All Episodes

January 28, 2024 39 mins
This week on Joe Escalante's graceful swandive into the business end of showbiz. Joe talks Vince McMahon and Brock Lessnar potentially being in serious marital and legal trouble. Also, the latest from the Box Office (why isn't anyone seeing ISS???). And Texas does not like Alec Baldwin. At all. Joe doesn't think it'll amount to much, but Alec Baldwin is selling his home in the Hamptons for a reason... This whole thing isn't going to get any prettier...
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Joe Escalante live from Hollywood. Ifby Hollywood you mean Burbank, across the
street from a Wienerschnitzel that serves beer. This is the business end of show
business. We do it every Sundayright here on k EIB eleven fifty on
your AM dial. You can listento the podcast version later on in the
evening if Sam is willing to makethat happen. Can you hear me?

Sam? Everything good, loud andclear. How you doing? Ah?
Super? Thanks for asking. Sowe're uh. We had a lot like
last week, you know, kindof kind of dad in the in the
in the news department. We foundsome stuff. But this week things are
on fire man. Let's start withLet's start with Alec Baldwin. Alec Baldwin

is, as you know, justmade some landmark WWE deal, Isn't that
right. I don't follow wrestling,so sometimes I get the but I know
you do so limited, very limitedin my like, I kind of pay
attention. It's kind of fun,but at the same time, I'm like,

I really can't get too deep intoit. I know Vince McMahon is
in a boatload of trouble right now, though, but that's another story.
Yeah, so he moves the showwhatever the the the franchise called Raw Wa
r Aw, moves it to Netflixin a five billion dollar deal, and

right after that he gets sued bya woman for not just sexual harassment,
it's sexual assault and trafficking. Sam, Yeah, you don't want to be
sued for trafficking. That's a crime. So I don't know if there is
going to be criminal prosecution on thisor an attempt, but I imagine they're

looking into it because you know,I mean not that sexual assault is in
the crime, but oftentimes maybe statutesof limitations or prevent prosecution or lack of
evidence. You need a jury oftwelve people to prosecute someone for a crime,
but you only need, you know, majority of people in a jury

box to prosecute someone for a civilcase. So, as you may remember,
the OJ Simpson trout couldn't get himon a crime, but they did
get him in the civil case wherehe was found liable for the deaths of
his wife and Katil Klin. I'mnot kat o'kaal Kato Kalin is still living.

I apologize to Kato Kalin's family forsuggesting that he might be that he
might be gone. But you know, I'm sure kat o'kalin' is just happy
somebody mentioned him. He might be. He might be kind of a fan.
I used to see him in churchover there at Good Shepherd in Beverly
Hills every Sunday. He seemed likea devout believer and great hair. If

you go to church, God mightgrant you great hair and among other temporal
blessings worked for him. All right, Chewie, what are you doing,
Chewie? Are you just gonna crawlaround under me? Okay, okay,
So Vince McMahon, it's it's he'sthe head of WWE and he's been I

don't know. I mean, thisis a big deal, five billion,
but now he's now He had toresign the next day after the charges were
filed. So it's kind of weirdhe makes this big deal. I wonder
if it was just like doing Hewas doing everything he could to to get
the deal done before the uh.The details of this torrid sex trafficking allegations

that that he's received a It camefrom a former w w E staffer named
Janelle Grant, and she said thatVince McMahon sexually abused her and trafficked her
to others within the company. Sohe tried to turn her into the WWE

good time girl, as as theymight say. And it seems like she,
you know, seems like she kindof went along with it for a
while and then then they tried toI think maybe she protested. It looks
like they gave they made a settlementwith her, like you don't talk and

then I will If you don't talk, I will give you three million dollars.
So there's a non disclosure agreement aspart of this scandal, and it
looks like he stopped paying her aftera million and so she's now seeking to
avoid that agreement and suing for unspecifieddamages. But then there's this other thing

that came out. Are you familiarwith the wrestler name brock Lesnar brock Lessner.
Yeah, he's not just a wrestler, he's an MMA fighter. He's,
as far as combat sports goes,probably the most recognizable name and face
in the business. Well did youknow that she said he likes to It

gets really, it gets really gross. She's mentioned him. I've talked to
other people that said they don't knowwhy McMahon spent some money much money on
this guy and let this guy hangaround for so long and win and be
a big star. Because I talkedto people and say they don't like him,
they just didn't understand it. Well, most people don't like him,
but he's a draw. He makesmoney. He puts butts in seats,

and that goes with mm A andWWE. Well it's also he's evidently,
according to this report, having sexualtimes with the same woman that McMahon was,
So they're kind of a a athreesome. I don't know, I

don't know, but I know thathe is. That Lessener is married to
like one of the most famous WWEpin up women of all time, like
one of the more Yeah I guessshow. She's she's gonna call it quits.
No, but these are just allegations. But in her complaint, she

says that McMahon allegedly gave Lessener Grant'scell phone number, and Lessener allegedly asked
her to send a video of herselfurinating. Lessner, who is married as
you say to Sable, allegedly toldGrant Janelle Grant, the complainant here,

he wanted to set a playdate inDecember of twenty twenty one, but a
snowstorm canceled plans, so she wastold to go take care. According to
her a complaint and he's gone.He's got a lawsuit here. We don't
know if criminal charges will be filed, but if he's passing her around and
telling her that she has to havesex with people, if you know,

that's trafficking. So a lot moreto come on this story, Sam,
your comment. Definitely wanting to waitand see how all of this develops.
With all of the smoke around VinceMcMahon right now, as far as these
kinds of allegations, it doesn't surpriseme coming off of or the news coming

when it did. The Royal Rumblebig pay per view event just happened for
them yesterday, so there was alot of attention trying to be drawn away
from Vince McMahon from the company justthrough the gigantic pay per view that they
had yesterday. At the same time, it's really hard to overshadow when the
owner of the company has these kindsof allegations against him. Pretty bad,

pretty bad, but they're just allegationsat this time. But something kinky is
going on there, and you know, wrestling as kind of anything goes anyway,
So I think it would attract moreof an anything goes type executive rather
than traditional sports like the NFL orbaseball and basketball, not that they don't

have their share, but well,and a lot of it stems back to
I mean, Vince McMahon is aproduct of the late seventies early eighties wrestling
business, and they used to tourall around the country, just like bands
used to do. And there wasa lot of that same kind of attitude
amongst the wrestlers and Vince McMahon.If you watch some of the documentaries there,

and you watch some of the storiesabout some of these wrestlers, none
of this stuff should be shocking anybodyquite frankly. I did watch Iron Claw.
Yeah, great movie. Great movie. Yeah, great movie. And
then speaking of movies, I sawsome movies. Let's shoow is it time
to take a break? Yeah,let's take a quick break and we'll come
back. Take a break, we'llcome back and we'll talk about the movie

I saw a couple of nights ago, and what's going on the box office
on Joe Scalante Live from Hollywood.Joe Ascalante Live from Hollywood, by Hollywood.
You mean Burbank, we are continuingthrough the Hollywood crap olam. Then
it happens during the week, andI say crap o. I mean that

in a good way. It's withlove and affection. Yeah, all right,
So we're gonna leave our wrestling behind. Although you did tantalize me with
the plane ride from Hell that youtold me about, so I think that's
something I'll be investigating this week.A seven fifty seven full of wrestlers and
unlimited alcohol. What year was that? Oh, it was somewhere sometime within

the last maybe twenty five years.I can't remember the exact year, but
you really narrow and narrowed it downthere. Yeah, no, thank you.
I think it was within liken there, nineteen ninety seven. I'd say
between then in about two thousand andfive, somewhere in that range. All
right, well, pretty interesting.Let's go to the box office. Sam
number one in the box office thisweek, the bee Keeper from MGM doing

a seven million. This is aslow time of year, so seven does
seven million, seven zero point fourmillion at the box office. To add
to it's thirty five, so it'sgot a forty two million dollar gross.
It looks like the movie costs tome, I don't know. It cost
about thirty five million maybe, andit's making money and back up, I

mean shooting back up at number one. A lot of these movies seem to
be around now, seem to likejust kind of toggle they're number one,
they're number three, they're number one. Wonka was number one like several times.
Mean Girls number two, so Beekeeperit's in its like second or third
week beats just shoots ahead of MeanGirls. I wonder what that means.

Be Girls isn't that good? Thedrop off? Isn't that bad for be
Girls though? Mean Girls? Ime for Mean Girls. B Girls is
another good movie. Ye, Wonka'snumber three, Migration number four, anyone
but you? Number five, TheFighter, It's a movie we haven't talked
about, nor will we talk about. Is number Poor Things nominated for Academy

Awards, and is number seven.Number eight American Fiction also nominated for Academy
Awards. Number eight. Number nineis Aquaman in the Lost Kingdom nominated for
no Awards. And then we goto number ten Godzilla minus one actually from

Toho International, nominated for Academy Awards. Did you know that Sam I wouldn't
I'm not surprised by that. Isaw it. It was amazing. It
deserves it. Yeah, let's seewhat was it? What do you get?
I think it was sound. Thenit got nominated. But yeah,

after seven decades of snubs, Godzillahas his first Oscar nomination and you heard
it here first. This is agood movie. By the way, I
would love it. If it winsand Godzilla accepts the award, that would
just be amazing to me. Imean talking about that's what the Academy Awards
needs. It needs more Kaiju monsters. This so it's it's best visual effects

and great visual effects. They werealongside other nominees, The Creator, great
film that I saw, The Guardiansof the Galaxy Volume three. Yeah,
it's you know, you expect thatmission impossible, Dead Reckoning excellent, Napoleon,
Wow, very impressive of war scenesNapoleon and the blood and the violence

of war. I can't I couldn'tsay who's going to win this. I
couldn't say that's this is This isa hard one. Not that I'm in
the business of Oscar predictions, butI do have one Oscar prediction. Sam,
I'll be at the Polo Lounge ofthe Beverly Hills Hotel. Hell on

Oscar night? Really? Yeah?Any reason in particular? Is there like
a gathering or is it just youchilling and watching it. Just went to
the reservations page, said what aboutdinner on Oscar night? Thinking they're going
to laugh at me, and itjust says, okay, mister Escalante,

you're in nice So see you guysthere maybe, but right, I'll try
to show up. Yet it's apparentlysomething you have to make reservations for.
Yeah, well, I mean butalso after that, something he needs no
reservations is the Oscar party that willbe having post oscars at the Wiener Schnitzel

across the street from our studio inBurbank. That's fair, and I got
to be the one that actually prepthat whole thing. I got the pinata.
By the way, who are youwearing? I'm going to be wearing
me? I don't know who makesmy clothes. I just go to H
and M and just get it fromthere. Well, it's better than Amazon
basics. I will I will bewearing a little bit of mys are wearing.

I will be wearing a little bitof the chili sauce at the winners
Knitzel, just saying probably, Okay. So this is so the movie I
saw this week is number fourteen.Uh, you know, not doing that
great. It's actually and actually doingreally bad ISS International Space Station. So
I don't know why it's doing socrappy. But it's only got five million

at the box office. It droppedfrom number seven to number fourteen. Oh,
it lost fifty five percent of itsscreens. There's something going on in
Bleeker Street. Is the distributor.Maybe they're just lame, because that's a
really good movie. But it waspushed into like the tiniest theater at the

Bellata and Huntington where I saw it, and I was like, when they
said theater innumber five to your left, I'm like, well, you talking
about theater number five to my left. I know theaterre number five to my
left. That's all the way downthe hallway. That's a ghetto and it's
a tiny theater. Meanwhile, peopleare watching mean Girls in XD Why do

we need that? Yeah, So, anyway, I really liked Is.
I heard bad things about it.In fact, one of the headlines and
one of the reviews was in spaceno one can hear you yawn. I
think that's a killer. So whenpeople saw that headline, they just said,
I'm not going but I don't believeit. The best one that I

heard was the only thing that sucksmore than the vacuum of space is what
happened inside the spaceship. That's notthat good. I'm not whoever wrote that
is can't write a movie. I'llsay that, but in space, no
one can hear you yawn. Prettygood. That's a good. Yeah.

But so I didn't fall for itthough, because I go, you know
what, that's just too it's toogood. So if someone thought about it,
if someone thought of that, they'renot They're just going to change their
review to bad so they can usethat headline. You know, you can't
waste that headline and say, likeI was going to say this, but
it's actually good. No, youjust got to go all in and say
this is a bad movie, butit's a good movie. And it's the

one where the space team, youknow, you got the Russians and the
Americans are up in a space stationand then they look out the window and
they see these fire things on Earthand at first they think it's a volcano,
but it's nuclear war. So theyare given a This is not a
spoiler alert because it's in the trailer. They're given an order the English speaking

people take over the space station byany means necessary. So they do or
they try, and it's a lotof good space violence. Who doesn't like
space violence? It's on paper,it sounds great. Yeah, it's good.

It's good enough on paper. Look, look on paper. Sounds good.
And then you're waiting for it tosuck because I heard the review and
it never stuck. It never sucks. It's just good. There is a
you know what I'm gonna I wantto single out this this this woman for
Academy consideration. Okay, the starof this movie is a young African American.

First of all, second movie ina row, or like the lead
actresses of Black Lesbian that seems tobe the new thing. This Black Lesbian
h was very very good compared tothe Black Lesbian that was in The bee
Keeper. But isn't that strange thetwo movies in a row in the in

the Yeah, and you're liking togo I don't know that that's what it
is as I get it, butstill let's go to break. Okay,
when we oh Ariana do Boas givesher name amazing actress, so just really
good. It's just like, Wow, you're really good in this movie.
It's hard to act in the spaceship. So she carried the movie. And

I recommend miss International Space Station backafter this traffic stuff and everything else.
Joe Escalante here live from Hollywood everySunday, Sunday night, five to seven
pm. Right here eleven fifty onyour AM dial KiB or you can listen

to it live worldwide on the iHeartRadio app, and then the podcast on
any podcast app. So there's noexcuses unless you just find it slow.
But you know, we're doing ourbest. I've been doing this for eighteen
years now. There's like eighteen hundredpodcasts that kind of do the same thing
that I do. But when Idid it, when I started, people

thought it was crazy, Sam.They thought there's no way this can work.
Maybe they were right. Hey,what's what's the most anticipated movies coming
up? Our Gyle? There's alot of bush behind behind our Gyle.
Such a great name for a moviebecause then you have like argyle marketing patterns

and you can get a lot ofname recognition. Madam Webb, no thanks,
it's a lady superhero, Lisa Frankenstein. Maybe a lady monster. I
don't know. Maybe Dune part two. That's going to be rough, Dune
Part two, Dune Part one,it's a sleeper. Bob Marley one Love.

I'm waiting for that. I wantto see that. That one looks
great. Yeah, we'll see,we'll see. Some of these biopics are
pretty stupid. Right now, I'mdealing with the biopick for Sublime, which
will be shot in the summer fromdirector Francis Lewis of Hunger Games fame and

just got another script rewrite. Willyou have any say on whether or not
this biopick sucks? Yes? Okay, good because of the fact that I
think there's less expectation. Bob Marleyis a god, you know, and

Sublime is a band of three supercool guys that you know, kind of
created a whole genre, and it'skind of weird and kind of funny,
and it's Southern California. I thinkit'll be fun. I think there's a
lot at stake on the Bob Marleyone, and just seems like maybe too
many cooks. That's what ruins movies, Sam, too many cooks. I

could see that being a problem.Yeah, so, but you know,
I'll keep you posted on the supplymore. It's it's fun, fun process.
Okay, Why am I working onit? I'm the manager of the
band. The manager of the band, or the manager of the writer or
whatever ends up as an executive producerquite often in movies. But I just

took over the management of this,of all these this stuff. So there's
already other people that were assigned tobe of executive producers before I got on
board, Like they're gone. Theyhave nothing to do to the movie anymore
because they got fired or they whatever. But and I'm now in that role.
But I won't get a credit becauseI didn't make a deal for a
credit. But I don't care,you know me, Sam, I'm not

in it for the awards, amI? No? Never not award.
You are not in this for anyrecognition whatsoever. No, I'm in it
for the good of humanity and gettinga good table during Oscar night at the
Polo Lounge. Okay, So bignews this week, Sam, Alec Baldwin.

That was was kind of my lastweek last week. With some developments
this week. Alec Baldwin indicted bythe Texas authorities for the criminal charge of
manslaughter. What do you think ofthat, Sam, I thought this whole
thing went away, But I guessit's not going to and people are just

gonna keep going after him for whateverthey feel like he did. And if
he I mean a lot of thingswent wrong with that. And if they
do find evidence that they can bringto court and hold him liable for or
hold him criminally accountable for, thenthere we go. Well said Sam,

Yeah, this is of course forthe people that don't remember. Howlena Hutchins
was the cinematographer on the set whenAlec Baldwin was handed a gun for a
scene and the gun went off.He says he didn't pull the trigger.
They say he did. So that'swhat that's kind of what the case is

about. Did you pull the triggerand were you Did you intend to pull
the trigger? Did you to getmanslaughter? You don't have to find intent.
If it's like a negligent manslaughter,you just had a reckless disregard,
you know, go hey, here'sa gun. Wooh, I pointed at
you. Whoooooo. Then you havesome kind of manslaughter. And is it

really the prosecutors that that are thatare trying to like put him in jail
to teach him a lesson. Now, maybe, but also the family is
like, you got to get thisguy, you got to get this guy.
He killed he killed our daughter,or he killed our wife, or
he killed our mom or whatever.So there's pressure like that on them,
I would imagine. But it doesn'tseem like a very good case because there

is a an armorer that is chargedwith making sure he's handed a gun that
has blanks in it, so it'snot even his job. As is pointed
out this week, here's the newsthey got developed. Sag Aftra sent out

a letter defending Alec Baldwin like agood guild protecting one of its members,
a fellow actor, and just said, hey, look, we can't have
actors get in charge from manslaughter whenthey're firing guns and movies, because they
are supposed to concentrate on acting,not checking to whether bullets in the gun

are dummy bullets or real bullets.How would he ever know? You could
you know? How would he everknow? There's only one way to know,
and that's a pull the trigger.Now, maybe he made some mistakes,
you know, and didn't follow protocols, but to throw them in jail.
You know, the Screen Actors Guildsays, no way, you can't

do. We can't have a precedentlike that for our actors. So they
are sticking up for him. AndHannah Gutiera's Read is the villain here because
she was the film's armorer. She'sthe one who mistakedly loaded the gun with
the live round. Her trial startsnext month. That will be interesting,
Sam, don't you agree? Ohyeah, this whole thing is very fascinating.

It's also morbid, and I'm tryingto not get myself too invested into
it just because of how dark itis. You should get invested in it,
that's my advice to you. TheHannah Gutierras Read faces involuntary manslaughter charges
and evidence tampering because so that's kindof I mean's she's going to go down

for all this, I would say, But Alec Baldon, I think some
of it might be political. Wouldyou agree. You've got a very outspoken,
hyper charge political activists like Alec Baldwin, and he probably makes people in
Texas crazy, and now they gothim, Sam, it could be it

may have an element of political swingto it, just but at this time
just because it's in Texas. Andat the same time, you would think
that there would be equal application ofthe law for everybody. And if they're
only going after him just because theydidn't like his portrayal of Donald Trump on

Saturday Night Live, that's pretty messedup. Well, this is the world
we live in, Sam. They'regoing to get him and New York is
going to get Trump. And thisis what they do. Is that the
trade? I think it's a trade. If you get Trump, we're gonna
we're taking down Alec Baldwin. Yeah, I think that's that's the trade.
Now, it's just you know,Alec Baldwin for Donald Trump, Texas New

York, you know, and throwinga couple of draft picks exactly and a
player to be named later. Yeah, just kind of have an understanding that
people who disagree with you politically mightthose beliefs that those other people have might
be might be like sincere beliefs thatare just sincerely held beliefs. And they

have theirs and you have yours,and we all are Americans and we don't
have to call other people with differentpolitical beliefs, you know, Hillbillies or
communists or whatever you're calling them andall that kind of stuff. So I
think that's the lesson. Just kindof allow yourself to recognize that people who

disagree with you have sincerely held beliefsand they're allowed to and then you'll be
a happier person. You won't youwon't get into trouble like this. Let's
take a break, check the traffic, and come back with more. Joe
Ascalante Live from Hollywood. Joe asKolante. He's my lawyer. He don't

want money. He does it allfor you and he knows auditor in the
Joe Ascalante Live from Hollywood. Ifby Hollywood you made burn Bank. Steve
Jones there Sam doing the Joe's Galantesong, killing it every time. The
legendary Steve Jones. You got toadd that to it. Legendary Steve Jones

from the Sex Pistols. I heardhe's putting that song in his live set.
Now that's great, well, becauseyou know everybody in the audience at
some point is going to need alawyer, so he might as well just
give you that free right. Andand uh, I think it's his second
encore that he comes out with thatone, and that you know, it
keeps people you know they got he'sgot to come back. He's got to

play the Joe Ascalante song. That'swhen the light I did come out.
I'm telling you the lighters come outfor that song, The lighters, Right,
that's a lighter song. Oh absolutelyright about that. Uh. The
I went to see Steve, notSteve Jones, but Glenn Mattlock at the
Roxy last Sunday. He is thebass player that played and wrote songs and

the sex Pistols before, said Vicious. So said Vicious was the guy like
you know when he came He's likea cartoon character. And I'm like,
I love Sid Vicious. Didn't knowSteve Jones did a Glenn Mattlock existed.
I just but then I did seehis name in the as a writer on
the never Mind the Bollocks album,and he is Hey's got a film based

on his book I Was a Teenagesex Pistol, which I think is the
greatest title of a movie in decades. That is a solid title. You
got to make that movie. IWas a Teenage sex Pistol. So featuring
executive producer Joe is Goal on today. Yes, it's true, it's true.
Dreams come true. I just wonsex pistols writing a song about me.

Sam, and the other one's hiringme to executive produce their life story
and documentary form. What a magicallife I'm living and I want to share
it with all of you people.It is really it is magical. I'm
getting the second hand magic at thispoint. Okay, I don't want to.

I don't want to pile on andbrag about how magical. But as
you know, my birthday's coming upon Tuesday, and I do my little
thing on. I have a littleroutine I do on my birthday. But
then my wife got me an excellentgift, which was two tickets to see
the Harlem Globetrotters take on the General. Yes, I go there almost every
year. I love watching the HarlemGlobetrotters. Okay, well I'm gonna I'm

about to blo o your mind,Sam and everybody listening. Okay, so
every year we kind of go.Okay, I got to do it because
I remember they always come around LosAngeles or around January thirtieth, which is
my birthday, So my parents wouldtake me to see them for my birthday.
And that was just a great birthdaypresent and outing and it was a
tradition, and then you know,you lose track. I think I interviewed

him once when I was at Indyone to three to one. That was
fun, But then you just losetrack of the whole thing, the whole
routine. And then so you know, like fifty years later, I tell
my wife, I go, hey, we got to see the globecharters on
my birthday. So I look,I look, and then I've tried to
make it work. It hasn't workedfor a few years. And then today
I made it work, or yesterdayI made it work. And we're going
to go see them at Ontario atthe Toyota Center. That's where I saw

Morrissey, by the way, wherehe did not walk off stage and he
played a full set. And sothey're playing the Generals. What is it
the Washington Generals or whatever. Yeah, okay, so they're playing the Generals
and okay, so I'm like,well, we got to get good seats
now that I'm filthy rich, wegot to So I look and see at

the Crypto Arena there's no good seatsleft. So I go to Ontario.
Look, we see what we canfind over here. You know what they
have Sam what's that. They haveseats number one and two on the General's
bench available. Yes, you're goingto get the jersey. I'm telling you,
they're going to put you in thegame. I better I better start

training. It's February nineteenth at theToyota Arena whatever they call that out out
in Ontario. You're going to startgetting that cardioing gear. Man, this
is going to be good. Soit's called the General's Experience and it's a
special ticket and a special whole specialevening and you sit on the General's bench

and it's, uh, you're there. I think I hope I'm in the
huddles at least so and if Ican call some plays because I know how
to get around some of these uhhot dogging things that that the that the
Globetrotters have been getting away with forfar too long. And I think I
think I can help the generals.That would be awesome. So anyway,

that's so my February looks like.That's really cool. I knew you'd appreciate.
Ah, dude, I'm a bigGlobe Trotters fan. I love them.
That's awesome. Just spoiling myself,you know. Okay, So we've
still got a few a few storiesto cover. Uh let's see. And
tickets still on sale for the Globetrottersat the Toyota Arena too, So yeah,

I mean you got to go.And then they're also a crypto and
stuff like that. Okay, uhokay, here's what I wanted to tell
you about poor Alec Baldwin. Imean, it's really bad for him because
then they're they're reporting that he iskind of just working his ass off doing
like conventions and selling his home andmaking all these low budget movies just just

because he needs the money because he'sscrewed. And the legal bills are real,
that's a real thing. Legal billsfor something like this that's going to
run into the tens of millions.Because when you have a case like this,
you don't have one like you getthe best you can get. And
maybe it's a seventeen hundred dollars anhour attorney, maybe it's a two thousand
dollars attorney hour attorney. I don'tknow, you know, maybe it's just

just say fifteen hundred, but it'snot just one. You got two or
three of them working at the sametime. Now you're paying thirty five hundred
dollars an hour, and it justkeeps adding up and adding up and adding
up. So selling his house justdropped the price of his Hampton's home ten
million under the previous acting asking price. So he must really need that money.

And it was sad. He hemade a video commercial for his house,
and it was just like telling peoplehow much he loved that, how
much time he spent in the Hampton's, you know, since he was young,
and then he got this house,that house. Now he's got this
big house, and now he's gotto sell it. So even though he's
kind of a bombasta gay hole attimes, I really feel that for him.

Let's pray for Alec Baldwin, everybody, Okay, he needs it.
Let's go to the intellectual property portionof the show, Sam, I haven't
seen any major meltdowns of the worldnow that Mickey Mouse is in the public
domain. From the Steamboat Willie,I did make a vandal Steamboat Willie shirt,

you know, not like a horrorone, like the horror movie that's
going to be terrible that someone's making, or like Hitler mustache on him or
something like that. I just madea vandal's Steamboat Willy shirt and Sam it
sold faster than any shirt in Vandal'shistory. That's not surprising and awesome all
at once. So if you goto vandals dot com, you'll see it.
It'll pop right up. You canget one for yourself. And people

are starting to talk about what happenswhen Superman and Batman are going to public.
Don't mean in like like thirteen yearsor something like that, but that
assumes that Warner Brothers will be aroundin thirteen years, So sure if we
have to worry about that. Butanother IP situation going on right now is

disney Land and Universal Studios are youknow, they've got all this weird stuff
going on. Where before Marvel wasowned by Disney, they had licensed a
bunch of stuff to Universal for theirtheme parks, and that stuff is like
perpetuity deals. But then there aredeals like from The Simpsons that were licensed

before Disney owned the Simpsons. Thatdeal expires in twenty twenty eight, and
people are speculating that they're going toshut down that Simpsons ride and that Disney
is going to take it in Florida. I don't think much will change,
and that's my prediction. It won'tchange in Los Angeles because I don't think
Disneyland they don't have any room forthe Simpsons and it doesn't fit the brand.

But in the studio's part of DisneyWorld and Florida, come on,
you know, it's a different worldover there. They might put the Simpsons
over there, so it might move. What do you think I think that
will happen. That would be interesting. It's considering how much of a feature
the Simpsons is within Universal Studio.It's going to be interesting to see how

that boils out. Yeah, Ithink it'll stay here. But there's all
the rumors going around that they're nothiring people for that ride, they're not
updating it in Florida, and thoseare just rumors, but people are all
the murmuring is going on that Simpsonsmay leave Florida. I think we're out
of time, Am I correct?Yep? I just started the music,
so that's perfect timing. All right, Let's see what else? Oh?

Yeah, I got the sweet IntonHooligans playing at the Tearground Ballroom this Saturday
because Morrissey canceled his shows for thisweekend. So if you want to see
the full Morrissey Smith's set, goto the Tearground Ballroom in Los Angeles on
February. This sad, whatever,whatever, this Saturday is. I don't
know the day, but I'll bethere and I would leave you now with

just the taste of the greatest songever written.
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