All Episodes

April 15, 2024 72 mins
The guys recap Vegas, Alexis Pearson makes a special Monday morning appearance, Sauce has What Really Matters featuring the amount of nipples Harry Styles has and late additions to the alphabet
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,and welcome to video message number twenty nine.
Have you or have you not committeda felony in the past six months?
Now? What was with the pause? I thought you said melody,
committed a melody in the past sixmonths. I've committed a melody. What
is the melody you've committed? Forthe system? Don't let me boo to

your opinion. He's the beezer.Maybe you got off on the wrong foot
because what were you doing in theproduce section? I was trying frud on.
Listen up. The ratings just camein for last month. We are
number one. We just grabbed everykey demograt super duper. That's nice.
Way to gondo gay. Yes,for that is good news. However,

the power Tribony showing his tax daytwenty four April fifteen. My name is
Corey Cove. That is a meetSauce, Paul Lambert, There's Zachary Halberson.
Max will be here in a second. Our buddy Alexis Pears will be
here in a second as well.Because no Chris this week and no must
today because Muss is at Augusta justtwenty seven shots behind Scheffler. Tiger almost

had it. What Tiger lost almosthad I liked it. The people that
were trolling you going you made funof him. Tiger made the cut,
he lost by twenty seven shots.He finished dead last. Lend the people
that made the cut deadline. Thecut was plus five. The cut was
not minus two. The cut wasplus five. Yeah, yeah, he

did not do well. Awful,But but Scheffler wins the whole thing and
bails muss out. Yeah, andjailed a lot of us out. Yeah,
bails z. Look, I wastwo hundred and twenty five the wrong
way with Victor Hoblin. So Iappreciate Scheffler getting me the victory. Although
I had more money in my pocketif Mori Kawa and Homa had won,

because I always have a ticket onMorikawa and I had money on Homa that
I placed this week at seventy fiveto one. Get there, you son
of a bitch. He collapsed.Yeah, they I'm sure you watched all
of it. Because you had Morikawaand a Fe'd won, you would have
won a lot of money. WhenScotty hit that one on nine from the
fairway that rolled back to within likeit was in the shadow of the flag

stick. It was over that that. Right after that, they all collapsed.
Homo put the one where he couldn'tget to it, yeap Ober and
put it in the water. Bogeedouble bogie that hole. It was over
He and then Zacho's guy Bryson collapsed. He's Scotty's just ic can can't putt.

In fact, all those guys yesterdayexcept for Scheffler, and Scheffler's been
a bad putter the last couple ofyears. That's even right, that's his
criticism of himself, right, He'stalking about getting a putting coach and all
these things. Yesterday Scheffler was hittingmostly everything, and Olberg was doing okay
putty, especially in the first half. But Man Mari Kawa, Homa and

uh and Bryson could not putt.No. And the other bit now is
Scotty is basically just said, effitt, I'm gonna get it as close as
possible so I don't have to reallyrely on my putty. Morikawa had an
opportunity to kind of put some pressureon Scotty and he just couldn't make any
of those birdie putts, very routineputts that for them, they just couldn't

make hi Alexis, good morning,morning, good morning. How are you
all right? How about you guys? Are you a golfan? Did you
watch the Masters or what do youdo on Suday? Yeah? I watch.
I don't like live, eat andsleep and breathe because you gotta get
money on it. Yeah, thereyou gotta feel. I'm just there for
the vibe. So I watched Thursdayand Sunday, did not watch anything in

between. I just like when theygolf, like eye golf, like someone
hits a shot in the water.I'm like Sam, a lot of Sam.
Yeah, there was a lot ofthat yesterday except for Scheffler. Yeah,
he seemed to drill and drain everythingjust locked in. So wipes away
the power trip bet. And lookthere are people going, well, why
even bet if the whole BET's goingto be wiped away. Well, the

whole reason we did that is wewere losing people. No he took Shuffler,
Well no, we don't allow itall time ghosts. So we do
it where he's what we call theghost, and if he wins, the
whole thing not finishes higher than allof our picks, but if he wins
the tournament, we're betting on thenthe whole bet gets wiped away. Got
it. And the reason we didthat is because there were people that were
picking twelve thirteenth fourteenth that were justtired of donating two hundred dollars every time

we did a golf that because theyhad no chance. So, I mean,
how good you guys started this?Because I've done a few bets with
you guys, I've had this andplay it. I think it's a good
way to do it. And ifyou don't like it, do your own
bet at your own house. Yeah, that's how we do it. Yeah,
complaining Rosie and lawyer Lambert are tiredof it. Rosie's tired of all

of us. I still can't believehe did not show up to our Vegas
shows. Yeah, I can't either. I honestly thought he was going to
break and I even Dob thought he'dshow up and he didn't. I just
can't believe he didn't want the spotlightfor five minutes, that's his favorite thing.
What a great move to show upat like eight point fifty on Front
right after initials on Friday. Itwould have been awesome, Yeah, would
be. He didn't do it.No, stayed at Circa almost the entire

time, but then it had beenlike an elitist. He was like listening
most of the time. My god, yeah he can't. So he called
in. So it's a work tripnow, right, and he called into
Common. Yeah yeah, but youguys said he sounded completely uninterested calling into
Common. And when he called intoour show, he talked about meeting people

who liked to bowl. Oh yeah, just two worthless phone calls. Now
he's going to write off the wholetrip. What a scam? Speaking of
tax day, Oh yeah, ohyeah, you guys are all going to
jail. No I'm not. Yeah, no, yeah, you guys are
a loophole guys. No, mytaxes are all legit. Oh sure,
no, one hundred thousand percent theyare. Did you write this trip off
as a work trip? No,because this is in twenty twenty four,

will you no, Yeah, we'renot allowed to. What do you mean
we're not allowed to? Rosie?You don't think Rosie's going to write this
one off? He called into theshow twice. Everything's a tax right off
if you try hard enough well,or if you have the right guy,
right, which is why they're allgoing to jail. We're not going to
jail. It's been nice. Ihave good lawyers, Zacho. You went

to the Wild game on Friday though, right, yes, good chunk of
it, even though the Wild gotabsolutely smoked, but that was that was
part of your Vegas experience and goodtiming for us. They got smoked,
actually seven to two. As always, they put on the Golden Knights.
Folks put on a hell of ashow. The game obviously did not go
well for the team that I rootfor and work for, but it's still,

as I said on the air onthe air Friday morning, like regardless
of the result, like the hockeyis almost secondary to just the spectacle surrounding
it. So I got to seea guy Bruce, and got to meet
some of his family and friends,and so to me from the press box,
I got to say hello. ThroughTom Reid's headset to Alexis, I

heard shuffling, and then everybody's like, who's that? It's healthy. It's
like, oh my god, howonly one person can be there's shuffling?
Can we talk about what happened rightbefore that? Though? What I thought,
I thought a moment with you summedup not only our entire Vegas experience,
but I just think the human experience. Sure, can we walk through
this? So we were at NewYork, New York, and one of

the cool things that the Vegas GoldenKnights do is basically think of the school
line in the Minnesota Vikings Scholl lineyep, and the Vikings cheerleaders and mascots
or whoever, if they all dida parade, but through the casino on
the way at a T mobile.Oh okay, that they come down.
I don't know if it's stairs arrested. Maybe it's the escalator and there's skull

line in it up whatever they hellthe ight the Vegas Golden Knight's skull line
is called the drum lines. Comingdown the escalator, the entire casino kind
of stops. Our roulette table.We're playing roulette, live roulette, not
video roulette. We're playing live roulette. Our our dealer even kind of stopped
my I assume it's let's not tryto be gambling while there's a distraction for

two minutes. Yeah, we've allseen Oceans eleven, twelve, and thirteen.
Let's just make sure we're all focused. So for about two minutes,
we pause as this procession goes throughNew York, New York. It was
pretty cool. How much money didVegas lose in those two minutes. Well,
that's a price to pay. Butit was cool, right, Everybody
was like, this is kind ofa cool little spectacle. It a cool
little tradition. And we go backto the gambling. We're playing live roulette

with an absolute crackhead. By theway, we don't need to discuss that
story. We saw a guy aguide derail and he took it out on
the dealer. Maybe we can tellthat story. But I just don't understand.
Guys is like that. He hada meltdown at that. Oh yeah,
I've never I've been around casinos myentire life. I've never seen someone

who a gambles like that. Hehas such a weird strategy in the terrible
strategy, the ticks he had duringand before and after, and he was
and you missed the worst and youtold us about the meltdown. I just
saw the rest of it. Buthere's here's why I want to get back
to Zach and Max. This isa good lesson for you. You're not

much of a gambler, but we'regoing to convert you. Max. Oh,
I need to uh start making somemore bones first, Here's how you
do it. Here's how you doit. This is why Zach is the
moral of the story. This isthe our thesis statement moving forward. This
is the whole point that everybody shouldtake away from Vegas. We're at the
live relette table and Zach's just bleedingmoney, bleeding, not good, He's

bleeding. It's all of his chipsare on the table, all of his
chips are gone rebuy, all ofhis chips around the table. All of
his chips are gone rebuy. AndI what was like the third or fourth
spin. I hit my number forlike what a six hundred change or whatever,
So I walk away up five fifty. I'm like, forget it.

And Zach's just free falling and tothe point where I'm like, I'm just
gonna let him do his own thing. We'll be back. I'm gonna go
cash these chips out while while yourecover, and if you want to do
things that you don't want us tosee, just gotta go go for it.
By the time we're walking back andZach, I don't know how much
you had lost on the downswing,but we walked back up to the table,

Sauce and I walked back up andZach had just crushed for what seventeen
hundred or eighteen hundred, right,seventeen fifty seventeen fifty. But what's even
better, here's the here's the moralof the story. He opens up his
wallet. That was the last dollarhe had, So if that one didn't
hit, they're like a walking billboardfor Vegas. It was basically the lesson

learned is if he had just quit, he would have down six. He
had to keep firing tuble last.So spend your money until there's nothing left
and hope you went it back.And he drilled it and he was in
the best mood. I'm so proudof you. What are you buying us
with your winnings? Oh? Youlose it all back. I don't even

want to know. A lot ofit may have made it back. Keep
playing. Well, you and Iwent on Saturday, you were wanting to
get on Saturday. I mean,it's it was a lot of it made
it back, A lot of itmade it back. It was it was
a wild ride. And it wasalso you know, their Saturday night.

I had a really good night atthe Flamingo, So that was that was
good. Uh, it's just becauseuh we we figure he hooked up with
somebody, but he won't tell us. Oh no, No. Like the
gambling side of things, yeah,they actually have some pretty friendly blackjack rules
there at Flamingo, So happy withthat. If you're a blackjack person,
don't don't play mostly in the stripbecause it mostly sucks. But Flamingo was

fun. It was, it was. It was a wild, wild weekend
of gambling and other stuff. SoI just want the visual image though,
for everybody out there with one hand, your empty wallet wide open, the
other hand, just a pile ofwinnings. Yep. Good. Just that's
life right there. It's like it'slike finding Nemo. Just keep gambling,

yeah, always keep gambling man right, so proud of him, Yeah gambling.
Just drilled it. Thirty one blackright, boom, there is thirty
one baby. Every time nailed it. I hit it a couple of times
of its actually it hit four orfive times when I was at the Flamingo.
But you can't put big money onit every single time, so I

I still hit it because you know, you always have to cover your number.
But yeah, see, I wantto play actual real litte. I've
only ever done the digital one before. Oh, actually it's fun. I
don't I've only done it once andwe all want money except for David,
which is great. But yeah,it's it's it's fun. Actually, it's
a good rush. Yeah, yeah, Zach Oh and I are on the
same page. There are very fewfeelings gambling better than when your number hits,

when you're big on one number androulette, it's the greatest. It
doesn't feel like it should happen.You're like, did that really just happen?
Let's go, it's the best.Or if you're Muss, it feels
great when Scotty wins and bails youout from the worst bed of all time.
It's not a bad pick. Heonly lost by twenty seven shots.
Yeah, but a couple of shotsgo this week a couple of let's go

that way back in it it's overfor Tiger. It was a bigger number
of shots Tigers loss or how manymust took this weekend. Yeah, Muss
is not here today because he wasin Augusta this weekend, so he gets
back tomorrow. But that's why wecalled the Alexus, so we upgraded.
Yeah, alexis now Ben Leeber laterHoward tip morning, Shohan not manad Look,

I know we're supposed to do asports in the next segment with the
front page Sports. Yeah, man, but yesterday was Masters Sunday and that's
awesome. But it also was justan absolute train wreck for the Wolves.
Yeah what happens? Yeah, theMasters and the Twins. And I checked
the Wolves score when the game wasover, and I literally did a double
take. I was like, whatwhat did I miss? Of course,

we're going to face the team that'sthree and zero against us this year.
Why wouldn't we maxim Is this theworst possible matchup or not? Are you
not buying the suns hype? Ithey've been I mean, they were a
game away from the play in fora reason. They've been super inconsistent throughout
the season. Granted, over thelast month or so they've been pretty locked
in. They're like a top fivedefense and one of the best. I

mean, obviously, with the threesuperstars they have there, one of the
best offenses in the league as well. But I don't know, I think
I granted, obviously it's a threegame sample, but I think those are
more aberrations than anything. I don'tI'm not super scared of him. Some
people are saying, you know,like Sons in five or six, I'm
not feeling that. I think Ithink it could be a seven game series.
The Wolves just need to I don'tknow, they need to lock in.

I still I still see it asa win. I'm finishing top three
in the Western Conference. There's somuch better than they were last year.
But I mean, I did goon the radio yesterday morning and say I
wasn't concerned, yeah with my mouth, and now I uh now I'm a
little bit more concerned because you never, I mean, you never want to
play Devin Booker and Kevin Durant andBradley Beal as well. Bradley Beal was

the one who really killed us yesterday. But I think I think the Wolves
are gonna come in a little bitstronger next time. And I think in
a seven game series the Wolves willstill pull through. But man, it's
it's a little dicey out of allout of all the matchups we could have
had. Yeah, that it's eitherthem or the Pelicans that I that I
kind of fear the most. Thiswhat's crazy about everything you just said?
Because nothing you said is wrong.But how about the fact that even though

the Wolves just had the second bestseason regular season in franchise history with fifty
six wins. The Sons are favoredto win the series' that's just that's bias.
They are minus one fifteen, theWolves are minus one oh five.
That's that's biased. And the Sonshave our number last year too, No,

a little bit they should though.That is a better team, yeah,
the sun The Sons are a betterNo, they're not max O,
that's not true. But but theyBut the thing with the Suns is is
they do what they make. TheWolves one dimensional and they don't let Anthony
Edwards drive to the basket. Theyhad our number yesterday and the Wolves in
a game where you just gotta win. I know it's the end of the

year, but they've got something toplay for. They laid down right.
The Sons are Kevin Durant is amonster. Devin Booker when he gets hot,
is very good, and Bradley Bealis also good. The Wolves are
gonna lose in five. They're gonnaget gentleminely. That's nothing. There's no
way, there's no way. TheSons are not a better team. Man.
They have a higher the ceiling offensively, for sure. The Wolves have

the best defense in the league,one of the best defenses in the league.
I mean, they're a deeper team. The Sons have three people name
name two people that aren't Kevin Durant, Bradley Beal and Devin Booker on the
Suns the guy from Duke the tripspeople. Oh yeah, yeah, okay,
yeah, he let us up yesterdaytoo. But they have they literally
have one of the worst benches inthe league. I think they're dead last

in scoring in the league. Andthe Wolve's got inn Os. Reed,
man, I mean we got NikkeilAlexander Walker. We got two of the
best non starters in the league.The Wolves are a deeper team than the
Suns. I don't there's no theSons could win. Obviously, there's no
way they're a better team. They'renot a better team. Sat. Fourteen
hours ago, you tweeted, whatan embarrassing statement for the Wolves they will
lose in the first round sit down. I'm on Max's side. Thirteen hours

ago, Sauce, you tweeted ninepm playoff games because the Wolves will be
playing the Suns. Absolutely sucks.Yeah, I'll stand by that sucks only
when they're away though. Twelve hoursago, Chad Hartman or old buddy Chad
Hartman. Yeah, tweeted the Sunshould be favored if the matchup holds.

You retweeted that. I stand bythat, and they are standart Man.
Twenty hours ago, when we weretalking about the old Masters bet that must
made with Tiger Woods, right,you said, let me try this again.
Tiger is the goat. It's overfor him. He's going to finish

last of all the people who madethe cut. Thank you. He did,
and I stand by that. Standby Yeah. Not only do I
stand by that Tiger's lost up,Yeah right, Max, it's all.
One day ago you tweeted, stopshowing Tiger. I stand by that.

It's all they did. Scotty Schefflerhad this awesome I think it was a
long, long, long Birdie putt. Well, on that note, you
said, Scotty makes an unbelievable putt. But instead of a replay, we
see Tiger, who's fifteen off thelead, hit one out of the fairway.
Yeah, that was true, andI stand by Scotty makes this sweet

putt. They don't even show thereplay. They show Tiger, who's like
plus seventeen at the time, shoota shot out of the fairway. I
know, like he's the best golferof all time, he's maybe my favorite
athlete of all time. But it'sover. It's just over for him.
He just doesn't have it anymore.He can't compete. Yeah, a string

of stand up. I believe allof it, and I'm tired of it.
So back to the old Sun's Wolvesfor a second. I'm going to
stand by something as well, Sauce. I don't need to hit the button
for myself, but I'm going tostand by this. I don't think this
is a great matchup for the Wolves. I'm a little bit with you that
this is a bad draw, butI'll stand by what I've said for the

last like two or three months.I don't care if it's the Suns,
Lakers, Warriors, Kings, MAVs, all the teams that had that had
a shot at being in the backhalf and running into the Wolves, whether
they got the one, two orthree seed. The goal is not to
get just to round two. Whenyou're this good, we need to be
Western Conference Finals or farther. Yougot to be one of the final four

teams. If they can't beat theSuns in round one, they weren't going
to beat Denver. They weren't goingto beat Oklahoma City. They weren't going
to beat Boston or Mawaiian. Sothat's not a fair point. So if
we lose to Phoenix, then wedidn't have it anyway. Because if you
want to be a title contending team, this is a team you should beat,
right, we should be able tobeat this team. Yeah, so
let's go. If you can't beatthem, then we wouldn't have done it

anyway, Maxo, I think,I mean, matchups are everything. I
don't I think the Wolves matchup withI think the Wolves matchup with Denver,
Okay see as much as anybody whetherregardless of whether they're matchup well against the
Suns. But yeah, obviously they'rethey're a top three seed here in Minnesota.
We want them to bare minimum getout of the first round because they've

made so much progress this season.But yeah, when you're a top three
team, you should have title aspirations. The Wolves have been one of the
best teams, if not the bestteam, in the Western Conference all seasons,
so yeah, you should have titleaspirations at the very least Western Conference
final aspirations. But it's not avery good matchup. The Wolves haven't been
very good against the Suns historically everthroughout their entire franchise history. Really,

so it's a good good way toget their monkey off their back. And
look, I mean it'll be agood way to turn the tithe exactly.
Anthony Edwards is playing against his alltime favorite player, Kevin Der, He'll
be extra motivated. Karl Anthony Townsis playing against his best friend, Devin
Booker, He'll be extra motivated.And nasried is freaking nasried baby. Let's
go big rugo bird. And don'toverlook the fact that Mark Parrish and Chris

Hockey have never heard of Bradley Beal. No, no, no chance,
could other than the Suns. Couldthey name one team Kevin Durantz played for.
Well, he's played for half theleague. I mean they could just
guess and probably get one right.We've done this and I think one of
them said the Warriors. Yeah,yeah, he's he's played for so many

teams. He's played for teams thatdon't exist anymore. Yeah, you're right.
He was the last first round pickby the Seattle SuperSonics before they moved
to the Great City of Oklahoma City. Durant's got to be thirty, well
hold thirty mid thirties Greg Odin draftright, Yeah, Oden Duran man and

it was a debate and it wasfair at the time. Didn't work out
for injuries and other reasons. Idon't think Odin would have been a top
twenty player of all time like Durantis. Oh Duranta stud He's the man
front Paid Sports from the Power Tripwho returns after this on the fan Fan
Time now for front Paid Sports presentedby Holiday Station Stars Today station stores.

You can get to two Red Bullsat Holiday and then they'll give you a
third one free by two, getone free mix and match any Red Bull
eight point four ounce cans at Holiday. Should probably do that. Wake up
this morning at Holiday you guys likeHoliday station stores? Hell yeah, the
pech fan Holiday big fan. ScottyScheffler, Oh you were there yesterday with
Scheffler. Yes, Me and Scottycelebrated with Oh, Scotty doesn't know.

Scheffler won the Masters, his secondMasters win. He shot a four under
sixty eight yesterday to beat Sweden's Ludevigget Oberg by four shots. He shot
a three hundred sixty nine and heactually he would have been right there if
he hadn't put that one in thefreaking water. Sucks man. That dude's
legit. Yeah, that dude,and he's twenty four. I already have

a ticket on him for the uh, what's the next one? Is the
PG Championship. Yeah, Because Iwas sitting in the sports book on Saturday
as he was climbing the board,I'm like, this kid can golf.
Yeah, he's fair. And Ilooked at the outs and he was something
like twenty eight to one for thenext one. I'm like, whatever,
let's do it, let's go.And he seemed to have a pretty good
demeanor on the course too, likevery calm, very like yeah, enjoying
himself. Yeah, I was sweatinghim. I had I put a fair

amount of money on him on Wednesday. Really, I had a pretty good
It would have been a really funhead but so you nearly hated the had
a very rough flight home watching thatyesterday. I was very angry. Well,
yeah, and I had money inMarikawa, Bryson, pell La collapsed.
At one point it was it wasScheffler, Marikawa and Auburg at seven

under. I'm like this is thisis pretty good. This could be a
fun afternoon and then water water andsk He just he's too good man,
just too damn good. It's goodand the bit where like there's some people
who think that maybe we should nothave him be the ghost because that nobody
wins. But then we can't haveanybody pick him. He cannot be a

playable character. That's how it's geteverybody to quit. Then he's an automatic
win or very close, very he'she I mean, I think, I
think, and I could be wrongbecause I am a lot of the time.
I think on sadd or on Wednesday, I saw he was like minus
fifteen hundred for a top twenty finish, right, like he just he's inevitable.

This this is the year that wasa sucker bet. Though I know
he ended up winning. This isthe worst year to do that because if
he's minus fifteen hundred at one pointto be in the top twenty, this
would have been the time his wifegoes into labor and he leaves. And
yeah, I mean you, ofall the years, this is the one
to have stayed away from that bet. It would have paid, but that
would have been a scary bet tohave to avoid the labor. I don't

quite understand the way the baby worldworks, right, I've never had one.
So what you do is you meeta fine young I get that part.
Okay, where's the stork coming?It's the rest of it. I
don't get the rest of it.But like when they said, like they
made it seem up until yesterday thatshe was due like any minute, she's

like a month out. Oh isshe really? Yeah? Okay, Well,
like I get it. I getit, Like he wants to be
prepared, and I would leave toright. And I think even if somebody,
even if she got even if shecalled him like the ninth hole,
I would bet he would have left. He claimed he was leaving. Ill.
That's the right move. That's waymore important than a stupid golf turn.

The only only if you get thecall in the ninth hole and you
have what two hours of golf left? Yeah? Nine holes? What is
it? What does it take?Sauce? Two hours? Uh, you're
walking, You're you're in Georgia,she's in Texas. It's not like it
anyway. She's not like it's fifteenexactly. She's not like she's not fifteen
minutes away. If you get thecall at four in the morning on Masters

Sunday. Then I then I'm totallywith him. You might want his take
off because you're gonna miss it becauseyou're going to be gone the rest of
the day golfing. Yeah, ifyou got two hours to go and she's
in Texas. I mean the kidthough, Yeah, I know, but
you're you're you're gambling that you're goingto miss it anyway if you get the
call on the ninth hole. Butexactly say you tried your best effort.

Yeah, even so, I meanhe's not if he's not going to the
airport and waiting in line. Alimo would pick him up at the front
jet private jet and he'd be backthere in an hour and a half.
Right, how far is the flightfrom Texas to Georgia an hour and a
half maybe if that yeah, yeah, maybe two who knows. Yeah,
Scotty's not waiting in line at TSA. Even so, he didn't have to

worry about that because she didn't gointo labor and he won the Masters,
so he won almost four mellion.But yeah, I think we just keep
him the ghost. He's not goingto win every time. But for the
people who pick thirteen, fourteen,fifteenth, he's your best chance. What
about instead of you know it's onehundred dollars, Well, it's two hundred
dollars. If your golfer wins,right, a person, it's one hundred

dollars. If if somebody that wedidn't pick wins, that's not the ghost.
What if the ghost wins, ifit's something like ten bucks a person?
What if the car is over seeI don't hate the carryover either.
I don't either. Maybe that's beenone hundred apiece carries over right, because

nobody would have lost the two hundred. I don't say that. Why Why
Because you can't guarantee that somebody's goingto carry or going to do the next
bet, or be there for thenext one. Well, that money carries
over. Then if you don't wantto be there for the next one,
then you still lose your hundred bucks. Still lose your hundred bucks? Are
we going to it? Doesn't itdefeat the purpose of the ghost And the
reason why we're losing people is ifyou get picked fourteen or fifteen and you

never had a shot anyway, Well, I think the funny part is is,
let's see, let me take aquick gander here because if you lose
one hundred, what pick was deshambo, I don't know. I think it
was like tenth or eleventh. Thehighest pick out of all of us was
Hockey at second. Uh. Leeber'snumber one pick finished nine over. Rosie's

third pick finished nine over. Uh. Yeah. I mean my point is,
if you know one hundred bucks,then we might as well just pay
the highest finisher and just not letScottie completely ruin the bat. Yeah.
But then here's the flip side ofthat. Instead of paying Carly one hundred
because she had the highest finisher rightright with Homa, would he righte?

That's correct? Rs. Yeah,So she would have got one hundred from
you. But now you could winit back. You could win your own
money back by winning the next tournamenton the carryover. What we need to
discuss it. We don't have todo it on the air. I'm just
yeah, I like the idea oftake Scotty off the board. But I
don't know, but I did kindof like the anti sweat though. Yeah,

especially I didn't want to pay somebodyto twenty five because Hoblin sucks at
golf, because when your guy missesthe cut, and let's say the next
tournament we get rid of the bitif we if your guy misses the cut
and all of a sudden, you'resitting there, you go, damn it.
Scotty's eight under. Why did wechange the rule? You want Scotty
if you missed the cut the antisweat. Yeah, And the only logical

one is Scotty, because you can'tlet somebody take him and then but you
also, on the flip side,can't just take him out of the bet
completely. You have to. He'sgotta be the ghost. He just hass
to me. We'll figure it out. Tiger Woods finished plus sixteen. That's
just twenty seven shots behind Scotty Scheffler. Fleetwood had a really nice Sunday.

Fleetwood, Home and Morikawa all tiedfor third at four under. So this
is his second Master's win in fivecareer starts. That is the that con
fewest ever, only five starts,two wins. Yeah, he's the first
guy to win back two to threeyears since Bubba Watson did it. Oh,
he's also the first player to winsince Tiger. He's also the first

player to win the Masters and thePGA Championship since Tiger did it. In
one, he's just unbeatable. Attwenty seven years old, he's also the
fourth youngest to win multiple Green Jackets. Good for him, Okay, good,
I'm not proud of that. ThanksRose, and everybody says he's a
wonderful man. Wild season two gamesago Alexis. They are at the Los

Angeles Kings of Anaheim to night ateight thirty in the final game of the
season, and the final regular seasongame of the season is Thursday home against
the Kraken. Yeah, sad,so it's over. So can you two
hockey people help me out with this? I just assume the NHL draft lottery
was the same as the NBA,that if you don't make the playoffs,

everybody's in the lottery. But Isaw on Twitter that's not the case.
Yeah, it's it's kind of funky. I And did Helly correct me if
I'm wrong? But didn't they changethis recently? I yeah, I want
to say it was like a coupleof years ago they changed this. So
now it's just top eleven, youknow. Yeah, so top eleven have
a shot at the number one andthe Wild are currently in like the twelve
spot. Yeah, and you know, you know they're going to win tonight

and Thursday, you just know,just so they have no chance to get
a chance even if they do lose, because I'm cracking or five behind.
So they're mathematically out of the lotterytoo. So we just missed the cut
on, just missed the cut onthe playoffs, just missed the cut on
the worst possible gray area to makethe postseason, didn't make this shot.
You want to talk about Minnesota mediocrity, this is it right here. Actually,

it's more about the fact that it'sjust, you know, the NHL's
arbitrary rules that they decide whatever theywant to do whenever the heck they want
to do it, which is Imean, it's absurd that there's some weird
top eleven. I mean, howarbitrary is that? Why eleven? And
why are we stopping at eleven?Why not ten? Why not nine?
I mean, it's just it's funny, even like last year, like the

Blackhawks winning you know, the firstpick, like they shouldn't have even been
in it. No, So thewhole point of the damn thing, I'm
gonna swear because I'm angry about this, the whole point of the lottery is,
we know, is to like discouragetanking. Yeah, what are you
doing when you're not in the playoffsin this great area you're I guess if

we would have known this a weekor two ago. You can't tank.
I've always been anti tank. Youcan't do it. You can't. These
players are playing for bonuses, goodplaying for you know, they want to
put on a show. So youcan't you know, actively tank. But
I'll tell you what, there's anincentive to tank. If the bottom only
the bottom eleven teams have a shotat that pick, it's or at least

just moving up. It's ridiculous.So anyway, I'm not animated about it,
but I agree with everything helping therules with the the prezy and suitor
contracts that they just said, ohthis is different now, like the pen
was put to paper it with differentrules, and then the NHL is like,
oh, this is stupid. Soand then we're like, Minnesota,

you messed up so bad. We'rechanging the rules, but you're still stuck
with the consequences of what I did. Literally, that's what happened. Yeah
to your league. Wow, ZachMax, did you watch any of UFC
three hundred? I actually fell asleepand apparently it was the most exciting card
ever. But I did see someof the highlights and went back and rewatched

the Justin Gaigie versus Max Holloway fight, which is if listeners, if you
haven't seen it, it's one ofthe most exciting knockouts in combat sports history.
I saw the knockout. He justwent out cold with that one.
It was insane. I mean,Max Holloway, Justin Gaigie, both guys
known for violence. It was everyonewas looking forward to this fight from when
it was announced and the last tenseconds of the fight, Max Holloway just
points to the middle of the ring. You don't even have to know exactly

what he says, but he said, let's f and do this. Justin
Gaichie obliged, met him in themiddle of the ring and they both just
rock them sock and roboted for thelast ten seconds, and then Max Holloway
scored a buzzer beater knockout on JustinGaegee left him one that I think so
he was leading on the cards.I believe it was. It was a
close by, a competitive fight,but that just I mean, especially in

combat sports, you never know.The judges are super shady and you never
know what they're gonna do, sohe didn't even leave it up to them.
He got that buzzer beater knock outone second left and left Gaichie flat
on his freaking face. What wasthe use of rock em sock and robot
as a verb? That was reallynice? Thank you? Yeah, it
was. It was insane. Itwas so much fun. And then the
main event was kind of anti climactic, the champ one in one round.

It was kind of cool though.He got kicked in the nuts and normally
they stopped the fight for a littlebit. I saw that, Yeah,
you get like five minutes up tofive minutes, they kind of press you.
You don't actually get five minutes,so like, come on, it
doesn't hurt that bad. But hetotally he waved the ref off, Like
the ref came to break it up, He waved the ref off and then
just knock the dude out with hisleft and like three seconds later. It
was It was incredible, It wasawesome. I'd ask for five weeks off.

Yeah, wouldn't we schedule this fight? Wouldn't I just be the headliner
of UFC three to zero three instead? Yeah? Oh yeah, I would
just leave the cage I'd be like, I'm suing, I'm done, I'm
sorry, all right, Rose,What really matters after this, I'll do
scores and stats around the world ofsports. Then the sauce will change your

life with something else. Ben Leverjoins in like fifteen minutes. Alexis Pearson
is here. This is the PowerTrip Morning Joe on the fan. Damn.

It's brought to you by Quantum Fiber. You can watch the Power Trip
Morning Show weekdays. Today I'll makethe Quantum Fiber your world unleashed. All
right, Ben will join us inabout ten minutes. We're about a week
and a half away from the NFLDraft. Let's go time saucy. Hell
yeah, man, I can't waitto Ben about it later. I sent
the draft order for the Power TripAnnual Mock Draft over the weekend, and

that'll be great. I can't wait. It'll be fun. But for now,
here's what really matters. I doscores and stats and then nasauce.
You're gonna change everybody's life with somethingelse that's more interesting than what I'm gonna
say. Could you find something thatAlexis approves of, that she's interested by.
Could you intrigue her with something becauseI'm gonna bore her ready, Yeah,
Okay. The Phoenix Suns won onetwenty five one oh six over the

Timberwolves deal with thirty six Booker twentythree Durant fifteen, but the Wolves had
twenty four turnovers. Andy let Phoenixshoot fifty five percent from three. So
the Wolves finish as the third seedand Phoenix locked in the sixth seeds.
So we have a first round matchupbetween the two teams that squared off yesterday
Phoenix in Minnesota. Game one willbe on Saturday at the Target Center.

The Wolves have played the Phoenix Sunsthree times this year. Have you guys
specifically seen the three matchups? Isaid earlier they were rowing three year own
three. I know that. Doyou guys know anything else besides that,
because otherwise I'm gonnaquize if you knowadmitted, because then you can be I
don't think I've seen any of thegame. I must know, all right,
if you as soon as I askedthe question, if you know,
then just tap out. What isthe closest game the Wolves had out of

the three. They did lose allthree, but what was the close differ
point differential? What was the closestthey came in those three losses ten.
I'm gonna say yesterday nineteen nineteen wasthe closest. I was gonna say seventeen.
I was gonna say eight. It'sgotta be ten because they lost by
ten last week or two weeks ago. Yesterday was nineteen. They also lost

once by eighteen, and Max wascorrect they did lose by ten, So
all three have been double digitally.We got them right where we want them.
I don't know, point about eighteenpoints in nineteen points. It's gonna
be hilarious because everyone's gonna what Saucethinks. And then we're gonna go and
win in four, and then everyone'sgonna be like, look at the Wolves,
let's go Alexis That's what I'm talkingabout. Is it two to one

one one? Is that how itgoes? Two? Here? Two?
There? One here one there onehere, yes, yep, to two
and then back and forth, backand forth back. So the Wolves are
favored in Game one. As ofright now, they are one and a
half point favorites, but I thinkpowartrib Bet said they opened it like two
and a half, so the moneyis sliding the other way. And Game
one is in until Saturday, sowe're gonna see if the Wolves hold on.

As the Draft Kings favorites right now, they're get one and a half
point favorites, so they are favoredin Game one, but they are the
underdog in the series, which isthat's crazy, Although I get it it's
because you're all and three against thisteam, but it's bizarre to have fifty
six wins, have the second bestregular season in the history of the team,
and they are dogs in round one. Yeah, and as they always

say, it's not a it's nota series until the home team loses,
So hold serve here and go toPhoenix up too. Oh. Plus,
it's really hard to like completely sweepa team in the season, like they've
already lost to him three times.It's hard even if you are severely all
matched against the team you're gonna ifyou play them, just say it's a
seven game series. You play themten times this year, the Wolves are

gonna win a couple of games.So but think of how key this first
one is, Maxelly. You knowyou're just saying that right that the Wolves
are deeper, they should beat theSuns. Forget the fact that they may
they're zer and three. Think ofhow important though game one is, because
if you lose game one and nowyou're zero to four against Phoenix, it
is gonna be full blown panic modethat this team just is not the right
team to play. It'll be overby the NFL drug. You gotta find

a way to win game one andjust calm everybody's nerves and probably including your
own, right if you're the Wolves, going god, dang it, is
this the team that's gonna just smokeus? Just win game one, everybody,
take a deep breath, and thenfind a way to beat this team.
Do we one? Is Key,Maxim or Corey or or Alexis Orzacho
or you? No? I don't. That's am asking. Do we know

the times yet? And do weknow when? We will know the time?
I the time? I don't thinkwe know the time. We will
know the times when the rest ofthe playoffs are The playing games are so
my sources that depending on what timezone you're watching it in, it should
be around four No way, couldbe AM, could be PM. If
there's an eight pm home game forthe Wolves, are you attending and staying

the whole time? No? SevenPM game? Are you attending and staying
the whole time. No, wow, No, I will watch it at
home. I will cheer. Butyeah, Max, it's up to us
to ruth the victory. We gotto carry the wolves. Yeah, yeah,
I don't think. And also,yesterday they had twenty four turnovers.
I get turnovers. That has beena problem for the Wolves of this season.

But that's just that's an aberration.That's not going to happen again.
That's ridiculous. Well, what reallymatters is this. All right, let's
see all of you smart people,and I consider all four of you smart
because you're a smarter than I am. And you guys actually all read.
All right, let's go here wasthat to B? Yeah? What was
the last letter added to the Englishalphabet Q? This sounds like something Zacho

would know z Z. I thinkX is a good guess. Yeah,
but I don't know. But well, okay, so we have the Roman
neural system, so it's not agood point, so then it would be
good point or L. So maybeZ is the right answer. I mean

what you would probably add it tothe end of the alphabet if you're not
gonna like add the last letter betweenG and I. I'm gonna say V.
But V is a part of aRoman. I don't like the V.
We know the whole time. Ijust don't get it. I don't
know. The last letter added tothe English alphabet was JO. That makes

sense, I mean it's silent anda lot of other Yeah. The letter
dates back to fifteen twenty four,and before that. Before that, the
letter I was used for both theI and J sound you know what.
That makes sense because if you lookat an eye, it's the line and
the dot, and then if theJ yes yes, at the line of
the dot and then it curves similar. God, Zach, you cracked the

code. They both have the linein the dot. They do. I
wonder. I wonder if if theletter N was added later too, because
it's like an M. Wouldn't theend be before the end because they added
the extra line at the end ofthe end. Or maybe they just said,
you know what, too many humps, we're gonna that's no such thing.
Brother. By the way, theline of the dot are playing the

film or on Sunday my turn?Yeah, d eddie. Uh. The
Minnesota Twins lost to the Tigers fourto three. They blew a three nothing
lead. The Tigers scored four inthe eighth Bailey over six innings, three
hits, no runs, three strikeouts, zero walks looking up on your phone,
he was spectacular. Was enough forone and then they blew it.

So a serious play up to twoin the four game set. So the
Twins are six and eight. TheTigers are nine and six today at Baltimore
for the next three, starting tonightat five thirty five, Barland versus something
called Irvin. But what really mattersis this, uh what did you?
You and your wife got an argumenta couple of days ago, Corey about

you're gonna have to be more specificabout your dogs, and your wife thought,
dogs you can tell so weekend dogor daw let's have any do double
gs. I know you have adog. You post about your dog all
the time on social media, yep, which is fine. And I know
you don't listen to every second ofevery show that we do. Know that,
So let me let me quickly recapabout a week and a half or

so ago. My wife said thatthe dogs know it's the weekend. Brilliant
Zach and I and I got leftcan I said, excuse me? They
understand the Gregorian calendar and her herargument, which I don't completely disagree with
the principle, is that the dogsknow everybody's patterns. I was just gonna

say that, and if the patternis off, then they know something's up.
Yeah, and I said, fair. But they don't know it's not
a work day for me tomorrow.They don't know it's the weekend. They
just know why are we going tobed at eleven thirty? As opposed to
right, yeah, exactly right.Why is he not walking in crying because
he lost all of his money atpoker? He seems to be quietly watching

poker downstairs, So I get thepattern bit. Anyway, we got a
new an argument because she claimed thatdogs knew it was the weekend. It
was. It was honestly the wayshe phrased it, she just say dogs
recognize pattern changes. I'd say,nailed it. She said, they know
it's the weekend. It's basically thesame thing. It's basically the same thing.

Her point stands just yeah, butI see what. They don't have
a word in their little dog brainwhere he wakes up on Saturday and he's
like, oh my god, it'sSaturday. Everybody's right, everybody's going to
be around all day to day.There's nothing to do. It's the weekend,
sauce. You have a point aboutdogs. Pigeons can tell the difference
between Picasso and Monet. I thinkI've seen that. A nineteen ninety five

study shows that the birds can differentiatebetween the two artists. What, yeah,
take that little wonder how they knowthat? Yeah, so if pigeons
can know art, dogs can surelyknow the weekend. Yeah, of the
weekends finally here Yeah, and thenpigeons know where to go and stuff and
dogs and where to go. It'snot wrong. And also can you know

they don't know where to go?You know why my freaking dog tried to
go to Chick fil A on Sunday? Does it understand calendars? Dumb ass?
And then she learn, I mean, you got to teach that dog
and go to Canes if it's goingto go, well, you go to
Canes seven days a week, that'strue, dumb ass. Mars didn't know
that they're not open on Sunday ors. Maybe she I don't know, doesn't

know how a weekends work. Whatan idiot? Idiot? Capital Jay is
like a lot like Capital Eyes highare you you just you just thought of
that now. Yeah. Cool,I can't believe they just got They just
added the J like said, screwit. Always have the J right Mexican,
Yes, sir, talk about it, brother, Yeah, pass it

to the left hand side man.Today is the twenty twenty four Boston Marathon.
Oh yeah? Is it? Really? Isn't our guy Ben Guestling running
it in? I don't know.I think he is. I bet he
is, Yeah, I think heis. My buddy got a qualifying time,
but there was so many entries thisyear. It was it's a record

field that he that's a huge accomplishment. Second, well he didn't get That's
the sucky part is so he workshis ass off, gets it at Grandma's
last summer and it's all excited,but there's so many people that then they
have to lottery basically take like thein a know, every demographic, every
part of the demographic, age,you know, gender, all that.

Like. So he just missed thecut. I mean, he made it
the time, but they had tocut people and he got cut. So
hopefully next year. But good luckto all those people out there, those
lucky bastards. But what really matters, though, I been, what really
matters is this where is it?A ketchup was once used as medication.

The condiment was prescribed and sold forpeople suffering with indigestion back in eighteen thirty
four. Oh Man, doctors usedto be dumb as hell. There uhould
just be drilling holes in people andputting ketchup on your wounds. That are
cocaine, right, which they mighthave been onto something. Yeah, I

still don't get the whole drilling throughthe eye socket thing that Jeffrey Dahmer's been.
Dahmer liked to drill heads. Butwhat's that called the hlebotomy bottom.
Well, I mean, I'm neverI'm not a very smart person, but
I would have probably said, hey, maybe we shouldn't drill into people's heads.
We shouldn't be drilling into eyes,you know what we should be drilling
into? What's that Jays? Theylook almost exactly like Jim John. I

mean that could be I I beengive me amy on. Does this surprise
you at all that it took tillthis morning for Zach to realize that the
letter I and Jay kind of lookssimilar. It makes sense, It makes
sense it took this long. He'shigh. Yeah, No, that's what's
amazing. Is he's sober and talkinglike he's high, Like have you ever
noticed that the eyes and the jayserstill? Yeah, we get it.

We do one more quickly, justto see how fast zach o answers.
But what really matters is this,Harry Styles has four nipples. I would
have guessed that as well. Ithink we've talked about that on this day.
He's got multiple nipples on his chest. I think we've baby I'll have
multiple nipples. True, So he'sgot four four, Yeah, he has

four nipples. Yeah, uh huh, there's very The other two are much
smaller. But have you seen them? Yeah, you've got some utters.
Every everybody has very for work?Why is it purple? Whoa so?
So? So he has another protrudingnipple from the same areola or is it

like force like can joined nipple?Yeah, they're a little lower. One
of them is like so one ofthem is about I don't know maybe so
does it look like a mole?So don't drop. Zach's got there And
then I wish I had a tellustrator. And then the other one's right here,

so one, two, three,four, it's like a Ryan's belt.
I wish makes does that even it'sreally a nipple and not just a
like a birthmark looking thing. No, it's a full blown, uh nipple
if you look closely enough. Interesting, Zack, you're a giant Harry Styles

fan. Correct, Yeah, right, you're a big fan. A full
blown nipple. Yeah, I meanit's like a half it's a small one.
It's got ariola. Do the extranipples on Harry Styles, Zach,
increase his stock, decrease his stock, or maintain his stocks a risky business
car because a lot of times that'syou know, three four nipples. That's
kind of freaky. But they're smallenough, they're kind of cute. I

like it. It wouldn't what ifyou got them Piers, not the regular
ones, the extra one. Getthe extra oneser's a little bit better here
in this this shot here is thesethese two right here, If those were
like normal size, then that wouldbe a problem. Yeah, it would
be kind of gross, Zach.It wouldn't matter if he was covered in
them, right. Yeah. What'sthe most amount of nipples Harry Styles could

have without you? Seven? Whatif the question seven? So Harry Styles
walks into the studio and gives you, you know, the look, and
you go how many nipples do youhave? And he goes, I have
eight. Now you go out,get out. It's like Leo with this
twenty seven year old age limit.Zack's nipple limit of seven. We call
that the rosin zone. Eighteen totwenty four is the rozone. Yeah,

that's the only age he wants totalk to you or mentor you. After
that, you're disgusting. Yeah,so sorry, Alexis got to draw the
line somewhere. When is the nipplenot a nipple? When is it just
a mole or yeah? Because thosekind of look like just giant moles to
me. Yeah. If that,I love it, And you got to
look closer. I feel like itneeds to protrude. Yeah, but if

it is it only on your chest? What if it's on your what if
it's on your shoulder? Blad Yeahyou know, yeah, the zoom in
is it? Does? It isa nipple? For sure? Yeah?
Okay, I was questioning the veracityof it. But that's that's quite nipping.
Again. I know two things Iknow Harry styles and no nipples,
and that's a nipple. Yeah.Okay, So here's the here's my second

question. I followed Zacho. Yes, if that was not Harry Styles and
just some GQ model. Would itbe gross if that was the crackhead from
Vegas? Oh? Yeah, thatwas crackhead from Vegas with four nipples.
Would you like that or like Imean the rest, I mean, I
wouldn't call that gross, like Isaid, if they were any beggar.

Okay, but hey, on Benasked, really important nipples are like real
estate location, location, location location. If that exact same thing, the
one that he has on his stomach, if it's on his shoulder, as
Ben said, is that a nipple? I don't think it is. Or
is it just a mole? Whatis it like a weird mole? What
does it look like when it's cold? Dear gods, because that's a big

thing, a good point, apoint just sitting there. If it's just
hanging out, that's not no nipple. But you know, if you get
activated, okay, activated another makingslime. Another serious question he's making,
he is making. Yeah, he'strying. Well take long you were saying

that? Another serious another serious question. Okay, let's say one of those
quote unquote nipples is under genitalia.Is it a nipple? Oh, Zach,
can only need two wishes and inspectit. I mean, okay,
what if the so called nipple wason your face not a nipple? I

don't know based on the photo thatyou just zoomed in on. If those
are on your face, it wouldjust look like a giant pimple. Yeah,
it's like can I can which Iguess? Are moles just face nipples?
No, they're not, because theydon't have sensitivity. They're just moles.

SIM don't know. Cor That's whyI was asking earlier. Can they
be activated? If they if they'reactivated? Would agree with I agree with
Harry styles. Would you try themost medical nerdy way like I. I
would love for you to go tosome kind of like chick convention that's talking
about nipples or whatever, some feminismjust going But can they be activated?

Can they be activated? That's agood point, though. That's the least
straight question I've ever heard. That'swhere I would draw the line. If
if hard that's amen, That's that'swhere that's where we draw the line.

To answer your question that you wereasking very adamantly, Ben, in terms
of what is a nipple? Yeah, when is a nipple not a nipple?
This guy stand in one of thosewalking Fridges for a little while and
can be activating in more of thePower Trip Morning show after this onn stuffin

win your way into the Miller LiteVikings Draft Party. Tweet your draft questions
to meet Sauce each day leading upto the NFL Draft with hashtag KFA and
Draft. Then tune in each dayto Vikings News to see if Sauce reads
your questions for the chance to winat draft party tickets. For more info,
head over to camp in dot comkey word contests. All right,

let's do more of what really matters. I have more scores and stats around
the world of sports, Sauce.You have more to tell us, absolutely,
man, right, you just mentionedthe draft, so let's get into
this. JJ McCarthy is in NewEngland at dinner with the Patriots last night,
meeting with the team at the teamfacility today. According to dot com
Tom, they have the third pickin the draft. New England has already

hosted Drake May and Jaden Daniels.So've been a lot of people over the
last couple of months have speculated thatthe Patriots have so many holes that maybe
they're the team that isn't in lovewith one of these quarterbacks and you can
get all the way up to threeand get the quarterback that you want that
isn't pick one or pick two.They're wining and dining in all of them,

right, And I think the sentiment, sentiment that they're not going to
take a quarterback is getting smaller andsmaller by the day that they are going
to stay at pick three and geta quarterback. Do you believe that number
one? And if that's the case, then is our only option Arizona at
four? If not, what's planned? B about getting up and getting that
fourth quarterback? So you and Ifeel I feel like you and I are

the only people that are on thisside of it that they have to take
quarterback Like New England. Yeah,I think it makes sense to take quarterback.
To say that, to say that, well, they're they're the most
willing to trade down because they haveso many holes, Well, I would
argue that a lot of these teamshave a lot of holes. And if
you have a chain to be inthe third pick for the third best quarterback

you take, you take that swingand then build around that even if year
one is not what you want.M I think that you have to take
one of these quarterbacks Bryce Young,right, Like, Bryce Young might still
work out in Carolina, right,he might. He might be a bus
we'll see. But all right,you got the guy. The team sucked,
it didn't work. They have alot of holes to fill. Start

building around Bryce and give him ashot. Right, Yeah, I'm with
you. I think New England shouldstay put and take well, hang on,
I don't want to be a completehypocrite. They don't. As you
know, it all comes down toscouting. If New England's like, we
need a quarterback so bad, butthe only two we like, or Caleb
Williams and Jaden Daniels or whatever,if those two are the ones that are
gone, and you're like, I'mnot going to bank on Drake May or

JJ McCarthy, then fine, tradeout. But that comes down to scouting.
But conceptually, if you love oneof these guys, not having enough
around him, I think is areally bad reason to not take him.
I would stay put and take him. Yeah, one hundred. So I
think that My theory is I thinkthat they stay at number three and they
take one of these quarterbacks, andI think then then it makes sense that
they're bringing them to wine and dineand these guys to get to know them

because you never know, You reallydon't know what the Commanders are going to
do. That's the walk. Everybodyknows now that Caleb's going number one,
He's gonna go to the Bears.So now everything just starts. The domino
starts to fall at the number twopick with the commanders, which one do
they love? My guess is probablyJayden just because of the uh, the
Cliff Kingsbury deal. So then thenafter that it's just like who do they

like? And then we would haveto go up to number four. That's
that's my belief. I think wehave to go as we have to get
to four. So what about thetheory that the Cardinals are not very willing
to trade because they want to stayand get Marvin Harrison at pick four?
Then what do you do? Doyou call the Chargers and see if the
Chargers want to go from five toeleven? Well, what do you do?

Excuse me? We can talk aboutthis in the in Vikings News.
I can just kind of regurgitate thesame the same take. But I don't
know how much you and I havetalked about the sauce or anybody else.
But what why would the Chargers doany deal with us? Because I understand
that Harbaugh is not the GM,but why would Harball give us any favors?

He hates us? Yeah, Imean he walked. He walked away
from his interview with the Vikings thinkinghe had the job. He told people
goodbye in Michigan. The last,the last team that he would want to
do any favors for to move up, especially to get his former quarterback,
would be the Chargers. I betyou. I bet your Harbaugh has told
the GM, look, I'm fineif you want to trade away this pick,

just don't trade away to Minnesota.Yeah, Minnesota is not the team
that I want to trade this pickto to take my guy JJ McCarthy.
So one of my fears is ifwe can't get to four, the likelihood
of getting to five for the Vikingsis less than me moved up to four.
And the Giants are rumored to wanta quarterback right even though they're stuck

with Daniel Jones for now. ButR. J. Karthy has already met
with the Giants. He scheduled tomeet with the Commanders later this week.
So yeah, I think it's goingto be dicey. We have a week
and a half to speculate on what'sgoing to happen right a long way ago.
But what really matters is this.It would take nineteen minutes to fall
to the center of the earth.That's it. That seems like a long

time. Yeah, that's a lot. I feel like it seems short thinking
about how big the world is.Yeah, well, are we talking like
a free fall like if the pitjust opened up? Yeah? Okay,
Yeah, that's a long time.That is a long time. Got a
lot of time to think how far? How long did it take that Red
Bull strato jumper? How long didit take him to free fall? Now,

don't know. He did parachute halfwaydown, but I don't feel like
it was I didn't take very long. I feel like nineteen minutes would feel
alike forever falling for nineteen minutes,falling for nineteen minutes. Okay, who's

saiding, Well, that'd be cool, it's gonna be a long time.
He has ever done those what isthat called? I fly off of three
ninety four here the virtual skydiving becausethey have those wind tunnels. Yeah,
my kids has done it. Sucks? Does it really? Yeah? It's
actually really hard to do and ifyou fly off the middle because I wasn't
good and don't have a center ofbalance. They're just like, all right,

next, they don't care. Yeahit sucks. Yeah it was terrible.
I don't know. My kids likedit, but I wasn't there.
Well yeah, I was like fuckingoh breaking boom boom boom, boom boom.
What really matters is this? Anytimesaus I have one all set up

and then I got a little bit. Sorry, you got five or seconds?
Uh? How about this one?The I Carly high School set was
also used for what show? OhI know the answer to this? Say
by the Bell? Correct? Andthat's so raven. It's the future.
You can see. That was ahell of a show. Carly was all

I was talking about to Spencer.He was so crazy, Spenser Gibbie.
What's the guy? The camera guy'sname? Dof? That's Dof. I
love okay, Freddy Freddy, therewe go, no idea. He was
a nerd. I was a nerd. And every generation has their own show

like that, right, we hadSave by the Bell. They have all
the ones that they just named.My kids have these other ones now that
I've never heard of. I don'tknow these carrots are not as good as
the ones that were. Carly waskind of on the tail end of our
Jess, so Raven was more inthe sweet spot for us. I Carly
was like my god daughter watched Carlyand she's ten. Yes, sweet life,

Josh Drake and Josh up. Well. So I think these shows are
so generational, like and we weall grew up on Saved by the Bell,
the three of us at least grewup and sall now for a lot
of us. If you didn't livethrough that, now you just go to
Vegas and all Mario Lopez does istell you what's new in movies. You
have no recollection of him wrestling Needickfrom Valley Right, none. No,

he just tells you that was hisname. I believe it's one. There's
two possibilities which styles had one.I believe it was his last name.
And Slater's strategy and how to beathim man Mario Lopez. He hosts Blank

Slate on Games show at work.Yeah, he's basically been, which is
kind of like a bad version ofmatch Game. I don't care for it,
but I watch it. Yeah,he's just in my hotel room non
stop in Vegas. He what whathe's in my hotel room non stop in
Vegas. Yeah, it's hard notto just you know, you want to
see what's going on in the latestside with news Mario Lopez? Are you

nuts? Of course, Zach?Although hang on, only two nipples,
Zach, He just draws the lineactivate them? Can you activate? Mario
Lopez? Is nearly Lopez shirtless?Let me count one two nipples? Ha

ha? I care for that?You wouldn't You wouldn't say no right away?
You probably still would. But areyou nuts for yourself? Yeah?
No chance, I exact guy.I mean, here's a here's a real
here's a real observation that dude hasnot aged a single bit. He's handsome.

Neither is freaking Kelly Kowski. Yeahstill a smoke show. Yeah,
she's hot. I think there's apicture her in the my room. Yeah?
Why in your room? At playingin Hollywood? I don't think so.
No. Twenty two? Well howhigh were you? Very good for

you? How is the bath?I didn't take one? What it didn't
have a bit, It didn't havea view of the strip, and that
was it. Sex. Whole bitwas to take a bath. Sorry,
Okay, maybe that wasn't her Waitwhat oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah,
start hammering. What kind of roomdo you have that You have a

bathtub that faces the strip? Bathtubin my room was in the bathroom,
the one, the one in December. I got an upgrade. You got
a sweet yeah, full bone sleepbut like it had a full what full
full bone? He went full bonethe full bone? Sweet? Is uh?
Is that the honeymoon? Sweet?I think that's at the Excalibur.

It is, and it's very good. And you got high and took a
bath. Uh yeah, I knowit was, yeah, because I had
the windows facing to the windows theAria and on that side of the strip.
So I just got the boottooth speakerout and played some tunes and drank
a bottle of diet coke and hadmyself a night. So you got careless

whisper on your iPod, You gota diet coke and you're just looking at
pictures of Harry Styles. I can'tremember what I was listening to. What
were you watching? Fake Taxi theMalibu sans episodes of Say by the Bell
where Slater was a lifeguarden. Justme, wait, just you Leah remedy

man. You were so Stacy Corres. But it's about if the if it's
just four bathrooms told the point ofthe back, he told me. I
think it was Thursday. The mainreason he's staying an extra day is to
take a bath. That's what Iwas hoping for. But I just an
expensive bath or sach You know what, next time I'm at pH Yeah,

you make interesting choices. Okay,is it my term? Yes, the
Lynks made a trade with Chicago.The reason I bring that up is that
that is tonight the NBA or thew NBA draft, Excuse me, the
w NBA Draft is tonight. Thelinks go down from seven to eight.
And if you've looked at a wNBA mock draft, and I have,

Yeah, Sam angel Reese is inthat seven ish range. A lot of
the gals around that spot I've neverheard of. I've heard of, you
know, uh, top Caitlin Clarkand then like Cameron Brink. But then
there's a bunch of gals I'm notfamiliar with from South Carolina. But then
Angel Reese is right in that seveneight range. So watch us go from
seven to eight and then her goseventh, and then we're gonna get somebody

we've never heard of, which isour fault, not the Lynx's fault.
But if you are a fan ofAngel Reese, she's supposed to be right
around pick seven or eight and weare now picking eight. So what is
the trade compensation? Like, howdoes this work? In the w NBA
there were they there were players involved, and I think we have the right
to swap next year's first as well. Oh yeah, so I don't know

a right to swap next year's firstI think so, yeah, swap think
kicks in next year's draft. Ithink that's what I mean, Like you
get first right of refusal or someof their first right to to swap picks.
Well, if it's it's if they'reif they're better than us, are
a better spot than you can swap. That's it. That's in the NBA
all the time too, yep?Is it really? Oh yeah, yep,

I guess I'm unfamiliar with that tacticpick swap. Yeah, so like
if one team has we have wehave pick swaps with Utah for the Rudy
Gobert picture or trade. Huh yep. All right. What really matters though,
is this the shortest commercial flight inthe world is in Scotland Regional Airline

Logan Air flies between the islands Westerand Papa Wester. The journey is one
point seven miles and it takes ninetyseconds. Yeah, it's pretty we call
that the meat sauce fly. It'spretty wild and it's yeah you're you're you've
done it. I've never done it. I've watched Uh I watched YouTube videos

on it, and uh yeah,it's very Is that what you were going
to watch in the tub? Uhyeah, I'm a big Tom Scott guy
in the tub. Uh No,it's just the YouTuber that did it.
Yeah, it's it's not Thomas EverettScott from that thing you do. That's
exactly it. Yeah, it's ayeah, it's it's a prop prop plane.

The shortest one here from a jetI believe, is Miami to Tampa.
There's a flight in Hawaii that's aboutsix minutes. Okay, I saw
this flight. I saw this thingon social media other day. There's a
there's a flight. It's a UPSflight, so it's not a commercial flight.
UPS will take off out of Lax, make a big circle, go

south and land in Long Beach.Seems pointless. I'm like, you just
you just flew like twelve minutes inthe air all this cargo from Lax to
Long Beach. That's cheaper than justtrucking it down, probably quicker. But

I don't understand why they would evendo it. La to Long Beach is
twenty four minutes on a on aplane riving. Yeah, well by yeah,
by flight you know, they gota guy kind of go out and
around and like, you know,the air space thing in the flight path
and whatever. But I'm like,why would a UPS do that? I

don't know, I don't know.There has to be a mathematical reason,
right, because it makes no senseto your point on the surface. There
has to be a number cruncher wherethat just seems so much more expensive than
just lit But it must not beright. Otherwise they wouldn't do it because
they can fill so much more ina plane than they can It would take
probably what twenty trucks. Maybe it'sjust as simple as that. Maybe you

just aw be the riddle right there. I have no idea. Fascinating,
Yeah, that's fascinating. All right, let's do the news when we get
back more with Ben Lever and elections. Pierson. This is the power Trip
morning show on the fan
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