All Episodes

November 10, 2017 95 mins

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with a minor. The Washington Post broke this story, one that Moore and his campaign vehemently deny and call "fake news." "I'm asking the question, because we all hate anybody who would abuse a woman," began Hannity, "How do we ever get to the truth?" Sean spends the show digging into this story and other allegations flying around... The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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a collective freak out on the anniversary of Donald Trump
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collective liberal freaking They need therapy dogs, they need cocoa,
they need play dough, they need coloring books, they need crayons,
they need padded rooms. Apparently because the freak out has
continued for an entire year. Anyway, glad you're with a
Shawan Hannity Show eight nine for one. Shawn told free
telephone number you want to be a part of the program.

We have an investigative report today, uh Sarah Carter Victoria Tunsing.
We're not letting go. We're only getting started on the dossier.
We have a lot of new information we're gonna pass
on and of course Uranium one as now the client,
the inform and for the FBI soon now going before Congress.
We'll get to all of that today. Steve Scalise, the

Republican Party, uh whip is gonna join us today. It
looks like the senator is about to bail out on
on corporate tax cuts, which means that is the death
of the Republican Party. I'll get to all of that,
all right. So I got a heads up this morning
that something was coming, and sure enough it showed up

on Breitbart first and then the Washington Post. Second, I'm
looking at the Drudge Report. Now Alabama rocked Judge Moore
hit with sex accusations. That is the headline. And first
the Bright Bart came out with after endorsing Democrat in Alabama. Now,

this guy Bassos is the guy that owns the Washington Post.
He also owns Amazon dot Com. Anybody who's used Amazon,
so he's a really wealthy guy. Bought the Washington Post. Um,
the Washington Post hates anything Republican, anything conservative. They hate anything.
I mean, they did what a nine week investigation, investigative

report on me, and it made the front page. I
never saw the actual thing, but I was told it
made the front page. It was a top, fold, bottom
or whatever of the Washington Post. One day. They went
back to when I was twenty years old, thirty years ago,
into my in my twenties and into my first radio show.
I'm like okay, trying to take Sean Hannity down. Why

else with the Washington Post spend that much time, effort,
and money on a dope talk show host. Sorry, it's
just a fact. Because they don't like my opinions, they
wanted to dig up dirt. And by the way, that's
not the first attempt. I think Bloomberg spent six or
seven weeks doing the same thing. You know, we've had

phony headlines by fake CNN about me. I mean, it's
it's just these unbelievable times. Now, I predicted, if you
remember during the r V, Weinstein ish and now Weinstein
is now getting sex therapy. Weinstein also may be indicted
in New York for rape because of a sting operation
that had happened way back in the day. He didn't

deny the charges. Same with Kevin Spacey's. I think they're
at the same sex rehab facility, okay, which is unbelievable
to me. I've always thought sex rehab and I know
the supposedly I guess they separate the men and the women,
but they're often in the same facility. Why do I
think that's a bad idea? You know, it's just I
just think it's a bad idea anyway. So here we

are a long drawn out career. Judge Moore has been
in the public eye for forty years. Judge Moore has
been in a heated primary down in Alabama going on
for forever. Are we first endorsed? By the way, you
may remember Moe Brooks have no mo Brooks forever and
Moe Brooks used to fill in on my radio show

when I lived in Huntsville, Alabama. Anyway, So the alleged
incidents here rudge, Judge Moore denies them happened nearly forty
years thirty eight years ago. He's seventy years old. These
allegations are from when he was thirty two years old,
and the allegations, all of which he denies strongly denies,

alleged an incident that took place between nineteen seventies seven
and nineteen eighty two. Now, these allegations, he says, are
completely false and desperate political attack by the National Democratic Party.
In the Washington Post, More said in a statement, and separately,
More said, uh in another statement, this garbage is the
very definition of fake news and intentionally its intentional defamation

campaign pointed out the More has been married for nearly
thirty three years and has four children five grandchildren. And
it was noted that More has served in public office
in the past. No such allegations had been made. He's
been in public service now nearly forty years. And when
he said, if any of these allegations were true, they
surely would have been made public long before. This has

been one of the hotly contested races of the year.
Now here's how the allegations go. According to the Post,
that they claim when he was thirty two years old,
More was that he attempted to court three women and
dated them. One claims he engaged in sexual conduct while
she was below the age of consent fourteen years of age.

In case you're interested, the current age of consent in
Alabama is sixteen UM. Now, Breitbart didn't give the names
of the women, but the Washington Post interestingly did, And
the claim is that in early nineteen seventy nine, he
was a thirty two year old assistant d A struck
up a conversation with this this I won't give her

last name is Corfman when she was fourteen and Uh, anyway,
you offered to watch the girl while her mother went
inside for a custody. Hearing said, Oh, you don't have
to go in there with the I'll stay here with her.
According to the mother, her mother's is seventy one years old.
I thought, well, how nice of him wanting to take
care of my little girl. Anyway, more chatted with the girl,

The Washington Post rites, and asked for her phone number. Anyway, Then,
they report days later, she says he picked her up
around the corner from the house in Gadsden, Alabama, drove
about thirty minutes to his home in the woods, told
her how pretty she was, and he kissed her, and
there was a second visit. She says that he took
off her shirt and removed his clothes. He touched her

over her brawn or underpants, and she says, guided her
hand to touch him over his underwear. She said, quote,
I wanted it over with. I wanted out, She remembers, thinking,
please get this over with. Whatever this is, just get
it over she said. And then she says she asked
more to take her home, and he did. That's the

extent of what they explained happened in this particular case.
Now to of this young This woman's childhood friends say
she told them at the time she was seeing an
older man. One of the two friends identified the man
as More. Well, says her daughter. This is the mother
told her about the encounter more than a decade later,
as More was becoming more prominent as a local judge

in Alabama and aside from Corfman, the Washington Post goes on,
three other women interviewed by The Washington Post in recent
weeks say More pursued them when they were between the
ages of sixteen and eighteen and he was in his
early thirties. Episodes they said they found flattering at the time,
but troubling as they got older. None of the women
say that More forced them. Let me read this. None

of the women say More forced them into any sort
of relationship or sexual conduct, he says. One woman says
she was fourteen working as a santor's helper and Gadston
Mall when More first approached her, and sixteen when he
asked her on dates, which her mother forbade. And then
Debbie West and Gibson says she was seven and team

when More spoke to her high school class Civics class
asked her out on what was the first of several
dates that did not progress beyond kissing. Another woman says
she was eighteen a cheerleader when Moore began taking her
on dates, including bottles of Mattuse rose wine the legal
drinking ages nineteen. She was eighteen. Of the four women,

the youngest at the time is this woman Corfman, who
says she who says who was the only one who
says she had sexual contact with more that went beyond kissing.
She says they did not have sexual intercourse. Then you
go to more statement. These allegations are completely false. A
desperate political attack by the National Democratic Party in the

Washington Post on this campaign. Either way, the Post supported
the Democratic his opposition in this campaign. The Post, as
a matter of fact, you know, was dead set against them. Anyway,
Now this woman anyway, none of the women donated the
campaign said it's true. It's the garbage. It's garbage, the
very definition of fake news. None of the women donated

a Moor's campaign, etcetera, etcetera. Anyway, she works as a
customer service representative at a payday loan business, and she
says she voted Republican in the past, including Donald Trump.
She says she thought in fronting more personally for years
almost came forward publicly during his first campaign for the
Supreme Court in two thousand. Decided against that her two
children still in school, three divorces, messy financial history might

undermine her credibility. There's no one here that doesn't know
that I'm not an angel, she said, referring to her
hometown of Gadsden, Alabama. She described her story consistently in
six interviews with The Post. The Post confirmed that her
mother attended a hearing at that time, and they looked
at divorce records. Moore's office was down the hall from
the courtroom. Now Neither Corpman or any of the other

women sought out the Post. While reporting a story in
Alabama about supporters of Moore's campaign, a Post reporter heard
that more allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls. After
After the ensuing three weeks, two reporters contacted and interviewed
all four women, etcetera, etcetera. I have prayed over this
at the on and on. Now here's where we are,

thirty eight years later, not talking about intercourse that I
think in the case of the other two women, you're
talking about dating beyond the age of consent, only kissing
apparently involved. So now the question is, you know, did
this happen when he was thirty two. He's now seventy
years old. And when you look at all of what

we're now seeing, like, for example, there's another story in
the New York Times today that Louis c k the comedian,
is now crossed the line into sexual misconduct. They've got
five women there. Then you've got since Weinstein broke, look
at what we have found out, you know, look at
all the allegations. Ben Affleck two accusers, and you got

Roy Price, it was the director interestingly of Bezos Amazon Studios,
and he has an accuser. Oliver Stone as one accuser.
You've got Bob Weinstein, the brother has an accuser. You've
got John Besh who was a chef, I guess the
famous chef. He had multiple accusers. James Toback at least

two thirty eight accusers, is attended the documentary Night Will Fall.
Then you've got you know, people George Herbert Walker Bush
was accused four times when when he was in his wheelchair.
And then you've got Terry Richardson multiple people, Kevin Spacey
multiple people, and Ben Affleck multiple people. Jerry Pivet, multiple people,

Dustin Hoffman, multiple people, you know, Brett Ratner multiple people
at Westwick multiple people, Steven Segal multiple people. How do
we ever ever figure out the truth that I mean
I'm being I'm asking because we all hate anybody that
would abuse any woman because it's so offensive. How do

you ascertain he said? She said? And how do you
do it forty years later? Does some people do this
because they want money for political reasons? Do some people
do it because they've been so traumatized they couldn't speak earlier?
We'll examine a lot of this today. I got a
lot of news to get to eight nine for one, Sean,
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That's Tommy John dot com slash Hannity. All right, So
allegations flying all over the place, let me give you
another story. This is in the New York Times two

thousand two. Chicago comedy duo I won't mention it anyway,
they landed a gig, a chance to perform at the
US Comedy Arts Festival Aspen, Colorado. Louis c. K invites
him to hang out in his hotel room for a
nightcap after the late night show. Quote the New York
Times rights they didn't think twice the bars were closed.
They wanted to celebrate. It goes on. He was a comedian,

they admired, and it goes on the women would be
together anyway long thing. As soon as they sat down
in the room, still wrapped in their winner jackets and hats,
he asked if he could take out his beep, and
then he proceeds needed to do it, take all his
clothes off, get completely naked, and start masturbating, and then
it goes on for their Another person called Louis c

K to invite him to one of her shows. During
the phone conversation, she could hear him doing the same
as they spoke. Another comedian woman said that while she
was appearing with Louis c K on a television pilot,
he asked if he could do it in front of her.
She declined. Now, after years of these rumors about him
doing this in front of associates, women are now coming

forward to describe what they experienced. I this is a
This is a very hard topic because for a lot
of reasons, I can understand women that don't speak. I
find it repugnant anybody that abuses a woman this way,

absolutely repugnant. But I also know that there are ten commandments.
One of them is thou shalting bare false witness human
beings break the other nine. Some of these instances I
am certain are true. Some of them I suspect may
be false. How do you ascertain the difference, especially if

you're going back nearly forty years thirty eight years in
the case of the more, Judge Moore? Is it politically motivated?
You know? Why do people wait in this case thirty
eight years? Is it about money? In some cases? Is it?
These are interesting times? Anyway, We'll get your thoughts on
all of this. So much other news will get to next.

We'll debate that later in the program. Katie Hopkins, Graldo
and Jonathan Gillham. Alright to the top of that. Does
anybody remember a frequent guest on this program. He's on
Hannity the TV show all the time. He's a dear
friend of mine. Love him to death. You work for
Coca colas, a top executive, Godfather's Pizza. You know, incredible resume.

You know if I say that, if I say these words,
you know who I'm talking about, and that would be
Herman Kaine. Herman Kaine. All of a sudden is is
rising in the polls. Remember Herman Kaine rising in the
polls dramatically, and then all of a sudden, all these allegations,
a flurry of allegations start coming out against Herman Kaine.

And he even said, unlike Donald Trump, I could not
afford to go out there and defend myself. And he
had gone on shows, made the Niles and he gets
out of the race. Think about this. Ever since he's
been out of the race, not a peep, not a word.
I don't know whether or not what the Washington Post

is reporting thirty eight years ago, up to forty years
ago with Roy Morris, true, I don't know, and I
don't think anybody knows except the people that are involved
in the people that make allegations. Now, it's interesting because
I do think people make allegations years later. I think

that you know, people could be so disgusting, so crude,
so absolutely offensive. There are harassers, there are dark, evil people.
I'm the one that keeps saying there's evil in this world.
There's plenty of evil in the world, and I believe
that these stories sometimes are true. Like for example, I'll
give you an example, Bill Clinton, I interviewed all of

those women. I believed them all, but I believed them
when I looked them in the eye, and you know,
a cumulatively, you begin to put a picture together. And
then I think, after Monica Lewinsky came out, everybody says, Okay,
now I see what Hannity saw on him. I can't
judge on I can't. I don't have X ray vision.

I can't just see into somebody's heart, their mind, their soul,
what's going on inside them. I don't understand this. This
there's apparent sickness that these people have, some of them.
It is as a father knowing that there are predators
out there like this, it scares the hell out of
me of a daughter, as a as a brother, and

you know, I just just has a tremendous respect for people.
I don't understand the behavior. I can't. You know, if
Louis c k did these things, I'm like, what the
hell is wrong with him? It's something really wrong. But
I also, you know, when I think about, let's just
stay on the Herman can for a minute, I note

new Herman came so well. I never believed it instinctively,
and then look what happens it went away. Now what's
fascinating is now we've got politicians weighing in on all
of this, and it's interesting who is weighing in. Mitch

McConnell would spend a fortune trying to defeat Judge Roy Moore.
If it's true, you've got to get out of the race.
John McCain is now just called for Roy Moore to withdraw,
whether or not the allegations are true. Okay, so now
you've got the swamp, you got the sewer, you got
the establishment. They hate Roy Moore, Roy more to them

as another Ted Cruz, another Mike Lee, somebody they can
control Rampaul. They can't control those guys. The last thing
they need is another one of them that actually pleasing
the promises they make, etcetera. You know it is funny too,
because you know Democrats never called them. Bill Clinton has
stepped down after he was you know, after all the

stuff that happened with him, none never, not one time.
So there's politics and all of this. Then you have
false allegations that are made, and you know, how do
you determine it's he said, she you're looking at me puzzled,
whilere you looking at me with that. Look, no, I
just I'm listening to you. And I think it's a

very very dark and and sad place that we've come
to because allegations are being waged and in the court
of public opinion, you know, people are guilty until they're
proven innocent. And it's very very sad. And I think
it's very sad for victims because there are real victims
out there that want to tell the truth and maybe
they're afraid to do it. And then there are people
who use the word victim as leverage in a way

to get things. And I think it's really a scary time.
There are fualse allegations made. You know, I can tell
you another thing that is a common practice. People make
an allegation, for example, big corporations, big corporations, they make
a business decision. Alright, if I pay two hundred thousand dollars,
this goes away. Okay, you're out of here, we're done

with you. It's all over, even though they don't believe
it happened. But then they're gonna have somebody that comes
in and says, okay, this is gonna be the cost
of litigating nous and the person the other the accusers
attorney is gonna work pro bono and that means for free.
And they're going to see this to the ends of
the earth unless they can get out. And blah blah
blah blah. That happens too, and other people just do

do some people do it for political reasons. How do
you possibly tell no the truth? Except okay, so the
two other girls were older in this case. He was
apparently like thirty two, and he dated one girl was eighteen,
one girl was seventeen. They never said he did. There
was no sexual there was kissing involved. And then they're

saying this one encounter with the fortun and consensual, that's true. Um,
And there's you know, I just I don't know how
you find out the truth. But then I remember Ray Donovan,
How do I get my good name back? So we
all find any allegation of abuse of women repugnant all

of us and unacceptable. But you know, it's interesting. When
Hillary Clinton was being hung out to dry, as the
Democrats would like to describe it, we gave her, you know,
endless amounts of time to explain herself, whether it was Benghazi,
whether it was the email server, whether it was her
defending her husband and blaming the women in the horrible
name she called those women, even though they settled with

those women. You know, these women came out and they
spoke about it, and and they were completely chastised by
the media and they were called every name in the book.
But now because it's another and yeah, you can say
that this is ridiculous that you know, we're bringing up
the discussion of party already, but we do. We have
the establishment in the Democrats that want to bury somebody
because he's not willing to fall in line and because
of the fact that he thinks of things that in

their eyes are extreme. And it's very it's very difficult
to bring this up right now, But unfortunately, I think
it's important we have to talk about it because Bill
and Hillary were granted every so much rope so much
leeway to explain their side. Roy Moore Woppo puts it
on the front page. It's done. You know, Wappo is
not so innocent here either. You know, Bezos has his

hands dirty with Roy Price. He's he had to resign,
he had to take his leave of absence. I like
to see how many days that was on the cover
of wapp Why would John McCain. Now, remember that they
were so against Roy Moore and his primary Why would
he not give Judge more the presumption of innocence before
being proven guilty. I mean, he's look in the case

of Kevin Spacey, they're basically admitting it. In the case
of Weinstein, they're basically admitting it. But then there are
other people that say, no, that didn't happen. Do they
deserve the presumption of innocence? Does an allegation in the
court of public opinion then renders somebody unelectable? You know
that Herman Kaine had to pull out, and Judge Moore

has already said that this is untrue. We're waiting for
more information from him. His office has released his statement,
but he has already said that it is untrue. But unfortunately,
again we go back to this, you know, lamestream media,
who wants to run with the headline that brings down
someone who is a concert's also you know, and you
look at Hollywood they joked and won't play this later
in the program today, but they joked so much at

Off everybody knew Weinstein was up to no good. They
all knew it. And then uh, then remember the love
of Rome, when Polanski escaped justice and was on the
lamb and is still on the lamb and living in
France a good life, and he gets an Academy award
at the allegation was he raped a thirteen year old
and and fed her with with booze and quay ludes

and raped her repeatedly, and he hasn't come back for justice.
He got a massive standing ovation when he got an
oscar goes to Roman Polanski, but he is, there's Hollywood,

there's their vote of confidence. They sound very outrage. Didn't
he apologize at some point if I am I mistaken
that Polanski at some point acknowledge that it had happened
or something. I don't remember. I don't want to say
for sure. All Right, we're gonna get to your calls
on it. By the way, I just read this in UM.
It was in the Washington Post and on CNBC dot com.
But the Senate tax plan revealed today apparently now is

going to delay the phase into the corporate tax cut
from thirty five they first. The Washington Post first reported
of the delay until citing four people briefed on the planning. Okay,
I'm just saying right now, one year from now, your Republicans,
if that's your plan, goodbye, You're done. You will be finished.

You are gonna get slaughtered at the ballot box. You're
literally it's in your hands. It's in all of your hands,
your future. How interestingly, the Washington Post had a story
about yesterday about Paul Ryan where with Trump, he said,
we already made the choice. He was all with my

friend Brian Kilmead and asked if Ryan, if the GOP
you know, to choose between Bush style Republican policies and Trump.
Ryan didn't equivocate. We already made the choice where we're Trump.
I don't particularly like the House Bill. It's great on
the corporate side, it's great on the repatriation side. The
President already did everything he could do with and he's
still doing more with, you know, getting rid of Obama

air regulations and energy independence. That's all great for the
forgotten men and women in this country that need jobs
and need to get out of poverty and off of
food stamps. But the fact that they have abandoned Reagan
conservative supply side across the board tax cuts, and they're
increasing taxes because they don't want to be blamed for
tax cuts for the rich when anybody that pays federal

income taxes by definition, is pretty rich. The only reason
I'll support the bills because it does give some large
chance of some significant economic growth. But if you're gonna
do it, do it right. Cut the top, cut every rate. Well,
what about revenues. Well, hopefully the economy grows at a
clip of four or four and a half five percent
GDP every year and then you'll grow your way out

and if you'd have some spending. They didn't cut one thing,
not a single dollar. Are they cutting this? This is
a shadow of what Republicans once stood for. Bench McConnell.
Seriously not. It's unbelievable. All right, Melanie is in California
High Melanie, how are you? I'm actually seating right now.
I'm so mad at the establishment. Republicans right now in

the response to this is driving me nuts. They they
it smells exactly like September or October last year when
they were so willing to throw the president under the
bus just because of unsusubstantiated allegations. They don't know. We
don't know what Roy Moore has done. Nobody knows at

this point. So why he's said he's now seventy years old.
This allegedly happened when he was thirty two. It's ridiculous.
It's I mean, even if so, let's even film that
maybe there's some veracity to this. Why one month before
the election, when they don't even know, are they so

quick to throw him under the bus and put Doug
Jones into the place, into the Senate. It's ridiculous, I
think by the quick, quick, quick response by McConnell and
McCain told speaks volumes to me Bill in Southampton, Thank you, Melanie.
What's up? Bill? Listening to w R the all new
w R seventh Ton of New York. Hey, Sean, thanks

for taking more quote so on a broader sense. I
just like your previous call. I'm out here of myself
feeling violated by the damn Republican establishment. Every single day.
We gave them the power and we are getting nothing
in return from these guys. I'm sick of the mistreatment
and I'm sick of being dismissed by them all the time.
Whether it goes whether it's the new tax bill or

whether it's Obamacare, it's the same story, and they're not
supporting our president. We voted them in and they're not
giving us anything. Twenty nineteen is a that is a
formula for electoral disaster, and it won't be Trump's fault
that they lose. All Right, we'll squeeze in Derek and Florida.
Thank you, Bill, what's up, Derek, oh Solan, Thanks for

having me on UM. I could not have said it
any better than you about Herman Kane. But I guess
that's why you're the talk host that I'm calling you.
You're nice, but listen, I mean, not a word Herman
Kinge gets out of the race. You never heard a
word again, not a word. I'm gonna tell you something.

There are women that make legitimate allegations. There are women
that are victims. They are a horrible, dark, evil people
in this world. If if we can find them, they
deserve every bit of of whatever the law could throw
with them. I don't know how you thread a needle
between that and people that maybe do it for politics,

do it for money. I don't know. I want the truth,
That's what I'm looking for. I think the But I
don't know how you go back forty years and get
to the truth. I don't know. We'll have more on
this with uraldo with Jonathan Gillum. We also have Steve
Scalise today, we have Sarah Carter, Victoria Tunsing and they'll
globby one. Katie Hopkins all check it in. Hey. You know,

Twitter reaction to this more issue is pretty phenomenal, um,
and you have people saying that, UM, a lot of
different things here, But when McCain runs out, even if
you're innocent, you should step aside? Would you? Will you
tell me you're telling me? Just before we came on, no,
I was just saying that, you know, since McConnell's so
eager to bury Roy Moore, maybe we should return the

favor and say, when he's proven innocent, maybe Mr McConnell
can step down as the leader. Uh, why would McCain say,
Jess McCain can go with McCain for a thirty eight
year alec gation you don't even give the presumption of innocence.
I thought that was fundamental to our society, you know.
And then the bigger question, how do you ever ascertain

the truth if a thirty eight year old allegation like
this is made? The Senate releasing our belt today and
from what we parted, it might be drastically different from
what you guys said put out over here, either a
phase in or things out of the corporate tax rate,
not full repeal. The state tax. They will fully repeal
tall even though you talked about the importance of that compromise, Um,

is that going to be problematic for resolving also a
democratic aid? Overheard you joking with Mr McConnell about going
to conference. Are you guys seriously going to I think
put the political hack aside. Uh, we are going to conference.
And that's the point I've been making it. We're going
to conference. Uh, that wasn't a joke. That wasn't the person.
I don't even know who which which heck did that? Uh,

But you know, if you were there, it's we're going
to conference. Why we're going to conference because we're doing
this the right way. We're doing this regular order. And yes,
the Senate bill is going to be different than the
House bill because you know what, that's the legislative process.
But what's encouraging and all of this is, just as
we discussed at the front end of this process, we
have a framework that we established with the White House
and the Senate, and these bills are being written withinside

that framework. But the House will pass its bill, the
senter will pass its bill, and then we will get
together and reconcile the differences, which is the legislative process,
and that's how this process will continue. One of those
analysis that you say that in the out years, these families,
more of these families will see a tax increase. Um
that primarily you talk about the sunsets, right, talk about

why are you chosen to do those suntimes. Why when
so many of the things on the corporate and business
side are permanent. Why not will make some of those
things to keep the It's a good question. You see both.
You see uh, the expension provision sunset, so you see
business provisions sun set, and you see some individual provision sunset.

But in our bill um the primary presivisions, the big
provisions like the rates and the child tax credit, those
things are made permanent. Why because certainty is really important
for economic growth. And that's why we believe if you
sunset the wrong provisions, you will actually do damage to
economic growth and forward planning. But what we also learned
from the economic standpoint of the things that are sunset

are done in a way that they won't damage economic growth.
They will actually encourage economic growth. And also it's just
to be conformed with the rules. We have Senate budget
rules that we have to be mindful of, and we
want to make sure that when we pass the bill
out of the House that that bill um adheres to
the Senate rules so that we can use the reconciliation
tool that we need to use to pass tax reform.
So those sunsets are things that are done to make

sure that this bill conforms to the rules. We don't
personally like in the House, but we need to follow
if we want to make sure that it's privileged. I mean,
there is this explication that Kyra's black later takes sending
those I believe that as well. Alright, Hour to Sean
handed the show eight nine one, Shawn tell free telephone number.
You want to be a part of the program. I'll
get back to this issue of Judge Moore in just

a minute. And also we have Haralder of Vera, Jonathan Gillham,
the Gobby one, Katie Hopkins. We have the latest on
uranium one and the latest on the dossier issue. Uh
two bits of information. Republicans in the Congress took a
pair of steps today to drive their tax reform bill,
and you have a key committee now proved the tax
package after some last minute changes, while Republican senators uh

made public their details. The downside of what the senator
is doing here is that you know, they're now talking
about a delay in the implementation of the lower corporate
tax rate until well. Doesn't help anybody out. And as
I've been saying, I think on the corporate side, it's great.

Corporate tax from a thirty rate, that's fantastic. Repatriation multi
trillion multinational trillions of dollars parked overseas, bring it. That's great.
But the President has done on his own in terms
of getting rid of burden some big government regulations Obama
ror regulations has been great. His moves on pushing the
country towards energy independence, old things he didn't need Congress

to do. That's great. But if the Senate is gonna
wait till they're gonna get slaughtered one year from now. Anyway,
joining us is Steve Scalise and he is the Republican
Party whip. Uh. Why are you laughing? Was something I said, funny,
how are you? It's just good to be back with you.
Sean how are you You say that, but you're gritting,

You're you're gritting your teeth. There's Hannity again. All right, Well,
first of all, how are you feeling. I mean, you know,
we watched in horror the day that you were shot
on that practice field preparing for the congressional baseball game
that you have for charity, and I know it was
not an easy go for you. And the last time
I spoke with you, still struggling. How are you doing? Yeah,
doing really good, Seawan. And you know, obviously back then

on June fourteen, so you know, there were a few
times that day where I almost didn't make it, and uh,
you know, luckily had a great team of surgeons. I
had great Elae officers, Capitol Police and the Alexandre police
officers who literally ran to the fire, ran to the
gunman and and ultimately took him down, and uh, you know,
and all of us lived, and you know, and we're lucky.
And you prayed for so many people prayed for me

in my family, and I just want to thank you
for that because those prayers really lifted me up. And
I'm doing well. I had physical therapy today. We're working
on trying to walk again without crutches. So, you know,
I can walk with crutches, but you know, can't walk
without them yet, so we're working on that. What is
your what is your play baseball again? What is your
prognosis long term? Are you gonna get full functioning back? Well,

they tell me that I will be able to walk
without crutches, you know, and hopefully that's coming up in
the next few months. But whether or not I can
run again and you know, play the sports I played
before is an open question because I've got some real
nerve damage and especially on my left foot. So uh,
you know, that's that what we're trying to work on.
But you know, even if that doesn't come back, Um,

I'm lucky to be alive. I've got my family and
well I know how to prepare. Listen, you know I
have spies everywhere. I had heard you had gotten within
the first twenty four hours like a dozen or more
blood transfusions. Is that true? Yeah. When I came in
to the emergency room by helicopter from the baseball field,
they said I had a zero blood pressure, which, as
you can imagine, that means you're kind of dead. A

lot of people don't make it out from that and
I lost almost all of my blood. They had to
do a massive transfusion, and you know, there were a
lot of blood draws after. Even Vice President Pence gave
blood for for those blood draws, and I appreciate all
of the help there, but uh, you know, it was
it was. I would have given you my blood, but
your body probably would have rejected it. But you know,
uh no, I always take more. In all seriousness, Thank

God you're okay. And that day, I will say this,
the Capitol Police were there for you because of your position.
And I never saw such bravery in my life. And
as somebody that is I'm well versed in the use
of firearms. Going up against a rifle at a distance,
walking into an open field with a pistol, the sitting ducks,

You're done. It's that the odds of them surviving that
are limited. If the guy is a good shot, halfway
decent shot. Yeah, he had a semi automatic rifle seven
sixty two caliber. That's when I was shot with massive
bullet does a lot of damage. And both of them
were shot. Both David Baley and Crystal grind are my
two Capitol Police Security Detail officers, were shot while shooting

at the shooter, and they never gave up. In fact,
they went towards him, which but the hero was in bravery.
I mean they're incredibly well trained, but police officers every
day risk their lives for people and it goes unnoticed.
That's why we all niced. How are they doing? By
the way, how are they with their injuries? I saw
him today? In fact, Capitol Police gave the Medal of
Honor to UH to both Crystal and David, as well

as the three Alexandria Police officers who were involved in
the shooting and taking down the shooter. And Crystal um
she she had her left ankle really blown out, that
the bullet went through her left ankles, a lot of
bone damage and she's now off of her she had
a boot on for a while. She's using one cru
now so she's down to one crutch. She's looking really good.

She was able to walk a little bit without a crutch.
David Bailey is he's back in the run in shape.
I mean he is raring to go. Just an incredible
guy and a great spirit and uh, you know he's
he's back again. We gave each other hugs this morning.
It's great to see them every time I get that opportunity.
All right, let me ask you about this tax bill,
and uh, look, I love the corporate side, as I said,

but at the end of the day, the top rate
is going to stay the same. To me, that is
an abandonment of Reagan conservative supply side across the board
tax cuts. You know, I I believe that all the
things you're doing, we're gonna help grow the economy and
help the forgotten men and women that mattered in this election.
But on the other side of it, I'm I'm worried

that Republicans are just too fearful that they're gonna be
blamed for tax cuts for the rich when pay nearly
all the taxes. So by definition, well, first on, every
every income bracket does better under our bill. And somebody
making thirty thousand a year is going to do really
well under this bill. Somebody making thirty million dollars is
going to also do well because we cut taxes across

the board. Even if you look at the thirty nine
six percent rate, people will be paying that percentage on
less of their income because we move more of their
income into the lower brackets, especially the twenty percent rate.
In the twelve percent rate. So just think about this.
The first ninety thousand dollars of your income will be
taxed at twelve percent now, which is UH an incredibly

low rate for for most families. And the first twenty
four thousand dollars we double the personal exemption, so the
standard deduction, So your first four thousand is not going
to be taxed, and everybody across the board gets attacked
cut plus the corporate side, as you mentioned in our
bill in the House, Kevin Brady just passed out of
his committee tax rate down from thirty five, highest in

the industrialized world. That's immediate. We wanted to make an
immediate because we want to get that economic impact and
bring jobs back to America. And we do that. Something
else we do we completely repeal the death tax, Shawn.
That's something that you know, everybody knew. I've heard that
six years away, though you're not going to do it
right away. It phases out, so each year it gets

we increase the amount that is exempt from the death
tax until it finally completely goes away. And I like
the idea, but anytime you get you know, we always
get the spending, UH, we always get the tax increase,
and we never get the spending cuts and we always
get you know, the bulk of these cuts are immediate.
For families, your your lower income tax brackets, those are immediate.

The corporate tax cuts are immediate. So there you're gonna
get a lot of benefit there. But also if you
look at the phase out, part of that is done
because look, I mean, we had targets we had to hit,
and you don't want to increase the deficit. This is
going to bring in a lot of new economic activity.
So you know, let's let's see how this works. It's
gonna work really well from the estimates we're getting already.

H You're seeing reports at average families will get over
more in their pockets, and you're gonna see wage growth,
something we haven't seen in a long time, Shawn, because
economy was going so slow because of the batt Obama
policies and the crazy regulations. Of course, President Trump has
finally reversed a lot of that. You're seeing slow increase
now in economic quotes actually pretty sign Why why why not?

And across the board cut the top one percent for example,
they pay, or the top ten percent pay the taxes
bottom why not go on all of the rates. And
for example, you know you're gonna keep the top rate
where it is, but then you're gonna take away exemptions
like you know, state and local taxes. I got a

ten percent income tax in the State of New York,
three percent city tax State of New York. Um, I
can deduct that now, but that's gonna be gone. So
even I have the same rate and less deductions, and
it means I pay more. By the way, it's not
about me. I'm just asking, you know, specifically, why wouldn't
we go back to the Reagan philosophy of supply side
conservative tax cuts across the board. Well, first, these rates

are a lot lower than they were under President Reagan
and President you can finally confront at tax or film.
Reagan was down. He was down if you went from
seventy top marginal rate and is is yours? Right? But
if you look at what we're doing. Number one, there
are rules that say you can't you can't cut taxes
more than one point five trillion dollars in this because
of this bill actually reconciliation and compliant. Yeah, because of

bucket budget reconciliation. You need to make sure that the
bill can actually get to President Trump's task, so you
you can cut one point five trillion in taxes, which
we do. And if you look at where we focused at,
President Trump really wanted to focus this on middle class
tax relief, and so that's what we did. Everybody's going
to get a tax cut. Millionaires still will have have

less of their income tax, so you know, everybody's going
to benefit from this. We repeal the alternative minimum tax,
by the way, something else that hits a lot of
upper middle income folks in a very unfair way that
goes away under this bill. So you know when you
look at the whole thing, and you'll be able to
there's be a calculator coming out real soon where you're
gonna be able to look at your personal situation, and

I think you're going to find most people will see
that they will pay less in taxes under this plan,
and you get economic growth. I'm sick and tired of
seeing companies move jobs overseas just because our tax rates
so high. Those jobs will now start coming back. And
we've heard listen, listen, I'm supporting the bill in the House.
What if the Senate waits, What if the Senate says
that is a that is political suicide to me. Well,

ultimately both sides are gonna have to come to an agreement.
You can see where we are in the house. Do
you agree with me? Is dumb? Well, I want to
see us make these make these immediate. You can, by
the way, you can say it. It's true, it's dumb
because that doesn't help the men and women that are
in poverty and food stamps and out of the labor
force and grow the economy. Why wait, And by the way,
one of the things we've talked to President Trump about.

President Trump really wants to after we get these tax
cuts in place and you see job growth, Uh, you're
gonna need more workers. We need to confront some of
these other problems in our society, like a runaway well
the program, and so we're gonna have real welfare reform
that President Trump wants to embark upon. Let's get people
back to work, Welfare to work worked when it was done,
President Obama got in a lot of those laws. Let's

put those back in place to help people get into
the middle class and become part of the American dream.
All right, Steve school Head, Well, I was so glad
you're you're doing better and we wish you a full
complete recovery. Uh, please go to Mitch McConnell's office and
tell him I said, it's dumb and he's gonna get
a lot of people fired if he does that. Anyway,
I gotta go pass through the house. That's where my focusing.

I gotta I'm really behind. Let me, I gotta break
and we wish you the best. So we really do.
By the way, I apologize to my stations along the
Cox Radio network right now. One of the reasons I think,
and I learned this in Atlanta, that I end up
being right in the media ends up being wrong so often.
I learned this lesson in Atlanta. Richard Jewel a j C.
He fits the profile of the lone bomber. He lives

with his mother, and everybody began to talk about the
hero that turned into the villain that might have been response.
Turns out he was innocent and I was. I didn't
know that day was listening to my radio show. Gave
me one of the first interviews after came out. He
was innocent. You know, look at all these cases vetting Obama.
The media wouldn't do it. I did, and vetting him

I knew he was a radical ideologue who would govern
as a radical. He did. The media not thinking Trump
would win. They were caught up in their narrative. They
were wrong. Ferguson Missouri, hands up, don't shoot. They were wrong.
Duke Lacrosse. They were wrong. In the case of Ferguson Missouri.
They were wrong. Trayvon Martin, Martin, George Zimmerman, they were wrong.

Look at Obama himself, a lawyer, was wrong on Cambridge,
wrong on Ferguson, wrong on on Baltimore, wrong on Trayvon Martin,
George Zimmerman. I actually believe in the presumption of innocence,
still be improven guilty the media now in the court
of public opinion, there's app thirty eight years later, you

got a million Republicans now say, oh, Judge Moore, if
he did that, he gotta go. John McCain, even if
you're innocent, you gotta go. Even if you didn't do what,
you gotta go. They're all establishment figures. You see a
pattern here, We'll continue. Congratulations. You five ladies no longer
have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein. Do
you count? Harvey Weinstein is a course Harvey. Harvey Weinstein

is a as a. I don't know whether he's in
some kind of organized crime now, but he used to
be like some kind of junior mob kind of guy,
right was He was like in the mob auxiliary. That's
what they tell me. He will coerce you to do
with it. So and so Harvey said, I'll tell you
what go on and then then talk about your movies.
That what Harvey said. And in return, what will Harvey

do for you? Nothing. I'm not afraid of anyone in
show business. I turned down intercourse with Harvey Weinstein on
no less than three occasions. Alright, that music can only
mean one thing. Twenty five Now to the top of

the one Shawn toll free telephone number. We'll get to
Katie Hopkins. The gotta be one in just a second here,
all right. So here's what has come out today, first
broken by right bart dot com and because they knew
that this Washington Post piece was coming out, and their
headline is after endorsing the Democrat in Alabama, Bazos Washington Post,

you know, Basos owns the Washington Post. For those of
you don't know, plans to hit Roy Moore with allegations
of inappropriate relations with teenagers. Judge claims it's a smear campaign.
I'll go back and I'll give you the specifics of
of all of this, But anyway, goes on and the
Washington Post headline as women said, woman says Roy Moore
initiated sexual encounter when she was fourteen and he was

thirty two. Just a shy of forty years ago. Forty
years ago, anyway, and it goes on to tell the
story about how nine War, who is now the Republican
nominee in Alabama for the U. S. Senate seat, was
a thirty two year old assistant district attorney, struck up
a conversation with a girl and her mother offered to
watch the girl while her mother went inside for a

child custody hearing. And he said, oh, you don't want
to go in there and hear all that. I'll just
stay out here with her, he said. Anyway, So the
mother says, well, I thought, how nice for him to
want to take care of my little girl. Now alone
more chatted with the girl, they go on to say,
as for her phone number. Days later, he picked her
up around the corner from her house in Gadsden, Alabama,

drove for about thirty minutes to his home in the woods,
told her how pretty she was, and kissed her. On
a second visit, she says he took her shirt and
her pants and removed his clothes. He touched her brawn
underpants and guided her hand to touch him all over
his underwear. Remember we're going back thirty eight Almot forty
years ago, and I wanted over with, I wanted out,

She remembers, thinking, please just get this over with, whatever
this is, just get it over now to parent. Friends
of this childhood. Childhood friends said that she told them
at the time that she was seeing an older man,
and one says that she identified the man as as
Judge Moore. Anyway, goes on to say that her daughter
told her about the encounter more than a decade later,

when More was becoming a more prominent as a local judge. Now.
They then go on to talk about other people, and
they talk about specific allegations that one was a seventeen
years old More spoke to her high school civics class,
asked her out on the first several dates that did
not go beyond the progress of kissing all right. Then

another girl says she was eighteen years old, a cheerleader
when Moore began taking her on dates, including you know,
bottles of Mattuse rose wine. The legal age was one
year older, nineteen in Alabama. Of the four woman women,
the youngest was the woman that's making this sexual allegation
and accusation. And then it goes on. Roy Moore says this,
these allegations are completely false and are desperate political attack

by the National Democratic Party. In the Washington Post on
this campaign, more is now seventy This allegedly happened when
Moore was thirty two years old, and then he goes
on to say that the campaign said in a subsequent
statement that this garbage is the very definition of fake news.
All right, Now, as we came into this segment, we

were playing all of these people in Hollywood that knew
of Weinstein's reputation. Now all of this is now, it's
sort of like a cascading impact. We've talked about the
casting couch, We've talked about you know, young girls want
to get into modeling or music or the TV industry.
And I said that, and I said, this is only

the beginning. And how right I was Since that, let's
see you have Jeff Bezos of Amazon Studio head the
guy that worked for him, Roy Price, victim was a
TV producer, Kevin Spacey, all the allegations we've heard about him.
Had the National Enquirer picked up all over the country
yesterday that Charlie Sheen had in fact rape for or Haim,
who later committed suicide. Then you've got Ben Afflack. Ben

Afflack in his particular case to specific allegations against him,
and there were allegations against Dustin Hoffman that go back
to and you've got Jeremy Piven. Then you've got the
case of Roman Polanski. And because I just wondered everyone
knew about Weinstein that didn't care. Roman Polanski was accused
of plying a thirteen year old girl with alcohol and

quayludes and raping her. Listen to this, The oscar goes
to Roman Polanski head this and that was the reaction
when the guy that has been living abroad and avoiding

justice in America got his Academy award. That's Hollywood's reactions
used of a thirteen year old girl. Anyway, here's some
really you know, fascinating questions. How do you know if
it's true? How do we what what's true? What's not true?
How do you ascertain the truth? What happens when it's
thirty eight years later? It's a serious topic. And because

if it's true and people act like this, it's disgusting,
it's despicable, it's criminal if people, you know some people
do people lie? Now, we do have ten commandments. One
of the commandments is thou shalt not bear false witness.
We know human beings break with regularity the other nine commandments.
Did they break this one? I mean it's something to
think about. Why is it so bad? Because you can

ruin somebody's reputation with an allegation. Katie Hopkins is with
us of the Daily Mail across the Pond. I mean,
you're always outspoken. How do you tell? How do we
how are we the American people, to ascertain what is
true and not true? It's starting to be an impossible question,
isn't it? That doesn't have an answer? But what I

would say is that women, and I am loosely a woman,
women have never been so disappointing. The idea to me
that someone comes out, what is it thirty eight years
later allegedly and it's suddenly remembering how terribly traumatized she was.
If she was stood right next to me now, I

would be saying to her, that's not good enough. You've
taken this many years to remember how upset you used
to be. That is not good enough. You are disappointing
as a woman. I can't believe in an era where
you know, I watched the pussy marches after Trump's inauguration,
marching through the street, how strong women were, all their

banners about how strong they are, how their bits and
bobs are made of steel. We are so tough. If
you're that tough, women, then why aren't you at some
point standing up for yourself. We've got British politicians here.
But listen, I love you. I'm going to tell you
what people are going to say to you. Feminist in particular,
Are you blaming the victim? Are you doubting the victim?

That's what people are going to say. Yeah, And immediately
when people say, oh my god, you're victim blaming your victim,
blame me. Immediately. You're supposed to lie down, quake in
your boots, like when people throw the term racist about,
you know, at me for no reason. You're supposed to
lie down and go No, of course I'm not victim blaming.
Well guess what, actually, yes, I am. At this point,
I am pointing the finger straight at Let's just pick

this one woman that's been talking about with roy More allegedly.
You know, I am pointing my finger at her, and
I'm staying to that woman. You disgusted me. You spent
thirty eight years thinking about this before you said anything.
Now you decide to speak. You disgusted me because what
you're doing, woman, is you're making it so that every
other woman like me who likes working with men, who's

happy just cracking on next to men, who actually finds
men rather better to work for than women, because the
sisterhood doesn't exist. You're making women poison to work for.
If I was you know, if I was employing someone, now,
would I employ a woman, especially if I was a man. No,
I would not. And women like this do women like
me a massive disservice. I am sick, and I'm sick

of all of the Hollywood coming out and you know,
screaming about Weinstein after the event you took his oscar.
Let me just let me just take the other side
of this for a second. You know, what listen, If
any woman is abused, there is a violation, it's I
think it's violence more than it is you know, when
people say, I don't want to get into definitions here,

but here there are predator people out there, there are
evil people. And maybe for years there was a stigma
associated with telling the truth. And maybe you know what,
maybe people now feel emboldened because some women have told
the truth. But then also, you know, are there false
allegations and when it's he said, she said, or whatever,

how do you tell the difference? You know what I mean?
I mean because I I actually in all these cases,
I'm sure some of these women are telling the truth.
But how do we determine who are and who aren't?
And in an age where we cannot, we have to
I think, maybe get to a point where we cannot
determine initially who's telling the truth, who isn't, who's been
you know, deceived, who's being manipulated by the Democrats or otherwise,

What we, I think need to do, and what we
perhaps can do is agree that due process has to
be followed so that people are innocent and less proven guilty.
And what we've just had in the UK, in the
last twenty four hours, because we're seeing exactly the same
pattern happening over here as you have there. We've just
had an MP. He was hauled in. He's a Welsh

MP hauled in. He was told about the nature of
allegations against him, which were unwarranted no sorry, unwanted attention
or groping. He wasn't told what they specifically were. And
within twelve hours that man was dead because he has
a wife and two children, and he killed himself because
of the shame and the pressure and not knowing what

the charges were. And yet he was already seen as
guilty before he'd even had chance to defend himself. And
that's what concerns me is We're going to see more
people lose their lives, I think, because this sort of
thing is so all pervasive, and we can't tell who's
lying and who isn't, and the mob just decides that
people are guilty as soon as they hear an allegation made.

I think that's a terrifying thing. I gotta take a break.
We'll come back. The Gobby one Katie Hopkins is right
as we continue. Katie Hopkins is with us, the Gobby
one from the Daily mail. Is it more credible when
there's a series of people making allegations like, for example,
as I read the Washington Post piece, you know, one
girl was seventeen, one girl was eighteen. Neither said that

there was anything other than him asking them out on
dates and kissing them. That's as far as it went
in those cases. So I think they included that to
make it make the original allegation from nearly forty years
ago bigger. And I think there's no doubt that the
Washington Post has an agenda. One has to ask why
didn't this come out during a primary campaign. Judge Moore
has been one of the most controversial figures in Alabama

four years years. Of course, of course he was on
our news here in the UK, you know, with them
portraying him in exactly the same way last night. Very
biased across our media. The portrayal of Roy more very
biased in terms of what he's going to bring, that
he's an extreme version of Trump. You know, that's the
messaging that's being played out on this side of the Atlantic.

I don't think it makes it any more credible when
you get multiple stories coming out about the same person.
I think credibility for me is women that report things
within a week, two weeks, a month, and when they
found the time and effort and energy and support to
report something, that's credibility for me. If you reported the
instant when do not give any do not give any
it's not going to but you do not give any

credence to the idea that this is such a horrific
act of evil violence and so traumatizes people that they
live in fear, They live in fear of you know,
a how they don't want people to know this horrible
thing happened to them, so they bottle it up, they
keep it up inside, and then fear that they're not

going to be believed, fear that they're going to be blamed, fear,
you know. I mean, I think there's legitimate reasons why
and personal reasons why. Women Wait. I hear you, Suan,
and you're kind, and you're I want to get to truth,
and sometimes well, okay, but I think we spend too
much time talking about you know, these women feel this,

or these women feel you know, ashamed, these women feel this.
You know, speaking as someone who's played the system, Sean,
I am you know, my moral bar, as we both know,
is very low. I have exchanged at times my youth,
when I was younger, my whatever I had back then,
I exchanged that for power. Sometimes women make exchanges winningly.

Now you might go back and try and make that
the man's fault. You know, I've worked in multiple offices
where very old, unattractive men are dating the most attractive
women in the marketing department, and that actually is a
willing exchange between those two individuals. I think the idea
that we somehow it's always men praying on women. Women
are very calculating, women are very determined about what they want,

and women are not weak. This idea that we're all
massive victims. I think that's what I find so offensive
about this. This is setting women back decades because it
makes us sound like we can't stand up for ourselves.
We've got politicians here, we managed to get our defense.
Our secretary of Defense, Michael Fallon, has left his job
in the cabinet because he touched someone's knee. If that's me,

I'd be getting my other knee and kneeing him right
where the sun don't shine and saying, do that again,
and I'll who that again. You know, women are It's
just it's desperate to me that women are portraying themselves
as victims, as weak, as defenseless, as vulnerable, and I
just am sick of it. And I understand your your
client point, which is that there are real victims out there,
But then you know what, Sean, what really annoys me

all these feminists. They never have one word to say
about the victims of Muslim grooming gangs because it's not
politically correct to talk about that. So it seems that
some victims matter more than others, and that partly is
fueling my anger at these women who look for sympathy.
Now thirty forty years later, Alright, I'm going to have
this so um. I honestly, I honestly think that this

is just the beginning of what's gonna be a cascading impact.
And uh, we're gonna have to try and sort this
out and get to truth. That's that's my goal in
all of this. Katie. We always love having you on.
Thank you for being with us. Eight D eight hundred
nine for one, Shawn told free telephone number. You want
to be a part of the program, News Round Up,
Information Overload Hour coming up. At the top of the hour.
We'll get back into this. Jonathan Gillam, Haraldo Rivera, we

have the latest on what's happening with the dossier and
Uranium one. Sarah Carter, Victoria Tunsing straight ahead. Congratulations, You
five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted
to Harvey Weinstein. For young I'm looking to Hollywood to

hear of your own free will, as someone course you
into being here. Count Harvey Weinstein is a course, you know,
Harvey Harry Weinstein is as I don't know whether he's
in some kind of organized crime now, but he used
to be like some kind of junior mob kind of guy. Right.
He was like in the mob auxiliary, that's what they

tell me. And now he's like a big powerful film guy. Right. Yes,
I do all my movies for Harvey Weinstein, that's me
or Max, and I'm lucky to do them there. But
he will coerce you to do with and so and so.
Harvey said, I'll tell you what go on and then
talk about your movies. That what Harvey said. And in return,
what will Harvey do for you? Nothing? Really? Well, what's

wrong with that equation? I'm not afraid of anyone in
show business. I turned down intercourse with Harvey Weinstein on
no less than three occasions. They askar goes to Roman
Polanski hanness, all right, news round up, information overload our

Shawn Hannity show. All right, So what you heard there
was all these Hollywood superstars acknowledging they all knew the
reputation of Harvey Weinstein and and what he would do
with women in the casting couch. It was all confirmed.
And then Roman Philanski had been on the lamb and
been on the run and avoiding justice for all these years. Uh,
this is a guy that had raped a thirteen year

old girl after giving her alcohol and kayludes. Now why
am I bringing this up all today's news. We were
just discussing with Katie Hopkins. The gobby one is that
in fact, Judge Roy Moore, the Republican candidate down in
Alabama when he was thirty two years old forty years
nearly forty years ago, that he had a sexual encounter,

initiated a sexual encounter with a girl fourteen, and then
he kissed one girl seventeen and one girl eighteen. That's
all that was on those two cases. And then when
you look at all the other alligator, Harvey Weinstein you got,
you know, Kevin Spacey, Charlie Sheen, Ben Affleck, Dustin Hoffman,
all these people. It's like one after another. How do

you know and ascertain the truth? Anyway? News Round Up,
Information Overload, horldo rivera Fox News legal analysts and host
of what is the name of your show? HAROLDO at Large?
Hold bards But I don't haven't had that show on
it in a while, I know, but I always By
the way, welcome back from Cleveland. You it's rare to

have you in studio. Jonathan Gillham is the host of
the Experts, author of the upcoming book Sheep No More.
Welcome both of you. Let me start with you there
forty years ago, we didn't hear about this in the
primary um all these it's like a cascade now of
all these allegations made from decades ago and decades ago,

and if it happened as a as a father, as
a brother. You know, I lost my mother years ago.
Who who loves and respects women as you do, and
as Jonathan does. You know, you hear these things and
you're like, what's true? How do we ascertain what the
truth is? I think the biggest part of the problem
showing is that we have two standards. One is for

everything else murder, bank, robbery, terrorism, whatever it is. We
have one standard of proof and and recollection and credibility.
And then, because of a lot of forces that are
both scidal and and uh, politically correct, we have a
whole different rule for sexual encounters. Now. I don't know

Judge Moore, I don't know what he did with this
young this girl of thirteen fourteen years old in nineteen
seventy nine, forty years ago, but I know that she's
been married three times since she has uh you know,
she's working in a loan sharks office now, she says,
you know, my My point is we suspend this belief

because it is politically correct to believe every single allegation
now being made. And by the look of it, Shoan
all of his Republican colleagues are deserting him. They are
buying the story hook line and sink. But there's politics
that Mitch McConnell said, if it's true, you've got to
get out of the miss McConnell hated him from day one.

Mitch McConnell poured millions of establishment dollars against him and
lost let me bring Jonathan in here. What you know, Look,
if you care about women, you say, well, I gotta
pay attention, you gotta listen to it. Do you need
a pattern of behavior if it's is there statute of limitations?
You know? But then again, what about women that have

been trial so traumatized that they didn't have the strength
to say something, but now they do? Right? Well, you
know again we're the things that you that Werelda was
just bringing up there for a second, um about the
statue of limitations. We were also talking before we came
into the studio was the age of consent. And with uh,

I don't know about this fourteen year old girl, um,
but with the other women that were saying that things happened,
the age of consent is sixteen years old. So we're
not even really looking at a legal issue with these
other people that came forward and said things. But ultimately,
you know, a lot of the times when women have
sexual assault against them when they're younger, um, or things

happen inappropriately when they're younger, they're gonna have certain behaviors
that are gonna be characteristics of these types of things.
And I'm gonna be the first person to say that
if I don't care who the person is, what side
of the aisle theron, if they've done something inappropriate and
it's proven, Um, then I'm not gonna stand in the
way of any of these people being condemned for what
they've done. What I have a problem with though. Oh

by the way, I forgot to mention once the comedian
Louis c K. You know, five women say he crossed
the line into the sexual misconduct. Louis c K also
made jokes about pedophilia, and uh got some heat about that.
But the thing is, sean um, is that when we
when we look at the way that these things come

up at these um you know, these times when there's
an election process, when something's going on, it just so
happens to be at that point in time. And for me,
a lot of these concusers lose credibility when that happens,
oh definitely. And the process of how quickly they want
to condemn the other side wants to condemn it also

just breaks down the credibility. I think two things. This
should be a reasonable statute of limitations in society's mind.
Maybe a decade, let's give you ten years, which is
well more than most crimes, and there has to be
some contemporaneous corroboration. Did you did you write a note?

Do you have a text? Do you have an email?
Did you did you tell you a girl? Did you
tell your mother? Did you write it in your diary?
You certainly had that. I mean something otherwise I have.
I don't care about Roy Moore. He's obviously his politics
are not my politics. But I think that in terms
of essential fairness, if this really does torpedo his nomination

for the United States Senate seat, as I think it
is going to, then I think that that is uh,
this is the kind of essential unfairness that's going to
I think blunt this new movement to rute out sex
harassment and so forth. I think it's gonna get worse.
I think this is a cascading I look at all
the names, you know, look at she and accused of

raping Corey Haim. Here's the other problem with this is
that I don't doubt for a second that there are
truths and a lot of these accusations. I mean, what
we just heard was chilling in that intro with Gwyneth
Paltrow talking. But the other problem that you're facing here
is the same thing that is widespread across college campuses
and in the military, which is where people don't sexually

assault somebody, where there isn't a sexual rape or something,
and somebody makes an accusation, it's almost guilty until proven
innocent in a lot of cases. And in politics. Uh,
it's this is I said this earlier to Katie Hopkins.
We have ten commandments in the Bible, right, we know
human beings break nine out of the ten all the time. Fact. Now,

the other one that I'm addressing here is thou shalt
not bear false witness. That is one of the big ten.
Why would it be one of the big ten to me?
Because an allegation that is false, bearing false witness against
thy neighbor can be so devastating Just the allegation alone
can ruin somebody's life. And I think the court of

public opinion is Wow. Now we're all talking about Roy Moore.
Now let's look at it from both sides. What if
he didn't do it and what if he did do it?
For all the well, I think that how can you
ever determine the truth or falseness of this allegation when
it's four decades old? When everybody involved has been through

so many different changes. I think sex harassment stinks. I
think that predators in the workplace or wherever do so
if their extreme peril. Look at what happen. You think
people do it for a paycheck. Sometimes there has to
be someone out there who's calling the human resources hotline
motivated by something other than the desire to seek justice.

It's sad because but those few women that that may
have ulterior motives, then it hurts the women that are
legitimate victims of what is I think, you know, heinous
treatment of women. And this is a hard part about
a statue of limitations, is that heinous act like um,
sexual assault on somebody. You were saying, we were talking

again that there's no statue limitation enforcible rate, enforcible rape.
But again even and with a forcible rape, um, if
it happened forty fifty years ago, or they're saying it
happened forty years ago, it's very difficult to prove that.
And somebody can just say that the person's career will
be ruined and it may never come about anything in

the court of law, you know, uh, I agree, And
and and convictions are extremely rare. But if you look
at that Scago case, remember the Kennedy cousin in Connecticut,
that case twenty years later, no physical evidence whatsoever, and
they got a conviction. So it is possible, unlikely, but possible.
There is no civil remedy. They can't sue them. They
know that. In other words, this woman can't be motivated

by a paycheck from Roy Moore because there's no civil
right to sue that has lapsed long ago. The Bill
Cosby and of those cases, they're also bore barred by
either the civil uh sessual limitations or the criminal or
both uh and and Cosby. I predict there will be
no convictions. I predict that all of everything you've heard

of Bill Cosby, it will end up with him. Think
it's true. I do think when I mean, there's so
many women that have come out. I I know for
a fact that that his reputation was such that when
you talk to agents about Bill Cosby, they used to
say that if you opened for Bill Cosby, the opening act,
you opened for Bill Cosby. In other words, he sexually

abused or had a sexual relationship with almost everyone he
worked with. So I believe that he had a very
sour reputation. Roy Moore, I don't know his reputation, but
i'll tell you right now, he's he's wrecked. There's no
way that the Republican Party can or will allow someone
who allegedly molested the public is Look at the case

of the Access Hollywood tape. There are a lot of
us thinking that maybe it for Donald Trump. It was
an October surprise. I thought I thought it was. I was,
I was among them. But another one when when it's
nearly it's thirty eight years ago, when Alannia said it
was locker room banter, every guy listening, the vast majority,

said oh, yeah, okay, I get it now and then
and then when? And so what was an egregious allegation
of obboxious flip and comment by the candidate at that time,
But by his wife's intervention, she she mitigated it and
brought it down to a level that people in my
generation could relate to. Oh yeah, locker room. Yeah, you're

saying your old schools and yeah, but you've changed. I mean,
oh my god, have I changed? But you know, you
have to remember what the sixties and seventies were, Like,
I gotta break here, I got a. We'll have more
on this on Hannity tonight at nine. Jonathan, thank you.
We're all the great to have you back. Bro. Why
not fish single? I gotta figure every starlet in Hollywood
wanted at least you know what I'm saying. Did you

did you ever get to experience the I'm gonna say
the mugul aspect, I mean, do a little coke. You
don't hang out with you know, I don't know. Julie
could be a job something You've never got any of that, Howard,
as you know only too well. It doesn't work that way.
It doesn't really. I'll tell you who it works that
way for. It works the way for the actors producers.

Girl knows that that that that if she's a competent actress,
she could get on your good side. You could make
her a star over the night. Don't tell me it doesn't.
I wish. I wish. The movies are too expensive, the
risks are too great. It doesn't happen that you can't
walk into the room, pull your fans off and say okay,
John Frankenheimer, you know, the great director told us stories

about his day in the movies. This this is we
were we were born too late, because I've read about
the great moguls, like the Louis B. Mayer's those guys,
those guys, Yeah, these guys, I assume. But these guys,
this this, this round, nothing really really, I hate to
disappoint a few famous directors. I've asked them the same director,

directors different, because directors can make the decision. But I
I know a couple of famous directors. I mean, I'm
not gonna embarrass them, talk talk them off here. And
they tell me, actually that they never really got laid
that much's really nothing. Well maybe that's an honorable thing too,
I mean, you know, because really, I mean, you should
women be able to get into the movie business without
all that Hell no, of course, not only that, but

they do you mean, you know, and you have women
like Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts who are deeply committed
to excellent causes, and Charlie's around. I mean, all these
incredibly beautiful women, the great beauties. But they're so bloody
intelligent and brilliant. You sit down with a girl like that,
you don't want to do stupid. You want to just
talk to them and say, be in my movie please, Yes,

that I was kind of aggressive for I need to
know a person an I think. Please, I swear, I
won't just sit at me done embarrassing me in the
hotel here all the time? Sit there, please one minute, please.
I don't want to do something. I don't want it.

I want you know, you just listen to this depravity.
And you know the fact that everybody in Hollywood knew
about Harvey Weinstein. Every they joked about, laughed about it.
You know, in the case of Roman Polanski, years later
he admitted he was this. But then when he gets

an Academy award, avidity drugged a thirteen year old, got
her drunk, and raped her. Repeatedly, Oh I'm sorry, he says.
She was a victim of mine and then a victim
of the press, and he has run from justice. In
Hollywood applauded that like quick break, right back will continue.
I learned about the dossier a few days ago. Okay,
how how is that possible? I mean, well, because you

hire a lawyer, and we we hire lawyers all the
time who hire the third party vendors to do their work.
There are a lot of questions about this Russian dossier
and their evidence that has come out that the d
n C helped fund it, because you know that was happening,
and were you surprised to hear? I asked one question
on November fourth, and I was told that I did
not need to know, and so no, I did not
know because I did not control my money. Explain you

know campaigns. So the line item is called legal, the
line item is called research. The line on them. What
if you asked me today, because I had a list
of all of the DNC consultants, do I see fusion GPS? No? Uh.
But if you asked me, was this a question that
came up during my tenures chair? It did on November four?
Do you think it's wrong? Do you think it's a

bad precedent to do legal research for opposition I was
not involved in the contract and I don't know publican.
I did not. I did megan Um. I was not
involved in the hiring of this firm. I did not
know about the existence of this contract. But in terms
of opposition research, people go after things that I must

tell you in America, they go after dirt. When they
go after dirt. You saw what Trump Junior did, But no,
I did not. I did not go after it. But
just gets wrong to go to Russia to ask for opposition. Reason,
don't you asking me about the dossier and how it
was compiled. I don't know how it was compiled. I
don't know who went after Mega. Now let me tell
you what we found. Although we did not find clear

evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate
laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence
that they were extremely careless in their handling a very sensitive,
highly classified information. For example, seven email chains concerned matters
that were classified at the top secret Special Access Program

at the time they were sent and received. Those chains
involved Secretary Clinton both sending emails about those matters and
receiving emails about those same matters. There is evidence to
support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton's position,
or in the position of those with whom she was
corresponding about those matters, should have known an unclassified system

was no place for that conversation. All right, as we
continue the very latest, of course, fusion GPS, the comments
I don't know who did, I have no I have
no idea, I have no idea who paid for the
phony Russian dossier with propaganda lies Russian bought and paid
for by Hillary Clinton the d n C that she
was controlling, but nobody else knew and nobody had any

idea whatsoever at all at any point at any time.
And then of course James Comey blatantly misrepresenting other criminal
statutes as it relates to well, extremely careless, even though
he had gross negligence as the standard before he changed it.
Sarah Carter investigative journalist, and she's been in the forefront
of all of these stories. And also Victoria Tuntsing is

back with us. He's a partner at the Jenneva and Tuntsing,
and of course she is also representing the FBI informant
in the Iranium one case. Welcome both of you back
to the program. Let me begin with you, Sarah, what
is your reaction with Donna brue Zilla has been saying
in the last few days, Well, this is incredible. I mean,
you look at John A. Brazil. I mean, I think
that the book is very explicit. I mean, I know

she's tried to hold back on some of her own
statements that she actually put out in her book. But
one of the things time that I am stunned by
and this is um, maybe I'm not so much done.
Is that? Remember in the beginning they kept trying to
say even when don Junr had met and remember he
didn't reach out to this tale in vesselment Skaya, this attorney,

this Russian lawyer, somebody had said hey, there's somebody that
has information for you. It's opposition research. And they said,
well this you know, when that finally came out, when
it finally came out that he had met with her,
they said, well, this is an opposition research, this is collusion.
And now all of a sudden they're caught, they're cut.
They had paid the Russians, basically, the DFC and the

Hillary campaign had paid Christopher Stiel. Here's that money to
pay members of the FSB. We know that Christopher Stiel
used current members of the FSB, which is the Russian
secret Agency Clintestine Agency, and he also paid for her
at this agent. And now all the sudden it's opposition research. Well,
I mean, but they also in Victoria they lied for

a year. They said, I don't we don't know, we
don't know, we don't know. And it's only because of
investigation pressure from Sarah John Solomon, pressure on on my
show and pressure from people like you that finally now
people had to admit. She has had to admit, oh yeah,
we funded that. But it's not collusion in this case,
even though it's bought and paid for by Hillary and

the DNC that she's running now. In this case, it's
only opposition and research that turned out to be nothing
but salacious lies that were regurgitated and repeated in an effort,
just like she stole the primary and rigged the primary.
To use Donna Brazil's words, she was trying to influence
the American people in the general election, and as the
fix was in with James Comey, as the exonerates are

before an investigation, as the fix was in on the
tarmac when Loretta mitt Lynch meets with Bill Clinton, you know,
a lot of fixes is in the Clinton world, so
huge in GPS is an orphan. I'm really sad to say.
And if the Republicans in Congress we're doing their job,
and I hope they do. I hope they know and
just haven't told us yet. But it cries out Sean

for a special counsel. This, this should be gotten to
the bottom of immediately, because this is criminal activity afoot collusion,
and I know I haven't found that crime yet, but
this is um misuse of campaign funding. By the way,
I'm a lawyer, and I can tell you I wouldn't
have made those expenditures for millions of dollars if I

don't make expenditures over a thousand dollars without conferring with
my client and telling my client exactly what it's going
for exactly. All right, where are we? I think this
is all now coming to a head. And what's fascinating
if you really pay attention, because there are a lot
of lies told since Donna Brazil came out, and actually

the intercept Glenn Greenwald actually had four specific lies that
he picked up on, which really became the narrative. The
talking point. One, the Clinton d n C agreement cited
by Brazil only applied to the general election, not the primary.
That's a lie. Sanders signed the same agreement with the
d n C that Clinton did. Oh, that's a lie.
Brazil stupidly thought she could unilaterally remove Clinton as the nominee.

That's a lie. Evidence has emerged proving that the content
of Wiki League's documents and emails were doctored. Sorry that's
a lie to Sarah, Yes, I mean it's it appears
to be one lie after another. Briton the doctor are
starting to connect people are there's evidence surfacing that needs
to be investigated. Let me just go back to Fusion

GPS because this is so important. We know that next
week Conston is supposed to be testified. You're gonna promove
his subpoena next week on Tuesday when he goes to
testify before the House panel. And they're older, and that's
totally separate from the documents that they're still seeking. The
bank records that apparently will show that Fusion PS possibly

has journalists on their payroll and other people on their payroll,
and we need to know who those people were. Another
thing that service that is completely concerning is this connection
to this Russian lawyer. This has come back to haunt
them because Natalia Belaya, we know, met with Glenn Simpson
before she even went to meet with Don j Here.

This is this is part of this pattern of behavior.
We also know that they were involved in possibly and
allegedly lobbying against the Magnitski Act, which punished Russian That
was basically they were working for the Kremlin. So when
you look at all of these dots, you've got to
say to yourself, who was colluding with you? If you're

looking at evidence flat on its face, it looked like
the Democrats had money, more connection to the Kremlin and
to the Russian fusion GPS than anyone at all had
in the truck campaign. And this is what to be
investigated on victorious, right, a special counsel. I have been
talking to people. I was up on the hill today.
This is something that they are discussing. They think that

it's imperative that there be a special counsel to investigate this,
not only this, but uranium one and many other issues.
And we also, you know, shy, it's like we almost
forgot about annasking, right. No, it's almost like there's so
many stories out there that we can't even remember what
has been done. Just in this past year. There is

still an ongoing investigation into the Weeks leaks that came
out that were completely illegal and the enmasking of Americans,
which is a huge violation of Fourth Amendment rights. And
we know right now that this is something not only
that the Senate Intelligence Committee is looking into that the
House Intelligence Committee, and they are not backting down from this.
There's a long and hard investigation, and I believe there's

also an investigation ongoing in the d o J. Now
we still have to formally confirm that, but according to
sources that I've spoken with, there's a number of investigations
only on right now, both in the intellige I don't
want to end. Well, that go ahead, Victoria. No, I'm
concerned because Susian Gps, as a lawyer, came out and said, well,

finally we've reached an agreement with with the House, and
we we get to preserve our privileges. And I'm very
concerned about that. First of all, there's a crime fraud
exception for a privilege. If the people are participating, if
the lawyers and the and the participants are in a
in a crime, you can't assert the privilege. It's gone.

So why are they getting their privileges preserved? All right,
stay right there, We'll take a break. We'll come back
more with Sarah Carter, investigative journalists, and Victoria Tunsing is
the attorney for the FBI informant in the Uranium one case.
The House of cards is crumbling right as we continue.
Sarah Carter and Victoria Tunsing and we're talking about the

d o J. One of the things I think, Victoria
I have found so frustrating in all of this is
we've heard Russia Trump, Russia, Russia collusion, collusion. Now we
know Hillary paid for phony, sallacious Russian propaganda and lies
during the campaign, but she doesn't call that she lied
for a year. And then now, oh, that's not collusion.
That is just ap research that came directly from Russia

and Russian operatives that she paid for. And you know,
I'm I'm watching the Department of Justice. I see that
Comey got what he wanted. He got a special counsel
by leaking through his friends of the New York Times.
And you've got Uranium one, You've got the email server scandal,
You've got literally you know, Robb, they robbed the primary.
And why anyone would ever give up of our uranium

when in fact we have to import uranium made no sense.
And I see no special counsel here. That frustrates me. Well,
I'm very frustrated. Sarah and I have been calling for
this first for several weeks, ever since the Uranian one
stories came out, with Sarah and John Solomon, I'll tell
you what. This latest information about Usian GPS meeting with

the Russian lawyer before and after the meeting with Donald Trump,
of course makes all of us consider whether it was
a setup. But this is set up so that they
because I if I recall the somebody knew about this meeting,
and people knew to ask for any emails regarding this meeting.
So it was it was like it was out there,

in other words, sort of deep state leakersh type of thing, right,
and and and it. But isn't it odd, Victoria that
that that that Fusion GPS meets with the Russian lawyer
ahead of time before meeting Don Jr. And meets after
Don Junior. Doesn't that sound like a set up to you?
Sounds like a set up to me, I'm That's what
I'm saying. It sounds like a set up. And then

they linked it to get get it out there, to
make fast the meeting. That was the quote unquote collusion,
which is not a crime, Which is not even a crime.
Good point. What is the latest with the uranium one, Sarah?
Because it to me, you know, the more I learned
about it, the more you see, it never made sense
to give away one percent of America's uranium. But what's

even more nonsensical to me is that we know Robert Mueller,
then FBI director, and O nine and are colder than
the head of the Department of Justice as the attorney general.
They knew about bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, and racketeering,
and the Vladimir Putin was trying to get into the
uranium market and they did nothing. They allowed that deal
to go through. Anyway, how is that possible, Well, they

allowed a deal to go through that Vladimir Putin was
adamant about. I mean, he had been adamant about attaining
uranium globally, I mean and penetrating the US market I
mean for years, holding the way back in the when
he was in Kazakhstan with the uranium mining there. So
that is something that is incredible. Not only are we

talking about the same players right Tony, we're talking about Mulla,
Rod Rosenstein by Andrew McKay. These are all the same
people that were actually aware of this corruption within the
Russian uranium industry, within their nuclear arm within their nuclear agencies,
and they said nothing. So where do you go from here?

I mean, I think and I know and I know
that Victoria will agree with me on this. This is chess.
What at the tip of the mountain here, that's the
top of the mountain. There is so much more information
that are going to be made public. There is so
much more information that apparently is going to be classified
and be dealt with in a classified setting. That's going

to reveal a lot more answers. And at this point
in time, we're calling the mountain top special counsel. Last
question for Victoria, and I gotta run. Will your client
the evidence that he has, the documents, his own experience
with as an FBI informant, the emails, the tape recordings.
Will this blow this case wide open in your opinion? Well, John,

I think the case is blown wide open right now.
There's a question. I agree. And all the quote was,
you know, was Clinton's pocket. He's just going to put
He's going to put meat on it and say here,
here it is. It's a solid cake. Well, it's stunned
the American people. Well, if if you're not stunned by
the sale of Uranian, it's it's unbelievable. All right, Thank

you both. You guys are doing an incredible job. All right, Hannity, Tonight,
nine Eastern, you do not want to miss. We have
two important monologues tonight, Number one allegations and Judge more
hit with sexual accusations from thirty eight years ago. We'll
have the details, we'll have all the commentary, examine every
angle of it. Also, I have a special message for
Senator Mitch McConnell and the Senate tonight in Congress tonight

that if they don't get their act together, well you'll
have to tune in at nine. That's all coming up, Hannity,
Fox News. Thanks for being with us, See you tonight
at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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