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December 14, 2023 16 mins
Joe got pre-empted by NFL football, so he's bringing you an emergency edition of the podcast. This week: Godzilla may have not won in the box office, but it certainly won over Joe Escalante's heart.
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Episode Transcript

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Joe Escalante Live from Hollywood. ByHollywood, you mean Burbank with the Business
End of Show Business every Friday fromfive to seven on k EIB eleven fifty
on year Am Radio Dial. Andthis week we were preempted by the NFL.
So this is a little mini podcastepisode with a few things that I

wanted to go over. First.I have two crazy Hollywood types battling over
coffee that we might as well talkabout. This is crazy. Yellowstone creator
Taylor Sheridan is. You know,he's like one of the most powerful people
in Hollywood. He's maybe one ofthe richest, I'd say, one of

the top five richest people in television. And Sheridan has a coffee it's called
Bosque Ranch, named after the filminglocation for Yellowstone and his other show eighteen
eighty three. So he filed alawsuit in Texas Federal court against another coffee

company called Free Rain Coffee, andhe said their logos are too similar.
Go to my Facebook page to lookat the logos. Okay, so Boss
Ranch, it's got a brand likea cowboy brand, you know, it's
not very original cowboy brand. Andthen the one he sued is called Free
Rain Okay, free rain not avery similar title at all, but it's

also represented by a brand. Sothe brand does have an R that is
a brand R, but doesn't reallylook like there are I think it's different
enough. But he assuming you sayhe's too similar? Now, can you
not have a brand use a cattlebrand for your logo for coffee? Because

he did? There might be othercoffees with cattle brands, and I'm sure,
I'm sure there are, And that'swhat I would do if I was
defending this, I would I wouldfind all the other coffees that use a
brand as their logo, and Iam sure there are. I mean,
that's what you're gonna have to doto defend this cases. Do some research,
find another brand, and then gotell the court. Look, all

these people have used the brands cattlebrands as logos and they're different letters.
So are you saying, do wewant to live in a world judge where
we can where just because Taylor Sheridanis using a brand for his coffee that
nobody can ever use a brand fora logo for their cattle brand that makes

any sense? I don't think youwant to live in that world, Chewy,
do you want to live in thatworld. No, he doesn't want
to live in that world. Sohere's what's a little bit interesting. Here's
the twist. Why am I talkingabout this? Well, Taylor Sheridan is
very rich and very powerful. Whydoes he care so much? Okay,
you thought he was? He heuh, maybe it's just really important.

Okay. The guy who owns FreeRain Coffee is a guy named Cole Hauser.
He's one of the stars of Yellowstone. So somehow he filed the lawsuit
against one of his actors instead offiguring it out and working it out or
just letting it go. How muchmoney in coffee is that going to cost

him? How much? How muchis he going to what is going to
happen? He's gonna lose some coffeebusiness? Oh we all know he's not.
But let's say he did. Whatlet's put a number on it.
How much you're gonna lose? Idon't know. I might lose one hundred
dollars, one hundred thousand dollars.Okay, come on, how much money
do you make? Why would you? Why would somebody with that much money,

Why wouldn't they just want to enjoylife spend their money instead of filing
lawsuits where you have to go totrial and take depositions and beat posed.
He's nuts. Okay, something wrongwith this guy, cole Houser. You
know, he's just an actor.He's not making one tenth of what the

other guy's making. He could probablyuse some coffee income, and he's using
his status as a Western actor toyou know, get in the coffee business.
Cowboys love coffee. So this one'skind of gross. But these happened
all the time. There was onerecently filed against a woman who was making

Luke Comb's tumblers. Okay, shemade these handmade drink tumblers. She made
eighteen of them, and she wassued and then there was a two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars judgment against herand in Florida, probably because she didn't

show up or couldn't even afford alawyer, so there was just a judgment
entered against her. And I haven'tseen the tumblers, but I'll take the
article's word for it that it's gotLuke Comb's image on it. Now here's
the problem with this one. LukeHolbs didn't know about this, so he
probably licensed his merchandise rights to somebodyand then they are out, you know,

vigorously protecting the mark from infringers sothat they can make more and more
money. It looks like they wenta little too far. They didn't nobody
told Luke Combs, and when hefound out about it, he had to
read about it. He got furious, and he he's raising money, raising

money. She had done. Sheearned three hundred and eighty dollars for these
these tumblers, not cheap, andnow he's raising money for her because he's
so embarrassed. So the lesson hereis talk with your trademark attorneys and let
them know what you're comfortable with,and say, hey, some things are
just gonna let go. Some thingswe can go after. Let me know

if you're going after someone, becauseit's my name on there. I don't
want someone to think Luke Combs asa trademark bully. And that's how the
vandals do it. I mean,I get if somebody does a parody of
the Vandal's logo. They happen allthe time. I see them in urban
outfitters other stores, and I letthose go because it's not hurting my it's

not costing me any money, andI think. I think it actually makes
us look cool because our logo isso iconic that people are creating parodies of
it. So I let those go. If somebody's making t shirts and putting
them on the web, I don'tlet those go. If they're same logos
or whatef, they're just they don'tlook any like any kind of an indie

thing. I don't let those go. But everybody in the band knows,
hey, look or defending our markand we're small. But Luke Combs doesn't
want to look that way. TaylorSheridan shouldn't look that way. But it
looks like Taylor Sheridan is the onewho filed the lawsuit. Shame on him.
All right, let's go to themovies. What happened in the movies
this week? Let's go to thebox office? Box office as number one

is The Boy and the Hair On. That is the supposedly the final movie
from the Studio Ghibli. I thinkthat's how you said, do you know
Studio Ghibli? Studio Ghibli is likeSpirited Away in Kiki's Delivery Service. Those
are some Japanese anime movies that ifyou haven't seen them, you should see.

Every one of them, this oneis the final one, so there's
a lot of celebrities in the cast, like Florence Pugh. Oh, Florence
Peugh once again. Even her voiceis beautiful, So I'm definitely going to

go see The Boy and the HairOn. And number one, I don't
think I've ever seen a studio Ghiblimovie from Japan enter the box office charts
at number one, so congratulations tothem. And number two Hunger Games The
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes directed byFrancis Lewis, director of the upcoming Sublime

biopic that I'll be telling you moreabout because I can tell you now.
I am the manager of the newversion of Sublime, with Jacob Nole,
son of Bradley Nole, on thevocals, and with my partner Kevin Singer,
and we are managing the catalog,the film rights, the merchandise,

the marijuana, the be or everything. And there's a movie coming out directed
by this guy from sus Lewis andwritten by Chris Mundy from Ozark and produced
by the Peter Chernan Company, amongothers. Now Godzilla minus one, number
three, we'll talk about that ina second. Trolls Band Together. Number

four Renaissance, a film by Beyonce. Number five, number six Wish the
Disney movie. Number seven Napoleon.I haven't seen it yet, still want
to see it. Number eight Waitressthe musical I'm in. Number nine Animal,
and number ten The Shift. Thatis one of those Christian Ish Angel

Studios movies. All right, chewChewie wants to sit down, Oka,
so you sit down or he wantsoff the table. Actually, I have
a throne for in my studio forChewie. He sits up there, but
then he gets tired of ruling theplanet and then he wants to move.
Okay, So let's go back toGodzilla minus one. Saw that in the
theater. I recommend it highly.It's about this guy named Koichi who has

some kind of survivor's guilt in Japan. First of all, this is a
Japanese movie. It's in all Japanesesubtitles American subtitles, and it's not one
white person in the movie. It'sall Japanese people. It's authentic Godzilla.
So this guy's got survivor's guilt becausehe's a Kama Kazi pilot and he can't

seem to just dive into something andkill himself because he's a bad kama Kazi
pilot. So he stops at thisisland for repairs where they can repair in
the Pacific, where they repair JapaneseCompai Kazi pilots. And then they start
telling them, hey, there's nothingwrong with your plane. Maybe there's something
wrong with you though, and thenGodzilla attacks and then they say, okay,

you're no good at being a kamiKazi, but that plane has some
guns in it. Why don't youfire those guns at Godzilla while we hide
over here because we don't have anyguns, we're just mechanics. And then
he gets behind the plane and hecan't pull the trigger. This is not
spoilers alert. This is like whatsets the action in places, the fact

that he can't pull the trigger,he can't kill Godzilla. Everybody dies except
for him. And then he goeson back to his hometown where he's so
depressed, and his hometown is likeravaged by American bombing raids. So he
and then they see him and theygo, wait, weren't you a Kamakazi
pilot. Yes, well, whenyou see a Kamakazi pilot, he's already

gone on his mission and he's walkingaround willy nilly. You know, he
didn't do what he was supposed todo. So in Japan they shamed him
for that. I mean, peoplelike you and me might go like,
good for you, that was ridiculous, but in Japan he was shamed.
And then he gets involves some peoplethat say they're going to go after Godzilla
because Godzilla is about to attack.They figured out he's going to attack the

Ginza and he's gonna he's in fact, he does attack the Ginza, but
he's gonna attack everything else and he'sgoing to destroy all of Tokyo. So
they get together and they're gonna goafter him, and then it just becomes
a fun Godzilla movie, and it'sdoesn't it's it's a simple Godzilla movie.
The special effects are very very good, but it doesn't go over the top.

But there's you know, buildings aresmashed, trains are you know,
bitten and thrown, all that kindof stuff you want to see. And
the music is great. They evidentlythey use some of the old Godzilla music
from Aquira ifukoobis now iconic a Gojitascore. I have that on vinyl.
By the way, I guess I'ma NERD five. It's just got like

ten piece vinyl set of Godzilla movies. If you want to come over,
we could put it on the turntableand listen to it. But anyway,
it's a simple Godzilla movie that istrying to kind of take you back to
the original monster movie of Japan feeling, and they nailed it. And he

doesn't feel like a Transformers movie likesome of them got into that territory.
This is a pure Godzilla movie,so much fun. I really strongly recommend
you go see Godzilla minus one.All right, let's see what else I

got before we get out of here. I got some celebrities but behaving badly
that we'll leave on. And it'sJohn Majors. Jonathan Majors, you know,
the guy from ant Man. Ohand was ant Man and the was
Quantum Mania and some other Marvel stuff. And he's just one of the best
actors working today. But violence againsthis girlfriend, so he was arrested.

He's on trial, and the ongoingtrial caused the Manhattan's Attorney's office to release
some text messages and some audio.It's not good. He's telling his girlfriend
to not go to the police ornot go to the hospital because the last
questions about him, then you kindof see what a narcissist he is,

because he's telling her that, likethis is important if a woman is going
to you know, the woman thatthat is going to be with me has
to be a certain kind of woman. I've seen. This is like a
pattern with these people. If youwant to be a woman, if you
want to be with me, youhave to be a special kind of woman.
They can handle the beatings, thenarcissism. Yeah, he's telling her

she has to be more like CorettaScott King and Michelle Obama. And it's
not pretty. I think he doesn'twork again. That's my belief because what
these the mistake these people make becausenot only do they do these these heinous
acts against women like Bill Cosby,is then they fight it and then they

say no, I didn't and I'mgoing to get these lawyers, the lawyers.
At some point you got to tellyour lawyers to shut up, and
you got to like, hey,I'm really sorry, and then take your
lumps, donate a millions of dollarsto women's charities and you might get to
work again. It's like I've saidover and over, Bill Cosby could have

worked if he just said I didthis and give all his money, all
his money to a charity, andso he has none, he's living on
Social Security. Then take a job. Now you have a little bit of
money. Then take another job.Now you got more money. Now you're
kind of a hero. Get abig payday because people want to see you,

but they just want to know thatyou're sorry. Instead, these people
listen to their lawyers and they fighteverything. And look at Loluke Combs.
His lawyers are running around suing peoplehe doesn't even know. I guarantee Taylor
Sheridan's lawyers said this same thing,like, we gotta sue this guy.
You just gotta assume. You justgotta assume him, you know, do
that, you call him up,you figure it out. But these lawyers
get crazy. Trust me, Iknow anyway, if your lawyer tells you

to do something in the legal world, there's a really good chance that there's
a better way to do it.And get on the phone with these people.
I'll just leave you with that anduh, the just a taste of
the greatest song ever written, andwe'll see you again on Sunday. Joste from Halloween
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