All Episodes

November 5, 2024 • 30 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
How will we be remembered.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Look at the opportunities before us.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
We need to remember above and beyond that we must
love our neighbors, that we must treat other.

Speaker 4 (00:18):
People as we hope to be treated.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
The people dreamed this kind and it's the people who
are making America it's great again now.

Speaker 5 (00:40):
Together, they crossed the oceans, settled the continent, came the wilderness,
laid down the railroads, raised up those mighty skyscrapers, built
the highways, one two world wars, defeated fascism and communism,
and launched American astronauts to the moon.

Speaker 6 (01:01):
It was hard working patriots like you who built this country,
and now it's hardworking patriots like you who are going
to save our country.

Speaker 7 (01:14):
So you work. Now.

Speaker 5 (01:32):
We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation
under God. We will never give in, We will never
give up, we will never ever back down, and we
will never ever ever ever surrender.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
Together, we will fight, fight, fight, and we will win
win win. We've gotta win, win, win.

Speaker 7 (02:04):
So tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
We will restore America's promise. We will put America.

Speaker 5 (02:27):
First, and we will take back the nation that we
all love.

Speaker 7 (02:33):
Now right now, tell me what.

Speaker 3 (02:54):
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading my emails today. This is it.
This is the day. Everyone understands it. I have no doubts.
Everyone understands it. Oddly enough, I think this is my
favorite email of the day. I got it at eleven o'clock.

Central woman named Kelly wrote Tzar. Earlier this morning, I
had a hair appointment. My stylist was talking about voting
after work. I told her after she put my color on,
to go vote right now. I'll sit here and wait.

The whole salon heard the story while she was gone.
When she came back in, everyone in the salon stood
up and cheered for her. It made my day. Yes, Zar,
a salon full of Republican women. You know, one vote

is just one vote. Put that vote there and this
one over here. And you took your ninety five year
old mother to vote curbside. You got your brother who's
serving abroad to fill out his ballot and send it in.
You got your neighbor to go vote that typically doesn't

You voted early before you went on your hunting trip.
Each one it adds up here or here here, And
the beauty is you're going to see through the course
of the evening, you're going to see the quantitative. You're
going to see numbers, millions and millions of people, and
you're going to hope that your quantitative adds up to

more than their quantitative, you know, depending on the state,
and then each of the states and the electoral College,
and trying to get to two seventy out of five
hundred and thirty eight, two hundred and seventy electoral college
votes is a victory. That's that's over fifty percent. That's
what it takes. And you're gonna see those numbers and

they're just going to be numbers, but never forget the
beauty is every single one of those, at least on
the Republican side, because the Democrats cheap. Every single one
of those is a beautiful story in one way or another.
Every single one of them is someone who said I

want something better for my country. And it's reliable Republican
voters who showed up again and they always do no
matter if we win or lose.

Speaker 8 (05:47):
They're there.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
You can count on them. And then you're going to
get a lot of people that are a black man
who says, you know what the bravest thing I can
do is to cast a vote for Donald Trump and
to stop being taken for granted by these fools. You're
gonna get black women who are gonna say I'm not

worried about abortion because I'm not sleeping with men unprotected,
and then need to kill the baby. I want my
country back. You're gonna get first generation immigrants. You're gonna
get college kids, you're gonna get the elderly. You're gonna
get veterans, small business owners, nurses, teachers, doctors, engineers, and

each person had the option to vote for one or
the other candidates or to not vote at all, and
they took the time, each one of them. That's the
qualitative side of this that you won't see tonight, that
we'll be forgotten, and no one vote is not going

to swing the election one way or the other. But
it's it's the understanding that my one vote is part
of a lot of other one votes. And if I
don't cast my one vote and she doesn't cast hers
and he doesn't cast his, it sounds obvious, but it's true.
You're just dropping the ocean, but start taking out enough

drops and eventually the sea levels go down. The sense
of selflessness to sacrifice your time knowing that you do
not personally swing the election, that you're willing to be
part of something bigger. He is beautiful man.

Speaker 8 (07:41):
Conory dccondo always dies.

Speaker 4 (07:43):
Hit the Michael Ferry just put.

Speaker 8 (07:45):
Her head down and she went to work.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
A listener named Jack Paris sent me an email after
the intro where we used, as we do on election day,
van halen right now because this is the time, right
this is it is there a moment and he said,
thanks for using that as the song. I always enjoy

when y'all do that. There are lots of snippets of
wisdom in that video. You know. It's funny about that video.
Is it ended up? I don't think the song got
to but maybe forty five. It never It was not
a number one hit. It's not even a top ten hit.
It was maybe top fifty, and yet it.

Speaker 8 (08:32):
Was video of the year.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
The video is why we remember it because people my age,
I'm fifty three, watched the hell out of MTV and
if you remember, that song had kind of a pop
up video quality to it in the video itself, where
they would say, you know, right now this is happening,
and right now this is happening. And Jack Paris says,

if you remember, one of the snippets of wisdom in
that video was right now, our government is doing things
we think only other countries do.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
Think about this.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
That's decades ago, and it's never been more true than now.
Right now, our government is doing things we think only
other countries do. There is a moment, whether you call
it your awakening, your red pill moment, or whatever else,
there is a moment where people an aha moment, where

people who are now voting Republican, voting today Republican who
never voted Republican before and never expected they would, but
something happened, RFK Junior, Toolsey Gabbard, people who never would
have believed they would be where they are today, saying

and doing the things they're saying and do. But other
things had to happen first. It would have been more
likely that Bruce Jenner would be prancing around under the
name Caitlin than that these people would be campaigning for
Donald Trump and Republicans. And yet here we are, and

yet here we are. So much of this, if it
were a movie script wouldn't be believable. And yet here
we are. A listener by the name of Susan's story said,
send me an email through our website Michael Berryshow dot
coms are I took my ninety one year old mother, sorry,

my ninety one year old mother in law to vote.
She insisted that she vote in person for Donald J. Trump,
and she included did Susan story a picture of herself
and her mother in law on her walker with the
tennis balls having just voted. That's the quality pitative, that's

the real human stories behind all of this, Mark writes.
My name is Mark, and I live in Franklin, Kentucky,
just north of Nashville, Tennessee. My wife's a school teacher
who gave up her tenure to move to a new
school system last year. The school system has the teacher
so afraid that if Amendment Too for school choice passes

that they will lose their jobs. I don't think that
will happen. I think it's awful how they put fear
into these teachers. I voted for Amendment Too because overall
it is better for the state, even if my wife
has to lose her job. The schools also turned all
the teachers against Matt Bevan for governor in twenty nineteen.
They were misled about how Bevin was trying to save

the teacher's retirement. There will have been so much misinformation
through the course of this campaign, so much misinformation, So
many people will have believed it, so many votes will
have been asked, believing that this or that horrible thing
would happen.

Speaker 9 (12:05):
But for.

Speaker 3 (12:08):
But for voting for Kamala Harris and the Democrats, for
all the people that inspire me with the fact that
they vote and how they vote, how they serve our country,
either in uniform or in the classroom, or in the
hospital or in the household. I see stories like this,

so many stories like this, and I can't help but
shake my head. I'm not gonna let it ruin my optimism,
but I can't help but shake my head. This was
on CNN earlier today. They're standing outside because nobody had
election results yet, right, They're standing outside the voting both
and this guy they ask him how he's voting, and

he says he's voted for He just voted for Kamala Harris.

Speaker 8 (12:53):
And then this happened.

Speaker 4 (12:55):
Who'd you vote for you today?

Speaker 8 (12:56):
I voted for Kamala Harris.

Speaker 1 (12:58):
Why is that?

Speaker 8 (12:59):
I have three daughters, four children?

Speaker 10 (13:01):
Overall, and women's rights is pretty important to them and
my daughters.

Speaker 8 (13:07):
Sorry getting a little emotional about Yeah, I didn't think.

Speaker 10 (13:09):
That I was going to do that, but you know,
just their bodies, their choice, type of mentality. You know,
I want them to grow up in a world that's
welcoming to everybody.

Speaker 8 (13:20):
So yeah, that's why I cast my book today.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
I send that to a friend of mine and I said,
can you imagine your biggest issue for your for your
young daughters is to make sure they have abortions going forward?
And he writes back, nothing gives your daughter's boyfriend permission
to raw dog your little girl, like voting for abortion. Look,

you can be four or against abortion, but when you've
got little daughters that aren't out of elementary school and
your biggest concern is preserving abortion, what exactly are you saying?
Y'all do understand how girls girls get pregnant? Right? Why
don't you teach your girl not to have unprotected sex

with random dudes?

Speaker 8 (14:06):
How about that?

Speaker 5 (14:09):
The worst president, the worst vice president in the history
of our.

Speaker 3 (14:13):
Country, Michael Berry, we can't afford four more years of
this president Trump at his final rally last night. We're
going to miss him before the election. So last night,
I said, this is the biggest political movement in the
history of our country.

Speaker 8 (14:29):
And I think he's right.

Speaker 5 (14:30):
Just a few months ago, in a beautiful field in Pennsylvania,
not far from where we are tonight, and Assassin tried.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
To stop our movement.

Speaker 5 (14:49):
And this is the greatest political movement by far in the.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
History of our countries. Tried to stop it.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
But that brush with death did not stop us. It
only made us more determined to finish the job.

Speaker 11 (15:07):
That you had only just started. Thank you, thank you,
thank you, Herma.

Speaker 12 (15:23):
This is a frisky grill. Many people say.

Speaker 5 (15:36):
That God saved me in order to save America. Many
many people are saying, well, and with your help, we
will fulfill that extraordinary mission. Together, we're going to fulfill
We're going to save our country.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
I'm going to play a longer clip than I normally
would because I think it's that important. Megan Kelly famously
clashed with Donald Trump back in twenty sixteen at the
first debate. Last night, this is what Trump does people
he might have fought with. He brings back into the fold.
She was at Trump's rally, and I will tell you,
I think this is the best description of why you

should vote for Donald Trump. She nailed it. Good on you,
Megan Kelly.

Speaker 9 (16:19):
Let me tell you, first of all, one of the
reasons why I wanted to come here, one of the
many reasons I wanted to come here. When I launched
my show four years ago, we had Mark Cuban.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
On the program. Here ma seen.

Speaker 9 (16:31):
He was in the news this week and he started
going on about how bad America's race history was and
how ashamed he was of America, and that's why I
was at all these protests, and he felt it was
really important to stand up and speak out about human
rights violations.

Speaker 4 (16:46):
And then it got awkward when I asked.

Speaker 9 (16:48):
Him about all the money he was taking from China.
Then he dropped a bunch of f bombs, and I thought,
I really enjoy this feeling of proving Mark Cuban wrong.
So here I am at a Trump rally, a strong,
intelligent woman.

Speaker 4 (17:08):
To prove Mark Cuban wrong again.

Speaker 9 (17:15):
I want to take up much of your time, but
I do want to tell you the main reasons I
am voting for Donald Trump. Number one, immigration, he mentioned it,
and people like Lake and Raleigh. I'll be thinking about
her tomorrow all day. Twenty two years old killed in Georgia,
a young nursing student by an illegal. I'll be thinking

about Jocelyn Nungari, twelve years old in Texas, murdered by
two Venezuelan illegals. President Trump closed the border. Kamala Harris
opened it by choice. It wasn't accidental. She said it
would be humane. That's what she and her boss believed.
Tell it to Lake and Riley's family. There was nothing
humane about it. He closed it, they opened it. It

was an intentional choice in the There's no reason not
to believe they won't do it again. The boys should
not be in the girl's sports.

Speaker 4 (18:10):
The boys should not be in the girl's bathrooms. The
boys should not be in the girl's locker rooms.

Speaker 9 (18:17):
Peyden McNabb, North Carolina, sophomore in high school slams so
hard in the face by a volleyball hit at her
by a boy pretending to be a girl. She suffered
traumatic brain injury and permanent paralysis. Kamala Harris looks at
her and says, be kind, suck it up, and that's

what's right. Why do our girls have to face brain
damage in order to be kind to boys who want
to invade their sports? And by the way, they are
going into the women's prisons. She changed the law in
California to make sure the taxpayers would pay for their
sex change operations.

Speaker 4 (18:57):
She was not just following the law. She changed the law.
President Trump will stop it.

Speaker 9 (19:07):
He got mocked by the left.

Speaker 4 (19:13):
For saying he would be a protector of women.

Speaker 9 (19:17):
He will be a protector of women, and it's why
I'm voting for him.

Speaker 4 (19:23):
He will close the border.

Speaker 9 (19:25):
He will keep the boys out of girls' sports and
where they don't belong.

Speaker 4 (19:29):
And you know what else, one more thing.

Speaker 9 (19:32):
He will look out for our boys too, our forgotten
boys and are forgotten men, Guys like you, Guys like
these guys who have got the callouses on their hands,
who work for a living with the bears and the tacks,
who maybe have a beer after work, and don't want

to be judged by people like Oprah and Beyonce, who
will never have to face the consequences of her disastrous
economic policies.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
You fast, He gets it. President Trump gets it.

Speaker 9 (20:10):
He will not look at our boys like their second
class citizens and ladies out there who want a bit
of girl power in this election, let me tell you something,
how can you win when the sons and the husbands
and the brothers and the dads that you love are losing.

Speaker 4 (20:28):
It's not a win.

Speaker 9 (20:33):
We care, young women and older about the lives of
our children, the safety of our children, and we need
not get so obsessed with what happens when they're in
the womb that we forget about taking care of them
once we're here and they're here and they're loved.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
Last point, What I.

Speaker 9 (20:56):
Don't want, what I don't think you want, is the
less version of masculinity.

Speaker 4 (21:03):
You see that ad they did.

Speaker 9 (21:04):
About Trump voters trying to encourage women to lie to
their husbands so that they could vote for her instead
of Trump. That's their version of what marriage looks like.
An overbearing husband who bullies his wife into saying she
voted one way, as opposed to an honest, open relationship.
Oh wait, I'm talking about Kamala and Doug.

Speaker 4 (21:24):
Okay, sorry, where was that story in the news. Where
is that story? I don't remember a single media.

Speaker 9 (21:34):
Person, not one who sat with him, asked him about
the abuse allegations against him by a successful professional attorney
who has great details, who has receipts, who has witnesses.

Speaker 4 (21:46):
No one even asked about it.

Speaker 9 (21:50):
I'm not into their version of toxic masculinity or new masculinity.

Speaker 4 (21:55):
I prefer the old version.

Speaker 9 (21:58):
Home all of you, and I prefer a president who
understands how to be strong and how to fight. I
hope all of you do what I did last week,
Vote Trump and get ten friends to vote Trump.

Speaker 4 (22:16):

Speaker 8 (22:19):
Always dies.

Speaker 4 (22:20):
Michael Berry just put her.

Speaker 8 (22:21):
Head down and she went to work.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
We know how many amusing memory does.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
But a lot of you were upset, and you would
tell me this that you wanted Trump to be more positive,
more optimistic, more unifying, more aspirational. And I got to
tell you Trump heard that, and he did. I don't

know if you've noticed his tone has changed, and it's
made a difference. It's it's been very positive. Well use
an overused word, unifying. And I think that is why
he wins. I think that that is is. You know,
the left loves to talk about everything America has ever

done wrong throughout our history. But Trump tells a story
and he believes it because it's true that our story,
the story of our people, our culture, our civilization, is
a story of love, sacrifice, devotion.

Speaker 5 (23:31):
It is a story of love, sacrifice and so many
other things. And remember the word devotion. It's unmatched devotion.
Our American ancestors across the Delaware survived the icy winter
at Valley Forge and defeated a mighty empire to establish

our cherished republic.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
They fought so hard, they lost so many.

Speaker 5 (23:58):
They pushed thousands and thousands of miles across a dangerous frontier,
cam in the wilderness to build a life and a
magnificent home for their family. They packed their families into
covered wagons, trekked across hazardous trails, scaled towering mountains, and
brave rivers and rapids to take their claim on the wide, open,

new and.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
Very beautiful frontier.

Speaker 5 (24:25):
When our way of life was threatened, American patriots marched
onto the battlefield, raced into enemy strongholds and stared down
death and stared down those enemies to keep.

Speaker 1 (24:37):
Alive the flame of freedom.

Speaker 5 (24:40):
At Yorktown, Gettysburg, and Midway, they joined the roll call
of immortal heroes. So many, just so many heroes, so
many great, great people.

Speaker 1 (24:50):
And we have to cherish those people. We can't forget
those people. We have to cherish those people.

Speaker 5 (24:56):
And building monuments to those great people is a good thing,
not a bad thing.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
They saved our country.

Speaker 5 (25:05):
No challenge was too much, no hardship was too great,
no enemy was too fierce.

Speaker 1 (25:12):
Together these patriots.

Speaker 5 (25:14):
Soldiered on and endured, and they prevailed because they had
faith in each other, faith in their country, and above all,
they had faith in their God.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
And when you look at these numbers coming back, you
see that Trump is outperforming where he was in twenty
He's outperforming where he was in twenty sixteen. He's outperforming
where Republicans have ever been. And you talk about a
unifying message, make America great again. People want this to be.

I grew up in America. There was the greatest nation
in the world. We knew it, We're proud of it,
we protected it. People worry about that now, and I
love this call to a renewed greatness.

Speaker 5 (26:11):
Just like our ancestors, we must now come together, rise
above past differences. Any disagreements have to be put aside,
and go forward, united as one people, one nation, pledging
allegiance to one great beautiful I think it's so beautiful
American flag.

Speaker 1 (26:31):

Speaker 5 (26:31):
I asked for your partnership, for your support, and I
am humbly asking for your vote.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
I want to vote. We're going to make our country
great again.

Speaker 5 (26:43):
Every day I will strive to honor the trust you
have placed in me, and I will never ever let
you down.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
I promise that I will never let you down.

Speaker 5 (26:54):
To all of the forgotten men and women who have
been neglected, abandoned, and left behind, you will be forgotten
no longer. We will press forward, and together we will
win win, win, win, win, win, win win win. Nothing

will sway us, nothing will slow us, and no one
will ever stop us.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
No matter what dangers.

Speaker 5 (27:41):
Come our way, no matter what obstacles lie in our path,
we will keep striving toward our shared and glorious destiny,
and we will not fail.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
We will not fail. Together, we will save this country.
We will restore the.

Speaker 5 (28:01):
Republic, and we will usher in the rich and wonderful
tomorrows that our people so truly deserve. America's future will
be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
And more united than ever before.

Speaker 5 (28:22):
And quite simply put, we will very quickly make America
great again.

Speaker 3 (28:31):
Meanwhile, as Trump points out, what have Kamala, the Democrats,
and the media done. They've just called us nasty names
and We've had enough.

Speaker 5 (28:40):
For the past nine years, Commander Party have called us racists,
biggest fascist, deplorables, irredeemables, Nazis, and they called me hitler.
They've bullied you, they've demonized us, they've censored us, they've
deep platformed us, and they weaponize the power of our

own government against all of us. They've taken your money,
They've thrown open your borders to criminals and terrorists. They've
flooded your towns with deadly drugs and death. They're incompetent people.
They've given your jobs to illegal migrants and sent our
blood and treasure to fight in stupid foreign wars where
the countries don't even know who we are, and where

we've never heard of the country. This Tuesday is your
chance to stand up and declare you are not going.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
To take it anymore.

Speaker 5 (29:43):
Six days from now we can turn the page forever
on this failed and corrupt administration.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
It's a corrupt administration.

Speaker 11 (29:51):
You do know.

Speaker 5 (29:51):
There we can declare once and for all that we
are done with their hatred, We're done with their hysteria,
done with their hoaxing, line cheating, scheming, plundering, and stealing.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
Oh they steal they steal I.

Speaker 5 (30:12):
Remember the Democrats are the Party of disinformation.

Speaker 3 (30:14):
But the economy is up, price inflation is down, Reel
and comes are up.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
Gas prices are down.

Speaker 8 (30:20):
Michael Berry Show
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