All Episodes

July 30, 2024 • 46 mins
Cory has What Really Matters, Sauce rails against Jac Collinsworth
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey, in the Power Hour,it's live canfin dot com, slash Watch,
that's where you can find it.It's all things to quantum fiber your
world unleash. Hey, all right, I just can't get over that story

of that airlines like being I've heardit because some of the cute. Can
you imagine how bad it must havebeen? Disgusting? Oh, I just
can't even smell that. Oh ohoh did you guys? Did they use
sawdust when you were in school?Yeah? Oh yeah, okay, and
that whatever that other stuff was.There was that other stuff too for a
while. I know what it waslike. If I smelled sawdust, I'm

like a hoo cute yeaheah. Butthere was that stuff that looked like kittie
litter. Oh yeah, it's likeit's quick dry stuff that they use in
garages. If you spilled oil,yeah, I forget that's called Yeah,
I know what you're talking about.Speaking of that, yea yeah, speaking
of that. What do you mean, so spilling oil? Oh? Oh.
There was a video that went Idon't want to say viral, but
there was a video that was circulatingof Jennifer Andison getting oil thrown on her

right and everybody was like this andthat and look at this, and then
you know, the Twitter community noteswas like, this is not a real
thing. This is for the MorningShow, right, So you had a
whole bunch of people reacting to thisthe oil spill, and then everybody noted,
this isn't a real thing. Thisis for the next season of The
Morning Show. And I'm gonna sayit again, it hasn't even started,

and I already hated because it's they'regonna be overly blunt and preachy about climate
change. And I'm like, look, I'm with you, and you're already
pissing me off. It's the worstshow. I freaking hated Corey. I'm
gonna say it again. I'm theonly one that have said this. I
felt the same way about the Barbiemovie. Everybody loved it so much,

and I am one hundred percent onboard with everything they said. I just
wanted more fun and less preaching.So the fun part was gostling, right.
The preaching was the Margot Robbie thing, no doubt. Gostling was the
import, no doubt, and freakingBillie Eilish almost made me cry. I
know, in fact, that wasenough, and I didn't think you were
capable of Yah, I thought youwere. I thought you had removed watching

watching it with my girls, andthen Billie Eilish's song came on and I
just about it breaks your heart,you know, And you don't have to
be a girl dad to understand whyI just happened to be. I just
don't get it, man, Ihave seen every episode of the Morning Show.
I will probably hate watch the nextseason. Why do I do it
to myself? I don't do it. I don't know. You're not mad

at me. There are shows thatI like, I don't watch. Yeah,
I don't. I don't know.I don't know. It's just really
somebody throw oil on her. Okay, we gotta get rid of I get
it. Oh my god. Thefirst like five or six episodes are great

of that show. Yeah, thefirst season I had, and then well
and then when the yeah it getsthe jumping the shark with the car off
the cliff bit is like, whatwhat that's your idea? That's that's terrible.
But they have a chance to showyou what a morning show like to
today's show is like with controversy andwhat it's like to be behind the scenes
and the production value and how theydo it. What they ended up doing

about season two is just started saying, let's go down the line of social
causes and make sure you check allall of them. So now it's just
it's like an agenda more than agood show. It's just I hate it,
hate it. It's hate it,and it's an asp you keep watching,
keep watching it. I'm part ofthe problem. I know. Okay,
it's like the ultimate hypocrisy. Theshow pisses me off and I can't

stop watching. Ahead there's gotta besomething that just the executives they tell the
writers they have to do this stuff, because the newsroom kind of did the
same thing at times too, wherefor the most part it was good,
but then it was like, really, the crew happens to be on an
airplane when they kill Bin Laden,right, and the news guy gets to

go up there to the pilot belike, it's my honor to tell you
that the London has been what isthis? Yeah, you're right, the
writing gets preposters in the news room. I think it was vastly superior to
the Morning show. Yes, yes, vastly superior. That's what's his face.
But yeah, the it's exactly whatyou said. The morning show is

just okay. So we talked aboutCOVID. Now we got to talk on
the women's rights, Now, wegot to talk about this, Now,
we got to talk about the climate. And it was like every episode was
like a cheap ps A and itwas we turned it off. I don't
think we watched the whole second season. It's just bad. It's bad TV,

and it's over acted TV, whichis too bad because there's so many
good actions on the show itself,people that I freaking love as people and
as actors, but you throw themall together and it's like this guy from
Hawk's favorite film about the band.Yeah, he's christ and incredible, but
and he's a rare TV character namedCorey that doesn't happen very often. He's

big bag on brand real quick.Speaking about being part of the problem,
you know when you order the foodin the drive through and then you go
around the little corner to pull upto the window, and they always say
go to the second window. You'relike, why is there even a first
window? Because you never go tothe first window. Ever. I digress.
I'm part of the problem because almostevery time now that I go to

a drive through, and I doit a lot because I need about one
time a day and I like toenjoy it, and I love fast food.
Can't help it. Yeah, fastfood, Well, I just love
it. I don't know why.As I'm making the corner, I'm thinking
to myself, I can't believe I'mpaying that much for one meal at a
fast food joint. I mean,when you go and you order whatever meal
from whatever restaurant and it's just youeating, and you're not being you know

Tommy Olsen's order at midnight, youknow what I mean. You're getting one
meal deal and it's fifteen dollars andyou keep doing it over and over again.
That's when you're part of the problem. I mean, if I got
a cheeseburger, a fry, anda drink and it's fifteen dollars, I
should go home and make myself aham sandwich. Yeah, yeah, I
can't believe it. We we wentto was it McDonald's in a small We

weren't there with your buddy chocolate shake? Was like six bucks? Yeah?
Is that no? Is that right? I think it was small or large
with six bucks, because I thinkit's only smaller. It doesn't matter.
But six bucks for a large ship. Should should not be? You got
to use the app McDonald's at thispoint. If you're not using the app,
I should you? Right? Ifthe Twins more than two runs,

you get a free the double cheeseburger. Use it all the time. They
do things like that. But alsoyou are not only are you getting points,
there are deals every time you gothrough, whether it's thirty percent off
and order ten dollars or more this, or like you're every time you're saving
money and you get a bunch offree stuff. If you get more points,

you spell McDonald's. How do youthink you spell it? Dude?
Trust us, Nobody believes you don'tknow how to spell McDonald's. Good start.
I love McDonald of course, I'vesaid it to you guys a million
times. Though. I like McDonald'swas such a treat for us because we
didn't have one anywhere near my hometown. So you had to go to Dayton

to go to McDonald's, and thatfelt like you were going to Valley Fair,
like, oh my god, I'mgoing the where the damn clown and
that purple thing live and they makecheeseburgers. Remember when they used to actually
be in the McDonald's when they hada Ronald McDonald's. Mayor mccheese whales underrated
fast food. One hundred agreed,Yeah enough, nobody does. Mayor mccheese

was a fascist, and you knowyou, honestly, you don't go back
and look, I've seen the tapes. You don't know about that the next
season of the Morning Show. Lookat his policies. He was absolute trash.
Pull your hands out. What's afascist? How do you think you
spell it? F F A CI S T I S S T I
s CBS s t I stists.I don't know. I just asked.

Oh, it's a good day toget the McDonald's appy. Apparently if the
twins make a trade, everything's free. You're good at this, all right,
I'm downloading here. It is tailoringyour app. Apparently I've had it
before. Continue. It's always agood reminder when they just say just tap
and reloaded. Yeah, man,this app looks sweet. Sweet. The

burger king went sweet. And thebest thing is, have you ever done
this where they got the two lanedrive through? Somebody pulls in, you
have the app, you pull methe other one and you beat them o
the window? Man? You beatthem to death. Yeah, how much
do you hate when you're standing inline at Chipotle and somebody walks in and
picks up the order and walks out. I was that guy for a long

time, and then I realized I'mnever doing this again, because sometimes back
in the day, there would belike a thirty to forty minute wait at
Chipotle. And again, I havethe world record for going there the most
times without actually eating there. SoI'm standing in line for my girls,
going this sucks, and I'm watchingthese idiots go up there, and so
eventually I'm like, can we justorder? And then I've been doing that

forever now and it's way easier.I don't remember the last time I stood
in line at Chipotle. What awaste of time? Order ahead, Hawk,
here's the beauty of it. Hawkand I are about to go on
like a twelve hour road trip.We'll pay full price, rights, Yeah
we might. Well, I mean, I'll be busy Texans. I can't
get to the app. Okay,I'll just signed up for it. I

did too. I'm in sweet.But what's my rewards and deals here?
Yeah? I don't know. Clickon and watch it. Look at all
the deals I got every day.I didn saving money every day. Yeah,
I signed up? Okay, Yeah, I'm agreeing to terms. Yeah
cool, I don't care what.Yes, I agree. For God's sakes,
give me my phone. Are yousupposed to give your Social Security number?
Absolutely? Yep? Do that siton the air. Yeah, fourteen,

I got twenty two hundred points expiring, and I guess for a better
hustle, you need to know.Okay, here you go, uh two
dollars breakfast sandwich, ten dollars ormore? See you already fries because I'm
gonna eat that stuff anyway. Imight as well be saving that money.
Right. You just said your mealsfifteen bucks? Right? Yeah, twenty
percent. You're already saving three bucksevery time you go. For good at

math? I wish I was goodat math like that? Wow, I
just got it? What herpes?No the thing? No, don't send
me notifications. I don't want that. Wow. This app is sweet?
See? Oh good, two dollarsbreakfast sandwich. Now you're talking free,
big mac. Look at you talkingtwenty percent of Wow, Corey, you
are good things. What I loveis Wow. I was trying to explain

to my wife, like, lookwhen you take Harper to McDonald's, make
sure you use the app, andshe's like, I'm not going through all
that. Oh, for god's sake, it takes two seconds to just get
the number idelers. As much asHarper loves McDonald's, Angie likes spending money
more, I'm with her on that. All right, let's see here.

What's new? Coco Goff lost atthe Olympics, got into an argument apparently
with the umpire, but then lostto something called Donna Vekic, maybe of
Croatia. What is that? Tennisseven six six two? What sport is?
Sorry? I don't know things,So she's gone. How about the
seventeen year old swimmer girl who's likeblowing everybody's doors off. I love stories

like that, man. Yeah?From where? From us? The US?
Canadian? Yeah? Oh, don'tknow anything about her, Like she's
like just seventeen years old and justdusting people. How about the guy I
was it last night? I knowit happened earlier, but in the primetime,
but I forgot where he was fromthat Nasa? Was it Bosnia?
And he won the first ever goldand swimming for that, uh, that

country? I'll look it up.Yeah, that's pretty cool, man.
I love. Those are my favoritestories. Yeah. When they went through
the opening ceremonies and they go throughthe countries alphabetically, there were so many
countries that I thought were fake.Yeah right, you see, like that
is the first time I've ever heardthat name. There's no way that's a
real place. Then you google andyou go, YEA, for God's sake,
look at that that they're real country. It's not it made up.

Yeah. Yeah, while we're talkingOlympics. By the way, here's some
audio of man. I wish Iknew how to say his name, but
we were talking about him being onthe Palma horse Stephen Netterosik. Anyway,
so they won the first medal forthe for the dudes in gymnastics since two
thousand and eight. That's where he'sover Team USA. They will be on

that metal stand. Olympic medalist Stevensnot Erozick. You did your job.
Now it's efficient over. Don't needno more questions. I'm when that time
is now medalist at the Olympics,the US men at one point in your
life, I hope everybody in theworld gets to experience something like that.

You hope I get to win onthe Olympic medal first, sweet of you,
man, we need that sound biteand Zach, just like I just
uploaded the podcast, I gotta playit to good. I'm sorry, I
gotta. It's a whole long let'sRowdy's over. Team you want to say
they will be on that medal stand. Olympic medalist Stevens not Erozick, you

did your job. We need that. Here's Tonico talking to Steve going out
to Colinhace, last guy up inthe whole competition. I had a good
feeling that our team was in agreat spot. I just knew I had
to go up there and do myjob. USA gets middle. I think
you could see it right away whenI land dude, goosebumps right now,

Man as the best moment in mylife. The internet has had so much
fun with you in social media.The whole Superman deal, a whole Clark
can't deal. The glasses come off, Superman gets on the pommel, right.
America said, that's our guy.Yeah, that's cool. They were
happy. I like Trico man,Yeah yeah, And I almost feel bad

for him right when you have justa lister after a lister after a lister,
and then you see Mike Tarrico's onsmartlest You got to realize most of
the people listening to SmartLess are going, who the bleep is this? If
you're a sports fan, sure,but yeah, there's a whole bunch of
people that are like, skip,yeah right, you know, go to
Tarriico, you listen to Lisa Kudro, What a life? I mean,

you know, it put some perspectiveguys like Tariko and there are many of
those guys who've seen almost every giantsports moment live in person. That's really
cool man at all. He's jackof all trades. He even talks about
that in that SmartLess episode, rightthat he grew up not wanting to be
just a one sport guy who wantedto be able to do everything. Isn't
it Marv Albert who was the guythat he was saying that he like idolized

growing up. I feel like itwas Marvel Marv. I know, Kenny
his son, it's you know,he's doing water polo for the Olympics,
but he's the TNT Stanley Cup.Guys does football for this NFL. This
is a weird rant, but stickwith me for ten seconds. As you
mentioned, Kenny Albert, no whateagle is incredible by an Eagle's son.

Jack Collinsworth is awful. It's sobad, but it's it's so but no,
but like the no eagle is sogreat at what he does and he's
like twenty three, twenty four.It's not awful, but he could be
fine at a regional outlet. Maybe. Yeah, he didn't deserve the Notre
Dame Jet correct doesn't have anymore.They moved on, right, so that

I feel bad for him in away because it's like he was thrown into
a stage that he was not readyfor. The Brownie of broadcast. Yeah,
yeah, who do you want tofail more sauce Jack Collinsworth or Brownie
James or just both? Good questions. No, I don't want Brownie James
to fail. I just I justthey make it seem like he was the

number one overall pick. They don'tanymore because everybody's moved on, But at
the time, it made it seemlike he was the best player in the
draft. Tomorrow, there are twosliding doors we can walk through it,
right, which multiverse you want togo into? The one where Jack collins
Worth gets fired and never broadcasts again, or the Lakers cut Bronnie James and
he never plays in the NBA again. You can only go through one door.

Good question. Yeah, man,which bill, what you're gonna take
the important decision? Probably go throughthe Jack collins Worth door where he never
broadcasts again because he's terrible at it. Oh. I wonder if Jack Collinsworth
has ever listened to the Power Trippodcast. What if he's a huge fan
of yours it. What if he'slike, they gotta get rid of that

guy. But I've been in Minneapolisa couple of times and I listened to
that morning show and there's only oneguy in the show worth of damn,
and it's nobody has ever said thatif he wants these where things like that
could exist, brilliant If he hasheard the show and he's like, he
just connects with you, He's like, I get the bit, and then
he checks out the show today andyou're just going, God, the world

would be such a better place ifhe never broadcasted again. I wish Jack
Collinsworth would just die. No,I didn't say that you you walked through
the door and walk in that murderedNo. No, I'll stay on the
other side of the door. Idon't want anybody murdered, and I don't
want to get fired. I don'twant to Okay, good, you just
want him to be and you knowit. Okay, but what if he

just has a heart attack? Idon't want murder. Do you think if
Jack Collinsworth listened to this show hethinks you're a good broadcaster? No,
he's not drunk. No, I'mterrible at this job. I'm so prized
I'm still here. Okay. Billionairewalks in the room, says, guess
me, fifty million. You haveto name your son Jack Collins or Jack

Lambert after Jack collins Worth. No, it's got to be the whole thing.
It's got to be Jack Collins withLambert. But fifty million, Yeah,
that's just his first naw, yeah, no doubt. Yeah yeah,
Jack Lambert's a five million. Yeah, he's gonna give you five million,
and he gets the yearning. Yeah, I mean there is a Jack wine.
He's a billionaire. You'll do whatyou're gonna be JC. Yeah.

Sure, see that's that's even more. That's why you said, are you
agreeing to Chris Is? I didn'thear who was Yes, five million and
he gets a pan A billionaire.My soon to be sun Jack Collinsler the
billionaire pissed on the day that youtake the money, you get peid on

on the Power hour five million,five million on the stream, literal stream,
and everybody knows about sax free.Sure where do I get your face
when I wear goggles in the studio? See, we're going to have a
live audience. Don't care? Wait? Can I wear goggles? No?
Then sure? Four point seven million. You got to keep your eyes open,

like five million, four point eightfive million. Sure, yeah,
here's something for you. And youstay with me for a second. Every
morning you wake up, you goabout your business. But before you can
walk out the door, every dayfor the rest of your life, a

millionaire or billionaires, make him abillionaire of any of it, I don't
care who the guy is. Hasto urinate on your hands until he's finished,
and then you write you a checkfor one thousand dollars every day for
the rest of your life. Butyou can't do it just one time.
You have to do it every dayfor the rest of your life. Day
I'm going to do some Mathew Paul. That's three hundred and sixty five thousand
dollars a year, just to getmy hands pete on every day morning,

whether whether it's Sunday, more likeTuesday. By some mornings, if I
just go no, I don't getthe check. No, you know you
have to do it every day forthe rest of your life, or you
have to give back all the moneyyou've ever get. Hey, let me
ask this guy. Eventually that personwill pass away. Okay, but you
guys live exactly the same life spam, so it happens a lot. He's

go on vacation, he has togo with it. This person is twenty
years younger and in way better shape, so he's gonna outlive. Yeah,
and he takes a lot of vitaminsso it smells real bad and he loves
Uh. What about Bronnie James Lambertand then we can call him b J.
Lambert. That was his nickname inhigh school, his dad's nickname.

Now down at the courthouse. Whywhy he wins his cases? Man?
Whatever it takes. Oh, he'syour lawyer. That's what I said.
Would you agree to the Urine Asianscenario from thirty seconds ago. We're in
the middle of the news. Comeon, getting my hands pete on.
YEA thousand dollars a day, thousanddollars. That's a pretty good deal.

Thousand bucks a day, rest ofyour life. Sure, okay, that's
your dad though, that was thething you weren't prepared to. Yes,
your dad's pin on your hands,then you have to hold it. Oh
my god, no, would youlike your dad's gand my hands? Knowing
what I do for free? Now? My dads on you? Oh look

at that? See and Jack collinsOr thinks this show is good. Can
you imagine if you just listen tothe last five minutes and he says,
that's the guy that's criticizing me.That guy again that's getting peed on for
the rest of his life by bJ. Lambert. That's terrible. Headlines
is next. If we don't getfired in the next five minutes. This
is the power Troporting show. I'mthe man. Great question from an email

or Denn Does it change it atall? If it's a woman that number
one's on your hands every day?It definitely does for me because it turns
yo. No, not necessarily,but but it does change it for me.
And I don't know why. Iguess I just expect that. Okay,

So, tentleman Jurin is going tobe dirty. Let's talk financially.
What way does it change it?In this scenario of the hypotheticals one thousand
dollars a day you were going toget paid? Yeah? Absolutely? What's
your rate? If it's a female, then are you paid less because it's
less tortuous? I can only getfive hundred dollars a day out of the
ATM brilliant. Let's say it's twograndet if it's a Lady Hawk, a

lady Hawk. Also, anybody thatgambles doesn't have a five hundred ATM limit.
Trust brother, I keep it.That's your guard rail, that's my
guard man. Yeah. Then hewaits till midnight. Then you're calling the
number on the back of the card, going, are these peoples? How
do I get this thing raised quickly? Or a couple of taps on the

app and it's done? Is thatright? Yeah? Not that I know.
I don't want to know that.Please don't tell you, Please do
not want Yeah, I'll give youthe men in black flash right now?
You forgot it? Yeah? Thankyou? All right? Should we do
headlines? Right now? It's timefor headlines. Watch you buy our friends

at Wolf River Electric, go Solar. You want to get turned on with
Wolf River Electric. Get those solarpanels put on. I'm gonna do that.
Yeah, hell yeah, man.We're a handful of weeks away.
I think either August or September.Those things are going on. Pumps cool,
that'd be cool. It's gonna becool. Good for you, man.

A quick update to the old boxoffice dead pulling Wolverine two and eleven
million, So it was tech thinkthe sixth biggest opening of all time.
She's two eleven. You mean thetwo eleven Oh that's a storm. But
don't point so good. It's sucha good film, such a good movie.
Yeah, Marvel's all the way back, all right, I think.

Yeah. They said they're like thefirst film franchise to reach twenty billion or
something like that. Insane man.Kevin Costner wants us to stop calling Horizon
a quote passion project. Okay,well, let's call it a failure.
Hawk loved it. I did loveit. I haven't even seen it yet,

but I know I'm gonna love it. Here's the thing about it,
Kevin Costner, I'm a huge fanof yours. It's tough, man,
because you're a giant movie star andthe world has revolved around you, your
whole life. But I haven't thoughtabout Horizon since the weething came out.
Not only I call it a passionproject. I forgot that it was a
project. I think everybody forgot aboutthe project. Yes, we all,

we're all living our own movie.And my guess is that's a reaction to
him getting interviewed right in A thousandpeople have said, so this has been
a passion project. Have you read? Yes, it was. If it
don't encourage it, I get it. It didn't work. It bombed horribly,
horribly. And there's a second onewhich count I mean, which has
been shelved. Yeah, has itreally? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,

we did that story. Remember it'snot going to go out in theaters.
I think it's going to go likea right because the strategy was, let's
see if we can get a bunchof people to stream it and then hopefully
it's more anticipated when the second onecomes out. I don't think that's gonna
work because everybody's pretty much hated thefirst time. But the thought is if
we release it too early, ithas no chance of succeeding. I don't

know. Good luck to him.You know, you want to see somebody's
passion project succeed sure, like theInitials game in Initials count. There you
go. That's one example. Theother thing that somebody is clearly passionate about
is the gold bikini from Star Wars, And we talked about this a couple
of weeks ago. I'm like,can you imagine the perverse that's going to

pay an ungodly amount of money forPrincess Lea's bikini? He'll be tomorrow.
I honestly cannot believe it's only thismuch, and it's a lot of money.
Yeah, this is actually once shewore the one that she wore.
Okay, there's only one. Okayfor those of you who have not seen
the number, because it sounds likeSauce also has. I'm not saying this
is a small amount of money.It's a lot of money. But Star

Wars arguably the most beloved franchise infilm history. Yeah, Princess Leah one
of the iconic movie characters of alltime. That gold bikini for a lot
of young men was a big deal. Your thoughts on the Princess Leah by
job of the hut bikini? Whatdo you think it went Ford auction?

I mean, that's man, butyou're making it sound like it didn't go
for as much as you think.This is a big number, but I'm
I'm still a little surprised it foursixty six, sixty six, max O,
I'm gonna go, like, goseven hundred k. All of your
numbers, I think are what Ithought it would be. Saying one hundred

and seventy five thousand dollars. Ohthat's surprising because I would have guessed more.
Yeah, I thought people would payway more, way more. But
now I just I want to seea picture of the person who bought it
and then just judge them completely basedon their appearance, and go, is
this the kind of person, right, because let's be honest, this is

going to be a dude that didthish. Is this the kind of dude
that bought it for an investment?Right? He just wants to hold onto
it for fifteen years and then flipit? Or does he have a mustache?
I am picturing the comic book guyfrom the Simpsons. Yeah, I'm
talking about that would seem like areally good investment, though it would.

Yeah, I just don't know ifit's going to be in the same quality
shape in ten years. Why isthis part worn out? Sir, was
it like this when you got it? Did you wear it? A seventy
seven year old woman in England namedMary Jacobs. She's lovely, she's seventy

seven. She has been trying tosell her very unique collection, something she's
been collecting for forty years. Sheput up her collection for auction this month
and no one bid on them.Oh what are they? One hundred and
sixty three bedpans? Oh my god, on the wall, brilliant. No

one bid on him, even thoughshe says they are quote clean, washed
and in fantastic condition. She boughther first bedpan at a Salvation Army in
nineteen eighty four and decided to keepit because she won. Quote something different
and then it's snowballed. Oh yep, that is. I don't think Mary

Jacobs is using the right terms.Yeah, cops in Florida, of course,
it's Florida cops in this one's unbelievable. Cops in Florida on Saturday pulled
over a car. I saw thedriver wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and then
during the traffic stop, they noticedthat the passenger was moving things around pretty

suspiciously. The woman was forty oneyear old Lauren Riley. Lauren made an
interesting choice. Inside of her purse. She had a bag labeled bag of
drugs, as one does, andinside it it wasn't her weekly meds.
It was crack cocaine, powdered cocaine, crystal meth, xanax pills and other

drugs. Also a needle, straw, metal spoon, four glass pipes.
And you didn't hear me fifteen secondsago she had it labeled bag of drugs.
It's important to stay organized. Well, I don't know how you're going
to confuse what that is. Yeah, I also think it's the old Well,
no one will think it's a bagof drugs. People think that's a

joke. But also who is thatlabel for? She knows there's drugs.
At that point, it doesn't matterif the police ever look in her purse
or not. If I had abag of drugs in a ziploc bag or
a little you know, coin purssent, whatever she's got it in. What's
in this that's my bag of drugs. I don't need to label it as

a clutch, not anymore. Youguys shamed me out of it. It
was you bought it a wet sealsounds like a wet seal in here.
Today is National Cheesecake Day. Isaw on Twin Cities Live yesterday they were
getting ready to celebrate it because Liebersaid it's his favorite dessert National Cheesecake Day.

It's a cheesecake funk. I thinkthat's his favorite spot. There was
a code for him on NBA jam. Cheese cake is okay, solid take,
It's okay. It's an overrated dessertin the dessert repertoire, But it's
a overrated one. What would yourather have Jack Collinsworth never broadcast again?

Or cheesecake off of menus? Wait? Like no, I don't want him
fired, but I would rather nothave cheesecake on menus. Cheesecake is overrated.
Some people do like it, butthen you don't like it until your
no, it's you don't. Idon't like it. It's okay, It's
just I'll tell you what I likedoing though. I like going to the
Cheesecake Factory. They have really goodfood. Oh yeah, they do really

good food. You love that place? I do? I love it there
not anymore? What happened? Wegot thrown out? How Hi? Howdy?
Chipotle is selling its first beauty product. They are saying a burrito proof
lipstain, burrito proof lipstain that isguacam only green. What I mean,

So it's not going to leave astaying on your burrito, I guess,
or your careful or your burrito.Hmm okay. A guy who just speaking
is Chipotle. Let's stay with Chipotlefor a second. A guy who just
got a job at Chappole and Georgiasays he forgot to take out the trash
and his manager chased him with thegun. That's that's reasonable aggressive. That's

called uh indoctrination. That's called thehazing. Take out the trash or we
chase you with the gun. It'sGeorgia the country barb does. If we
don't read a vibe. Wow.A guy in Italy died of a heart
attack while running from Wasps the band. Yeah, man, they've been trying

to play wild Child. Yeah,Victorian and I would run, well,
I'd attempt to run from that.Hawk's a hero because he'd run to it
terrible. I'd be like that olddude from Never Ending Stories Wasps Socks.
Come on, now, come on, we can't play a lot. The
FDA, the FDA says people areoverdosing on ozempic. Yeah, come on,

you can overdose on anything. Don'ttake too much of it. Stop
it one trust me, it works. Just take one shot a week.
That's all you need. It mightbe cool man. Yes, what are
you talking about? I'm looking atWasp songs. Yeah, wild Child?
How much do you love the songs? Widow Maker? Not one of my
mind in Texas? Minded Texas isprobably hold on to my Heart, not

bad. I want to be somebodyI want to be. That's a whose
song by the way that they aresleeping. Yes, forever Free, forever
Free, will break your heart.That's said song chain Saw Charlie, Ride
the Wind, Forever Free. It'sa garbage pale kid restless gypsy. Yeah.
That's uh yeah. That was writtenabout John Taylor, a former Niners

wide receiver, about the song sexDrive. Yep, that was written about
your great grandpa. Yeah, Waspis terrible, stop it right core.
Would you rather have a heart attackor listen to an entire Wasp album?
I'd rather Well, I'm probably eventuallygoing to have a heart attack, so
we have a heart attack. Justrock out. Yeah, I probably listened

to Wasp yeah, let's get iton. I remember getting in Scottie John's
Oh my god, green nineteen seventythree speed GTOs three on the floor and
that's how a bitch to do awheel when he popped the clutch, And
I kid you not, what isthree on the floor? Mate? I've
never understood that. Meaning it's threegears one two three, okay, And
I mean the gearing is so smallthat when he popped the clutch, it

literally would do a wheeling. Itreally would. And you guys would listen
to Wasp and we turned on.I never forget the first time I ever
heard Wild Child by Wasp. Iwas in the backseat of his green gto
and doing wheelies and thinking I wasgoing to die, and we were rocking
out. We were going to playTrive Valley South the next day in football.
Those were good days. I wasfree. Is that when you were
in Moonshine, I didn't know.I was in high school. I was

sophomore in high school and you youwere sh wheat. Nope. I hated
myself, but I was having fun. Man, it was a good old
day Scotti John's I wont to havingthat son of a bitch is that the
guy whose dad beat you up.No, no, no, no,
you set up right. Pancakes areback an eye of Uh sure, I've

never been you've never been on anihu No? What it was one of
Maple Grove. Yeah, I don'twanna. Yeah, I don't want to
tell my story because I don't wantto offend. I hop in case they
spend money and they don't go ahead, what's your story? Is there one
in the Twin Cities? And yeah, there was Rosee burns Ville area.
I went into one once and theentryway smelled like a used diaper. So

I turned around and I was hungry. That's how bad it could it be?
That somebody had had in there andthat it wasn't it wasn't their fault.
Because I'm gonna tell you right twodoesn't he takes it. I've been
many ie hops and not one ofthem. The funny part that was when
we walked in there, your dadwas just going, my dad doesn't He

was just listing the machine head notbrilliant. No, yeah, he was
just my dad does not have exactlythe old I hop in the old I
happened. Maple is where my buddyEric got unbelievably mad at the when she
guessed that there was eight of them. That was one of my favorites.
Weird friends, God, they getmad about weird things. It was just

the best. It's a good Doyou know the story Zacharya or not?
It's a repeat story, but it'sone of my favorites. Would I hop
you know which one I'm talking about. I don't even know. We're still
there, Yeah, you were therea thousand times a white bear, have
it right. So we went thereand we sat down and my buddy Eric
was the first one to grab themenu, and apparently on the back of
the menu had said, you know, twelve hundred iye hops internationally or whatever,

right, and he goes, don'tlook, don't look, don't look.
He goes, if anybody guesses howmany eye hops there are within fifty
you breakfast. And I got luckyas hell. I just guessed twelve hundred.
I nailed it. And he's like, son of a bitch, right,
And he's like, you looked.I'm like, I just sat down.
So he's bitter that I guessed itright, and he's got to buy
any breakfast. Waitress comes over andhe goes, hey, how many I

hops do you think they are?And again she works at one and she
goes, I don't know, eight, and he goes eight. This is
the International House of Pancakes eight andshe's like, I don't know. And
he was That made him extra madthat somebody that worked at IHOP thought that

Maplewood was one of the eight internationallocations. Yeah, oh, he was
so mad. He that pissed himoff. So he paid for my breakfast
and he just wanted to kill thewaitress. That's a great and what's funny
what I will laugh at until theday I die. I watched her hamster
wheel spinning, right, It wasn'tjust like and I wonder how many.

She had zero concept of the businessshe worked for. I thought there was
just eight. Sketu like, ifyou worked at McDonald's and thought there were
eight, how do you function asan adult and think that there's eight of
them? She thought there were eightie hops eight And that was not just
a bad guest to piss him offbecause she didn't know we were betting on
it. She didn't know, Shehad no context. She just ate thought

there were eight, eight, twelvehundred, I don't know. Meanwhile,
the happiest person in that story isher. Yeah, she was me.
I got I got free breakfast,and I watched Eric completely melt down on
a waitress. The best. Nowshe's the CEO. She's the CEO,

and she now realizes there's probably twelve. I wish I could be like her
though, Like I wish I couldjust not care. Though it's pretty fun.
You're a spurred commentator Bob Ballard spurred. Euros spurred that is a different
kind of Olympics. That's the websiteyou were on earlier. Begin tried to

pay ten bucks a months for Maneuro Sports. Here we go. Commentator
Bob Ballard will no longer serve asa broadcaster for the network. During the
twenty twenty four Paris Olympic Games,Ballard uttered the a controversial remark during the
women's four by one hundred meter freestylerelay on Saturday on the BBC. After
the race concluded, Australia secured thegold medal, the team exited the pool

deck. As they were walking,Ballard said the Olympians were just finishing off,
before continuing, you know what womenare like hanging around, you know,
doing their makeup. His co commentatorOlympic swimmer Lizzie Simon said, Oh,
you're outrageous, Bob. I wouldhave been a million dollars. It

was going to be related to theirswimsuits. But he played the makeup card.
Yeah he did. You know they'rejust sitting around doing their makeup.
That's a rosy gun. And thenhe tells us a week later he was
just kidding's kidding. Yeah. Didanybody watch by the I think you might
have. Max. Did you guyswatch fencing thee Yeah, I didn't say

it's awesome. I can't get intoit because I can't tell. Almost every
time that goes so and so,like I feel like the wrong person is
celebrating. Well, I guess Ididn't see it. Then you see it
in slow motion, you go,all right, he got the first touch,
but it happens so quickly. Ijust never know what's happening. It's
chaos. Same rant is earlier.But when you watch the gold Zone,

they had my favorite guy, JackCollins, with then another guy, but
it was the same situation, butthey didn't explain it, like how the
sport works. They just went toa different event. Yeah, it's interesting
because I think there is a linethere because you don't want to over explain
for people who do know what's goingon, but you do have to explain
for people I would say, youknow what I don't. Maybe you can't
over explain in the Olympics because mostof them watching you have no idea what

the rules are. That's a goodpoint. You're right, Sauce, that's
a good point. Yeah, thankyou. The actual broadcast had some good
commentators that were explaining what was goingon. It was. It was really
fascinating, and even just because someof them because you know, obviously when
you see it in movies, it'slike on guard and it's like tingting ding
ding ding ding, but some ofthem were like more samurai like, where
as soon as they said go boom, someone got hit within like two or
three seconds. So it was itwas really fascinating just seeing the different ways

that the matches could play out.I was incredibly enthralled by a thirty year
old medical student named Lee Keifer madehistory when she became the first American fencer
to win gold medals and foil fencingat two consecutive Olympic Games. Good for
her, Yeah, it's pretty it'sfun, but there's something she forgot to
tell you she's not left handed?Is that a princess bride? Look at

you. You've never even seen themoney, and you understand the reference.
It's also one of the best linesof blazing saddles. And this is my
shooting hand when he does that bit. Yeah, I don't even understand that
this is my shooting hand. I'mnot left handed. Man, you just
drained three. When you shoot,I'm gonna miss him next brother, Yes,

I'm a three. I mean thesports where there are judges are sometimes
frustrating too. I was watching women'sskateboarding the other day and I forget who
the commentator was, but it wasa former pro skateboarder. It was Ransom
Weaver, Yes, a Ransom Weaver, the lead singer. A couple of
times it'd be like, that wasa solid run. I think that should

be somewhere in the mid seventies,and then it'd be like eighty eight and
he'd be like, well, Idon't quite understand why the judges rated it
so highly, Or would be theopposite, Yeah, like that has a
really solid run and she landed thistrick, and that trick, I'd say
somewhere in the eighty five to ninetyrage and then she gets like a seventy
four. He's like, I guessI don't get that, man, this
seems super subjective. Man, that'sstrating last night during and I know it

was the prime time be that alreadyhappened, but it's on at like four
am. I don't know why Ihave to explain that. But that's why
the gymnastics commentating people are so goodat what they do, because there's stuff
that the regular people who just watchit during the Olympics don't know. And
he'll be like, okay, that'sa point three deduction, right. They
explain it well as it's going on, and that's great. But some of

these sports, I think it's alot of people who don't normally commentate on
skateboarding or whatever. Sure, well, that's why they almost always have one
quote broadcaster and then one quote expert. Right, Tyler did that right?
Yeah, And that's what that's whatChris is talking about, the balance between
keep it on the surface if you'rethe broadcaster, and then you can get
into the weeds if you're the expert. It's the same thing with almost any
football broadcasting. That's why they havea color analyst. As one person calls

the plays, the other one breaksit down, and I think it makes
sense. I haven't seen it yet, maybe it hasn't even started. Has
anybody seen trampoline yet? Oh?I watch that The Man Show. But
I have loved the I've seen theTwitter complaints to me, like, what
are we doing trampoline? It's like, so wait, So people can do
a whole bunch of flips and cooltricks, but if they don't fall into

water off a diving board, thenit's weird. It's no they need to
fall in water. What if theyjust laid on the trampolines? Jack.
It is all about tradition, alright, diving in springboard diving, platform
diving. It just seems like that'spart of the Olympics. But you put
them on a trampoline and people losetheir minds and think that it's not the
same. It's unbelievably athletic to dowhat they do on the trampolines. It's

crazy. Here's something that I findironic this morning. I just got to
know where I played by Jagon Mestahardmag so good. Do you know?
Uh Pee Wee died a year agotoday? Oh, many. It seems
longer than that. Yeah, itdoes. I would have guessed it was.
We talked about him at length,like the morning of before right,
Oh yeah, we cussed him.Man, there's some weird connection we heard.

That's also by the way, bestof luck today for Jack Collinsworth.
I don't want anything any hard blow. We didn't want anything to happen to
pee wee. And look what wedid a year ago. That's already a
year ago. Yeah. Yeah,I would have guessed like twenty twenty one.
Oh, I would have thought itwas like four months ago. Well,
you're wrong, get you there?What else need? Yeah? With

him, but he's right, gotcha. I'm not smart. I don't understand
a calendar. Well, hey,today was fun. Today was fun.
Yeah. I love working with youguys. But Rosan gonna be back tomorrow,
right, yeah, we we'll beback in Perish back tomorrow. Yeah
but you won't Yeah yeah, Ican't wait. We're going right now,

hold hands save travels, boys,all right, thank you. Who's gonna
get us on the air, Willyou guys give me a super Well,
I've already talked to the I heardcan folks, So we'll just make us
life tomorrow morning from Canton, Ohio. Can't wait, dude, I can't
wait. We gotta go right now. Obviously right your mind, you're mine
all the next. We're back tomorrowfive thirty to nine. Don't forget to

check out the Powership podcast on iHeartRadio or any other possible podcast network.
We'll see tomorrow. It's be noone. You too, have a w
W question, says sUAS sencescuys and
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