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November 29, 2023 39 mins
Joe Escalante's weekly dip into the shark infested business end of showbiz. This week: the latest from the box office and Joe's weekly movie picks. Also, Hall & Oates are no more, thanks to Daryl Hall's restraining order against John Oates. And more and more musicians are getting taken to court for being naughty with their female fans. Diddy and Axl Rose might be in trouble...
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Joe Escomante live from Hollywood, ifby Hollywood you mean Burbank across the street
from a Wiener Snitzel that serves beer. We are live this week, Sunday,
November twenty sixth, and uh,we're not prevented. We're not preempted
by NFL today, right, Sam, No, we got a show.
This is nice, Okay. Sosometimes you turn this station on and you

hear an NFL game and you think, is Joe announcing? This is Joe
the kicker? You know, isSam the manager, the water boy or
a cheerleader. No, you arethe league leader in Sachson my Fantasy League.
Thanks you, Saka Jawilla exactly,suffering zacotash. Okay. So we're

gonna get it on with the twohours of the business end of show business
that we do every Sunday here onKiB and it is also broadcast all over
the world on iHeartRadio, so youcan always listen to this anywhere, even
if you're not in your car listeningto AM radio. And then later in
the evening, Sam puts together apodcast version of the show. If you

like podcasts, I like podcast Ihave a new podcast, Sam. Let's
let's start off talking about that.Just a little quick recommendation. Then we're
gonna get to new pod recommendation.It's called The Rest is History, and
it's two British guys just do history. That's it. But it's very well
done. They're enjoyable and it putsme to sleep after one second. Yeah,

that's the thing. A British accentwill make anything sounds more just so
much better and more sophisticated. Yeah, way better. So, uh I
The Rest is History. I recommendthat I'm listening to The Fall of the
Aztecs, which is fast. Ilistened to each episode like two or three
times. It's that good. Nowpart also because I fall asleep and then

I have to go back to thebeginning. Let's get into the meat of
the show. The meat of theshow is, you know, the business
end of Hollywood, and man,there's some business going on in the music
business right now. There's a lotof rapes that are being accused. But
here's a restraining order between two belovedmusic characters, Daryl Hall filing a restraining

order against John Oates. Can youbelieve that, Sam? What is the
work coming? Yet? I've seenthem live twice and this breaks my heart
right, it breaks your heart.It's a heartbreaking story. So we don't
know a lot because the complaint issecret. But Hall filed the complaint against
Oates on November sixteenth, as wellas a motion for a temporary restraining order.

Now to me, that's like ifyou so's he he thinks of him
as a threat. If sometimes you'rewatching Daryl Hall and you think he should
pay a little more attention to thislittle man with a mustache behind him,
you know, on stage, likehe's creeping around, Like what's he doing
back there? You should be careful. Now we know there's some suspicions.

They cracked jokes at each other duringtheir live shows. It was pretty funny
they do. Yeah, one ofthem, like Oates, was saying,
you know, just looking at thiscrowd, it makes me realize how great
my career and I might I reallythink I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
And then Darryl Hall pops and it'slike you could be me, Okay,

I get it. Well, somethinglike if this was a what do
you call it? A A nota restraining order, but an injunction.
Normally people would say I want tofile an injunction against against Oates from forming

songs that I wrote. That wouldbe understandable. You might say, I
think he's misleading the public that they'regonna they're going to a show and they're
going to see Darryl Hall. Ifhe says he wrote kiss on my list,
he doesn't want John Oates playing,it would be a hard restraining order
because anybody is allowed to play anybody'smusic. But sometimes a court will will

grant an injunction against performing certain songsif there has been some misleading advertisement,
like if it said John and Halland Oates are playing and it was only
Oates. Hall could file an injunctionto get him to stop playing those songs

because it would be misleading to thepublic. But a restraining order is usually
don't come within two hundred yards ofme. So that is is if I
play a solo show at the HollywoodBowl, I don't want to have to
keep looking over my shoulder to seeif he's If there he is, you

know, poop, there's John Oates. There's a little mustache, those big
mustaches a body. So this iswhy it's so intriguing, because what is
it? And it's a mystery rightnow, So we don't really know,
so we will move on. Say, um, unless you have further comment
on your your is too. AllI know is I'm wearing my Oats mustache

shirt in tribute in solidarity with Oats. Good for you, Good for you.
Okay. So there's some other musicnews that you might have been hearing
about, and I'm like, shouldyou pay attention to this? Is this?
I think this is kind of afalse flag issue of the government.
You know, they just issued asubpoena against ticket Master over egregious concert prices.

This keeps happening, and they keephauling these guys in front of the
lawmakers and you know, asking themabout their fees and all that stuff.
But why because the concert tickets areso much more expensive than they used to
be. Sam, have you triedto buy a concert ticket lately? No,
No, I've seen my bank account. That ain't happening, right,

Well, I mean it used tobe like a big deal was thirty five
dollars including ticket fees. Now it'sthirty five hundred. Yeah. No,
I've seen the cost of a bigMac lately. Yeah, that ain't happening.
The sixteen dollars McDonald's value meal Godto love it. Yeah, okay,

so what should we are there villainsin the concert business that are that
are driving up these ticket prices.And my answer, and my quick answer
to you is this is largely awaste of time. Concert tickets are high
price because artists charge a lot.It's it, okay, they charge a

lot. And you know what,if people like Taylor Swift didn't charge a
lot, you could argue that theblack market prices would go up just as
high because the market is accepting thesehigh prices. So you could be like

the cure and say we're only goingto charge a low price. And then
there has to be a thumbprint ora digital ID connected to each ticket,
and then everybody, no one cantransfer the ticket and you you got to
show your thumbprint when you get therethat you want to bought the ticket,
and then that until the hackers canfake time. What I had to give

a DNA sample last time. WhenI'm not talking about your recent arrest,
I'm talking about just uh, justyou know, going to going to see
concerts. Each time I got inthis segment, Oh, we got about
a minute here, okay, Sowhat do you need to know about this?
My advice is don't pay attention toit. If they're hauling a concert

promoter in front of a jury,change the channel and watch Naked and Afraid,
because this is just politicians trying todo something because what is the hottest
subject in America right now? TaylorSwift tickets. So now they're doing something
about it, and they can distractfrom the things they're not doing and the

list. I won't even go intothe list because you just pick your favorite
pet projects that they're not working on. That's what they're not doing, and
they're going after the people who arepreventing you from seeing Taylor Swift as many
times as you want to see her. Okay, when we come back,
we will talk about the box office. I think having a pretty good Thanksgiving

weekend and a lot of movies out. Its crowded. I went a couple
of times, and you can alsosee Taylor Swift at the movie theater as
well. So we'll take a breakand check the traffic and then back more
of Joe Aesclante Life from Hollywood,Joe Escalante Life from Hollywood. But Hollywood
you mean Burbank. Hey, Iwant to express some sorrow for the passing

of Marty Croft this week. MartyCroft, the partner of Sid and Marty
Croft that are most notable for justamazing Saturday morning shows like that Hr Puff
and Stuff, The Buggaloos, Liddsville, Sigmund and the Sea Monster and the
Land of the Lost, which wasjust a masterpiece and Saturday Mornings, I

mean a masterpiece. We talked aboutMarty Croft. He's so popular and his
brother Sid that and they're so creativeand so original that McDonald's had to pay
them when they if we're admitting theycopied their character, you know, look
and feel and everything for the Mayormccheese mcdonaldan campaign in the seventies. Then

they had a hit called Mutton Stuff. Recently on Nickelodeon. They did variety
shows like The Brady Bunch Hour,Donnie Marie, Bay City Rollers, just
legends. And I got to workwith Marty. Not said so much.
He would pop into the office everyonce in a while, but Marty,

he was he I don't know.He thought I had something and he invited
me to work on a few thingswith him and it was super fun.
I did The Banana Splits, areboot of The Banana Splits in about nineteen
or two thousand, you know,four or five years ago or something,

and it was just great to workwith him. Being a room with him,
what a privilege. I first methim when I was at sea BS
Television in nineteen ninety three, andbecause I was well behaved, my boss
would take me to every lunch thathe had, and so I got to
go to lunches with people like MartyKroft. I would you know. I
would tell him I was sow intothese Saturday morning shows and he goes,

hey, I know, Marty Kroft, we can go to lunch. So
we would go to lunch. Hedgo to lunch just for my benefit.
So I could just pick Marty Croft'sbrain and ask him about, you know,
the Land of the Lost Costumes,where are they now? All kinds
of stuff like that. And thenand then I reconnected with him later when
I started writing for TV, andhe was very sympathetic. So rest in

peace, Marty Kroft. He hassurvived by his brother Sid, who has
a very amazing Instagram. He doeslive instagrams on Sundays like three pm,
and he has guests and he talksabout the good old days. So if
you want to know more about sidand Marty Kroft's Marty still around and you

got to pay attention to people likethat while they're still around. All right,
let's go to some Hollywood bad boysstuff. Oh no, before we
get in the bad boys transition,that'll be in the next segment, we're
gonna talk about the box office.And you know what, Marty Krofft is
no stranger to the box office.He produced a Puff and Stuff feature that

was incredible, such a great movie. So if you I forgot what it's
called or whatever, but if youif you google the hr Puff and Stuff
feature film, that's worth revisiting anytime. Okay, So in the box office,
what do we have here? Sam? Did you see anything? Uh?

No, I actually rewatched into theSpider Across the Spider Verse. It's
out the first one of the seconds, and I got caught up on a
lot of the things that I missedthe first time I saw it. But
is that the first one Spider versussecond one? That's the second one?
Yeah, that was a great movie. I'm seeing the first one. And
when you go more in depth oncertain characters and you get to see a

lot of the hidden details in someof the scenes. It really foreshadows a
lot of the stuff that's going tobe coming up in the next movie.
Just wait until after you get agirlfriend, because if you do that before
you get a girlfriend, you willnever get a girlfriend. So it is
just a grea you no one whowants to watch it. You don't want
that one, uh you, Soyou got to just prioritize. Okay.
Number one at the box office thisweekend, second weekend in a row,

The Hunger Games, The Ballad ofSongbirds and Snakes gros seeing twenty eight million
for a total of ninety eight million. And that's an expensive movie. It's
going to need to get a lotmore income to pay for itself. But
I saw if you like Hunger Games, it's for you. If you're like
me and you don't care, andJennifer Lawrence isn't in it, and you're

it's not as much in there foryou. But it's a fine film,
very well made. And I mean, I know people in the right demographic
that that by Thanksgiving had already seenit twice. It's that good. They've
seen it. I think it wasup on streaming. They My daughter watched
it twice this weekend that's what I'mtalking about. Once is not enough for

these kids. So that's a success. Creative success is a business successor he
means to be. I couldn't geta ticket. I'm used to going to
the movies and no one's there.I thought you dropped out for about a

half second. Oh, I droppedout for about a half second. Yeah,
just pick up the thoughts where youleft it off Napoleon, start before
Napoleon. At the end of Iguess we've we missed like the last thought
that you had on the okay,okay, so before we get to the

number two. My final thought onthe Hunger Games is that if you're a
kid in that genre, you're gonnawant to see it not just once,
but twice in the first week.It's that creatively, it's it's a creative
success. Business. I don't knowyet. Napoleon not a business success,
but I haven't seen it. Iwent to go see it, Sam,

and the movies were all the ticketswere gone. Really yeah, so I
had to see another movie, whichI'll talk about the box office, you
know, at the cinema and HuntingtonBeach that I go to. It was
it was crazy and good for them. I was a good feeling. I
don't mind being full, and Ihave to go, you know, see

it another day because I just wantthe movies to survive, because I want
these theaters to survive, and Iwant them to have enough employees to clean
every bathroom stall. That's part ofmy wish. Speaking of wish and toilets,
the Disney movie Wish have you.We talked about this last week.
I heard bad things about it fromevery direction. You said you heard good

things, anything else, No,I wish. I haven't heard anything about
just mixed reviews, nothing necessarily goodor bad. There was a different movie
that we were talking about last weekthat it was the new marvel movie,
the Marvel's movie, The Marvels.You're absolutely right, Okay, so Wish.

I heard bad things, and yeah, it remains to be seen.
I haven't seen it. Trolls bandtogether. I don't need to see another
troll movie in my entire Life's notgoing to do it. Yeah, No,
the kids don't even want to seeit. No doing okay. At
the box office Thanksgiving Horror Film numberfive, number six, The Marvel's number

seven, The Holdovers number eight,Taylor Swift number nine, five nights at
Freddy number ten. The movie Isaw and I will give you a little
review of it right now, whichis Saltburn. I saw the ads for
this, I haven't seen it,but oh yeah, this one looks very
interesting. Yes, Saltburn is abouta guy who's Barry Keegan or whatever.

You remember him from that Irish moviewhere the fingers got chopped off. Yes,
he's struggling to find his place atOxford University, which is beautiful.
Every bit is beautiful as what's thatplace where the Harry Potter kids go to
Hogwarts? Hogwarts? Every bit isbeautiful as Hogwarts. So he's finds himself

drawn to this very charming guy whois played by Jacob Alardi or Lardi was
the guy that played Elvis and Priscilla. So that guy's got two big movies
in the box office right now.He's the star of Tomorrow. Barry Keegan
amazing actor. So there's a manyamazing performances in this movie that you got
to see. He's invited to acastle because he's like a rich guy with

a cat, and things get nuts. It's kind of a cross between Downtown
Abbey and Chuck and Buck and Parasiteso fascinating. Yes, I mean thousand
percent recommendation on Saltburn, and itprobably won't be in theaters long, so

go see it as soon as youcan. And if you like the Prisilla
movie, and you like that Elvisthe Stars and movies of that ilk and
it's directed by the female Emerald I'dlike to say female because her name is
Emerald, and you know she's nota famous chef, Emerald Fennel, who
directed a promising young lady, awoman. You're promising, woman, promising,

don't know what that was, uhso definitely worth worth seeing. Promising
Hi woman. Yes, and she'swon an Oscar for her screenplay and I'm
seeing a woman, so there's noslouches in this thing. The cast is
incredible, so you're gonna want tosee Saltburn. The other movie I saw

this week was Priscilla. I reallyenjoyed Priscilla. Before you go to deep,
let's take a commercial. Let's comeback. Joe Scalante Live from Hollywood.
Joe Lescalante Live from Hollywood. Ifby Hollywood you mean Burbank. So
we rounded out the box office andthe number ten is the movie I saw

Priscilla. Have you seen Priscilla,Sam No, I have not. Now.
Priscilla is not a big movie likethe Elvis, the Baz Luhrman Elvis
movie was. It is a smallmovie. It's an A twenty four movie.
So A twenty four movies have theirown kind of feel and they don't
get as much box office, butthey usually always make money and a lot

of people will go see a moviejust because it comes from the distributor or
studio A twenty four. This oneis just a super edgy version of the
Elvis story because it's the story ofa fourteen year old girl who meets Elvis
and ends up, you know,marrying him, not soon after, you
know, a couple of years.But she's, uh, it's just like

it's a little creepy, and thenthere's a there's a moment when you're like,
whoa, this does not make Elvislook good. But as it goes,
I mean, there's the it's likewarts and all. And she wrote
the book Priscilla that the movie wasbased on, so this is her story.

And I have a friend, wehave a mutual friend, Priscilla and
I have a mutual friend, closefriend. And she went to the premiere
and she talked to her afterwards,and she said, it seemed like you
didn't have any fun during that wholeperiod, I mean, like no fun
at all. Do you have anyfun? And she said, yeah,

I had some fun. So whenyou see it, don't be too sad,
because she also had some fun.But some times, you know,
she's kind of like a a theyou know, the princess in the castle.
She can't do anything. Elvis isout with Aunt Margaret and who knows
who, and she just sits thereand has to read the headlines. Colonel

Tom Parker doesn't want her in theway, and Elvis is a is a
playboy, but he wants to keepher pure back home like a plaything.
And it's I hear my dog hascome to Burbank. Hey, chiwie,
what are you doing in Burbank?Rubbing his face on the carpet? Okay,

So do I recommend this movie?Yes, one hundred percent. Do
they not out her time with thenaked gun movies? No? This movie
ends. This movie ends. Thismovie ends as she's driving her own car
out of Graceland for the last time. And I don't know what she was.

She must have been like twenty twentytwo twenty three. I don't know
when how old she was, whenwhen they got when they separated, But
when she leaves, this movie's overand she goes to the reading harms of
Leslie Nilsen, Yes, and hermartial arts instructor. So yeah, it's

disturbing. It's authentic. It's thestory of the of the of the of
the one who was there. It'sbrave, you know. I like these
movies that are are you know,you can tell the authenticity because they don't
sugarcoat their own story. They go, look, here's the mistakes I made.
Here's where I was an idiot,Here's where I was less than perfect.

Kind of like reminds me of thebiography of Steve Jones from the Sex
Pistols called Lonely Boy. It's thebest rock biography of ever read because of
the authenticity and it was it gaveme a similar feeling like that you're just
like, wow, this person reallyreally put it out there. I had
read the book, but I readit so long that I don't remember.

But it was just a good movie, So you know, I think more
people should see it. I thinkthe box office is a little low from
what it should be. But youknow what do people like? If this
movie came out thirty years ago,I think it would have been the biggest
movie in America. Oh, itwould have won an Oscar thirty years ago.
Yeah, it's could still win anOscar. Sofia Coppola one of my

favorite directors. This is not herbest film. It's a compelling subject matter,
it's not as nowhere near the qualityof Lost in Translation movies like that
that Sofia Coppola has done. Doyou hear my dog? I do?
And he's as soon as you said, Sofia Coppola, he adequately reflecting my

feelings of just remembering her from TheThird Godfather and or the the where she
basically killed the series. She killedOh the third, Oh, the third
uh Godfather? I disagree. Idisagree with that. I think she was
great in it. That's where meand the rest of the world differ.

So I think it was killed bysomething else, but not not Sophia Coppola.
Okay, there is a a trend. A trend in Hollywood is a
couple of this. This article Iread in Variety. It's called why does

Warner Brothers Keep canceling finished movies?And there's a trend of canceling finished movies.
Maybe at Warner Brothers. There's alsoa trend tow poop on David Zaslov
from Warner Brothers. So every weekpeople try to come up with articles of
ways to say that David Zaslov hasruined everything, and mainly we can trace

it back to political things of himtrying to clean up CNN and not succes
seeding at it, you know.So he didn't even get the ratings,
but he got rid of some ofthe ideologue. So Hollywood press is full
of ideologues. They're always gonna hateDavid Zaslov, although he did score a
lot of points in the strike.So this is another David Zaslov bashing article

and it goes into things we've coveredbefore about getting rid of Batgirl so you
could get a tax right off,and same thing with the Scooby Doo movie.
To get a tax right off ratherthan put it out and put it
in or just throw it on thestreamer, don't have to do any promotion.
Evidently he thought it would have beenbad for the streamer because it was

so terrible, so he made agamble, and he also came there to
try to clear up the debt.So this is you know, you got
to do something different. So Ithink it was bold. Get rid of
Bat Girl, get rid of ScoobyDoo. We know both these movies were
awful. I mean we just knowbecause if it was good, he would

release that on the streamer. Butit's a combination between I need a tax
write off and this movie is awful. And you know, sometimes some movies
should have you know, should nevercome out now, but they should be
illegally obtained, you know, inthe black market, and then you can
then you then you feel like it'sreally cool. By the way, speaking
of movies that aren't available anymore,Song of the South is out now.

It's out in theaters. Did youknow that, Sam No, I wasn't
aware. Please inform me. It'sa Vietnamese movie. But that's funny.
Has the same name. That's reallyfunny. I haven't seen it yet looking
forward to I don't even know ifit's a musical. But he did that,
okay, so now he's he he. He tried to do this scrap

the Coyote Versus Acme movie, butthe backlash was a little too strong,
and then people started to think ofthis movie was pretty good, so he
backed off away from that, andCoyote versus Acme is being is allowed is
being allowed to be sold to someother distributor. So someday we'll see Coyote
versus Acme, which I know youwant to see, Sam. I mean

actually that I had no idea thatexisted, and I'm I would love to
see that. Yeah, uh,it's it's coming, okay, Coyote.
I've been been getting some good newsas far as projects that are coming up.
My favorite film of all time,as the writer of it got the
right, he bought the rights toit, and so he's going to actually

expand the universe. It's the LastDragon. Oh oh yeah, oh yeah,
uh last Dragon. Yeah, I'mthinking Barry Gordie is the last Dragon.
Oh yes, the last is thatthe Kurt Russell movie. No,
that was Trouble in Little China.Okay, all right, Last Dragon was

the one with Bruce Leroy and shownaff. Oh yes, all right,
Well let's take a break and wecome back. We will do more of
the Joe'scalante live from a Hollywood gag. Yeah, h m hm m h.

Joe is going on Joe's Cowante Livefrom Hollywood, by Hollywood. If
by Hollywood you mean Burbank, Burbankright here in the valley. Hey,
Sam, Hey Joe. I gota lot of stories. I gotta run
through them really fast. So feelfree to chime in, but keep keep

an eye on that clock for me. Celebrity Hollywood graffiti, little shots of
stuff on the wall. There's anintellectual property case UH where Sarah Silverman was
suing the AI world because she saidthey were taking her material and putting it

in UH as, you know,input, so that AI could study it
and then make AI things. Now, this is a bold, ambitious project
to bring down the entire AI industry, and Sarah Silverman's no stranger to controversy.

And she tried and the court said, you're out of your mind.
This lawsuit is a deficient of anyany results or any evidence that this has
happened. There's no infringing, derivativework that has been made by AI that

you can cite and say, look, AI made this out of my stuff.
So a judge called it nonsensical,told her to go pound sand so
nice. Try. Shakira has settledher tax fraud case. This is interesting
because she settled it after testimony started. After about eight minutes of testimony on
the trial, her lawyer stopped andjust settled. Oh, they were about

to reveal some stuff. Yeah,they were afraid she was going to go
to jail for eight years if convicted. You know, we all know she
wouldn't go for a full eight years, but the stakes were pretty high,
so she just settled it. She'sgot a few years of probation and she
has to pay fourteen point five millioneuros. Oh well, sorry, twenty

four million euros. And the wholecrime was her living in Spain but having
a residence in the Bahamas, andshe didn't spend enough time in the Bahamas.
She liked Spain better, but shewas trying to pay taxes in the
Bahamas and it started to catch upwith her. And that was the end
of that. But she's okay now, and I'm sure she has that money.

She's going to pay it, andshe's going to be on probation.
Though in Spain, Spain is ruthless. I gotta tell you, I got
a ticket there once and the copit was nonsensical. It was for nothing.
And then the guy asked me forone hundred and twenty five yuros,
and I said, well, Idon't have it. Can you take credit
cards? I'm on my way tothe airport. I'm out of there.
I'm not carrying aroun one hundred andtwenty five yuros in cash on my way

to the airport. He goes,ah, go inside this liquor store,
and so I did. And thenhe tells the cash register charge this guy
on his credit card one hundred andtwenty five euros, and he did.
And then I got the one hundredand twenty five euros and he goes give
me that, and I gave itto him. That was the judge and
jury and executioner. So I canimagine what Shakira is going through over there.

It might be as bad as whatJane Doe went through and had to
file a lawsuit. It's a thirdlawsuit against Sean Diddy Combs saying that he
and an R and B star calledAaron Hall took turns raping her and a

fowl more than thirty years ago.Okay, So that's in addition to his
other cases where he was named fordoing the kind of the same stuff and
choking and stuff like that. Sothere was a there's something called this.

I got like three of these rightnow. Why do I have three of
these? Because there was something calledthe Adult Survivors Act in New York state
law, which gave a one yearperiod where alleged victims of sexual offenses that
exceeded the statute limitations could file civilsuits. I guess the idea of being
saying, look, if you havean old case, get it out of

the way violent now before it getstoo old. Because the older it gets,
the harder it is to find justicefor the accused. And so there's
been a lot of them, butthey're over. But the ones that were
filed, you know, earlier thismonth before that brief law expired, included

three lawsuits against Diddy, one againstAxel Rose. This one is from a
former model who actually had written aboutthis in her book, but she didn't
think she could do anything about it, and then this law came. So
Sheila Kennedy, a former Penthouse model. She said Axel Rose violently assaulted her
in his New York hotel room innineteen eighty nine. And that's a long
time ago. She was twenty six, he was twenty seven. She said

she was into her, She wasinto him. She wanted to go to
his apartment. He said, cometo my hotel room, but your friend
not so much. She can't come. She's quote not hot enough. So
this is where the woman made amistake. Instead of you know, sticking
up for her friend and leaving,she apologized to her friend and went to

Axel Rose's hotel room with MTV's RickyRactman. He you know, cornered her
and she watched him. You know, this is all sillatious, just like
she watches him have sex with someoneelse, then he forces her to have
sex with them. And he,according to the lawyers, he treated her
like property, you solely for hissexual pleasure. But this is the rock

and roll world of nineteen eighty nine, you know. So I don't know
if we have enough courtrooms to gothrough all of them, but in this
year we got a few of them. So Axel Rose is gonna have to
deal with that because it was filedanother one against Jimmy Iovine, the the
founder of Interscope Records and board ofdirectors on Apple right now, and because

he's also the founder of Beats,which was bought by Apple, and they
put him on the board of director'sApple, and now he's accused of sexual
abuse, harassment, among other allegations. According to the document, it's you
know, common law salt and battery, gender motivated violence, and human rights

violations. Actor Jamie Fox I thinkwe talked about this one also sued under
this Act, and so has RussellBrand and Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein and
Donald Trump. So you know,this is as we talked about. Combs.
His first case was settled in oneday, and then he's got these

other ones. Now Axel Rose hasgot his. So that's what's going on
in that world. Now, whatare this is going to happen to these
people? Well, they are allowedto file these cases because the New York
law says they can't if New Yorkhas jurisdiction over these people. But will
they win. They still have toput it in front of a jury,

and a jury can still sit thereand go like there really isn't enough evidence
to beyond a reasonable doubt convict thisperson because why it's thirty years ago.
So they still have to overcome thathurdle. But they are allowed to file
these things, and they do gothey can't get dismissed because they're too old.
So they will go to trial.And then that's why these settlements are

coming out. And so if someonehad something and it was okay, case
it was too old, they canfile it and they might get a settlement.
But if they go to trial,they're probably not gonna They're going to
have a hurdle unless the defendant isyou know, hated by everybody in the
world. Speaking of it being hatedby everyone else in the world. Susan
Sarandon and Melissa Barrera Barrera A beendropped by their agent UTA because they were

seen on videos siding with the PalestinianHamas et cetera against Israel. So these
are the two most hope high profilepeople have done that. Susan Sarandon dropped
by her agent, and the Spyglassmedia group who makes Scream dropped Michelle Barretta

because she also kind of did thesame thing. And mostly, I mean
Susan Sarandon knows what she's doing andshe I don't think she cares. But
the poor Melissa girl she is,you know, in the she's young and
in the beginning of her career,and so I think it hurts her more

then it hurts Susan Sarana, Butyes, Susan Sarandon's been around for a
while and has already the reputation oftaking sides like that, and the you're
going to be seeing a lot ofthis, I think happening in the next
couple of years. Yes, anduh right, I'm not gonna make any
comments about it because I don't wantto be nor yeah, I don't.

I don't need any more of this. And then there was a thing about
the strike. You know, thestrikes are over and the people who were
the big losers of the strike havebeen named by the press, Gavin Newsom
for blocking a law that would haveallowed the strikers to collect unemployment and Bob

Iger, who you know, cameback to solve a lot of problems for
Disney, but hasn't really solved anyaccording to the Hollywood Press. It's about
it, Sam, So let's uh, let's take a break, and I
will leave you now with just thetaste of the greatest song ever written,

Don't Forget the Vandals. Tickets areavailable for the Christmas show, and get
them while they're available. Hossa Bluesthe December twenty third and the Ventura Theater
December twenty second until next time
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