All Episodes

January 15, 2024 38 mins
Joe Escalante's weekly sojourn into the business end of showbiz. This week: the latest from the box office, and George Carlin's family is pissed off at Artificial Intelligence. Also, Disneyland has a secret day-drinker day.

Ok... Now we know that there's a secret day-drinking day at the park. Next step is to figure which day that actually is!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Joe Eskeemante live from Hollywood. ByHollywood, you mean Burbank, across the
street from a Wienersnitzel that sells beer. This is two hours of the business,
end of show business. We doit every Sunday on k EIB eleven
fifty on your AM dial in LosAngeles and always on the iHeart radio app.

You can listen to it live worldwide, or you can wait and get
the podcasts, which come up Sundaynight usually unless Sam has got something else
to do. How are you doing, Sam? Not bad? Football season's
over, so I don't have anythingelse to do. Okay, good,
So you're not programming the playoffs?No? No, I ran all of

the Charger games, so I hadto be busy every Sunday. But now
the Charger season's over, I'm alldone. Oh yeah, it helps him.
The Chargers are terrible, doesn't it. Hey, I get early vacation,
okay, which means I get tohang out with you more. Oh
thank you. All right, Wellwe got a full schedule once again.

Let's go to Prince Prince Is.As I get older, everyone keeps asking
me for trusts and wills, andyou know, a state planning and although
I am a lawyer, I don'tyou know, I don't do that kind
of stuff. But I have doneit. I've done it. I can
do approbate. I can create atrust. It's not that hard a will.

I created a will the other dayfor somebody going into surgery. Not
that hard, but efinitely, youknow what, it's so easy that Charles
Manson had two wills and he wasin prison. But for some reason,
Prince didn't have any wills. I'vetalked about this before. He died without
a will, even though he fought, you know, to like health for

his to preserve the rights of hismusic, getting mad at people on YouTube
for you know, having a dancingbaby with a Prince song in the background.
But then he dies, he gotno will. So what happened,
Well, the same thing that's gonnahappen to you. When you don't have
a will, Your your assets willgo to your heirs. So his assets

went to his had come half sistersand a niece and a nephew. You
know, the court just went,I don't know who's the closest relative.
Oh, okay, you got somehalf sisters. They can have it.
So all of a sudden they're incharge of all these assets, and I
think they formed an LLC at onepoint called Prince Legacy, and that seems

to have been formed with some otherlike associates that used to work with Prince.
And now there's a lawsuit going on. So about eight years after his
death and the heirs are going tocourt with two of the these two other
guys that are, you know,partially managing the thing, and it's filed

in Delaware and they are not exactlysure what they're well, I am sure
what they're fighting about. The twoguys that are the I guess semi like
music professionals, people are already workingwith Prince. They are mad at the

other two, at the other,at the relatives, because you got relatives.
They say, these people don't knowanything about music, they don't know
how to run anything. They're ruiningeverything. So you got the suitors filed
by this guy named Londell McMillan,who briefly managed Prince in the nineteen nineties,
and a guy named Charles Spicer.They said the Prince's family members have

been trying to edge them out ofthe out of the company, trying to
get rid of them. So they'resaying, we got to get rid of
these guys now that we know howto do it. I imagine eight years
ago they needed them. And thenthere's like, what how are you to
get rid of these guys? Andthey claim, these two guys that the
actions of the family are threatening totheir efforts to preserve and protect Prince's legacy.

Now, what do we know.We know there's some family members and
there's some you know, music industrytypes. Who's right? You know?
Are these guys really bad? Arethe guy's crook it? Yes? Sam,
what would you say? Yes?My answer would be yes, Okay,
I thought so. So they saidthat these McMillan and Spice are these

are the industry professionals. They saidthat these relatives just lack any managementians.
They have no idea what they're talkingabout in the music enterstainment industry, and
they have no business negotiating and managinghigh level deals came an industry. Their
interference and intervention will make it impossibleto carry on the prince legacy, will
cause a reparable harm to the company'scalled will blah blah blah blah blah.

The half sisters are named Noreen Nelsonand the nieces Breonna Nelson, and the
nephew is Alan Nelson. Here comethe Nelsons. So six when he died,
six of his half siblings were determinedas the heirs. So he had
a lot of half siblings and theyall got something. Okay, that's who

the closest next of kin was.Because there was no will, there was
no wife, there was no kids. So three of these siblings, probably
the smart ones, sold their interestto Primary Wave, which is a big
publishing and management conglomerate. They didthat in August of twenty twenty two,

and then the estate was evenly dividedbetween prince Legacy, which is the remaining
heirs, and the two professionals andthe Primary Wave people. Among the many
claims that the McMillan and Spicer ledis that the sisters, they're remaining half
sisters. They attempted to sell theirshares to the holding company to Primary Wave,

which they cannot do that without theconsent of the other guys, because
if you're trying to sell your halfof this, like these guys have half,
primary Wave has half. If you'reselling part of your part two primary
Wave, all of a sudden,Primary Waves is going to have more than
fifty percent and they're going to controleverything. I'm guessing that's what's the problem

and why you're not allowed to sellyour shares to somebody like that unless everybody
else votes on it, because thoseother guys might want to buy it.
The other two guys would want tohave a rite of first refusal and they
can buy it so they can maintainthe half thing. So they and then
they say they attempted to change thebylaws of the LLC to allow them to

engage in that kind of shenanigans.One of the sisters tried to replace the
entire staff of Paisley Park. Iguess that's the rehearsal area. It's like
a studio, a studio, theartist's expansive studio residents. I don't know
what it is now, maybe it'sa museum. Like she demanded to have

high lavish parties and have the LLCpay for them. You know, it's
it's a circus or it's normal.And these guys are just like, how
dare these bumpkins claim to know howto run this business? This is we
should be running this business. Butthey are the guy's family and the guy

she must have been smart enough toknow that if he died, stuff would
go to his family. He didn'tdo anything legally to make it go to
someone else. So these guys arejust out of luck. I think these
are there. I don't see anythinghere that's like, you know, egregious,
outrageous and preposterous. It's just,you know, relatives being relatives,

and maybe they don't know everything,but they don't have to. There's no
law that says they have to knoweverything about this, and there's no law
against if they want to legally tryto get rid of these people, but
if they are selling their stuff withoutI guess the only thing I see here

is they try, Like if youtried to sell your shares to these other
people, that's a violation. Somaybe I don't know what you can do
about that, But we'll see,because this will wind its way through the
courts and eventually Charles Manson, evenwith his wills, they were always challenged.

They were challenged several times. Wetalked about that in the show a
lot, and they ended up givingeverything to this kid that I don't think
was the true heir. I don'tthink the true air got that stuff,
but the court it was also inthat case, it was just a question
of who had the most money,and there was another guy. He was
a guest on our radio show instudio by the way he I mean,

you clearly look at him, yougo, this is Charles Manson's son,
and it's obvious. But some otherguy that looked nothing like him but had
a little bit more money behind him, he ended up with everything. I
always thought that was kind of sad. But I don't lose a lot of
sleep over what happened to Charles Manson'sfamily. How about you, Sam,

You were losing a lot of sleepfor other reasons, not Charles Manson.
You like Prince. I do likePrince. I am a very big Prince
fan. I am not. I'mnot. Everybody's got their taste. Yeah,

when I went to see him acouple of times. First time I
saw him was at the Flippers RollerBoogie Palace in West Hollywood, and that
was interesting and exciting that I wasreally far away. I couldn't really see
what's going on. It's just allchaos and craziness. It was. The
next I saw him, I waslike in the second row or something the
Lumbich Arena, and I saw toomuch of it. And I didn't see

any humility, just a lot likethere was butler's bringing him carrot sticks and
stuff, and he was like makinga big deal out of this. Yeah,
interesting, but it didn't seem rockand roll to me. Rock and
roll to me is like, youknow, I am the butler. I
bring some guy carrot sticks and thenfinally I start my own band and I

and I become a rock star andI don't do things like that, and
I don't be little people and haveservants on stage. That's my That's what
makes me comfortable and enjoy a show, not a butler coming up with a
silver tray to give him carrot sticksand have him pick through them and like
reject some. I get it.It's that it's a stick, but it's
not the kind of stick that thatI respond to. I respond to more

you know, the punk rock.You're a more celery person, aren't you.
Yeah, I'm more celery And andno, Ranch just just saw it.
Yeah, no, peace right orstick it in a in a bloody
Mary all right? Should take abreak and come back and do the box
office. Actually, no, wecan keep going. It's podcast time.

Oh, this is a podcast day. Ye, wait a second, I
didn't. Who's what's airing during ourshow tonight? We have u c l
A basketball fight on usc U cl A Briton's Brewins. Sorry, the
Britons. I went to UCLA sothey have a lot of British over there.

Well, yeah, the Britons.I went there because of the basketball
program. Do you know that,Sam, were you starting point guard?
Well? As a little kid,I wanted to be a basketball player.
I wanted to be in the NBA, and I thought that the best path
would be to go through u cl A and and be playing under John
Wooden and then you know, getdrafted in the NBA. After that,

over time, I stopped growing andI really didn't have a jump shot at
all. And then my mom cameto me one day and said, why
don't you I'll tell you what ifyou stop going to basketball camp. I
used to go to this Gale goodRich basketball camp, nice and Elgin Baylor
was also part of it. Shesaid, if you stop going, if

you give up on your dreams andstop going to that camp, that's never
gonna help you. I will sendyou to the rich kid camp that your
sister's boyfriend's family goes to the onesthat live in Beverly Hills, and I
was like, you didn't have toask me twice, because I you know,
they they are always talking about howmuch fun they had, and my
mom is gonna lay down the cashfor that. Just all I had to

do is give up my dreams.Oh it's easy. So I did that.
I did that. And you knowwho's at that camp, Elgend Baylor's
daughter, really, yeah, AlisonBaylor. So I got to mule somebody.
So enough of this, you hearmy dog, I do gosh,

Chewye, just learn how to goup that last step. All right,
we're not gonna take a break andwe're gonna zip through this information. But
let me move the dog. Hangon right now, moving the dog.
Come on, dog, come here, Okay, get up here. Yeah.
I built him a little throne sohe can watch me do the show

when we're doing it from these thePlanet of the Ape Studios, of the
Planet of the Tape, sorry,Planet of the Tape Studios in Seal Beach.
All right, Chewie, yeah yeah, sit down, Okay, all
right, let's do the box office. If this is how it is,
excellent okay, number one of thebox office this weekend, Mean Girls with

twenty eight million. Number two Thebee Keeper with sixty million. But actually
The Beekeeper won the Box Office InternationalContest because Jason Statham is popular internationally.
They had a wider release and he'sbig in China. Number three, Wanka
Man. That is strong. Howit just keeps hanging in there now with

one hundred and seventy six million,it's just going to be one of the
biggest movies of the year. Butit's kind of last year. Anyone but
you from Sony Pictures number four,Migration, number five, Aquaman, The
Lost Kingdom and the Lost Franchise,they should probably call that number six,

number seven, Nights Whim, numbereight, The Indian Juggernaut, Guntar Ka
Ram number nine, The Boys inthe Boat number ten, The Book of
Clarence Iron Closs. Still hanging aroundthere at number eleven. Now let's go

to let's go back to the top. Because I saw I thought Beekeeper would
do better. So much promotion andstuff. Did you see it? Did
you see anything? No? No, I haven't. Okay, well I
saw Beekeeper yesterday and yeah, it'spretty classic Jason Statham. Maybe we should

go to my my letterbox reviews sowe can we can see what I really
thought of the movies that I sawthis week, and then I won't forget
any because when I go to myletterboxed account, I can go to my
diary and it will remind me ofall the movies that I saw. So
The Beekeeper, what did I say? Oh? Pretty fun movie about a
black alcoholic lesbian with a really badwig whose mom takes her own life to

do to the shame of being scammedby an evil you know, some evil
white a holes. She's conflicted becausethe bee Keeper is running this wildly illegal
revenge game on the a holes.But what's she gonna do? And despite
some cringy moments, I'm glad Iwent to see it. Ah, So

I really thought it was weird thatthe like the the it's the the white
alcohol the black alcoholic lesbian was thewith a bad wig was the like she's
like the co star. It waslike, why does she have to be
an alcoholic? I don't understand that. Was there another substance you would like

for her to use? I'd likeher to be a little more temperate.
But it was a little bit weird. They didn't. There are a lot
of things like that that you're like, why is she an alcoholic? Uh?
Where did this guy come from?Uh? It's still it's good.

You know how these movies work.Jason Statham is like he's a beekeeper,
and that's some kind of code forlike a super high level law enforcement agency
like beyond the CIA and stuff likethat. The beekeepers, when they retire,
they just go and like they keepbees. I guess he does,
and then that keeps them calm andthey just give up their life because they've

you know, they've killed so manypeople with their bare hands that they have
to just you know, decompress fortheir retirement. But if something happens and
he gets dragged back into it,Sam, you better watch out. So
he gets dragged back into it andhe goes nuts, and there's some really
good fights and action. So ifhe like fights, and you know what.

It was the reason why I thoughtit would do much better because I
went to see it at Saturday morning, or like at twelve twenty Saturday noon,
and the place was just about full. Wow, yes, twelve twenty.
So I thought, well, itwas a huge movie. But it's

still number two. That's pretty good. Let's go to the My other letterbox
review from this week is a moviecalled The Lobster. Did you did you
ever get a get a Colin Ferrell, Rachel Weiss? You ever heard this?
Directed by Yourgos Lanthimos? Are youfrom a Are you a fan of

Yorgos Lantimos's work? Orgos Lantimos iswhat I actually put on top of my
kebob last night. Oh, thenyou do know it. Yorgos Lanthimos is
the director of the new movie PoorThings with Emma Stone, and he directed
The Favorite with Emma Stone and OliviaColeman and Rachel Weiss. So these are

this is his orbit, then thereis, Yeah, he's he's a Greek.
A Greek. Yeah, former professionalbasketball basketball player turned director. Anyway,
The Lobster. I will read youmy description of that, well,

I'll just read you the regular one. In a dystopian near future single people,
Okay, you get it. Soit's in the near future, so
everything looks the same as it isnow, but it's a near future.
Single people. According to the lawsof the city, are taken to the
hotel, where they are obliged tofind a romantic partner in forty five days.

If they don't find one, theyare transformed into beasts. At the
beginning, they have to name thebeasts that they're going to be transformed into,
like oh, I'd like to bean elephant, and they're sent off
into the woods. The woods,so they find you find a match,
or you're turned into an animal andyou're sent off into the woods. One

reviewer said, I would like tobe turned into a giant tortoise so I
could watch this movie for one hundredand fifty years. I thought that was
cool. And the dialogue is verystrange, like they It's very stilted and
interesting. It's one person called ita lovely satire of romantic absolutism and fate.

Weird, and it's there's stars init that you would recognize talking weird,
like Olivia Coleman and John c Riley. He's in there being weird.
So my recommendation to them and you, America is too directed by directed by
your ghost Lanthimos before you go seePoor Things, Poor Things. I didn't

go see that because I'm waiting forthe Screen Actors Guild Screeners to be released,
because I think i'd want to seethings that I think the Screen Actors
Guild is not going to honor,Like the bee Keeper. That's worthwhile.
You know, that's okay, it'sgoing to be a worthwhile thing. Go
movie that's worth going to see.I was glad I saw The Beekeeper.

But if I was a girl,maybe I wouldn't want to see it.
If I was a black alcoholic lesbian, I would be offended. Why she
got to be alcoholic? It's pretty? But her wig? What's with wigs
in the movies these days? Sam, They're terrible. The two bad wigs
in this thing it was about.It's about like you know, he's going
to beat up in this movie,the Beekeeper. He's going after telemarketers that

are scamming the elderly. I likethis already, right, not the Nigerian
ones that wouldn't that wouldn't get greenlit. These are just like they have got
the white douchebag down to a science. This this production team, like the
clothing, the the just the stubbleon the face, every detail, the

the massuse and the zen like massuitlike like sound bowls, you know those
kind of like sound therapy bowls likethat's in this office. You know,
the the real douchebec and uh sushi. He's got a sushi chef, a
whole sushi restaurant in the middle ofthe office. They did a really good

job at that. And and andit was more you know, it was
more compelling. You could have Nigerianscam artists, you know, but then
you really wouldn't. He's like,I can't relate to these but when these
people burned alive, they were youhated them more than you would hate the
Nigerian ones or the Russian gangster ones. Uh. These ones were like,

uh, the kind of people youyou probably run into, uh if you
live in Brentwood or something like that. But we don't, so we don't
care. All right, Let's goto a couple of stories I have,
Sam, you might have looked atmy Facebook today, and I have an
article about the Disney Day Drinkers Club. There's a Disney Day Drinkers Club.

Yes, it's it's really based inOrlando because it's you know, Epcot's kind
of started at Epcot because there's alot of people out there that like have
these drink around the world events andthey start drinking at one of the countries
and and all the countries are likethat are honored. There are are like

you know, pitched about this.This lake got an artificial lake and then
all these replicas of countries around it. Mexico, China, Japan, Norway,
Canada, Italy, France. Youknow you've heard of these places.
Yeah, they all have a scene. They all have a like a fine
dining restaurant and then like a casualrestaurant. And then they usually will have

like a department store that was thatwas brought directly from uh I remember those
I got you yes yes Christmas.Those were purchased at a Japanese department store
that is in Epcot, and it'slike, you know, that's a it's
a branch of a real Japanese departmentstore from Japan and so and then they

all have bars so you can drinkaround the whole world. And if you
I've tried it, you know onceafter a while you just get trashed.
When I was younger, I didit and I was so trashed. Ended
up in the fountain out front,you know because it's really hot. Yeah,
I'm out there sometimes in the summer. Human down in that fountain.

Other vandals were all in the fountainand The thing about Florida, nobody cares
you're in the fountain. They're allin there too. Anaheim. You're going
to get arrested something. But inFlorida there's less security, there's less you
know, discipline in the employees becausethey don't have They cannot get the employees
that we can get out here becauseeverybody, like you know, lives Disneyland

is in the middle of all theseswamp You have to go, where do
you find these people? They're livingout on the other side of the swamps
where Disney doesn't own the land.It's hard. So you have to be
patient when you're at disney World becauseit's not going to be the rigid,
well oiled machine that Disneyland is inAnaheim. That's my opinion. Some people
might disagree. But anyway, theyhave this drinking club and they're having a

feud now with the Epcot because theirlogo for their club was a trash can
that was over by the English pubin Epcot. I guess they love this
trash can, so they started todeify this trash can and even and one
of their members is a Roman Catholicpriest who blessed the trash can in a
formal ceremony, trash can is named. So they've been having a problem with

everybody coming around taking pictures around thetrash can and blocking the entrance to the
Crown Pub or whatever it's called.So they move the trash can, and
then they moved it again, andthey don't know what to do. So
here's one of the reasons why thisis still a feud going on. One
of the reasons. And they're onFacebook too. You can join them if
you have to know your stuff,like they ask you a few questions.

Can't just be some lurker. Butthey interesting thing about this trash can or
this group. A lot of Disneylandgroups they will put their you know,
Disney logos on their stuff or Disney. I mean, that's a trash can.
There's some art on it. Arguablyit belongs to Disney. And they're

not mad at their T shirts ortheir uniforms. They're just mad that they're
clogging up these passageways by drinking.And they all put their drinks on top
of this trash can too. It'slike their favorite place to set their drinks
on it. So you know,oh, you know, because now we're

looking silly, Yeah, and it'sgood for Disneyland probably or for Epcot at
least, so they I'm interested.It's always find interesting that Disney will look
the other way with some of theirtheir intellectual property, or they even work
with groups like if you go toBats Day at Disneyland, Sam, I
don't know if you've ever been tothat. It's the goth celebration of Gothic

dark subcultures that they have never beenthere that I didn't even know it was
a thing, but yeah, Ican imagine like many mouse coming in all
gothic and stuff. That's interesting.Yeah, yeah, I don't know if
think go that far, but it'sa thing. In fact, I'm glad
you called it a thing, becauseI think it was the first thing that
was called the thing when people werecalling things a thing. Goth. You
ever heard of Goth Day at Disneyland. Oh, it's a thing, and

I think it's may really fun.But they let this guy make mouse hears
that are goth mouth heres and hesells them and they did Goth Day at
the park. He doesn't say Disneylandon his merchandise Goth Day at the Park,
but it's clear. I mean they'remouse hears but he makes them into

bats. That's pretty interesting. Yeah, and so that's even though sometimes we
think of Disneyland as trademark bullies runningout, you know, sending letters to
guys that are just putting a MickeyMouse tattoo on someone. They really,
you know, I think they theywork with people, so I think they're

going to end up working with theday drinkers. But for now, they
moved their trash. Can they wantit back? Okay, let's see what
else we got. Oh, you'regonna like this one. Okay. They
give awards for television and it's theEmmys, right. Yeah. The ESPN
has now got busted and people havefought, got fired, and heads have

rolled because ESPN was rigging this systemand using fake names to secure Emmys for
the on air talent of College GameDay. Wow, yeah he could win.
Here's how the scam went. Whena show wins an Emmy, they

don't give an Emmy to the onair talent like the same way. If
you win Best Picture, Sam,let's say you were the star of the
Godfather. Let's see your name's MarlonBrando. Godfather wins Best Picture. Does
Marlon Brando get an Oscar No hegets an island, gets an island,
something like that. But the oscargoes to the producer of the movie.

That's just the way it works.He produced the movie, the producer of
that movie my good friend already,he gets it. Does the director get
it? No, the producer getsit. Okay, So when a TV
show's made, the producers get it. So and the Emmys are like,
they're kind of a money making thing, I think. So, Like they
say, like, oh, giveus a list of your production staff and

then you can buy an Emmy forevery single one of them. So okay,
So every associate producer on up getsan Emmy, and that's nice for
them, But no emmys go tothe talent because the talent would have to
earn an Emmy individually and as aas a host and on air personality,

and that is much harder. Sohere you have a show that you're the
executive producer for, the showrunner orwhatever, and everybody's getting Emmys except for
the stars. Okay, who's goingto have a tantrum and make your life
hell? The stars? The stars? So what do they do? They
started putting fake names on the productionlist. Extra Emmys were rolling in and
they're paying, I don't know,you pay like a couple grand for these

extra statues. And then they wouldtake off the fake names on the plate
in front of them, engrave newplates with the on air talents names on
them. You can glue them onthere and give them to them. And
these guys said, they've just kindof walk in their office one day they'd
be an Emmy and congratulations, youscored an Emmy at this last night.

The scam did not go on forever. I don't know, it's so funny.
These people think this is gonna like, you know, they're not gonna
get caught. I mean, aslong as they're not like, you know,
taking the plate off of it andthen just like scratching it with a
knife. You know this person's name, Well still it's it's it's unethical.
Nonetheless, Sam so all these andthey would put fake names on it that

were kind of like their names,like Kirk Herbstreit. His name in the
in the production list was Kirk HenryDesmond. Howard's name was Dirk Howard.
That's funny. Stephen Ponder's name wasSam Ponder. That kind of stuff.
It was, yeah, all right, So, I mean I get it.

It's probably one of the least egregiouscrimes or as scandals that that I've
heard of in a while. Yeah, that one just sounds like just tom
foolery that hurts nobody except you know, whoever's making a statue gets an extra
couple of grand from fake name.It's yeah, I would say, I'm
not going to I don't think itshould have been fired. But you know

who did get fired is Nigel Litko, the creator of So You Think you
Can Dance, an American idol andall that stuff. You heard about that
because he says Paul Abdul says thathe assaulted her on several occasions, and
she's actually filed a lawsuit December twentyninth, and you know everyone's investigating it.

See. But in the meantime,he was a judge on So You
Think You Can Dance, and theytook him off the air. So he's
he said, he's going to dedicatehis life to as you say here,
it's going to dedicate his time andeffort to clearing his name and looking for

the killers, the true killers ofOJ. Good for him, the true
killers of OJ's of Nicole Simpson andki O Kaitler, I shouldn't joke like
that, but I don't know.Okay, I got I got one last
thing here, all right, GeorgeCarlin, have you seen the AI comedy

special on YouTube? No? No, there's a okay, I got to
watch this. Okay, So there'sa lot not a lawsuit, you wonder,
but because his daughter Kelly Carlin ismad and she's saying, how dare
you? You can't do that?So what someone did is they made a
new comedy special using his voice.You know, you've heard the voices on

the internet of you know that theycan do. So this is a it's
billing itself as a George George Carlincomedy special, and I'm it's called I'm
Glad I'm dead. He's very Iknow it sounds very Carlin esk when you
listen to it, and you can, I would put I was going to

record it and play it right now, you know, for for our audience.
But there's so many cusswords in it. I don't want to. I
don't feel like, you know,making you bleep them out. So anyway,
all you do is just look upGeorge Carlin AI and you'll see that
I'm glad I'm dead special, andyou know, it sounds just like him.
The jokes are like his. They'realmost as good. You know,

maybe they're not as good, butthey're almost And all right, he explains
before it starts, this is notGeorge Carlin, it's an AI. He
goes it, it's me imitating GeorgeCarlin, and this is it. So
how does he get to do this? Sam? The family's mad, everybody's

mad, all the comedians are mad. And this guy's allegedly making money.
He had you know how many howmany He's got seventy thousand subscribers, four
hundred thousand views as of five daysago. You know, I don't know

if that he's maybe not making afortune, but he's making some money off
of possibly making some money off ofGeorge Carlin's name arguably. So does that
sound closer to you? That's inthat gray area. I've seen so many
celebrities having AI recreate their voices orimages and come up with some entertaining stuff.

But it could be stuff that isgoing to be offensive, or you
know, the family themselves may notbe cool with them using their likeness.
But this is kind of the groundthat we now walk on and we're trying
to figure out if legally they're goingto have themselves covered. Well, I
would say that it's still a YouTube. Hasn't taken it down, it's not

a they have determined it's not acopyright violation. It is somebody imitating George
carl Would it be legal for youto go on YouTube and say, here's
my George Carland impersonation and you starttelling jokes like you know? That'd be
legal? Right? Yeah? Forsure? Yeah? I mean they go
right to go. I'm gonna imitateGeorge Carlin. How dare you? You

can't do that? Shut you down, I throw you in jail. So,
in essence, this is a guyimitating George Carlin, and that's what
he calls it. I'm imitating GeorgeCarlin. It's not George Carlin. It's
me. I'm doing George Carlin,and I'm putting it through an AI filter
to make it sound like George Carlin. And if I was really good,
if I was rich little, Iwould sound exactly like George Carlin. So

maybe it's not illegal. Maybe it'sjust a free speech issue, the parody.
But there is some can you knowsome? There there is some And
when you look at the images onthem. It's the images are not of
George Carlin. They're of things thathe's commenting on. And they're all AI

drawings too. You can tell thatthey could die. It's a few photographs.
You know, he's commenting on thingsand he's they're showing pictures on So
it might sturbing for the family.But as far as winning a lawsuit against
the s guy, you'd have tothey might. Sometimes you got Gavin Newsom

would be a guy who would go, we're gonna make a law against this,
and there would be another law inCalifornia, So you could see someone
in California for something like this.I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if that didhappen. That's what I meant to
say. All right, and thisguy's selling merchandise, but he's not selling
George Carlin merchandise. Now if hehas a tea shirt that says George Carlin

Comedy Special, now you can't dothat. Yeah, So well, well
this is gonna be around. Likeyou said, we gonna be dealing with
this for a long time. Andspeaking of a long time, I think
we've been here a long time andwe're gonna wrap it up, and I
will let you know that I havea couple of things coming up. Maybe

you're interested in The Sweet and TenderHooligans, the tribute to Morrissey and the
Smiths that I do play bassin isplaying at the House of Blues Anaheim this
Saturday, and some upcoming shows atthe Tearground Ballroom and the Kasbo and San
Diego Kasbar has already sold out,but you can still get tickets to the

House of Blues and Anaheim and theTearground Bumber. So I'll see you there,
and I will now leave you withjust a taste of the greatest song
ever written.
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