All Episodes

May 20, 2024 • 42 mins
More Wolves discussion with the gang, Cory has Headlines featuring a story about a dog eating something, the guys talk odds of the Wolves winning the whole damn thing
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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The Power Hour drives on. MichaelPorter cho and your runs ourselves follow Karl
Anthony Towns. He sorted from thewing. He puts the Wolves up seven
with thirty nine seconds left. You'llget jump into the front course off to
KCP. He'll rise up with thethree. It's off line. Towns has
got the rebound with thirty seconds left, but Nuggets, we'll back off.

They won't fowl. It's over.It's over. It's over. Johnny Cohen
Zacho. The Power Hour is live, caafy that non slash watch is where
you can find it, thanks towant to Biber your world leash. Yeah,
you heard it right, well,you would have heard it right here.
Uh. On the fan last night, we had some signal problems during

Alan Horton's the biggest call of hiscareer this far. Who was it?
Johnny Athletics said, the best gamein the history of the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Yeah, yeah, I think that'sfair, right, right, argue you
want to go back to the othergame seven, right, Not having Chris
Weber's three go in at the endis arguably the now second biggest game.

But I would argue this is bigger. Yeah, it was, I mean
it was everything you'd want in agame. And it's Corus said all morning,
we were watching it as going,we don't do this. We don't
come back from twenty down, Welay down. It's not going to work
out. And it did it forMinneapolis Miracle. It's like, this doesn't
happen to us, no, correct. Yeah, So as a fan,

you're already you know, defeated.Yeah, but unlike the Minneapolis Miracle,
this team can win the whole thing. Yeah, you are was going to
take us to the super Bowl?Patriots? What kill? Did we not
bring him back? But let's notdo our revisionous history. Even when the

Wolves were losing those three consecutive gamesto the Nuggets, we all started to
say, even though it looked reallygrim there for a second, it looked
like this was the finals in roundtwo, right, it's man, whoever
wins this is probably winning the West. And that's still when most of us
thought Oklahoma City would emerge from theother series. Now it's even more true,
right, it's this is this doesn'thappen to us. Not only did

we come back and win game sixand seven, but the gates are opening
for a clear path. Somebody leftthe Gate. It's the Mavericks aren't complete
pushovers, but this is kind ofa dream Western Conference Final mashups. Stay
healthy and we can do this.But hold hold on there, Corey,
hold on what blanket covin? Well, I just it's the Western Conference Finals?

Like, are we are we overlookingthem? Like A I don't.
I don't want to get I don'twant to get this idea that I can
just like sort of roll in andwe're just going like, oh, yeah,
we're just gonna take care of business, get to the finals like we
had we There's there's something about thisMavericks team obviously, that that they're good
enough to be in this situation.So I don't want I can't. I

cannot think that far like, Ican't get that over confidence. All I'm
saying is the Wolves have every rightto be favored and they should be in
they are right. It made alittle bit of sense that the Suns were
favored over the Wolves just because theyhad won all three regular season games by
double figures. So it's like,geez, I know we're the higher seed,
but this looks like on paper,this could be a really bad matchup.

If you watch those four games,it wasn't. No, we didn't
know that going in, right,So they were slight dogs against Phoenix.
It made a ton of sense thatthey were slight underdogs against the defending champs
that have home court advantage in roundtwo. But now it's the opposite.
We have home court, we're thebetter team, we're healthy, we have
every right to be favored. Weshould be favored. On DraftKings. They're

minus one seventy to win this seriesand their four point favorites in game one,
So I don't think this is aoh we're going to walk over then
this is four rip. I'm goingto be very surprised if the Mavericks win
this series if it isn't due tosignificant injury with the Wolves, right,
if you lose an in Game one, then all bets are off. But
if the Wolves stay healthy, I'mgonna be surprised if they beat us,
like surprise, not beyond shocked,But I'm going to be surprised if this

team finds a way to get pastus. So yeah, I fully expect
us to be talking about Celtics WolvesKG Finals in a couple of weeks.
Man to Ben's tap the Braaks momentthere, I think about that we lost
three games in a row right againstbadly, couple of them really badly.

Everybody was like, oh, we'redone. We're absolutely done. You know,
as fans as we just understand thatthat's probably gonna if they lose game
one. How much is that tenare going to change again for the Wolves
fans going oh, we got this. I'm going to argue what I argued
the entire in the Denver series.It's not even about the loss. It's
the way that they lose. Right. If you just don't look like you

had anything, which the Wolves hadabout two and a half almost three times
in this last series, that's goingto be super frustrating. If you come
out and get just trounced in gameone or twenty five points to Dallas.
If it's back and forth and youlose in a couple of small tweaks can
be made. I don't think there'sgonna be massive panic. I really don't.
You just can't get blown out ingame one, But I don't think

they're going to. I think it'sway more likely they blow them out in
game one, And even if theydo, we've seen how resilient this team
is. I don't care if theylost by fifty in Game one, I'm
still gonna believe that they're gonna winthe rest of the series. Like I
I it does, I don't.I don't think it matters honestly, because
I believe in this too. Theyjust overcame a twenty point deficit against the

reigning champs and the three time MVPon the freaking road, like come on
now, Like I'm never gonna I'mnever gonna give up faith in this team.
They could get smoked three times ina row. It could be they
could be down three rip. They'llbe the first team to make a three
rip comeback. But that ain't happeningbecause they're gonna gentlemen sweep the Mavericks.
I never saw so many jump balls. Does that happen in NBA? I'm

telling you, I've been saying thisfor a couple of years. They got
to just get rid of the jumpballs to the posession in the NBA do
the possession? I hate jump jumpI thought you were looking at a different
website. It just it just amI the only one that I don't underst
And it ended up not mattering.The time that Christian Brown and Jade McDaniels
got tied up, Jamal Murray endup at meals, and then they took

Christian Brown out of the game.And I'm going, well, this is
better for us because Murray shorter thanChristian Brown I think by a couple of
inches. But how did that getmissed by the officials? That was Christian
Brown and Jade McDaniels, and thenJamal Murray jumped it missing there. I
have no idea is that like,if you call it time out, can
you switch guys? I don't know. I wondered about the jump ball to

begin with, because Brown didn't evenhe didn't even have any sort of possession
of the ball. The ball wascradled into the chest of our of our
wolves player and he had like afinger. He was like leaning over,
had a finger like why is thata jump ball? And there was a
jump ball after a jump ball whenright Conley was panicking and trying to call
a time out, but they gaveit. I think she did. I

think Conavious called well, Pulp hadhis hands on the back pretty quickly,
but they didn't give Conley the timeout. So then off of that jump ball,
the scramble for that loose ball brokeout and Aunt almost had it,
Brown almost had it, and thenMcDaniels comes up with it. But then
they give the jump ball and somehowmysteriously Christian Brown's on the bench and Jamal
Murray's jumping in half court. Thenthe one between Joker and Kat should have

been a jump ball, and theycalled it a foul. That was weird
too. They and to the timeout bit with Conley. He's calling time
out and the ref is watching thescrum happen. Yeah, can he just
let it go? Has possession ofthe ball, Yeah, big voice guy
gets even. So the jump ball'sdumb. No, the jump ball sucks.
It's not like the face off inhockey that makes sense. I understand

that you just dropped the buck,but trying to throw it straight up and
there's seven footers that are batting atit before it even reaches its peak and
stuff. It's just stupid. Let'sjust do possession arrow. I will say
this, though, we're we're kindof debating some of the officiating decisions and
calls, and it's didn't make alot of sense. I will say overall,

overall, from a viewing experience,I'm so glad that like it's playoff
basketball and they're letting these guys playIt's it's enjoyable to see the physicality that
they let these guys play with.Now, I don't always agree with Joker
just lowering his shoulder and just batteringrams way down into the post. I
think that's I think that's got tobe called a little bit more. But
as far as like the way thatthey let these guys play like, it's

it's like back in the eighties andnineties when we're watching basketball. Like,
I agree, they need to havea little bit more of that in the
regular season, and I get it, like these guys are bigger, faster,
stronger. Maybe that the guys wouldbreak down a little bit more,
but like it's enjoyable to watch theseguys just sort of hammer on each other.
But isn't it like the NFL,like earlier in the season when they
have like rule changes and they're callingeverything early on, and then by the

time you get to playoffs now theykind of like meshing up a little bit,
which is nice to see. It'snot fall depends on the crew.
YEA, yeah, go ahead,Maxim. No, I just was going
to say that physicality only plays intothe wolves favor because they're already their number
one defense with the whistles being calledwith you know how officiating can be so
inconsistent, So that only plays intothe wolves favor. If they're going to

let them play, the Wolves defenseis just going to be that much better
because nobody, nobody can outbody usand out muscle. They're built for bully
ball, right, that's what they'rebuilt. The NBA at all victim to
the home field advantage. I meanthe fact that word the top seed means
we have the home field advantage,right yeah, well yeah, we have
the home I guess against help usat all in anyway? What's I mean?

It's hard to tell because I meanthe Wolves won two in Denver and
then they lost to here in theTarget Center. But they've been good at
home all season, They've been goodon the road all season, and the
Target Center has a new type ofenergy that I mean. I've been to
playoff games before, but that lastone game six was something special. Man.
We're we're really cooking up something specialhere. Chris Finch, all the
players have said it themselves that thefans do so much to just uplift this

team so I think, hell yeah, it definitely adds an advantage. I
mean, Friday is the start ofa holiday weekend. That game on Friday
will be electric electric. I wouldbet there are people that are changing their
plans to go up north that arelike, we're going to the game.
I mean, right, well,yeah, did you hear that stat?
Yeas twelve grand for a second rowseat, first the floor. But that's

after me. But that's what they'reasking. But right, yeah, I
think the tickets go on sale today. Yeah, but yeah, it's gonna
be sweet. Now that guy lovesit. He's getting that ticket for sure.
That's gonna be the timberlves riding thosehorses all around town. Maybe.

Yeah, it's sweet. Man.It's fun. It's very fun, right,
I mean when they spend twenty yearssince they played basketball this late into
the season, they're two months doneby this point, and they're just so
much fun to what. They're notjust winning. They have swag, Yeah,
they have personality. They're in yourface and they're having fun. And

so the rest of the Twin Citylike this isn't the boring ass like two
thousand and three, two thousand andfour Detroit Pistons or like the San Antonio
Scores. This is a team withattitude, with swag, with personality,
and they're so easy to roof forit, and they bring so much joy
to the game that it just makesit so so easy to watch and have
fun. Man. You know,Max so the one, the one player
that we maybe you guys talked aboutbefore I got on that that I just

it's sort of epitomizes their their defense, their personality. When Nas late in
the game had to recover and dovedove into the lane to tip that ball,
I'm like, this team's got it, man, like they they just
they get it. They get it. Like that's that's the little plays that
matter. You know, whether ornot you make that play again in the
future and it goes your way,it doesn't go year, but the effort

at that point in the game,that's what you mean. And I know
cats follow up dunk was kind ofthe clincher, and that's when nas is
tip dunk two minutes before that.That was that was truly my moment personally
where I'm like, it's over,we have it. Everything's going our way.
The bounts are going over because Rudy'sfade away turn around put us up

four with seven and a half minutesto go. There's a lot that can
happen seven and a half minutes.That was only a four point lead.
That nas dunk just felt like,Nope, not gonna happen. Three and
a half or so minutes ago.This is ours. We got this thirty
four points in the second half,thirty four, thirty seven, thirty seven,
right, thirty seven, thirty four. They scored twenty nine in just
the second quarter, right, andthen they held to thirty sevens in the

second half. I was telling theseguys, I was listening to it on
the radio as I was driving home, and we were getting our butts whooped.
And then I got into the endof my place and I thought,
you know, I'm gonna turn onthe TV just so I know I can
talk, you know, And wewere tied, and I'm like, how
did that happen? I mean,I couldn't have been more shocked. I
thought the game was over. Ithink everybody thought the game was over except
for the team itself. Right.Yeah, in fact, I believe Gersey

himself asked Rudy Gobert, what changedin the second half? I mean we
were, well, let's go,you know, does give everything we got.
Let's keep You know, there's alot of things that we we weren't
doing as good as we thought wecould be. We weren't playing like the
team that we could be, thatwe could that we could play like.
And uh, yeah, we cameout aggressive, making the right play,
getting stops running and uh and fifteenpoints in the NBA is nothing. You

know, you can always come back. So accredit to the guys man,
Mike and Kat Jaden Nas. Youknow, every single guy is in locker
room man for to keep believing,you know, and we we never give
up. You know. That's whowe are. That's who we're gonna be
no matter what. You know,adversity is gonna come sometimes, We're gonna

make mistakes every time, We're gonnamake mistakes, but we keep trusting one
another. I mean, we neverstopped even if you had belief at halftime
though, the first minute and ahalf of the third quarter where Murray scores
five points and now it's a twentypoint lead. Yeah, it's like,
guy, we we had to comeout guns blazing and now we're down twenty.
Yeah, So you just wanted thatfirst couple of minutes to go our

way, and when that first minuteand a half went the opposite way,
hope he was fading. That guykept yelling though. The second one was
a three pointer that put him up, but fifty eight to thirty eight,
and then it was game on.I agree. It was sweet, man,
it was awesome. We are man, no guys, Yeah, makes
the builders are mouths for fan five. There there's only one winner MVP of

the last two games. If youcombine game six and seven MVPs, Jade
McDaniel hundred percent. That block eLeona Gordon was a sick play, right,
that was a sweet And my god, did Aaron Gordon disappear? He
meets? What game? Was ittoo? No? Not too? That's
when we killed him four game twothat we lost the second ten straight buckets.

Yeah, and we all said,all right, that's abnormal for Aaron
Gordon. He's a very good player, but he's not that good. He
can't shoot that well. Four freakingpoints in game seven. Well, and
how about Michael Porter Junior just beinga complete non fact for the entire he's
their third best guy and he wasnowhere to be found in any seven O

scow Yeah, seven points the overunder on Porter Junior must have been a
little bit higher than that. Right, His brother lost more money, so
he made money because he would betthe enders. What Oh yeah, Betsy,
who do headlines later? Leaver's here, Muss is here. This is
a Monday morning and shurt homes.But the Minnesota Timberwolves. The fan listen,

it's like this, ladies and gentlemen, we're all fired up about the
Wolves. We're also your home ofthe Minnesota Vikings. And I didn't realize
today's the day ben OTAs begin today. How about that? Well, their
first of ten OTA workouts at TCOPerformance Center today, the Minnesota Vikings.
Well, I have three workouts thisweek with the other two have tomorrow and
on Thursday. OTA's involved what BenLeber, Well, it is just the

basic install of both the offense andthe defense and all that stuff, and
so most veterans will be there.I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if
j J. Justin Jefferson's not there. But it is the voluntary part of
on the field practice. And Iwould say ninety five percent of the team
will be there, and all therookies and all that stuff. So it's

it's a it's full on on inpractice helmets only they might wear little spidershell
pads on the shoulders, but it'snon contact. But it's a it's a
great time to get out there andto start learning everything and get the get
somewhat of a speed of the newNFL. Ben. This is a term
you've used all the time though whenyou place me, kissed me and are
we a bubble gut season yet alittle not too not too much, but

a little bit. I mean,yeah, I mean this is this is
the time for two months from trainingcamp. But you know, for it's
not so much for the veterans,but the younger guys that that are still
fighting for spots, Like this isthe time you start. You start laying
the bricks down as far as Okay, you know I'm a different player,

I've I've developed, I understand thisnow, Like now I need to take
the leap and maybe I can getthat starting spot or whatever. Like you
start making those impressions right now,like you, all of it, all
of it matters, and then allof a sudden, you put together a
good offseason. You might go intocamp maybe one notch higher on the on
the depth chart and then you getanother opportunity, which is more snaps and
all this and that and and whoknows. So it's important. They're important

reps, but not so much thebubble guts. For like, the veteran
guy like Harrison Smith is not goingto ot as with bubble cuts, but
you are. July fifth is whenit Yeah, it's they it starts porkolating.
There's a there's a slow swimmer star. Yeah, you're wearing meshies and

just a helmet, right, Imean, that's it. But I have
to ask you about just because wewere talking about this before. Yeah,
okay, yeah, the the what'sthe protective helmet called? None of us
know what that is, Max,Max, I've only heard about this.

The NFL has actually, yeah,it has allowed that you can actually wear
that in a game. How manyplayers do you think will actually zero?
Yes? Same, yeah, zerozero practice. It's like the pictures,
remember when uh pictures kept getting hitin the head and they had that like
big baseball hat that was like ahelmet under a hat and all that.

Nobody wears that. That looked likeyou were that helmet riding that horse,
Like yeah, that's exactly what itlooked like. I never thought of that
before, although I will say thismust they say if they say like,
okay, you, let's say youget a concussion, and let's say week
one, you're in quote unquote concussionprotocol. If they say like, well,

you've you've passed most of the testsand you can get on the let's
say you can get on the field. Let's call it a game faster.
If you wear this protective magnum onyour head, then then I think guys
would do it. If they incentivizethem to get back on the field and
say the only way you can getback on the field is to wear this

extra protection. I think guys woulddo it voluntarily though, if there's no
incentive, no no, no goofballis going to go out there. When
I first asked you that, you'relike, hell no. And what's what's
the thing they wear around their neckthat some of the life change tie.
Thank you for your honesty. Ithink they call that the Q collar.
Yeah, that has not been provento work at all. It could just
be the placebo effect of it's supposedto do something to create pressure with your

with your I think the arteries inyour neck, and to create the pressure
to keep the blood into your rain. I don't know if it actually works.
If it doesn't work. If you'rea player and you feel like it
works, then by all means wearit. As a linebacker, did you,
I said, I'm looking right athe's interviewing, please as a linebacker?

Did you ever do the neck roll? Remember how Yeah? Those were?
Yes, hockey, you definitely hadone. Late eighties and in high
school we all wanted to be alinebacker for Penn State with the giant neck
brace. Yes, well a CaseState we had to oh really, the
Case State. All the offensive linemanhad to wear knee braces and all the
all the linebackers had to wear neckrolls. No kidding, Yeah, so

we were all turtled up. Youknow, you look ridiculous. I want
to be Brian Rogers. Sure yourbelly hanging out? Yeah, when you
could barely wear a jersey nineties.I think it was Sully once told me
I was I was asking, Yeah, he flew, he was standing.
Yeah, he's the one that landed. No, he was. I was

asking him about knee braces. Everybodyin college, where's he brace? Is
an offensive lineman? And he goes, well, that's because you're not getting
paid yet, so when you goto the NFL, you get you get
injured, then you're gonna get stillget paid. Well, yeah, I
think there's part that's part of it. But they're just cumbersome. I mean,

I don't think that if you ifyou don't need, if you don't
need to wear the knee brace,then don't wear the knee brace. Like
I when I tore my PCL andthey're like, here, here's a here's
this like offloading knee brace that'll helpyou out, I go. I don't
care, like I'll rather run aroundwith a torn PCL than wear the stupid
knee brace because it was just Icouldn't run very fast. It was like,
I don't know, I hated it. I couldn't run, Yeah I

would. It made me slower.How about that? As a coach once
told me, you run so slowyou killed grass. Seems right right?
Yeah? No, he's right realquick before you go and your stuff there.
I'm Corey Kochner. I wish Imentioned Boston has taken the first game
but the p w h L ChampionshipSeries against Minnesota. Boston's Jess Healy scored
in the second period to give herteam a four to three whin yesterday in

Lowell, Massachusetts. Uh, butit ain't over Game two of the best
of five series. Will we playedtomorrow? I might have Taylor on the
show later this week. Yeah,I think two goals. I think game
three is I want to say Fridayn Mister fun told me she died first
game Minnesota. That would make sensebecause sweet Game two is tomorrow, so
p yeah right, so hell yeahgo Minnesota. Super nice. She's the

best, yeah man and Parker rightyeah, yeah. He told me his
girlfriend plays for the TV. Hewent out of his way to turn the
game on yesterday when we were doingthe pregame because he wanted to support his
goal. Yeah. Yeah, she'sreal cool. Yeah, she is cool.
She was great when we had heron. And there will be no
crown winner because, uh, mysticDan failed and they shot him after the

race second but it wasn't Yeah hi, Uh Seize the Gray was the winner
of one hundred and forty ninth runningof the race in Baltimore's name. Yeah,
not bad, So there you go. Okay in Belmont? Yeah,
isn't that only like six horses?Is that the club you used to go
to? Normally it's a smaller field, longest race. Did you do strokers

On lean man? Excuse me,come on that horse, it's a line
for okay, strokers On. Didyou turn around and sell it to juven
Way? Yeah? Did you putthirty inch Lorenzos on that you're riding to?
Lax On the top right? Didyou have the Cadillac with the croned

out nose and the gated boots withthe issue. I have no idea.
This is literally me and Sauce's entiretext, shape and sound texted each other.
Big Timers lyrics, which Saucy,did you hear the hot boys are
coming back? Oh? Hell yeah? Man? Yeah, the high boys

really juvenile? Low Wayne? Wellyeah, you know what, it doesn't
matter. Have given this time headlinesbrought you by your friends. That Wolf
River Electric if you want to getturned on, you know you can go
solar and get those solar panels withthe Wolf River Electric? How do you

who should do that? How doyou western? That's what the mountains Dallas,
the head coach of the Minnesota Temples, will be on at nine o'clock.
Chris Paine, nine o'clock. Howdo you a p a nine to
noon? Here's a cool stat accordingto Veterans United. I don't know how

they measure this, but the bestcities in the country for veterans Tampa,
Florida and Rochester, Minnesota. Isit just because of the Mayo Clinton systems?
And that's city rocks, that's it. I love you like the Rochester.
I love the rotch that rock.Whoay, a candidate for West Virginia

Secretary of State, was taking downhis campaign signs when he was bidden by
a couple of copperhead snakes last week. Just quit, it, says a
couple, by the way, notjust one. A couple of them got
him. Don't they know? Dothey travel in pairs? I don't think
they traveling frooit, No, Imean, just brilliant. That was a

great line. The new Ryan Reynoldsmovie IF won the box office over the
weekend with thirty five million, Butthat was a pretty big disappointment. They
had a pretty gigantic budget. Yeah. I saw it over the weekend with
the kiddo, and yeah, Ican tell by the beady eyes it was
not good. It was a mess. Yeah, it was a mess.

Yeah, yes, Paul. Aboutthree months ago, when the trailer came
out. I don't say that oneof the greatest. Yeah, I think
I said that. Yeah, thisis a spoiler, but it is a
spoiler. I don't even care becauseI'm kind of telling people you probably shouldn't
go see this. It was soobvious in the first ten minutes. They
were trying to make this a kid'ssixth sense, but every parent knew the

twist. Me be it. Itwas so obvious. So the ten year
old was like, I didn't knowthis and this an angel like God.
That was three minutes in. Yeah, very true. But here's the other
mistake that I think they made.It's it is surprisingly even though you can't
really tell this from the trailer,it's about it is. It's depressing almost

the entire movie. So there's there'snot a lot of fun. It's just
depressing and slow. It's depressing.It's it's all. There's a lot,
you know, the first twenty minutesup how they want to just kind of
shock fi podcast For most of themovies, there's dead people and there's sadness,

and it's like it was just nofun. Man, that is hard
to watch up that first twenty minutes. Oh my goodness. Yeah, Hawk
we can't go watch if because youand I would just absolutely be ve crying.
Well, I know you're right now, I'll be spooning. I have
to take my mind off. I'mwith you. I can't take some just
paid for the one seat so thatway we could hang out. I've something

I've seen. I've watched a FooFighters documentary with Hockey and he cried from
the beginning to the end that youknow, the air up there makes me
cry and what was the uh wewere on plane by the way this.
Yeah, We've seen a lot ofmovies and cried together. Yeah, all
right, Ben, last one.I'll try to hustle because I know you
got to go come home. Yeah, go ahead. A twenty six year
old veterinarian says that she was startinga new job last week and somebody brought

in a pretty sick puppy. Theydid an X ray realize that the dog
had eaten something that the dog shouldnot have been eating, so they performed
an emergency surgery and pulled out theobstruction. Magnum, you're on the right
path, A little bit adult toyapersomething with toy. They told the owner
what it was. The gal thatbrought the brought the dog in and the

owner of the female did not understandhow this was possible because she didn't own
a thong. Oh, it's herfault. So but she called her husband
and apparently the revelation was that itwas another woman's. That was how she

found out her husband was cheating.Was she got a thong removed from her
dog with an emergency surgery? Heshould have said it was his correct?
Yeah? Right? Is then thequestion stop? Yeah? Like was it
Billy from Overboard? Right? Hetook the blame for Dean? Remember that?
Yeah? We all remember that?Great I love you guys day you

lived the plane ride? Yeah,you, Billy, wasn't it? You
want to go haves He's on aplane. You'll have to do most of
it. Actually not haves. Hesays, you want to go nineties tens,
We want to go ninety nine.Well yeah, well, if you
fly it, I'll go nineties withyou if you want. I know Kurt

Russell's Kurt Russell's character was dean prophet. I know that for a Yes,
I'm sorry asking for you. Whenare they doing the bit about him flying
on the plane? Is the planething? Today? On Twinsday's Life yeah,
it'll be today, thank you,Dean Prophet. I think his friend's
name was you do think it wasBilly? Oh? Didn't They remake Overboard
and it was yeah, terrible andthey reversed the gender bit. Uh yeah,

what you had? They had toGoldie Hans character's last name was Stanton,
but now I'm blanking on her firstJohn Wilkes Booth ply names. They
had to change that in the singleswell Grant Stanton Stanton, yeah, I
yeah, stayt in as I thinkit's state Stayton, yeah, state and
then Edith Mint but is the Pratt? Yeah, okay, it is Billy?

Who the hell? And my dayis made? Man watches that much
over? I lead in empty existence. Yes, forty eight percent of people
expect a cashless society in their lifetime. Count me in that group one hundred
percent. Forty eight percent of usthink that in our lifetime we will not
have paper or you know, metalcurrency. It's going to be all digital.

How many places I've gone to wherethey like almost look at you like
you're like you're handing over COVID Nowthey're already They're already a ton of places,
especially kind of like mom and popshops that just have a like a
square or clover kind of pad,and they'll just say, we do not
accept cash. How do you takeit or leave it? How do you
buy poll tabs? Then eventually justdigital? Yeah? Probably you just play

the e poll tabs. Yeah.I went to the races and their card
reader was broke and there was onlyone that was actually I had to walk
over. I felt like, Iwas like, man, I don't have
a single dollar bill to my name. I don't know what I'm gonna do.
They need cash and I don't haveany cash, but I have some
in the bank somewhere need access toit. I just I just love giving

money to my kids, and it'llbe like, hey, here's a hundred
bucks for whatever thing you're gonna godo and give them cash and watch them
just go. What am I goingto do with that? Yeah? Yeah,
okay, what I to go tothe bank. Do you guys think
it's acceptable when a server leaves atab on your table and they give you
a pen to sign your bill with? Do you take the pen? No?

No? Do you every nice?No? I don't think I do.
Never once. I've also never oncetaken it. But according to a
new survey, thirty nine percent ofpeople say it's acceptable to swipe the pen.
What Yeah, it's not your carryman carry Gary. Now they need
I gonna sign any more things?No, that's not right. Twenty four

sent say it depends on the restaurant. Fifty two percent consider it quote always
unacceptable. Yeah, we'll go toany appearance for K one or two or
kfa N. Then you got tosign up for something. Those pens are
stolen you. Those are like thecheapest big pens on the planet though.
Yeah. So I was at LutherShout out to Luther, Shout out to

Luther, and then and my guyBen Hartzen gave me this unibowl Sigma Impact
two seven pen, and I've beengeeking out about it all weekend, and
I'm like, this is how youknow you're old when a two and a
half dollar pen makes your weekend.I was so jacked for this pen.
This is so cool. Somebody benpen a sharpie. It was the best

pen I've ever written. And uhso I went home and bought like a
gross of them. Yeah, I'mdoing the same thing, done that junk.
I'm doing the same thing. Bengave me this pen, and I
got home and I said to angiego, we need to order He's on Amazon
Ben's and he got him on Amazonand I did, why are you here?
Yeah? And then she said whyare you here? Exactly? Yeah?
I agree? Good you two ismy absolute favorite. I buy him
every year for the Viking season.I don't ever have one because my handwriting

is so p poor. I don'tever write things down. My handwrite.
It's all notes in my phone whichare misspelled and two but it'll correct it
for me, right, I don't. I can't. My handwriting is so
bad. I write everything. Ithelps me retain it. Yeah, me
too. If I feel like it, I type it, it's gone.
It's out of my mind. IfI type it like I have, If

I write it down, I actuallylike committed to it. But if I
type it, there's I I don'tremember it at all. Did you ever
write down the cast of Overboard?No? Is that how you remember it?
That? I don't think? So? Hey, how about how about
this quick stat from charch on theWolves Denver series. The Wolves defense held
Denver to twenty or fewer points ina quarter nine times, eighteen or fewer

points in a quarter six times,and fourteen or fewer points in a quarter
three times about it. Wow,that's one of the best deffenses ever.
I mean, I just I thinkwe're gonna fluster Luca. I just know
so much about flustering Luca this nextseries. And even if even then,
like too, we just saw it, Jo Kitchen Murray drop sixty nine togethers

that go nice for sixty nine.Yeah, it doesn't matter. Luca and
Kyrie can drop seventy eighty together.The Wolves are a complete team. They're
not going to lose to just twoguys and Max. So your point earlier
is spot on. Luca doesn't playdefense, so no you can't. He
won't be able to guard Edwards.Well, they're not going to be able

their Their defense is going to beOur offense is going to be just out
of this world in this series.The building on Wednesday is going to shake
to its core. God man,we're so close. These opportunities don't come
a lot man to this city.They're going to take advantage of it that
they have. Opportunities come once ina lifetime. Yeah, you have to
lose yourself in this moment, momSpaghetti, what about don't put your hand

up. I can't know. Idon't get it, especially if I don't
sure run right, put my handup. I don't know. I'm excited
for you guys. Man. Imaginethat, man, your team might actually
win a championship. The team youguys care about might actually win a championship.
Yeah, man, that's crazy.I mean it's really I mean,
what what what percent chance do yousay now as we sit here are winning

the title, the title, notthis not this serious series title, fully
expect them to at this point chanceand give me a I would say,
well, I mean, based onthe vegas, I'd say eighty eighty five.
I mean, way less than fully. He asked me my own opinion,
I'll give you. That's that's optimism. You're asking for the actual percent
chances for each of you though,Yeah my opinion. Yeah, give it

to him. Honestly, No,I think it's fifty the win. Oh,
thanks for Boston is good man,Matt. But Max and I'll talk
about it. Let's back it up. It's if we played Boston right now,
I'd say it's about a fifty tofifty chance. You got to get
past Alas first, were favored.So I think that the chances that we

win the NBA title is something likethirty seven percent. That's it. Yeah,
based on math, I think theycan do it. Though I mean
i I truly see them. Icouldn't see it. I think I think
the hardest round to get past isthe one we just got past. Yeah,
right, right right? And Denver. If Denver gotten by us,

it would have been a gentleman's sweepof the maps. Both these these are
the what does a gentleman sweep for? To one? Okay, yeah,
the one team wins one game.But these are the two best teams in
the NBA, Denver and the Wolves, they just both are. It sucks
it because of the way the seasonwent that they aren't meeting in the Western
Conference finals, which they probably shouldhave. But you know, Wolves had

a couple of games go the wrongway. But the Wolves are head and
shoulders the second best team in theNBA. Okay, what so, but
look at look at it like thehere's the numbers that we're talking about if
we want to talk about betting number, right, like when Tennabe a couple
of weeks ago, a month agogot the Wolves at twenty two to one,
give or take. You're thinking thisthat means it's a four or five
percent chance you're winning the title.If any of us are talking anywhere near

fifty percent, that's how close weare. Know. How cool for you
guys, man, that's so awesome. I can't tell you. I don't
think I would. I'd have ahard time sleeping if the Vikings were in
the NFC Championship. Oh my gosh, you know what I mean? Yeah,
yeah, I think that's what oneof them said on the TMT bit
last night. Is you know,because Kenny the Jets played, he's won,

he won a couple of championships,me with the Rocket, Yeah,
yeah, exactly. He said,Man, the problem with this game is
Game seven. You've been up fortwo days. You just you're so jacked
to get to this game. Idon't know. Man. Coach Finch actually
brought attention to this and said,this team doesn't know the Minnesota Timberwolves history.

Do they care? That's what weall do, and bottom line,
I'll put it in my mind,that's what Kendrick Perkins island. They don't,
they don't know, they don't.They're they're more hungry than these other
teams. Yes, they don't knowany better. Yeah, you're right that
stuff, and it's not gonna belike like a one season kind of thing.

We're very used to that as MinnesotaVikings fans and Twins fans and all
that is like one season home.Man, there might be a chance.
The future of this is big about. They're all so young, and on
the off chance that the NBA doesexpand in the I mean not the offense,
they're going to expand in the nextcouple of years, and the Wolves
get moved to the Eastern Conference,that of thing it might happen. That's

the rumors that the because it wouldbe Vegas in Seattle, so you have
to balance the conferences. So itmakes sense that if the Wolves, i
mean the Ricky Rubio Andrew Wiggins Wolveswould have made playoff runs in the Eastern
Conference. So if we get movedto the Eastern Conference either way, dynasties
aren't a thing as much in theNBA anymore unless you're gonna be the super
team like the Warriors had. Wejust we saw the stat or whatever.
A lot of these teams aren't evenmaking him back to the Western Conference finals,

so this that it's wide open forthem for the foreseeable future. Built
a super team naturally, what ifwe might have wait, you know,
like, well they got they gotJayden j Maak right harm, Yeah,
I don't know what you guys want. And in the same draft, yeah
right yeah, Kat was the numberand overall pick in twenty fifteen. Yeah,

we did the steal. Yeah,everybody, everybody bought Rudy and my
Yeah, right now, right now, ESPN, M Monica McNutt, Tim
Legler, J Williams, and MikeGreenberg. They all asked him, who's
going to win the NBA title?Three out of the four? Like I
said, yeah, but green GreenGreenie East whoa what did you say?

Rosie Yah is the most East Coastbiased guy? On T hard Yeah,
I wrote, I love it man, Yeah, it's great. This is
a good day, right, thisis a really Yeah. In a week
from now, I'll be off thebandwagon if they lose two to three and
we'll we'll go from there. Itmight go to hell, but right now
is a good day. Man.Does anybody feel better about their lives than

Tim Connelly just going and told you, told you seems like such a cool
cat. They don't think I metHe was excited like last night, like
like I get excited when I makea good bowl of cereal like and I
mean, I don't think anything givesthem too much of a rush. It's
super When they made that trade theday before the fourth of July, a
couple days before the fourth of July, touch it, that got panned as

a terrible which terrible trade, terribletrade trade they hated. Everybody was one
of the people feed too much.Yeah there were, but there were a
ton of us let's not do completerevisions history, a ton of us like
me that said, I think thisis too much, but we gotta shake
it up. We gotta gamble,you gotta do something to change the thirty

five year history of this stupid team. So it was a ton to give
up. But if they can geta title in year two, does it
even matter if it doesn't work outfor the next three, four or five
years. You go all in.And this is exactly why Tim Connolly gambled,
because he got it could pay offif the stars aligned, and so
far it absolutely hits. No.It also had to overlap with the ascension

of Ant. You you have toproject that correctly that Ant takes that next
step, and he clearly has onehundred percent. I know we're at the
end, but you said it,Corey. The other way wasn't working.
You had to do something to shakeit up and got to gamble and it
worked. Hey. Today was fun. Yeah, come on, man,
the next couple of weeks are goingto be fun. Maybe the next month

is going to be fun. We'llsee. Because i'd written them off three
days ago. I written them off. At halftime said rather watch your own
funeral than games. But that wasa test and they passed it. They
passed it. Game one of theWestern Conference Finals is Wednesday against the Mavericks.
Head coach of the Timberwolves, ChrisFinch. He starts with Paul Allen
right after this, I'm the fan. Well, I an't ready have the

money for day, you boy,I'll give nobody go
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