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December 4, 2023 36 mins
Joe Escalante's weekly exploration of the business end of showbiz. This week, Joe talks about Kelly Clarkson's latest legal news... apparently managers aren't allowed to get talented people jobs. Who knew (Joe did)?

Also, the latest from the box office, and Joe goes into some of his favorite cults of all time.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Joe was still wants live from Hollywood. If by Hollywood you mean Burbank.
This is two hours of the business, end of show business right here on
k E I B eleven fifty onyour AM dial. And uh, Sam,
you're here right, you're you're you'rejoining the program. Yeah, yeah,
that's great. You know, justfinish is running the knobs and piping

in. Yeah, you're a pipe, you're a piper inner. I've finished
off the Charger game just now.It is an exciting game where only two
field goals were scored and that wasthe only scoring of the day. Yeah,
final score six to nothing, Chargerswin. Wow. Wow, that
was a barn. But you knowthere's like I forgot, who is a

the Larry David says, kickers haveno business being in the NFL and they
decide games. Oh yeah, No, the the entire game was swayed by
the kicking team, not just thefield goal kicker, but the punter.
It's the first time we ever rana highlight of a punter punting it really

well, No, a highlight ofthe punt. Yes, it was incredible.
Yeah, things are getting things aregetting pretty bad when you're when you're
doing that. Yeah, well,I'm recording the Rams game as usual,
so nobody tell me who won.I like to watch it whenever I feel

like it. So this is,uh, let's get to the before we
bore everybody with our sports. Let'sget to the meat of this program,
which is the entertainment industry and thebusiness deals that happened that seem that are
all always crazy. But I tryto break them down for you so that
you don't go around saying stupid stuffto people about you're half assed interpretations of

these issues and these struggles and thesefights and these celebrities that are always getting
into trouble. Seems like, here'ssome more Kelly Clarkson. Do you like
her? Sam, I'm kind ofindifferent, not that big on her.
I can't really tell you which song, which song she actually sings, but
I'm sure if I heard it,I'd be like, oh, that one.

You just described my relationship with KellyClarkson. I know that she's not
Katy Perry, and she's not theblond one that also was on American Idol.
Not Taylor Swift. Well, Imean, nobody confuses anybody with Taylor
Swift. But the kay she's gota oh Kelly Clarkson. She has a

talk show now. She had manyhit songs, American Idol, conquered the
music business, and then she becamea talk show host. She's a great
talk show host. She's very successful. The show is successful. She's in
the news because she got a divorcefrom her husband, Brandon Blackstock. And

it's just sad these Hollywood peoples can'tseem to keep their marriages going even when
they were just like seemed like awholesome, down home girl like Kelly Clarkson.
How did it happen? I don'tknow. But now not only are
they divorced, they're in court andthe judge is already ruled in this case,
Kelly Clarkson's ex husband, Brandon Blackstock, must pay her over two point

six million dollars. Sam, Wow, do you know why this is nothing
to do with her divorce. Thisis the fact that she hired him as
her manager, so he was actingas her manager, and he was keeping
the let's say the commission was fifteenpercent, so he's keeping fifteen percent of

everything she's doing, and it startedto rack up and then when she wanted
it back. This is what peopledo. They invoke the California Talent Agency
Act, and they accuse the managerof acting as an agent. And in
the state of California, you haveto be bonded as a talent agent before

you can seek employment for your client. Now, you might say, Sam,
you might say this to me,Joe, I mean if a manager,
are you saying the manager cannot procureemployment And the answer is no,
they can't. They cannot get youa job. They can only guide you
who gets your employment. Well,in California, the Labor Commission has ruled

only bonded talent agents can get theirclients' actual work. You can tell your
clients, hey, you should getthis kind of work, and get this
kind of work, and then youhire an agent and the agent tries to
get work. But if you didn'tknow how that works, no, not

at all. It's kind of aget out of jail free car for people
who want to fire their agents.Because let's see, you have a contract
for an agent for a long time. You want to break that contract.
You prove to the State of Californiathat that manager was procuring you employment.
And not only can you invalidate thatagreement, you can retrieve claw back all

the commissions that you paid that manager. Oh wow, Yeah, that's fascinating.
I had no clue. That's amazing. And it's not a pie in
the sky theory, because the judgein this case is ordered Blackstock to pay
Kelly Clarkson two million, six hundredand forty one thousand and three seventy four

for overstepping his managerial role and unlawfullyprocuring deals that should have been handled by
a talent agent. His legal teamhas filed an appeal to this ruling.
Now, so Kelly Clarkson, shefiled it against him, and she says

he got her jobs at the Kellyat the Voice, like he secured these
these jobs for her, the Voice, the Kelly Clarkson Show, Yeah,
Norwegian Cruise Line, which I justworked for a couple of weeks ago,
Wayfair and the Billboard Music Awards,and you took fees. Now, if

those is a real marriage, thatwould all have gone into community property and
it would just be you know,it would have settled in the divorce.
I don't know why they have allthis separate property that he's not returning or
not putting in the pot. Youknow what. Probably they had a prenup,
so he had his own money.She had her own money. And

then and also we get to hearabout like kind of it's kind of the
money she makes at one point nineeight three million dollars to be on the
voice. I don't know for howlong, but two hundred and eight thousand
dollars for a promo she promoted dealsshe did. I don't know what that

means, but four hundred and fiftyfour thousand for collaborating with Wayfair. Isn't
that like furniture? And then threehundred dollars for the time that she worked
at Arby's, which we didn't everheard about her working at Arby's. So

that's a revelation too. I actuallygot my roast beef sandwich from her.
So okay, so you saw soyou knew about that, Yeah, yeah,
yeah, So evidently he got herthat job. Wow. I wish
someone could get what Aby's. Butif you think about it, like I've
always had mixed feelings about this law, the Talent Agency Act, because on
the one hand, you know,the law is the law, and you

don't want any It was designed tokeep people from like opening up talent agencies
in the back of a photo matand getting starlits to come in and putting
them on the casting couch. Soit's trying to regulate the business. So
it said, if you want tobe a talent agent, you have to

register and become bonded so that youknow, bonded, meaning there's some money
there if someone sues you. Sookay, that all sounds good. But
you know, okay, so whatis employment and what is talent? So
if if you're if you're representing talentand you're getting them jobs, you're violating

this this thing. But what amanager's do, then that becomes confusing.
I don't know if any managers thathaven't got their clients some job here or
there. Sometimes you can't get theagent on the phone, so you call
them I make that deal. Butbut so you got to be careful if
you're if you're a manager, becauseand manager requires no education, no license,

no anything. So anybody can justsay, presto, I'm a I'm
a talent manager. Now in thelast week or so, I'll get to
this in this in the next break, I became a talent manager. So
uh, I gotta be careful too, are you saying just to remind yourself

to be very careful now a littlebit. But the talent I manage has
an agent and that agent has ayou know, it was bonded, and
so I just got to not getpeople jobs. I just got to guide
them because this is what can happen, and it happens all the time.
This is how people get out oftheir deals. Now and then clywing back.
That's a whole nother thing because mostof the time these clients have like

asked their manager, what are youdoing, get me a job, get
me some work. I'm starving,and they go out and get it.
And then they go, Okay,well now I'm suing it. I'm taking
all my commissions back for the wholetime that you represented me more. Ha
ha ha ha ha ha. Sothat's not cool either. The casting couch
and the photo mat is not cool. Uh. The the client getting rid
of their manager when they feel likeit because maybe they got they think they

got a better one and they can'tget out of their deals, so they
come up with all this stuff andsee them and take all their it can
it can turn out pretty ugly.So uh, it's you just kind of
depend on the good faith of theof the artists too. To if they're
going to part with their manager,kind of remember, did they do?
You really want to sue them forthis? Did they really do something bad

to you? If they did somethingbad to them, but if they didn't,
this is a little It can bea little spiteful and it can ruin
the manager. But the manager,manager, beware a break. Let's take
a break and we'll come back withmore on Joe Scalante Live from Hollywood.

Joe Live from Hollywood with the businessend of Shoe Business here every Sunday on
k EIB. Did you you rememberSam when we were talking about the movie
blind Side and the real life guyin blind Side, Michael Ower. Yeah,
Yeah, the case that came upwhere he basically said they the family

got all the money and he didn'tget his cut for the most part.
Yeah, so that continues another tragiccase. I mean, on the one
hand, it looks like they tookhim in, they helped him, and
he got his life. Uh,they give him a life, and then
someone found out and they made wrotea book about it, they made a

movie about it, and then themovie was a hit. I made some
money. Now someone it's either theywere awful people or awful lawyers got to
Michael Ower and said you should geta lot more money for that, You
should have got some money for that, or you know whatever. So it's

it's hard to say who's right andwho's wrong in this case. But my
suspicion is that lawyers are just disgustingand they're trying to rip this family apart
and to get anything they can outof them. Ah, I think,
I don't know, it just itjust seems really bad. So right now,
the news in this case the Owersower Michael Ower versus Sean and lee

Anne Toowhey, they have filed anew court document and that says that Ower's
ower. The football player says they'reaccounting. They showed the accounting which claimed
that the couple transferred one hundred andthirty eight ten installments to the football player

beginning in two thousand and seven forhis rights to blindside. And then he's
arguing that they there they have contradictory, confusing and fake accounting filings and it
wholly inadequate accounting of all their assets. So it's just one side says here's

the money we gave you, andhere's all the other money, and here's
what we spent it on and thelawyer saying, that's a BS you're counting
stinks. Give him more money.He owe them a lot more money.
And they're saying, like, well, he wrote part of the book.
Well, they had a little partof the book where where they published like
a little paragraph from him, likehere's a paragraph from or I don't know

how many it could be a coupleof pages in Michael's own words to tell
his to tell something the more personalin the book. And so now they're
saying, well, he wrote thatbook, then you know you need to
account to him for the income fromthat book. One hundred and thirty eight
thousand for life story for a movie, isn't that bad. It's it's in
the ballpark, you know, especiallyfor a movie that you don't know how

big it's going to be, especiallywhen you have to pay also for the
parents' life stories. So there's like, you know, let's say it's one
hundred and thirty eight times three.Now you got four hundred and fifty thousand
dollars for life story rights. That'sa lot. So I'm I don't know
where the It doesn't seem anything outrageousthere, and they just keep asking for

more money and saying these people wereawful and they made eight million dollars and
did they make eight million dollars?Or did the movie make eight million dollars?
Like how much did they actually get? So some of these guys just
need to get in a room andas a family and say, okay,
here's all the money that came in. Where should it go? If at
that point the parents are the whatdo we call these people the hosts of

this guy? If they say Idon't like this guy, I don't want
to give him any money, thenokay, then they're the villains. But
they got to get in a roomand get away from these lawyers. So
I'm reading the stuff in these inthese legal filings and it's just you know,
they're they're saying they didn't This isanother one. This is how I

know there's some fishy going on.This typical stuff. The football player owers
lawyers are are a part of thelawsuits. You didn't make a good deal
with that movie? What is agood deal? People that are unsuffici caterd
or you know, they just havea moving story that they want to and
someone wants to make a movie atit, So they they offer him a

deal, and they made the deal. Doesn't say they didn't have legal advice.
And then now later there someone's comingto second guess I'm and saying you
made a terrible deal and it wasirresponsible. So you owe money to this
football player because your deal wasn't asgood as it could have been. That
sound does that sound like nice toyou? Sam? The whole thing sounds

just wrong, the whole it's gross. Yeah, the movie. The movie
did three hundred and thirty million atthe box office. That's not that much
because it costs a lot of Itcosts hundreds of millions of dollars to pay
for prints and advertising for a movie, especially a movie in two thousand and
nine. I don't know if thedigital theaters were, you know, prevalent

back then, but mostly it's likeprints you gotta make. You got to
make reels of film and ship themout all over the country, and then
you got to do all the commercialsand the ads and the papers and the
internet ads and all that stuff.So it's not a ton of money.
But could more money have come tothis guy? I yeah, maybe,

but it's just gross. Lawyers canbe pretty gross, and if they get
involved in something like this. Theydon't care about the families. They don't
care what they're doing to the families. So anyway, what do we know
at this point. It's either trueor it's it's either true or it's an
outrageous scam by the lawyers. I'mnot about to speculate because there's so much

unclear about it. So, yeah, the whole thing is just disgusting.
We don't know yet, but whenthe lawyers get involved, it gets gross.
Joe, aren't you a lawyer?Yeah? But do you know why
I don't do that kind of lawor I mean, I'm doing really any
long occasional stuff for my friends.And recently I did some legal stuff for

a member of the band Sublime.And then if you look at Billboard magazine,
you'll see a story about me managingthe new version of Sublime that's playing
a benefit show for hr from theBad Brains, featuring Jacob Knowle, the
son of Bradley Nole, the legendarysinger who died before his big hit record

came out, and the original guy'sEric and Bud. They're gonna play at
this benefit. And then I'm witha partner managing the assets and the rights
and the legacy stuff, you know, because I guess I'm a businessman and
they thought I could do it.So a lot of work being a manager.

Take it to break and it's gonnabe. It's gonna be tough for
though. Be more more about thatin the future. Joe Scalante Live from
Hollywood. Joe's Goo Onte Live fromHollywood. If by Hollywood you mean Burbank.
This is two hours of the businessend of show business. We do
it every Sunday right here on kE I B eleven fifty on your AM
dial. Sam Engineer is here asusual, and let's go to the box

office. Sam. Yeah, how'sthe how's the how's the how's the foot
traffic in your in that movie theaterdown below where you live? Very high
this week, actually, there wasa lot of people that came out,
especially over the Thanksgiving holiday. Therewas between that and where we're and over
the last week or so, it'sbeen pretty hefty. Yeah. I mean

it's like I told you, I'vestarted working for this band, Sublime,
So I'm sick, morning, noonand night. So I haven't been I
haven't seen a movie and the theaters. I saw some other stuff. We're
going to talk about talk about Butas far as the box office goes,
we have a new entrant and wehave a new champion. Really, yes,

we do. That would be Beyonce. The Beyonce movie. Have you
seen it? No? I whatis this? Now? Every person that
has like a concert that just throwsa huge concert that where the tickets are
over five hundred and six hundred bucks, they're going to go and just release
the thing in the theaters for everybodywho is too poor to see it.

Yes, the answer is yes.And a pretty good weekend for Renaissance,
a film by Beyonce. Now thisis a little bit different because Taylor Swift
is a musician. She's someone filmedthere and the movies out there, and
it's just staggering how well it's doing. This one is Renaissance, a film
by Beyonce. So Beyonce wants tobe the director of this and be the

tour and have her name all overit. It's risky because you know,
it's all her if there's a problem. But she did twenty one million this
weekend and The Hunger Games number two, fourteen million, number three is the

movie that I'm desperate to see andI haven't seen yet. Is Godzilla minus
one? Yes, from Toho International. Everybody looks like it looks like the
best Godzilla movie ever. Yeah,I've heard glowing reviews on this one.
Yeah, so that's probably my movietonight. A lot of times on Sunday
night after the show, I justgo to the movies because I just can't,
you know, I can't take itany longer. The week is.

If the week has told me Ican't see a movie, I got it.
By Sunday. I gotta see one. I'm going to die. And
number four trolls banned together. Numbernumber five Wish okay, Wish? How
is this movie doing? Wish?What is the movie wish it? It's
a Disney movie about a wish.Oh yeah, no, I've seen that

one. I've seen the commercial forit. Yeah, I can understand why
it's not necessarily doing so well.Forty one million total so far is I
mean then that pretty low for aa Disney movie. So because some people
are telling me, I know it'sdoing great, I'm looking at im.
Will forty one million dollars? Comeon? This is Disney's last movie of

the year, and the year's endingon a whimper. Number six, Napoleon
Napoleon, some kinky period piece withwith Joaqui. Phoenix is doing better than
this Disney cartoon forty five million.A movie called Animal is I think it's

in. I think it's an Indianmovie. Animal doing pretty good. The
shift from Angel Studios. You know, when you got Angel Studios there,
there's gonna be box office and there'sgonna be a Christian message. So that's
something you can take your family to. This shift right in the country,
Silent Night. Ah, that's justkind of limping along. It's done three

million at the box office. Ahorror film, right, I think so
horror film or a an action film. Maybe. A tormented father witnesses his
young son die when caught in agang's crossfire on guess when Christmas Eve.

While recovering from a wound that costshim his voice. The man makes vengeance
his life's mission and embarks on apunishing training regimen in order to avenge his
son's death. Okay, and themovie poster is a guy with a gun
up to his lips like kind ofthat international sh gesture, and then the

background behind him Sam is an uglysweater interest patting an ugly sweater pattern and
murdered. I don't know, itmight be good. Yeah, I can
go and see that. Okay,So I didn't see any movies, but
I did see some something good inthe streaming. Were a couple of things.
My new things. An cults,Any cult, Give me a cult.

Oh Heaven's Gate, Oh, Heaven'sGate. That's a great cult down
in San Diego. They all hadnikes or yeah, and they were all
going up in a spaceship. Okay, I'm glad you brought that one up.
That one was probably the most widelypublicized cult death mass death maybe ever.

I mean, it was on thenews Wallda Wall for a long time,
and everybody got to see the reports. Everybody saw the twenty twenty episodes.
Everybody saw the TV movie, everybodysaw the date line, everybody saw
the forty eight hours. Everybody buthe saw the CNN special. Everybody saw
everything. Everybody knows about it.Right. We know that this guy convinced

a bunch of people that he wassome kind of deity. He had some
special mystical powers, and we're allgoing to go up to a better place
with him, and all we hadto do is give up our families,
our lives, our money, everythingand just follow him and then everything was
going to be great. And thenwe all see it fall apart and they
all a lot of them died.Okay, so that should be the end,

right. The next guy that triesto pull this off, people are
gonna go, ah, I'm notfalling for that, because I saw Heaven's
Gate. It seems like every monththere's another cult movie on CNN. I
mean I CNN, Netflix or HBOor Hulu or what have you, and
my wife and I turn these thingson and go, how are people still

following following for this? Are younicult? I mean, you know,
people will probably say Joe's Galante belongsto the biggest there is, the Catholic
Church. True, it is acult, but it's very reasonably priced,
and it does promise eternal salvation.Oh that's my country club calling me.

But we'll just put them on hold. You know, they didn't take that
much money from me. They promiseeternal salvation, and they keep your family
together. They help me make yourfamily bigger. The last thing they're going
to do is separate you from yourfamily. So try again. But every

month there's another cult that people areoh Nexium You remember this one, Sam?
How much of that did we go? That was chief architect of One
of the chief architects of that waswas that girl that is right in my
neighborhood in Rossmore. And she's outof jail now too, so I haven't
seen her at Target. But yeah, after the Nexium cult, I thought,

okay, now this now, peoplewill stop being cults after the next
year. But no, We've gottwo cults that are highlighted on Netflix and
HBO. One is I found thisa deep I don't know if you have
heard of this one. If youever hear hear this one, it's called
twin Flame. Have you heard ofthis one? No? I haven't,

Okay. I had to dig deep, deep, deep down into Netflix rabbit
hole territory to find this one.And incredible. We'll talk about that when
we come back from the break.And also another cult called Love Has One,
Sam, Love Has One Joe Scalantefive at the KiB Studios back in

a little bit. Joe asco.You don't want money, he does it

all for you and you know all, Yeah, Joe's going on here right
here every Sunday five to seven kE I B. Eleven fifty on your
AM dial, and uh, we'restill keeping the AM radio alive despite people

trying to take him out of carsand telling you you don't need it,
But here we are, Sam.Cults. There's two cult shows I'm gonna
recommend for you right now on uHBO and Netflix. The first one I'll
talk about is twin Flame. Now, the twin Flame is uh basically started

out as a dating a kind ofa dating club and and and that I
think it's like three episodes. Sothe twin Flame Dating club kind of is
designed to help you find your twinflame. Sam, do you know who

your twin flame is? No?No, I don't, Okay, what
I would do if this is basicallythis would be how I would how you
would enter the twin Flame cult.I would I would talk to you on
a like a FaceTime zoom kind ofthing, and I would be And the
guru of the twin Flames universe isa guy named Jeff iron A y a

n got a lot of different names, Jeff Divine. He calls himself sometimes
and Uh, I would uh tellyou that we need to find your twin
flame for you to be happy,and you would have come to here because
I would have said, have youAre you now in a relationship with your

soulmate, your your your you know, forever partner and your twin flame?
Uh, they call it are younow? Sam? No? Why not?
Sam? Why why are you not? I am? I have a
brain? Oh okay, well weneed to find you know your twin flame

also has a brain, and andand that, and that twin flame has
a brain, uh that is compatiblewith yours. And you're like a Yin
and yang and you're a match that'sand they're out there and there and if
you want to be like me andmy wife here, we have found our
twin flames, and we're going tohelp you find your twin flames. And
we are happy, and you're enviousof us because we're so happy and beautiful.

Uh. Look as many of theother members of the twin Flame universe
have also found their twin flames,and they're going to give testimonials to you,
and you're gonna say, well,how can I be like them?
And we're going to say, like, hey, Sam, don't you have
them the you have some kids?Right? Yes, how's their mother doing?

I'm guessing she's fantastic okay, well, let me tell you, and
just because we're in the radio rightnow, I'm just going to abbreviate the
twin flame process. I'm going toconvince you that the mother of your kids
is your twin flame. And you'regonna say, who whoaah, we had
some problem. And then and thenthey're gonna say, yeah, but we're
going to go through a process tounblock those problems. You're gonna have some

blocking, some internal blocking. We'regoing to fix you, and that's going
to be your and then you willagree that is your twin flame. And
then they do that, and thenyou realize through some kind of brainwashing that
that is your twin flame. Okay, and then that, of course,
the obvious answer is what about thiswoman. She doesn't want to be with
you. She's got a life andyou know, everything's fine. She might
even have kids with someone else.It doesn't matter if she's your twin flame.

She's your twin flame. So theyconvince you to go after the twin
flame. And then it just soat first it becomes like the cult is
about like forcing your members who arepaying you, like you know, uh,
up to twenty two hundred a monthfor these sessions, you know,
and all these you know, it'slike that you're going to be a one

on one sessions. They're going toconvince you. It turns into a stalking
organization like the and then and thena lot of the members were being like
arrested for stalking because they've convinced themthey have to go and tell their twin
flames the good news that they aretheir twin flames. And then over time
it becomes a well maybe you're theystart trying to pair up. That gets

complicated. So they're pairing up peoplethat are already in their universe with other
people and saying, oh, wefound your twin flame. They're already pay
there are are you paying member ofthe twin Flame universe? And this,
and they go, okay, Leslie, this is Sheila is actually a twin
flame. And she's like, Sheila, well, I'm not a lesbian,
so I don't think so, well, you're right, you're not a lesbian.

You're actually a divine male and she'sa divine female, and so you
have to Then they brainwash the personinto believing they're a male. And then
they force someone who never thought ofit and their whole life to be to
go undergo a transition to be atransgendered opposite sex of what they started at,
and then they make them be acouple that way, and they don't
care where they live, They don'tcare anything, And this keeps going on

and on and on, and atthe end you're trying to watch this cult
thing, and you watch them becauseyou know at the end they're going to
be handcuffed and led off. Thisone's tough, Sam, because they are
never led off, and then theyare wiley and they escape prosecution and they're
still going today. So you cango to YouTube and find a lot of

stuff right now about the twin Flameuniverse, and you could even join the
twin Flame family. Have I soldyou on it, not one bit,
because you went from the premise ofmy ex would have to be my twin
flame and that's just a no nonstarter. Well, if this is a divine

prospect, any earthly excuses that youcould come up with would be feudal to
the your divine master and mistress inthe twin Flame, the leaders of the
twin Flame cult, I mean,you're putty in their hands. Really,
they will demolish you. But ifyou came to them to solve your love

life problem. And that's where itthat's where they get people. So it's
just basically the cult is find somegroup of people that need something. Everybody
needs love, right, so somepeople are desperate for love. And if
they're desperate for love and you canpromise it to them, they will pay

for it. And that is thestory behind the Twin Flame universe. So
if that sounds good to you,join them. If it sounds the way
it sounds to people who are notabsolutely sick, then just watch it,
all right, fantastic, I reallyI got to see this now, thank

you. Oh this is good.Okay. The other one is called Love
has One and this is one I'veseen this lady floating around. Her name
is Amy Carlson. She says shehas five hundred past lives, including Marilyn
Monroe and Cleopatra. Isn't it funnyhow people that believe in reincarnation are always
find out that they in a pastlife they were like an Egyptian pharaoh,

or a queen, or a fairmaiden in a castle somewhere. No one
was ever like like I was afry cook at Sambos and I died of
inhaling bacon grease. Never it's alwayssome glamorous person. So that's clue number
one. We got about one minutehere. Well, okay, you know

what I get. I jibber jabba little too much, but I like
cult movies. If you guys haveany good cult movies or TV shows,
go to my Facebook page, JoeAscalante Life from Hollywood. Post him there,
because I can't get enough and mywife can't get enough, and if
you give me one about the CatholicChurch, I'm just going to go,
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, and all right,

Yeah, I was going to tellyou to buy tickets to the Vandals
show at the Anaheim House of Blueson December twenty third, but it's sold
out, so you can buy somefor the twenty second and Ventura. But
after that's sold out, there isno more Christmas for you, and I
will see you next week. Canleave you now with just a taste of
the greatest song ever written.
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