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February 3, 2021 13 mins
This morning Jubal and Alex Fresh (they're married if you don't know) lets us in on some spicy relationship news of their own! You know what they say, twos a couple, threes a scene!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I shared something with my wife the other day that
will change our marriage forever. It's the Jewels Show. It's
something that most people wouldn't even tell their friends, let
alone talk about this as a couple who hosts a
radio show it together. But Alex and I pride ourselves
on always being who you are in any situation, and
being proud of yourself no matter what, and not apologizing
for yourself and the things that you are. Yeah, and

just being authentic. And that's why we need to talk
about something that has come up between Alex and I. Yeah.
And when you find out what it is, that line
right there will be really funny to you. Well, you've
kept it a secret from me as well. I don't
even know ye, And we recently decided to do something
that has probably ended a lot of marriages. Alex, do
you want to explain or should I? I'm nervous. I mean,

I mean, do you want to explain it or should I?
I think you should explain it? Okay, I guess I
will because I need to start off by saying like,
this was not my idea. I will take ownership of that.
This was all my idea. Oh my god. And it's
something that I never, you know, thought I would ever do.

But Jubil told me something the other day that literally
shocked me, and I stopped and was like what. I
just looked at him and I was like, did you
really just say that? What did he say? He said
that he wants to have a threesome. Are you okay, Evan?
Did you have a stroke? But it's not even what
you guys think, did you agree? Well, before we get

into that, it's not what you think. He actually wants
to have a threesome with another guy? Oh my god, No, no, why?
Why not? What are you doing? I'm not doing anything yet,
I'm trying to do And also maybe I don't want
to do anything maybe with him, but maybe he wants
the other guy maybe to do something. But like also,

just give Evan ten to fifteen years and he'll do
it too, will one day? Yes? No. I brought it
up to Alex and I was like, you know something
that I think would be fun to dabble in. Yeah,
you were getting I'm not getting dabbled. No, he's not
getting dabbled. I'm getting dabbled by both of them. Why

is this your fantasy? I've always it's a lot of guys,
just like you know, can't I refused to believe that.
Let's clarify something real quick. When you said it's a
lot of guys, it sounded like you were saying that
was what I wanted, Like a lot of she met
was a lot of men have that fantasy. Mine is
a lot of guys. I mean, Evan, you're shocked about this. Yes,
I'm very shocked. He said even things that shocked me
further after he told me he wanted to have a

three song with another guy that wasn't. Again, I can't
even say ever wanted one of another girls. Just seems
to stressful. Also, like you know, I love Alex so
much that her experiencing joy is awesome to me. Yeah,
Like it's like legit, it's beautiful. Yeah. This means that
your joy is also another man other than jubil. Like
when you guys were getting married. This is marriage, stand it,

You'll understand it in ten fifteen years. Alex and I
are team and teams work together when things done. You
and this guy are and teams work together to get
things done the team. Yeah, and he likes it, So
I mean, who would pass that up? So anyway, we
downloaded this app to try to find somebody to hang
out with. But I put it on my phone though, yeah,

because I wouldn't do it. Actually I don't care. He's like,
I wanted to do it that bad final I'll get
us signed up for an app then, So I got
us signed up on this app. I never thought I
would have to be on a dating app again. Yeah. Bet,
have you posted pictures of yourself phone there? Of course? Yes. Yeah,
it's like it's a dating app. It's like a tender
type thing, kind of pictures of I mean good ones

of her good and great ones. Normal dating app. Instantly
just notification notification. It was wake me up in the
middle of night like notification I will go in the morning,
plus notifications. I was like, man, so I said Alex.
I was like, so this is what hot girls felt
like on Tender, just NonStop notification. Yeah, I've been. I
was on Wonderful like a week and there was like
sixteen hundred likes. Yeah, Jesus, after a week, there are

a lot of people that want to do my wife.
Oh my god. We finally found somebody that checks all
of alex date yes, yes, what and we went on
a date. What Yeah, Alex and I went on our
first date when we started dating each other before we
got married, and now we went on another first date
with another guy. Like filthy like hearing this? Well, yeah,

you think dating is awkward, Wait till you go on
a day when you're married. We'll tell you about Alex
and my first date with another guy. Now awkward. That
was coming up next? Wait, it's the jewel Shower of
Christ doing so. Yes. No. I brought it up to
Alex and I was like, you know something that I

think would be fun to dabble in. Yeah, I'm not
getting dabbled because he's not getting dabbled. I'm getting dabbled. Ye,
buy both of them. Why is this you'll fantasy? That
clip was from just a few minutes ago. Alex and
I had our first date as a married couple. My
but before we tell you about the awkward date, I

do have to answer the English seven's question A lot
of people's question. Yeah, well, why is this your fantasy?
A lot of people's question. Alex asked the same question
when I brought it up to her, and she was
still a jewel and I was. But then I heard
his explanation and I thought it was kind of sweet,
it would be fun. What is sweet about it? Well,
everybody that knows me knows that Alex is my life,
my hero for real, and I treasure her and our

relationship is dope. Where are each other's best friends? We
do everything together? Yea, and everything together. But there's a
couple of reasons. One to me, Alex is a goddess
and super sensual, and I like being sexy, and she
likes being fun and I just always have been. I'm
like and I like to see that side of her.
To me, it's there's nothing sexier in the world than
Alex being sexy. Right. Also, I explained that it's not

about me and the other dude, it's about her, Like
I want all the attention to be on her. I
like it. And along with that, Alex had a kid
in high school, right, never really had her twenties or
time to just have fun and be crazy. Yeah, the
opportunity to have her experienced things that she never got
to experience along with her husband, the dude that loves
her more than anything in the world. In a safe environment,

with someone that you can trust in, someone that you
know cares about you, it's cool to be able to
give her some experiences that she hasn't had in her
life expence. And there's also a sense of pride for me.
So it's like fun. And then for the other dude,
it's like, yeah, go ahead, you can do that right now.
That's something that you might be able to do with
a lot of people. But I'm the lucky one because

I get to see her get ready for bed at night.
I know her bedtime routine. I get to sleep next
to her. Yeah, I know where she puts her shoes
in the closet. And soon you're gonna know where that
guy puts his shoes in the closet. We're not sharing
a closet. I will share my wife, not my closet shoes.
That's too far. Okay, enough about that. I know you
guys aren't listening to hear me gush about how much

I love my wife. No, you want to hear about
us going on our first date with another dudetails. It
was so nove rocking for me. I remember we met
this dude on an app that is specific to what
we were looking for. We finally got lucky. I got lucky, Yeah,
and finally found somebody that Alex approved of. I can't
even believe I'm all seeing this to your wife, Jubile,

But do you have a type that you're looking for,
Alex other than you know your husband. Well, I don't discriminate,
but I you know, I do have a type. If
you're cute and you're cool, then whatever, I'll give you
a chance. But my favorite type of guy is I mean,
I would prefer like, like very likes Hispanic guy. I know,

she's like everybody has a bomb like they are. I mean,
that's the reason why Jubile and I get along. He's
like a cholo at heart. My first boyfriend was Hispanic,
my first French kiss. I just think they're just bomb.
They are just so freaking hot. Yeah, I think we
get it? Do you get it? And I grew up
in mostly Hispanic neighbors, so most of my friends are Hispanic,
and I was excited because Alex likes Hispanic dudes and

I like hanging out with them, so I get a friends.
So anyway, we finally found a dude that checks all
of the boxes. Hispanic, short, Alex like short guys, and
one bonus that we didn't even know about. So leading
up to this whole thing, Before Alex and I went
on the date, we obviously been texting back and forth,
you know, yeah, and obviously like we were texting flirty,
and I asked if he could send me a picture

that he feels sexy in, and he texted a picture
of right, oh no, he imagine some dude. So in
the in the group chat. In the group chat, he said,
all I have are these type of pictures, but I
doubt Jewel wants to see that. L yeah, right, And
I responded with, if you're cool, I'm gonna have to
see it anyway, you might as well see And so

he sends it and I was like, no way, no way,
no way, five six yeah. Way. We both thought we
were being catfish because, like the cat the text came
through and it took up all my dada if it
was like I had to drop my phone because it
was heavy. All this was at some point and both
those are like, no way, that is not actually anyway.

And the pictures on this profile just seemed unreal. Yeah,
it didn't seem like it was like a real profile. Yeah.
And then it came time for date night. Yeah, and
even then Alex and I thought we were being catfished. Yeah. Good.
So we're driving to our date, right, and I was
freaking out, Yeah, yeah, freaking out really bad. And because
I was freaking out about it, just started filming myself,
vlogging my freak out. So I was like, what are

you doing. She's like, I'm filming just because I'm freaking
I need to do something. Yeah, And so if you
want to see the video, it is up on our Instagram.
Go to at the Jewel Show and we're supposed to
meet at six. Remember, we think we're being catfished by
this dude who's supposed to sleep with my wife. Maybe
it sounds weird to say, but we think we're being
a catfished by this dude because we were there on time,
and then all of a sudden, it's six o five
and then it's six ten. Yep, catfished. And then it's

six fifteen. Oh no, I mean, my anxiety and my
nerves weren't going like off the freaking chart, Like it
wasn't even at the moment worth it to me. I'm
like this, so stupid, let's go, and like he's late,
he's late. He's like, it's like six twenty and then
six twenty five and I'm like, you know what, I'm glad.
I'm glad that we got so up. Like I'm like
kind of calming down a little bit, like relieved, and
we think we're being stood up. And then Alex starts

going on a rent. I don't know why I'm on
the stupid dating apps. I'm but you're not really dating dating.
I got Mary because I never want to do this again,
Like I just never thought I'd have to do this again.
It's so ridiculous. And then right in the middle of
Alex freaking out and by the way, she's filming this
saying that we're being stood up, and the video is
on our Instagram at the Jewels Show. You have to
see her face because she looks at the side her
jaw drops. And then there he was, and all of

my anxiety came right back, and I'm like, ok, oh
my god, where is he? Is he at the house?
Is he walking down here? Now? Where is he? Out? On?
My god? To it look okay? Like doing I fix
my hair? Oh my god? And I was doing the
same thing. It was like, oh my god, how do
I look? Okay? Yeah, We're like both like peeking over shoulders, like, oh,
where he getting and then you got to the table.
What did you say? Hello? Yeah? Yeah, I say take

a seat. How are you doing? Alex was not looking
any direction but down. But it wasn't a catfish. It
was the dude from the dating app. And it started
like any first date, It's like, so what do you do?
And then Alex was so nervous she wouldn't even look
at him. Can you blame me? But by the middle
of date, Alex loosened up and conversation was flowing and

everything was great. The guy was cool. Yeah, he like,
he's smart and he had a good job. He was funny.
Like wait, going on, it sounds like you're gushing over
this guy. I mean, why wouldn't we He was smart
and had a good job, and it was funny. It
was overall around just a good guy. Guys, you're talking
about a guy who also hook up with your Why? Yes?
And the cool thing is he smart and funny. It

was a good job. He went to the bathroom at
one point. Now were just like a couple of girlfriends
chatting about it. So how did it end? Did all
three of you try and go in for a first kiss?
And it's weird that the first person we meet off.
This app right, is a good one. It's a good
one because that doesn't happen usually. Does he have the
green light? Okay? So we're kind of like out of
time right now. What we have to play a song?

But how about this dirty little secret is coming up? Okay?
And all I'll say is this, we did plan another
date with him? Okay? And do we have to come
clean about something in a dirty little secret? Do we know? Way?
Do we? I don't know, I don't know. Just run
out of time here. We'll tell you how our other
date went with this guy? Did you do it? Do
you want to hint? Well, you'll find out in the

dirty little Secret. You'll find out. Do you want to
guess where the date was? Was it Alex's bedroom? Wasn't
You'll find out. We'll tell you if we go, we'll
tell you if we actually went through it in your
dirty little secret. Okay. So it's Alex and my dirty
little secret. It's our first dirty, big, dirty Yeah, it's
the first time we've done a dirt little secret. First,

we'll tell you if it actually happened. Next, it's a
jewel show. If you're just joining us, there's something you
need to know about me Alex and English seven. Yeah,
we're on a journey right now. That's a name for it,
and so much so that it has to spill over
in today's Dirty Little Secret. So Alex and I who
are married? If you didn't know that, you have a
dirty little secret to tell yep. Coming up next, Insigible

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