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The Power Hour is live. Kf an dot com. Slash Watch is
where you can watch us at liveeight weekdays at eight a m. All
thanks to Quantum Fiber, Your WorldUnleashed Welcome back Packs. The Morning Show.
Well, saw Max and I justwatched a a movie trailer and I
as you guys know, the officialmovie trailer reviewer that's your new career and
trailers. But this time I'm gonnaI'm gonna share it with the two gentlemen
I just uh just watched this introwith and I'm wed. We didn't speak
to each other after we saw it, so I'm interested. It was for
a movie called Trap, starring oneof us, Yeah, Josh Hartnett.
I've seen this trailer as well,and it's done by m Knight San.
It sure is concept is kind ofinteresting. Yes, as far as the
trailer goes, it seemed to tellus the entire movie. Yeah, I
can't imagine the kind of dude,except for maybe there has to be a
twist. He is the worst directorof all times. Okay, it's terrible.
Okay, all right, so youguys are saying, no, I'll
go see it no matter what.It is an interesting concept and I'll just
pretty much go see freaking anything ata movie theater at this point. But
I just don't trust him. TheVillage is legitimately top five worst movies I've
ever The Village is terrible, HalfWater, The Happening is terrible. Last
Airbender terrible. He's had one bighit and the rest that was his first
one. Right. Sixth Sense isa home run. Unbreakable is very good,
very good. Signs is taller.He started off on We've talked about
the Village, Maxo is so,but before that, Signs of solid,
Unbreakable is very good. In signor six senses, Like a year or
two ago, he had a moviecalled The Beach. Yeah, or if
you go to it you get older. That's I think it was just called
Old actually whatever it was before TheBeach. It was Leonardo DiCaprio, like
twenty years ago. Yeah, that'swhat I what Rosie calls all his ladies.
Oh brilliant. Yeah, he likesto a little bit of an accent
on it. He beach. Itlooks terrible, right, Maxo, Yeah,
it looks so. But the conceptmust if you haven't seen it yet,
the concept is is Josh Hartnett playsa serial killer who takes It looks
like he takes his daughter to aconcert. Lady got concerted. But yeah,
realizes while he's at the show thatthe cops are about to catch him
because he has cameras on everybody that'strapped in his basement. So I believe
it's he realizes while he's out inpublic, I'm screwed. They're going to
catch me. So he's you know, he's got a nice, happy,
smiley face. He's had a popconcert with his daughter. Yeah, she's
having the time of her life.Doesn't know what is heard. The whole
concept is how he's gonna get exactlyhow's he going to get out of there?
That's right, that's right. Andthen you expect, because it's M.
Knight Shamalama ding Dong, that it'sgoing to be like some weird twist.
But if there's no weird twist,then you're like pissed. Do you
want to hear a clip from it? Yeah? I in a pair of
handcuff. Yeah. Wow. Thefunny part about that and this may this
will make Corey smile on his birthday. That was a priest. He was
a priest. Yeah, he wasstuck in a pair of handcuffs. He'd
been pleasuring himself and got couldn't getout of the handcuffs and handcuffs, why
would that make me? Well,I thought he was in the handcuffs pleasuring
himself, I mean, and sohe but he couldn't get out of the
handcuffs right after he so they obviouslyclasped them in the front, I would
guess. So, yeah, unlesshe's really really joined in. What if
the twist in this new m NightShamalon movie is that the real crime is
the concert because it's train Oh Ilove that band. So Hartnett like is
getting arrested at the ringum He's like, it's not my fault, it's those
sons of bitches and he points themwhile they're singing Drop to Jupiter. Whatever
it is, it's anyway, andthat's fun. And you saw Civil War
on Maxill. Yeah. I didsee Civil War about a week ago or
so, and it's like, it'svery polarizing. It's getting a lot of
think pieces written about it from allsides of the political spectrum. And it
was weird because I didn't feel anythingreally after seeing it, And I thought
that was odd because all these youknow, articles are saying, well,
whatever your baggage that you're bringing inis gonna color how you see the movie
and all this and that, andsaying that it's making all these grandiose and
political statements. But I found itreally to be uh, pretty political.
It was mostly about journalism during warand journalism in general. But I mean
good performances. Nick Goferman was cool. It is good to see Kirsten.
Is it Kirsten or Kristen? KirstenKirsten duns. I haven't seen her in
a movie in forever. It feelslike I thought about that, so yeah,
so it was I just I don'tknow, I didn't feel that strongly
about it as opposed to you know, coming in thinking it's gonna be like
this, you know, hotbed ofa movie that's gonna have me thinking and
going for for days. I justI kind of left the movie and just
wasn't it was okay? Good action, surprisingly pretty good action. But I
think I'm gonna go see that Sasquatchmovie today. Yeah, now we're talking.
Yeah, baby, Corey, didyou happen to catch SNL? I
know you watch it almost every week? Right? Wasn't it a rerun this
week? Was it was this aShane Gillis we reran that is simply the
worst Saturday Night Live I've ever seen? Was it? Really? Twenty one?
Savage was like, what the hellis going on with this one?
Yeah, but there was a shockSavage fan that seems to be right in
your dem right, Yeah, butthere was like not one redeeming freaking sketch.
Really. Yeah, the monologue suckedeverything. My wife and I were
watching it were like, this isawful, and they re ran that.
Yeah, yeah, there had beensomething better. The one from last week.
Ryan Gosling last week was about hishills that gets Yeah, every sketch
and it didn't matter. Yeah,the whole hour and a half. I've
got to watch that. But theentire episode is a home run and Stabling
does not keep it together in onesketch. He breaks every sketch and it
doesn't matter. The open with thealien bit again, fantastic bringing Kate McKinnon.
That's great, is the best.Yeah, I've got to watch it.
We're going around the room with justrecommendations while I was doing nothing.
This weekend just completely meets us inand it was best. I watched all
four episodes of Conan O'Brien Muscow onHBO Max. Oh God, just the
best I know. He's my goats, so I'm biased. Anyways, it
was gonna be hard for me tonot like it. But it's awesome.
He goes to Norway, Argentina,Thailand and Ireland, so it's just sweet.
It's just him going to the country, being self deprecating, ripping on
some people. It's just it's justimprov right, so funny that if you
like Conan at all, it's amust watch. I watch that. And
he went to a couple of thespots that I went to in Norway,
so it was kind of trippy tobe like, I've stood right there.
That's where the McDonald's is, youknow, That's that's how I get to
Yeah, he went to Oslo andBergen and those well, in a couple
of other cities. We went toone of the northern ones, Zacho,
maybe the one that you were closeto, not Trondheim, but close to
that maybe cool. It's pretty coolwhile we're talking about travel, did inby
c John Bonus's tweet this weekend abouthis laugh No, Yeah, it's it's
brilliant because when he laughs, helaughs hard. Yeah, he's the and
he had a bit of self awarenessbecause he's in Japan, where apparently everybody's
a little quieter, a little morepolite, you know. He was like,
I laughed so hard and people lookedat me like I'd murdered children.
He wrote, I just recognized todaythat my what's g U F F A
W. I don't know what thatmeans. I've never seen nice hearty laugh.
It's not a belly laugh. Putit right up there. It's over
the top for Japan. Oh,I'm sorry. Is everybody else going on
something? I just wish you wouldhave thought that was grandpa on some level.
I just found out my grandpa,Like, we'll be drinking and joking
at the bar and it's a recordscratch. I'm the ugly American. This
is a problem. So that's theWhat's the one thing I really liked about
Conan show, by the way,is kind of gets into the culture,
almost sarcastically, makes fun of Vikingculture in Norway or like soccer culture in
Argentina. He kind of, butthen at the end of every episode he's
you can tell he's genuinely appreciative ofthe culture and how nice everybody is,
and I'll call everybody right. Soit's like forty five minutes of making fun
of him, and then at theend it's like, man, this place
is incredible. You should go seeit. So that's I like that.
John Bonus's admitting, Hey, mylaugh doesn't quite play in Japan. Yeah
it's different, Yeah, different culturethere. Maxo's been there, he probably
gets it. Oh yeah. Imean y'all know me. I get in
trouble in Abbot's office almost every dayfor being loud and saying inappropriate things.
So I definitely word yeah, yeah, me and my boys definitely. But
honestly, that's the thing though,is that like it is kind of out
of place sometimes, but people stillthey are very polite, but they still
know how to have fun. Nobody'sreally judging you. I never felt judged
in Japan anywhere that I went.And I was going around looking like a
slob, you know, half pickedafro, looking like Buck Wheat and being
loud and just being obnoxious, andnobody judged me. Nobody. Yeah,
No, I felt totally at peaceand at home there. That's awesome,
man, very cool. All right, you gonna do sports. We'll get
back, sure, all right,We go commercial for you the rest of
the week. We'll do a Fanfive and then we'll get the headlines more
the Power Trip Morning Joe after itis on the fans phone. All right,
final second of the Power Up Mornings. You got anythings that go?
You know what I do? ChrisOh Good. Ammy Nominated actor writer and
comedian Rob Schneider is coming to theMystic Showroom stage at Mystic Lake on Friday,
May seventeenth for a night of laughs. Tickets around stale now, but
you can get yours today right nowby calling one hundred through two zero fifty
three twenty six. Tickets available atMystic Lake dot com. A caller eleven
right now when their way in onehundred through two zero fifteenth three twenty six.
Good luck, fantastic. Let's doa little bit of the uh that
Fan five before we get into theheadline, shall we. It's time for
Fan five, brought to you bybuilders and remodelers. Oh thanks builders who
remodeled U. Saw's It's official.Scotti Scheffler won that RBC heritage that they
restarted today nineteen He finishes the winner. Yeah. The only that's gonna slow
him down is his wife giving birth. That's it. What geez, you're
canceled? Oh good, No,I meant like you know, I was
just kidding down. I'm just joking. I know you are damn good.
Yeah. I mean if his ifhis wife gives birth in two weeks or
whenever, the whatever, the nexttournament is the big tournament, he won't
play it. That's the only thingthat's gonna keep He's that everything he plays
will win. He's just such agood ball striker, that's it. That's
what makes That's the difference between himand everybody else is he never gets in
trouble. The stat last week duringthe Masters was it's an unbelievable amount of
rounds he's had since he's been overpar. He never gets in trouble because
he can just get himself out ofit. And now that he's a above
average putter, he's just unstoppable.He's second as far as having rounds that
are at least par or under,and I think it's like forty rounds or
something like that, just behind Tigerwho set the record. What the hell
would you know? What did youdo? Follow him at the Masters last
week? It's time to talk aboutit. Let's hear about John Let's search.
How close did you get to Scottie? About five feet? Is that
right? Yeah? Yeah? Andit's a really cool hole too that we
were on a Whole six. Sothe thing is when you go to you
always hear people say you can't actuallyTV doesn't do it justice, and that's
absolutely correct because it's like a skiresort that's just green. I've never seen
so much elevation in my life.I mean when we when Scotty walked by
us, we were on Whole sixand the tea box is just way the
hell up and it's like trying tohit a par three up buck Hill.
I mean, it's seriously that kindof wicked, wicked elevation. And so
we're on the on the six teabox up on top, and then right
in the middle of that they havea place where, you know, patrons
can sit and so you got thegreen chairs and the whole works and we
sit there and then they just hitright over the top of you, and
it's just the coolest thing. Wehappened to be right by the rope and
and Scotty walked right by, andso that was pretty cool. We got
to see a couple of saying somethingrubish to him. No, no,
no, and I didn't I didn'tyell get the hole. I didn't do
that, you know, tater totsor whatever, you know, mash tempory.
Yeah, no, no, no, we didn't do any of that,
but it was it was fantastic.We got there early seven o'clock in
the morning and then found out thatthey don't serve booze until eleven, so
that was a bit jarring. Sofor four hours you were shaking. Then
what you do, right, Well, my buddy Nels he ate every sandwich
that they have available. They findsome scope or some But so we walked
it back nine and just saw,you know, we're spots. We wanted
to go and sit at certain times, you know, and just kind of
scoped it out. And ultimately that'swhat we wanted to do. Less about
watching the golf. It was moreabout actually just seeing the course. And
I've come to the conclusion now havingbeen been there, there's no like rough
is the same as the fairway.There's no like you know, like us
Open. They got that real tallgrass and stuff like that, and they
make it impossible when you're up.They just keep this thing all the way
just mowed down. And it makessense now, because that's how you get
penalized, is if you miss yourmark, if you miss your angle,
you're gonna end up and the thingyou didn't want to in Raysed Creek or
in one of those nasty bunkers,and then all of that going up to
these greens that are almost impossible.It's just so amazingly beautiful. The cool
thing was that got to see Tigeron the eighteenth. Now, how do
you finish again? Dead last?Oh? Yeah, yeah, he had
a good day though, dead life, dead dead last, and you know
what, and by the time wegot obviously the eighteenth, it was all
over and everything like that. Andgiven the fact that my thighs are still
burning from walking that course four daysplus a practice round with a decimated leg,
it's so impressive that he finished thatround. Yeah, how do he
finished again? Dead last? ButI will tell you the cut, right,
Yeah, he made the cut,not eighteen. I mean the crowds
were just massive, following him thewhole way, and I mean Scotty's crowds
weren't like that. And the crowdsare following him. We're up at eighteen
and we got to see him comeup, you know, tap in to
be, you know, the worstgolfer of the weekend. But when he
tapped in the crowd, I've neverheard a louder roar, and it was
just you could tell how so manypeople were just so appreciative of his career
because that's maybe the last time heplays at the Masters. And he did
the tip of the cap. I'mnot gonna lie. I teared up a
little bit. It was super supercool there. There's just it's hallowed grounds
when you go to Augusta and youjust there's just a different feel. The
worst part though, is that youcan't have a phone, so you can't
even a phone in what No,No, not allowed, no, So
you leave them in the you know, we left them in the vehicle.
And the part that sucks about thatis that because like I mentioned, my
buddy Nels ate every damn sandwich.Well, I've been walking on hills and
I ate all those sandwiches. Igotta take another dump. So I got
to sit there and wait, youknow, because if you get separated,
yeah, you can't like text andgo hey I'll meet you on nine.
No, you got you gotta staytogether otherwise I guess I'll meet you at
the vehicle at the end. Doyou believe that talk, you know other
people is the worst part of thehuman experience. No, I love it
if I saw myself in clothes likethose that have to kick my own ass.
And you were saying last week duringthe program Password Invitational Draft, which,
by the way, congratulations, didyou something like a dollar and a
half for what is it a sandwich? Ye, dollar and a half for
a sandwich and six bucks for abeer. That's not bad. No,
it's not bad, but that's reallygood. I did have some State Fair
PTSD there because the crowds are soheavy, I mean, your nuts to
butts when you're trying to go tothe pro shop and buy something. It's
yeah, and was that was kindof freaking me out just a little bit.
Your thoughts leave him there. Butwe saw a Scheffler hit on nine
and basically just in the tournament rightthere. It was awesome. And so
at that point, my buddy Nelsongoes, we had, you know,
we got food at the house.We had the house to ourselves because everybody
else had left. Yeah, andhe's like conditioning, So basically the weekend
we could kill. It was thebest weekend because kissed me. It was
the best golf trip I've ever beenon, because we did four rounds of
golf and then ended up going tothe Masters, and it was just golf,
gars, gummies and grilling. Itwas just awesome. You did crack
a little bit of crack. Yeah, I mean Augusta, Yeah. Correct.
Is it true that the rest ofthat town is just terrible? Yeah,
it's it's I mean you just like, there's no way this beautiful golf
course could be anywhere near this,and but it's just massive and just it's
kind of like lambeau Field in themiddle of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Right,
that is true. It's very similaror Indianapolis Motor Speedway or Disneyland in
Anaheim. The surrounding area is shadywindows. You just got a little island.
All you need is an island ofloveliness, and it sounds like you
found it oasis. Every bit ofit was just absolutely spectacular. I mean
it was. It was just crazythat I was even there. Yeah.
And with all those damn pines,it was Georgia pines. Not one of
them shaded any damn freaking riser thatyou could sit in a storm sat there
with the sun just beaten down onit. General. Yeah, yeah,
so what they do so history peoplebuy these chairs folding chairs at green ones
and then they just plant them orthey want them, and you can't run,
you can't move them, but theyhave their name on the back of
it, so you can sit inthem if they're not there, and they're
like the most polite people on theplanet, because it'll just be like,
oh those are my yes, youidea, prove it? Yeah, Sharon,
Sharon, Sharon Osborne was there.Yeah, but no, it was.
It was absolutely everything I wanted itto be, and it was just
great. Oh good for you.I forgot them on camera. People are
seeing me with the you know andspeaking of the program, password go on.
God, you took a savage beating. That was a humbling experience,
was it not? I want tosay the f work? I really am
which one you're going to say thework? Go ahead? You know what
screwed this job? Yeah? Exactly. I went to the Masters and everything's
done from there. Fondness, thatson of a bitch, Oh, she
just got all glody on it.And here's the thing, Max, sweet
sweet Max Foundness was a joyce.Wait what no, he was number one
on my draft board. I wasshocked. He was shocked. He was
still there when I was when Iwas How do you feel that if you
would have picked me, I wouldhave whore in your kimoda? How do
you feel that there were eight ofus that were drafters and there were eight
of you that were draftees. Howdo you feel that all eight of us
had you eighth on our draft board, not even eighth. Each had multiple
reasons why not to pick me andshared those with everyone. Somebody in this
room said that they would fake anillness if they had. I don't remember
saying. What was your response whenwhen the wheel was spun for the final
time and it was revealed that Commonwould have the final pick, and all
he did was put his head downon his table because he knew that meant
in fifteen minutes he was going tobe stuck with you. Right. Well,
you know what, here's the thing. I'm one and seven. I
think that's what it is. Iwon the one time with Barb, and
I can't believe that she went withwho the hell is Robbie Rosenhouse? Yeah,
and uh, Robbie's ever lost?But I play with normally when I
play, I get teamed up withCommon. So it's not me, it's
Common because Common completely just shuts downabout midway. Yeah, but you might,
you might incite that in him.No, you might be the reason
why he shuts down, starts eatinghis lunch, he's not paying attention,
and then he just glares at me. If that's why you fell, I
mean your interviews. He just hetook zero responsibility for any of your passes,
Christopher, since you were gone.Check this out. I Marty got
the first pick in the draft.She took Carly after the wheel spun.
I had the second pick. Youdid not do it. I took Sauce.
You did not. Were you heldat gunpoint? Nope, we're doing
it. No, we're doing us. Was a better idea than me.
I mean, like I said,I thought there were two or three people,
specifically Sweedburg. If I thought ifI took Sweatburg, I'm like,
well, we're gonna win. Butwhat fun is that? Yeah? This
is more fun because if we winhim to the title, you'll never hear
the end of it. And whenwe go out in the first round.
Yeah, just what is he?This is a free This is a role
for me. If we lose,it's not my fault, it's sauces fault.
If I win the whole tournament,then it is undeniable. He's all
that, I'm the best. Justwhat is free roll for me? Throw
it out there? What give hell? Go on that the common man and
I win this? No, no, no, no, you can't say
it's impossible. It's not zero butus what odds do you want? Because
I'm willing to put a lot ofmoney that you will not win. You
won't get out of the first round, You'll get kicked out of the tournament.
You can't bet on your own howabout uh? How about my thousand
a year? One hundred? Whoathe whole tournament? I'll give you a
thousand bucks. Come on, yougot to like ye hundred It must tend
to one. God, you're shutup as possible longer than that, Reynolds.
If you don't you give me ahundred before? No, grease right
now? Come on, I haven'tsauce. Now negotiate for three for three?
You know how bad I am agambling Yeah, as for three hundred,
So you're I ad a broken password? Man? Remember what do you
not believe? You cannot wait.I cannot wait when we kick your guys's
ass and it's gonna be awesome,and then you would finals you're not getting
Yeah, we can give you twofinals. Do the bet with him on
the finals. We could do athirty point cushion and we'd still win.
No one, no one is betterthan that one at that game. You
mean the guy who actually is onthe Game of every single week. If
Ryan doesn't dance, he's a twotime back to back champion dance. He
oh, he sure as hell did. He's Tom Brady throwing to a waste
basket, and I'm the waste basket. But I'm just sitting. That is
exactly how I hit you down onmy draft board with Carly one waste basket
number two. I don't care becauseI he's so good that my lousy lack
of the English I get there isgonna get us to the Because if we
get through the two people we haveto the two teams we have to play,
no one's gonna be Look, Ican't wait for the shame. Everything,
everything he's saying is irrelevant. Everythinghe's saying is irrelevant because even if
Nordo and JG beat us in roundone, which is possible. They're very
good. Even if they beat usin round one, you ain't getting to
the finals. It doesn't matter,It doesn't there's no way, Sauce ejecting
so much on us. Sauce andI will not play you two in this
tournament because that would be in thefinals and there is no you guys are
going to make the finals. Youain't gonna be there if we get there,
no chance. You wait, I'vebeen playing this whole time, my
twelve hundred year one hundred. Iwonder what power Trip listening. She's already
text me twice, don't bet.I wonder what power Trip bets has put
us the line for the first owngames, because I bet yours is twenty
five and a half. Yeah,I know it was really low. All
right, now it's time for headlines, brought to you by our friends at
Wolf River Electric. You guys cango solar. Do you know that goes
solar with Wolf River Electric? That'sdead? All right? This will make
you feel old. It is mybirthday. Thanks great heavy birthday. You
old. I feel old at fortyfour, and I say this all the
time, and I forget every yearthat he shares a birthday. But I
remember when Silverchair's album Frog Stomp cameout and I couldn't believe that kids were
basically my age, were rocking theway that they were rocking. Daniel Johns,
a lead singer of Silverchair, oneyear older than me. He turns
forty five today. It was justa game changer. It wasn't you know
a band that I loved that wasin their mid twenties that rock. It
was these are Australian kids that aremy age. They're at the top of
the charts and they're touring and they'rerock stars. And I'm going, what,
I have never heard of this band? Yeah, you never heard of
Silver Chair? I going to winto fad boy. They say tomorrow A
bunch of hands, Natalie and brilliant, so you can do something right.
No, I've never seen or heardof this band. Oh yeah, just
sing him. Yeah you're going towait too. Did you miss the entire
decade of the nineties. Did younot watch ninety Well, so ninety three
is when I started in country music, so I didn't really pay attention too
much of the show Man and youwere high on crack. There was that
it was actually I admitted muss,Yeah, admit it must. Superchair has
got some big until later. DanielJohns, twenty five years old, Whale,
Yeah they do. That's that firstalbum specifically, frox Stomps a masterpiece
free uh Jack Nicholson's eighty seven today. Hey Oppenheimer would have had his birthday
to day as well, but hedied in nineteen sixty seven. Oh no,
what happened. I didn't even knowhe was sick. I don't know.
Bomb. That's for a good dadjoke. I'm good at dad joke.
Yeah, you are all right.Look it, it's Earth Day as
well. And I think even ifyou're a climate change denial those are fun
people. I think even those peoplewould admit we should all probably try to
do a little bit better if youjust phrase those people a lot more on
this ship. Those people are fun. Climate change deniers are always parties.
How many parties you go to wherepeople go? I'm a climate changers.
I don't go to those parties anymore. To parties. Yes, is it
worse to be a denier or anacceptor but do nothing at all at all?
Ever, to do anything? That'smost of us, and some of
us claim inside Joe. Some ofus claim to be environmentalists. I'm doing
radio for five people. I thinkmost people can. Anyway, here's here's
this little survey here says here's threeeasy things that even the laziest environmentalists can
do. There's three things you cando. Stop wasting leftovers. Basically,
they're saying, if you buy it, eat it. Oh man, forget
it. You've said that to mydad. It says it takes a lot
of takes a lot of water andresources to grow all the vegetables and fruits
that you buy. So if youbuy it, don't let a rich just
eat it. That's what they're saying, don't waste food. That makes sense
to me, okay, but thereare some things that are just not good,
like as a leftover. And plus, you know sure, I ain't
going home for a while, right. Number two, stop over using napkins.
You don't need six when one willdo well. You obviously have never
seen me eat a lot, I'mguilty. Well, it's impossible with those
old school like napkin things, becauseyou reach in there, there's automatically three
or four in there. I alwaysfeel like they might run out at some
point, and I need to havea stack in my glove compartment. Sure,
speaking of that, this is abit of an offshoot on what you're
talking about. In Canada, youhave to pay for any bag, no
matter what you're buying, and it'sabout fifty cents. That's California as well
a lot of places. And that'sexactly what number three is. By the
way, reusable grocery bags, accordingto this story says stop telling the checkout
person that you forgot them at homeagain, and don't pretend that you really
reuse all those plastic bags you've gotballed up. It's not hard to remember.
It's just a habit. Uh.I will say, you know,
I almost always try to do thepaper bags, even at the self checkout.
But when I do use the plasticones, I know it's you just
said, don't lie about this,but I'm not. We do keep them
and then we have them in ourour storage closet and use them for the
dogs. Right. I was gonnasay, you got two dogs, two
dogs? That's what you use thatuse the plastic bags. Don't you love
it when there's just a hole youdidn't notice? That is the game.
That's why you were double bagge.Yeah, man, you're supposed to do
that. Oh, I do youknow my wife? My wife has to
clean up all the time. Wife, I can't do it. I said,
just double bag, double bag.It must the gaggers thing goings place
right. Sorry, sorry, guys, I'm gone for another week. I'm
going to the Your sister leads theyoga class. Good for her healthy.
Yeah. Starting today, McDonald's hasa new bacon Cajun ranch, mccrispy.
That's a lot of work, baconCajun ranch. You buy something, yeah,
teak forever to order. I'd bepissed at your buzz behind you.
Uh. You mentioned it earlier withthe Saint Paul Saints. But Friday is
National Pretzel Day, and I'm gonnaI'm gonna put the flyer out right now.
If somebody doesn't bring me god dangAnti Ann's on Friday, I'm gonna
shoot people. Well, oh mygod. Every year, who do you
say that? Every year? Iwill say this too, And one of
our great sponsors holiday, bring ussome of those damn fine pretzels, you
Bavarian ones, right? I toldyou I don't know what, buts or
something like that. Three bucks.They're fantastic I'm gonna tell you they're always
fresh. I've never gotten a badone. Agreed, so good Ye.
Authorities are searching for at least onesuspect who shot five teenagers in Maryland during
a water gun fight on Friday celebratingSenior Skip Day. Yes, somebody didn't
tell them the rules. One ofthe victims is in critical condition. Water
gun fight broke out Senior Skip Day. Somebody shot at least five teenagers?
What didn't realize they had water guns? Cut the guys some slat jeez,
well, my mistake. Sorry,we let this sink in for a second.
Did you knock yourself in the notesagain? A grandmother in Michigan was
arrested last Thursday after she helped hergranddaughter beat up another student in an elementary
school bathroom. The grandmother, I'mtrying not to laugh because it's the grandmother
held down a girl while her granddaughterpunched her. Oh my god, are
you kidding me? You've been helddown by your grandma has been beat up
by a dad. Smoke show Gray, we learned about guess what PEWI hi
a Florida. This is the mostFlorida thing ever. Florida couple was busting
after they tried to forge a onemillion dollar lottery ticket. Police said they
took two non winning tickets and crudelyput them together and pretended as if it
was a million dollar winter The officer, Yeah, basically, the officer says
he wasn't impressed. Quote, you'vegot to do a lot better than this.
Imagine. I mean, let's allthink about this for a second.
How dumb those people. Oh yeah, the car going, oh, this
is a great plan. And therehad to be drugs involved. Yeah,
for sure. Yeah, there's nohuman being on the planet who thinks they're
going to get away from with thatwhen they walk through the door. If
you put put a couple, whetherit is glue or tape or whatever they
use, it just has crudely putthem together. So, whether it's a
powerball ticket with a scannable thing ora scratch off which are all so scannable,
you don't just go oh that,yeah you did find you know,
four treasures of gold there, here'sa million dollars they scan the ticket dummy.
To Chris's point, there's no waythose people knew that. They thought
they could just cut and paste andthe gas station would give them a million
bucks. You know that they weresitting there thinking to themselves, people in
Florida are so stupid. This isgonna work, correct. I picture ron
Bergen. I think she bought it. Really got knocked up? All right?
Check this story out. A Michiganman claimed he won five hundred thousand
dollars in the lottery after a celebritydoppel ganger inspired him inspired him, excuse
me to buy a ticket. Here'sthe catch though, here's the anonymity part.
He was watching a movie where thestar who looks as he claims exactly
like him one big in the lottery. So he thought that was a sign.
So he bought a ticket and thenwon half a mill. But because
the man is remaining anonymous, wedon't know who the dappel ganger is.
Oh sure, so he's not sayingwhat the movie is or which actor he
looks like. He wants to remainanonymous, just says he looks exactly like
somebody in a movie who wins alot of money money in the ya.
The movie inspired him to buy aticket one half a mill, just saying
low bow wow. Was in amovie called lottery ticket. I remember that
it's not over you might get it. What was the what was the premise
of that? I think that thatit was just like a kid in the
It was like a kid in thehood that won the lottery, like the
lottery, but the new spreads,and he's got to try to figure out
how to Like everybody trying. Ithink they get the ticket gets like kidnapped
or whatever. Chris, one ofyour all time favorites, Christina Hendricks from
mad Men, got married. Iknow, I saw the pictures. She
looked beautiful, what a beautiful girl. Man? Just would she married?
I'm lucky? Said, she marrieda guy with giant hands. Yeah,
you found somebody the prerequisite. Shemarried a guy whose face is bruised from
motor boat. Oh yeah, Ican't think of anymore. That's all I
got. So. Tom Zelleck claimshe has never sent an email or sent
a text. My god that once, Scott, How good of a show
is blue Blood's Hot? It reallyis good. That is a good show.
And the guy who played the guywho dies and is really good?
Yeah, Daddy, the day isyours. The Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame Class of twenty twenty four wasannounced on American Idol. It's interesting I
didn't even watchin Mary J. Bligeshare foreigner, Peter Frampton cool in the
Gang, Ozzy Osbourne, a tribecalled Quest and Dave Matthews, which is
great. Uh, I'm shocked thatthey weren't in earlier. It's going to
be very interesting to see if themember that they kicked off the band is
going to be there because he wasin the band for like twenty five years.
I'm real bad, right, Yeah, he got me tooed, Yeah,
but did he deserve it? Ifyou know what I mean? I
don't know what he is. It'sweird because he basically work up in There
was a band that they were aboutit that he got on a label and
he promised the guy that he wouldget him places for didn't the guy that
get kicked out of the band,didn't he like, ask some gal the
hike upper skirt a little more.No, that's the lead guy. But
show in earlier Show Her World.You can hate them, but they're one
of the biggest touring bands of alltime. They've basically been touring for almost
thirty five and by the way,Peter Frampton called and said, you think
it took them along right? Correctly? How is Peter Frampton not how about
foreigners. It'll be great. I'mproud of them and I love them.
I've been all over the world tosee it. Yeah. Hey, when
when you saw them in Amsterdam?Yeah? Where did you see them?
I saw them at a F AS Live. So is that a like
a giant like soccer stadium or isit just music? It's like it's basically
like the size of Northrop like atheater. Okay, yeah, like a
theater. And we stood on thefloor and watched them and it was awesome.
And the one thing I think wetalked about at Hawk was there's not
a lot of cheering in between songs. The song will end, they cheer
and then they're like dead silent andthey just wait. It was awesome.
Do you this is? It wassweet? Very odd question. Yeah,
and it only matters to me theworld. So I'm sorry I should have
asked you off the air. No, do you remember was the hard rock
cafe right by the venue? Doesthat ring a bell to you all?
And the reason I asked is because, strange enough, callback Corey Silverchair was
playing in Amsterdam the day I wasone of the days I was there,
and I was at the hard RockCafe with our friend Jill, and there
was a line outside of the hardrock Cafe and people were waiting to get
into see silverchair. Can't blame them, No, it doesn't, It doesn't
matter at all. I just justopen up with Israel's Son and let's go,
Yeah, what a bangor that sound? Never heard of them? I
think we drove by that or sawthat, but it wasn't. Yeah,
I'm that nerd who goes to everyhard rock cafe I can find in every
city. I love that man must. Here's something you care about Taylor Swift.
Yeah, her double album came outlast Friday, The Tortured Poet's Department,
and everybody, Right, everybody's geekingout about shocky. Well, maybe
it's great. One second, noteverybody didn't. I think this is in
Well, let's start with the firstthing here. Uh. One of the
songs is called thank You Amy,but the K, I and M are
all capitalized because basically, Taylor Swiftis an elementary school zodiac killer. I
didn't think we could figure out thatpuzzle. So it's a dis track on
Kim Kardashian. I know people careabout that stuff. I just can't believe
wit because Kim dissed her. Ohyeah, I mean michstr music, And
yeah, I don't know that kindof stuff. Bors it about people seem
to like that stuff. Put onyour skims and shut your pilot. The
older Taylor gets, the more Ithink that stuff seems high school iss.
It's like, don'druss me anyway,But it's but she knows their audience.
Taylor Swift is not very fair.I do think this is interesting though.
Let's say you don't like Taylor Swiftand you have the right to not do
that. The new album from uh, Taylor Swift on something called Paste magazine.
Never heard of it. I assumeit's an online magazine. I don't
know that's magazine. So a writer, we don't even know. I don't
even know if it's a guy orgal. Wrote a terrible review of it,
and they didn't publish the critics namebecause they were afraid for that person's
safety. Oh for sure. Ohthe Swift for real, man. But
it's okay not to like something.That's the problem with Taylor Swift fans.
If you don't like it, oryou have any question about it, you're
the worst person on the planet.It's okay not to like it. It's
like a but that's fine. Imean, it's but they're following their Jesus.
It's okay to hate the Dave Matthewsband. It's okay to hate Rocket
Club. It's okay to hate.I just want nobody does. But I
just wanted Hockey to agree with me. But if you don't like, if
you don't like the Day Matthews man, I could care less. Like there's
a lot of people that don't likecountry music. I don't like Taylor Swift.
You're satan, You're an awful person. Right, it's okay not to
they're gonna come at you. Yeah, fine, they're gonna come at me
right now. But it's okay notto like it. It's okay to think
it's not good. That's fine.See yourself. And I'm just coming up.
I don't care, but I likeRocket Club. And I'm sorry I
said that. It's okay, butI was just hoping you'd agree with me
because I missed you. I missedyou too. I have two good friends
of mine are big Swift fans,and they do not like the new album.
So well then they're they're condemned tohell. That seems like an overreaction
by Taylor Swift fans, because ifyou want to put this song on,
it was two hours of her farting. People would go, oh my god,
it's so good. I would bydance on the box to this song.
The records, this new song.This is don't be scared on cool
you hit the post. Thank you. She's been eating beans. Hey,
can I tell you? Can Itell you? It's pretty good? Okay?
So on Saturday morning, I letWindy out and she went out,
and all of a sudden we heardthis like weird noise and when he's my
dog, not not my wife,and your captor not my captor, and
I'm like, what was that?Don't think anything of it. Then when
he stands at the door and wantsto go out again, my wife lets
her out, comes back in,wants to go out again. Longstery short,
A large rabbit fell into our egresswindow, the biggest one we have.
How big of a rabbit are wetalking here? I mean probably size
of a football. Yeah, sizeof a football. That's a huge bitchy
And you didn't know that's what hewas going for, and uh, it
got itself after I attempted twice toget it out. How did you attempt
to get it out a rake?I tried to scoop it out because I'm
not going to touch it. Butthat rabbit, you never know. You've
seen body python. I'm not touchingLook at the bones, I'm not touching
it. You using a hoe?I called. She wasn't available. She
was watching the True crime and soI called. I called animal control.
Oh my god, that was arock bottom and there's a rabbit. Dina
Cop showed up. Oh my god, the rabbit wasn't black. Oh,
everybody's firing bullets, including forget itand uh, she got it out with
a scoop. Wow, nobody caresa great story. She got it out
with a scoop, Yeah, likea net so. But she was like
she had to an ice cream scoopand she had to be like using you
can't do this. Yeah, that'san embarrassing moment. That's embarrassing. I'm
fine with it. Yeah, I'mfine with it. I couldn't have gotten
the rabbits, okay, yeah,the rabbit versus the other ones when you're
mowing. Yeah, yeah that again. Who's turning forty forty? I'm sorry,
my story sucked. Okay, youknow, I actually felt Chris was
back for the first time in aweek and a half. I felt like
the show for three hours and aboutI don't know twenty eight minutes was really
hitting and sticking there. Fact wellderailed the final two minutes. It's on
your own fists again, he said, on his own fists. Oh oh
yeah, that's good to see you. You're an American treasure scene. Next
week awesome. Nine to noon isnext. We're back tomorrow five thirty to
nine. Bonus is still in Japan, but Marni should be here. Mark
Rosen to your last I think that'sit. I don't know. We'll figure
it out as we go. Hey, can I hate this song? You
know, you're allowed to know,you're allowed to You don't have to like
this. It's okay. It's notlike Chris is farting into the microphone.
I will, he will if youask them to fire on the rocket flippers