. I gotta love you. You
paid everything good? Yeah, Ipaid it off, bro. And everyone
that is good to sound usually goesbad. It usually goes bad. So

I paid off the mini fridge,you know what I'm saying. And then
once you know, after that mycredit was good and then yeah, I
started with three hundred. My momactually helping the bank account. We have
a jointed bank account, and Istill jointed you to this day. I
tell her, grab whatever you need. Your mom still joints it. Yeah,
that's my personal account. She don'tdon't have the corporate you know,

but we joined it on the personalone. And I tell her. She's
like, yeah, I know.They always asked me if if I want
to transfer some money or and I'mlike, go ahead. She never touched
my money. She's never touched itbefore. Really, she don't. You
know, she don't care. Bro, She's that's great. You're her son
at the end of the day,and she don't care. She never be
you know. Yeah, she's notthat time, you know. But you
take care of your parents. Itry. I try the most. That

I bought my house, I don'twant to move out right right right?
Is it because of their pride oris it my dad? You know,
my dad, your dad and yourdad? Yeah, yeah, dog,
Like if I gave I gamble Perveegave back. Yeah, yeah, of
course. He said, you wantto buy me something, give me a
truck, all right? Never mymom does like this ship though. She
Gucci bag the bag, she likesit. She likes it. Yeah.

Yeah. And then man, theylive a casino. Man, I don't
know if you guys I have todeal with parents don't do casinos. But
I know a lot of people.A lot of that was for us growing
up. Man, casino man.I still deal with it toesday. But
you know what I'm saying, addictedover there, Yeah, you have to
pay off for your parents gambling day. I don't do that, are you
your parents? Bookie may be blownthat ship over there. That's how they

do. You don't fuck it,that's what That's what they do. But
that's why I don't give them moneyfor that. Yeah, because you know
all that. I don't know whatcan see? You do? They usually
go to they just man, theygo everywhere. Bro, they go to
Pachanga Vegas. They that's what theydo their Native American. At this point,
you know what I'm saying. Andthe good thing is they would have
won it at least get the youknow when they win and take the money.
But I got the wins are tenracks. You're blown back out.

No, it's got to know possible. Want to pull out. Yeah,
but hey, that's what they havefun with, you know, and you
gotta let them have that. Yeah, yeah, I have that. Man,
At what age did you find yoursound? At what age did you
figure this out that you could sing? Man? From YouTube to music,
that's tough. We've seen a lotof people try, but not everyone.
I didn't go from YouTube to music. I went. I went to you

were smart about that, that's onething I joined you smart. Yeah.
I started with the music, butvlogging early though, Yeah, I started.
I popped off of music and thenI started vlogging. Who helped me
out? Who inspired you to startvlogging? Like logging you just because you
see like that was the way tokind of like inject yourself with the youths.
Great, that's how it was.So I started singing because you know

my dad, My dad likes tosinging, like in the shower and ship.
And then I just started doing thesame. He showed me a song
and from there I always liked tosee you know what I'm saying. And
then vlogging after I had had myfirst hit, I got inspired by vlog
for it was from Jake Paul andall they were vlogging and ship, and
I've seen it was like a goodway for to promote ran Us to our

public. Actually helped a lot.It was like those my audience in my
shows and revenue, revenue, revenuewas coming in. And then I stopped
broke because I got just it wasa lot of work too much. It
got me burnt out, like Iwas on camera all the time. It
was you know, that's what Iwas focused on music, bro, because

around those times when our music waskind of a little going down to you
know what I'm saying, So what'slike a small highatus I remember, And
that was because we just were Iwas focused on my business, you know,
because people that don't know own aRecordey, and my best coming up
RECORDY was right now I could saythat probably you know what I'm saying.
And I was learning the record weelside, I was doing the blogs ship

it was COVID, so it wasjust I just I learned the recordabel ship.
I cut off the blogs and Ifocused on the music, bro.
You know what I'm saying. Didyou ever have a regular job coming up?
Hell yeah, I worked at ninetynine cent store. RP saved the
ninety nine You gotta in slace,one necklace and a bracest. Hey,

don't motherfucker got more money than us. I don't even know how they going
bankrupt. They doing that ship becauseyou know, they're making a smart business
move. That's exactly what it is. Because the CEO told us it's the
two billion dollars a year company.Yeah, they're making money. They're just
like, you know what, it'snot making enough no more, just coult
it, you know what I'm saying. They can to investment somewhere else,
for sure, work at the ninetynine where else? I worked at the

ninety nine man, and then Iworked you know, construction I did.
I did. I was painting goddamndoor frames all day. Uh And and
remember that my my my neighbor usedto was the one that brought me over,
and I told him like, hey, I was seeing I'll be singing
painting because I was already singing.I was already doing my little gigs.
But I'll go work, you knowwhat I'm saying, Because gigs are on
the weekends. So I'll go workand I'll be practicing, you know what,

I'm singing my covers, you knowwhat I'm saying. Because I didn't
write those sounds and say what areyou gonna do? You're gonna work or
you don't sing? Mother fucking I'mlike, man, what am I doing?
He was painting right here, rollsee. And then he just told
me. He probably said that.I don't know, he's probably on you
know, on his rag or something. But that's a homie. That's my
homie. Still. I was hewas probably like mad or something, probably

didn't get in the morning or something. But he at the end he was
just like, you gotta choose one. Yeah, and I chose the music
that I'm not even paying door framesall day. Man, going back to
a bad day, what do youdo on a bad day? How do
you change that ship around? Mybad day? I just go in the
booths, bro when the booth makesome music, and then I'm gonna get

get prepared for a better nothing mymotor store. So hey, buy your
tickets ticketmasters go you know there whinit is ruling out tomorrow or today?
Okay, buyer tickets a ticketmaster onsound. Now I'm gonna tell you guys,
this is right here today I mightnot be torn twenty twenty five,
so you better give your tickets.And that's it now. You know what

I'm saying, Pelas win tickets onReal ninety two three. You're giving us
like a thousand tickets away ship.I didn't know about that. You're going
backstage and everything. It's crazy.What's the stage production gonna be like for
this tour? Okay? Because you'rea very creative, good person, you
ask good thing you ask. Sothank God. The last couple of months,

I had an EP drop called thenI had the babies Billy Cow where
we have thirty tracks. Man,I could say, like, I don't
know, I haven't counted, butwe've got for sure like ten or a
little over than ten like hits inthe last couple of months. So the
the show is changing drastically. We'readding all the new the stuff that you
heard last year. It's a wholenew show. We're three six now,

that's done. God, that's beenmy dream. Now we're doing three sixty.
We got a new show for youguys, and we got new music.
So I mean, you can't missyou know what I'm saying, you
gotta buy your tickets. Now.How much are you spending on production?
Yeah, we're spending a bag Soyou know what I'm saying, it's for
the fans. I want to andI'm and I'm trying to do some little
special things here and there on certaincities where you know it's going to be

a surprise, but we're spending abag for show if we want to happen.
Yeah, this is for them.I want them to enjoy a nice
show, you know what I'm saybecause I'm trying to. I'm trying to
do this for years. You knowwhat I'm saying. I might not do
it next year, but I'm tryingto be here with you guys for years.
So I got to invest back toyou guys. Make sure you guys
have a good experience when you showup to show. You know what I'm
saying. Next year, How you'renot doing that? Is there a reason?
Why? Is it? I gotI got some I got some plans,

I got some plans going on,and I'm pretty sure you guys are
gonna like you know what I'm saying. I can't say too much though.
Yeah, going back to the youknow, stage design and stuff like that.
There's somebody that you went to aslike a show, They're like,
yo, that ship is fire,Like I respect that like that? Who
was it and you go to Drakeshow, it blows your mind. Have
you gone I I work out thehip hop station? I haven't gone.

You've never gone. Nah, that'sgood English, your second. That's where
I got where my inspiration from.Bro. And then we got with some
guy, good production guys. Hegave me some good ideas as well,
and we just went with it.Bro. High road screens doing a lot
of dope ship, A lot ofdope ship, A lot of a lot
of a lot of ship. Thatmy bad to beat that out now you
kind of just told me I can'tbecause I gotta get I gotta get those

deals. You know what I'm saying. Absolutely, sponsorships, tapping. You
know what I'm saying, We gotyou know what I'm saying for the tour,
I gotta be They told me I'mmay I gotta be mainstream this year.
I was telling you to let youknow that I'm always inside. You
know, I don't really be outthere like that. I'd be in the
booze working Bro. You know whatI'm saying outside of music Right now that
you bring up sponsorships, what's thebiggest without saying the number, what's like,
what's the company that's giving you thebiggest bag for an endorsement or sponsorship.

Bro, we really don't do sponsorships. So this is this is because
we've never done this. We neverhad the right people behind us. We
like on that side, you getme. We just do music. You
know what I'm saying. Shout outto all my partners. I'm not trying
to talk shit to none of mypartners, but it's just we never been
like, hey, we're gonna goto the next level. We did a
little opposite. You know, everyone'scoming up. Who does all this radio

stuff? You know, I don'treally come out. Yeah, I've been
knowing you for how long? Andthen we never did There was always like
an open door like what's up,Like what's so homie? But I never
done this, you know what I'msaying. And now the plan is,
hey man, we got all thesenumber ones. No one's talking about it.
So what we're gonna do is,let's go outside. Man, let's
let's take these interviews and let's dowhatever it got to do. I'm a
businessman. You know. We gotChino podcasts popping off. Let's go talking

about Drake. He's my partner onhim and his team on on the Gino's
album. You know, yeah,Chinos backed up by Drake and all his
team making sure that album pops off. Who made that introduction? Bro Drake
tapped in Withino podcasts. Yes,he just tapped in bro DM right,
just a DM bro and and fromthere they wanted to work with Chino.

We know, but we have Ginoino, so we're like, we can make
it happen. To make it happen, we did a little something and now
we're partners on this next album that'scoming out. Is that's a real being
partners, that's a real We're nota fan of Drake absolutely, you know.
Like me as an artist, yougotta see me. I'm an artist
too, but I own a label, so I respect my my positions,
you know what I'm saying. Some as an artist was like, god,

damn it, what I wish Iwould have got? Yeah, you
know what I'm saying. But itwas like me as a me as a
owner row me as an owner ofa record label, was like, bro,
fuck yeah, you got the that'sabsolutely and she makes us all happy,
you know, because we're pioneers andyou know, we've been here for
a long time before a lot ofpeople been here. So we've been working.

We've been working hard for our ourmusic to get and crossed over over
there. Yes it wasn't me,but it was. It was a homie
and and a lot of other whoever'sin this genre was one of us though.
Yeah, someone someone in the genreis breaking records, bro, So
give it up to everybody. Absolutely, as a hip hop fan, does
Drake have to respond to Kendrick AndI don't. I don't know about that

ship. Everyone I know you doknow about that ship. You're a fan,
bro. I mean for the moneyit was for a bag, I
would do. You know what I'msaying, But I don't know that's on
him. You know what I'm saying. I don't know their beef. He's
about to drop something I heard Iwas looking on Instagram. Yeah, you
stay on the graund How much timeof day are you on your on that
ship? Bro? And then what'sup? Bro? Like, what's your

screen time? Looking like? Man, it's crazy scrolling on when I'm when
we're working on music. Stay phone. You have to, you have to,
you have to. Yeah, Bro, I want I want to pee
you back on the fact that whatyou said, like this is something that's
been years in the making. Whereas like Mexican Americans and stuff like that,

I'd say, you and and andeverybody at around. It's just stuff
like that collectively, like everybody strayeda part into like normalizing Mexican American culture
into America. Like you guys arethink played a big role in that,
and you guys have you guys,I don't know. I've been in situations
where it was very intentional. Youguys were like, Dude, if we
dressed like this, or if wework with these directors or we do,

we're gonna be seeing in these areas, in these places. And I think
that's something that happens behind the scenes, but not a lot of people know
about. So I want to,yeah, bro shout out Toronto me brother,
one of the biggest, the biggestMexican label right now. You know
what I'm saying. That's what wecame out of. And I learned a
lot of ship right there. Andyou know, they're my boys. We
still got business going on, they'restill my business partners, were locked in,
but now it's you know, streamOut Records was running as far for

the record. Everything behind this iswe've always been us on the back,
like, but my my my stuffjust started, Yeah, my label,
you know, so now now it'sus running the stuff. But man us
being part of being pioneers of Mexicanmusic. Yeah, just in general,
it wasn't cool a couple of yearsago. So coming in and breaking these
barriers and respect and like throw throwingit off the roof, bro and being

part of it. We're happy,like me being part of being part of
the drake. Stuff like that comesfrom you know, from like a podcast
came out of Streat my Records.Streat my Records was created by us,
you know what I'm saying. Soit's just it's like they say, you
know, they always say, likewe bought a big coin at a dollar.
You know what I'm saying. Hewould you sign somebody that's not a
regional artist to street my Absolutely right. Well of course we've tried it,

like we were talking about it earlier, like we we I got some of
my artists that are doing rap.You know, one of my artists as
long as he produced some of mymusic, he got a bunch of rap
music right there. That's dope.He and we got all these little homies
like Banjie, all the little homiesfrom the hood that they are rapping.
They're all signed to us, youknow, but we haven't dropped nothing.

We want to show that we're justa world global record lab, you know.
But a little by little right now, we're doing what we know bandstand
a little by little. You knowwhat I'm saying, man, it's that
hustle. Man. Is there afemale rapper that you're a fan of?
Rapper? I mean, I Spice, She's she gets down. You know
what I'm saying. That sounds sick. Now record with Ice, Spice be

hard. Yeah, I Spice getsdown. In Mexico, she gets down.
I got no no, but evenMexico like the hold Dome space right
now? Yeah, fuck, itgoes up. It's all dog, It's
all you got Latin Mafia as well, Like I mean, they're they're going
to Gordo Gardo season. He says, we up? He says we up?

So up. Yeah, he'd betouring like crazy. All the videos
he posted in South America. Iwant to move to South and he goes
to he goes to Tokyo, comeback and then goes back. I'm like,
you're crazy. You know what I'msaying, but bro, Bro,
you're gonna go to a show ornot, because I mean, if you
invite me down, let's go.Or I was, bro, you need
to see Whatsu for for a while, you know what I'm saying. So

hey, don't forget buy your ticketsticket Master, come on, buy your
tickets. The tour Lands in lA. The into a dome. They're
not even done building it, andhe's gonna perform in do Let's go SA
like we're the first ones or somethinglike that, you know, in November
ticket master dot com. Man,we appreciate the time an energy, brother,
Thank you, Thank you brother allday. Bro, come see us
any time. Let's do it.Let's do it. You know, let
you the Invitce's been there. It'salways been there. So whenever you want

to hear brother, I know,you know we've been locked in, bro,
you know what I'm saying. Ittook a while he was complaining though,
but it's called almost y'all saying,Hey, check your Richard with the
Cruise Show. Thanks for listening tothe Cruise Show podcast. Make sure to
subscribe, and hey auto download soyou don't miss an episode. So so so so
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